Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20160506 : c

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20160506

good day fieldtrip. seriously. >> you know, probably get up to the bathroom and never come back. >> no, he will be there singing ♪ >> justin bieber, with me on one side, karen help on the other. >> ♪ >> why don't you two love yourself? okay? >> oh, good one. see, already speaking the lyrics. >> i know what he means by that, good day, it is friday, may the sixth, 2016. want a happy marriage? of course you do. try moving out of the house. couples say they're surviving their marriage because they now live in separate houses. it is a dream come true. >> and mothers day is on sunday. so what do you get your mom? how about this? breakfast in bed? it is classic, right? so the recipes, how mom can also look sheik for her special day. >> by the way, if you like chaos on morning television, wait for it, it is in this hour. karen haas brought her husband in and her three young boys, who are turning into the green room right now, this should be a nightmare. >> someone thought this was good idea, all right, we shall see. speaking of moms, britney spears, she has the two sons, i always followed this, because she has boys, i have boys. so she wrote pretty heartfelt letter real toy her children. what she wants them to know about some of the battles they'll face. >> also, milky way, have you seen the picture brittany posted yesterday in a lime green bikini? >> good? >> we'll show it to you, this morning, asking for pictures of your mom, for mothers day weekends, if you do sends something in, use that #fox29goodday. >> oh, look at mysteries a murphy looking good from in this message, a door job from colleen, my favorite lady, my mommy. >> that's her mom? >> yes. >> miss you and love you. >> well, a loft just a loft moms in our life. we have good mother figures, or mother-in-law. happy mother day, love my mother, she get more beautiful every year. so nice. >> how is your mom? >> my mom's great. watching the show right now as she does every week. >> i have a question for you. your husband, brian, he did show up, right? >> he's here. >> he's here. will he feel compelled to get your mother a gift? and would he feel compelled to get his own mother, he's going to get his own mother a gift? >> the law of moms is you should at least get your own momma card. i got cards for his mom, my mom, my sister-in-law who just became a new mom. >> wait, you got the card? >> i bought the card. >> he should get me a card, and he will. >> he should get you -- you're not his mother. >> to me that's a big debate. but you're the mother of his children, do you get a gift from your us? >> not a gift, but at least a card. i think a card is enough. let us know what you think about this. you don't need jewelry, stuff, the baby won't write you a card. >> no, we know we have to do it. >> what if your kids are of age, say teenagers or adults, does your husband, should he get you a gift since you are the mother of the children? >> yes, at least flowers, a card, because you know the teenagers won't do, hey -- >> you're not his mom. >> my mother would argue that. i had this whole thing he organized bachelor party weekend for one of his buddies on mothers day weekend. his wife just had baby three weeks ago. first mother day. so i called my mom, mom, it is the most important one, he better get back here because he will regret if he misses his first mother's day. >> what happened? >> my mom said oh, he is such a wonderful son. you know who he should worry about? me, i'm his mother. >> okay. >> what was that about? >> she is first time mother, you know? you helped her become a mother. that casino of work, then you should -- >> of course you will get your momma gift probably. >> i just found out, so excited my mom is supposed to spends the weekend for mothers day weekends, my dad has to have emergency oral surgery, now they had to cancel their flight last minute. so i won't see my mom. so now i reposition, because i didn't have time to mail her gift because i thought she would be here. now i don't have anything. >> will your dad give your momma. >> i. >> probably. usually we come together. like, all right, we'll put in. >> i like that. >> hey, q, are you going to give your wife ivy a gift for mothers day? >> well, mike, here is the thing. any guy that doesn't really participate in giving the mother of his child a gift, you're an idiot. let's be real. >> thank you. >> you're an idiot. okay? you want drama in your life. you want to argument you want to like sleep in the basement on the couch? it is just dumb, okay? get her a gift. get her a card. i don't care if the kids are 30 years old, just give her something. >> all right. >> being a mother is the hardest job ever. okay? ladies, i have some ladies in here. can you guys make some noise if you agree? (cheers). >> like a talk show. but come on, seriously, just give her something. why wouldn't you give her something? why? what's the reason? mike our camera guy, he says she's not my mom. i wouldn't do it. >> and now we are showing a picture of ivy forcing quince toy give her a gift. >> no. >> it is a picture of you when you won -- >> oh. well, listen, the thing about any relationship, it is not always about being right. it is about just making sure everyone is happy, other than yourself. >> that's true. >> and the thought that count. words of wisdom. >> the thought, just give her a card, give her some flowers, that's all she wants. >> true. >> that's it. >> just tweeted: yes, the husband should help the children get their mom something for mothers day. yep, that should happen. but should you get something separately just from him is the question? >> didn't get a card from her husband, that was the last straw. >> divorce? >> divorced, yep. >> okay, i'll go get a card. q, good to see you, man, we'll check back, you're at a school. did you realize it is national lunch lady, hundred every guy day? celebrating people who give food to our kids at school. >> they should be celebrated. >> that's a hard job. >> hey, di, in honor of that back in the prepare room, do we have hairnets? >> i have a shower cap. >> close enough. staff, can you run down to the thingy and we need three hairnet. thank you. >> or i think the shower cap is on my desk, you know it is raining out. >> sure it is. >> it is real, yes. >> branching out into two households is saving some marriages from divorce, i love this plan, couples are choose to go live apart. separate homes i am talking b could be a block away, but still separate homes. keeping them together. they found the day-to-day mechanics of life leads to bickers, stress in their relationship when you are in their face 24 hours a day. couples noticed their relationship grew when they spent weeks, months apart. when you're with somebody 24/7, it is easier to take that person for granted and stay blood to the laptop or tv. i get this all the time. why are you constantly on your phone? because. and they're having their own space help the couples think up. in one particular case there is guy says he stays over at her house twice a week. then he goes back to his house the rest of the week. five days. the main disadvantage of course in living apart is money. >> two houses. >> you got to have two house. >> two separate lives. that's like dating. i mean, that's what we all like to have for a long time. that's not realistic. that's not life. >> if you could afford it, would you do it? >> no. >> i had to think about that. you guys, you got long distance relationship, and i've done that many different times over the years, you've done that to great success. >> not a real marriage. what makes a real marriage? just love there and committed as long as you're honoring your vows, isn't it technically a marriage? >> are you coming over to the dark side here? >> what's the dark side? >> maybe having separate bedroom? >> no, i am not saying. that will listen, i don't know, i'm single. here is the thing i've always thought about i can't imagine, i never lived with someone before, a guy, being with someone day after day and night and see him all the time and always being around him. i can't fathom that. so respect the married people. i can't understanded that concept. and also i'm an only child, used to being alone, i just think it would be a lot to handle. so if it is about love and respecting your plows. >> i think you made a commitment. >> no, no, no, i'm not saying that. >> do you want to get married? >> i would like to get married if it is in the cards for me. >> oh, you really sold that marriage idea. >> hey, let's get married. let's do it. >> the problem with that is that's a lot of fun, but then you're only therefore the good times and in a real relationship there through the bad times. like who is going to help you, especially just someone comes over to have dinner have fun? i need to you headache the painting, dot grouting. >> who does grounding? >> just thinking the work that happens in life. like who is going to do the yards? who is going do this? >> bus when i talk to married people one of the biggest things they say i had no idea what it was like, you finally start living with the person, you learn things about them you didn't think you would ever dis cover. so that's the only thing i'm like oh, living with someone. >> i love when your voice goes low like that. >> discover. my texas comes out, too. >> ya. how are you feeling? >> i'm here. >> you're doing good job. >> thank you. >> why, usually when he says that it means i'm not. >> it looks like it is midnight outside. just pouring. when we get a tight shot of you? it is a monsoon. >> you see it? >> ridiculous. >> every person that comes in is like a drenched rat, they just keep saying ugh, it is discusting. >> man, we have a big burst of rain right now in old city. this is fourth and market looking down market toward fifth street. >> when did we see the sun last? seriously, was it last saturday? >> sue, was it saturday? >> monday afternoon, started off with rain monday morning, but the sun did come out for awhile in the afternoon. >> topic on people's list. >> hydroplane, oh. >> real funny. >> oh! >> (thunder heard). >> on instagram, i posted this meme, about this weather we've been having. >> really? >> i tried to go around, to get around this particular puddle at fifth and market, you have to go way out into traffic. >> you need your goloshes. >> oh, you need everything, raincoat, umbrella, rain boots, for my women out there, shower cap. i'm telling you. >> should i move snob. >> you like the show, right? >> what show? >> the one about where they're driving around in the cars, singing and doing karioke? >> wait, since you're out in the weather, for all of my fans, drake kale out with this new albumn, views. ever since he dropped it, the weather has been exactly how it is on this albumn. we have not seen the since since. >> so we blame drake. >> i just want views of the sun. >> i just want some -- >> no, don't do that. >> get it? >> it could all be so simple? you guys know that line? you keep saying it. >> i just want to be in bed is what i'm saying. >> ya. >> james cord on is that late night host, right. >> yes. >> i love, he has the besiege the called well it is carpool karaoke, he gets the top singers in the worlds to sit in the passenger seat of his car. he drives around, they lip-sync basically. >> juan we love it and we love it. who is the latest person in the seat. >> again stefan. >> i i started falling in love. i wrote a whole record about that. that's like what the facelift is, i think. >> you owe me big time. >> hi, man, how are you? (cheers). >> okay? >> absolutely just said i need four people in the car. >> hang on, hang on. >> you are a pain in the (beep). >> i am? hey, uh, no, i'm with james. he needs -- james corden. ya, no, he needs -- we need a fourth. gwen stefani here. oh, okay good, all right, see you in a minute. >> now -- >> what's that mean? >> nothing. >> i mean, did they give any indication of -- >> hey! >> hey! (cheers). >> ♪ >> ♪ >> holler back girl ♪ >> ♪ we are the champions my friends ♪ >> okay, i'm in love with his segment. >> oh, it is so much fun. >> now, we know why george and julia are in the back seat, that new movie which looks really good. >> what's it called? >> money madness or something? >> oh,. >> he's on air, anchorman. >> george clooney really? >> like cnbc, she is the producer, she is the kit can kline, or the milky way. >> like you, when you go outnumber one person they say you look like is -- >> george clooney, ya. by the way, it is george's birthday today. >> how old is he? >> he's 55. >> looking good. >> double nickles. by the way the movie is called money monsters. see, guy comes in with a gun, takes over the studio, and then kit cat kline, or the julia robert character, has got to fix it all. she doesn't want george to be killed. >> oceans movie together? >> yes. >> oceans 11? >> ocean 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ... ya. >> britney spears, by the way, megan, did you finds it, lime green, lime green bikini? look at this. >> oh, did i see. >> this i think she looks amazing. >> great. >> she does. that's interesting design. >> do you think it was photo shopped? >> i don't know, i don't think so. she showed picture of her body recently. >> looking great. >> well, it is a work out every night in las vegas, she has a message now for her sons, she sharing this with the world. brittany, world of peace for time magazine, which she talks about what her two boys mean to her. >> so part of the note included from the day i saw the most precious eyes, i believed in miracles, to the core, such a gift god has given me. exploring in your beautiful world every day. i pray for mother. teach you strength and passion to carry through the struggles in the world. most battles will always be one on your knees. >> excuse me? >> she means praying. >> okay? >> i pray you find your dreams. >> her kids are good looking. >> they are. >> are they both with the guy -- >> justin federline. >> fifty-five hours. no, that was different kid. >> that was like 24 hours in vegas, i think federline -- >> was legitimate marriage at one point. >> but she had problems. didn't she have the kids taken away from her in all of the thrust of that, whole thing back and forth? >> glad she's doing better. >> yes, her dad had to take over her life, saved her life she says, ya. >> now in better place, you know. >> way to go, brittany. speaking of birthdays, it is mia vargus' 19th birthday today. >> oh. >> happy birthday, nia. >> suing has built a shrine around her weather center well, you know, the first birthday since that day that i have not been with her on her actual birthday. >> hold. this is her -- the first birthday she has not been with you in person? >> here come the tears. >> yep, she is at college. >> we're done. >> i know, so in light of that, i've just gave megan 800,000 pictures. that was 19 years ago today. the first time i saw her. >> oh, man. >> and but 18 years ago today. >> awe. >> and let's see what else. >> now she is six-ten. >> ya, that's us now. >> gorge. >> i know, i just can't even believe it. >> oh, you look alike. >> you really do. >> i guess that's how that works? >> at least i know, senior photo from last year when she graduated. >> same smile. same eyes. >> yes. >> thanks. >> she is down there, doing phenominal. and you know, more than funny, has great spunk, and she is so sweet. >> i don't know how all that happened. >> i don't know either. spite of me she is amazing. thank you. let's look at ultimate doppler radar. thank you foreign dull ginning me with that, special day in our house. oh, can you believe? look at all of this red and orange on ultimate doppler radar. we zoom into couple of neighborhoods here, show you red lion in delaware, newark, around the university, elkton maryland, chesapeake city, maryland, all getting just this horrible, horrible rain. we move off to little further north, concord, in delco, claymont, in delaware. and here in philadelphia we've got steady, steady rain. you see the dark green there? that means it is continuing. but i will tell you this, this is absolutely the worse of it. and over the next couple of hours, you will see conditions start to ease up little bit. so, this is also the chilliest day of the next seven. it warms up nicely over the weekends. guys? >> sure does. thanks, sue. >> thank you. >> well, apparently prince harry opens up about his mother princess diana. he admits his memories of her are fading. >> almost little heart breaking. he doesn't remember, because his older brother was there in all of the pictures, he was just real a little toddler. >> how old was he? >> he was 12 years old when she died. and during a recent interview with people, the 31 year old says, he just really can't remember much about his mom. you know, of course so many pictures from the paparazzi and things over the years, but actual memories, you know, just little dude. so but it is her that he thinks about all the time, he's like she inspires me to try to do the right thing, to do charitable work, to help other people with aids, wounded warriors, and he really wants to make her proud. >> i'm sure she looking down from heaven. no question about it. this morning we're asking for pictures of your mom. and they've been flooding in, and that's not a reference to the weather, but they've been flooding in. >> you guys on good day, judy says my beautiful wonderful mom, she my heart and irreplaceable. >> then nicole sent in this picture of her mother. >> crafty. >> and then melissa my mother diana. >> happy mother day to my beautiful mommy. she is my ainge em. she means the worlds to me. thanks for sending this one in. >> can you hear this, mike? justin bieber, okay? >> oh, great. >> anyway, so it is also national lunch lady lunch man day. the people that serve our kids at school. so, quincy has a surprise today. >> today is national lunch hero day, we're celebrating all of our lunch heroes, who serve lunch to our kids. i'm at valley he elementary. she reached out to me, and i'm going to serve some breakfast coming up next. i think. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ narrator: the constitution says the president shall make nominations for the supreme court and the senate votes. no exception for election years why is pat toomey refusing to do the job pennsylvania elected him to do? toomey refuses to consider anyone president obama nominates, even a former prosecutor with more experience than any other nominee with bipartisan support. but toomey is choosing his party's leaders and playing politics with the supreme court. call senator toomey and tell him to put the constitution before his politics. >> wide shot. see lou it is lighting up in atlantic city? it is all moving inland. eventually the lighter rain is moving here too. let's zoom into the delaware county area, concord, aspen, pouring, super-soaker this morning, in west goshen, that's across the boundery in chester county. back in delco, marcus hook, down in greenville, delaware, the home of joe biden, it is pouring on his house right now. >> thank you. sue, you've done a great job today. okay, get your hairnets ready. i say lunch lady day, but because there are guys involved, too, it is national school lunch hero day. quincy is offering those great people who serve our kids every day. q? >> al valley elementary, lunch hero day, i'm lunch person. serving lunch shall we have gloria. you emailed us, been here for 16 years? >> yes. >> now, do you have serve a lot of people here? >> yes, we do. >> now, i am hopping in with you. what would you like me to do today? >> i would like you to serve. >> okay? >> and see, what we do every day. >> now, how many student usually do you serve food to? >> for breakfast or forlorn snatch. >> for breakfast. >> eighty to 90. >> how about hundred snatch. >> about close to 300. >> that's a lot. so what's for breakfast today? >> sausage, egg and cheese, on croissant, or french toast. >> ma'am, what's your name? >> kayla. >> what's your name? >> ava. >> would you like sausage, egg and cheese biscuit? >> yes. >> low about you? >> yes. >> okay, we are giving out sausage, egg and cheese biscuits. okay? okay. and do they also get french toast? >> no, they get either or. >> oh, okay. i knew that. >> and fruit over there. >> fruit. now do we put the fruit on? >> they usually grab it. >> so you just give t here you go. and would you like french toast or sausage, egg and cheese biscuit? >> sausage, egg and cheese. >> what grade are you? >> second. >> fourth. >> are they good people here? >> yes. >> they treat you guys nice? >> yes. >> okay. they weren't paid to say that, i don't think. here you go. hold on, i'll give that you right there. and we have mary here, as well, marry, how long have you been here? >> i've been here 15 years. >> you've been here 15. you've been here 16. a lot of argument between two. >> oh, no, not at all. >> all friends here? >> we're all friends. >> what time do we start prepping forlorn snatch. >> as soon as we're done breakfast, 9:00. getting everything ready for lunch. >> nice. show me the process? after we give them the food it goes where? where do we go? >> go down here? >> they get their stuff here. we give them the main entree, then they put their pin in there, it pops up their name, and charges them, and then they have bought. >> it is pretty hard. what's your name? >> this is nance. >> i how long have you been here, nancy? >> i've been here five years, i'm a babe. >> i and mindy how long have you been here? >> i've been here for three years now. i am the newbe. >> the rookie. >> i'm the rookie. >> but everyone here gets along? what's for lynch? >> today is pizza. >> oh, so guys, i'll be here, at valley elementary, i want to thank mindy and gloria and mary and nancy for all the things that you do. thank you. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> back to you, mike and alex. >> back to you, mike and alex. >> great job. wonderful. what do you call a hairnet if you have no hair? >> i don't think do you have wear one? >> head knelt. >> hey, pizza day here, ladies and gentlemen. did you ever hear of a philly taco? this is what you do. you put a cheese steak into a giant piece of pizak and you roll that sucker up. >> oh,. >> you're about to meet three men, who are going to have a contest. >> oh,. >> who can eat a philly taco within a four minute segment. that happens next. >> oh, gosh. >> why are we doing it? there is a big festival this weekend in philly. there's something to be said for exploring the world around you. why should snacking be any different? discover all nine flavors of our creamy cheese and tap into your curiosity. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you. new activia fruit fusion. it is collette 31. they are getting ready. that is temple university, liacouras center, they say this is the largest graduating class in the school's history,. >> that is a large class. >> there is someone special who will be part of that class my friend carla brown. she is getting a degree, master of science quality assurance and regulatory affairs. >> yes. >> she's a scientist. >> anytime you have all that salad dressing around your neck, all of the colors that means you are really smart. >> salad dressing, really. >> yes. >> yes, carla good military guys call it salad, all of the badges, ribbons and stuff. >> yes, all right, staff. >> oh, my god, cast of thousands. hi everybody. is there a big festival, it is the fourth annual south street spring festival which gets underway, tomorrow. >> hi michael. >> good to see you. >> how are you. i will go down the line. i will start all the way down at the end here, hi, good to see you. >> from jim's steaks. >> from jim's steaks. >> you provided the food. >> we provided stake sandwiches. >> before we explain what the philly taco is. who are you. >> brandon. >> where are you from. >> roxborough. >> you. >> josh, from drexel hill. >> are you lying? >> i mean from lancaster, and then drexel hill. >> you are in the running from the police. >> not that i know. >> vince from port richmond. >> hi vince welcome to the show. >> on the table, we have something called a philly taco. describe this to me, michael. >> it the is full size slice wrapped around a full sized jim's steaks sandwich. this is bringing together two great tastes of south street in a late night tradition, where we are institutional icing it and see who can do a south philly taco the best. >> you should be institutionalized foreign coming up with the idea. so this is what we will do as we talk about the festival, step up to your meat. and, here's the idea, for this segment is finish who can eat the most of the philly taco. are you ready. in three, two, one, go. all right, michael harris as they consume a giant piece of pizza wrapped around a cheese stake, tell me about the festival that starts tomorrow. >> it starts tomorrow at 11:00 . it runs all on south street from front out to eighth street and head house plaza we have over, and vince is guy that booked all of the acts, and he has to make it through you this to be stage managing tomorrow. we have over a hundred artists, crafters out there and we have over 20 restaurants on the street. >> let's look at the technique here. i see they have all decided to keep cheese stake inside of the wrapped pizza. some might say, unwrap it, and do one at a time. what say you mike. >> you cannot unwrap it. they have to go in as a combination. but you can go two varieties. they are eating burrito style but you can do taco style and flip the go long ways and flip it, which is my favorite way of to go it. >> you flip the slice up around it. >> michael, how did you learn about how to eat a philly taco. >> it turns out i was at a place late one night and he invited me over to have one. once i had it, it was a epiphany. >> how do you do your cheese steaks. >> well, we use, black angus top ground beef. >> great. >> we put half pound on the sandwich, we have onions on this one, it looks like someone got lucky and didn't get onions on the end, less food in there, and lets put it on a nice roll. >> and then lorenzo's pizza. >> a big lorenzo's pizza. >> we have to put some pepperoni and sausage on the pizza and make it thicker. >> that is only tuesday for lorenzo's otherwise cheese all the time. >> remine me when i should be in there. >> so you are here, can you sign up for this. >> 5:00 o'clock, you can be there, we will save a seat for you. >> mike, what do you say. >> save a tile let for me actually. >> we have plenty of everything out there. >> fun festival. >> i love the south street festival, it sound great. >> 11:00 to 8:00. >> we will see you on south street both days. listen to this, we will roll some footage here of jen fred but when we come back, keep going through the commercial break we will see who is further along. >> i don't think he will make it. >> he looks ready to blow. >> i don't want to be here for this. >> you have about three more minutes, we will talk to jen, take a commercial break and see who is ahead when we come right back. >> jen fred. >> hey ladies there is a philadelphia design their says we need to step it up in the fashion department on the weekend, we have to show our inner rock star, and, yes, she said that she even has an idea to look more chic on mothers day. windy and wet in olde city, okay, stop eating. stop eating. so the guys are through. and when you know it the little skinny guy in the middle is the winner. congratulations. >> wow. >> how are you doing. >> go make or go home. how are you feeling. >> i could eat more. >> i could. >> i really want to eat some more. >> how are you feeling. >> i'm thirsty. >> it is salty. >> yes. >> what was the key to victory, sir. >> well, you know, no breakfast. >> there you go, i knew what was coming. i went for it. >> i will see you guys on south street. >> yes, you will. >> and okay, this is it, from a a mal clune toy kerry washington, smoking, a list celebrities are leaving yoga pants at home on the weekend and dressing up specifically for the events they are sending one philly designer says that she wants philadelphia women to do the same. so jen stopped by yvonne o'connor's studio. >> you can understand why yvonne o'connor and see her lemonade dress and all of these designs and says on the weekend we are not dressing up, dressing for the occasion. you you are mad at us in philadelphia. >> i think that we can definitely do better and put a little bit more effort. >> spirit of philadelphia, place hees like that there is places to go if we need to dress up. >> spring marks the start of the social season. there are always events we have to attend. we have to look fabulous, absolutely. >> you are a stylist. this is ridiculous off the hook amazing and you think this is the kind of thank we should be wearing. >> i mean, yes. >> yes. >> you want us to embrace us and inner rock star kind of thing. >> absolutely. it is all about making a statement in everything you do so dressing can definitely help you with that. >> some of the things to incorporate the comfort, this is what you qualify as comfortable wear. >> yes, it is new jersey, jersey is one of the most comfortable fabric on the planet you want to us get out of our leisure. you recognize that is where world is going. we already feel comfortable. so we want to stay healthy all the time. if this is comfortable, like this is the right shape for me. >> true. >> but you do just slip it on pretty much and go. it is not a lot of associated with getting dressed. it is one step kind of a deal. >> let's move on. this weekend is the mothers day so i cannot be so rock out. >> true. >> that is correct. >> you see i have this dress right here, it is perfect, it is a perfect dress. go to church, you can go to brunch with the family. it is occasion appropriate. >> you say dress it up with accessories and what not. >> yes, you can take this bracelet, have a geometric thing that goes along with the dress, and little shoes and then you are good to go. >> what is the other fashion models. >> well, i have the perfect thing for you, which is exactly what i'm wearing. i'm wearing a top and bottom. >> it is not connect. >> no. >> the reason why it is a woman with different body types. i want to you purchase a bottom and top whatever size you need, put it together, and then you are good to go good that is crazy. >> that is good for mom. >> that is a good gift for mom. >> absolutely. >> we will step up our rock star, i promise, even it is just putting more jewelry, using our dresses that we already have and just making it work. yvonne o'connor, how long to be a rock star move. >> you can start off and gradually increase as summer goes. >> you will see, by august you will see a rock star. >> no, no by memorial day, please and thank you. >> yes. >> all right, so, give us our do not wear on the weekend list. >> all right. i am going to just stay away from tights, leggings and things like that and put up the effort. >> thank you so much. embrace your inner rock star. and try a little harder is what you are saying. >> absolutely. >> you can do it. >> okay. happy mothers day. let's do breakfast in bed. this should be total chaos. karen's three boys are here. roberta is here. karen's husband brian will be doing most of the cooking but the guys will help. we will see what kind of pancakes they make. karen is already in bed. are you ready. the put a blanket on her. she's all chilly. so she's in bed. >> mothers breakfast in bed this sunday. come on back. every friday, mr. lewis connects with his friends at the senior center to enjoy a nutritious, hot meal. which gives him the energy he needs to connect with his grandson, so he can teach him how to land the big one. when older pennsylvanians make the most of programs supported by the pennsylvania lottery, like hot meal programs, we all benefit. learn more at the pennsylvania lottery benefits older pennsylvanians every day. owe yesterday i'm walking down the street and you know those serta pro people, professional painters. they told me about this event. serta pro painters are sponsoring the greater philadelphia fit philadelphia run for our troops. it is the troops aim in on. 5k. community event. takes place at heritage trail in bala cynwyd. 8:30 in the morning. the that is the 15th a sunday. all of the money will go to our vets especially our injured vets. all right. this sunday you know what it is, it is mothers day. let's have some breakfast in bed. >> we have people here to help us out. >> hello there. >> so glad to have you here. >> we have to put together breakfast in bed. >> something special for your mom, aunt, grandmother. >> our mommies already in bed. >> get to sleep, karen. so she has three sons. here they are. >> so, obviously we have dad prepare the hot stuff. >> brian, come on in. >> come on in, dad. >> yes. >> you will be. >> good to see you, brian. >> very nice. >> thank you very much. >> yes you are taking care of pancakes. >> yes. >> i want to you flip it for me. >> yes. >> you guys will come over here with me. >> yes. >> keep an eye on that. >> i will give you guys a pancake. give you each a pancake. >> what will you decorate them. >> we will cut them out to say mom. >> hold on a second. >> do you have to do this. trying to make it cut out while it is still cooking. >> while daddies doing that. that is how we want to get them done. >> when you put them off. >> yes. >> we found out that karen loves chocolate chips so we made chocolate chips ones over here. >> yes. >> pressure. >> yes. he is a good flipper. >> move it over to the flat surface. >> press it all the way in. >> yes. >> really tight. >> this is fun for the kids too. >> yes. >> it gets them involved. that is important thing. get your kid involved, right. >> there you go. >> so now we will just prepare this for mom on this plate. >> we have the heart. we are having trouble with the m. >> right here. >> press it down. >> hard, squeeze it. >> this is quinn, joseph. >> i know you are maclin. >> yes. >> we did a good job there, right buddy. >> yes. >> now we will put it over here. put your o over here. m over here. >> he had the o around the nest is that the same thing. >> it is mommy, mommy, you know, usually takes care of all that stuff. >> upside down it the is wow. >> there you combo. >> so what we will do is take it over to mommy. >> can you hand that will. >> do we put butter and syrup. >> we have this over here. >> it is about the looks. >> this is the one that mom actually wants. dad will to have make it look nice. we have heart bacon. we have breakfast sangria for mom. >> so surprised. i would never believe it,. >> yes. >> you know what i really want, breakfast sangria. >> mommy sangria. >> let's bring the whole tray over. >> i love it. >> yes. >> before we move it. >> let's show everybody how we ended up here, if i turn it around this way. >> there you go. >> from the over head. >> we have some heart bacon over there that says wow. >> wow, karen is a wow mom. >> serious. >> there we go. >> what you can do is put your kids decorations this little guy made this for me. >> that is great. >> so little place math for mom mom, right. >> yes. >> brian, do you want to do the honor. >> take the whole tray over. >> take the whole tray over. >> thank you very much. >> we have more fruit. >> happy mothers day, mommy. >> here we go. >> and is there good bacon. i said he loves his plate. there is more fruits, strawberry. this is really cute. thank you so much. >> and then the crazy uncle will came over. >> you know the good news alex, mike said he will come over and baby-sit so we can go to justin beiber concert to have a fun time. >> we will all go together. >> here's the cool thing when we go, we will look closely on stage because there are two lucky dancers from our area, who will be dancing with justin beiber. we will meet them next. pat toomey started his career as an investment banker. then, a wall street wheeler-dealer overseeing stock trades in new york, london and tokyo. next, toomey moved to hong kong to work with wealthy chinese investors. in the senate, it's no surprise toomey's been siding with wall street. voting to allow banks to continue making the risky investments that wrecked our economy. afscme people is responsible for the content of this ad. with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes to a whole new level. nutella. spread the happy! heaviest of our downpours moving into chester county, and part of the delaware county as well. we will zoom into some of the hot spots, if you will where you see red around west chester it is soaking rain, marlboro chester county, chester heights in delco getting lots of heavy rain this morning. everything is moving further inland but we have a couple more hours of this heavy rain, guys and it will get better. >> thanks, sue. lets talk about the justin beiber concert, sandra says, i take $1,000 for a ticket, tomorrow. >> that is a lot. >> you know doesn't to have pay? they do not have to have pay. >> let's talk to him first. >> is what name of the dance troop. >> it is called i am fresh with the ph. >> justin has asked people in different communities around the the america come to the stage and perform like tomorrow night. >> yes. >> what did you submit a tape. >> we submitted a video on you tube and a tape. >> have you guys had rehearsals, justin beiber's people contact you. >> his people put him on line, and on you tune, tube and they had an hurry to get it together. >> you guys got to start dancing. >> introduce who we have here. >> what are your name. >> kayla. >> and angel. >> where are they from. >> from philadelphia and new jersey. >> okay. >> here we go. >> ♪ >> they learned this in an hour. >> yes. >> how long they have have they been dancing. >> they have been dancing, he has always been dancing and she has been dancing, in and out of the the studio. she was on tour, for about a year but he is a free style as well and he is learning to if the into the industry. >> wow. >> okay. >> how old are you. >> do you want to get in the dance group. >> iam fresh. >> with you with the ph. >> yes, you will be on stage with justin beiber. are you excited. >> yes. >> are you justin beiber fans. >> when you see him, get him this it is a tool out of the toolbox. >> make him take lots of pictures and we will talk to you after. >> so everybody watch for them on stage. >> go kid, go. >> happy mothers day everybody. it's time on "the wendy williams show." [ cheers and applause ] >> the kids have come to play today. >> you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. >> all hot topics, all hour long, all week. i give it to you straight, no chaser. ♪ >> announcer: now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> wendy: good to see you again. here we go. thank you for watching our show. these are my mother

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good day fieldtrip. seriously. >> you know, probably get up to the bathroom and never come back. >> no, he will be there singing ♪ >> justin bieber, with me on one side, karen help on the other. >> ♪ >> why don't you two love yourself? okay? >> oh, good one. see, already speaking the lyrics. >> i know what he means by that, good day, it is friday, may the sixth, 2016. want a happy marriage? of course you do. try moving out of the house. couples say they're surviving their marriage because they now live in separate houses. it is a dream come true. >> and mothers day is on sunday. so what do you get your mom? how about this? breakfast in bed? it is classic, right? so the recipes, how mom can also look sheik for her special day. >> by the way, if you like chaos on morning television, wait for it, it is in this hour. karen haas brought her husband in and her three young boys, who are turning into the green room right now, this should be a nightmare. >> someone thought this was good idea, all right, we shall see. speaking of moms, britney spears, she has the two sons, i always followed this, because she has boys, i have boys. so she wrote pretty heartfelt letter real toy her children. what she wants them to know about some of the battles they'll face. >> also, milky way, have you seen the picture brittany posted yesterday in a lime green bikini? >> good? >> we'll show it to you, this morning, asking for pictures of your mom, for mothers day weekends, if you do sends something in, use that #fox29goodday. >> oh, look at mysteries a murphy looking good from in this message, a door job from colleen, my favorite lady, my mommy. >> that's her mom? >> yes. >> miss you and love you. >> well, a loft just a loft moms in our life. we have good mother figures, or mother-in-law. happy mother day, love my mother, she get more beautiful every year. so nice. >> how is your mom? >> my mom's great. watching the show right now as she does every week. >> i have a question for you. your husband, brian, he did show up, right? >> he's here. >> he's here. will he feel compelled to get your mother a gift? and would he feel compelled to get his own mother, he's going to get his own mother a gift? >> the law of moms is you should at least get your own momma card. i got cards for his mom, my mom, my sister-in-law who just became a new mom. >> wait, you got the card? >> i bought the card. >> he should get me a card, and he will. >> he should get you -- you're not his mother. >> to me that's a big debate. but you're the mother of his children, do you get a gift from your us? >> not a gift, but at least a card. i think a card is enough. let us know what you think about this. you don't need jewelry, stuff, the baby won't write you a card. >> no, we know we have to do it. >> what if your kids are of age, say teenagers or adults, does your husband, should he get you a gift since you are the mother of the children? >> yes, at least flowers, a card, because you know the teenagers won't do, hey -- >> you're not his mom. >> my mother would argue that. i had this whole thing he organized bachelor party weekend for one of his buddies on mothers day weekend. his wife just had baby three weeks ago. first mother day. so i called my mom, mom, it is the most important one, he better get back here because he will regret if he misses his first mother's day. >> what happened? >> my mom said oh, he is such a wonderful son. you know who he should worry about? me, i'm his mother. >> okay. >> what was that about? >> she is first time mother, you know? you helped her become a mother. that casino of work, then you should -- >> of course you will get your momma gift probably. >> i just found out, so excited my mom is supposed to spends the weekend for mothers day weekends, my dad has to have emergency oral surgery, now they had to cancel their flight last minute. so i won't see my mom. so now i reposition, because i didn't have time to mail her gift because i thought she would be here. now i don't have anything. >> will your dad give your momma. >> i. >> probably. usually we come together. like, all right, we'll put in. >> i like that. >> hey, q, are you going to give your wife ivy a gift for mothers day? >> well, mike, here is the thing. any guy that doesn't really participate in giving the mother of his child a gift, you're an idiot. let's be real. >> thank you. >> you're an idiot. okay? you want drama in your life. you want to argument you want to like sleep in the basement on the couch? it is just dumb, okay? get her a gift. get her a card. i don't care if the kids are 30 years old, just give her something. >> all right. >> being a mother is the hardest job ever. okay? ladies, i have some ladies in here. can you guys make some noise if you agree? (cheers). >> like a talk show. but come on, seriously, just give her something. why wouldn't you give her something? why? what's the reason? mike our camera guy, he says she's not my mom. i wouldn't do it. >> and now we are showing a picture of ivy forcing quince toy give her a gift. >> no. >> it is a picture of you when you won -- >> oh. well, listen, the thing about any relationship, it is not always about being right. it is about just making sure everyone is happy, other than yourself. >> that's true. >> and the thought that count. words of wisdom. >> the thought, just give her a card, give her some flowers, that's all she wants. >> true. >> that's it. >> just tweeted: yes, the husband should help the children get their mom something for mothers day. yep, that should happen. but should you get something separately just from him is the question? >> didn't get a card from her husband, that was the last straw. >> divorce? >> divorced, yep. >> okay, i'll go get a card. q, good to see you, man, we'll check back, you're at a school. did you realize it is national lunch lady, hundred every guy day? celebrating people who give food to our kids at school. >> they should be celebrated. >> that's a hard job. >> hey, di, in honor of that back in the prepare room, do we have hairnets? >> i have a shower cap. >> close enough. staff, can you run down to the thingy and we need three hairnet. thank you. >> or i think the shower cap is on my desk, you know it is raining out. >> sure it is. >> it is real, yes. >> branching out into two households is saving some marriages from divorce, i love this plan, couples are choose to go live apart. separate homes i am talking b could be a block away, but still separate homes. keeping them together. they found the day-to-day mechanics of life leads to bickers, stress in their relationship when you are in their face 24 hours a day. couples noticed their relationship grew when they spent weeks, months apart. when you're with somebody 24/7, it is easier to take that person for granted and stay blood to the laptop or tv. i get this all the time. why are you constantly on your phone? because. and they're having their own space help the couples think up. in one particular case there is guy says he stays over at her house twice a week. then he goes back to his house the rest of the week. five days. the main disadvantage of course in living apart is money. >> two houses. >> you got to have two house. >> two separate lives. that's like dating. i mean, that's what we all like to have for a long time. that's not realistic. that's not life. >> if you could afford it, would you do it? >> no. >> i had to think about that. you guys, you got long distance relationship, and i've done that many different times over the years, you've done that to great success. >> not a real marriage. what makes a real marriage? just love there and committed as long as you're honoring your vows, isn't it technically a marriage? >> are you coming over to the dark side here? >> what's the dark side? >> maybe having separate bedroom? >> no, i am not saying. that will listen, i don't know, i'm single. here is the thing i've always thought about i can't imagine, i never lived with someone before, a guy, being with someone day after day and night and see him all the time and always being around him. i can't fathom that. so respect the married people. i can't understanded that concept. and also i'm an only child, used to being alone, i just think it would be a lot to handle. so if it is about love and respecting your plows. >> i think you made a commitment. >> no, no, no, i'm not saying that. >> do you want to get married? >> i would like to get married if it is in the cards for me. >> oh, you really sold that marriage idea. >> hey, let's get married. let's do it. >> the problem with that is that's a lot of fun, but then you're only therefore the good times and in a real relationship there through the bad times. like who is going to help you, especially just someone comes over to have dinner have fun? i need to you headache the painting, dot grouting. >> who does grounding? >> just thinking the work that happens in life. like who is going to do the yards? who is going do this? >> bus when i talk to married people one of the biggest things they say i had no idea what it was like, you finally start living with the person, you learn things about them you didn't think you would ever dis cover. so that's the only thing i'm like oh, living with someone. >> i love when your voice goes low like that. >> discover. my texas comes out, too. >> ya. how are you feeling? >> i'm here. >> you're doing good job. >> thank you. >> why, usually when he says that it means i'm not. >> it looks like it is midnight outside. just pouring. when we get a tight shot of you? it is a monsoon. >> you see it? >> ridiculous. >> every person that comes in is like a drenched rat, they just keep saying ugh, it is discusting. >> man, we have a big burst of rain right now in old city. this is fourth and market looking down market toward fifth street. >> when did we see the sun last? seriously, was it last saturday? >> sue, was it saturday? >> monday afternoon, started off with rain monday morning, but the sun did come out for awhile in the afternoon. >> topic on people's list. >> hydroplane, oh. >> real funny. >> oh! >> (thunder heard). >> on instagram, i posted this meme, about this weather we've been having. >> really? >> i tried to go around, to get around this particular puddle at fifth and market, you have to go way out into traffic. >> you need your goloshes. >> oh, you need everything, raincoat, umbrella, rain boots, for my women out there, shower cap. i'm telling you. >> should i move snob. >> you like the show, right? >> what show? >> the one about where they're driving around in the cars, singing and doing karioke? >> wait, since you're out in the weather, for all of my fans, drake kale out with this new albumn, views. ever since he dropped it, the weather has been exactly how it is on this albumn. we have not seen the since since. >> so we blame drake. >> i just want views of the sun. >> i just want some -- >> no, don't do that. >> get it? >> it could all be so simple? you guys know that line? you keep saying it. >> i just want to be in bed is what i'm saying. >> ya. >> james cord on is that late night host, right. >> yes. >> i love, he has the besiege the called well it is carpool karaoke, he gets the top singers in the worlds to sit in the passenger seat of his car. he drives around, they lip-sync basically. >> juan we love it and we love it. who is the latest person in the seat. >> again stefan. >> i i started falling in love. i wrote a whole record about that. that's like what the facelift is, i think. >> you owe me big time. >> hi, man, how are you? (cheers). >> okay? >> absolutely just said i need four people in the car. >> hang on, hang on. >> you are a pain in the (beep). >> i am? hey, uh, no, i'm with james. he needs -- james corden. ya, no, he needs -- we need a fourth. gwen stefani here. oh, okay good, all right, see you in a minute. >> now -- >> what's that mean? >> nothing. >> i mean, did they give any indication of -- >> hey! >> hey! (cheers). >> ♪ >> ♪ >> holler back girl ♪ >> ♪ we are the champions my friends ♪ >> okay, i'm in love with his segment. >> oh, it is so much fun. >> now, we know why george and julia are in the back seat, that new movie which looks really good. >> what's it called? >> money madness or something? >> oh,. >> he's on air, anchorman. >> george clooney really? >> like cnbc, she is the producer, she is the kit can kline, or the milky way. >> like you, when you go outnumber one person they say you look like is -- >> george clooney, ya. by the way, it is george's birthday today. >> how old is he? >> he's 55. >> looking good. >> double nickles. by the way the movie is called money monsters. see, guy comes in with a gun, takes over the studio, and then kit cat kline, or the julia robert character, has got to fix it all. she doesn't want george to be killed. >> oceans movie together? >> yes. >> oceans 11? >> ocean 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ... ya. >> britney spears, by the way, megan, did you finds it, lime green, lime green bikini? look at this. >> oh, did i see. >> this i think she looks amazing. >> great. >> she does. that's interesting design. >> do you think it was photo shopped? >> i don't know, i don't think so. she showed picture of her body recently. >> looking great. >> well, it is a work out every night in las vegas, she has a message now for her sons, she sharing this with the world. brittany, world of peace for time magazine, which she talks about what her two boys mean to her. >> so part of the note included from the day i saw the most precious eyes, i believed in miracles, to the core, such a gift god has given me. exploring in your beautiful world every day. i pray for mother. teach you strength and passion to carry through the struggles in the world. most battles will always be one on your knees. >> excuse me? >> she means praying. >> okay? >> i pray you find your dreams. >> her kids are good looking. >> they are. >> are they both with the guy -- >> justin federline. >> fifty-five hours. no, that was different kid. >> that was like 24 hours in vegas, i think federline -- >> was legitimate marriage at one point. >> but she had problems. didn't she have the kids taken away from her in all of the thrust of that, whole thing back and forth? >> glad she's doing better. >> yes, her dad had to take over her life, saved her life she says, ya. >> now in better place, you know. >> way to go, brittany. speaking of birthdays, it is mia vargus' 19th birthday today. >> oh. >> happy birthday, nia. >> suing has built a shrine around her weather center well, you know, the first birthday since that day that i have not been with her on her actual birthday. >> hold. this is her -- the first birthday she has not been with you in person? >> here come the tears. >> yep, she is at college. >> we're done. >> i know, so in light of that, i've just gave megan 800,000 pictures. that was 19 years ago today. the first time i saw her. >> oh, man. >> and but 18 years ago today. >> awe. >> and let's see what else. >> now she is six-ten. >> ya, that's us now. >> gorge. >> i know, i just can't even believe it. >> oh, you look alike. >> you really do. >> i guess that's how that works? >> at least i know, senior photo from last year when she graduated. >> same smile. same eyes. >> yes. >> thanks. >> she is down there, doing phenominal. and you know, more than funny, has great spunk, and she is so sweet. >> i don't know how all that happened. >> i don't know either. spite of me she is amazing. thank you. let's look at ultimate doppler radar. thank you foreign dull ginning me with that, special day in our house. oh, can you believe? look at all of this red and orange on ultimate doppler radar. we zoom into couple of neighborhoods here, show you red lion in delaware, newark, around the university, elkton maryland, chesapeake city, maryland, all getting just this horrible, horrible rain. we move off to little further north, concord, in delco, claymont, in delaware. and here in philadelphia we've got steady, steady rain. you see the dark green there? that means it is continuing. but i will tell you this, this is absolutely the worse of it. and over the next couple of hours, you will see conditions start to ease up little bit. so, this is also the chilliest day of the next seven. it warms up nicely over the weekends. guys? >> sure does. thanks, sue. >> thank you. >> well, apparently prince harry opens up about his mother princess diana. he admits his memories of her are fading. >> almost little heart breaking. he doesn't remember, because his older brother was there in all of the pictures, he was just real a little toddler. >> how old was he? >> he was 12 years old when she died. and during a recent interview with people, the 31 year old says, he just really can't remember much about his mom. you know, of course so many pictures from the paparazzi and things over the years, but actual memories, you know, just little dude. so but it is her that he thinks about all the time, he's like she inspires me to try to do the right thing, to do charitable work, to help other people with aids, wounded warriors, and he really wants to make her proud. >> i'm sure she looking down from heaven. no question about it. this morning we're asking for pictures of your mom. and they've been flooding in, and that's not a reference to the weather, but they've been flooding in. >> you guys on good day, judy says my beautiful wonderful mom, she my heart and irreplaceable. >> then nicole sent in this picture of her mother. >> crafty. >> and then melissa my mother diana. >> happy mother day to my beautiful mommy. she is my ainge em. she means the worlds to me. thanks for sending this one in. >> can you hear this, mike? justin bieber, okay? >> oh, great. >> anyway, so it is also national lunch lady lunch man day. the people that serve our kids at school. so, quincy has a surprise today. >> today is national lunch hero day, we're celebrating all of our lunch heroes, who serve lunch to our kids. i'm at valley he elementary. she reached out to me, and i'm going to serve some breakfast coming up next. i think. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ narrator: the constitution says the president shall make nominations for the supreme court and the senate votes. no exception for election years why is pat toomey refusing to do the job pennsylvania elected him to do? toomey refuses to consider anyone president obama nominates, even a former prosecutor with more experience than any other nominee with bipartisan support. but toomey is choosing his party's leaders and playing politics with the supreme court. call senator toomey and tell him to put the constitution before his politics. >> wide shot. see lou it is lighting up in atlantic city? it is all moving inland. eventually the lighter rain is moving here too. let's zoom into the delaware county area, concord, aspen, pouring, super-soaker this morning, in west goshen, that's across the boundery in chester county. back in delco, marcus hook, down in greenville, delaware, the home of joe biden, it is pouring on his house right now. >> thank you. sue, you've done a great job today. okay, get your hairnets ready. i say lunch lady day, but because there are guys involved, too, it is national school lunch hero day. quincy is offering those great people who serve our kids every day. q? >> al valley elementary, lunch hero day, i'm lunch person. serving lunch shall we have gloria. you emailed us, been here for 16 years? >> yes. >> now, do you have serve a lot of people here? >> yes, we do. >> now, i am hopping in with you. what would you like me to do today? >> i would like you to serve. >> okay? >> and see, what we do every day. >> now, how many student usually do you serve food to? >> for breakfast or forlorn snatch. >> for breakfast. >> eighty to 90. >> how about hundred snatch. >> about close to 300. >> that's a lot. so what's for breakfast today? >> sausage, egg and cheese, on croissant, or french toast. >> ma'am, what's your name? >> kayla. >> what's your name? >> ava. >> would you like sausage, egg and cheese biscuit? >> yes. >> low about you? >> yes. >> okay, we are giving out sausage, egg and cheese biscuits. okay? okay. and do they also get french toast? >> no, they get either or. >> oh, okay. i knew that. >> and fruit over there. >> fruit. now do we put the fruit on? >> they usually grab it. >> so you just give t here you go. and would you like french toast or sausage, egg and cheese biscuit? >> sausage, egg and cheese. >> what grade are you? >> second. >> fourth. >> are they good people here? >> yes. >> they treat you guys nice? >> yes. >> okay. they weren't paid to say that, i don't think. here you go. hold on, i'll give that you right there. and we have mary here, as well, marry, how long have you been here? >> i've been here 15 years. >> you've been here 15. you've been here 16. a lot of argument between two. >> oh, no, not at all. >> all friends here? >> we're all friends. >> what time do we start prepping forlorn snatch. >> as soon as we're done breakfast, 9:00. getting everything ready for lunch. >> nice. show me the process? after we give them the food it goes where? where do we go? >> go down here? >> they get their stuff here. we give them the main entree, then they put their pin in there, it pops up their name, and charges them, and then they have bought. >> it is pretty hard. what's your name? >> this is nance. >> i how long have you been here, nancy? >> i've been here five years, i'm a babe. >> i and mindy how long have you been here? >> i've been here for three years now. i am the newbe. >> the rookie. >> i'm the rookie. >> but everyone here gets along? what's for lynch? >> today is pizza. >> oh, so guys, i'll be here, at valley elementary, i want to thank mindy and gloria and mary and nancy for all the things that you do. thank you. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> back to you, mike and alex. >> back to you, mike and alex. >> great job. wonderful. what do you call a hairnet if you have no hair? >> i don't think do you have wear one? >> head knelt. >> hey, pizza day here, ladies and gentlemen. did you ever hear of a philly taco? this is what you do. you put a cheese steak into a giant piece of pizak and you roll that sucker up. >> oh,. >> you're about to meet three men, who are going to have a contest. >> oh,. >> who can eat a philly taco within a four minute segment. that happens next. >> oh, gosh. >> why are we doing it? there is a big festival this weekend in philly. there's something to be said for exploring the world around you. why should snacking be any different? discover all nine flavors of our creamy cheese and tap into your curiosity. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you. new activia fruit fusion. it is collette 31. they are getting ready. that is temple university, liacouras center, they say this is the largest graduating class in the school's history,. >> that is a large class. >> there is someone special who will be part of that class my friend carla brown. she is getting a degree, master of science quality assurance and regulatory affairs. >> yes. >> she's a scientist. >> anytime you have all that salad dressing around your neck, all of the colors that means you are really smart. >> salad dressing, really. >> yes. >> yes, carla good military guys call it salad, all of the badges, ribbons and stuff. >> yes, all right, staff. >> oh, my god, cast of thousands. hi everybody. is there a big festival, it is the fourth annual south street spring festival which gets underway, tomorrow. >> hi michael. >> good to see you. >> how are you. i will go down the line. i will start all the way down at the end here, hi, good to see you. >> from jim's steaks. >> from jim's steaks. >> you provided the food. >> we provided stake sandwiches. >> before we explain what the philly taco is. who are you. >> brandon. >> where are you from. >> roxborough. >> you. >> josh, from drexel hill. >> are you lying? >> i mean from lancaster, and then drexel hill. >> you are in the running from the police. >> not that i know. >> vince from port richmond. >> hi vince welcome to the show. >> on the table, we have something called a philly taco. describe this to me, michael. >> it the is full size slice wrapped around a full sized jim's steaks sandwich. this is bringing together two great tastes of south street in a late night tradition, where we are institutional icing it and see who can do a south philly taco the best. >> you should be institutionalized foreign coming up with the idea. so this is what we will do as we talk about the festival, step up to your meat. and, here's the idea, for this segment is finish who can eat the most of the philly taco. are you ready. in three, two, one, go. all right, michael harris as they consume a giant piece of pizza wrapped around a cheese stake, tell me about the festival that starts tomorrow. >> it starts tomorrow at 11:00 . it runs all on south street from front out to eighth street and head house plaza we have over, and vince is guy that booked all of the acts, and he has to make it through you this to be stage managing tomorrow. we have over a hundred artists, crafters out there and we have over 20 restaurants on the street. >> let's look at the technique here. i see they have all decided to keep cheese stake inside of the wrapped pizza. some might say, unwrap it, and do one at a time. what say you mike. >> you cannot unwrap it. they have to go in as a combination. but you can go two varieties. they are eating burrito style but you can do taco style and flip the go long ways and flip it, which is my favorite way of to go it. >> you flip the slice up around it. >> michael, how did you learn about how to eat a philly taco. >> it turns out i was at a place late one night and he invited me over to have one. once i had it, it was a epiphany. >> how do you do your cheese steaks. >> well, we use, black angus top ground beef. >> great. >> we put half pound on the sandwich, we have onions on this one, it looks like someone got lucky and didn't get onions on the end, less food in there, and lets put it on a nice roll. >> and then lorenzo's pizza. >> a big lorenzo's pizza. >> we have to put some pepperoni and sausage on the pizza and make it thicker. >> that is only tuesday for lorenzo's otherwise cheese all the time. >> remine me when i should be in there. >> so you are here, can you sign up for this. >> 5:00 o'clock, you can be there, we will save a seat for you. >> mike, what do you say. >> save a tile let for me actually. >> we have plenty of everything out there. >> fun festival. >> i love the south street festival, it sound great. >> 11:00 to 8:00. >> we will see you on south street both days. listen to this, we will roll some footage here of jen fred but when we come back, keep going through the commercial break we will see who is further along. >> i don't think he will make it. >> he looks ready to blow. >> i don't want to be here for this. >> you have about three more minutes, we will talk to jen, take a commercial break and see who is ahead when we come right back. >> jen fred. >> hey ladies there is a philadelphia design their says we need to step it up in the fashion department on the weekend, we have to show our inner rock star, and, yes, she said that she even has an idea to look more chic on mothers day. windy and wet in olde city, okay, stop eating. stop eating. so the guys are through. and when you know it the little skinny guy in the middle is the winner. congratulations. >> wow. >> how are you doing. >> go make or go home. how are you feeling. >> i could eat more. >> i could. >> i really want to eat some more. >> how are you feeling. >> i'm thirsty. >> it is salty. >> yes. >> what was the key to victory, sir. >> well, you know, no breakfast. >> there you go, i knew what was coming. i went for it. >> i will see you guys on south street. >> yes, you will. >> and okay, this is it, from a a mal clune toy kerry washington, smoking, a list celebrities are leaving yoga pants at home on the weekend and dressing up specifically for the events they are sending one philly designer says that she wants philadelphia women to do the same. so jen stopped by yvonne o'connor's studio. >> you can understand why yvonne o'connor and see her lemonade dress and all of these designs and says on the weekend we are not dressing up, dressing for the occasion. you you are mad at us in philadelphia. >> i think that we can definitely do better and put a little bit more effort. >> spirit of philadelphia, place hees like that there is places to go if we need to dress up. >> spring marks the start of the social season. there are always events we have to attend. we have to look fabulous, absolutely. >> you are a stylist. this is ridiculous off the hook amazing and you think this is the kind of thank we should be wearing. >> i mean, yes. >> yes. >> you want us to embrace us and inner rock star kind of thing. >> absolutely. it is all about making a statement in everything you do so dressing can definitely help you with that. >> some of the things to incorporate the comfort, this is what you qualify as comfortable wear. >> yes, it is new jersey, jersey is one of the most comfortable fabric on the planet you want to us get out of our leisure. you recognize that is where world is going. we already feel comfortable. so we want to stay healthy all the time. if this is comfortable, like this is the right shape for me. >> true. >> but you do just slip it on pretty much and go. it is not a lot of associated with getting dressed. it is one step kind of a deal. >> let's move on. this weekend is the mothers day so i cannot be so rock out. >> true. >> that is correct. >> you see i have this dress right here, it is perfect, it is a perfect dress. go to church, you can go to brunch with the family. it is occasion appropriate. >> you say dress it up with accessories and what not. >> yes, you can take this bracelet, have a geometric thing that goes along with the dress, and little shoes and then you are good to go. >> what is the other fashion models. >> well, i have the perfect thing for you, which is exactly what i'm wearing. i'm wearing a top and bottom. >> it is not connect. >> no. >> the reason why it is a woman with different body types. i want to you purchase a bottom and top whatever size you need, put it together, and then you are good to go good that is crazy. >> that is good for mom. >> that is a good gift for mom. >> absolutely. >> we will step up our rock star, i promise, even it is just putting more jewelry, using our dresses that we already have and just making it work. yvonne o'connor, how long to be a rock star move. >> you can start off and gradually increase as summer goes. >> you will see, by august you will see a rock star. >> no, no by memorial day, please and thank you. >> yes. >> all right, so, give us our do not wear on the weekend list. >> all right. i am going to just stay away from tights, leggings and things like that and put up the effort. >> thank you so much. embrace your inner rock star. and try a little harder is what you are saying. >> absolutely. >> you can do it. >> okay. happy mothers day. let's do breakfast in bed. this should be total chaos. karen's three boys are here. roberta is here. karen's husband brian will be doing most of the cooking but the guys will help. we will see what kind of pancakes they make. karen is already in bed. are you ready. the put a blanket on her. she's all chilly. so she's in bed. >> mothers breakfast in bed this sunday. come on back. every friday, mr. lewis connects with his friends at the senior center to enjoy a nutritious, hot meal. which gives him the energy he needs to connect with his grandson, so he can teach him how to land the big one. when older pennsylvanians make the most of programs supported by the pennsylvania lottery, like hot meal programs, we all benefit. learn more at the pennsylvania lottery benefits older pennsylvanians every day. owe yesterday i'm walking down the street and you know those serta pro people, professional painters. they told me about this event. serta pro painters are sponsoring the greater philadelphia fit philadelphia run for our troops. it is the troops aim in on. 5k. community event. takes place at heritage trail in bala cynwyd. 8:30 in the morning. the that is the 15th a sunday. all of the money will go to our vets especially our injured vets. all right. this sunday you know what it is, it is mothers day. let's have some breakfast in bed. >> we have people here to help us out. >> hello there. >> so glad to have you here. >> we have to put together breakfast in bed. >> something special for your mom, aunt, grandmother. >> our mommies already in bed. >> get to sleep, karen. so she has three sons. here they are. >> so, obviously we have dad prepare the hot stuff. >> brian, come on in. >> come on in, dad. >> yes. >> you will be. >> good to see you, brian. >> very nice. >> thank you very much. >> yes you are taking care of pancakes. >> yes. >> i want to you flip it for me. >> yes. >> you guys will come over here with me. >> yes. >> keep an eye on that. >> i will give you guys a pancake. give you each a pancake. >> what will you decorate them. >> we will cut them out to say mom. >> hold on a second. >> do you have to do this. trying to make it cut out while it is still cooking. >> while daddies doing that. that is how we want to get them done. >> when you put them off. >> yes. >> we found out that karen loves chocolate chips so we made chocolate chips ones over here. >> yes. >> pressure. >> yes. he is a good flipper. >> move it over to the flat surface. >> press it all the way in. >> yes. >> really tight. >> this is fun for the kids too. >> yes. >> it gets them involved. that is important thing. get your kid involved, right. >> there you go. >> so now we will just prepare this for mom on this plate. >> we have the heart. we are having trouble with the m. >> right here. >> press it down. >> hard, squeeze it. >> this is quinn, joseph. >> i know you are maclin. >> yes. >> we did a good job there, right buddy. >> yes. >> now we will put it over here. put your o over here. m over here. >> he had the o around the nest is that the same thing. >> it is mommy, mommy, you know, usually takes care of all that stuff. >> upside down it the is wow. >> there you combo. >> so what we will do is take it over to mommy. >> can you hand that will. >> do we put butter and syrup. >> we have this over here. >> it is about the looks. >> this is the one that mom actually wants. dad will to have make it look nice. we have heart bacon. we have breakfast sangria for mom. >> so surprised. i would never believe it,. >> yes. >> you know what i really want, breakfast sangria. >> mommy sangria. >> let's bring the whole tray over. >> i love it. >> yes. >> before we move it. >> let's show everybody how we ended up here, if i turn it around this way. >> there you go. >> from the over head. >> we have some heart bacon over there that says wow. >> wow, karen is a wow mom. >> serious. >> there we go. >> what you can do is put your kids decorations this little guy made this for me. >> that is great. >> so little place math for mom mom, right. >> yes. >> brian, do you want to do the honor. >> take the whole tray over. >> take the whole tray over. >> thank you very much. >> we have more fruit. >> happy mothers day, mommy. >> here we go. >> and is there good bacon. i said he loves his plate. there is more fruits, strawberry. this is really cute. thank you so much. >> and then the crazy uncle will came over. >> you know the good news alex, mike said he will come over and baby-sit so we can go to justin beiber concert to have a fun time. >> we will all go together. >> here's the cool thing when we go, we will look closely on stage because there are two lucky dancers from our area, who will be dancing with justin beiber. we will meet them next. pat toomey started his career as an investment banker. then, a wall street wheeler-dealer overseeing stock trades in new york, london and tokyo. next, toomey moved to hong kong to work with wealthy chinese investors. in the senate, it's no surprise toomey's been siding with wall street. voting to allow banks to continue making the risky investments that wrecked our economy. afscme people is responsible for the content of this ad. with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes to a whole new level. nutella. spread the happy! heaviest of our downpours moving into chester county, and part of the delaware county as well. we will zoom into some of the hot spots, if you will where you see red around west chester it is soaking rain, marlboro chester county, chester heights in delco getting lots of heavy rain this morning. everything is moving further inland but we have a couple more hours of this heavy rain, guys and it will get better. >> thanks, sue. lets talk about the justin beiber concert, sandra says, i take $1,000 for a ticket, tomorrow. >> that is a lot. >> you know doesn't to have pay? they do not have to have pay. >> let's talk to him first. >> is what name of the dance troop. >> it is called i am fresh with the ph. >> justin has asked people in different communities around the the america come to the stage and perform like tomorrow night. >> yes. >> what did you submit a tape. >> we submitted a video on you tube and a tape. >> have you guys had rehearsals, justin beiber's people contact you. >> his people put him on line, and on you tune, tube and they had an hurry to get it together. >> you guys got to start dancing. >> introduce who we have here. >> what are your name. >> kayla. >> and angel. >> where are they from. >> from philadelphia and new jersey. >> okay. >> here we go. >> ♪ >> they learned this in an hour. >> yes. >> how long they have have they been dancing. >> they have been dancing, he has always been dancing and she has been dancing, in and out of the the studio. she was on tour, for about a year but he is a free style as well and he is learning to if the into the industry. >> wow. >> okay. >> how old are you. >> do you want to get in the dance group. >> iam fresh. >> with you with the ph. >> yes, you will be on stage with justin beiber. are you excited. >> yes. >> are you justin beiber fans. >> when you see him, get him this it is a tool out of the toolbox. >> make him take lots of pictures and we will talk to you after. >> so everybody watch for them on stage. >> go kid, go. >> happy mothers day everybody. it's time on "the wendy williams show." [ cheers and applause ] >> the kids have come to play today. >> you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. >> all hot topics, all hour long, all week. i give it to you straight, no chaser. ♪ >> announcer: now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> wendy: good to see you again. here we go. thank you for watching our show. these are my mother

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