Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20151123 : c

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20151123

>> hi, sue. >> monday, november 23rd, 2015. master p is on the show. >> yes, he is. he is a five time grammy winner. we will get suppan his new reality show. >> get advice for parents out there. he has nine kids. we will talk to him. >> facebook's mark zuckerberg, he is a billion air, getting ready to be a dad now. you you may be shocked just how much time he plans to spend away from the office after his daughter is born. hi there. will. >> ♪ >> i would be rubbing right home after this program. >> billy will be waking up for you. >> chocolate drops. >> that is the the new song, chocolate drops. >> that is real. >> it is still morning. >> so, will, do you mind doing this. you will help us out a lit built. with that wonderful, smooth, honey-like voice. >> thank you very much. >> by the way, performing saturday, a tour starts and he is starting in the city of philadelphia. >> wonderful. >> we will tell you where it thinks saturday night. >> yes. >> all right. so ama, american music awards last night and everybody, i mean everybody i have talk to say how about j lo's performance. it was the the introduction. she was, they were playing snip its of the songs nominated from 2015. >> here's a snip the of the snip it. >> ♪ >> boy, is she 47. >> yes. >> and even does the the hot line bling there. the she is a's 46. >> she's draking it. >> they have that drake down. >> it goes on and on. >> she was good. >> what is going on here. >> is she a lion. >> she was great it is glittering too. >> yes. >> how about this one. >> look at her moves. >> yes. >> nicki minaj. >> anaconda. >> yes. >> so this is what everybody is talking about, she was doing anaconda and nicki made this face, she's throwing a side eye. >> look is that. >> moving on to the the side. >> was she not impressedy mean maybe she's like no one can do it. >> nicki should just stay away from the awards show. >> is there always something coming from her. >> everybody thought when zane left. >> i'm still not over it. >> just tragedy. >> guess what, they won the the night's top award artists of the year and they won the award last year with zane. >> you know what, it doesn't make that much of a difference. >> they won for best favorite pop rock duo or group. >> hold on. >> i need to you explain something that happened last night because i didn't understand. congratulations to one direction. did you see megan trainer wore on stage. >> yes. >> who is this guy, charlie what? >> this happened. >> ♪ >> they are still going. >> we checked on them,. >> they didn't get a room. >> is she the one who wrote a song called marvin gaye. >> and they performed it we're just friends. >> that didn't look like a friendly kiss. >> i don't kiss my friend like that. >> not that kind of friend, mike. >> when was the last time you kissed billy like that. >> this morning, is that why you were late. >> show show was not on until 5:00 this morning. >> that is something. >> that is a kiss. >> listen to this. >> let's roll the tape. >> these folks have been on our show. >> ♪ >> star wars tribute. >> what is more popular than star wars right now. >> look at that. >> seventy-five people in that orchestra. >> this he were introduced by harrison ford. >> usually, they are an acapella group. >> they have been in our studio right where willis. >> i made an idiot out of myself gushing over them but i love that group and i don't care. >> speaking of idiots, here's justin beiber. >> be careful. >> ♪ >> best collaboration for his song with diplo and billboard announced his new album purpose will debut at number one today. >> that was good. >> look at him dancing. >> he is a good dancer he has a nice voice. i still can't believe i'm's coming around on beiber. >> this is your second climate. >> you can appreciate peoples talent even though he is a tool. >> will you be performing any of justin beiber's song. >> i can tell you i honestly will not. not beiber. >> well, do me a favor. can lou at that prompter can you sing this next line. it is a romantic. >> mark zuckerberg is about to be a new dad, money, money, and he is planning to take two months paid pennsylvania ternity leave, he can afford to do that. they are expecting their first child. they have not revealed the due date, but are expecting it will happen soon within the next nine months obviously. >> thank you. >> i guess he has a tendency to post to facebook. >> do you think. >> yes. >> and in a facebook post he said they are excited about their daughter's arrival and they are getting ready, picking out their favorite childhood books and toys and he adds that outcomes better for children and families when parents take time off to be with their new born. the facebook offers its employees up to four months of paid parental leave. >> he decided that and he will take his own leave, he will take four months. four months. >> what do women get. >> when you have have the the baby, you get a maximum of 12 weeks. >> so maybe three months. >> all right, that is enough. >> women. >> yes, the the men they want to take time off they can take it but it is not necessarily paid. >> so, mike should have a baby. >> do we have paternity leave here a at fox, staff. >> no, we don't. >> that needs to change. i will start a petition. >> you should have a baby. >> if i get four months off i will have a a child. >> yes. >> bad news for moms who treat their daughters like their best friend and admit it, mom, you know do you this. my daughter jessica does it with teddy. >> so girls that have been brought up by moms insist on being their best friend forever. they will find it harder to grow up. it makes them likely to drop out of college, develop eating disorders and be able to hold down a job according to the head teacher of the uk's leading private schools. she warns that the lack of authority from the bff mothers blurred the lines of parenting and that created a generation of damaged teens who are not ready for adult life. >> i have to call my daughter right now. quit acting like you're best friend with little teddy. >> you have to be a authority figure because you are providing them guidance. my daughter and i, we like to hang out but when she was growing up, i mean i feel like that is what i was there to are to guide her through life. >> what about in the teen years she developed her own best friend. >> she has a ton of great friend, not including me. i'm just in a different category. >> you and your mother, it seems like you are best friend. >> we are very close. the it took times. we're both adults. we're both forged a new relationship. we go to meetings together. from that when i became an adult, i found as i get older our relationship shifted and it is more of just like friend. i'm grown now. >> when i was a child, well, she was definitely a authority figure, that is for sure. >> that is why you are so well adjusted. >> that woman scares me. >> what are you trying to say about my momma. come on now. >> that is why i said it. >> hi sharon, i love you. >> hey lauren what about you. >> trish, we're very good friend now. kind of girlfriend. we travel together. that is my mom. we drink together. we hang out. we talk about everything. she was a strict disciplinarian growing up. i was always afraid of her growing up. but now. >> you are dressing alike. >> yes. >> but yes, like alex said when you are growing up you evolve. one thing i noticed my mom still thinks i'm that little girl. she still treats me sometimes that i'm not, and that frustrates me, and then that is not best friend behavior that boss you around. >> when you go visit her do you have a curfew or anything. >> there is no curfew there was a curfew. i will tell you there was a curfew bring moved out and my brother never had a curfew. is there a double standard there. i don't have a curfew when i go home. i won't be back home tonight i'll see you tomorrow. >> does she ask where you are going. >> no, i usually say hey, deptford mall, we will hang out at his house, we will crash there. >> can a man stay over at her house. >> no, this is the thing, my dad, not my mom, my daddies still very weird about men sleeping at his house. >> i get it. >> you get it. >> i get that too. >> if we're not sleeping in the same room, how do you bring someone home for holidays if they can't sleep at your house. >> he doesn't even want them in the housey thought in the same room. >> that is a little much. he is still uncomfortable with in the house. >> because he knows you will sneak down to the basement. >> no, he doesn't. >> he might. >> that is true. >> okay, thanks. >> kitkat kline, could you go to my instagram and find it is probably from a week ago my daughter jessica and teddy, they had just come back from the coffee shop. it should be about ten down. i posted a lot over the weekend. >> it is special when they have close relationships with their mother. i cherish her so much. i love the fact that i can call her up and we can have a girl chat. she can be my mom, my friend, like an advisor. >> yes. >> see they are becoming the same person. the that is my daughter jessica and my granddaughter teddy. >> so cute. >> they hold the coffee exactly the same way. will, do you have any kid. >> do i. >> how many. >> three. >> girls. >> two girls, row one would i. >> are they close to their mom. >> i am pretty sure they sing i always love my momma, she's my baby girl. >> i love that voice. >> wow. >> he is performing saturday we will tell you where. if you thought mid life crisis was just a myth, it turns out happiness does go downhill itself. this is depressing. >> research are, why did you go to me, what is that about. close-up on my face. >> because you still have time. >> that is right. >> is that what it is. >> you are still ascending where i'm basically done. >> they tracked 50,000 people and they found we hit our lowest point in our early 40's. >> that is just not true. >> and that is age where we're weighed down by the the so-called burdens of life but there is no need to be upset because we start to get happier at age of 07. >> so it is a u curve. >> it goes down, backup. >> and then backup. >> and a do you know that song. >> ♪ we get up at 70 years old, things will be looking up. >> that is right. >> all right. >> i'll let you know in a matter of days. we are just days away from black friday. >> you have been giving us great tips all morning, jen to avoid the madness. >> are you in limerick. >> i a am in limerick are i'm in the philadelphia premium outlets. good morning to you. >> let's walk. we should tell them, we asked what is number one thing people buy this holiday season and it the is. >> gift card. people are nothing. it gives them a person to pick it out on their own later here's is what interesting about the outlet mall. 60 percent off entire store. the that is already happening. >> yes. >> on black friday many of these stores will have deeper discounts. >> that is right, we offer 25 to 65 percent off of regular retail, every day of the year, on black friday, we offer even deeper discounts and that will start at 6:00 p.m. thanksgiving night. >> it will go until when. >> 10:00 p.m. black friday. >> you will not close. >> no you don't work that long. >> no, we split it up. the most people split it up. >> because you are opened for 28 hours is there staggered deals. >> there will be door busters right away at 6:00 p.m. on thanksgiving and other deals added in as the the day progresses. >> i have pneumonia here once or twice to shop. but the exit where i'm getting off at limerick, that is what upsets me. the it is us a a mess. >> don't use that exit. use sanatoga exit which is next exit off of route 422. it is closer exit to here. so, gps is leading you wrong. >> people come in this way by snow stack and you say come in from the back road. don't evener in the first but keep going. is there another entrance on the left that is farther down and it is not as congested. >> you have one more tip for us. >> yes. >> get the app or web site where we should find out about more comments. >> simon malls app, you can down load and right tour phone. you will have all deals. you can join our vip shopper club which is free to join. you will get deals all year lounge and down load them and get a special coupon book out. >> we are bone chilly. you say is this chilly on thursday and friday. these stores you will have have some stuff for people. >> we have surprising delights and treats. it will be a surprise to who gets them but come on out and maybe get a special treat. we have tote bags. we have hershey kiss treats, star bucks gift card all kind of fun things. >> you do have a couple new stores. >> we have north face opened very recently. we have francheska and hashtag make up which are new this year. >> i love it. >> it looks great here. again, i love it is already suck setted for set up. this one tommy hillfigure, 50 percent off, 40 percent off and discounts on top of that last thing when people come to the outlet malls they shop for a special human in their lives and these people will be surprised to hear hot specific human is. >> they want to treat themselves. >> yes, that is insane. can you believe that. they shop for themselves. >> i do it. >> i can believe it. >> i do it. >> i will get a sweater or a shirt. >> yes. >> let's play this again because some folks didn't see it in the 7:00 o'clock hour. there is a i little kid. he is really small. he is singing the national anthem down in australia so he is singing the the australian national anthem before a baseball game and less inn to him. >> ♪ he sang it all the way to the end with the hiccups but the players started to giggle there. >> he did okay. >> he made it all the way to the end. the she must go on. >> did that ever happen when were you singing. >> what about bugs in your mouth. >> all the time, yeah. the place in detroit called shane park on the middle but a at night bugs come out and they must like dark meat or something. >> what do you spit, sal will owe. >> well, you put your head down, chew it up and keep going than. >> it is protein. >> yeah. >> he sound like crickets. >> now it is time to get to know his family. we're talking about mass per per -- master p and his daughter. he has nine kid. >> hey, quincy, turkies. >> we are gig out turkies with the sugar house and they have a sugar house turkey talk. >> t-u-r-k-e-y sugar. >> house. >> they are delirious. >> we are giving out more coming up. ♪ ♪ with the card most accepted by top doctors and specialists, you have the strength to drive forward. independence blue cross. live fearless. so i will pretend i'm kathy lee. >> okay where is your winey don't have any wine. >> that is true. >> can you give me orange juice. >> okay. >> let me tell but my weekend. >> what did you do. >> i went up to see my fiance, in manhattan on at day afternoon and our good friend, reni and don friedman, interior decorators, some of the best in the business, think were up there. >> they were fun. >> they were a ton of fun. so four of us meet at a fairly new restaurant which opened across the from the saint regis hotel. it is called the polo bar. guess who owns it, abe designed it. >> who. >> ralph lauren. >> wow. >> polo. >> that makes sense. >> only two in the world. >> one in europe and one here in new york at 55th and fifth. bought full place. it was pack. so, get this, it is, the the hot spot. again, i'm kathy lee. >> yes. >> that is charred in a. >> delicious. >> over to my right, she comes back the the table because i know her from fox up in new york, michelle bachman. >> yes, do you remember her. >> yes. >> name drop some more. >> yes. >> i'm just getting started here. >> to my left, table right here, kelly ripa. >> your successor, kathy lee. >> that is right. >> i was like what. >> i'm not jealous of her. she has a great job, reg, um, um. >> over here. >> yes. >> sylvester stallone. >> yo. >> okay. >> we chatted about him being on the steps of the art museum with you and i, just what was it last week. >> yes. >> how we didn't get to talk to him. >> we ignored him. he was standing by himself because we were chasing after michael b jordan and that is not a lie. >> here we go, okay, see you later. >> okay. >> okay. >> over here, david muir, the anchor of abc world news at night. >> man that guy has good hair. in person it is even better. >> yes. >> it just flows, flows. >> so jealous. >> i want to touch it. >> so we were chatting and he says you are working philly now. at fox. i go yeah. well, make sure you say hello to kathy orr. >> yeah. >> kathy orr. >> yes, his eyes lit up. >> so as he is leaving the restaurant he stops by my table again and shakes my hand and says, now remember say hello to kathy orr for me. i said you two having a thing what is going on here. >> you are always trying to start stuff, mike. >> so i think we need to get kathy orr on the phone and explain what this is all about. >> really. >> he was kind of obsessed basically. >> that is a story we need to know. >> was this breaking overnight or was there an event. >> no, saturday night. >> hot new place. >> it was really good. >> but you know what they had as an appetizer, pigs in the blanket. kitkat kline see if you you can bring up the menu, i believe it is there. >> yes. >> how were waiters dressed. >> they were all nude. >> polo shirts. >> yes. >> writing. >> no, they are waiters. >> really nice place. >> that is my kathy lee. >> you had a fancy weekend. >> massty p is on the show. >> i'm sharing spotlight with his talented family we will talk to him and his daughter next. >> reality show um. ♪ starting thursday, apparel will cool down to 40% off. [ both ] 40%! [ quickly ] the news is good! [ quickly ] sports win! [ whispers ] let's go shopping! doors open thursday, 6pm at target. your loving touch stimulates his senses and nurtures his mind. the johnson's scent, lather, and bubbles help enhance the experience. so why just clean your baby, when you can give him so much more? ♪ this thursday, hdtv prices will drop to record lows. ken, how are you getting ready for this deal? with subtle hints... barbie, i want an hdtv. doors open thursday 6 pm at target. exactly 9:30. >> a lot of people may know him as an area, but he has a growing empire. >> he wants the worlds to see just how much his world has changed. >> okay. >> ♪ people still sing matter piece 1998 hits. he went onto 75 million cd's, earning five grammys, he's even made the forbes highest paid celebrity list. but he says his biggest accomplishment is his family. of course you know his son, romeo. beat out michael jackson for being the youngest artist ever, number one record. >> that's just one every his nine children. my dad, being one of the biggest hip hop mowing else, he never treated his kids like we were freaking rap stars or anything, we were treated like kids. >> we weren't raised by nancys, he actually raised us. >> starting saturday you can watch how he keeps it altogether on his new reality show. i'm from the hood, son. >> oh, we hear you, masterpiece, here with your daughter, symphony, good morning. >> good morning, nice to have you in philadelphia, all it be by saturday light. you performed in philly, haven't you, over years? >> yes, yes. >> it is a good music town for sure. so, why didn't you use nannies? >> come on, now. >> ya, dad, why didn't you? >> next time. >> next time? wait a second. >> now, how many children do you have, master p, nine? >> yes, yes. >> five of my kids is on the show with me, and it is a wonderful show. it is about showing we're hip hop grown, you know, a lot of people steriotype, they don't know how my family living, how my kids are living, symphony, great student, romeo is in college, i mean, we are not the typical hip hop family. >> now, would you say that you guys are typical family, though? i mean, you're master p's daughter. >> i mean, well, he's always just taught us that integrity comes first and we just put our trust in god. so it is like, yes, we love music, we're making music videos, we're on red carpet. at the end of the day we are always humble by that, you know, that's what i love about my dad. you know, that doesn't put you above anything, who ever you're related to, you know, nobody dice with a u-haul, like you can't bring any of this material stuff. it is all about how you treat other people. so you will see that on the show. it is really hard for most people to balance that, you know? hollywood career, still trying to keep urine telling rid. >> i well, how do you describe to folks what the show's going to be about? what's the goal here? >> just with family value, goal that the sterio type you have that on hip hop is not the way we live. we loft music. she has big company record coming out called we got to change. it is about what he is going on in the world, same thing with us, it is about me being a single dad, and raising my kids, knowing that i have a lifetime commitment with my kids. >> will you -- >> it is just showing like how we work through our own struggles as a family, as well. and i think it is kinds of nice for people to see that, like, we are not perfect, we still got to take out the trash, we still got to fly different places, and we don't always see eye to eye but at the ends of the day we always stick together. >> well, we will be watching. it will be on reelz network starting saturday. good luke with it. >> november 28th on the reelz channel. >> can't wait to see all of the family business. >> nicely done. >> we will be watching. >> are they gone? >> can they hear us? >> so, i was about to bring it up, we had to wrap it up, he's going through a really tough divorce. >> i wonder if he is going to mention that. >> i was going to; we ran out of people, satellite people in our ear going we have to go to the next tv station. >> we'll have to see how reel it gets on the show. >> how ree. will it be. >> everyone talking about j-lo's performance, and want to see more of her outfits. we will do. that will let's have our fashion panel come in. and talk about the hits and the misses, from the american music awards last night. >> let's do it. >> let's talk turkey now, though. >> ♪ >> guys, we're at the server of life church here in kensington, king out turkeys, we have pastor john coming up next. we just hopped off the sugar express, giving out turkeys all morning long, from our friends from sugarhouse. up guys have a good time? we're giving out turkeys, having fun, at the river of life church near kensington, we have pastor john and pastor gale. you guys been here for six years. who are these turkeys going to benefit here? >> this is for the neighborhood, this neighborhood is really, a lot of difficulties, the support area, drugs, alcohol addiction, and these people have become our friends, who are part of the community here, and these people, the only way they're going to have a turkey for thanksgiving. >> wow, yes. >> pastor gale, the last six years, you know, you guys giving back, have you seen the community here? >> yes, yes, yes, they have. i mean, they've accepted us as part of their community, too. one second, sir. as their community, and these are our people. these are our family here. and yes, they have changed, they've soft ends, they, lots of them maybe don't come here, but they come in for prayer, and if we need them, they're here for us. >> this is a great thing. we thank you guys, thank you pastor john, pastor gale. talking to some of the people in line, how are you doing, sir, what's your name? >> pedro. >> now, pedro; this turkey going to help you snout. >> oh, yes thank you, it will, yes. i'm very happy. >> you are really happy? >> yes. >> who are you having thanksgiving dinner with? >> my family, my wife. >> who is all involved? >> oh, we have about seven people, plus my grand kids. >> wow. >> so this will be a good day for you guys. >> yes, it is. >> congratulations. margueritea, where are you from? >> north philly. >> you're from north philly. and who have you having thanksgiving dinner with? >> my family. i lost my friend three years ago, but everybody is getting together, so we'll have good memories with our family. >> hopefully this turkey and your memories will be good. >> thank you. >> thank you, margarita. >> guys, giving out turkeys here, i think we have couple of more stops. we have wendy. hey, wendy, wendy, we have couple of more stores. all have turkeys here, and this, good thing, our friends at sugarhouse have been doing for the last couple of years. >> we love to do this. when you get to hand the turkey right to the people who is going to eat it, it feels good, yes, feels real good. nice, having a good time. >> yes, it is chilly, it is cold, but our hearts are warm. back to you guys in the studio . >> sure, everyone's warm smiles, too. okay, well, check out kendel jenner. fangs are weighing in at the ama looks. do you like it? do you love it? we'll talk about all of the hot fashion at the ama. our fashion panel coming up next. >> ♪ son, the holiday season's just like football season... you got your big games... ...cheese plates, turkey, appetizers. and regular games. get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. that's my boy! fill your cart with everything you need this season, all at one place. my giant. all at one place. hellmann's and holiday leftovers become irresistibly creamy turkey casserole. real delicious hellmann's. bring out the hellmann's. bring out the best. 9:44, time to start seeing the fashion, honey, we will talk about last night's american music awards, of course we have to have our panel of fashion experts. joining me now, hello! are you guys ready to talk sole fall fashion? let's do it. >> first, we have to start with the host of the night, j-lo. did she bring it, or what? we'll start with the first dress. it was a pink number, jesse, we start with you, did you like it? >> i loved it. hot, hot, hot. i loved the whom bring, the hair, make up, everything, she can do no wrong. >> i actually love her. i loved it. it was fabulous, first number was be square. i loved her in that opening. >> yes? >> yes. >> she could have not done any wrong last night. between her hair, her make up, her shoes, her just entire ensemble, all of the looks, every look which was ten looks she looked amazing. she 46. she is a mother. she is gorgeous she never fails. >> she can do no wrong. and pink and sparkles, right? >> talk about gwen stefani next. >> oh, we go back and show some of her looks, some of the video, i think, because we have to see all of those different looks she had. >> we are moving onto gwen stefani. here we go. what do we think of again stefany? >> listen, it is not halloween any more. oh, my gosh. she just looks so matronly. i did not like this. >> really? nothing matronly about those legs she was showing. >> it is too much. from a pr stand point, she a mid a crisis f communications stand point she should have been a little more covered up, not showing everything. it was very transparent, vulnerable, emotional, and could you tell. >> too much. >> wait. >> i thought she looked beautiful, she is a beautiful girl. i think this would have been a better outfit in editorial photos as opposed to the red carpet. >> we move on then. we saw more leg with sierra. what do we think of sierra? >> loved it. she is gorgeous. >> different. >> and looked like i mean her body so sculpted, you have body like that, you have to embrace it and you're blessed when something. it look like that opera dress was painted on her. she look flawless. >> look at all of the beads and everything else. >> just so many beautiful details. i love it. i love she kept the hair simple. the dress had a lot going on. >> you want attention on that dress. >> absolutely, but she wears a lot of black, so looking forward to the next red carpet. >> pop of color? >> yes. >> let's talk about kent del and kylie watch do we think? >> i loved it. kendel looked gorgeous. >> people are saying this is like the best dress. do you agree? >> i totally agree. i love, love, loved it. i thought she should totally stick with the banks. >> and the kardashian's can do no wrong. >> i like her hair and make up. >> it was a great up take on the lbd. she looked sexy. she is a mold. she showed her legs. she showed all of her accent. >> for people who don't know about lbd? >> oh, little back dress. a take on it, just locked gorgeous, her make up flawless. now are we talking about kendel yet? >> go ahead. say something about kai lee. >> kendel did it, kai lee too young to be dressing like. that will people may disagree, but bondage, looked a little too bonds and. again it, looks like she tried too far. >> is that america? what is it? >> chains. >> chains. it looked too bondage. >> it was a little bondage, but i thought it looked good. she is little young. so speaking of bondage, gee gee has these. little on the top there. she was white hot or not? >> we say not. >> say not? >> too skimpy for the ama earnings your turn to be edgey, creative. you saw through everything. >> okay? anthony? hot or not? >> not, not, not. >> the hair, i don't even know if i'm feeling the hair. >> i like the hair. >> hair, make up, great. >> i like the hair and make up. i like the jewelry, whole look, just little too casual for me. skip skimpy. >> did carry underwood save the night? did you like her cape with her dress? >> i loved it, very glenn did a the good witch but in a good way. >> i didn't like it. >> why not? >> i thought it was country music awards, again, this is the ama, dress for the brands, this is not ama, creative or edge any any sense hearing just look a little -- it look a little too dated. >> how is it not edgy? showing skin. >> i loved it. >> it was just a little too matronly. i like that she had something glittery and sparkly on, but the cape is so two years ago. do something little different. >> when she is on the red carpet, her favorite part about it, that's why she picked the dress, she loved the cape. >> i loved it. >> let's talk about nicky minaj. what do we think of her pink dress? >> i really liked t i liked it had the shoulder pads going on t created more balance. she looked really george just it. >> she really looked like an hour glass. my gosh, anthony? your vote? >> no. >> no? why not? >> i did not like t i did her boo. >> meek mill? >> yes. >> but when sheeted away from him i was like oh, i'm pass. >> little too much. again, looking for edgey. looking for creativity. it was just a gown. and she just wanted to show a ton of skin. i don't think that's the way she should have gone. >> not even with the golds? >> the shoulders, the only part of the dressy likes, the shoulders. >> her body looked sick. >> all right. well, thank up. we love our fox. >> yeah. 9:50. well, you know will downing is here. and can he do no wrong. that voice. do you know his 18th albumn is out now. so coming up he is going to perform. are you ready? >> i'm red. >> i we're ready for you. >> you are looking good, looking good. whether we come back, we'll have a performance from will downey. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at >> i love women. you are totally with it, will. >> yes, you are. and we are with you, right now, you know that voice. we love will downing. >> how are you doing, man? >> good to see you. >> whether is the performance? saturday night? >> saturday night at the scottish right auditorium. >> me annular. >> i you traveling around together? >> what's that wedding song he does? >> for you. >> for you ♪ >> okay, yes. this is just a few cd? >> that's my latest cd, yes. >> and that cd cover. >> yes, yes, yes, yes. >> shock lack drops. why would you name it that? >> he likes the chocolate. >> yes. >> are you saying -- >> no, no, no. someone actually, someone here, actually, titled the project, a young lady named dianna williams. >> yes, we know dianna williams. >> yes, she heard the music and said it remind me of chocolate, like drops, beautiful drops. i said chocolate drops. >> wow. >> hershey kisses are made in this state. >> i know, i know, i know. >> what are you going to sing today? >> i gay with classic a million ways. >> oh, love it. >> you are going to sing backgrounds. >> in. >> we don't want to ruin the performance, because we're upset about the eagles lost yesterday, we need something, we want to feel romantic. >> okay. >> this morning. so do it, do us the honor? >> coy do that. >> what was it, 44 to something, the eagles? >> oh, my gosh. >> like a basketball score. >> oh, my gosh. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ york city it's the "wendy williams show." >> my girls are always turned out. i give it to you straight no changer. >> announcer: now here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: right back at ya! all right.

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