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How much are those cameras . Ill buy one. Big spender. Good enough. Cameras probably more than the salary. Good day, it is wednesday, april 12, 2017. It is a crazy show here on good day. Hey, kids, could you punch up that shot again of the parkway . Than that stage is it really coming together, isnt it . For the nfl draft, which is april the look at the size of it oh, yes, look at it,. Wow. A crane . And the other important news, the fountain has been turned back on. Thats right. Thats how you know it is getting warm here in the city. Because everybody likes to go out. Yesterday it was packed. So many people were in that fountain having a good time. Were you over there . Yes, i went past there. Did you . Where were you headed . Why is that shocking . I was getting back from getting my hair done. Oh, you got your hair did . Got my hair did. Thats always good. Lets talk wrinkles. What . Okay, after we come back. No, it is okay. Okay. In this hour we will talk about, where am i . Over here . Wrinkles. Can you read that . No, i cant see that far across the studio. Too old, too early. One experts says women are developing wrinkles ten weeks earlier than in the past. Years. Ten years earlier. What you are doing every day that is deepening those frown lines, i dont even know if you can do much about it. Okay . Plus why dont you push it, mama. Real good. Push it. She push it all right. This local mom got so much, well, got some much needed motivation in the delivery room. Joins with us her new addition, and the nurse who helped her push it on out. Here is the idea, we will recreate the scene with me as the pregnant woman. Mike want to have a baby so were letting him the baby on the show. So cute. And check out ludacrous. Wait a minute. I mean, there is a lot of women out here. Just weird there . Hes built. There is some controversy brewing about something. Oh, i saw it. Ya . Ludacrous is responding. I can see it, it is obvious. It is intense, my gosh. In the jim, working on that . Thats not fair, but i want it. Ya . If we could only all have that, right . Kind of obvious, fake abs. Yes. Show you how they did that. Plus i have sounds gram pa news. What is it. So my grandpa at the airport. Look how stylish he is. Pack and ready to go, coming to visit me here in fill which my parent. And so im real excited. Man, dapper indeed. Got his lil add december as add, neutral colors in style right now, go grandpa with the airport flow. Hes not flying united though. Thats good. Thank gosh. Hell be here in one piece then. It is National Grilled Cheese oh . Geez. What was that . Boom. Something happened. Bob, you all right . Im good. Everybody good. It is National Grilled Cheese day, so bob kelly has his special recipe, but we want to re quickly here thank the people over at high street our neighbor, the same people that own fork, the restaurant. One of the best restaurant in the entire city . Yes. They have their own specialty Grilled Cheese. This is fancy pant. They usually run 14 bucks, but worth every penny. Spring book reading may from raw cow milk, the kind of cheese they have. Tell you what, why dont we do this when we get jamils camera back so or maybe one of these cameras zoom . Maybe green garlic soup, which smells feel free to communicate in my ear. Oh,. Serenity now. All right. What kind of soup is this karen . Green garlic soup. Green garlic. Mike, youre not a fan . No. Doesnt like garlic he said. See, what you are supposed to do, you weenies. Dip the Grilled Cheese . Pour it in, like soup, is the way i would say. No. You dip it in. Nice knees. Like this, how i would do it. No. Really, bob kelly . I think he said to pour it. Take put the sandwich back in the bowl. Tell you what, we cant see what were doing. People at home will get frustrated, are we going to bob . Okay. How do you make a Grilled Cheese . Here is what we will do. I go plane and simple like back in the day. Take two pieces of bread. We put some butter on either side. And you got to have like four pieces of cheese. Really get it melted, gooey. Im going to make Grilled Cheese for everybody. Okay. For the house. Love it. I like that, i like that. Mike, we got your Blood Pressure under control. Yes. Now we take care of the arteries. Love it. Are we still shot showing this . , no wait until we have a camera. So people at home, also see the camera come over here, which will be a while. Is that the camera . Yes. Okay. I heard you talk about the shoe thing. Earlier. Oh, karen, you all right . So here is the best part about this, i know you dont do garlic suppan stuff, but karen and i will do the rest of the show talking like this, so you can really get our breath here. Why do people love garlic so much . I never understood it. Love the smell. Like you dont like spaghetti sauce . Very ever like ends up, finish up a date, right . And then you go back, and it is time for garlic kills it poor me. Really . Oh, ya. Are you a vampire . No. See . Just saying, just saying. I might be . Ill move on, because i am not getting anything. So the queen well the camera is over here. Lets do it. Just tell me. Can you just show us or do it . Jamil, come on over here, common. Come on. Thats not the Grilled Cheese. Come on. See watch how this works. The people at high street made the Grilled Cheese, isnt that beautiful . Im going have to eat it now. Yes, because you put your hands on it. End this take the garlic soup. So we will just do this. Pour it on top. All right. Well you move to one that we can actually see . I can just here we go. Oh. Thats why it is in a bowl. So now it makes sense. Then you eat the whole darn thing with a spoon. See that . Right. You teeth with a spoon. Ive never seen it that way. Look that the. Yes. So you let it get little soggy . Thats good idea, i have only dipped, never poured the soup on top. So lift this up now. Here go. Try the olds dipping fashion. Less messy hands. You know it is good when the cheese is just dripping off. Oh, ya. Yum, thats good. I love Grilled Cheese, man. It almost takes like when you get clams, like garlicy clams, you dont like that either . No. Im the only person on earth that doesnt like garlic. Like steamed clams. Lot of people dont like it. I knew a girl we work with up in new york she swore whenever she was sick would eat alcohol cloughs of garlic. My first job, i can remember her name, nina, gorgeous woman, she would come in, and she stunk she would swallow it every morning before she came to work. It would come out of her pores and everything . Sweat it out . But she was so good looking, you kind of let it go. I thought that stopped you though . Garlic . Dent stop you that much . Not with nina escodaro. Now whats the name of this dish if we want to order it . Called the drowned Grilled Cheese. I love it is green. When i quit at 10 00 this morning, i have a new job. Stop it. No, i have a new job. No such thing. Im flying across the ponds to glands because, believe it or not, the queen of england, there is a job where you work in her shoes so she doesnt get blisters on her feet. She does a lot of walking t makes a lot of sense, would you need to do. That will so all pre caulked in, you litter get to walk in her shoes before she walks in them. Mike you cant do that job, your feet arent the right size. What size is the queen . What size is the queen . She is a six. Six . Who is a six . I made that up. But i bet she is a six. Candice . Now, look it up. Look it up. Could you google and see what size . I was married to a woman who had a size 5foot. Joy. Oh . My daughter jessica i think she is is five and a half. How tall is joy . Your height. Fivetwo. With shoes on . That makes no sense 52 with shoes on. I say 52 with shoes on because i am always wearing shoes, so if i am always wearing shoes then i am fivetwo. It makes no sense. That makes no sense. How . Do you always wear shoes . Yes. Then it makes sense. But you might have you might have a 4inch heal on, you might have 5inch heal, 3inch, 2inch, 1 inch heal, no heal . It makes no sense. Whatever heal im wearing, whether it is 2inch, 4inch, just add it to my height honey thats what i am for that moment. My husband thought i was actually tall. When you get on the scale, you are still wearing tennis shoes. Doesnt require you to take off your shoes. Certainly not. Just saying. I am fivetwo with shoes on. You stayed for three years, now, it is making my heart where is your Blood Pressure thing . It is through the roof. Karen, does it make sense . Whether we wear our heals, it is the new height. So whatever the height of the she will. Just admit youre 5 feet tall. No, i am fivetwo with shoes on. L ex, here is what we have to do. Go on strike. This is the answer. Girls need to go on strike. That is what i hear. We will go on strike, not that, you know i know. Now youre kind of saying like by the way, if you two go on strike could you start now . Book your rooms. Are you banishing up from the couch. Is that what you are doing . I know what she is talking about. This is age old trick. Spike lee made a whole film about withholding sex so men will behave. They did it in the case of the mover toy stop the violence in chicago. True. Inspire the guys. There was greek play. Right. Thats how it started. Yes. You know, the men didnt stop the war they would stop the candice, what did you say . Soree . What . The queen is a size four . I knew she had tiny feet. I thought they were tyne. I who has a size four . The queen. Half inch heal. I never heard after size four adult shoe . It is like a child shoe. Thats the queen of england . She must be able to get shoes for cheap. Im always jealous of people with small feet because they can buy in the kids section. Thats the best. Thats why i saw a picture of the queen of glands, gap kids. Yes . Yes. No, she was over on walnut st. At the gap kids. It was weird. You know that sheinelle mone is from kansas, my home state. How beautiful is jane h. R. Mcmaster e monet, what was the movie she was just in thank you. Hidden figures. Thanks, sue. Well, see this marie claire cover . Look at that. Now, what is she advocating . That women, hold off on hanky panky in the bedroom, until, you know, men Pay Attention to women issues and womens rights. Thaws how she think she can have people Pay Attention to. That will during this interview she said lets hole off, ladies, until we are fighting our battle for womens rights, and not tolerating evil men. She said it is important for women to recognize their own power and worth. Obviously you just mentioned, mentions the plot line of the film. Mimicks that. Well, they would have to Pay Attention. Well, for one of you here on the couch, this will be fairly easy to do. Oh. And the camera comes to me. Now, you probably are not having much sex because you have three kids. My gosh, mike. It is true. It is true. It is true. Here is something that i have heard, though, when it comes to getting men to act by withholding. I have heard, i wont say who, my father, that women who kind of say theyre if the going to do it any more, like get a guy to propose like. That will waiting for him, you guys have been together for a long time, i asked my friends, they say ya, once i said, you know what, we should just stop and focus on the relationship, that ring came, that box, okay, marry me. Would you a grow . I think back in the day that was probably the case. I am talking about my friends, recently. Now . Yes. Im not succumb to go that. But thats just me. I wont cave into that. Ya . If they say you know what were living in sin, i will just maybe we should hold off little bit. I would only marry them if i truly loved them. It wouldnt be for the sex. No, no, he is not saying you love them because of the no, thats not true. He is not saying changing that, it just speeds up the process . It does speed up the process, yes, if you want to get down to business, then yes. I guess it would speed up the process . Only for situations where you have been dating someone for a long time. You know you are in it for the long hall, just making the final step. Ive heard that now, hole off. I misunderstood you. I thought that these two have never had sex . No, no, no. This is just saying after you have been together with someone for a long time. Cut himself in. Yes, just kind of then all right, i guess i better make that move. Make that move. Right now. My sister and her husband when they went to pre cane a, catholic religious thing before you get married, the priest actually recommended that, you know, became evident that they were living together, and hes like well, if thats ever happened, maybe this is a time to not. And, you know, just to focus on your relationship and spirituality. My god sister, going through premarital cancelling, had to fast on each other, to focus on what they like about each other. So her at the time fiancee what is she doing, have you talk to her, is she okay, i miss her. How long did this go on . I think a week or something. Thats all . If you are real any love. That can be a long time. Not seeing or talking . Week . I think pre canea lasts longer than. This wasnt catholic. Oh,. This is different. I remember, i come from such a traditional family, when my younger sister joanne was dating glenn, they got engaged but then they lived together. Really . My dad would not go in their house. Huh. One of my photographers my last station when he was going through counselling, he is catholic, i hope he doesnt minds me putting him out there they had to pretends because they were living together so when they did counselling he had to member riz different address going in there hey were not doing that. So like well during the work he was memorizing fact and Different Things to make it seem like he had his own house. Is that right. Yes. Because you get found out, oh, same address. Like when you get illegal green card. You got to pretend like youre married to somebody. Not that ive ever done that. Oh, my gosh. How is that your mental transition. There is a movie made about that with Andy Mcdowell in it, right . They had to pretends like they are were married to get a green card. Okay . Someone saying speaking of all of this, maybe mike needs, you know, to not be so stressed. That might be thank you. Andy said that, andy, calling you out right now. Well you know what i learned from nurse, nurse laura who was here checking my Blood Pressure . Yes. If your Blood Pressure because ive been on some Blood Pressure medication for the last two months, bass it was up a little bit. If you dont have someone is laughing at you. If you dont have high Blood Pressure, and youre on Blood Pressure medication, brrr. Oh, my gosh. Ya. And since ive been back from this therapy, no libido. That explains a lot. Why do you think ive so much Energy Around here . Grill cheese is it a cry for help . Cry for help. So women will show up outside the studio. No, it is not womens fault. It is your fault. No . The anti the antidepressant that im on, also. Oh, my gosh. Brr. The thirds time in 17 minutes youve done that. We need Grilled Cheese. You need to change what youre on. Bob kellys Grilled Cheese. Now, what . We did a survey about year and a half ago that said people who eat Grilled Cheese sandwiches have more sex. Have more sex. Yes. Really hot. Oh, ya. The plate is burned. Here. Just little bite, little bites, okay . Yum. Feel any movement . What . laughing . laughing . I think it moved. Oh. That is a seinfeld reference. Okay, like oh, my gosh. Now, hes going to eat it, just eat it up . Whats lauren doing . Give me a clue. Been i land. Oh, i love bunny land. I hopped over to lynn ville, a yes, guys, before we talk about the treats on the table, look at the tulips. So beautiful they look fake. Judy say, oh, lauren we can help with you. That will i toll her mine look nothing like. That will thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for having us. Lets talk about this spread you have on the table. First i lover this little cake looks just like the easter bun. I here at the bakery linvilla orchards we have all kind of sweet breds, cakes, anything that you put on your table, not to mention Easter Basket with beautiful Little Goodies you can see in our baskets, chocolate covered pretzels, Peanut Butter eggs, our little chocolate bunnies. Will you give me something to take back to mike and alex and karen . Ill. Of course we would never let you baby quayle, take me to those. Baby quayle. Over here, we have button quayle. They actually stay pretty small. Theyre super cute. All nice and warm under the little lamp. Look, theyll perform for you. They usually scat when he greg came over before. They just ran away. They get real warm under the lamp then move to the cooler side and come back, but very friendly little quayle. Then from baby quayle to baby calves. Theyre outside. So we have to walk a little bit. We have our little baby calves out in front of the market. And theyre absolutely beautiful. And they get real happen when we see little faces come to see them. Awe. So this weekend open saturday, sunday, how long . Yes, we, are em every day, from 9 00 to 6 00. And the bunny is out from 11 00 to 4 00. The bunny joining us, too, ill have the bunny join us in the live shot. Also hey rides, which i think is super cool. There are hey rides, weve got great hey rides out to see the bunny. Bunny land. So you can come out and see the easter bunny, and youll stay on the wagon for a beautiful ride through the orchard, all of the trees are in bloom right now. Really is a beautiful retirement and the easter bunly come around the wagon and see everybody, get little bag of candy. And it helps that sue serio ordered some fantastic weather. Isnt it gorgeous out right now . It is tremendously beautiful. Really is. We couldnt ask for better day. Amazing. Ive been in philly for three years. This is my first time at linvilla. The easter bunny. Yes. So cool to see everything thats happening here. It is, there is so much going on. You can go fishing, you can take a hey ride, you can order all of your goodies for easter. I mean, there is beautiful flowers and plant inside the garden center. I need to come pick a class apparently . Oh, yes, classes all the time, cooking classes, terrarium classes, suck ooh lent gardens, build your own orchard class, lots of things going on. Your grab is in town, he gets here is it today or does he come tomorrow . Either way, alex today. You have somewhere to bring him. Thats true. I think he would love it. Really . Bunny land. Youve been there before. Had the best time. Uhhuh. Cute you went there with your mom and dad. Picking out christmas trees. We also picked apples together, that was fun, why not go and see bunnies. You dow think grand pa would like bunny lands . Common. Where do you think i should take him . Hes sophisticated. I loved linvilla. Where do you think i should take him . Clubbing. Delilas. Certainly not. You said clubbing. I should have worn that face maker, Blood Pressure thing over no, that wasnt good. Just to clear something up, because a lot of people are tweeting us, uk size four, thats size four in the uk; really six and a half or a seven. So the gene of glands is actually a six and half not a four. Which is still small. So i was right. But not freak i shallly small. Not circus small. You know lud a . I call him luda. Oh, like that. Back like i never left. Ludacrous seen look at this. This is new music video. His new song, sounds like the thong song from sisco. Well, he might want to wear a thong after this. Everyone talking about his chest, whats going on there . Well discuss. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Maybe thats why weve been ranked highest in Customer Satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. And now you can love fios too. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. All for 79. 99 per month, for the first year with a twoyear agreement. Its the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. Cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. Plus get hbo for a year and free multiroom dvr service for two years. And Verizon Wireless customers can stream tv on the fios mobile app, datafree. Get the best. Go to getfios. Com fill your basket with easter only at my giant. By the time the drugs rannd wout, i was addicted. It happened so fast. I ended up on the streets, where the drugs are cheaper and easier to get. I was a full blown heroin addict, selling my soul to get high. When i realized i needed help i didnt know where to go. But i got help and you can too. Youre not alone. Help is within reach. Call 844 reach nj or visit reachnj. Gov. The road to recovery starts now. Okay. Ludacrous is showing off a cut physique in his new music video, called vitamin d. No need to judge gym envy, because a lot of people are looking at this, okay, this is fake. This is obviously fake. It has to be cgi. Social media started picking up on it, ripping him. To me it is obvious. There is no way hes going to pass that off as real eastbound. Someone said it looked like a pack of hawaiian rolls. Because it is all lined up. Ya, but porche, ludacrous is saying, hey, this is what i do, i love doing stuff little bit off you. Know him personally. Are his abs any close to that . I have definitely seen him in person. And he is very fit. But not quite like this. You know what i mean . So he did, like you said, he had to go ahead and admit it, he took the twitter and he said do you want to own a fake pair of abs . And you cant afford cgi. Get your fake abs here for 11. 18. So hes making light of the situation. You know, having some fun with t and of course he knew twitter would go crazy, because maybe they havent seen allude crust video in a while. But i remember a lot of his videos, he always uses these weird type of transformation cents in his videos, like move back or whatever roll out. He had this big roll out . Yes. He had this big arm, you know, Walking Around and caring on, so he does this type of stuff all the time. Yes, we have video of it, we will be playing that soon, i know you cant see it. It is a private screening. Yes, where his arms are like a little bit off. His feet were really big. Yes. Ludacrous likes to do things little different. Yes, hes fun, hes a fun rapper. He real i he want you to enjoy his music, enjoy his videos. And, you know, but did he wait a little bit and let twitter have fun, then he shut it down. Either way people are talking about him, it is his knew song. Thats right. And did he. Now, right here we are. I havent heard the whole song, do you like it . Is it good . Yes, it is cute. It is really cute. I mean, all of his songs are like club jams to me. Like when it comes on, if the music is starting to get little slow, you throw on ludacrous track, and set the party off. Because it has been some years since he had come out with new song every his own. But his sounds is consistent. If the beginning didnt it sounds like the thong song, like clip . Yes, he absolutely sampled that. Oh, ya. Sampled . Sampled the track, ya, thong song, ya. Which is a classic now in itself. That was a class glike uhhuh. Porche, see this afternoon or this evening, rather. Okay, guys, have a good one. Bye. Ready for the good day philadelphia players to reenact a birth after child . Mikes having a baby. Here we go. Oh, by the way, we did the arithmetic, the effect of the medication will last through the summer. I dont through the summer. Going to be a long cool summer. Okay, lets do this. Now whats the deal . A woman in our area, she was having little difficult birth. So they said push, push,. We will push it out. They played this song. Now everyone is talking about it, so the video there is right here, we will recreate it that mike is having a baby. Testing. Testing. Ment. Testing. Testing. We buy any car dot com we buy any car dot com we buy any car dot com any any any any did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money . A recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of 990 dollars more. So dont trade in. Sell it. To we buy any car. Learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com find out how much your car is worth at webuyanycar. Com kind of like this look. Im calling it the name your price tool phase. Whatever. Well, when we showed you phony video of the local mom in labor, at bryn mawr hospital, with her husband and family and nurse they all got in on the fun and they decided to push it. So, it was a packed room. You have to look like fun. We have mom here jamie coal and the nurse, julie, long with the baby. Yes. What is babys name. This is bennet. Can you show bennet. I loved bennet dressed up for the occasion, a little tie how oldies bennet now. Three weeks old tomorrow. Three weeks old tomorrow and already a tv celebrity and almost a viral video. How long had you been in labor to the point where they said letss make it a video. I think about a couple of hours. Yeah. Apparently my cheering squad just wanted to make it extra fun for me. Because you were having a hard time, i just cant do this. They were just like you are in labor, lets have some fun. Okay. And, so you came up with this then. No, her family was in the room with her, her support people, so she had a niece that she was close with, who was how old. Seventeen. She was all about the video she loves salt and pepa. She said lets go ahead make it fun and help janey get through the end of her labor experience. She asked me if i wanted to join in or not. I said sure, i have never done a birth video before so we did it before, obviously she had the baby and we were waiting. How many babies have you helped to birth. Oh, i dont know i have been at bryn mawr for about six years. Never been in a video. Pretty cool. Yes, it was fun. Turf ask you because i was watching video over and over. Everybody else is dancing. You are just kind of there like. I tried to push it. You were doing actual pushing. You were busy. A little busy we wanted to do a special moment, we wanted to recreate this moment, and redo it but we know you have already done the pushing so you can relax, but mike has decided, he will do a little pushing, right, mike. Well, now. Wow. People always complain that men could never have a child because we are, we just cant take the pain, is that right. That is right. So i will never experience child birth, and bob will either even though he has six kid. I just watched. Lets try to recreate the moment of joy when the nurses came in, and all of the friend wow, wow, wow. Yikes. You use a smaller paper. Okay. So. Now, jamie, come on over here next to me. This is the pain that is cruciating. It is a little intense. Did the singing of push it, push it real good actually help you. Absolutely, total distraction. Did the head come out first i have no idea. Yeah. That is a good looking kid. Yes. What should i do, do you breathe. And push. Pump up the music and everybody sing. You got this mike. You got this mike. It is coming. We have got a baby we have got a baby. Beautiful baby. What did you name her. Al ex of course. Congratulations. That is so cool. It is adorable. It isnt that bad, two or three minutes. That is just how it happens for you, right. Yes. Karen will strangle me. Thanks so much. Perfect. So, now for the next thing we are about to do. Yes. What can top that. One expert say women are developing wrinkles, 10 years earlier then in the past what you are doing every day that is deepening those frown lines umhmm. What could that be. Breyers natural vanilla. Milk and fresh cream, and only sustainably farmed vanilla. What is this . A vanilla bean . Mmm breyers the good vanilla. We use nongmo sourced ingredients in some of americas favorite flavors. Mmm careful joe, theyve got you outnumbered. The dinosaurs extinction. Dont listen to them. Not appropriate. Now im mashing these potatoes with my stick of butter. Why dont you sit over here. Something for everyone is awesome. Find your awesome with the Xfinity Stream app. More to stream to every screen. Hi hey ill take one of those new fast play games. Oh, you ready for a rush . Uh, sure im pretty excited for you right now. Fast play is the new way to play fast and win instantly from the pennsylvania lottery. Pick a game, get your ticket and see if youve won. I won fast play, please fast play. Play fast. Win instantly. There it is, hey, we have been talking about this all morning long. You say is there something that we do, women especially, do every day, that could age you as far as your wrinkles on your face, age you 10 years just like that. Yeah. Karen, we do love you, because is there so much space here we are trying to get situated. Something we do all day, every day, it makes us have wrinkles, women 10 years earlier. Let me guess. What. I see people do it all day long . Is it that . Pretty much, the phone. Yes. Computer screen. Computer screen according to the leading cosmetic surgeon from constantly staring at your computer screen and also yourself. Like mr. Rodgers. Can we play that song. Wont you be my neighbor. We get dressed, put on his cardigan. It is true, memory. So, make a deep wrinkle line in woman 25 years old or younger and to fix the problem erect mend, small bit of botox oh, come on. He is a doctor and wants his money. Forget that what we just said getting botox at 25 or at any age if you do not want to. Oh, good lord. It is interesting though, if it is going to get results. We focus so much on screens and looking at stuff, and we are squinting a lot. A lot of squinting going on yes. Especially me because my eyes arent that good without glasses so im going like this every time. You really shouldnt make fun of the elderly. Please. Getting ready for your grandfather to be here. Now, again can we go back to the stud friday two years ago that says that people that eat Grilled Cheese sandwiches for some reason have more of a romantic love life, there is more love making. You are fascinatedy dont get it because cheese bind me up. Well, are you ready. Im ready. Do you do anything different with yours. No, you got to keep it basic. Keep it basic. White bread, okay. White bread. White bread. Okay. A lot of folks use rye but white bread, butter and lots of cheese, okay. Do you put butter on. Yes. And, just on the outside of the bread. Four pieces of cheese at least , put the lid on and wait until you see what it looks like when we come right back. Yes. 50 50. Yes. All eyes are on olay ultimate eye cream. Allure best of beauty and Marie Claires most wanted. 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We have breaking News White House press Secretary Sean Spicer is apologizing yet again he has been facing backlash for claiming hitler never used chemical weapons begins his own people and he did this yesterday during a press conference and heres that moment. Someone despicable as hitler who didnt even sink to using chemical weapons. But the way, assad used them where he went into towns, dropped them down, in the middle of town, so the use of it, appreciate the clarification that was not the intent. That happened yesterday when talking about syria and assad but heres new update this morning. He has been trying to do damage control apologizing a couple times yesterday and apologized in a interview yesterday but just a few minutes ago he said he was sorry during an interview at a museum in washington. I have let the president down and so, on a personal and professional level that will go down as not a very good day in my history. This is mine to own, mine to apologize for and mine to ask for forgiveness for. Turning to other issues do you think the press he has apologized for, definitely not go down as a good day in history for him. There has been lots of people, a lot of museums, holocaust museum, Ann Frank Museum has been calling for him to step down. We will see what happens. We have yet apology for sean spicer today about that moment from yesterday. We will keep you updated on how things go. We want up to date you on the weather. We will have an update from sue in 15 seconds were getting you ready for easter and your egg hunt for sunday. Looks good so far with the mixture of sun and cloud and a high believe it or not around 80 degrees by sunday. But for today we have a cold front nearby and you can see just a few showers from that cold front in berks county, and i dont think a lot of that will hold together but a future cast does show maybe a sprinkle or two right around lunchtime today, otherwise, pretty nice, 76 degrees today, cooler tomorrow high of 66 for good friday, 65 degrees, warming up over weekend. I told you about 80 degrees on Easter Sunday and monday which is egg salad day a high of 72, guys. I love egg salad. Yes. Excited about that. National Grilled Cheese day todays National Grilled Cheese day. Look at mike. He is staring at it, he loves it. That is a tower cheese right there. Wow. You can never have too much , right. Bob kelly, we know you love Grilled Cheese and its affect s you were showing us your recipe and what you do at your house. Real basic, keep it simple, white bread, okay. Put some butter on the outside outside. Of both side, okay. And then, you got to have at lee four slices of cheese. Alex has a bone to pick with you. It would be more colorful if you used, brighter cheese. Or some cheddar. Heres the thing back in the day when we were growing up my parents used velveeta because you buy it in a block, it was cheaper and it came pre sliced that is where orange cheese came into play but the american cheese, you can make whatever you like on it, american, orange. Yes. It is fine. Is that what you are talking about. That is what i talk about, block of velveeta cheese, but the key is, you get tonight here you have to keep flipping it. Keep flipping. You dont want to get it brown just lightly toast had because if it gets brown kid think it is burnt. Are you a tomato soup guy. I love tomato soup but if i say to it austin or soup put tomato on that, no, no. So heres what you do. You take tomato soup, put tomato soup in the bowl, okay, and then you take your Grilled Cheese, can we see this here how i sliced it up into little pieces and we will dip them into the bowl like that. Like little boats in the ocean. Is that what you do. They think look at that. Look at that, it is different. Bob kelly has become synonymous with Grilled Cheese sandwiches and netflix and grill. It is not just austin enjoying benefits of the Grilled Cheese. When you first came to work for us we found a study that say people then joy a Grilled Cheese sandwich enjoy a better sex life. There is nothing wrong with that survey. Is it your wife, carrie when she smells Grilled Cheese she goes right for your face. I think it is me because im the Grilled Cheese guy. Im the Grilled Cheese guy, who just gets you going. Is that it. Grilled cheese sandwiches have more sex then their non Grilled Cheese sandwich eating counterparts. We know someone in this studio hoist a big fan of Grilled Cheese sandwiches. That would be one bob kelly it is a good soup and Grilled Cheese kind of a day. Big mug of soup and the Grilled Cheese, maybe slice. When we will realized in Grilled Cheese for bob. Look who is here. Oh, my god. I heard you are making Grilled Cheese. Coup the music. What are you doing hear. My wife, carrie. Mike, do you have that bed we just had out there. Wait a minute is she only in the robe. They are dimming the rights would you like to hold my spach lah. So answer the question. I remember before we were married when we were first dating, one of our first dates i said i will make a Grilled Cheese. So tell them how i did it for you. Wow. Grilled cheese. The bread, the cheese, the butter, all of that and then let me show you the rest of my apartment. I wore a tucks. You wore a tuxedo and cooked the entire Grilled Cheese in the tucks. Oh, hold on. This is still morning tv folks. Lets get a tight shot of them kissing, and then up the organ music. Oh, my goodness. We look like paramedics. Hold on, my Grilled Cheese is burning. Wait,. Come together and we will try to close this down. Come together. Up the organ music just a little bit. Happy wednesday. Savings at giant. Only at my giant. Hello moto. Its time to reimagine the smartphone. Snap on a speaker. A projector. A camera that actually zooms. Get excited world. The moto z with moto mods. Save at least 20 on select moto mods when you buy any moto z droid. So, lets talk about will smith, philadelphias own. Did you see what happened. You know what i think he is really a great dad because he has some barber skills. So jayde smith who has had dread locks for a while, jay den smith cut off his dread and will smith was there. There is more pictures there. His dad did it. His dad did it. Look at will trying to put the hair on him. That is good. Rumor is he did it to get ready for a new role, his first day of filming, so jay den said maybe i should have used scissors. Romantic drama titled life in a year. It is something i hope so, you know what i mean. What do you mean. It is going to be difficult to raise normal kid with their lifestyle you know what i mean he has been dating models, isnt he dating a jenner there so it seems like they have been staying out of trouble and doing well. And willow. So speaking of hairy was watching the mets game the other night and their pitcher jacob degray, trying way too hard, that is the thing to grow out their licensing hair he has good hair. Good looking man,. Great looking guy. But with the hat on, when the hat goes on. You dont like the hair sticking out. How about Football Players underneath the helmet. But i thought about growing a big muletlet. I got nothing do all summer yeah. I just grow hair. Im growing it, now. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. 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Indid may imagine april showersy bringing her fashionable, flowers at such a sunny price . Never but thats the beauty of a store full of surprises. You never know what youre gonna find, but you know youre gonna love it. Live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Wendy how you doing . [ applause ] its going to be insane. [ applause ] now, heres wendy [ applause ] wendy how are you . [ applause ] because because [ applause ] wendy thank you for coming to the show. My cohost, the studio audience. [ applause ]

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