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I love that he keeps coming back. Welcome. Year of the rooster, right. Yes, year of the rooster. We will have, some food here to celebrate. But please talk about the chinese new year. This is actually chinese new years eve, tomorrow is the year of the rooster. Were here to celebrate. Is there a couple parade come up this evening and over the weekend. We invited the restaurant to talk about it, a little bit, about their food. Yes. We will have you run around a little bit more. Tell us about this, what is the year of the rooster what toss that typically mean, what does that typically mean. It is just there is 12 zodiac signs for chinese new years. Born year of the rooster, this is your year. It is for prosperity, good luck in the upcoming year. If people want to celebrate , it will be tomorrow , there will be stuff that people can do. Yes, tonight, midnight parade, in the city, and then also main one in the city is sunday at 10 00 oclock. We will be performing at the restaurant tonight as well at 7 00 oclock. Is it sold out. Im sure there is more room for reservations. We have chef vince here, and you have brought traditional todd that people eat to celebrate chinese new year. Every culture has a holiday table and asian culture noise different. Most things heene something. Lomain noodles, mean you have long, happy life. Okay. The fish means you will have an abundant year. The oranges, orange bring prosperity and happiness and truthful year also. And then that is just some of the things we are offering tonight on our menu. Hopefully, we will be able to get everyone in there. You guys often have a chinese new years celebration as well at the restaurant. We do, the owner, michael way throws one every year for his staff and some of our customers. It can be from 80 to 100 people and he does a real nice job of that. Well, thank you so much, so we appreciate it. Yes. Thank you very much. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Where are you located again. We are in bryn mawr, pennsylvania at 51 conestoga road, it it is yeng meng restaurant. Sixers will give away some to the the crowd but tshirts it this but they gave us a rooster. We were looking for live rooster. He is cute, isnt he. Yes. It is the year of the rooster. How is it. Is it good. Excellent. It is great, i love that lays. So, thank you so much. Thank you to everyone. We love celebrating it every year. You guys are chowing down so i will read this one. A male trait, can you believe this. Inferiority complex begins at the a new study that came out on gender stereotypes. A new study, shows children, until six years old can be influenced by stereotypes such as idea that brilliance or giftedness is for hen, not for girls or a would hand. By second year of school girls are more likely to shy away from activities for what they call really, really clever children. Researchers think these stereotypes have a effect in adulthood and effects when it comes to little girls what they decide to do when they grow up and what studies they choose. It is just so disappointing it tells you again how you have to give your children, set them up to achieve things. They say the problem with girls is they always want to be perfect at everything and get an a but if they dont do that well, im not good and they give up and push ate side boys, we will just keep plug ago way, keep going. Until they learn how to overcome failure and to achieve. We have to build up our girls self esteem. The it is already in the to be perfect. That is why we love when we show them if possible, if you are a girl doesnt mean we cant do something. We have programs to get, girls interested in stem, science, engineer, technology and math. Everybody is raving about it. Part of the reason it shows that woman can be scientists. Women can send people out in space. A lot of themes in the movie, you see one woman among all these men who are doing what they need to do and especially the fact it is a woman of color too. It is amazing to he when it comes to putting people this lanes and different categories stereotypes. We have come so far but you have to go further and further and break that glass ceiling. It the is a lot of officials, you mentioned science, getting more women involved in science you mentioned karen sitting down with your children every single morning and saying you can achieve this. You can go for it. It is starting with a mine set. Let them know it the is possible. They have to want to make it possible. Yes. So, it is interesting we put this out there it is a reminder for us. We need to make sure we are encouraging, talk being to our girls and boys but especially our girls when it comes to this. Lets talk about mariah carry because if you break up your fiance. Keep it. You say keep it. That is one thing. But would you still wear it though. Wear the ring on your finger, right. Mariah carey is wearing that ring even out with other guys. This is a massive diamond ring you remember this given to her by her exboyfriend and they had a public break up in late october. She was recently seen proudly flaunting it. It is 35 carat. She wore it. Her new guy, one of the dancers. It is worth millions of dollars. Yes. Im surprised she wanted 50 milliondollar from her x. She never got married. But she still wanted 50 milliondollar. Shes still sporting the ring despite not Going Forward with the marriage. Do you blame her. Some people say just take the stone out and make it a necklace or keep it as a keep stake but to wear it, i wonder if shes still wearing it on the ring finger. I dont think you have to give back the ring. I think it is the law. We had a lawyer. It is a promise for your commitment. It is a contract. You get this if you marry me f you break the contract you have to give it back. So we have had a couple lawyers in on that one and it is the law i think in the whole try state area because it is different by state. If given as a gift. I was a promise ring, do you have to give back promise ring. Engagement ring. You know what it is. You wear it on this finger. I think it is because when you give, your ring, you say will you marry me f you say yes, you get the ring. Not if you say in i will still give it to you. There is a condition there. Would you give it back. Would i give the ring back. The relationship isnt there, now i have not been proposed too. I dont know what that feels like. I would say why wouldnt i give that back. At 9 07. Whatever. It loses, it is perfect. Then you guys broke up, it can be painful, break ups. To you want to look down and be reminded of that pain every time . Then you just sell it and take money. I know people that have kept the ring, certainly. It can be done. It depend who is the rog party maybe there was circumstances where the guy, blew it kind of thing and like just keep the ring. Im a guy going out there i will say ladies, keep the ring if i give you a piece of jewelry. Even it is 35 carat. If i have the money to keep months forward. He is a billion air. Why do i want the ring back. What willie do with it, give to another. Sell it. I dont need the money though. But you wouldnt be. Real quick, would you give back the ring. They would keep it. Wear it around your new boyfriend. No. I think new file would feel some kind of way. You are wearing the ring from before. Yes. My mom gave to it me for my birthday. He is getting blinded what is that. It shows the next guy, right. Yes. My goodness. Yes. Intimidating for me, that is for sure. High gosh. Well, we all necessity mr. The cleaning guy. Sure. He is buff. He has some muscles. This is a new way to see mr. Clean, and it makes men want to break out the cleaning products. Lets look at this new ad. Is that right. Yes. Cleaning up. You got to love a man who cleans. That was 50 shades of mr. Clean. Yes, this is a new version of the mr. Clean mascot the for this ad but it is first super bowl commercial, they wanted to make it. What do you think about that. It is hilarious. You get preview here, proctor and gamble say they put this together. They want to focus on couples and how they divide up chore duties and they say experts say that men put more focus on doing the chores, and cleaning up, it will save woman for some other things if you know what i mean. It is so funny. The men think they are doing more then they are, they think they are doing half and half but really they to 10 percent or something. Yes. It is true though, karen. Yes, your husband is cleaning up are you like lets go. It the is just grateful that they are doing something they may not typically do. You are like ah, that is considered thoughtful. Do you find it sexy. That is a fail. But, you know, it is like, showing they appreciate you. There comes a time in the relationship where they are this is giving you flowers, jewelry, in of that stuff happens. They still love me. Otherwise i have to to that. They are taking their time. When he cleans do you go back and go over it. No. Who cleans like that, you know, doing all this and that kind of stuff. In one cleans like that. I do. Really, do tell. Yes. I do have one of those. Were learning some things. Fifty shades of drayton, even this morning. I missed that. He had a wardrobe change. Toss it matter if the the guy change. To you want a clean guy but does it math fur he cleans up. I think if you need help with something, there is a lot going on, i have had a stressful take. Yeah, i dont mine. It is great. Our producer megan says yes , it makes a difference. Megan, didnt you recently live together. Toss he help clean. Yes. Do you feel like, wow. He is amazing. He probably does shore than i do. I does dishes. Why is she on jet. Com. Are you finding cleaning products, for him. Yes. I know what that is, that is tshirt we will talk about in just a minute, talking about basketball and it has a interesting connection. Yesterday we talk about getting name. And thomas revealed some things. What about cold showers, thomas especially around this time of the year some people may in the like cold showers because you want to warm up because it is so coal outside. Apparently there are benefits to taking cold showers. More than the one you are thinking about right now. Yes, i was thinking about that. I see where you are going with this. Recent study says a blast of cold water can boost your immune system and that is because cold redirects the blood to the key organs and doctors say it can lead to Higher Energy levels, and your skinnies a lot smoother. The reason why though it is icy temperatures, it increases oxygen levels and get your brain function a boost. They have 3,000 people do this in different studies and, they said they would keep it up, after they tried it. They said im convinced. Lets do cold showers. There is recommend that, start with the warm shower, perhaps a hot shower if you like it and finish with a cool shower to relieve stress, it helps with dry skin during wintertime. You are looking at me. I went to my doctor recently. She said when it comes tour try skin, those hot showers, you are getting away and making it dryer. So you can do luke warm or cool, if possible but she did give me that trick. If you start off with the hot shower, let the steam, and then light liz make it colder and colder. It doesnt help good do you put the moisture in the shower with the door shut the so the roomies all steamed up. Right when you get the out the do you put moisture cream on right then. That is secret to not getting all dried up. Im in the taking a cold shower. That is one is not for me. He when still wet, put on lotion and it seeps in and it really works. I have been trying it. I like it. Hen, listen up, cold showers, you boost testosterone and likely to have a baby do you to cold showers. I alternate. If you are planning a family, supposedly to go in the shower. I wont get in into too much tiehl tails. It warms up, it cools down, and you know, helps the little guys come along. I think one of the greatest love stories of life is just taking a hot shower. It feels so good. Yes. After a licensing day. Get in the the shower and just like ahh. Yes. You just take a second and let everything wash off of me and then i start cleaning. Because it toss feel good. It is a rebirth, that whole come to life and as a parent within of the few minutes i get in my life where there is in kid bugging me. Occasionally they will come in and im in the taking a cold shower. It takes like three hour showers. I need a break. I will be back. Really. Are you the one then does your sister complain. I used all of the hot water yes. That is the worst, dont use the hot the water. Yes, 30 minutes. Umhmm. Sorry, sister. Forget, poem, sweeting nothings, you want to tell someone how you really feliz specially if they are your x. You can name a roach after them. Yes. A cock roach. Not just any watch, a his sing cock roach. They are naming a roach ram. And for ten bucks you get to pick the name for anyone of their roaches. For 35 you have to get a cock roach or a box of chocolates. The toe nations come with the certificate to present to the person. This is something to give, to someone you say, you know what , the way i feel about you , i decided i would like to name a cock roach after you. Genius. Do you like them. I think that is so much fun it is, a little bit devilish, but it is in the like keying someone car but sending a message in a funny way and helping out the zoo. We should do that here. My thing is, if im an x and you took time to go out there buy a cock roach, name have ate me, if were donya are you thinking about me like that. You just did me wrong and i want to you know youre a cock roach. Im just saying im not mariah cars. You must really still feeling a certain way about me to to all this and then let me know. I can spend a good 1 30, click, click, click, and thinking of you, you roach. You can google cock roach and take a picture put the name and send it to the person it is better than everything else. Move honor maybe that is your one release. It is funny time for our big surprise. What are we doing. First we will tell you a lit about it more about miss mikayla we didnt want to ruin the surprise. Hopefully nobody texted her. She was born and raised in West Philadelphia shes 12 years old. So cute. Her mom says she streams of becoming miss pennsylvania and miss america. Right. She competed in beauty pageants since she was a toddler and nikkei lah volunteers at march of dimes and diabetes walk and just last month she gave out 200 glam bags at area shelters. Wow. Unfortunately she was victim of bullying and because of that she launch her be unique who to help others celebrate their differences. Mikayla speaks at other shelters and other Community Events encouraging others. What an amazing kid. She has gotten other award. Nonof the letters, a letter right there from governor tom wolf, pretty darn amazing. We will add to that little pile of collection, and trophies. You go there, certificate, were ready to meet the her, jen. So were going to dot big surprise are you ready. Yes. This is mom. Good morning. Good morning. The other person we have here is the amazing principal of the school, thanks for letting us disrupt your day. Thanks for coming. You got to be so proud. Yes. Thank you for coming. You have to be so proud of having students like mikayla. I am, i have wonderful students and shes new to us and were so excited to have her. I asked you what are you most proud of and it is because in the face of all of these bullies she said im not going to have it and i will help other kid. I will help other kids and show them they are not alone. Okay, heres grand mom, great grand mom. Hello there. Are you ready. Excuse me, mikayla, hi, good morning, everyone. Good morning. How is everyone doing. I know mikayla is a new student for you guys. We wanted to give you this because we feel you go there how are you. Good. We see you have ladies that you recognize here. We have mom, grand mom, great grand mom and a part of me you probably dont know this but this young person has gone through a lot, abe she is a rock star, look at her. You run a couple nonprofits. Shes willing to volunteer when others are dragging their heels. Mikayla comes out, she toss everything that we asked her to to, shes more than willing to help every time i asked her to come, she comes with open arms. Im just glad. You deserve every bit of this, today mikayla you are great, you go girl. There is four generations of us. Im so proud of migrate granddaughter. Every bit of this mikayla. I know you are in front of the buddies, and dont want to go into too much, but you want to be a role model for other kids who had difficult times, yes. Why is that important to you. Because i had difficult times myself, by getting bullied a lot, and, i came here because it is a awesome people that go here. Yeah. It would have been very easy for you to just hide, they right. Yes. You write poetry and performances, why do you want to let people necessity that you are ready to just take on the world. Because i think that other kids to like follow their dreams and things like that. Thanks for can go go there. You kids are awesome too. Thanks very much. Is she allowed to have balloons in school. Shes allowed. Okay. Thank you. The bells ringing, thank you for nominating her. Thank you, thank you. You guys are great. Ill get out of the hallway or toy interrupt. Fantastic. We want people to necessity if you want to nominate someone go to my Facebook Page , go and send meehan email, it is pretty special. This young girl truly, truly tea serves this. So much more. She really toss. Yes. That is great. Shes so sweet. Very sweet. Good to see. Keep nominating people. Yes, that is right, hear that bell. Yes. 9 21. When it comes to hats, our troubles, i love hats but i dont want to wear them because i dont want my hair to be messed up. I dont want hat hair. Well, hot the hair this more. The winter hat the may keep you warm but these ladies say it could damage your hair. We have a fashionable solution for you. Cowboy hat, baseball cap. That sound. Like nails on a chalkboard. But listen to this family talking thats a different kind of sound. The sound of the weekend. Its baking season. Warm up with pillsbury. Protein. Protein proteiny protein. Proteiny protein . Protein proteiny protein. At least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. New greek 100 protein. From yoplait. It is hat hair struggle we all deal witt. On top of that it could be damaging your hair the at the same time. It sound crazy but this is a lot of the case for women. Particularly those who have natural hair, and, blair brown and jordan wallace they have created natural born hats, a company that specializes in satin line products, for any kind of hair. Ladies, thanks for jim us this morning. Thanks for having us. You came all the way from maryland. Yes. So tell me how can natural born hats, how did it come about. It started out of necessity we were sick of having hat hair. That really prevented us for wearing hats for a long time. We just came together. We said we used to wear bonnets and stuff underneath but for baseball hats, that just didnt work. That is right. We decided to bring the two together and just create products that had to go inside jordan, tells me you get satan pillowcase, you sleep, it can break off your hair, right. I had satan pillowcase i use every night. You can have it all the time pretty much. Exactly. Show ustive rent products here. Weve got beanies, we started off with beanies, of course, in the winter that is sometimes you have to wear a hat. It is this is just for style. It is for protection. We have beanies. Yes, i love hats. Yes. He wants to model some. And we have mens hats. Yes, i do. I like it. It goes back a little bit i think. And people with dread too because you have so many hair. Yes. I need larger sizes. Everything else. We have baseball caps. The leather, suede. We have kids hats, i have a daughter. I know when i to her hairy do not want her hair to get messed up when i put her hat on. Okay. I put the a satin line hat on there and keep her hair nice and mute for as long as possible. You ladies, it is in the like you went to Fashion School or thinking. This. You are dealing economics degrees and everything else. Yes. You guys have known each other for how long. Forever, we grew up kind of like twins, actually. Always together. Yes. Thank you what part of the philadelphia. Were in the suburbs, we graduated from conestoga. Berwyn. So within can people find out about these hats and order some. Go to www natural born hats to the come, any social media outlet that are born hats. I love it. Can i rock this one. Yes. So funny because they know when i went skiing i had a beanie on and they told me to take it off. I said my hair will be a mess. I will have hat hair. This is so cool. Thanks. Thank you. I got a big hit. Come on, karen. Thanks very much, ladies. We appreciate it. So cool. Thank you. Okay, before you see Miss Universe pageant this weekend do you like that. I am there texas, you know. Yes. My head is big . There we go. Before we go to Miss University pageant this weekend on tax we have to give you backstage scoop. Model and backstage host ashley graham, well, she will there been and reigning Miss Universe is joining us live, we will talk to her next. Oh, its a good day. [car horns] [angry shouting] excuse me [storm siren] when it comes to buying a house. Trulia knows the house is only half of it. And with 34 map overlays like traffic, crime, natural hazards, and more. You can find the right house and the right neighborhood for you. Trulia. The house is only half of it. Game night is our daughter allies favorite night. And knowing that her favorite General Mills big g cereals are glutenfree, like honey nut cheerios, rice chex and lucky charms, she can enjoy it her way. Try new very berry cheerios. The taste of real fruit in every bite. So berry good. Pageant airs leach sunday on fox, you can see, theyre ignoring this last years mishap. It was a mistake heard around the world. I tell you. So this morning were excited. Reigning Miss Universe, pea a, is here from the philippines, and ashley gram, so flood to talk with you laid thinks morning. So are we. Hi,. I love it. So, pea, were you surprised they were bringing steve harvey back . Actually no. Ive always rooting for steve harvey to come back, even when we started this discussion, so for having the competition here, and who the possible hoses would be, and i want him to come back. You know, the philippine owes love him, obviously, and hell be welcome here, in the philippines, and i think he is a great host, honestly, because when i was a candidate, it is very nerve wracking to be on that stage. But then when you have a host, who is, you know, who is fun, who bridges some come inning relief to a competition like Miss Universe, it kind of eases your nervousness, and it helps with answering questions too especially during q and a. So i like him. I want him to come back. And hes coming back, ashley, were excited to see you as back stage host. What can we expect this year . Well, im going to be taking you through the fun case ross back stage. So the girls will be dressing in, you know, charging their hair, and their make up, and ill be interviewing a few of them, talking to them about what their achievements have been, and what they want to achieve after they win with the Miss Universe. Ashley i love that you keep it real. So i know you will be letting us know some of the back stage secret that go on . Oh, 100 , ill be talking to the girls about how they keep it real, as well. Because i think thats something that Miss Universe has really done, theyve taken what might have been an Old School Beauty pageant for so long, and just something that young girls want to be a part of now. Because it is basically like the biggest Job Interview ever been given. It is setting you up for, right, setting up for lifetime of achievements to do and be whatever you want to be. Thats true, now, pia, one of my favorite parts, i love seeing the costumes from different countries. Is that your favorite part . Or whats your favorite part about the Miss Universe pageant . My favorite part about the competition itself . Yes. Oh, the q and a, i think thats, thats everybodys favorite part, we all wait for just that final question, my favorite part because as caned date i knew in a that was my strong suit. I loved answering questions. And also, now that i watch the competition, im not going to be part of it as a candidate any more. I am excited to see what the girls are going to say during q and a. Okay, well, we are excited to see you, too, we will be watching sunday right here on fox. Thank you, ladies, good luck. Have you ever done a pageant. Ive not. Have you, karen . She has . She has, oh, okay. Have you really . Im here. I know you are here. Q and a part . Ask the questions, then some random . Difficult and nerve wracking but see the costumes, too, all big and beautiful. Know something i dont snow. Lets go to bob then, he has some breakfast, were always hungry. Scrapple fries. Hey gang, good morning, everybody, i have two of your favorites. We have scrapple. And we have fries. It is scrapple fries friday. We will mash it up. Were live in morton, pennsylvania, good morning from the coffee station. Looks like were still a man short. Not anymore. Gus the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania. Lets hit the ice. Whoaaa take the shot buzzer that shot was one in a million. Sos this. All the money millionaire edition, new from the pennsylvania lottery. With five top prizes of a million bucks. Its a real game changer. giggles keep on scratchin time for breakfast with bob. Bob, you got scrapple fries . Oh, you know it, i got scrapple fries, first of all, has anybody had the key . Im trying to get out of the vault. Check this out. This place has an actual bank vault in it. Turn around, say good morning, everybody. Good morning. We are here at the coffee station in morton, pa, where the hot item is scrapple fries. I dont know if these two little kids are interested in scrapple fries, but i tell you what, when i saw the picture, john, im like i have to come and check this out. Im here with john and his wife barbara. Right here up the street from the morton train station. But tell us about your new hot item here . Well these are pennsylvania dutch scrapple fries. Okay . Deep fried with shirots and dipping sauce. The name of the dipping sauce is what . Shirots dipping sauce with catsup, mayonnaise base. We cut the scrapple up, in a deep friday, nice and crispy and soft inside. Most people love it. Got little kick to it. Little kick. Little spicy. I saw some folks using the dipping sauce, catsup, you can also use your regular pan cup is her up . Yes, personally i like syrup. Okay. I like it sweet and salty. Growing up i had scrapple every sunday morning, we would come home from church, my dad would make scrapple. Thousand dollars have scrapple. Love scrap. I if you didnt like scrapple then you didnt eat, right . Right, love scrapple. Tell us about your place. You started here how many years ago . Thirtyfour years now. I love the memorabilia on the wall, everything from the sports figures, to the Catholic School communion picture. Which is my picture, by the way. Your picture, got to love it. My graduation picture. The gold curtains, the gold curtain. Notice the long gowns. I do, i see that, have the train because were you originally up the street. Right, right next to the train station, the train would go by every day. It was a big draw for people. So we wanted to incorporate some of that here, when we moved over. The coffee station. Yep. What is with the bank vault . Is that where we keep the secret recipe . My safe zone, too. In case something happens. I hear they put you in the safe zone. Yes. Your wife barbara put you in the safe zone . Thats where i go time out. So this place used to be a bank . Used to be Continental Bank at first, then p. In c bank, and a first pennsylvania, yes. I tell you what, it is great, the memorabilia is great, the folks are great, everyone love the scrapple fries . Yeah. Oh, were having some fun, it is scrapple fries friday, live from morton, pa, the coffee station. Gang, we bring back some scrapple fries for everyone. And i know this weeks been pretty good. Actually weve eaten pretty good this week, wont youy . Back to you guys. Bob, thats why we love it, pretty cool. Thanks for showing that to us. Ladies time to talk, and fellows, too, jason bowman is here, stain gram shades of jason, hell show us how we can finally get our brouse together. We need your help. Yes. Okay, here we go. You said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. General mills big g cereals hear you. Thats why we say yes to whole grains as our first ingredient. And no way to high fructose corn syrup. In every honey nut o. Every lucky charms spoonful. And every cinnamon toast crunch square. You can feel good about General Mills big g cereals. Kerrilee air moved in after the rain yesterday. Now seeming lake effect snow, most in effect western pa, western new york, but as we zoom in little closer we see few flurries, not far from our area. Weve got montgomery county, berks county, bucks county, all reporting snow flurries this morning. Shouldnt be any more than flurries. So these temperatures, and the sunshine, when you see it, it is all deceiving. Because had 1 degrees actually feels like 32, and thats our windchill in the city. It is a windchill of 28 degrees in lancaster, and 35 in Atlantic City and 19 in mount pocono. Winds are still kicking up, 18 miles an hour sustained, 31mile per hour wind gusts in philadelphia. So, yes, hold on to your hat the rest of the day. It will stay windy. Still, blustery, even tomorrow. Partly sunny sunday. Could see maybe some light snow, flurries monday morning. It stays cold through the first two days of february. Al next. Get ready. Everyone knows, when it comes to eyebrows, theyre so important. And they also drive me crazy. Spend so much time every morning trying to get my brouse together. I know it is so important on your face and college my professor said i had eye browns of scorn, but have to make sure to get them right. Celebrities knowing they have great eyebrows, the best in the biz. Salon, always grateful brouse, actress sophia, rita ora, perfect archers. We all know ladies for us at home it is hard to do on your own, so joining me now make up artist jason, help us pull out the perfect brouse. I have to admit every time we are working together we always argue about brouse. Always the topic of conversation. Brouse are very personal. But at the same time, brouse are important part of your make up. Because it can also help frame the face and brighten your appearance and make you look younger. Okay, we will were all for that. When i go to the make up store, im overwelmed, see so many different products, so many things. How decide what to find . Last year benefit cosmetics came out with ultimate brow kit. Each kit specific to what you are looking for, so you have soft and natural brow, define refining brow, then bigger bold brow, if you want that. The kit are great, 34, besides the kids i like to use Beverly Hills known for eyebrows, they have great stencils, not real comfortable with using their hands, can always use the stencil. It is really great. Only about 18 bucks, get them Beverly Hills. Com or your local make up store. So we got the tools, have ideas for product. Youll show us how to actually do it, also very hard part. We have three models here, first we show you picture what were doing wrong, ladies. Jason will tell us thousand do it right. So first lovely model, whats wrong with this picture . The brow too big a lot of people they want to do full brow. And make the mistake to make the brow too big and also too dark. No one wants that nike check mark just do it brow, right . So we want to be very careful using certain products, make sure were not making the brouse bigger and more dramatic. So on cue, i use make up forever. I want to see the finish brow real quickly. The right way to do it . Right way. You guys can see, brouse frame your face. Also opens up her eye space. Using the angle brush, ill use little make up forever acqua brow, great because it is waterproof. So if you got to get stuck in the rain, somebody with oily skin, it is perfect for you. Raise your brow upright here. Use your finger to lift it up . Use your fingers to lift up, lightly draw strokes. Strokes . So you see, im doing like nice soft subtle strokes to manipulate the hair already there. Dont worry this is is great for somebody who doesnt have hair there, it also stains the skin so it gives the appearance of eyebrow hair. I love. That will because there are some spots where you dont have as much hair, kind of you want to make it all come together . Right. You make it look so easy. Cope brushing. Hair strokes, nice and softly. Any make up product, less is more. Dont worry, ladies, also, eyebrows are sisters, not twins. So theyre never going to look alike. Make up artists love saying. That will i want twins, i want as close as twins as possible, but i love it, thank you for showing that, i lover it is waterproof. Next model we show the picture, whats she doing wrong in this one . So someone who looks natural full brouse. If you can see they look natural but also very strong, very big, kind of box i in the front. To eliminate that, i love using as stash ya Beverly Hills brow duo powder. Brow duo proud is her great. It comes in two different colors. So if you want darker stronger brow at the ends, or you can use lighter color for a softer color in the front. So, we will use softer color. And again, we will follow her natural brow shape. This is great for ladies who dont have that much time in the morning to spend on eyebrows, but they still want them to look nice, full, natural, beautiful. I like you say follow the natural brow shape. So many times ladies get little ambitious, we start going all over the place. Just follow what we have . And always remember, ladies, brow etiquette is so important. If you have a real strond commanding brow, youre not approachable. People scared to talk to you. You look intimidating. So brow etiquette is always, always important. All right. And then when we dot lighter one, to finish this up . You can do the darker one actually toward the ends. If you want to give her end little more strength. Okay. And ive been told too if you outline, outline, then fill in . Outline, then fill in. Then you always use concealer. Concealer acts as youre racer. Your concealer also can be thicker concealer. If you can see, using concealer as brow highlight. Her brow still kind of box i, little strong. Were going to help reduce that by using the correct color concealer and also the correct brow gel to soft ten up that darkness. So her issue just did little too much . Little too much t happens. Hams to all of us. So use little concealer, one of my favorite, max cosmetics, great for the brouse. Lifting your brow up, we kindly take the brush, softly,. Im holding my breath. This is the part everybody makes up. Remember, messes up, excuse me, remember, your concealer act as youre racer. If you make any mistake doing your eyebrow, regimen, you can always go with concealer wipe it away. It makes it just kind of go and smooth it out . Correct. Last but not least i love to have color brouse, sometimes your brouse can be too strong. Is that because of the color . Because of the color pigment, might have done too dark, too hard after stroke. So use brow gel as a tinted color, and just by brushing it on, which you will notice it takes away the color depth in the eyebrow. Wow. It makes it look more brown. It softens it . Softens it, very natural looking, i love it. Perfect. Well, thank you. Ladies, youre all lovely, we love your brouse. And we will be able to raise our eyebrows, now, be fashionable with t thank you, jason, how can people reach you if they have questions . Lit me up on instagram, shades of jason. And i have an event coming up. Thank you, jason, i appreciate it, i have to work on a your tips and get it together. Did you know actress meisha barton, well, she had a breakdown, what witnesses say is behind these photos, they were obtained by tmz. Lilly. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. Mischa barton, welcome back, voluntarily taken to West Hollywood hospital undergoing a mental evaluation. Tmz obtained these photos, remember, from the oc. Well, she is seem to go have a breakdown here, see her by the fence there. Mischa called her home early yesterday morning after they called disturbance. According to tmz she was ranting about the world shattering, ziggy stardust, and her mother being a witch. And back in 2009 she was placed on involuntary pschiatric hold after a freakout that she had. So far no come friends her reps. She spoke pretty openly after the other breakdown, saying she really needed it, needed the rest, so a person certainly does know when she needs help, even though that was involuntary. But if she needs the help will get it. She is only 31 years old. Sad to here that. Karen something you are excited about it. Ben simmons of the 6ers, pictures of his cat, what he has. I know were all raising the cat every time they win. So fun. In you they came out with this new tshirt and the cool thing about this tshirt, it also helps the animals in our area, will benefit the philly paws, so this is one of the twitter users, his name gip err groove, or grove, he launched tshirt, it cost 20 bucks, pretty reasonable, you can get it for 14. It is on sale. And i love that joe em embiids picture is on there, like you get ben simmons, joel embiid and the cat. Raise the cat. So go to tee public. Com. Fourteen bucks. For 14 more hours. Well get you both one. Oh, all right. Friday present for you. Well take it, all right. I will get mike one, as well. Sounds good. Also make sure youre watching the q. Guess who is on the q today . Jazzy jeff. Thats right. Hes going to be here, so you dont want to miss. That will remember the q, it is on every day at noon, we will be watching. All right, guys, see you. Have a great day. We have the auto show going on this weekend, chinese new year, academy ball. Thanks so much. Thanks for having me with you. Oh, thanks for coming. Great weekends everyone. Be safe. Might be little snow maybe so watch good day live weekends to find out the latest on the forecast. 7 00 a. M. Tomorrow. Mmmmm psst. Yoplait custards back. The family favorite. Protein. Protein proteiny protein. Proteiny protein . Protein proteiny protein. At least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. New greek 100 protein. From yoplait. Live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. How you doin . [ cheers and applause ] now, heres wendy [ cheers and applause ] thank you meet my partners in

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