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Generating a loft buzz, all over the country, she showed up on a red carpet event. With a whole new face, nobody recognized her. Oh, jerry mcguire. Remember this . I will go with you. Thank you. Right now. Adorable. She always had that signature kind of squinty. Pout i look. Pouty. , looks like her face was stretched too tight or something . Oh, my god. No. No wonder she looks different now. Her squinty little eyes. Well, im going to put up a picture now, because there she is on the red carpet. What happened . You wouldnt even know thats rene. You wouldnt. So heres a side by side, i have found the pain their makes it even look at that. Look at that. She 45 years old now. Well, how old is she in the picture to the left . I dont even know this is a fair comparison, because obviously well, she looks older. Yes, she is 45, she aged. What is that, the oscar . Oscars. Fifteen years ago. Okay, 15 years ago. But still . Still. There is a big difference there. Big difference. She issued statement because every keeps asking her what happened . Everyone talking about this, tweeting. Whats she say . She says a healthier lifestyle is behind the change. She says shes quote living a different happy and more fulfill life and im thrilled perhaps it shows. Perhaps. It is showing. So what do you think . Her hair is different color. A lot of changes going on. Oscar was ten years ago, 2004. Okay, so, i dont knowment take a look at this again. As you look at this, listen to a guy thats on our show all the time, doctor eric bernstein, doctor bernstein, welcome back to good day philadelphia. Happy to be here. Now, you have look at these pictures. I agree with you adorable, to incredibly beautiful, to glamorous and incredibly beautiful. Thats first point. Look at her eyes, doctor, she has had these quint i eyes forever. Now her eyes are wide open. Botox will do. That will i dont think you need surgery for that if you look at her eyebrows, little flatter, looks like she had some filler. Doctor bloom was telling me, and i agree, her face went from a heart shape to an oval. But i mean lets be honest, who, in hollywood; not getting i dont care if she is doing it . Looks a vast cents difference. So i mean, just looking at her, i dont think she necessarily had surgery. I think she had just a little bit of injectable, and she looks different but fantastic. She looks like she lost some weight, too, which im very jealous of. Not that she needed to lose any, she was tiny. But i hate we have to zoom in on her face and pick her apart like this. But a lot of people are wondering, though. Why . I feel bad. Hate to be under a microscope. Thats what she does, part of her job. But if you do something to alter your face, do you have know if youre a celebrity people will talk about it, we talk about clothes, kids, i mean . She said she happy so im happy for her. Exactly. Do what you want to do. If you want to get on twitter and say not only do you think it was Plastic Surgery, would you get Plastic Surgery like that . Your dear termination, no knife . Yes, and whatever she is, shes fantastic and wonderful. Ive met her, she is very sweet in person. Now, who all has she date in the. Jim kerr. I Kenny Chesney she married like four months, didnt really last all that long. Yes. That was cents 2005 when when she married him. Good for her. Way to go, rene. Hey, dock, thanks a lot. 9 05. President obama had strange run in while casting his ballot yesterday, they have early voting in his hometown of chicago. He goes cents in to vote, next to him, young woman who is voting in the booth next to him, flight so her boyfriends behind the camera, and he starts to get a little jealous that the president is right next to his girlfriend, now, listen to what he says to the president. She looks at her boy friend, youre such a fool. Maybe feeling threatened . I mean, he is president barack obama. Speaking of threaten, people standing right next to the president. Now, would they all have to have background checks . Im sure this was planned people to vote with him. So i dont know. Fun. I i just think it was such a smooth response to. That will such a smooth row response. I love it. And you see how he walk up, ya. I did that. He struts off. Look at that. I made you gel us. You know who i got to meet last night . Who . I went to the Liberty Medal ceremony, besides being able to meet malala yousafzai. Which is huge. And took a picture with her, and i cant find the person who took the pick. With your own phone . No, i didnt have my phone on me. I know. I know. It was in my coat. My coat checked. So so, a member of her foundation took the picture, and she ran off. How do i get it . Anyway, but i also took a pick, and i dont have that one either. Wow. A lot of good you are. Reporting over at channel six was stand interesting, hey, shari, get your phone on, get your picture, but she hasnt give ten tow me yet, mone davis, part of the Liberty Medal ceremony. So it was great. But did you see beautiful commercial for chevrolet and mone is the starve it . Here it is. Dear United States of america, i am 13 years old there is summer was the best summer of my young life. The of the whole journey the best part was having my Family Support me through everything i did. I have a passion for sports. Every day of the week im playing soccer, basketball or baseball. I stand for girls who want to play sports with the boys and to be a role model for people young and old. I throw 70 miles an hour. Thats throwing like a girl. Sincerely, your daughter, mone davis. I dont known why it want to make me cry. I think it is the music. Spike lee direct that. I bet theyll run it again tonight. I dont know that has toss do with driving chevrolets. Just a message you. Know, tux at our heart strings, we connect, then we buy chevrolets. I think i will by one today. It works. I bet they run it again tonight, second game world series, pregame 7 30, game starts at 8 00 right here on fox. All right, having the talk usually kind embarrassing with the birds and the bees. Where do babies come from, mommy, daddy . More parents are saying the discussion is actually getting easier these days. According to planned parenthood survey, most parents say they are not embarrased by discussing sex with their child. 80 of parents surveyed said that theyve had the talk with their child by the time they turn 13. Good. 45 percent of parents advise their kids to wait until marriage to have sex, although, only 3 of the population actually waits according to a government study. 3 . Only 3 . Wow. Meanwhile, researchers say say parent known to be aware of the media, that could also play a role more than ever. About how your kid views sex. Music videos, movies. You got it, thats how i taught my daughters about sex. It was being discussions while watching it. V. You know, inapropriate behavior, you seen teenagers doing on tv shows, movies . They dont do this, what you are warning right now. Not good idea, look how it change their life, pregnant at 14, all of that kind of stuff. So instead of just sitting them down, all right, this is how it works. There is this and that. You know, with pointers and grease stuff like, that power point presentation, how did your parents do it . They gave me a book. I got a book, and this was more about how your body will change as you get older. Not the joy of sex . No. So at first it was about. That will so literally as you turn the page a naked woman, and you turn the page, things started growing. Excuse me . And changing and her body started filling out. Yes . So as i turn the page she got older and more mature. And thats how it started. So read this book in front of us and take a look and then we will talk about it. Oh, i like that. It was weird to me to see. I dont want to see this naked body grogan changing. It was casino of weird. But got the conversation started. And important, the information you were learning. Yes because i mean i wanted to know what was happening to me. True. Because really . Really . My parent did the same thing. Wrong. I was going to all boys catholic school, all boys catholic school, in our health class, they had a section, sex education. So catholic priest. Dont take that out of context. Thats like you have issues. Issues, yes. So, one afternoon im sitting on the couch in my home, im probably 13 years old, and my mother brought me a family let over. Read. This and then walk out of the room and the last time they mentioned it. Wow, a pamphlet. Pamphlet. Wasnt very big, five, six pages. Did you actually read it . Oh, heck ya a little stick figures, you know, stuff . Sickness. Yes. How about you . I was a little bit old. I went to my parent myself because i heard one of my older friends talking about the birds and the bees on the playgrounds. Okay. It was mort filing. My mother is very conservative and very reserved. She wont even wear a sweatshirt with lettering on the front because she thinks it draws attention to her bosom. So, she was probably more mortified than i was. So i would like ask a question, we were im never forget it, at the kitchen table, i would reich a yet down then hide under the table until they could answer the question for me. Hold on. Literally under the table and theyre answering it so you didnt have to have eye to icon tact. Exactly right. Were you asking graphic that not really. I mean, i was in like fourth grade. So i dont think it was maybe third grade. Did you come out with any education at small. I absolutely did not. So our bodies ourselves, my doctor was like here, mrs. Henkel, give your daughter this. And so i red that. And your last name is really hinge snell. Really . We had that discussion. Did i not know that. Yes, kerrey hen he will. I have heard it all. Anything else would you like to add . No. I thought it was a joke. Barrett. You know what, is interesting, dow think if you talk to your kids earlier, before theyre even aware that sex could be an issue, it is probably a good idea, probably lessens the whole embarrassment factor for the kids. Like avery not aware of sex, but she does like the other day saw me nursing jay, she said mommy, i want to nurse jay from my bee boos, so beginning to be more aware of bodies. I explained to her that she cant do that, with her brother it, would be weird. Well, ya. She said, mommy, i went to the store, i bought milk, i filled them up. Oh, very good. Went to the store. I didnt realize she can do that. You cant. But at least she didnt do what some parents do, shh, dont say that. No, no, no. Pea pea. Yes. For me whenever i am watching movies, friday night was family night, so we would watch movies, play games, always that moment in the move when there is a sex scene and im like do i look away do, i look at my parents, do i run, i dont want to look too hard. Always awkward that part, you know what i mean . But not so hard if you talk about it from the time they are very little. Yes. Becomes east. I i dont know, still im like like i went to see sex and the sit which my parents, the first move. I oh, my gosh. See, i could still not do that. Like in the theater, all right, oh, i think i got a text. Let me check my phone. Yes, i left the pot on the stove. Got to go. Issues. So lets get some high ends halloween make up for our faces this is year, what do you say . I know it cost a lot of money. But you can do it for seven bucks, and look like a hollywood, scary person. Most of the stuff in the kitchen drew, quick trip to the dollar store. You wont buy the fancy masses produced, we are talking pennies on the dollarment take a look. 40,000 square feet of haunted climate controlled fear, where zombies, and the un dead, are brought back to life. These are our courtesy of lucy moore, owner of the dark hour. We have over 08 actors, but we employ little over 100 people. People like anything that you get from the store is not finished. Director allen, this make up artist knows the deadly details of monster magic, that wont leave you i shop for almost everything at the dollar store. Tackling at cost. Grab food coloring. I know what color it will be after it dries. Combine the glue and the red fool colors, in a cup, to make this red, realistic, add just a drop of blue. Back in the bottle, which is now an applicant or, or this terrifying yet nontoxic formula. Nicks carve out what would you spend at a store. Pour blue in a cup, microwave for just few second. Easier to work with when warm. Then, add plane gel continue, touch of craft paint for pigment, and dashes of flour until you get consistency like microwave peanut but ther. Adjust the temperature by applying just a little, and add more to build your bruce. Blend the edges, use your fingers for texture, drag stat edge through the contour cup. Blue and red craft paint mix to add color, deeper the cut the darker the color. Red for irritation, white for highlights, then pour on the blood. Total cost . If you did 20 of them it would cost you 3. Finally zombie skin. Model and paper. That will give me all every these great wrinkles. Brush kerr owe syrup on the skin to work as adhesive. The human eye will catch a straight edge. Thats going to be un believable. Apply, allowing for peaks and valleys then layer on baby prouder. You can see how this is a lot of movement. And make up in the same dark to life order. Make hole, and add deep tone blood. We know it wont run in his eyes because hes added food thickener to t we cant guarantee, though that you wont run screaming from the dark hour. Those of those blew based formulas will actually peel right off your skin. The rest of it will all come off with baby wipesment find link to the dark hour haunted, gallery nice inspiration for your own holiday. We have it on your station website myfoxphilly. Com. I have to tell that you was really good. It was pretty cool. Really great results, right . Yes, thats for sure, for cheap, too. That cult on your arm it, looked like it was throbbing. Are you doing that for halloween . Well, towelly doing scary movie night with a bunch of friends, staying indoors this year. Okay. That was great. He does such a great job. Steve, see you next week. Okay there is may be the best reaction ever of somebody winning on the price is right. He wins the first spin. You wont believe what happens on the second spin, the video, it will make your day. Thats a guarantee. And they first jen making another full meal in 26 minutes. Well, she not, the chef s. Now, jerrick, eugene, this guy is like i could do this in seven minutes if you need me to do it. Chef, okay, making new time, shrimp and wild had your room stroganoff. You think this is seven minute thing . The hardest part about this, the longest part, is probably cooking the passes that. Really . The egg noodles, yes. Your favorite intoed. My fish spatula, i use it all the time. What for . Put things in, scrape the bottom of the pan, get the good stuff off of it, pull things out of the oven with it, like an all around. Quick flexing your chef muscles and get to work. Good day philadelphia is a contest tent on the price is cite won about 26,000. Uhhuh. On the big wheel, remember that part of the show, the big wheel . Look at his reaction when he went say hi to my beautiful daughter, daniela, love you babydoll, marissa, my two sisters, cassy and mat senior. Look whats happening here, buddy. Oh oh, my gosh. Elliot. Elliot. Why not . This is not looking too bad. Looking pretty good. cheers . 25,000 what . 25,000. What . Twentysix grand, buddy, just like that. So you got to spin twice. He hits it again. His name is elliot. Big money dance for the price is right, and his luck was cents only just beginning, by the way. This is frightening. He went onto win the showdown, the showcase showdown at the end of the show, he got a cruise, a car, so his total wings nearly 60,000. Oh, my gosh. Look at him doing the worm. Great moves. Casino after combo, worm, flailing thing. Flailing worm. I would like to see him and ellen do a dance off. That will would be pretty fun. Well, he is spending a lot of money on dance lessons, and hopefully an in you shirt. I noticed that. That was casino of hideous. Now, whats tinder again . It is cents a dating snipping. Yes, where you can it is like a dating app to go to, to find people. Yes, just casino after way of discussing it. I dont really know what it is cents. Tinder Premium Version of its dating service. It will cost you, though, what are the perks . The company ceo says the Premium Service will provide new features for users that theyll be willing to pay for, no word on what those features are, how much they cost, core model remains un changed. Well, i just said it will cost you. Yes. So why cant you tell me how much it will cost . I dont know, maybe they havent release that yet here. Lets move on then. Dont hate the messenger. Had this woman on, on the front page of the philadelphia inquirer, she inch event dollars for lays Potato Chip Company a new flavor. Show was up against what three other ones . A woman, hours, i plan to date her. Here she is. A temple nurse. Are you still the temple nurse . Yes,. I am oh, we are going to talk to you about being a mill air . Talk to you about being a mill air . G there are 211 lawyers in congress. But not one electrician. So heres a bright idea. Donald norcross. A Union Electrician for 30 years. In the state senate, he stood up for working families and hell stand up for south jersey in congress. Working to make college affordable. Fighting to create jobs that can support a family. And pushing equal pay for equal work. Donald norcross. A congressman for us. House majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Im tom wolf. These are my parents. We look after each other. But too many seniors have no one. And harrisburg politicians dont seem to care. As governor, ill create a registry so families can check backgrounds of care providers. And, ill increase access to home health care, so seniors have the option of staying in their own homes. After all, seniors have earned that right. We certainly have tom wolf. Democrat for governor. It is a milliondollar if i win, so get out there and vote but if i get that million and i have three beautiful little girls at home. So that is three college tuitions. Are you married. And three little girls grow up to be three beautiful brides. So that is three big weddings on the way. Are you married . Me . Yeah. Yes, i am okay. Sorry mikey. So i have to be creepy in every interview. Pretty much good that interview was back in july when the voting was just Getting Started because frit o lay company who makes lays potato chip. They have a contest do us a flavor. Send in and make up a new flavor recipe, send it in, and then, all this voting was done and would you win a milliondollar. And our local girl, maneco mackbeth a registered nurse from new jersey new has within million. Yeah. Dang. Yes. How does it feel. Well, i think im still not believe it just yet, but it is slowly sinking in over this, i hope by the end of the week. Do you have the money. No, i think we get it in a few weeks. Yes. So put it in your bank account, right good dang. What do you do with a milliondollar. Well, mess of it will be savings for my girls but i did always say which treat myself to within thing, so i drive a minivan because of the girls. I am going to buy something with two doors and no car seat. Very nice. Three girls. It is just mommys car. Yes. I love it. So, remind us what the flavor was, i know your grand mom grew up in japan i remember you saying that. Shes japanese. She came over after she got married in 1950. But, it is kettle cook wasabi ginger. Yes. Not a big fan of ginger. No, aim not but i like the combination of wasabi and ginger together. It is a special flavor when you put them together. Back in july before were you here, alex, when we did the interview. We had all of the different chips here. Cappuchino, mack and cheese. Yep. And bacon. Man machines go salsa. Did you try others as well. Yes, i did. I thought they were all pretty good. I mean i knew bacon mack was going to be my biggest competition. Are you still working at temple hospital. Yes. Did that spread like wild fire the news. Yes, everybody was tuning in, you know, that day that i was on Good Morning America because that is where the announce. Was made. I have never seen that show. Im sorry. And so, everybody, once we were on there we were allowed to tell everybody. It was text messaging, emails just went out. Now are you in shock. Actually the morning after, when i woke up, i check my even if because i had not check my even if since the dinner and there was 67 text messages. Wow. So, everybody is coming out. Yes. So when does the chips come out on the market. It should be out within the next few weeks, statewide. Are you going to buy a bunch of bags. Yeah, because it has been out for a while so we have not been able to get it. Disorder some on line. You had to order some or did they give so. The supply i got from lays, i gave it out to everybody that was asking, so, i ordered some on line just to get my fix until we found out who won. Congratulations. Thank you. You made the front page of your local paper. Thanks. You ever done that before . No. Me either. Congratulations, so cool. Say hi to the kids and your hubby. Thanks, i will. Halloween, if your kids dont have a costume yet, we have an idea for you. Do you remember this video. It was all offer the internet last year father created a stick figure cost tomorrow using led lights for his daughter. It got more than 22 million views on you tube. It was such a success, so this year the father decided to do it all over again. Zeo, are you excited for halloween. Yes. Where are we going tomorrow. Unaudible. Yeah, and what are you going to do at disney land. Candy you you get lots of kind. Yes. How much . Three. Just three. I think we will get more than that, dont you think. Yes. Who are you exited to see. Wired here. You notice how he has her wired as mini mouth. When she speaks it changes the light, it is controlled by her voice. Isnt that great. That is a a cool costume. Imagine her walking down your neighborhood, so cool. Top that, kerry. I cant. You wont. No. At the the top of the hour we asked if you would ever get Plastic Surgery and many people think Renee Zellweger has but our doctor says no. Use the hash tag fox 29 good day. There is what renees, that is Renee Zellweger, im not kidding. Lets see how brian dunphy is down, about halfway through his 30 minute meal. Look at him go and Wild Mushroom, that is what he is working on, cooking mushrooms and onion. He said people dont cook these long enough we will see if he has enough time, clock is ticking, we will check with if[ male announcer ] tomcat bait kills up to 12 mice, faster than dcon. What will we do with all of these dead mice . Tomcat presents dead mouse theatre. Hey, ulfrik hey, agnar whats up with you . Funny you ask. Im actually here to pillage your town. [ villagers screaming ] but we went to summer camp together. Summer camp is over. [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] [ male announcer ] engineered to kill. [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] Ryan Costello went into politics. In 2001, doctor Manan Trivedi joined the marines. Trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. Costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. And while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his Campaign Contributors even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. In congress, only trivedi will do whats right for you. Im Manan Trivedi, and i approve this message. Are you all right. Yes. Shes all right now. Taking a load off. Sure. Hey, other day we asked to you tweet us your opinion of Renee Zellwegers new look, many people say shes unrecognizable. So we asked you do you think Plastic Surgery is a good idea. A lot of people are saying, no, they wouldnt do it. But majority im getting. Im not going to do it. A lot of people have fear of the knifey dont blame them. Lets put them up, what do you say. Can we use that monitor that would be fantastic. This is from caddisha and she believe Renee Zellweger a had surgery done. Even though we had an expert come on and said no, just some botox. He is a dermatologist so i dont know. But she looks beautiful the way she was but if shes happy with her new look, that is all that matters. That is from Kerry Barrett. From angela. Cast sandra says she had surgery. Your eyes cannot change from botox and good eating. She looks too different. Lets remind you of media ladies, certainly of or celebrities who have done Plastic Surgery and they admit it. I think first one i ever remember was jennifer gray, do you remember how she looked in dirty dancing, right. Yes. Jessica is that before or after. That is before. This is after. Her nose is gone. You know what Kerry Barrett and alex holley, i dont think her career, i went dunn hill after that. It went downhill. People loved her face. Yes. Barbara industries ant, had gotten something. It would have affect probably her singing. The sound of her voice. The tone quality if you will. Yes. My tone stinks, i could get a nest job good do you think, is there bruce jener, and now, what cost he look like today. He doesnt look all that bad there. We have photos that look worse. One that we showed last week of him now as a woman is probably a better example. He looks like he had work done before too. Well, his eyes have been done there, there is in question. He has had had a face lift. Do you remember model, what is it call, adams apple. Yes, before. Shes a model. So pretty. Yes. Hold up. How oldies she. Shes probably in her 50s. Got to be in her late 50s. Yes. Sue will google her. Part of it is just age not that she wouldnt look that way had she not had surgery. Shes 59, practically 60. She has had work done. For sure. But it is in the really, anyhow. It work. He is a big example. Before. And then after. Wow. Although he a has fix himself since this photo was taken. Yes. There has been new photos, back off botox and lip injections. He had a chin implant. Can you reverse it just like that. It has been a while since this photo was taken. Yes. He had some implants. He went to wrestling and it screwed his face up and he a had to have some work done. Shockingly new in his 50s, i dent necessity were just showing really bad, bad plastic surgeries, George Clooney has had Plastic Surgery in the last few weeks. Really. After the wedding. Heres before and after. Wow. He looks different. Yeah. Horrifying. Yes. You cannot get Plastic Surgery on a budget. No. In fact, i saw in the daily news one time a couple years ago a Plastic Surgeon was having a sale. On Plastic Surgeon. Yes, real quickly yesterday we were out, by drexel and someone goes up to mike you look familiar. He is like i cannot think of it. The guy is like George Cluney no, in the him. Some actor, i have never heard of him. He looks great. Now horrible. My god. Google william h macy. Very successful. Very successful married to a beautiful woman. He looks fine. Okay. Oh, my fod. Yep. There is mike jerrick. Get doctor bernadette, im going in today. All right. Chef brian duffy, one of the best with the great personality and says he can cook a full meal in seven minutes but jen gave him 26. Yeah, it is shrimp and Wild Mushroom dish, look the at those nice mushrooms and onion, throw some that rim in there you cannot have a had shrimp dish without shrimp. We are showing you great week shrimp dish without shrimp. We are showing you great week imagine a health plan that gives you zero. As in zero copays. If youre on medicare and eligible for medicaid, Gateway Health has a Medicare Advantage plan for you. Gateway Health Medicare assured diamond gives you better coverage, benefits, and service, plus zero monthly premiums. And zero copay for primary care and specialist visits, hospitalization and er, even transportation. Call 1877gateway today for a better plan. And a better you. That commercial would be a good day, a good day from morning to nine. Hi, kerry. Hi. Hes check out. Okay. So, brian duffy, speed Cooking Skills this morning. Yes, jen is in his kitchen, his massive kitchen. To he do it. Hey, he dit. Heres the thing, what we want to tell people is you can make your kids, something good, in less than 30 minutes, mr. Professional did tonight about ten minutes. You dragged it out a little bit. Totally dragged it out. Keeping score at home this is shrimp and Wild Mushroom, and i shared with you when i was a kid my mom would make this and it was gross. Yes. You basically did the mushrooms and onions together. Cooked mushrooms and onions to go. You want that to be the longest part of the dish because you want the mushrooms and onion flavors to come out and dehydrate and we rehydrate by adding stock to it. You added regular stock. This is like grocery store. Yes. I necessity what a grocery stories. I get it there, easy. Then what are we doing. Then i add sour cream and then demi gloss which is a highly reduced beef stock or veal stock. Buy this at grocery store, dibrunos carries it. It is a really nice sauce. You spoon it out. Little in. This makes two full quartz so i use a little bit, just to enhance the the flavor. Yes. Crack pepper, really nice salt and pepper or really nice salt. Yes. Yes, beginning salt, finishing salt, all different ones. Yes good this i use a finishing salt so this is it. This looks like that. And very, very fine crystals, almost a peer mid. Yes. I give that a hit just like that as a finishing. Is that fancy salt. Super fancy and expensive. One of the basalts in the world. I love fancy salt tower you have on. Amazon. Yes. So it goes all together. And now im telling you, i have seen this, look like gray and tired, this looks super yummy. We will finish it with fresh chives. Oh, really. Of course, why wouldnt we. All of these recipes my fox philly. Com. I will kiss a tell a little bit, for about 20 seconds. Chevies doing this today because you are going to cook for the troops. I am, im getting ready to leave, i work for a group that leaves for europe, next week. Umhmm. Next saturday morning. I will cook for the troops. We are going to europe. I love it. These hat, what kind of hat is that. It is coren brothers. Im so stoked. I have worn their hats for years. I will be at the opening tomorrow night. I will do hats inspired dishes. I need to get out forks again, sorry. I just love that this is his actual kitchen. So here we go i think this is something kids would eat because of the noodles. Right. And they are whole wheat. Talk. It is hot. To hot to eat. Im going to repel off a building on friday, thanks for playing along. Here we go. This is what i want to tell people, sometimes you cook in your house and it takes like cook in your house food. This feels like restaurant food. You want people to kick it up. It is about technique, following throughy will follow through, i am going to repel off a building on friday. Okay. It was quincy verse team jen verse quincy. How much have you raised. About 11,000. How much has quincy raised. 13. So continue to give to me, okay, because quincy, he doesnt deserve your money. Seriously it is all for the kids, and we will do this live on Television Live 7 00 to 10 00 must see tv but again, do yourself a favor and give me more money because it all helps the kids in philadelphia a so go on over to the troops, outward bound, and you got dinner. A awesome. By the way mike, kerry, alex he did make this in about six minutes. So, for tv. For tv. Yes. Yeah. Friday, shes going to repel down a 31 Story Building in philadelphia. I cant imagine. It makes me so nervous. Yes. Please get on team q, 13. He is so scared. 9 51. You might in the think a nun, jesse, did you want to dot graphic now. You might in the think a nun and pop music go together are well but there is one sister. Or sisters. A nun, sorry. A will guys just a habit. Making headlines for her cover of a classic madonna song. It is in the like a virgin, is it. It is like a virgin. Virgin mary good that makes sense the real madonna. Sister cristina says she feels like the song is really about love and redemption. It is a beautiful music video, great voice. Where would she get machine toy put together music video like that in the from the diocese. You pass the basket. Im kidding. Justin timberlake wins a major lawsuit why he and his wife jessica beal sued star magazine. They are unhappy. Just by switching to progressive. So youll be bringing home the bacon in no time. Sorry. Get a free quote at progressive. Com. We will get to some breaking news sky fox along doctor Martin Luther king drive, an accident, causing backups, along sweet briar drive. At least two people were taken to the hospital, and we are taking a live look at it right now. Sky fox is moving through so we can get a better look here. There we go. Zooming out. People still call that east river drive, mlk drive. Emergency vehicle blocking some of the lanes there. They were taken to hup because that happies very close to that scene. Collette 56. I will be visiting the rest of the week too late with rob and joeys a comedy show, friday night, 10 30, that is when it start, and normally a big crowd, adrian theater over around 21st and sansom, and im the guest. I im the guest. They will video tape it and put it on tv you will do improve. Because im the guest ticket prices have gone way up, five bucks. If you want to meet alex and all of the crew here, this saturday, such a fun event, first time casino night, tomorrow night crystal tea room. What a beautiful room inside wannamaker room. Casino night. Quincy will be there. Alex will be there. Tickets are 75 bucks in advance but it is for charity, it is for easter seals. Ton of fun. Kerry, tell me about Justin Timberlake. He and his wife jessica beal settled a magazine call heat if you have heard of it over accusations. Couple sued this ireland based magazine heat after they published pictures of yt with another with man saying he a had been cheating with guess contact head line read Justin Timberlake gets flirty with another woman that is not his wife. But then he got flirty. Article contributed statement to beal which were incorrect, false, perhaps you could go as far as to say completely made up. Magazines publisher issued an apology. The terms of the financial settlement has in the been disclosed. The the with man in that video also named jessica, congratulations to their model, jessica kline. Yes. She has a nice personality. She does. Yes. Announcer live, from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Today, Nicolle Wallace is here talking her new job and new season of the view. And find out this years hottest halloween costumes. Plus, mariah and nicks feud. You wont believe what theyre fighting over now. Now, heres wendy wendy tada

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