Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20170825 : compareme

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20170825

>> guys, we have a look at the watches and warnings lighting up the texas coastline and even further inland we're dealing with tropical storm warnings, hurricane warnings, and flood warnings surge warnings and now we're also adding in another component. a severe weather component. tornado watches in effect as this makes landfall. we're going to see a lot of wind and the possibility for some tornadoes. here's a look at the threats of the storm. as it once again does make landfall we're expecting floo flooding with some areas getting over 25-inches of rain. that's the biggest concern with this. the very high rainfall expected the surge surge also a big issue. six to 12 feet and we're thinking some of the biggest areas with the highest surge is south padre national sea shore all up into sergeant texas. within at 74 miles an hour and again that severe component tornadoes are possible win the next few hours. here's a look at that forecast. we have it now at category three hurricane losing strength as it starts to make landfall but that doesn't matter. it still will bring a lot of rain make a turn around and again head into the ocean making a second landfall near houston. that's over a four to five-day period. guys, we're talking rain that entire time and very heavy rain again flooding the big concern. i'll keep up to date how hurricane harvey is expected to impact the coast of texas. >> not good. all right, monica, thank you. here at home our local red cross is already helping those in the path of hurricane harvey. >> the regional call center is gearing up to handle the flood of calls coming in from texas and louisiana. we were at that center 23rd and chestnut today. people have already started calling in. also, today, two volunteers from the red cross from philadelphia& were dispatched to the storm and they are on their way to the gulf coast tonight. the local red cross also has three emergency response vehicles that are already stocked and are on stand by. >> we anticipate that we will have to send more staff and volunteers as harvey makes landfall and we can anticipate the impact of it on the affected communities. >> we'll a life report from texas coming up in just a few minutes. happening right now, how in the world did this sculpture end up here? the 4-foot bust of general james beaver has stood at the civil war memorial in fairmount park for many years. but someone discover it today near a park in south philadelphia. yeah, now police are involved and they're trying to figure out who moved it. fox 29's dave schratwieser live in fairmount park where that bust was taken. dave? >> reporter: chris, quite the mystery tonight. police trying to figure out how that 4-foot high, 300-pound bust of general beaver made its way from the war memorial here down to fdr park in south philly. they have no witnesses and few clues to work with. >> i saw statue the i look at it and, um, friend of mine actually googled it. >> reporter: greg papa was taking had it daily bike ride through fdr park friday morning when he came upon this 4-foot high bust of general james beaver near the skate park here. >> he is a civil war, um, union general. i think. >> reporter: turns out he's right. beaver was a union general in the civil war and the 20th governor of pennsylvania. police were called to the south philly park and quickly began investigating where the bust was taken from and how it got here. >> it's off the chain. that is totally off the chain. >> why would they want to do that? >> reporter: turns out the bust had been snatched from the pennsylvania civil war memorial on the avenue of the republic in fairmount park where it stood 2a perch with several other prominent figures from the civil war. >> yeah, i don't know how they did that. yeah. it's amazing how someone got up there. >> it's preposterous. why would they want to take a statue that been there for years? >> yes. >> something is that so as a landmark. >> reporter: police found this hole at the base of the memorial just below where it statue sat until vandals removed it. the theft of the bust comes amidst a fire storm over the controversial frank rizzo statue in center city. and confederate statues across the country. >> they planned that. >> yeah. >> they planned that. >> they ignorant. they ignorant. they just totally ignore ran. no respect. don't have no respect for art. >> reporter: now detectives were out here this afternoon looking around, again, they have no witnesses and few clues to work with. not some surveillance video either because neither park has extensive surveillance cameras at this point. this seems to be a mystery and, again, just to point out general beaver was a union general, not with the confederate side. guys? >> all right. , dave, thank you. new tonight, a fire breaks out at a sharon hill apartment building the flames up to three alarms at one point. the roof collapsed at this building in delaware county. officials say no one wasn't inside the three floor six apartment building. although one person was rush to the hospital for smoke inhalation. the sharon hill fire chief believes the building did have to be demolish. >> caught on camera, a car slams into a new jersey home causing major damage. that crash shaking up a quiet neighborhood. >> yeah, now the driver is facing charges but he's not the only one police arrested. jeff cole reports tonight. >> reporter: the images look like something out of a stock car race. speed, swerving, impact. albert rivera' basement is a shambles. >> this guy came out of nowhere. coming from the street on this side and just plowed right through my gate into the basement. >> reporter: it was monday at 9:00 a.m. when the white jeep mode down rivera's fence and kept oncoming. the scene captured by skyfox. have you err have a's furnace and water heater wiring and pluming when destroyed in the impact. the home's foundation is weakened. >> tour everything up in there. water heater, um, electrical, plumbing, the house heater. >> reporter: according to police records the driver, 37-year-old angel marino told police he lost control in his rush to make an appointment. rivera admits he lost control as well when he grabbed for the driver standing near his damaged basement and was wrestled to the ground by police and hit with a charge of simple assault. >> do you regret having grabbed him now? >> you know what, i'm going to tell you the truth. >> reporter: you don't. >> i don't regret grabbing him at all. >> reporter: rivera was concerned he had been charged while the driver walked scott free. but woodland public safety director says the driver will face traffic violations and a charge of possession of paraphernalia for pot pipe found in his car. the riveras are still trying to cope with their losses. >> $10,000 worth of tools, all kind of stuff that i had the had in there. >> reporter: all ruined. >> all ruin. he through them like 10 feet across the basement. >> reporter: now the rivera family is certainly thankful there was no loss of life or limb but they are certainly disappointed that they may not be back into their home here for another 30 days and then possibly longer than that. live in woodland, camden county, i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. dawn, back to you. >> all right, jeff, thank you. well there is no pride or joy quiet like becoming a new homeowner. hab with at a time for humanity makes that feeling come true people across the country on this day three happy families moved into their new homes in bridgeport, montgomery county. >> fox 29's bruce gordon met up with one of these families as they turned the key on their front door. >> i feel so proud to be able to give back for someone who served us. >> reporter: move in day was extra special for dustin gray his wife danielle and little cameron and shaken. disable military veteran gray along with two other families in this stretch of newtown homes was about to enter a brave new world. homeownership. thanks to volunteers at habitat for humanity of montgomery and delaware counties, and his own hard work. in welcome home. participate in this program they must meet financial qualifications earning under the county's median income while proving they can make mortgage payments. all participants must contribute 200 hours of sweat he can quit. literally helping to build their own homes. >> it's a sense of pride, because, you know, you're building something with roar own hands. they take classes in financial literacy how to pay their bills and perform basic home repairs and maintenance. they are now part of a communi community. >> that's part of our education as well making sure they understand that it's a big transition between rendering and owning a home and that you're responsible for your land and your up keep and making sure you're being a good neighbor to other people. >> this is nice, right. >> reporter: house tour brought smiles to the faces of the whole family. favorite rooms -- >> mostly everything in this house like i also love my bedroom. >> you got your own room? >> um-hmm. >> reporter: pretty suite? >> um-hmm. >> it feels like a dream. i'm truly blessed. really am. i thank god. >> reporter: as military familiar the grayings have lived pneumatic lifestyle. 11 months since ground breaking, hard work and planning and learning have paid off. >> now we have a place to live and somewhere to plan rots and settle down. >> kind of a nice feeling. >> we want a place something to call our own. >> now you got it. >> yeah, we definitely got it. you're standing in it. >> reporter: welcome home, grays n bridgeport, montgomery county, i'm bruce gordon, fox 29 news. >> up next, a historic storm headed towards texas right now. the most powerful storm this country has seen in years. we'll go live to the gulf coast next. >> former nfl players making back to school extra special for local students. these students will be heading back to class very well prepared. sean. >> eagles preseason game three in the books last night, and newly acquired cornerback ronald darby, yeah, he struggled on few plays. hear the reason why he's not concerned later in sports. ♪ ♪ philadelphia police have charged a man in a deadly hit-and-run. prosecutors say 35-year-old brendan hay was behind the wheel when 53-year-old ann broderick was struck and killed. it happened earlier this month on 13th and race. police say hey is not the owner of the white jeep in the crash but he was the driver. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. as we take live look at radar, yes, that is hurricane harvey churning away major category three storm is expected to make landfall late tonight. as we take live look at rehoboth beach on this beautiful friday night, a completly different story in our area. if you were thinking about a beach weekend, well, i'll tell was, this is it. fox 29 meteorologist monica cryan with the good news in our area. >> yeah. monica, just some gorgeous days ahead in our area? >> lots of sunshine down the shore and even back here in philadelphia. the only thing i do have to say we're expecting highs in the mid 70s and with that sea breeze down the shore you'll definitely need sweatshirt especially as we head into the evening and overnight. but i love when i get to wear sweatshirt down the shore that's one of my favorites. let's head back down south we are keeping track of hurricane harvey not made landfall yet. we're expecting a little bit closer to midnight and we're moving it 10 miles an hour so a slow mover. we were category two just a little bit ago and now we are category three. so this is strengthening. we have hurricane force winds 7e hurricane force winds extending 35 miles out of the radius so this is a storm that will continue to bring a lot of rain especially as it slows and turns back around. we're talking flooding as the main concern with hurricane harvey. we're at 77 degrees back here across the delaware valley into the mid to upper 70s. your dew points also in the lower side and that's feeling really nice. low humidity, nice temperatures. clear skies. you can see your current setup that high pressure system off to our west is inn in control and will be in control of the forecast over the next few days. so we've got lots of sunshine to look forward to through the weekend and even into the start of new work week that high pressure system is keeping that rain and that moisture from hurricane harvey well to the south of us but you can see just how ominous and how big that storm is. as it heads closer and closer to corpus christi as category three. big big major hurricane and we'll be talking about this for quite sometime. but since that high pressure system is in control here, we've got kind of the opposite weather. we've got lots of sunshine over the next few days. we'll be talking about that over the next few days as well. you can see into early saturday morning, parly to mostly sunny skies. there could be an isolated pop-up shower along those shore points as we head into the afternoon. keep track of it it really shouldn't cause too much issues and then we look towards saturday night and we're clearing thing back out. we've got lots of sunshine as we head into our sunday. here's a look at your seven day forecast. temperatures upper 70s. saturday, sunday and even into our monday. not much of a change up as we've got lots of sunshine saturday and sunday even into monday. we're talking mostly sunny. by tuesday a little bit more cloud cover. high of 76 we're back into the 80s on wednesday. so guys unfortunately like i was saying kind of hard to talk about how beautiful it is here when you know how devastating it's going to be in texas. >> exactly, monica. texas is bracing for one of the most powerful storms if hit the united states in years. hurricane harvey is currently barreling towards the lone star state. let's get straight out to fox's lauren blanchard whose live for us tonight in galveston, texas. >> lauren, we check in with i was little while ago. still seeing that lull in the storm? >> reporter: yeah, hey, chris and dawn. still little bit of -- easy on us here in galveston we're not getting hit with rain just yet. we're expecting it to hit us in the next hour and then just our percentage sky rockets through the night. the thing we'll be watching to night is our storm surges. as you can see some of these waves back here really picking up. the thing, folks here are ward about in texas is worried about are storm much surges. 1 foot storm surge will knock you off your feet. make your car float. here in galveston we're expecting five to 8 feet storm surges down there in corpus christi which is just getting pummeled they are expecting six to 12 feet storm surges. the national weather service calling hurricane harvey a devastating flooding even. and there's also an extreme wind warning down in corpus christi as hurricane harvey slowly make its way it's now less than 60 miles off the coast. chris, dawn. >> all right, lauren blanchard from the gulf coast tonight. they are predicting the most rain they've ever predicted there. be safe, lauren. thanks. and stay with fox 29 as we track the path of hurricane harvey. you can get updates around the clock on and the fox 29 app. hundreds of local kids will now have the school supplies they need thanks to an effort by the nfl alumni association. former player, former eagles hollis thomas was among those in attendance at the andrew jackson school today. they dropped off note books, pens, crayons and whole lot more at the school in south philadelphia. it's all part of the association's youth of america week. sean brace now with what's ahead in sports. >> sean? >> great job bite eagles right there. >> yeah. >> that's for sure. his name is reece hoskins and he's rewriting the phillies record books one homerun at a time. i'll tell you why the kid is so special. and preseason game three is in the books and eagles quarterback carson wentz is dialed in for the regular season. hear his reason why next in sports. ♪ pro-tip for making ribs: don't go it alone. get these great smoked ribs. thanks. sure. twenty minutes on the grill. and they're done. you think he cares if i smoke ribs for six hours? what? what? summer made easy at amazing prices. only at giant. ♪ for most part the eagles after playing their third and final preseason game are finished with the exhibition part of their season. i know there's a fourth but come on, no starters will actually play. so we must ask ourselves this simple question. are the eagles a better team after the three games? on offense i say yes. the simple additions the receiver positions alshon jeffery and torry smith both who caught touchdown passes last night are reason enough but i can't help to be the most excited over second year quarterback carson wentz. even after shaky performance by the offensive line, wentz he never looked rattled in his most definitely in total command. here's wentz on finally hooking up with torry smith. >> they were trying to above a coverage little with the safety was trying to roll back but he was flatted and with a guy like torry if they'll stay flat footed he'll run right by them. it was great to do it in front of the fans. fans get real excited about th that. felt really confident in our chem tree with toes guys going back to the spring but to do in a game situation it's good to see. >> over on the defensive side somewhat rough outing for newly acquired cornerback ronald dar darby. i'm being nice there. that's right. darby struggled on a few tackles but that's not what he's here for. he's here for the coverage skills. that's where he was burned on few plays last night. but after all, it's preseason a place to review the tape and get better. >> rewatching this film for the next few days seeing what i did wrong so when i get back out there again and it happens, like i snap into it. so, you know, critique yourself. have a short memory but when it's all over with, critique yourself so when that tune presents itself again, i'm able to make the play. >> all right. by the time i get done with this piece philly slugger reece hoskins he might have hit another homerun. after yesterday's eighth homerun in his first 15 games since bees called up, hoskins is only the third major leaguer to ever accomplish that feat. the ball makes a different sound off hoskins bat. trust me i was at the game the other night. his bat speed through the zone is why he's a long ball threat. 29 diggers at lehigh valley plus the eight for the phillies so far. that's all the info we need to know. hoskins is no fluke. phillies and cubs world series champions first pitch tonight at 7:05. sticking with baseball discipline way issued to all involved in esther yes bench clearing brawl between the yankees and tigers. leading the way miguel today care rah seven games. catcher four games. 12 players and coaches received fines for yesterday' fight. finally the philadelphia union teamed up with 15 kids who are curbly battling cancer and during a wonderful event today unveiled custom cleats the kids and players created together. the best part about this the uion players will wear the custom cleats tomorrow during warmups to see all the custom boots check out the philadelphia union's twitter feet. that's amazing. smiles throughout for everybody. just really cool creations by the kids and players involved. >> union always doing great stuff for the kids. >> absolutely. >> family friendly great. tonight at 10:00 we're tracking hurricane harvey as it bears down on texas tonight. live reports as the storm makes landfall tonight on fox 29 news at 10:00. that does it for us here at 6:00. >> we'll see you back here at 10:00. have a great night and thanks for watching. enjoy your friday. ♪ when you buy a used car you should feel confident. that's why carmax has over 40,000 cars to choose from nationwide. with prices clearly marked, the same 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