Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20170807 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20170807

four year battle with brain cancer. we will look back at what made him one of the most beloved players ever to wear a phillies uniform. scare in the sky rough, tumble turbulence, tosses drinks, luggage and people around the cabin of the flight bound for philadelphia. ten people had to be treated at the hospital. we will hear from one of the men hoist thankful to be alive hundreds of teens stormed a philadelphia block after a rec center barbecue. and it is not the first time this summer. why some are saying that it is all a big misunderstanding. and this is going to be a wash out, umbrellas will be the accessory of the day, and rain and thunderstorms move in the delaware valley. yes, yes, i did use the word glushes. when was last time you said g lushes. >> been a long time. >> say that austin grab your g lush these morning, what? >> if you lose one is it a g lush. >> that is great. >> i'm on fire for a monday. >> yes. >> yes. >> hey, everybody, it is august the seventh. >> good morning to you. >> you probably knew that. >> so our number today is a five. that may end up being generous just depend on how your trip going to work or coming home, because we're expecting rain and lots of it, bus stop buddy is ready with his umbrella, temperatures in the 60's and zero seven's and we don't expect temperatures to move that much. every once in a while on radar we will see lightening pop up, nothing in our viewing area just yet, there were rumbles of thunder around baltimore earlier. here's temperature. 69 degrees. 7-mile an hour wind out of the west and it will rain on and off all day with just a few thunderstorms for good measure and if you get one that can be a soaking rain. we will give you rainfall estimates in a few moments. bob kelly, how are folks doing out there in the showers. >> not good. we have had quiet mornings last couple of weeks or so but this morning rain hit and we have accidents every where. northbound i-95 a crash at girard causing delays, leaving center city. we're jammed autopsy cross town on the vine expressway all trying to get over to 95 northbound at girard avenue. we have an overturn vehicle here on route one, this is in delaware county, southbound, route one, just south of the blue route heading down toward route 252, accident scene right here in the background penndot pulled out, zoomed out here but heading south on route one, from the blue route watch for delays and then septa's route 11 and 13 trolley they are running normal services. they were supposed to start a project, they have postponed. that aim not sure why if the weather had anything to do with it but nevertheless trolleys are running on the regular routes in the 11 and 13 today. mike and alex, back to you. i went to bed early, you may be breaking this news to you right now, sad news, as we continue to remember former phillies catcher darren daulton who passed away yesterday at the age of 55: he had been battling brain cancer for, four years. best none for 1993 season. actually his best season as far as statistics was 92 but 93, phillies won pennant and were two games away from winning the world series. >> oh, joe cart's begins blue jays. >> we will go to steve keeley who has been in bala cynwyd who has been remembering him and his legacy here in philadelphia. >> reporter: if you north from philly at doesn't take to live in philadelphia to realize that sports is everything to this town. if you don't know how everything is to people list don't radio this morning. we're outside in the rain at 97.5 where show is done on the fourth floor and again, i'm surprised as people call in, and cry over the telephone as they talk about darren daulton and here are the two morning host. >> dutch represented someone who really meant a lot. that 93 team was amazing. even though they didn't win they just went down in our hearts. they lasted and it was all because of dutch. now look that locker room had scoundrels and creeps and juicers, but dutch was the guy that made them palatable. he was a guy we loved and gravitated to. >> one of the few athletes in philadelphia where your dad and mom knew for different reasons but everybody in the household was aware of dutch. he was the alpha in that clubhouse as anthony said. he stood out for that reason. he was a hell of a ball player as well. if you were 15 then, 30 then you recognize what he meant to the city. that is why so many people have broken hearts. >> reporter: recognize what he meant to this radio station which wasn't doing sports when daulton played but when they were putting stuff in the hallways, here, they put darren daulton's larger then life image up among their talk show pictures and frames. that just shows i they didn't just put that up to day. that has been up. that shows you the meaning that he had for the sports host here as well, because there is a lot of great athletes in philadelphia history and him, mike schmidt, lesean mccoy and that is not many people up there, a few of the flyers but darren daulton is philly that i noticed going up there for you viewers wondering why did they call him dutch? this is the story i got way back when. his first wife, who was fame news her own right for being the first hooters girl and i think she's a sports show host right now lynn austin. she said his haircut reminded her of the kid on the paint cans on dutch boy paint and that is where name came from i may start calling us his nickname that the phillies gave him because he was from arkansas city, kansas, and i don't know good they pronounce it arkansas, kansas. >> no. >> but because he was from kansas they called him bub a you are our buba, in honor of dutch daulton and being from kansas. >> is what another famous buba >> bill clinton. >> bill clinton, from arkansas , but in kansas, we call the city he was born in a rk city, arkansas city. >> buba reference from arkansas and arcan saw. >> i'm glad, steve shared this , because we were just talking about that. he had great hair. >> fantastic hair. >> it did go into a mullet. >> everybody was doing that. >> yes. >> late 80's, early 90's. i had one too. >> lenny dykstra who played with dutch, good friends, he shared a video on line paying tribute to his friend. >> so dykstra read a portion of the letter that daulton wrote to the judge, while lenny dykstra was in prison. >> yes. >> very nice. >> here it is. >> your honor, can i pray provide him the opportunity to make amend with himself and the people that love him. darren daulton. >> i'll miss you dutch, i'll miss you, man. millions of more people feel the same way. >> my gosh, for sure. >> he wrote darren kept us all together, playing in philadelphia, fun again. >> yes. >> okay, all right. so, like steve said, dutch would take a picture, i mean, anytime anybody asked him. so we're getting a lot of those in. i got a chance to meet dutch, what a great guy, he had us all smiling. when we walk in the room with him, everybody started laughing. rest in peace, dutch we were so happy on this day, thanks for the memories. >> yes. >> and then this one, rip darren i'm sure dawn will love to see new heaven, give her a hug. >> kathy, scott commented i met him at beach creek, and he was just a sweet man who spoke to everyone. >> oh, yeah, always had a good tan too. loved the state of florida. back to another story here police in germantown are investigating another group, probably two or 300 young people running through the streets last night running into traffic. this is second sunday night they gathered at lonnie young rec center, and by the time the evening ended, they were taking things at the cops and yelling at them.& >> so lauren johnson is at the rec center with the very latest, lauren? >> reporter: hey alex, weather kind of nasty but yesterday was a perfect 10 which makes it a good excuse to talk on social media, text and say lets meet up at lonnie young rec center to enjoy weather, chill by the pool, play basketball, except too many teams had same idea. in the end there was 400 of them here. our cameras were on the scene once police started to move the kid out of the area. they have been crowding streets, blocking traffic and forcing septa buses off their usual routes. police were met with tension as police started yelling, consideration at them but they tried to peacefully redirect the kid to head home to meet the cities curfew ordinance. police helicopters were watching overhead while officers on the ground tried to keep those kid calm. there are some reports that a there may have been a fewand violent outburst, nothing major considering the large number of kid who were here. this situation not an isolated incident. the teens did the same thing three weeks ago in the same location back on that date july 16th. no arrest where is made, no violence reported by police. well, one city council woman in charge of the district and area has posted a question that maybe this behavior shows the need to extend the rec center program activities into sunday evenings in the summer. speaking of summer, we still have a few more weeks left here with the children, school , mike and alex doesn't start until september 5th. >> that is a good point. >> yeah. >> 7:11. >> a 13 year-old boy rush to the hospital after being injured in the late night shooting. philadelphia police say teen was walking down the street when someone opened fire, striking him in the leg. it happened around midnight on sensing ton avenue and east ontario street, at last check police are still looking for the shooters. u.s. led global campaign to punish north korea for latest ballistics missiles test is underway. >> the u.n. is imposing its toughest sanctions, yet, on north korea and china and rush air cooperating in this effort the unanimously approved resolution will slash the communist country's export revenues by a third or another word about a billion dollars. the goal to cut off the money kim jong unregime used to fund its missle program. secretary of state rex tillerson is in the philippines at an asian economic summit and delivered a strong message. >> i think the world is also expressing a view to china and russia that we do have a expectation thaw will do everything you possibly can to help north korea understand the reality of the future as well and bring them to the negotiating table. >> well some what strong. >> foreign minister of the china is urging his north korean count are part to stop provoking the goodwill of the international community. president trump is pleased , with this just completed call with president moon of south korea, very happy and impressed with 150 u.n. votes on north korea sanctions. very strong sanctions. 7:13. a nationwide manhunt is underway for a ohio rape suspect, who overpowered a sheriff's deputy in the transport vaananen friday. officials say three two-year old brandon lee powell was in alleged shackles, handcuffs secured to the belly belt when he jumped over the seat, put deputy in the head lock caution the van to crash in the ditch. powell stole the wallet, cell phone and gun, before fleeing. >> there is no way, that is a movie. >> it seems interesting he would be able to get to the front. don't they have a wall or some type of gate. >> normally. this is somewhat small town in ohio but he has got his legs are shackled, his handcuffs are on a belly shackles and he somehow hops over drive's seat , get the guy in the head lock and the van crashes. >> it doesn't sound like it is possible, it sound like a movie script. here's sue. >> we have a lot of rain to show you on radar. looking down to the south and west we will see much more on the way. we will get several round throughout the day. there are plenty of places where the morning commute is not fun because the downpours are so heavy. here in chester county around east nottingham they have heavy rain and west fallowfield and in new jersey around bridgeton, we have got heavy downpours in springfield , delaware count soy heavy rain as well. so it is probably going to happen out and about today you'll encounter a heavy downpour. we have a flash flood watch in effect but that starts later on in the day, so one of our computer models, european model we have been showing you different model every time. i think that is the average throughout the day. but if you get a pocket of really heavy rain, thunderstorm it could be more. 69 degrees in philadelphia right now. seventy-three atlantic city and wildwood. cool spot is mount pocono with 57 degrees. we are heading to 37 today, normal high 86. back in the 80's, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, even saturday and sunday with next chance of showers after friday. remember 101.1 more fm our radio partner get your forecast in the car and on tv, it is every where bob kill. >> every where, folks have that saying when it rains people forget how to drive. here's a live look do you think you are having a rough start? look at this guy sideways across the platt bridge, a live look, at an accident scene, coming into southwest philadelphia, soy anybody leaving the airport area this guy is sideways across the lanes and we are bumper to bumper all the way back to the airport. it looks like somebody leaving southwest fail only one lane with the police, your best bet to or from the airport, girard point double decker. we have had accidents all morning long, the minute we got some rain, bam, we started to rack them up. here's a live lot an overturn vehicle trying to make out the vehicle. we were zoomed in. you could see it, upside down. this is a live look southbound lanes of the route one just south of the 252 which is in media, row trees park area there. you can see the heavier -- i wouldn't be surprised if thinks all flooded out. do you see log flum style here action with the cars here rolling south on route 16789 rain is coming quick and hot and heavy. make sure you give yourself extra time. mike and alex, back to youy bet everybody watching has an air turbulence story. >> i don't think it is like this one. >> this probably tops them all >> rough ride, plane load about 300 people traveling from greece to philadelphia. >> severe turbulence sent 10 people to the hospital, look at these photos. this was on a american airlines flight as mike mentioned on saturday. >> this was shortly before landing when they ran in the turbulence. 287 people along with a dozen crew members. witnesses say passengers hit the ceiling because the plane was shaking and also dropping in altitude. >> one of those passengers, a man by the name of doctor irving fang joins us now via skype. well, welcome back to philadelphia, i know you are in los angeles. sorry for the reception coming in for a landing in philadelphia how are you describing this to your friend s. >> it was the war turbulence you have ever experience in your life, war roller coaster ride. it started off rough from the beginning and got progressively worse until this horrible bump like running in the speed bump everything splattered up, sprayed and scattered all around. >> what was interesting we heard you guys had no warning. normally pilot will say we are going to get into bumpy area. you had no warning. >> you know, it was getting rough. we were just continuing beverage service. they had seat belt light on and they were recommend ago this everyone and flight attendants go back and stop beverage service right then. so there was warning. just not much. only a couple minutes by the time attendants got back it was too late to buckle in and put everything aside and lock everything up and we got knock around. >> had you don't your peanuts they would have been all over the cabin. >> good thing i didn't order coffee because they stopped right by my seat and stopped ordering coffee. and, within a minor so, everything was splattered all the way around. >> what were people doing. sometimes people get quiet, other times people scream? what was going on. >> i think everyone was just shocked and scared to death because the plane was rumbling so much until this tremendous bump went on that we were just really afraid that the plane was going to crash, it would be the end really. i just thought if it continued any longer it wasn't going to look good. >> how long did it last. >> well, whenever you are in a situation like it this feels like it lasts forever but i would say probably a good at least five minute where it was really rough until everything just suddenry bumped and drinks splatteed all over the ceiling, people were in shock, one lady just was in total dis belief and just didn't want to open up. everybody was truly scared that we were going to crash. >> we have all had turbulence did you think you were going to die. >> well, after that first bump , you know, i was trying to stay calm throughout the whole thing but it didn't stop , i was truly fearful that the plane was going to crash and here we are in the middle of the ocean before landing in philadelphia. >> so, what are you thinking at that point. do you have family. >> i do, i was traveling with my mother and sister coming back from crew from atens and flying try to make connection back to los angeles and you really don't want to think built but you consider what would happen, what would be those last moments someone flying on the plane in a crash and this is one of the few moments where i think plane even descended a little bit and made me fearful that perhaps we were going down but then stabilized and we were okay. once it stopped and we knew we were going to land and pilot came on board, saying that, you know, even he was surprised that we had so much turn blends. >> you know it is a concern when the pilot says he was surprised about something i don't know how to feel about that. >> there is not much you can do. we're actually all in his hand is you are a doctor, doctor fang did anybody get on and say is there a doctor on the plane or in the house. >> actually they did make that they did mention a few minutes after that accident that several flight attendants and passengers were injured. so at that time i went back in the back galley and found out one flight attendant dislocated a shoulder, another injured her other shoulder fell back, hit her head, another surgeon and i were trying to relocate a dislocated shoulder. >> yes. >> so this flight attendant was in so much pain they put tissue paper in his mouth so he wouldn't yell and scream during repositioning. >> they jam your arm back into the socket. >> he nasa lot of pain. >> did you see someone hit the ceiling. >> it happened so quickly, no. you are all in your own zone when that is happening but i saw several passengers while they were seated have ice bags on their head. >> did you drive back to los angeles. >> no, i had to run through customs and to the next gate to catch barely catch my flight. >> how was that one smooth. >> actually before we landed in los angeles there was little bit of turbulence i said this could not be happening again, but it was fine. >> come back to philly and we will shake things up. i mean we won't. >> no, i hope not. >> thanks for talk with us. i know it is early where you are. >> take care. >> okay. >> no thanks. >> just getting on the plane in two days. >> really. >> interesting. >> make beer not walls. >> brewery comes up with a new way to ease tension at the border. >> the board of mexico, and u.s. >> beer brings people together >> um-hmm, okay. a brewery has plans to open up a new craft beer bar right on the border of the united states and mexico. >> they say it is not just about the beer but message too , lauren, what is the message. >> what is the message. >> reporter: unite, come together over beer so it is a swiss brewery that wants to open up a bar, half of tonight texas, half of it in mexico on the mexico side they sell craft american beer and on the american side they sell mexican beer, don't necessity how you ever get regulatory approval for this but it is all about bringing people together the beer summit do you remember president obama's beer summit between harvard the black professor arrestedby white cop. they came together over a beer i guess beer makes people unite, crazy idea i'm united with a few people with beer involve. >> really. >> when is it supposed to opened or sit already opened. >> no, no, i don't think it will ever open if you ask my don't know either. >> so is what the point. >> just to get people talking. >> yes, they are basically saying, my opinion is they oppose the idea of the border wall so if you do something like that they will show both side can come together. >> it is a beautiful facility. >> it is made of shipping containers is prototype. >> fantastic. >> dotted line on the border which would be dot thed line in the bottom of the bar. if you cross it, i guess it was illegal. >> maybe we will see you tomorrow and will teal tell us more about something that is not happening. >> i'll see you guys then. >> okay, bye. >> i love her. >> she's over house. >> okay, then bye. >> bye. >> dawn believe it is august 7th, jen fred, time to go back to school almost. >> it is almost a month before most kid will go back to school. we have our favorite teachers and our favorite kid, all ready, we're not going to complain about school supplies but we will do something good, we will give back so come back to havertown. ready for school. new fast play games are out... ...and sunny money has top prizes of $5,000. bet i can clear these shelves faster than you can play. ready go! i won. fast play. play fast. win instantly. we start off with a look at buddy, and he is feeling optimistic standing by pool will but it is not a swimming kind of day. today is play indoors, go to the movies, ready for rain. sixty's and zero seven's and flash flood watch in effect from noon until the evening. we have build up of all that rain throughout the day. we have a couple round heading our way, one here right now and then one for later this afternoon. we could get several inches of rain in a short period of time in someplaces. 69 degrees in philadelphia plan on high of only 73 degrees. a few pop up thunderstorms and what is happening already, bob kelly, it is already wreaking havoc on the roadways. >> we hear the saying people forget how to drive when it rains and that has been the case this morning. we have had accidents every where. here's a live lot the platt bridge closed coming into southwest philadelphia, so we're leaving airport just a parking lot across the span, all because of an accident that would be on the left side of your screen right there and then, we're backed up again just off of the ramps from i-95 leaving say delco, airport area girard point double decker bridge is way to go. still with delays here on i-95 north, earlier accident at girard avenue causing delays on the vine expressway and a tractor trailer accident, shutting down intersection of york road and county line road , right there in the heart of the warminster. there is a live look at reading, we have heavy rain, certainly causing ponding, that spray. it will take you longer to day then it did on friday to get to the area. mike and alex, back to you. phillies legend darren daulton has passed away at 55 after a four year battle with brain cancer. >> darren was a key member, of course, of the 1993 national league champion ship team, and the longest tenured catcher in phillies history. of course, his hard nosed play and million-dollar smile, and that good head of hair, made him a fan favorite, in philadelphia, and howard eskin looks back. >> i consider baseball a job. >> reporter: did he that job as well as any catcher in phillies history. >> base hit center field. >> reporter: he was born darren arthur daulton in 1962 but to a generation of phillies fans. >> is there dutch. >> reporter: he was simply dutch. >> here again mess popular players. >> reporter: a 25th round draft pick in 1980, he combined baseball talent with a million-dollar smile. >> in your face. >> reporter: to make him one of the most popular phillies of all time. >> daulton comes back, got him >> i have grown to these fans here in philly and they are behind me now so that makes a difference. personally i like to play here in front of them and that is why i signed here. >> reporter: his best season ace player was 1992 when he led national league in rbi's with 109. >> off the top of the fence. it will get two home. >> reporter: but forever remembered as the face of the 1993 phillies team, a team that played and lived hard, and in doing so, captured the imagination of philadelphia they came within two games of capturing the world series that fall. >> outta here. >> reporter: daulton would finally get his world series ring as a member of the 1997 florida marlins, and retired after that game. >> florida marlins have won the world series. >> reporter: his championship ring may have said florida but was and will always be a philadelphia philly. >> you know, i liked the picture that the philadelphia daily news chose, there he is, in the middle of the game, probably a hot afternoon at the vet possibly, that rugged look, great head of hair and then million-dollar smile, good bye, dutch. one of his close friend mike verb is here. good to he sue. >> hard to believe, isn't it. a man so full of life, he is in longer with us. >> you know, his energy, his inspiration is, you know, as steve said earlier, about philly and sports figures. that is what our city stands for. one of the good things. day even would not want us sitting around putting. we have a lot of work to do& for his foundation and i'm honored to call him a friend but i'm sure there will be a number of fill that is will be glad to tell you the dug out stories they have learned over the years. you have stories too, tell us, interesting when you first met >> well, we met, through a dear friend of mine dave, who works for yuengling. we hung out a few times, just for a few drinks in clearwater at tiki bar which i proposed they named the bar after darren. phillies have been wonderful to his foundation and we have had great memories with darren i went to fantasy camp with our, president and a few other polish folks, that served on this board and had great honor of inning uniform donning his number with darren a pair of flip-flops, shorts and t-shirt so just great memories. but most importantly the inspiration, even after he was diagnosed, i was with him the friday night before he was diagnosed in audubon, pennsylvania right near my house at chickie and petes and he just drove the message of wanting to help people, families that are affect by the same disease he was. >> that is the foundation. >> brain tumors, brain dip sees. our chair, president, fred da do pushed this out and we have a couple great events coming up. i think in darren's honor liking the facebook page that is out there, darren daulton foundation, twitter, dd foundation, and we have a golf outing coming up october 9th, you know, that is local at the country club and manufacturers country club and september 17th is the darren daulton foundation night at phillies. this stuff is all annual stuff we do no overhead, no administrative cost it goes straight to families it shows who he was, the fact that he was dealing with it himself and this foundation was started right after he got diagnosed he was still thinking of others and helping him out. >> that is how darren rolled. that is how he rolled. i don't think there is one person that you can search this city to find an enemy. i don't think you will. he loved everybody. no matter who you were, what i stood for, whatever your class was, and just a wonderful opportunity to meet him. >> you remember back when we did the interview, back in 2013, just after he got diagnosed and he had yellow bandana on and he talk openly about being diagnosed with brain cancer. >> the other day that it happened i was like what, are you doing this? i was like what? all right. well, let's do what we have to do. it just doesn't look good, especially when they show me this i say all right, hey we're in philadelphia. if you are an athlete you go through the stuff that happens >> and then it looks like we were in the clear a couple years ago and then it came back. >> you know, there were mixed media reports darren has been fighting, we have been supporting, and i just happened to be there yesterday at a work event and just recalling the time we whether there for that interview. darren never gave up. the city of philadelphia and region cannot give up on him. >> yes, please he may be gone, physically but he is not gone with the inspiration that he drove home to so many people in our region. >> do you want to see a crazy picture from that day. >> i'm a frayed. >> it looks like we're make out. >> dutch was a lover. >> he loved to hug and kiss you. >> and fred, our president of the foundation i texted him during steve's interview. you know, darren a lot of people, it is always it. >> he didn't know. >> according to brett he had no clue. >> what? >> that is something. >> i don't think, i don't think darren cared. >> no. >> there is nothing negative wow not let anything be negative. so positive, reassuring, epitome of the athlete and inspiration toss thousands of people in this region. >> you talk to the family at all. >> i have not, i have text back and forth with amanda over this past weekend, brett and mark had visited with darren but we wanted to respect their privacy but time to carry the torch for the foundation. >> once we learn about funeral services and stuff like that we will pass it on. >> we will talk to tommy green here. >> one of his best friend is that is for sure. >> mike, thanks. >> let us know how we can help >> remember darren daulton, you can learn more information and donate and help out with the cause. >> quick 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in the day >> yes. >> at little league world series.3 >> pay back, baby. >> do you remember we did a story about mo'ne davis as she was pitching professional level now. >> i think you see her in the celebration after the final out. >> wait for it. >> they are saying congratulations, good to see you, yeah, yeah, we're running out of video. >> missed it. >> i swear i saw her. >> congratulations to them. >> nicely done. >> world champions. >> jen freddie's talking back to school, i'm not kidding. >> i bet kid are upset. you want to get them exited to go back to school. >> we want to get them excited we have to talk school supplies. we have unique supplies. we will talk about what she's doing, and so come on back. traffic moving again on the platt bridge we had an earlier shut down because of an accident. see leaving airport area just grid lock up and over the span but we're moving here. ninety-five girard point double decker bridge is your best bet. we have had accidents all morning here. blame it on the rain. earlier accident at girard causing grid lock leaving center city crossing town on the vine. jammo on the bennie backup from the tolls up and over into downtown philadelphia even on the 42 freeway, northbound, jammed solid coming back from the shore, an accident, approaching 295, into the construction zone. a tractor trailer accident at york and county line road so watch for grid lock through warminster, reading, wipers on live look 422 near turnpike. how long will rain last? sue has tonight 15 seconds 7:49. plenty of rain here at the moment and plenty more to come throughout the rest of the day so write this off as a rainy day. placeness southern delaware that aren't getting it yet but they will. anyplace you see red, orange that is where downpours are heaviest like phoenixville, limerick around norristown, montgomery county, we will jump down to south jersey, vineland pocket of heavy rain right there and up in cheltenham just north of us here in philadelphia, again very heavy rain so with all this rain all day long several inches could build up and we could get flash flooding and watch is in effect for later in day. mostly average an inch but a lot of the computer models aren't factoring in the possibility of the thunderstorm and heaviest downpours from those. 69 degrees in philadelphia right now not much of a rise in temperature staying in the lower 70's all day, we have to remine ourselves it is still august but by middle of the week we are in the mid 80's and we will stay there but no extreme heat in the forecast for quite a while. >> thank you we will take it. you have likely seen all of the complaints, well, school supplies. >> what do you mean how kid are like oh, is it really happening do we have to do this? why does summer have to be over? yeah, back to schooltime. time to face it. we want to stay positive, and helping kid stay positive and jen will tell you how to do that. >> we're talking about there is moms going why do i to have buy so much school supplies. we are here with leann mccormack and her gorgeous children. hi there guys. >> hi. >> so we're not talking about all of the people going craze bye the list. there are ways to give back and save money, correct. >> correct. >> she has hell us out what are you looking at. >> she writes down entire list , everything that she need we go through and we decide if we already had a pair of scissors. we already have crayons. >> okay. >> and, lets talk about crayons a little bit a loft people will say, a lot of people will say, why do they want, why do teachers want name brand crayons. so what you did. you were surprise by this. you colored this yesterday, correct. >> correct. >> what were you trying to prove. >> we wanted to see a difference between cheap, inexpensive set of crayons verse crayola crayons. so bottom are the inexpensive crayons, no name, no brand. and the top is the crayola crayons. >> what do you see when we look at this. >> we noticed that the off brand crayons left little streaks and they were pieces of them falling apart, so they weren't as smooth as crayola. >> you say non-brand name crayon is probably going to be buy more of them throughout the year because they won't last as long. >> that is correct. >> other thing you found which was amazing and you turn me on this to company. is there a couple different co that give back to schools and teachers, is that right. >> yes. >> thinks called youbee and it is one for one. you boon one book, they give one book to a teach their need it in a classroom. >> correct. >> the whole premise behind it is teachers spend on average $485 of their own money per school year on just essential school supplies. >> okay. >> so the company is giving back for are item you buy they are donating an item to a teacher. >> these are things you bought for jolly, you like them because they are affordable and they are cute. >> super cute. >> yes. >> jacqueline are you ready to go back to school. >> yes, you are. >> okay, i love it. great ideas. you guys have been doing your summer reading ? >> yes. >> is that true. >> yes. >> a little true. >> a little bit. >> okay. we will talk about how to get kid reading. thank you very much. i love all of this stuff. i will not complain about school supplies anymore. >> never. >> never. >> i really like going school supply shopping because you can pick different colored stuff and get cute things that matched. >> nifty binders. >> yes, yes. >> um-hmm. >> we didn't have any money when i was growing up so we just had to use just newspaper to wrap my books. >> wood up to dip into something. >> yes, my pencils. >> yes. used roxanne sticks to draw on the rocks, yeah, chalk. this young lady is 10 years old and she's an advocate at the age of 10, this young laid friday new jersey makes her voice heard, she joins us to talk about her transgendered children, amazing rebecca next. having moderate to severe plaque psoriasis is not always easy. it's a 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prescribed biologic by dermatologists. humira & go. saturday night i was with some folks and a couple young ladies ordered moscow mule. it seems like a girly thing. >> yes. >> listen to this, state officials in the state of iowa , are cracking down on the moscow mule. >> they are enforcing a rule that prohibit southern drinks. it has to do with the ph level in the drinks. it chris wine, vinegar and mule drinks. high levels of copper can be poisonous, but some bar owners say risk is so minimal you get more cop inner a daily bite. >> yeah. y don't want to take any chances. >> hey, copper. >> we have to ask, i don't know, but bartenders why do they have to be in the copper mugs. that is how you get moscow mule. >> true. >> it must be an effect because why would they only have them in the copper mugs. >> we have a lot of bar tend their watch this show, they are just coming off work. >> are they awake. >> barely. >> why we serve that drink in the copper mug. >> um. >> tweet us, let us know. >> so this s td scandal involving usher got interesting. >> we know two women, right, filed the suit. now a man has been filing suit , claiming that usher exposed him to herpes. usher failed to warn them about his alleged s td. more information is coming out later because they are having a news conference, usher people's is. usher reportedly paid out 1.1 million-dollar to another would man who claimed and now we are hearing about these new allegation from his different people. two women and a man now. >> he gave a million-dollar for that. >> i saw a head line, i didn't read story but his wife seemed to be unbothered and she's standing by him but i didn't read all of it. i don't know how they know it. we will see today when they have that press conference. >> i took a picture with usher right out here on market street. >> really. >> the roots picnic not last year but year before he was the headliner. >> yeah, he was great. >> maybe i'll, contact my attorney. >> stop it. >> horrible. >> look at you. >> i'm not on it. >> no, not on it. >> i'm on. >> yes. >> maybe, now maybe that phrase means that too. >> i'm not adulting. >> yes. >> you are on. >> yes. >> okay. >> whatever i'm on i need to get off of it immediately. good day it is monday, august 7th, 2017. >> or in. losing a legend. >> fly ball deep to right center field backings van slyk e. >> former phillies catcher darren daulton dies after a battle with brain cancer, we will take a look back at dutch 's leg ace which his teammate tommy green. advocate at age of 10. >> yes, i am's transgendered but i'm doing what my heart tells me to do. >> young girl from new jersey joins us, to talk about her mission to help other transgendered children. preventing the summer slide, if your children are less than happy to head back to school, and in just a few weeks, we have help, simple fun things to do right now to get them excited about going back to the classroom. >> most viewed on you tube, first it was getting gang um style and then last month a new you tube favorite. >> ♪ >> but wi z khalifa has been dethrown the new song claiming top spot. >> so what would be the top spot. >> i can give you a hint. i predict this song would be big, on this show, i said it. this will be the song. >> yes, that was back in may, when we predict what would be the song of the summer. >> um-hmm, yes. >> casey casem over here. >> yes. >> well, you are right. >> when you are right, you have to tell everybody. >> it is so rare. >> yes. >> well, that is true. >> look at you. >> it is all right. >> hi, everybody, it is august the seventh, just to let you know that. that is my job. >> well, i say at least the rain wait the in the weekend was over. >> true. >> because yesterday was second street festival, they had thousands of people out there. it was a nation. >> yes. >> it was such a great time. >> yes. >> and now, not so much. >> it is yucky this morning. out of 10, hopefully you will get through the day okay but bus stop buddy is ready for rain, phillies cap on and temperatures in the 60's and 70's, i don't think he will get much time in the pool today flash flood watch starts at noon and goes through evening hours and possibility of the several inches of rain in the short period of time and there is rain moving through area right now anyplace you see orange, red where the rain is heaviest, so it comes and goes and just damp here in olde city right now with 67 degrees, high of 73, a few thunderstorms here and there through the evening hours where we're going to see rain tapering off overnight with a low of 66. there are brighter days in the seven day forecast but first we have to get through this morning. >> that is right. >> karen and i brought a couple kid in the city to dot ride the ducks, yes, it ways a great idea at the time, only to find out that the ride the ducks are no longer in business. >> they have migrated. >> did you get a dingy and go out in the delaware. >> we did the double decker bus though. >> it was cool. >> upper deck of the bus, you learn a lot of stuff about the town you live n live look here at the vine street expressway accident boom, right here eastbound near broad street causing a backup on the to the schuylkill expressway backup on the bennie from mid span into downtown, at eighth and vine. forty-two freeway extra heavy because of an accident near 295. we have seen on and off showers this morning, tractor trailer accident right at the intersection of the york and county line road, slow go on the turnpike from willow grove over to valley forge and heading to the airport expect delays. that rain will be with us all day so check with the airline before you head down to the airport. mike and alex back to you. people are weighing in on moscow mule. >> okay. >> what are they saying? >> just makes it cooler, copper keeps it colder, that is pretty much it they say. >> why don't we drink everything from copper then. >> i don't know. >> who want a cold drink. >> hold on, someone, carroll from parx restaurant she would know she's a general manager. moscow mules are served in copper mugs to keep a drink cold. that is really the only reason centuries ago all people drank out of copper cups. that is all they had. >> why don't we keep it opened to keep all of our drinks cold that is interesting. >> if you live in iowa, then you have to be careful. thanks for the pictures you are send nothing. if you have had a chance to take picture of darren daulton in the city and in fact the entire sports world is talking about this right now. darren dutch daulton has died. >> here's another viewer photo from, tracie, i met him once at phillies spring training. i am so sad. you will be missed. we found out late last night, he died after a four year battle with brain cancer. >> here's the thing, in 2013 he was diagnosed with this brain cancer. very aggressive form of brain cancer. but then i remember two years ago doctors said he was cancer free after another surgery. he had extensive chemotherapy, radiation, things were looking pretty good. and then... >> i have green to these fans here in philly and they are behind me now, so, that makes a difference. personally i like to play in front of them. that is why i signed here. >> yeah, and came back. his non-profit the darren daulton foundation helps people who are affect by brain tumors and cancer and helps their families. >> so steve keeley is in bala cynwyd we have been hearing from steve, he has been talking to people. >> yep. >> reporter: everybody has their stories and they are calling into anthony gargano to the fanatic. i can tell you how popular he and that 93 team were i grew up in philadelphia. when vet stadium first opened, you could get in there for 50 cents. it was called sky deck. 700 level seats, before it was called 700 level. we went in with a paid adult and paid 50 cents for a ticket face value. because the team stunk. first time they went over a million fans in attendance. it was a big deal. guess what, 93 team went over 3 million. that was a record until we see these modern day teams in the nice new old fashion ballpark. so the popularity of that 93 team, even though they didn't win championship like 1980 phillies did was so big around town, that was a hard ticket to get even for the huge veterans stadium. outside here at 97.5 the fanatic, we shot video inside of anthony gargano, our old friend from fox 29 and aytan, among people in the surprised at all that people are calling in, crying, on the phone as they talk about the memories of dutch daulton whether they were little kid when they played or when they were adults when they played. it doesn't matter. they all feel an emotional link to this guy. >> when you are 12, 13 years old and looking at this kid as a kid we are looking at dutch, you are growing up with him. one of the few athletes in philadelphia where both your dad and your mom knew for different reasons but everybody in the household was aware of dutch. >> he had that kind of weird, charm about him that resonated and of course he was a handsome dude, buff, the whole thing. girls loved him. for a while we knew dutch was cool and he was quarterback, the catcher, that meant he was quarterback. he had that really relaxed always shook hands and always looked kind of cool. >> slice ago way from gant and deep to left, outta here. >> reporter: we put that in as a treat because you can say outta here when darren daulton hit a home run harry kalas but i am sure you say welcome into heaven as you get one of your favorite player if not the favorite player side by side again together harry kalas and darren daulton. the number 10, another personal story, i was upset when daulton got number 10 in the early 80's because to me number 10 will always be larry bowa. bowa won a championship. why didn't they retire larry bowa's number. they are so well loved in philadelphia but carli lloyd, our favorite soccer player greatest female soccer player ever, she said, darren daulton was her all time favorite. that is why she choose number 10. greatest person on the soccer team. she pick number 10 because darren daulton wore number 10. >> so true. >> more people, i think people are doing. that we had a viewer tweet us, she said i always pick number 10 when i played, soft wall because i loved dutch. >> there you go. >> i think they will. >> we will keep you updated on that. >> for a second sunday night, police had to deal with rowdy teens outside of the lonnie young recollect center in germantown. when police first got the call around 10:00 o'clock last night the group was about, 350 to 400 youngsters. fairly peaceful as a matter of fact. thirty minutes later there were reports that rocks were being thrown at the police. this is not the first time, it happened, on another sunday night this sum ber three weeks ago. it was july 16th. police responded to a similar disturbance call. >> 8:10. advocate at the age of 10, young girl from new jersey makes her voice heard, she will join to us talk about her mission to help others transgendered children. fios is not cable. we're a 100% fiber optic network. and with the new fios gigabit connection... you get our fastest internet ever. with download speeds up to 940 megs - 20 times faster than most people have. switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for $79.99 a month online for the first year. plus hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for two years, all with a two-year agreement. and switching has never been easier. get out of you contract with up to a $500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. go to hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the 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accident off to the shoulder, eastbound on the vine right here near broad street, look at this guy riding up the shoulder trying to squeeze back in there this delay rolls back on to the schuylkill expressway, ben franklin bridge, hit and miss here but for the most part jammed mid span into downtown at eighth and vine, freeway coming to a halt north bound heading in toward philadelphia , all because of an accident near 295 and now we are seeing some extra volume for gang coming right back from the shore, coming up parkway and ac expressway, coming back from the beach on a monday morning. how long will this rain hang arm? sue will have it in 15. so here's what is happening, we've got this frontal system kind of stalled to the south and then several areas of low pressure that are moving along that front and when you get, right in the middle of that low, you will get heavy downpours. we have one headed our way right now and another one for later this afternoon and maybe a third one but we do occasionally see a little bit of lightening on our radar over chesapeake bay, we have in the seen any thunder or lightening around here but we are just getting enough, dealing with these heavy downpours, so, it looks like montgomery county and parts of the bucks county getting hit with the downpours right now and just here along mays landing, along the expressway, and that is where we were going with that one. bone salem getting over a heavy downpour and now up in levittown. basically seems to be moving from the southwest to the north east and we have got the flash flood watch in effect for this afternoon and this evening, and just preparing a couple of computer models, you know north american model has, over an inch and a half of rain, close to an inch, global model and european is somewhere in between. so everybody will be get around a inch of rain but if you get isolated thunderstorms after today we're in the 70's and 80's looking good for rest of the week, chance, next chance of showers will be on friday. >> we may have lightening and thunder. >> we could easily. >> 8:16. >> we will continue to get more and more reaction of the passion of former philadelphia philly darren daulton. >> man known as dutch passed away yesterday at the age of 55. he was a key part and leader on that 93 phillies team that surprised the country by winning the national league pennant eventually losing to the toronto blue jays. oh, joe carter. in six games in that world series. >> slicing away from gant, deep to left, out of here. >> outta here. >> so now to share more memories about dutch business a former teammate. >> joining us on the phone former philadelphia phillies pitcher tommy green, one of his good friend. >> hi tommy. >> good morning guys. >> i know it is a tough day for you. before we talk burr friendship how would you, we have been trying to describe dutch all morning, how would you describe him. >> i'll tell you what, as a teammate, as a ball player, within of the toughest, greatest leader, a best friend a baseball player could have on the field. that is why he was leader of the team. he what'seee leadership. he would get on a young guy. he would help teach me how to play the game. you hear it all morning saying how people learned how to play the game from the old school guys. i learned how to play the game from him. a lot and it made meehan old school guy the way i learned bit. i was trying to think of the right word to say about him. biggest heart, biggest smile, he had nine knee surgeries. probably the toughest man i have ever known. >> i forgot about nine knee surgeries and all that catching. >> why did you two connect so strongly as, best friends. >> well, i'll tell you what, i mean it is hard to say, dutch had a lot of friends and i considered him one of my best friends. he changed my life. i had a lot of things happen in my life not just professionally as a ball player but he helped me no matter what. he helped me as a pitcher. but, he helped me personally in my life. me going through some tough time, me losing my first wife to cancer, and he was there for me and now, i'm married again, he got me rhea quaint todd my wife now. it is something about that friend shape that everybody says that he had a sixth sense i seriously do believe that. he changed my life and helped me. >> he introduced you to your wife, how did you do it. >> well, first of all, i met my life, my current wife now, back in my first year of pro baseball. i met her in spring training. it was our first spring break. that was back in 1986. it was years later. she run into him. he called her, she had asked about me. he knew me, obviously he d they talk over the phone. he said about me losing my first wife to cancer. they had a real good conversation. he ended up giving her my number. we don't give outnumbers. he gave her my number. she texted me. and then that is the thing about it dutch, you just don't give outnumbers to people. he changed my life. that change my life forever. that was the start of it. >> so, he wasn't catching you in 91 when you hat the no hitter. >> no, in 91, another darren was, darren fletcher. >> oh, yeah. >> darren was, dutch was on the dl, him and lenny had been in the car accident. he had got in the car accident with lenny and they were out together. thank goodness that was only time that happened, was that wreck they were on the dl they were able to come back from. but that was one of the things that i had had to say only thing that was missed in my career was could have made it any better was dutch being able to catch that game. >> i know you have known him so well. it feels like all of philly feels like he was such a big personality. everybody feels like they know him. is there something about him that people may not know that you would want to share with him. >> is there all kinds of things. when you hear about the leadership qualities and the type of man and type of player he was, i mean, just being around him there was never, he was always there for you. he was willing to get you, pat you on your back and let you know you did a good job. not only that smile he had he always had a smile for you and made a young guy feel welcomed , a rookie, you know, not feel too intimidated. that is part of being a rookie coming up as far as initiation process. but he always made me feel comfortable, being part of the ballclub and off the field he made you feel like you were equal. he was over me. he made you feel just like we played the game. we were equal. it was just a great, great, great man. so easy to talk to and he will be missed. today with the rainy think angels are crying but i know talking to him, knowing him, i know he wants to us enjoy, celebrate life too and that is how we like us to go bit to celebrate his life. >> we cannot put it better than that angels are crying. tommy, thanks. >> we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> quick break. how would you like to earn four times gas reward points? that'd be awesome... you can do that? just buy participating grocery items during the anniversary sale and you'll earn 4 times the gas reward points. groceries for gas rewards, i wish! right now, get pepsi, diet pepsi or mtn dew 2 liter bottles 88 cents, and lay's potato chips, buy one get one free. can i get one more wish?! the acme anniversary sale. it's just better. you predict this. >> yes, despacito. >> it is the beat it is officially most watched video, on you tube. >> really. >> yes. it has more than 3 billion views and we said previous record holder was see you again but here's the interesting thing bit, the one that has been number one recently all over has been version remix with justin beiber, but most viewed video on you tube is original song, without beiber. >> it is because of her. >> he got left out of that one or maybe they just didn't review video. >> 2 billion of those views. >> i have it honorary pete and play it over and over. >> what does that mean it means slowly. >> i listened to, translated some of the lyrics, it is i want to kiss your neck slowly. >> okay. >> i am the metal and you are the magnet. you are the metal and i am the magnet and something else you don't remember all of. >> it says, i want to sign the walls of your labwinth, make your body a manuscript. >> it is interesting to see, lear is. >> can we clear children and clergy out of the studio. >> father please. >> i will sign the walls... >> it is lyrics man, don't look at me. >> i'm not sure where the walls are. >> are we taking a break? okay. >> yes. >> i see her, and advocate at age of 10, there is a young girl from new jersey makes her voice heard, she joins us live in the studio next, she's on a mission to help other transgendered children, meet her next. discover card. hey. what can you tell me about your new social security alerts? oh! we'll alert you if we find your social security number on any one of thousands of risky sites, so you'll be in the know. 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sixty-seven at the moment. only heading to 73. pretty cool for august. few soaking thunderstorms are possible today and this evening. heavier rain will be during the afternoon hours, and we're& already seeing enough rain this morning and it is just been enough bob kill toy make a big mess on the roadways. >> just enough to mess things up on a monday, good morning, everybody. delays on septaes a regional rail line we have the three here media elwyn, doyletown and the thorndale regional rail line, septa's trial route 11, 13, they have postpone the track project so normal service this morning. live lot at schuylkill we have slow go coming and going a crawl leaving town on the right, eastbound on the left, put 45 or 50 minutes on the clock. northbound i-95 watch for an earlier accident near academy road. live look at 42 freeway north bound stacked up, folks coming back from the shore all because of an accident near 295. mike and alex, back over to you. real quickly here president trump's announcement that transgendered individuals would not be permitted to serve in the military in any capacity sent shock waves through the lbgtq community. >> they face issues every day from which bathroom to use, tell us where they need if they don't identify the with the sex they are assigned to at birth. many are children just trying to find their own way. >> yes, i'm transgendered but i'm doing what my heart tells me to do. >> reporter: rebecca was get speaker at new york city pride rail, 10 year-old new jersey native has been living as a girl since she was eight years old but this baby was brought home from the hospital. as a child grew the family noticed preference for pink, toys the girls that would traditionally choose. they throughout nothing of it until they started to become anxious, withdrawn, depressed. at the age of seven they walk into a room and saw window screen had been punched out and realized their child wanted to jump. they met with therapist to help them get to the root of the sadness. their child was transgender. their mother, father, two brother supported her transition. after a year of home schooling her parents enrolled her in public school and allowed her to change her name to rebecca which happened to be one of the girl names on the short list when her mother was pregnant. rebecca is now an advocate for other transgendered children. >> i'm proud to be myself in a world that would rather that i was than the. i'm proud to stand up and demand that i have the same rights as every other kid and ill won't give up until every trans kiddies safe, until every trans kiddies seen and valued. >> pretty darn good speech here. rebecca is here. her mom jamie is here. executive director of garden state's quality is here, christian fussreno you would not have messed that up. >> no. >> i was not giving speeches at 10 but welcome to good day philadelphia thanks for being here. >> thank you that was pretty cool, you were the gay pride in new york. >> yeah. >> what but talk. >> i just said transgendered people need supporting and it is okay to be transgendered, it is not a problem. >> mom, you must be so proud. >> i am you are beaming there. >> so when did she start identifying as a girl, how young. >> so, she was always a a typical boy, she liked, pink, purple, and we didn't think anything of it. colors are for everyone. but by the time she was seven to eight we started to unpack other pieces. she got more anxious. she started to struggle more. we were able to discover this is who she is. >> sounds more than just anxious that she was really struggling. >> at the end there we went through a tough, crisis point where, depression, anxiety were crippling, so she wasn't enjoying anything she had enjoyed before and was just at worse didn't want to be alive. >> then you went to the therapist to try to figure it out. >> we had been in counseling helping her along the way. that is where we were with our doctor, counselor, gender specialist helped us unpack that to really understand. >> in 2017 we are more enlightened and that is fantastic. what did you think was going on? >> good question. when she was little maybe she will be gay, of course, sexuality and gender are entirely different things and they have nothing to do with each other but we didn't know until she started to have the language and we treated depression and she was able to say no, this isn't who i am, i'm a girl. >> she was home schooled. >> that was during the year she was home schooled. it just happened because we were switching schools and we hadn't decided where she was going. then she enter the public school system after she transitioned. >> were you nervous at all considering the climate, with their opinions, were you concerned at all about sending her to publish school what that might be like. >> i walk in the office to register with the pack of information this thick and said i need to have a good reason and we need a meeting. >> what was the result. >> they have been incredibly supportive and they have done everything to help her excel. she's a straight a student. she has friends. that is thanks to her support. >> did the superintendent show up personally. >> he showed up at my doorstep day before school started to say we have got this under control. we have your back. >> we got you. >> and it was incredible. >> so rebecca when you were going through all this, what did you say tour parent. i feel like a girl i'm a girl. >> well, it was a family decision kind of but like it was my brother's birthday party that i learned that i was transgendered and then we, it was a pool birthday party and we looked out for gender non-conforming swimsuits and there were lengths for transgendered things and i learned and for like a week or so my mom said like i could be a boy or girl every day and like it turnout that i was just like being a girl at most of the time. >> you are a girl. >> yes. >> how has it been at school. >> my school has accepted me and everyting has been great. my community has been good. >> what has made you want to go out and speak and let people know what you are going through and how it has been. >> what encouraged me to speak was knowing other trans kids don't have the supportive and it is really sad to me that they don't have support. >> some of them think they are loan did you ever feel like were you alone in this. >> a little bit. >> yes. >> kristin, she's amazing. >> remarkable, right. >> what is she providing for all of the rest of us. >> well, i think that we every now and then a young trans person comes along and is able to express to us adults that this is a very, it comes back dunn to feelings. rebecca knew at a very young age how she felt and a lot of times transgendered people describe their experience like waking up every day having to put on shoes that are two sizes too small. when you are listening to a 10 year-old talking about well, i woke up and i felt like a girl every single day. i know i'm a girl. you queen not say that is not right. rebecca doesn't know this adult world and what we have constructed as a society. rebecca guess news how she feels. >> is that what you say, some parents seeing this and saying how do you say, what would you say what would you really know because it started at two. >> at two she just likes basic we didn't have a two-year old who we thought was trans. some kid to articulate it that young. first thing i say when did you know your gender. i always knew i was a girl, it wasn't something i needed to figure on the at 18. so we know that gender identity which is separate then sexuality is formed between two and five. >> we should continue this, because i'm learning every time we have another guest on, you know, things about, you know, when she will go through puberty and stuff like that and ways to slow that down. we will do another segment on that. rebecca, you are cool. >> yes. >> i loved how i mentioned how she will speak at pride. how long was your speech this time it was longer. >> do you a lot of speeches. keep it up. keep us updated on how things are going. >> thank you so much. >> say hello tour dad too, okay. >> yes. >> we didn't have enough chairs for him. so richard, richard curtis will do anything and he will join a roller derby team. good luck with this. >> when i think roller skates, i think summer nights, dj, disco, relaxing, cruising around in the circle well, not today buxmont roller derby girls will show me what it means to be queens of the court, here we go. using artificial tears often and still have dry eye symptoms? ready for some relief? xiidra is the first and only eye drop approved for both the signs and symptoms of dry eye. one drop in each eye, twice a day. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. remove contacts before using xiidra and wait at least 15 minutes before reinserting. chat with your eye doctor about xiidra. welcome back. we are here at buxmont roller derby dolls. if you have never seen a roller derby bout you are probably with the popularity this is a mid sports. we're you the here and girls are kicking butt. i'm here with pain, what is going on, you are you. >> good, how are you it is awesome to say you hooked me up with the shirt. >> yes. >> tell us bit. >> mc jameer which is what he will be doing later on. >> number 29 which is great choice by you guys, right. >> yes. >> why do we pick names. >> it sounds cool, it sounds competitive. >> yes. >> so it scares people. >> well, if i hear pain rolling down on me. >> you runaway. >> this is starting in 1970's as a circus, kind of a side show where people got to see the show and quickly evolved. tell me about that. >> it is more strategic. woman are joining it because they want to be an athlete. this is a good sport for older woman in their 20's and 30's to want to be more active. >> this is a great way to get out and roll. >> what are we looking at they are building these walls and this is how we score, right. >> we have four blockers, who are playing against each other and then a jameer plays offence. >> these are jammers. their job toys get through the pile withou getting knocked over. that is point for that team. >> right. >> solid. >> you would say two major things here are jamming and blocking. you will show me how to do that in our second hit today. i cannot wait to learn. i grew up on in line skates, roller skates are wildly different then the straight line. so, if i fall, chances are probably goody will fall. >> yes. >> in the 9:30 we will get me in there and see how we do. so pain, thank you. jen, let's figure out a good name for jen. >> all right. you're a teacher, richard so these books, some of them don't have word, so how in the world can they get your kid to enjoy reading. we will talk about it next. it is rainin. i have to keep it tight. all right. it is raining. back to you. no, you see a couple lightening bolts popping up on radar. it is possibility it is definitely there of thunder and lightening where you live. you see some of that heavy rain moving right toward dover , delaware here in philadelphia, rain is kind of light but to the north of us up around bensalem is heavier. starting to rain at the shore around ocean county. that is what is going on right now. temperatures bill will not move much, but back in the 80 's once sunshine returns tomorrow, wednesday, thursday, friday is our next chance of rain and it looks like we have no extreme heat in the foreseeable future, there is something good. true, positive. >> right. >> do you want these kits enjoy going back to school. >> she's explaining with jen. >> yeah, havertown with jen. >> reporter: she's reading i big issue. we're here with leann, mom of three, teacher and literacy expert. >> good morning. >> good morning i have a boy, girl, they both have different need. you say a wordless book is a great place to start. >> this is great for younger children when you first introducing their structure, you can, go through a story and talk about it. settle them the story. they can go through word list book and tell the story. >> i thought it would be simple. there is really complicated stuff in here when they have to figure out what the story would be. >> you are building vocabulary , working on different skills, but i very much so encourage these books. >> so especially when it came to brody my son a lot of people said non-fiction or real stories are way to go. sports illustrated your daughter is reading carli lloyd thing. is that both true for girls and boys or how do you feel. >> girls and boys whatever they are interested in. non-fiction is great because you can really get into fit they are interested in soccer, you can read different sports magazines with them. >> other thing you said is trying to get books that have writing in them. >> this is great for children, it can be a social active, reading, writing, asking their friend's question this series of jedi journals they are following directions. >> number one thing you said with boys, hi john thomas is don't make excuses for a boy who does anton read. >> correct don't say my son doesn't like to ready is a boy and that is okay. do not make excuses. there is nothing in the research that says boys shouldn't like reading or don't like reading. >> how do you get attaboy read , john thomas likes to read but it is getting them involves in the books. he loves the star wars books. whatever he is interested in we will get. >> do you think it is better to have more books for less so you can have choices. >> absolutey more is more, we will have a count down party now that the kid go to camp. come back after good day continues. apparently when it comes love it is just a numbers game , cord to go science your odd of meeting the one aren't as great as you want. >> no. >> what are your chances if you leave it up to fate? they will tell you. plus simple things to do to improve your odd out there. >> okay. learning to lie it turns out we cannot trust toddlers. how early did you find your children lying to you at what age was it two, three, four, five, six, um. dude, you were right, these wait...what? the gold fish, man! you said i should buy some. no! i said you should buy gold fish, the new scratch-off from the pennsylvania lottery... with top prizes of $25,000. ooohh.... are there really...? 25,000 of them? yeah. want more changes to win? go to and enter your non-winning tickets for the gold fish second-chance drawing with $10,000 prizes. it will get better after today. it is monday, august the seventh, 2017. woman who who was down the shore all week than was this woman right here karen hepp. in fact all last week. >> all last week. >> welcome back. >> looking nice and tan. >> yes. >> all oiled up, ready to go. >> love is a numbers game according to science now, i like to do this relationship thing at 9:00 o'clock almost every day we do it. the odd of meeting the one, aren't as great as you might

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