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January 26th, my sister kathleens birthday. You just have like three, back to back. I know. She lives in roswell, new mexico what are they famous for. Ufo. Yes. Aliens. Xfiles. Xfiles. We found connor bear win. Xfiles is back on tv. Sunday night and last night. And they will have, six episodes. I never like xfiles. Yes. Look at that. Look at that. Wow. That is a big base. It is all about that base, about that base. And no trouble. Nicely don or. He has a big body. Yes. He is built. I bet he had some help. Yes. This Rob Kardashian guy, this guy right here, does he have, does he have a relationship now. That is what they are saying, but not everyone is happen bye this. When i saw this, i was like my goodness this is not happening. The problem the rest of the kardashians may have with this coupling. You know what i normally know what the the stories are. I have have no idea. Just you wait. Is it a woman. Yes, it is a woman. Not a woman that his sisters approve of. Well, what do you mean. Leave him alone. We will talk bit. You see the instagram picture of chloe yesterday. No, i didnt. She looks good. She has been looking good you are late to the party. Really. I like court any. You are a courtney fan. But she gave the top three places that she has made love. Really. That was weird. She mentioned it. With pictures. How did we get through this day without knowing that. We will look that up. Milky way. Greasies the word. I think i will watch this. You know the movie, grease, of course, one of the most popular movies ever made. Right. On fox sunday night on our network these big time stars will recreate the movie but basically on stage. Live. Live. Guess who is on good day at this hour Julianne Hoff and the guy that will play danny, he is on today, alan terbeck. Do we have confirmation of that. Yes. It is spelled interestingly. My daughter has a crush on him so i know. Yes. She said aaron, he will be on the show. Yes. We are now, in west philadelphia. And, were on north 40th street, so, as you can see this is kind of a main street. Not too bad. Were making our way over to ludlow but it is 40th street, mike, trolley tracks, this is where a trolley would go. We have said it all along, the news is not so terrible bye it is not amazing but it was what 14 feet of snow that fell in two days. What will we do . Yes. We will check it out. That are areas that feel they have not had the attention of other places. Shes heading over to the 5900 block of ludlow. They are having problems over there. Helicopter parents, now sue. Yes. Describe what that is, what is a helicopter parent. It is a parent who hovers over their child every move, every action, cannot, has a hard time letting go and letting the child do things on their own good back in my day when it snowed like this we would get our sleds, tv trays. Right. Cardboard boxes. Pieces of the cardboard. We had cardboard too. Yes. We would just go sledding by ourselves. My parents could not wait to get us out of house. Go sled. But now im noticing parents staning on the top and bottom of the hill watching the kid sled. So what does this culture mean these days. I mean just afraid. Were afraid somebody will come grab the kid. You just want to watch them. I remember i was walking by in society hill over the weekend, on sunday, and some of the parents say dont go there come over here this is a better spot. I dont like that looks. They are directing making sure that the kid are properly sledding and put your hand both in. A lot of parents were all like partnering up. Even though it wasnt your child you say you stand at the top, i will stand at the bottom. Some parents are running up the hill trying to grab them before they came down. Interesting thing. Helicoptering. Maybe that is where we are this day and age with people snatching our kids every now and then you have to go watch them i guess. What a crazy scene at the art museum. The art museum was pack. It isnt often we get enough snow that happens. Where you dont hurt yourself on the steps. There is one that went. It does lah like fun. Yes. Go past market street. I didnt venture more than two blocks on saturday this was undoubted on saturday. All right. Excuse me. Are you all right . Do you need something to drink. I could use something to drink. We dont have anything. A pregnant woman wanted some coffee. A pregnant woman wanted coffee at a coffee shop. The barista, the person making the the coffee, refused to give her coffee because she was pregnant. She said that caffeine is not good for. Her name is alexandria smith and shes a writer for an australian newspaper. Shes 27 weeks pregnant nan. She wanted some coffee. She said baris ta says no caffeine for you. She was shock, but didnt put up a fight, and ordered hot milk but she said who are you to tell me based on what you think is going on whether i can drink coffee or not. Yes, she changed her mind. It is uncalled for. You can have a barista. Who does she think she is. Is it a guy. I dont know. Might have been one. You know what who does that person think they are. Who do you think you are. Yeah. The doctor says i shouldnt drink caffeine while pregnant. They advise against it. When i was pregnant i tried to give up caffeine initially when i found out and i was so sick because my body was so used to caffeine that my doctor says you dont go cold turkey just do half and half, half decalf. That is your daughter nia. She was always wound up. But then she got over it. Someone feels strongly about something. Yes. If you went to the bar, you you are pregnant, you went to the bar. There was a study saying you can have a glass of wine. Some people feel you shouldnt drink at all. You are walking up to the bar. Bartender is like no, im not serving you. I wouldnt serve somebody alcohol if they were pregnant. If someone feels that strongly about coffee. That is true. Yeah. One person. They dont have the right to refuse you. It is your decision. Your body. Your decision. What is going on in your mouth right now. I have a hair. I gave my cat a bath last night. You dont get that joke. Last night you did that joke, i think i get that job. How does a cat take a bath. They lick themselves. You lick the the cat. Yes. Anyway, it is funny. To you, i dont think it is funny, i must not get it. Maybe you are just not that funny. That isnt a option, for aloft people it is an option. You just dont consider that option. I laugh at everything. It is true. That is true, sometimes people say the same joke three or four times and every single will time, i can even say punch line with him. Whenever we have a horse on the show. Why the long face. Yes. Maybe this is it. Maybe this is it. Here we go. At least we can laugh about it. Every time, we can all say it together. All in the family. Bartender said. Why the long face. A ter might goes in the bar and said. Where is the bartender. Do you get that one. Termites. What does that mean. Im not here for your pop quizes. Im not here for your amusement. Yes, exactly. For might want to know where the the bar was most tender to eat it, where is the bartender. That is so funny, mike. Im laughing so much. It the is your new years resolution was to go on a diet. Do you know what today is, january 26th and officially every year that is where all of your dieting resolutions, were done. Were done. Today is the day you give up and give up what you were doing and keep doing what you were doing. Lay it on me. Yes. Look at this horrible looking food from our break room. You know what i had for breakfast this morning. Popcorn. Yes. You were still kind of on the program there. Yes. These are hoagies from primeaus. This is kill your diet day. Yes. Take one, sue, will you take one, pass it over here. What is in there. Im not sure. Buffalo chicken nuggets. Yes. You can get this up on the cafeteria the on the second floor. You are trying it first. He is going to do it. Left over from the christmas party. Are they any good. Yeah. You need a napkin. There is research that shows. Wipe your mouth. That the average health kick last three weeks and four days. So, do the the math, thinks the day all of our resolutions, our diets have come to a close. The survey also found that. Going on vacation was the really most likely reason that the health kick ends because at 20 percent of people, chocolate is responsible for their down fall n fact, chocolate is leading reason for women to break their health check. They break witt chocolate. Part of the problem is if you tell yourself you will not have any chocolate that makes chocolate more attractive. Number one down fall for men is beer. You have to go three weeks, two days. Mike, how long did you last . You were doing your no drink nothing january thing, how long did that last. Um. Um. Yes, exactly. It is no longer in effect. Janice the longest month. I went seven days. Seven days. Well, baby steps. Well, you cleansed. And i juiced for three straight days. All right. And then the fourth day pizza. I blue the whole cleanse and now im bloated again you can always start over again. Well, yes. Does that include drinking. Starting tomorrow. No more drinking, and no more eating bad food. Speaking of drinking we got someone to weigh in, discussion about serving someone pregnant. You talk about the bar. Miranda says as a bartender i was told we were not allowed to refuse to survey pregnant woman. Really. Yes. There is paper on there. My goodness. Put in that kind of work, yeah. Im 30 weeks pregnant and im allowed to have one cup of coffee a day. See, that is why you cannot be judging. Did you realize that on line dating, on line dating, ever meet a date in person and they dont look like the person in the profile picture. People are putting up profile pictures that look better then what they really are. Shocking. Well, some singles are coming clean and revealing the truth about themselves. This is a tinder studdie tinder verse reality. Yes. These singles are showing comparison pictures, so, on one side there is glamorous, profile pictures. Other side what they really look like. She is with her cat there. All these Single Ladies are up front about the dating web site. Well, that is different. That is different. Wow. I fell down lake this. Yes. I mean, umhmm. Heres another one. That is the the same person. That is the same person. Well, yes, one of my friend say you just look through all of the photos. You dont look at the profile picture. On tinder it is different. You only have one. It is probably the same person but not the same year. Like pictures on the the wall in the lobby of the tv station. Bring mine in because it is just pathetic. Difficult hear something from milky way in the cop troll room. Did you want me to bring somebody into talk about this. She will bring more stuff to talk about. Oh, okay. That is why when we go on instagram, facebook you have to look through multiple pictures because i know they like to look at profile pictures on facebook. Those are pictures you chose. Let the me see other pictures, that is the real deal right there. They are not as discriminating. Exactly. Yes. Heres another picture. Okay. I have shown this many times. This was taken probably during the reagan administration. Look at how much that is air brushed. I dont look anything like this. Lou good. Heres the thing, you have had opportunities. You have had opportunities to redo your picture and you said no. Were supposed to redue ours. Im like please. I wouldnt mess with that either. Im sticking with this the the rest of my life. It doesnt look anything like me. I look a mess in mine. I wanted to redo it. You were like no. I dont want to redo it. I dont feel good. I dont look good. I hate myself. Who is ana ferris. Shes an actress who is married, shes in that show with wait a minute about mom, where what is her name plays her mom. There is a lot of moms on tv. Wait, wait. Staff, staff. Allison janey plays her mother where shes a really mess of a mother a and shy brings her mother back into her life. Wasnt she in that house mom movie. For the love of. Can we see the picture. For the love of tuna fish can we just see. The blonde. Yes,. Shes married to to chris guy. Chris pratt the. Ana ferris says is there a double standard for hollywood moms and dad. She and her husband chris pratt have a infant son name jack. Okay. So, on the red carpet at these award show, ana says she often gets questions from the reporters about juggling her career and mother hood but her husband never gets that same question. Yes, that is right. So is what going on here. Um, well, i think this is just left over. From the 50s. Yes. Nobody, how do you do it all, to a man. It is true. Even politicians get that question, sarah palin, carli fiorina, hillary clinton. Yet, so many woman are the main breadwinners of their families now. Yes. How do you do it. Attitudes are very slow to change obviously. Even in television, i feel like you, karen hepp, karen, how does she do it, you have three boys, you come to work every morning but i never get that. I had two daughters, they dont say how do you juggle all of that. It is still expect that most of the responsibility of child rearing. That was my case. I didnt do a thing. I think you did. Not really. Everyone is talking about the oscars the academy award, and diversity, lack of diversity, 20 acting categories and every single one of the nominations, white actor. And then some people came forward saying i will boycott or i will not attend the oscars or watch. Some people saying chris rock, maybe you shouldnt host. They were calling for him to step down. So now we have learned he is not going to step down. The question is what is he going to go say while on the stage. Well, first there were reports that he is rewriting his opening speech. Why he has this written already i have no idea because it is five weeks away. But now his publicist is shutting down those rumors. They released a statement saying christmas made, christmas made no decisions about the contents of his mono log. All will be revealed february 28th. Many hollywood a listers, big time actors and actresses decide to go boycott including will smith. He is not going. He is not watching. The his wife isnt going, shes not watching. Director spike lee, he is not going, he is not watching. Film maker, Michael Moore says he is not going to watch either. We were talking about this earlier and we were saying why is he writing it the so far in advance. Usually you talk about things that are current. Yes. Either way, like you said, power of live tv people walk on that stage and let it out. Spew because it is live. Go for it. What will they do they can cut to break on him or Start Playing music, that they do when they accept the the awards. Pull a taraji, in, let me finish. Toss anyone ever cut your mike when you hosted something because you are always saying stuff. Repeatedly. Wand fur we cut your mike. Like right now. And through go. That is so much better. Is there blue mountain. Why are we looking at blue mountain. Waiting for you. There must be a lesson. Curiosity is killing the cat here who is this Rob Kardashian dating. I cannot tell you. Come on. Just wait. But it will shock you. It is getting messy now. Dating his sister. No. Puffs knows winter. Is hard on your nose theres the endless runny noses. The sneezes that just wont quit and of course, the biting cold of snow day play. Thats why puffs is soft. Puffs plus lotion tissues. Are gentle on skin. They help soothe irritation by locking in moisture better. So you can get out and enjoy winter a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. For softness that fits anywhere, try puffs softpack. Thanks for sending this in. That is olaf on frozen. Did a good job like that. Just like chris murphy. He and chris murphy. A lot of people are saying, i havent seen a plow in my neighborhood, right. Right. So make your own plow. That is what a guy did. Look at this. He made his own plow. This is up in the north east. He is in the militariy met him. Yes. His name is phil, right. Yes. He made his own plow. He sent out chris to check this out. I said fox 29 doesnt have their own plow. Maybe we should make one, chris. We do now, mike, you said it, this is phil, and we are on morell avenue in northeast philadelphia hey phil, are you crazy. A little bit. This is awesome. So how did you rig this thing. What happened was i had a plow but someone took it. Stole it. When. During the summer, i guess, a scrap dealer or something. So you get all this snow on friday and saturday. Yes. So i had to make a makeshift plow and i got a piece of plywood and put it on front because i cannot shovel my pavement, the wind drift piled it up. The 50 miles an hour wind and the the plow. So you helped out your neighbor and everything else, and you learn how you to rig things through the military, right. Yes, overseas we mad to make things work. They dont ship everything over to you. Where did you serve. Afghanistan, middle east, Operation Enduring freedom. Thank you for your service and thank you to your service for your neighbors. Show us how you do this thing. I might get on here in a minute. Im getting behind the camera. There he goes. I see. Do you want to try this thing. Yeah. This will be a disaster. Of course. Hold the mike. Check the insurance policy. I put fox 29 there because sue said so. Wait a minute now. Here i come. Is there a real plow. I think that worked well the first half. Go through a pile of snow. Get a deep pile of snow. I dont want to hurt anyone. That was fun, man. Appreciate it. Why not. Chris, thanks, that was fun. Collette 26. So, grease live is sunday on fox, right. Yes. Just days away. Yes. Big stars are in it. Julianne hoff. And aaron trebeck. She iss on our show next. Arent we go to go do a video. We will finish it up this afternoon, and eric, tomorrow here on good day. Yes. Okay. Test. Test. Test. That was a promo youve been seeing, for the big live show, coming up sunday on fox. Grease live. Im so excited about this. I love this. And we also love the people who are starring in it, and sandy and dhani, julianne juliae hoff. And aaron. Welcome to philadelphia. Hey. Hi, guys. Now, the reason, yes, the reason we wanted to have you on, we will shoot later this afternoon, music video, summer loving, right . So whats the key to ac good sandy and ac good danny, lets start with danny. You know how it is, rocking and rolling. Danny . I think you got to try to be a little bit silly, and, you know, little bit cool, little bit jelly, but at the same time, you know, just have fun. Help me to be sandy. What do i need to know . Sandy is just like just fresh, and there is an innocence and purity, so just like everything is an experience for the first time, so like oh, just like really just excited about everything. Okay, i can do that. Thats kind of you, alex . Here is the problem. We cant think. Oh, no. Okay, maybe not. It is okay, be honest. Stick to the dance, how about that . Pretty good. I dont know. Aaron, have you met John Travolta . I have met john. I met him a couple of years ago. When les miz, did the whole oscar performance, whole musical number. So i met him through that experience, and he was just ive always look up to him, and hes just a great guy, and it is been a lot of fun to step into it. Have you met olivia neutral john john . Yes, actually had a chance to meet her on dancing with the stars, guest star last season, yes, amazing, when i found out she was doing t i freaked out. I bass so excited just because im huge fan. But then also i knew i was playing sandy. She was amazing, she just said oh, you will be amazing, no worries, no pressure go, out there, have a good time. Funny, last oscars i was an after party and i actually danced when John Travolta, too, so that was kind of craze. I so all of the songs, pretty much all of the words, exact same thing, you guys going to make it little fresher . What should we expect . In other words, dont screw it up. For people to know and love the film very, very similar to the philadelphiament. We are borrowing couple of songs from the stage version, which people may not know. But they work really well. But then we also, you know, couple of new things, and weve adubado song, original song, i mean, the choreography, it is not exactly the same. But it has the same sort of feel that when you you are workg it oh, that definitely is it. But it feels a little new err. Please, tell me, that you still wear black spandex pants at the ends . Oh, yes tell me about it. Painted into clothes at the ends. I guarantee im watching now. Oh, gosh. Little nervous, the fact that were trying to recreate summer loving. See what happens, and sends awe version. Cant wait to see it. Please sends it to us. We want to see. Well send it out on social media. Perfect. Sounds good. Good luck sunday. Thanks, guys. Amazing, thank you. Guest live coming january 31 on fox. Guys, im here, wawa, and im going to be giving out some hot chocolate. Cannot wait. Im general manager today. I want to say hello and happy birthday to jacob. He is 12 today from trenton, new jersey, ill be giving out some of this, and going behind the counter coming up next. How are you doing, sir . Blank this winter, you have the power to heal. Because your purchase of vaseline intensive care lotion, supports the vaseline healing project. Join us to help millions in crisis heal their skin. Remarkwere making changes,ning at your local acme. And were Getting Better every day eaner. Friendlier. Fresher. Like fresher meat and seafood. And fresher produce and hundreds of organics. To top it off we offer lower prices every day. Right now, get fresh Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast for 1. 69 a pound when you buy 5 pounds or more. And select varieties of friendlys ice cream for 1. 79. Low prices, great quality, and friendlier service. Acme. Can you do my job . In hamilton new jersey this time at with a a he has his cape. Super q. Yes, well, yes. Why do i have this cape . You guys gave me like a super cape because im super employee. Youre a super associate, go above and beyond, in wawa culture, we celebrate all of the associates that go above and beyond to serve our community. Now, we started here earlier today. I was with giuseppe, made coffee, my guy here. Hes always working getting the stuff done. Nonstop. We made some sandwiches. I was a legend sandwich maker over there. Yes. Now, that whole section, you guys have more than just sandwiches . We have sandwiches, paninis, mashed potatoes, meatballs, italian hoagies, you name it. What are thee drinks . We love sampling, we love to show the community what we have. We made fresh hot chocolate, this is chocolate chip milk, it is steamed, it is fantastic yes. Hold it. I have a friend right here. I want to give one to my friend. This is joey. Joey, how are you doing . Good. Now, joey watches good day philadelphia all day every day. His mother says, listen, joey watches so much, he made me start watching the show. So we really appreciate you watching the show. You can take one. Even if you didnt watch you can take one. But thank you. I know you want to say hello to somebody. Yes. Who do you want to say hello to in. Mike. s good guy. Hey, joey. Oh, mike says hello. Ya. Okay . So were giving this stuff out. Thank you. What were you saying, mike . I was just saying hi, hi, joey. Hes just saying hi, great guy. Okay, high to that lady, too. Whats the pressure of someone over here, if were going behind the cash regger . Oh, this is the court. This is where the magic hams. We leave our lasting impression with our customers. Now, is it difficult to actually get behind the Cash Register . If you can walk behind there, thats half the job. Okay. Im here. You got to be fast. Thats it. Yes. Great personality, warm smile like dianna here. Hi, dianna. What is the key to doing this job right here . Just being friendly to the customers. Hello, had you are you doing, customer . How are you doing . Oh, you love fox 29. We love you, as women. Thank you for watching. Thank you. Would you like a drink . Oh, i have a tea. Take a tea, take a drink. This is pretty much like the culture of wawa, what i have been learning today, just and nice person. Thats it. Just dont and jerk. Our main ingredient is our warm personality. Got you. We want to thank our sponsor wawa for allowing me to invade the store here in hamilton. Im a super employee. We will take a zip of this. Cheers. Because aid great day. Awesome. Back to you guys in the studio. Thats a brand new wawa thereby by the way. It is beautiful. And you know how good wawa coffee is. Super wawa. Super. I want you to explain something. This is a weird snowstorm that we had. I was walking by on the side of our building. Look at that big patch of snow up against the brick. Right . So i betty know how that happened. Snow blower. See . Oh. See they blew snow up on to the brick. Because snow doesnt fall away. And then it stuck there. Stuck. Look at you investigating and solving thats what i do. This is what i do. Who do you do it for . Dow it for you. Exactly. The viewer. All right, jens been out and about trying to help you out. And just let everybody know what streets are passable, which once arent. Hey, jen. Hey, guys, this is one of the first ones we were tweeted at 6 00 in the morning. We are in the cobbs creek section. And it is terrible. Come on back. Ill tell you where i am. You were already in danny mode. Did you see where his hand was in that picture . He was trying. He was trying it. Sandy dont play that, mike. Sandy dont play that. I didnt feel anything. Oh, well. So anyway, we made maybe ten, 15 music videos over the years, 19 years weve done this program. Right. Uptown funk. Yes. Early reviews say the music video, were rolling tomorrow, on this show, is better. Okay. Well see. So we havent seen t i want to watch watch with everybody ee at the same time tomorrow. We only saw the little portion that we participated in. Right. You have to see the whole thing. I cant wait until tomorrow. Well Philadelphia International airport tomorrow. Genius. You know, he makes magic, uptown funk, all of those videos. One of our editors here. Yes. Amazing. All right, jen. Weve been shes in cobbs creek you said that tamika tweeted you this morning, hi, jen, if you visit the 5900 block of latona in cobbs creek. Yep. Is that where you . Yep. Yep . Angora terrace. First of all i want you to see what were up against. Show you the video what the street looks like. Okay, so, this right here is baltimore avenue. It is like a main road. Were right next to 59th. Okay . Then you take a right on laton a and you say oh, my goodness. Ya. I mean, thats the problem i think for people in and around these areas. There is a Day Care Center right here on the corner, so obviously moms, dads, grandmoms, aunts, uncles. It is a wall. Thats part of the problem. You know, there is now ice clump up. Again, i think the biggest problem, guys, is that if you look at baltimore avenue with you it is fine, very passable. You know that snow plows and little backhoes have been in and around the area. Look, she is waiving at us. Do you see her . She is waiving at us right now. Ya. Ya, i think is that not a through street, jen . Yes, it is a through street, of course, yes. Thats the frustration. Yes. You look up here, there is plenty of like handicap parking spots. You know, we have heard from a lot of people this morning, guys. My mom, you know, has to do dialysis, or my dad was getting a stint. I mean, real serious medical things these people cannot get out of these homes, they cannot get their cars moving in any sort of real fashion, even the uber drivers have said, hi, buddy, i know. And i will say this. We found that yesterday, just looking at the neighborhoods, it gave the snow plow drivers in the city of philadelphia a chance to see where the real severe problems are. And i have to say, this right here cobbs creek, latona, that the streets that we went through, germantown, really bad. Good news, guys, check it out. We are seeing more and more backhoes, small plows, Different Things like this in and around the neighborhoods. We saw these a lot in north philly. We were over by the zoo. We were in some areas of north philly earlier. We saw little bit of that where you would see like three, four snow plows, or a back hoe, and digger getting in on some of these streets. But i just think quite frankly the people that are here in cobbs creek, 650th and wharton streets, they know that all around them it has been plowed several times. And some of these streets clearly have not been touched. Theyre walking down, you know, the middle of the street. The traffic is something, traffic on the street is helping to stamp the snow down. Thats about it. Yes. But now it is starting to rain here, sue, a little bit. Right. Light rain. Jen, thanks. All right, so there you go. Were turning in philly, guys, i dont foe if you saw it, people are happy about what were doing. Fantastic. Whats that . It is showing all of the things that are trending in philly right now. Oh,. At fox 29 our jenn fred. Trending. So is plow. Yes. Come on, will you just tell me who this Rob Kardashian is dating . It is ill tell you after the break. Come on. It is worth it, trust me. Really . Look at this, little snowman inside. So cute. Thats the way to do it. Youre warm. You dont have to worry about anything. Another good one, from kimberly, our snow man. And i remember we showed this one. Sponge bob bubble buddy. Give it to me im worth it baby im worth it uh huh im worth it gimme gimme im worth it give it to me im worth it baby im worth it note note. We are taking a look until the pocono mountains. I bet they have lots of snow now. They do. Little clouding, little rain, little freezing rain this morning. It will be coming our way later today . Now, nowish. Ill make sure to get my umbrella then. Back to the cute cute video. Remember over the blizzard weekend, everyone talking about the panda. But now the panda in d. C. Has a new video. Still having fun in the snow. Rolling around. How cute is this, sue . This is great. This is the national zoo of course in washington, d. C. , where they got wallopped with snow, and somebody thought it was fun, thats because tiantian doesnt have to shovel. So true. But i can sit here and watch that all day. Just adorable. Really is. Finally, im ready to tell you. Who is rob card aryan going out with . Ready for this. He now could be in a relationship with black china. Yes, thats right, black china. She posted this instagram pic, and theyre saying thats his arm there. Now the reason why this is so crazy, sue, ill break it down for you, black china used to date cyles now boyfriend tiga. They have a baby together. So and then you know of course Rob Kardashian is kai lees brother. Right. Now then he might be going out with the ex of cyles boyfriends . Exactly. And she is his baby mama . You got t you have got it. So a lot of people are saying people are comparing the arm, all she did was post a picture of the. So weve seen this arm in other note snows. She had comment like beautiful beginning or just the beginning, Something Like that. So we think the beginning of their relationship together. Some people are saying make blab china just trying to make kai lee jealous, make her upset, hey, i got your brother. You got my ex. And maybe rob is trying to starting . True, but you cant mess with family like that. Well, he is kind of been off to the side. Remember he didnt go to kims wedding. Thats true, thats true. I think you guys helped me out though sue in commercial break asked me whats black china known for . I was like what does she do . Hard to describe it. Help me out guys. Yes, what is her position . She is a model of sorts, i think. This is one we want to passalong too, because sort of local connection, tlc reality show jon and kate, jon gosselin reveals the Cable Network tried to keep him and his exwife kate from divorcing, the 38 year old tells steve harvey show the tlc tried to keep them together for the sake of the show. And thats why john said he quit. He adds it was that decision to leave the show that left the family broke. John also says tlc sided with kate and paid for her divorce attorney. And of course, tlc saying they deny all of that. Can we get back to the cute panda . Can we look at it again . Tiantian, of course the national so, so cute, everyone, so many people have been talking about this lovely, lovely panda. It is like women who really like this video. Exactly. And theyve been sharing it all over their facebook pages. And because of that, mike somehow got the idea, well, if women see this video and they like it so much, they think it is so cute, maybe if i do what the panda did, theyll think im cute. Interesting logic, mike. Ya . Well, i thought about it. You know, by the way, sue, it is raining now. All right, well, i said it was. You predict philadelphia now raining on my head. So, how much time do we have left in the show . Minute. One minute . One minute. You got time, my friends, you got time. Im kind of rethinking this now. Why . You think it is cute, right . Yes, i think it is cute. We think adorable. All right. Here we go. Oh, my gosh, you have to roll around, we need full roll. And do you have look like youre having fun. Side by side with the panda, so we can see like oh, my gosh. Oh, my goodness. Thats right, grab your little feet. Here we go, yes. Oh, oh,. So ladies, we have the panda on the right corner, and mike jerrick in the left. Which do you prefer . Which is cuter . Which makes sense . Im not really sure. Oh, who is going to be hurting in the morning . Thats the question. Who is calling out sick tomorrow . Who ruined another jacket for the sake of good day philadelphia . And i think well ends on this. Announcer live from new york city its the Wendy Williams show. How you doing . You wont believe what im about tole tell you. My girls are always turned out. I give it two straight, no chaser. [ cheers and applause ] announcer now, heres wendy [ cheers and applause ] wendy tada hello yeah. Wendy back at ya. [ cheers ] wendy welcome to the show. Thanks for watching

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