Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20170118 : compareme

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20170118

that's what patco blames anyhow. good evening i'm lucy noland. patco says it's work to go fix the issues but riders are frustrated. very from the frustrated. fox 29's dave kinchen is live at the patco station in collingswood. dave? >> reporter: lucy, patco riders had to deal with handful of cancellations for the evening rush home and we can tell you crews are work to go try to make fixes and not only that, they've had to pull some cars off to do the job. computers between south jersey and philadelphia this morning riders noticed. >> shale they'll shoot up again the window. kind of weird. things going on with it. >> reporter: flashes on the tracks coming along with train delays and cancellations yet again. >> schedule is like well posted but sometimes it just totally doesn't come when it's supposed to or, um, or it's just like minutes late. some trains are just absent report roar social media slammed with images like these standing room only in many train cars with platforms packed, too. >> there's like sometimes 150, 200 people crammed up there waiting for train which i think is crazy. some people don't even make the train haven't to wait for the next one that comes by which is crazy to me. >> reporter: the dulty's vary from commuter to commuter. >> it's been okay, but it's been -- they've been like running like just a little behind. but as far as the service and the ride, they're fine. >> reporter: delaware river port authority which runs patco operations officials say the system has been be delved by equipment problems since winter storm earlier this month causing snow and moisture to short out the traction motors. >> i've been assured that morning's rush hour was much better. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: that remains to be seen. maintenance crews were at work today but commuters say they want bigger changes. >> i feel like it's getting a little kind of like run down maybe could use some improvement that is kind of thing. >> reporter: patco officials say the moisture on the tracks is what caused the sparks. it's not yet clear when the repairs will be completed. back to you. >> all right. thank you very much, dave. on to your fox 29 weather authority. live look at the ben franklin parkway. quite a few people out probably, you know, it's a nice night out there to enjoy it soak it all in. let's take live look at the radar this tells the story. it's clear. who knows you may actually wait to pack your lunch and eat it outside tomorrow. i know that meteorologist kathy orr loves doing that. >> um-hmm. outside. tomorrow the best day of the week to be outside by far the skies cloudy right now. but they will be clearing during the overnight. look at the temperatures. 35 in the poconos. but 47 in philadelphia and millville. dover at 48 degrees which is still 8 degrees above normal at this late afternoon hour. during the evening temperatures will be slowly falling with that cloud cover. 44 at 9:00 o'clock, 11:00 o'clock 42 degrees. still really mild with this clearing skies temperatures will be warming up during the day tomorrow. as we look ahead the sun returns. we have a very active weather pattern over the neck several days. but temperatures running well above normal at least for the next week then some bigger changes on the horizon. we'll talk more about that coming up later in the broadcast. i'll see you then. >> thank you very much, kathy. philadelphia police are looking for guy who broke into center city bar and walk out with the cash register happened on the night of december 13th on 200 block of south 12th street. but they're just now releasing this video. you can see him force open that back door. once he got inside he grabbed the drawer from the cash register and some other stuff. investigators say he has a tattoo on his right forearm. if you know anything about it give them a call. amazing story out you have west philadelphia. a family was fast asleep when a fire broke out in their home. tonight they have a very special hero to thank for saving their lives. fox 29's dawn timmeney joins us live in the studio with the story of their guardian angel dog. >> lucy it happens a lot more than people think. dogs and cats saving their owners lives. in this case, the four legged hero saved seven family members who were sound asleep when that fire broke out. meet jack this shy one an half-year-old lab german shepherd pup at a lifesaver. >> if it wasn't for him we wouldn't be here right now. >> this boy alerted his family to fire in their west philadelphia home early this morning. >> the first thing they said to us when we got on scene was, this dog saved our life. he's a hero. he saved our family. >> reporter: read paw emergency row left the red cross for animals temporarily taking care of jack while his owners find housing. it was jack that let them know the family home of more than 30 years in the 1400 block of north alden was on fire. >> jack was very strum mental in waking up the mother licking her face and barking and he stood by the daughter and he started licking her face, and he would not leave the room until they actually was aware of what was going on. >> i'm glad he was there at the time because i could have lost my daughter and her tame. >> reporter: the fire broke out in the second floor back bedroom as everyone slept. >> tried to open the door and the flames just shot out and to my face. roar. >> reporter: there were seven people at home including three children. everyone made it out safely thanks to this guy. >> this dog going to get the royal treatment when you get back on your feet. >> oh y. >> in the meantime this loyal dog is missing his family. >> you can tell. they love him and he loves them. so, um, we're hoping to get them back home together real soon. >> he saves saved out of lives. he definitely did. >> that's a good boy. read paw emergency relief usually have displaced pets for couple of days to week while the family gets back on their feet. i have a feeling lucy jack will be getting a nice big bone when he gets back home. >> absolutely. hopefully it will be soon. you can see he's looking around going where is my mom and dad. >> he's missing them. >> thank you very much, dawn. president obama is taking the final lap of his presidency. today just two days before he leaves the white house he gave his last news conference as president. he spoke about a wide range of topics from the tensions in the middle east to defending his decision to commute the sentence of chelsea manning the army intelligence analyst convicted of leaking 700,000 classified documents to wikileaks. the president also talked about the voting rights in the country by challenging claims that voter fraud is a problem and saying the history of restricting voting rights is rooted in discrimination. >> the reason that we are the only country among advanced democracies that makes it harder to vote is it traces directly back to jim crow, and the legacy of slavery, and it became sort of acceptable to restrict the franchise. and that's not who we are. >> president-elect trump plans to nominate a new justice to the supreme court that has redistricting and voter id cases ahead. we're now just two days away from the presidential inauguration as we have been telling you. and philadelphia will most definitely have a president presence in washington, d.c. here's the first troop philadelphia city calvary leaving for the nation's capital today from the fort indian town gap. they're one of about three dozen groups across the country headed to the inauguration. they'll have two missions. the first is guarding the parade and then joining in the parade. meanwhile, final preparations underway in d.c. before the big festivities kick off. organizers are transforming the national mall to prepare for the expected crowds and fox's matt ackland is live in pennsylvania -- on pennsylvania avenue in d.c. with more on what is happening. matt? >> reporter: hi, lucy. washington, d.c. is the place to be for the next couple of days. we've got the inauguration and we have the huge women's march as well. i'm right here along pennsylvania avenue as you said this is one of my favorite spots freedom please sam look down the street here pennsylvania avenue where donald trump will walk up this way. his hotel is on the right. and then capitol hill a little bit further as you can see. right here in freedom plaza you can see all the preparations that have taken place. they're up all over washington d.c. got the bleachers in place as well. s you might imagine so many security precautions in place. already start today a lot of parking restrictions. you see these huge barriers that you actually can look through. but you stand behind. that is to protect the president and other dignitaries that will be here. but one word of advice if you are coming to d.c., hopefully you have a hotel thats close and you can walk to the national mall. but make sure that you use maistries transit. coming into this area trying to park near the national mall it's simply not going to happen. they've just basically closed down all of the parking and then starting tomorrow a lot of the streets in and out of this area will be shut down. it really is going to be a security lock but if you're coming and you're just a pedestrian you really want to enjoy it, you'll be just fine. it's going to be a great couple of days. live in washington dc, matt ackland, fox fox5 fox5 -- 29 ne. >> fox 29 has you covered for the inauguration. we are live in washington, d.c. starting with the festivities tomorrow night and all day friday with "good day philadelphia" early in the morning. through the swearing in ceremony and on into our 11:00 o'clock news. you can watch us on air streaming online and on your phone. so many ways to join us. controversy tonight over a message from the philadelphia fraternal order of police. this is a tweet certainly out directed at philadelphia district attorney seth williams. the tweet says, help wanted for williams position. then at an event late today the fop, well, handed out these lawn signs with the same message. just yesterday the da reached a settlement with the city's board of ethics to pay a record $62,000 fine for hiding gifts he received. both the district attorney's office and william's personal campaign spokesman told us they're not commenting. not exactly a smooth pair of criminals. what happened to these guys as they tried to steal phones from a south street store. new jersey governor chris kiss tee says he has a very good reason for not moving to washington. he said he had to listen to the boss and it's not president-elect donald trump. sean bell. lucy, almost time for the phillies to get back to work. the guys are headed to spring training next month and today pete mackanin talks about his expectations for this season. that's coming up later in sports. hello, peco. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we created internet that doesn'make you wait. introducing fios instant internet. it means you can download a video just like that. or upload your photos like this. or this. or that. it's the only 750 meg internet available to millions, with uploads as instant as downloads. we took internet speed and completely reinvented it, introducing fios instant internet. internet the way it should be. in queen village police are looking for a pair of not so smooth criminals these two men walk into verizon store on the 300 block of south street just before 4:00 on january 3rd, tried to quickly make off with a couple of display phones. well that floor -- down they go. down they go. that floor must have been polished up because you saw what happened after they grabbed the phones. they still get away. if you recognize these guys at all, give police a call. new jersey governor chris christie is just spelling assumptions that president-elect trump did not offer him a job in his cabinet despite christie's avid support on the campaign trail. the governor now says he's turned down several jobs in the trump administration because his wife refuses to move to washington. on the radio this morning wfa christie said the administration did not offer him a job that was exciting enough to uproot his family. he still has teenagers at home and christie is in his final year as governor. now, during that same radio interview the governor decided to take few digs at our eagles. eagles fans. christie of course is a long long-time outspoken cowboys fan. this video set off a twitter fire storm for eagles fans two years ago. that's the new jersey governor, of course, that bright orange sweater in the box hugging cowboys owner jerry jones. after a big win. it made eagles fans furious. and today, talking about his beloved cowboys, christie took yet another swipe at the eagles. >> the hostility i will tell you that i, n i take for being a cowboys fan and i say to giants fans and eagles fans, eagles fans got to understand a little more the eagles do suck and they've sucked for long time. >> they do. >> and their fans are generally angry awful people. >> i agree. [ laughter ] >> oh, no. >> generally angry awful people. >> really? [ laughter ] >> christie's cowboys are spending the weekend by the way governor of the nfc championship the same as the eagles. they're at home. all right. bought a lotto ticket in pennsylvania check it out. three people hit the largest ever cash5 jackpot. they bought those winning tickets allegheny county. sunoco in allentown. all tickets match all five balls which are three, four, 12, 15 and 39. they're each taking home more than $666,000. kathy? you heard what he said. my goodness gracious. i mean i'm about as hot as the weather is going to get. [ laughter ] >> does he know half the fans live in new jersey and most of the players live in new jersey? >> i know. >> i know. >> i mean i think the coach lives there, right? >> to shame, to shame. let's take look outside. change the subject. shall we? yeah. let's take look at this parkway looking good. looking busy looking dry tonight and that is stage one. the next step is going to be bringing the sunshine back and that will happen tomorrow. right now the temperature 47. the high today 49. winds out of the north at 8 miles an hour. temperatures pretty stable out there witness cloud cover. 46 in reading. 43 in trenton. 42 in wrightstown. down the shore in atlantic city that's at the airport it is 44 degrees in wildwood it is 47. as we take a wider look you can see somewhat colder air to the north through new england and the northeast through new york state but not all that cold. i mean high temperatures in the 30s that's pretty comfortable for this time of year. so we'll watch the cloud cover give way to clearing skies overnight tonight and tomorrow sunshine at 7:00 a.m. and then as you head out the door increasing sunshine. it will continue through the afternoon. so really pleasant day with temperatures at least 10 degrees above normal. we'll watch this bermuda high setting up off the coast. this a summer like set up but not summer like temperatures. more like spring temperatures with that southerly flow kicking in to the delaware valley for the next several days in the seven day every single day at least 10 degrees above normal. temperatures overnight 35 in the city. 32 in the suburbs. clearing skies and cool. during the day tomorrow the high 53. just a really nice day to be outside. trying to for walk. walk the dog. eat outdoors. mostly sunny pleasant and the key will be a light win out of the northwest at just just 5 miles an hour. for inauguration day, for your friday in washington dc, on and off showers through the morning and into the afternoon. the temperature midday will be around 48 degrees. on your seven day forecast from the weather authority, friday morning sun, some afternoon clouds. a chance of an afternoon shower. saturday mid 50s, sunday 53. still a chance of a shower and that will continue monday rain is likely. tuesday a few showers and then we break out of it on wednesday. the high temperature 56 degrees next wednesday with mostly sunny skies. take a look at this. this is the eight to 14 day outlook. january 24th through january 28th we're pushing toward the end of the month. temperatures staying above average. so a better chance of rain through the end of the month than snow. but watch out. i think february is going to be much different. we'll zen it over to you. >> thank you very much, kathy. sean bell and i sitting here talking about chris christie. [ laughter ] >> really? i can't even say what i just said about him on air. >> because you're generally awful and angry person. good really? >> like the rest of us eagles fans. >> really? it doesn't look like he work out his entire live. >> okay. >> all right. we'll get to that later. let's get to actually phillies news. that's right. phillies. they're back. at least they'll be back next month. manager pete can nan non honest and realistic about his expectations of team this season. sixers getting ready to face toughest test in 2017. the guys talk about what a win to the raptors would mean to this team's confidence that's coming up next in sports. ♪ the sixers are red hot right now. well at least red hot for sixers standards. they they won six out of their last eight games and energy in the wells fargo center has gone through the roof. but now they're going to get toughest test to date during this streak. toronto raptors the second best team in the east and really the only team that can compete against the cavs. win tonight will go long long way for the team's confidence. >> program that's been built over number of years that have had a consistency a core group. you know i think dwayne has done a heck of a job and he's been around trying to lead that charge and so they're real bench mark for us. >> this is the best team we played in these 10 game especially -- we can get this w it would be big for us, being they're an elite team. >> guess what? baseball is almost back. feels like it just ended phillies heading to clearwater florida next month for spring training and today manager pete mackanin was very realistic with his expectations for this team this year. >> my goal is to play 500 during the course of the season. i don't want to set goal too high because i want to be fair to everybody and i feel like if we can -- we can play 500 and spring it into the first part of august where the guys start re really gelling i think we could be in the hunt f we get to that point. >> i think we're going to contend. we definitely want to contend, and, you know, play as late as we can during the season and obviously, you know, we want to win a world series and that's always going to be goal. >> congratulations to jeff bagwell tim rains and evan rodriguez weighing baseball hall of fame class of 2017. steroid guys still not getting in even though, well, they have a little suspicion with these guys right here. but they let them in any way. college basketball villanova try to keep that number one spot this saturday as they take on providence. right here on fox 29. tip off time around noon. and really? i still got go back to -- really? really dude? half the people in your state of new jersey are eagles fans. >> hello? >> hello. >> it's true. >> kathy orr. perhaps kathy orr said it. i'm guessing to night we can expect a commentary for you on this. >> come on. >> that does it for us here at 6:00. >> we're mad. >> he's still going. we'll see you back here at 10:00. have a great night. inside edition is up next. a fitness buff, youth baseball coach-and lung cancer patient. the day i got the diagnosis, i was just shocked. the surgeon in dallas said i needed to have the top left lobe of my lung removed. i wanted to know what my other options were. and i found that at cancer treatment centers of america. at ctca, our experts examine a variety of therapies, treatments and technologies to identify a plan specifically for each patient. my doctor understood that who i am was just as important as what cancer i had. we talked about options. my doctor told me about a robotic surgery that was less invasive. we have excellent technology that allow us to perform very specialized procedures for patients who have lung disease. at ctca, it's all about what you can do. i feel fantastic now. exploring treatment options is at the heart of how we fight cancer. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more about our treatment options at appointments available now. they're alive. two sisters who vanished three decades ago. >> i just wanted to make sure my children are okay, they're safe and i get the know them. >> and that other extraordinary case. what she's saying today about the woman who abducted her when she was just eight hours old. then -- >> proud to be an american. >> inauguration count down. but where is melania? >> the first lady to be skips the big bash. plus, the hottest looks for the balls. and blow back. >> did she call herself the hardest working 23-year-old to ever walk on earth. plus, shocking yoga twins' secret revealed. while he was dating one twin did the other twin try to seduce him? >> i get woken up.

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