Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20160226 : compareme

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20160226

25 miles per hour gust currently as we move toward the pocono mountains. temperatures today were below average. 40 degrees. that was it for the high temperature. the normal this time of year is 47. it is going to be cold out there tonight for friday evening plans. already below freezing in the poconos and in the 20's. 33 in pottstown. 36 degrees right now in millville. but factor in some of the winds and pretty much area wide right now it feels like the mid to upper 20s. so definitely bundle up for your friday evening plans. overnight low temperatures right around 26 in the city. 21 degrees in the suburbs. however, as we move toward the upcoming weekend, temperatures will soar. we'll talk about a stretch of potential 60s dawn and chris with th the seven day forecast coming. >> 2016 from rivals to political pals a move few saw coming new jersey governor christie endorses donald trump for president. he made the announcement today at a rally in fort worth, texas. it's a powerhouse endorsement that said to be stunning the republican establishment. >> and there is no one who is better prepared to provide america with the strong leadership that it needs both at home and around the world than donald trump. >> i think chris christie has much positive going for him right now. i don't know if an endorsement really that good for trump. >> his chances are just as good as anybody else, but i don't think he's a good guy a good candidate to be president. >> the big endorse many comes for days before super tuesday when voters in 12 states head to the polls. happening now, the search for vandals in delaware. police there say three teens went on an expensive crime spree early this morning. they slashed the tires on close to 20 cars. the trio did the damage early this morning in the city of new castle and that's where fox 29's bruce gordon is live tonight. not something you want to wake up to, bruce. >> reporter: absolutely not. folks in that new castle neighborhood tell me they have never before seen this kind of vandalism. three block or so stretch in which just about every vehicle parked curb side was attacked with some kind of 95 or other puncturing tool. vehicular victims of the vandalism rampage were hitched up and hauled away from west 11th, 12th and juniper streets like wreckage from a battlefield. we found vincent, removing two punctured tires from this father's car. >> what goes through your mind as you're doing this work? >> i can't say that. it's a shame. the neighborhood really went downhill. >> reporter: new castle police say the vandalism played out overnight in this working class neighbor. >> around 1:35 a resident of juniper street saw three teenaged males in the area by a county police car slashing a tire. >> reporter: the teens ran off before they can be caught, but by morning's light the extent of their crimes was evident. 18 vehicles damaged. with some losing two, three, even all four tires. three of kelly hin son's vehic vehicles saw tires punctured. >> it max you angry these kids are roaming around 1:30 at nig night. >> yeah. where are their parents. >> heather heather s ford taurus lost two tires. >> it's bad. they have no regard to anybody else. i don't see what they get out of it. >> reporter: three of bob nash's vehicles were hit. his guard dog breezy asleep in the window was of little help. >> never barked. >> reporter: dog never barked. >> dog never bark. >> he bark when we arrived. >> he bark all the time. >> not when the tires were slash. >> no, that's what he's getting paid for. >> bob has motion sensitive security lights at his place on west 11th. he bought but never installed security cameras. >> i kind of put the off because i've been here 17 years. i grew up in this area. so nothing like this has ever happened in this neighborhood before. so -- >> reporter: now you'll put it in? >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: new castle police say they do have leads on the entities of the three teenaged vandals. they also have some security camera footage from the neighborhood. though they are looking for some clearer images. if you have any information on this crime spree call police. dawn? >> all right, bruce, thank you. developing news tonight out of northeast philadelphia. caught on camera, police say they've nab the man who tried to burglarize the our lady calvary church poor box. officers waiting for the suspect -- suspected thief when their guy arrived they jump right into act. >> our karen hepp tells us the church has been the target of a thief before. >> reporter: lots of officers were will have stake out they're trying to catch a suspect but in this case, the officers actually went to mass and prayed. this is pretty up usual case. with excellent results. here's what the thief was after. the money in the offering or poor boxes. he'd already hit up the our lady of calvary church several time. they decided to get some camer cameras. >> over the last week or so it's been always every night. very frustrating. i decided to go out and purchase video cameras. i installed the one outside. >> reporter: they caught the guy on video now they want the to catch the guy red handed two anniversary from the eighth district decided to hideout in the church and prayed. they even went to mass. it took two days but last night they got him. >> both myself and officer yanko ducked down behind the organ. we heard the keys rattling. observed the gentleman walk in and we waited until we observed him prying open the poor box. and that's when we, you know, swooped in. >> reporter: here they are on surveillance video catching the suspect. 28-year-old william sides on the steps. investigators say he's a had a bitch tal drug user. in the surveillance video, they discovered he had a key. now thanks to some good old-fashioned detective work and a good number of prayers, the suspect is off the streets. >> if they're willing to steal from a church and the priest last night said it to the guy, if you would just came to us we would have gave you the money. if they would steal from the church they'll steal from everybody. we took it personal to get that guy off the street. >> now that suspect is off the street. karen hepp fox 29 news. >> emergency crews spent the afternoon monitoring cash mocks levels in several buildings in coatesville, chester county. they were called to the 200 block of east chestnut street to investigate reports of co in self buildings knowledge word op a cause. we're told no one was taken to the hospital. of course it is important to have co detectors and smoke alarms in your homes. today the philadelphia fire department went door to door north philadelphia installing smoke detectors today. councilman kenyata johnson was part of the distribution on the 2500 block of south 18th street. the lithium battery smoke detectors will last for 10 yea years. police in kutztown have charged an 18-year-old philadelphia man with stabbing a kutztown university student over the weekend. the man charged is not a student at kutztown but they have not yet released his identity. he's charged with attempted murder. that stabbing happened early saturday on the unit block of noble street. the victim is still hospitalized in serious condition. the humane society is now offering a reward for information that leads to an arrest and conviction of whoever stuffed a dog in a suitcase and left it to die. authorities making that gruesome find last week in chester, delaware county. according to investigators, the dog had been dead for quite sometime. but they believe the dog was placed in the suitcase alive. and died after desperately trying to get out. the humane society now posting a $5,000 reward for whoever is behind the crime. beautiful new piece of artwork now has a new home inside the philadelphia museum of art. edward hoppers road in trees is about one of 50 work of the inner loop art donated by the late phil lon throw pit daniel deitrich the second. the museum already has prints and drawings of hoppers but this is their first hopper paining. deitrich lived in chester county and died last year. he also left the museum a $10 million endowment. all new at 6:00, hopping the turn style at the septa station could land you in handcuffs or flat on your face. the painful lesson this guy just learn. also new at 6:00 local police officer gets a surprise for going above and beyond and he's not the only one. who is benefiting. tom. >> chris, villanova getting ready for a tough marquette team tomorrow afternoon. ahead in sports, why wednesday's loss to xavier has jay wright a little more concerned than usual. ♪ ♪ congratulations, you're mcdonald's all star. (applause). >> special honor today for one of camden county police officers mcdonald's recognizing lieutenant is a keep james and late k9 partner officer zero for hard work. part of the fast food leap day celebration. lieutenant james and k90 used to visit the ronald mcdonald house of south jersey when zero would catch the bad guy, he enjoyed some chicken mcnuggets. >> when we set out to do our job, we never went out for accolades. we just went out to do the job and do the best job we can to protect the citizens of the city of camden. >> lieutenant james still wears zero's ashes around his neck. james was also presented with a $500 gift he donated directly to the ronald mcdonald house of south jersey. >> good guy. >> absolutely this video making the rounds online. a man jumping a septa turn style apparently trying to avoid paying his fare. >> but septa officials say it shows the crime that is no laughing matter. fox 29's bill anderson takes a closer look. ♪ >> reporter: our passenger coming to ride the subway but he's decided not to pay. when septa police chief saw video of a man trying to jump the turn style he posted it to twitter and publicly called him out. now the chief clearly had fun with the video but he also had a message for the riding public. >> miss calculation on entry high five to the person paying. and then gives the crawl method. much easier, much easier to pay $2 and 25 cents. >> video shows the man who chief nestle speculates may have had a few drinks. possible inn tock indication created an interesting dilemma. loo. >> look. he may have had a cocktail or two and i strongly recommend that when you have a cocktail or two, you take the system instead of driving. much rather you see take the subway than driving a car down broad street. but pay. >> posting the video to social media serves two purposes. the chief admits it was entertaining but also wants people to understand that their surveillance cameras in numerous locations in septa stations. relatively minor crime really worth both the legal trouble and embarrassment? >> i figure i'd share it and continue to try to get that message across that $2 and 25 accepts pay. otherwise you'll be on video. >> fair jumper in this video was caught further down the line and now face as $300 fine and widespread exposures and embarrassment all to save $2 and 25 cents. >> our friend gets caught downstream. we catch them all. >> as the chief says they catch them all. this fair hopper didn't even get off the train. they caught him as he was trying to get off the train at the next stop. now all jokes aside, the chief is making it very clear that this is not a game. you will get caught and you will face consequences. in the newsroom, i'm bill anderson, fox 29 news. and back to your fox 29 weather authority now. boy, was eight blustery cold d day. >> yes, i think it's getting a little better scott. fill us in. >> we're talking about 60 degrees by the end of the upcoming weekend but it is going to be cold. those winds will diminish overnight. but bundle up if you're stepping outdoors. 38 degrees right now but look at the northwest wind, 18 miles per hour. so feels like temperatures in the upper 20s. area wide right now, it's chilly we're looking at 33 in lancast lancaster. 33 in pottstown. we have 36 degrees right now in millville. upper 30s once again in philadelphia. open colder as we move a little farther to the north take a look at syracuse 22 degrees. 32 freezing in boston but the cold air that is going retreat over the next several days. and that will allow for milder air to really move into our area. it's going feel more like early april as we move toward sunday into early next week. high pressure will stay to the south. so things will be dry and quiet. but you get that clockwise wind flow around high pressure and that means winds will come out of the south and west and look at those temperatures as we surge over the next several da days. tomorrow right around average but look at sunday. 13 degrees above average. 16 degrees above average as we move toward monday with high temperatures making it into the low 60s. temperatures for tonight, though, it will be cold in the burbs. 21 degrees. 26 degrees in the city. then for tomorrow, mostly sunny, not as blustery. winds out of the west five to 10 miles per hour with high temperatures once again into the mid 40s. so let's plan out your saturday. if you have breakfast plans temperatures will be in the upper 20s by lunch time. thirty nine degrees. mid 40s during the early afternoon time frame. by dinner if you're stepping out early temperatures will be around 40 degrees. that seven day forecast will show you the rapid warmup. take a look at saturday, 45. 60 degrees on sunday. and then look at monday. 63 degrees. 60 on tuesday. wednesday a transitional day looking at a system that will move in to bring the threat of some rain and then colder temperatures tuesday might start out as little bit of a wintry mix. and here at fox 29 we have a very special happy birthday. daniel turns six-year-old today it's hits building day they call him dan the weatherman. he had a dream of coming to fox 29 today to check out the weather authority. he wants to be a meteorologist one day and we just want to say -- yeah you can eat it we have a special birthday cake for him that says happy birthday dan the weatherman. he likes tornadoes and wind and snow as well. >> can you make a tornado warning. >> he'll be tracking that sometime in the near future. happy birthday. give me a high five. >> all right. >> back to you guys. >> i love it. happy birthday dan the weatherman. >> he's going to steal your job. >> keep the tornadoes out but dan come back any time you want to. happy birthday to dan, guys. let's talk a little baseball as well. because another former phillie from the 2008 world series team has a new home tonight. no carl lose ruiz and ryan howard are still here in philadelphia and villanova preparing for marquette tomorrow trying to avoid something that hasn't happened since 2013. we'll talk about it next in sports. ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? 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[ screaming ] plus -- >> would you like to be the president of the united states? >> the lost donald trump interview. and he's alive. >> oh, my god. >> the wife who sees her husband for the first time since the workplace shootings. and then legendary pin-up cheryl tiegs, her scathing attack on the

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