Straight up 9 00. Hi, car glenn hi, karen. Look how nice it is outside. It is gorgeous. Lovely. Tomorrow, at this time, this will be philadelphias only tv station that has its own snow globe. We should be covered in snow, by tomorrow morning, at 9 00. I cant believe right . Fiftyfive right now. Yes, 55. Our kids will be in short. Ill literally have the kids in shorts, have them go out to play all day long, then pulling out their snow gear, boots, sleds tonight, because you know theyll be off tomorrow. Oh, i dont know that there is a guarantee that the schools will close. I think because we havent real had i a snow day yet, because we have couple of days to burn, if theyre predicting and it will be happening during the time they would be moving kids your prediction, karen hepp . My prediction is snow day tomorrow kids. Either way, make sure youre watching, well let you know throughout the morning starting 4 00 a. M. 4 00 a. M. All of the details. Hey, good day to you. People join the show at 9 00 because they know it turns into a disaster. Thats when we get our craziest. Yes, it is wednesday, february 8th. My favorite penal on the real, jeannie mai. Ive said that two, three years. Now, she is going to be live in our studio in just a little bit. Now, are you nervous . Are you excited . You know what . I got a little nervous. When i was walking in today. Because, i really like her. I like herlike her. You got on your nice suit. It is all right. Youve got it together. Lets do there. And Avenue Little test for her, see how much she knows philadelphia. Haha smarty pant. What else are we doing . Talking first dates. We know they can be awkward. So apparently people just skipping it, and going right to the bedroom. Why millennials are opting for sex first before you date. I dont understand how this works. Im sure that we will have it explained to us by karen. Well, i dont know if i agree with all of this anyway. So is it time to forget the old Valentine Day stand bys, forget the flowers, the balloons, the candy, everything that we see right there . How about a game, or gift, maybe got hidden message . Oh, i like that. Ill do that. So it is not too late to get the perfect gift. A loft us have not even started, so just thinking about that. I dont like getting things that everybody else gives. Ive never likes the flower thing, the chocolates, anything like that. Did you ever give anything clever . Ya. Ive given individual little cards that i write, you know, things that i promise to do over the next 12 months. Oh, thats nice. I like that. Yes, then any time she wants to cash it in, she hands it to me, and i have to do it. Did you actually do it . Ya, i did most of the time. For things like what . I dont think we need to get into that. Oh, okay. Now we know not like pick up the laundry. Uhhuh. Or go to the dry cleaner. It is Something Else . Ya. Okay. All right. That might and good segway into this. And well turn this over now to karen hepp, because she brought it to the attention of the news room yesterday. And apparently, you know people that have this product, and it is called think . For that time of the month. So my sister said she was in town this weekend, she said oh, here is something you have to get because it is this underwear, and you dont have to wear any feminine hygiene products, you just wear the underwear. Im like there is no way, that sounds totally gross. I dont want anything down there. She said no, no, do you have watch this video. Look at this website. Whats she doing . Ash sobs it all, nothing likes, all kind of antibacterial and microbial stuff layers, nothing there. So we were having the whole discussion. Then yesterday, on my minds, then i went into the bathroom, and from the show shooting in the bathroom, talking about how she had a need for the product. I said wait, do you have hear about this underwear. So if you have a real heavy flow, you use the big hip huggers, lesser one, use the smaller ones. And theyre stylish. And reuseable. Right. So theyre saying youre not supposed to throw them out. That youre supposed to after done rinse them out. Have you seen reviews of this so far . My sister orders erred five pairs, but she hasnt tried them. Without trying, shes commit in the. Also has little girls, i think might be easier in the future pre, awkward, use this, use this. Well, i read an article, one woman raved about them, said absolutely no leakage, but another woman said, you know, it worked part of the time. So you have to try it out. Would you feel confident going out on the town with just those panties on . That i dont know. Maybe if i tried it and it worked already for one month . And then the next time, then try it . Then i would be okay. With it, but i dont know. Are you going to try it . I think i might try it. I feel like you cant wear white with that . They promise you can. It is what the ad says. You can even wear white. If you want to risk it, i mean, they can tell you that. But do you want to risk it . I would put three, four of them on. You see what i mean . So whats the name of the product again . Thi n x. Lets see what one of our top executives here tom louden thinks about this. About the thinx. I can tell you my wife talking about this right now, i honestly dont think this one way, i dont care how it makes you feel, the logistics of it, if this prevents me from having to go out and buy the other stuff, im n how awkward is it when you have to go out and buy that stuff in if this prevents that im all for it. I didnt think of it that way. Youre right. Many times for my daughters, hey, dad, can you pick up some tampons . And inch evident bridge buy the wrong thing, thank god for self check out, because you dont have to have that awkward moment. True. So forget about ladies, i hope it works out for you, i really dont care. This benefits me. So go for it. Oh, i agree. Thats great. What is wrong with doing that . It is not like i happily do it, love you, tar, a but it is awkward. Then like i said, i inch evidently buy the wrong thing, this, that, going up and down that aisle, looking who is, there i dont want to deal with that, so get these. Youre man that doesnt like to buy toilet paper . Im fine with toilet paper. I dont buy toilet paper. Some men dont. Theyre embarrased. Ill buy whatever ill buy it, but it is awkward, like im sending pictures, is this is the right thing . Oh, ive done. That will because if you dont bring the right absorption back, you got to go back to the store. You got to go back. Thats really awkward. And self check out, the woman is watching you, werent you here five minutes ago . Ya. You would think people would understand, oh, they might be shopping for their significant other. Like i would think oh, thats a great guy, he is helping her out. How sweet. By the way, i love you, tara. Ya. Thats his wife. So, pass out to the whole staff . Ladies at fox 29, were dean sided we will try this out, let you know what we think. You know the older ive gotten, the less fearful i am of the tampons. Okay . Maybe when we were younger, you know what i mean . What is that . Thanks, mike. I no longer fear it. Were happy for you. Congratulations on this break through. Now, that conversation, to one equally as awkward right now, about dating. Did i ever tell you the story. Go ahead. Ive told this on the air before, so it is okay. But ive had nice tender moment, when i lived in los angeles, my daughter, jessica, likes to climb a tree in the front yard. And so we saw a bird nest up in the tree. And she had her school, plaid School Uniform on, she climb up the tree, and i was talking a video of it, you know, and i noticed oops, and she had never had her period before. Oh, my god. I were you looking up . So i new she was having that important time of her life before she did. So what did i do. Ran and got her mother . Ran and got her mom. I said jessica will be coming in here in a minute. Because back in the day, i dont know that all moms told their daughters what was going to happen. Then what when it happened you think youre dying or something. Uhhuh. So it was always important to teach the girls that some day this would happen. I just happen to see it before she did. And the mother was like youre becoming a woman. Your life will never be the same. From now on, more, you know, things do you have do. Im like what . What . What if im not ready . Whats it mean . A woman . I was freaking out. Youre a woman. And every darn month. Do you have pay those taxes to be a woman. Thats right. So back to the date thing you were talking about first dates, karen . I think this is disgusting. Really . You think this is disgusting . Yes. Ill explain what it is, and have our recommendations observations in just a moment. They set this up, by saying, if you want to buy something, take it for a test drive first. They say millennials are doing this when it comes to their love life they are area saying they are hopping right into bed, 18 to 34 year old, half of them, before they even have a first date, they want to see if there is a spark, some attraction, so they try it out and then they would see if they would have a relationship for love. Almost like a lit must test. If you dont have this, you cant have that. Do you know where this survey came from . I dont. Half . Half, really . Half of everybody between 18 and 34 . How does it work then . Do you meet somewhere like over at wawa, and okay, lets go to your house . See if i want to take you out on a date . Maybe you text it, you put it together . Isnt it kind of a date . How is that a date . A date . Well, do you even talk . In the younger age range, people dont date as much as you hang out. Youre hanging out with friends, not like hey, lets go out to dish, we will go to fancy pants, sit down and meet. So more like were hanging out with a whole group. At a party, i like you, we start to kiss, that kind of thing, then like i will say that i have been told, guys have said, that instead of in the old days, just take her out, open the door, all of this stuff. I have had guys say they dont want to do all of the fancy stuff, pay the money, go out of their way, plan all of this stuff if they dont think she is worth it. Why would i do all that if i dont know if she is worth the trouble. I have had a guy say. That will so they say why dont we hang out at the house, maybe watch a movie, now i know what they meant, then i thought watching movies, then once they feel like were cool, then worth a little bit of my time and money. Do you believe that . Thats not right. Ya. I was sitting there like having debates about it. That boarders on prostitution, doesnt it . Like is it that easy . Where are these people . Just too much up front. The fastest part of the relationship falling in love, all about where you dont, like, looking and you dont kiss yet. Or with you dont touch. You just do tiny bit. Like you want more, like thats the most exciting, thrilling part of the journey in life. Like dont waste it and get it up front out of the way, then life get more boring after that. You want to delay that. What if you really like them what, over a year, now decided should we go out on a date. Well, lets have sex first, what if it is really horrible. Then you really like them . Cant those things be adjusted . And work through . If you really care about the person, isnt it more about, you know . What ways more . Ya. Well, ya. It can get better. It it was really horrible i dont think there is another karen, look, im not working with you. You aint got it the first time, youre not going to get it again. How many people have steve harvey he says 90 days, you need that time. A guy needs to show you. You know, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. What will a guy do, just to get the romance or get to know if you if he already got take someone for granted so many sooner, sweat part, lever the mystery and the fun part, like you why the got rid that far too quickly. You want that as long as you can. Like looking at a present under a chris has tree, right . You might look at it for a month. And then you finally get to open it. Maybe tell your daughters about a tiffany gift . What was that thing . I told my daughters that your private parts was like, it is like tiffany glass. If you just throw it around, nobody, it is going to break, it wont look like you value it. You know what i mean . Got to keep it close to you. Not let everybody touch it. laughter . Fingerprints on it, stuff like that. What an analogy. Until youre at least 50. That works, i guess . I cant believe this is the new wave. Think about it, if we have tinder and all of these different apps, like people are really get to go know each other, judging off looks, left and right. Then meeting up. Are we really surprised is happening . No, no, the downfall of our society. Maybe this is new wave . America is crumbling, because of the millennials. Everybody blames millennials, just blame them for everything, the brunt every all of the problems. People weighing in on this, let me see. While you look at your twitter, let me bring up the next thing i want your opinion on. According to match. Com. We all know what that is. Single, iphone users, dont want to date someone who still use an android. Like cell phones snob are you . Yes. Sell phone snobs. Really . So it says apple iphone users, they are 20 times more likely to judge somebody negatively for having android. Oh, you have an android . People with androids, theyre 15 times more likely to judge others negatively for having an iphone. It is like rivalry. I got to tell you, when i first started here, we used company phones. And it was an android. And people would give me, really, why dont you get an iphone . Because it wasnt free. Right . And then the Company Started handing out iphones, and i didnt get the android look any more. This disclaimer im team iphone all the way. But one reason why when people tell me they have an android, im like oh, because of face time f we both very much. Phones, i can face time you, do all of this stuff, with android, what, log on to skype and check in i appreciate the convenience of iphones. Like my parent, they live in texas. And they have android, and refuse to change, if we have iphones, i want to get on my computer, go on my phone, log in, wait. It would be easy to just call me. Yes. Thats good valentine gift for them. They dont want it, they are just resisting, like no, like once you get in your lane, once you pick iphone or android, you dont want to change. Thats it. Than america really stuck in their waste . I think they learned it. Oh, relearn it. I get that. Somehow my Facebook Page disappeared from my phone last night. I felt helpless. Maybe you delete philadelphia . I hope i didnt delete it. I could log in on instagram. Still there. I lost my icon. I lost my minds. So the thing too, when it comes to iphones, androids, when new apps come out, always on the iphone first. Right. Then androids have to wait. Why not roll them out equally . I agree. Okay. Im here for valentine segments. Get ready. Another whole week. Seriously. Why did we start it so early . You know what it is . All female staff. It is time to start buying things. I just bought some flowers for a girlfriend. You need to do it, order ahead, otherwise ive never bought anything for anyone for Valentine Day until Valentine Day. Thats why you hate t. On the way. Thats why outhit. And you only get the leftovers, because people ahead of time get all of the good stuff. Oh, go over to cvs, get a cards, maybe balloon half inflated. Just like myself. Speaking at least steve doesnt do Valentine Day segment. Hi, steve. Good morning, you know what, i tell you what, you can order any of this stuff on your android or your iphone. Thank you. Everybody. Everybody happy this morning. So talking about Valentine Day, the billing stumbling block for at love people, i need a good ukee. Once you get past, that the rest is easy. So i got you covered this morning. Starting with roses, now, everybody lows recovers cents for Valentine Day, the problem is the crazy markup, and they dont last very long. This is a Company Called spring in the air. Com. So first, roses are grown in Columbia South america. Where it is always spring, so it is always great time to naturally grow fresh flowers. They last forever. Ive had these things in my house, i cannot believe a week later they still look great. But here is the deal part. Sign up on their website for their free vip program. You get 15 off. Enter coupon code save me, you get another 15 off. Snow is a bow kay of 25 roses, less than 60 bucks. So no Valentine Day markup. Thats really good deal. Next up, called the twkitten, maybe for young love, you put your side in one, she puts her hand in the other, still holds hands, while keeping warm. Really coup cool company. Owned and operated exclusively by women, 20 of profits go toward clarity, each one homemade by an artsa n in peru. How about in is wine tasting drinking game. The more you play, obviously the funnier your answers, read between the wine. And what you have to do is come one courageous and outrageous names for each of the wines you taste. For that special guy in your life, you want to know youre thinking about him, you lover him, but probably wont wear anything that advertises that, so why not do it in secret . From coupling. Com. Tie bar simply says i love you. Engraved on the back, i love this. That way, he knows, and you know, he no, sir. Finally, if you waited until this long to get valentine night reservation at your favorite restaurant, might be out of luck, how about getting the best table in the house, right in the comfort of your own home, omaha steak Valentine Day dinner for two. So, two, 6ounce filets, two, 6ounce tails, two molten lava cakes. It was 180 bucks. Now, only 99. 99. Not bad for an idea, links to all every these great things, plus saving coat for the roses facebook. Com save me steven of course on your station website. One of the best segments youve ever done. I like it. I like the gloves. Yes. I made a Valentine Day believer out of you, mr. Mike. Ya. I wasnt looking forward to that segment at all, but those gloves, and roses that actually last. Steve, thank you. Oh, ya, milky way, want to punch yourself up . Milky way, you bought those omaha steaks for your man one time . My dad. Your dad . Did he like it . He loved it. Probably best gift ever. Best gift ever. Says megan. Yes. Steak is a great gift. You get nice filet, you know . Good. Omaha steaks are fantastic. Qvc has them sometimes. And you buy i bought lobster from qvc once, yes. It is dangerous, im telling you. Sounds like it. Perfect dress, looking for the perfect dress . Gooing kel help you out for a price. What it will cost you, and where not, and not just talking about money. That was an excuse. Thats why theres oravet dental hygiene chews. Oravet cleans teeth and gets to the cause bad breath. Ask your vet about or