Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20160927 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20160927

afternoon rush is dryer, give those wipers a break there this afternoon, bob. >> good morning, everybody. 7:01 on a tuesday, wet behind the ears and already we have had a handful of problems. live look here at westbound route 30. watch this fellow here coming up around the curve. they have the flares and roadway here and then on the eastbound side delays all near route 340 in chester county. here's a picture from i-95 we have headlights southbound heavy from academy into center city. we had an earlier accident at betsy plus your normal delay, northbound i-95 an accident near academy road so that catches you by surprise. here's a live look at 295 and 42 as you work your way in toward the city. we had earlier delays on 495, ben franklin bridge stacked up into downtown. tuesday is the busiest morning rush hour, and this morning, everyone is slower getting out of the gate because of the rain. an accident on the pennsylvania turnpike between reading and morgan town in the eastbound direction. the westbound slow from south philadelphia out to belmont because of the weather, and a new paving project started last night along route 07 here between southampton and pemberton. so just watch for those manhole covers that will get coffee spilled down the front of you there if you hit it at too much speed. south on the lincoln drive down to one lane because of construction and also an accident at rittenhouse, chris and will alex, back over to you. lets talk about last night because gloves were off during the first presidential debate. >> a lot of heated exchanges coming from both hillary clinton and donald trump including this one about temperament. >> my question was -- >> you didn't hear what i said. >> why is your judgment any different then mrs. clinton. >> i have much better judgment then she does. there is no question about that. i have a much better temperament then she has. she spent, let me tell you, she spent hundreds of millions of dollars on antissing, you know, they get madison avenue in the room. temperament. i think my strongest asset, maybe by far is my temperament. i have a winning temperament. she does in the know how to win. wait, aflocio the other day, behind the blue screen, i don't know who you were talking to secretary clinton, but you were totally out of control. i said there is a person, with a temperament that has got a problem. >> so a man who can be provoked by a tweet should of the his fingers anywhere near nuclear codes as far as i think anyone would any sense about this should be concerned. >> wow. >> a lot of interesting moment. speaking of that i want to you hear this. police department in kansas had to tweet out reminder we realize, makee legses run high but being mad at a presidential candidate in a debate is not a reason to call 911. apparently people were calling 911 about this debate. can you believe that? >> reporter: i can believe just about anything. this event last night i think you would have to be a real strong partisan to claim there was a income out blow by either mr. trump or police clinton but clearly a number of spirited exchanges, all of which should give up decided voters something to think about. mrs. clinton took first shot taking aim at mr. trump's claim to be a self-made business success story. >> he started his business with 14 million-dollar, borrowed from his father and he really believed that the more you help wealthy people the better off we will be and that everything will work out the from there. i don't buy that. >> my father gave me a very small loan in 1975 and i built tonight to a company that is worth many billions of dollars with some of the greatest assets in the world. i say that because that is kind of thinking that our country need. >> two battled over their respected controversy, trump's tax returns, clinton's e-mails. >> i will release my tax returns against my lawyer's wishes, when she releases her 33,000 e-mails that have been deleted, as soon as she releases them, i will release, i will release my tax returns. >> i have no reason to believe that he is ever going to release his tax return because there is something that he is hiding, and we will guess, we will keep guests what it might be that he is hiding. i made a his take using a private e-mail. >> that is for sure. >> if i had to do it over again i would obviously do it differently. >> that was more than a mistake. that was done purposely, okay. that was not a mistake. that was done purposely. >> reporter: they tangled over law and order more aggressive policing, including so-called stop and frisk. >> we have to bring back law and order. whether or not in a place like chicago, you do stop and frisk which work very well. mayor guiliani is here. it brought crime rate way down. >> stop and frisk was fund to be unconstitutional and in part because it was ineffective. it did not do what it needed to do. >> reporter: i said at outset there was in income out blows last night that does not mean there may not have been a winner bee decision, to keep with the boxing scene. put together a panel of anonymous republican and democratic executives and operatives, republicans on that panel were decidedly mixed about mr. trump's performance, democrats strongly viewed mrs. clinton as winner so over all the the vote was clinton won by decision, these are operatives from both parties, equal numbers on both side, there were some there that viewed mr. trump missed some opportunities, to score some points, they did not feel like he necessarily connect with the voters, he needed to. going in to that first debate, mrs. clinton led in the national polls but that race was absolutely getting tighter, but mr. trump having the momentum going into that. we will see in the coming days whether this first debate change anything, moved the needle at all guys. >> good point, bruce. one of the interesting back and forths was when donald trump was asked about her appearance whether she looked presidential and he flipped to talk about her stamina and then she said i have been to a million different countries as secretary of state and u.s. it in front of the congressional panel for 11 straight hours but trump didn't hit her on the reason why she was there which was benghazi issue. that height have been a missed opportunity for trump. >> reporter: i think there were some missed opportunities at least as far as these anonymous republican operatives were concern, we talk about people being a in must in this case they are a in house so they can seek freely after events like this. we will see what happens in the future. you learn or hopefully you learn from your debate performance from the first round, obviously two more presidential debates still to come. we will see if this turns out to matter in the long run, voters will tell us that. >> whether or not clinton or trump takes a different path, remains to be seen. >> when they went into this one they were very close in the polls. >> great work, thank you sir. many tweeted away during the debate, of course, lauren is in the news room with more reaction to last night's debate. >> reporter: we broke down how many people were tweeting last night. twitter did some math, after and during the debate. here's what we found out this morning. 62 percent of users were tweeting about donald trump, 38 percent talk about hillary clinton. as for topics, candidates said a lot. so had stood out to most to twitter users and spark hose conversation. here's a break down of the most tweeted topics. number one, the economy, number two, foreign affairs, number three, energy and the environment, number four, terrorism, and number five, guns. >> let's break down top three moments. number three donald trump and hillary clinton's exchange over plan for defeating isis. coming in number two donald trump's reference to stop and friday being. number one most tweeted moment was when donald trump said he has good temper. what do you think about who looked and sounded like the winner. the bruce just spoke to that. lets look at facebook. erin hewitt said clinton won this debate. trump talk in circles got call out and he looked unprofessional. >> linda griffin trump because he was real and honest while hillary was nothing more than a rehearsed politician. >> and then jerry connor who wrote the american people lost, the debates for gather knowledge of each candidate and their ideas and how they implement them and how policies will affect their lives. we have learn nothing and he said, she said, mud slinging event. cnn polled small group of people who think hillary clinton won 62 percent verse donald trump's 27 percent. i have a question for you, will alex and chris. >> um-hmm. >> how many times do you think donald trump interrupted hillary clinton last night. >> boy it seemed like 50. >> alex, your guess. >> i don't know but i necessity hillary clinton was trying to get some comments in too. >> i can tell you both. >> hillary interrupted donald nine times. donald interrupted hillary 29 times. >> twenty more times. again, some criticism for lester holt for not taking a held of that when they went back and forth and saying wait, wait. >> time is up, and who was supposed to be responding. >> i liked it though. i think everyone wanted to see them go at it for once. >> when you look at time spend talking i think donald trump spoke for 44 minutes and hillary spoke for 41. he didn't steel the show as far as taking too much show time but people think lester jump in tame this down and take control back. it seemed like they got equal time speaking last night. >> interesting they and a lot of that time was the last her of this debate you had hillary with trump on the ropes explaining himself about the birther movement, his supporting the decision to go into war with iraq and afghanistan, his taxes. >> he took the bait is what some people were saying. >> they also said hillary didn't dodge any questions from donald trump or there lester, responding and he dodged about nine. so i was looking at all of the numbers kind of like box scores and baseball, reference for you. >> we will talk about this more with some people, at 7:30. >> we have three and three here on each side of this and we will hash it all out. >> lauren, thank you. >> 7:11. for how papers are playing with the debate in their headlines. >> lets look the at trent page of the insuring times they were mentioned by donald trump in the debate, by the way, has a picture of both candidate there candidates press pointed attacks in acerbic debate. >> new york post says donald trump with the plane word using his don not the out. >> the new york daily news choosing hillary clinton calling her, face of the nation. >> and then we have here in philly, philadelphia daily news. >> we will take this one live in the studio. >> it says opposite attack. >> instead of attract. >> hillary and trump in the maim event. >> most creative puns ever from the philadelphia daily news. >> all right. >> speaking of politics. >> the president nominees are to go all they can to win over the american people, of course. vice-president joe biden and first lady michelle obama will advocate for hillary clinton right here in philadelphia today. >> lets bring in dave kinchen with all of the preparations underway. we will have some motorcade madness, is that right, dave. >> reporter: mode or cade madness and the vice-president joe biden leading his own focus group here at temple university at 10:45 asking supporters of hillary clinton hoist campaigning how she did last night. he gave her a shout out on social media we can tell thaw at this drexel university event today it is voter reg [natural sound] station day. biden will urge pennsylvania residents to register to vote ahead of the october 11th deadline and kick off a voter registration drive here in philadelphia. it is vp today, tomorrow it is first lady michelle obama will converge on the lasalle university campus, wednesday, the event taking place at tom gola arena michelle obama has talk about the presidential character of her husband president obama and why she feels hillary clinton is right for the job, after the current president leaves office at noon tomorrow. of course, vice-president nominee's tim kaine mike pence they get their one and only debate on the night of tuesday october 4th in farmville, virginia. back to the current vice-president here at drexel university around main building, an event that looks like it will take place outside. we can tell thaw doors opened around 9:00 o'clock, the event is at the 11:45. back to you. >> dave kinchen live for you. >> 7:14. one man is dead and two others in the hospital after a shoot-out in germantown. >> teenager is one of them. police are trying to determine who pulled the trigger. sabina sure keys is live from police headquarters, hi sabina it is just barely gotten dark, these three drunk men were sitting on the front stoop of the apartment complex in the 1300 block of east johnson street in germantown. now a 22-year old man was shot in the face, he died at the hospital, and a 20 year-old man and a 18 year-old man with also shot the but they are in stable condition. here's the thing though police say there was surveillance camera pointing directly at that front stoop and they believe they may have captured the entire shooting on video. detectives right now going over that surveillance footage to figure out any clues that released the shooters. here's chief inspector scott small talking about what happened. >> we don't know which of the three all of them, some of them were intended target. all three victims were just hit one time. just 22 years old was struck fatally. now 20 year-old, 18 year-old are being interviewed by homicide detectives at this time at einstein hospital. spent shell casings were in close proximity to the victims, they were two separate caliber so there was two shooters or two guns used. >> again this morning police are saying that all of the shots were fired at close range up to seven shots, you heard there, victims all shot one time each. police interviewing the surviving victims trying to figure out. and those gunman still remain on the loose this morning, guys, back to you. 7:15. did you notice this last night? many say donald trump sounded like he had the case of the sniffles. >> in case you didn't hear it, take a listen to this american manufacturers how do you make them bring jobs back. >> don't let the jobs leave. ed companies are leaving. there are thousands of them. they are leaving. the they are leaving this bigger numbers then ever. and what you do is you say fine, you want to go to mexico or some other country good luck. we wish you luck. if you think you will make your air conditioners or your cars or your cookies or whatever you make and bring them back in. >> few comments from viewers on twitter trump's new nickname is sniffles. trump has made hrc sick again. >> i don't hear that. >> i was listening to what they were saying, i don't know. >> it is interesting though i think the whole point is that donald trump had been attacking hillary for her stamina and it came up in the debate and then she took time off because she was suffering from a case of pneumonia. then you have donald trump taking a lot of drinks of water and was definitely breathing heavily or sniffling or whatever it was. >> it the didn't sound like he has a cold or anything. >> just a matter of opinion. >> we had to dissect every moment of the 90 minutes. >> yeah. >> okay. >> we will dissect more in just a minute but first lets get to dave warren. >> is this sniffles weather, this is winterish. >> maybe tonight. >> it is not a bad start, so mild out there but that rain is coming down. rain kept temperatures from dropping tonight, rain is clearing out. still coming down in the coast in new jersey and delaware but it is moving. it is moving on through here south and east of the turnpike now, and continuing to push off the coast. heavier around parkway and ac expressway, atlantic city, brigantine, heavier rain just off the coast of cape may and southern delaware off the coast there sussex county. almost done, it will continue to move out. this is computer forecast had shows after 9:00 we are clear and just a few syringe also but for most part rain is right now between about 9:00 and next hour and a half. then we will clear things out tonight with sunshine that will push temperature in the 70's but that rain comes back. we will see that rain returning as cloud up crease and that will start tomorrow afternoon as it is a stretch of unsettled weather in the seven day forecast, you can see we will get a break this afternoon and morning, rain late wednesday, gannon thursday, even on friday, period of rain. some sun on saturday but then we will dry out and clear out, sunday and monday temperatures back in the mid 70's. morning rush trickier then evening rush, keep those wiper blades going. >> in rushing this morning we have had a dozen accidents from the first gang that were rushing out. here's an example of 42 near ac x where we have heavy rain, again road are wet you may not have that heavy visible rain hit your windshield but roads are wet from the soaking we had throughout the morning. ouch, a live look downtown accident at 16th and vine street local, this pickup truck t boned a vehicle right in the guardrail there. so delays coming into and out of center city. septa's regional rails running with delays both pays yoel i and wilmington line with ten minute delays. and all of those steps in the platforms if they are metal it could be slippery with the rain this morning. vice-president biden coming to town drexel university, event time 10:45. expect police and secret service to go in lock down mode and motorcade working their way in and out of drexel sometimes going in and coming out. that will tie things up around that lunchtime hour. chris, thousand back over to you. 7:19. let talk about the giants receiver odell beckham junior because everybody talking about the game that happened sunday and how he acted and how josh norman was acting. >> little tantrum we have showed you yesterday. now it seems like he wants to forget that moment. he threw his helmet and kick air in frustration. he got in the scuffle with the kicking nets, you know with his point after guys, warm up. watch this. so he is talking. he hinted. bam. yeah. >> then when he was asked about the incident in a interview he acted like he forgot what happened. >> i don't remember. >> i don't remember. >> author man caught you in the air, you looked like you were getting in the ball, were you surprised, the referee did in the call a flag on that. >> i don't remember. >> when you say you don't remember, was there so much adrenaline going on. >> yeah, i don't remember. >> i don't remember. >> i don't remember. >> so do you think maybe he just blacked out. >> no. >> he is embarrassed, that is his way of saying no comment. >> is that the new line. >> yes. >> if you get in trouble look, i don't remember, i didn't take the cookie off the cookie jar. >> it is nfl rule that they have to speak to the media. >> we learn that from marshawn lynch. >> i'm here so i don't get find. >> this is just a new version. >> it is new line, i don't remember. >> you can start using that too. >> what did you say. >> i don't remember. >> perfect. >> so 7:21. disney is considering a major purchase but it has nothing to do with fun rides and movie characters. the purchase that the company is working on a bid for. plenty of big moments from last night's presidential debate? a panel of republicans and democrats, standing by to weigh in, if they can remember. don't forget where you lift your winning lottery tickets. >> you have to remember that. approve this message. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she's a slob. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat chested is very hard to be a 10. does she have a good body? no. does she have a fat [expletive]? absolutely. do you treat women with respect? i can't say that either. considering a big purchase but nothing to do with the amusement parks but this is something different. >> let's bring in adam shapiro to talk about this. >> what are they trying to buy. >> well, let's talk about twitter. the stock when this news first broke that twitter was talking to people about a sale it shot up 20 percent. when bloomberg reported that disney hired an analyst to consult them to consider whether they would get in line to make an offer or twitter, the stock was up as well. one point in the premarket it was up 2 percent. it has fallen back. it is up, a bit. no one understands why disney might be interested in twitter. i mean you've got movies, entertainment, theme parks, twitter is beginning to do some live television streaming but how this would fit into the disney business plan is another issue. bottom line though, a lot of companies seem to be interested in twitter. stock was 72 bucks. today it is around $23 a share. >> wow. >> what would they to with it. >> any ideas what they would do witt. >> take it out for a walk. personally, what would disney do with twitter. there is enough goofy people on it already and they already got one goofy that is true we do have a goofy. >> mickey mouse have a twitter account. >> i don't know. >> thanks, adam. >> thanks, sir. 7:26. let check with jen, she's doing something scar think morning. >> something psychotic or psycho. >> listen, when i go scary, i get to the world's most scary place, and ladies and gentlemen, this is just a little will tiny appetizer of what you will get this morning, it is bates maine tell, you know it, you love it and you know there had to be a creepy clown. happy almost halloween, i'll tell you what we are doing and yes they are opened for business. does pat toomey speak for you? i also want to thank the nra for it's, uh, strong support for my campaign. pat toomey: he opposes an assault weapons ban and got an "a" rating from the nra. "i have had a perfect record with the nra." and on women's health? "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey: does he really speak for you? senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. i'm dave warren in for sue. we need umbrellas, rain coming down across south jersey and delaware. temperatures only this is 60's and 70's. that is where rain is off the coast of atlantic city. it is moving. but by 8:00, 8:30 or 9:00 this morning it should be off the coast. heavier around atlantic city pushing north toward long beach island. heavier rain off the coast of cape hey but clearing to the north and west, skies will clear, we will get a bit more sunshine and that means by this afternoon once rain clears out temperatures could be climbing in the mid 70's, rain just off the coast, gone for now but not for long, coming back in that seven day forecast. temperatures 60's, almost up to 70. we are heading to the 70's this afternoon with sunshine you'll see that by noon and by 5:00 o'clock there is that sun, temperature 74 degrees that rain end from west to east but it comes back from the seven day, those details coming up later, i want to get details on the roadways so lets get to bob. >> good morning, everybody. 7:30 on a tuesday, maybe one of those yucky starts to the morning rush hour, live look at the benny we are stack and pack double jelly doughnut delay to headache ate cross from the tolls up and over into downtown at eighth and vine a combination of tuesday being would be of the busiest morning rush hours and the rain hasn't helped us so everyone will be late for work this morning. live look at 422 eastbound, into king of prussia hello delaware live look at 495 in the heart of the wilmington. all of the roads are wet, some areas down the shore as dave mentioned still getting that steady rain which keeps wipers on. pennsylvania turnpike westbound, an accident right at willow grove interchange and that is causing delays leaving philadelphia, and looking at roughly ten minute delays officially here on septa's paoli and wilmington lines. watch it platforms are slippery and especially those metal steps too walking to or from the broad street subway or market frankford line. motorcade hadness, vice-president coming to town, drexel university the scene, event time 10:45 plus doors opened up at 9:00. expect heavy police presence, secret service go in lock town mode here and then again motorcade, mr. biden sometimes likes to hang in wilmington and come up i-95 and work his way in the event. the chris, back over to you. bob, thank you, sir. as expect the first presidential debate between hillary clinton and donald trump turned out to be a slug fest after they shook hand to start things off. it turned into an hour and a half of attacks on each other, here are just a few fiery exchanges. >> at least i have a plan to fight ice is. >> no, you tell the enemy everything you want to to. we don't have the money because it has been squandered on so many of you're december. >> maybe it is because you have not paid any federal income tax for a lot of yearsy will release my tax returns against my lawyer's wishes, when she releases her 33,000 e-mails that have been deleted. >> as soon as she releases them. >> so we have a panel of guest is here to discuss this debate on your right we have republicans, on the left we have the democrats, here, and we're going to talk to elinor desi, thanks for being here. we have michael brownstein. thanks for coming n on the republican side we have eric elher, celine, and we have nick, say your last name for me. >> that is hardest part of this whole segment for me. >> all right. lets talk about what we just heard. we're talking about how they went at it. it seemed to me in the first 15 minutes and i'll direct this toward the republican side of the room donald trump came out swinging. i thought he had good energy. he was on the attack. then he wavered and went on the defensive. what are your thoughts. >> it is all about what the independent undecided voters thinks and what is showing is they are lining with the republicans, everything that donald trump work. >> i thought he was strong. i thought he stayed on helps age and he seem presidential. he kept his composure. that is what they talked about. him coming in and keeping his cool. i thought he proved that to the american people. >> exactly, he kept his cool last night. he wasn't your typical, i will fight this to the death of me. it was his first debate. hillary has been on plenty of these. she has been raring. this is his first time. he has been on the road. she has been practicing for two weeks. he was just in philadelphia with 6,000 people on the campaign trail. >> on the democratic side, elinor what your thoughts for like the first 15 minutes. >> i thought he was going to be a little bit more tempered and he was for the first 15 minutes and then he went off that page. i'm sure his staff was sweating bullets. he was getting into the weeds. he did not answer the the questions, of lester holt was asking. he just could not answer your question. >> owen, your thoughts. >> i think he got bogged down in personal attacks over his taxes, over his iraq war which has been proven again to be false. he was repeating the same lines that he has been repeating all year. >> there was only one person who looked presidential and that was hillary clinton last night. it was very clear from the back and forth that she has been prepared and donald trump hadn't. that will be a important quality moving forward. >> to that even, the quality of having disposition to hold the office of command are in chief here's what donald trump said about his temperament. >> why is your judgment any different then mrs. clinton. >> i have much better judgment then she does. there is no question about that. i also have a much better temperament then she has. i think my strongest asset, maybe by far is my temperament. i have a winning temperament. i necessity how to win. >> secretary clinton. >> the afl-cio the other day, behind the blue screen, i don't know who you were talking to secretary clinton but you were totally out of control. and i said she has a problem with temperament. >> you laughed there. >> what were your thoughts. >> he hit her hard. that is the big thing they are saying about donald trump temperament. we are seeing donald trump does have demeanor to be president. hillary clinton has had 30 years to prepare, all she has is negative advertisement. we need a change. done add trump is that breath of fresh air in the broken system and that is yes is winning. >> you have an opposite reaction i'm guessing. >> she is, without a doubt, looking like a former, you had senator, secretary of state, prepared for this role to for her whole life and she necessary how to answer the questions. she has put forward strategic plans, put fort issues women, children, education all of the things that people care about. >> one of the things i found interesting here was that lester holt asked trump, about the point where he made that she, he said she did the not look presidential, and then he went right to saying this. >> i will release my tax returns, against my lawyers wishes, when she releases her 33,000 e-mails that have been deleted. as soon as she releases them, i will release. i will release my tax returns. >> i have no reason to believe... >> we took that out of order. lets play the one about lester holt asked about what he said about mrs. clinton a experience. >> mr. trump, secretary clinton became first woman nominated for president by a major party. earlier you said she doesn't have quote presidential look. she is standing here, right now what did you mean by that. >> she does than have the look, she doesn't have the stamina. i said she doesn't have the stamina. i don't believe she has the stamina. to be president, of this country, you need tremendous stamina. >> wait a minute, lester, you asked me a question? did you ask me a question? you have to be able to negotiate, our trade deals. >> as soon as he travels to 112 countries and negotiates, a peace deal, a cease-fire a release of dissidents and opening of new opportunities in nations around the world or even spend 11 hours testifying in front of a congressional committee he can talk to me about stamina. >> so, with that response, from hillary clinton was that an opportunity missed by donald trum top talk about benghazi why she was in front of the congress for those 11 straight hours. >> i feel like he hissed an opportunity with that but i will touch on the point of her not looking presidential. let's talk about her passing out on labor day, where has she been on the campaign trail for last two weeks, hiding. we still don't know what is going on with her medically. that was reference he was headaching not talking about her look or physical appearance he was talking about her health because she passed out. we don't know what happened. >> lets talk about the split screen there a lot of people on twitter and some pundits reacting to the 98 minutes of the debate said that it didn't look positive for donald trump with his, well, reaction i have face, his demeanor. >> split screen didn't do him well. he kept drinking water. he looked like he was being very aggressive and he looked like he didn't have stamina lets be clear when he said stamina in the context of the question, he was really saying was maybe we shouldn't have a women be president and that is what the audience will interpret it has and that is a very big problem lets have a republican women, react to that. >> hillary didn't to have drink water because her pumping her for iv fluids for the last three weeks. after said that it is not about her look but it about who she stands for and what she said. after 30 years of doing nothing in washington, she studied three-quarters of a billion dollars of negative ads. there are not any accomplishments. >> we could focus on this the next three hours. >> nick, real quickly, debate number two, if your advising trump what would you advice. >> i mean you're going against hillary clinton. she brings up this 11 hour testimony, and more questions then answers. what do we know about this. we know nothing about it. >> owen what would you advise mrs. clinton. >> well look i am a republican and i left the republican party for this election simply because of this outlandish speculation about that we just heard about secretary clinton's health. as long as trump and his surrogates keep up that speculation, there is nothing clinton need to do besides stay on message. >> round two will be in st. louis. stay tuned. >> guys, thanks so much for coming in. >> thank you. >> we will be right back. when it comes to risking social security on the stock market... pat toomey wrote the book. "i'm...i've got a whole chapter in my book where i... specifically lay out how i think we should... reform social security." toomey's plan requires wall street and bankers to manage... the accounts. collecting fees out of your social security that could... total billions. fees they collect, even if the market crashes and... seniors lose everything. pat toomey's looking out for wall street, not pennsylvania. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. we have got some rain all around the board, live look, stacked up here coming out of the tolls, up and over in downtown. been that way, tuesday is normally of the busier of the normal rush hour and throw in some rain there everybody will be late for the office. accident southbound 309 near susquehanna. right before that pennsylvania turnpike live look in wilmington delaware. it may not be heavy rain stepping out of the front door but road are wet and they have been slippery. we have had a dozen accidents right out of the gate on our majors this morning. westbound on the pennsylvania turnpike an accident at willow grove interchange that crash i showed you on 309 right here near susquehanna. be careful as school buses are picking up little once. most regional rails are running with scattered delays, because of weather, and we have had, drexel university the site. that time frame 7:45. get ready for motorcade, madness and will tie us up for a shut down and then motorcade heading back out of town. i got word that, and, because of the weather. and dave has answer in 15 seconds. rain is rolling out of here right now, not completely gone from the area just yet, atlantic city still seeing rain but heaviest off the coast. put this in motion, you can see it is gradually clearing from west to east, and still to have deal with rain, from atlantic city down parkway to cape may, even parts of the delaware there that rain coming down to sussex county and continuing to push off coast, where it is picked up and where it is for our computer forecast by 9:00 o'clock off the coast and then we will see it clear up a bit. little bit of rain might try to linger a bet but stay off the coast. the once we get sunshine then our temperatures will climb from the upper 60 ease in the 70's this afternoon. however is there an issue in the seven day forecast, so we are clearing late today and that rain is late, tomorrow, periods of rain, thursday, friday, more rain, and clears out saturday by sunday and monday looking pretty good towards the end of that seven day forecast, we will be right back. as we get to october and more halloween season who could forget infamous bates hotel from the movie, psycho. you know, what we have been talking about. >> look at this. >> vacancy, they check in but they never really seem to check out if you know what i mean. >> one of the most scariest and popular scenes from the alfred hitchcock movie psycho. i don't want to go to a place called bates motel i think i would go someplace else. >> no, this is where you want to be because if you get scared you might as well get scared by the world's best. and here's what i love about these guys. they are not all of the same. we have a creepy clown, we have a farmer situation there don't look at me, creepy clown. randy, these are your guys. this is your staff. >> some of them, yes. >> have they go in because i'm freaked out. ladies, you guys can go in there now, okay. you have been name world's scariest. you don't take that lightly. you make sure people come here they will go home very, very terrified. >> we absolutely do our best to make it the best family haunt add tracks in the country. >> so where are we we are in glen mills. >> glen mills pennsylvania, 30 minutes outside philadelphia. >> so we will go in a back door situation. even though it is scary, it is a family attraction. >> it is, we don't to any crazy stuff. >> where are we going ? this door. it is scarring me. lets let mike the camera guy go first. every year you update it, you basically have new rooms every year. >> we try to change it up, headache it fresh. >> do you have a thing where if you want to you can tap out if it is too scary for you. >> not really, you know, our actors are trained if they are having a hard time to take them to the chicken exit. >> so is what the minimum age for person to come in... >> my gosh, you guys. >> go to the bates motel and we cannot get them anymore. i hope she's okay. that is not good. i don't think i could do it, nope, nope, too scary. we will check on jen to make sure she's okay. lets talk about last night, shall we, no shortage of insults and attacks there last night's goes debate. best moments coming up in a live report from new york. a new report that could headache morning sickness easier to handle for hotters. all of the nausea could be a good thing for your baby. i'm really good at war. i love war in a certain way. including with nukes, yes including with nukes. i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me. i want to be unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. expecting moms may disagree but morning sickness could be a good thing. >> tell them that doctor mike. >> this study found in woman with nausea they were 50 percent less likely to have a miscarriage and that they had nausea with vomiting 75 percent reduced risk of having a miscarriage. >> if you are feeling that morning sickness that means things are doing what they are supposed to be doing. >> it is very important for women to know. my wife, for instance did not have any nausea or vomiting. >> really, lucky her. >> she lives with me she's suffering all the time. >> i vomited when i heard you were coming in this morning. >> a lot of people do, get the in line. >> the thing is what happens when you get pregnant you have increaseness estrogen, and hcg, all of these hormones, play havoc with your system. so bottom line, folks, it is a good thing but don't worry. >> what is that harmone, slow down and say that. >> beta hcg, human cover beyond i can... >> yes, that is you why are a doctor. >> steve keeley loves when i talk science. >> that is you why are a doctor. >> you have two children. so what is it, that elevated chemical that the one you mentioned the harmone that causes this. >> we think that is what it is, we don't really necessity but it is probably this harmonal effect this eclipse of hormones, that make women that are pregnant have nausea and vomit. >> was this something you came out with so that way when your wife's are complaining about, oh, morning sickness, no, everything is going fine. >> no. what i would do is bring my wife, frequent small meals, maybe a little bit of ginger ale because ginger tends to calm that. if you do those things, one, she will love you even more and secondly you will help her with the nausea and vomiting. that is the key. but what works for some doesn't work for others and it is hit and miss. you have to find out what works for you. >> if you are out there and pregnant and you have nausea and touch of the vomiting. >> did anyone have touch of vomiting after watching the debate last night? >> well, we're segwaying into the new concept of, having everyone stressed over this election. >> yes. >> i read this, from bruce gordon doctor mike in kansas people were calling the police they were so work up watching this debate. they were tweeting saying don't call 911 if you are upset about the debate. >> it is called election industries december order and people are going to psychologists and psychiatrists, because they are suffering from anxiety and stress over this election. no matter where you are coming from. every patient that comes into my office, has the same thing, they are all stressed. have one. we are a unified nation. we're all stressed. >> about the future, the economy, where are we going, what are we doing, what will happen with our kids. all of these things are very, very important. >> do you get a doctor's net for that and take a day off. >> so watching an event like this can trigger, you are saying, they are already stressed to the max. then you watch an event like this and which can trigger something. >> that is right, it is like a super bowl effect. the this has been studied. you watched super bowl number of heart attacks go up. what do you do you eat bad food, you probably have after lot of people are eat ago the lot of fatty food last night, comfort food trying to help them get through this. that increases your risk along with high blood pressure, and stress and other big word, watching somebody say something and your blood starts boiling. it is all not very healthy. >> think of the poor foulke living in new orleans and atlanta they had monday night football game to watch and flip back and forth between the debate and the game. >> that is why two things, folks. exercise and mindful meditation. >> and let it flow. >> everything in moderation is what you say. >> everything in moderation. >> how do you learn about this meditation. i think it would be good. you can talk after the show. >> i am going to, we are going to hire a massage therapist in my office. >> what? >> we have a nutritionist as you know. >> yes. >> this is not antis. , i'm not taking any new patients, i'm sorry. >> i haven't seen you for a while. >> yes. >> you should. >> because everyone is struggling with their weight and everyone has a problem with stress and anxiety. >> bob kelly want to be a patient. >> he is getting on the table right now. >> my goodness. >> hey, bob. >> bob, i'll bring my bag next week, we will do it. >> okay good on air. >> i will give you you an exam. >> this is something else. >> i just want a massage. >> the full monte. >> be gentle. >> thanks, doctor mike. good day, it is tuesday, september 27th, 016. from the handshake to a tongue lashing. >> a man who can be provoked by a tweet should not have his fingers anywhere near the nuclear codes as far as i think anyone with any sense about this should be concerned. >> really getting oldy must tell you. >> a good one though. well described the problem. >> in the a accurate one at all. >> hillary clinton and donald trump square off in the first presidential debate, we will take you live to new york with last night's top moments. pray for phil. >> everybody is thinking about you and praying for you. >> community comes together for a special little girl diagnosed with a brain tumor, what her dad noticed while she was playing soccer that is changing all of their lives. and the sugar high, the snacks you are feeding your kid may be too sweet to be healthry so it is time to make a swap. five unhealthy snacks your children are eating and what you should be giving to them instead. >> ♪ >> another hollywood power couple by the the dust, niomi watts and live schieber end their 11 year relationship. what they are looking forward to now that it is over. >> ♪ >> i love that show ray donovan. >> yes. >> got the to love queen. >> rocking it out. >> let's talk a little weather, whether you want to or not. >> rain, rain go away. >> um-hmm. >> can we go out today. >> we need to work on that. >> whatever you want to do, you can go out this afternoon. >> do you promise. >> i promise. >> to you promise that buddy will be celebrating in two weeks when we beat detroit. >> i promise. >> we will be four and zero. >> we will keep an eye on that. >> sixty's with that rain nearby. you need umbrella if you were to go to the south, that is where we are, just around atlantic city and also sussex county. it is moving though. last three hours, we saw it running through delaware, south jersey, now pushing off the coast. still to rain along the parkway and even where the expressway initial to atlantic county. little bit of light rain continuing and maybe a lingering shower but for the most part rain pushing off the coast and that is where it is right now, pick up by computer forecast and gone as shortly as 10:00 o'clock. so within the next hure and a half, we are trying to get it the here this afternoon mainly north and west, clearing to the south and east and more sunshine you get warmer you will be and temperatures in the 60's and 07's with that bright sunshine. better evening commute then the morning commute, is that right bob. >> that is right. rough go since we have been on the air at 4:00 o'clock, heavy rain and we're dealing with the left overs right now. the here's a live look, at route 30, right here near haddon avenue knew dealing with the accident. so again as rain moves out, maybe the wipers, intermittent liz to try to get rain drops off your windshield but everything is wet and slippery. here's a live lot the blue route heavy rolling through delco and a jammo on the bennie from the tolls up and over into downtown, at eighth and vine, just one of those bad starts to the morning. also pack a snack for runway philly international now running with delays mainly on the incoming flights, abe of course that will have a domino effect for departures as that rain moves east and up to the the north we will probably see delays at jfk up next. check with the airline before you put the bags in the trunk to head to the airport and westbound on the turnpike about a three vehicle crash right here near willow grove interchange, also a crash south on 309, right here near susquehanna and a vice-presidential visit today drexel university the spot watch for that motorcade to work your way, even starts at 10:45 and that will tie us up in the second half of the morning and beginning of the lurch have time hour in university city. chris and alex, back to you. vice-president joe biden and first lady michelle obama are hitting the campaign trail advocating for hillary clinton. biden will campaign at drexel university at 10:45 and the first lady makes an appearance tomorrow at lasalle university at noon. >> meanwhile last night's presidential debate looked different then past debates. we have had hillary clinton and donald trump, they faced off for the first time i like to call this round one because bruce gordon joins us live from long island. both candidates stuck to some of their biggest controversies last night, some of them. >> reporter: they sure did. there is only so much you can get in, 98 minutes but they pack a lot of action and adversity between the two of them into that time period. as the two candidates took the stage at hofstra last night or as you say first of three scheduled presidential events it was very clear looks clinton would be the aggressor and that began from the start. part of the trump narrative is his story of the largely self-made, american business success story. the mrs. clinton went after that with some very first comment that she made, take a listen. >> he started his business with 14 million-dollar, borrowed from his father and he really believes that the more you help wealthy people the better off we will be and that everything will work out from there. i don't buy that. >> my father gave me a very small loan in 1975 and i built it into a company worth many billions of dollars with the greatest assets in the world. i say that only because that is the kind of thinking that our country needs. >> reporter: lots of issues tackled last night domestic and foreign. one of the other key issues of the evening the nation's crime rate, of course, a couple big cities, noteably barack obama's hometown of chicago has seen a sky rocketing murder rate over last year or so and mr. trump talk last night about the idea of more aggressive policing, specifically somewhat controversial practice known as stop and frisk. >> we have to bring back law and order. whether or not in a place like chicago, you do stop and frisk which worked very well. mayor guiliani is here. it worked very well in new york. it brought the crime rate way down. >> stop and frisk was fun to be unconditions dogsal because it did in the do what it needed to do. >> now we have talked last night about the fact this was a spirited debate there were not all that many truly outrageous claims made by either side in this one. of course, wild card was always going to be donald trump. i have to say, again last night raise this issue, this claim that the federal reservists artificially keeping interest rates low in order to prop up the economy through this election season to make mr. obama and by extension look good and then they will raise those interest rates afterward and the economy will be in shambles. he has made that claim before without any evidence to back it up, other than the fact that interest rates are low, they have remained le and he feels there is a political thing there. again in evidence backing it up but claim was made again last night, chris and alex. >> interesting, yes. fed chairman alan greenspan was accused of being political at times as well. that is a whole separate issue. >> approximately 100 million people were expected to follow last night's debate, and cnn orc poll found 61 percent felt hillary clinton won contest compared to 27 percent for donald trump. >> so we broke town just how much of you were tweeting about each of the an dates last night. this is interesting. 62 percent were tweeting about donald trump, 38 percent as you can see were tweeting about hillary clinton. here are top three moments that spark mess conversation on twitter, donald trump and hillary clinton's exchange over plan for defeating isis. two donald trump's comments on stop and frisk as bruce just mentioned. number one, most tweeted moment donald trump says he has a good temperament. most tweeted topic during the debate was the economy. big names weigh in on last night's presidential don't on social media. >> number of tweets from actors, politicians and comedian react to go that first debate. model christie teigen she loves to tweet about any and everything. drinking game for tonight is to never stop. >> so, chelsea, says trump decided to yell over hillary like a drunk uncle everyone hates at a holiday dinner. >> and also, who told hillary clinton to keep smiling like she has had her granddaughter's birthday party from the broadway creator of hamilton, tweeting this, well, that was our live theater this evening, vote. >> kept it simple, vote. >> yes. >> well a lot of people were reacting last night on my page i said what do you think about what is going on. i had so many comments from people saying this is how i felt about hillary, this is how i felt about donald. that is what it is for we get to know candidate what they stand for what they would like to do for our country. one down, two to go. >> the election day is november 8th w this social media you can have your voices heard, real time. it has change everything. >> 8:10. >> heart breaking answer homework assignment, one little boy says he has no friends. how people don't even know him are sending their love. but first, pray for phil, a community comes together for a very special little girl diagnosed with a brain tumor, what her dad noticed while she was playing soccer that is changing all of their lives. katie mcginty: franny, johnny, mikey, maureen, jimmy, joey, ricky, eileen, me, and colleen... all 10 of us raised on a policeman's salary and a mom working as a restaurant hostess. imagine trying to do that today, with washington looking out for the favored few. i'll bring a different point of view to the u.s. senate - working class roots and the mother of three, i'll put middle class families ahead of wall street. i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message because it's your turn to get ahead. good morning, once again we got word of a jackknife tractor trailer this is northbound on the new jersey turnpike, right at exit number seven, between seven and 7a as you head north, you can see here lots of folks already using 295 heading up toward hamilton square. hello northeast philadelphia, southbound i-95 been a rough go all day long. we are heavy from academy into downtown. the put 45 minutes on the clock to make that trip into center city. delays at philly international both on arrivals and most likely departures as we role through the day and a accident, westbound on the pennsylvania turnpike at willow grove, when is this rain coming to than a end? dave has the answer in 15 seconds. dave war men for sue and rain clearing out. still coming down around atlantic city and cape may. we have another hour or two before we are completely dry. wait for that sunshine a long the parkway you could see that shower and flip wipers here and there heaviest rain off the coast of delaware. still light rain this sussex county. few lingering showers inland but for mess part steady rain is done for now, clears out, quickly here, but we are looking for sunshine this afternoon. we should get it. helping temperatures climb but rain comes back and not far before it returns in the seven day forecast. you can see it late tomorrow. then we have rain gannon thursday, period of rain off and on. some rain heaviest at time. try and saturday still rain in the forecast, finally that southern storm clears out sunday and monday, and temperatures stay in the the mid 70's but sunshine will make it nice and comfortable. the chris and alex. >> thanks, dave. people in port richmond learned one of their youngest residents had been diagnosed with cancer, well, they have banded together. >> like we have seen a picture of smiling little gill named philomena pop up on your facebook feed, this is her story. >> it has been a rough month for this family seven year-old philomena was running drills with her soccer team earlier this month when her father noticed she didn't have same control over ball that she usually had. so he contacted her pediatrician. mri revealed that she had a mass near her brain stem. biopsy confirms their fears that it was cancer. then another shock, the cancer is inoperable. family turn to prayer, and #pray for phil, and storm the heavens were born. ville know of mens basketball coach jay wright and carli lloyd are among big names showing their support on social media. philadelphia eagles fletcher cox tweeted this video. >> hey phil what is going on fletcher cox from the eagles. we want to you know everybody is thinking but and praying for you, and from the eagles organization, #storm the heaven. >> on sunday they held a block party fundraiser in her name. so philomena cannot be with us today because she's still in the hospital but phil's aunt jean is here with john macintyre her soccer coach and close family friend. known her since she was born. so chris, can you tell us about philomena what kind of person she is. >> she's a little person but she's huge. she has a huge heart and a great smile she's always, she always wants to be better and be her best. when you are with her you cannot help but be better. she's huge. >> she's just a little seven year-old to go through something like this and john, you have known her for what three or four years. >> i have known her my whole life. i have been friend with the family since 13, four years old. >> you have been coaching her. >> i have been coaching her since she was four. i coached her brot ever's soccer team and their two, three years older then her and she judges competes with the kids day in and day out and she's just a fighter. she plays hard and she is tough ape never takes in for an answer. >> you mentioned in the story that is when you guys found out something might be up because of what happened on the soccer field. >> me and her dad. me and her dad were watching her one day. she is very skillful. she was kind of all balance with her moves. >> you said something is not right. >> his father said after practice he was going to take her up. i got a phone call that night and we got the bad news. >> she went in for an mri. >> they discover the tumor. >> yes. >> and then take us through where we are today. >> so today, philomena is still at chop and she starts her radiation therapy to day. >> what are the doctors saying about moving forward. >> moving forward with radiation and chemotherapy and we're taking it one day at a time. we will wait and see how she responds and that is it. but we're hopeful. we believe in the power of prayer. our whole mission and purpose toys get everybody praying for philomena because we have a strong faith and she has brought people together hoff not prayed in years and the whole community seems like it. >> is there a #going around, storm the heaven. explain what that means. >> just what it says her mother said storm the heavens. prayers are the key to open god's heart so lets storm heavens, because we know what we are up against, we need a miracle. so get praying. >> does it help when you hear someone like fletcher cox use the #, storm the heaven. >> or carli lloyd. >> we love that i don't want to use the word publicity because we love these people with followers because hopefully they will follow us and pray and is there power in prayer. it helps. it really helps to see people taking their most limited valuable resource their time and dedicating to it get together to pray for and to be there for her to support phil and our family. >> let's talk about these shirts. we got the together over the weekend, and there were these shirts that they say fight for bean. >> that is her nickname. >> that was from when she was little. >> what does the back show. >> twenty-two is her number. storm the heavens. >> so a lot of people have been getting these shirts. we are seeing purple and pink. >> every where in the neighborhood people have it on. >> tell us how everybody is coming together, and community is coming together. we tell her how she's so loved. >> what does she say when was the last time you talk to her. >> i saw her yesterday. she's just, she's not really aware of the situation that much, she just knows she's in the hospital and we are trying to work to get her better. she's a feisty little thing. we need that fight. she has been great. when people come see her she's happy to see people. i love you guys. that is our girl. >> let's keep praying for her and get her through this. >> storm the heavens. >> radiation treatment today. >> #pray for phil. where can they get the shirts. >> column bye designs, on -- i'm sorry. >> we will put it on fox >> yes. >> tough to talk about. >> yes. >> give her a hug, get her better, right and then bring her back in. >> let's get her better keep praying because that is the power that we need. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. appreciate it. 8:21. another hollywood power couple calls it the quits, niomi watts and live schieber and their 11 year relationship is done. what they say they are looking forward to now that it is over. plus jen is getting us ready for tv tonight. >> yes, new girl there was a big, big relationship situation someone got married. how will they hand that will on the show and what to actors get asked about in real life, we will talk about the people at brooklyn 911 and new girl in a few minutes. approve this message. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she's a slob. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat chested is very hard to be a 10. does she have a good body? no. does she have a fat [expletive]? absolutely. do you treat women with respect? i can't say that either. does pat toomey speak for you? i also want to thank the nra for it's, uh, strong support for my campaign. pat toomey: he opposes an assault weapons ban and got an "a" rating from the nra. "i have had a perfect record with the nra." and on women's health? "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey: does he really speak for you? senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. hi, i'm tom hanks that is how award winning actor interest tuesdayed himself to newlywed in central park. they were getting their wednesday pox tires taken when he was jogging by and decided to stop by and meet the happy couple. tom hanks agreed to pose in a few photos which are posted on instagram and brought to you by fox 29. how cool is that. >> what a wedding surprise. >> that is so cool. >> it is cool. >> i just saw, some really good film. >> it is fantastic. it is fun to see a story about a hero. also tom hanks is always great. >> is there anything he has done that hasn't been great. >> i can't think of any. >> i still love big. >> yes, that was great. >> maybe turner and hooch was a low point. >> yeah. >> i haven't seen that one. >> but he is great in everything. >> first it was brad and angelina and now another hollywood relationship is over. >> actors live schieber and niomi watts well, they are breaking up. >> they have been together for 11 years. they never got married. they have two sons, seven and eight years old. in a statement couple released, and they had a report of the family to separate as a couple. its with great love, respect, friendship in our hearts we look forward to raising our children together and exploring this new phase of our relationship. >> sound like neither one of them wants to get lawyers involved and waste all their money at this point. >> quite amicable. >> it is supposed to be, and, kid who are here and they want to headache sure the kid november lasting effect. >> look what is going on with brad and angelina, that is not not amicable. >> and my kid all they want to to is go right for junk. you may think you are feeding your kid some healthy thanks, no. there are too sweet still, so we will be told if the five unhealthy snacks your children are eating and what you should give them instead. ♪ grocery shoppers of america! take your o organics baby carrots. take your eggs. even your o organics chips. and join the organic movement. organic food is no longer just for the privileged few. now everyone can afford to go organic. o organics, exclusively at acme. celebrity relationships are just dropping like flies, it seems like but goldie hahn says hers is going strong. why she says it was a better idea never to tie the knot. we will see what you think about this. did you hear, your hard scope, toures, heiress, well, that will change. is there a new zodiac sign that is throwing everything out of whack and why nast says it is not our fault. we will tell you your new signs. dave, do you know your sign. is what your sign. >> i'm leo. >> you are not the leo any shore. >> no. >> we will tell you what you are in a little bit. >> tell me how to act then, please. we are mild. buddy lost umbrella, rain coat because rain is pretty much done. one or two more showers along the coast of atlantic city, dunn through delaware but heaviest rain off the the coast, continuing to move out, maybe a few syringe also along the parkway or probably along the coast there of delaware but this heaviest rain clearing out for now, future weather computer shows rain is gone, quickly and then look for some sunshine. we will see sunshine north and west through philadelphia and then clears up, right around sunset tonight, that could lead to a cooler night tonight. nice and mild now. cloud kept it there cooling off too much. we are in the upper 60's, cooler north and west where that rain stops and sunshine, warming up in the mid 70's, there by the of afternoon. sixty-six to 70. seventy-four. rain clear. we will have more sunshine around noon time. 5:00 o'clock but that rain comes back, into the seven day forecast and could be here for a while. look at all of the days with rain, and just a little bit when i compact, alex. >> as you walk in any super market you will see a section geared toward kid when it comes to food. we know help they come home from school first thing they want is a snack. who can blame them. what you probably don't necessity many of these food they are not kid friendly at all. in fact, a lot of them, they are pack with sugar. you may think you are doing something good. here talk about the good, bad and otherwise is registered dietition jozy, of cooper university health care. >> thanks for having he. >> today. >> yes, we're all concerned because these things thaw are showing i thought, they are okay for stack time. >> yes, it is true, as a new parent myself i didn't really look down these aisles until shore recently and i was, blown away how much sugar is in our normal foods and snacks. >> so we will go down a little list here. you will show us what people are to go. you will tell us how bad it is. then we won't give you an -- we will give you an alternate option. >> we need to throw out the stuff that we do not want. >> okay. here we go. >> first up. >> okay, first up is cereals. not all cereals are created equal. we pick out one that is your general, kind of cheer ohio like cereals. what you will notice here is just .3 of a cup it will have 11 grams of sugar. we wanted to be closer to five or less. >> 11 grams of sugar. >> so that is double. we will toss it. >> put it in the trash can. >> what should we do instead. >> another option when you look the a the label you can find it will say sugar and this one just say 1 gram. >> only 1 gram. >> only 1 gram. >> there can be low sugar options. >> is what the next thing. >> yogurt. >> i just had some. >> so many options, and it gets really confusing. the just look at the label. it is tiny, tiny, tiny little yogurt there is actually and we will have it the for you right here, 13 grams of sugar. >> yes. >> 13 grams. >> okay. >> all right. >> and our floor director says one had 12 grams in it. >> that is good. >> yes. >> you need a lower sugar greek yogurt. >> throw that one away. >> okay. >> this one is much less, it only has 4 grams. it meets our standard of being less than five. >> what are keyword we should look for to make sure we are getting right one. >> you need to look at the label on your sugar option. what we can do is sweeten it naturally with fruit. >> that sound like a good thing. >> absolutely. >> next one, i love cap ri sun. i loved them. >> yes. >> that is just straight sugar. there is nothing natural in it. >> yes. >> it is to big deal. >> and thing about capry sunnies jabbing the straw from the bottom. >> yes. >> but it is straight sugar. we cannot fool ourselves. so we found one that is, 10 grams. then we tried to find a lower sugar option but we didn't really succeed. this has 9 grams, so we're going to toss this one too. and say just back to the basic. >> that is no fun. >> you are here, what about juice. >> what we ask them to do is solute it down. if you want to have that flavor maybe use half of the juice and then fill the rest up with water. >> that is a nice compromise. >> yes. >> glassies half full. >> what is the next one. >> these. >> another thing that hurts. >> i know. >> but first, fruit snacks. they are so tiny, so packed with like tons of energy so your children will never nap. >> yes, they do. >> so what you'll see here on our thing is here we have 1 grams in this tiny package. how many people can stop at one packet of fruit snacks. >> these are small, they have bigger versions and they are good. >> they have bigger ones. >> they are made with real fruit. >> that doesn't mean anything. >> one piece of fruit somewhere in there. they are reduced sugar fruit snacks. this goes down to 7 grams. >> just toss it. >> okay. >> final one apple sauce, really. >> there is so many varieties. >> yes. >> that is my favorite. >> 21 grams of sugar in this flavored apple sauce, which has a cute little pet on there and everybody thinks it is great. you can get reduced sugar one, but it still has an 11 grams in your reduced sugar apple sauce or in sugar added. >> we will throw this one out. >> and then it goes back to the old stand by. >> get an apple. >> i'm in the sure why you want to make tonight to something different. what was wrong with the apple in the first place. >> it gets stuck in your teeth. >> cut it small but it is with a little cheese and have the whole fruit thaw can. >> thanks so much. >> snacks will never be the same. >> sorry. >> we will be healthier. >> 8:36. so, after a little boy says he has no friends, people are banding together. how they are sending him love i used to watch this perfect couple. do you know megan hipwell? she's missing. you were seen in the area that night. there's some time missing. what happened that night? the girl on the train. rated r. welcome back at 8:40. back to school night for one father took a sad turn. >> dad learned through one of his son's homework project he did not have have any friend. >> ahh. >> good news the story has a happy ending. >> it started when dad noticed his 11 year-old son's homework assignment hanging on the wall. it was to fill out the a questionnaire about their likes and it asks one question that had this father wanting to explain, his son. the question was, some of my friend are, and his son christopher's answer was, no one. that is what bob, the dad took to social media to make a plea to educate their kid about including their peers who might not be quote, tip will california. you see his sonnies diagnosed with autism. >> an making this plea, the son received thousands of cards, gifts, look at that table there. it is filled with all kind of love from people have the first wave came september 23rd and since then he has gotten many waves of card, gifts there complete strangers. they heard about his story on social media bob's facebook post has been shared more than 50,000 times. he has a lot of friend now. >> if you know a kid in your neighborhood who might be struggling with something like that that makes it socially awkward nice to reach out and include them. it is nice too if the parents get involved too a little bit. speaking from experience with two little ones if you say to your kid that might not be suffered or afflict why don't you invite that kid down the street to one seems to be including in the games or anything else, have them over. >> and then they gain a new friend too. >> absolutely. >> great to see. >> absolutely. >> 8:42. so jen is giving us a preview of the fox line up tonight. >> jen there is so much exciting stuff this fall for us on fox. >> yes, the shows are good, actors are really excited so when they meet people in person, you know, you and i what is it that the regular fans of brooklyn 99 and new girls are asking that you will be surprised to hear. and hear what the actors say back. find yours with a medicare plan ffrom independence blue cross. and get the 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back, starting tomorrow, and this will be have afternoon. not in the morning. rain could be heavy at times because about 12 and 11:00 o'clock tomorrow, rain coming back and we will see period of rain, some rain heavy at times over next few days, storm sits across the south east. so clearing today enjoy sunshine, rain comes back late tomorrow, period of rain on thursday, more rain on friday, but saturday and sunday storms clear out. our temperatures stay the same. we will get warmer with that weekend sunshine in the mid 70's. the chris and alex. >> like the mid 70's. well, weather is perfect for watching tv especially when it is overcast, little bit of rain. >> if you are home in bed if you want to get out of bed on a day like today, watch tv all morning, you could stay with us all day here on fox 29. scream queens is back, brooklyn 99 and new girl and jen freddie's back right alongside mike greenwich. >> you talk to the stars of these shows. >> i did, and mike is going to be, commenting today, hike have you ever seen the show new girl. >> i haven't seen new girl. >> it is a good show. last season. >> it ended, a girl with a bunch of guys. >> i awe that. >> yes. >> one of the girls, got married, and, of course, she's an actress, fake marriage but it was amazing hearing had she has had to say about the wedding. >> we got fake married a and now we're looking for a fake house. >> yeah. >> we're going through all of the natural steps of the married couple. it is a big deal because for them to look for a house that means they are looking to move out. >> yes, and be separated from the band of crazy. >> yes. >> yeah. >> so when people meet new person do they try to be funny. do they try to tell you a joke. >> no, when people meet me in person they ask me for relationship advice. >> really. >> it is an interesting thing. i don't have a team of writers with me. i don't know if i should take my word on how to handle your situation but that is what girls and boys usually want to know. >> we have to get you ready. >> pretty crazy, right. she's playing a role but yet still they want relationship advice. mike g does anyone ask you for relationship advice. >> all the time. >> now he is lying. >> now owe other show on tonight which is really cool is brooklyn 911. it is about a police station. there is a new captain. one of my favorite, favorite actors on the show used to live right here in philadelphia. >> i lived at south and second. i lived in olde city and i lived at fifth and girard because i dated a break dancer who let's just say things were always shady. >> i had some hot cocoa this morning. >> there is a new captain. >> yes. >> who i love. >> you like him. >> yes. >> my character likes anyone who lets her to whatever she wants and he certainly does that. >> yes. >> yeah. >> we have a boss, one boss, lets us do whatever we want, the other boss overrides that. >> that is very confusing. >> it is so confusing. >> you don't know where you stand. >> i always say, and i lie lot, younger boss. that is what i wanted to do. >> and. >> so, you have to play mommy verse daddy. not the just that. >> and yes, mommy verse daddy. >> and you know what it is, mommy always says dad because women rule. that is right, ladies. you need to see all of the shows on fox 29 and, we certainly have plot lines, and character development, but people like to hear this thing. who are they really in real life. >> who are they in real life. not concerned with plot lines. get that on tv. >> do you want to know behind the scenes how well mike g did with the boss, of bates motel, haunted, do you want to hear how he was doing. >> we want to know what you were doing because we lost you when were you going in. >> i was scared, okay and you saw, i was like mike, why don't you go first. i was lying to the actors, men and women, i am like you cannot scare us because that would be bad for television. because we wouldn't know where you were, we were trying to, mike was like, don't mess with me, true or false. >> don't tap me on my shoulder because i'm already scared standing out front. >> mike, you get scared, really. >> yes. >> very. >> very. >> yes. >> what is scariest movie you have ever seen, mike. >> maid in manhattan. >> the first friday the 13th because i was still going to summer camp at the time, salt lake camp, i was at salt lake camp, and this is crystal lake and it is way too close in name. probably scariest one for me. >> i just am the mike holder for mike. you do. i like alfred hitchcock. >> yes. >> we heard you calling out bosses, you are brave, girl. >> look at her. >> 8:51. >> can you read this next script. >> yes. >> lipstick. >> this is why i wanted to talk about this. >> what about lips sparkle, this is what we're seeing now new instagram beauty trend, crystal lips we will show you how to do this. it may not look as difficult as it looks. funeral arrangement have been announced for wilmington fire fighters in the line of duty over weekend. there will be a public viewing, on thursday, for senior fire fighter jerry fictes junior. it will be at grace lutheran church and hockessin delaware. second viewing on friday for private services following. >> for lieutenant christopher leach, services will be held at saint elizabeth catholic church, at 10:00 a.m. on friday followed by a funeral mass at noon, there will be a joint memorial service for lieutenant christopher leach and senior fire fighter jerry fickes this saturday at 1:00 in the afternoon at chase center on the river front in wilmington delaware. this will be opened to the public, for more information, just go to our web site at fox we will be right back. you love all-day breakfast. i love all-day breakfast. but you don't love that you can't get all your favorites all day. i don't love that. but now you're gonna love that you can get more all day. like mcgriddles. i love mcgriddles... so you'll have to find something else to not love. hey buddy! like exploding fist bumps. pggggggghew! or forgetting what you're about to do. wait...what was i about to do? or when people who say you look like... james lipton. oh's uncanny. get more choices you love, now with all day breakfast. i know, chris murphy is here. >> yes. >> you guys don't head bang do you. >> that is in the something do you. >> it gives you a headache. >> i've got a headache working with you two. >> oh, no. >> yes. >> thanks for joining us. >> yeah, good day to you. >> it is tuesday, september 27th, 2016 we are ready to start this 9:00 o'clock hour. did you hear the news, your horoscope. >> wait, making peace. >> yes. >> how are you lauren. hi alex. >> lets is the horoscope. >> is what your sign. >> gemini. >> is what yours. libre. >> what are you. >> a taurus. >> it is all going to change. new zodiac signs throwing everything out of whack. why nasa is saying. is not the our fault, we will tell but new signs. >> and, professional cleaners are sharing their secrets like cleaning your clothes with chalk. >> yes. >> plus how you cab use your socks to clean floors. >> that is good. >> so forget about lipstick ladies, how about lip spark he will. >> yes. >> my goodness. >> it is a you this instagram trend, we will show you how to to it, if you dare to be so bold. crystal on your lip. >> one way to stand out for sure. >> too much work though. sometimes you put your lipstick on you try to eat or drink and you have to be super careful so it does than the rub off. >> the straw and it is done lick this. >> yes. >> exactly. >> gauge the straw. >> and disengage. >> yes. >> that is right. >> yes, you have to be careful. >> you have to deal with the hair, make up, men. >> yep. >> yes, and there is a lot. >> seeking of men. >> yes. >> let's talk about these break ups. >> speaking of men.

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