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The camera that we have on our roof. Yes. The trees really are not that color. You think it is off a little bit. It is off but i like it. Like a filter, sort of like instagram and snap chat. Oh, yeah. Wouldnt you like to filter everything in life. I should. My felter is clogged, like with l int. Thanks, good to see you good morning, lauren. Good morning. Hello. It is tuesday, july the fifth, 2016, it is National Bikini day. Wow. If you think you cannot rock a bikini, i say you are wrong. Really. We have different body types, models, we have different body types and different bikinis for that body type. I have to Pay Attention to the athletic build, no curves, pretty boxy. Athletic build is a good thing. Im over here like well. Do you need a man. No. What . Nobody needs a man. I agree. You may have man relying syndrome. Simple questions you need to answer to find out. You are okay without a man in your life. I am definitely okay. Are you okay without a man in your life. Yes. Mallia turns 18. She did. The president proves he is just like any other parent, he can embarras you. Shes blushing. We will tell you what he did. Lets talk about last night. I had so much fun even though it was pouring rain. They were celebrating, wawa welcome america. That is it. Leslie odom junior, there is probably no bigger star in america then leslie and he is from philadelphia he read the declaration of independence a block away from here yesterday. Within the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve political band which has connect them with another. He must have a dramatic reading, right. Sure. He was presented with a key to independent hall, for all of the work he has done on broadway but you for work he has done right here in the city of philadelphia. That is interesting. I still have not been in the main part of the independent hall. Yes. He actually works. No. I doubt it. Seriously. Leon bridges, roll. He did the biggest song, coming home. Coming home. Yes. You know, he is from texas, from the same area wearing his red, white and blue there. He was at roots picnic. It was just a downpour. It made it more funny got to hear one of my favorites from them, i love music. Anytime. I love music. It was pouring. Wasnt enough to make you leave. I was than the leaving. The people, it maiden joy great. My dad we were talking about this. He was saying, what were you going to say. Who got so good seats. Mike jerrick. I arrived, im standing over there in my puncho and said where is mike . He said im in the front row. I said, well, you are in the front row. We are over here in the back. Can you bring us up. You did it. Of course. And were looking for you and my dad was like where is mike. I said i dont know. He is probably in the front row. He wouldnt do that without me. Yes. He was in the front row. Heres the thing. We had a great time. My parents came in town to see the o. J. s. They came in late sunday night. Yes. They are already gone. Literally. They are gone. Just to have this kind of moment right here. Your mom singing along. You know you are dance ago lot when you are bending over a little bit, back then, that is how you know it is serious. This morning before they left, you know, yes. Yes. We were talking in the car before they left to go to the airport like 3 00 in the morning. I was like dad, so sorry that it rain. He said you know what had it been a regular summer night it wouldnt have been memorable. Fact that people were still out there enjoying it, living it up in the rain. When you see, this in the best way when you see black woman with a umbrella you know it is a good time and loving the music. Then after all that, money, money, money, moves were amazing. They left the stage after what song was it, was it money. I dont know, only thing i know they didnt play love train. I said wait a minute. And he had his shirt all opened. On my instagram he was getting it down he had those pelvic thrusts. Again bringing up pelvic thrusts bringing up the dad in town. I was just saying those old folks can do it now. I said seriously in love train. Then they came back in with everybody, and everyone is saying it was a moment. Everybody from the previous performers all came out, together good there were dignitaries on the stage. I even see mayor kenney dancing. Did you. That was interesting. You should have snap chat that had. Gamble and hoff were there. What was the big moment. This was the big moment, love train. That is a party. No, no, no, remember we talk about, there was a big surprise. Last week c low green came out. Yes. This time they wanted to create a moment. It was a moment see on bridges, yazz the greatest, all doing love train together. That was a moment. Heres the thing, after they started doing it, everybody had their own little solo moment. Leon bridges would sing. He had Howard Melvin and blue notes and then they gave yazz the greatest the microphone and this is what everybody is talking about when he did this. So that was afterwards. But there was a moment when he starts free styling, over love train and that is when every was like my gosh, he was a rapper before this. Yazz the greatest. He takes that mike and he starts trying to get it now. I have on my snap chat. Starts flowing. Wouldnt it be on that tape. Well, look at it. The point is we have it and we will get it. This isnt radio why dont we just play this clip. Listen, we will play it. It was a moment, we were the on the stage getting the crowd riled up. Yes. Why we are working to get that specific part, mike, you were on the love train like seriously. Look at this. Look at him. Look at how happy you are. I have no idea. That is how magical. They form the love train around the stage, people are grabbing everybody and just dancing and everybody else. I slept through a rainy, we will party. It was nuts . Wet and wild party on the parkway. Then alex was escorted from the facility from police officers. What happened here. I was escorted to the facilities. Not away from. This is officer mitchell and officer powell. They were very sweet. I was trying to figure out where to find mike. We know you are little, and trying to navigate the crowd, we will escort you. They were from between the second to where mike was. Yes. And they found one of their birthdays, officer mitchell, happy birthday. Was that his hat. It was raining and i said my hair will get messed up. Yes. I asked permission, is it okay. He said no, it is fine. It is okay. He said it was. So we are going to show you the yazz thing. Is it happening now. Roll the tape. No, they are not ready yet. Okay. You know, we have a new album coming out, so, he is ready. Love it. Love train. So it is like, he is getting it. And look they are all in it. That is when everybody started freaking out. That was a big moment for him. He was busy, he was at essence festival, he came home for this. His new addition movie will be coming out soon. He plays michael bibins. That was pretty cool. Waiting for that album. Yesterday was not only the birthplace, well, birthday. Well, the girls coming up to you and wanted a picture, did you ever get that. These little girls. I got them backstage. I got them backstage and he had already gone. Yeah. He is a philly guy. Will be back. She looked so excited. I took her hand. I said lets go backstage. Lets go right now. She about passed out. She thought they would meet him. So funny, mike was walking around, i said who is following mike. It is a entourage. They werent for you, but i thought it was for you. They were using mike to get what they wanted they went right to the suvs and went back to the hotel. The fact that philly pops had to cancel. I have a proposal for city of philadelphia because it was supposed to be a tribute to the sound of philadelphia, o. J. s work with gamble and hoff. Kenney many was there and leon hoff. We honor them. Wait, good things for philly music scene. They didnt have a full tribute. Because of the rain. Should we have a redue, should we come back, there are two hours that were gone. Stopped at eight. We had wait there until ten for fire works. Should they get the tribute we wanted them to have. Free concert at kimmel center, to dot same performance. You dont have to worry about rain or shine. Belmont plateau. I dont know. Then you have weather again. What do you think. All right. Never happen. Mayor kenney watches us every morning. Kenney, leon, kenney. Lets join hands. Yes. You know, yesterday was the birthday of america, 240 years old. But also was mallia obamas birthday. She turn 18. Big fourth of july party at the white house. Well, the president made sure that he included her in her celebration, listen to this. Just so happens that we celebrate our countrys birth the day on the same day that we celebrate my oldest daughters birthday. So just a quick happy birthday for mallia. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear mallia. Happy birthday to you. Oh. Shes almost as tall as him right. Boy he has lost his al green there. Yes. Man. He sound rough. Can you believe she was ten when he was first elect and now shes going to harvard. Do you think she was embarrassed really. No, shes used to it. My mother says as parents it is our job to embarras you. Yes. Wait, i have done a great job embarrassing my daughter. Yes. But they dont live in the same city as you. That helps. It might be worse. You you can embarras them here and they cannot do anything bit. But then they can always leave. They can get out. Time to go. Get out. I love them. 9 14. By the way. Yeah. Speaking of the president , he is very specific with his late night snacking habits. Really. Apparently he avoid caffeine and junk food. Good. He doesnt drink coffee or tea and chooses water over soda and prefers seven, just seven lightly salted almonds. Can i tell you my almond story. Yes. Im a big fan of the cashew. Yeah, me too. So i have a big clear bag of cashews, no salt. They are so good. Last night i admit, i had a beverage or two at the wawa welcome america. They have fresh water. They also had vodka. Lemonade. I got a couple of those in the pouring rain. I go home last night. A friend is staying over with her dog. Yeah. So, unbeknownst to me is there a plastic bag of the dog, dog food sitting next to the cashew. So i come in last night. I had a couple. Getting ready to go to bed. I will have a cashew before i go to bed. Stick my hand in the plastic bag, it was dog food. Did you throw it up. No, but i did bite into it. It was embarrassing. You ever eat dog food. Dry dog food looks like nuts in the dark. That is my dog food story. Why was it on the counter. That is true. Why would you put it. Next to the dog dish. But since shes visiting, he doesnt have a dog. Where was the dog food, did you guys make an area for the dog. I got out a piece of tupperware, filled it with water, tupperware and put it on the floor so darn thing has the water there and i dont know why it was on the counter. Why do you have a house guest with the pet. Well, it wasnt my idea. It wont be now. You used like some kind of hemorrhoid cream for toothpaste ones. That was down in the caribbean. I brushed my teeth with preparation h, or something. A guy who has had dog food for almonds, yes. For cashews. Yes. Yes. They are the same color. Dog food and cashews are the same color. Are they, what kind of dog food is that. I just told your story on the commercial break. I ate dog food last night. Yeah. There is a moral of the story though. If you answer yes to the following question, you may have man reline the syndrome. Hit me with it. You cannot live without a man in your life. Come on, man up. Lets go. Do you hate going to an event without the a date lauren . Depend on the event but it doesnt have to be a man. It could be a woman. You have no problem going to an event without a man. I do it all the time. No at all. Would you rather after i man with you. I dont like my fun being contingent upon another person. I go by myself im guarantied to have a good time. Yes. Next question, does longing for a boyfriend intensify at the evenings or in the evening hours or on weekend, do you long for a hand in your life for a weekend lets say. No, no. No. Then you dont have this reline the syndrome. Nope. Nope. Are you happy when awe girl friend find a boyfriend or do you focus more on wishing it was you . Are you happy for your lady friend who have found a man. If it is a good man. If it is a good man you are happy for them but im not like i wish it was me. I got a man. What is your man got to do with me, i got a man. Im not trying to hear that. I have a friend who made it official, she told me over the weekend, i said go girl. Do that again. The woman i have, i love her. I know you are upset. Has she been dating him for a while. It is official. It was fast. Well, they are into each other. When you know, you know. That is what they say. Next question do you feel terribly upset inside when people ask you if you are single. I might to have say this because it is like it is never just are you single . It is why are you single or there has to be something wrong with you or you get called halle berry, so that one yes. I get this, you said alex you have been here for almost two years now. Seriously what is going on. Some people are questioning my sexuality. Yes, it is like. Yes. Yes. You know, i understand people like to have companionship. I got a man. People always try to be cupid, i dont need to be hooked up. I got options, i dont need your help. It is like they feel like it is their om facial to hook you up because they dont want to see you single. Only time i might think this would have been nice to have a date just a thought like that when there is nice ball and dresses and you get to dance and everybody is pared up. I think Lenny Dykstra is single. Yeah. I think so too. I met him in the green room. He came up with a great line as he left the studio. Can you say it on tv. He said where again did you say are you going to do it, you cant get it. I have to practice this. Okay. So, in the commercial we were talking. Great to meet you. So where did you say we were going to meet again later. Where did you say we were going to meet up later. He said, it is a service. He is good. What do i say all the time. Interview is on fox 29. Com good dont sing the national anthem, dont take naked pictures of yourself because they will get out, and dont throw out the first pitch in the baseball game. Umhmm. Freeze. She is an olympic gymnast. Yes. She was just on the cover with gabby douglass. Yes. We will play this. We have frozen it here because, well, you have to see this after the break. Dont do this. People. People. When youre the parent of a disabled child, you realize that the world can be a harsh place. But you also realize it can be a really loving, wonderful place. When i saw donald trump mock somebody who was disabled, i was appalled. You gotta see this guy. Ahh, i dont know what i said, ahh, i dont remember that reporter suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. It told me everything i need to know about his heart and what he believes deep down. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Okay. You know about the first pitch in baseball. I say never do it. Never throw out the first pitch. It can go bad it goes off to the side, way out side. Yes. Well, this is a good one. This is simon bail, an olympic gymnast. Right. Now simon, watch this. Throwing out the first pitch. Wow. Look at this. And look at and then threw the ball. That was smooth. Yes. Wow. You go girl. Shes 19 years old. You go girl. That is what shes sailing, check this out because. No hands flip good that is pretty cool. In mine i just go like this. I just threw it. They said i was too close to it, because i wanted to make sure would i make it all the way. I didnt cheat . Anyway we have breaking news. We do. It is National Bikini day. Mike is attracted because of this. That is a live shot in our studio. You know, i was saying there is a bikini for every body type. Well, we have the same body type all four of them. They got abs. Good stuff. vo with thousands of quality preowned vehicles. And exceptional customer service, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone. Flip your thinking about buying your next one. We will be talking about who inspired you. Oh, you dont want to wear a bikini for this segment . No, i left it to my mod. These models, they look amazing, okay . So, we will start off with our first one, whats this look that were looking for . So this is casino of illusion suit, one piece, but still gives you it is coverage but you still have the cut out. So you still have little bit showing. Showing little skin. Yes. This is good for girls, too, that have like that straighter athletic body type, if they want to, like the cut outs really kind of enhance the curves. Ah, okay. Turn around, i also like the back of this. It is nice. Ya. Cute. That one by mark hoffman, bloomingdales king of prussia. What we want to look for, for some people who may not be as curvey, wants to make it look like theyve got can you. Creates the hour glass, it is illusion but we like t so for the next one, what about the sporty at let snuck lauren says she has an athletic body, works out, looks good. Jade, work it, girl. Jade looks great. Two separate, century 21, you can mix and match. They have a bunch of deliver rent colors, different, but great for just like, you know, going out to play soil ball on the beach, youll have the full coverage top, halter top. So and you want to show off what youre working with. Jade, we sat next to each other. I had no idea. Go, girl. Big smiles on that one. What about a skirt . Having skirt as bottom for a bick eveny . This suit, skirt actually comes off, so detachable it come off, off the boardwalk, off the beach, great. Not that she has anything to cover up, but, if you do feel a little, you know, self conscious about your body or your size, skirt always helps. I do like, that you can change up the look, like on date party, hanging out have, that on, also voila, ready to go in the pool. I like this look. Thank you so much. And another little traditional. Right. So this is a ban dough top. Traditional bikini, she is really rocking it. This helps to kind of create an illusion, if you have a smaller bus, if you want, you know, enhance your bustline, this is the way to go with the bandou. Bloomingdales, willow grove, cute kate spade tote, too, little cover up. I love the hats, too, got to have a floppy hat. Have to protect yourself. Can we do a walk through of everybody. Oh, there is lori. Because you ladies all look loverly. So what bikini . I like the illusion suit. I was thinking the same thing, mike wants to weigh in, mike, do you have a favorite . This is the best day ever on good day philadelphia. Yep. They look great. Youre inspiring me, im going to put up a picture of this guy, thats getting a lot of attention on the internet. Yes . This guy is a grandfather. Hes traveling to texas capturing the hearts and minds of many people. I have seen him everywhere. It is hashtag your grandpa, 54 years old, require syringe randolph, and his photos are making the rounds, trending. Look at him. Hes living life. So he is an Elementary School teacher. He said he had no idea how popular he was until his daughter alerted him. Hot grandpa . Hot grandpa. And look at that beard. You know obviously that there is a thing called they call him mr. Hot grand pa. There is a picture of him holding all of these red roses, he knows what hes doing. Hot grandpa. Ladies, thank you for coming in. Thank you so much. Mike, ill give me illusion suit. I need an illusion going on here. It is all an illusion. You know, lets go out to camp kelly. Top this. This is bob kelly goes off to camp every week. Thats right. Good morning, everybody, stretching, getting ready. Dot stretches, kids. It is camp kelly this morning from bridesburg. And it is really race time. Who is going to win this one . We are. Lets get the counselors. Come on, camp kim i. Relay races, and they got the arts and the crafts going on, out here, as well. Under the tree, the rain isnt stopping everybody. Give a wave. How much fun. Show mom and dad, how much fun were having at home, were going to take you outside, inside, camp kim i when we come right back. Winners are showing up all over pennsylvania. And with more than 500,000 winners of match 6, cash 5, and Treasure Hunt every single week, thats not a big surprise. Winners, winners everywhere play today americans are buying more and more of everything online. And so many businesses rely on the United States Postal Service to get it there. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. The United States Postal Service. Priority you camp kelly, the recreation center. Kids are showing up after long holiday weekend. Look at this guy, with the blue hair. Who did your hair . Oh, my dad. Does your mom know your dad did your hair this way. Yes, yes. Cool. So whats your name . Brandon. And how old are you . Seven. Are you ready for camp today . Ya, you got it, common in. Get none there, take a look, so folks out here early this morning, with the Bridesburg Recreation Center, where they have camp, it is open to the public, and they start at two years of age, twosix year old, then go to the kindergarten, all the way up to six grade. So drop your kids off here early this is the morning, as early as like 7 00. For the parents that have to get to work early. Theyre doing the relay race games out here where they got it take the flag from one side to the other side. The older kids are out here, nice breeze out here actually in the park, doing the arts and crafter, then of course, they take turns, with the heat, we got to get them into the airconditioning. Are you ready . Lets go inside. Again, Bridesburg Recreation Center here along richmond street, off of buckeye, off the Bridge Street exit of i95. So this is the place, they got the snack here, they got the candy, we got the juice, we got the lolipops, and come on, are you ready . This is the music room. These guys have been dying to go on tv. Lets go see. This is the after the and Craft Department here. Take a look how messy. You guys doing some paint, okay, all a part of getting messy and keeping them busy, for as long as we possibly can. All day long, the played owe, the olds spatula, the roller potato mascher. Whats this here . Fox 29 photo here. You are all making pictures, thats great, cool. We will take them, hang them back up at the tv station. Now, where are the counselors at . Put your hand up. God bless you guys for keeping track of everybody here so down here, remember the cards game uno . All day long they have the chess game, got some of the toys, but right here peels of wood, remember the old clothespins, used to hold the clothes out on the line . Watch this watch what happens. Ready . Lets shoot george the cameramanment on count of three, ready, get him . Lets try again. So camp here starts at 7 00. They got the younger ones. Get him, boom. Lets do one more time. Try to get mike and alex back at the station, okay . Come on, if anybody can hit the lens, boom, there you go. Treats for everybody. So they start out bright and early and theyre here all day long, if you like knee come to advice the your camp all do you have do is sends me a message either email, facebook, twitter, we will be coming to your spot next week. Hey, mom and dad fun for everybody. Okay, so the democrats are coming for the convention. They are. Cant you tell by all of the donkeys everywhere . Donkeys all over town, and painting the streets actually. Broad street. Miles and miles of colorful painting. Mural arts program is very busy, as well. And thats why quincy, is this another job hes doing this morning . Mural arts, hi, quince. I yes, well, this is we like to call it an arts installation. Thats what we like to call t getting ready for the dnc. We have matt, erika, talk to them, and ill paint, as well. Cant wait. If you would have tried that, you know the song, where he says some harmony there. Thank you. Mill keyway, do you have the picture of the painting . Broad street . Broad street. Not there yet. Thats just rendering, right . So, how do we hit that . So this is for the convention, starting theme of the month. So, quincy, how is he going to do this . How is this happening . How did it get about . Well, we had this idea many years ago to paint the median of broad street a field of brilliant color. He can towards area artist came one this design. At the time we didnt have the funds, we couldnt do it, so we went over to the side like good idea to be used at a later date. We never, ever discard ideas then when the dnc came to us with a list of ideas i thought okay, i gave them ideas, i said one more to put on the list, without this one on the list, one of the ideas, and here we are. Okay, so how long is it going to take, matt . How long is it going to take to install . We will be working on it for the next three weeks probably. So i can ask you, and how many blocks do you have done so far . About six blocks in. We just started on the seventh. So close to halfway down. Okay, so if i can point to any block right here you can tell me where this is going to go . Thats correct. Thats right. So matt, where is this . This whole section will actually go between city hall and chestnut. Okay. And this will go from i guess city hall to washington, washington avenue . The whole thing will stretch from city hall washington, thats right. About a mile. Major public art project. It will be absolutely beautiful. People will love it from the ground, theyll love it from above. And we can walk on this, as well . Yes, totally able to be walked on, and intended to be walked on. We can take pictures. Oh, yes. When all eyes of the nation are on philadelphia. Now, you guys, i dont know if youre just saying this off of the air, but you said i can paint some, as well. Absolutely. Platt mat, youll let me paint . Ill trust with you that task. The place, that i paint, where is this going to go . Right at broad and locust. Now, oh, you know what . Let us know about, you know, different arts on different blocks. You collaborated with another artist right there. Yes. So there is language worked, and i collaborated with the lauriette yolanda wish err, and i took her themes, her word choices from her book, and sort of made something new out of it by combining words in a different more abstract way. Pretty cool. So im painting right here. Where do i use the paint . Do i use this brush right here . Yes. Where is this going . This will be at broad and locust. Okay. This is little pressure. Because if you met up, not like we can, you know . Have you messed up on us . Not yet. Okay. Hold this. Do you have a technique . Load up the brush. So, cue . Ya . Adhesive this sticks to, right . You said like little texture . Yes, yes. So there is adhesive underneath it, and it will be installed right on to the cement, and it will be waterproofed, textured with a sealant on top. Using marine paint . Yes. Kind of reminds me of a gigantic rock like works, isnt that cool . It is cool. Okay. Maybe that means so, did he say some of it is down already . Or i dont know, ya, i dont know if it is down on the street or if it is just done. If you live in south philly between city hall and washington street, have you seen any of them down yet . Can you imagine . Oh, honk at them. 9 50. Or poppa nugget. Poppa nugget, ya, that was a moment yesterday, wasnt it . It was a moment. Every friday, through july the 22nd, were running out of time now, going to a community, we happen to be headed to delaware, wilmington, 7 00 to 10 00 a. M. This friday. Well be live at hb dupont plaza, thats basically the corner of Delaware Avenue and North Washington street where were setting up. Here is what were giving away. Mazda cx9 of course, dont miss this opportunity, you can do this once every 24 hours, and you sign up on fox the. Com. And we will pick a finalist. We call a finalist every week. Then we insight you all on the show, you can get out there with us, get on tv. Running out of town wilmington, haddonfield, then the final at the del. Three more weeks. Not just the final, mike there is will be a big finale, it will be a big party, we will have concert, so, even if, you know, were not good enough for you, just come out, come to the concert. Well make it worth your while. Please, please come. Im going to the del this thursday night. Whats that . I dont know but i know will be good. Theyve a lot of great people coming like monica, i want to see is it earth, winds and fire . Franky levelly coming back. My mother already said she wants to come back. Amazing. Celebrities on the fourth of july. How your favorite stars celebrated yesterday. Oh, and the milestone halle barbee made, posting a bikini selfie. You know she is fairly attractive. Xt1 underline xt1 underline i survived breast cancer. If the doctors hadnt caught it early i might not be sitting here. So im outraged that pat toomey voted to defund planned parenthood. Which thousands of pennsylvania women depend on for cancer screenings. Pat toomey was even willing to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. Shut down the government over planned parenthood . I think we ought to shut down pat toomey. Women vote is responsible for the content of this advertising. Did you know people can save over 500 when they switch to progressive . I got your nose i got your nose right here. I know thats your thumb, grandpa. Talent learn about it what do you think about this . But see the butte put fireworks all over the country . But not everybody happy about this, pbs, public broadcasting service, under fire for using footage from past years. Oh,. Because it was cloudy. So they did a montage. So one shot would you see, okay, this is this year. Then they try to blends it without people knowing, some stuff from last year when skies were little more clear. Well, a lot of people figured it out. And they start posting on line, everything like that, so much that pbs had to come out, okay, we did it do a montage, but we want to show the combination of the best fireworks over the years. In philly we have the same problem, cloudy and everything, the way the fireworks, people oh, you cant really see them. Would you prefer the montage from previous years, mixed in with this year . No. So the tv station here locally, that broadcast it, they would have had to do that. I dont think it is real. No. Thats the excitement of fourth of july. You want to see live fireworks. How upsetting is it with the clouds everywhere . At least tell us that you are doing it, dont like this is all live. Ya. Okay. I get your point. All right, hey, looks like there are some celebrities, teeing and, they were relaxing on the fourth of july. They have backyard pool. What do you think about that . Nice. Timberlake. Picture every his son . Thats sweet, real sweet. Tom brady oh, posted like an eagle. Look at that. Oh, ya, ya, seriously, that glow. Tom brady. Oh, gabby. Spain. Whats that song . Im into biza. Of course. Halle barre, real quickly . She is 49. Look at that, she got 500,000 followers. Live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Wendy how you doin . The kids have come to play today. You wont believe what im about to tell you. All due respect, have several seats. My girls are always turned out. I give it to you straight, no chasers. Now, heres wendy [ wild cheers and applause ] wendy wow yes thank you for watching our show say hello to my cohosts, my studio audience. [ applause ]

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