Say yes to the dress. Good morning, everybody. Live look at the a the schuylkill westbound, heavy from approaching the boulevard all the way out to conshohocken. The rain is hitting us hard here now on the the schuylkill expressway. Half an hour delay out of town, and even here a heavy downpour southbound on i95, were backup from cottman avenue all the way into girard. Factor in some extra time, little will extra wiggle room. We have had a number of accidents, as soon as the rain starts to roll role through, we will get some fender benders and a jackknife tractor trailer, southbound on the new jersey turnpike right here near exit number one, otherwise, mass transit looking g mike and alex, back over to you. Police investigating a homicide, in the citys over brooks section. A 25 yearold man was shot in the chest inside of a car, in the 1600 block of north redfield street. Police were called after the car was left running, no word on any suspects. We will stay on it. If you ride new Jersey Transit, at the least some lines, be prepared to be recorded. That is because. Visually and audio. Yes, everything that you say and do while riding certain trains is being saved by a new surveillance system. Hey, steve, he has been riding the rails, steve. Reporter mike, we are now leaving trenton on our way back to south jersey. Old saying you have the right to remain silent and you may want to exercise that rise every time you are doing what we are doing and that is riding river line when camden and trenton. If you lied new Jersey Transits light rail system not only are all of these cameras watching your every move and your seats as you get on and off both here at the train and at the stops at the station but now as you can see on the big yellow notice right by the door, it tells new english and spanish, that new Jersey Transit is now listening to you and your conversations, with both video and audio surveillance now in place. We have talked to some of the riders and they see it from both sides. It is an invasion of privacy. I dont like it. Reporter does it make you think twice about talking to your family and friend on your phone if you have to. Do i a lot of texts. Reporter almost doesnt make sense because so many people are on so many of these trains and so many seats how do you listen to all these conversations at one time. That is why, i have to keep my head phones in at all times. I think it is necessary sometimes because people play radio, on the train and they have to have some way of being able to police that process, so it is advantageous for us. Reporter what about concerns it is an invasion of privacy and there is laws against eavesdropping on private conversations. Well, that is all over. You get that on the telephone. They eavesdrop on the telephone. What can you do about it. We have given these rights up. Reporter you dont think recording peoples conversations will make you safer. No. People dont talk like that no more, they get on the phone and text. Reporter so as Joan I Mitchell once sang shes looking at life side now, and looking at both side. Number transit must have someone speaking multiple language and manning the microphone speakers, because not all conversations are in english on this train. We saw that on our way up to trenton. So unless they have got an electronic automatic translation that can put russian, arab, french, spanish, into english they may not even know or understand every conversation they may be hearing on every train. That is true. Steve, thank you. See you when you get back down here closer to us. 7 04. Philadelphia mayor jim kenney will formally appoint the next fire and prisons commissioners for the city. That will happen today. Dave kinchen is giving us a look at the people who are coming into these top city positions. What are their names, dave. Reporter that is right. We have some names, and some faces, and some bios to go with those announcements that will come, this afternoon at city hall. Mayor jim kenney will announce adam thiel as the new fire commissioner for the city. He most recently served as deputy secretary of Public Safety and home land security for the commonwealth of practice. Tiehl helped lead and coordinate several city agencies there and also served as fire chief for alexandria, virginia. He will replace derek sawyer, the fire commissioner appointed by mayor nutter and stayed on during the early days of the kenney administration. On the prison side, mayor kenney is naming a 21 yearold employee of the system, blanch carney, who in fact was one of the first females in the the city to serve as prison commissioner. Mayors office says she previously guided effort to treat inmates with drug and alcohol problems. It will be also interesting to see what the mayor says about overall Prison Reform efforts. He has talk bit before. Maybe he will say more about that. With the announcement of carney as the new prisons commissioner there, they are boating to be introduced at 1 00 oclock at city hall in the mayors reception. Of course, we will be there. Back to you. Of course, we will. All right. We will continue to talk about the loss of ed snider. The Philadelphia Eagles reacting to the news. The team tweeting out a statement from eagles chairman and ceo, jeffery lurie, and it read in part ed was a true visionary and a pioneer who did tremendous things for our city. And for the sport of hockey. And in a statement philadelphia mayor jim kenney says in part ed snider was a good friend, kind hearted man, a and a first class mensch. I will miss him and ims sure thousands will miss a man who changed the landscape of the philadelphia region. Also at the phillies game yesterday they had a moment of silence before the home opener to honor ed snider as well. Yes, i remember when ed was on our show he would drop by every now and then, and he was, he wanted to talk about one of his favorite moments since bringing the nhl hockey team in philadelphia all the way back in 1967. Of course, you know, i have got many favorite moments but nothing tops winning the stanley cup in 74, the first cup. It was a phenomenal accomplishment, and 2 Million People came out to the parade, and the whole, everybody in the city was celebrating. It is something i will never forget. You have been a big fan. Did you ever think that this is where it would all go . Everyone has faith, we dream big but did you ever think this is where it would all end. It is not ending, but, i never really did but im thrilled that we had all a these memories and all this excitement and all of success, it has been great. You know, he built the spectrum, the hockey team. It really was the start of the broad street parades. I was talking to bob kill bye this yesterday in 74 when they won the stanley cup. What should we do. Lets have a parade down broad street. All parade now are judged by that parade. Yes. You know, even though it wasnt on broad street, out cropping of that original parade. 7 07. Hi, bernie. Bernie parent is here to talk about his memories, a bit. We will do that in a bit, okay. Former eagles player lesean mccoy will not face any disciplinary action, neither from our District Attorney here in philadelphia. Or the nfl. Umhmm. This is in the involvement in the recess lounge back in february that injured two officers. That is according to a tweet we found there Iain Rapaport from the nfl network. He says that since the philadelphia District Attorney decided no the to press charges, on lesean, for a lack of evidence, the nfl, they wont punish him either. The d. A. Says that there is not, well, not enough evidence to prove that either side started the fight. They believe that shady mccoy was simply defending his friend in that nate club in the middle of the night and the brawl is a parentally over a bottle of champagne it had to be more than. That it sent two offduty Police Officers to the hospital with fairly serious injuries. Lets get to lauren beyond son with more top stories. Bill cosby as defense team at it again trying to get the sexual salt case begins their client thrown out. Cosby as lawyers filed an appeal yesterday, in the superior court of pennsylvania, they want to reverse a lower courts decision, not to throw out the case. His lawyers continued to argue that former Montgomery County d. A. , bruce castors 2005 promise not to prosecute cosby is valid. And in february, a judge ruled against that verbal prom is allowing the case to move forward, and cosby is accused of sexually assaulting a former temple employee at his home back in 2004. And in Montgomery County, a medical examiner trying to determine how a Cabrini College student died. 22year old man was found unresponsive in a home in, West Conshohocken on morehead avenue on sunday. Police say officers performed cpr and administered an anti overdose drug but they were unable to revive the victim. The student has not yet been identified. In a statement, Cabrini College says it is saddened by the news and they are focused on supporting students through the loss. A jury acquits two officers charge in the 2013 beating death of najee riveria. On monday Sean Mcknight and Kevin Robin John cleared of beating and falsely prosecuting a man who fled on a scooter after a traffic stop. Well, riveria died in a separate incident back in december. So the only evidence against the officers was a Security Camera video shown to the jury. The defense lawyers told the jury that the officers used only the force needed to subdue riveria, and did not touch him after he stopped resisting arrest, and was in custody. Mike and alex. Lauren, thank you. Belgium authorities have have charged two more men in connection with the brussels bombing. The Belgium Federal Prosecutors Office said the couple was involved in renting an a apartment that served as a hide out for the bomb their attacked the brussels subway a. More than 30 people died in the march 22nd a tax on a train station and the brussels airport. Well, an interesting town hall meeting last night. The it was just different. It was kind of cool. I liked it. I liked ate lot. They will do it two more nights. Ohio Governor John Kasich held a town hall meeting, of sorts, in new york state last night. They usually calm candidate got a lit fired up when asked about some states recent decision toss pass the socalled, religious liberty laws. We may disagree with something about peoples lifestyles and all those kind of things. We may disagree. But you know what, lets try to understand each other a lit built. What are we go to go do write a law. I read about this thing they did in mississippi where you candy any somebody service because they are gay . What the hell are we doing in this country. I mean look. Shes like okay. He can get fired up. Her name is karen, that is his wife. By the way his daughters were also there. And they are twins. And this is part that made this town hall really interesting is whole family is up there with the candidate. Trump is tonight. But the twin girls were asked about their father a and what he is like when he is not the on the campaign trail. He also thinks he is a really good dancer. Yes. That is exactly right. Is that his move. You have to go north and south you have to go north and south. Yeah,. And im really, really good. Dont you think, i have gotten better. But you will not go on dancing with the stars. That was a great line. Welshing tonight donald trump and his big family will take to the stage in this town hall. Then ted cruz will have his turn with his family. Tomorrow night. This is great because you see a different side of the candidates and see what their family a has to say. I think this was a great idea. Twin girls kept saying he has horrible jokes. They remind me of my girls. I can relate to that last night. They even asked, sue, they asked karen, his wife, so what do you think the typical meal is like in your home. She said she likes to cook. It makes it more relatable i think. It was cool. Good idea. News flash, they are human beings. All of them. Well, dont push it. Cold front coming through, that is what is happening. That is why it is very rainy out there this morning. We have probably got another couple hours left of this, and then it dries out, High Pressure will build in, from the northwest, and it will get chillier, by this evening, and so we have got the darker green and the yellow there in bucks and montgomery count its, Chester County, parts of the berks as well as Lehigh Valley getting heavier rain in philadelphia, were seeing umbrellas up as it the picks up in south jersey and southern delaware as well. It is all part of the cold front coming through. As a result a freeze watch in some of our counties late tonight into tomorrow morning. Right now it is in the 60s and 50s out there so it is a milder start then yesterday but factor in that wind. It could blow your umbrella inside out. 13 miles an hour in philadelphia wind gusts of 24 miles an hour, and then seven day forecast, it has a really nice warm up. After were finished with todays rain, no more rain, at all, all the way through the weekend even into monday, and we will warm up into the 70s, and that is a right direction for the temperatures to go in, bob kelly. Through go. Good morning, sue. Good morning everybody. 7 14. How about a Grilled Cheese in a hurry. Look at this version, this College Dorm Room Grilled Cheese, he has an iron plugged in. Warm it up on this national Grilled Cheese day to day. Heres i95. We have rain drops on the camera lenses and backup from academy down into girard avenue. About a half an hour there. We have police lights. Thinks peeking through the trees. This is city line avenue on the ramps to the kelly and lincoln drives. So watch out for an accident there. Were seeing a number of accidents, on some of the ramps, this rain, starts to move in, is there your travel time, on the east and westbound, schuylkill expressway, and then a jackknife tractor trailer south wound on the new jersey turnpike down near exit number one. If you are heading for delaware Memorial Bridge, head for 295, that will be your best bet. Mike, back over to you. 7 15. With the lows of ed snider we want to make sure we brought in one of his close friend, bernie parent. Good to see you as us. Good morning. Good to see you. Give me a hug man. Both of us knew he was quite ill, and fighting off cancer for last couple of years. Yes. But still a shock when you hear it. What a wonderful man. What a wonderful journey for what 50 years. You know, when you look back, first of all, went to california with clark and joe watson, some weeks ago and it was good to see him. And yet, it was sad at the end because when we left, you know, that was the last time we would meet but going back to ed snider what he had has done in his life, it is incredible. The vision the man had. At 33. A at 33. The vision was incredible. Look at what he has done, look at what he has created, thousands of jobs in philadelphia. He has brought excitement, and happiness for millions of the people. What he has done is incredible. I tell the people from the very beginning, many times he sat at the Kitchen Table with his wife, wondering how we would make the payroll. That is when he first started the team in the late 60s. Yep good didnt have enough machine toy pay you all. How about this. You look, you look at his journey, what he has done and it is incredible. It is a sad moment, you know to lose our friend but at the same time lets rejoyce and be grateful what he has ton to celebrate this life. Before we talk about what he has done for the kids of our area, with the youth hockey, what was he like when he was in his 30s, and early 40s. He was fun good he was fun. You know, one thing about ed snider and i heard on the interview not the too long ago he said two basic things in his life. He said have fun, and have a vision. Think about this. And if you really think about this you have to have fun. You have to have a vision. This is, what he had, but when he was 33, in the beginning i remember going on that fishing trip, with him, holmgren, clark, we went to North Carolina and we had a fishing trip and we went in a win beg owe. We had a wonderful time. It was a lot of fun. Do you think that he knew that he would be successful. I asked him the question, you know, i asked him the question, i said, what were you looking at . What was your vision. He said to be in the National Hockey league and the second vision was to win the stanley cup. I mean to win it so quickly though 74 75. I asked him do you know how you were going to get there which is, you know, he gave me a fantastic answer. He said no. All you need is vision and to march forward and it will be shown to you as you move on forward, justin to drive toward that. Yes. Do you think it ate him up though that we could not get another stanley cup. Of course. His goal, ed sniders goal was always to put the best team on the ice every year to give us a a chance to win the stanley cup. He came close quite a few times. Especially the last time with the black hawks he came so close. Yes. It was so nice that he invited me to sit in the box. I was in the box with him that night that the black hawks won it on that soft goal. We didnt even know it went in. It was funny. He would have a even if right next to him in that box. If he didnt like something he would whip up that phone. He was so into it until the very end. His passion was the team, the flyers. He became very successful in different ways in life but his passion was his hockey team. The people in philadelphia. He could not do enough for his players and people in philly. It is one big family. We say it was thank the lord to have ed snide inner our lives. They said bobby clarke, said he probably wouldnt even be playing hockey if it wasnt ed because he was kind of injured. Yes. It is just, lets be grateful. Lets celebrate his life. Yes. Thank you you. Get over the sadness a little bit and celebrate. Good to see you, bernie. We will to take a break. Did you get all those numbers, alex. Oh, yeah. Paying close attention. Hey, good news is there another reason you might spend even more time on your phone. Well, really not the just your phone it is facebook, lauren. We can buy tickets now through facebook. Yes. It can be on your phone or computer but you dont have to go to ticket master. You can buy a ticket master ticket right on facebook, but they are reporting later this month you will see integration of ticket master on facebook site, a new way for folks to buy tickets. It is great for both companies, for ticket master and they can sell more ticket here. Looking through your feed, you see Bruce Springsteen concert. I wanting to too. You get ticket right then and there. It is good for facebook. We are keeping an eye on the site even longer. Everybody will get a ticket and share that status update. So and so just got tickets to see rihanna. Now i will get ticketsy dont want people to know im going to anything. Why not. You will just put pictures up afterward. That is true. What ups do you got, lauren, anything. You can also pay your bills . What. You know messenger app for facebook, people got annoyed when facebook took it out of the main page. Well, there now is another use you just dont to have talk with your friend, you you can actually pay your friend. Maybe to be your friend. At din are, paying bill you can split it using messenger app, pay your rent. All you have to does set it up through a debit card. Yet another use for facebook and messenger app. Facebook will be everything now. Yeah. Only person who a hardly ever logs on to facebook. Well, it is part of our job. What . I do have twitter and instagram. But facebook, no. Do you do snap chat. No, and please dont make me. I am on it and im getting on mikes nerve witt. It is the future, the future is now, snap chat. Arent there more people on snap chat then twitter. Can you believe it. You have to do it. How do you do your regular job, how do you your regular job. This is now our job. This trumps television. I get it. Im sure you get browbeaten bit too. A lot of news outlets are on snap chat. That is right. We will do a whole show on snap the chat. Can you hire meehan assistant. Listen, i begged for that. Yes. Lauren. Nice trip at the end of the snow. Lauren. We will see you tomorrow. At the end of all of my segments, i get scared. Because you never know what he will will say. I like your celery colored dress today. Thank you. Mint green celery. We will see you tomorrow. Yes. Just keep you on facebook. That is right. Lets get to quincy because i am excited about this. Is quincy do my job, quincy, lou different in this light. Hi, quincy. That is ann riveria, shes going to be q do my job we are writing you ticket. Me and ann are on the the loose. Lets go ann. Z ika has been in the head lines for months but now it may be worse then we first thought, serious illnesses cdc is linking to the virus. Plus attention new Jersey Transit riders, you better watch what you say on the train, the extra set of eyes, and ears that are now keeping tabs on you, does this bother you at all . It is now 7 30. We will get a look a at the sue, sue, yesterday the weather was beautiful for phillies home opener. I just want to see it happen again. It turned out okay yesterday and it will today as well but just not yet. There is bus stop budd which his Grilled Cheese and his umbrella, well, why not hurry up lunchtime. Temperatures in the the 50s and 60s. Milder then yesterday but there are those showers around, this morning. There is a look at the rain as it makes its way through our area as part of the cold front. It will continue to march through from northwest to south east, throughout the rest of the morning but this afternoon, we will see a whole different weather story, those cloud bill clear, 61 with 24 miles an hour wind. They are still out of the southwest. It is to still mild. We will have a 62 degrees High Temperature but breezy and chillier as soon as that rain stops and then tonight, we will plunge down to 39 degrees in the city, below freezing in many of our suburbs. Colder night. Wait until you see warm up we have in store for you in the seven day forecast, coming up in just a few minutes. Bob kelly, kind of wet out there, folks are slowing down. We have to slow down now because we have a jammo mode here all the way around the board. This is 202 northbound, jammed coming out of the west chester heading in to malvern. Not only do we have the rush hour grid lock, rain is a steady rain and wipers on. We have a crash here peeking through the trees, this is city line avenue on the ramps to the lincoln drive. Inbound on the schuylkill a half an hour, same deal out of town as well, southbound on the new jersey turnpike a jackknife tractor trailer down there near exit number one. If you are heading southbound toward delaware Memorial Bridge best betties to use 295 asiana alternate. Crash in new jersey black horse pike at green tree. The we have a crash at plymouth meeting, allen dane ale walton. I just check with the airport. So far so good. We will keep our fingers crossed that it stays that way. Mike and alex, back over to you. 7 32. We are all a mourning the death of a legend, founder of the philadelphia flyers, ed snider, passed away yesterday at age 83 years old. Of course, known as one of the most enthusiastic sports owners in philadelphia, in fact, in the country. He was loved by his players, his Team Captains say he was one of a kind. Every time we get to see him, you can just feel the passion, you know, im talking about hockey, and he really loved the flyers. He is the philadelphia flyers. He cares so much about everybody. I think you can tell that through his work in the community. He did not the do it for fame or anything. Other than the fact that, you know, that is truly what was in his heart. He was such a genuine person. He had such a big heart and wanted to help everybody out. That is for sure. Ed lost his two year battle with Bladder Cancer yesterday morning and doctor mike joins us now, now doctor mike, our condolences to you for your good friend. Where did you first meet ed. About 13 years ago, his son in law, doctor larry kieser who is a at temple new was at penn. He asked me to do something for ed, i dont know and we immediately took a shine. The thing about ed snider is that ed snider is the real rocky, Sylvester Stallone played him on tv, ed snider was the real rocky. As i got to know this man and love this man, he embody the passion of this city. He wasnt someone to just stood in the back and watched. I dont know how many people know this this but he got in a couple altercations back in the day. He would go to the ice. They had to restrain him from going to the officials box, when they thought, when he thought there was a missed call good i never knew that. He was a wild guy. He lived it. And to the end, everything about him was passion. That is what i loved about that man. He was so generous and kind and he was like a father to me. He was a great guy. I loved that man. In fact, we had him on tr. I remember when he came on, and sat next to us, and talking about tradition and how much he loved the team just like what you are saying here. Yes. Here he is. It does feel good. We have a lot of tradition for what was an Expansion Team and people really loved the team here in philadelphia but also all around the country. With all of your accomplishments, im sure at the top of the list, a five years ago you started the youth hockey league. Ed snider youth hockey league. We take these inner city kid. We take them off the street, they are on the ice, boys and girls. They have on get good grade. We are teaching them life skills at the same time. The letters i get from their parents, from the the kids themselves, it is very gratifying. That was back in 2009. Do you remember that day. You were standing off set. So doctor mike at the end of the interview, hops on the set, and says this. This is not only an icon of the city of philadelphia but in italian the word is mensch. This guy, let me just tell you, lot of people dont know what ed snider is all about. This is one of the most caring giving down to earth people i have ever met and i take care of all kind of indian chiefs and this man right here is totally awesome. Your feeling and thoughts has not wavered one bit since 2090. They have gotten stronger. He was like a father to me. For someone like that, of his status and his position, to be the kind of person that he was, who talked to everybody, as if they were his, it wasnt like he was here and you were there. You were one of them. You were on the team. I just, it is a tremendous loss, to me and his family, they all welcomed us, and welcomed me into his family and it is a great looks to the city. Steve keeley yesterday was talking about one of of your birthday parties he made sure to fly in so you could be there and he showed up, he was there for you. That was the day nicholas screamed so much i thought it would bring everybody down. My son nicholas. Do we have, i dont know there is a picture, i dont know, well, that, a little thing at penn and that was ed. Was kind of guy he was. I cried like a babe that i night because i was looking at ed, and appreciated how much he did, and do we have a picture of my son. I want to show this. This is ed, if we have that picture, with my son. It is coming. Is it coming. Lets see where it is. I remember this. It is the kind of guy that ed snider was. He would take time, to have a a photo with kids and everything else. Fantastic. Hang in there man. Yes, we go on, and i he always said i worked too hard. Next day wow ask me to see a friend of his. I already told his family to tell him last week, that when it is my turn, i want to ride on his boat and it will be a beautiful blue ocean with a blue sky and. Love you, ed. Love you. Yeah. We love low prices. No bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. Thousands of low prices. My giant. Thsometimes you cant evento graimagine. H. Thats the job. And shes the one whos proven she can get it done. Securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons. Standing up against the abuse of women. Protecting Social Security. Expanding benefits for the national guard. And Winning Health care for 8 million children. The presidency is the toughest job in the world and shes the one wholl make a real difference for you. Im Hillary Clinton and i approved this message. Modres the cost of living the pay stays the same. I have to work extra hours just to make ends meet. Its a big struggle. One person that really gets this is Katie Mcginty. She came from a workingclass family. She was ninth of 10 kids. She gets it. Shell fight for equal pay for equal work. Katie mcginty will protect Social Security and medicare. Thats why president obama and Vice President biden support her, too. Shell make a heck of a senator. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Narendorsed Katie Mcgintyent obama afor us senate . Nt biden because shes a champion for working families. Katie mcginty will take on the republicans and protect Social Security and medicare. And mcginty will work for equal pay for women because families depend on it. For the april 26th democratic primary, president obama supports Katie Mcginty. Katie im Katie Mcginty and i approve this message, because its your turn to get ahead. Trying to make me eat my greens . Low. No, just trying to ve you some green. Whaaat . thousands of blue tags. Thousands of low prices. My giant. Kind of like this look. Im calling it the name your price tool phase. Whatever. Hey, should size really matter . Of course, depend what you are talking about. I am talking about a diamond ring. Woman is firing back on social media, shes mad because her friend and family criticized that her Engagement Ring was too small. Her name is rachel peterson. She posted this message on facebook. Oh, mike. People were asking when her wedding ring was going to be upgraded. Rachel defended ring which has a cluster of diamond formed in the square and diamond in the band. Peterson said her husband drained his savings to give her a small token of his life. I saw small only because it pails in comparison with how big his love is. Well, i a gree with her. Yeah. I mean what is wrong with people. What really matters more. Dont you know after all these years how to do it. Give me your hand. Oh, that is great. No matter what size it is. It is special to them, and it is their relationship. But you know people do it all the time. Yes, after the person walks a way,. It is terrible. It is really dumb good a lot of times those people complaining, im sorry, are you married. Are you married, fish face. Look at you. Michael b jordan, speaking of getting engaged. He got engaged . In the next hour Michael B Jordan and kobe bryant, team up for a new apple commercial. How the actor is poking fun at the nba star in this new commercial. That is different. Umhmm. There is a throw back. Quincy, to my job, this will be fabulous. He has join pp thea. I like the uniform. Yes, im writing tickets. This is ann. What section are we in. 302, fabric row good we are looking for you, if you have violated, me and ann will write you a ticket coming up. Lets dance its sesame street live like youve never experienced it before leeeeeeets dance sesame street live lets dance playing Liacouras Center this weekend tickets on sale now this weekend ifbut find it harder and hardert to get by, youre not alone. While our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1 . My plan make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. Im Bernie Sanders. I approve this message because together, we can make a Political Revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all and not just the powerful few. Theyre lovin their vegetables. This is huge news its all thanks to our birds eye chefs favorites side dishes perfectly sauced or seasoned. What are you. . Shh im live tweeting. Oh, boy. Birds eye. So veggie good. 7 46. A live look at the 42 freeway, jammed solid from the ac expressway all the way into 295 where is there an accident off to the side approaching that 295 interchange in the construction zone. Also an accident, eastbound 422, right at royersford, so were backed upcoming out of the pottstown and pretty much a slow crawl all the way in through king of prussia heres an example of the 30 bypass where were getting heavy rain and that is bringing to us a halt. Wipers working near 340. Umbrella as up out front and southbound on the new jersey turnpike a jackknife tractor trailer, if you typically use the turnpike, at 295 this morning, as you work your way down to the delaware Memorial Bridge. The pennsy turnpike jammed from Fort Washington over to valley forge, schuylkill crawling from king of prussia all the way into downtown, even i95 is heavy as well, and thinks all weather related. How long will this hang with us. Sue has a answer in 15 seconds. All right. It is morning where it is raining but we can promise by end of the day for phillies game if you have tickets tonight, they have another chance to win one with the padres. It wont be raining anymore for first pitch at 7 05. It will be 52 degrees and even chillier when you are leaving at 10 00 oclock we will have a temperature of about 48. It will get chilly overnight the but mild right now which is why we are only seeing rain but heavier rain, edging into delaware county. Allentown is lighting up a little will bit but here we are we are seeing umbrellas outside here with the steady rain up around warrington we are seeing heavy rain as well, and more lead nothing to delaware and especially jersey shore. After rain is over it will get cold tonight. So much so that the places in blue here all under a freeze watch early tonight into tomorrow morning, some places will dip below freezing but not the right now. 61 degrees. Other temperatures in the 50s as we get started and by end of the day we will have a high of 62. Fiftyeight tomorrow. Back to the lower 60s on thursday. Do you see temperatures gone up a little bit more friday and more on the saturday and look at sunday 74 degrees and close to eight on mike and alex by monday. All righty. This is our job Quincy Harris said he always wanted to do he wanted to see what life was like from their side. Really, ppa. I dont know, q, i dont like confrontation. Here we go. 346, 3416, nine, 411, how was that ann. That was fair. Is it easy to say, this is one of the most hated jobs in philadelphia, writing tickets. Peoples reaction, yes, i would say it is. How long have you been on the force. It will be 12 years august 9th. Have you encountered crazy people, fistfights, anything like that. In fistfights i have been screamed at, really bad names that i did in the want to repeat. I have had people threaten to punch me, run me over, yeah. So what beat are we on you said 302. We are on 302. Tickets dont initially start until 8 00 he clock hour. Right good right now you do a safety check. Yes, we do parkers, someone in no stopping, crosswalks, handicapped ramps we will look around for that. People want to know this before we start writing tickets, do people at p pa, do ticket writers get paid extra money to write a ticket. No, we dont work on commission. It feels like some of you do. No, we just do our job and we do it well. So some of these signs are confusing can you explain to this. It say after 6 30 p. M. Machine through wednesday, 8 00 a. M. To midnight except, for parking, and some of these, signs you have to have like a be a Rocket Scientist toss read these signs. Im not a Rocket Scientists. Lets get that out there. It is easy. You just take a deep breath and read it from top to the bottom. It says two hour parking. You can only park for two hours. It says 8 00 a. M. To 6 30, machine flaw wednesday. So monday, tuesday, wednesday, patrols start at 8 05, and it is done at 6 30. This car right here, would we give this car a ticket. Does the whole car has to be passed this pole or would this car get a ticket for not being fully, behind the pole. It is up the two ticket writers descretion. I was in the heart of the south philadelphia for two and a half years so im a little more lenient then most ticket writers because you have to be lenient down there. There is no parking. You do get timed for 20 minutes. I would personally tell a citizen dont park past the sign to be safe. Where are we going next. Next time we go we will write some tickets. Where are we going next. Lets see what time is it. It is 7 51. We cannot start time until 8 05. So we will walk up to the top of our beat, by then it will be 8 05 and start our timing. Guess what next time you see me, i dont want to do it, ann cost not want to do it but we have to do your job. We have to ticket these people. On my instagram can you please, refrain from using four letter word. It is not cool. Ann is just doing a job. I know ann says they dont work on commission. People ask, they work on commission. Do they get anything maybe a medal, employee of the month, for how many tickets. When you come into the office and you are like hey, i wrote 3 million tickets this month. Do you get a badge, like any incentive or a ribbon. No. Nothing. No. Ribbon. No. Nothing. We will do this ribbonless job this saintless job you guys dont want us to do for writing ticket with this right here. We are writing tickets. The lets walk our beat. That carries from new jersey. Were going give them a pass. We will give them a pass because im on the job, guys. Thanks, quincy. What is that new jersey guy sleeping over there on that street. Maybe an early delivery early delivery is right. Coming up, i thought we were through with zika but it is back, zika has been in the head lines for months but now worse than ever before. The very serious illness, that the cdc is linking to the zika virus. Doctor mike is back. Well, apparently the zika virus was worse then we first thought. Zika virus is linked to serious illness that he is could attack your brain and spinal cord. Cdc came out yesterday and they had strong statements, about zika. So doctor mike is here to break them down. We are learning it is linked to some other diseases. Many times we talked about the zik a a virus we talk about pregnant women and this thing called microcephaly where children are called with malformations of the brain. We are finding this virus is a bad actor and can cause guyan barrett, a paralysis kind of of situation, and, a serious one, that can occur in nonpregnant people as well as pregnant people and another kind of situation where it causes swelling of the brain and spinal cord. I never heard the doctor from the cdc get as uptight as i have heard him. This is a big deal. And we need to deal with it. You know, i went down to the caribbean a few months ago. Im fine. Im a guy. Im not having a baby. So now, we really dont know what the heck this thing is. We dont, and anybody that says they do they are miss informed. We dont know much. We need to learn more. We dont have a vaccine. We dont have anyway to deal witt or treat it or thene rag wait mosquitoes and summer is coming. So warm weather, mosquito this could be a big deal. I think one of my concerns is, you guys have said from the beginning, this is something were still learning about and trying to get all this information. But down the line i know for women wanting to get pregnant or who are pregnant that are big concern but what about woman who are worried about this five years from now if there are some effects. We dont necessity that but would i say, i wouldnt worry about that. Im mainly concerned about pregnant woman especially. Immediate concern. Because we know that in brazil, there is a correlation with this condition known as microcephaly and we have to be aware of that. But we have to make sure that people wear long sleeve shirts, long pants, make sure we dont leave any standing water around anything that favors mosquitoes is our enemy. It is important you say people because mike were you in the caribbean and you shouldnt because it is sexually transmitted. It is sexually transmitted. So you have to be aware of that especially if you are planning to start a family. Would you go to the olympics in rio. Yes, because im on the injured reserve list. No, no. You have to worry about that. Yes. Real quickly here, we were talking about ed snider in the last segment when were you on and you talked about a picture with your son. That is my boy nicholas with flat stanley. That embodies ed snider. We take time out of his busy schedule to do things like that. He was always involved with kid. Always involved with the youth. It was president about anything other than doing the right thing. That is what i dug about that guy. I loved that guy good good man. I love you, i love you both. People on twitter said they want to make sure we give you love in the commercial break. We already do. Group hug. Lets go over here. Yes. Remembering a legend. With heavy hearts we continue to mourn the face of the flyers, ed snider. How his legacy will live on, long after hes gone. Getting ready, to eat your breakfast. Not so fast. There are five foods that are making you look older. What you should cut out of your diet if you want to keep that glow. I ate all five this morning iggy a sale use threatens nick young, her message to herman, that would make any guy cringe. Have you ever dream you would be going to disney world. Nightmare. You dont to have wish upon a star for this one, how you can move to the the happiest place on earth, and, of course, it will cost you. Just what i want to live in disney world. It is a small world after all. Imagine walking to the castle and mike comes walking out, with his coffee every morning. Yes. Get off my lawn. That would be a happy place for sure. When will it stop raining. Probably around lunchtime at the latest, but it is raining right now so that is why we are not going with the highest number. Six out of ten but it will improve and it will make your grill cheese soggy. Temperatures in the 50s and 60s to get you started and here comes the rain we will zoom in and see that it is heaviest, lancaster county, Chester County, around, montgomery, and bucks county as well as down there in southern delaware. So, they are in the clouds, and it the is raining here in center city. 60 degrees with 13 miles an hour wind. It is mild to start. We may get up to 62 degrees with a shower lingering through lunchtime but the the sun comes out, breezy, cooler, rest of the day. We will have your seven day warm up in a few. Bob kelly. Hey, sue you mentioned it, national Grilled Cheese day. How about we accessory for National Grill cheese day. The tie went buy. Okay. Stop right there. I want that good isnt that cool. Yes. We have to go out in the 9 00 oclock hour to one of the most popular Grilled Cheese food trucks for national the Grilled Cheese day. Cheesy. The cheesy wagon. Through go. Up and over the benny, jammo, giving you a whole Grilled Cheese up and over span in downtown. Rain hitting us hard bringing all of the roadways to a crawl like here, a long 422, an accident eastbound at royersford. The jackknife tractor trailer southbound on the turnpike near exit number one. Heading to that delaware Memorial Bridge try to use 295. Otherwise, heres your speed meter reading, even i95, just a lucky start to a tuesday morning. Mike and alex, back over to you. If you take new Jersey Transit, prepare to be recorded. Im not judges talking about video but listening in on on your conversation. I dont know why i dont have a problem with this, lot of people do. Steve keeley has been riding the planes. Police have not only kicked off the train but also on the platform. Well, why . Reporter that is just their rules but they finally caught up to us. I was wondering why it took so long. Good timing as a train, to trenton, arrives and it three is two years i just did the math, past the real 1984, but George Orwells 1984, is alive, well and with us now in 2016. If you didnt read that book, that was the book with him predicting the feature and big brother as he called it was watching, listening to everything that you did and said and now big the brother is new Jersey Transit who may be eavesdropping. Look at our video from our train ride and you will note ace a lot of signs both on the platforms and in the trains right now. That sign in paper, yellow, big signs up at the trains, stops, and stations telling you that both video and Audio Systems in use, light rails are equip with video and Audio Systems. Not only are they watching you with surveillance cameras but they are listening to you. But we didnt find any microphones. Still, some riders have a big problem with that. Invasion of privacy. And, talking to your family and friend on your phone. Yeah, that is why i do a lot of texting. Reporter it almost doesnt make any sense because so many people are on so many of these trains, and how do you listen to all these conversation at one time. I try not to. Keep my head phones in. I think it is necessary sometimes because you can play radio and so forth on the train. You have to have have some way to police that process, it is advantageous for us. What about concerns it is an invasion of the privacy and laws against eavesdropping on private certification. Well, that is all over. You get that on the telephone. What can do you about it. You have already given those rights up. Reporter you dont think recording peoples conversations will make you any safer. No, because people dont talk like that no more they just get on the phone and text. There is a group call new Jersey Association of railroad passengers, and the head of it told new jersey advanced media that people have come to expect video surveillance, in this post 9 1 world but people have a real problem with audio recording, conversations he says, should be kept private. The American Civil Liberties union no surprise says there are laws in new jersey about audio taping conversations, and concerns with how government uses it who has access to it and how long they will keep it. Now after riding the train for two hours i can tell you conversations i had, government would have in history n it was two hours of the history, and how yesterdays chronic was not as good as this mornings hit accord together people behind me on this train back in trenton. Interesting conversation. But that is true too about the new jersey laws. We had our legal analyst in yesterday he was saying there has to be consent and looking at a sign that says were recording you, does that really get consent . We will have to have see. Would i think say yes. Ken says for some people it may not be enough though. Every time you make a phone call to what, the airlines. Yeah. They tell you it is being recorded. Call your doctor. Go forward with the call good yes. All right. The philadelphia Hockey Community are upset when we her of the passing of the ed snider. So now those close to ed had a chance to reflect and sharing their memories with us a lot of people across the country too lauren. That is right ed snider known as one of the most even these yas particular sports owners in philadelphia he loved his players and boy did they love him back. Look at this team photo taken over new years when the team was on a west coast trip, the team saw snider at his home in santa monica, california, and no one ever expected it to be the final group photo. Well, heres flyers general manager ron hextall with one of his fond memories of snider. I was fortunate enough to go watch a game with him, the st. Louis game. Im sitting in the basement with him. Were losing three nothing. He lot at me and said, this isnt the way we planned it. I said no, it is not. We came back, we won that game with three or four minutes left. We scored. At the time he wasnt doing great. He was in a lot of pain. He got up, he was high fiveing. For the fourth goal he got up out of his seat. That is something i will never forget. It is not just memories like that Even Inner City kid have snider to thank and remember for introducing them to the game of hockey. For the past ten years Ed Snider Youth Hockey Foundation provided a place for kids to play hockey and learn about life lessons. The foundation operates out of the seven local win ks and incorporate hockey with academic, fitness and nutrition. One former player turn coach said snider impacted him. He has done so much for me. He paid for equipment with he get to through it. He paid for the year i played ice who can any college. He didnt to have do those things. He really cares, about someone they dont know. His legacy will be snider hockey. Many years from now when we all forget he founded the flyers, and 30, 40, 50 years from now, snider hockey will affect these communities in the positive light. 3,000 area kids are involved in that foundation and officials expect to build two more rink s and double size of the program in the coming years. Mike and alex. Unreal. What a life. To his family and he has been very clear he want that to be his legacy what he has done for the community and youth. Like that man said today, it will go on for years and years and years. Just months after a man ambushed and shot Philadelphia Police officer Jesse Hartnett, the officer was on the mound at Citizens Bank park yesterday afternoon. What he did next on this big day, that has a a whole ballgame and park cheering. Pretty much change his life. Yeah. Forever. Getting ready to eat your breakfast . Not so fast. There are five foods that are making you look older, what you should cut out right now if you want to keith that youthful look. It better not be all this because i eat all this. At giant, shoppers are discovering low prices by the thousands, plus a thousand more that just dropped. All these low prices what are you trying to do, get me to feed the whole neighborhood . No. Just trying to save you a whole lot of bread. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags, thousands of low prices. My giant. The best beach in america is new jersey, keysal living names ocean city the nations greatest, beating out, huntingdon beach, california. Magazine says ocean city is number one for several reasons. Family friendly, has the boardwalk, good food, history of beauty, and it is also a dry town. Got to love ocean city, right, sue. I made a couple visits there in my time and came back with johnsons popcorn, of course. Now, if you visit ocean city, you will get wet at least for next couple hours but we do have an end to all this rain. The last of the showers are in harrisburg and everything will dry from northwest to to south east. We have steady rain here around Concord Township in delco, tredyffrin, Chester County up there in buckingham and bucks county, and there is steady rain all throughout southern new jersey and heavy rain down around ocean city, maryland. Other ocean city. Freeze watch in effect tonight into tomorrow morning because when that rain end cold temperatures will roll in. Mild right now you in the 60s. 58 degrees tomorrow for High Temperature, plenty of sunshine but it will be breezy on the will cool side especially in the morning. 62 degrees on thursday and then we will warm up through the weekend and end up in the 70s on sunday and monday. Yeah. Good morning, everybody. 8 14. Slow go on i95 southbound from academy in towards bridge street. Sue, i love working. I got you something. My favorite necklace ever. A Grilled Cheese necklace to celebrate Grilled Cheese day. So cute good got the to love it. Having some fun. It is perfect day for Grilled Cheese, throw in tomato soup and bam, bobby will be happy. Up and over, the benny, stacked up in the tolls from downtown into eighth and vine. In one is going anywhere fast this morning. The heres a live lot at blue route right here near route one, an accident south on 295, right the at the white horse pike, and that is for route 30, also jammed on both 42 and 55 as you head in towards the city. An accident eastbound 422 at royersford about a 25 minute trip all the way into kop and expect weather delays this morning at philly international. The mass transit though looking good, just watch it, those platforms and steps could be slippery this morning, mike and alex, back over to you. Watch your step. You know the phrase you you are what you eat. Yes. Apparently there are some things you should not be eating as you get older and is there a reason for it. That is why they call me jack daniels now. Please, stop. Some of our Favorite Foods are doing us more harm then g we are bringing in registered dietition, from Cooper University health care and she will tell us all of the things that we are eating that we shouldnt be eating. Are these things aging us. They are not aging us but as we age we may want to stay a way some things because it can play a big part in your health. For older group of americans. Grapefruits. Dont look at me. We do want to you stay away from grapefruit or at least check with your doctor, great fruit does have an enzyme that can play a big role in certain medications especially cholesterol medication. Ill be darned. Yeah. It can either enhance them or some medications, make them work a lot less. That is great breakfast food. Put some sugar on that. Do you put sugar on grapefruit. But i tried to back off because there is enough sugar in it already. It is sweet enough but not if you are taking medications. Yes. Certain medications. Okay. Other food we should stay away from. If you want to stay away from grapefruit and you want some other fruit in we suggest any of these different kind that get vitamin c. Yes. Strawberries. Great alternative to grapefruit good let me understand this segment because im totally confused. Stay away from the grapefruit, go with these. Yes. Because you may take some medication that is interact with this, but it wont interact with that. These are usually safe. You have two more items here. What should you stay away from. Lets see, you guess. I those greek yogurt is good and silk is supposed to be good. A lot of people cant tolerate lactose in the yogurt and milk. That is normal to not be able to tolerate lactose so you you can change to soy milk which is just as healthy. It gives you your calcium and other nutrients and you can still kind oven joy your cereals. What about almond milk. Almond milk is great too. Almond milk, did you go to high school with almond. Almond. Listen, im from texas. Almond. Now im totally confused by the next plate. Right. Instead of the apple you should eat a apple. No. We have two apples. What should we be doing then. If you have poor teeth or your teeth hurt when you bite in on something hard like an apple, an alternative to just having an apple a day. Could be sauce. It is stealing my thunder. You can have apple sauce or you you can have the canned fruit as long as it is in the white syrup. Got you. Speaking of cans. You have got canned corn, over frozen corn. Let me guess, you should eat the canned corn. No, frozen. What we want to be doggies looking at label. You will notice, in a lot of canned goods they have more sodium in them. You wont get any sodium in your frozen. Make sure that you look at the label, and check out percentage. 5 percent means it is low, 20 percent means it is high. Also when you get these in the microwave and they come out. They are really easy. Yes. Yes. I was just talking to the the Security Guard out there. Yes. And ed, the Security Guard, he said he found this ring in the tv station and he wants to find the owner of it. Yes. Joe, is this yours. I got mine. Im covered. Is that a wedding ring good it is a wedding ring so back off. Where are you from. My whole family fridays new york. Brooklyn, bronx. No, manhattan and upstate good manhattan. And upstate so just forget about it, and Pay Attention to that ring. Okay, thank you so much. Whose could it be . We know it is not mine. Your pinky ring now. We know you are italian. Hey, back off. Maybe put cotton balls in your mouth. Do you want to see a new commercial starring Michael B Jordan and kobe bryant. It the is a new apple commercial and apparently Michael B Jordan is poking fun at kobe. We will see what he says. Well, phillies home opener is history. It was so much fun. I had the best time yesterday. I know you are not feeling well but you should have gone. Yes. Of course, always asking for mike. Where is mike. He is not feeling too well. Everybody is like, loves music. I was under the weather. Yes. The weather was great yesterday, in the right now. The game didnt go, without some interesting things happening on the field before the game, okay. So do you remember the Philadelphia Police officer that was shot, i dont know how he survived this but im glad he did. That is Jesse Hartnett throwing out the first pitch. They had to reconstruct his arm. He leaves to they out first pitch and then gets down on his knee and proposes to his girl friend. Everyone started screaming, so excited, look at that. It was such a great moment to see. Great to see him out there and doing that first pitch. Then you walk over and then does this. That is cool. E yah and a home run good she had in clue. In clue. No. Now a head of the kobe bryants final nba game he teams up with Michael B Jordan for a new apple tv commercial. So the two, they are arguing over how kobe as career should be depict, if they were to make a bio pick about him. Yeah. How good is this kid. That is the guy that played in this movie, cold blooded assassin. Father time. What . A hero, on the verge of the steep decline. Perfect. There is no decline. It is all assession. So what part hurts the most. What does it matter to you. They didnt tell you. Im playing you all the way through with make up, prosthetic and stuff like that. Playing a serious case of benjamin buttons. Fast forward, 20 minutes and 36 seconds. Now that is the guy im playing in this movie. I get it now, so Michael B Jordan has been hired to play kobe when he was in high school, here in philadelphia. Got the lower merion jersey on. I was wondering is what up with Michael B Jordans hair. That is kobes hair. So that is a big ticket item, tomorrow nights game with the utah jazz at Staples Center in los angeles. I can only imagine i remember how packed it was at wells fargo sent ever when he came, right after he made the announcement when he came to philadelphia, everybody was trying to get in. Only imagine what it will be like in his final games. Question is, two games tomorrow night, if you had a ticket, which one would you go to, kobes final game or watch steph curry and try on break and nba record of 73 wins. I think that is easy, i think kobes final games. Easy in team has ever done it. But still, coneys final game. It is kobe bryant, what do you. Would i go watch stretchh curry and warriors. Neither one of us have either ticket. No. But we will be home watching tv if nobody claims this ring, by 10 00 oclock im taking it. What will you do wear it. Sell it on ebay. Are we getting reaction to the ppa job that quincy is doing. We are. Quincy, i think when you put on this uniform peoples opinion of you, they will after lot of them and they will share them with you. Lots of thoughts about ppa. Guys, it is tough, really hard to hear you guys. It is raining out here. These are some really harsh conditions, when i would do, would i go watch kobe bryants last game. Mike, you are going to were you i awe ticket coming up. Yes, double parking. Dont you just love it too small, one woman stand her ground after people criticized the size of her Engagement Ring. Why she just captain understand the obsession with the bling. Of course, we are continuing to celebrate good days 20th anniversary. We have questions about the door on twitter. What is this door . You know we have guests come through every single day to celebrate our 20 years. So who will be behind the door today. I will tell you this, this person, was on this show for over ten years and much loved, sue, much loved. By me and many, many others. I cant wait to see this person when they arrive later on. Mild morning on this national Grilled Cheese day. Showers around, sandwiches get soggy, 50s and 60s, but bus stop buddy had has his flyers cap on. Excited about the team making playoffs, in tribute to ed snider. We have a cold front coming through the area as we speak. The heaviest rain is with us right now if you are in philadelphia a, it is yucky out there. Take your time, how a lot of extra time, plenty of cloud and rain. 60 degrees is your current temperature with the southeasterly breeze, at 10 miles an hour. We will stay in the 60s through early part of the day and then sun witt come out, later on but it will be breezy, cooler when that happens. We will see temperatures dropping down in the 50s for drive home. Sunset time is 7 37. Bob kelly, it is a lucky day out there. Pull covers over your head and stay where you you are kind of days, right. Live look at blue route, 476 in the middle of the heavy downpours. No one is going to be on time, this morning. The heres we go on the bennie, backed up, up and overall four lanes into downtown at eighth and vine. An accident south on 295 right at the white horse pike, even jammed up on the 42 freeway and 55 heading in toward the walt whitman and slow go on 422, pretty much from royersford all the way into king of prussia i know we have been talking about national Grilled Cheese month and national Grilled Cheese day. Here is my little kayla, check this out. This is her Grilled Cheese dance. Shes not watching good day philadelphia. We have to work on that. Yes. Reach in and take that Grilled Cheese away. Oh, no. Im heading out to the cheesy wagon, one of the popular Grilled Cheese spots in the city hey bob. Coming up on good day. If you had as like to meet bob kelly, i believe that truck sits at 34th and market. It is my favorite, i love the cheesy wagon. Okay. Regular Grilled Cheese, but then also different toppings on it. Yes. They have all kind of different toppings. Owe good. More than just a Grilled Cheese. We are getting a report that some people are doubled parked in south philadelphia and ppa the is taking care of it. You mean quincy because he is the ppa today. Q, company my job. This is tough. People like when they see me. They are not really, happy to see us together. No. They are happiest to see me because you where me. We have a violation. We were going to do a double park but vehicle actually moved. People start to scam per and moving around it is intimidation factor. Yes. We have one right here, though, these people right here have what, what is this violation right here. This is no parking anytime. How much is this. This is if im not mistaken 51. Yes. They have 51 worth of tools in there. Lets write a ticket. What do we do. We timed it for 20 minutes. Their 20 minutes is up. So we will issue the ticket. What we will do is, go where we are timing. Do you see this computer thing right there. We would press one for issue ticket. No, go into timing. You pull up this block which is 400 monday re. Okay. So it is expired, so we will hit two. Issue. Yes. Then we will go put the date, i mean the time and the address and everything. If you are parked illegally you have enough time to move because this process takes a little bit of time, yes, it does. And then we will issue the ticket. Nice. Im excited. Im only excited because this person broke the law and they need a ticket. You out there watching, i wouldnt do that to you, okay. So we put the ticket right here, on the windshield like this. You guys are familiar with that. You violated. You get a violation. Boom. Never done that before. How does it feel to give a ticket. Yes, yes, we gave someone a ticket. Are you crying. No, my eyes water because the rain and everything. Yes. Tears of joy. Tears of joy writing every ticket. Guys, next hour we may do a boot, we may tow a car. This is a actually our third ticket that we have written. Do you you want some tickets, off air, so we are just walking our beat, guys. Anyone coming up to you yet. I want to see someone coming up to you yet. A lot of people do, a lot of people have been coming up to us saying hey, heres a ticket around the corner that you should get. Tattle tails. People will they other people under the bus. You missed this one around the corner. A lot of times if you get a ticket out there, it is not anns fault, people air cyst continuing ann and in giving you a ticket. The it is your fellow citizen. 8 37. Thanks, quincy. Iggy azalea threatens nick young amid a cheating scandal. Are they still engaged. Shes still wearing her ring. But shes sending a message to herman that would make any guy cringe. Narrator why have president obama and Vice President biden endorsed Katie Mcginty for us senate . Because shes a champion for working families. Katie mcginty will take on the republicans and protect Social Security and medicare. And mcginty will work for equal pay for women because families depend on it. For the april 26th democratic primary, president obama supports Katie Mcginty. Katie im Katie Mcginty and i approve this message, because its your turn to get ahead. Modres the cost of living the pay stays the same. I have to work extra hours just to make ends meet. Its a big struggle. One person that really gets this is Katie Mcginty. She came from a workingclass family. She was ninth of 10 kids. She gets it. Shell fight for equal pay for equal work. Katie mcginty will protect Social Security and medicare. Thats why president obama and Vice President biden support her, too. Shell make a heck of a senator. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. What is popping. Every time. Iggy a sale use is responding. It is in the is what popping shes popping off. Popping off. Yeah. Shes responding to a video that l. A. Lakers Deangelo Russell he secretly recorded her fiance nick young talking about on some of the women he has hook up with. Then that video was leaked on line and then she found out about it. Heres the original video. Unaudible. So, the way he says, no she is my girl. Amber rose, you ever try it. So, he admits he never had sex with amber rose. He said there are other women, after the club type stuff. The 19 yearold girl that he mentioned and it sounded like he hooked up with her. He said. Oh, now that doesnt mean he did it, you know what i mean. He could be showing off in front of his teammate. So, iggy had a conversation with nick and it seems to me that nick talk his way out of it because they are still together. Let me hear what she had to say. For me the biggest thing is like whatever unspoken code that is, i dont really care. I have an actual spoken commitment that youre going to get married to me and that involves not doing any of those other things. So, guy code, im not really concerned about guy code what about what this person says, in the video, that is what i care about, sitting at home, quite honestly. I dont really care about Deangelo Russell. It sound like they talk it out, alex. Shes okay good well, she explains that she chose to stay with nick young, because there was no actual proof of infidelity. Umhmm. But you if she did find out about anymore cheating that she would cut a quote special part of his body off. She said on the radio, i would cut his penis off. We all necessity what that is. Well, why do we need to to say it. She would do a bobit. She with need to walk in on him. If he said i did this, then he dit. He talked his way out of it. I was just talking to my friend, my teammate good do you want to be with a man talks like that about you. I cheat on her. I have done that. After the club stuff. Do you want that. Apparently she does. Jen is down the street at a really cool store called smack parlor. They dont smack you around there. They sell you clothes. Hi jen. They sure do. They say dont be afraid, dont be a frayed of the big, bold, spring patterns, and in some cases mixing them, come on back we will tell you how to make it work for all kind of events, even fancy ones. Joe sestak supports a plan that the new york timesfactreported makes cuts to Social Security benefits. And the plan raises the retirement age. Its true. The a. A. R. P. Opposed the plan, citing dramatic cuts to medicare benefits. The plan sestak supports means higher outofpocket costs for millions on medicare. Any way you spin it, the truth about sestak is gonna hurt. Women vote is responsible for the content of this advertising. 8 46. Sea isle city is soaking wet this morning. So are the rest of us as the worst of the rain moves through, right now, over the next hour or so. Probably over the next couple of hours. We will see everything start to dry out, from northwest to south east, soon, but not yet, it is still yucky. You see heavy rain in abington up around marple and delaware county, Thornbury Township in Chester County, down here in wilmington delaware it is raining steadily. Lots of umbrellas up here in olde city, down in ocean city, maryland, raining heavily as well but as soon as rain end, it will be freezing or below tonight. We have a freeze watch in effect. We will be about 39 in the morning in the city, but colder in the suburbs. Fiftyeight is our high for tomorrow, and then it is sunny, warmer each and every day will alex all the way through weekend back to the 07s show on sunday. A lot better than last weekend. Yes, i love the 70s show. Always welcome. So big, bold patterns are back and one stylist say dont be afraid, ladies, we should embrace big bold patterns. Jen, you will show us how to embrace them the right way. Absolutely, rihanna is in here from smack parlor. You you are known for big beld patterns. Even what you have going on here. You have a couple different, ideas. I feel like when people think of prints they get nervous like it is too much, they cant do it. That is a a lie. Lets begin with date night. You a say dont be afraid to mix bold pieces, bold patterns together like Leather Jacket with the stuff. Exactly. Here we have some stripes and we outfitted it with a printed skirt with strawberry on it. Very cute put together. We threw Leather Jacket over shoulders to make it more date night look nights are still cold and chilly. People file like if im wearing strawberries i can no do the rocker but that gives it the edge. It makes it sweet and zazi. I love it. Dont be afraid to wear big bold patterns and prints to formal events. Exactly like graduation parties are coming up and graduation itself is coming up. So this is beautiful to wear it near the sun, it has a fun print and underneath, it is a graduation gown, breathable, flowy, high pack to pull it in, flattering for everybody. Shes super tall but that would look awesome on regular size people. Yes, awesome. Dont be afraid to rock them in the work place. I think every day is a work party. Okay. So this you pared with a softer skirt to make it more work appropriate. Exactly, we have a skirt with still a fun color. You dont have to go to a solid color because you are wearing a fun print. We have cabbing puts, honestly everyone will see it and smile. It will make everyone around you happy as well. I think a lot of people around you think it will make you look bigger. Everyone hear this is myth. It makes them look leaner. Yes, it makes you look thinner. People are so distract with the print that they are like wow this girl looks amazing good thank you so much. Youre welcome. Coming up later we will talk about things you might have retired from your wardrobe thaw say are back. Yes, right. And that is what will happen. Can you hear about my mind or emergency. Doctor mike will perform surgery on me between the segment and next. Do you know what it is about. No, lets take a look. Can we widen out and see a full body shot. Is something wrong with you. Something is wrong with me. He needs his medical kit. Do you need a checkup from the neck up. It is from the neck up, is there an issue from the neck up. Interesting. Maybe a full transplant. He has been called. He said i can see you between 9 30 and 10 30 i say i need it now. I dont see anything physically wrong. It could be a Mental Health issue. Have you ever dream you could live at disney world . You want to hear this all the time. You dont to have wish upon a star anymore how you can move to the happiest place on earth and what that will cost you. Im sure a lot. You can live on the grounds this ii got to see my dad, die on national tv. They dont know what they took from us. People are dying. We need a president thats going to talk about it. I believe Bernie Sanders is a protestor. Hes not scared to go up against the criminal justice system. Hes not scared. Thats why im for bernie. Im Bernie Sanders and i approve this message. It is 8 54. For all of you disney world plans your dreams of living there can be a reality. Disney has built. Oh, my. A development in the community. Neighborhood in which you can own a Single Family home on the resort. It stretchs cross 980 acres but still need to bring cash. The homes start, ready for this, mike, two milliondollar, each. It will cost you two milliondollar, per house to live at disney world. Umhmm. And also they have 300 hems fully developed. They look beautiful by the way. Who is good at math. What is 300 times 2 million. Well, you know what it is. 60 million. Know, it would be 600 million, 600 milliondollar. Well, disney can use the cash. Sure they can as they keep raising prices at the parks but that is fine. Maybe you would save money wouldnt take all of the kid to disney world on trips, right next door just walk over there. Im just saying. Would i rather remove my spleen with a butter knife. Hi. Do we have a camera to show is what going on here in the studio. He wants to show madness. Weve got three or four trash cans being set up. Yes. They are not trash cans. They are more than that. What do you suppose this could be . What is going on here. A lot of set up. I dont know. And you still have that pinky ring, mike. I do. We will still talk about this. Is this too small. Woman is standing her ground after people chris ice the size of her Engagement Ring why she cant understand obsession with the bling. The ring on my finger, someone left in the tr station and we are trying to find out who owns it. We are celebrating 20th anniversary of this tv show called good day philadelphia we have a special guest who will come through the door, let me just say this person you know from good day philadelphia, this person work here over ten years, much loved, is it a man, is it a woman, is it both. The world a president has to grapple with. Sometimes you cant even imagine. Thats the job. And shes the one whos proven she can get it done. Securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons. Standing up against the abuse of women. Protecting Social Security. Expanding benefits for the national guard. And Winning Health care for 8 million children. The presidency is the toughest job in the world and shes the one wholl make a real difference for you. Im Hillary Clinton and i approved this message. Okay. All right. Magic. Welcome everybody. So is what going on here in the good day philadelphia studio. We will explain in a little bit the but this should be fantastic and a wild. Yes. And, it could be loud. But in a good way. All right. Good day, everybody. It is tuesday, april the 12th, 2016. They are setting up. Kid of all

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