Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At Five 20150123 : comparem

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At Five 20150123

once we move farther to the north and west. look at ultimate doppler showing you that moisture is not too far to our south and west. it will continue to head in our direction as we go hour by hour into your friday evening. a lot of moisture to get through as well but take a look at those temperatures. they will be somewhat marginal but we are looking at that precip continueing to move in from the southwest to the north. so we're looking at a lot of rainfall down the shore. moving a little farther inland along that i-95 corridor. that's where we'll continue to find that snowfall north and west linger a little longer into your saturday. but the bottom line, it is going to be a wet and soggy mess across the area. and also we have to contend with the potential avenue little bit of icing out of this system as well. when i come inside, i'm going to have much more on the timing as well as a second system that will impact a part of the weekend into early next week. so we'll spell it all out for you and give you the latest snow details expected. >> karen, back to you. >> thanks, scott. he keeps mentioning coming back indoors. let's take live look at the platt bridge in south philadelphia. it's dry right now but as scott has been talking about the storm is just off to our south. let's get out to joanne pileggi live in claymont, delaware to see how folks in new castle county are getting ready. joanne. >> reporter: hi, karen. here we go again. winter preps for january weather weather. this is act maybe maybe seen or two by now and we all know we need the necessary supplyies and tools to prepare for this weather. we are outside new castle county off of i-95 just outside of a home depot grocery store and liquor store and people are getting ready. earlier today however penndot crews were out brining the roads to prevent the know from accumulating making travel worse for drivers. obviously, the goal of transportation officials is to plan and be prepared to stay ahead of winter weather. and coming up at 6:00 we will talk to folks who are out right now trying to get themselves ready for this latest dose of winter weather. and they will be shopping tonight as usual and we will be talking to them in just about an hour. for now we're live in delaware, joanne pileggi fox 29 news. back to you in the studio. >> joe app thank you very much. this is that same system causing a real mess down in the south. got more than an inch of rain that fell in so many parts of the houston area. street flooding is causing a big concern there. and a lot of the trees came down. a lot of the wires came down. and as many as 10 vehicles were strand on the roads. of course, you can stay ahead of the weekend nor'easter any time you can just check out the forecast come to and click on our weather tab. on to our other big story developing right now. police arrest a former volunteer firefighter for sexual assaults on children. authorities say the young victim range range from eight to 14 years only the incidents happening over two-year period. our sabina kuriakose is live in glenn olden delaware county with these allegations that are startling. is astartling. the abuse has been going on for use. if you talk to neighbors who live around here they say they've often seen young boys going and in out of suspect's home but they never thought much of it because the suspect himself is so young. 20-year-old john corcoran wearing a green jumpsuit several bracelets an blank stare as he's led away from the delaware county courthouse friday afternoon. chargeed with luring, grooming and sexually abuseing 14 boys over two years. youngest alleged victim only eight yours old. >> what do you want the kids to know? >> no comment. >> he's creep. he's weird. he just gives off a very bad vibe to people. he's just a very strange individual. report roar neighbors seem to be voicing a visceral reaction to the heinous accusations against corcoran who lives with his parents just across the industry industry. delco da says corcoran would be friend neighborhood business give them pornographic material then company err them into performing sex acts. he faces 161 counts among them rape and child porn charges. >> you're dealing with an individual that will target his victims generally are kids not on the football team, for example, he'll look for kids that may be have some type of issue or isolation try to isolate them, try to be friend them. these are good kids from homes that certainly care about them. he ledly did this in the bedroom bedroom, pool and hot tub of his pan's home inside the lock consider room at the ridley ymca and in the woods by a cabin in upper darby. abuse came to light after corcoran a former volunteer firefighter was arrested for arson last summer. accused of setting fires and then responding to them with his company. authorities believe corcoran began abuseing children when he himself was only 16. >> while he was on bail, for the arson we believed his sexual exploitation of children continued so it was very important to be able to move forward. >> reporter: sadly police believe there are more victims and more charges could be coming. coming up at 6:00 we'll tell you why the ymca says it knew of the da's investigation but didn't tell parents. chris and karen. >> all right sabina thank you. a crash in the oak lane section of philadelphia has left a teenager dead and two more people hurt. this happened just after 8:00 this morning right along cheltenham avenue near old york road. you can see where ford mustang and mini van collided. medics say there was 14 year old girl riding in that mustang. she was rushed over to einstein hospital where she did die a short time later. newborn baby is hospitalized missing part of her face after being mauled by the family's pet ferrets. disturbing details. the attack happened yesterday at a home in darby township. police say three pet ferrets attacked a one month old baby while she sat in her car seat while her mother was upstairs. police say it is the worst things they've ever seen. >> i'm a cop. i've been one for 45 years. this is the most horrific thing i've seen happen to child in 45 years in this town. these kids need to be protected all five of them. >> investigators say the living conditions were unfit for other children in the home. they are with other family members child welfare services continue to investigate the baby is at chop tonight in stable condition. new developments in that police involved shooting in bridgeton that left a man dead who some witnesses say had his hands up. civil rights leader al sharpton has offered his help in the investigation. but the wife of the man who was kill says, she doesn't need it. our bruce gordon has more on what city leaders are saying tonight about the shooting. i will leave the up to you to judge. but i ask you as a mayor of a great city of bridgeton that we walk united. we may not always agree but we walk united as a community as we move forward. >> dash cam video from the neat of december 30th shows reid was a passenger in a jaguar stopped by bridgeton police for rolling through a stop sign. >> show me your hasn't. show me your bleep hands! show me your hands. don't move! don't you move! >> routine stop turns tense when officer raheem days the one on the right of your screen reports he sees a handgun in the car's glove compartment. days repeatedly orders injury roane reid to stay put and show his hands. ultimately reid pushes his way out of the car and approaches the officer with his hands up. days and partner roger wurly fire self shots at the unarmed man. >> (gunfire). >> don't you bleep move. >> walter hudson represents reid's widow. >> what do you think was going on with this officer. out of control over jealous, out of control. >> both officer days and jerome reid are african-american. leader of naacp is praising the community for its patience and calm. >> bridgeton you have set the exam p.m. of how to pursue justice without rioting burning, looting but peacefully expressing your pain, your concerns and your desires. report. >> that was bruce reporting. suspected serial robber is in custody right now two days after we told you this story. us marshals task force captured cartel justice this morning. two days ago this stepmother spoke with us pleading he turn himself in. wright is accused in nearly a dozen armed robberies in our area. unwelcomed site for some car owners in the tacony section of the city. when they wok up to find their vehicles set on fire. firefighters responding to the 6300 block of ditman street just after 2:00 this morning. they arrived to find the car engulfed in flames. the fire spreading to a home. they got the fire under control. then about township minutes later only to discover two other cars on fire on the same block. so far no suspects. well, are you tweeting yourself to an early death? >> we are probably both guilty of this one. chronic tweeters tweeting during this newscast if you want to talk with us please do we'll continue to have this conversation. still ahead the startling discovery why u penn researchers that may change the way that you tweet. and also ahead how about these live changing moments? a pizza delivery woman talk about the night a delivery went so terribly wrong. why she says she had to shoot her customers. >> plus deflate-gate taking football world by storm. why some close to the nfl say the investigation will be delayed until after the super bowl. >> how about this? fast food secrets revealed. we sat behind the golden arches. your weirdest questions about mcdonald's. their answers. hey, scott. >> hi, karen. right now we're looking at this nor'easter moving in our direction. the latest timing and expected snowfall or rainfall where you live next. ♪ ♪ philadelphia police need your help in finding this man who savagely attacked a 17-year-old girl on a trolley. it happened at seventh and girard at 15 trolley. the victim says she was on her way to school wednesday and her book bag accidentally hit the man. that's when he threatened her knocked her hat off and as she pick it up punched her several times in the face. giving her a black eye and a broken nose. >> that controversy surrounding the new england patriots and so called deflate-gate it is continuing. there are some very few answers as to how those balls became deflated. >> the nfl released a statement today saying the balls were indeed underinflated for the first half but fixed it for the second half. fox's jonathan hunt has more from new york. >> reporter: patriots head coach bill belichick and quarterback tom brady both denying they had anything to do with so-called deflate-gate. both telling reporters yesterday they didn't let any air out of footballs used in the afc championship game last sunday. some experts say brady must have known the balls were underinflated before he started the game. but his teammates are standing firmly behind him. >> we got a leader that you know we never question. there's never any doubt. no matter what the situation is. >> it's not our first rodeo but with that being said we have a group of guys that know what it takes to basically lower the noise and focus on what we here for report roar nfl says its investigation is on going but brady says he hasn't even been interviewed by nfl officials yet. >> i think they're definitely taking their time. i don't think they want to wrap this up before the super bowl. i think it will be delayed until after the game. >> that's raising questions about the leadership of nfl commissioner roger goodell and his close relationship with patriots owner robert craft a close ally who offered support for the commissioner when he faced criticism of his handling of the ray rice domestic violence incident last year. >> there's a lot of facts we don't know. so to keep speculating about it and keep all this rumor yes it has, it has a life of its own. and that's because it's the patriots. some former nfl players say a slightly under and flated football could offer a big advantage. because it's softer allowing for better grip and more control in wet conditions. in new york, jonathan hunt, fox news. septa passengers that use suburban station are going to notice pretty nice up grades they roll out the first digital schedule boards at the center city stop. spokesperson says this is going to help to improve customer service because it's going to give those up to date train rifles and departure information information. >> i think everyone really likes this. you know, instead of the old digital wall units that this is much more easier to read. >> only a pilot program. the goal is to hopefully add these boards to many of the other stations. this is a partnership with verizon. happening now two days of high level talks in the books. tonight u.s. and cuba are one step closer to normalizeing relations. but leaders on both sides say more work still needs to be done. fox's joe waldman has more from washington. >> reporter: breakfast after the second day of highest level us cuba talks in four decades while delegates on both sides say two nations are inching toward normalized relations representatives from each country also admit scepticism still looms. u.s. says, among its major concerns ensuring cuba improves its checkered human rights record. >> it is crucial that we will continue to both speak out about human rights publicly and directly now with the cuban government. >> reporter: turning the tables on the u.s., cuba expressing its own concern over human rights in america. citing the recent police killings of unarmed black men in ferguson and new york city for the small island nation it says restoring diplomatic ties hinges largely on economics. >> the listing of embargo will be essential for us to normalize relations with the united states. >> reporter: the talks are the first since president obama and cuban president raul castro announced last month they would make a serious go at restoring diplomatic ties. president obama also realizing he needs support from the new republican controlled congress to fully normalize relations. with many oppose to engagement as long as cuba remains a one-party state. >> in my opinion. >> cuba says in other major sticking pint getting remove from the state departments list of countries that sponsor terrorism. second round of talks is expected but no date has been set. in washington, joel waldman fox news. president barack obama and vice-president biden will be in philadelphia next week. the two are expected to speak at the house democrats policy retreat. the three-day event is aim at planning out democrat street strategy for the neck two years in congress. president obama is set to visit the group on thursday with the vice-president's visit set for friday. all right. if you haven't heard by now we're tracking a little storm weekend nor'easter. >> looks like we are getting a one-two punch. let's head over to chief meteorologist scott williams. you are tracking its every move, scott. >> chris and karen, the first system is moving in in the next several hours. if you are stepping outdoors on this friday evening it's dry root now, but look at the rain trying to cross the chesapeake bay as we speak. and look at all of the moisture off to the south. snow is trying to move north and west right now of the nation's capitol and this will continue to head in our direction. so watching this area of low pressure that will churn up the eastern seaboard intense foy toward new england. it's going to bring mainly rain and gusty winds down the coast and moving a little farther inland we're looking at a quick coating of snowfall before changing over to rain. but where you see that darker blue especially north and west of philadelphia, that's where we'll see some heavier snowfall amounts. but, of course, that timing with the system is going to bring that precipitation in later on this evening and overnight but mainly rain down the shore. higher accumulations. we could exceed 4-inches once you move toward the lehigh valley and the pocono mountains when i come back we'll have specifics on that second system that will move in for the up coming weekend as well as we'll take a look at future fox cast to time out the periods of rain changing back over to snow and back over to rain with the seven day forecast. karen and chris, back to you. >> all right thank you scott. how about a rescue in paradise? coming up a boat starts taking and water with nearly a dozen people on board. what they all managed to that saved their lives. plus soldier surprise. a teacher and national guards man returns to his school for the first time in a year. check out the moment he took the students by surprise. ♪ >> welcome back. there was a terrible fire, seven alarm fire near pittsburgh this morning. many people needed to be rescued from this massive inferno involving four apartment buildings. officials say the fire started in an apartment building about 4:30 this morning. quickly it spread to other buildings. taking a look at world news funeral services for saudi king abdullah. he died last night at the age of 90. he served saudi arabia for nearly two decades. taking his place will be his half brother king solomon. promises to continue the policies of his president did he say sore one of the changes abdullah made during his reign was allowing women more freedom in the country. and just like in the movie a dramatic rescue of a sinking boating -- fishing boat it is all caught on camera. the britt turn coast guard row lowed this video of a man being pulled from the high seas to a rescue helicopter and if you watch, it happens just before the boat sinks to the bottom of the sea. this all happened off the western coast of scotland. two fishermen were airlift to do nearby fishing vessel, and three others were taken to a hospital treattreated for hypothermia. >> from that rescue to another one. imagine maybe you're on a tugboat in the middle of the water and suddenly it starts to sing. that's the reality for 11 crew men it happened in hawaii yesterday. coast guard officials say they got the call 95-foot tugboat carrying diesel fuel taking on water. the 11 man crew radioed that they were going to have to abandon ship. they all managed to put on their live jackets and waited for good samaritans to rescue them from a boat. >> once he got around the corner barber's important it was about 15-foot surf right off the beach, so we were a little worried about that. got around the corner and we saw a debris field and smelled diesel fuel and we saw the good samaritan boat that responded. >> lucky guys right there getting off that boat. the crew is safe but they did lose most of their belongings when that tugboat did sing. there is a pizza delivery woman whose life was changed forever she says she was forced to shoot her customers. >> still ahead tonight it was the delivery that went horribly wrong. what happened that caused this woman woman to reach for her gun. scott? >> chris, right now satellite and radar showing you that precipitation just to our south and west. latest timing, totals and that second system for the the weekend next. >> well here we go folks. the weather authority tracking a weekend nor'easter and maybe another system behind that. scott is getting new information right now. he's going to be back in a few minutes with the timing and what you can expect where you live. well there is a very very brave woman. she is a pizza delivery driver in georgia opening up about the night she opened fire on two men who attempted to rob her as she pulled up with their pizza. as our nicole estephan reports the woman says her story might have had a very different ending ending. >> he philadelphia me he was going to kill me which that instantly i knew that my life was just -- it was either me or them. >> reporter: two fearful to use her real name, so we'll call her t this papa john's delivery woman describes the terrifying moments have changed her life forever. >> when i pulled up to the house, um, i instantly knew that it was a setup. because when i -- once i past the trees it was like pitch black. >> reporter: t was on her delivery run about two weeks ago when she pulled up to this dead end her gut told her something was wrong. she was right. >> i grab the pizzas and went to give it to him and he had the gun pointed to my face. >> he ordered her to get in the ground she had something in her pocket she would credit with saving her life. >> i took my gun out of my pocket and placed it on my stomach and laid on it. >> another man approached the two. she heard him say they were going to kill her. >> i fired my gun first because he raised his hand up to shoot me. at that point i just got up from the ground and took just off running. >> t kept running even when one of the suspects drove past her in her own car. she frantically knocked on doors doors. >> oh my god this is really happening. this is not movie. you have to fight for your life. >> until she says the guardian angel a woman with the same first name as her grandmother open the door. and together they called police. >> i want to introduce you to the busiest guy in the newsroom today. everyone is coming to scott. what's the weather? when is it going to snow? is it going rain. what's the deal? i know you got new information. >> well get little bit of everything. it will be aing is guy saturday and also we have a second system sunday night into monday. so careful on the roads each and every day this weekend. especially early in the morning as we take look the and tire area pretty much under that winter weather advisory the exception kent suss says county in delaware as well as cape may county mainly rape expected there it will be a mixed bag of precipitation and ultimate doppler showing dry weather right now. if you're stepping outdoors no weather worries but take look off to the south and west. we are looking at that precipitation moving in over the next several hours believe it or not but temperatures will be march jim still so by 10:00 o'clock we're looking at some rain and snow. likely some wet snow as we approach the midnight too many frame, and that's in the philadelphia area. so the bottom line, it arrives tonight through much of the day tomorrow. various precipitation types. we're looking at snow. we're looking at sleet as well as rain even the potential for freezing rain far north and west. strong gusty winds along the coast. they could gust up to 30 miles per hour but look at all of the moisture associated with this system. it stretches all the way in to the florida panhandle and the gulf of mexico. and you can see around the ohio river valley we're looking at that band of snow setting up so as we time everything out you can see by 11:00 o'clock tonight we're looking at some rain mixing in with wet snowflakes as you move into sections of delaware and south jersey as well as toward philadelphia we're looking at that snowfall from wilmington to trenton. by midnight across our area and then 1:00 o'clock saturday morning we're still looking at some bursting of snow across the area but some warmer air will nudge its way toward the i-95 corridor changing things over to mainly rain. but you can see north and west lehigh valley and the pocono mountains it stays snow longer there. so that's where those accumulations will likely be higher. on the tail end of this system, we get another burst of a wintry mix. so we get a little lull in the action. but when you wake up sunday morning watch out for black ice across the area. and then it's dry much of the day sunday but look at the clock. 10:00 p.m. on sunday when you're watching the fox 29 weekend evening news, we're watching our second system bring some snow. it will be cold enough for snow with this system area wide and we're looking at some travel troubles for your monday morning commute with likely several inches of snowfall out of that second system as well. so very busy over the next several days. north and west we're looking at about teppth of an inch of ice with the system on saturday. lancaster could you tenth of an inch moving towards doylestown as well as allentown that could add to the problems across the area. but we're looking at that rain and snow moving in tonight threw 2am on saturday. the instead yesterday snow and sleet early early on saturday morning before it changes over mainly to rainfall across the area and then we'll get that wintry mix on the tail end of this system from noon until about 3:00. as we take a look at those potential amounts mapely rain down the shore. interior south jersey toward i-95 one to 2-inches. we could over achieve in some spots but far north and west the lehigh valley and the pocono mountains we're looking at two to four or more inches of snow where those bands set up. so don't be surprised to maybe squeak in 6-inches of snow toward some areas far north and west. 42 that was the high today and temperatures right now are above freezing pretty much area wide. so the bottom line, that precip moves in over the next several hours. making for a slow go of things overnight tonight andlily on saturday. we change over to rain. then back to the mix. and then more snow and look at those temperatures. only only in the 20s for much of early next week. so very very busy and turning very cold early next week, too. >> thank you scott. >> are you tweeting yourself to an early death? coming up, the startling discovery by u of penn researchers that may change the way you tweet. also, coming up all new at 6:00 o'clock, how about a slice of kindness? the incredible way a city pizza joint is giving ♪ who hasn't picked up a copy of sky mall magazine while sitting on that airplane on the tarmac for hours at a time? well the popular magazine's time in the sky is coming to an end. the company has filed for bankruptcy. sky mall says it's changing marketplace and competition like amazon is to blame for its did he mice. not clear though when the magazines will be stopped being supplied on airplanes. all right inform your health news, camden county is now trying to help people to be proactive against the flu. in light of recent spike in the flu and cases health officials will be hosting additional flu clinics in that area. the first of two was held earlier today. it was at the bellmawr regional health clinic they're going to have another one in case you missed that one next wednesday that will be at one stop cling in camden from noon until 2:00 p.m. there are also new studies that say people with eczema may have an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. researchers aren't sure if the connection is because of unhealthy lifestyles or the inflammation related to chronic itchy skin disease but they do find people with he can is he ma are much more likely to have high blood pressure and high cholesterol both of which can lead to heart disease and stroke stroke. you may want to listen to this. is it possible to tweet yourself to death? well new study suggests just that. the study was done by researchers at the university of pennsylvania. it compared who are disease data from the centers store disease control to the use of hateful or angry tweets in 1300 u.s. counties nationwide. as you can see the maps here they're clearly identical researchers say the results show negative tweets can be linked to hire rates of who are disease deaths. >> we've known through multiple different studies that depression anger hostility being quick to react increases your risk of heart disease through the stress hormones that get releaseed. >> given the evidence the study goes as far as to say that twitter is a better predictor of heart disease than smokeing diabetes income, education and obesity combined. >> you just have to not do mean tweets. >> what constitutes a mean tweet. >> you're not mean. >> i'm not mean. >> most of you are so nice out there in the twitter verse that relate to us. we appreciate it. i'm represent assure by that study. u of penn can't be wrong right? surveillance cameras they were rolling during a wild gunshop robbery. >> we'll show it to you. you can see that moment when two men burst into a store how the men got into the store. that was closed and locked uptight. and billions and billions served tonight we're taking you behind the golden arches. how the operation works and why you may never look at mc donald's the same way again. >> you know cheaters never prosper except if you're the patriots apparently. the league hands out its game plan to get to the bottom of deflate-gate be sure to wake up with us tomorrow morning. did you see this, have you watch this show empire blowing up people have been watching it tomorrow on fox 29 weekend we'll be talking about it because this was really powerful scene. a father throws his son into the trash can for wearing his mother's clothes. they're taking on really tough issues and so are we. what we love our our weekend show it's a conversation. whatever you think you can tweet us use that #fox29weekend and we'll all chat together tomorrow morning from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. >> you got to see this. dramatic surveillance video of two people burglarizing a gun store. this happened outside of orlando you can see the person on the right taking taking assault arrivals off the wall. police say the suspects got inside the building bouton link through the drywall. the vacant store next door. mc donald's recently launched a campaign called our food, your questions. it's aimed at did he mystifying one of the world's most recognizable brands. >> how they get those french fries delicious and crispy. chris chmura goes to the heart of the mcdonald's machine. >> empty tables. dark registers. and an idle kitchen. fast food, slow to do a stop. a rare glimpse at a new mc donald's. the day before it opens. >> this is the calm before the storm. with golden arches on everything this is the mcdonald's we know. but we've ordered a special taste mcdonald's secret recipes. behind the scenes. ♪ first -- >> kid in a candy shop. >> mesmerizing toronto bakery. >> we operate 24/7. >> we don't know the toronto name but most of us know the toronto flavor. because it's essential to every mcdonald's sandwich. >> meat and condiments when you open that package and see that bun that's the start of the show show. flower trucks in by tanker. >> a lot of flour. to this non-descriptor land dough factory. inside it spends just one hour 45 minutes mixing. transforming in a yeast tee brew, a sticky dough a powdery ball and eventually a mc donald' bun. >> 24 hour day we run a million and a half buns. just as impressive as the scale -- >> essentially a thousand pieces a minute. is the precision here. consider those sesame seeds. toronto's 70 bakers are confident each big mac bun contains 360 of them. >> if you count that bun i guarantee you'd be plus or minus a seed. i'm sticking to it. toronto bakes a round the clock. its kitchen includes the world's most hypnotic rotating silo. >> that's a variable speed cooler. after the bun complete that three-story cooling circuit high speed camera inspects each bun. >> it look at color, it look at seat covers it looks at -- seed coverage. diameter and height. >> dejects the second rate ones. next it's off to packaging and finally the freezer. >> crazy. i was stunned to discover these piping hot mc donald' buns are immediately frozen. >> that wassed and it's like the day it was bake. we followed those buns and learned toronto bakery is literally attached -- to a refrigerateed warehouse. >> 150,000 square foot facility this is the home of martin brower company. >> a big machine. non-stop. every item of mcdonald's needs shipped in -- >> they come from 26 defendant states. then quickly out to 440 nearby locations. >> 365 days a year. it's frosty back wall is stacked sky high with french fry boxes. >> a lot of french fries. two-point 5:00 p.m. i don't know pounds of them. and they'll all be gone within 72 hours. >> on average our inventory will turn two to three times a week. with 220 people on staff this pounding place is mcdonald mcdonald's logistical heart. martin brower's trucks are the golden arches arteries. >> we'll drive 3 million miles a year. every supply route arrives at the mcdonald's we know. even though this is familiar territory for most of us -- >> this is for the hamburgers and cheesburgers. owner/operator raphael vasquez has secrets to share. the new grill, for example is auto mated. it simultaneously cooks both sides of the burger. there's no burger flippers any more. in seconds. >> 38 seconds. >> that's it. >> that's it. some kitchen equipment is internet end and can summon repairmen on its own. the goal, zero down time. >> that's what we're all about. we were surprised to learn how many people a single mc donald's hires. >> this particular location we're going to open up with about 90 employees. here's another fun fact. the table where sandwich are assembled -- >> i touch this. it's heated to 120 degrees. keeping our buns warm. >> hot to the touch. >> how are you? mc donald's target is to feed hun degree customers and side of a minute. >> 60 seconds absolutely. >> three pieces. when i gave it a whirl one -- the only thing uglier than my slow speed -- >> was my improperly built big mac. >> that is bad. this reject isly my mistake. >> that's not compliant right there. the good ones come together perfectly. consistently. thanks to thousands -- >> big numbers. working together. >> there's no system better than the mcdonald's system. its team work up close,. >> it can get intense. and back stage. >> huge system. people we have a very big crew here. cheer physical delivering. >> it's fun to do every day. a happy. >> very good. meal. >> now serving guest 294. >> we want the world to see it because we're proud of it. chris chmura,. >> have a good day. >> fox news. ♪ >> from an old brand to a new brand, uber is rolling out a new feature called uber pool it let's you share a ride with people for a discount. you enter your destination and uber finds someone else going to the same area. along the same route that matches you up were them and in no more than five minutes. uber is offering temporary promotional fair for five bucks. >> you will be picked up where you are, dropped off where you want to go, and the person you get matched with also get picked up where they are and dropped off where they want to go. >> currently the service is being tested out in san francisco. 11-year-old girl is being honored for saving her grandmother' life after she had a heart tack. >> absolutely amazing. fifth grader. she calmly calls 911 and dare carefully follows the operator's cpr instructions. >> i knew i had to do something or shell die. >> reporter: 11-year-old kendall is talking about her grandmother who had a heart attack at their home. kendall called 911. >> you're 11. >> what i needed to sweetie take nice deep breath. >> he told me to calm down and do cpr. >> she's not breathing any more. >> okay. listen. we got help on the way to you okay? but i need you to be big and strong for me for second, okay? i'm going to give you some instructions to help your grandma, okay? >> he told me to counsel like one, two three -- >> one two three four, five -- >> good job. you're doing great. keep going. keep going. tell until the paramedics get there. >> the firefighters came and they took her to the hospital. >> now grandma says she was the one who initially taught canny dull something about cpr because grandfather they were worried about him. little did she know it would be used on her. >> she's wonderful. she's wonderful. i mean, you know, i'm very very fortunate. today she and 911 operator were honored for their efforts. >> really happy that she really made it. (applause). >> in burbank christina gonzalez fox news. >> overcome by emotion what a sweet little girl. we want to show you this. list september -- (cheers and applause). >> lots of tears and clapping wonderful lee for technical sergeant earl scott. he's a teacher he's an athletic director and a coach returning to the home burg christian academy where he worked. think they're happy to see him. hugs all a round. this is his first time he's come back after deployed overseas in qatar for seven months. took time to explain to the children what life was like there. >> i can't say enough your prayers made a difference me being overseas, you know, in qatar it was -- it was very hot at times. we had temperatures as high as 140 degrees. >> whew! >> he's going to be returning to the classroom after a little r and r and you may recall we were there last week when he surprised his wife when he returned home. we all follow the weather and cover and mack sure aware. a couple hundred people that will be watching it a little bit differly and chris is one of them. >> that's right. it is rain snow or shine tomorrow for the eastern polar plunge on the delaware river. we are doing it for special olympic. take look at what it look like a couple years ago. neshaminy state park they did this in a snowstorm. actually this was last year, and this is -- might what it may look like tomorrow. hundreds of us are going to take the plunge in the freezing river of course it is all to raise money for special olympics of pennsylvania. my fox 29 team and i should say just me i'm the only one on the team but that's okay. you don't have to go. you can help me by raising money, though. help. we need your donations. anything is appreciated. you can go help by going to go to the family focus section to make a donation and we will see you tomorrow snow rain or whatever we're going in the delaware. >> all right. i'll good you my five bucks. all right. whatever. >> all right. listen to this. ♪ >> coming up next at 6:00 tracking a weekend nor'easter. a nasty storm is moving up the coast new information coming in on the timing and just how much wintry weather we're going to see. plus a volunteer firefighter under arrest. cops say he abused more than a dozen children. how investigators finally caught on to the crime. >> a philadelphia pizza shop offering up a slice of kindness. >> this is what i guess 8,000 slices of pizza looks like. >> simple way one man is right now on fox 29 news at 6:00, keeping an eye on a nor'easter. live ultimate doppler radar showing the system just to our south buckle up it is headed our way and it could make a real mess for part of your weekend. very good evening to you everyone, i'm chris o'connell. >> i'm karen hepp. the impact of this storm is really going to depend exactly on where you live. what will be happening above your head. we've got live team coverage right now as we are preparing for this nor'easter. we have joanne pill lee gee in delaware where people are getting ready for the storm there and also our chief meteorologist scott williams tracking exactly where this nor'easter is headed. let's start our coverage with scott live outside our studios. hey, scott. good friday evening to you karen and chris. right now under the circumstances really the calm before the storm but in the neck several hours we're looking at some precipitation moving into our viewing area. but if you're stepping outdoors here in center city and old city folks are bundled up but it is dry. but it is not going to stay that way. let's take a look at what's happening right now with those winter weather advisories. you can see pretty much the and tire area beginning tonight about 9:00 p.m. and continuing for most through about midday saturday a little longer once you move toward the lehigh valley and the pocono mountains. spright tow dry and quiet but take a look around the nation's capitol. baltimore already looking at some rain and a snow mix. but expanding the view there is a lot of moisture to get through with this system. the gulf of mexico just really opened up and that is allowing for a lot of moisture. so look at the planner if you're stepping outdoors right

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