Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20171116 : compareme

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20171116

ten-two in favor of innocence. >> i don't think the prosecution had a smoking gun. how tight was it i should say? >> can you tell me about the attitude in it was difficult but we're relieved. >> definitely a big impact on lot of, um, a lot of emotion and, um, i'm really happy it's over. >> we were deadlock right out of the gate. so you know when you're deadlocked out of the gate, i can't force somebody else's opinion. >> reporter: menendez conviction would have forced him to resign from the us senate. doing so before democratic governor elect phil murphy takes office in january means governor chris christie would have likely replaced him with republican. a fact not lost on the senator. >> to hose who were digging by political grave so that they can jump into my seat i know who you are and i won't forget you. >> reporter: this trial lasted 11 weeks. as for the next step the prosecutorprosecutors must decide if they are going to seek a retrial. reporting from newark, antoine lewis, fox 29 news. also breaking in new jersey tonight the hunt is over the teen accused of murder on the run for more than 24 hours is back in police custody. police say they did find 18-year-old michael huggins in atlantic city today. >> jeff cole has those details. >> reporter: michael huggins is in county lock up tonight facing new charges of conspiracy and escape. his long journey on the lamb ends in atlantic city. >> we're reporters out here. we just want -- how did michael end up here? >> you brought him here. >> reporter: yelling and nonsense from behind the door of the atlantic city apartment where accused killer michael huggins was taken this morning. alexis rodriguez saw it all. >> i seen all the commotion and scary. scary. you know, to see -- to see the guy living across the street from us. >> reporter: the atlantic county prosecutor says it was information that led them to the second story apartment along the 100 block north of south carolina avenue. the 18 year old the focus of a wide ranging manhunt was packing. >> he did in fact have a gun in his possession. that is being further investigateed as to how he came into possession of a handgun. >> reporter: it was after midnight wednesday when huggins and three other juveniles overpowered a guard at an egg harbor city juvenile facility stole car and fled. they crash the car and took off on foot. thee were arrested by mid morning but huggins kept going. until tracked to the gambling mecca. investigators claim he planned his break out from the juvenile facility. >> i'm not prepared to -- to criticize the operation at harbor fields detention tal lost at this time. we're still trying to gather all the information and trying to gather the facts. >> reporter: the questions are many. was huggins helped? did someone hide him? all under investigation says the county prosecutor alexis rodriguez asks why here? >> what your thoughts that he was here? >> i was surprised. i was surprised because i mean this neighborhood -- it's kind of quiet. >> reporter: the atlantic county prosecutor seems certainly that huggins planned his escape. what's also clear is that the juvenile detention center was not secure enough to hold him. in mace lanning i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. former pennsylvania governor tom ridge is in critical condition in a texas hospital. a spokesman for the former governor and homeland security secretary says ridge has been attending the republican governor's association conference and this morning he call for help about 7:00. secretary ridge just had a car yack procedure and a spokesman says he has been responsive with his doctors. limerick man charged with 700 counts of felony child sex abuse and child pornography tonight after detectives say they found thousands of those images on his computer. the montgomery county da says detectives started investigating 28-year-old zachary guide when they got tip he was posting child porn on a website. investigators say they found more than 3,000 images of child porn on his computer and they say a third of those images showed girls between the ages of three and 14. police are searching for this man who they say tried to get a teenaged girl into his car. that teen was walking down a busy street in moorestown, new jersey she says when she said no that manmade another offer. fox 29's dave schratwieser is live in moorestown. dave? >> reporter: lucy detectives here in moorestown are checking with their colleagues in surrounding municipalities to see if they have any other incidents similar to this one. they say the teen in this case did everything right and contact contacted police. tonight they're looking for a suspect and a 1997 ford taurus. police say the attempted luring occurred as a 15-year-old girl made her way down camden avenue near pleasant valley in moorestown. suddenly a car like this approached her and police say a man tried to lure her inside. >> was asked if she wanted a ride. she declined at which point the subject offered her money to get in the vehicle. >> it's cave scary in moorestown moorestown. because you know feels like very safe neighborhood. >> reporter: the teenager refused and went directly home to tell her parents. who called police. now investigators are asking the public to help them find a 1997 ford taurus like this and the man behind the wheel. >> an incident like this is very concerning to us subject preying on our children. >> reporter: the attempted luring had neighbors in the area on edge as they learned of the incident and saw this sketch. butch marshall lives right nearby. >> you hear about it a lot all over the mace. >> reporter: police say the teenager not only helped put together the sketch she also remembered some key details about the car in question. >> there's chipped paint on the rear passenger side quarter panel. so that is something that is unique about the vehicle. >> reporter: the chief wants parents tore hyped their children how to handle potential potentially dangerous situations like this. >> call us right away. if something suspicious happens. >> i'm very concerned with these kids today. for the people out there today. >> reporter: now the teenager was not injured. suspect did drive off. police say if you recognize the guy in that sketch you can contact the moorestown police department. lucy? >> all right thank you much, dave. let check with your fox 29 weather authority right now. live look at the ben franklin parkway on a beauty of a evening smack dab in the miffled evening rush. it looks serene. he question is how is it looking for the rest of the night. looking good in the poconos. >> making snow at blue mountain but it's got to be cold nuvistor stick around for while. temperatures are on the cool side in the 40s and the 50s. some strong winds creating lake enhanced snow flurries into williamsport north central pa we don't have to worry about that the cooler air is spilling into the region with that northwesterly wind. 37 in the poconos allentown only 47. 52 in philadelphia after high in the upper 50's. strong winds gusting to 28 miles an hour in philadelphia. gusting to 33 in allentown and gusting to 30 miles an hour in lancaster. those winds will keep up overnight tonight and the temperatures will fall. so these are overnight lows or morning -- our morning temperatures. no matter how you what happened to look at it. poconos waking up to 26. philadelphia waking up to 37. in millville arthritic. in trenton only 35 degrees. so those gusty winds will continue. cold temperatures overnight. friday morning whipped chills will only be in the teens and the 20's. it will be cold at the bus stop and we have to talk about rain for part of your weekend. lots going on this weekend. plus thanksgiving is in the seven day. i'll see in you few minutes with that. >> all right kathy thanks. the death of an 80-year-old man found in his port richmond home has been ruled a homicide. the granddaughter of bob girard found his body in the home late last night police are now telling us he had multiple stab wounds. late last night police towed a van from the scene. but investigators still won't say why. neighbors tell us a man was living inside that van. we will update when you we get more information. police need your help to find someone who used a counterfeit money at a local food mark. check out the video. police say this guy walked into a cousins food market in north philly yesterday morning and used a counterfeit $50 bill to buy some thing. he came back a short time later tried to make another purchase with another counterfeit 50-dollar bill. but he took off before the buy went down. >> any minute the philadelphia school reform commission could vote to disband itself and return control of philadelphia schools to the city. local organizations have been calling for the src to do exactly that for years now. just a couple of weeks back, mayor jim kenney formally called for the commission to dissolve itself. the vote needs to majority to pass and three of the five members of the commission have already declared they will vote to dissolve. pennsylvania state police say two troopers were justified when they fired at a suspect in plainfield township last week. state police corporal seth kelly was backing up another trooper when a routine traffic stop on november 7th when investigators say the troopers tried to arrest the guy. he resisted and then opened fire. hitting kelly. the troopers fired back hitting that driver who sir advised. officers say corporal kelly is still in the hospital but is now stable. and has a long road ahead of him him. they say they may ultimately release video of that traffic stop just to show deadly force would have been justified. >> they followed strictly their protocols and even at their own risk, you know, and sometimes the public doesn't understand that these men and women out there put their lives on the line and to try to follow these protocols, it is risky sometimes because it's a split second decision. when do you use the force to is you cube somebody. i was very impressed with these officers. >> preliminary hearing in which 22-year-old daniel clary is facing attempted murder charges is scheduled for next tuesday. still ahead of us, improving relationships between police and the community. what garden state officials are doing to make things a little better. kristen. >> iain, eagles learn from their loss to dallas last year and now they're ready for the cowboys on sunday. hear from the team on their ♪ hot topic across the country athletes kneeling in protest. demonstration pick up some steam but the whole purpose is now lost. >> our bill anderson went to trenton where people in the community are coming together to find a solution for goodness sake. >> either the debate rages across the country should professional athletes stand? should they kneel? what does it mean? >> reporter: as the debate about kneeling during the national anthem continues the point of the initial protest has chargely been lost. >> we're not here to divide. we're here to come together as a unified community as you see standing with me law enforcement on our community leaders from across the state. >> reporter: initially this was about deteriorating relationships and violent encounters between police and communityies and what if anything can be done about it. >> take a practical concrete step forward. a step that we pray will decrease the likelihood that police civilian enter counters become violent. >> reporter: new initiative is called safe stop. it's an out reach campaign featuring police, activists, athletes sharing basic tip that is they hope can keep traffic stops calm and safe. >> traffic stops are easy when there's mutual respect and understanding. >> reporter: one of the people there today was former giants all pro jesse arm instead. she's aware of the nfl protests but think that is people also need to hear what may seem obvious to many of us. >> at the end of the day everybody in this room want to make it home to your family and that's one thing we all got to remember. >> reporter: simple statements that hopefully remind us there's more that unites us than there is that divides. but make no mistake. attorney general perino is under no dilution that commercials will solve the divide that exists. >> i think that if the only thing we were doing was asking communities to get educated about what to do and not to do in police encounters we'd be failing. >> reporter: he reminds us that new jersey is also taking several steps directed at police act. >> comes on the heels of four or five very significant steps all of which were taken by law enforcement and directed at law enforcement. >> reporter: but did he have one request for all of us in media to share with celebrities and athletes. >> want to do something other than just talk about whether people should stand or kneel or stay in the locker room and want to do something concrete and meaningful. we ask them to raise their hand. >> raise your hand. they'll come getting and get you involved with safe stop for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. ♪ get a check on your weather as we take live look at ocean city new jersey. not too bad today. probably didn't want to be at the beach but i guess maybe some did. meteorologist kathy orr has got your weekend forecast coming up in just 15 seconds. in weather we're talking about windy conditions through the nighttime hours. and then serious wind chill come tomorrow morning. blue mountain they're making snow but it's got to stay cold enough to keep that snow. it's 37 in the poconos right now now. 5 in philadelphia. 46 in lancaster and 53 degrees in millville. we're going to go hour by hour and show you what an impact this wind is going to have on the temperature want it feels like come tomorrow morning. so right now not a big impact at all temperatures are mild. but once the temperature gets below 40 degrees, that's when you feel the full impact of the winds. so tomorrow morning it will feel like 12 in the poconos. feel like 30 in philadelphia. 26 in pottstown. 25 in reading and millville it will feel like 29 degrees. all the the map derr shows lake enhanceenhanced snow showers and flurries upstate new york a rumble thunder as well with these strong winds coming off the great lakes. for us we'll just keep it partly cloudy and pretty quiet but breezy especially tomorrow morning. then we watch another front come through with some showers saturday. maybe a few showers before the afternoon the main event comes into the afternoon and the nighttime hours and behind this much cooler air so you have strong southerly winds for your saturday. and then cooler northwesterly winds for sunday. and you can see these lake enhanced snow showers in upstate new york and into pa. so let's talk about that rain for saturday. by 2:00 o'clock a few tenths of an inch to the north and west of philadelphia. nothing accumulating in philadelphia. and then after that, that's when we see some rain moving in. so i do think for the temple game there's a chance of a few spotty showers before the game ends. so let's go hour by hour. saturday at noon you have a strong southerly wind ahead of that front temperatures in the 40s by the end of the game there will be a few showers coming close if not making it into the stadium mostly cloudy with a southerly wind at 15 miles an hour with higher gusts and the temperature 51. so even if there's little rain at least it's going to stay on the mild side during the that game. then we have the philadelphia marathon on sunday. here's look at your planner leftover shower possibly early strong winds through the afternoon and temperatures warming into the 50s. so at least it won't be a frigid wind. overnight tonight 37 in philadelphia. 26 in the poconos. they've in wilmington and 36 in dover. chilly at the bus stop tomorrow with that wind. by the afternoon the winds subside somewhat. there's still out of the northwest. the temperature will make it to 50 degrees with mostly sunny skies. on your seven day forecast from the weather authority saturday 56. sunday 53. not so bad monday and tuesday and wednesday pretty quiet for travel weather and thursday looking good. partly sunny. the temperature 47 for thanksgiving the rain looks like it will stay to the south. that's a look at your seven day forecast. >> the eagles know they could &-úhave won thatgameagainst dallas last season but they learned from their errors. coming up, hear from doug pederson's key to winning this week plus jay ajayi i saw the change in rich when we moved into the new house. but having his parents over was enlightening. ♪ you don't like my lasagna? no, it's good. -hmm. -oh. huh. [ both laugh ] here, blow. blow on it. you see it, right? is there a draft in here? i'm tellinyou, it's so easy to get home insurance on progressive can't save you from becoming your parents. but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. ok, tt hey wamethed to tell you. dang. dang. dang. dang. daaaang. see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, z' firpayment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagenw withir the peopnty. ♪ jay ajayi may be new to philadelphia but he's no stranger to the eagles/cowboys rivalry. ajayi grew up in frisco, texas where dallas was on the tv a lot lot. but ajayi says there was also some eagles green in his house for a pretty interesting reason. >> in texas, it was like a split household. my daddy on the cowboys side. my mom she loved donovan mcnabb that was her favorite player. so you know she always was rooting for the eagles. >> the eagles lost to dallas at mid season last year. tough for the birds they blew ten-point lead in the fourth quarter. they knew they had that game but let it slip away. doug pederson says he learned from that game and is making sure the eagles can close it out this time. >> we had opportunities in that game to make some plays and change the out come of that game and you know, i learned from the decisions i made in that game and have corrected -- have corrected those this season from preseason on and for us a as football team we're learning how to finish those games now this season. >> we've got a lot more on the eagles this sunday the 10am on fox 29 "game day live". then at 11:00 fox nfl kickoff and at 1:00 the redskins visit the saints. afternoon basketball in the charleston classic. temple old dough minkin knocks down the three he was on point from three-point range today. sinks another one right here. he had 23 points. temple wins, 76-65. how about the sixers last night? a win over the lakers embiid may have taken out the braves braids from earlier this year but he had all kinds of shades of allen iverson last night. this stat line is unreal. 46 points, 15 rebounds and seven blocks. he's the first sixer since iverson back in 2000 sand six to have 40 points. and he was great off the court too. he sought out sixers fan in the la crowd and gave him his jersey. the jersey often his back after his historic night. and to top it off, it was the kids birthday. >> game worn jersey. >> great present. >> won the game on and off the court last night. >> pretty great. >> he was bawling out. seven blocks. euro stepped on people. >> in just 34 minutes. >> he's pretty good. >> yeah. >> he's pretty. good news flash he's pretty good. that's good. >> wow. all right. so what you got? >> we have pretty decent forecast. we do have the seven day up there if we can take that really quick. temperatures are going to be in the 50's for the most part. a little rain on saturday. thanksgiving looks dry guys. and good travel weather for next week. 50s and sunny. >> perfect. you can beat it. >> all right. sounds good. how about this a common kitchen item some say is dangerous. tonight at ten how healthy device may be sending some to the hospital. >> and that does it for us here at at 6:00. have a great night. we'll see you right now on "page six tv." gal gadot versus brett ratner. who is in and out of the wonder woman sequel. when was the weeknd caught leaving bella hadid's apartment. how did kim kardashian make $10 million in one day? and why is victoria secret stirring up an international controversy? all the answers right now on "page six tv." [ applause ] welcome to "page six tv"! i'm john fugelsang. and taking us inside today's headlines that matter we've got page 16 reporter mr. carlos greer, variety writer miss elizabeth wagmeister, and host of sirius xm's bevelation, miss bevy smith. here are today's top stories. the mega blockbuster justice league is opening tonight. it stars

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