Transcripts For WTXF Fox Morning News At 4A 20170111 : compa

Transcripts For WTXF Fox Morning News At 4A 20170111

still needs to be done. >> also ahead on good day philadelphia, does russia have damaging information about the future president this morning, of course, president-elect donald trump has a lot to say firing back on twitter about those claims. >> and vaccinations compromised, why hundreds of children in ocean county may not be properly protected against diseases. what parent need to know right now. great to have you with us on this rainy wednesday morning. thomas drayton along with karen hepp. i'm ex seated because i got a free car wash. >> exactly, that's a good attitude. >> my car was white yesterday. now it is black today. >> yes, welshing i went to the car wash, that's why it rained. >> obviously. thank you, sue. >> your welcome. >> a day late. >> so the rain is actually on its way out. so we're getting ready for a pretty decent day. you see, the back edge of the rain sort of hugging the shore there. we zoom in little bit closer. all right, maybe we won't. anyway, it is not to say we didn't. well, you can see, there is plenty of snow up to the north of us. luckily that's not happening around here. so it is a day where we can see improvement. there we go. we've zoomed in. and we'll look at the live picture of 44 degrees, and -- >> i'm stand over here. >> somebody was messing with this computer yesterday. forty-two in wilmington, 36 in allentown, the only place where things could be a little dicey this morning, up in the higher elevations in the mountains. it is a little bit below freezing there. so we've got a eight out of ten. doesn't that sound great today? high temperature, close to 50 degrees. mix of sun and clouds once we get this rainout of here. so bob kelly, your tie is all straightened, you're looking good. >> my tie all straightened, the back of my jacket looks good. >> step on in. >> can i walk in now good morning, everybody, 4:02 on a wednesday, as we mentioned, look at it as a free car wash. all of the rain from the overnight washing all of that salt and guck off of your carp. looks brand new this morning. but roads are wet. so we have to deal with a different obstacle this morning at 43 degrees, no black ice anywhere but everything is melting, roads are wet, going to leave some puddles for the kids that have to jump across the contour get to the bus this morning. a live look at the ben franklin bridge, old gory -- glory blowing in the winds. closure of the vine street expressway, still in place here, the vine street expressway closed between the schuylkill and broad street. now, within that closure at the intersection of broad and vine the traffic lights are out. right there in front of rome and catholic high school. hopefully the work crews will get there and hit that reset button before the height of the rush hour. otherwise, speedometers loot being good, probably little slower than normal this morning, expect possible weather delays down at philadelphia international airport. maybe for the first flights out, rain, always, leaves us with delays. slippery platforms, not because of snow and ice, but because of the rain for the regional rails, be careful board next to the buses and trolleys. but so far so good. we're out of the gate with no delays on mass transit. thomas, karen, back to you you. >> is it too late to hit the reset button? >> not yet. >> time now 4:04. here we go, after eight years of commander in chief, president obama bids farewell to the nation, it is a tradition started by george washington. >> during the final address president obama highlighted and defended his administration's legacy. and warned of a divided nation. also, choking back some tears. >> my fellow americans, it has been the honor of my life to serve you. i won't stop. in fact, i will be right there with you as a citizen all my remaining days. michelle, you took on a role you didn't ask for. and you made it your own with grace and with grit and with style and with humor. you made the white house a place that belongs to everybody. >> might be attentive audience, packed house, hanging on every word. our lauren johnson in the studio with more on the speech. lauren? >> reporter: good morning, eight years ago the crux of the campaign was chained, eight years later as the president says his good business to the nation. some of that happened, but there should be much more to come, he says, and all of us have a part to play. a hero's welcome as president barack obama returned to the place where his political career started. >> tonight it is my turn to say thanks. >> reporter: in his farewell speech he thought dollars and a zero accomplishments over the last eight years, from reversing the great recession, to shut down iran's weapons program. >> if i told that you we would win america quality and secure the right to ... for another 20 million of our fellow citizens -- >> reporter: while fighting @ chiefments, he warns, when it comes to racial and economic equality, america's dom okay rasi still faces serious threats. >> we're not where we need to be. all of just more work to do. if every economic issue is framed as a struggle between a hard-working white middle class and an un deserving minority, then workers of all shades are going to be left fighting for scraps while the wealthy would draw further into their private -- >> reporter: even tender moments as he shed tears while honoring the first laid. >> i the past 25 years you have not only been my wife and mother of my children, you have been my best friend. >> reporter: before returning to private life, the president offering final message about the importance of public service. >> if something needs fixing, then lays up your shoes and do some organizing. if you're disappointed by you're elected officials, grab a clipboard, get some signatures, and run for office yourself. show up. dive in. >> reporter: so we saw malea tear up after her father's steve. where was sasha? there was hashtag on social media where sasha. senior administration official say she missed an speech because she was preparing for an exam this morning, the 15 year old, karen, thomas sacks sophomore at a prestigious dc high school. >> i love some of the responses on facebook at twitter. she's grounded. she can't come out of the white house, doesn't want to leave. >> thank you. >> and talking tiny bit more about. that will the first daddy err was not there because she was getting ready for the exam. they didn't offer an official explanation for her absence, but she was busy stud willing. so she has been to many other events, as. >> i here we are, 4:08. just hours away from donald trump's first news conference, as president-elect. >> and it comes a mid reports that russia may have some damaging personal and financial information against him. >> mr. trump and president obama were presented with that information during last week's intelligence briefing. the information was compiled by a former western intelligence operative hired to do research. first on trump, by republican opponent, then by democrats. it is not been subs stance ate dollars, james cole i apparently aware of it when he a zero announced he was re-opening the vehicles into hillary clinton's emails ahead of the election. >> and, donald trump taking to twitter, responding saying, fake news. a total political witch hunt. >> senator jeff sessions is going to have another day before a senate committee. he was in the hot seat for more than eight hours on tuesday. his first days of the confirmation hearing for attorney general covered a wide range of topics, as you can imagine. allegations of racism have dogged him ever since his failed bid to become a federal judge back in 1986. he denied those claims again yesterday. and said he would recuse himself from future investigation g of hillary clinton's emails or the clinton foundation. >> i did not harbor the anonymous at this, the ideas, i was accused of. i did not. with regard to secretary clinton, and some of the comments i made, i do believe that that could place myself objectivity in question. >> democratic senator cory booker of course from our area new jersey is said to break with senate history and testify against sessions today. this would be the first time the sitting senator has testified against another sitting senator, nominated for a cabinet position. >> time now 4:10. a man is in the hospital this morning after police say the person he attempted to rob fought back and started shooting. let's get out to steve keeley live at einstein medical center this morning. what went down here, steve? >> reporter: seeing one of these incidents, every week, our competition will use that old cliche phrase turn the tables, we'll actually write something instead, but here we go again. look at our video. north fifth street. this is a business corridor. we've covered armed holds up hears before. here we go again. a 19 year old with a gun trying to hold somebody up and picking the wrong target. that target has a gun as well only this person has a gun and a permit to carry it. usually when you have got a gun and a permit, you take target practice. you know how to carry it. you know how to fire it. better aim and quicker draw. that was the case here. and somehow this 19 year old armed holdup man survived and is stable, we're told, despite being shot six times around 11:30 last night, his holdup days will be over, at least for the time being, as he'll likely go from a hospital bed to bed in a prison cell. karen, thomas? >> reporter: thank you, steve. also, right now, police are investigating a drive by shooting this happened in frankford, victims say it happened on the 5100 block of penn street. you can see the crime scene tape. two victims walked into the emergency room and reported that they had been shot. they said a gray car had driven up to them and opened fire on their vehicle, one of the victims was shot in the hand. >> in hunting park, investigators called out to the scene after car slammed into a pole. it happened about 12:30 this morning, on the boulevard. you can see the gray car has some pretty serious damage right there. no one, though, seriously hurt. >> developing story this morning. there is a warning for parents of the pediatric office in ocean county about 900 children received potentially compromised vaccines. it happened at southern ocean pediatrics, and family medicine. this is manahawken. authorities say the vaccines were stored improperly. now the discovery was made during a compliance visit to the office over the summer. children treated at that center between november 2014 through july of 2016 may need to be re vaccinated. >> all right, it is 4:12. coming up on good day, there is a video that's left a lot of people discussed. why the store owner there thinks the family used a little child to commit a crime. hey, bob? >> hey, everybody, good morning, it is 4:12. we'll hit the gas and go for a ride. vine expressway still closed until 5:00 this morning. but let's go outside, because you're going to get a free car wash as we look live downtown philly, the ben franklin parkway, everything is wet, sue has the forecast, and we will grab a cup of coffee and meet you back here in about two and a half. >> starting out with a look at the radar. rain pretty heavy in the overnight hours. now it is in the process of moving off shore. this is system number one. there is another one rolling in tonight. we will tell you about it in a second. there is some rain hanging on around the jersey shore in atlantic county, cape may counties this morning, as well as ocean county. that's not as heavy. that is on its way out. so where is it raining right snow? around dennis township, around little egg harbor, little part of the atlantic city expressway. that's what we've got going on for right now. let's look into our future. looks like we will be between 45 and 50 degrees, for high temperature today. you can see, from the satellite picture, there is going to be some clouds around this morning. so we get enough sunshine. we could make it to 50 degrees. then warmfront number two comes in tonight. it will probably be after sunset again. this time, it looks like all of our temperatures will be warming up. but everybody just gets rain instead of dicey conditions when this event started last night. so, will rain in the overnight hours. we'll get rid of it before rush hour tomorrow morning. that's convenient, isn't it? and then tomorrow watch the temperature, it gets to up between 60 to 62 degrees. it is a one-day special. but we'll enjoy t because temperatures will fall on friday, after a cold front comes through. right now, it is 44 degrees in philadelphia, it is a degree below freezing in mount pocono. we have 37 degrees in reading. 44 degrees in dover. 48 degrees atlantic city. average hi, 40 degrees. will we ever get above average? yes, we did yesterday, with high of 42. and what a difference it was from the 23 degrees of the day before. so, looking ahead to the seven day forecast, we will have 48, maybe 50 degrees today. sixty tomorrow. temperatures will be dropping, the winds really pick up on friday. saturday, very if-ee day with the possibility of some snow in the morning. a chilly high during the day of only 30 degrees. and then up into the 40's for the rest of the holiday weekends. bob kelly? >> sue, good morning, everybody, 4:17 on this wednesday hump day. little hump to get over today. obviously no snow. no black ice. but rain. so mother nature's way of taking the hose and squirting down the sidewalk here this morning. here is a live look at i95 right near philadelphia international airport. sue mentioned rain is on the way out. waking up and walking out the front door everything is wet. all of the slush that was on your front step, driveway, the sidewalk, has slowly melted away leaving behind a big old puddle. the puddles are on the roadway. that's where we'll get hit with and wipers may be used intermittently throughout the morning rush hour. but your car is nice and clean. all of the white grit that had accumulated over the last couple of days is gone. here's a live look downtown philly. first of all the vine street expressway still closed between broad street and the schuylkill and the traffic lights are out within that detour at broad and vine. so if you are coming into philadelphia, until about 5:00 this morning, again, the vine street expressway closed, jump off at 30th, south street, or at spring garden. otherwise, speedometer readings not bad at all. probably going to see some slower than normal speeds up until say 6:00 or 7:00 until the roads start to dry out from the early morning rain. accident all the way up here in pennsburg, at six and main, just off the pennsylvania turnpike. and a new traffic pattern coming our way later on today. state road right at the i-95 cottman avenue interchange. it is all part of that next phase. they opened up all four lanes on 95. now they're going to be working on the on and the off-ramps at cottman, same deal here, valley road shutdown between jennings way and valley green road, throughout the day. but otherwise, mass transit off to good start. karen and thomas, back to you. >> love to see the green, bob, thank you. 4:19, a developing story we're following this morning out of south carolina. a federal jury has challenged dillan roof to death t took jurors about three hours to reach that decision. those same jurors convicted roof last month of killing nine black church members inside the emanuel ame church in june of 2015. roof told jurors yesterday, quote, i still feel like i had to do it. >> he is the first person to face execution for federal hate crime convictions. atlantic city man now facing whole laundry list of charges after prosecutors say he had sexual contact with at least eight children. prosecutors say, 49 jerold sherman miller sent nude pictures of himself to children all over the country, and got at least one of them to send a picture back to him. the alleged victims are between the ages of eight and 14. detective worked for a year to track his on line activities. finally arresting him this month. he's being held on $50,000 bail. >> and in montgomery count a judge has arraigned former high school rotc instructor after prosecutors charged him with having relations with a student. his name is mark miller. he was also a military science teacher at north penn high school. he waived his preliminary hearing tuesday. prosecutors say he gun to have a relationship with an under age student for several months inapropriately when one of the victims' friends reported it to school officials, those officials released a statement commending the student who came forward. >> this one will have you shaking your head. willingboro police asking for your help this morning in fighting two suspect who they say used children to help them steel. now it happened new years eve at rc worlds grand market in willingboro. take a look. surveillance video shows too adults, four children, in that store. we of course have blurred the children's faces, but, watching, you will see the woman pick up high-end orange remote control car. so the man distracts the store owner, the group then gets into a huddle. well, you are seeing the cars they stole. but here is the surveillance video once again, they get into the huddle. them the adult passes the car to one of the children who then puts it in their coat and walks out. >> i was really upset about it obviously. we're really, really made me mad was the fact that this parent is teaching her children how to steel. i mean, you can see, they're all orchestrated on it. they totally worked in unicent to do this. >> reporter: this is not your average little toy car here. the owner says the car is worth between 700 $1,500. willingboro police posted it on facebook, that surveillance video, on their facebook page, asking that if you recognize these adults in the video, to give them a call. >> 4:21. a life saving inch developsment in upper darby. the police department gave the officers 137 new vests, they got them yesterday. police superintendent out there mike chitwood said the vest lose have double the weight and more protection for officersment normally they've been wearing 8 pounds vests, these new once are double that, 16 pounds. >> most of the weapons being used against police officers are rifles, ak-47's, they're 15's. so these vests give that officer a better chance of survival when he and she can run into these horrible situations. >> so the money to buy the new gear came from the mayor and the township manager. now, this is a video that many people cannot believe. it was posted out there on social media. >> take a look here, can we say ouch? there you go. >> oh. >> yes, why the philadelphia rapper decided to make this wipe-out public. ♪living well come on up, grandpa don't let joint discomfort keep you down. come play with us! i'm coming. upgrade to move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility, and flexibility. it also provides 20% better comfort than glucosamine chondroitin, all from one tiny mighty pill.... get in there with move free ultra, and enjoy living well. ♪living well >> good morning, i'm sean bell. wayne simmons can call himself an all-star. yesterday named to the nhl all-star team, but unfortunately that couldn't get them a win against the sabres. second periods, flyers down by one. sabres, this shot on goal right here, will woman thereto clean it up. the flyers, losing four-one, flyers now lost nine out of their last 11 games. tough. >> to college basketball, three, villanova against 15th ranked xavier. nova killing xavier in this one. look, drives, down with two hands dunk. he had 20-point on the night. wildcats go onto win 79 to 54. to st. joe's and george mason, in this tight it, keith moore finds otis livingston right there. nails the deep three to give mason the lead. and to basically give mason the game. st. joe's holds on losing 75 to 57. that's sports in a minute. i'm sean bell. >> ♪ ♪ all right, coming up 430:67:89 we have the chance after lifetime for you. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> it's my life ♪ >> how would you like to open for bon jovi? possibility. we'll tell you. >> ♪ >> ♪ everything nature's promise is so wholesome. and it doesn't take the whole paycheck. giant's exclusive nature's promise. eat well for less. my giant. trying to make me eat my greens?low. no, just trying to ve you some green. whaaat?! thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices. my giant. >> yes, we can. yes, we can. yes, we can. thank you, god bless you, and may god continue to bless the united states of america. thank you. (cheers). >> hope for the future and compromise, president obama speaking for the last time before our nation as our president. >> also ahead this morning on good day, controversial accusations, the fbi now investigating claims russia has compromising information about president-elect donald trump. >> good day everybody, we are halfway through this week, it is already wednesday, january the 11, thank you for breaking up and joining us. >> good morning, wednesday, hump day. >> so much nicer, warmer, my goodness. >> it ledge get warmer. >> that's right, roller coaster ride is now on top, almost near the top, tomorrow will be the warmest day, we will be seeing for awhile. but let's get to first things first. radar, ultimate doppler showing you the exit strategy of the rain. it is almost out of here. the heavy rain definitely off shore. and just a little bit of rain left at the jersey shore. and it is pretty much cleared the delaware beaches. little windy, at the airport this morning. we have had 4 degrees, but with those 22-mile per hour winds it, feels like 35 out there. still feels better than it has the past couple of mornings. sunrise, 7:22 officially. now we will see some sunshine today, 44 degrees here, 39 in pottstown, 31 in mount pocono, and 45 degrees in dover, to get your day started. we will give this one a eight out of ten. it has been a while since we've had a eight with all of the cold weather. so with all the milder day, by the end of the day, talking little more rain. so breakdown all of that coming up in just a few minutes. good morning, bob kelly. >> finally got my system down. monday i didn't wear enough clothing. yesterday i bundled up. this morning i bundled up, i realize, i didn't need it. i needed my rain gear. good morning, everybody. that's what's ahead of you if you are arguing with the kids on and when to wear to school today. 4:31, live look at the blue route. everything is wet behind the ears, but good news, it is almost like mother nature took the hose and skirted down the front step. all of that white guck that's been on your car for the last couple every days is gone. little free car wash compliment of old mother nature. live look at the boulevard here. again, everything is wet, any of the slushy melting snow has turned into a big old puddle out there this morning. schuylkill expressway, still -- the schuylkill good, vine expressway still closed until 5:00. speedometer readings, not bad at all. but just be ready. things will be a little slippery and whenever we have rain, that always slows the speeds down just a little bit. hello haddonfield. here is a live look at route 70. haddonfield road, you have them all there in the background, again, all of the slushy, white guck that was all over the roadway is slowly getting washed away compliment of the overnight rain. an accident in pennsburg, at sixth and main street. police are on the scene. just expect some possible weather delays for the first couple of flights in and out of philadelphia international airport this morning. karen, thomas, back over to you. >> bob, thank you. time now 4:32, after eight years in office president obama bids farewell during his speech to the nation. >> the address which took place in chicago, just few miles away from grand park, which is where he delivered his victory speech back in 2008. during this final address, president obama highlighted and defended his administration's record. >> healthcare costs, a rising of the slowest rate in 50 years, and i said and i mean it, if anyone can put together a plan that is demons bridge better, than the improvement we've made to the healthcare system, that covers as many people at less cost, ill publicly support it. (cheers). >> the president also got even emotional at times when he thanked vice president joe biden, and first lady michelle obama. >> our lauren johnson joining us now in the studio, as carmen mentioned, the president came to tears when talking about the first lady. >> reporter: some moments tense, others more tearful, as the president prepares to make his exit. he highlighted the last eight years in the nation's highest office. for the new challenges mr. obama offered his vision on how to tackle them. for the problems that have persisted and he couldn't overcome he spoke of optimism of the future and the future is where he rests much every his hope for change. and then things get emotional when he speaks about sacrifices his wife, michelle obama made, as first lady. >> you took on a role you didn't ask for. and you made it your own with grace and with grit and with style and good humor. (cheers) (cheers). >> you made the white house a place that belongs to everybody. and a new generation set its heights higher because it has you as a role model. so you have made me proud. and you have made the country proud. >> unexpectedly absent from the farewell address was the first family's youngest daughter sash a the 15 year old did not travel with the family to chicago because after school exam this morning at her prestigious private school in d.c. the televised speech lasted just shy after hour, as for mr. obama's successor, the president made only passing reference to his replacement, republican donald trump. >> new chapter beginning next week, lauren johnson, thank you n just a few hours, donald trump will give his first speech conference as president-elect t comes a mid reports that russia may have damaging personal and financial information against him. mr. trump and president obama were presented with that information during last week's intelligence briefing. the information was compiled by a former western intelligence operative who was hired to do research on trump, first bee his republican opponent, then by democrat. of course late night host had to chime in here questioning trump senior advisor ken -- kelly ann conway about it. >> the press report was about them going to the president -- >> and it says that they never briefed him on it, they attended two pages to the bottom of his intelligence report. >> i believe it says they did brief him on it. >> he has said that he is not aware that far. >> okay. that concerns me. >> president-elect, donald trump, wasting no time going to twitter saying fake news a total political witch hunt. >> breaking right now. a suspect robbery attemptment does not go as that person planned. he is now in the hospital after the victim started shooting, let's get out to steve keel any north philadelphia to explain. good morning, steve. >> reporter: yes there is happened on north fifth street. string every businesses at about 11:20 last night. we're at einstein hospital where they took this would be armed robber, 19 years old, shot six times, but he is stable, he's going survive and end knawl jail cell as soon as he gets out of his prison bed. another case of criminal who picked the wrong mark trying to hole up somebody who is ready, willing, and prepared, just in case somebody tries to hold them up. a guy with a gun and a gun permit, and it seems lots of gun training and target practice. because the hold-up guy ended up here at einstein with the six bullet wounds. look at the video we have left behind, yellow crime scene tape. you can see blowing in the breezes out here. and after police left, our ace fox 29 photographer greg gill roy spotted another bullet shell left behind on the sidewalk here on north fifth, where there is a 24 hour chinese take out spot right across the street. and greg, also spotted something else, surveillance cameras pointed right at the spot of this sidewalk shooting where the yellow crime scene tape was left behind by the police. so no age. no name on the guy with the gun and gun permit and good, very good, self-defense reflexes and training obviously. thomas, karen? >> a loft residents, a lot of people fighting back here. they simply don't want to take it any more. time now 4:37. >> police investigating drive-by shooting that's happened in frankford, the victim says the 5100 block of penn street. investigators say two victims walked into the emergency room, and said they had been shot. there was a gray car, they said that drove up to them, opened fire into their vehicle. one of the victims was shot in the hands. then in hunting park, investigators called out to the scene after a car slammed into a pole. this is about 12:30 this morning, up on the roosevelt boulevard. the gray car looks like wow flattened right there. but amazingly, nobody was seriously hurt. >> season right around the corner, tax season, april 18th, if you wait until the last minute you probably owe, like a lot of people. but if you're going to file early. chances are you'll get a return. guess what? if you are hoping to get the early return, you better think again. we'll explain straight ahead. >> dylann roof sentenced to death. took them three hours to reach that decision, same jurors convicted roof last month every killing nine black church members inside the emanuel ame church, now, roofer told jurors yesterday, quote, i still feel like toyed do it, first person to face execution for federal hate crime convictions. hundreds every police officers in orlando have joined massive manhunt for this guy, reward stands, for any information leading to the arrest of 41 year old march keith lloyd. they are searching for lloyd in the monday shooting death and the murder every his pregnant girlfriend last month. >> mayor says he doesn't want to hear it. with all the rush in the morning, i don't have time to hashtag my breakfast. light & fit nonfat yogurt drinks. nutrition that fits my crazy life. nine grams of protein, 90 calories, no added sugar. light & fit. do what fits you. >> sue, snap a pick that far real quick. 4:44. don't spill your coffee in the map computer. forget it, you lost it, 4:45. >> here what's it looks like, roads all wet from the rain that we had on the overnight. so, yep, you bundled up the kids the last couple of days, today, chance to use the rain gear. just watch for the big old puddles, that have been formed, from all of the melting snow on the overnight. northbound 55, right before route 40. we've had about a half dozen quick early morning accidents. and i at this it is just a matter of, again, roads are wet this morning. maybe not icy. but wet. sometimes that leads to just as many accident, as the icy roads. live look at the boulevard, coming southbound, maybe the wipers once or twice to casino every get the raindrops off the windshield. otherwise, good shape on the blue route. no problems crossing town on the schuylkill expressway. sliding on down to the 295 ramps, to the delaware memorial bridge. again, yesterday, we saw some snow. we saw all of that white guck, the left over salt residue, all over the place, that's all gone this morning, compliment of mother nature with a little overnight free car wash. however, some slippery platforms to look out for this morning, if you're using the mass transit system. septa says the regional rails are getting out of the gate, so far so good. but a warm up, it is only going to get warmer. sue has the details coming up in 15 seconds. >> the roads will be wet for a little while. the wind will be up, so it will dry things out for us eventually. looks like the last of the rain is clearing the coast, just off the coast of atlantic city, brigantine there, that's it, for this round every rain. now we look ahead to the future t looks like a mix every sunday and clouds throughout the day. if we get enough sunshine, we should get up to close to 50 degrees. probably around 48 or so. then tonight, after sunset, here we go again. another round every rain. but temperatures look to be mild enough even in the mountains that it will only be a rain event, and it looks lick it will happen, say, between 7:00 and 8:00 into the overnight hours. gone by the time we get to the morning rush hour on thursday. now, this is warmfront number two. so, temperatures zooming up into the lower 60s, in many places, might even break a few records. not in philadelphia. the record for tomorrow is 73 degrees. so that would be lovely. but we're not going to get that warm. right now it is 44. and that feels great compared to the 23 that we had for a high temperature on monday. 31 degrees mount pocono. 45 degrees in dover, delaware. we have average high of 40 degrees. we were below average since thursday of last week. but yesterday, we managed 42 degrees, by the end of the day. and that came pretty late at night actually with the rising temperatures. so, today, 48. maybe 50. sixty tomorrow. 46 degrees as we cool off because there is a cold front that will really chill things out for the weekend. got to really nail down this possibility of some morning snow on saturday. it stays kind of chilly, but pretty nice for the rest of the holiday weekend. alex? >> thank you, sue. >> we'll give you three slides. >> go ahead. >> check number one. a lot of us involved in good day philadelphia. >> thomas, karen? >> you got t ding, ding, gold star. >> i was going in alphabetical order. >> time now, 4:48. let's talk about your money this morning. do you know what that is right there? that's a 1040. of course we all have to file our taxes, wait until the last minute? >> we do. the very last minute. >> usually because you owe. but if you're owed a refunds from uncle sam, could you get it later than expected. >> and that's because the irs is saying that they're delaying tax refunds for more than 40 million families. this will affect families who claim the earned income tax credit, and the additional child tax credit. a new federal law requires the irs to delay the refunds in an effort to fight fraud. the irs commissioner says the agency is sensitive to the fact that many taxpayers need their refunds to pay our bills and settle debts. the agencies will start releasing the funds in february, february 15th, they say. >> never a fun time. time now 4:49. one of the biggest debates in philadelphia continues to be the price after sweetened beverage. city's new expanded pre k program paid for by the controversial new soda tax, what it is all about. >> as our bruce gordon went over to talk to the mayor. the mayor said he doesn't care what the critics have to say. >> you like rain? >> after more than a week out of the public eye, mayor kenney visited with pre k student at the children's playhouse in south philly. where 30 children, ages three-five, are newly added to the program. part of first step in the city-wide pre k expansion. with the gold of giving an additional 6500 youngsters, a head start on their education. phl pre k is paid for by the city's new penny and a half per ounce tax on sugary drinks. and the mayor was quick to dismiss my reference to critics of the tax. >> you will have cranky people who complain, and it will subside, and we will move on. >> but just a few blocks from the playhouse, at the j and lydell i and mini market, owner shows me the receipt from his last soda purchase. >> i can't make -- >> you can't make a living doing this? so he raised his prices, and his customers have raised the roof. >> nobody come buy soda. look, that's it. >> they look and they see the price? >> that's it, bye bye. >> customer at the register over hears our interview. >> i do not buy soda any more. >> because of the tax? >> because of the tax, yes. i do not, do not, pay for it at all. >> but kenny insists the investment in early education is worth the price, and the folks like our friends at the register, the mayor sounds un sympathetic. >> your life doesn't depend on soda. so it is not like an elixir of life that you need to drink every day or you die. so if you don't want to buy it, don't buy it. if you want to buy it, go buy it. but i think in the end the overall majority of people understand that harrisburg and washington are not providing funds for education. and we need to provide funds for education or these children will languish in poverty. >> mayor kenney also took a shot at some retailers who he says are gouging consumers, and then blaming city hall in the new tax. here are three standard beverage sizes. 16-ounce drink, should cost about a quarter more, 24 cents in new tax. the tax on this 20-ounce drink should rise by 30 cents. and, this 2-liter bottle, well it is about 67 ounces, that means the new tax equals a dollar. if your prices have risen well beyond this for these size beverages, maybe it is time you have a talk with your grocer. i'm bruce gordon, "fox 29 news". >> a lot of numbers to go through. bruce, time 4:52. here we go. step-by-step. always kinds of chuckle when somebody falls. not a good thing. meek mills loses it, all caught on camera. why the philadelphia rapper may soon become a meme. >> 4:55, ever think about rocking out on stage? here is your chance with bon jovi. >> me in my dreams, maybe you're more professional. new jersey based platinum selling rogers bon jovi holding a contest to choose bands or singers to open for their upcoming tour. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> so if you think you have what it takes, up load a video of yourself performing original music, liver nation will select ten finalists, bon jovi will then pick the winner from that group to perform, wow, 20 minute sets. jon bon jovi says his bands was give answer chance to open for huge headliners. woe like to pay it forward. the bands will begin this house is knott for sale tour. >> this house is not for sale. next month, south carolina. >> not a bad deal. here's what trending this morning. meek mills taking a fall. there it is right there. oh. he goes down into the bushes. obviously the stairs are a little icy. he posted this video on instagram, which shows his fall, he was at his mom's house, right into the bushes, once again, keep seeing it over and over. he also posted a message basically saying you fall you get right back up. then he said i ran i thought a ghost pushed me. rapper said he's doing just fine this morning, little bruised on the bumm, but otherwise doing good. >> not bad. he posted on instagram. >> philadelphia boxing legend joe frazier celebrating his birthday today. happy birthday, joe. also, giving back to the community, he's going to be meeting with friends and supporters at city hall this evening at 66:00 to honor championship youth boxing teams and coaches. this year marks the 45th anniversary of joe frazier's gym located in north philadelphia. the space has been used to develop several young athletes. so he's turning 73 years old today. >> really is a legend. such a force. we're coming right back on good day philadelphia. a look from the poconos this morning. 44 degrees, at least here. feeling better. good morning. ♪living well come on up, grandpa don't let joint discomfort keep you down. come play with us! i'm coming. upgrade to move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility, and flexibility. it also provides 20% better comfort than glucosamine chondroitin, all from one tiny mighty pill.... get in there with move free ultra, and enjoy living well. ♪living well >> yes we did. yes we k thank you. god bless you. may god continue to bless the united states of america. thank you. (applause). >> a very good morning happening right now on good day philadelphia. a final farewell. president obama speaking before the nation for one last time. >> i do have one final ask of you as your president, the same thing i asked when you took a chance on me eight years ago. i'm asking you to believe not in my ability to bring about change, but in yours. >> solt moments. the legacy he leaves behind, and the work he says still needs to be done. >> also ahead this morning, explosive claims. does russia have damaging information about the future president. they say they have a sect

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