Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 6PM 20141120 : compareme

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 6PM 20141120

why now. police describe a horrific scene. all the victims found in the same room a handgun recovered from the home. police not commenting on the children's wounds. but say the mother suffered a gunshot wound to the head. >> our troopers are trained to expect the unexpected but however crime scene like this is impossible to prepare for. >> i can tell you there was not a massive manhunt going on and the public should not be alarmed or feel threatened roar report neighbors are grief stricken. the also played with janet salvatore's grandchildren. >> they were really fun. they were very happy all the time. >> it's very sad. very sad. yes. we can't believe it. >> i've been here 15 years and this probably the most unfortunate thing that it's ever happened here. >> reporter: now investigators would not comment on whether they have ever been called to this home before. the names of the four victims are not being released as family members still need to be notified. we do know that children are school aged, middle school through early high school. a vigil is planned this evening at the tabernacle town hall. back to you guys. >> dawn, thank you. it will be another bone chilling night. we do have a little reason to be optimistic though in roar fox 29 weather authority. that's not in a few days first we got to deal with another arctic air blast. >> we keep getting teased. iain today the high temperature was 50 degrees. not as brutal, but it's going to be a shock to the system overnight and especially during the day tomorrow because reinforcing shot of colder air is moving in as a cold front pushes through the region tonight. 44 right now in philadelphia. we have 25 in pittsburgh in the teens toward minneapolis and that air mass will head in our direction overnight. the winds will be picking up and right now it's 44 degrees at the airport. you can see that camera shaking a bit. but the wind chill right now feels like 38 degrees when you factor in the west northwesterly wind now earlier today we saw winds out of the south. tumbling temperatures by 11:00 o'clock. we're looking at 30 degrees. so the arctic air returns tonight. high temperatures tomorrow stuck in the 30s. feels like temperatures will be in the 20s. but, yes, 70 degrees potentially by next week. so, yes, iain, we are optimist optimistic. that seven day forecast is coming up. back to you guys. >> talk to you then, scott. >> breaking news in the trial of a man convicted of killing a baby and her grandmother. a montgomery county judge has just ruled that the man will die by lethal injection. a jury found him guilty senten sentenced gnome death last month for the 2012 deaths of a 10 month old and her 61-year-old grandmother. tonight's decision by the judge up holding the jury's sentence. investigators say he was a friend of the victim's family and tried to kidnap the baby to get ransom money to pay off a gambling debt. >> happening now, a former philadelphia teacher's aid is under arrest. police say 29-year-old patrick cunningham sent pornographic pictures to a 13-year-old boy. investigators say he tried to reach out to the boy on facebo facebook. cunningham work at several after school programs across philadelphia. he is now in jail and is expected back in court next month. garnet valley middle schoolteacher accused of of having sex with a 15-year-old was back in court today. only fox 29 news was there as william barber headed into a glenn mills courtroom. the deputy district attorney says he waived his right to a preliminary hearing on most of the counts against him. the health and phys. ed. teacher was arrested in september accused of having sex with a student. barber is out on bail and has been given permission to see his children. >> he filed a motion requesting and was granted permission to be around his own children for this time period, but he is not permitted to be around other children and he's not permitted to interact with other children in any way and certainly to have no contact with the victim. >> barber game a fm face to many after he and his wife started a lemon shot challenge to help their daughter brielle and others battling cancer. he will be back in court next month. >> developing right now, the sex assault allegations against legendary comic bill cosby. the former prosecutor who declined to bring charges in the case against cosby nearly 10 years ago is talking about why that case was never brought. more than a dozen women have now come forward publicly accusing cosby. but the first formal claim came in 2005 in montgomery county. fox 29's bruce gordon spoke today with the man in the middle of that case and he joins us in studio. bruce? report roar lucy these recent allegations brought back frustrating memories for the man who says he was disappointed he was not in position to arrest america's favorite dad. flips of bill cosby's iconic sitcom on youtube leave lots of folks laughing but former montgomery county district attorney bruce castor isn't even smiling. >> this is the bane of every prosecutor's existence knowing somebody or believing somebody did something wrong and not being able to prosecute them. >> reporter: back in 2005, a temple university athletic staff, 31-year-old andrea couldn't stand, came forward to say cosby had drugged and groped her while the two were at his cheltenham mansion a year earlier. castor says the long delay in reporting made it many possible to gather physical evidence like hairs, fibers, dna. but the flamier da recalls his detectives interviewed cosby about the allegations. >> i thought it was evasive. he was he was trying to do everything he could to pigeon hole only things that we knew and things that could be potentially be incriminating he avoided or evaded. >> reporter: cosby through his attorney denied the allegations. he later settled a civil suit filed by his accusor. criminal charges were never filed. but says castor -- >> my gut told me that we had a criminal activity here. that he had done something wrong. >> reporter: now more than a dozen women have come forward with similar claims against the tv funny man. on november 6th interview with the associated press has surfaced in which cosby rejects questions about the accusations. >> i just wanted to ask if you wanted to respond at all about whether any of that was true. there's no response. >> then asks the no comment not be shown. and i would appreciate it if it was scuttled. >> susan buehl there are says cosby's silence is not helping his cause. >> very difficult for somebody not to address it, yes, no, it's not true, and in fact the person addressing is his attorney. coming out calling some of these accusoaccusors a liar much thatt going to do him any good at all. >> reporter: with temple's most famous alum under increasing fire the school will only confirm he remains a member of the board of trustees but students are talking. >> you have a lot of pride when you, you know, hear about that he's giving speeches for us and then these allegations come up much it's pretty embarrassing. >> reporter: netflix, tv land and nbc have all cut ties with cosby projects or programs in the wake of this scandal. but he is still scheduled to perform a comedy concert in melbourne, florida, friday night. the venue website describes cosby as quote a national treasure with the unique ability to touch people's hearts. the show is sold out. iain? >> all right, bruce, thank you. delaware state police are asking for your help to find the man they believe has robbed or tried to rob eight businesses in new castle county over the past five days. they've identified the suspect as 46-year-old john taylor. and they say the latest robbery was at a pnc bank on bay season road in new castle yesterday. if you know anything that might help catch the suspect call delaware state police. >> bucks county girl run over by a schoolbus in 2007 received very disappointing news from pennsylvania's highest court. the supreme court has ruled state law capping damage to victims of poof hundred thousand dollars does apply to ashley. pennsbury schoolbus ran her over in 2007. she lost her leg and had many other injuries. a jury awarded her $14 million but state law makes most governmental entities immune from civil liability under most casecases. her her says she's disappointed but determined to change the law. >> shoppers are showing up to support the farmers columbus market in burlington county. it's one of the garden state's shopping areas with about 65 businesses inside. tuesday's fire destroyed about a dozen of them. but the indoor and outdoor shops are open and they are hoping you'll stop on by. >> you know we're hoping people come out and know that we're open any way, and see how it goes. because it's a very family oriented place, and this is, um, a beautiful market. >> thursday thanksgiving is our biggest day. people come for years here. so thursday for thanksgiving that will be the biggest day that we'll be able to tell if the fire really affected us or not. >> i'm goining to it check it ot it looks wonderful. all of the vendors are looking out for each other. they've all been there together for years. the buildings manager plan to rebuild the area that burned down as soon as possible and investigators are still trying to figure out what caused that fire. >> a delaware driver accuse acci when cops take look at his record things get even more complicated. we'll explain. >> western new york still getting pounded by snow. what pennsylvania is doing to make it unbelievable situation just a little more bearable. scott? >> lucy, no snowfall for us. coming up i'm timing some warmer temperatures as well as some rainfall in the offing. howard? >> eagles quarterback nick foles he's injured but the players and coach talk about how he's helping the team and hear from two ex flyers being inducted into the flyers hall of fame tonight. that's coming up in sports. >> and check your phone bill. is there an extra charge you never noticed and no one -- one did you not authorize? well tonight after grace point find out the fee you may be paying >> we continue to follow a developing story that has many on edge across the country. groups nationwide including right here in philadelphia are planning rallies to respond to a missouri grand juries to' decision in the michael brown case. he was the unarmed black teen shot and killed by a white police officer in ferguson, missouri in august. the grand jury is deciding whether to indict that officer and early clues have suggested the jury will decide against an indictment. and after the violent protests we saw in august, police departments nationwide are worried about what might happen. >> tonight police in ferguson, philadelphia and around the country say they're getting ready for any potential fallout. fox's garrett tin knee is in missouri watching developments. >> reporter: grand jury's decision on whether or not to indict police officer darrin wilson in the august killing of unarmed teen michael brown is expected any day. that has the entire region on edge. >> the wound is still open. it's not closed and i'm afraid if it don't be good news from the grand jury, that we in ferguson going to be in trouble. >> reporter: the protests throughout st. louis this past week have been mostly peaceful, schools and businesses are taking extra precautions in case demonstrations get out of hand. local shops are mostly boarded up but still open for business. some gun deal less are reporting a spike in sales as fearful residents await the grand jury's dig. at king metro shooting the owner says sales jumped by almost 300% in the last three weeks. he's selling roughly 30 to 50 guns a day. >> every single person has come into the store including the one we've just sold this morning buying firearms simply because they're afraid what's doing to happen after the grand jury makes their decision. >> reporter: still fresh in the minds of the community and the nation is the violence that erupted in ferguson this summer following browns toes death. windows were smashed, stores looted, several businesses set on fire and police responded with tear gas and rubber bulle bullets. already missouri governor jay nixon declared a state of emergency and called up the national guard. law enforcement officials say with 5,000 hours of specialized training since august, they're prepared for any violence that may come if the grand jury decides not to indict officer wilson. but they are hopeful that any protests do remain peaceful. in clayton, missouri, i'm garrett tin knee, fox news. >> stair twenty eight police arrested dover man for drunk driving for the sickth time. police pulled over 49-year-old michael tucker for driving erratically on delaware state route 10. they arrested him and computer check showed he had five previous dwi convictions. some good news and bad news if you're traveling this thanksgiving. first the bad new. a will the more people will be driving during the holiday weekend. frick .3 million americans expected to go 50 miles or more from home that is the highest number since 2007 according to aaa. most of those travelers will be driving. here's got news. gas prices they're expected to continue to drop around the country. >> i love that. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. the lake effect snow machine not letting up in buffalo, new york. another snowstorm dropping even more snow as we speak. the area has received a year's worth of snow in three days, scott tells me. about 7 feet and some people are digging out from even more than that. snow weary residents not even thanksgiving we have snow weary residents are keeping an eye on a weekend warmup which could flood some areas. >> just incredible. >> it is. we've got a little bit warmer temperatures today. but we've got another cold arctic blast coming in tonight. >> yeah, moving in right now iain and lucy and temperatures, going to feel like the teens and also the 20s really the entire day tomorrow after a high temperature today of 50 degrees. ultimate doppler is dry, it's quiet across our area. but of course, many people continue to talk about this lake effect snow and take a look at ultimate doppler over the last 12 hours. you can see that steady stream of moisture just to the south of buffalo. continuing to produce that heavy snow two to 4-inches per hour. an additional one to 2 feet of snow is likely, and before all is said and done, yes, some locations just south of the buffalo area will have 8 feet snowfall totals so just unprecedented there. 35 degrees was the low temperature this morning in philadelphia. so not as. and look at the at this. we made it up to 50 degrees 4 degrees away from the normal for this time of year but it was 76 back in 1985. that was the record high temperature for today's date. but look at those temperatures already dropping into the low 30s for millville. 39 already in wilmington. we're looking at 36 in reading. as well as allentown into the 20s already for the pocono mountains. so winds earlier in the day were out of the south and west. warming us up to 50. but take look at the wind direction now. out of the north and west, and those winds will be picking up at times gusting to 30 miles per hour overnight so you'll probably hear that wind how long. winds of change and as we look at the clock by 11:00 o'clock 30 in philadelphia. 20s north and west. area wide, tomorrow morning 28 degrees in philadelphia. and then high temperatures tomorrow only in the low to mid 30s. that arctic front will be moving through. dry, no moisture associated with it. those winds of change out of the north drying down that colder air but as we move toward the upcoming weekend, saturday will be our transition day. it will be chilly but not as cold as it will be tomorrow. and then as we move toward sunday, those winds will be out of the south warming us up into the 50s. there will be a late shower chance sunday as well as into monday with some rainfall. but by monday, that jet stream moves a little farther to the north and we're looking at temperatures flirting with 70 degrees near records across our area. so for tonight, blustery, turning cold again. those winds gusting up to 30 miles per hour. and then tomorrow, 36 degrees. winds out of the north and west so bundle up. feels like temperatures tomorrow will be in the 20s throughout the and tire day. 43 degrees on saturday. so chilly but not as cold as tomorrow. and then look at sunday. mid 50s. 70 degrees on monday. 50s for tuesday and then turning chilly on wednesday perhaps a few showers. thanksgiving right now looks pretty good. and what about football at the linc. we're looking pretty good as well. cloudy with a late sprinkle. temperatures by kickoff will be in the low 50s. >> that's pretty good. >> it is good. >> especially for late november. >> it's good any time for football actually. >> looking forward to sunday. >> and in a lot of ways and the flyers they're looking forward to tonight inducting two players into their hall of fame. hear from both on their days here in philadelphia. and the eagles are getting help -- actually from the quarterback that is not playing these games. hear from the coach and the players coming up in sports. >> and president obama set to address the nation tonight on immigration at 8:00 o'clock. we of course will carry it live for you right here on fox 29. then stay tuned for new episodes of bones and grace point followed by the fox 29 new - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. ♪ >> all right. the eagles play on sunday. go into sunday' game believe it or not as an 11-point favorite against tennessee and i think they'll crush this team. each week goes by nick foles gets healthier as well. but he still helps even with his injury. nick foles was injured in the houston game on november 2nd. with a broken collarbone but he's at practice every day, not throwing, but part of the preparation and the coach and his backup thinks it's good he's around. >> he is disappointed but he doesn't show that. all he wants to do is what can we do to help us win this week? and he's been a great teammate and evening if you guys had seen more -- how mark handle it when he was the backup with him both these guys feed off each other. they always have discussions on what looks good. how they see it. >> he's a great sounding board when it comes to scheme stuff and all the experience he's had in the offense like you said, and i just really enjoy when guys get hurt the coach keeps him around instead of casting them off. >> the flyers not good stretch coming off three straight losses and that was including last it in's game playing against the rangers. to night they play minnesota. but it's a big night for another reason. big reason. tonight the flyers induct number 88 eric lindh degrees and john leclair into their hall of fame. obviously both big parts of the flyers history. there is a case whether eric lindh degrees should be in the hockey hall of fame and john leclair states his case. >> when players are getting ready to play they weren't saying oh my god i got to play against so and so, so and so. every time they had to play against eric they knew they were playing him two or three days ahead of time and they were ready. they knew he was just a dominant force out there. >> mid 90s we had extremely strong teams and it felt good to come to the rink. it felt good to be part of the club. in all facets. we had wonderful times. wonderful teammates. guys with different characters. >> nice get the flyers back in the mix because other than eagles there's no team that really has a chance to win championship. >> i love me some hockey. >> that does it for us here at 6:00. >> we'll see you back here bill cosby firestorm, now it's the incredible hulk's wife. >> deborah: what she says cosby did to her as a teenager. >> he grabbed me, pulls me like really tight to him, kisses me in the mouth, really, really rough. >> as yet another woman comes forward. >> when you were alone with him, what happened? and -- >> this morning -- >> whoopi breaks down. devastated over the death of diane sawyer's husband. then, an "inside edition" investigation. rock 'n roll memorabilia. >> check out some of the autographs. >> plus are the autographs always real? >> i wouldn't walk away, i would run away. stand by your man. >> how could country su

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Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 6PM 20141120 :

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 6PM 20141120

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why now. police describe a horrific scene. all the victims found in the same room a handgun recovered from the home. police not commenting on the children's wounds. but say the mother suffered a gunshot wound to the head. >> our troopers are trained to expect the unexpected but however crime scene like this is impossible to prepare for. >> i can tell you there was not a massive manhunt going on and the public should not be alarmed or feel threatened roar report neighbors are grief stricken. the also played with janet salvatore's grandchildren. >> they were really fun. they were very happy all the time. >> it's very sad. very sad. yes. we can't believe it. >> i've been here 15 years and this probably the most unfortunate thing that it's ever happened here. >> reporter: now investigators would not comment on whether they have ever been called to this home before. the names of the four victims are not being released as family members still need to be notified. we do know that children are school aged, middle school through early high school. a vigil is planned this evening at the tabernacle town hall. back to you guys. >> dawn, thank you. it will be another bone chilling night. we do have a little reason to be optimistic though in roar fox 29 weather authority. that's not in a few days first we got to deal with another arctic air blast. >> we keep getting teased. iain today the high temperature was 50 degrees. not as brutal, but it's going to be a shock to the system overnight and especially during the day tomorrow because reinforcing shot of colder air is moving in as a cold front pushes through the region tonight. 44 right now in philadelphia. we have 25 in pittsburgh in the teens toward minneapolis and that air mass will head in our direction overnight. the winds will be picking up and right now it's 44 degrees at the airport. you can see that camera shaking a bit. but the wind chill right now feels like 38 degrees when you factor in the west northwesterly wind now earlier today we saw winds out of the south. tumbling temperatures by 11:00 o'clock. we're looking at 30 degrees. so the arctic air returns tonight. high temperatures tomorrow stuck in the 30s. feels like temperatures will be in the 20s. but, yes, 70 degrees potentially by next week. so, yes, iain, we are optimist optimistic. that seven day forecast is coming up. back to you guys. >> talk to you then, scott. >> breaking news in the trial of a man convicted of killing a baby and her grandmother. a montgomery county judge has just ruled that the man will die by lethal injection. a jury found him guilty senten sentenced gnome death last month for the 2012 deaths of a 10 month old and her 61-year-old grandmother. tonight's decision by the judge up holding the jury's sentence. investigators say he was a friend of the victim's family and tried to kidnap the baby to get ransom money to pay off a gambling debt. >> happening now, a former philadelphia teacher's aid is under arrest. police say 29-year-old patrick cunningham sent pornographic pictures to a 13-year-old boy. investigators say he tried to reach out to the boy on facebo facebook. cunningham work at several after school programs across philadelphia. he is now in jail and is expected back in court next month. garnet valley middle schoolteacher accused of of having sex with a 15-year-old was back in court today. only fox 29 news was there as william barber headed into a glenn mills courtroom. the deputy district attorney says he waived his right to a preliminary hearing on most of the counts against him. the health and phys. ed. teacher was arrested in september accused of having sex with a student. barber is out on bail and has been given permission to see his children. >> he filed a motion requesting and was granted permission to be around his own children for this time period, but he is not permitted to be around other children and he's not permitted to interact with other children in any way and certainly to have no contact with the victim. >> barber game a fm face to many after he and his wife started a lemon shot challenge to help their daughter brielle and others battling cancer. he will be back in court next month. >> developing right now, the sex assault allegations against legendary comic bill cosby. the former prosecutor who declined to bring charges in the case against cosby nearly 10 years ago is talking about why that case was never brought. more than a dozen women have now come forward publicly accusing cosby. but the first formal claim came in 2005 in montgomery county. fox 29's bruce gordon spoke today with the man in the middle of that case and he joins us in studio. bruce? report roar lucy these recent allegations brought back frustrating memories for the man who says he was disappointed he was not in position to arrest america's favorite dad. flips of bill cosby's iconic sitcom on youtube leave lots of folks laughing but former montgomery county district attorney bruce castor isn't even smiling. >> this is the bane of every prosecutor's existence knowing somebody or believing somebody did something wrong and not being able to prosecute them. >> reporter: back in 2005, a temple university athletic staff, 31-year-old andrea couldn't stand, came forward to say cosby had drugged and groped her while the two were at his cheltenham mansion a year earlier. castor says the long delay in reporting made it many possible to gather physical evidence like hairs, fibers, dna. but the flamier da recalls his detectives interviewed cosby about the allegations. >> i thought it was evasive. he was he was trying to do everything he could to pigeon hole only things that we knew and things that could be potentially be incriminating he avoided or evaded. >> reporter: cosby through his attorney denied the allegations. he later settled a civil suit filed by his accusor. criminal charges were never filed. but says castor -- >> my gut told me that we had a criminal activity here. that he had done something wrong. >> reporter: now more than a dozen women have come forward with similar claims against the tv funny man. on november 6th interview with the associated press has surfaced in which cosby rejects questions about the accusations. >> i just wanted to ask if you wanted to respond at all about whether any of that was true. there's no response. >> then asks the no comment not be shown. and i would appreciate it if it was scuttled. >> susan buehl there are says cosby's silence is not helping his cause. >> very difficult for somebody not to address it, yes, no, it's not true, and in fact the person addressing is his attorney. coming out calling some of these accusoaccusors a liar much thatt going to do him any good at all. >> reporter: with temple's most famous alum under increasing fire the school will only confirm he remains a member of the board of trustees but students are talking. >> you have a lot of pride when you, you know, hear about that he's giving speeches for us and then these allegations come up much it's pretty embarrassing. >> reporter: netflix, tv land and nbc have all cut ties with cosby projects or programs in the wake of this scandal. but he is still scheduled to perform a comedy concert in melbourne, florida, friday night. the venue website describes cosby as quote a national treasure with the unique ability to touch people's hearts. the show is sold out. iain? >> all right, bruce, thank you. delaware state police are asking for your help to find the man they believe has robbed or tried to rob eight businesses in new castle county over the past five days. they've identified the suspect as 46-year-old john taylor. and they say the latest robbery was at a pnc bank on bay season road in new castle yesterday. if you know anything that might help catch the suspect call delaware state police. >> bucks county girl run over by a schoolbus in 2007 received very disappointing news from pennsylvania's highest court. the supreme court has ruled state law capping damage to victims of poof hundred thousand dollars does apply to ashley. pennsbury schoolbus ran her over in 2007. she lost her leg and had many other injuries. a jury awarded her $14 million but state law makes most governmental entities immune from civil liability under most casecases. her her says she's disappointed but determined to change the law. >> shoppers are showing up to support the farmers columbus market in burlington county. it's one of the garden state's shopping areas with about 65 businesses inside. tuesday's fire destroyed about a dozen of them. but the indoor and outdoor shops are open and they are hoping you'll stop on by. >> you know we're hoping people come out and know that we're open any way, and see how it goes. because it's a very family oriented place, and this is, um, a beautiful market. >> thursday thanksgiving is our biggest day. people come for years here. so thursday for thanksgiving that will be the biggest day that we'll be able to tell if the fire really affected us or not. >> i'm goining to it check it ot it looks wonderful. all of the vendors are looking out for each other. they've all been there together for years. the buildings manager plan to rebuild the area that burned down as soon as possible and investigators are still trying to figure out what caused that fire. >> a delaware driver accuse acci when cops take look at his record things get even more complicated. we'll explain. >> western new york still getting pounded by snow. what pennsylvania is doing to make it unbelievable situation just a little more bearable. scott? >> lucy, no snowfall for us. coming up i'm timing some warmer temperatures as well as some rainfall in the offing. howard? >> eagles quarterback nick foles he's injured but the players and coach talk about how he's helping the team and hear from two ex flyers being inducted into the flyers hall of fame tonight. that's coming up in sports. >> and check your phone bill. is there an extra charge you never noticed and no one -- one did you not authorize? well tonight after grace point find out the fee you may be paying >> we continue to follow a developing story that has many on edge across the country. groups nationwide including right here in philadelphia are planning rallies to respond to a missouri grand juries to' decision in the michael brown case. he was the unarmed black teen shot and killed by a white police officer in ferguson, missouri in august. the grand jury is deciding whether to indict that officer and early clues have suggested the jury will decide against an indictment. and after the violent protests we saw in august, police departments nationwide are worried about what might happen. >> tonight police in ferguson, philadelphia and around the country say they're getting ready for any potential fallout. fox's garrett tin knee is in missouri watching developments. >> reporter: grand jury's decision on whether or not to indict police officer darrin wilson in the august killing of unarmed teen michael brown is expected any day. that has the entire region on edge. >> the wound is still open. it's not closed and i'm afraid if it don't be good news from the grand jury, that we in ferguson going to be in trouble. >> reporter: the protests throughout st. louis this past week have been mostly peaceful, schools and businesses are taking extra precautions in case demonstrations get out of hand. local shops are mostly boarded up but still open for business. some gun deal less are reporting a spike in sales as fearful residents await the grand jury's dig. at king metro shooting the owner says sales jumped by almost 300% in the last three weeks. he's selling roughly 30 to 50 guns a day. >> every single person has come into the store including the one we've just sold this morning buying firearms simply because they're afraid what's doing to happen after the grand jury makes their decision. >> reporter: still fresh in the minds of the community and the nation is the violence that erupted in ferguson this summer following browns toes death. windows were smashed, stores looted, several businesses set on fire and police responded with tear gas and rubber bulle bullets. already missouri governor jay nixon declared a state of emergency and called up the national guard. law enforcement officials say with 5,000 hours of specialized training since august, they're prepared for any violence that may come if the grand jury decides not to indict officer wilson. but they are hopeful that any protests do remain peaceful. in clayton, missouri, i'm garrett tin knee, fox news. >> stair twenty eight police arrested dover man for drunk driving for the sickth time. police pulled over 49-year-old michael tucker for driving erratically on delaware state route 10. they arrested him and computer check showed he had five previous dwi convictions. some good news and bad news if you're traveling this thanksgiving. first the bad new. a will the more people will be driving during the holiday weekend. frick .3 million americans expected to go 50 miles or more from home that is the highest number since 2007 according to aaa. most of those travelers will be driving. here's got news. gas prices they're expected to continue to drop around the country. >> i love that. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. the lake effect snow machine not letting up in buffalo, new york. another snowstorm dropping even more snow as we speak. the area has received a year's worth of snow in three days, scott tells me. about 7 feet and some people are digging out from even more than that. snow weary residents not even thanksgiving we have snow weary residents are keeping an eye on a weekend warmup which could flood some areas. >> just incredible. >> it is. we've got a little bit warmer temperatures today. but we've got another cold arctic blast coming in tonight. >> yeah, moving in right now iain and lucy and temperatures, going to feel like the teens and also the 20s really the entire day tomorrow after a high temperature today of 50 degrees. ultimate doppler is dry, it's quiet across our area. but of course, many people continue to talk about this lake effect snow and take a look at ultimate doppler over the last 12 hours. you can see that steady stream of moisture just to the south of buffalo. continuing to produce that heavy snow two to 4-inches per hour. an additional one to 2 feet of snow is likely, and before all is said and done, yes, some locations just south of the buffalo area will have 8 feet snowfall totals so just unprecedented there. 35 degrees was the low temperature this morning in philadelphia. so not as. and look at the at this. we made it up to 50 degrees 4 degrees away from the normal for this time of year but it was 76 back in 1985. that was the record high temperature for today's date. but look at those temperatures already dropping into the low 30s for millville. 39 already in wilmington. we're looking at 36 in reading. as well as allentown into the 20s already for the pocono mountains. so winds earlier in the day were out of the south and west. warming us up to 50. but take look at the wind direction now. out of the north and west, and those winds will be picking up at times gusting to 30 miles per hour overnight so you'll probably hear that wind how long. winds of change and as we look at the clock by 11:00 o'clock 30 in philadelphia. 20s north and west. area wide, tomorrow morning 28 degrees in philadelphia. and then high temperatures tomorrow only in the low to mid 30s. that arctic front will be moving through. dry, no moisture associated with it. those winds of change out of the north drying down that colder air but as we move toward the upcoming weekend, saturday will be our transition day. it will be chilly but not as cold as it will be tomorrow. and then as we move toward sunday, those winds will be out of the south warming us up into the 50s. there will be a late shower chance sunday as well as into monday with some rainfall. but by monday, that jet stream moves a little farther to the north and we're looking at temperatures flirting with 70 degrees near records across our area. so for tonight, blustery, turning cold again. those winds gusting up to 30 miles per hour. and then tomorrow, 36 degrees. winds out of the north and west so bundle up. feels like temperatures tomorrow will be in the 20s throughout the and tire day. 43 degrees on saturday. so chilly but not as cold as tomorrow. and then look at sunday. mid 50s. 70 degrees on monday. 50s for tuesday and then turning chilly on wednesday perhaps a few showers. thanksgiving right now looks pretty good. and what about football at the linc. we're looking pretty good as well. cloudy with a late sprinkle. temperatures by kickoff will be in the low 50s. >> that's pretty good. >> it is good. >> especially for late november. >> it's good any time for football actually. >> looking forward to sunday. >> and in a lot of ways and the flyers they're looking forward to tonight inducting two players into their hall of fame. hear from both on their days here in philadelphia. and the eagles are getting help -- actually from the quarterback that is not playing these games. hear from the coach and the players coming up in sports. >> and president obama set to address the nation tonight on immigration at 8:00 o'clock. we of course will carry it live for you right here on fox 29. then stay tuned for new episodes of bones and grace point followed by the fox 29 new - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. ♪ >> all right. the eagles play on sunday. go into sunday' game believe it or not as an 11-point favorite against tennessee and i think they'll crush this team. each week goes by nick foles gets healthier as well. but he still helps even with his injury. nick foles was injured in the houston game on november 2nd. with a broken collarbone but he's at practice every day, not throwing, but part of the preparation and the coach and his backup thinks it's good he's around. >> he is disappointed but he doesn't show that. all he wants to do is what can we do to help us win this week? and he's been a great teammate and evening if you guys had seen more -- how mark handle it when he was the backup with him both these guys feed off each other. they always have discussions on what looks good. how they see it. >> he's a great sounding board when it comes to scheme stuff and all the experience he's had in the offense like you said, and i just really enjoy when guys get hurt the coach keeps him around instead of casting them off. >> the flyers not good stretch coming off three straight losses and that was including last it in's game playing against the rangers. to night they play minnesota. but it's a big night for another reason. big reason. tonight the flyers induct number 88 eric lindh degrees and john leclair into their hall of fame. obviously both big parts of the flyers history. there is a case whether eric lindh degrees should be in the hockey hall of fame and john leclair states his case. >> when players are getting ready to play they weren't saying oh my god i got to play against so and so, so and so. every time they had to play against eric they knew they were playing him two or three days ahead of time and they were ready. they knew he was just a dominant force out there. >> mid 90s we had extremely strong teams and it felt good to come to the rink. it felt good to be part of the club. in all facets. we had wonderful times. wonderful teammates. guys with different characters. >> nice get the flyers back in the mix because other than eagles there's no team that really has a chance to win championship. >> i love me some hockey. >> that does it for us here at 6:00. >> we'll see you back here bill cosby firestorm, now it's the incredible hulk's wife. >> deborah: what she says cosby did to her as a teenager. >> he grabbed me, pulls me like really tight to him, kisses me in the mouth, really, really rough. >> as yet another woman comes forward. >> when you were alone with him, what happened? and -- >> this morning -- >> whoopi breaks down. devastated over the death of diane sawyer's husband. then, an "inside edition" investigation. rock 'n roll memorabilia. >> check out some of the autographs. >> plus are the autographs always real? >> i wouldn't walk away, i would run away. stand by your man. >> how could country su

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