Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20151006 : c

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20151006

morning. i hope you are hungry. i love this restaurant. it is zahav, chef michael is releasing his debut cookbook. how you can copy his culinary secrets in his own kitchen coming up. >> that cookbook is the size of the volkswagen. >> the humus there is amazing. >> yes, so good. >> i hope he brought some. >> you and mike will whip up a recipe outside. >> we will whip it up. >> whip it, whip ill real good. >> yes. >> so people are responding on facebook and twitter to the fact, well, let's roll footage of this shark sighting on the streets, i said the streets of ocean city, new jersey. this is in west ocean city right in the neighborhood. >> wow. >> we will look at it closely. >> of course. >> all of the flooding down on the shore. it is a mess over the weekend. >> it is swirling too good look at that. >> this doesn't look like a very big shark. >> no. >> it looks like a shark though. >> here's a problem, when it goes over to the shore, it kind of looks like it goes up in the bushes. >> yes. >> but you never necessity when a shark can attack, you know, and appear. >> yes. >> oh, no. >> is this in the lake. >> oh, well. >> hey, keith, can you direct that back across and we will get with the overhead. >> yes. all right. there we go. >> that might look better. >> yes. >> all right. >> let's bring it backup again >> here we go. >> look at that. >> that looks a little bit better. >> yes. >> it is a good day. >> we will have to work out that shot. >> we will perfect that. >> keith, thank you. kim kardashian west is expecting her second child. do you remember how she was so eager to have have fertility. >> yes, i want to be pregnant with the second child. >> now she is. she has a big issue. she says it the is the worst experience of her life. >> what? >> new blog post on her web site she does not understand women who enjoy the experience. she does not feel like she's in her own kin when she's pregnant. she points to swelling, weight gain, uncomfortable physical side effects. they are expect to welcome their son in december. >> oh, my goodness, what were the the the comments on social media, jen fred. i bet you saw some. >> here's the thing, okay. women either love being pregnant. they love being, all nuts and cuddly and big, and just lovey. or they hate it. i was also one of the people who hated it. you are not your right person. you are like, going bathroom all the time. there is lots of stuff going on that is completely out of your control. one of the things kim said was i do like the fact that once you have a baby, you can figure out how to get your body back. a lot of women people hate being pregnant. on people love it. on women like it when you are done because then you know your body. if you figure out how to grow your body, grow a human, get human out, and then there is a human and a you have to put yourself back together. that can be fulfilling to some women, frustrating to other women. i'm not surprised she hates it. it is in the fun. >> but you are not offended by it. >> no, no, because, mike, i know you have in the been pregnant. >> no. >> it is not the coolest thing in the world good some said she wanted it so badly. i want nothing more in this world and then she's like it is worst experience ever. >> every pregnancy is different. you might just be violently ill sometimes. >> you can want a baby, without wanting a pregnancy, does that make any sense. everyone wants this lovely baby. it is like when you get married, you want to get married but don't want to deal with the drama and all of the nonsense. it is okay, that she wants the baby and hate being pregnant. i think that is okay. >> i understand what you are saying. but it also could be that she's a millionaire and she has every possible comfort in the world at her disposal. >> right. >> and i think a a lot of the comments. >> just lay there for next nine months and don't move. >> she doesn't have to go, look like she was a mal carrier. a lot of pregnant woman have to go to work. >> yes, she's part of the first family according to cosmopolitan. >> 9:06. >> moms aren't only won who suffer from baby blues. this has been known for a while but there is a brand new study. >> out of the university in canada one in 81st time dad suffered depression while their partner is pregnant. it is called anti natal depression. woman develop baby blues postnatal after the baby is born. a few months ago we asked doctor mike, what is this? >> now, this is probably due to the fact that they are going to be sleeping less, they have financial responsibilities coming, and, mommy is not going to be all to them. so, the the key here is to screen not only mom, but dads because depression can be a very significant problem. >> all right. >> that makes perfect sense. >> we cannot get it on anymore. >> you have to share mom with someone else. >> quincy, let's bring in quincy on this one. did you suffer from baby blues with either one of your sons, kobe and jordan. >> yes, i think i have not gotten over it, guys. no, it is tough. it is really tough for a guy. you have to remember the problem is, when the woman is carrying the baby, she instantly becomes the the mother because baby is growing inside of her. you are sitting there like what is going on. i have to take care of this kid, this thing. then she gets moody and really boss i and then what do you do. do you argue with the lady carrying your child? no, you you can't. then she becomes like your boss. she becomes your boss for the the rest of your life. >> that is right. >> your whole world changes. >> yes. >> you should just get on one of those motorcycles and leave town. >> yes, far, far away. >> no, no. >> but they say, they say one in eight guys, i think it is higher then that. it his out of eight guys, experience this. because, especially in my situation, a lot of my friends didn't have kid yet when i had my first son. so i remember i called one of my friendlymont brown, who was a jerk and i said yes, wife's pregnant. he started laughing. yo, dog are you serious. i said i'm serious. he is like wow. he is laughing at me. >> it is so shocking, it changes your life so much. a friend of mine said, well, it is like having an anchor, like a big anchor there a boat, put a diaper on it because you are not doing anything, you are not moving, it is an anchor with a diaper and it will be with you for the rest of your life. >> very true. >> to tie you down. >> yes. >> will well, this is good. >> they are having so much fun, i just can't wait. >> i always say this, as a guy, you really don't understand or you don't find the joy until like the kid really needs you or wants you. for me it didn't happen until like the first time i left the house and my son cried for me. i said wow, you like me. what is up. mom had that. but that takes about like almost two years in because he is pregnant for a year. kid really doesn't need you for first six months because you are nursing or doing the milk thing. but when he understood oh, this is my guy. >> this whole thing is we are. >> it becomes an amazing thing. >> i can't believe we voluntarily do this, get married and have children. >> all right. >> really. >> thanks, q. >> to think you instantly volunteered. >> i change my mind. it is 8:00 o'clock. >> i decided to have children again because they will allow alcohol at chuck e cheese. i said that was what was holding me back. >> good idea. >> after that discussion with jen and q, i'm out. >> merrill streep is starring in a new movie about women sufferage and appropriately called sufferage. >> it isn't getting as much attention as promotional photos. >> no. >> it is a t-shirt that she's wearing that is causing controversy. here's the t-shirt in question. i would rather be a rebel then a slave. merrill streep with co stars they wore it on the cover of the time out london. some people are saying that the word slave and rebel they remind them of the confederate, and others say a it shows how badly the movie whitewashes the the woman's sufferage movement since the entire cast is white. >> whitewashes. >> sufferage movement. nicely done. >> she's good. it is alex holley. >> that is what it says. >> i thought you create that had on your own. >> trying to give you credit. >> i was giving you credit. >> now you are taking it away. >> sufferage. >> kit cat do they follow one specific one, do we know? >> i don't know. >> do we care. >> come on, seriously. >> i just don't think those two words should be here, i would rather be this than that. it is not good to put those two next to each other, side by side. >> they are talking about their silly movies. a lot of people are celebrating this morning. >> why. >> mcdonald's, they are all day breakfast menu begins today. >> so, in the past, as you know, if you have been out having a cocktail or six and you went into mcdonald's at 1:00 in the morning if it was opened, a 24 hour joint. >> thank you, keith. >> you could not get breakfast. >> now that we stop at 10:00 306789 you go in there at 10:35. >> there is something that has to be left, right. >> you see it sitting under the warmers. i see pancakes. >> nope, 10:30. >> can't serve them. >> here's the thing. >> there is no hash brown. >> i specifically asked for hash brown. >> somebody eating it over there. >> intern, fired. >> i think part of the story is you cannot get hash brown. >> in some places, in some markets you cannot get hash brown. >> you can here. apparently not. >> they have double friars that use for french friar. >> we have a double friar problem. you can put frenchfries with the the hash browns. why not change up the friars. >> yes. >> and the oil. >> yes. >> too much work. >> yes. >> it is a lot of work. >> some places double fry stuff in there and it taste like something else. >> potatoes. >> yes. >> or pepsi taste like diet doctor pepper. >> or chicken taste like something else. >> yes. >> this was a good experience. >> things are going off on my facebook page, alex holley fox 29. you have a facebook page. >> yes. >> mcdonald's hash browns is like having a sal ought a without croutons, burger without fries, you have to have hash browns some people are saying that is like jeans without a belt. like having chinese food without egg rolls. it goes together. if you offer all day breakfast, you need to have some hash browns. >> yes. >> peanut butter with no jelly. >> it is like kissing your sister. >> oreos with no milk. >> taking a shower in a rain coat. >> stake without a1 sauce. >> well, anyway would i show you hash browns that comes in the hockey puck looking thing, a little square. >> they are good too. >> they are really good. >> i just love hash browns and home fries. >> anyway, you can get breakfast anytime now at mcdonald's. >> but some of the, not to see mcmuffin but another sandwich that will be only in some stores too. it is hash browns in some places. there is lovely hash brown. and then certain sandwich that will be offered. >> hash brown comes in its natural state there. >> yes. >> is that what that is all smuggled up. >> in a little packet. >> people complained on twitter, that is all it took, 120,000 people though. >> yeah. >> yes, they are trying to get their sales backup. there is a lot of competition. i still like mcdonald's, i'll tell you. did you ever see the movie big daddy, adam sandler. >> yes. >> we will take hot cakes and sausage. >> we stopped serving breakfast. >> what are you talking about we are four seconds late. >> no, 30 minutes late. >> we stopped serving breakfast at the 10:30. >> ahh, horse bleep. >> no, no don't cry. i was than the cursing at you, i was cursing at the lady. >> do you want a happy meal? do you want a happy meal. >> can we get him a happy meal. >> will somebody get the kid a happy meal. >> i have been there, man. my kids were obsessed when they had the monopoly game. >> you collect game piecees we stopped every few miles. >> get another piece. >> by the way, they will have the mcmuffin. >> that is sandwich we will talk about. >> biscuits, southern states will have plenty of biscuits because they love biscuits. >> but we will get mcmuffins. >> if you want biscuits, scott, i know you are from the south, you to have get biscuits and gravy. >> country biscuits and gravy. >> yes, you are right, so good. >> lets talk about this weather because it is nice. we have a big h on the board, that means high pressure is in full control. that means, a cool start out there but a lot of sunshine, so get outdoors and enjoy the day. it will be a nice tuesday, weather by the numbers in fact, i will give it the a ten. it looks cool right now but we can take this. 57 degrees. after all it is october, winds are out of the northwest at 6 miles an hour, humidity pretty comfortable as well. a a beautiful shot of olde city but we can see ben franklin bridge, christ church a lot of sunshine out there as well. temperatures starting to respond to some of that sunshine. mid 50's now in trenton. we have 53 degrees in the poconos mountains. fifty-six good morning in wilmington. down the shore right now we have 55 degrees in wildwood as well as atlantic city. here is your planner, lot of sunshine out there, 73 degrees for the high temperature. not that bad. >> that does sound good. >> okay. >> a local culinary giant finally putting pen to paper had sharing his skills in the kitchen, with the entire world. chef and owner of zahav is releasing his debut cookbook a collaboration with the business partner steven cook, in z ahav a world of israeli cooking. expect pages have of mouth watering recipes with his personal stories, gorgeous photos and ingredient explanations. learn how to make restaurants favorites, that is what mike and alex are doing right now. >> you want a good work out? lift michael's new book. >> biggest cookbook in america. >> geese. look at the size of this thing. >> yes. >> 20 pounds. >> what can i say. >> name of the restaurant right on the front za thehav in i call it society hill. >> yes. >> it is in olde city, society hill. >> it is right on the edge. >> yes. >> what is this. >> this is for him. >> is this to stir the food. >> what is this thing. >> yes. it the is our cookbook, actually. >> it is really beautiful. >> thank you very much. >> look at that. >> how do you pick what recipes to put in there. >> we tried to do all of our recipes. all of our original helps piece, we have a salad, carrots. >> everyone loves humus. >> everybody goes crazy about the humus and the salads, and the cauliflower that we're doing right now. >> you are saying if i get the cookbook i will make humus just like you do. >> you will be able to make it just as good as we do. >> my question about the humus is this, and then we will move on. why is yours different why is anybody going crazy or is it secret. >> the the answer is there. i don't know. we make it, special. >> yes, with love. >> so much love. >> yes. >> so much love. >> okay. >> cauliflower what are we doing. >> we have cauliflower that is cooking in some oil. very, very simply. we have a little bit of broccoli and yogurt. it is a strange leak yogurt. we have herbs. we have garlic. we have lemon juice. we puree it. we smooth it on the plate. then we just plate it the. >> how long do you leave tonight a pan. >> we will cook tonight this pan probably for about five minutes. we can break it down, for about three or four minutes. >> when i heard we were doing cauliflower. >> yes. >> i would the rather just eat cauliflower. this is finished product. why does it look that way. >> because we carmelized it very, very slow. >> where does all that stuff go that is all for to you eat. >> that is just a side. >> yes. >> i did that to be nice. >> you came with gifts. >> okay. lets a's try this. >> i never had anything like this. >> so is what the the green goo. >> that is a yogurt sauce, with dill. >> we have carrots right over there. >> what is that. >> those are beats. a little bit here. >> let's get back in the humus. >> yes. >> now we know about it the we can cook it at home. >> you should still go for zahav. come in and check us out. we have books all over the city. come in and try us out. if you don't feel like cooking from it, just bring it in and we will cook for you a at the restaurant. >> how many recipes are in that book because it is huge. >> i think hundreds, hundreds. so many. >> okay. >> so many recipes. >> thank you. >> these are beautiful too. >> good job. >> thank. >> chef michael thanks for coming up on. >> thanks for having me on. >> of course. >> we are bringing this humus back on. >> i want to taste some. >> back to the future takes place in the the year 2015. do you remember this scene? how universal is celebrating the philadelphia's 30th anniversary and why jaws fans are sure to love this. it is 9:23. hello, wilmington. it will be a beautiful day. >> a ten. >> did you get the humus. >> no. >> alex did offer some to me. >> i did. >> but i felt like i shouldn't have any. >> there is some oil in there too. >> it goodies. >> did you eat some of them. >> i am just stalling. >> you you are. >> that is what happens, wait until the three shot. >> okay. >> that is a big shark. >> yes. >> really smooth. >> we're trying. >> this is rehearsal. >> yes. >> the 10:00 o'clock hour will be great. october 21st, how well do you know your movie trivia. question, october 21st, 2015. >> um-hmm. >> coming up, of course. >> yes. >> what movie did that conquer up. >> back to the future. >> thanks. >> you are so good. >> well, anybody who is a fan of that movie knows that date because it is when marty mcfly, famously traveled into the future an he landed in, 2015. >> a a hhh. >> so to celebrate the anniversary of the film, universal is giving back to the future fans, just, 19. >> oh, no. >> ready to see it. >> terror began, jaws started, battled a russian shark, ivan sharkowsky, took a bite out of the big apple and learned about love from a mysterious stranger, jaws 18 origin mind blowing reboot. now oceans are disappearing as they stayed their home. the sharks must attack. jaws 19. this time. >> don't get excited, afters as we all want jaws nine to be real. >> right. >> it is not. >> or is it. >> oh, no. >> ♪ >> and there we go. >> that was a fake trailer. >> yes. >> but it is back to the future 30th anniversary though so entire thrilling will be showing in select theaters on the 21st. >> i feel like we're behind. we don't have have stuff like that in movie theaters where 3-d sharks come out and get you walking on the street. >> we have sharknato, three different films. >> i'm talking about, the the technology to do things like that, if you are walking by and see a trailer that jumps by you. >> that would be good. >> kind of like jetson's. >> they were way off then. >> stupid movie. >> they thought more of us. >> the jetson's in the 50's and 60's they thought there would be flying cars around. >> i know. >> look at us we're still walking, driving. >> think about friends. he was partying in 1999, that didn't turnout so great. wow. >> and then there was nick jonas. >> and then nick jonas. nick jonas is on "good day philadelphia" this morning. we know he can sing. what about his acting. he has a new role. also is he kateing kate hudson. i'm too afraid to ask him. >> you mean hudson. >> what did i say. >> upton. >> he might be better off with kate upton. since 1961, pearle vision has provided the neighborhood with expert eye care. that was dr. stanley pearle's vision and we still proudly carry on his legacy. today, doctors like lisa hamilton perform eye exams that can help detect diabetes. because we care for you... and your eyes. this is genuine eye care, in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. hold on. >> what? >> all right, it is 9:30. >> we we all know nick jonas can sing, october, and really do some acting. >> pretty got chops when it comes to that. so, we here at good day philadelphia, we love nick in the fox show screen queen. >> about have we seen the last of his character on the show? have we really? >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> killed him? >> no, no, no, he's still alive. and then already gearing up for the second season of mixed martial arts drama kingdom. >> okay. >> (movie clip) # (movie clip). >> so the second season of kingdom premiers next wednesday on direct tv audience network, we want to thank direct tv for one of the stars, nick jonas, to be here with us today. >> after all of that set up we don't have enough time for the interview. see you next time, nick. >> how are you guys doing. >> good. >> haven't seen in you about four weeks, at made in america. >> i know. >> how did it go. >> amazing, that show was incredible. fans in philly are prep always pretty amazing. good to talk to you. >> do you like the set up where it is on the parkway, all of that? >> i had an amazing time. i didn't know what to expect. but it was one of my favorite shows on the tour. >> you had the crowd going. i was there, i could barely move so many people packed trying to see you. >> yes, it was a pretty good turn out. the rock nation family really kind of received me with open arms, which was all good, and responded. >> okay, are you dead? i mean, as far as scream queen? >> i can't say. i'm not allowed to say anything, you know, ryan murphy is real protective over the material of the show. so it is very important that i keep things under wraps. but actually if you just watch the end of the second episode, you will see that i'm -- >> oh, okay. >> but what i love about this, when they approach you to be on the show, you didn't know that it was this show that they wanted you to be on? >> i didn't. i didn't know anything about what the meeting was about with ryan and his team. but was thrilled when they called knee come in and meet, told me about the role, the show, it was just perfect fit. specially with the more dramatic side of things with kingdom, and what a thrill that is to be a part that far show, then to have the comedy outlet, as well, really fun. >> do you know martial arts? you're darn fit, man. >> i do now. you know, we went through pretty intense training for the show, just finish the second season gearing up foresees on three, but the fans of the show, i think, real important for them that it feel real authentic, and that we actually know what we're doing, so we work real hard to gear up for this pretty intense, intense show. >> how do you balance it all? i mean, doing all of these shows, we love your music, i mean, when do you have time to rest? >> i don't have that much time to rest. but i genuinely enjoy what i do, and get chance to do these acting project, both dramatic and the comedy space, but also the music and how great a year it has been for. that will i think overall i'm just grateful to be in a position to do it all. i have a good team to help keep the schedule intact. >> i need a team. i really need a team. like one intern, you know what i mean? so leading up on you, this is wikipedia stuff, it could be absolutely false, says one of your favorite movies, thousand lose a guy in ten days, i saw that. is that really one of your favorites? >> rom come, good question, rom come. >> oh. >> but i also like who is in it. i lover kate hudson. >> oh, who is your favorite actress in it? >> don't we all? >> hey, nick, come back and seanus philly as soon as you can, all right? >> all right, thanks, guys. >> bye, nick. >> 9:34. quincy. >> wait. >> ya, he is dating kate hudson. >> coming up next, the high with a patrol team, guys, coming up. i'm ready. >> ♪ >> philadelphia highway patrol, philadelphia highway patrol. quincy, is going to be, trying to be part of the motorcycle drill team. >> we're nervous for him. can you tell? >> i did this last year, last year i was a rookie. now, this year, i'm finally tuned machine. >> i'm sophomore. >> you're ready to go. >> jim, you've been training these guys for about 20 years. >> yes, for over 20 years, correct. >> so the thrill show goes on this saturday, october 10th, from noon until 5:00. and the performances will be about, from 1:00, well, we start at 1:00. and then the next, there is k9 show, and then it will be a motorcycle show at 4:00. >> in the parking lot of the wells fargo center. >> yes. >> okay, so when am i going to perform coming up? >> we will do the shoulder ride with you. that's where you get on top, it will take you for little spin out there. so, you know, you're ready to go this year. >> okay, who am i going to be riding with? >> george scott. >> george scott? >> gentlemen, he is one of our -- >> okay, one of our most stable. >> we're ready to get you going there. >> george scott, okay. well, guys, wish me luck. >> we wish you luck, good luck. >> we don't believe it is george c scott. >> who are we looking at? >> oh,. >> so he will get on an officer's shoulders, oh, wait a minute. what's on fire? oh, doing that burn out on purpose. >> oh, okay. >> hey, george? >> i don't even sequins i. >> maybe he is yelling at the photograph their he's ready? >> or is he being drug behind the bike, his face on the pavement? >> okay? >> is that him? >> no! >> there is no way. >> sitting on the back? >> there is is quince. >> i oh! >> i'm impressed. ruin your shoes. >> on the shoulder? oh, my goodness. >> this is even worse. >> oh, no. this is not good. look at him. he's smiling, though. >> this is when we need jenn fred. >> she ways 09 pounds. >> oh, my gosh, quincy. >> i can't imagine what could go wrong. >> ready, ready. what can go wrong? nothing. >> hole your breath at home. >> and go really slow. >> ya, i'm doing good. this is cool. >> okay? >> going about 15 miles an hour. >> only his laundry knows how scared he is. >> (laughing). >> or the officer. >> well, that. >> leo adder rio cap rio. >> hope he hasn't had a halloween whopper. >> doing it with ease. >> oh, touchdown. >> if you have never seen this motorcycle drill -- >> oh, now he is dancing. >> oh, don't get too cocky now. >> you must get out this week toned see this. it is remarkable to figure the intrinsic manouvers they do, the blue angels. >> now quincy -- >> did he it. >> get out there, enjoy it this weekend. 9:41. >> we'll take a break. >> yes, but the biggest event of the entire show is after the break. >> okay. >> no, i am not kidding. every coconut has a dream. to come out of its shell. to show all the world its true, inner beauty. and then, in an ironic twist, get covered up by chocolate and almonds. almond joy mounds. what every coconut wants. >> oh, the commercial break toss that we had. well,. >> we should. >> not appropriate. >> but everyone can relate. >> so true. >> so this friday, though, you're going to have to join us, because we it will be military day, lauren. so come down, fourth and market, you guys know where we, are we'll shut down the entire street, block party, honoring the men and women who have serve or continue to serve our country, again, it is friday, 7:00 to 9:00 or 7:00 to 10:00 out front. >> we also if you come, because it will be a lot of people, come early, bring pictures of loved ones who have served, or currently serving, we want to get to meet them, give them nice shout out. let them know we are thinking about them. so the bo hoe look. do you ever do the bo hoe look. >> sometimes. >> a lot of people love to do it in the fall specially, some women just don't know thousand do it, i'm one of those women. so jen, show us thousand do the bo hoe look. >> test it out. >> yes, and we're here once again with emily, who is awesome. playing little dress up. >> yes. >> been playing dress up all morning. isn't that amazing? >> i confess to you i don't think i can do boho, as we bring in grace, you say one of the things to test the trends if you're not ready for the whole look, go with like wide leg jean? >> go with flare jean. you can go flared, the ones i'm wearing are super bell. so what grace is wearing, so pretty flare, but they're super elongate g. so your legs look miles long, they're really slimming, and you can do them. we have some moved beyond the skinny jean. try it out. >> what if you're 3 feet tall like me? >> it is okay, wear super high heels. >> the flare is what it is kinds of skinny on top, flares at the bottom? >> flares at the bottom. yes. either tree bells will flare dramatically out from the knee. these, little more of gentle smoothing, really cool. do you have wear it with chunky heal boots if you want to go all out, shearling vest. >> we love the shearling vest. that's something you can wear with a lot of different stuff? >> you can wear this over real cute dress, you can wear it for evening. this works in a multitude of ways. she just looks super cool. and we're going cash, the aerosmith t-shirt, cool chunky silver belt. looks fun, not costumey, and again you have to own this. >> you look good. i'm product of you. >> this is my dream look. i love it. >> so we switch places, err lincoln in, and this casino of speaks to what we were talking about earlier, like don't wear your yoga pant, but still cool, yet comfortable in. >> exactly. this is for girls, a lot of people tell me that they're scared to go for the flare jeans, flare jeans soup nerve, some people just won't do them. that might be you. so you can still get this boho look but do it with skinny jean. the way to do that with is with fringe top. >> this fringe jacket is awesome. i love it. >> talk to me. a lot of people have tried like a fringe purse. you wouldn't necessarily do a fringe purse? >> no. >> with the jacket? >> no. pick one item. okay? you don't want to do fringe all over it, look look like you went through paper shredder. take one piece, add fringe. you industrial real classic fit, the over size collar, slim tayloring, just on the back. so it is pretty classic, but with little bit after edge. again, pair it with simple white t. you have your sneakers, cool bag, and she just looks cool. >> whether people do boho what do people normally mess up? how are they doing it wrong? >> i think you can take it too costumey. that's the problem. i think you need to update t pick one thing, and make it a little bit modern. >> then one other thing as we look at erin's necklace, the turquoise, you guys are like playing with her look a little bit. you kind of want to go sparkly but i like you added pop of color. >> pop of color again if you want to just do one thing, go for a colored stone. turquoise is really great t looks awesome on a lot of skin tones. it is a simple way to kind of add some kind of he can check particular worldly flare to it, yes, get pop of color without being obvious. >> last thing, you always were -- not always but your signature look is wearing address over pants? >> dress over pants. that's what i do. i love it. i like the kind of big voluminous on top, pinched in at the knee then big flare out. i have done this since college. this is how i am comfortable. you will never see me in skinny jeanser. >> really? >> bell-bottoms forever, even when i go out in style, i love it. >> how do you know -- you know it works, it feels good, you just go for it? >> it might not work for many people t works for me. i feel comfortable in it. you love it or hate it. >> you look rad i can justly awesome. mike the photographer, you like it? >> good for you? >> mike likes everything. so a win. that's total win. >> i'm glad. >> so i'll go take my costume off. >> no, you look great. you look awesome. >> okay. >> you look amazing. own it. >> high five up top. thank you. philly mag and everything fashionable, you guys look amazing, too. pretty cool, right? >> she's right. do you have own it, jen. >> i own it. >> all of the new trends, like the bell bottom jeans, i'm so stuck on my skinny jeans. >> oh, i know, i love my skinny jeans. but i'm always behind, though. >> so you'll get on this later? >> ya. >> i only wear angle -- apple bottom jeans. >> and jeans with a fur. >> you're ten years too late to the party. >> well, the stylist there, she said she hasn't changed in 20 years. >> your clothes go in rotation, so things you had like ten years ago, time for to you pull them back out. >> so just keep it in the closet. >> you know that creepy guy on keeping up with the cards ash yan, the guy married to courtney. >> oh, was married. scott? well, apparently he's moving on. and he hasn't been single for long. so possibly he has a new girlfriend. we'll show you her next. >> and she has a boyfriends. >> what? >> go girl. >> she as also, well, age might shock you. >> she is canadian, right? we'll talk about it, guys, after the break. >> ♪ apparently, people think i'm too perky. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. ♪ apple bottom jeans ♪ >> your favorite part? >> low, low, low, low. ♪ >> wow. >> doing a split. >> we got you. >> seriously? way over there now? >> sauce i and juice. >> i talking about the new tool, scott. >> oh, he is the new tool? >> took over from bieber, because bieber trying to clean up his act you. >> know, he's been around with a blondes, people are wondering if they're dating. >> reminds us who he is? >> of course, he used to be married, courtney kardashian, have what, three kids together? >> okay. >> three children. >> okay? >> he's being canoedling with canadian mod. >> i say her make, mike? >> courtney ... >> noodle? (laughing). >> her name is linsey. we'll put up some pictures every lindsay, beautiful blondes woman. >> shoe is denying it though. >> she said we're hanging out together, all over the country together, even out of the country together. on the beach together constantly. >> but she says it is just a group of models. >> but even worse, she is saying he's just tagging along. >> yes, who wants him just following them around? >> i would be upset, just tagging along, really? >> that's what she is saying. >> together on the beach, hanging out, but i'm tanking along. >> how old would he be, scott? >> in his 30's, right? >> tagging along? >> that's ann prepare row at. >> if she has a boyfriends, like she says? >> yes. >> so then she says her boyfriends has seen the pictures, now causing problems between them. >> yes. >> the pictures are misleading. i promise, it is not you what think. let me explain. >> looks innocent. >> what are you talking about? >> she has a coat. >> that's it. >> where is his left hands? >> here is the deal. she could always -- >> oh, my gosh, i didn't even notice that! oh, ya. >> amputated or something? >> she could always get away with the whole we were modeling, this was for work. >> well, he is not a model. >> bunch of models were together, decided to go down to miami and party and he went along, like you say, he tagged along. >> do you wear fur in miami? it is hot. >> correct. >> shouldn't bewaring fur at all. >> he's 32. she's 18. >> seems about right. >> does it? >> oh, gosh. >> how old is courtney? >> probably about the same age? >> kim is 34. she's the oldest of them, right? >> i have no idea. er. >> i 30's. >> lets that's talk about that jennifer. >> she is 36. older than him. >> oh,. >> twice the model's age. jennifer aniston stars in a new commercial for emeritus airlines, middle eastern airlines, here it is. >> okay. >> there are no showers. >> pretty silly dressed like this going to the bar. >> there is a bar here, but we have hot towels, bag of peanut. emirates planes have showers, and they have -- >> this isn't emirates plane. >> no? >> no. >> there are no showers? >> no. >> very relaxing. >> you're killing me. >> (laughing). >> oh, it was a dream. she always is used to flying emirates airlines. >> then she walk up to the bar and she's trying to say, hey, can this flight go on for like an hour more? i love. >> i've never flown on emirates. looks fantastic. >> looks fabulous. now, lauren, you've been? >> i went on delta. >> i went to due by. >> okay? >> and they did have the beds that layout like that, you're comfortable. >> how long was your flight? >> fifteen hours. >> at least you have bed. >> i've never been to the united arab emirates. >> i know. i want to go. >> jaws. >> jaws is back? >> ahh h! for life... (husband) hon! it's grover cleveland! (female announcer) ...when you play the new cash4life, from the pennsylvania lottery. (husband) let me get this. (female announcer) that means you too could experience the joy of winning. (wife) look who went shopping! (female announcer) every day... (grover) your chariot awaits! (announcer) ... for the rest of your life. (wife) jump on! (grover) nothing like a new mower. (wife) what? (grover) see you tomorrow! (female announcer) cash4life from the pennsylvania lottery. play for fun. cash for life. >> announcer: live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> the kids have come to play today. you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. with all due respect. my girls have always turned out. i give it to you straight, no chaser. ♪ >> announcer: now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> wendy: yeah! uh-huh! thank you for watching our show

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