Transcripts For WTXF Fox Morning News At 4A 20160706 : compa

Transcripts For WTXF Fox Morning News At 4A 20160706

good day everybody it is wednesday july 26, 2016. >> nothing good to report. at least the phillies won yet again. talk about hot. the phillies are hot. sue, the weather will be really hot for a few days? >> yes, we have been preparing you for. >> this just we were distracted by all of the rain, thunderstorms yesterday, and we were distracted by the holiday weekend, all every these distraction, but yes, radar is not going to be something that we will need to watch. we need to watch temperatures and dew points over the next couple of days. 76 degrees right now in philadelphia. relative humidity, the percentage; 82%. sunrise is $535. so what we do here is we check the actual temperatures, which are pretty mug any philadelphia. it is already 76 degrees. 60s to the north of us. seventy-four atlantic city. already 78 in dover. think about it, it is 4:00 in the morning and close to 80 degrees. now, the dew points, once they get into the 60s, and 70s, that's when things start to really get uncomfortable. and we're in the uncomfortable range right now. so we will continue to watch that measure every moisture with dew point. so off to muggy start. really don't have chance of any showers today, but the heat index will be close to if not at 100 degrees with a high temperature of 94 and as we said yesterday, get used to it, because there is more of this to comfort rest of the work week. we will talk all about it coming up in just a few minute. but in the meantime, we hope those septa rail cars, the ones we do have, are air-conditioned, bob kelly. >> took the words right out of my mouth. good morning, 4:02, here we go, day two, kinds of the same deal, modified saturday schedule, with trains running on average every 30 minutes, as opposed to normal eight to ten minutes during the morning rush hour. you will expect a crowded conditions closer to center city you get. today will be little bit more than we had yesterday of the i think yesterday a lot of folks took that extra day after the holiday, even septa secretary positive see more folks trying to get on to the trains, and then of course, everybody using yesterday's experience, and maybe changing their game plan a little bit, which i think will mean more cars on the roadway, now each station has a suggested alternate, that's put out thereby septa. maybe check that before you step out the door this morning. depending upon which station you're originating at to get into sent earth city, maybe bus then jump on trolley line, maybe two buses over the trolley. at lows it is an option, additional parking, the navy hospital, wasn't really used to its capacity yesterday. 1600 spots available. you can jump on the broad street subway from there, 300 down here at festival pier, columbus boulevard, free parking, they've waived all of the parking fees at the frankford transportation center. septa as added extra service on the market frankford and broad street subway. remember they are using shuttle buses this morning, until 5:00 a.m. the only scenario here that's different is the shuttle buses are on the cynwyd line. they pulled those trains off of that line, you're going to use shuttle buses on the cynwyd line, until further notice, and here is a live look at 422, again, i think we'll see more volume coming in from the suburbs than we did yesterday. 422, 309, that northeast extension, the paoli thorndale line, the lansdale line, they were the two big work horses from septa. they were the lines, for example, that lansdale line, typically had 17 trains for morning rush hour, yesterday, only had seven. so, folks from lansdale-doylestown getting into the city, they're going to use probably the northeast extension or route 309 to get into center city and of course everyone would use the schuylkill expressway. >> bob, the daily news says it all right now. it is going to be a headache for you all summer long, jeff, head of septa, has been warning now this problem is going to persist perhaps throughout the summer. it is day two today. one third of the regional rail cars have been pulled off the tracks due to that beam defect. >> now, passengers fighting for a seat taking a lot of extra time on their commute. let's get right out to steve keeley at ardmore station with more. hi, steve. >> yes, no chychrun necessary for you people at home, what's a chychrun? that's the word you see on the screen, look, i have this. i can put my face over this and have that on me every day so everyone knows where they are. get moving, chris, we'll move every hit today. so we will walk and talk as they say in our business. so show them the ardmore sign, too. look, i know i was right when i predicted the team coverage line that would stick, i see it everywhere on all of the stations. i also made the prediction about the developing story we're on break news all of it. but i'll coin another phrase today, sue, feel free to use this not just today but all week, i think this has the potential for sticking around, too. the one thing bob kelly didn't mention about the problems today. i found the one thing he didn't do on this septa regional rail story. with the heat index to make it feel like 100 degrees today, most of the afternoon rush hour people standing around in what it feel like 100 degrees outside, how much worse will that make today's be? so here is the phrase that may have staying power. it is not just the heat, it's the humidity. i just think it has potential for like a cliche, we'll see. all right, here is the septa gm. he also agrees since people were still off yesterday, today could be way worse than yesterday. >> we do ask, you know, where possible, some customers that are in that region, just outside the city, to look at using other forms of septa transportation. >> it was delayed just not moving at times. we are supposed to be on an express which takes 45 minutes, and instead, it took an hour and a half to get into suburban station. >> the platforms were definitely very crowded, the train itself was really, really crowded. >> all right, so, nothing now, and as we learned yesterday, nothing really for couple of hours. we weren't able it gauge whether anybody's changing their plans until we start meeting people, seeing things, that's for couple of hours. so i thought maybe people would just get here earlier just to get in line first but no one yet at 4:00. did you guys get that line? what is it again? >> it's not the heat, it's the humidity. >> yep, you think that will stick? no pun intend in the. >> it will be sticky, we'll check back, 4:07. >> breaking news out of south africa judge reading out oscar piss tore ya sentence for killing his girlfriend reeva steenkamp back in 2013. he could be headed back to prison today. the prosecution seeking at least 15 years in prison, former south african parra olympic athlete accused of faithly shooting his girlfriend, serving one year manslaughter appeal court upgraded it. we'll see what happens in court today. >> breaking news, 13 year old boy in stable condition after being shot in hunt inning park. >> police say it happened around 11:30, 4300 block of north darian street, out to dave kinchen with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, lauren, chris. we were just talking about the weather. that's a factor in all of. >> this police say this boy and several people were out enjoying the warm weather when shots rang out. they also say this stems from a case of road rage. now, investigators say at least eight shots were fired at a crowd just out enjoying the weather when one bullet struck a 13 year old boy in the right leg. it happened just before midnight on the 4300 block of north darien street. a family member rushing the victim to st. christopher's hospital for children where necessary stable condition. now, minute before the shooting, cops say a woman driving a new err white car possibly a honda almost hit a group of kids playing on the block. they say there was an argument, and then she left. minute later about five to ten minute later police say she came back with a man in the passenger seat this time. the man gets out, fires at the crowd of about 25 people sitting on the steps, enjoying the weather when a bullet hit the 13 year old boy. >> i was putting the trash out. and i just heard gunshots. that was it. i ran around the corner. and all i saw the economic, little key and, i've known him his whole life, very respectful little boy. it is a shame that our young kids are the ones getting caught in this casino of things going on in the crossfire. but i pray to god that he's going to be okay. innocent kids getting hurt, you know, it is a shame. it is a shame what our city has come to. it is horrible. >> police tell us they were children as young as two and three years old out hanging out with adults, in their 20's, in that crowd when that boy was hit by gunfire. investigators say the victim was not involved in the initial road rage incident, again, he is in stable condition, the shooter still out there, no arrests just yet. we can also tell you police have found several surveillance cameras, on neighborhood businesses, they're homing those cameras can shed some light on this case and get the shooter and that gun off the streets. >> absolutely, dave kinchen, live for us, thanks so much. >> to different kind of septa trouble. >> true, septa bus driver recovering this morning after attacked and males in the olney. police tell us the suspect tried to flagg down mid block, but followed protocol and wait today stop at a bus stop, driver helping a a passenger in a wheelchair when the suspect ran up and maced her, the woman was arrest add few blocks away. >> tough job as it is. 4:10 the time, hundreds of people in south philly are mourning the death of 16 year old boy after someone shot him during a fourth of july cook out. a vigil was held in remembrance of lasewer brown shot in the back and died. police say they are searching for two gunmen who opened fire on brown and his friends, in a backyard barbeque, 1800 block of south 31 street. james harris spoke to the large crowd of mourners, he coached the teen at let since he was just five years old. >> it is a tragedy, he was a good kid, he wasn't in the street, you know, every little kid gets in a little trouble, but he was a god kid. and it's got to stop of the they're babies. you know, it is sad. it is sad. >> detective say the fatal shooting may have been the result of a conflict between teens from 31st street. >> hunt is on for who started these fires, what officials are doing. >> violent attack caught on camera in north philly what police say the accused attackers were after that left a man lying beaten on the street. >> because of the heat, the brilliance of steve keeley, with pointing out that it is really the humidity that makes you feel un comfortable. so, excessive heat warning is good today through friday. this is a prolonged period of excessive heat and humidity. which means we'll have to deal with this day after day after day, air quality alert in effect for the area, as well, for those who have health issues this weather is tough to deal with, if you can't spends time in air-conditioning, and we recommend of course that you do. but not everybody has that option, right? nothing to show you on radar, and we don't expect anything for the rest of the day today. it is all going to be about the numbers. starting offer pretty warm. 78 degrees in dover, 76 degrees here in the city, 07 in lancaster, 63 in mount pocono, and 74 degrees in wildwood. so it is a hot start to the day. dew points are into the 70s already. that's our measure of moisture in the air. and once we're into the 70s, we're getting into that uncomfortable to oppressive range of humidity. so it just makes it feel that much worse when it gets into the 90's and it feels like it is in the triple digit. that's specially the case on thursday and friday. and it will feel close to 100 today. so yesterday, we made it all the way up to 89 degrees. i think we'll exceed 90 today and tomorrow and friday and saturday. now, you see little pop up thunderstorm each day. you could get one, you could not not going to change the heat change situation. does look like we'll lower humidity on sunday and monday of next week earn. if this is vacation for you at the jersey shore, looks like temperatures even on the beach. >> bob kelly, here we. >> i think a lot of folks came back from the shore yesterday, enjoying the holiday, now they'll hit the bricks here back to work on this wednesday. so, live look here at the 42 freeway. that orange glow in the background, some construction vehicles there, along 42, as you work your way from the expressway in toward philadelphia. here is a live look at some construction along 202, out near the malvern, the 30 bypass, interchange, septa day number two here, again, that modified saturday schedule with trains running every 30 minute, septa urged yesterday that they've added extra service to the bus and the trolley routes. that if you really are using mass transit, try one of those alternates. and expect those crowded conditions as we saw yesterday, now, for example, steve was at the ardmore station yesterday. it was around that 7:00, 7:30 hour, when we started to see those packed trains come into ardmore with very limited seating. one tip would be from a station closer, like your overbrook, go out bound to turn around to come inbound. if you got on at exton, malvern, or paoli, you had no problem at all getting on the train, or getting a seat. so the further out you go, the better shot you're going to have to come inbound. though, probably still going to have delays, then for the evening rush hour, again, trains that originated at jefferson, were packed, by the time they got to suburban, so maybe later on this evening, walk over to jefferson to start your trip, again, getting on the further close to the beginning of the line is going to be the best option, then each station has suggested alternates, we have the links up for you at additional parking, i think you'll see that today, folks will just say you know what? forget about it, i'll just drive today until they figure all of this stuff out. 1600 spots are available at the naval hospital. you exit there off broad street. use the broad street subway to come into center city. and i realize not everybody works in center city. so depending upon where you begin and end your trip, some options may not work for you. 300 spots available on columbus boulevard, but septa has waived the parking fee at the frankford transportation center garage. chris, lauren, back to you. >> thanks so much, bob. police looking for three teenagers who attack and robbed a man near temple campus. investigators say that attack happened on cecil b. moore near 17th street last tuesday morning. three teenagers approached 23 year old man, beat him, then robbed him. the teenagers continued to assault the man until his jaw was broken and his pockets were empty. student and people who live in that neighborhood say they always try to be aware of their suggestion. >> your you should never walk alone, any part of the city honestly. >> be aware of your suggestion, it could really happen to anyone obviously as you see there. >> police are hoping these teenagers parents will see this story and dot right thing. >> in camden, officials are asking people thereto say something, if they see something, that doesn't look right. >> this after someone started 14 suspicious fires over the holiday weekends, all of the fires were in the southern part of the city. one of them was inside a home, 13 other were at vacant properties. seven firefighters were hurt as they battle these. a trapped resident was also taken to the hospital. officials have a double arson task force but they need your help. >> the fear is that somebody could get injured or killed and like i just stated we had seven of our firefighters injured, which is a significant amount of firefighter injuries for two day period. it is casino of unheard of for us to have that. the incident yesterday, where the occupant was trapped on the porch roof, obviously co-have been killed. >> so, at this point, fire investigators are not sure how many people might be behind this spree of fires. >> a philadelphia man has pleaded guilty to two count of kidnapping. the u.s. attorney general says 41 year old nathaniel rodriguez, admitted both crimes, both involved him forcing women into cars making them take out money from atm's f convicted rodriguez could face life in prison. >> all stars selected for major league baseball, phillies player gets picked, no surprise. >> man, he can hit. the sixers sign a guard as a free agent, and he is a familiar person to the philly area. >> okay? >> speaking of the sixers, seems the boston celtics may and little salter at the number one draft pick straight ahead. >> because he is good? >> we'll tell you. >> okay, here are your winning lottery numbers. >> every friday through july 22 taking over a local town there is week, going down to delaware to wilmington, the best part you can win a car, sign up, brand newspaper mazda cx9. go to our website on the home page, a contest page, we pick a finalist once a week, on the final show we'll have a big give away. we have three weeks leading up until that. we have wilmington this week, and where do we go next week? >> there is haddonfield after wilmington. >> haddonfield. then it all ends at the del music center. >> we did the tri-state area. we did delaware. we did new jersey. , and pennsylvania. >> all right, well, there you go. three chances to win this brand new car. we will be right back. rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. there are big rooms, tiny rooms, rooms that are - whoa. with eight times more fragrance control, the new air wick® scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down to fill massive minimalist rooms. small secret rooms. and tall rooms you climb to. a treehouse is totally a room. you get the perfect amount of fragrance. no matter the size of the home. no matter the size of the room. air wick®. home is in the air™. fill reason a roll, they've won three straight, with all due respect they're playing the atlanta braves. would have trouble competing at minor league level. they are horrible baseball team. but the phils did what they should have donement going to the ballpark, last night, peter born us, the first of four solo homeruns for the phillies. they were up five-nothing, and zach did what he hasn't done yet in his career, a major league win. nine innings, only six hits, the phillies win the game five-one. all right, the all-star teams were selected last night, and representing the phillies in the game next week here on fox, outfielder herrera. the sixers signed another guard and he is local. episcopal academy player gerald henderson, he's played with two other teams, signed for two years, 18 million. 18 million is a lot of money for a guy that's played a short as time as he, but hey listen, give him a break, he's from philadelphia. that's sports that minute. i'm howard eskin. >> so you remember monday night? >> what's today, wednesday? >> it is wednesday, i'll reminds you, so ben simmons played, right? >> that part. >> he got ten-point, he had some cramps. >> yes, both his like calves seized up. >> now you remember. >> in the fourth quarter. >> because now i can't finish my sentence. it is okay, monday night against boston, go on. >> no. >> go on. >> okay, philadelphia lost, but who ever runs boston's twitter account seemed salt bye net getting number one pick, or not getting it using proper english. along with this video the administrator of the celtics account wrote number one pick versus number three pick, number three pick wins. >> really? >> brown was the pick. boston tweeted this picture with the caption, offer season work is already paying off forrester i rozier who out performed number one overall pick ben simmons monday night. >> oh, he pulled through. >> kid in college, ahead of their twitter account, trying to throw shade. >> throw shade, lie take. 4:27. let's talk about we need some shade, it will be hot outside. trouble on the tracks, day two of septa's problems on the the regional rails. >> what you can expect headed out the door, bob has the delays, steve keeley along the train station along the paoli thorndale line with more on possible refunds, as well. we're following breaking news, teenager returned to the hospital after late night shooting. the search now on for the shooter. >> day two of the septa slow down, more wore business what today holds for commuters taking the regional rail. >> and this morning we have you covered before you head out the door, bob kelly has few tips on how to avoid yet another major headache from additional parking to alternative ways getting into the city. steve keeley is live at ardmore train station is with a we can expect this morning. >> excessive heat warning. soup has how hot it is expected to get. good day, it is july 6, 2016. >> right before we went on the air half hour ago, you said said the weather service changed the warning? >> yes, just made it little worse. it was heat advisory, upgrade today heat warning. that means, we will probably get heat index of 100 degrees or above today. we weren't expect that to happen tomorrow. but really, at this point in the game, once it gets this hot there is humid, it is just a matter of numbers, but it is still going to be uncomfortable, excessively so. so we've got this entire area that's highlighted here for you. and that's the lower half of bucks, montgomery, chester counties, delco, philadelphia, these are all of the urban counties, and the major cities of course of trenton, and philadelphia, and wilmington, are all along that i95 corridor. so it is always hotter where there are more buildings around. and that's why we escape to the shore and the mountains when it does get hot. so we don't have any precipitation to talk to you about. temperatures, 76 degrees already in philadelphia, and 5:39 is your sunrise time. we have temperatures that are in the 60s and 70s, to start your day, and close to 80 in dover already. and then we check the dew point, which are also in the upper 60s to around 70. so, we're already in the uncomfortable range, and the sun hasn't even come up yet. so once that happens, we will easily slide with those dew points into the oppressive area. so, ya, off to muggy start, sunny, sticky all day, heat index around triple digits. hi, actual all high of 93, sunset time 8:32. so of course, we have all the ways that you are going to be able to take care of yourself and get through that, and don't forget about your animals, as well, because they can't stand it either, bob kelly. you got to take care of them. >> i know one of the big complaints yesterday for folks heading home was the oppressive heat on the platforms of the trains trying get home out of suburban, jefferson, and 30th street stations. good morning, everybody, 4:32, no problems coming in yet on the 422, coming in from the suburbs, schuylkill expressway, the blue route, all of the majors, are in good shape. here's the same deal for septa really. again today, day two, modified saturday schedule which translates to trains every 30 minutes. instead of the normal eight to ten minutes for a rush hour. they have added that extra service to the bus and the trolley route, trying to give folks option to try something different other than the trains. but, each station has suggested alternates for every single line. so whatever station you would typically originate from, check that out, we have links on our website at maybe it is a bus transfer to trolley line that bridges you into center city, and also, keep in mind, you know, not everyone is coming into downtown, there is a lot of reverse commuters in here, as well, one thing you may want to try, little differently than yesterday, is steve was at the ardmore station, we will come up to him in just a second, but yesterday around 7:30, that magic hour when we start today see the packed trains hit that ardmore station, and then start the bypass. you may want to go out of town in order to come back into town. the trains are originating out in thorndale, downingtown, exton, are open. plenty of seats available. go out, park in malvern, and that will gave you a option or a guaranteed seat to get on that first train into town. if you are going to drive, there are 1600 spots at the naval hospital. they didn't fill that lot up yesterday. 300 at the columbus spring garden pier, and they've also waived the parking fee at the frankford transportation center. chris, lauren, back over to you. >> bob, we'll get to in a in a minute. first, 4:34, breaking news, police responding to scene of 14 year old girl shot this happened an hour ago in east germantown. >> yes, she was found in the 5600 block of boyde street. dave kinchen head today that scene. we will keep you updated as more information becomes available to us. also, overnight, another teenager shot, this time a 13 year old boy, he is now in stable condition, after he was shot in the leg in hunt inning park. this happened about 11:30 in the 4300 block of north darien street. >> so he was taken to st. christopher hospital. and we understand that he is in stable condition, so far no arrest haves been made. >> let's get back to the big developing story for a second straight day. it is people on septa's regional rail forced to deal with more delays yet again after a third of the regional rail cars were pulled off the track due to defect. >> so now people are encouraged to use other modes of transportation, as septa tries to work on these issues. septa offering refunds, credit, for those who purchased weekly pass starting july 4th. steve keeley has more on these delays. hi, steve. >> reporter: yes, rare is it you hear the head of mass transit agency hey don't take public transportation, find another way to get to work. but that's what jeff finds himself doing. and he hopes he's wrong. but he made a prediction out of true honesty that he hopes is not right. but he says yesterday afternoon he said tomorrow, meaning today, is going to be worse than yesterday, because he believes like we mentioned yesterday, a lot of people were still enjoying the long holiday weekend, and weren't back to work yet, still on vacation all this week, what's going to make matters even worse today is hot, as oppressive as it was yesterday afternoon, higher humidity, higher temperatures, today, and higher tempers playing for sure again today. bob kelly predicted it, the worse was the afternoon rush, not only is it hotter in the afternoon, but everybody's leaving the same station where as in the morning everybody gets on the trains, to go to center city in different locations, but then they all piled on that platform and, boy, some of the pictures you saw, where they were letting as many people on these trains as possible, you could not get down an aisle and the people were standing inbetween the trains, on the steps, they were squeezing as many people as they could in there, and still not enough space. so, early right now, we won't see anything for couple of hours, but let's see if jeff is right and today is worse than yesterday. guys? >> yes, he is warning about it being horrible all summer long as they try to weld effortly these beams before they can get the replacement beams sent in. oh, what a mess all the way around. steve, thanks so much. we know you're head today other breaking news for us and we'll let you go, thank you. meantime, hillary clinton set to make a stop right here in our area. but that's not the only reason she is making headlines. the latest on the controversy surrounding her emails next. ♪ i don't want to lie down. i refuse to lie down. why suffer? stand up to chronic migraine... with 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welcome back 4:39. we have breaking news for you right now, oscar pistorius has been sentenced to six years in prison for murdering his girlfriend, are reeva steenkamp on valentine's day in 2013. the former south african parra olympic athlete was convicted of faithly sheeting steam capment, pistorius under house arrest until today he was released last october after serving one year for manslaughter. appeals court later upgrade that conviction to murder, again, oscar pistorius is now head today prison for six years. >> hillary clinton making appearance in atlantic city today to speak about her opponent donald trump failed atlantic city business record. she plans to focus on his multiple bankrupcies and quote loss of hundreds of jobs while pocketing cash for himself. the former first lady and secretary of state is scheduled to speak in front of boardwalk hall at 12:15. the public will be given access to that area about 90 minute prior to that speech. and hillary clinton is making more headlines this morning. >> yes, after long investigation into her emails, the fbi says it is not wrecking the presidential candidate be charged for using a private e-mail server. in a news conference yesterday, fbi director james comey said clinton's e-mail was extremely careless, his words, but did not rise to the level of criminal charges. comey says his agent found that clinton used multiple devices and servers, and that from a group of roughly 30,000 e-mail, headed over to the state department, 110 contained classified data. >> any reasonable person in secretary clinton's position, or in the position of those with whom she was correspond being those matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. >> clinton, by the way, spent the day campaigning with president alabama in north carolina, neither brought up the investigation. >> a statue that's been stashed away for years, after grabbed headlines around the wormed. who is asking for the joe paterno statue to return. >> so yes, here it is, excessive heat warning in effect for most of the region, the urban counties, where it is a combination of the heat, and the humidity, you know, how the wintertime, we say, the windchill, the winds factors in with the temperatures, makes it feel colder than it is. well, we factor in humidity, so that it feels warmer than it actually is. which is what we don't need. anyway, then there is air quality alert for pretty much the entire region as well. if you want to escape from this, the shore or the mountains, that's what we do. so you get away from a lot of this excessive heat, which has been in the southwest, and now, with southwesterly wind persisting day after day today, tomorrow, and on friday, especially, the 90's will return, but will feel lick it is in triple digits, including today. so, 76 degrees right now, on the muggy side out there. sixty-three, mount pocono, 78 in dover, 74 in wildwood. so, the heat index is your feels-like temperature. so, it is not too much hotter than the actual temperature right now. but with those dew points going up, and the sun coming up, we're really going have a hot one today. so the average high is 87. we were below average for most of the weekend. the holiday weekends, yesterday, we soared to 89 degrees, and today, it is 90's, tomorrow it is 90s, friday it is 90s, this will be heatwave number two of 2016. in the 80s, sunday, monday, and tuesday, and hopefully some lower humidity, and not relief, a lot of relief for the temperatures at the shore, 89, right there on the beach today, 90 for tomorrow, but the good thing is if you are there, then you can jump in the water and get a break from that. soap, you just need to take care of yourself, take care of the kids, take care of the pets, take care of the elderly shall everybody who needs taken care of, bob kelly, this is the time. >> aim considered elderly to my youngest child? >> your you always are. >> good morning shall everybody, all outdoor chores are canceled, 4:46. good morning, everybody, live look at route 202, hello malvern, no problems at the moment. some construction down there, that route 30 bypass, but they did not work last night on the vine expressway. so that's open for business. talk about hot. phillies, down in south philadelphia, with an afternoon game at 10:00, a not letting the braves out of town just yet. again, these afternoon games, you are going to see that afternoon rush hour, you know, lunchtime rush hour, then bamm, instant traffic jam when that game is over. and then also if you are going to the game, and you are using the regional rail lines, coming through center city, get ready for another fiasco downtown, like we had last night. shuttle buses further notice on the cynwyd line. shuttle buses until 5:00 on both the market frankford and the broad street subway. they have added extra service on both the market frankford and the subway lines for the rush hours. there is also free parking at the frankford transportation center. again, it is day number two. everyone casino of agrees that they think today will see more commuters coming back from the long holiday weekends, jump in and try to give the septa regional rail thing a try today for the first time. trains running every 30 minutes, as opposed to every eight to ten minutes. they have added extra service, beefed it up little bit on the buses, and trolleys. it did not make that much of a major change. but, each station does have a suggested allege that the. so go to that station, weaver links on our website, just go to we have one page that has all of the info you need to know before you get on the go. and maybe an option would be taking a bus or a trolley into center city. but expect those crowded conditions, remember, the closest you can start your trip at the beginning of the line, the better chance you are going to have to get a seat and get on a train. for example, the lansdale-doylestown line typically has 17 trains during the morning rush hour. only seven trains right now during the morning rush hour. and here are additional parking spots. if you want to jump on old betsy, take the car into warning, free parking at the frankford transportation center. chris, lauren, back to you. >> thank you so much. one man facing very serious charges after being arrested for making terroristic threats at delaware welcome center. thirty-five year old pa poo of selby ville, another man, made threats to employee on sunday. that will forced authorities to cancel the concert happening that night, authorities charged with making terroristic threats after he surrounded -- surrendered to police, he's now out of jail on $20,000 bond. police say they know who the other man is but they've yet to arrest him. the band perry tweeted the show rescheduled for august 17th. >> 4:49 the time. former penn state football players fighting for the statue of former head coach joe pattern tow come back. they want that statue to be put back outside the campus beaver stadium. state college. com reports more than 200 former players sent a formal request to the university to have the statue erected once again, paterno was fired in 2011 a mid the jerry sandusky child molest take scandal, statue removed soon thereafter. so far the university has not responded to the players requests. >> north wildwood family despite to get back their treasured american flag, that someone stole on the fourth every july. it is now why the any american flag, this draped the casket of patrick, u sailor that made the ultimate sacrifice, father judge high school graduate died in 1969 when the ship he was on sang. the navy never found his body. once a year the family fries the flag, now, the family is pleading for the flag's return with a reward offered. no questions asked. head to for link if you know anything about this. >> do you have to be of blue blood to be a blue hen? about to get pricier for the upcoming school year. the university is raising tuition, and fees, as well as jacking up the price for room and board. tuition and fees will increase a little more than 300 bucks for residents, more than 800 for people who come from out of the state. room and board increases, are about 2%, the total cost of undergraduates who live on campus just under $25,000 foreign state, more than 44,000 if you're from jersey, or pennsylvania, or any other of the 49 states. forbes has released its list of america's top colleges and some of the winners are from our area. princeton university came in at number three, followed by swarthmore college at number ten. penn at 11, haverford college, 23, forbes ranks the institution's based on factors that correctly concern student such as getting a good job post graduation, stanford university grabbed the top spot this year. >> the coffee chain will hike prices on some of its beverages on july 12th. let's see which coffee chain would that be? there it is, starbucks. not clear how much you'll have to pay. last year the company raised prices of some drinks anywhere from five to 20 cents, so, they made a similar price hike in 2014. >> bad news if you use an android phone. cyber security experts say 10 million devices are inspected with malware, security company check point has been tracking the bug called hunting bag since its discovery in february t says the number of devices is exploding check point says the biggest concern is if it targets businesses or the government, selling to criminals on the black market. >> winner from last night's mega millions drawing. someone is a little rich nerve our area. we will tell how that is next. >> you know the person? >> well, not personally. ♪ music [gargling] toilet germs don't just stay in the toilet. disinfect with lysol bathroom trigger... ... and lysol power foamer. they kill 99.9% of germs. to clean and disinfect your bathroom... ...lysol that. >> i didn't even check my tickets, but now you told me,. >> these sign say it all. take a look at this. no one won last night's $454 million mega millions jackpot. that means the jackpot for the next drawing has now grown to an estimated $508 million. that's half a billion by the way. and that's $357 million if you decide to take the cash option. that makes a record 34 roll-oversment the previous records was 22, just in case you won a lesser amount, here are last night's numbers ... the yellow ball, ten. >> the next drawing friday night. >> okay. >> ya, that's good. >> so the powerball drawing tonight, jackpot for that one, $257 million. that's a cash option of $179 million. you can watch tonight's powerball drawing live right after fox 29, news at 10:00, and good luck everyone. >> someone in new jersey is now $8 million richer. lottery officials say the sole winning ticket in the july 4th, was sold in gloucester county, that number hit all numb numbers, sold at buck road mini mart in monroe ville. the winner has not yet come forward. >> all right, 4:56. following breaking news, two teenagers shot overnight in two separate locations, the latest on the search for a suspect. >> day two of the septa slow down, what today may hold for commuters taking the regional rail. around here, i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent, it couldn't keep up it was mostly water. so i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated... so i get a better clean. i mean i give away water for free... i'm not about to pay for it in my detergent. voted 2016 product of the year if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. live from philadelphia. this is fox 29 morning news. we have breaking news right now. two teenager shot overnight, two separate cases, one every them hit by a stray bullet. more on the investigations underway right now. and this morning, the front page of the daily news says it all. there it is. just you wait. bracing for day two of the septa train debockle. >> plus, hillary clinton sets her sites on our area. she'll make a trip here today. how she plans to take shots at donald trump. >> and, feeling hot, hot, hot. heat and humidity taking over the area, how high those temperatures are expected to rise. good day, it is july 6, 2016. i dare say, the higher the humidity, the lower the number. >> okay, well, let's see what numbers sue decided to choose for today with all of this excessive heat warning. >> well, i consulted with my chit owe, my number advisory committee, which is you guys, here in the studio, and we all came up with a seven out of ten. now, we don't have any rain in the forecast, but it will be very hot, very humid, very uncomfortable. in fact, there is excessive heat warning in effect today through friday. so, it is not just today. in fact, that same headline from the daily news could apply to the weather. just you wait. because will get hotter tomorrow and on friday, and saturday will problem continue the heatwave, as well. but a change from yesterday, no rain to show you on ultimate doppler radar. so let's check temperatures, 75 degrees, sunrise time, 5:39. coming upre

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