Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20170414 : c

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20170414

the penguin outfit, black pants, bowtie? >> that would have been 2,000? >> yes. >> seventeen years ago. >> yep. >> wow. >> 2,000. >> so you owe me your life, basically? >> i do. i do. >> you weren't married then? >> no. >> no kids. >> i was still in college. >> still in college? you never would have married. you never would have had your two sons had you not met me. >> well, i don't want to go that far. >> oh. >> she is sassy. >> i was, i was with my husband at the time, we just weren't married. >> because you dated him, johnny, since you were at goretti, right? >> yes. >> sixteen years old. >> no. i was 18. >> you were 18? >> i was about to graduate high school. >> her par rent watching. >> no, they know. they know. they didn't like it anyway because he was 22. >> what? you date add 22 year old guy when you were 17, 18? >> i was 18. i was not 17. i was 18. i was already 18. i was about to graduate. >> did you know him before you turned 18? >> no. >> where did you meet him? >> i literally, the day i met him the day we started dating. >> wow. >> you've been together ever since 18? >> it was 20 years yesterday. >> oh. did you do something special? hey, megan, do you have any pictures of these two, johnny and the kids? >> no. >> no? >> what did we do? >> did you kiss the first time? >> oh, we went and bought the kids sneakers, then we went and got the kids something to wear for easter. but the night before we went out to dinner because they were down the shore with my parents? where did you go? >> mifflin tavern just opened up in our neighborhood. >> sounds like it is in south filly? >> mifflin, second and mifflin. it was good. >> romantic evening, candles and wine and stuff? >> no, no, but there was beer. >> oh, that's good enough. >> i one time went to her house. can i tell this storey? >> sure. i don't know what story you will tell, but whatever, sure, sure, why not? >> in south philly, i went to meet her dad. >> oh, ya. >> and walked into the kitchen and they have a rounds kitchen table and it had a beer spigot sticking out of the middle of it, right? >> oh, ya, my dad had that specially made. >> is it still there? >> no, he still has it but it is not -- not at my house. he didn't leave that. >> same house, did you see her snap chat picture the other day? >> no. >> you didn't? yes, did you. >> oh, ya, the one with the ghost in it? >> the spooky one with the seconds filther? >> okay. >> ya. >> sue, have you given up on it? >> yes. >> pinterest? >> i'm boarded. >> oh? >> see, i'm not board by meredith cassidy. >> she snows all this, that's why. >> yes. >> real fast so you can get back to pinterest. what are you making? >> making bunny in cars made out of twinkies. >> cars made out of twinkies? >> yes. >> you will remember this about when sheinelle was on the show. >> she wasn't pregnant. it was rare she wasn't pregnant. >> no. >> she was only pregnant twice. >> she wore this dress, and in my mind, it works in weird ways. >> okay. >> so when i saw her dress, i go. >> is there sound on this or no, megan? >> okay. so, doesn't it look like a highway? >> yes. >> don't go in the garage, don't -- ... (laughing). >> on a trip to the mountains? >> yes. >> that was the best part. >> she was so great because she would do anything. you know? >> so, when i walked in this morning, do you mind standing? just for a second with your hernia? >> you have a hernia? >> i real dow think i have a hernia. >> i thought oh, a highway? look at that highway. >> or -- >> so scoot over. >> or maybe it is a by way? >> wait. oh, i see -- sat -- >> wait i see conshohocken here. >> no, all the way down, just come over here. >> then i walk in, and i see sue. >> oh, okay. >> you sit down here. >> now, somehow, we've got to get your -- she has stripes on. can you get your stripes connected to your highway? >> okay. >> oh, boy, yes. >> she is the exit off the highway? >> oh, she is the ramp? >> well, yours is the curve. >> and then weirdly, intern jacky. >> what? >> oh, my gosh. >> has a two-lane highway that she's running on. so, sit down. >> so get in there. >> let me just -- i can switch my sleeve. >> oh, sue is like the exit ram snap. >> yes. >> slight down -- slide down here. >> story of my life. >> get over here, there. put your arm down little bit. >> now get your hands out of the way. okay? >> wow. >> here we go. >> got to start mine over here. >> oh, boy. >> vroome, vroome. >> is this good for my hernia? >> probably not. >> hey, kids, look, it's a hernia! no, look out the left. there is the hernia. uh-huh. >> ain't no mountain high ♪ >> ain't no mountain low ♪ >> we're climbing the hill now. >> by the way, fast and furious, 18 opens today. >> hey, this is a cadillac. >> that's a cadillac. >> so the stripe is in the back. >> right. >> okay? >> (laughing). >> ♪ >> then over to intern jacky, and we're done. >> over there! >> wow. >> oh! >> i just sat on your -- >> now she has a hernia and a broken -- >> oh, i stepped on her tow! >> you know, somebody tweeted me yesterday, get rid of the couch, you look so uncomfortable on there. >> no, i love the couch. >> do you? >> i need mirror. >> you look like you love the couch. you're very comfortable. >> i should lay like this. i think it made the hernia feel better. i would do this at your house by the way, would you do this at your mother's snows. >> no, you wouldn't do it at my house. >> just kidding. >> all right, sit back here. >> just kidding. >> thank you, sue, get back to your pinterest. >> right. you know what, more race cars for to you play with. >> oh? >> if i do it right. >> made out every twinkies. >> twinkies and march mellow peep bungles when are we going to do that? >> i don't know, sometime this hour. >> thanks. >> look, there they are. >> oh, that's what you are making? >> aren't they cute? >> oh, it's cute. >> what can go wrong? >> they look easy, sue. >> don't they? i know. well, i said that before. >> i had to bring the easter candy, so i brought you the best kinds. >> what is it. >> because you're smarty. >> that's not easter canned. >> i smarties. >> it is candy. >> but not easter. what makes it easter, chocolate eggs? >> ya, and it has to be in the easter colors. >> so you don't want them? >> i don't even know what a smarty is? is it sour? i don't like sour. >> no, not sour. i can't believe, they're my mom's favorites. i can't believe you've never a smarties. >> i know what these are. these would be all over the floor, right? >> yes. >> they're individual. >> careful. >> like little pills. >> he compares everything to medication. >> by the way, i'm off all that medication now. rapper and actor ludacrous revives the popular show fear factor, the new host instead of joe rogan now. if you're squeemish, i don't think you want to watch it, i don't think you want to be on it. >> her tongue isn't long, isn't it? >> oh, no. >> well, that's what the original show was like. there is joe right there. >> oh, no! >> and that's got to be ten years old. >> that's so gross. >> god. >> how can you eat a smarties while watching her eat that? >> well, a smarties is better than a scorpian. >> i know, but still? >> hey, megan, do you know the premiere date of the new one? >> hold on second. >> but it is ludacrous that will be the host? >> may 30th. >> may 30th? >> yes. >> i know he has little, you know -- >> and he acts. >> that's true. >> so when ever you're an actor i feel like you can do something like that, too. >> you know nbc wanted to sign me to seven year contract, to be a game show host, years ago. >> what happened? >> they organized two game shows for me to do. >> this was in the late 80s. and it was worth millions of dollars. >> and you said? i have to get back to kansas. >> i made one of the dumb he is moves in my life. i said no. >> do you regret it? >> uh-huh. >> do you? >> uh-huh. >> to this day? >> uh-huh. >> don't live in regret. >> no, you can't look behind. if you look behind, at the past, you'll slam right into something. >> you slammed right into good day. >> slammed into this. >> that's why your rear-view mirror is smaller than your windshield. >> that's beautiful. the light of me sees the light of you. the light of me -- >> this is so enlightening coming onto good day. >> that's a great dress, by the way. >> she wants us to argue and fight. >> no. >> what? >> don't say that. >> because you know quincy a little -- >> ya, he likes to argue with me all the time. >> i had something that was going to be brilliant. oh, why wouldn't i take the millions of dollars to do a game show? >> yes. >> it was weird. back in that day, in my mindset was i kind of wanted to do a morning show like this or do a show like the tonight show with johnny carson. >> oh,. >> so either or? >> and i thought being a game show host would put me in a nitch, and i didn't want, at my funeral, for them to say as they close the lid on my coffin there goes the game show host. >> wow, put a lot of thought into that. >> i real did i. >> for a decision you regret you put a lot of thought into it. >> i know. >> really? >> okay, i almost signed the contract, i said yes, then i backed out. >> everything happens for a reason. >> that's true. >> i wouldn't be here with you and you. >> that's true. >> damn. >> and then i found out that johnny carson, his career, started by being a game show host. the reason i bring this up is didn't jamie foxx win an academy award? >> yes. >> he's going to be a game show host. >> he is? >> on fox. >> oh, ya. >> yes. >> what's that snow. >> squabble, scrabble, or squish me? >> what? >> i don't think that's the name. >> spray? >> skiier me? >> siege geez i? >> shazam. >> oh, i saw the preview for that. that looks good. >> but do you have guess the song before shazam guesses the song. >> that's good. >> it is a rip off of the olds show name that tune. >> yes. >> but there is an app, shazam. >> that's where they got the idea. everything is baseball. >> they could have called it spotfly. >> no, that's different. shazam, the song on the radio, you play that, and it tells you the name of the song is. >> or stuck in a bar, i love this song. shazam it. >> it is kind of what do you to sue when you want her to know something on the spot. >> sue? >> sue, what are you making? cars? >> right. all right, i want to see what i've got. this is so easy, even i can't screw it up. >> well -- >> twinkies, peep bunnies, m and m's, marshmellows, and some icing for glue, and the pretzel steering wheels. that will make our race car. >> cars? >> yes. >> race cars? >> oh, and you're using the chocolate covered pretzels, too. first, cut your marshmellows in half. look, it works. >> you know what we should do? is the finished product the thing behind you, sue? do we have -- >> it is, it is, it is right there. >> yes, just for people joining us right now, who haven't been here for awhile, we need to show what she is making. >> the key will be to get the right depth of your little area that you're going to cut out of the twinkie, right? >> okay. >> feel free to eat that. and then put the bunny in the car. >> bunny in car. >> okay. >> that was east. >> i bun any car. >> so then you take your half of a marshmallow, right, put little dab of icing, glue it on the car. you know what, i think i will ' move this over here. >> yes, just move it little bit so we can see it better. there is something -- that's what it was. >> okay. >> that is? >> that looks good. >> ya, my gosh, i meet even do one properly this time. see, look? marshmallow on the car. >> so you got -- once you get all four wheels on, everything decorated, we'll hack back with you, sue. that looks, you know, looks like scene right out of fast and furious. >> doesn't it? >> tough looking bunny, isn't he? potholes! >> perfect philadelphia segment. okay, so, it is eight now, not fast and furious, so the franchise here again. here is a lip from the new fate of the furious. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> (movie clip). >> (movie clip). >> so i agree with her, nobody's ready for this. are you a fan of the franchise? >> i never really saw any of them since paul walker's not in them any more, he was my favorite. >> since he died? you're not interested in any more? >> i never watched them to begin with. >> well, i never went to the theater. but kevin mccarthy our film critic, i can't stop watching them when they're on tv. >> meek, i'm so with you. i don't know if a produce kerr hear me, but the move at this self absolutely incredible. it is called fate of the furious. i absolutely love every single seconds of it. and i thought that the entire action premise, and the absurdty was amazing, i found out, just for me, 2001, 16 years ago, i was massive fan of this franchise. i saw the first 19 times in theatres. >> what? >> as i was working at a movie theater, i would go to the movie at night. mike, i'm with you. i'm obsessed with the franchise, fast five and fast seven are my favorites. in fast five when they have the bank vault, and then in seven, when they're sky diving the cars, now, this one, they have a scene where the rock redirect or torpedo with his bear hands. so i think one of the movies do you have know going into these movies is that they are ridiculous, they are absurd at times, they do find theirselves just kind of making fun of themselves and self-aware. but at the same time, there is this brilliant idea that of these characters that you care about. you actually care for dominick, and the rock's character and jason, and bruce, michelle rodriguez, that's the brilliance of this franchise. gary dregg directed this movie also did movies like set it off it, friday, law abiding citizen, phenominal film maker, straight out of compton another of his, as well, after all said and done, seven and eight are the best, then one, then i go with eight. right now eight is amazing. >> i don't understand how you know the difference between these movies. >> i know, all cars. >> ya. >> ya, i mean, here is the thing, with all of the films over the years, i mean, everyone of them is kind of out done each other. so one was a little bit tame. one was movie where paul walker's character was uncover, trying to take down dominick, and his family, and we've seen how that's panned out. listen i think paul walker obviously passing away furious seven was very big deal. and i think the beauty of that movie, i was skeptical, because of the end of seven, we see paul walker driving off into the sunset, as he splits on the road with vin diesel. for people who don't know, with furious seven, his brother's stepped in to actually finish the film. he died outside of the production of the movie. he didn't due during the production of the film but during that same time period. so his two brothers stepped in. finished the film for him. now with eight i was wondering how they would play that without paul walker. they did great job. he still has a very big presence in the film in regard to his spirit, while not physically in a movie, he is still major major part of it. >> oh, shoot. i thought were you building to up a sound bite. can you hear it? >> no, no. >> oh, i got all excited. >> got my ears piece out because i keep getting mix -- i hear myself in my minds. >> oh, i know, i've been through it, and it makes your head explode. >> kevin, have a good easter, easter, easter, easter, easter. >> thank you very much. and by the way, today's a very exciting day, i want to mention fast before i go, you have new fast and furious movie which i gave 4.5 out of five to. also mention new star wars trailer, possibly coming out around noon today for the last jedi. and the new kendrick lamar albumn dropped last night. it is one of the greatest albumns i've ever heard. i've heard all 13 songs. the song dna is a masterpiece. check it out. >> dna? >> great day for entertainment. >> i love that song he does -- >> oh, me too. >> with marry j blige. >> and it is clean. it is called now or never, or something like that? >> okay. >> because -- >> mike, you're kendrick fan? >> a big fan, i've been to his concerts, matter of fact. >> dude, me too, i saw him here in d.c. at the kennedy center. i would argue that he's probably one of the greatest rappers of all time. and my idea, though, and i say this all the time, i think he has the best parts of too pock and the best parts every biggie, pop was great story teller, biggie the great met a for. and i think kendrick combining the two. to me biggie, biggie was the best of all time. i think kendrick is really up there now. and the verse he dropped on the big sean song, control where he dissed everybody was one of the greatest dis verses of all time, probably since vaseline. amazing. >> i'm trying get him to be quiet because we are about six minutes over. >> i know, kevin we love you. we will listen to all of that you suggested. >> dna. >> dna. >> awesome. >> i'm on it. >> hey, megan, diver the marry j block? >> who would have ever thought kevin motorcycle cart i would have gotten that excited? >> see, he loves music, movies, rap. all of it. >> kendrick lamar, doesn't very a song with u2? >> he does. >> oh, look who is coming in. >> hey, q. >> came out today. >> we'll get to the music here. >> hi, quincy. >> hey. >> there is something much more important to show you. >> what is it? >> but window jeans. >> would you wear them? >> no. because i suffer from the disease. >> noassatall. >> the future of jeans, do i have to say the ex ac coppy? >> forget window to the soul. how about window to your but? >> we'll show you the butt jeans. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in customer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. and verizon wireless customers can stream tv on the fios mobile app, data-free. get the best. go to >> this is going to be dopy. hi, q. >> hello, how are you guys doing. >> good, good. >> you have to a show today? >> fox 29 at noon, called "the q." tony rock will be on there today. >> tony rock. >> tony rock. >> try to escape the room? >> yes. >> do you. >> yes. >> is that that game people play now? where you go in a room, try -- >> yes. >> go in a room, try to get out. room? room, room. >> a room. >> run in a room. >> room. >> stop it. >> don't judge me. >> this is exactly what's wrong with this tv station. >> okay? >> we've all work together for years, on each other's nerves. >> yes? >> so i was sent away for awhile, for about six weeks. >> ya? >> and i feel like a newman. >> you're acting like one, we love it. >> i have much more energy now, probably down side for my co-workers, but here is a little thing. i have put mass on the table here. can you see them at all? so, it really doesn't make any difference what the masks are, just masks. >> okay. >> so we have a fox here in front. and we've got butterflies, and lions, and tigers, and bears oh, my. >> and we're all attract today one of the massing. >> so, pick one of the masks. >> i want this one because it reminds me of the lion king. >> mask on. >> mask off. >> so you chose hulling? >> frankenstein. >> the hulk. >> had a coon a ma tad a. >> oh, you're wise. >> i know, i have always all over my house. my grandmother's favorite animal. isn't that weird? >> she also has dead people. >> my grandmother is the one who came to visit me through snap chat. >> at the end of the segment put up that snap chat thing because it freaks me out. >> scar. >> i take your sharpee. >> okay. >> okay? on the front of the mask, in the boarders, in the white spaces there, try this at home, too, just get piece of paper, put a little quick mask on it. now, write on there, when you leave your home, or inside of your home, whenever you have interaction with other people, what are you trying to project? what positive do you think that you have, meredith, that you project to the world? >> how many do we need to write? >> let's try to do five. >> okay. >> you know, what you're trying to show to us about you. >> this is hard. >> should i put feistyiness. >> you're feisty. >> i think -- >> what do you want the world to see when you walk into the room? what are you trying to say? what are you projecting? >> okay. >> how many do you need? >> five is good. >> oh, you really like yourself. you have lot. >> he said the things i'm trying to push out there. >> you have lot of qualities you're trying to show. >> thank you. >> sarcasm, is that one on there? >> flip them over. flip them over. >> okay. >> now, you three look at me. i want honesty. the people at home will know if you're lying. how do you really feel outside? what are you hiding? what are you really feeling? >> this is deep. >> it is very deep. >> is too deep for 9:30 in the morning. >> now, be honest. >> we've been up since 5:00. >> i haven't. >> 1:45. >> i got woken up by 6:30, two drunk guys outside of my house but that's another whole discussion. >> i wasn't in the area. >> and my husband was screaming out the window. >> screaming at them? >> yes. >> what did he say? >> now i'm distracted watch are we doing again? >> concentrate who you really are. what don't you show me? >> i show everything. >> really? >> yes, can we write bad words on here? >> well, we're on tv. okay. >> in a real setting i would not know which mask you chose. >> oh,. >> and you won't know. >> cool. >> we would throw them, wad them up, throw them on the table, and you wouldn't know. >> this is deep. how many times did you do this? >> you know, q, sometimes you can't just be fun and games, you know what i mean? >> totally. >> totes. >> totes, yes. >> i have other emotion toss unveil. >> oh. okay. >> cool. >> okay? >> show us, who is this again? >> this is like hulk. >> we think it is a hulk. read what you said on the front of your mask. >> okay, so, you said what am i trying to show the world? funny, love, because, listen, you know, sometimes when you're here, a lot of people like serious, because news people, and i like to speak to people, hello, hello. >> you like to drag things out also. >> positive. >> a rap over here. >> a positive. i like to be upbeat. upbeat. >> you've worked here, what, a couple years. >> you should have red -- >> no, sorry. >> what's behind your massing? >> serious, i'm a very serious person. i should have put calculated. confident, very confident. for me -- >> we don't need this. >> this world, send you something on twitter. >> oh, sore. >> i silly. >> the show will be over. >> serious and happy. >> now, so things that might surprise us there, moody. >> yes. >> moody? >> and serious. >> yes. >> but you're confident. >> very. >> no, very confident. you have to be. you have to talk to yourself. like your own kanye. >> let's get to lauren, who might be more honest. >> laughter, loving, sympathetic, happiness, polite. >> that's what you show us. what's really going on in your head? >> i'm a push over with certain people, like i allow people to keep going and going. like i don't have boundaries. >> over thinker, over share err, over analizer. >> you didn't put petty. >> oh. >> are you secure? >> yes. >> are you pretty second shnewer. >> pretty secure. >> because most people that i've been, done this for, always put the word insecurity. i have insecurities. >> i think we all have them. >> i just got -- i feel like i have a governor, you know, like on the car. >> so the negative talk in your head -- >> bounce back. >> get back, okay. >> all right, quickly, because i don't want to get yelled at. smile, personality, feisty and nice. that's what i put fourth. >> that's all true. got great personality and you're feisty. now who is really inside. >> i'm not sure, diva, selfish, mean. >> ya. >> and one way. we're going to break. ann hathaway next. >> do you listen toker? >> i'm trying. >> you were producer. >> i know what she is feeling right now. >> what is she feeling? ann had the away next on good day. >> oh, ann is waiting for us? >> yes, we will miss the window. hello moto. it's time to reimagine the smartphone. snap on a speaker. a projector. a camera that actually zooms. get excited world. the moto z with moto mods. save at least 20% on select moto mods when you buy any moto z droid. >> testing. >> testing. >> testing. ann hathaway my ear piece was not working, i swear, i stink, i hate myself. >> no, no, my gosh, first of all, not today. >> i know, it is good. >> not today, it is friday, it is good friday, you are taking this way too personally. >> what aim telling viewers while in commercial break ann and i talked about how the segment before went long because i could not keep my mouth shut, my ear piece was not working, so tell us about the movie colossal. >> what do you want to know, that will take 302nd. >> everything that will take 30 seconds. >> i will not tell you anything bit, if you are serious, go see it, better to not know anything bit and there are monsters. >> i love that answer. >> it is brilliant. >> she is great. in the studio today. i was watching you on ellen. we are doing a pinterest, so do you stink at pinterest. >> do i stink at pinterest. >> yes. >> i don't know, i don't know how one is good or bad. the photos that are in pinterest, mine are not as impressive as other peoples. >> that is what i mean. >> how are you doing. >> well, we have a weather person here by the name of sue and she's doing hers, she's making little tars out of twinkeys for easter. >> and the bunnies are peeps riding in the cars. >> yes. >> that is ambitious, man. >> why i, it is. >> i think i will shave a car on the and put it without a tup of store bought humus and be very proud. >> what do you do for easter what do you do for your weekend. >> just hanging with my family , we will be up with my husband's family and my parents, my younger brother. i am sure that my relatives, you know, i have a lot of relatives in philadelphia, aim sure they will be gathering too. >> just name their names and where do they live in the philadelphia area. >> i can't, i can't, it is too a lot of us, so, i might not give addresses for obvious reason. >> do you come here very often to visit. >> not as often as i would like, but i do come to visit, yeah. >> why do you hate you are familiarly. >> you are really dark on good friday, man. >> i know. >> i'm kidding. >> where does this come from. >> his inner soul. >> i have had some tough times and i'm in a dark place sometime. >> indeed he ace closal personality. >> okay. you got the film name in there that was very good. >> that was good. >> okay, can i just say one thing. >> you can say as many things as you want. >> you have, i've-- no, never mind. she is just so good looking. >> she's very good looking. >> she hear is it all the time >> okay, bye. >> i think she's done. >> bye, ann. >> she said water break. >> you never been at a loss for word before, were you just then. >> i like her. >> yeah. >> would you say she's your favorite. >> you megan, you know what i'm saying. megan, megan. >> i think so, yes. >> i don't want to think so. >> i think -- she's gone. >> so our producer megan, checking to see if she's still here on satellite. she cannot hear you any more. >> i was concerned there because there have been interviews that she says that most tv interviews they ask why are you considered in the business unlikeable? >> right. >> i thought she was pleasant. >> charming. >> we have talked to people were and you are just like, okay. >> i thought she got a little mm at the end did you get that same sense. >> a little. >> well, maybe because someone talked to her and she grabbed her water and she was done. >> i think she thought she was done. >> she probably thought, whatever. >> yeah. >> he is nuts. >> she called you dark on a good friday. >> she called me dark. she knows me. >> she doesn't know there is a light in you. >> the light in me did see the light in her even through it what's electronically through the satellite. >> she didn't see your light. she thought it was out. >> now i am hearing her say toss to break. >> what are we doing here. >> break. >> break. ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪ by the time the drugs rannd wout, i was addicted.. it happened so fast. i ended up on the streets, where the drugs are cheaper and easier to get. i was a full blown heroin addict, selling my soul to get high. when i realized i needed help i didn't know where to go. but i got help and you can too. you're not alone. help is within reach. call 844 reach nj or visit the road to recovery starts now. hi hey i'll take one of those new fast play games. oh, you ready for a rush? 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break through your allergies. try new flonase sensimist instead of allergy pills. it's more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. using unique mistpro technology, new flonase sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. most allergy pills only block one. and six is greater than one. break through your allergies. new flonase sensimist that was 1948 but we have a parade of our own happening on south street at eighty-sixth annual easter promenade. where is that peeps dress. >> i know, i love that. >> lauren, thinks most fun, we have ever been. well, here's, our fire baton twirler. she will be out here. hey, mike hard fridays south street head house district tell us about this thinks the easter promenade, great tradition in philadelphia, it runs on sunday 12:30 to two. >> we have brunch, all laid out. this is making me hungry. tell me about the food. >> we have our best restaurants out serving brunch so people can come down, join parade, they walk, they come dressed up and they have a favorite drink or food. >> they have do bunny hop down south street. >> thousands office people come down, great tradition, easter bunny is here and great families come out. >> bridget, you have your peeps dress on. >> yes, we have our easter cake here, multi layered, very festive cake, we're ready for brunch on sunday. >> they call it most fashionable philly easter parade and i mean come on. >> come on. >> we have these guys over here, who are, the most fashionable 18 month-old little twins i have met. hello. your big sister. how many generations. you have five sisters, four sisters. >> i'm one of six. >> yes. >> yes. >> hi. >> yeah, so these are the little won and then we have capri who is six, thinks yvonnea who is five, kiara who is four and they are eight months. >> you guys all at least won first place in the category for best dressed kid. i mean come on is there any competition. so sunday, happening right now , or happening on sunday, south street, this is what you guys will see. come dressed up, sunday best. >> i love it. they are so cute. >> if you want to know what the weather will be like, sue has got the answer in 15 seconds. >> we're looking ahead to the holiday weekend, everybody making their plans for easter. we have got paper towels and all of the fixins for decorating those eggs and a high temperature on sunday of 84 degrees. we don't think showers will come until later. heading to the shore this holiday weekend, it is cooler, sunday's high instead of the being in the 80's will be in the 70's but should see plenty of sunshine. we will have more good day after this. all right, sue. >> yes. >> what is finished product, again, lets put up what it is supposed to look like. >> okay. >> it is behind through on the wall. >> right, these are marshmallow peep bun is in cars made out of hostes twinge is and i think i have found one that i did not screw up. >> it is really perfect. >> there you go, look at that. >> yes we have a jammo. >> yes. >> the wheels. >> i thought i nailed this one >> the wheels on the twinkey goes round and round. >> good job, sue. >> it will still taste good. >> alex was on good friday because of her grandfather who we love was in town. they took the train down to the african-american museum in d.c. they have a good day for it too. >> amazing pictures. >> go for them. >> real quickly. >> also real quickly now that we see her, kitkat kline's birthday today. >> hi, guys. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> i try. >> just him. >> that was a compliment to you, she was saying, whatever. >> i love you, happy birthday. >> who is that girl. >> meredith cassidy is co host of the q show at noon here on fox. people think lou like brooke berk. >> look into that camera. >> i used to get that a lot when i was younger. >> wow. >> that is impressive. >> yes. >> you are a good looking woman. >> lou a lot like that you are very pretty. >> very gorgeous. >> thank you. >> some woman thought, marry bet, i watch you on the q. >> my name is moth marry bet. >> you know what i get, keeley , sometimes. >> rely. >> steve keeley. >> yes. >> you put too much tanner on when you go out. >> kitkat klain it is her birthday, she's our executive producer. i want to showcase, it looks like you have a mattress on. >> stop it, this is very in. >> it is very in. >> yes. >> hold on. >> i have a shirt just like that. >> but i have pants, that i want her to try on. >> with the shirt. >> no, they have a window in the bet, you can pull that down and expose your buttocks. >> nobody wants to see that. >> yeah. >> i don't know. >> happy easter. >> have a great weekend. >> announcer: live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? hello? this is the hot topics show. this is what we do. we won't judge, but we're judging. it's going to be jui-cy. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> announcer: now, here's wendy! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ ♪ >> wendy: thank you for watching. hello to our studio audience. [cheers and applause]

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