Carry un wood. Oh, i like her, oh, so maybe dow listen to some country. Shanaes twaine. This thats country, thats not olds country. Pop country. Okay, that makes sense. But theyre always driving trucks, and trains, and dirt roads and stuff and cheating. But mike, you love hip hop. Oh, i probably listen to that more than any other jen, a and r b. Old school r b. And you love drake. Im big fan. You put pandora on and you put in motown, never get a bad song. Never a bad song in motown. And i want to go to the concert last night, but it is too late. You didnt go. Didnt go. Oh, youre growing up, youre mature, im proud of you. This not drinking thing is really cramming my style. Dont. Before, when i was booze being it, i would go out there and stay after midnight. He was really thinking about it, too. I thought you would go. And instead what did you do . He went to the orchestra. I went to here up at the mann music center, what is happening to me . Youre a newman. Youre maturing, people with their families on picnic blankets and stuff, oh, god. Good day everybody it is thursday, probably the last week every my life, july 20th, 2017. Oh. Kira sedgwick, married a philadelphia dude. She married kevin bacon. They met when she was 12. Really . Twelve. They ended up getting married, having couple of kids. Now shes directing kevin bacon in a movie. And the best of the best, philadelphia magazines best of issue hits news stands today. Look at that cover. Nice pizza. So, the surprising things youll find, you know, they do the best restaurant, best place toss, who the best people, we will talk about it all and give you an inside scoop. I think it is their number one issue, people love, you know, rarely repeat, like restaurants, bars, and stuff like that. So people like to know. And i think that the people that read the magazine are the voters. Oh,. Of it, yes, yes, yes. So where is the best pizza, probably another anyway, somebody from philly mag is here. Okay, so lets go check back in, did you hear whats happening . At the pal until. The palm, the renovated palm after a couple of years. Is it done . Phone for their charge at this tuscon l wall, so we shamed them into doing this for us. Yes. It is bob kelly, sue serio, alex holley, then there is me, in my blue suit, and and you love your blue suit. Would you say it is done, megan, in the control room . Are they taking a lunch break . It looks like to to me but i dont have confirmation. Think theyll add the sun behind good day or something . I dont know, but you look done. Okay. We will zoom in on that eventually and show you the finished product when they put some accents on there. Lets get into. This kevin hart is shutting down shame rumors, his wife is pregnant, right . A. M. Evening owe, yes, he is. So there are photos, and a video out there. Of course this is picture of kevin with his wife. Okay. But these photos, and the video, basically, they were in, well, she was if the back seat after car, and he was in the car. And it happened at 5 00 in the morning in miami. Okay . We cant show you the pictures or the video because we are not allowed to. Why showing ultra sound, not sure . Because his wife is pregnant. These are posts that they posted over the past couple every month. And see them in so in love, having a baby. People are shocked. Supposed to make everyone more angry the fact had a that she is pregnant and hes out there doing this. Touring around, has so much to promote. Going city to sit. I recently his birthday, clubs and things having to make appearances and show up at a party to celebrate his birthday. So it gives him a pass to cheat. No. Just explaining what hes been doing. But here is the thing. Are you serious . Like okay. Although i will say the video doesnt even look like he is cheat to go me, doesnt look like he is kissing. Doesnt look like anything, just talking. Lets dont get ahead of ourselves. Just saying. There is a video out there, somebody with a cell phone, standing across the street oral i and shooting at a car. Now, inside the car is kevin, hes got his back against the dashboard, there is a woman, and ive seen this woman, shes very attractive. Kind of reminds me of anico, his wife. She is sitting in the back, then it looks like female driver. I know, it is frustrating for you because we cant show this video. Because we dont own it. And yes, we dont want to put out money for that. Tell you what we do, lets recreate t go over to the green scene. Can i drive . Meredith, okay, you will be the driver. Oh, so i have to be the girl . Youre going to be the tart, i mean, the young lady. I dont want to be the other woman. Ill just be in the car. Now, i understand there is was outside after club, right . Beep beep. Get in. Yes. Miami. I believe. It is 5 00 a. M. In miami. So 5 00 in the morning. Well, it is miami. So this is what you see in the video. Anyway to make it black and white . Anyway you hear the noise of the cell phone video. And it is a little bit traffic going by. There you go. So imagine, were inside. Even though they arent moving. That is park car. Parked. In fact, kevin has the door open, he is his back against the dashboards, and at least one leg is out of the car on to the sidewalk. It, like he is leaning over though to talk to her over the seat. Like he does get pretty close to her at a couple every points. When you take stills of it, freeze frames, individual stills, like he will be laughing and talking like there is but then hell go in and talk to her real close. If she is like this it maybe looks like theyre doing something. Just take a shot like that of our two heads, thats a still frame. They took from the video. And thats what is kind of misleading, because theyre putting these photos out, there then click on the video, it is four, five minute long, so just talking away. And take still frame of that. And it looks like were kissing. Yes. So if we were kissing, this is what it would look like. Stop it. Stop. So he eventually never really see this woman. But you never really see who i am, the woman in the back, until she gets out of the car. Yes. Should dow that part. He get up and leaves. Okay . Then the person keeps rolling, and then, ya, you get up, the young laid. I it is miami, so she has mid riff, she is walking, able her, then she goes across the camera. Yes. Thats my mike. Youre right, little crop top on. And very sexy young laid. I yes. She is. All right. Lets go back to the couch and discuss this. Kevin hart says no, just laughing and having and talking in the car, thats what it looks like to me it, doesnt look like he was doing anything inapropriate. Except if youre pregnant, and youre back 3,000 miles away from miami, and you see that, what due say . We discuss in the in the news room. And i follow kevin hart. I watch his stain gram stories. He post as l did he say maybe little while ago, i dont know how long ago, im out partying for meyer dirt day. I got permission from the wife to be out here, ill have a good time. She saying it okay. I think it does get weirds though if, well, now, okay, putting this up. Snow is his response, he put at the end of the day just got to laugh at the bs. We dont know if thats his response, but this was positioned after all the allegations came out. Now, i think when he gets home, there is going to be a huge fight. You think . Yes, i do. Why is that . Well, if that was my husband yes i gave you permission to go out and party. But i still dont want to see video of you at 5 00 a. M. In a car with women. Beautiful women. I believe when im pregnant and hormonal and uncomfortable and hot and, no, uhhuh. What if you werent pregnant . I dont think it would still fly. Still doesnt fly. But questionable. Any woman that i was dating or whatever, and saw that, this woe not be happen. I even if nothing happened. As a woman, like as your wife, just you dont want to see that. No. And it makes it worse that he is a celebrity. If that was just regular guy she would never even know, never have found out about it, it wont be all over the place. When youre well known, women and men, throw themselves at you. Right. It is available everywhere go. Oh, is that how it is . No one knows me. Ive been around, kevin youve been around kevin, been around baseball players. Women wait for them in the lobby. Hotels. Right. Because ever sin from philly and we love kevin, we do, let me put this theory out there. When weve seen kevin hes never by himself. Nos that hes too fancy, but entourage. What if hes in miami, theyre partying because it is friday, i am aids assuming, entourage, maybe leaving the club and the girl is like oh, it is miami, i dont know, can you walk us to our car . Oh, i will and jacks walks them to the car. Oh, we had great time in the car talking oh, that was fun, wasnt it . Ya, remember that bottle came out . Blah blah blah, and he get up and goes home. You should and plan. Thats his story to his wife. If he doesnt have a story that should be his store. I not that im a man, but ive heard a lot of excuses from the men. I dont know if im buying that one. You know somebody would try that. Of course. Literally guy in college toll me something similar to this, you want me to be mean . You dont juan me to be a gentlemany . Cant walk her to the so ive been told that excuse. I had to walk her back to her apartment and i tripped and fell into her bed. This situation was they were at a bus stop, it was raining, right, because we lived off campus. We live in the same apartment complex. And so she, it was raining and she didnt have a booing back, he had a book bag, can i give you my books to put in your book bag, and that way you can have it so my books dont get ruined. Sure. Books are expensive, alex, what was i supposed to do. In. Take her home. Then she like well can i get your number so i can get my books later . Ya. He was like i was being nice. Thats right. It is the woman. It is the woman you should be blaming. Ya, what . Blame it all on her . Thats right well. I dont know, i looked at it frame by frame. Doesnt like like he is not touching her, not cutting her, and they left separately. She seems cool about it bus she recently posted over the past like last night, yes, nico did of her pregnant oh, doing great, guys, gave us update on the pregnancy. So they are not bothered. See, there she is, looking good. And i know like look what she is wearing, but posting pictures like this to show her belly periodically. Close this out with this. How did kevin meet her . I dont know how they met. It wasnt in a car. There are accusations, you know, we dont know we dont know the real story. Exactly. Look at you. Lets forget kevin hart. If you meet someone, and it is probably not appropriate relationship, isnt that always going to be in the back of the head . Well, if you cleat with me, wouldnt you cheat on me . I would think so. That would always be in the back of my minds. I know that if you date somebody, and you ask them did you ever cheat on an exboyfriends, and they go, well, ya, but then gave you a excuse, thats always in your head the rest of the relationship. Isnt that a phrase like how you get them is how you lose them . Thats right. Yes. But were not saying thats connected. Plain the first one wasnt the right one. Now this next one, another hypothetical situation, just to get things going, start talking. Yesterday we were driving to a shoot away, did you ever hear of lexington, South Carolina, because you lived in South Carolina look at this story. It is all over the internet. So this man, hes 56, hes been married to this woman for 17 years, 17 years. Thats a long time. Hes been sneaking away from the house to the outside of town to a motel and hes looking through the craigslist, and stuff like that, and he finds an escort. Meet me at the old notell motel. I dont like the way you said oh, like thats wonderful. No. So he is cheating on his wife. The escort, prostitute, shows up at the motel door, he opens the door. Its his wife of 17 years. I love that story. We were in a hour long car ride, he was like can you believe this . Oh, my gosh. Then he asked the question, so, once you get over the seaning, who was in the wrong here . Is it the wife who is, you know, a woman of the night or is it the husband, who is being looking for a woman of the night . Well at first when i heard the story i thought she somehow found out that he was doing this and she posed as a prostitute just to catch him. Oh,. Good their. I but thats not what happened. She really was. Hes 56. The wife is 54. But she said on the post, on line, that she was 28. Actually 26, i think. And the picture was just from the head down. Wouldnt you recognize your naked wife though . You would think. Yes . Obviously theyre not doing anything at home. Or bodies change over time. Thats your theory, theyre not having sex. Well, if she is a prostitute, if she is going out doing that. Welshing maybe just for funds. Just for funds . Is it bee cant wrap yet. I have to tell you it, wasnt true. It was a fake story, i got sucked in, and now im very disappoint that this didnt happen. Because it created debate. Who is more wrong, him cheating on the wife or the wife cheating on him for money . Well, at least she is getting a income. Oh,. Im kidding, kidding, kidding, a joke. Theyre both wrong. They dont need to be doing. That will so i guess thats why it is interesting they came together, because they could get ousted at the same time. Although she probably cheat add lot more. I dont know, cobb a regular customer. True, co just saying. If hes sleeping with a lot of women, she sleeping with a lot of men, whats the difference . She is making monday. Well, now theyre not together. Well the whole thing was fake anyway. Trowel. Who creates these ind of stories . Who sits at home . They should write books. That sounds like good novel. In all of the history the worlds, that has to have happened. So many people on earth, that had to have happened. Madam tussauds washings museum in london, in you different cities including new york so we will put up the picture of beyonce, that is not her. Of her wax fick. Thats a wax figure. I think think it looks like khloe kardashian. Well it looks like beyonce. What do they say, she is not the right complexion . They say her skin tone, white washed, and it doesnt really look like her skin tone. I think she is very light skinned to begin w i think isnt it just the way the light are shining on the wax . Something off about it. People need to remember it is a wax figure. I at least want the wax figure look like her so i can fake all my friends. Ive been up there. The whole point . Yes. Try to act like they met the celebrities . Have sure. Working at tv station in new york we brought in Jennifer Aniston, and brad pits wax figures, i swear it was like they were standing there to the point of freaking me out. Maybe it depends on the wax museum, too, i just saw a picture every Jennifer Aniston on line, her wax figure, and i thought it didnt look anything like her. I used to work in middle beach. I had to do morning live shows when it first opened up, there if you museum, i have to finds beyonce. I think sometimes people of color little more difficult to get the right skin tone, to get the right look. Look how beyonce look at the wax museum in myrtle beach. Thats her on the left in the black. She is look even whiter. Her head and neck are one color her body part like her leg and her arms are another color. She doesnt look like her at all to me. No, not at all. Uhhuh. And well who is next to her . I think thats gaga . Lady gaga, or gwen stefani. I dont think thats looks like lady gaga either. Like these wax figures. Hillbilly version of wax figures . Stop. Thats myrtle beach. Why would you pick that post for beyonce . I think thats one of her dance moves. It is an interesting, ya. But thats why i say, when i first saw the controversy about this, then theyll be mad at beyonces all over the world, because they all look kind of off. Maybe thats the fun of it, go through, compare, maybe they want you to talk about it and see talking about the museum. Also wizards people go to look at wax figures yours instead of the celebrities. You cant get to the real celebrity . It is not them. I was there all morning like at 6 00 a. M. , and so some of the lights were out, it was the most creepy thing to be alone in the museum with nothing but the figures, i did not want to move. Very weirds. I said i think someone blinked. I think they blinked. I was freaking out. You have watched too many scary mover us. I know. And never understood the blow up doll thing either. At this breakfast spot, bob kelly live from the woodbury station cafe. Hey, bob . Good morning, woodbury. Hey shall everybody. Look at the whole gang. We are stacked and packed, as i like to sayment look at this crowd. Theyre wide awake on a thursday morning. We have the breakfast club, is here. Whats your first name. My name is diane. High, diane. Tell me, you got a group. Go to different spots every week . Yes, we do. And in the area. What do you think so far on this one here . One of our favorites. One of the favorites. You have the egg crepes. Do you think this lady here has enough pup err . Over here, look at this, do you think you got enough pepper on there . Come on, add some more. We have the kids. Common, what are we doing today after our tv appearance . Going to the swim club. Who want to go to the swim club . Hey. Common, check this place out. This is the woodbury station cafe. Situated in the olds woodbury train station look at some of the old pictures they have on the wall. This was the real station back in the day, right here, in woodbury, new jersey. Come on over to the other side. You thought that side was crazy. Come on back here. Good morning, everybody. cheers . Look at this gang. Oh, cute baby alert. Now whats her name . Adalee. Hi, i love your little hair. Check out this, adalee came to see me last year, how old is she now . One. One year old. My goodness, this looks great, behind us, some of the great food that we have here. Look at the crepes here with the chocolate drizzle. Oh, what is this one called here . The patricia claire. Oh, and is that potatoes. Over hash browns. Oh, god. What did you have here . Omlet with the brown potatoes. Okay. And this last up. And this is the chesapeake ben yeah with the crab cabbing on it. Wrap it all up, were taking it back to the station, common, everybody give a wave. Goodbye, woodbury station cafe. Good spot, the airconditioning is pumping, nice and cold, and the food is shot. Back to you guys, jen, back to you, i think . Yes, juliet, are you ready for the surprise . Yes. Sick of waiting . Uhhuh. Are you ready took do this . Yes. We will do it right after the break. Stay with us, we are telling somebody they go there. Were in magnolia new jersey, were walking up on her house, and were hoping to surprise her, julien, youre been waiting in the tv truck all morning, are you ready for this . Yes, can i go in first . You can go in first, we dont care. So one of the reasons why you really wanted her to be recognized, you say, she is literally a servant for this community . Yes, absolutely, just goes above and beyond with an amazing heart, incredible. What kinds of things does she do . I know she gets her six year old morgan involved. She has done things like at first, i met her, going too fast, and we first met her through center for family services, with homeless shelter. And she has done like a luggage drive for all of the teens, so nobody left with trash bags, shes done R