Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20170801 : compareme

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20170801

surprise. john klein drove here from langhorne for a sandwich. >> now i got to do option two which i don't have a plan. >> you got no plan b. >> no plan b. i got to drive back to langhorne. >> reporter: there's more. allen told me he was owed 37 and a half hours of pay about 400 bucks when the restaurant clos closed. he spent the past several days texting his boss the own are in carl begging for his money. >> i like the company. i like mr. carl. i just want to get paid. >> reporter: i visitor carl's other restaurant in west philly. no luck but ultimately carl returned my phone calls. he told me the restaurant in bustleton and cottman not withstanding a sign suggest would it reopen had in fact become too much to handle. and -- >> you say it's just not worth it. you're closing the door for were good i made arrangements for allen to get his overdue paycheck. >> calls you and you'll make sure he gets his money. all right. that's great. >> got bills to pay and now you can pay them. >> now i can pay them thanks to you. thanks to you. if i never would have caught you i don't think i would have got paid. >> reporter: kelly allen is out of job but he has his final paycheck. as for fans of this jim's steaks they'll have to go elsewhere for their favorite sandwich n northeast philadelphia i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. ♪ to your fox 29 weather authority right now. let's get on over to meteorologist scott williams. >> hi there lucy. daytime heating pop up showers and thunderstorms producing heavy rainfall flood advisories for northeast philadelphia county. we'll zoom in to the area dry in center city. dry in old city, but head up i-95 and take look at the impressive rainfall rates two and a half to 3-inches per hour a lot of downpours also lightning in the vicinity. frankford, mayfair, tacony crossing the tacony-palmyra bridge looking at that blinding rain. moving into bucks county right now. south of northampton and north of lower southampton looking at some downpours kind of raining themselves out. we also have flood advisories north and west into sections of lehigh valley, south of allentown, also moving toward the poconos. so welcome to august. temperatures next several days upper 80s near 90 degrees. increasing humidity plus more pop-up typical summer afternoon thunderstorms much more with the seven day forecast coming up. back to you. >> all right. scott, thanks. skyfox live over norristown farm park where police say a man sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman it happened this morning just before 11:00. police say the victim was running in the park when the man attacked her at gun point. the victim was taken to einstein medical center where she's being treated while police continue to look for the attacker. manhunt underway right now for the gunman wanted in two shootings including one that turned deadly. philadelphia police say 24-year-old derek rollins opened fire again and again. they say he shot and killed 29-year-old john le in haverford saturday night around 6:00. le was just leaving a pizza shop. about an hour earlier police it he fired shots at two people in overbrook park. they are not hurt however. this morning police dropped by rollins home on the 5100 block of locust but he was not there. >> we believe he's armed, he's extremely dangerous, um, we've seen here where he shot at three separate people killing one, and it looks like these are clearly in philadelphia at least random attacks on individuals who were clearly protecting their neighborhood. >> officers did impound rollins car this morning and right now a $5,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest and conviction stands. give police a call if you know anything. tonight we're learning more about the philadelphia police officer who is facing serious allegations. >> that officer is accused of sexually assaulting a woman. our jeff cole has been following this story and joins us live in studio tonight. jeff. >> reporter: open iain former officer's name is thomas j. o'neill he is off the force tonight retiring just a few months after being accused of sex assault. tonight, what police have to say about officer o'neill. philadelphia police tell fox 29 former officer thomas j. o'neill was investigated in 2016 by internal affairs after the mentally ill woman in her 20s accused him of sexual assault. but due to a lawsuit just filed against o'neill and the city the department won't say what was found. just short of three months after o'neill was alleged to have pick up the woman along castor avenue in his cruiser and sexually assaulted her he retired. but there's another bombshell in the suit. >> he says he fantasizes about, um, shooting and bea beating upe n word a person of african-american persuasion. >> reporter: zeff claims o'neill said those words while driving the woman to the back of a school where the alleged assault occurred. a security camera was rolling. zeff says city police showed him the video. police say o'neill in his early 50's work out second december district before sis septembe september 30, 20 scenery team. he had 24 years on the job. o'neill has not been charged. the da's office declined comment. and the city law department which will defense the city and o'neill in the suit also had nothing to say. >> she was a perfect victim. she's the kind of person that has psychological issues to begin with, and now she's just been devastated by this. >> reporter: according to the city board of pensions, thomas j. o'neil receives a $3,100 monthly pension payment just over $2,000 go to him while the remainder is paid to what the board calls an alternate payee, likely a divorced spouse. again, former officer thomas j. o'neill has not been charged but these ugly claims could well play out in the civil office. another retired officer is named thomas x. o'neill deputy sheriff outside the city. he is absolutely not involved in this case. i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. all right, jeff, thanks. philly police are hoping this grid video will help track down the men involved in the armed robbery of grocery store. videoed 53 yo catch the two guys confronting a cashier on the 2600 block of north wind eighth street. at least one them weigh was armed with a knife when they demand money after the employee refused they walk out. police say they came back with three friends who ransack the store and took off. >> developing right now, improvement in the dune debacle at the mercy shore resort town of margate much this weekend's heavy rain left a lake beyond. part of $63 million project aimed at protecting property against super stores. the army corps of engineers had to bring pup and toss drain the water that had nowhere to go. as of 5:00 o'clock joyce evans told us there was a foot of water still there. this is exactly what local engineers and neighbor has warned the army core engineers about in court even with repairs and modifications. businesses say their summer and beyond is that ruined. >> it's a joke this plan. we have balk heads. these are bulk heads. this is solid as can be. right now they're building sand and straw. >> as they pump this out, though, it might look like hey we're fixing the problem but they're other crews further south continuing the process of building dunes and elongating this project. >> federal and state authorities overseeing the project maintained that once it's all done, the area will be better protected. so now there is a meeting set for wednesday and apparently on thursday as well to update locals and explain what lies ahead that i believe is at margate city hall. the beaches are closed until further notice. tonight, heart broken parents are suing a new jersey school district. they say their 12-year-old daughter mallory grossman took her own life because of bullies. the young girl's mom diane says that the rock away township school district did nothing to stop the months of bullying and online torture. she says the school never filed a bullying report, even after she made complaints with the school throughout the year. including the morning of mallory's suicide. >> she would come home. i would bring it to the school's attention. they would dismiss it. she would bring something to my attention i would bring it to the school' attention they would dismiss it so there was a pattern. a regular history pattern of the school dismissing my concerns. >> the grossmans are suing the school district for gross negligence in failing to stop the cyber bullying. well controversy yet again surrounds popular netflix show 13 reasons why. new study suggests that the tv series which follows the life avenue bullied high school girl who takes her own life actually caused a line in online searching for suicide including how to go through with it. researchers say google searches with the word suicide have gone up by 19%. so far the study found no link to arise in actual suicides or attempts. we're learning more about those moments leading to that hostile exchange between governor chris christie and a chicago cubs fan. the tail end of all of that was caught on camera in a video circulating on twitter. the governor did not let go of the nachos. it shows christie stopping to share a few words with the guy in the stands of the brewers snubs every cubs game in milwaukee that guy is brad joseph and he's talking after all the attention. >> i called him a hypocrite because i thought, um, you know, i need it needed to be said he turned around and walked all the way back towards me and got up in my face for what seemed like a long time. it was probably only about 30 seconds or a minute. >> governor headed back to his seat and actually cubs hit a homerun at that time. when he stopped to respond to joseph's comment telling him you're a big shot, joseph says, high, government ov i'm just trying to watch the game. >> you know what, philly is known for cheesesteak. i'm wondering whether governor christie likes our cheesesteak. what do you think? he doesn't like our fans our teams. how those iconic sandwiches could affect your home value sean bell. >> the eagles got it cracking. the first day with full pads. the first day of tackling hear why doug pederson said today was so important. that's coming up later in spor sports. and the philly phanatic brought smiles today off the baseball field. he's in overbrook and visiting young kids at the overbrook school for the brian. the children range in ages from three to six. ah fast play games from the pennsylvania lottery are the newest way to play and win instantly. and they're super fast. faster than this? fast play. play fast. win instantly. then you belong at bass pro shops for huge savings. like redhead castmaster men's shorts and shirts starting at under $20. bass pro shops. your adventure starts here. ♪ >> right now a night to bring police and communities together. many people across our area and the country for that matter gathering for a national night out. >> yup all kinds of family fun activities going on. >> westampton even some fireworks to top it off. that's where we find chris o'connell live at the county's public safety center. chris? >> reporter: that's right, guys. you talked to most police officers they will tell you this is probably one of the most fun nights for the year for them. take a look and this is why. hasn't even started yet and tons of people already showing up to national night out. over the past year, national night out is really blossomed into events like this. you may remember this used to start out as sit on your porch maybe put your lights out on your porch. now it is blossomed into events like this a couple thousand people are expected to show up today. i am told by police officers here this is the best night out event in southern new jersey. it all starts 7:00 o'clock. there will be fireworks as you said, iain, a car and truck show here. fire engines, police cars all kinds of apparatus. we are expecting a helicopter landing by the national guard here in a little bit. you can even try on some swat tactical gear by local police. many police departments say it's these kind of events that are more critical than ever. >> in today's climate you know we can't afford to take public goodwill for granted any more. we have to put the work out there, the effort out there to come together. so i think it's incumbent on us as townships, as police depths to put our best foot forward. >> reporter: bringing you back out here live. national night out. if you remember started back in 1984 and really been one of the bigger events for police throughout the year always held on first tuesday of every augu august. you can see police officers pretty much every local law enforcement in the area is here tonight, and they're here to welcome kids. also see some school supplies getting ready for school. it's all just an effort to kind of reconnect to the community. get kids involved and really get to know your local police officers because, iain, they say, local police and community policing the key to bridging that gap. >> absolutely. chris, all right, thank you. here's good news if you live near pat's or geno's or any other cheesesteak joint around town. new research suggests the philly favorite seems to line and with arise in home prices in the past year, data shows the citi' house listings mentions the work cheesesteak sell for $70,000 more. >> house listing if i say in a house listin listing i'll sell e there's a cities its cheesesteak place is nearby i get 70,000 more. >> if you just say cheesesteak. >> just say cheesesteak. i love cheesesteaks and my house is for sale. >> whether it's there or not. i'm in. >> according to statement. that's wait says. >> then it's got to be right. >> exactly. all rght back to your fox 29 weather authority now. that's my house listing. love cheesesteaks. house for sale. >> with or without? >> let's take a live look at allentown. hot day to start the month of august. scott is this the name of the game all week long? and listen if i say cheesesteak in your forecast, do we get like ten extra degrees. >> ten extra degrees, lucy, al also, extra waistline expansion, too. as we look at ultimate doppler, though, most of the area it is dry. it's quiet. but where we have the rain it is really coming down right now in particular northeast philadelphia we'll zoom in. look at all of the downpours heavy rainfall, lightning, bridesburg, tacony, mayfair, palmyra, crossing that tacony-palmyra bridge toward riverton, cinnaminson, rainfall rates we'll zoom in here take a look. four and a half inches as you move toward places around taco tacony, palmyra, riverton, cinnaminson. so turn around, don't drown we do have flood advisories in those areas until about 8:00 o'clock tonight due to the very heavy rainfall. we'll head up the road toward sections of the lehigh valley. you can see south of allentown. south of 78. maiden creek moving south of allentown looking at some of those downpours as well so once again northeast philadelphia moving into sections of burlington county we have the flood advisory there for ponding run off also toward sections of the lehigh valley. so over the next self days, it's going to be hot and humid. pop up showers and thunderstorms right through the first part of the weekend. not a wash out it looks like much of the the rainfall will occur early on saturday. so isolated downpours next several hours. overnight things settle down. tomorrow morning a dry quiet start and then take a look. boom, we get scattered showers and downpours developing again tomorrow afternoon. 90 right now in trenton. mid 80s atlantic city. 87 degrees in reading. some locations are rain cooled temperatures tonight upper 60s low 70s. the rain will diminish but partly cloudy skies and more humid. for tomorrow, 90 degrees those afternoon pop-up showers. and tropical downpours. down the shore looking pretty good. we should stay dry. maybe an outside chance of isolated thunderstorm but low 80s and cooler down the shore with that seabreeze. the weather authority seven day forecast showing 90 tomorrow. 90 on thursday. upper 80s on friday. friday night into saturday watching that cold front temperatures the weekend only in the low 80s. back over to you. >> all right. thank you scott. today felt good. okay. it felt like real football. >> finally. >> finally. some real football going on. guys put on the pads, started tackling guys to the ground. today was one of three days the team is expected to do that. listen to why doug pederson said these practices are so so important. that's coming up next in sports. ♪ fios is not cable. we're a 100% fiber optic network. and with the new fios gigabit connection... you get our fastest... internet ever. with download speeds up to 940 megs - 20 times faster than most people have. switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for $79.99 a month online for the first year. plus hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for two years, all with a two-year agreement. and switching has never been easier. get out of your contract with up to a $500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. go to ♪ finally felt like real football today. no more running around in shorts. no more two hand touch. the guys put on the pads and started hitting. there's no better sound in sports than the pads cracking. >> hut. >> oh, yes. >> oh y. >> the guys were flying around and hitting and one of the stand out today's was tim brought here to be tough, physical and he stopped a couple of guys cold in the run game today. head coach doug pederson said he wants to have three practices like this and today he talked about why it's so important to have them. >> this is like the earl part of the season. september and sometimes even october, you know, you're in the heat of the day, and you're playing those 1:00 o'clock games or in our case week two at noon in kansas city it's going to be 90 plus. so these are great days to condition the guys and to see the mine set of the football team. >> after practice rodney mc loud and malcolm jenkins doing extra work with the defensive backs on tackling drills. mcleod message to the young guys today -- was simple. >> make sure you bring it. [ laughter ] >> bring that intensity, man. i think we always stress on defense schwartz says defense sets the tone n our room we try to emphasize that. don't let the offense set the tone. we set it especially as safeti safeties. we dictate what goes on. >> guess who had one of the top selling jerseys in the league. the quarterback. carson wentz from beginning of march to the end of may carson had the 12th highest selling jersey in the nfl that's higher than can cam newton, fifty one miller and ben roethlisberger. check out the top five. tom brady of course number one. dak, seek and shout out to my man i'm only here so i don't get fined. marshawn lynch. five. the phillies have been oh a role in the second half of the ten and six sin the all star break and won five in a row. they're trying to continue that momentum against the angels out in anaheim. check this out white sox game this is the definition of team work. look at this. hoe azar coming all the way up from first to try to make the catch. he can't make it but pops it right into his boy's hand allen hanson check this out. that's team work a little bit of football. >> exactly that's what we need. couldn't make the over hand catch the guy was right there to make it for him. >> there you go. >> team work. >> team work. pads, hitting. >> cracking i like the doug pederson. >> thank you coaches. we appreciate it. join us tonight for fox 29 news at 10:00. i want to you take very good look at that cow. does she look like anyone you know perhaps? i know who it looks like. turns out her resemblance to famous rock star is saving her life. you guys know what i'm talking about here, come on. the stroke of luck that means this little cow will happily grow old. all the details tonight at 10:00. that does it for us here at 6:00. i'm an old-fashioned rocker of course. >> justin beiber, is that who it is. >> no. >> have a great night. i witness is up next. pro-tip: chop all your veggies for the week at once. super pro-tip: buy your veggies pre-chopped. boom. the best food at amazing prices, giant. giant has unbelievable pro tip produce prices. : so you'll never have to choose between your favorites. i thought i was your favorite. take a fresh look at giant's produce prices. (iwitness jingle) (audience applauding) - welcome to iwitness, i'm john henson. this is the only game show where the answer to every question is right in front of your eyes. if they pay close enough attention, one of our contestants could win $20,000 dollars. (audience cheering) let's meet 'em now. jordan, danielle, and maria, thank you guys for being here. jordan, where are you from? - i'm from australia. i'm a rock climber, and that's one of the reasons, yeah, a few australians in the house. one of the reasons why i moved to america was because australia's so flat. i need something to rock climb. - alright, well stay out of nebraska. (audience applauding) danielle, what do you do for a living? - i own my own cake business. it kinda started as a fluke. i made a girlfriend a cake shaped out of lipstick, and it's been taking off. - alright, good for you! maria, tell me about yourself. - i am from south philly. - oh. - so, i was always, yeah! (laughing) - [john] you can get a ride home. - right, right? so, i was a break dancer back in the day, and i really loved it, but now, you know, i don't get out. i haven't been able to pop lock, so you know what i do? i go to the gym and i pop lock all over the gym. - yeah, bust a little move for us, let's see it. oh! i love it. you're a fly mom. good luck to all of you guys. it's time to play iwitness. (audience applauding) our first round is called what just happened? i'm gonna show you guys video clips from all over the world, and then i'm gonna ask you questions about those clips. each question will be worth $100 dollars, but if you ring in with a wrong answer, your opponents will have once chance to steal. everybody understand? - yup. - yes. - alright, in our first clip, true terror comes in the form of a cuddly little dog. are you ready? - yes, ready! - yes. - are you set at home?

Related Keywords

Cinnaminson , New Jersey , United States , Australia , Nebraska , Atlantic City , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Overbrook , Allentown , Trenton , Riverton , Jordan , Kelly Allen , Chris Christie , Scott Williams , John Henson , Derek Rollins , Malcolm Jenkins , Bruce Gordon , Rodney Mc , John Klein , Mallory Grossman , Jeff Cole , Tom Brady , Doug Pederson , Carson Wentz , Lucy Noland ,

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Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20170801 :

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20170801

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surprise. john klein drove here from langhorne for a sandwich. >> now i got to do option two which i don't have a plan. >> you got no plan b. >> no plan b. i got to drive back to langhorne. >> reporter: there's more. allen told me he was owed 37 and a half hours of pay about 400 bucks when the restaurant clos closed. he spent the past several days texting his boss the own are in carl begging for his money. >> i like the company. i like mr. carl. i just want to get paid. >> reporter: i visitor carl's other restaurant in west philly. no luck but ultimately carl returned my phone calls. he told me the restaurant in bustleton and cottman not withstanding a sign suggest would it reopen had in fact become too much to handle. and -- >> you say it's just not worth it. you're closing the door for were good i made arrangements for allen to get his overdue paycheck. >> calls you and you'll make sure he gets his money. all right. that's great. >> got bills to pay and now you can pay them. >> now i can pay them thanks to you. thanks to you. if i never would have caught you i don't think i would have got paid. >> reporter: kelly allen is out of job but he has his final paycheck. as for fans of this jim's steaks they'll have to go elsewhere for their favorite sandwich n northeast philadelphia i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. ♪ to your fox 29 weather authority right now. let's get on over to meteorologist scott williams. >> hi there lucy. daytime heating pop up showers and thunderstorms producing heavy rainfall flood advisories for northeast philadelphia county. we'll zoom in to the area dry in center city. dry in old city, but head up i-95 and take look at the impressive rainfall rates two and a half to 3-inches per hour a lot of downpours also lightning in the vicinity. frankford, mayfair, tacony crossing the tacony-palmyra bridge looking at that blinding rain. moving into bucks county right now. south of northampton and north of lower southampton looking at some downpours kind of raining themselves out. we also have flood advisories north and west into sections of lehigh valley, south of allentown, also moving toward the poconos. so welcome to august. temperatures next several days upper 80s near 90 degrees. increasing humidity plus more pop-up typical summer afternoon thunderstorms much more with the seven day forecast coming up. back to you. >> all right. scott, thanks. skyfox live over norristown farm park where police say a man sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman it happened this morning just before 11:00. police say the victim was running in the park when the man attacked her at gun point. the victim was taken to einstein medical center where she's being treated while police continue to look for the attacker. manhunt underway right now for the gunman wanted in two shootings including one that turned deadly. philadelphia police say 24-year-old derek rollins opened fire again and again. they say he shot and killed 29-year-old john le in haverford saturday night around 6:00. le was just leaving a pizza shop. about an hour earlier police it he fired shots at two people in overbrook park. they are not hurt however. this morning police dropped by rollins home on the 5100 block of locust but he was not there. >> we believe he's armed, he's extremely dangerous, um, we've seen here where he shot at three separate people killing one, and it looks like these are clearly in philadelphia at least random attacks on individuals who were clearly protecting their neighborhood. >> officers did impound rollins car this morning and right now a $5,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest and conviction stands. give police a call if you know anything. tonight we're learning more about the philadelphia police officer who is facing serious allegations. >> that officer is accused of sexually assaulting a woman. our jeff cole has been following this story and joins us live in studio tonight. jeff. >> reporter: open iain former officer's name is thomas j. o'neill he is off the force tonight retiring just a few months after being accused of sex assault. tonight, what police have to say about officer o'neill. philadelphia police tell fox 29 former officer thomas j. o'neill was investigated in 2016 by internal affairs after the mentally ill woman in her 20s accused him of sexual assault. but due to a lawsuit just filed against o'neill and the city the department won't say what was found. just short of three months after o'neill was alleged to have pick up the woman along castor avenue in his cruiser and sexually assaulted her he retired. but there's another bombshell in the suit. >> he says he fantasizes about, um, shooting and bea beating upe n word a person of african-american persuasion. >> reporter: zeff claims o'neill said those words while driving the woman to the back of a school where the alleged assault occurred. a security camera was rolling. zeff says city police showed him the video. police say o'neill in his early 50's work out second december district before sis septembe september 30, 20 scenery team. he had 24 years on the job. o'neill has not been charged. the da's office declined comment. and the city law department which will defense the city and o'neill in the suit also had nothing to say. >> she was a perfect victim. she's the kind of person that has psychological issues to begin with, and now she's just been devastated by this. >> reporter: according to the city board of pensions, thomas j. o'neil receives a $3,100 monthly pension payment just over $2,000 go to him while the remainder is paid to what the board calls an alternate payee, likely a divorced spouse. again, former officer thomas j. o'neill has not been charged but these ugly claims could well play out in the civil office. another retired officer is named thomas x. o'neill deputy sheriff outside the city. he is absolutely not involved in this case. i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. all right, jeff, thanks. philly police are hoping this grid video will help track down the men involved in the armed robbery of grocery store. videoed 53 yo catch the two guys confronting a cashier on the 2600 block of north wind eighth street. at least one them weigh was armed with a knife when they demand money after the employee refused they walk out. police say they came back with three friends who ransack the store and took off. >> developing right now, improvement in the dune debacle at the mercy shore resort town of margate much this weekend's heavy rain left a lake beyond. part of $63 million project aimed at protecting property against super stores. the army corps of engineers had to bring pup and toss drain the water that had nowhere to go. as of 5:00 o'clock joyce evans told us there was a foot of water still there. this is exactly what local engineers and neighbor has warned the army core engineers about in court even with repairs and modifications. businesses say their summer and beyond is that ruined. >> it's a joke this plan. we have balk heads. these are bulk heads. this is solid as can be. right now they're building sand and straw. >> as they pump this out, though, it might look like hey we're fixing the problem but they're other crews further south continuing the process of building dunes and elongating this project. >> federal and state authorities overseeing the project maintained that once it's all done, the area will be better protected. so now there is a meeting set for wednesday and apparently on thursday as well to update locals and explain what lies ahead that i believe is at margate city hall. the beaches are closed until further notice. tonight, heart broken parents are suing a new jersey school district. they say their 12-year-old daughter mallory grossman took her own life because of bullies. the young girl's mom diane says that the rock away township school district did nothing to stop the months of bullying and online torture. she says the school never filed a bullying report, even after she made complaints with the school throughout the year. including the morning of mallory's suicide. >> she would come home. i would bring it to the school's attention. they would dismiss it. she would bring something to my attention i would bring it to the school' attention they would dismiss it so there was a pattern. a regular history pattern of the school dismissing my concerns. >> the grossmans are suing the school district for gross negligence in failing to stop the cyber bullying. well controversy yet again surrounds popular netflix show 13 reasons why. new study suggests that the tv series which follows the life avenue bullied high school girl who takes her own life actually caused a line in online searching for suicide including how to go through with it. researchers say google searches with the word suicide have gone up by 19%. so far the study found no link to arise in actual suicides or attempts. we're learning more about those moments leading to that hostile exchange between governor chris christie and a chicago cubs fan. the tail end of all of that was caught on camera in a video circulating on twitter. the governor did not let go of the nachos. it shows christie stopping to share a few words with the guy in the stands of the brewers snubs every cubs game in milwaukee that guy is brad joseph and he's talking after all the attention. >> i called him a hypocrite because i thought, um, you know, i need it needed to be said he turned around and walked all the way back towards me and got up in my face for what seemed like a long time. it was probably only about 30 seconds or a minute. >> governor headed back to his seat and actually cubs hit a homerun at that time. when he stopped to respond to joseph's comment telling him you're a big shot, joseph says, high, government ov i'm just trying to watch the game. >> you know what, philly is known for cheesesteak. i'm wondering whether governor christie likes our cheesesteak. what do you think? he doesn't like our fans our teams. how those iconic sandwiches could affect your home value sean bell. >> the eagles got it cracking. the first day with full pads. the first day of tackling hear why doug pederson said today was so important. that's coming up later in spor sports. and the philly phanatic brought smiles today off the baseball field. he's in overbrook and visiting young kids at the overbrook school for the brian. the children range in ages from three to six. ah fast play games from the pennsylvania lottery are the newest way to play and win instantly. and they're super fast. faster than this? fast play. play fast. win instantly. then you belong at bass pro shops for huge savings. like redhead castmaster men's shorts and shirts starting at under $20. bass pro shops. your adventure starts here. ♪ >> right now a night to bring police and communities together. many people across our area and the country for that matter gathering for a national night out. >> yup all kinds of family fun activities going on. >> westampton even some fireworks to top it off. that's where we find chris o'connell live at the county's public safety center. chris? >> reporter: that's right, guys. you talked to most police officers they will tell you this is probably one of the most fun nights for the year for them. take a look and this is why. hasn't even started yet and tons of people already showing up to national night out. over the past year, national night out is really blossomed into events like this. you may remember this used to start out as sit on your porch maybe put your lights out on your porch. now it is blossomed into events like this a couple thousand people are expected to show up today. i am told by police officers here this is the best night out event in southern new jersey. it all starts 7:00 o'clock. there will be fireworks as you said, iain, a car and truck show here. fire engines, police cars all kinds of apparatus. we are expecting a helicopter landing by the national guard here in a little bit. you can even try on some swat tactical gear by local police. many police departments say it's these kind of events that are more critical than ever. >> in today's climate you know we can't afford to take public goodwill for granted any more. we have to put the work out there, the effort out there to come together. so i think it's incumbent on us as townships, as police depths to put our best foot forward. >> reporter: bringing you back out here live. national night out. if you remember started back in 1984 and really been one of the bigger events for police throughout the year always held on first tuesday of every augu august. you can see police officers pretty much every local law enforcement in the area is here tonight, and they're here to welcome kids. also see some school supplies getting ready for school. it's all just an effort to kind of reconnect to the community. get kids involved and really get to know your local police officers because, iain, they say, local police and community policing the key to bridging that gap. >> absolutely. chris, all right, thank you. here's good news if you live near pat's or geno's or any other cheesesteak joint around town. new research suggests the philly favorite seems to line and with arise in home prices in the past year, data shows the citi' house listings mentions the work cheesesteak sell for $70,000 more. >> house listing if i say in a house listin listing i'll sell e there's a cities its cheesesteak place is nearby i get 70,000 more. >> if you just say cheesesteak. >> just say cheesesteak. i love cheesesteaks and my house is for sale. >> whether it's there or not. i'm in. >> according to statement. that's wait says. >> then it's got to be right. >> exactly. all rght back to your fox 29 weather authority now. that's my house listing. love cheesesteaks. house for sale. >> with or without? >> let's take a live look at allentown. hot day to start the month of august. scott is this the name of the game all week long? and listen if i say cheesesteak in your forecast, do we get like ten extra degrees. >> ten extra degrees, lucy, al also, extra waistline expansion, too. as we look at ultimate doppler, though, most of the area it is dry. it's quiet. but where we have the rain it is really coming down right now in particular northeast philadelphia we'll zoom in. look at all of the downpours heavy rainfall, lightning, bridesburg, tacony, mayfair, palmyra, crossing that tacony-palmyra bridge toward riverton, cinnaminson, rainfall rates we'll zoom in here take a look. four and a half inches as you move toward places around taco tacony, palmyra, riverton, cinnaminson. so turn around, don't drown we do have flood advisories in those areas until about 8:00 o'clock tonight due to the very heavy rainfall. we'll head up the road toward sections of the lehigh valley. you can see south of allentown. south of 78. maiden creek moving south of allentown looking at some of those downpours as well so once again northeast philadelphia moving into sections of burlington county we have the flood advisory there for ponding run off also toward sections of the lehigh valley. so over the next self days, it's going to be hot and humid. pop up showers and thunderstorms right through the first part of the weekend. not a wash out it looks like much of the the rainfall will occur early on saturday. so isolated downpours next several hours. overnight things settle down. tomorrow morning a dry quiet start and then take a look. boom, we get scattered showers and downpours developing again tomorrow afternoon. 90 right now in trenton. mid 80s atlantic city. 87 degrees in reading. some locations are rain cooled temperatures tonight upper 60s low 70s. the rain will diminish but partly cloudy skies and more humid. for tomorrow, 90 degrees those afternoon pop-up showers. and tropical downpours. down the shore looking pretty good. we should stay dry. maybe an outside chance of isolated thunderstorm but low 80s and cooler down the shore with that seabreeze. the weather authority seven day forecast showing 90 tomorrow. 90 on thursday. upper 80s on friday. friday night into saturday watching that cold front temperatures the weekend only in the low 80s. back over to you. >> all right. thank you scott. today felt good. okay. it felt like real football. >> finally. >> finally. some real football going on. guys put on the pads, started tackling guys to the ground. today was one of three days the team is expected to do that. listen to why doug pederson said these practices are so so important. that's coming up next in sports. ♪ fios is not cable. we're a 100% fiber optic network. and with the new fios gigabit connection... you get our fastest... internet ever. with download speeds up to 940 megs - 20 times faster than most people have. switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for $79.99 a month online for the first year. plus hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for two years, all with a two-year agreement. and switching has never been easier. get out of your contract with up to a $500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. go to ♪ finally felt like real football today. no more running around in shorts. no more two hand touch. the guys put on the pads and started hitting. there's no better sound in sports than the pads cracking. >> hut. >> oh, yes. >> oh y. >> the guys were flying around and hitting and one of the stand out today's was tim brought here to be tough, physical and he stopped a couple of guys cold in the run game today. head coach doug pederson said he wants to have three practices like this and today he talked about why it's so important to have them. >> this is like the earl part of the season. september and sometimes even october, you know, you're in the heat of the day, and you're playing those 1:00 o'clock games or in our case week two at noon in kansas city it's going to be 90 plus. so these are great days to condition the guys and to see the mine set of the football team. >> after practice rodney mc loud and malcolm jenkins doing extra work with the defensive backs on tackling drills. mcleod message to the young guys today -- was simple. >> make sure you bring it. [ laughter ] >> bring that intensity, man. i think we always stress on defense schwartz says defense sets the tone n our room we try to emphasize that. don't let the offense set the tone. we set it especially as safeti safeties. we dictate what goes on. >> guess who had one of the top selling jerseys in the league. the quarterback. carson wentz from beginning of march to the end of may carson had the 12th highest selling jersey in the nfl that's higher than can cam newton, fifty one miller and ben roethlisberger. check out the top five. tom brady of course number one. dak, seek and shout out to my man i'm only here so i don't get fined. marshawn lynch. five. the phillies have been oh a role in the second half of the ten and six sin the all star break and won five in a row. they're trying to continue that momentum against the angels out in anaheim. check this out white sox game this is the definition of team work. look at this. hoe azar coming all the way up from first to try to make the catch. he can't make it but pops it right into his boy's hand allen hanson check this out. that's team work a little bit of football. >> exactly that's what we need. couldn't make the over hand catch the guy was right there to make it for him. >> there you go. >> team work. >> team work. pads, hitting. >> cracking i like the doug pederson. >> thank you coaches. we appreciate it. join us tonight for fox 29 news at 10:00. i want to you take very good look at that cow. does she look like anyone you know perhaps? i know who it looks like. turns out her resemblance to famous rock star is saving her life. you guys know what i'm talking about here, come on. the stroke of luck that means this little cow will happily grow old. all the details tonight at 10:00. that does it for us here at 6:00. i'm an old-fashioned rocker of course. >> justin beiber, is that who it is. >> no. >> have a great night. i witness is up next. pro-tip: chop all your veggies for the week at once. super pro-tip: buy your veggies pre-chopped. boom. the best food at amazing prices, giant. giant has unbelievable pro tip produce prices. : so you'll never have to choose between your favorites. i thought i was your favorite. take a fresh look at giant's produce prices. (iwitness jingle) (audience applauding) - welcome to iwitness, i'm john henson. this is the only game show where the answer to every question is right in front of your eyes. if they pay close enough attention, one of our contestants could win $20,000 dollars. (audience cheering) let's meet 'em now. jordan, danielle, and maria, thank you guys for being here. jordan, where are you from? - i'm from australia. i'm a rock climber, and that's one of the reasons, yeah, a few australians in the house. one of the reasons why i moved to america was because australia's so flat. i need something to rock climb. - alright, well stay out of nebraska. (audience applauding) danielle, what do you do for a living? - i own my own cake business. it kinda started as a fluke. i made a girlfriend a cake shaped out of lipstick, and it's been taking off. - alright, good for you! maria, tell me about yourself. - i am from south philly. - oh. - so, i was always, yeah! (laughing) - [john] you can get a ride home. - right, right? so, i was a break dancer back in the day, and i really loved it, but now, you know, i don't get out. i haven't been able to pop lock, so you know what i do? i go to the gym and i pop lock all over the gym. - yeah, bust a little move for us, let's see it. oh! i love it. you're a fly mom. good luck to all of you guys. it's time to play iwitness. (audience applauding) our first round is called what just happened? i'm gonna show you guys video clips from all over the world, and then i'm gonna ask you questions about those clips. each question will be worth $100 dollars, but if you ring in with a wrong answer, your opponents will have once chance to steal. everybody understand? - yup. - yes. - alright, in our first clip, true terror comes in the form of a cuddly little dog. are you ready? - yes, ready! - yes. - are you set at home?

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