Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At Five 20150120 : comparem

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At Five 20150120

posted for western counties in our area. berks, lancaster chester as well as delaware and new castle countyies looking at that snowfall. so the bottom line with the timing it's going to be moving in around lunch time the far western counties tomorrow. but the instead yesterday snowfall is expected between 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. tomorrow. making for bad timing impacting that wednesday evening commute. the snow should taper off around 9:00 to midnight tomorrow. when i come inside we'll talk specific totals where you live but we are looking at several inches of snowfall area wide. i'll have the break down county by county iain and lucy when i come inside. back to you. >> scott, thanks. see you in a few minutes. we're updating the forecast on air and on our website. you can track whatever mother nature sends this way. just head to and click on the weather tab at the top of the home page. developing right now in bensalem bucks county police arrest add father who they say groped little girls who had sleepovers with his daughter at their home. so far two girls have come forward. police think there may be more victims. fox 29's dave kinchen is live in bensalem township dave. >> reporter: lucy police tell us the alleged victims go to school with the suspect's daughter and police are worried that there could be other victims out there. >> anything you want to say about these charges now that you've been arraigned. >> dave said nothing to fox 29 cameras after facing charges he inappropriately touched 210-year-old girls during sleepovers at his bensalem home. parents are in disbelief. >> i called him the girl scout dad because he would come around with the cookies. he would try to outset my daughter. the other kids in the area. so really shocked because i thought he was just like the doting dad. >> reporter: sources say the 36-year-old it specialist for a contamination control company turned himself in on four counts of indecent sexual assault plus charges of corruption of minors and unlawful contact. police say parents of a 10-year-old girl told him he sexually assaulted her during a sleepover with his daughter. >> ally kids play together much it's a small, you know development. >> reporter: investigators say they found a second 10-year-old who said the same thing happened at a different sleepover. >> i'm so glad they got him because that's all you need is for the kids to be that comfortable with someone and not knowing that, you know, he has issues. >> reporter: attorney nicholas mancini expects his client to be cleared. >> of course he's innocent and i think the facts will bear that out when we have an actual hearing and we hear the accusors under oath. >> reporter: in the meantime police are reaching out to parents of students at strobel elementary that's where the alleged victims and the suspects daughter go. again police really want parents to talk to their kids and report anything if there's anything to report. in the meantime the suspect is being held on $750,000 bail. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, dave. in philadelphia oak lane section police are hoping you can help them find this missing teenager. this is 13-year-old key jonah sanders last seen getting off a bus at 67th avenue and walking towards broad street friday morning. police say she was wearing tan pants, a gray hat and gray coat with purple and black converse sneakers. if you've seen her or know where she is, give police a call. in a crime that has left many a gaft a new jersey mother had her first day in court for charges she set her newborn baby on fire. police say 22-year-old hyphernkemberly dorvilier doused her baby with accelerants and set her on fire along simons road in pemberton friday night. a growing memorial mark the scene where police found that baby girl. online people are trying to raise money for a funeral. you can find a link on our home page and look under the as seen on tv tab. happening now newly inaugurated pennsylvania governor tom wolf settling into his job. >> i thomas lester man wolf. >> i thomas westerman wolf. >> do solemnly swear. >> do solemnly swear. >> that i will support -- >> he was sworn in earlier today as the 47th governor of the keystone state as the only democrat nationally to unseat a sitting republican governor in a november election. wolf called on bipartisan ship in a state divided on budget deficits and school funding. now the question is, did he get through to his physical low politicians? fox 29's bruce gordon joins us live from the hershey lodge at the site of tonights inaugural gala with all the details. bruce? >> reporter: iain, tom wolf has spent the past two months putting his cabinet together and, yeah new york doubt basking in the after glow of that blow out victory over incumbent tom corbett. now comes the hard part. funding schools and helping to create jobs all while staring down the face of a multi billion dollars budget hole. >> general admission. go straight. >> reporter: every new administration begins with high hopes especially among those who voted for the winner. the wolf inauguration was no exception. >> i'm excited for a new change. i think it's time for pennsylvania to make a turn around and i think governor wolf will be very good for our state. >> tom wolf! >> reporter: 65-year-old york businessman was quick to row mind his audience he is not the typical politician. >> for example i may be the first governor in the history of pennsylvania whoever operated a forklift. whoever managed a hardware store store. i volunteered and serve in the peace corps. iran a business. >> reporter: but with both chambers of the legislature controlled by republicans democrat wolf suggested he is willing to reach across the aisle. >> we need to work together and we need to get started. we have to respect each other's ideas. we have to respect each other's values. >> reporter: politicians from both parties seem to believe wolf is up to the task. >> i think he's been very careful very deliberate. he's not been partisan or argumentative for the sake of being partisan or argumentative. >> he's businessman. he can do it with the republicans. he's got a great temperment for that too. >> in his inaugural address he spoke in broad themes no specifics but he promised a brighter day for pennsylvania. >> first jobs to pay, second schools to teach and third a government that works. >> reporter: candidate wolf promised increased school funding and a fairer formula. governor wolf face as $2.3 billion budget deficit. >> clearly some level of compromise consensus you know, relationship built on trust has to be established. >> reporter: tonight tom wolf will celebrate his inauguration here at the hershey lodge with his beloved wife frances by his side an evening of partying and good times and then the work starts. his budget address is just around the corner. that speech to lawmakers in harrisburg will be full of details that we didn't see today and so it will likely be full of criticism from those republicans he's going to have to deal with for the next couple of years at least. in harrisburg -- actually in hershey, right now i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. >> iain. >> bruce, thanks. >> his second in command took office today. lieutenant governor mike stack was sworn in by his mother a retired philadelphia municipal judge. stack relinquished his duties as state senator in philadelphia for the new title. he had served in that capacity for 14 years before being sworn in earlier today. >> isis is yet again threatening to be head hostages but this time it's demanding an exact amount of money for their release $200 million. now the video shows a japanese journalist an japanese executive kneeling and a terrorist as usual hiding behind a mask. terrorism experts say that ransom demand shows the group is getting desperate for revenue as oil prices fall black-market and otherwise. fox's john huddy is in jerusalem with more. >> reporter: isis taking aim at japan in a new online ransom video it shows who japanese hostages with their isis captor demanding $200 million for their release. japanese prime minister here in the middle east as the situation unfolds. he says the lives of the men are a top priority while maintaining the world should never give in to terrorists. >> this is an unforgivable terrorist act and japanese citizens are feeling strong resentment over it. >> reporter: this is the first time militants have made a public ransom request. they've given japan 72 hours to respond to their demand. >> well see what the prime minister is going to do. we can only speculate. obviously isis every time they have threatened to kill, they have killed. >> reporter: there's meaning behind that $200 million figure. it's the amount japan recently pledged in non military aid for the u.s. led coalition fighting isis in iraq and syria. president obama expect expected to discuss the feet against extremism during tonight's state of the union address. this is the latest example of brutality at the hands of isis. last week 13 teenaged boys were reportedly executeed in public for breaking law after watching a soccer game on tv. in jerusalem john huddy fox news. >> a lot happening with our senior citizens that's grabbed the attention of researchers. >> more and more elderly people seem to be falling down but that's not even the scar yesterday part of the story. also a tee which are caught and camera dragging a first grader across the floor get this she didn't get fired. that's got some people seeing red and the reason why she's back to work may leave you shaking your head. >> also coming up the president is preparing to give his 2015 state of the union address but he's been talking about it a lot already and already some republicans are critical. ♪ >> he's the local cop grabbing ted lines across the country this morning he stopped by fox 29 if you think this video is hilarious you'll love what he did on "good day philadelphia". scott? >> all right. pretty quiet out there now. just a few sprinkles and flurries but the clipper still well to the north and west. gathering moisture right now in the upper midwest. the l why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with efficiency? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the xc60 crossover. from volvo. lease the well-equipped volvo xc60 today. visit your local volvo showroom for details. >> let's get to breaking news coming into our newsroom tonight. a former north philadelphia state rep who was the subject of a fox 29 investigation has plead guilty to a felony charge. >> jeff cole and fox 29 investigates broke the story of jp miranda and his ghost employee and the string of 2013 -- in the spring of 2013. what do you have jeff. >> former state representative jp miranda lucy, and his sister were scheduled to stand trial tomorrow on the corruption charges the philly da hit them with early last year. those charges came after fox 29 investigates revealed that miranda was paying a worker who just was never showing up. fox 29 revealed that a worker for the state representative was on the clock being paid with tax dollars but spent most of his time at a strawberry mansion garage. when fox 29 tried to question miranda who you just saw he motored off from his north philly legislative office. philadelphia da seth williams took the case to his high profile public corruption unit which indicated miranda and his sister michelle williams you just saw on felony charges. he charged them with public corruption charges. william alleged that miranda used the ghost worker to funnel money to his sister and then lied about it to a grand jury. today, miranda and his sister ms. wilson admit admitted guilt. they plead to one felony count of convict of interest and a lesser charge of false swearing to a grand jury. miranda and his sister will be sentenced in march. again the trial on three felony counts each was to start in the morning. miranda lost re-election to state representative seat. his attorney was not available for comment. but, again jp miranda who was the subject of a fox 29 investigation has plead guilty to one felony charge as has his sister and to a lesser charge as well. i'm jeff cole. folks. >> thanks for the update. we appreciate it. also some breaking news now. the former business manager of iron workers local 401 convicted today on all charges against him him. joseph dougherty accused of of taking part in some strong armed tactics against non-union contractors and rival unions. he was the only person to go to trial in the case. nearly a dozen others have already plead guilty he faces up to 110 years in prison. he will be sentenced in april. somber day in north philadelphia. a woman shot and killed on her way to work is now laid to rest. services for 56-year-old kim jones were this morning at the church of the advocate on 18th and diamond streets. last week a person walk up to jones as she waited at a bus stop and shot her. police say that person targeted her and is still on the streets. the fate of former television sportscaster don tollefson is now in the hands of a jury closing arguments wrapped up a short time ago. tollefson is accused of pocketing over $300,000 in sports tickets schemes. employees say 200 people came forward saying they paid him for trips to the eagles road games and the super bowl even the world cup. but they never got the packages or their money back. tollefson claims he's a bad businessman during his 30 years as a sports broadcaster tollefson spent time covering sports here at fox 29 news. >> president barack obama will give his state of the union address tonight. he's been traveling across the nation already talking about many of those subjects he's expected to tackle tonight and that has a lot of republicans already talking as well. saying his new tax plan could hurt the economy. fox's kevin kirk has more on tonight's address. >> reporter: president obama hunkering down at the white house pro pairing for one of the most anticipated peeps of the year. the state of the union address. but much of what the president is expected to talk about has already been laid out for the public in recent weeks. giving critic plenty to talk about. >> our economy is demonstrating some real resilience. it creates an opportunity for us to do right now focus on policy policiespolicies that will benefit the middle class. that's the best way we can grow our economy. >> many of the benefits the white house wants to make available to the middle class come at a cost. about $320 million. money the president says will come through a zero he is of rooks headaches namely he wants to rain the capital gain tax from around 23% to 28% for those making $500,000 a year or more. while also eliminateing tax bears breaks on inheritances and place on the largest financial firms. all ideas the republican congress will likely reject. >> none of that dunking is going to change anything about the trajectory of the economy. >> reporter: it is expected the president will touch on national security tonight as the u.s. continues its battles with isis and al-qaida in the middle east. by the way this all happens a mid rising concerns here domestic klee about another loan wolf attack the likes we saw recent until paris. at the white house kevin cork, fox news. >> tune into fox 29 at 9:00 to watch the state of the union address live. we'll have the wrap up and your news, weather and sports immediately following on fox 29 news at 10:00. archbishop charles chaput has a tall order he is once again launching the single fundraiser in the diocese much it will feature more than 80 different programs within the philadelphia region. the archbishop set a goal of raising $10 million this year which they have exceeded in the past two years of the fundraiser fundraiser. he says people are always eager to donate because the money goes to so many good causes. >> the money is used to feed the hungry and a lot of hungry and care for the homeless an lot of homeless. to educate the vulnerable and special needs children and those needs are really very important for us to both see and then reach out to. >> each year this campaign supports more than 200,000 people in the region regardless of faith. the city of camden, new jersey, is getting a facelift. >> many abandoned buildings considered unsafe or just simply an eye sore are coming on down. joyce evans joins us month with more on this and it's just a massive project joyce. >> reporter: it is huge, iain and lucy. the phase one is underway right now. 62 buildings in the whitman park and cramer hill neighborhoods being knocked down. demolition crews not taking too long at all to create a huge pile of rubble. the goal, to improve public safety and the quality of life for everybody living in that area. the mayor proudly saying she's keeping her word given to voters on the campaign trail. >> when i became mayor along with our council president and council delegation, we made a commitment to improve the quality of life for our residents. so consider this promise kept. it is my hope that this is the time that our residents and our children will be able to begin to enjoy save and have i bran neighborhoods. >> now again this is phase one of the historic project. which should last about three or four months. it will cost about $1 million. and when it's all said and done it's going to be the state's largest, one of the state's largest demolition projects ever. 600 broken down and abandoned buildings will be no more. and they're going to be making room for something fresh and new. a revitalization that is certainly years in the making. >> exciting stuff, joy. >> great stuff, yeah. >> wonderful. but bell league up to the bar actually save your life. >> let's find out. comecoming why experts say is a drink a day really is good for you. also ahead tonight fire tears through a maryland mansion. tonight six people are missing. why family members believe they were inside the house. >> and a vet battling ptsd and other challenges what he's found to get him through and how he's using it to help so many others. isn't incredible sight as a house is totally encased in ice. what happened inside that caused this to happen in the first place? ♪ thanks for the ride around norfolk! and i just wanted to say geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years! roger that. captain's waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. could've parked a little bit closer... it's gonna be dark by the time i get there. geico. proudly serving the military for over 75 years. >> six peel are still missing after a huge fire destroys a maryland mansion. investigators say small pocks are still burning inside the rubble. the size of the house makes it difficult to search for any potential victims. family members say they believe all six people were inside the home. no word yet on what started the fire. >> a long way to trial against the man accused of in one of our country's worst mass shooterings shooterings. 67 of james holmes today and witnesses say that he was leaning back cam in his chair as jury selection began. prosecutors say he killed 12 people and injured 70 others inside a movie theater in aurora colorado in july of 2012. jury selection could take weeks, maybe longer with an unprecedented jury pool of 7,000 people. that number still huge after dropping from the original pool of 9,000. some of the questions they'll have to answer deal with mental illness. >> with respect to the defense they're certainly going to be want to explore people's feelings about the insanity defense. their experiences with psychiatrists psychiatry, any family members that may be mentally ill. >> holmes attorney acknowledged their client was in fact the gunman but he was in the grip of a psychotic episode at the time of the attack. the 27-year-old is pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. if convicted he could face the death penalty. >> detroit pastor and his family lose everything after water pipes burst inside his home encaseing it in ice a house sitting vacant for years after a fire but because there was an issue with a management company all of the pastor's belongings remained in the home. a broken pipe caused this water damage and then now this. the frigid winter has caused everything to be covered in ice much the pastor says everything is ruined. the management company is not commenting on the damage. imagine being told you can't park in your own driveway? >> that really does sound odd doesn't it. very bizarre. >> um canning up the reason a new york couple says they're homeowners association won't let them park on their own property. a pennsylvania college basketball star found dead in her dorm room bed. what police say she was chewing on before she went to sleep. scott? >> lucy coming up more on the timing of tomorrow's clipper expected to bring accumulateing snowfall. pretty >> weather authority tracking a midweek wintry mess headed this way but, my, it looks beautiful right now there on blue mountain in the pocono mountains. this time tomorrow natural snow will be falling and scott is back in a few minutes with what exactly you can expect where you live. a pennsylvania college basketball star found dead in her apartment and police think she may have died after choking on gum. 21-year-old shanice clark a student at california university of pennsylvania was found unresponsive in her off campus apartment sunday morning. a preliminary report from medical personnel she choked on chewing gum while she slept. on campus students were stunned that student athlete with the world in front of her lost her life so soon. >> i heard about it the same way most people did. i got the e-mail around noontime noontime, and the reaction i had i personally even though i didn't know her i didn't know how to take it. >> i was just really shocked at first to hear about someone close by, you know, just passing away and just hard to comprehend that something like that could happen. >> while gum is considered the preliminary cause of death coroner is performing an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death. just so sad. fox 29 weather authority right now. so, scott, i still haven't bought the snow shovel i said i needneeded to buy the last time we almost got hit? >> yeah. >> am i going to have to shovel shovel or -- it's borderline. >> okay. borderline broom borderline shovel for tomorrow. how about that? >> all right. >> you might want to get one though. parts of the area looking -- >> i need to get one. >> some are looking at several depending where you live. we'll break it down coming up. let's talk about those temperatures right now. 40s. up from degrees right now the high temperature today made it up to 46. you factor in that wind out of the north it feels a little chilly mid 30s. so have a jacket and sweater if you're stepping out. there could be few passing sprinkles and flurries this evening with the fast-moving disturbance but it's not the main event. main clipper arrives wednesday afternoon and evening. 2-inches of snow on average. so slick commute for tomorrow afternoon and evening. as well as thursday morning's rush so just be mindful of that. here's the disturbance bringing with it the sprinkles like showers across the area today. a few flurries far north and west. but it's rapidly dissipating as it moves through our area right now without a whole lot of fanfare but the main event we're still watching it take shape toward sioux falls also moving toward the minneapolis area. not whole lot of moisture but it will continue to head in our direction. winter wither advisories posted for sections of delaware county, new castle counsel fee chester lancaster as well as berks county for that snowfall beginning in the western zones first. so as we time everything out you can see as we watch the progression of that moisture by lunch time tomorrow, trying to move into those western zones. so it's really going to take several hours before it starts to intensify across our area. by 3:00 o'clock we're looking at that snowfall moving in once again the timing not good for that evening rush. you can see by 6:00 o'clock, we're looking at that snow from trenton to philadelphia moving in to dover parts of south jersey. by 8:00 o'clock, we're still looking at that snow. it starts to taper off as we move toward the 9:00 o'clock and midnight hour. but we are looking at a couple of inches accumulating across our area. so i'll step out of the way you can see mainly rain for cape may county as well as sussex county in delaware but as we move toward new castle county, chester county, lancaster as well as berks county we could see two to 3-inches of snowfall. what does that mean for philadelphia? trenton voorhees moving into millville and dover? we could see from one to 2-inches out of this event. so timing that clipper the snow begins far west around lunch time tomorrow and then the instead yesterday snowfall from four to 9:00 p.m. starts to taper off in the evening toward midnight tomorrow and it's out of here but once again, tomorrow evening's commute and thursday morning's commute will be compromised. we're looking at temperatures tonight below freezing. early sprinkles and flurries with that disturbance. high temperatures tomorrow in the mid 30s. that snowfall it starts far west approaches the philadelphia area as we move toward the three four 5:00 o'clock hour. right into time for that evening commute to cause some slushy conditions on the roadways especially those untreated surfaces. we dry out for thursday. it's chilly 40 degrees. pretty seasonal. and then it looks like another kha*l chance for some snowfall perhaps from maybe even potent stronger system for saturday. then look at monday and tuesday. we have more chances for snow in that seven day forecast. so, yeah lucy, i think you might want to invest in and shovel. >> i'll get one. i got a question for you as meteorologist. >> yes. >> do you think that rain has a smell? you know when it rains out -- >> sometimes. >> i do. i kind of do. and if you do, you're -- >> smells like rain. >> smells like rain, right? if you also think this you're not alone. >> still ahead tonight the reason it actually does smell different when rain is falling outside. plus look out bull on the run. the huge animal terrorizeing a community and even storming after a man. how police say it ended running free for more than a day. >> coming up all new at sick delaware mom under arrest accused of robbing a local wawa. who cops say she left ♪ heard of run away bulls terrifying a small town in oregon. the bulls actually broke out of a washington county ranch around 8:00 sunday night and by monday morning seven of the bulls had found their way home but the eighth bull remain on the loose crashing through yards. police say the bull even charged at a man outside of his home. eventually a sheriff's deputy shot and kill the bull with arrival. in your health tonight here's yet another reason to check on your elderly neighbors and family. studies show they are apparently falling more often. research cannot figure out why. a new study out of the university of michigan says adult 65 and older self reported a noticeable increase in falls between 1998 and 2010. number of seniors fell over the span of 12 years rose by 36%. researchers wonder if more seniors are having disneyness side effects as a result of more medications they may be taking. all right. we've got more proof tonight a small add dull beverage day may do your body a little good. new study tried drinking patterns and heart failure rates of people in their 40s through 60s it found having a drink each day may help lower your odds for heart failure. while those at the highest risk used to drink but stopped during the 10 year study. you can check out the findings in the european heart journal. and what about the benefits of therapy dogs? researchers hope their new study will encourage more hospitals to bring them on in. they followed dozens of head and neck cancer patients under going sick weeks chemotherapy and radiation and each time they saw a therapy dog here's what they found. despite the patient's well-being deteriorating over treatment the emotional and social well-being actually increased over the study period. one patient even said i would have stopped treatment but i wanted to come and see the dog. the study is among the first scientifically test the effects of therapy dogs. are we imagining it or does rain really smell? well for the first time scientists have an answer. they say, yes, rain has an earth thee smell that comes with some light showers. it could be the result of raindrops releasing what are called aero soles tiny bits of liquid suspended in gas. 600 tests on raindrops as they hit surfaces were done using high speed cameras and it's already led to more tests to see the effect such natural chemicals have on the earth. all right. how secure are your passwords. >> probably not secure enough. coming up the list of the worst passwords 2014 is out top offenders not terribly surprise when you think about it and it makes a lot easier to get hacked, for instance. not good stuff. changing lives. veteran with a troubled past battling ptsd and bipolar diss or. his inspiring turn around is now helping other vets struggling to cope. also ahead -- >> ♪ >> delaware cop going viral. see hoy he shakes it off when he stops by "good day philadelphia". howard? >> i just want to know whose paying for the tests on what the rain drops smell like? i'm telling you our tax dollars at work. all right. a season could be ending for one flyers player very soon. and when does breaking a rule start cheating the fans. i'll explain and teachers back in the classroom after security cameras caught her doing this the teacher is dragging a young child through the halls of the kentucky elementary school. according to a police report, the first grader was being disruptive. the teacher said she was taking the student to the front office. the district wanted to fire her but she appealed and a panel decided the video was not enough to fire the teacher because she hadn't received adequate training. >> i think the thing that is so frustrateing to us is, you know in what world does a teacher have to be trained to not drag a small first grader 160 feet through the hallway? >> sounds like a decent question. the district suspended the teacher without pay. her attorney says she accepts the decision of the panel and looks forward to continuing her teaching career with the district. okay. have you ever wanted to find out exactly how much booze you've consumed on night out? in case you have there's now an easy way to monitor your alcohol consumption. students from the university of washington unveiling a bracelet that does just that. fox's sharon crowley has a look at why the students created this this. report. >> what happens when you're not in control. >> reporter: university of washington student created this video to show how the wrist band they invented work. high tech bracelet has sensors that measure the body's dehydration and intoxication levels. a group of friends, for example can sing with each other and keep track of each other during the night. every half hour the wrist band will vibrate. if someone in the group doesn't squeeze it app alert is sent out to the others. >> the idea that you arrive to the bar, you sing it up with online profile like facebook. you sing it up with your friends group the people that will be looking out for you throughout the night. at the end of the day you hand them back to the bar. they'll be recycled and reused. >> inn have thes say they were inspired to create technology to help prevent binge drinking and sexual assaults on college campuses. emily may is with a non-profit to prevent sexual harassment. she likes the idea of the bracelets but does have concerns concerns. >> it's not just about girls protecting other girls that ending sexual assault ending teenaged drinking is really about ending the culture in which makes it that thing okay. >> reporter: some young women we talked to said they would be willing to wear one. >> i think it could only help. it could only help monitor's peopleliesesses drinking habits. >> it's a part of growing up and learn responsibility if that helps you along the way it's fine. >> the bracelets are not for sale yet but the college kids who invented the wrist bands say they have a lot of interest from people willing to get these on the market. sharon crowley fox news. >> heading to court over a driveway. a new york man is fighting his homeowners association over whether he can park in his own driveway. the association says his ford pick up is a commercial vehicle which is not loud in neighborhood driveways. host, the homeowner says his truck is registered with the state as passenger vehicle so the hoa is wrong. the bore gotta in atlantic city on the defensive after some on twitter are calling a menu at one of its restaurants racially offensive. metropolitan intended to honor martin luther king, jr. yesterday by offering fried chicken collard greens and mack and cheese. spokesperson for the casino says the menu items were among kings favorite food as documented in several historical sources. some on twitter say the choices are offensive others say the criticism is political correctness that has one a muck. >> for one marine life had been a series of disappointments and obstacles. a constant struggle to over come physical and emotional damage until the martial arts gave hmm an outlet and helped him rebuild his life. >> robert is 42 years old. fit and intense. looking at him now it's hard to tell how much trauma he's seen since he was young. robert's childhood wasn't pretty pretty. his father committed suicide when he was just 10. his stepfather beat him and his mother relentlessly. >> i have one vivid memory of him beating my mom because she couldn't open up the door. front gate to park the car in the lot because the -- you through the tv down the stairs. punch holes in the wall. my brother was beat. that went on for about 13 years. >> robert join the marines in 1991 to escape the abuse and find a purpose but things got worse. he was always getting into fights and couldn't get along with others. he was honorablely discharged in 1996. next he tried college but he was always fighting with professors. unable to maintain any healthy relationships. so he went looking for answers at a va hospital. and learned he had ptsd. >> thoughts would go through my head if my father was schizophrenic that is genetic. >> cosmo as he's learned he learned he was bipolar. >> bipolar that really rocked me because, you know, bipolar is like cuckoo. >> the medication made me a zombie a different person. >> three years he found brazilian ju jitsu and it's done what medication can't. >> now i have balance. i feel grounded. it's great man. i'm not going to stop. >> cosmo trains at princeton ju jitsu five or six times a week. and the work has paid off. he's a purple belt already and currently ranked third in the world. jew it? see changed his life. >> it's got a lot of therapeutic qualities to it. when they step through the doors of the school it's almost like they go into auto pilot and every fear and worry and crazy things stops at the door. >> he says ju jitsu gives him a sense of comradery like when he was in the ma end are marine corp. >> it's like a family. you have to trust these people. you're placing yourself in situation where you can get hurt. the same thing in the marine corps. if you can't trust the person behind you god nor bid, you know, something could happen. >> maybe one notch underworld. >> cosmo isn't just excelling. that was the heavy one. i took second in that. >> he wants to inspire other veterans. >> once you do it, there's no stopping. >> we caught up with him recently talking with vets in the rehab center at the va hospital in philly. >> my goal is to inspire people to find something maybe get involved in an activity one day when i'm sitting in my rocking chair i want to go, i helped change -- change the world a bit. awesome! >> cosmo's journey continues much he's due for a promotion soon much his next belt would be a brown belt that takes most people five to eight years. he's been at it for just over three. quite impressive. >> extremely impressive. good for him. you know it's a popular list one you better hope you're not on. the list of worse passwords in 2014 is out. password firm splash data. the top two spots remain unchanged from 2013 and the worse password last year is 12345 sick. okay. second one you see it it's password. rounding out the top 512345. 12345678. i feel like on sesame street. yet tee were you was another tim one. be more creative. >> it's a big change of course for london storied tabloid the sun. the newspaper announcing it will no longer public pictures of topless models on its page three. i had no idea this happened. anyhow the tabloid has carried on that tradition for 40 years. rue bert murdoch owner of the sun's parent company and this company endorsed the change but brits have mixed reaction. >> it's an incredibly welcome step forward and it should be to the the campaign men -- real and captured the imagination of so many people across the country. >> if you go to a beach and you see a woman topless are you going to be offended by it. i just don't get the big deal. >> rupert murdoch is ceo of fox news parent company 21st century fox. oh i thought you were going to say something. he was stunned silent. the most -- it wasn't my turn to talk. >> most talked about dash cam video right now. >> a dover police officer lip syncing to taylor swift's shake it off. ♪ >> that's officer jeff davis singing along with that hit song the video has more than 14 million views on youtube. >> really it exploded. >> popular lip sinning cop stopped by "good day philadelphia" this morning to talk about his rise to fame. >> who have you heard from? >> me personally? >> the department. like all over the world people are calling jason was just telling me that people from new zealand wanted me to come over and have some drinks with them. just some other things and of course taylor swift tweeted and hulk hogan has tweeted and a inform n kerry say something. >> if taylor came to town would you give her ride? >> of course. she says you have is that so. >> is that so. >> that was just the start of all the fun this morning because alex holly joined him in the car to recreate the popular video. >> nice. >> ♪ >> how about this officer davis says everyone who knows him just said that's jeff. >> if you want to watch the and tire video with officer davis we posted it on >> it's a robot dance party in tokyo. ♪ >> 100 robots dancing in union union any son putting on a synchronized three minute show. the man behind all of this wants to show you can build a whole lot of robots at a low cost. they're about a foot tall and weigh 2 pounds. they cost about $1,500. ♪ >> next on fox 29 news at 6:00, the weather authority tracking midweek snow. when the wintry mess moves in and how much snow you can expect where you live. and suburban father under arrest. cops say he molested little girls during a sleepover. >> i called him the girl scout dad because he would come around with the cookies. >> why i she inspires you. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to 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pocono mountains it's relatively quite but by this time tomorrow snow will real be coming down across our region. the clipper system is off to the west now but get ready for the flakes to start flying in less than 24 hours. good evening and thanks for joining us. i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland. we could be looking at a few inches right here in philadelphia. let's get out to chief meteorologist scott williams. what can we expect, scott. >> it's not so much the amount of snowfall we're expected to see tomorrow which is going to be a couple of inches. it's the timing. moving in for that afternoon and evening rush as we take look the ultimate doppler we're pretty much dry and quiet right now there was a fast-moving disturbance that moved through the area quickly but the main event still off toward the upper midwest. look around minneapolis. you can see some of that snowfall starting to fill in. not a whole lot of moisture with this clipper but as we watch it play out we're looking at advisories already going up to the west of philadelphia. berks county, lancaster county chester county, delaware county and new castle county. those advisories kick in early tomorrow and we are looking at the potential for once again a couple of inches of snow. so the timing around lunch time far western counties. moving toward philadelphia more into the afternoon with that steadier snow between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. so impacting tomorrow evening's rush. it should start to taper off late tomorrow night. when i come inside we'll talk much more about those specific totals for your backyard as well as another c

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Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At Five 20150120 :

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At Five 20150120

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posted for western counties in our area. berks, lancaster chester as well as delaware and new castle countyies looking at that snowfall. so the bottom line with the timing it's going to be moving in around lunch time the far western counties tomorrow. but the instead yesterday snowfall is expected between 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. tomorrow. making for bad timing impacting that wednesday evening commute. the snow should taper off around 9:00 to midnight tomorrow. when i come inside we'll talk specific totals where you live but we are looking at several inches of snowfall area wide. i'll have the break down county by county iain and lucy when i come inside. back to you. >> scott, thanks. see you in a few minutes. we're updating the forecast on air and on our website. you can track whatever mother nature sends this way. just head to and click on the weather tab at the top of the home page. developing right now in bensalem bucks county police arrest add father who they say groped little girls who had sleepovers with his daughter at their home. so far two girls have come forward. police think there may be more victims. fox 29's dave kinchen is live in bensalem township dave. >> reporter: lucy police tell us the alleged victims go to school with the suspect's daughter and police are worried that there could be other victims out there. >> anything you want to say about these charges now that you've been arraigned. >> dave said nothing to fox 29 cameras after facing charges he inappropriately touched 210-year-old girls during sleepovers at his bensalem home. parents are in disbelief. >> i called him the girl scout dad because he would come around with the cookies. he would try to outset my daughter. the other kids in the area. so really shocked because i thought he was just like the doting dad. >> reporter: sources say the 36-year-old it specialist for a contamination control company turned himself in on four counts of indecent sexual assault plus charges of corruption of minors and unlawful contact. police say parents of a 10-year-old girl told him he sexually assaulted her during a sleepover with his daughter. >> ally kids play together much it's a small, you know development. >> reporter: investigators say they found a second 10-year-old who said the same thing happened at a different sleepover. >> i'm so glad they got him because that's all you need is for the kids to be that comfortable with someone and not knowing that, you know, he has issues. >> reporter: attorney nicholas mancini expects his client to be cleared. >> of course he's innocent and i think the facts will bear that out when we have an actual hearing and we hear the accusors under oath. >> reporter: in the meantime police are reaching out to parents of students at strobel elementary that's where the alleged victims and the suspects daughter go. again police really want parents to talk to their kids and report anything if there's anything to report. in the meantime the suspect is being held on $750,000 bail. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, dave. in philadelphia oak lane section police are hoping you can help them find this missing teenager. this is 13-year-old key jonah sanders last seen getting off a bus at 67th avenue and walking towards broad street friday morning. police say she was wearing tan pants, a gray hat and gray coat with purple and black converse sneakers. if you've seen her or know where she is, give police a call. in a crime that has left many a gaft a new jersey mother had her first day in court for charges she set her newborn baby on fire. police say 22-year-old hyphernkemberly dorvilier doused her baby with accelerants and set her on fire along simons road in pemberton friday night. a growing memorial mark the scene where police found that baby girl. online people are trying to raise money for a funeral. you can find a link on our home page and look under the as seen on tv tab. happening now newly inaugurated pennsylvania governor tom wolf settling into his job. >> i thomas lester man wolf. >> i thomas westerman wolf. >> do solemnly swear. >> do solemnly swear. >> that i will support -- >> he was sworn in earlier today as the 47th governor of the keystone state as the only democrat nationally to unseat a sitting republican governor in a november election. wolf called on bipartisan ship in a state divided on budget deficits and school funding. now the question is, did he get through to his physical low politicians? fox 29's bruce gordon joins us live from the hershey lodge at the site of tonights inaugural gala with all the details. bruce? >> reporter: iain, tom wolf has spent the past two months putting his cabinet together and, yeah new york doubt basking in the after glow of that blow out victory over incumbent tom corbett. now comes the hard part. funding schools and helping to create jobs all while staring down the face of a multi billion dollars budget hole. >> general admission. go straight. >> reporter: every new administration begins with high hopes especially among those who voted for the winner. the wolf inauguration was no exception. >> i'm excited for a new change. i think it's time for pennsylvania to make a turn around and i think governor wolf will be very good for our state. >> tom wolf! >> reporter: 65-year-old york businessman was quick to row mind his audience he is not the typical politician. >> for example i may be the first governor in the history of pennsylvania whoever operated a forklift. whoever managed a hardware store store. i volunteered and serve in the peace corps. iran a business. >> reporter: but with both chambers of the legislature controlled by republicans democrat wolf suggested he is willing to reach across the aisle. >> we need to work together and we need to get started. we have to respect each other's ideas. we have to respect each other's values. >> reporter: politicians from both parties seem to believe wolf is up to the task. >> i think he's been very careful very deliberate. he's not been partisan or argumentative for the sake of being partisan or argumentative. >> he's businessman. he can do it with the republicans. he's got a great temperment for that too. >> in his inaugural address he spoke in broad themes no specifics but he promised a brighter day for pennsylvania. >> first jobs to pay, second schools to teach and third a government that works. >> reporter: candidate wolf promised increased school funding and a fairer formula. governor wolf face as $2.3 billion budget deficit. >> clearly some level of compromise consensus you know, relationship built on trust has to be established. >> reporter: tonight tom wolf will celebrate his inauguration here at the hershey lodge with his beloved wife frances by his side an evening of partying and good times and then the work starts. his budget address is just around the corner. that speech to lawmakers in harrisburg will be full of details that we didn't see today and so it will likely be full of criticism from those republicans he's going to have to deal with for the next couple of years at least. in harrisburg -- actually in hershey, right now i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. >> iain. >> bruce, thanks. >> his second in command took office today. lieutenant governor mike stack was sworn in by his mother a retired philadelphia municipal judge. stack relinquished his duties as state senator in philadelphia for the new title. he had served in that capacity for 14 years before being sworn in earlier today. >> isis is yet again threatening to be head hostages but this time it's demanding an exact amount of money for their release $200 million. now the video shows a japanese journalist an japanese executive kneeling and a terrorist as usual hiding behind a mask. terrorism experts say that ransom demand shows the group is getting desperate for revenue as oil prices fall black-market and otherwise. fox's john huddy is in jerusalem with more. >> reporter: isis taking aim at japan in a new online ransom video it shows who japanese hostages with their isis captor demanding $200 million for their release. japanese prime minister here in the middle east as the situation unfolds. he says the lives of the men are a top priority while maintaining the world should never give in to terrorists. >> this is an unforgivable terrorist act and japanese citizens are feeling strong resentment over it. >> reporter: this is the first time militants have made a public ransom request. they've given japan 72 hours to respond to their demand. >> well see what the prime minister is going to do. we can only speculate. obviously isis every time they have threatened to kill, they have killed. >> reporter: there's meaning behind that $200 million figure. it's the amount japan recently pledged in non military aid for the u.s. led coalition fighting isis in iraq and syria. president obama expect expected to discuss the feet against extremism during tonight's state of the union address. this is the latest example of brutality at the hands of isis. last week 13 teenaged boys were reportedly executeed in public for breaking law after watching a soccer game on tv. in jerusalem john huddy fox news. >> a lot happening with our senior citizens that's grabbed the attention of researchers. >> more and more elderly people seem to be falling down but that's not even the scar yesterday part of the story. also a tee which are caught and camera dragging a first grader across the floor get this she didn't get fired. that's got some people seeing red and the reason why she's back to work may leave you shaking your head. >> also coming up the president is preparing to give his 2015 state of the union address but he's been talking about it a lot already and already some republicans are critical. ♪ >> he's the local cop grabbing ted lines across the country this morning he stopped by fox 29 if you think this video is hilarious you'll love what he did on "good day philadelphia". scott? >> all right. pretty quiet out there now. just a few sprinkles and flurries but the clipper still well to the north and west. gathering moisture right now in the upper midwest. the l why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with efficiency? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the xc60 crossover. from volvo. lease the well-equipped volvo xc60 today. visit your local volvo showroom for details. >> let's get to breaking news coming into our newsroom tonight. a former north philadelphia state rep who was the subject of a fox 29 investigation has plead guilty to a felony charge. >> jeff cole and fox 29 investigates broke the story of jp miranda and his ghost employee and the string of 2013 -- in the spring of 2013. what do you have jeff. >> former state representative jp miranda lucy, and his sister were scheduled to stand trial tomorrow on the corruption charges the philly da hit them with early last year. those charges came after fox 29 investigates revealed that miranda was paying a worker who just was never showing up. fox 29 revealed that a worker for the state representative was on the clock being paid with tax dollars but spent most of his time at a strawberry mansion garage. when fox 29 tried to question miranda who you just saw he motored off from his north philly legislative office. philadelphia da seth williams took the case to his high profile public corruption unit which indicated miranda and his sister michelle williams you just saw on felony charges. he charged them with public corruption charges. william alleged that miranda used the ghost worker to funnel money to his sister and then lied about it to a grand jury. today, miranda and his sister ms. wilson admit admitted guilt. they plead to one felony count of convict of interest and a lesser charge of false swearing to a grand jury. miranda and his sister will be sentenced in march. again the trial on three felony counts each was to start in the morning. miranda lost re-election to state representative seat. his attorney was not available for comment. but, again jp miranda who was the subject of a fox 29 investigation has plead guilty to one felony charge as has his sister and to a lesser charge as well. i'm jeff cole. folks. >> thanks for the update. we appreciate it. also some breaking news now. the former business manager of iron workers local 401 convicted today on all charges against him him. joseph dougherty accused of of taking part in some strong armed tactics against non-union contractors and rival unions. he was the only person to go to trial in the case. nearly a dozen others have already plead guilty he faces up to 110 years in prison. he will be sentenced in april. somber day in north philadelphia. a woman shot and killed on her way to work is now laid to rest. services for 56-year-old kim jones were this morning at the church of the advocate on 18th and diamond streets. last week a person walk up to jones as she waited at a bus stop and shot her. police say that person targeted her and is still on the streets. the fate of former television sportscaster don tollefson is now in the hands of a jury closing arguments wrapped up a short time ago. tollefson is accused of pocketing over $300,000 in sports tickets schemes. employees say 200 people came forward saying they paid him for trips to the eagles road games and the super bowl even the world cup. but they never got the packages or their money back. tollefson claims he's a bad businessman during his 30 years as a sports broadcaster tollefson spent time covering sports here at fox 29 news. >> president barack obama will give his state of the union address tonight. he's been traveling across the nation already talking about many of those subjects he's expected to tackle tonight and that has a lot of republicans already talking as well. saying his new tax plan could hurt the economy. fox's kevin kirk has more on tonight's address. >> reporter: president obama hunkering down at the white house pro pairing for one of the most anticipated peeps of the year. the state of the union address. but much of what the president is expected to talk about has already been laid out for the public in recent weeks. giving critic plenty to talk about. >> our economy is demonstrating some real resilience. it creates an opportunity for us to do right now focus on policy policiespolicies that will benefit the middle class. that's the best way we can grow our economy. >> many of the benefits the white house wants to make available to the middle class come at a cost. about $320 million. money the president says will come through a zero he is of rooks headaches namely he wants to rain the capital gain tax from around 23% to 28% for those making $500,000 a year or more. while also eliminateing tax bears breaks on inheritances and place on the largest financial firms. all ideas the republican congress will likely reject. >> none of that dunking is going to change anything about the trajectory of the economy. >> reporter: it is expected the president will touch on national security tonight as the u.s. continues its battles with isis and al-qaida in the middle east. by the way this all happens a mid rising concerns here domestic klee about another loan wolf attack the likes we saw recent until paris. at the white house kevin cork, fox news. >> tune into fox 29 at 9:00 to watch the state of the union address live. we'll have the wrap up and your news, weather and sports immediately following on fox 29 news at 10:00. archbishop charles chaput has a tall order he is once again launching the single fundraiser in the diocese much it will feature more than 80 different programs within the philadelphia region. the archbishop set a goal of raising $10 million this year which they have exceeded in the past two years of the fundraiser fundraiser. he says people are always eager to donate because the money goes to so many good causes. >> the money is used to feed the hungry and a lot of hungry and care for the homeless an lot of homeless. to educate the vulnerable and special needs children and those needs are really very important for us to both see and then reach out to. >> each year this campaign supports more than 200,000 people in the region regardless of faith. the city of camden, new jersey, is getting a facelift. >> many abandoned buildings considered unsafe or just simply an eye sore are coming on down. joyce evans joins us month with more on this and it's just a massive project joyce. >> reporter: it is huge, iain and lucy. the phase one is underway right now. 62 buildings in the whitman park and cramer hill neighborhoods being knocked down. demolition crews not taking too long at all to create a huge pile of rubble. the goal, to improve public safety and the quality of life for everybody living in that area. the mayor proudly saying she's keeping her word given to voters on the campaign trail. >> when i became mayor along with our council president and council delegation, we made a commitment to improve the quality of life for our residents. so consider this promise kept. it is my hope that this is the time that our residents and our children will be able to begin to enjoy save and have i bran neighborhoods. >> now again this is phase one of the historic project. which should last about three or four months. it will cost about $1 million. and when it's all said and done it's going to be the state's largest, one of the state's largest demolition projects ever. 600 broken down and abandoned buildings will be no more. and they're going to be making room for something fresh and new. a revitalization that is certainly years in the making. >> exciting stuff, joy. >> great stuff, yeah. >> wonderful. but bell league up to the bar actually save your life. >> let's find out. comecoming why experts say is a drink a day really is good for you. also ahead tonight fire tears through a maryland mansion. tonight six people are missing. why family members believe they were inside the house. >> and a vet battling ptsd and other challenges what he's found to get him through and how he's using it to help so many others. isn't incredible sight as a house is totally encased in ice. what happened inside that caused this to happen in the first place? ♪ thanks for the ride around norfolk! and i just wanted to say geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years! roger that. captain's waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. could've parked a little bit closer... it's gonna be dark by the time i get there. geico. proudly serving the military for over 75 years. >> six peel are still missing after a huge fire destroys a maryland mansion. investigators say small pocks are still burning inside the rubble. the size of the house makes it difficult to search for any potential victims. family members say they believe all six people were inside the home. no word yet on what started the fire. >> a long way to trial against the man accused of in one of our country's worst mass shooterings shooterings. 67 of james holmes today and witnesses say that he was leaning back cam in his chair as jury selection began. prosecutors say he killed 12 people and injured 70 others inside a movie theater in aurora colorado in july of 2012. jury selection could take weeks, maybe longer with an unprecedented jury pool of 7,000 people. that number still huge after dropping from the original pool of 9,000. some of the questions they'll have to answer deal with mental illness. >> with respect to the defense they're certainly going to be want to explore people's feelings about the insanity defense. their experiences with psychiatrists psychiatry, any family members that may be mentally ill. >> holmes attorney acknowledged their client was in fact the gunman but he was in the grip of a psychotic episode at the time of the attack. the 27-year-old is pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. if convicted he could face the death penalty. >> detroit pastor and his family lose everything after water pipes burst inside his home encaseing it in ice a house sitting vacant for years after a fire but because there was an issue with a management company all of the pastor's belongings remained in the home. a broken pipe caused this water damage and then now this. the frigid winter has caused everything to be covered in ice much the pastor says everything is ruined. the management company is not commenting on the damage. imagine being told you can't park in your own driveway? >> that really does sound odd doesn't it. very bizarre. >> um canning up the reason a new york couple says they're homeowners association won't let them park on their own property. a pennsylvania college basketball star found dead in her dorm room bed. what police say she was chewing on before she went to sleep. scott? >> lucy coming up more on the timing of tomorrow's clipper expected to bring accumulateing snowfall. pretty >> weather authority tracking a midweek wintry mess headed this way but, my, it looks beautiful right now there on blue mountain in the pocono mountains. this time tomorrow natural snow will be falling and scott is back in a few minutes with what exactly you can expect where you live. a pennsylvania college basketball star found dead in her apartment and police think she may have died after choking on gum. 21-year-old shanice clark a student at california university of pennsylvania was found unresponsive in her off campus apartment sunday morning. a preliminary report from medical personnel she choked on chewing gum while she slept. on campus students were stunned that student athlete with the world in front of her lost her life so soon. >> i heard about it the same way most people did. i got the e-mail around noontime noontime, and the reaction i had i personally even though i didn't know her i didn't know how to take it. >> i was just really shocked at first to hear about someone close by, you know, just passing away and just hard to comprehend that something like that could happen. >> while gum is considered the preliminary cause of death coroner is performing an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death. just so sad. fox 29 weather authority right now. so, scott, i still haven't bought the snow shovel i said i needneeded to buy the last time we almost got hit? >> yeah. >> am i going to have to shovel shovel or -- it's borderline. >> okay. borderline broom borderline shovel for tomorrow. how about that? >> all right. >> you might want to get one though. parts of the area looking -- >> i need to get one. >> some are looking at several depending where you live. we'll break it down coming up. let's talk about those temperatures right now. 40s. up from degrees right now the high temperature today made it up to 46. you factor in that wind out of the north it feels a little chilly mid 30s. so have a jacket and sweater if you're stepping out. there could be few passing sprinkles and flurries this evening with the fast-moving disturbance but it's not the main event. main clipper arrives wednesday afternoon and evening. 2-inches of snow on average. so slick commute for tomorrow afternoon and evening. as well as thursday morning's rush so just be mindful of that. here's the disturbance bringing with it the sprinkles like showers across the area today. a few flurries far north and west. but it's rapidly dissipating as it moves through our area right now without a whole lot of fanfare but the main event we're still watching it take shape toward sioux falls also moving toward the minneapolis area. not whole lot of moisture but it will continue to head in our direction. winter wither advisories posted for sections of delaware county, new castle counsel fee chester lancaster as well as berks county for that snowfall beginning in the western zones first. so as we time everything out you can see as we watch the progression of that moisture by lunch time tomorrow, trying to move into those western zones. so it's really going to take several hours before it starts to intensify across our area. by 3:00 o'clock we're looking at that snowfall moving in once again the timing not good for that evening rush. you can see by 6:00 o'clock, we're looking at that snow from trenton to philadelphia moving in to dover parts of south jersey. by 8:00 o'clock, we're still looking at that snow. it starts to taper off as we move toward the 9:00 o'clock and midnight hour. but we are looking at a couple of inches accumulating across our area. so i'll step out of the way you can see mainly rain for cape may county as well as sussex county in delaware but as we move toward new castle county, chester county, lancaster as well as berks county we could see two to 3-inches of snowfall. what does that mean for philadelphia? trenton voorhees moving into millville and dover? we could see from one to 2-inches out of this event. so timing that clipper the snow begins far west around lunch time tomorrow and then the instead yesterday snowfall from four to 9:00 p.m. starts to taper off in the evening toward midnight tomorrow and it's out of here but once again, tomorrow evening's commute and thursday morning's commute will be compromised. we're looking at temperatures tonight below freezing. early sprinkles and flurries with that disturbance. high temperatures tomorrow in the mid 30s. that snowfall it starts far west approaches the philadelphia area as we move toward the three four 5:00 o'clock hour. right into time for that evening commute to cause some slushy conditions on the roadways especially those untreated surfaces. we dry out for thursday. it's chilly 40 degrees. pretty seasonal. and then it looks like another kha*l chance for some snowfall perhaps from maybe even potent stronger system for saturday. then look at monday and tuesday. we have more chances for snow in that seven day forecast. so, yeah lucy, i think you might want to invest in and shovel. >> i'll get one. i got a question for you as meteorologist. >> yes. >> do you think that rain has a smell? you know when it rains out -- >> sometimes. >> i do. i kind of do. and if you do, you're -- >> smells like rain. >> smells like rain, right? if you also think this you're not alone. >> still ahead tonight the reason it actually does smell different when rain is falling outside. plus look out bull on the run. the huge animal terrorizeing a community and even storming after a man. how police say it ended running free for more than a day. >> coming up all new at sick delaware mom under arrest accused of robbing a local wawa. who cops say she left ♪ heard of run away bulls terrifying a small town in oregon. the bulls actually broke out of a washington county ranch around 8:00 sunday night and by monday morning seven of the bulls had found their way home but the eighth bull remain on the loose crashing through yards. police say the bull even charged at a man outside of his home. eventually a sheriff's deputy shot and kill the bull with arrival. in your health tonight here's yet another reason to check on your elderly neighbors and family. studies show they are apparently falling more often. research cannot figure out why. a new study out of the university of michigan says adult 65 and older self reported a noticeable increase in falls between 1998 and 2010. number of seniors fell over the span of 12 years rose by 36%. researchers wonder if more seniors are having disneyness side effects as a result of more medications they may be taking. all right. we've got more proof tonight a small add dull beverage day may do your body a little good. new study tried drinking patterns and heart failure rates of people in their 40s through 60s it found having a drink each day may help lower your odds for heart failure. while those at the highest risk used to drink but stopped during the 10 year study. you can check out the findings in the european heart journal. and what about the benefits of therapy dogs? researchers hope their new study will encourage more hospitals to bring them on in. they followed dozens of head and neck cancer patients under going sick weeks chemotherapy and radiation and each time they saw a therapy dog here's what they found. despite the patient's well-being deteriorating over treatment the emotional and social well-being actually increased over the study period. one patient even said i would have stopped treatment but i wanted to come and see the dog. the study is among the first scientifically test the effects of therapy dogs. are we imagining it or does rain really smell? well for the first time scientists have an answer. they say, yes, rain has an earth thee smell that comes with some light showers. it could be the result of raindrops releasing what are called aero soles tiny bits of liquid suspended in gas. 600 tests on raindrops as they hit surfaces were done using high speed cameras and it's already led to more tests to see the effect such natural chemicals have on the earth. all right. how secure are your passwords. >> probably not secure enough. coming up the list of the worst passwords 2014 is out top offenders not terribly surprise when you think about it and it makes a lot easier to get hacked, for instance. not good stuff. changing lives. veteran with a troubled past battling ptsd and bipolar diss or. his inspiring turn around is now helping other vets struggling to cope. also ahead -- >> ♪ >> delaware cop going viral. see hoy he shakes it off when he stops by "good day philadelphia". howard? >> i just want to know whose paying for the tests on what the rain drops smell like? i'm telling you our tax dollars at work. all right. a season could be ending for one flyers player very soon. and when does breaking a rule start cheating the fans. i'll explain and teachers back in the classroom after security cameras caught her doing this the teacher is dragging a young child through the halls of the kentucky elementary school. according to a police report, the first grader was being disruptive. the teacher said she was taking the student to the front office. the district wanted to fire her but she appealed and a panel decided the video was not enough to fire the teacher because she hadn't received adequate training. >> i think the thing that is so frustrateing to us is, you know in what world does a teacher have to be trained to not drag a small first grader 160 feet through the hallway? >> sounds like a decent question. the district suspended the teacher without pay. her attorney says she accepts the decision of the panel and looks forward to continuing her teaching career with the district. okay. have you ever wanted to find out exactly how much booze you've consumed on night out? in case you have there's now an easy way to monitor your alcohol consumption. students from the university of washington unveiling a bracelet that does just that. fox's sharon crowley has a look at why the students created this this. report. >> what happens when you're not in control. >> reporter: university of washington student created this video to show how the wrist band they invented work. high tech bracelet has sensors that measure the body's dehydration and intoxication levels. a group of friends, for example can sing with each other and keep track of each other during the night. every half hour the wrist band will vibrate. if someone in the group doesn't squeeze it app alert is sent out to the others. >> the idea that you arrive to the bar, you sing it up with online profile like facebook. you sing it up with your friends group the people that will be looking out for you throughout the night. at the end of the day you hand them back to the bar. they'll be recycled and reused. >> inn have thes say they were inspired to create technology to help prevent binge drinking and sexual assaults on college campuses. emily may is with a non-profit to prevent sexual harassment. she likes the idea of the bracelets but does have concerns concerns. >> it's not just about girls protecting other girls that ending sexual assault ending teenaged drinking is really about ending the culture in which makes it that thing okay. >> reporter: some young women we talked to said they would be willing to wear one. >> i think it could only help. it could only help monitor's peopleliesesses drinking habits. >> it's a part of growing up and learn responsibility if that helps you along the way it's fine. >> the bracelets are not for sale yet but the college kids who invented the wrist bands say they have a lot of interest from people willing to get these on the market. sharon crowley fox news. >> heading to court over a driveway. a new york man is fighting his homeowners association over whether he can park in his own driveway. the association says his ford pick up is a commercial vehicle which is not loud in neighborhood driveways. host, the homeowner says his truck is registered with the state as passenger vehicle so the hoa is wrong. the bore gotta in atlantic city on the defensive after some on twitter are calling a menu at one of its restaurants racially offensive. metropolitan intended to honor martin luther king, jr. yesterday by offering fried chicken collard greens and mack and cheese. spokesperson for the casino says the menu items were among kings favorite food as documented in several historical sources. some on twitter say the choices are offensive others say the criticism is political correctness that has one a muck. >> for one marine life had been a series of disappointments and obstacles. a constant struggle to over come physical and emotional damage until the martial arts gave hmm an outlet and helped him rebuild his life. >> robert is 42 years old. fit and intense. looking at him now it's hard to tell how much trauma he's seen since he was young. robert's childhood wasn't pretty pretty. his father committed suicide when he was just 10. his stepfather beat him and his mother relentlessly. >> i have one vivid memory of him beating my mom because she couldn't open up the door. front gate to park the car in the lot because the -- you through the tv down the stairs. punch holes in the wall. my brother was beat. that went on for about 13 years. >> robert join the marines in 1991 to escape the abuse and find a purpose but things got worse. he was always getting into fights and couldn't get along with others. he was honorablely discharged in 1996. next he tried college but he was always fighting with professors. unable to maintain any healthy relationships. so he went looking for answers at a va hospital. and learned he had ptsd. >> thoughts would go through my head if my father was schizophrenic that is genetic. >> cosmo as he's learned he learned he was bipolar. >> bipolar that really rocked me because, you know, bipolar is like cuckoo. >> the medication made me a zombie a different person. >> three years he found brazilian ju jitsu and it's done what medication can't. >> now i have balance. i feel grounded. it's great man. i'm not going to stop. >> cosmo trains at princeton ju jitsu five or six times a week. and the work has paid off. he's a purple belt already and currently ranked third in the world. jew it? see changed his life. >> it's got a lot of therapeutic qualities to it. when they step through the doors of the school it's almost like they go into auto pilot and every fear and worry and crazy things stops at the door. >> he says ju jitsu gives him a sense of comradery like when he was in the ma end are marine corp. >> it's like a family. you have to trust these people. you're placing yourself in situation where you can get hurt. the same thing in the marine corps. if you can't trust the person behind you god nor bid, you know, something could happen. >> maybe one notch underworld. >> cosmo isn't just excelling. that was the heavy one. i took second in that. >> he wants to inspire other veterans. >> once you do it, there's no stopping. >> we caught up with him recently talking with vets in the rehab center at the va hospital in philly. >> my goal is to inspire people to find something maybe get involved in an activity one day when i'm sitting in my rocking chair i want to go, i helped change -- change the world a bit. awesome! >> cosmo's journey continues much he's due for a promotion soon much his next belt would be a brown belt that takes most people five to eight years. he's been at it for just over three. quite impressive. >> extremely impressive. good for him. you know it's a popular list one you better hope you're not on. the list of worse passwords in 2014 is out. password firm splash data. the top two spots remain unchanged from 2013 and the worse password last year is 12345 sick. okay. second one you see it it's password. rounding out the top 512345. 12345678. i feel like on sesame street. yet tee were you was another tim one. be more creative. >> it's a big change of course for london storied tabloid the sun. the newspaper announcing it will no longer public pictures of topless models on its page three. i had no idea this happened. anyhow the tabloid has carried on that tradition for 40 years. rue bert murdoch owner of the sun's parent company and this company endorsed the change but brits have mixed reaction. >> it's an incredibly welcome step forward and it should be to the the campaign men -- real and captured the imagination of so many people across the country. >> if you go to a beach and you see a woman topless are you going to be offended by it. i just don't get the big deal. >> rupert murdoch is ceo of fox news parent company 21st century fox. oh i thought you were going to say something. he was stunned silent. the most -- it wasn't my turn to talk. >> most talked about dash cam video right now. >> a dover police officer lip syncing to taylor swift's shake it off. ♪ >> that's officer jeff davis singing along with that hit song the video has more than 14 million views on youtube. >> really it exploded. >> popular lip sinning cop stopped by "good day philadelphia" this morning to talk about his rise to fame. >> who have you heard from? >> me personally? >> the department. like all over the world people are calling jason was just telling me that people from new zealand wanted me to come over and have some drinks with them. just some other things and of course taylor swift tweeted and hulk hogan has tweeted and a inform n kerry say something. >> if taylor came to town would you give her ride? >> of course. she says you have is that so. >> is that so. >> that was just the start of all the fun this morning because alex holly joined him in the car to recreate the popular video. >> nice. >> ♪ >> how about this officer davis says everyone who knows him just said that's jeff. >> if you want to watch the and tire video with officer davis we posted it on >> it's a robot dance party in tokyo. ♪ >> 100 robots dancing in union union any son putting on a synchronized three minute show. the man behind all of this wants to show you can build a whole lot of robots at a low cost. they're about a foot tall and weigh 2 pounds. they cost about $1,500. ♪ >> next on fox 29 news at 6:00, the weather authority tracking midweek snow. when the wintry mess moves in and how much snow you can expect where you live. and suburban father under arrest. cops say he molested little girls during a sleepover. >> i called him the girl scout dad because he would come around with the cookies. >> why i she inspires you. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips tongue or throat or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. ♪ right now on fox 29 news at 6:00 tracking a wintry mess. here's a look right now at blue mountain camera in the pocono mountains it's relatively quite but by this time tomorrow snow will real be coming down across our region. the clipper system is off to the west now but get ready for the flakes to start flying in less than 24 hours. good evening and thanks for joining us. i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland. we could be looking at a few inches right here in philadelphia. let's get out to chief meteorologist scott williams. what can we expect, scott. >> it's not so much the amount of snowfall we're expected to see tomorrow which is going to be a couple of inches. it's the timing. moving in for that afternoon and evening rush as we take look the ultimate doppler we're pretty much dry and quiet right now there was a fast-moving disturbance that moved through the area quickly but the main event still off toward the upper midwest. look around minneapolis. you can see some of that snowfall starting to fill in. not a whole lot of moisture with this clipper but as we watch it play out we're looking at advisories already going up to the west of philadelphia. berks county, lancaster county chester county, delaware county and new castle county. those advisories kick in early tomorrow and we are looking at the potential for once again a couple of inches of snow. so the timing around lunch time far western counties. moving toward philadelphia more into the afternoon with that steadier snow between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. so impacting tomorrow evening's rush. it should start to taper off late tomorrow night. when i come inside we'll talk much more about those specific totals for your backyard as well as another c

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