Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 6PM 20140828 : compareme

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 6PM 20140828

time to so what the background of the incident was. if the student fell and went missing or if it's a murder case. the forensics and the different, are still around the area. the area has been closed off and the investigation is continuing. >> although foul play hasn't been officially ruled out, sofer's cousin recent in a sofer is a television actress, she tweeted this out this morning. thank you all of you for your prayers. aaron's body was found today. no foul play. thank god. he had a tragic fall in the mountain much god bless him. his parents who had already been in jerusalem to aid in the search are there. they tell us his funeral will be tomorrow. he will be buried in israel as per jewish law, and an audio broadcast of that funeral will be broadcast back here to lakewood, new jersey. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, chris. happening now, new details in a wild abduction that ended with three men tossed, bound and stabbed into the schuylkill river. investigators swarmed a home in southwest philadelphia today looking for clues that could lead to an arrest. police say someone abducted those men and bound them altogether and tossed hem into that river earlier yesterday morning. two of those men died. fox 29's dave schratwieser is live at police headquarters and dave, police just wrapped up a news conference. >> reporter: within the last 15 minutes they are very confident tonight that they're close to identifying the four or five suspects they believe were involved in this brutal murder. they say this tonight. this was over 100 thus san dollars drug debt involved a local asian street gang and tonight we can tell you federal investigators are now on the case. >> look at it. >> report report call it the compound of big house surrounded by surveillance cameras on south 72nd street in southwest. there's plenty of cars, trucks and assorted items thursday it was the focus of crime scene investigators and detectives who are looking for clues to a gruesome gang related double murder. >> we are making i believe really good progress in identifying the individuals responsible for this brutal murder. >> i am surprised because, you know, they seem like they were nice people to me. just the houses were dirty. >> reporter: neighbors had didn't want their names used kept a close eye on homicide detectives and evidence teams as they swept through the yard and garages here along with a trailer across the street. they believe this could be where two asian brothers were duct taped, tortured and killed in a hundred thousand dollars alleged drug deal gone bad. third victim suffered multiple stab wounds. >> that's just sad. that's crazy. >> reporter: investigators recovered two buckets of roof settlement, similar to those used to anchor down the two bodies dumped in the schuylkill. the two still undebt tide brotherbrothers had their throa, barbaric discover row sent off a manhunt for five killers an work truck used in the slayings. >> they were beaten, their hands and feet were tied together. they were stabbed repeatedly and two of the cases their throats were slit. >> reporter: gone from the house were luxury cars scene coming and going by neighbors. some from new york. police believe this could be tied to one or more local asian gangs. the suspects are still on the run. >> it is asian gangs involved with this. we have organized crime unit working with us. we have the dea working with us. very dangerous people we're dealing with. >> now, sources tell me the third victim who was stabbed multiple times and is still in the hospital tonight was the target of an attempted kidnapping just three weeks ago in south philadelphia. tonight, there's a $40,000 reward in this case. if you have any information you should call the hmm side unit. lucy? >> all right, thank you dave. marijuana scales and more than $10,000 in cash all found inside a new castle county home. police have arrested 34 year old brett staff an know. they say they fund nearly 400 grams of pot inside his home the 2200 block of fenton drive in wilmington and he now faces multiple charges. >> there are new clues tonight in the gloucester township hit-and-run that has left a man in the hospital. police have just released video of two vehicles of interest. one is a light jeep cher row keep the other a light four door vehicle. they were both in the area when a driver hit kevin, then kept going sunday night. the 23 year old was walking across the street near the intersection of sicklerville and jarvis roads at the time of the accident. he has broken pelvis, broken shoulder and a punctured lung. if you've got any information that could help please give police a call. >> police in haverford delaware county releasing a sketch of a man who they say broke into someone's home. this happened on the unit block of grove place last night home own are in came home, found the suspect in the basement. according to investigators the suspect then took off. in word on if he got away with anything. >> new jersey lawmakers are now demanding to see phone records in their probe of the so-called bridge get scandal. they have subpoenaed at&t for the phone records of a top aid to new jersey governor christie. that aid said she teched governor christie about her testimony in december but then deleted the messages. christie says he doesn't remember ever receiving any messages. lawmakers are probing whether governor christie ordered lane closures on the george washington bridge. we are on the cusp of a mass filing for unemployment benefits in atlantic city. 5,000 workers are about to lose that are jobs. the revel and showboat closed their doors over this labor day weekend. the trump plaza closes on september 16th. the main casino workers union is now starting a resource center to help workers file for unemployment. it will run from 9:00 to 5:00 from september 3rd through the tenth at the convention center. >> half a million low income pennsylvanians are now in line to get access to federally funded health insurance. governor tom corbett' administration and you s department of health and human services just agreed to accept medicaid expansion money under the 2010 federal health care l law. the money became available last january 1st and coverage will be administered through private insurers but it has to ad here to medicaid rule. fox 29 working to get results in a messy compute between neighbors. the backyard of this home on lime kiln pike in glenside cheltenham township is piled up with all kinds of junk. or is it research equipment? that question has neighbors swab link. >> and our bruce gore didn't looking to get to the bottom of this debris dispute. i don't understand any it. >> marie says the property next to her elderly mother's home has been problem for years. she lives two doors down. >> it's just really an eye sore, a junk yard. a hazard. it's not pleasant to live next to. >> reporter: piled in the backyard of robert dee mariass long time home are lavender plants and wooden pallets window frames, tables, law equipment and other machinery most of it cloaked in tall grass and weeds. >> maria says her mom has to build a fence to block the view out back and a wall to block the view of the tools and other debris piled on his front porch. she says they're repeated complaints to cheltenham township officials have gotten them nowhere making her mother a virtual prisoner in her own home. >> you should be able to enjoy your property without having to look at all of this excess. >> my name is bruce gore didn't i work at fox 29. >> we caught up with mr. de maria and asked about his backyard. he says he's got a farming and research project underway, growing lavender and oyster mushrooms to produce ethanol fuel. he insists this rusted equipment is not junk. >> beauty is in the eye of the beholder. as a researcher she's things are very beautiful to me. >> he's in the process of moving some of the gear to friend's farm near skippack. but he bristled at our suggestion his farm was considered an eye sore by neighbors. >> are you farmer? i'm not. >> how would you know a farm if you look at one. each scene thousands of them. they would not look locate your backyard. >> he would not commit to tim table to clear out the yard. >> i'm not going to say in two weeks it's in the going to be. it's going to not be here when i'm get it up at the farm. >> the township may have something to say about all of this. township manager brian haber disputes the claim that he can under zoning rules farm on his proper. and he tells me the township will take de ma row ya to court over the weeds and the debris in that backyard. haber says cheltenham is looking to tighten its property maintenance code for all homeowners. strictor rules could mean headaches for lots of homeowne homeowners. iain. >> bruce, thank you. >> comedian joan rivers in the hospital tonight reportedly in critical condition. officials say she rush to the hospital after she stopped breathing and her heart stopped beating during surgery. the 81 year old has log a half century in show business and gave rise to red carpet commentary with that catch phrase "who are you wearing". >> scarier surprise at a local clothing store. >> a woman spots man trying to sneak a peek up the skirt of an unsuspecting shopper. and that's not all. >> a coast guard springs into action at the jersey shore. the lunch aboard this boat that ended in an emergency. howard? >> the final preseason game. so what did we look for from the backup players? well, we'll talk about that with dave spadaro coming up in sports. >> and coming up in weather, beautiful conditions tonight for football but some weather changes ahead that you need topping if you're making plans for the upcoming labor day weekend. when the heat returns and also when you might be dodging some showers and storms. >> and the new school year brings a new p.m. see for middle schoolers in one district and we are talking about random drug testing. where officials say it's necessary and who they say they're going to target. ♪ >> happening now, a warning for female shoppers in philadelphia' chestnut hill neighborhood. a woman caught a man peeping at another woman as she shopped and that has lot of women looking over their shoulders right now. fox 29's karen hepp reports from chestnut hill. >> reporter: chestnut hill very busy place it has great stores an forty-eight community. when something happens here, they're quick to warn people. so when police say there was guy taking pictures of a woman's skirt the other day, word spread fast. >> this popular consignment store carries great stuff and it's always packed. monday a 42 year old woman was shopping with her child when police say she caught a man right in the act of snapping a cell pope picture up her skirt and he ran away. >> i probably would have hit h him. >> not like violently but i would have given him little smack and told someone. >> very creepy but it agree. i don't think you just having some fun and that's it much it sounds like he's going to be quite scary. >> reporter: the business association quickly put out an alert within hours by calling the other stores to warn them about a purser. this is statement boutique. the incident didn't happen here many overall they're in the too worried but they are always vigilant among their beautiful things they have security cameras and eagle eyed staff guarding their dressing rooms. plus frankly, many are a little out of place here. >> men don't usually come in here. we don't consignment clothing men will come with their wives and sit on the couch while the wives shop. >> for warned is for armed. there isn't really fear heightened awardness and more than little annoyance. >> one of the worse parts about being a woman you have to worry about some guy he's going to be a total creeper when you're just tryining to shopping. hopefully everyone is more aware of it many they catch him quickly before he can do anything too serious. >> the police are back out here again today on this case. everyone is hoping tow catch this guy and quickly. i'm karen hepp, fox 29 news. >> the coast guard jumps into action and saves a woman from choking on a yacht. it happened wednesday near cape may harbor. the coast guard happened to be nearby when the 61 year old woman choked on her lunch. rescuers found the woman laying on the floor of the yacht and she look blue. they were able to quickly get the food out and she's doing fine tonight. >> officials in montgomery county are showing off their newest crime fighting tool. this is a night row bolt. robot' remote controlled and has cameras to help police disarm bombs and other explosives from save distance. police units in montgomery county will use it. >> let's get to your fox 29 weather authority. i thought that temperature drop today. >> you just said earlier that it was perfect today. >> i said it felt nice and scott said -- >> it dipped down little bit. >> he'll be pulling out the sweaters and the wool coat coming up tonight. because temperatures are going to be dropping. we're looking at a pretty chilly overnight temperatures will be in the 50s for some. s specially north and west with that drier air continuing to move in. end then for your friday, another dry and comfortable day. high pressure is in control. temperatures only in the lower 80s. labor day weekend though that heat and humidity will return and also we have the threat for a few scattered showers and thunderstorms. but right now satellite and radar it is dry, it's quiet. high pressure is in control. 79 degrees right now in the philadelphia area. so for your evening plans it's going to be comfortable. low humidity and those temperatures will be dropping. by 11:00 o'clock, 68 degrees. but once again overnight we're locking at those numbers north and west into the 50s. so as we watch how things play out, quiet, dry conditions for tonight. tomorrow looking pretty good as well. then saturday a few more clouds around. we should stay dry. the humidity starts to creep up a bit. but then on sunday, it's going to be hot and humid. and we'll be watching a disturbance move in by the afternoon for, yes, some scattered showers and some thunderstorms. so it begins sunday afternoon and really it continues throughout the rest of labor day weekend. as we watch the tropics right now dangerous rip currents still but as hurricane cristobal continues to pull away, by tomorrow we're looking at much improved conditions down the shore as far as those rip currents. what about the forecast over the next several days? saturday we're logging at 77 degrees for the high. low 80s sunday and monday. there could be a pop up storm sunday afternoon and especially sunday evening. monday right now a little unsettled with scattered showers and storms. but i don't anticipate a wash out. just keep an eye to the sky. the high temperature today in philadelphia made it up to 81 degrees. that's below average for this time of year. we should top out around 84. watch how the temperatures play out as we start the clock. they will be dropping it's going to be down right chilly for some tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. we're looking at temperatures in the low 50s north and west of the city. and 60 degrees in philadelphia. 50s in parts of south jersey. so you might want to grab that light jacket. by friday afternoon, 4:00 o'clock we're looking at temperatures rebounding but still below average for this time of year. 77 degrees by 4:00 in millville as well as allentown. 80 degrees in the philadelphia area. so beautiful continues for tonight. open up the windows and you can see the upcoming labor day holiday forecast showing the heat and humidity returning. iain and lucy. >> all right, scott, thank you very much. >> let's get out to the linc howard has look of what's coming up in sports. howard? >> tonight we'll take a look at some players that this game may mean something for. that will be coming up in sports. >> everyone has their favorite place to grab that slice of pizza. >> foodie website is ranking the pizza across the nation. top spot goes to place in connecticut. the three places in philly and two in new jersey made that list as well. the original taco nellie's in south philly number 82 on the list. coming in at 80 pizza brain in northern liberties. and mark vetri's, and broad street in number skate and in jersey, poppa's tow my tows pie in trenton is number 75 on that list and dee lorenzo' social security robbinsville is number 31. >> get your pizza. >> um-hmm. >> howard he is ken is live at the lingering with look what's coming up to it in for the eagles. howard? ♪ >> we got 60 minutes of football it won't be the starters but they'll be some decisions to make tonight. you got all that. the final preseason game. to help me sort all this out is dave spadaro. all right. first of all, dave, no nick foles, no mark sanchez. but matt barkley has to do what to neat to prove he's an nnl quarterback. >> put the ball in the end zone. not make mistake. he had interception problem last year. four in the three games he played. they want to is he him up tempo run the offense and beat the new york jets tonight. so it's an important game for him. >> he's probably going to play into the fourth quarter, right. i would think he would play at least three quarters. kenny is really not a factor in this three-man quarterback race but matt barkley prepared you will week he's taking all the rep much this is big moment for him. >> another area of the decision making for the eagles now matt bark lull make the team are the running backs. chris polk, michael tucker and henry josie. >> yes. >> that's tough choice. here the deal. chris polk is not going to play in the football game. so do you keep chris polk who has not played -- >> wait a minute, why isn't he playing. i don't think that hamstring is up to par. >> isn't that problem. that's big problem. he base him on what he did last year try to get him through at the practice squad put him and row serve list. moon while it will be tucker starting. josie and bar they are carrying the football for the eagle. >> out of those three who do you think makes the team. bar they are make the team. ed be your third running back and tuck consider or polk. >> it's interesting. one other quickly area that you might look at. earl wolf. is earl wolf will be to unseed nate al license with great if the ballgame tonight. i see that game by game proper zig. what about the kicking game? who is going to be the eagles kicker on september 7th when jacksonville comes to town. >> dave spadaro, thank you very much. back to you guys in the studio. >> all righty. thatching howard g no pop up showers it there. >> no. howard is safe and he has the shades on as well. >> we saw that. >> the sun is going down. nice for football tonight and then tomorrow if you have a comp day start the labor day weekend early. >> scott and the comp days. do so. 81 degrees a low humidity looking pretty good. and that labor day weekend for backyard barbeques it's going to be heating up and also we have the threat for a few scattered showers and thunderstorms especially sunday into labor day itself. >> did you design that picnic table yourself. i did. >> very nice. >> that does it for us here at 6:00. wool see you back here at 10:00. 6:00. wool see you back here at 10:00. have great nig it may seem strange, but people really can love their laxative. especially when it's miralax. it hydrates, eases, and softens, to unblock your system naturally. so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. joan rivers, fighting for her life. >> the legendary comedian reportedly stopped breathing during throat surgery. >> her daughter melissa rushes to her side. >> we're really praying for her. and then they finally did it. inside their secret wedding. >> all the details from their surprise wedding in france just revealed. >> look, he's trying to hide his wedding band. and mistaken identity. why do so many people think this girl is the 9-year-old who accidentally shot her instructor with an uzi. it's not her. plus, wait till you see what happened when this dude was playing a violent online video game.

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Skippack , Pennsylvania , Montgomery County , New Jersey , Cape May Harbor , Atlantic City , Philadelphia , Trenton , Jersey , France , Robbinsville , Connecticut , Palestinian , Pennsylvanians , Bruce Gore , Michael Tucker , Glenside Cheltenham , Dave Spadaro , Nate Al , Aaron Sofer , Matt Barkley , Henry Josie , Robert Dee , Chris Polk , Tom Corbett , Dee Lorenzo ,

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Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 6PM 20140828 :

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 6PM 20140828

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time to so what the background of the incident was. if the student fell and went missing or if it's a murder case. the forensics and the different, are still around the area. the area has been closed off and the investigation is continuing. >> although foul play hasn't been officially ruled out, sofer's cousin recent in a sofer is a television actress, she tweeted this out this morning. thank you all of you for your prayers. aaron's body was found today. no foul play. thank god. he had a tragic fall in the mountain much god bless him. his parents who had already been in jerusalem to aid in the search are there. they tell us his funeral will be tomorrow. he will be buried in israel as per jewish law, and an audio broadcast of that funeral will be broadcast back here to lakewood, new jersey. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, chris. happening now, new details in a wild abduction that ended with three men tossed, bound and stabbed into the schuylkill river. investigators swarmed a home in southwest philadelphia today looking for clues that could lead to an arrest. police say someone abducted those men and bound them altogether and tossed hem into that river earlier yesterday morning. two of those men died. fox 29's dave schratwieser is live at police headquarters and dave, police just wrapped up a news conference. >> reporter: within the last 15 minutes they are very confident tonight that they're close to identifying the four or five suspects they believe were involved in this brutal murder. they say this tonight. this was over 100 thus san dollars drug debt involved a local asian street gang and tonight we can tell you federal investigators are now on the case. >> look at it. >> report report call it the compound of big house surrounded by surveillance cameras on south 72nd street in southwest. there's plenty of cars, trucks and assorted items thursday it was the focus of crime scene investigators and detectives who are looking for clues to a gruesome gang related double murder. >> we are making i believe really good progress in identifying the individuals responsible for this brutal murder. >> i am surprised because, you know, they seem like they were nice people to me. just the houses were dirty. >> reporter: neighbors had didn't want their names used kept a close eye on homicide detectives and evidence teams as they swept through the yard and garages here along with a trailer across the street. they believe this could be where two asian brothers were duct taped, tortured and killed in a hundred thousand dollars alleged drug deal gone bad. third victim suffered multiple stab wounds. >> that's just sad. that's crazy. >> reporter: investigators recovered two buckets of roof settlement, similar to those used to anchor down the two bodies dumped in the schuylkill. the two still undebt tide brotherbrothers had their throa, barbaric discover row sent off a manhunt for five killers an work truck used in the slayings. >> they were beaten, their hands and feet were tied together. they were stabbed repeatedly and two of the cases their throats were slit. >> reporter: gone from the house were luxury cars scene coming and going by neighbors. some from new york. police believe this could be tied to one or more local asian gangs. the suspects are still on the run. >> it is asian gangs involved with this. we have organized crime unit working with us. we have the dea working with us. very dangerous people we're dealing with. >> now, sources tell me the third victim who was stabbed multiple times and is still in the hospital tonight was the target of an attempted kidnapping just three weeks ago in south philadelphia. tonight, there's a $40,000 reward in this case. if you have any information you should call the hmm side unit. lucy? >> all right, thank you dave. marijuana scales and more than $10,000 in cash all found inside a new castle county home. police have arrested 34 year old brett staff an know. they say they fund nearly 400 grams of pot inside his home the 2200 block of fenton drive in wilmington and he now faces multiple charges. >> there are new clues tonight in the gloucester township hit-and-run that has left a man in the hospital. police have just released video of two vehicles of interest. one is a light jeep cher row keep the other a light four door vehicle. they were both in the area when a driver hit kevin, then kept going sunday night. the 23 year old was walking across the street near the intersection of sicklerville and jarvis roads at the time of the accident. he has broken pelvis, broken shoulder and a punctured lung. if you've got any information that could help please give police a call. >> police in haverford delaware county releasing a sketch of a man who they say broke into someone's home. this happened on the unit block of grove place last night home own are in came home, found the suspect in the basement. according to investigators the suspect then took off. in word on if he got away with anything. >> new jersey lawmakers are now demanding to see phone records in their probe of the so-called bridge get scandal. they have subpoenaed at&t for the phone records of a top aid to new jersey governor christie. that aid said she teched governor christie about her testimony in december but then deleted the messages. christie says he doesn't remember ever receiving any messages. lawmakers are probing whether governor christie ordered lane closures on the george washington bridge. we are on the cusp of a mass filing for unemployment benefits in atlantic city. 5,000 workers are about to lose that are jobs. the revel and showboat closed their doors over this labor day weekend. the trump plaza closes on september 16th. the main casino workers union is now starting a resource center to help workers file for unemployment. it will run from 9:00 to 5:00 from september 3rd through the tenth at the convention center. >> half a million low income pennsylvanians are now in line to get access to federally funded health insurance. governor tom corbett' administration and you s department of health and human services just agreed to accept medicaid expansion money under the 2010 federal health care l law. the money became available last january 1st and coverage will be administered through private insurers but it has to ad here to medicaid rule. fox 29 working to get results in a messy compute between neighbors. the backyard of this home on lime kiln pike in glenside cheltenham township is piled up with all kinds of junk. or is it research equipment? that question has neighbors swab link. >> and our bruce gore didn't looking to get to the bottom of this debris dispute. i don't understand any it. >> marie says the property next to her elderly mother's home has been problem for years. she lives two doors down. >> it's just really an eye sore, a junk yard. a hazard. it's not pleasant to live next to. >> reporter: piled in the backyard of robert dee mariass long time home are lavender plants and wooden pallets window frames, tables, law equipment and other machinery most of it cloaked in tall grass and weeds. >> maria says her mom has to build a fence to block the view out back and a wall to block the view of the tools and other debris piled on his front porch. she says they're repeated complaints to cheltenham township officials have gotten them nowhere making her mother a virtual prisoner in her own home. >> you should be able to enjoy your property without having to look at all of this excess. >> my name is bruce gore didn't i work at fox 29. >> we caught up with mr. de maria and asked about his backyard. he says he's got a farming and research project underway, growing lavender and oyster mushrooms to produce ethanol fuel. he insists this rusted equipment is not junk. >> beauty is in the eye of the beholder. as a researcher she's things are very beautiful to me. >> he's in the process of moving some of the gear to friend's farm near skippack. but he bristled at our suggestion his farm was considered an eye sore by neighbors. >> are you farmer? i'm not. >> how would you know a farm if you look at one. each scene thousands of them. they would not look locate your backyard. >> he would not commit to tim table to clear out the yard. >> i'm not going to say in two weeks it's in the going to be. it's going to not be here when i'm get it up at the farm. >> the township may have something to say about all of this. township manager brian haber disputes the claim that he can under zoning rules farm on his proper. and he tells me the township will take de ma row ya to court over the weeds and the debris in that backyard. haber says cheltenham is looking to tighten its property maintenance code for all homeowners. strictor rules could mean headaches for lots of homeowne homeowners. iain. >> bruce, thank you. >> comedian joan rivers in the hospital tonight reportedly in critical condition. officials say she rush to the hospital after she stopped breathing and her heart stopped beating during surgery. the 81 year old has log a half century in show business and gave rise to red carpet commentary with that catch phrase "who are you wearing". >> scarier surprise at a local clothing store. >> a woman spots man trying to sneak a peek up the skirt of an unsuspecting shopper. and that's not all. >> a coast guard springs into action at the jersey shore. the lunch aboard this boat that ended in an emergency. howard? >> the final preseason game. so what did we look for from the backup players? well, we'll talk about that with dave spadaro coming up in sports. >> and coming up in weather, beautiful conditions tonight for football but some weather changes ahead that you need topping if you're making plans for the upcoming labor day weekend. when the heat returns and also when you might be dodging some showers and storms. >> and the new school year brings a new p.m. see for middle schoolers in one district and we are talking about random drug testing. where officials say it's necessary and who they say they're going to target. ♪ >> happening now, a warning for female shoppers in philadelphia' chestnut hill neighborhood. a woman caught a man peeping at another woman as she shopped and that has lot of women looking over their shoulders right now. fox 29's karen hepp reports from chestnut hill. >> reporter: chestnut hill very busy place it has great stores an forty-eight community. when something happens here, they're quick to warn people. so when police say there was guy taking pictures of a woman's skirt the other day, word spread fast. >> this popular consignment store carries great stuff and it's always packed. monday a 42 year old woman was shopping with her child when police say she caught a man right in the act of snapping a cell pope picture up her skirt and he ran away. >> i probably would have hit h him. >> not like violently but i would have given him little smack and told someone. >> very creepy but it agree. i don't think you just having some fun and that's it much it sounds like he's going to be quite scary. >> reporter: the business association quickly put out an alert within hours by calling the other stores to warn them about a purser. this is statement boutique. the incident didn't happen here many overall they're in the too worried but they are always vigilant among their beautiful things they have security cameras and eagle eyed staff guarding their dressing rooms. plus frankly, many are a little out of place here. >> men don't usually come in here. we don't consignment clothing men will come with their wives and sit on the couch while the wives shop. >> for warned is for armed. there isn't really fear heightened awardness and more than little annoyance. >> one of the worse parts about being a woman you have to worry about some guy he's going to be a total creeper when you're just tryining to shopping. hopefully everyone is more aware of it many they catch him quickly before he can do anything too serious. >> the police are back out here again today on this case. everyone is hoping tow catch this guy and quickly. i'm karen hepp, fox 29 news. >> the coast guard jumps into action and saves a woman from choking on a yacht. it happened wednesday near cape may harbor. the coast guard happened to be nearby when the 61 year old woman choked on her lunch. rescuers found the woman laying on the floor of the yacht and she look blue. they were able to quickly get the food out and she's doing fine tonight. >> officials in montgomery county are showing off their newest crime fighting tool. this is a night row bolt. robot' remote controlled and has cameras to help police disarm bombs and other explosives from save distance. police units in montgomery county will use it. >> let's get to your fox 29 weather authority. i thought that temperature drop today. >> you just said earlier that it was perfect today. >> i said it felt nice and scott said -- >> it dipped down little bit. >> he'll be pulling out the sweaters and the wool coat coming up tonight. because temperatures are going to be dropping. we're looking at a pretty chilly overnight temperatures will be in the 50s for some. s specially north and west with that drier air continuing to move in. end then for your friday, another dry and comfortable day. high pressure is in control. temperatures only in the lower 80s. labor day weekend though that heat and humidity will return and also we have the threat for a few scattered showers and thunderstorms. but right now satellite and radar it is dry, it's quiet. high pressure is in control. 79 degrees right now in the philadelphia area. so for your evening plans it's going to be comfortable. low humidity and those temperatures will be dropping. by 11:00 o'clock, 68 degrees. but once again overnight we're locking at those numbers north and west into the 50s. so as we watch how things play out, quiet, dry conditions for tonight. tomorrow looking pretty good as well. then saturday a few more clouds around. we should stay dry. the humidity starts to creep up a bit. but then on sunday, it's going to be hot and humid. and we'll be watching a disturbance move in by the afternoon for, yes, some scattered showers and some thunderstorms. so it begins sunday afternoon and really it continues throughout the rest of labor day weekend. as we watch the tropics right now dangerous rip currents still but as hurricane cristobal continues to pull away, by tomorrow we're looking at much improved conditions down the shore as far as those rip currents. what about the forecast over the next several days? saturday we're logging at 77 degrees for the high. low 80s sunday and monday. there could be a pop up storm sunday afternoon and especially sunday evening. monday right now a little unsettled with scattered showers and storms. but i don't anticipate a wash out. just keep an eye to the sky. the high temperature today in philadelphia made it up to 81 degrees. that's below average for this time of year. we should top out around 84. watch how the temperatures play out as we start the clock. they will be dropping it's going to be down right chilly for some tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. we're looking at temperatures in the low 50s north and west of the city. and 60 degrees in philadelphia. 50s in parts of south jersey. so you might want to grab that light jacket. by friday afternoon, 4:00 o'clock we're looking at temperatures rebounding but still below average for this time of year. 77 degrees by 4:00 in millville as well as allentown. 80 degrees in the philadelphia area. so beautiful continues for tonight. open up the windows and you can see the upcoming labor day holiday forecast showing the heat and humidity returning. iain and lucy. >> all right, scott, thank you very much. >> let's get out to the linc howard has look of what's coming up in sports. howard? >> tonight we'll take a look at some players that this game may mean something for. that will be coming up in sports. >> everyone has their favorite place to grab that slice of pizza. >> foodie website is ranking the pizza across the nation. top spot goes to place in connecticut. the three places in philly and two in new jersey made that list as well. the original taco nellie's in south philly number 82 on the list. coming in at 80 pizza brain in northern liberties. and mark vetri's, and broad street in number skate and in jersey, poppa's tow my tows pie in trenton is number 75 on that list and dee lorenzo' social security robbinsville is number 31. >> get your pizza. >> um-hmm. >> howard he is ken is live at the lingering with look what's coming up to it in for the eagles. howard? ♪ >> we got 60 minutes of football it won't be the starters but they'll be some decisions to make tonight. you got all that. the final preseason game. to help me sort all this out is dave spadaro. all right. first of all, dave, no nick foles, no mark sanchez. but matt barkley has to do what to neat to prove he's an nnl quarterback. >> put the ball in the end zone. not make mistake. he had interception problem last year. four in the three games he played. they want to is he him up tempo run the offense and beat the new york jets tonight. so it's an important game for him. >> he's probably going to play into the fourth quarter, right. i would think he would play at least three quarters. kenny is really not a factor in this three-man quarterback race but matt barkley prepared you will week he's taking all the rep much this is big moment for him. >> another area of the decision making for the eagles now matt bark lull make the team are the running backs. chris polk, michael tucker and henry josie. >> yes. >> that's tough choice. here the deal. chris polk is not going to play in the football game. so do you keep chris polk who has not played -- >> wait a minute, why isn't he playing. i don't think that hamstring is up to par. >> isn't that problem. that's big problem. he base him on what he did last year try to get him through at the practice squad put him and row serve list. moon while it will be tucker starting. josie and bar they are carrying the football for the eagle. >> out of those three who do you think makes the team. bar they are make the team. ed be your third running back and tuck consider or polk. >> it's interesting. one other quickly area that you might look at. earl wolf. is earl wolf will be to unseed nate al license with great if the ballgame tonight. i see that game by game proper zig. what about the kicking game? who is going to be the eagles kicker on september 7th when jacksonville comes to town. >> dave spadaro, thank you very much. back to you guys in the studio. >> all righty. thatching howard g no pop up showers it there. >> no. howard is safe and he has the shades on as well. >> we saw that. >> the sun is going down. nice for football tonight and then tomorrow if you have a comp day start the labor day weekend early. >> scott and the comp days. do so. 81 degrees a low humidity looking pretty good. and that labor day weekend for backyard barbeques it's going to be heating up and also we have the threat for a few scattered showers and thunderstorms especially sunday into labor day itself. >> did you design that picnic table yourself. i did. >> very nice. >> that does it for us here at 6:00. wool see you back here at 10:00. 6:00. wool see you back here at 10:00. have great nig it may seem strange, but people really can love their laxative. especially when it's miralax. it hydrates, eases, and softens, to unblock your system naturally. so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. joan rivers, fighting for her life. >> the legendary comedian reportedly stopped breathing during throat surgery. >> her daughter melissa rushes to her side. >> we're really praying for her. and then they finally did it. inside their secret wedding. >> all the details from their surprise 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