Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20171128 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20171128

sunrise. >> plug your ears, it will be fine. >> national french toast day, thanks for all of the pictures you sent in. if you do send in the picture use the #fox 29 good day. >> we will start showing them. >> sometime by the end of the week. >> sabrina's has agreed to bring some by, cuba libre is bringing something by. >> we will be at the gym later on today. >> all together. >> can't get off the couch. >> you know what else makes this day a wonderful day beside french toast. >> what? >> it is a 10. chilly start, yes but it is november. we expect to be chill any november but the rest of the day looks fabulous, and warm coat required for this morning and maybe some french toast like bus stop buddy has, in the 20's and 30's out there. thirty-five is our current temperature in philadelphia, feels like 31. there is that official sunrise time that just happened at 7:00 o'clock. so 60. 61 degrees, milder afternoon then yesterday even with that early sunset so it looks like a great day to day, how, long can we keep this lovely weather pattern going? we will let you know coming up , bob kelly, good morning. >> good morning, sue, good morning. 7:02. lights out, this is city line avenue right at route 23 conshohocken state road here, it has been a free for all, you see blinking lights here trying get someone out here to hit the reset button because folks on city line of yellow. they have been flying through, hopefully we don't have an accident here as the school bus go on by city line. traffic lights out, boulevard old lincoln highway up here right, just a block away from the philadelphia bensalem interchange, coming on the bennie no problems at the moment, good news they got that crane out of there so that is opened up sixth street between race and arch so we're okay in olde city as you are rolling in but we have got some delays on the first couple of trains out of the gaeton both trenton and doyletown line. mike and alex, back over to you. we have a search on for a hit and run driver who struck two people. >> police say that driver left behind a lot of evidence, and they know that the driver got out of the car, took a look and then drove off. >> he knew what he did, steve keeley. >> reporter: he didn't know what he was about to approach coming around this curve. you only have a second or two coming around the curve on street road like he did and then these drivers are now stopped for the light which gives us a sense of they are sloping down a hill and see headlights coming around that curve. when you are doing the speed limit at 45 that doesn't give you time to see anybody maybe crossing the street street here, at quarter after 8:00 when it is dark out. we don't know if people were dressed, running across jaywalking or running light and speeding to make it through the light but we do know a couple people were hit and driver did stop, stopped, looked around, helped and got back in his truck and took off here's video from the scene at night from sky fox, as police got here, they started finding evidence of this accident and that is passenger side mirror and passenger side front head lamp glass both told them this was a 1997 ford pickup truck and witnesses said that it was two tone in color, probably maroon, gray but could have been maroon and tan. 1997, 20 year-old truck with the ladder on the back. not many around that would likely stand out. alex and mike after the accident the guy took off heading eastbound down very busy street road here in to bensalem and those police departments from here to philadelphia were outlooking for him but they have not found him 11 hours and counting. >> steve, looking at how people flying around that curve corned around a hill, wow. >> reporter: that shows you, that this driver may not have been at fault had he stopped and stayed because if he has the light and he has got the speed limit at 45 then he didn't do anything wrong but as soon as you leave that is worst possible thing you can do on a driving violation. >> who knows what he was trying to hide. new report says country's most dangerous intersection is not too far from where steve keeley was in bucks county. chicago law firm's report appeared in time magazine claiming that the intersection of the knights road and street road is the most dangerous. the survey analyzed data from 2003 through 12 and in that time that intersection has seen seven fatal crashes. >> good lord. >> experts blame high traffic, factors for this. so steve's will check that out , that intersection to see what makes it so dangerous this time of the morning, when people do their morning commute. >> if you live by knights and street road this intersection right here, why is it so dangerous? you probably deal witt every morning, every afternoon? get on twitter and let us know why it is such a bad intersection, the worst in the country. lets go to delco now a two alarm fire sweeps through an abandon home overnight multiple fire departments were called to the scene. officials say it started 2:30 in the 400 block of bickley place. >> upper darby another violent act against an innocent victim >> get this lauren johnson's there at upper darby police department, and superintendent chitwood, he is well understandably well really mad >> reporter: yeah, not very happy. yesterday he paid victim in the hospital a visit before he had to have surgery to repair that broken leg. he said man was in good spirits wishing him a merry christmas just moments before his surgery but things were not so merry, happy on sunday at 2:30 leaving 69th street station but he was described as a kind, self less man who work in his yard and bothered no one but on sunday someone bothered him you, threw him to the ground, kick, punched him and took off with a hundred dollars, flip phone and backpack. he was so badly injured he could not even move. doctors say violent attack left him in pretty bad condition. >> yes, definitely crazy. he minds his business. i see him doing, work in front of the house or in the back so that is sad. >> we are not -- we are asking for a public's help this was a violent attack for no reason other than pure simple robbery >> reporter: so, chitwood says that they need the public's help. they are checking cam race in the area around that attack. they are checking cameras at 69th street station hoping to find out if someone followed him home but until then we are wishing the best for that man who had surgery yesterday and hopefully mike and alex, he is on the mend from that. >> let's hope so. what a bunch of cowards. >> 7:07. yesterday at at this time pea were looking at sky fox over a trash truck with a guy inside this he they pulled him out in critical condition after being stuck inside of a truck for two hours. it happens outside the kentock group home, in the erie avenue >> police say the three three-year old was sleeping inside the dumpster when a garbage truck lifted it and dumped him out. >> and then started to compressing the trash and him inside, wow. 7:08. sixers faced a teslas night against cleveland cavilers, people were there to see lebron, weren't they. >> it was a packed house. >> um-hmm. >> so calves did well and sixers did not. >> no, they didn't. the calves beat our sixers, 113-91. wasn't close. came down to shooting. the sixers were way off their game. listen to this they tried, well, they missed, 25, three pointers. twenty-five. they were tight as heck. maybe a little nervous with the big stage, who knows. back in the line up, ben simmons, did not have a good game, 10 points, two assists. joel embiid though he came to play, 30 points but he just made 11 of 24 shots but he still just kept shooting and shooting. >> so people wanted to see lebron with joel embiid and all. that look at this, bleacher report tweeted in wade and lebron took embiid to school. did you see that. >> he is getting tired of hearing about how great embiid will be. he will be good. no question bit. he just wants to make sure he is still the king. sixers made it tough down the stretch, they came closer and closer. anyway we play wizard tomorrow , boston celtics on thursday and detroit pistons on sunday. they will bounce back. >> yes. >> tough test. >> people are saying they are still learning. >> they are. >> they are still jelling. >> getting it together. >> they were tight. >> they missed 25, three's. >> did you see though who rang the sixers bell before the game. >> ring my bell, ring my bell. >> malcolm jenkins and lagarrette blount, they were both there and they were ringing the bell together. they took monday off. why not. eagles are 10-one. they wanted them there. >> that was a big ticket for sure. malcolm posted this picture to instagram and by the way his wife was there. >> yes. >> she should be. >> she is expecting another child. i think she's coming up on her due date. >> we got to do a fashion show with her a couple weeks ago. >> fedi wap was there. >> what do you know about fedi >> name a fedi wap song right now. >> chances are. >> you know fedi wap that is a sample of a johnny mathis song , most popular song. >> i know. >> that was it. what are the odd of me doing, it is fedi wap. >> a lot of mepeoples, mena say what. >> only person to get me out of trouble is president trump. president trump head to the capitol trying to make a final push to get that tax deal through congress. he will conn joel, shake hand and talk people into this tax bill. but some republican hold outs will be tough to win over and is there plenty of other work to be done before the end of the year. doug luzader that was a very genetic toss to you hopefully you can make something out of it. >> reporter: song here will be maybe if republicans can all get on the same page, it is why the president is coming here to capitol hill because as far as his tax cut plan is concerned in the senate the head count right now is coming up short. president trump has been spend ago lot of time making the trip down pennsylvania avenue to capitol hill, today's visit will be an important part of his ongoing sales job for tax cuts. >> i think it will benefit everybody. it will mostly benefit people looking for jobs because we are giving great incentives. >> reporter: enough republicans are on the fence to easily kill this deal in the senate. >> they are not there yet and they are worried. it is just the fact they don't have votes yet. whether they will or not i still lean in the yes category because these people want to get to yes. >> reporter: among issues g.o.p. deficit hawks who don't like impact on the debt. >> it is very important to me to know that we're not, we're not increasing deficits. >> reporter: democrats are hardly on board. >> majority shouldn't be ram go through such an ill conceived backward bill. >> reporter: it is clear after a tax meeting at the white house yesterday that republican frustration is rising. >> i just hope that they will get off their dust and start working with us, rather than just voting in block against everything we try to come up with. >> reporter: tax cuts are not the only issue on tap before the end of the year. coming up december 8th the government funding, technically runs out, which means that unless the republicans and democrats get on the same page and come up with a bipartisan bill, some funding we could be talking about a government shut down before christmas. >> we shall see. that is quite a task. >> all right, thanks, doug see you here again tomorrow. i will just go home by the way. >> why, don't go home. look what is happening, camp out for hunger preston and steve's annual event. they have raised so much. so many donations. great thing to see, so donations are collecting and look at those bins they are filling up, this is day two. >> they have a big truck, over at xfinity live and they are doing this around the clock, we will give non-perishable goods. >> but first 7:14. time for sue serio. >> yeah, i'm coming. >> our weather so nice i was compiling statistics for 2017 hurricane season which is almost over. it ends november 30th so these are the names that we used so far. we got up to rina and it doesn't look like we will have any tropical development. that is how the season will end but prediction, we were tied with 1937 as the fifth most active season. wye had 10 hurricanes and they all came in a row and most costly season ever since record have been kept, since about the 1850's. $367 billion plus, mostly due to harvey, irma and maria those destructive hurricanes which came in the late fall or early fall i should say. that is just a little recap of the hurricane season which is almost over. things will be more tranquil for us here in philadelphia. we are looking ahead, to no rain today, no rain tomorrow, plenty of sunshine, we have short days, gets dark early but lots to enjoy, on a daylight is here. we have cloud cover rolling in , and that is on thursday, couple snowflakes possible at night in the mountain and quick shower, gone, probably, and, 26 in mount pocono. sun has been up for a little while. we will see temperatures rise after this not too much of a breeze to make it feel colder then it is, 54 degrees was our high yesterday in philadelphia , today we will expect to get to 60. sixty tomorrow. that is 10 worthy and eight on thursday with late day showers , back to seasonal temperatures, by, the weekend, looking, and we are looking good. >> lets get the forecast if you miss mid of that on our radio partner more fm, jingle bell rock the radio. we have an accident northbound route 55 approaching the 42 freeway and that will cause delays for everybody coming up from south jersey, freeway itself heavy working in toward the whitman pain cheers to the bus drivers as they make the turn, traffic lights are on flash, this is right here at intersection of the city line avenue, and route 23, we got chiles there in the background and we have seen near misses we will get somebody out there to hit reset button or get an officer out there to direct traffic, traffic lights also on flash on the roosevelt boulevard at old lincoln highway right up here at philly bensalem interchange of the pennsylvania turnpike, otherwise top two delays south on i-95 out of the northeast, on the schuylkill, sun glare starting to pop up around the curve and then live look at the benny coming into downtown here, we have a tractor trailer here disable out of here good to go and both the trenton, doyletown and wilmington line running with minor delays this morning, mike and alex, back over to you. i have no idea what you said. >> we were just talking. >> that is okay. >> was it good. >> we love you, bob. >> are you okay, do you want me to get you another coffee. >> i really should just go home. >> just stick around. >> what are we doing. >> we will talk about how lebron, i thought it was after the game but it is before when they were warming up. >> they could not talk to lebron james enough, fantastic basketball player coming in toe -- into take on our sixers they doubt pneumonia up much of a fight. they started to talk about football. lebron james say yesterday, i'm a dallas cowboys fan but his favorite player in the nfl is... carson wentz. >> let him say. >> my favorite player right now is carson wentz. i told my brother that early in the season. i love the way he plays the game. >> he loves the way he plays the game. >> cowboys fan saying his favorite player is an eagles player, controversy. >> controversy. >> now, eagles, this carson wentz, people love him likely brandon and a lot of people, o h, god is he peeking too earl any his career. >> he is already talking about embiid only in his second season. >> yes, yes. so are we celebrating his success too early. if you were going to ask the coach that question how would you ask it. >> do you think he is peak to go soon? or too earl any his career. >> listen to how another reporter put it? this is the weirdest question? >> have we seen maybe a premature explosion. >> the reporter ask him do you think it is a premature explosion. >> dougiep took it the way i would take it, of course. >> of course would you take that it way in my immature, 12 year-old sense of humor premature explosion. >> he has exploded on the field, an explosion of wins and like passes, and, i'm trying, i'm working. >> we're 12 years old. when we hear premature we get right to it. because we have all had troubles witt. no i'm kidding. let's move on. >> is that a testimony. >> i'm just telling the truth. >> coming up on 7:20. >> facebook has new software and thinks interesting, they will give this software to help prevent suicide. >> lets hope so. this is a big deal by facebook , trying to be pro active here. will it work. plus not only will they keep you warm but they will keep you close to your loved one too. the mittens for couples that don't ever let go. >> oh, smittens. no matter how you holiday, where you holiday, or who you holiday with... stay bright with dunkin's holiday coffee flavors like brown sugar cinnamon, and peppermint mocha. grab your favorite and make your holidays happen. the holidays run on dunkin'. $1that's like a big yummy hug.? so hug it up! hug more. hug large. hug medium? hug that. live it a hug life with $1.99 medium or larger hot chocolate. america runs on dunkin'. i think i am. >> good thing. >> my only concern is how will they make sure that this the technology is right here. >> okay. >> basically facebook will use new technology to tackle tough issue of suicide, and maybe help save some lives. >> tracie, how will they do this. >> reporter: artificial intelligence is going to scan all of the posts, the videos, everything that is on facebook for suicidal thoughts, forethoughts of someone maybe harming themselves, and then that information will be passed on to facebook team member that will look at it more in depth and really figure out if there is a pattern here, if someone is in need of help and from there they can either reach out to the person through facebook messenger, or fit is annex stream case they can send first responders there to intervene. i agree, this is something we should appla facebook for, this is going to be a global effort, and so hopefully it does help, and preventing some suicides. i think we are seeing them used this artificial intelligence for a good cause. >> pick out certain word, and i'm sure whatever this would be, would be, i don't know, technology, has been developed by psychiatrists. >> yes, the robots, they will look for word like are you okay? can i help? if they see that maybe in a post, people responding to a post with those things that might be a flag for the artificial intelligence to bring that post to maybe one of the facebook employees to look at a little further inner to it. >> have you ever visited facebook? the actual building. >> reporter: no, i have not, no. >> i have not either. >> would i like to. >> where are all these people that do this. >> isn't it robots but just technology. >> there has got to be someplace where it is housed. >> isn't tonight california. >> california. >> probably. that is where all of this smart technology comes from it seems like, silicone valley. >> further east you go the dumber we are. >> we're on the east coast so what does that say about us. >> yes, exactly, yikes. >> tracie, where did you go to college, tracie, probably ivy league. >> no i went to school in california, on the west coast eastern pacific university. >> yes. >> small, private school. >> what is their mascot. >> he says, tracie, i'm asking him because he thinks he knows almas cots for every college and universities. >> this is one i do not know. >> do you have sports team at azusa pacific. >> yes, we do. >> come on mike, you say you know them all. >> inch worms. >> i was a cheer leader in college so yes we did have a sports team. >> he clearly doesn't know. >> what are they. >> the cougars. >> what, the cougars, wild cougars throughout california. >> yes. >> you missed it. >> well, you got 30 years before you are that. i'm just kidding, that is a joke. >> thanks, tracie. >> she laughed. >> question was it a fake laugh or real laugh. >> i think it was a little real because i have heard her fake laugh. that was a real laugh i think. >> okay. >> i really am turning into larry david. been watching too much of that curb show. >> curb your enthusiasm. >> god, he is cranky. >> coming up, this is important, listen to this because a lot of people get these as gifts, massages, and there is 26 of these massage envies in the delaware valley, it turns out a local woman says that she was sexually assaulted, and she's joining us now, to talk about this and how it can be prevented. also it is day two of camp out for hunger. >> happening now at xfinity live, hi there jen. >> yeah, it is giving tuesday so i just talk to rodney mc cloud, is he giving us a clue of what the eagles might do for their celebration dance , the defense, this weekend? you'll hear from him we just doctor. doctor. i played a doctor on tv, but now i'm helping save lives for real. starting with my own. i'm partnering with cigna healthspring to remind everyone how important preventive care is for people my age. see anything, doctor? looks great, doctor. and with cigna healthspring medicare advantage, you get a team of doctors overseeing your health. most preventive services are covered. so go, know, and take control of your health. oh... use mine, doctor. cigna healthspring. together, all the way. one woman is here to share her story after a trip to massage envy. >> plus, did you use mouthwash this morning. well, the new information may have you ditching that morning routine we will explain why it may not good for your health. 7:31. sue, it it it was chill think morning but today you made it a 10. >> we can stand chill if we necessity it will be 60 degrees, later on and that is our number today on this national french toast day getting cold quick, this bus stop buddy french toast, he has sunglasses on, temperatures in the 20's and 30's. philadelphia is 35. wind chill of 31. but sun will take care of us today and get to us a high of 60 in philadelphia it will stay in the mid 40's in the mountains, and 62 should be the high temperature in dover, delaware and 59 in wildwood, so that is, your, tuesday. we will talk about the seven day forecast and we will see if we can keep this nice weather going for a while. >> good look at the schuylkill expressway westbound leaving town we have a disabled right behind the sign here, see it in the background westbound right here near montgomery drive causing delays, leaving the city and of course coming into town on the right there your normal crawl from city line on in. south jersey two separate accidents north on 55 approaching 42 freeway causing a problem right there working your way in to south jersey in toward gloucester county and then southbound lanes of route 130 right at the black horse pike an accident at that busy intersection taking out two lanes. backup on the bennie coming into downtown philadelphia, everybody coming in the city this morning, tuesday always one of the busy morning rush hours and the traffic lights are out at the boulevard and old lincoln highway at philadelphia interchange with the turnpike and septa running with delays on a couple regional rail lines right out of the gate here this morning, mike and alex, back over to you. 7:32. well, massage envy is the largest chain of massage franchises, in the whole country. you know they bring in $1 billion annually in sales. >> speaking of that, large chain there is 26 in our area. >> yeah. >> well now facing dozens of allegations of sexual assault with many saying the company ignored or mishandled their claims. investigation by buzz feed reveals more than 180 woman accuse massage envy therapist of inappropriately touching them in other act of sexual misconduct, civil suits, police reports and complaints state board have been filed against the company, franchise and their employees. at a massage envy in west chester massage therapist james deeter was accused of assaulting nine women in 2014 and 2015. last year he was sentenced to six and a half years in prison after pleading guilty. one of deeter's victim susan ingram alleged massage envy put her at risk. she said one incident prior to her assault but allowed deet tore continue work there now ingrammys suing and advocating a bill that would require massage spa owners and employees to report, allegations of sexual assault to police. ingram says she hopes her story will spark change. >> susan's with us now and attorney brian is here as well thanks for coming in. >> thank you lets get more back story. how many times do you think you saw this particular masseuse. >> i saw him six times prior to the seventh when the assault occurred. >> i know sometimes you start up conversations during a massage, did you talk to him those six times. >> we talk extensively about his mission trip to haiti, my mission trip to kenya. we talk about how he is from lancaster. i grew up in new york. he reminded me of a very kind uncle he talk about how much he loved his wife, his daughter, how much he loved farming on his land out in lancaster. we had a really nice relationship in terms of me trusting him and, i referred him to many people. >> you referred him. >> yes. >> how does it go from that to he puts his hand in your private party mean, you must have been just stunned. >> well, it was more than just his hand, in terms of the body part that he used during the assault. and in that moment i don't think any of us know, how the brain processes something perceived to be good that can so quickly turn to evil. in my case, as in many cases and i have learn this through therapy is a victim will freeze, the fear of what could happen next feels so terrifying and so frightening that you really don't even want to take a shallow breath because it may trigger something in him. >> until you left the massage envy part lor like wait a minute i need to call. something happened. >> immediately as soon as i got to the carry broke down, called a friend and it was just gasping and not understanding what occur. i talk to my daughter. i called massage envy there was another woman in the room they would in the go down the hall and open that door and make sure she was safe even though i begged them. then i went to the police and i was interviewed. he was brought down to the station and admitted guilt. >> when you said there is another woman in there get them out of there, you asked to speak to the owner and they never returned our call. >> i said please dot right thing. i'm owe asking you to make sure this woman is safe. call owner of the franchise. have her call me. i don't know why i thought i would be working it out at massage envy when i should have gone to the police which is what this legislation is about. having the company do the right thing instead of the having victim be one to contact. >> explain the legislation. it seems like, and surprisingly many states don't require, the sexual assault that can happen, in the sexual business, and few states that do require it. and she has been working on it , and, federal statue that is pass that had will require, massage business to report whenever is there an allegation. >> now it is the client that reports it. >> yes, as it stands right now in pennsylvania and other states there is no requirement to report to it law enforcement or state massage therapy board. >> what? >> if they are the won to report on themselves is there a way to check to make sure that they are doing that and reporting with this legislation. >> i think it would be somewhat akin to mandatory report for child abuse cases where you can make it a misdemeanor or have some sort of punishment if they choose not to report, an allegation of sexual assault. >> well, close to 200 women. >> yes. >> have come forward. >> specifically against this franchise massage envy. >> yes. >> for deeter there were two women before you and they tried to warn massage envy bit >> they did not contact law enforcement. they only shared their store which massage envy. when this happens they have a fairly scripted response which is we invite to you talk about your service even after i shared seriousness of the crime. >> we have a scripted response >> this is from massage envy. we do recommend franchises support and assist clients who choose to report to law enforcement but current policy does not require notification. to law enforce notification to law enforcement. franchises are required to report inappropriate conduct to the state licensing board that is require it. we have a clear incidenting reporting process and hold franchise locations accountable for treating clients with great respect and giving them whatever support they need including support for reporting incidents to law enforcement. >> susan, what do you say to that. >> i say i wish they had done that? they did not. >> how far could this legislation be? >> do you get blow back at all >> with regard to the legislation? not that we have seen, and i don't know if sue has seen any blow back. >> it is a process. it is bipartisan support. i think that this type of media attention being brought to it will help propel it forward and accelerate it and that is the goal here. i was just talking to brian before we came out here would i like to expand beyond that and see the corporations dot right thing, in the just providers of massage services. if is there a sexual assault in any organization that by law it should be required you cannot internally respond to it. you should to have report to law enforce. >> we will take care of it. >> report it. >> that is important considering the news lately and people coming for. >> yes, time is right. >> took some courage to do this, congratulations. >> hey, guys. where are the cookies for the... bake sale? bake... bake sale? need to bake in a hurry? use new country crock buttery sticks with sunflower oil. there's no softening required. so baking is delicious and easy. ooh, cookies! ah, ah, ah! (laughter) ooh, cookies! we have some sun glare for you this morning it will be wicked at that dashboard level , also will notice how dirty your car is, live lot freeway, or 422 eastbound coming around that saint gabriel's curve. forty-two freeway extra heavy because of a combination of your normal volume and a accident, along route 55 right at the 42 interchange, so both 55 and 42 jammo heading in toward walt whitman and an accident in camden on southbound 130 right at black horse pike backup on the bennie coming into downtown philadelphia. and as you get your lights up? come on here's what we're talking about frank any blackwood new jersey all decorated and ready for a very kelly christmas, come on, are you? get your lights up, snap a picture and powe to it facebook, twitter, instagram and use the #fox 29 lights so i can show your pretty pictures on tv, and maybe come visit your house during the season and broadcast live from your front lawn, i will jump in the sleigh, this thursday night, and, i hope i have a good forecast, sue has tonight 15. we have a nice weather pattern, a high pressure system in control with a couple cold fronts nearby but nothing that is a dramatic change we will see a warm up as this high moves off shore over next couple of days, warm for november, 63-degree high for late november, i think it is pretty good, looking fine, on radar right now, next chance of rain is not today, tomorrow, or not until late thursday, and you may sleep through it, because it is just a little bit that will go on by between 8:00 p.m. and midnight with a front that will get us back to average, 35 degrees, in philadelphia right now, we're heading to a high of 60, later on today, and 60 tomorrow as well, and 52 our high on thursday with those increasing cloud and maybe a little bit of rain late at night, 53 on friday, and saturday and sunday, look fabulous, you know, december 1st, alex is friday, and first week of december, and could not get much better then that. >> very true. >> yes. >> first beek of december, weekend of december, nice ape sin i. >> no, that was me, wasn't you coming up on 7:45. mike probably left because he doesn't want to talk about this because wow hate this, but, couples are getting creative when it comes to showing off their loved won, s myth even mittens have you heard of these. this is rage this winter they are design so two people can hold hands inside of one glove so now you are saying i cannot hold hands, sorry, too cold, but i wonder how much they cost. i believe they are sold on ets y we will get more information on getting this for your loved one. and they say body heat, that is way to get warm so maybe this will work, better than regular glove we will see , maybe get one to test it out, um-hmm. 7:45. replacing tradition move over christmas trees people are going crazy for this latest, trend have you heard of this. it is lad other trees, what? i have been seeing this before we will explain why and how this is going every where, ladder trees do you have one. if so send me a picture. and then jen at camp out for hunger at xfinity live. >> we are having a great time with preston and steve doing this for years, great thing, rodney mccloud was just here so what dance does he predict will be on the schedule for defense he will tell you after >> let's get out to xfinity live. >> good morning, guys, as you know, so many people come here every year, we're at xfinity live parking lot, preston and steve, kathy, casey, they are all back there, and one of the really cool things that happens is that local celebrities are here and they stop by. earlier today around 7:00 o'clock rodney mccloud was here and i had to ask him about that electric slide. you have to talk about the dancing. >> yes. >> it is bigger, boulder then ever, how good does it feel this team, this record, and you guys really jelling. >> it feels good. obviously 10-one is a great feeling. league is allowing to us do celebration. a lot of creativity out there we were just out there having fun and all of the hard work, we are doing practice we will see results of it come game time so electric slide was something we wanted to do defensively. we have to keep up with our offense. they are in the lime light each and every week on espn. hopefully defense will get love because of the electric slide but it was fun it is on fox. fox broadcasters we think it is some type of organized dance. >> you have never been to a wedding. >> classic. you got to know electric slide , i looked at the tape though i seen a few of my guys they didn't necessity what they were doing so we will tease them day. it just shows the type of team we have, we are family oriented and it is a brotherhood. wobell baby coming. >> i don't really know. >> you have to back that up, back that up. >> you know about it, i don't know, we have a little bit, make macarana or something but there is a lot we can go with. >> just so we're clear, i do have the jingle bells version of the macarana from back in the day. >> will you do it. >> i don't know fit is something you can come down and help them with. >> we might need you to be choreographer for that we will let you know. >> all right. >> this is not surprising anyone, that i have the jingle bell macarana, and, so i don't know, if it is something that weak see when they helped out west. he also talked about this team , what a great challenge this week will be and yes, he listens to you fans. he knows thaw are looking for to playing time in minute so the a so back to here. last year the preston and steve show wmmr they collected 1.3 million-pounds of food. it all goes to philabundance. they see about 36 million- pounds of food every year. you know what else is cool you get to see like fans, coming up later in the show some of our favorite elite basketball coaches will be here and lucy noland will be very, very upset if i didn't tell you that you can also donate food for animals. so, this is one of her favorite guys, you remember him, from the harry connnick junior show. just an amazing thing. people need food, animals need food and i need a quieter venue i'm just saying. >> i like that is there a part there i. >> party with a purpose. >> anybody can cut through it, it is jen for sure. >> what is this. >> it is giving tuesday. i wanted to shout out to hearts for hemo feel y last year around march madness, max and his sister, they came in, and max has hemophilia and so they came out with this calendar this years theme is inspire. what is different about this calendar, all of them have kid that have hemophilia or being treated at chop and they took pictures of things thane expired them. you will see all of the things thane expired them and different facts that will inspire you. they are $20. go to the hearts for hemophilia and number and you can order them. they will also throw in the magnet today for diving tuesday. >> great. >> really special. >> i do need a calendar. >> it business that time of the year. >> hi max and zoe good luck to selling calendars this year. very sweet. lets clean out our mouth with mouthwash do you do it twice a day morning and evening? maybe that is too much, doctor mike says, yes, it may be too much. that is weird. with advil's fast relief, you'll ask, "what pulled muscle?" "what headache?" nothing works faster to make pain a distant memory. advil liqui-gels and advil liqui-gels minis. what pain? advil liqui-gels and advil liqui-gels minis. a got a big about on the of mouthwash in my bathroom. i will brush my teeth and then knock that back, yeah, at least twice a day. >> that is how it goes, that is the routine. >> just in case you didn't know. >> may not be a good thing using mouthwash regularly because there is a new study that says it will increase risk of developing what it can cause we will ask doctor mike. we have been told you have to brush your teeth and do mouthwash but how can this harm us. >> thinks a harvard study by the way. >> yes. >> basically what they are looking at is fact that using mouthwash, all right, kills bacteria, both good and bad in your mouth, and that can lead to changes in the chemical known as night trick oxide and that has effects on the met list many of insulin. so in this study, and this was not a cause and effect. that is not what this is saying. there is an association, between the use of mouthwash and killing that bacteria if you do it more than twice a day or two times a day or more , increases the risk of developing, type two diabetes. now, that being said, we have to remember that if you have bad teeth that increases inflammation in the body and increase risk of heart disease and things like that. so my advice, to folks is don't throw the mouthwash out just yet, you might want to do it once a day but the key is brushing your teeth and flossing. i asked you guys a lot of things here do you floss. >> do i. >> i do. >> i like the little, not the string but it looks like it is on a tooth pick, fork. >> i agree, it is easier. >> the strings are impossible to use. i don't know who invented that but it is dopey. you can never get all the way back. >> it starts sliding all the way around. >> what is it called, a pick. >> it is a pick, dental pick, oral picks and those little strand. >> yes, a little you with a string across. >> you have to have it long enough thaw can wrap it around your fingers. >> you do that old fashion way >> do i. >> it is probably the best. >> i sometimes put my foot in my mouth, i i can get tonight there i have a big mouth this study looks at people at risk for diabetes, so it didn't look at folks like you. if you really want to prevent type two diabetes i wouldn't use this as your number one way to prevent it. keep your weight down. you need to exercise a void concentrated sweets and live healthy. you will prevent or at lee reduce your risk of type two diabetes. bingo. >> yes. >> thanks, doctor mike. >> by the way we were talking about camp out for hunger. you made an appearance. i didn't know you could play the trumpet. big trumpet guy. >> let's see it. >> roll it. >> doctor mike has joined the band. >> who are you playing with? >> the band, i can't not remember their names but they are awesome. they were the house band yesterday. they are all great guys, great professionals and i used to play trumpet, in fact, i play weddings, and in fact, i played so much weddings i have powe traumatic stress. i could not get married until 42. every time i hear a wedding i got nervous. >> hot lips cirigliano. >> can people still book you. >> not after that horrible clip, they wouldn't employee to you do anything. >> i love you guys. >> love you good day it is tuesday, november 28th. and, and, what you did before he left the city makes it even worse. and american royalty, prince harry and meghan markle sharing inside details on their engagement. >> it was definitely a set up. it was a blind date. so sweet, natural, very romantic. >> from the proposal to the ring onto how the prince thinks his late mother would oh, christmas tree. >> sing it. >> oh, christmas tree. >> that is enough. >> how lovely are your upside down branches from trees hanging from the ceiling to a christmas ladder instead of the tree, we are taking a look at new ways to decorate for the holidays. gym, tan laundry either best thing you will hear or worse depending if you are a fan of the new jersey shore. it is coming back to mtv but this time someone is missing. >> the whole cast is missing. this new trend never heard of this before brand new for 2017 people using they don't want a christmas tree because it can mess up your house, they are getting a ladder out and then decorating it as a christmas tree. >> okay. >> keith, thank you. >> where should we put this. move it, move it. >> watch out. watch the light. >> so, apparently we don't have a 6-foot ladder, we have a eight to 10 footer. we will decorate that today. >> yeah. >> you broke something. >> so we will decorate this tree, we should we put on it. also, national french toast day, french toast is in the building, i can smell it. >> aim so excited. people have been weighing in. kenya says country club diner in the northeast they are huge my gosh, look at that. >> bob, i bet you know that place good spot. >> right off of cottman avenue >> thanks for watching. >> she's watching for this weather because it sounds good >> beautiful. >> it doesn't get much better then the, 10. >> yes. >> chill think morning but it is november, supposed to be chilly. temperatures starting out in the 20's and 30's. bus stop buddy ace french toast got cold really fast out there but it will recover nicely. we are up to 38. feels like 34 in the city. sixty our high temperature a milder afternoon then yesterday, yesterday our high was 54, yes, it was and tonight we are down to about 44 in the city. not quite as cold as right now , and we will talk about how long this lovely weather will last coming up. is it lovely on the road this is morning bob kelly. >> not really we have sun glare that has caused a couple accidents. live look at west chester on the northbound side of 202 right at boot road, all lanes temporarily blocked to push cars off to the shoulder. they are just now starting to let traffic through again it is northbound 202 right here near booth road there in west chester. problems coming from new jersey accident north on 55 approaching the freeway, freeway itself is bumper to bumper they have cleared crash but delay still with us. accident southbound route 130 at black horse pike route 168 and south on i-95 leaving northeast philadelphia, heavy from woodhaven on in a 40 minute trip from the northeast into downtown philadelphia, mike and alex, back to you. thanks, bob kelly. >> search is on for hit and run driver who struck two people in trevose bucks county it happened on the street road near fillmont avenue around 8:00 last night. the driver stopped, briefly got out of the pickup truck and then got back in and then pulled away. woman was taken to the hospital, in critical condition, a man was also injured but his condition is still not known. we are get something tweet s now on this intersection in bucks county. >> it is not far from this one >> not too far. >> trevose, in bensalem. it is knights road, where it intersects with street road. and, a couple of people have weighed in on this fred, who much what he is every day, spoonhimmer says it is a very dark intersection and ton of people walking from shopping centers to many apartment complexes that stretch from mechanicsville to knights is a mess, and everybody is driving really fast. >> so we sent steve keeley out there to check out this intersection, steve. >> hey there, steve. >> reporter: this isn't anything new time magazine also came out with this same report back in 2014, and back then both gene blum disputed it and fred heran bensalem public safety director disputed it. is there a big debate that continues in year three. here's the intersection. since the initial report from time in 2014 it is freshly paved but whenever you see this here and it is in the crosswalk, that is after an accident when they are making markings but since we have been here we have seen three people jaywalking in the street and then up the road there i see somebody walking street road to the right, right now and the left hand shoulder up there up street road, to the left, right past the poll there, people are walking in the street and that is the problem, that is why you have fatal accidents there four lanes on both road with turning lanes on each side of the two middle lanes. since we got here as we were approaching, we stopped for red light and guy that was behind us passed us to go through red light so you have that problem it is quite a long pedestrian walk but they have made it simple. greg, come back to me here. they have state of the art technology. they have these buttons, i will change the light anger and you can hear it start beeping. it is not a phony button. they also put this camera in here, greg, come back here with me and they have a camera when somebody says somebody was jaywalking or they didn't have a light now they have proof because that is a high tech high definition brand new camera. they have made improvements since times initial report but whenever you see red paint like this here that is fresh red paint here that is as a result of the accident where they mark vehicles. by the way, alex and mike, if you were going to live anywhere, it is all businesses around here except on that corner. where do you live. i live at the most dangerous intersection in the u.s., right there. people live there i was asking greg what would you do living there. i would probably not hear real well because of the sound of the traffic as you see it speeding by. >> i have driven by that house and i have remarked to my friends in that car, look at that house on corner, i mean undoubted the roads were build after the house was built but look at how close, is there a little chair. is there somebody living in there probably watching the show,. >> if you have kid watching them play it is tough. i don't know i bet you are screaming at your tv, much more dangerous intersections in the delaware valley then that one. >> we thought it would be roosevelt boulevard. >> no question i figured it wouldbe boulevard. >> plenty of others, though. >> okay. >> 8:08. we know that they are engaged. everyone was talking about that. now we have details. how did prince harry and meghan markle how did they meet? they talk bit in a interview. it was a blind date. >> yes. >> last summer. >> led to that. >> blind date. >> dawn imagine a blind date with the prince. they kept it a secret until now. meghan is excited to wear her ring in public now that every within knows. prince harry popped the question just a regular night at home in connection ton palace. if there are regular nights there. >> he says that meghan markle and his mom they would have hit it off had they met. >> thick as thieves, without question, she would be over the moon jumping up and down, so excited for me but then as i said we probably would have been best friend, best friends with meghan. it is days like today where i really miss having her around and wishing to share happy news but with the ring and everything else going on. >> she's with us i'm sure she's with us jumping up and down somewhere else. >> she would be over the moon. >> oh, that is sweet. >> it is nice her jewelry is there. >> harry included his late mother in the engage many ridge he designed her ring by sorting main die manned from botswana and incorporating diamonds on the side from his mother's jewelry. >> he designed the fact that he wanted it to be round, so it would fit over her finger. >> stop it you are trying to say he didn't put much work in >> i'm sure he did. >> it seems like he didn't do it all. >> true. >> british papers how they are reacting to the news, thinks a royal wedding like no other. >> okay. >> daily telegraph says, how do you say this, the cor-geese >> yes, took to her right away >> can you imagine if the tore at her jeans or ripped them off of her, i hate this, who is this woman. >> the daily express, the look of love, i knew she was the one very first time we met. >> oh, really. >> the look. >> and daily mirror, she just tripped and fell into my life. that is an interesting way to put it d she just trip. >> she tripped and fell into my life. >> they make it sound so easy. >> i didn't think she was this clumsy. >> okay. >> fell in love. >> it is interesting he talks about how important it was his dogs took to her because i have a friend, mena say what and she has a dog venous, and, and, venous doesn't take to him, they are like no, something is wrong because if you don't get along well with my dog then it is not happening. she feels her judge is a good judge of character. >> is she single. >> she is single. >> well, there you go. >> stop it. >> prince harry, said should i ask her for her hand in marriage on the big jumbo tron , jumbo tron at a soccer game or just do kensington palace. >> kensington palace in their cottage while they are baking chicken. >> tis the season from trees hanging from the ceiling, i saw this last year, i wanted to get an upside down tree but i don't. i do have a ladder we got out of the garage, an eight footer , let's decorate it. >> i'm down. >> by the way thinks giving tuesday. >> difficult. >> jen's been giving this morning. >> give, give, give, jen. >> they are playing all of my favorite songs, do you see this right here, coach jay wright just gave me this villanova head coach just g good morning, a live lot at schuylkill expressway, this is, eastbound on the schuylkill expressway, an accident near city line avenue , and, wicked sun glare as well north on the freeway, and north on 55 jammed up from an earlier crash, and of course your normal tuesday rush hour volume. accident on 2925, it is northbound at florence columbus, report of the accident north of the new jersey turnpike near swede bureau interchange which is exit number two and then route 30, 95, not bad at northeast philadelphia hello, laurie thanks for sending your christmas picture for very kelly christmas. all lit up. did you get your lights up. when you do, snap a picture and then powe to it facebook, twitter, or instagram and use that #fox 29 lights contest, and, show your pictures on tv and maybe come to your house, and broadcast live from your front lawn. we are going out on the road thursday. sue has your forecast in 15. and thanks to the northbound, the jet stream has moved up, to the north, in can inadequacies, getting milder, but we are off to a chilly start this morning. future cast shows, lack of cloud cover today and tomorrow cloud on thursday evening, couple drops of precipitation on thursday night into friday morning, may sleep through that but will get us back to average temperatures, 32 in reading, 40 in wilmington. thirty-eight here in philadelphia, right now and then winds are on the calm side. this morning, we are chilly but this afternoon we will be at 60 degrees. same for tomorrow, cooler and seasonal temperatures as we head into the weekend, mike and alex. >> sue, this time of the year everybody is about their tradition and all kinds of things. did you get your christmas tree. >> it is up. it is put together, you know. >> prelit. >> yes. >> some people are still working on their trees. before you get that tree there is a new version shaking things up. first upside down christmas tree and then that started as a novelty piece for retail tours save room, but now folks are doing it at home bait keeps ornament from kid and pets. other says it leaves more room for gifts. that is also pretty good. if you want to make your own drill a hole in your ceiling to hang a hook. i don't know if anybody wants to go that far but use lights that are already hanging to hang those trees. it looks kind of cool, i like that. that is not only new trend. another option before you get your tree, and i'm standing next to it. move over christmas tree it is time for the ladder tree. we have never heard of this before. so we are bringing in the stuff. we will try this out. we will let you know if this is i good thing to do. >> only ladder thinks eight footer. you have our decorations from out back. >> this is from last year, last 15 years on this show. >> thinks always fun part when you bring out stuff after a year of in the paying attention to it. >> so lets look at pictures we have found on the internet here. ways that other people have decorated. i don't know howie lab break you have to go with this ladder. that is elaborate. >> now i get it, it is inside that creates a tree. >> you can do it that way too use rung, we are trying to run g in a new year. >> nice. >> okay. >> these are celebrate for inspiration. >> you have been trying to climb corporate ladder for years, alex. >> i'm still at the bottom. >> should we start with something at the top. >> that is last thing you put on a tree. >> but if we put stuff on the rungs wouldn't be we stepping on it. >> faux get smaller one, it is much more cute. >> is it. >> can you bring that other ladder in. >> would you rather have a small tree then big tree. >> bob kelly has two trees at his house, and we have two ladders. >> okay. >> you want to do two or doing a smaller won. >> do we need an angel. >> this is just at home arguing over what goes where. >> nothing better than a christmas decorating argument like when you put light on and plug them in and they are in the lit and you have to figure out which one that one bulb is out. >> we need an angel to go on the top. we don't have an angel. >> oh, wait. >> we have a lot of work to do this is all tangled. this is party didn't like when you have to untangle, unwrap. >> did i break it. >> and then the kid, they are eager to help and five minutes new are doing it yourself. >> it is stuck. >> this is a dumb idea. >> it is kind of cute. >> why are you putting that on >> i don't want to step on the stuff putting it up there. >> ruining most precious moment of the tree. >> we don't have an angel either. >> you can imagine an angel. >> thank you, ladies and gentlemen. >> this will never catch on in america. >> it is in the in america. >> they are saying we have to move on. >> should i walk on to this,. >> please do not. >> speaking of trees did you hear that report the other day there is thousands of bugs in every tree when you buy it from a lot. >> i'm keeping the ladder. >> could be a good alternative 25,000 bugs, critters on your tree, how do you get rid of them before you put it up? we will tell you. oh, bob. >> what? >> oh, geese. >> they are tackled. >> we should have bought decorated one. >> we don't know if the lights work. >> how does its get so tangled up in a box. >> who rolled them up last year. >> every year it is a problem. >> wait a minute, before you string it, we have to test them. >> do you got that side, see fit works. >> how many times have you string it, plug it in and it doesn't work. >> look at what happens here. >> half of the string is out in the middle. >> one of these bulbs doesn't work. >> i say put it up anyway. >> put those in the back. >> come underneath and grab this. >> why is quincy's face on the ladder. >> he is our angel. >> you do have a story did you hear that jersey shore's coming back. >> oh, puke. >> um-hmm. >> this time they say it will be different. they are older, wiser and their moms and dads now, they are married. so the new show is called jersey shore, family vacation, premiering on mtv sometime next year. not everyone will be there but dina, nicole, vinny, ronnie, sammy sweetheart isn't there. >> what about ronnie, is he there. >> yes, snooki. >> what else would they have to do. >> oh, geese. >> mike, hold on. >> you got his legs. >> wow. >> jen, is she still at camp out. >> yes, for this giving tuesday. >> give it up for hunger. >> we have the big five coaches, i believe there is six you see jay wright, phil martelli, the reigning chapel of poppa shot is jay wright. will this be his victory. find out after the break. ♪weee! today's the day! wahoo! there's the second-most famous groundhog in pennsylvania. phew, am i late?! nah, just in time. nice. holiday scratch-offs from the pennsylvania lottery. aww. things just got very merry. keep on scratchin'! have we dressed quincy. >> let the man speak. >> let him live, let the man live. >> what do you have on. >> where did you get that. >> in this day and age this is probably inappropriate. i don't think we can do that anymore. >> you know what we should do. >> sue. >> what? let's fill tonight with fake flowers, make poinsettias. >> yes. >> put them out in front. >> we need presents under here too. >> well, while you are doing that i will go to the forecast because bus stop buddy is still enjoying some cold french toast this morning and you will need a warm coat for a little while. not so bad later this afternoon but it is still 38 degrees, in philadelphia feels colder then that, and we will be at 55 by lunchtime, top off at 60. still a short day, but at lee while we have daylight it will be nice. >> good day to decorate outside, maybe 8:31. taking a live look at 202 northbound right at booth road , an accident off to the shoulder, causing delays, through west chester. double accidents in new jersey 42, 55 out of the way but delays from south jersey. let's come back inside as we get ready to decorate our ladder. what are you finding. >> man dune brought ornament by. >> it is 12 years old. >> that is a 12 year-old joke. >> sure is. >> where do put them. >> put them off to the side i guess. >> if only jim were here to see how crazy we're being. >> i'm sure she has her own craziness at camp out for hunger. >> hi, jen. >> here's is what happening, as you know one of the biggest events that happening here every year is the big five coaches all six of them their poppa shot challenge. if you are keeping score at home then you probably know head coach of villanova jay wright is raining champion of this event. good morning coach martelli. it. >> jay won last year. >> he has won everything you are just a winner, jay. >> it is most important thing i have ever done, it is my screen safer the trophy i won. >> we're live on tv, what do you think the key to winning the poppa shot challenge is. >> i don't know because i have lost seven years, i only won won. >> you are the susan lucci of this competition. >> i got hot late last year. i got hot late. >> you don't want to peak early. >> no, i snuck through early rounds and got hot late. >> there is a lot of moms out here. we had a private moment iowa want to share with people on tv. we are always talking about your team, your success what you are doing but do you hear from moms and dad with little guys and girls trying out for basketball. i couldn't fess brody didn't make it. i was okay witt. i wanted him to feel a challenge. know that he has to step up. you like that attitude. >> i love that attitude. there is nothing wrong with failing. kid to have learn there is no fear of failure. failure is just an opportunity to get better and to learn and sometimes, we protect our kid from failure. it can be a real positive for him. >> okay. first of all, lets check this out, this is head coach phil martelli. >> phillies looking good. he has a quick release you have to get as many shots off as possible so you cannot get too caught up. >> it is like hockey put the puck in the met as many time as you can. >> get them up there, shot attempts you are going against the clock, it is not a real shot because it has a low ceiling so you have to get them off as quick as you can. >> what do you think herb magee would think, of his follow through because he is a shot doctors. >> herb magee taught all of us , i don't think phil has showed up for those sessions and i know herb would not take credit for phil's shooting. >> he would be embarrassed. >> phil was talk about how you guys are together as coaches, you have a big cancer initiative, you come out here to support philabundance. it is a unique thing. >> only city in the country. i coached in new york. we tried to get something like this going and you cannot do it. phil and fran and their wife's , they run coaches verse cancer. it is not phil to walk away from the mike phone. >> how do you think you did, coach. >> how do you think did youy tank for it. it worked for sixers. >> herb magee. >> herb magee. >> i got his number, you know what happened don't beat herb magee this year in a game. >> really. >> in an exhibition gaining and herb does not count ate begins his record. >> he is still winningest of all time. >> still winningest of all time. >> good luck to you. good to see you coach. >> doing a little sports, preston and steve mark zumoff here as well. >> i love college basketball and jay wright looks like you, bob kelly. >> that is my twin brother. >> except for reindeer ears. >> i believe i found a star. >> i found another christmas ball. >> beautiful. >> look at this. >> i also found this we have an ornament from last year and l fell off for noel. >> noe. >> we could just do this make it no. >> no. >> no. >> jay wright says failure is just an opportunity to learn. >> as next year we will learn to decorate better. >> yes. >> okay. >> where is the tease. >> keep them or toss them. we are talking about your jeans. ladies, how many of you are holding on to a pair of jeans that no loaning fit but you want to keep them because maybe one day, maybe motivation for you may be you can fit in them again. why it could be good and bad to do this. is what your favorite french toast spot, tell us the name and county, and this one says the best in philly, green eggs cafe. a lot of people talk about green eggs. so use the #fox 29 good day send us some more in. ♪ i'm starting to get sentimental. >> it is beautifully like this >> you don't to have worry about pine needles shedding. >> no. >> so while we're proud of this i am sure you won't be in a second when you see white house is going. >> top this white house. >> well this years theme for the white house is time honored traditions. >> they have put up their decorations i think right after thanksgiving. >> yes. >> they had classic settings, sweet center pieces, nativity scenes, look at that. there is a massive ginger bread white house that they have in there as well. >> i loved that. >> look at that, that is cool. >> 300-pounds. >> and took 36 pastry chefs. this is all beautiful. one particular hallway that was tweeted out that the people were kind of, they had a reaction to it. so this is the communications director for first lady she tweeted this out, holidays are upon us, right now, seeing to have last detail at the white house. people are like this hallway, doesn't it look. >> it looks like a entry way to a club in manhattan. >> people photo shopped jack settlington and then another person put in the twins from the shining. >> it is a little dark. >> it is dark. >> some people like to do whites, and grays. >> i like that. >> different touch. >> white house is a big house. you have to find different ways to decorate. >> white house is the big house. >> i'm just saying. >> thomas, he has an idea for the top. >> my niece thought you could use a new topper. i'm too big to get on that ladder. >> come on. >> this is what great moments are made of. >> watch your head. >> save the star. >> is hello kiddie going to stay. >> an eagles flag, good day shirt. >> we're getting there. >> we're getting there. >> pine needle flew in my eye but i'm good. >> where are they coming from there are no pine needles on this thing. >> lets get to lauren. it this mob alternative after that report we talked about where you can find up to 25,000 bugs, including bed bugs in your christmas trees. >> it sounds disgusting. we have an expert here with us in the northeast, inspecting trees at walt's christmas trees, so far, nothing but he does say he has tips for people hoff not purchased a tree just yet we will hear him people hoff not purchased a tree just yet we will hear him comi $1.99 hot chocolate at dunkin'? people hoff not purchased a tree just yet we will hear him cothat's like a big yummy hug. so hug it up! hug more. hug large. hug medium? hug that. live it a hug life with $1.99 medium or larger hot chocolate. america runs on dunkin'. temperatures in the 20's all morning. looking at our weather map, with, well, precipitation, in fact, there is so much sunshine we won't see anything in the way of rain until late thursday night and even then it won't be very much. we are in the 30's right now but we're heading to 60 degrees. sixty tomorrow. back to seasonal temperatures thursday, friday, and saturday , and sunday, perfect for outdoor decorations and if you don't want to bother with a tree and get creative and do a ladder tree like we have been doing and new we're getting eagles represented there. that is the hat. >> yes, machinety g we found in the back room. >> let it fly, mike. >> let me see what this looks like first. beside my hair is starting to catch fire from the lights. lets see if this sucker works. >> does that look good. >> yes. >> this is a beautiful tree. >> sentimental. >> yes. >> i have a splint inner my hand how did that happen. and alternative because yesterday we did a story, that trees, 25,000mites praying man tuses, spiders all over them. >> people are like if you want to dot tree but lauren is with a bug expert with what you should do when it comes tour christmas tree bugs, all 25,000 of them. >> hey, good morning guys we are at walt's christmas trees. i have to start with this. you have been here for how long. >> over 40 years. >> how many times have you had someone come back and say my tree is infested with bugs. >> very first year a fella asked me, because he had a spider problem. of course, we replaced it and give him another fat one. >> one in 40 years but it does happen. so to talk more bit, doctor j is nickname, john cambridge, is what up. >> how is it going. >> we have a list. we want to go through bugs that people could find in their trees. lets start with the soft fly. >> they could find anything. bringing a wild tree there from outside. you might see more often. >> tell me about the soft fly this is cool because it is not a fly but a wasp. >> thinks a wasp which means it has a fat waist, it looks like a caterpillar. i think we have a picture that people can see. you will in the see that on the tree this time of the year but if you have these in your backyard or doing a wild call you might do a bun much is what a bag worm. >> these are mini christmas tree ornament. i say leave them on because it is half decorated already. >> can they hurt you bite you, hurt you, sting you. >> thinks a type of moth, it over winters and cacoon so thinks the cacoon and decorate is it with pine needles. >> scale insects you will not notice these on the trees. they are small little, tiny dots that might be on the leaves unless you know your bugs you will not know about these. >> lets he skip these, mites, is that one we have to worry about. >> mites in general humongusly diverse group. there are some that get on the trees. they are not going to hurt you you have mites that feed on the leaves and mitthat he is feed on the mites. >> you have a mess inside of your tree what about spider eggs that is what people will be freaked out about when you hear spider eggs and more hatching. >> that is fair. if you have spider eggs on the tree, it is possible when you bring it in your house insects will use the coolness outside to tell them when to grow dormant for winter so spiders not beng insects but using those, when they bring in or get into your house they can hatch but super unlikely that is looking around these trees, and i didn't see a single spider egg case. i spent a couple minutes digging in there. >> mike and alex, now that we are back live, the mantus egg you have to show off this thing. >> this looks creepy. >> if you find this on your tree, lets say that is good luck. nobody hates praying mantuses and thinks how they over winter. you can squish that. it is styrofoam. >> now watch. >> it feels like a bubble, and that is hundreds of mantus baby eggs in it. you might find them on the tree. they will not hatch out in your house. >> everyone questions why can't i just dump pesticide in your tree to get rid of them. >> i mean that is just a dumb idea. think bit like this you are bringing a wild tree in from outside, it will definitely have some insects on it but you will probably give yourself more cough of a headache from the pesticide you are dumping on it. every time you open your door insect will get in your house. not a big deal. >> through go, might be a huge number could get in the air but not a big deal. my friend walt says you know happening a fresh tree is better than buying fake authentic and dumping it. >> yes, all of that, they say on average people put them in five years later and they wind up in the dump. that is not good for you. and fake tree is not good for you. >> you need a fresh, tree, frazier fur. >> yes. >> guys don't worry because bugs are harmless. >> i can't get over the looks of that egg, it was huge. >> i know there is a hundred eggs inside. >> if you push that what happened if you bust it opened >> no, it is like popping a pimple. >> it is like popping a pimple >> i will not pop it. >> i like these guys we want these guys to hatch out in the spring so we can have more. >> you are an insect guy. >> all right. >> we will leave ate loan for now. >> see them later. >> stick to the ladder tree and we will be good, what do you say ladder tree, we're good. okay, changing the subject. i can't get over what that looked like. your significant other or your kid who do you put first how one is defending her decision to put her husband first, husband and then the we have another accident at 202, check the spot, northbound lanes of 202, between boot road and route 30 , first accident happened about an hour ago. it is going to slow down ever since and another crash within the delay, look at this guy facing wrong way here north 202 at boot road there leaving west chester through chester county. alex, back over to you. keep them or toss them, ladies, how many are holding on tie pair of jeans that no longer fit as motivation to lose weight. you are not alone why it can ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. (vo) going on now, our subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million dollars to those in need. >> ♪ >> this time of the year i get very sentimental when lie at a tree like that. >> gets you all warm, fusain side. >> it reminds me of my childhood you had ladder trees >> no, i had always used to make may hold the ladder, it would drive me nuts, stand there for hours. >> that is what kid are for. >> that is why he had children so we could hand him tools. >> hi. >> give me phillips head. >> is what a phillips head. >> no, that is a straight one. >> memories. >> you have to learn quickly, with my dad, fritz. >> hi karen. >> good morning. >> those good are skills to have. >> thank you. >> if you feel his hands, every time people shake his hand. >> yes. >> i do have the softest hands it is weird. >> very weird. >> they are softer then mine. >> they are. i have always had softer hands then any women i have ever been with. it is weird. now i have don trucks

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