Tour successful relationship. Oh, in. Why do i to have read this. The accessories that we simply need to retire. Yoga pant, ladies, the five things you need to get rid of right now and ladies, i disagree with yoga pants. Stop here. Shout out, a little bit later because, we are probably both guilty, of at least five of the ten if not all ten. Why are we blocking these womens faces. Because we dont know you. They know who they are. They know who they are. Get rid of that. So lets listen to this. I believe that we will win, i believe that we will win. Do you believe even though we have in the beaten belgium in 84 years. It is at 4 00 this afternoon. Lets start to get fired up here a little bit. Our children look up to, you know, teen stars, give me some teen stars. Sandaya, austin ross, on austin anal i. What burr music star. Miley cyrus. Yes. Ari ana grande. Kendra g. Yes, selena gomez, yeah, yeah, yeah. One direction. Heres the thing. Heres a recent Instagram Photo of this kylie jenner, shes what 16 or maybe 18 now. In a bikini. She looks like shes 25 or 30 years of age but shes 16. And you know young girls are looking up to her. Yes. Is that too sexy . How about this do you remember willow . In the bed with like a 25 years old. Thirteen yearold. These girls are just a few of the young stars acting much older then they really are. Should our children be looking up to them. I mean it is kind of too late because they are looking up to them, quincy. Dont you think. Yeah, i used to look up to snoop dogg, big snoop dogg fan team. O double g. I was 11 or 12 but i didnt partake in what snoop did but i looked up to snoop. Theo hulksable i thought he was so cool. He had all of the chicks. Did he his home work. He was a cool guy. I loved theo. Michael j fox on family ties a capital list, about his money. I mean, you know, he was about his money, yeah good hey q, do me a favor, step to your right a little bit and look like that fun tane is going in the your ears. Step to your right a little bit. How about right there. Yes. Yeah. There you go. Is it on me. Yes. That is good. So those are your role models when were you 12. Jen when were you 12 who did you look up to. I looked up to tennis people. I thought i would be the next venous williams. Yeah. That is fine. Anna corn cove a. More like andrea yeager. You remember im 55 years old. And so i do look up to tennis star and beach people. I lived in clearwater florida. I wanted to be a beach queen. Most of my High School Friend ended up working at hooters. In florida. In clearwater. Yes, that is right. Me working on this show is a move up. Those waitresses have inspired me over the years too. Michael jordan too. Michael jordan too. Yes, how about you, karen when were you 12 who did you look up to. You want to be, a dancer, you want to be, i wanted to be princess lea. There were actresses. They were innocent time. The the images of kylie and Kendell Jenner they are inspiring young girls not just who they are but their pictures are the same. We have a fifth grader down the street. Her images are all laid out. Hi hand a shes a adorable. Even when she is wearing her soccer tshirt and shorts she still looks like i hate to say come hitter but it is definitely like she wants to look cool and i think peoples quite cool with advanced sexuality. Yes. You know, shes like her sister too. Yeah. She will marry a rap are and that will be it. Kim becomes a success story. She starts off with that video. We see this all the time. These pageant queens and beauty queens taking their clothes off and doing these kind of tapes because anything to be a star. She dit. I can be a star. It is all Burr Instagram numbers and bikini gets you instagram numbers. It begins with, i will show my sports bra and then my bikini. And the problem is, with instagram you can take a perfect picture ape people think that is your perfect life. Instagram is a split second of you trying to make things look perfect. I had this conversation with chris murphy. Im looking for his people. The people thaw follow when you make a choice about who to follow, dont you go oh, shes hot. Yes. Okay. Anyone on this cover of sport illustrated bathing suit, right. Is what the name of the commercial. Even people you dont know randomly. If you are cute that is who gets the follow. Chris murphy is father of two. You dont even know all these hot women live in philadelphia i wish i was single when i knew these girls i follow them on instagram and follow their daily life. It is more research. It is not like you want to follow them. The whole thing, the girls take off their clothes they get all of the a attention. It is not research you big fat dummy and i love you so much. Umhmm. I do love you. Look, it is in the research. You are creeping on those girls, you know it, i know it. Im totally bored of this conversation, all i am thinking about is that fountain going in to his head. Tippy toes up like it is going in his ears. Now. Can you zoom in on a little bit. How about if you zoom in on just his head. There you go. Journalism people, that is journalism. Yes. Look at that. In one another, out the other. Yes. It is 9 08. We know about office rules and Office Politics not that we have any around here. But what is the rules of childhood made their way in to the the work place. You know, buzzbee. Com put together kind of a funny compilation of what that would be like, you know, kids rules in the office. That one is mine. Hey. Yo. Yeah. Im or toy complain but you guys are being really inappropriate. That is awful, bob. We have a tattling policy. Ill let you off this time but next time you will receive this. That is great. It goes on and on and talks about rules about co ot ies on your computer and the jinks that is in the office. Yes, Say Something at the same time. Last night at the dinner table, we wanted the children to share, their berries and of course, they did in the share anything in their whole life. I was like dudes, i have to share at work. And they said what do you mean. I always go over to karens desk and share her scotch tape. Yes. It is okay to share. We can share up here right now. Playing on the sand box. Yes. It was easy. Someone pooed in the sand box. It was a katrinak or general. Are you one of the couples who keeps the bathroom door opened when you are doing your business. No. Well, is there a new survey that says the bathroom bonding may be the key to a better relationship and karen, explain this. They say, nearly half of the couples in the survey share the bathroom with their partner and maybe they are getting ready, one brushing teeth, one doing something else. This is something else. Im fine. Eighteen to 34, they dont bother to lock the door. I dont lock the doory dont lock the door. Bathroom where they can catch up and chat as opposed to sitting down to dinner because we have different schedules able only 15 percent of them a they eat dinner with their partner every day. Heres the thing, no, i dont like that. I could be with somebody for years and i dont want them in the bathroom when im in there i remember one time i was dating a beautiful woman. She was beautiful. She went to another city. I am in the bathroom of this hoe tell. Well, that is just fine. Well, please get water out of your ears. So im shaving in this fancy hotel. I didnt lock the the door. Door is shut. She comes n i see her walk behind me as im shaving. Im naked. She comes over, and poos. In. Yes, she did. I was mortified. As you should have been. Horrified. Do you remember eyes wide shut the movie, there was a scene in the very beginning where it was shocking because of the Nicole Kidman is going over and she takes a pea and he is getting ready. They are having a conversation. You never see that on film. It can be so unconfidentable. Your house band yes, i was with him when i had a fake id. He has never seen me. I have never seen him. Were never in the same room. I have had children, knee surgery, everything. There is always someone else, other than your husband that can help you. Now children come in because they cannot control that. Help you. You know you just had a baby, might need help, you might, but i would rather to crawl to my death than need help in there. So, in case he haded to help clean up. He didnt. He wouldnt. You would rather crawl on your belly to an emergency room or something. Or call my friend. I would rather have a girl in there, seriously. Really. When you are in the hotel, do you go downstairs and use a bathroom. My husband will not go in any small spaces. Yes, he goes to the omni. I easily go to the hotel lobby if i was with the woman in the hotel room. I used to when i would go visit womens families in other cities, i have driven down to the gas station. I would say i need a pack of gum. Yes. I would go there instead of their house. Who does that. Well, she didnt know i was going down there to use the rest room. Yes, something goes on in there, do not go in there. You wonder you why are not married. Reason number 350 why you are not married. I will tell you how it happen. I date one time in a bathroom at the girls house, her parents house, and wouldnt you know it, it bubbles up. You clogged the toilet. Yes. What do you do. Well, in miami, i had a little tube of lysol spray because i had issues all weekend. Toiletry bag. Yes. Reason number 485 million, why the man is single. Yes. Okay. Social media, can ruin a lot of surprises and information. Yes you dont want to get out right, so we have seen this happen a lot now. You are invited to a wedding. Saturday afternoon. You ever notice when bride is coming out now people are whipping out their phones. It and then you tweet it out before they ever can take a picture and send it out themselves. They are asking, celebrities do this when they say we will confiscate phones. We dont want pictures to get out there lots of every day brides, it is their big day and they dont want pictures that they may in the like being tweeted and instagram and facebooked out there. On people like it, but a lot of people dont. It is a new trend. Would you ask, 40 percent of the brides say they are considering bobbing, you know, phones at the ceremony even at the reception and then this web site that my daughter is using the knot. Com, they say they dont want the special occasion to compete, you know, on the internet. They dont want it all out there before the ceremony is even over. Well, remember you want the picture that you paid your photographer to take, right. You know, like karen is in a picture, she is posting it on her camera. Same thing with the bride. I will say, it seems to be right on because 60 percent not only want it, they have a hash tag for the wedding. They are taking pictures that morning sneak peak kind of thing but would you never see before. On my daughters wedding invitation should she put that on there. No cameras. You need to ask her how she feels. Some people will love it. Some people dont. I dont have her number. Other problem is by the end of the night, stop it, at weddings where the official, the person does wedding will announce it during the showns we dont want picture taken. By the even of the night when people had, few too many cocktails. Emotions run high. Fists are flying. People angry. Someone is passed out. You may not want that out there. Can i tell you about a woman i know about. She lives in new york city. It is only july 1st. She has been a bridesmaid in four different weddings, all red think year. Wow. She said shes going broke. You know what she did she hired herself out on craigs list, if you need a bridesmaid she does so often, she is now a professional bridesmaid. The woman has plenty of experience saying she has been a bridesmaid four times already this year. She is excellent at responding to, you know, prewedding emails, doing the electric slide. At the the reception. She can catch a bouquet like nobody else. But why would anybody hire her. He has good reasons for this one. She says some brides, if you dont have any close girlfriend. Maybe numbers dont add up, too many grooms men, you dont want to look like enough girlfriend, even the number out. You need someone there to control drinking so party doesnt get out of control, keep bride made from cocktails early. You need a bridesmaid babysitter winner. Like hey, susan and karen they like to drink a lot. They will get drunk. You keep an eye on karen. Ill give you a hundred dollars. It is at the ritz carlton. It does make sense these big weddings there is ten grooms men and you only seven girl friend you can fill in. How but get rid of five grooms men. Yes. You have family, friend from high school, friend from college, buddies for a nil years. I had my brother do it. Good solution. Tom. Yes, you know, friend dont get upset. It is the most wonderful time of the year. Time for people magazines hottest hollywood bachelors, right. Yes good it is out. Who do you think tops the list of the hottest bachelor in this country. This surprised me, true blood fans they think it is true and by looks of karen she thinks too the 37 yearold actor opens up to readers about everything from his first crush, to his perfect kiss, and, i have to say, now that im taking a Second Glance he is the one. The pittsburgh native knows what he wants in the woman but has not found her yet. I know what i want in a woman. That is an old joke. Do you like boobs that size on a man. They would be flatter toward his back. Yes. He is sculped. How who are the guys down there that taye digs. Zach efron. Ryan gosling. Hoist the guy on the hair on the lefty dont know. I like that he is half name too. Why is he so angry. He is not angry he wants to talk to you about something. I want to talk to you about bikinis. He wants to know how you have been. You have been naughty girl. My name is i want to necessity how you been. Still ahead, professional chef, there is a professional chef what is he like at home. See i do so much better. He is top chef in the country. Went to his house. He has craft singles in his kitchen. He is in better than me. Yes. We are going to go inside a top celebritys home to see what it is like to see what it is like inside their kitchen. He is in better than me. This is a nice picture thanks for sending us your red, white and blue, team u. S. A. Spirit. Yes. Did they give him a first name, alex. Alex kline. Use the hash tag fox 29 i believe. He is very strike to go day. Yes, looking like a man. Yes. We have made one pilot angry. Do you see the guys on the roof . They are trying to have their tripods out and they are, bunson burners. Yes. English teachers. Yes, over there. Yes. Do you see the dude up top with his yellow tripod, right karen. Then you have the guy in the lower deck here in it or range and and they are triangulating. Yes. They are building a new, diverse center, a historical center. What is it, where . Right over there on chestnut and spruce. Really. Yes. Have you seen that. No. I was ant wear of that. That is Market Street at about seventh. Im not as smart as you apparently. Independence mall. Yes. It is behind her, that is smith and clothier or whatever it is called, strawbridge and clothier. Yeah. That will be a century 21, right. Yeah, come on fishface. So century 21 is moving in. Is that a store in atlantic city. It is going in town do are down there. Now you got my attention. Strawbridge and clothier. Yes. Strawbridge and short cake. We shopped there all the time as kids. Yes. Im having some kind of a seizure. You know this name hope cohen, she has been on television ten, 15 years, around 5 00 doing cooking segments with the big chefs in the world. So i asked her, hey, hope you know every chef in town. What are these chefs like inside of their homes. I want to see inside their refrigerator. They are no better than me. Okay. My friend hope here knows all of the top chefs in town. This is what i want to do. I want to see how they live. Where are we going. We are going to justins kitchen, of that new place on walnut street. Lets meet him. Justin and sarah v ogel with lucy. Come on in. Are you serious. Yes. Looks good. We have some champagne, some beers. Look at the that. That is vinegar that i might, so vinegar made with mushrooms. Yes, best. How is that aroma, how is it. Do you see, i do have something in common with the chef. How do you do this. Would i say their food is modern cuisine. It is very fresh, farm to table, and very particularly flavorful. Yes, you hit it on the head. Marvelous. Wow. These books are unbelievable. I see so many incredible books. This one is really old. Ive had this one for a while. Yes. This is by far one of my favorite cookbooks. I have a book about bras too. Yes. Tell us the the the secret about justin vogel the the chef that people at home will not believe. He does have a shoe collection. He has way more shoes then i do. What do you like to eat. We go every where. Our favorite spot is right down the block. Real quick scramble eggs and we will fold in. Yes. Yes. Okay. Low key, just keep on doing it and good amount of fat and slowly scramble them. No milk. No milk. Can you get in there. Lip stick. Okay. He always burns the toast it makes me feel so good. Yes. Lightly done. Beautiful. Yes, it looks so easy, amazing. Seriously. Simple. How many ingredient, four ingredients, eggs, salt, butter. And toast. Cheers. Yes. Yes. Looking up in the pocono mountains, beautiful day, it will be hot, sticky, muggy out there. What better than having some ice cream . Victory Brewing Company serving up beer inspired ice cream, just in time for summer. Jen and mike have it outside. Usa downingtown victory. Good morning. Good morning,. Hey, bill, whats going on . Good to see you. Ice cream is what is going on. How is everything in downingtown . Cool, tasty, delicious. How long has victory Brewing Company been in business . Since 1996. We combined on very hot day, ice cream, beer. Now, do you make the ice cream with beer . Actually make the ice cream with malt dollars barley, water combined. Water animal dollars barley, precursor to beer prior tougher men takes. Tipsy . No alcohol whatsoever. What do you have here . Storm cane, with delicious chocolate. So whats all in here . The base weighter . , of course delicious cream, as well. It doesnt take like beer. So this is hopped up devil. Oh, yes. We put in kian pepper. It is spicy, i like that. Wow. A lot going on there. Thats yum. I thats like, if you like a jalapino marguerite, a youll like that. Indeed. Do you like no, for me, it is beer. All right. Next thing . Yen . I have some of that. Thirds one . Triple monkey. Utilizing the top selling product. Okay. We got pecans, bananas involved in this. This is real a party for your mouth. My favorite right here, i love banana. My favorite because of the spicy. You say you like this one . Almost takes like malt dollars milk ball which is of course malt dollars barley. Somebody over there at victory must be pregnant, because this is some great ice cream. Are the pickles sitting in beer . In a brine, and it owl pills, also, vinegar, and all of the pickle spices. Made supposed to drink pickle juice to keep your temperature down, Football Players<