Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 6A 20171122 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 6A 20171122

>> i'm not worried about. that will he's not punk. why he says he won't back down from anybody on the court. >> he's a pretty big guy, too, so i'm sure had a helps. >> seven-two does help in the world. good day everybody, it is wednesday, november the 22nd, 2017. >> it is not just any wednesday, though, this is the wednesday before thanks girl, so many people are getting up and getting ready to head to see their loved ones. >> oh, yes, up already, aren't they? >> i think so. have you seen the lines at the airport? my gosh. >> it is ridic. >> you see, i thought it was yesterday, wednesday before thanks giving has turned into the tuesday, but now we're back to the wednesday. >> well, my family came in yesterday, so. >> well, maybe it is tuesday and wednesday. >> it is both the days, right, knew. >> and we used to call this is the biggest travel day of the year, then i here it really is sunday, because no matter when you leave, whether monday, tuesday, wednesday, everybody >> that makes sense..- >> anyway regardless, you might want to put off your trip a little bit if you don't like driving in the rain. because the rain won't last all day. we've got seven out of ten, after all most of the rain south and east of us, temperatures in the 40's 45,'s, don't forget that umbrella for this morning, don't forget your suitcase for the trip to grand ma's house, seeing more rain spread into our area, we've got off shore system plus a cold front. >> the grounds is wet here in old city. 52 degrees the current temperature, we will give you not only today high but tomorrow and "black friday," so 55 the early hi, temperatures will drop pretty much as soon as the rain ends, that's what will happen tomorrow. >> sews that what we have going on for our weather today, tomorrow, and the weekend somebody over after "black friday," that forecast for you coming up. bob kelly? >> good morning, call it 63:03, this wednesday morning, second accident, at the same spot, westbound, on the schuylkill expressway. right here, at university. so delays coming out of south philly headed into center city. and here comes the rain, closer to the viewing area here, live look at the 42 freeway, you can see the spray now, so everybody is getting a early start. that's a wiper wednesday, down here in delco, again, the roads are wet. along i95, as you roll through delaware county. couple of travel tips, depending upon what time you leave. give yourself plenty of extra time. make sure you have full tank every gas. we always see so many cars, run out every gas because they don't factor in the big delays they're going to find today. whether for going by yourself or you're taking the kids, pack some smacks, make sure the kids got the games, the power cords in there, avoid the afternoon rush hour by all means if you can, and where ever you are traveling, watch for the new traffic patterns, like 95, near girard avenue, if you are going to the poconos, all new traffic patterns, since the last time you went home for thanksgiving. mike and alex back over to you. >> so i guess we will be traveling, triple a says that 90% of us will be in our cars. 9% of us will be in a airplane, and then just 1% on trains. but that is bogus for people who live on the northeast corridor, and amtrak is so popular. >> oh, i love riding the train. i think it is a quick and easy way, you don't have to worry about all of the traffic, you know what i a.m. saying? >> maybe that wasn't bogus, because there is no one there. >> still early. we'll cheap checking back, and then look at the airport, the rain star starting to come down. >> but packed at the airport. that will stat was right. >> i know you can't really tell from this angle, but we will take you inside, so you can see some of the lines. the thing is if you can just get through security, that he the kicker. to plan what time you arrive based on how long that security shrine. >> what i hear you begging for is a shot from inside philadelphia international airport. and we have it for you, alex. sabina is there. hi, sabina! >> reporter: yes, hey, okay. so i guess like the airport is right now the place to be. because we keep getting these glimpse of a long line, and then all the sudden usually right before our live shot it is gone. they're moving these people through security, i mean, take a look, you can see right now, pretty clear, in a little bit after lull. and we have the man that i want to hear from, this morning, gary, from tsa. tell us everything we need to know to get ready for our flights today. >> good morning, sabina. so they start at home, right? so it is about pack ago prepare re atly, plan your trip out, getting out of here. so get here on time. >> two hours early? >> too hours is great. make sure to pack prohibited items, things to wonder about, go on line and check it out at tsa. >> your website is great. >> instagram is good. we have a twitter page, facebook, a loft things going on on social media wise. check it o you can nut there item that you want to travel with. we'll tell were you it can go in the check bag. >> i have done, that you can actually search it. so say do you all that, you get here, you get to the line. what do you do when actually in line? what, take off, put in the bins? >> right. still have to diverse your jacket if you have a heavy jacket on. still have to take your shoes off, depended where you're at, expedited lane, k9's sometimes keep that on. you don't have to worry about that too much in line. but what what you could do get your i.d. out, boarding pass, eve trap remembers has those themselves. don't car any a large group. >> everybody have their own, good advice. i did notice, k9's are out, i've seen them. when the dogs are out you don't normally have to take your shoes off. >> that's correct. they'll tell you up front. >> that's awesome. you know you are the person i want to hear from all morning long, so i stick with you, a little later, get some more tips from you. but again, straight from the horse's mouth, that's what do you have do, get here on time, and try to, you know, pack light, right, so you can get through with those bags. >> have your cameraman look out the window to the right. looks like there is a lot of traffic there, too? >> yes, it is raining. >> and uber are stacking up. >> you know it is only going to get busier. >> happy holidays ♪ >> it is your last chance to win the family over with a special treat at, what is it tomorrow? >> thanksgiving. >> thanksgiving, not halloween. orange. >> well, that's a thanksgiving color. you don't think orange and brunn. >> orange and brown, true, falling leaves. >> or flyers. >> well, flyers. >> orange and black. >> they need help. there is a line out the door over at mcmillan's bakery, it is 6:07 on a wednesday. >> that's because you're trying to script long lines that usually happen, right, steve? you got to get there early? >> well they opened an hour early. look, this is a crush, we finally have, this looks like the airport, and john came up from marmora, one town outside of avalon, what's that an hour and a half to get here? >> about so. >> why? there are bakeries probably 400 bakeries between here and avalon. why here? >> well, mcmillan's probably the best quality baking goods around here, and it is my job to get the baking goods for the family celebration. >> well, safe driving. thanks. wow, that tells you how much people love this place. and cathy is here in line. look at this, this is what they're phone for, snowflake rolls and cream donuts going fast. do we have a cream donut to show of course not. greg, come here for a second. these are more like cream sandwiches. sue serio knows these well, because they dropped them off when she was doing weather nearby at cooper river once. that blows away anything krispy kreme can dish out. cathy, why are you here this early, day before thanksgiving? >> beat the crowds. >> because you think they'll run out of everything? >> yep. >> all right, well, enjoy your thanksgiving. >> thank you. >> john, have safe trip back to marmora. all right, now, look, five generations of mcmillan's family is working, and and i'll take you back here, i have answer been column hearing since i was a kid, i'm friend with the family. this is christy the may tree arc. how crazy is it? here? >> very crazy, yes. >> and all of this stuff from world war two, this equipment, right. >> oh, everything, back in 1978, is when the business started. >> all right. good luck today. >> thank you. >> now, look at this. watch this, this is like a ford assembly plant making model t's if we can squeeze through here. look at all of these people, look how big the back of the bakery; you saw the lobby, look how craze think is. and they are making everything. there is where the dough s see how many generations in and how big the offense are and everything else, greg, back this way, we leave it with you. we want to tell you that the fruit cake is still a very popular thing. look at this. this is a maze of things. i'm getting a wrap. i want to talk to generation five here doing the cream pies, how proud are you to be in this family? >> extremely proud. >> good job. >> happy thanksgiving everybody. we go to the pennsauken wawa, just 15 minute drive from here, which is equally craze which gas, we talked to people as early as 2:00 a.m. today going across the country, so we'll have many of that for when you we see you in 20 minutes. >> take that cream pie and put it in your face. >> oh, stop it. >> you know what? go ahead. >> do they have the snowflake rolls? because people, were talking about this. i've never had a snowflake roll. >> how many dozen is that? >> four bakers dozens. >> that's just for one customer. that's their specialty. yes, snowflake rolls. >> i've never heard of them before. >> mike, how much will you give me if i throw in in greg's face this lemon meringue pie? >> i'll give you $100. >> no, i need him to work the rest of the day. see you from the wawa. all right. >> thank you. >> see you later. >> snowflake rolls. >> describing them yesterday, they're like big. >> they're big, and we thought they were covered in powder sugar, that's flower, i think. >> interesting. >> we want one, and we want one now. >> okay. this grandmother is packing, and i don't mean packing for thanksgiving trip. she packing heat. and 86 year old woman showed up to a bank with her walker and gun. and demanded cash. you talk about walker texas ranger. well, not quite. >> okay, we might have some better news here about this crash, the search continues for three missing navy personnel members after their plane crashed off the coast of japan. so the navy tweeted out that picture this morning. eight people on the plane have been recoverd in good condition, the crew leaded back to the uss ronald reagan aircraft carrier before this crash. the plane was taking part in a joint us japan naval exercises, the cause of the crash of course has not been determined yet. they're check that out. but i thought everybody was going to be lost. >> this is positive news for sure. >> by the way there were 11 service members on board, a bigger plane 6:13. >> let's check in about with bob, bob, you're going to be busy this morning. look at all of those lights. >> the turkey trot underway. southbound boulevard, plus the rain is going to hamper our commute this morning if your skin had a wash tag what would it say? 80% glowing 50% freckles no matter your skin type, all skin deserves gentleness. that's why dove is sulfate free. the #1 body wash recommended by dermatologists. >> 6:16. we're taking another look at 30th street station, where it is still not that busy yet this morning, but we know it will get busier as the morning rolls on, so this is probably some morning quiet necessary, you know, sue, just get, there get you a nice aunt ann's pretzel or get to saxby's and sit down and wait. >> you can actually stretch out on a bench right now, not possible later on. >> true. wait, get in line, and just sit back. i say that's the way to go when it comes to traveling if you can. >> exactly, now, here we are at baggage claim with your forecast forget away day today. for this morning, 50 degrees-ish with rainy start the rain won't last all day, temperatures will start to fall through the 40's, but at least have sunshine for your travels if you are embarking on your journey in the afternoon. cold front is on the way. we also have an off-shore low pressure system. and that's what's giving us the rain right now. we haven't even gotten the colds front yet. it is still out in the central part of pennsylvania, but, that will be coming through, immediately, after this system pulls off shore. so, we are going to see rain probably for the next couple of hours. if you don't like driving in the rain, just wait little while. you can probably have a dry rest of the day. so let's go to the seven day forecast, and get you through this weekend. 46 degrees, very chilly, and in the morning going to the football games, you really have to bundle up tomorrow. "black friday," 53 degrees, sunny, cool. nice on saturday. but then another blast of cold air sunday, eagles home sunday taking on the chicago bearings. 6:18. morning, everybody, live look, the schuylkill expressway, so we know today will be crazy to begin with, let's throw some rain in there, to really mess things up. you can see the spray coming up off the cars and trucks, hello to delco, i95, again, getting hit with rain pretty much here all the way down towards the shore. here is a live look at 295, south jersey, careful of all of the construction zones as you travel today, 295, 42 not seeing any guys but maybe the last time you trampled the road to go grab thanks give dinner. getting ready for the parade, about 9:00 they will shut down the kelly driver and whole parkway area in the circle in front of the art museum. and that will be in lock-down mode all the way through late tomorrow with the parade later today 20th and 30th, they'll set up the big balloons that you'll see in the parade tomorrow. that will cut off access to 30th street station. detours to begin with before you get on over there. down at philadelphia international airport, again, give yourselves plenty of extra time before you even get to the terminal, give yourselves time to park. everybody going here, has to find a parking spot once the lots fill up go to the off site parking shuttle because has to bring you back to the airport. that alone adds 20 minutes, and terminal c, pre-check only. so if your flight leaving from terminal c, you got to check in terminal b, go through the check in deal then walk back over to terminal c. bottom line big coffee and extra time. >> shy is probably the last person would you expect to be accused of trying to hole up a bank. but, this robber, or alleged robber, was pushing a walker, and was escorted by police out of the bank, 86 years old, see her being led out of the bank at td market, place in the handcuffs, police say the woman, who is retired city corrections officer, came into the bank, with just after 2:00 a revolver, and demanded $400. see the revolver right there? pen police quickly arrived and arrested her, 86 years old. >> someone could have been shot even accidentally. so you have to have concerns, then people bring their kids leer. >> i doubt this is going to be a repeat thing. >> so the incident shut the bank down for hours, while f.b.i. agents examined the .38 caliber revolver. it was unclear if the gun was loaded. but wow. >> wheels on the get away walker. >> she did have wheels, yes. >> she probably in desperate straight, or mad about something. >> she wanted her money back. >> well, she knows about the correction facility. >> okay. >> so many areas we get in trouble here. so let's just move on. >> all right. >> nobody was hurt. so that's the good thing. >> no, okay. the big man is not backing down. joel embiid actually answered the question that you had yesterday, alex hole. >> i what? >> well, said, is something going to punch him in the face. >> i didn't ask that, you asked that. >> that's what i heard. okay it, came out of my mouth. well, he answer philadelphia for us, and we will play the answer. satisfy parade from -- is he afraid of getting hit? >> good morning, i'm kristen rodgers, fifth straight lost for the flyers and something last to change. flyers-canucks, vancouver, offer the break away here, daniel from his brother, scores for vancouver, they tie this up. and just 19 seconds later, canucks again, this time it is brock bester. vancouver takes the lead, they doesn't look back. flyers fall again. at nine and one eagles have the best record in the league a lot of guys like zach ertz have been nine and one before but not in the pros. they say this is new territor territory. >> high school, we were good but never this dominant. i mean, nfl it is not supposed to happen where you're beating teams by two touchdowns, supposed to be close games, so i think it is a testament to the guys on this team, the attitude we have on the team, every time we step on the field we expect to win. >> brian dawkins was named semifinal list for the pro-football hall of fame. terrell owens also named semifinal list again this year, both finalists last season, too. that's sports in a minute. i'm kristen rodgers. >> you know we have a lot of sports fans who watch this show. thank you for doing that, especially eagles fans. have the eagles in our franchise history ever been nine and one? i should have that at my fingertips but i don't. >> you mean your five fingertips? >> actually all ten. >> and my tow tips. >> what? >> so confused. >> okay? >> five times. >> what? >> that we've been nine and one. >> where did you learn that? >> they said it yesterday. >> really? >> yes. we have been nine and 15 times in team history. >> i thought it was -- in 2004 we were nine and one. >> yes, but been five times total. you can fact check me if you would like. >> i would say 1949, 1906, 1980. >> that's yes was saying always trying to be funny, five fingertips. ya. >> oh, i know what it was. if you in we win sunday have, we ever been ten and one. >> oh, okay, there we go. >> oh, geez. >> we're on holiday, the brain on holiday. >> have we ever been ten and one? let me look it up. sue? >> you know for the kids who do have to go to school today, and people who have to go to work, who is paying attention, really? who is really have their mine on their work. >> we do. we're watching rain and we we will track it throughout the rest of the morning, we'll really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. >> it is the start of the thanksgiving rush, some hitting the roadways, some using amtrak to get to their destinations but with the rain it could be a factor specially on the roads. >> exactly the point. we are showing you the rain. it will affect all forms of transportation. and avoiding a thanksgiving disaster. our expert chefs are taking your questions awe morning long, cameras at the reading perm that the market, to help you prepare the perfect thanksgiving meal. >> why are you laughing? >> because nothing. >> what's one this guy? >> good day, it is wednesday, november the 22nd, 2017. >> they good day pole. what's the last minute item you bring to the table, what family member, annoys you the most, most excited to see. >> what is your favorite side dish? >> right. >> well, kind of that's what we're talking about here, we found a pole, because this is the beginning of the holiday season. go from francs giving, take it through, not all the way to easter, take it through valentine day. >> okay. >> yes, valentine day is a holiday. >> yes, we are saying it is a holiday. >> for women it is a holiday. >> that's true. >> here is the deal. what do you think is the most popular holiday for hank i panning i. >> oh, you must be behind this one. >> you have your vd, valentine day, your thanksgiving, christmas, which i just think is inapropriate, and then new years eve, baby. that's leading the pole. that was the evening that sue serio got married and then fell asleep. >> oh, ya. >> we know what her answer will be. >> so please be weighing in on twitter fox 29 account. i am bea to post on my inch is that account, alex holley tv, and also my facebook, as also once you vote tell us why you think that holiday would work. that will keep it interesting. >> good idea. >> i think you're right on target though with the pole so far. and send in your pictures. no, let's -- >> no, we don't want pictures, no, no, no. >> sue? >> i have many pictures every me sleeping. >> oh. nobody wants to see that. yes, so the rainy part of the day is now. but it is not going to rain all day. that's why we're going with a optimistic seven out every ten. bus stop buddy has his umbrella and his suitcase and some kids do have to go to school today half day, temperatures in the 40's 45,'s out there, so at least not too, too cold, only dealing with rain. unlike western new york, where they saw some snow this morning, and they still are in the central part of the state. for us the heaviest rain dover, jersey shore seeing some rain, see some pretty steady rain moving through delaware county and here in philadelphia. so, the current temperature, 52 degrees. 8-mile per hour breezes, sunrise not until 6:56. so here is your forecast, not only for today, 55 degrees, our high, temperatures falling throughout the afternoon, tomorrow high of 46. brr. 29 degrees in the morning and 53 on "black friday." that's your forecast for the start of the holiday weekend. of course, all holiday weekends, traveling out and about, you can littles tone 101.1, more fm. behave yourselves on the roadways, bob. >> here is a example what we're dealing with this morning, south philly, this is live look at i-95, right near the stadium area. again starting to see the rain now, that's going to slow us down naturally, just give yourselves extra time, live look at the benny coming into downtown philly. here is a maple shade, one for the shaders over here, route 73, passing our camera at fellowship road. and then, watch for an accident along 95 in wilmington, the northbound side right at martin luther king boulevard. now if you are coming into or through the city today, heads up. because they're shutting down the parkway, and the kelly drive. they said around 9:00, in and out of the city, so they can practice and get set up for the big parade tomorrow. that will cause gridlock, for folks trying to get out of the city, or even in as part of your get away day, push all of the extra volume to the schuylkill, and also, closing jfk boulevard at 1:00. that's where we will set up the floats and all of that for the parade tomorrow. but that is going cut off access to the folks trying to get over to 30th street station. so, pack your patience and some smacks for the ride today. mike and alex back over to you. >> i know good place to get a snack right now, pennsauken at a wawa. >> oh, and you know it will be busy. people filling up, grabbing smacks for the road. >> let's finds out. steve there. steve? >> reporter: well, our viewers have been watching the last 20 minute, and how did they possibly get from westmont, to this wawa in pennsauken this the man behind the camera, not just great photographer but great driver. look how packed the roads, are on a road that is full now, compared to where we were in the middle of the suburbs shall where it was completely dead, and it is raining cats and dogs how the hire, extra packed and extra not so safe. sue the seven is not a seven yet. i want to tell you after just having people go into our lane, hydroplane, you bet. but look, it is "black friday" at wawa here. the gas pumps are all packed up here. and they usually are, and everybody is either filling up for a long ride to grand ma's house or for a long day at work before the holiday weekend. here are couple of people we talked to who got up real early to beat the crush and the rain. >> me and my daughter traveling to dc for the weekends for the holiday weekend. and we're going to be celebrating thanksgiving, very thankful for family and friends, and everyone's healthy, thank god. >> i'm going to see my mom and my sister and my brother. they live in delaware. but my mom is 91. they invited her down this year to spend the holidays with her, with them. >> and what do you thankful for? >> i'm thankful for pretty much everything and everybody, my family, just to be alive. >> and bob kelly take note. the tractor-trailers can't fit in a wawa parking lot all the time, they just stop anywhere to get their coffee. as they take up the right lane on route 73. so the sun's about to come up. but before it does just be extra careful if you're out driving now, because you can see the rain hitting the pavement here in wawa. and you also see a guy hoping to get his turkey sizzle and coffee hoping to get back in his truck safely. see full and wet is the forecast for the immediate time being. and there is our usual guys at wawa, saying, happy thanksgiving. those guys are working, so if you got to, in your heart, tip the guys that are filling you up, too, here in new jersey. back to you. >> okay, i want to be a dope again, because i've not had a snowflake roll. i mean, i've had that, because it is just powder on -- what? turkey sizzle, is that like a jerky or something? >> i don't know. >> turkey sizzley? >> oh, it is a special wawa sandwich. >> oh,. >> yes. and they often are two for $5, mike. >> oh,. >> you've never had a sizzley? >> , no normally just the holing is and smoothie. >> oh, no. this is a sandwich, do i need to go get one and demonstrate? >> if you don't mind that would be great. >> yes, please. >> they usually have a picture, of course, this is the one time here where they don't have a picture of it on their windows, but that is usually the thing they're push willing the moles. mike, they have pictures every sizzley on billboards, that's how popular they are. >> how did we miss this? >> because we work in the morning, not in the car. >> mike, mike, i'm getting hard wrap, but if you want i'll walk and show you a live sizzley on live tv. i'll be getting eight memos out of this, i'm getting yelled at. >> is this your last hit at the pennsauken wawa? >> no, we started here. and you can see how crowded it is, i told you, it is "black friday," we will just walk in and go to the sizzley counter. all right, look. >> i love this coat on you by the way, steve. >> i'm trying to look appropriate. >> well, they're going to think a secret agent just walk in. >> the detective. >> hey, where are the sizzlis at? over here? is there a sizzli made anywhere? where, over here, all right. you can see, i don't know my way around a wawa either, right? so mike, here we go. here is the sizzli counter, guy looking them over. >> yes, he is breathing on them. >> greg, come over over here, you're wondering how do i spell it? 2.89. you can still get two for almost $5, but here it is, on the bottom row, greg. sizzli croissant, french toast. >> oh, if you open it, steve? >> if you open it you buy it. >> which one do you want to see, the sizzli french totes? >> all right, now you will say bring it back for me, right? forget the rest of your live shots in there it is. >> interesting! >> oh, i like that a lot. that's a sizzli right there. >> thank you, steve. >> wawa couldn't have bought this ad for 50 grand. >> he put it back! no, no, no! oh, my god. take that. >> you've got to take that. >> just walk out with it. >> someone might really want to buy a sizzli that steve keeley touched. >> you know what? i might not be employed by thanksgivings, about if i'm not, you know who to blame, it is mike and his sizzli fettish. >> authority say they've located two of the four victims, who have been missing since last week's fire at the bash lay friends senior living community center last week. the discovery was made as investigators you can see them there going, they went through the rubble yet. two other victims still have not been found. none of the victims have been identified. and crews will be back at the scene today, trying to find remains, and any clues as to what started the fires. >> they're loved ones know who they are of course. >> so i know a lot of you use uber, we certainly do. chances are you're information your personal information, your phone number could be at risk. they got hack. >> and this was a massive hack, that has compromised the data of 57 million uber customers. what's worse, the company's accused of trying to cover it up. and not tell you. bloomberg news reports uber shelled out $100,000 to the hack tears keep it quiet and to secure the data, or so they thought. the breach happened last october. it included names, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, drivers license numbers. uber issued a statement about the breach and said two people who led the response to the incident, well, they've now been fired. >> well, again, it is not so much you got hacked, you covered it up. >> right. >> and you paid the hackers to try, thinking they would actually second tour. >> and the hackers only took $100,000. >> i'm sure they probably would ask for more. >> you better believe they negotiated. come on, 6:41, prepping for thanksgiving dinner, are you? i know you are. and i know you're under stress. you're about to bursa vein in your head. well, don't worry. >> no. >> normally here at good day philadelphia we kind of like have the turkey hotline, like other shows. we do it differently. >> ya. >> we have jenn fred in charge. >> yes, yep. no charles in charge. it is jenn fred in charge. >> jenn fred in charge. and you understanded that it will be crazy inning rate dollars. let me break it down. >> okay. >> all right. >> you have chef chad rosenthal. literally insane. you have chef brian duffy, right, there with the whip cream. >> insane. >> literally insane. the pride of montgomery county, these two boys, okay? i'm bring them with me to the reading term that the market. >> okay. >> today is arguably the most insane day there. apparently, like over there at the vegtables, anna said she can't go from like the carrots to the register, she walks outside, walks down the block outside, and then comes back in by the register, because there are so many people. >> she can't move. >> can't move. so you know what i'm going to do, pack it with more people. so here's what we want you guys to do. we want you guys to tweet us all your questions, and they have answers, my turkey is frozen, what do i do. they have some good plans. i've made a pie but i burned the crust. what do i do? they have some plans. so you will want to hear that stuff. they want your specific issues, and, as if that is not crazy enough, ready for this? >> ya. >> it is cuz in the kitchen, anthony gargano is down there, too. >> oh, for the love. stay away. >> and we will talk about that. eagles, we got that, too. >> how do we -- we ask you the questions. >> twitter. >> you got your twitter. >> and then do you the #fox29goodday or go to the jen, 2n's, fox 29, that's me. >> so it comes out of their mouth, through their fingertips to twitter, goes to you, you sends to the chefs. >> and then, yes. and all have ear pieces so all yelling all over each other. >> perfect. >> i think, too, use the hashtag we could possibly see on facebook as well, right? >> try it, it is going to go from semi organized to completely un hinged. >> they'll all be tacking over each other. you won't understanded a thing. but it will be fun. >> good information. >> good stuff. you want to know what to do with lumpy potatoes? >> pason them. >> potato latkas. >> see, already learned something. see you over at reading terminal market in a matter every minutes. joel embiid he's no punk, that's what he says, he's seven-two and he'll retaliate if you push him to the floor. oh, ya? oh, boy the we, bee asked him oh, ya? oh, boy the we, bee asked him that question, are you afraid? no matter how you holiday, oh, ya? oh, boy the we, bee asked him thatwhere you holiday, afraid? or who you holiday with... stay bright with dunkin's holiday coffee flavors like brown sugar cinnamon, and peppermint mocha. grab your favorite and make your holidays happen. the holidays run on dunkin'. $1that's like a big yummy hug.? so hug it up! hug more. hug large. hug medium? hug that. live it a hug life with $1.99 medium or larger hot chocolate. america runs on dunkin'. >> good morning, bob kelly reporting from 405 in los angeles look at this. last night's rush hour, all red for christmas, isn't that nice? at 405, in l.a. last night, from our chopper, look at that. tuesday afternoon thanksgiving week, the rush is already on. and we were talking earlier, i really felt the same way. i think yesterday we saw a lot of extra unusual traffic volume. so a lot of folks now trying to get early start, 6:47 on this wednesday morning. folks are already out ahead of you, malvern, pennsylvania, live look at route 202, again, you have the spray, already yucky start to the morning here. as you get ready to roll out, where ever you are going, live look, 95, northeast philadelphia. no problems there. already, a jammo on the freeway, as you work your way in toward philadelphia. accident in delaware, this is along 95 northbound, right at martin luther king boulevard there in the heart of wilmington. now, get ready. they'll shut down the kelly drive, and the whole parkway in front of the art museum, locking it down at about 9:00 today. for the thanksgiving day parade. which isn't until tomorrow. but they got to practice again today, and set it all up. that will cause havoc for everyone leaving the city, for the afternoon rush hour, you're if the going to be able to do it, do you have use the schuylkill, also, if you are head today 30th street station, jfk boulevard is going to be closed, that stretch between 20th over to 30th. that's where they're staging all of the big hot air balloons, so anybody you know with any hot air, send them on over to jfk. anyone you know with hot air. >> what? >> sends them over to jfk boulevard. later on today, hey, when it stops raining this weekend with a holiday, get your christmas light up, will you, and snap picture once you plug them in, post it, to facebook, twitter, instagram, use the #fox29lights contest, because next week i start the very kelly christmas getting in the news van, we will go to somebody's house and sit up on the front lawn going life during the 5:00 and 6:00 newscast, sue has your forecast in 60 seconds. >> 48:00. it is get away day. folks are going somewhere all morning, so we thought we would check a couple of your travel destin aces, la, clear skies, no problems, no delays at lax. down in dallas, we've got no delays. but chillier temperatures. they had cold front come through. so it will be about 45 degrees right now. and then it is raining in new york sit, if you're checking in there, and getting a flight out of new york. again, like us, it is only going to rain in the morning, right now, 50 degrees, and no problems flying out of nyc. here's the colds front, headed our way, going to come through this morning, plus, we have off shore system, that's been bringing us more rain than the cold front will. but we will feel the difference when high pressure builds in after the cold front, in fact, through the rest of the afternoon, expect temperatures to drop instead of rise like they usually do in the middle of the day. so, we've got rain. decent amount of rain. moving through the philadelphia area. bucks county, montgomery county, down all through delaware, southern new jersey, as well, even seen few thunderstorms this morning. but as we zoom in little closer, well the rain is still around in cape may county, and new castle count any delaware, here in philadelphia, some rain, but not too much going on in lancaster county, or berks county either. so, we get to this early high of 55 degrees. around noon, then temperatures start to fall, as we mention, sort of the backward, from the way it usually does, and tonight we will see overnight lows in the 20's, 46 tomorrow. fifty-three friday. looking pretty good for the rest of the weekends. but another blast every cold air, mike and alex, on sunday. i like to have a blast. cold air, maybe not. okay, let's talk to the sixers little bit. >> we don't like trash talk hers they're on the other team. but we like trash takers if they're on our team, like joel embiid. our big guy. he likes to trash talk. >> and he thinks he's throwing his opponents off, talking that noise, so monday night's game against utah jazz, we showed joel came with the block against donovan mitchell. and then he had some words for him. you see that? well, mitchell got a little upset, pushed him to the grounds. but then joel was like come on, ended up a technical foul, mitchell did. so joel was asked on espn if he was worried he was poking the bear with all every his trolling he does on the court and on social media. and he actually had a great response. >> okay? >> oh, no. i'm not worried about. i mean, if though guys, they want to get their feelings hurt, strong mentally, but i think when it comes down to it, and when if we all got to square up, i mean, i'm seven-two, and i'm a big dude. so i don't think you want to find me, and i'm african. >> so -- >> so what were the reasons? he's seven-two. >> big guy. >> he's big. >> and he's african, that's what he said. >> yes. and he'll crush you. so don't, don't come to him. >> ya. >> okay. >> 6:52. >> as a short person, i wouldn't mets zero mess with him. >> no. you would come to up his knee. >> if that. >> it is a move that could change the digital landscape, folks, the head of the fcc making a push to repeal that neutrality. the rules. what it could mean for how you surf the web. oh, we're going back in time. hello, peco. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. >> welcome back to good day. what do you think is the most popular holiday forgetting it on? >> so, looks like the people have spoken, and there is still about 330 votes. new years eve, seems to be everyone's main vote. a lot of people are blaming the alcohol on that one. >> yes. >> so we're not really fooling anybody yet. >> i have to say, quite the discussion is brewing right now on my instagram. >> oh, ya. >> guys are giving all kind of interesting reasons. i would like some laid toys be weighing in. >> can you do one. >> yes. welshing hold on. >> maybe not. >> mike says, mike underscore mike v says christmas, because everyone is full of giving. he said every someone too fat on thanksgiving, too drunk on new years ivan valentine day now the new singles holiday. >> that makes sense, mike. then kurt on twitter says labor day should be included, that's work. >> , no labor day is nine months later. >> here ' bob kelly. >> good morning, everybody, accident south on 95, the upper deck of the girard point double decker bridge. this is going to impact your trip, you've been going to the airport, speaking of the airport, sabina down there already. >> hey, bob. all right, so, 53,000 people flying out from philadelphia international airport today and take a look. no lines! we're going to have much more from ts a and triple a with everything you need to know to be a happy traveler today. stay with us. >> mike jerrick here, and i'm remembered to tell you this on the day before thanksgiving. planes, trains and automobiles. >> ahh! >> movie clip (. >> the holiday travel rush is on don't get stuck in traffic. well, to late for. that will our crews are tracking conditions from the roads, to the rales, to the skies. and as you head out today, keep an eye on the sky. some wet weather threatening to make things messy on your trip. we're tracking rain, on the busiest travel day of the year. >> plus: don't let your guests down tomorrow. we have an emergency turkey question line this morning. send just your questions, and our expert chefs will answer it for you, right here, right now. >> and of course we got to go back to our inapropriate heartwarming

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