Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5PM 20150429 : compareme

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5PM 20150429

around seeing how people were and she thought she might smell -- nothing strong but a little bit of a chemical smell and then she started to not feel well. >> reporter: as fire, police and county ems and hazmat cruise responded, emergency personnel started treating more than 30 employees. two had to be airlifted to area hospitals. >> because of the nature of their complaint they were complaining of a burning sensation in respiratory system. burning less serious respiratory injuries are taken to trauma center. >> reporter: six others also taken to the hospital. everyone else sent home while hazmat crews combed the building for a possible culprit. >> the county went in. ran some tests and believed that it is a refrigerant of some sort either r22 or some other flor row methane rei fridge ran used possibly from the hvac system. >> reporter: the company says because it was so warm outside the air-conditioning turned on for the first time this season. >> this seems like the people who didn't feel well were seated more near, you know, vents. it's a scary situation. report. >> that was dawn timmeney live in atlantic county. skyfox over a traffic mess right now this is hamilton township nearly hamilton mall. a car slammed into a pole near route 322 near route 40. the driver is not hurt. traffic is heff vol congested and police are asking everyone to avoid the area. >> happening now tension gives way to hope in baltimore. 3,000 police and national guards men remain at the ready tonight to prevent a repeat of the looting and arson that erupted on monday and 300 pennsylvania state police personnel are on the way to help them but so far things seem to be a lot calmer. baltimore schools did reopen today. but 10:00 p.m. curfew remains in effect. >> we have live team coverage tonight. bruce gordon at camden yards where the orioles and white sox are making history playing to an empty stadium. we begin with chris o'connell back on the streets of a hope filled baltimore. chris? >> reporter: guys, city of baltimore trying to restore a sense of normalcy today after a couple days of unrest and riots. most schools here in baltimore were open today. people returned to work. take a look over here. we're at the inner harbor if you've been down to baltimore you you know the inner harbor. look across the street. something you never see at the inner harbor police. even here it is clear that all is not back to normal here in baltimore. just a few blocks from where police clashed with protesters and stores were looted, is the 1700 block of press berry street i looks like most others in the city's downtown neighborhood but this street is different. it's the intersection where the unrest in baltimore all began. it's where 25-year-old freddie gray was arrested by baltimore police back on april 12th. he died a week later in police custody. six baltimore police officers involved have been suspended suspended with pay pending an investigation. >> he was good kid man. we came up in the projects. >> reporter: these are the people who knew freddie gray. >> he died right here where he grew up at. for no reason like that don't make sense. >> reporter: parker watched gray grow up. although he had an extensive criminal record, those who knew him say he didn't deserve to die die. >> it could have been anybody. it didn't have to be him. you know, anywhere. this is what they doing to us. this is what they do to us. >> reporter: the violence, the rioting they say has become more than just about freddie gray. >> they the lynch mob. >> reporter: some residents here feel no matter how destructive what happened here was awake-up call to the world to listen. >> all of this, um, culminateed based on police brutality poverty injustice and also we are black men as well. >> many waiting for a prosecutor's report on the case to be released on friday. depending on what report reveals reveals, police and the neighborhood are bracing for more potential violence. >> it's going to be way worse. that was high school children that was doing that. they called the national guard for high school children. imagine if the city go off? >> reporter: and baltimore police just wrapped up a news conference and we did just learn that that report on freddie gray's death will not be released on friday as previously stated. that will come out at a later date. police also bracing for what they're expecting very large crowds to converge on the downtown area once again tonight tonight. they're hoping to prevent similar scenes from the last few nights. iain. >> chris, let's hope so. thank you. after having two games postponed because of those baltimore riots baseball is back at camden yards but there's one thing missing. the fans. fox 29's bruce gordon live outside the ballpark which was closed to the public and bruce i know you're a big league fan. you've been to your share a lot of games but this is a first for major league baseball. >> reporter: it sure is, iain. american league has been around since 1901 the national league since 1876. never before has this happened where a major league game has been played a counts in the standing real contest played and general public told you may not come in. for the record, the orioles beat the chicago white sox today eight-two but the only number folks will be talking about years from now is zero. the actual attendance here at camden yards. let's show you some of the pictures that we shot throughout our morning and afternoon here in baltimore. we arrived a good hour or so before game time. normally for an afternoon game, there would have been a huge throng outside a real party atmosphere in fact it was eerily quite and pretty much like a ghost town after postponing monday night's tuesday night's game tonight's game was moved by major league baseball to an afternoon start. and then told -- then reported the fans would not ab loud in. we met up with some of those who decided to show up any way. some with tickets some without and they gathered well, well beyond the left centerfield fence to take in what they could. you could sort of kind of see the action off in the distance. we talked to those fans this afternoon. here's what they had to say. >> it's crazy. never seen anything like this. i mean there's a day ballgame and there's nobody here. >> reporter: did you have ticket for today's game? >> i did actually y. >> reporter: you had tickets for today's game. how does it feel to be standing out here on the sidewalk? >> it's good to see them. it's weird. very surreal. i usually don't like to be this far away but i'll take what i can get. i just want to show my support. >> it's a little bit disappointing but i completely understand the decision based on what escalateed over the last few days. >> i'm from the city. i was brought up in the city and i have tremendous respect and love for the city. i'm going help out in any way i can. >> reporter: interestingly without all of the hoopla that surrounds an actual attended baseball game this contest flew along game time two hours three minutes almost unheard of. in todays major league baseball the weirdness for the orioles does not stop tonight. they have a day off on thursday. then on friday they were to host the tampa bay rays because of the potential for street violence and idea of not wanting thousands of folks to be drawn into the city for baseball game, the orioles will play in florida at st. petersburg. they'll be considered technically the home team but they will play those home games in florida. lucy? >> it is a strange thing. bruce gordon, thank you very much. baltimore was much quieter last night over monday night. but shots rang out in ferguson, missouri. (gunfire). >> you can hear the screams. what sounds like four gunshots fired during a protest last night. 50 or so people were gathered at the site where 18-year-old michael brown died last august. to people were shot although it's still unclear if the separate shootings had anything to do with the protests. now, in one of those shootings police arrested one person and did recover a gun. here at home, police are preparing for a rally tomorrow at city hall. this is the facebook page of the group organizing the rally. the protest is called, philly is baltimore. the event organizers say on facebook that there are many similarityies between what's happening in baltimore and what's going on here in philly. right now close to a thousand people say they're going to the event that starts at 4:30 in the afternoon. keep following the situation in baltimore on our website at we've got the latest information and first hand looks at our crews brushes with the action right on the home page. a berkeley township teenager is in trouble tonight accused of of making a teacher sick. the teacher and student were at central regional high school. police say the student squirted some visine in the teacher's drink. the teacher was taken to the hospital. that child is in police custody tonight. chester county man now faces murder charges after the death of his father. police arrested edward o'brien the third this week. prosecutors say o'brien neglected his 92-year-old father and let him die inside his west whiteland township home. police found the father's body in september of 2013 covered with bed sores and lying in filth. prosecutors say o'brien removed his father from a rehabilitation center two years before then let him slowly die from neglect. they've also charged o'brien with stealing $30,000 from his father. and police are looking into an armed robbery of a student's residence at temple university. two vick testimony say they came back to their home on the 1500 block of north 13th street last night. that's when they say a man they saw on the streets pushed his way inside. police say he pulled a gun and forced the victim to the floor. he and another man police say grabbed cash and marijuana inside the home then took off. temple says no one is hurt. track something changes despite a gorgeous day today and your fox 29 weather authority. chief meteorologist scott williams is live outside old city with a look ahead. scott? >> that's certainly right, iain. it's been a chamber of commerce day. temperatures have been in the 70s across our area in fact let's look at the current temperatures right now. 77 degrees, beautiful conditions right now in old city. so if you haven't had a chance to get outdoors certainly do so after the broadcast. we're looking at 75 trenton. 75 in millville. 75 degrees in allentown. so beautiful right now and if you're stepping outdoors, it's going to be a comfortable and mild evening. however, toward the latter part of the week tomorrow will be a transitional day and we could see clouds and showers and chilly changes in that forecast when i come indoors. back to you. >> all right scott thank you. a school sends a stern letter home with a little girl but she's not the one in trouble. the school scolded the girl's mom for something she put in her daughter's lunch box. >> and the power is back on at the former revel casino lighting up plans for the big reopening. what you can expect to see this summer. >> and we already know being obese can create a long list of health problems but we've got new information. what it can do the same to your children. why you may not see symptoms until years after they're born. >> the russian spacecraft spinning out of control over our heads right now. it's loaded down with supplies for the international space station. when and where it could come crashing back through the atmosphere. ♪ philadelphia the death of brandon tate brown shot and killed by two philadelphia police officers in december has had people in our streets protesting. the district attorney has cleared the officers involved but more than four months later tate brown's mother says she's still not received any answers about her son's death. so she's now filing a lawsuit against the city. fox 29's dave kinchen was there as tanya brown dickerson spoke this afternoon. what is she trying to achieve? >> she says she wants justice for herself her family and the memory of her son. she also wants reform here at philadelphia police headquarters headquarters. >> am i crying all the time? yes. do i feel bipolar because i don't know when it's coming? that's how i feel. >> raw emotion from tanya brown dickerson after announcing a class action civil suit against the philadelphia police department following the death of her son 26-year-old brandon tate brown shot and killed by police last december. >> i believe with all my heart that my son's rights were violateed brutally and severely. >> reporter: her attorney says they're institution a class action format to represent all citizens of philadelphia and their demand for court overnight police department's use of force tactic. they're also suing alleging violation of his constitutional rights. and suing for wrongful death false arrest, assault and battery. >> i believe he was not given a chance and i want reform. i want laws changed and that's why i'm standing here. i want the rest of philadelphia to feel safe under the guidance of the philadelphia police department. >> reporter: tate brown was pulled over by police on the skies hundred block of frankford avenue. investigators released surveillance video showing his headlights were off and say he was shot after reaching for a gun. attorney brian mildenberg disagrees with police accounts. >> if a police officer was going to use a plant gun and i'm sorry to go there but there's a trial going on in federal court right now where police officers are being prosecuteed for planting evidence. so it's not like these things don't happen. >> reporter: our legal analyst attorney fred tecce reviewed the case and said that's a stretch. >> what they say is the jury could disbelieve the police officer's testimony and instead find without any evidence that there was a gun dropped. okay first of all that's not the way it works in court. juries have to have evidence in which they can make a finding. >> it's like any other civil suit. our law department will handle it. they'll process it and proceed through the court proceedings as necessary. >> reporter: we did reach out to the district attorney's office. they declined to comment because this is an active case and litigation and the city has up to 30 days to reef respond. iain? >> all right dave, thank you. great food served up for even better cause in northeast philly today. here's a look inside johnny's restaurant. eatery doing something special today. all the money they take in will go to the family of sergeant robert wilson iii. the restaurant's owner say it's a way to bring the community together to honor a man who gave his live for the city. power is back on in atlantic city's former revel casino new owner glenn straub says electricity came back on this morning. the florida developer reached a two week deal with acr energy for power or fire detection and suppression systems at the casino closed since september. atlantic city has been fineing straub $5,000 for each day the system wasn't running. casino will not be ready to open by memorial day but he hopes part it can reopen during the summer. he still needs to decide whether to offer casino gambling and if he goes for it, only a small part of the property's attractions will be that gambling. respect the track it's the theme of a region wide safety campaign today. if you ride the rail you may have noticed employees handing out safety brochures at some stops. septa, patco nj transit and amtrak teaming up to raise awareness about the dangers of walking on the rails or crossing the tracks when you're not supposed to. septa's general manager says the goal is to save lives. >> unlike cars trains cannot stop quickly and they can't swerve off the tracks to avoid hitting something or someone in their way. taking a short cut across the train tracks instead of using the dedicateed overpasses and underpasses is a gamble no one should take. >> officials say every three hours in the u.s. a person or a vehicle is hit by a train this is the third year septa has held a system wide safety day. a grandfather who served this country in vietnam gets the shock of his life when he's told he's not an american. >> he moved to this country from germany as a kid and thought he'd become an american when he served in the army. fox 29 weekend anchor karen hepp is in the newsroom. what happened here. >> this is a man that was drafted, served our country and then thought he'd become a citizen when he was in the service. only to find out when emyd for social security the paper work had never be filed. his name is earhart went sell he's 73 a grandfather. so did he get those social security benefits squared away nine years ago but not what he really wanted which is his citizenship. his wife of 40 years got cancer and he had to tend to her and then he was told he had to pay a large fee that turns out that's not the truth but now thanks to that lawyer working for free, tomorrow is the day that he has waited for. >> what do you hope happens tomorrow? >> i become a citizen. >> what does it mean to you to have this happen? >> everything. >> he is so emotional about all of this. he's been dreaming of this for 73 years. fingers crossed this will all become a reality. coming up what needs to happen in order for it to all happen and to have that ceremony and have everything go off without a hitch. you still has to go through a number of steps and also the surprising number of others who are in a similar situation. iain and lucy. >> all right. karen, thank you. we look forward to that we've all been tempted to vent on facebook. >> you and i try to be smarter than that however. >> exactly. >> because we do stories like this all the time. what one woman did it and a night she's really regretting it. her new job ended before it even began. what she posted on facebook that got her fired from a daycare center. >> plus surprising new revelations about the gyrocopter that landed on the capitol ground in washington d.c. hints today this was not as much of a surprise as it may have first seemed. >> if you hold off on drinking during the week you can cut loose on the weekends. that could be so dangerous. why researchers say drinking a little every day could be better for your health. ♪ sometimes, caring for your neighbors means going the extra mile. when our patient, susan, mentioned her dad couldn't make it in to pearle vision to get his eyes checked... we went to him. and we realized, if he had trouble getting new glasses... he probably wasn't the only one. to us, eye care is about living dr. pearles legacy. building a trusting relationship with the person behind the eyes. this is genuine eye care right in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. ♪ earthquake survivors in pal leaving outdoor shelters and heading home as activity picks up again in kathmandu. live there is still far from normal and crews are still searching for victims. the un says big money is needed to help. the united nations appealing for $415 million for relief efforts there over the next three months. that fund wog go toward food, shelter, water and other urgent needs in affected areas. the nation faces uphill battle. >> it will be a real challenge because of the top poe gravy and terrain of this country and the impact of the some of these roads. >> un says hugh tanner response needs to be encouraging but needs to be maintained. moon son season expected to complicate the recovery efforts. >> survivors of the colorado shooting stand are taking a stand at the death penalty try trial of james holmes. joshua nolan was watching the movie when two friends when gunfire rang out. he shielded one of his friends. he felt a burning sensation in his arm and leg and realized he was shot. attorneys for holmes admit he is the gunman but says he's not guilty by reason of insanity. prosecutors say he was sane at the time of the shooting and deserves the death penalty. tonight a u.s. house panel is investigating how a florida man land add gyrocopter on the lawn of the capitol. making it through restricted air space. lawmakers are trying to improve security. doug hughes facing felony federal charge and remains confined to his home in florida while lawmakers try to pin down how did he what he did two weeks ago during testimony today we learn authorities were actually tipped off to hughes stunt almost a half hour before he landed his gyrocopter. tourists could see him for at least two minutes before he landed and of course, he was live streaming everything. and despite all of that, capitol police failed to alert lawmakers lawmakers. >> the extreme short time frame between the lock down order and the direction to lift the lock down no messages were sent to the congressional committee advising of the lock down. >> testimony also revealed that the us secret service knew of the 61-year-old not so secret intentions nearly 18 months ago. we told you now. seacrest service director joseph clancy maintains they have no way to know when or if hughes would act on those plans. forbes just released list of the rich chest people in the country and they're breaking it down by state. >> hoot rich chest person in your state, how much they have and how they got it. we've got that. national guard at the ready in baltimore in case things get out of control again. we're patrolling the streets that the city cleaned up and figure out how to move forward. scott? >> lucy, today was a beautiful day. highs have been in the mid even upper 70s for some. but you ready for temperature changes as well as clouds and the threat of showers.phelph details next. jim kenney and tony williams are fighting over public schools versus charters. i think they're both's making sure they all get a good education. teachers should have their contracts respected. they also should be held accountable. and it's wrong philadelphia gets less school funding than other parts of pennsylvania. i'll work with harrisburg to change that. but if they refuse i'll take them to federal court. as mayor i'll do what's right for them. just can't seem to escape... another sneeze attack... you may be muddling through allergies. don't get caught off guard. try zyrtec® dissolve tabs. powerful allergy relief, now in a tablet that starts dissolving instantly. zyrtec® dissolve tabs. muddle no more™. ♪ after a peaceful day in baltimore 3,000 police and national guard troops are ready to make sure things stay that way. fox 29's chris o'connell is live on the ground. chris some signs of progress today? >> reporter: baltimore police say the first night of the citywide curfew really was a success only about 10 arrests after those curfews wept into effect. tonight they're going to be putting that curfew to the test once again but they'll be doing it tonight with a full complement of law enforcement we're talking city, state and we're talking national guard members at the rod ready here not just in the neighborhoods but down here at the inner harbor as well. all in all it has been a day of calm after two days of unrest and riots here in the city of baltimore. now, to give you an idea of what it looked like i grabbed my smart phone. i have some sights and sounds of what i captured during my stay. >> if you don't bring charges against those police officers you going to continue to see unrest. you going to continue to see uprising in this city. >> ♪ >> we want piece! >> we want piece! >> everybody. >> we want piece! >> i've been here 29 years of my life and i love it. i love my city. because of stuff like this. it's about positives. >> all we want to do is be heard heard. >> so at least for the time being it has subsided for now but this may be the beginning of what could be a long night here. >> whoa? watch out dave. that's under a truck. >> this is crazy. >> reporter: now police are hoping there will not ab repeat of what happened last night and the night before. we can tell you police are bracing for what they're calling large groups of people throughout the city tonight they say they're getting information that there may be many groups protesting tonight throughout the city. now, coming up in a little while we're at the baltimore inner harbor. many of these people are tourists downtown caught in the middle of all of this. we'll try to talk to some of them to see what they think about their experience here in baltimore. iain? >> chris, thank you. baseball returns to camden yards today but without a noticeable element the fans. today's orioles game against the white sox went on as scheduled but the gates stayed closed. it's the first time a major league game was played without a crowd inviteed to fill the seats. the orioles already postponed two games this week because of the protests in the city. so stay following the situation. just head to our website at we've got the latest information on baltimore and slide shows with the most memorable umps match on the home page. >> how did the neck mayor of philadelphia trying to create more jobs much that's the big question the candidates tackled today they took part forum on philadelphia work. the organization is the city's leading work force development organization and help people find jobs. you can see what the candidates had to say on our website on our home page page. let's get back to your weather. i didn't have a comp day today. i checked with jim driscoll but i got nine holes in. >> there you go. >> you made it work. >> wait. he's leaving out the top part of the story there. in shorts. >> yeah. >> it was hot but it was warm. >> temperatures have actually kind of over achieved. we talked about hitting the mid 70s yesterday. temperatures right now in philadelphia 77 degrees. it's beautiful but if you like today a transitional thursday ahead and it looks like friday it's going to be cooler highs friday could be stuck in the upper 50s. we'll talk much more about that in a moment. but it's going to be a beautiful mild evening out. get outdoors enjoy it after the broadcast. we're dry and quiet right now as we take a look at ultimate doppler scanning across the region. you can see we're looking dry and look at the numbers right now. 77 degrees. humidity comfortable. 25%. visibility perfect at 10 miles and look at the temperatures. mid 70s right now in allentown reading right now 74. 74 in pottstown. we have 75 in millville. 76 degrees currently in atlantic city at the international airport there. so you can see high pressure is in control. we have a weak boundary toward northern sections of new england and also off to the west of front but in between it's been fantastic. off to the south we've been watching that area of low pressure move away from the deep south and it continues to head right now out into the open waters of the atlantic. this is the area of low pressure that will turn into that coastal system. it's going stay out to sea however, we'll see some clouds as well as the threat for some spotty showers by tomorrow afternoon. a better chance for rainfall on friday. so by tomorrow morning we're watching that area of low pressure off the carolina coast. it will bring some clouds our way and once again by tomorrow evening there could be a few passing showers mainly south and west of our area. tomorrow still going to be mild as well but then as we move ahead toward friday, we're going to continue to find those winds coming in off of the ocean. water temperatures are in the 50s right now. low 50s so that's going to mean cloud cover and temperatures are going to be chilly on friday as well. with some drizzle some spotty showers around. so friday is definitely going to be a shock to the system. so beautiful weather stepping out doors. look at the temperatures still by 10:00 o'clock upper 60s trenton. 70s still in philadelphia with that urban heat island effect on going. mid 60s in millville. then by tomorrow morning temperatures in the low mid to upper 50s and then by tomorrow afternoon upper 60s to near 70 but by friday we're looking at those chilly changes. here's friday afternoon. temperatures will be probably in the mid to upper 50s. we might touch 60 degrees if we get enough sunshine peeking through the clouds. but for tonight temperatures low and mid 50s looking pretty g upper 60s tomorrow with that spotty afternoon shower chance. a better chance for a shower on friday. a cool high only 60 at best. but look at the weekend. 70 saturday. 76 sunday. and then early next week temperatures in the low 80s. >> finally hit 80. >> you sound so excited scott that's she was. >> i am, too. >> tuesday is my next golf day not that anyone needs to know that. i'll letting. >> you got to plan ahead. >> you do all right. you know the drill. right. you head to the grocery store. got the best of intentioning. going buy healthy feud end up buying a whole lot of junk food. >> the cheetos were calling my name. here's a nugget for you. you can actually eat something before you head to the store that will help you stick to your plan and we've got what that little something is. someone opens fire at a school. how a teacher put his own live on the line saving countless other lives in the process. >> and coming up at six mosquitoes getting a leg up on one shore community. why some mechanical problems to mean the pests will bug you more than normal this spring. your buddy ron once said he could install your ceiling fan. he couldn't. and that one time ron said another chili dog was a good idea. yeah, it wasn't. so when ron said you'd never afford a john deere tractor, you knew better. now ron does too. introducing the e series. legendary john deere quality. unexpected low price. drive one of the e series tractors during a drive green event at your john deere dealer. ♪ video tonight russian spacecraft spinning out of control. the cargo craft is supposed to be headed to the international space station. russian craft launch yesterday but nasa says it failed to deploy navigation al antennas. russian new agency says ruse flight controllers are trying to make contact with the craft today. check out this video from nasa a time lapse of a solar prominence rising from the sun last week over a six-hour period. nasa says greatest height the blume extended out many times the sides of the earth. >> turning to your health now if you take it easy during the week and party hard on the weekend that could add up to serious danger. fox 29's joyce evans in the studio tonight with the days other big health stories. joyce? >> you guys wouldn't do that on the weekends, would you? >> we just drink every day. >> no. >> okay. i tell about that. >> water. >> we're talking about binge drinking here and how kit turn deadly sooner hasn't than you might think. new study by harvard school of public health found that drinking a large amount of booze can raise your risk of heart attack by as much as 70%. and that's not all. people who drink little to no alcohol during the week and then overdo it on the weekends were at a greater risk and on the reverse side of that study they found that people who drink small amounts of alcohol lucy and iain every day seemed to be somewhat protected against cardiac problems. well children of obese mothers have a higher risk of developing autism and adhd that according to a new study by the centers for disease control and prevention. now researchers found babies born to severely obese mothers were three times more likely to develop autism and more than four times as likely to develop adhd by age six. the cdc is still trying to figure out why. and you might want to grab an apple along with your grocery list as you head out to the supermarket. eating the fruit will make you more likely to buy healthy foods. now that's according to research researchers at cornell university. they found that people who ate an apple before food shopping bought 28% more fruits and vegetables. so those researchers are suggesting that eating a healthy snack will put in you a healthy mind set and therefore you will make healthier decisions or that apple was really good and you just want to get some more. iain and lucy. >> honey crisp apples. >> the best. >> right? those are my favorite. >> all right. >> can't wait for them. >> speaking of nutrition foods a school sends a letter home with the little girl but she's not the one in trouble. >> no, she's not. the school scolded the girl's mother for something they put in her daughter'ing lunch box. >> a single mom's new job ends before it even begins. what she posted on facebook that was apparently bad enough to get her fired from daycare center. >> howard. >> it was a different sight for the players at today's orioles game. never have they played in front of an empty stadium and the orioles manager explains what it was like and crazy rumors today with the inform fl draft tomorrow. all that coming up in sports. trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying center. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. buying used cars is all we do... all makes and models... no dealership pressure. we'll even settle your loan or lease. so don't wait. get your free online valuation now at ♪ happening right now live look at baltimore. take peek right there. you've got a crowd on the march in the downtown area. it's less than 48 hours after protests gave way to riots and looting things have been much calmer in the day since a lot of people coming together trying to clean up the city and provide hope to people. 3,000 police and national guard troops are ready to keep the peace if they have. to we'll continue to watch the situation, keep you updateed as warranted. in entertainment headlines a lot of buzz surrounding a state dinner at the white house last night. russell wilson and pop star sierra. the two showing up together for that white house dinner date. joining us is the host of dish nation. head crack. head crack seems like they're a thing and this is the couple everybody was talking about last night in d.c. >> pretty much a big deal. like, you know, searer a whole bunch of hit and misses in the love department. her recent dude before russell wilson was rapper future. they even had a baby together but for whatever reason it didn't pan out. some say he was cheating. who knows? russell wilson is like a pretty solid dude. i mean he just won the super bowl and he looked really great together last night. i'm hoping it's like blossoms into something bigger. she's been hurt a lot and really deserve it. >> all right. man. in other news pop star mariah carey arrives in las vegas in grand fashion. ready to start her residency at caesars palace. she had quite the entrance head crack. >> when you're mariah carey you can't roll through no place coming through the door. she came in a 1936 pink cadillac and 18 cars trailing with billboards had the titles of all her number one songs. like the name of her show in vegas is called mariah carey number one to infinity and starts may sixth through july and tickets are reasonable. like $55 to get you in the door and some tickets that are even as high as $250 and just imagine you get to seat original diva while she's still in fighting shape doing all her best records records. i think it sounds like a ticket. >> ticket. head crack always great talking to you brother. after fox 29 news at 10:00 we got you cover. two hours of news and info taken many. catch tmz and inside edition followed by dish nation at midnight and chasing news at 12:30. >> teacher in washington state has hero status tonight he tackled a student firing a gun and saved lives. monday morning that student started firing shots on north thursday ton high school campus. students and school officials say teacher brady olson tackled that student from behind likely saving many lives including that of his own daughter who is a freshman at the high school. >> wow ran towards it when we all ran away he was leading the other two men to run towards him him. >> when olsen refuses to take all the credit saying school officials along with school resource officer helped safe lives. police say the student he tackled got the gun from his parents and had recently transferred to that school. a lot of talk tonight about a colorado pre-school that is handing out a scolding to a mom. the mom's offense packing oreos in her daughter's lunch box. at the end of the school day the school sent the four-year-old home with the forbidden cookies an note reading in part "lunchables, chips fruit snacks and peanut butter not considered to be a healthy snack" the mom says the school needs to back off. >> they don't provide lunch for my daughter. i provide lunch. it's been between and the doctor on what's healthy for her. >> pearson says the lunch she pack include add sandwich and cheese. no comment yet from the school. peanut butter is not healthy any more? >> we live in whole new world i have no idea about. many people vent online, but a facebook post just costs one texan her job. kalin walls was very exciteed to find work but not as excited about her place of employment. daycare center. single mom posted on facebook "i start my new job today but i absolutely hate working at a daycare. i just really hate being around a lot of kids ". hmm. the posts spread quickly throughout the area with many attacking her on facebook and the daycare center ultimately told her not to bother coming in on her first day. >> it really was big mistake. i don't hate children. no, not at all. i have my own. she's beautiful. i love her. he was just venting. i am not going to post anything ever again like that. not matter how i feel. >> wise idea. wall said she needs the job badly to help support her daughter and that she didn't mean to offend anyone. she is back searching for work again. it's always a popular list to look at forbes magazine out with its rankings of the wealthy yesterday americans but this time they'll break it down by state. so forbes put out this interactive map on its website letting you see the rich chest person in all 50 states. let's take look at our area. let's check on pennsylvania. the rich chest person is mary allen malone worth more than $3 billion. her grandfather invented the condensed soup formula helped turned the campbell's soup toe company into what it is today. she lives in coatesville. meantime in new jersey, the rich chest guy is david tepper. he's hedge fund manager worth more than $10 billion. he calls livingston new jersey home and in delaware, we got two. elizabeth schneider and robert gore tied for the rich chest person there both worth $675 million. the brother and sister are members of the gore family which developed goretex. elizabeth lives in wilmington and while robert lives in newark delaware. this is probably a list we'd all like to be on. lucy? >> dare definitely nick will len at a at it again testing his luck and skills in florida. that's him right there a top the 400-foot orlando eye the city's new observation ferris wheel kind of like the london eye i guess. even if it doesn't look very fast that ferris wheel is moving and nick says it was wet and slippery. he's not using a pole to balance or safety net making that all the more dangerous. by the way the ferris wheel opens to the pub flick a week you've actually got to right in the little compartments versus doing that. build as the fight of the century florida mayweather and manner pacquiao score enough a boxing ring this saturday. >> millions expected to watch that fight howard eskin hopes you join him in skipping it. why he says he's had it with mayweather. ♪ >> are you kidding me? i'm done. i've had it. boxing well it's a dirty sport. promotors are cheap boxers. fighters that are not honest, and the past that many give the criminal element in that game. but after the latest revelation i've had it. it's a stinging dirty sport. this weekend floyd mayweather is fighting manny pacquiao. espn revealed mayweather is a woman beater. he has five convictions. five for domestic violence with beating three different women two the mothers of his children. by the way his hands are lethal weapons. so why does nevada athletic commission give mayweather a license for this fight? simple answer. floyd mayweather stands to make $180 million. yes. dollars. so just imagine what nevada makes. it's sick and it's disgusting and i've had it. the only serve time for one of the convictions was 90 days. 90 days was delayed until after one of his fights. boy, that was nice of them. nevada athletic commission is criminal. ray rice was suspended for the season after knocking his fiance'. but in las vegas they let you do whatever you want. and in at least one incident mayweather's girlfriend was taken out on estate cher. mayweather has gotten everything away with but murder so far because the sport is dirty. but saturday night too many people won't care when he fights pacquiao. would not pay me a penny to watch the fight and i hope others won't support a woman beater eat. i'm howard eskin and i've really had it. ♪ have you had it with howard? go ahead unload on him. we want to know. record a video post it to facebook on twitter or instagram and use the #fox29weekend. ♪ straight ahead at six workers rush from a building, two of them flown to the hospital. tonight questions about the chemical that created a very dangerous situation. plus the local man who put his live on the line fighting for our country on the battlefield. now, decades later he's not able to get the benefits he was counting on. how this happened and what he's doing about it. >> fox 29 news in hd brought to you by xfinity the future of awesome. right now at 6:00 calm and hope in baltimore. live look at baltimore right now an crowd is gathering in the downtown area. you see them on the move. it is less than 48 hours after protests gave way to riots and looting and burning. things they've ban lot calmer in the hours and now days ton night the city hopes things will stay that way. good evening i'm lucy noland. >> i'm iain page. let's get up to speed where things stand. 3,000 police and national guards men are baltimore right now to try to prevent a repeat of the looting and arson that erupted on monday and 300 pennsylvania state personnel are on the way to help as well as we said things do seem to be calmer somewhat. baltimore schools did reopen today but 10:00 p.m. curfew remains in effect. >> we have live team coverage tonight. bruce gordon at camden yards where the orioles just pulled off a low key but dominant victory. we begin with chris o'connell back on the streets of baltimore. chris? >> reporter: lucy as call baltimore braces for another night of the citywide curfew and the threat of more violence baltimore police are vowing to keep the piece tonight. this is one reason and one way they'll be doing it. take a look. imagine this was pennsylvania landing in philadelphia. imagine national guard members by the hundreds down here. well, we're talking about high profile areas and tourist districts here in baltimore. there is no busier, no more high profile. you see some of those national guard members making their way around there. it is -- this is really where the epicenter of the tourist district here in the inner

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Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5PM 20150429

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around seeing how people were and she thought she might smell -- nothing strong but a little bit of a chemical smell and then she started to not feel well. >> reporter: as fire, police and county ems and hazmat cruise responded, emergency personnel started treating more than 30 employees. two had to be airlifted to area hospitals. >> because of the nature of their complaint they were complaining of a burning sensation in respiratory system. burning less serious respiratory injuries are taken to trauma center. >> reporter: six others also taken to the hospital. everyone else sent home while hazmat crews combed the building for a possible culprit. >> the county went in. ran some tests and believed that it is a refrigerant of some sort either r22 or some other flor row methane rei fridge ran used possibly from the hvac system. >> reporter: the company says because it was so warm outside the air-conditioning turned on for the first time this season. >> this seems like the people who didn't feel well were seated more near, you know, vents. it's a scary situation. report. >> that was dawn timmeney live in atlantic county. skyfox over a traffic mess right now this is hamilton township nearly hamilton mall. a car slammed into a pole near route 322 near route 40. the driver is not hurt. traffic is heff vol congested and police are asking everyone to avoid the area. >> happening now tension gives way to hope in baltimore. 3,000 police and national guards men remain at the ready tonight to prevent a repeat of the looting and arson that erupted on monday and 300 pennsylvania state police personnel are on the way to help them but so far things seem to be a lot calmer. baltimore schools did reopen today. but 10:00 p.m. curfew remains in effect. >> we have live team coverage tonight. bruce gordon at camden yards where the orioles and white sox are making history playing to an empty stadium. we begin with chris o'connell back on the streets of a hope filled baltimore. chris? >> reporter: guys, city of baltimore trying to restore a sense of normalcy today after a couple days of unrest and riots. most schools here in baltimore were open today. people returned to work. take a look over here. we're at the inner harbor if you've been down to baltimore you you know the inner harbor. look across the street. something you never see at the inner harbor police. even here it is clear that all is not back to normal here in baltimore. just a few blocks from where police clashed with protesters and stores were looted, is the 1700 block of press berry street i looks like most others in the city's downtown neighborhood but this street is different. it's the intersection where the unrest in baltimore all began. it's where 25-year-old freddie gray was arrested by baltimore police back on april 12th. he died a week later in police custody. six baltimore police officers involved have been suspended suspended with pay pending an investigation. >> he was good kid man. we came up in the projects. >> reporter: these are the people who knew freddie gray. >> he died right here where he grew up at. for no reason like that don't make sense. >> reporter: parker watched gray grow up. although he had an extensive criminal record, those who knew him say he didn't deserve to die die. >> it could have been anybody. it didn't have to be him. you know, anywhere. this is what they doing to us. this is what they do to us. >> reporter: the violence, the rioting they say has become more than just about freddie gray. >> they the lynch mob. >> reporter: some residents here feel no matter how destructive what happened here was awake-up call to the world to listen. >> all of this, um, culminateed based on police brutality poverty injustice and also we are black men as well. >> many waiting for a prosecutor's report on the case to be released on friday. depending on what report reveals reveals, police and the neighborhood are bracing for more potential violence. >> it's going to be way worse. that was high school children that was doing that. they called the national guard for high school children. imagine if the city go off? >> reporter: and baltimore police just wrapped up a news conference and we did just learn that that report on freddie gray's death will not be released on friday as previously stated. that will come out at a later date. police also bracing for what they're expecting very large crowds to converge on the downtown area once again tonight tonight. they're hoping to prevent similar scenes from the last few nights. iain. >> chris, let's hope so. thank you. after having two games postponed because of those baltimore riots baseball is back at camden yards but there's one thing missing. the fans. fox 29's bruce gordon live outside the ballpark which was closed to the public and bruce i know you're a big league fan. you've been to your share a lot of games but this is a first for major league baseball. >> reporter: it sure is, iain. american league has been around since 1901 the national league since 1876. never before has this happened where a major league game has been played a counts in the standing real contest played and general public told you may not come in. for the record, the orioles beat the chicago white sox today eight-two but the only number folks will be talking about years from now is zero. the actual attendance here at camden yards. let's show you some of the pictures that we shot throughout our morning and afternoon here in baltimore. we arrived a good hour or so before game time. normally for an afternoon game, there would have been a huge throng outside a real party atmosphere in fact it was eerily quite and pretty much like a ghost town after postponing monday night's tuesday night's game tonight's game was moved by major league baseball to an afternoon start. and then told -- then reported the fans would not ab loud in. we met up with some of those who decided to show up any way. some with tickets some without and they gathered well, well beyond the left centerfield fence to take in what they could. you could sort of kind of see the action off in the distance. we talked to those fans this afternoon. here's what they had to say. >> it's crazy. never seen anything like this. i mean there's a day ballgame and there's nobody here. >> reporter: did you have ticket for today's game? >> i did actually y. >> reporter: you had tickets for today's game. how does it feel to be standing out here on the sidewalk? >> it's good to see them. it's weird. very surreal. i usually don't like to be this far away but i'll take what i can get. i just want to show my support. >> it's a little bit disappointing but i completely understand the decision based on what escalateed over the last few days. >> i'm from the city. i was brought up in the city and i have tremendous respect and love for the city. i'm going help out in any way i can. >> reporter: interestingly without all of the hoopla that surrounds an actual attended baseball game this contest flew along game time two hours three minutes almost unheard of. in todays major league baseball the weirdness for the orioles does not stop tonight. they have a day off on thursday. then on friday they were to host the tampa bay rays because of the potential for street violence and idea of not wanting thousands of folks to be drawn into the city for baseball game, the orioles will play in florida at st. petersburg. they'll be considered technically the home team but they will play those home games in florida. lucy? >> it is a strange thing. bruce gordon, thank you very much. baltimore was much quieter last night over monday night. but shots rang out in ferguson, missouri. (gunfire). >> you can hear the screams. what sounds like four gunshots fired during a protest last night. 50 or so people were gathered at the site where 18-year-old michael brown died last august. to people were shot although it's still unclear if the separate shootings had anything to do with the protests. now, in one of those shootings police arrested one person and did recover a gun. here at home, police are preparing for a rally tomorrow at city hall. this is the facebook page of the group organizing the rally. the protest is called, philly is baltimore. the event organizers say on facebook that there are many similarityies between what's happening in baltimore and what's going on here in philly. right now close to a thousand people say they're going to the event that starts at 4:30 in the afternoon. keep following the situation in baltimore on our website at we've got the latest information and first hand looks at our crews brushes with the action right on the home page. a berkeley township teenager is in trouble tonight accused of of making a teacher sick. the teacher and student were at central regional high school. police say the student squirted some visine in the teacher's drink. the teacher was taken to the hospital. that child is in police custody tonight. chester county man now faces murder charges after the death of his father. police arrested edward o'brien the third this week. prosecutors say o'brien neglected his 92-year-old father and let him die inside his west whiteland township home. police found the father's body in september of 2013 covered with bed sores and lying in filth. prosecutors say o'brien removed his father from a rehabilitation center two years before then let him slowly die from neglect. they've also charged o'brien with stealing $30,000 from his father. and police are looking into an armed robbery of a student's residence at temple university. two vick testimony say they came back to their home on the 1500 block of north 13th street last night. that's when they say a man they saw on the streets pushed his way inside. police say he pulled a gun and forced the victim to the floor. he and another man police say grabbed cash and marijuana inside the home then took off. temple says no one is hurt. track something changes despite a gorgeous day today and your fox 29 weather authority. chief meteorologist scott williams is live outside old city with a look ahead. scott? >> that's certainly right, iain. it's been a chamber of commerce day. temperatures have been in the 70s across our area in fact let's look at the current temperatures right now. 77 degrees, beautiful conditions right now in old city. so if you haven't had a chance to get outdoors certainly do so after the broadcast. we're looking at 75 trenton. 75 in millville. 75 degrees in allentown. so beautiful right now and if you're stepping outdoors, it's going to be a comfortable and mild evening. however, toward the latter part of the week tomorrow will be a transitional day and we could see clouds and showers and chilly changes in that forecast when i come indoors. back to you. >> all right scott thank you. a school sends a stern letter home with a little girl but she's not the one in trouble. the school scolded the girl's mom for something she put in her daughter's lunch box. >> and the power is back on at the former revel casino lighting up plans for the big reopening. what you can expect to see this summer. >> and we already know being obese can create a long list of health problems but we've got new information. what it can do the same to your children. why you may not see symptoms until years after they're born. >> the russian spacecraft spinning out of control over our heads right now. it's loaded down with supplies for the international space station. when and where it could come crashing back through the atmosphere. ♪ philadelphia the death of brandon tate brown shot and killed by two philadelphia police officers in december has had people in our streets protesting. the district attorney has cleared the officers involved but more than four months later tate brown's mother says she's still not received any answers about her son's death. so she's now filing a lawsuit against the city. fox 29's dave kinchen was there as tanya brown dickerson spoke this afternoon. what is she trying to achieve? >> she says she wants justice for herself her family and the memory of her son. she also wants reform here at philadelphia police headquarters headquarters. >> am i crying all the time? yes. do i feel bipolar because i don't know when it's coming? that's how i feel. >> raw emotion from tanya brown dickerson after announcing a class action civil suit against the philadelphia police department following the death of her son 26-year-old brandon tate brown shot and killed by police last december. >> i believe with all my heart that my son's rights were violateed brutally and severely. >> reporter: her attorney says they're institution a class action format to represent all citizens of philadelphia and their demand for court overnight police department's use of force tactic. they're also suing alleging violation of his constitutional rights. and suing for wrongful death false arrest, assault and battery. >> i believe he was not given a chance and i want reform. i want laws changed and that's why i'm standing here. i want the rest of philadelphia to feel safe under the guidance of the philadelphia police department. >> reporter: tate brown was pulled over by police on the skies hundred block of frankford avenue. investigators released surveillance video showing his headlights were off and say he was shot after reaching for a gun. attorney brian mildenberg disagrees with police accounts. >> if a police officer was going to use a plant gun and i'm sorry to go there but there's a trial going on in federal court right now where police officers are being prosecuteed for planting evidence. so it's not like these things don't happen. >> reporter: our legal analyst attorney fred tecce reviewed the case and said that's a stretch. >> what they say is the jury could disbelieve the police officer's testimony and instead find without any evidence that there was a gun dropped. okay first of all that's not the way it works in court. juries have to have evidence in which they can make a finding. >> it's like any other civil suit. our law department will handle it. they'll process it and proceed through the court proceedings as necessary. >> reporter: we did reach out to the district attorney's office. they declined to comment because this is an active case and litigation and the city has up to 30 days to reef respond. iain? >> all right dave, thank you. great food served up for even better cause in northeast philly today. here's a look inside johnny's restaurant. eatery doing something special today. all the money they take in will go to the family of sergeant robert wilson iii. the restaurant's owner say it's a way to bring the community together to honor a man who gave his live for the city. power is back on in atlantic city's former revel casino new owner glenn straub says electricity came back on this morning. the florida developer reached a two week deal with acr energy for power or fire detection and suppression systems at the casino closed since september. atlantic city has been fineing straub $5,000 for each day the system wasn't running. casino will not be ready to open by memorial day but he hopes part it can reopen during the summer. he still needs to decide whether to offer casino gambling and if he goes for it, only a small part of the property's attractions will be that gambling. respect the track it's the theme of a region wide safety campaign today. if you ride the rail you may have noticed employees handing out safety brochures at some stops. septa, patco nj transit and amtrak teaming up to raise awareness about the dangers of walking on the rails or crossing the tracks when you're not supposed to. septa's general manager says the goal is to save lives. >> unlike cars trains cannot stop quickly and they can't swerve off the tracks to avoid hitting something or someone in their way. taking a short cut across the train tracks instead of using the dedicateed overpasses and underpasses is a gamble no one should take. >> officials say every three hours in the u.s. a person or a vehicle is hit by a train this is the third year septa has held a system wide safety day. a grandfather who served this country in vietnam gets the shock of his life when he's told he's not an american. >> he moved to this country from germany as a kid and thought he'd become an american when he served in the army. fox 29 weekend anchor karen hepp is in the newsroom. what happened here. >> this is a man that was drafted, served our country and then thought he'd become a citizen when he was in the service. only to find out when emyd for social security the paper work had never be filed. his name is earhart went sell he's 73 a grandfather. so did he get those social security benefits squared away nine years ago but not what he really wanted which is his citizenship. his wife of 40 years got cancer and he had to tend to her and then he was told he had to pay a large fee that turns out that's not the truth but now thanks to that lawyer working for free, tomorrow is the day that he has waited for. >> what do you hope happens tomorrow? >> i become a citizen. >> what does it mean to you to have this happen? >> everything. >> he is so emotional about all of this. he's been dreaming of this for 73 years. fingers crossed this will all become a reality. coming up what needs to happen in order for it to all happen and to have that ceremony and have everything go off without a hitch. you still has to go through a number of steps and also the surprising number of others who are in a similar situation. iain and lucy. >> all right. karen, thank you. we look forward to that we've all been tempted to vent on facebook. >> you and i try to be smarter than that however. >> exactly. >> because we do stories like this all the time. what one woman did it and a night she's really regretting it. her new job ended before it even began. what she posted on facebook that got her fired from a daycare center. >> plus surprising new revelations about the gyrocopter that landed on the capitol ground in washington d.c. hints today this was not as much of a surprise as it may have first seemed. >> if you hold off on drinking during the week you can cut loose on the weekends. that could be so dangerous. why researchers say drinking a little every day could be better for your health. ♪ sometimes, caring for your neighbors means going the extra mile. when our patient, susan, mentioned her dad couldn't make it in to pearle vision to get his eyes checked... we went to him. and we realized, if he had trouble getting new glasses... he probably wasn't the only one. to us, eye care is about living dr. pearles legacy. building a trusting relationship with the person behind the eyes. this is genuine eye care right in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. ♪ earthquake survivors in pal leaving outdoor shelters and heading home as activity picks up again in kathmandu. live there is still far from normal and crews are still searching for victims. the un says big money is needed to help. the united nations appealing for $415 million for relief efforts there over the next three months. that fund wog go toward food, shelter, water and other urgent needs in affected areas. the nation faces uphill battle. >> it will be a real challenge because of the top poe gravy and terrain of this country and the impact of the some of these roads. >> un says hugh tanner response needs to be encouraging but needs to be maintained. moon son season expected to complicate the recovery efforts. >> survivors of the colorado shooting stand are taking a stand at the death penalty try trial of james holmes. joshua nolan was watching the movie when two friends when gunfire rang out. he shielded one of his friends. he felt a burning sensation in his arm and leg and realized he was shot. attorneys for holmes admit he is the gunman but says he's not guilty by reason of insanity. prosecutors say he was sane at the time of the shooting and deserves the death penalty. tonight a u.s. house panel is investigating how a florida man land add gyrocopter on the lawn of the capitol. making it through restricted air space. lawmakers are trying to improve security. doug hughes facing felony federal charge and remains confined to his home in florida while lawmakers try to pin down how did he what he did two weeks ago during testimony today we learn authorities were actually tipped off to hughes stunt almost a half hour before he landed his gyrocopter. tourists could see him for at least two minutes before he landed and of course, he was live streaming everything. and despite all of that, capitol police failed to alert lawmakers lawmakers. >> the extreme short time frame between the lock down order and the direction to lift the lock down no messages were sent to the congressional committee advising of the lock down. >> testimony also revealed that the us secret service knew of the 61-year-old not so secret intentions nearly 18 months ago. we told you now. seacrest service director joseph clancy maintains they have no way to know when or if hughes would act on those plans. forbes just released list of the rich chest people in the country and they're breaking it down by state. >> hoot rich chest person in your state, how much they have and how they got it. we've got that. national guard at the ready in baltimore in case things get out of control again. we're patrolling the streets that the city cleaned up and figure out how to move forward. scott? >> lucy, today was a beautiful day. highs have been in the mid even upper 70s for some. but you ready for temperature changes as well as clouds and the threat of showers.phelph details next. jim kenney and tony williams are fighting over public schools versus charters. i think they're both's making sure they all get a good education. teachers should have their contracts respected. they also should be held accountable. and it's wrong philadelphia gets less school funding than other parts of pennsylvania. i'll work with harrisburg to change that. but if they refuse i'll take them to federal court. as mayor i'll do what's right for them. just can't seem to escape... another sneeze attack... you may be muddling through allergies. don't get caught off guard. try zyrtec® dissolve tabs. powerful allergy relief, now in a tablet that starts dissolving instantly. zyrtec® dissolve tabs. muddle no more™. ♪ after a peaceful day in baltimore 3,000 police and national guard troops are ready to make sure things stay that way. fox 29's chris o'connell is live on the ground. chris some signs of progress today? >> reporter: baltimore police say the first night of the citywide curfew really was a success only about 10 arrests after those curfews wept into effect. tonight they're going to be putting that curfew to the test once again but they'll be doing it tonight with a full complement of law enforcement we're talking city, state and we're talking national guard members at the rod ready here not just in the neighborhoods but down here at the inner harbor as well. all in all it has been a day of calm after two days of unrest and riots here in the city of baltimore. now, to give you an idea of what it looked like i grabbed my smart phone. i have some sights and sounds of what i captured during my stay. >> if you don't bring charges against those police officers you going to continue to see unrest. you going to continue to see uprising in this city. >> ♪ >> we want piece! >> we want piece! >> everybody. >> we want piece! >> i've been here 29 years of my life and i love it. i love my city. because of stuff like this. it's about positives. >> all we want to do is be heard heard. >> so at least for the time being it has subsided for now but this may be the beginning of what could be a long night here. >> whoa? watch out dave. that's under a truck. >> this is crazy. >> reporter: now police are hoping there will not ab repeat of what happened last night and the night before. we can tell you police are bracing for what they're calling large groups of people throughout the city tonight they say they're getting information that there may be many groups protesting tonight throughout the city. now, coming up in a little while we're at the baltimore inner harbor. many of these people are tourists downtown caught in the middle of all of this. we'll try to talk to some of them to see what they think about their experience here in baltimore. iain? >> chris, thank you. baseball returns to camden yards today but without a noticeable element the fans. today's orioles game against the white sox went on as scheduled but the gates stayed closed. it's the first time a major league game was played without a crowd inviteed to fill the seats. the orioles already postponed two games this week because of the protests in the city. so stay following the situation. just head to our website at we've got the latest information on baltimore and slide shows with the most memorable umps match on the home page. >> how did the neck mayor of philadelphia trying to create more jobs much that's the big question the candidates tackled today they took part forum on philadelphia work. the organization is the city's leading work force development organization and help people find jobs. you can see what the candidates had to say on our website on our home page page. let's get back to your weather. i didn't have a comp day today. i checked with jim driscoll but i got nine holes in. >> there you go. >> you made it work. >> wait. he's leaving out the top part of the story there. in shorts. >> yeah. >> it was hot but it was warm. >> temperatures have actually kind of over achieved. we talked about hitting the mid 70s yesterday. temperatures right now in philadelphia 77 degrees. it's beautiful but if you like today a transitional thursday ahead and it looks like friday it's going to be cooler highs friday could be stuck in the upper 50s. we'll talk much more about that in a moment. but it's going to be a beautiful mild evening out. get outdoors enjoy it after the broadcast. we're dry and quiet right now as we take a look at ultimate doppler scanning across the region. you can see we're looking dry and look at the numbers right now. 77 degrees. humidity comfortable. 25%. visibility perfect at 10 miles and look at the temperatures. mid 70s right now in allentown reading right now 74. 74 in pottstown. we have 75 in millville. 76 degrees currently in atlantic city at the international airport there. so you can see high pressure is in control. we have a weak boundary toward northern sections of new england and also off to the west of front but in between it's been fantastic. off to the south we've been watching that area of low pressure move away from the deep south and it continues to head right now out into the open waters of the atlantic. this is the area of low pressure that will turn into that coastal system. it's going stay out to sea however, we'll see some clouds as well as the threat for some spotty showers by tomorrow afternoon. a better chance for rainfall on friday. so by tomorrow morning we're watching that area of low pressure off the carolina coast. it will bring some clouds our way and once again by tomorrow evening there could be a few passing showers mainly south and west of our area. tomorrow still going to be mild as well but then as we move ahead toward friday, we're going to continue to find those winds coming in off of the ocean. water temperatures are in the 50s right now. low 50s so that's going to mean cloud cover and temperatures are going to be chilly on friday as well. with some drizzle some spotty showers around. so friday is definitely going to be a shock to the system. so beautiful weather stepping out doors. look at the temperatures still by 10:00 o'clock upper 60s trenton. 70s still in philadelphia with that urban heat island effect on going. mid 60s in millville. then by tomorrow morning temperatures in the low mid to upper 50s and then by tomorrow afternoon upper 60s to near 70 but by friday we're looking at those chilly changes. here's friday afternoon. temperatures will be probably in the mid to upper 50s. we might touch 60 degrees if we get enough sunshine peeking through the clouds. but for tonight temperatures low and mid 50s looking pretty g upper 60s tomorrow with that spotty afternoon shower chance. a better chance for a shower on friday. a cool high only 60 at best. but look at the weekend. 70 saturday. 76 sunday. and then early next week temperatures in the low 80s. >> finally hit 80. >> you sound so excited scott that's she was. >> i am, too. >> tuesday is my next golf day not that anyone needs to know that. i'll letting. >> you got to plan ahead. >> you do all right. you know the drill. right. you head to the grocery store. got the best of intentioning. going buy healthy feud end up buying a whole lot of junk food. >> the cheetos were calling my name. here's a nugget for you. you can actually eat something before you head to the store that will help you stick to your plan and we've got what that little something is. someone opens fire at a school. how a teacher put his own live on the line saving countless other lives in the process. >> and coming up at six mosquitoes getting a leg up on one shore community. why some mechanical problems to mean the pests will bug you more than normal this spring. your buddy ron once said he could install your ceiling fan. he couldn't. and that one time ron said another chili dog was a good idea. yeah, it wasn't. so when ron said you'd never afford a john deere tractor, you knew better. now ron does too. introducing the e series. legendary john deere quality. unexpected low price. drive one of the e series tractors during a drive green event at your john deere dealer. ♪ video tonight russian spacecraft spinning out of control. the cargo craft is supposed to be headed to the international space station. russian craft launch yesterday but nasa says it failed to deploy navigation al antennas. russian new agency says ruse flight controllers are trying to make contact with the craft today. check out this video from nasa a time lapse of a solar prominence rising from the sun last week over a six-hour period. nasa says greatest height the blume extended out many times the sides of the earth. >> turning to your health now if you take it easy during the week and party hard on the weekend that could add up to serious danger. fox 29's joyce evans in the studio tonight with the days other big health stories. joyce? >> you guys wouldn't do that on the weekends, would you? >> we just drink every day. >> no. >> okay. i tell about that. >> water. >> we're talking about binge drinking here and how kit turn deadly sooner hasn't than you might think. new study by harvard school of public health found that drinking a large amount of booze can raise your risk of heart attack by as much as 70%. and that's not all. people who drink little to no alcohol during the week and then overdo it on the weekends were at a greater risk and on the reverse side of that study they found that people who drink small amounts of alcohol lucy and iain every day seemed to be somewhat protected against cardiac problems. well children of obese mothers have a higher risk of developing autism and adhd that according to a new study by the centers for disease control and prevention. now researchers found babies born to severely obese mothers were three times more likely to develop autism and more than four times as likely to develop adhd by age six. the cdc is still trying to figure out why. and you might want to grab an apple along with your grocery list as you head out to the supermarket. eating the fruit will make you more likely to buy healthy foods. now that's according to research researchers at cornell university. they found that people who ate an apple before food shopping bought 28% more fruits and vegetables. so those researchers are suggesting that eating a healthy snack will put in you a healthy mind set and therefore you will make healthier decisions or that apple was really good and you just want to get some more. iain and lucy. >> honey crisp apples. >> the best. >> right? those are my favorite. >> all right. >> can't wait for them. >> speaking of nutrition foods a school sends a letter home with the little girl but she's not the one in trouble. >> no, she's not. the school scolded the girl's mother for something they put in her daughter'ing lunch box. >> a single mom's new job ends before it even begins. what she posted on facebook that was apparently bad enough to get her fired from daycare center. >> howard. >> it was a different sight for the players at today's orioles game. never have they played in front of an empty stadium and the orioles manager explains what it was like and crazy rumors today with the inform fl draft tomorrow. all that coming up in sports. trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying center. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. buying used cars is all we do... all makes and models... no dealership pressure. we'll even settle your loan or lease. so don't wait. get your free online valuation now at ♪ happening right now live look at baltimore. take peek right there. you've got a crowd on the march in the downtown area. it's less than 48 hours after protests gave way to riots and looting things have been much calmer in the day since a lot of people coming together trying to clean up the city and provide hope to people. 3,000 police and national guard troops are ready to keep the peace if they have. to we'll continue to watch the situation, keep you updateed as warranted. in entertainment headlines a lot of buzz surrounding a state dinner at the white house last night. russell wilson and pop star sierra. the two showing up together for that white house dinner date. joining us is the host of dish nation. head crack. head crack seems like they're a thing and this is the couple everybody was talking about last night in d.c. >> pretty much a big deal. like, you know, searer a whole bunch of hit and misses in the love department. her recent dude before russell wilson was rapper future. they even had a baby together but for whatever reason it didn't pan out. some say he was cheating. who knows? russell wilson is like a pretty solid dude. i mean he just won the super bowl and he looked really great together last night. i'm hoping it's like blossoms into something bigger. she's been hurt a lot and really deserve it. >> all right. man. in other news pop star mariah carey arrives in las vegas in grand fashion. ready to start her residency at caesars palace. she had quite the entrance head crack. >> when you're mariah carey you can't roll through no place coming through the door. she came in a 1936 pink cadillac and 18 cars trailing with billboards had the titles of all her number one songs. like the name of her show in vegas is called mariah carey number one to infinity and starts may sixth through july and tickets are reasonable. like $55 to get you in the door and some tickets that are even as high as $250 and just imagine you get to seat original diva while she's still in fighting shape doing all her best records records. i think it sounds like a ticket. >> ticket. head crack always great talking to you brother. after fox 29 news at 10:00 we got you cover. two hours of news and info taken many. catch tmz and inside edition followed by dish nation at midnight and chasing news at 12:30. >> teacher in washington state has hero status tonight he tackled a student firing a gun and saved lives. monday morning that student started firing shots on north thursday ton high school campus. students and school officials say teacher brady olson tackled that student from behind likely saving many lives including that of his own daughter who is a freshman at the high school. >> wow ran towards it when we all ran away he was leading the other two men to run towards him him. >> when olsen refuses to take all the credit saying school officials along with school resource officer helped safe lives. police say the student he tackled got the gun from his parents and had recently transferred to that school. a lot of talk tonight about a colorado pre-school that is handing out a scolding to a mom. the mom's offense packing oreos in her daughter's lunch box. at the end of the school day the school sent the four-year-old home with the forbidden cookies an note reading in part "lunchables, chips fruit snacks and peanut butter not considered to be a healthy snack" the mom says the school needs to back off. >> they don't provide lunch for my daughter. i provide lunch. it's been between and the doctor on what's healthy for her. >> pearson says the lunch she pack include add sandwich and cheese. no comment yet from the school. peanut butter is not healthy any more? >> we live in whole new world i have no idea about. many people vent online, but a facebook post just costs one texan her job. kalin walls was very exciteed to find work but not as excited about her place of employment. daycare center. single mom posted on facebook "i start my new job today but i absolutely hate working at a daycare. i just really hate being around a lot of kids ". hmm. the posts spread quickly throughout the area with many attacking her on facebook and the daycare center ultimately told her not to bother coming in on her first day. >> it really was big mistake. i don't hate children. no, not at all. i have my own. she's beautiful. i love her. he was just venting. i am not going to post anything ever again like that. not matter how i feel. >> wise idea. wall said she needs the job badly to help support her daughter and that she didn't mean to offend anyone. she is back searching for work again. it's always a popular list to look at forbes magazine out with its rankings of the wealthy yesterday americans but this time they'll break it down by state. so forbes put out this interactive map on its website letting you see the rich chest person in all 50 states. let's take look at our area. let's check on pennsylvania. the rich chest person is mary allen malone worth more than $3 billion. her grandfather invented the condensed soup formula helped turned the campbell's soup toe company into what it is today. she lives in coatesville. meantime in new jersey, the rich chest guy is david tepper. he's hedge fund manager worth more than $10 billion. he calls livingston new jersey home and in delaware, we got two. elizabeth schneider and robert gore tied for the rich chest person there both worth $675 million. the brother and sister are members of the gore family which developed goretex. elizabeth lives in wilmington and while robert lives in newark delaware. this is probably a list we'd all like to be on. lucy? >> dare definitely nick will len at a at it again testing his luck and skills in florida. that's him right there a top the 400-foot orlando eye the city's new observation ferris wheel kind of like the london eye i guess. even if it doesn't look very fast that ferris wheel is moving and nick says it was wet and slippery. he's not using a pole to balance or safety net making that all the more dangerous. by the way the ferris wheel opens to the pub flick a week you've actually got to right in the little compartments versus doing that. build as the fight of the century florida mayweather and manner pacquiao score enough a boxing ring this saturday. >> millions expected to watch that fight howard eskin hopes you join him in skipping it. why he says he's had it with mayweather. ♪ >> are you kidding me? i'm done. i've had it. boxing well it's a dirty sport. promotors are cheap boxers. fighters that are not honest, and the past that many give the criminal element in that game. but after the latest revelation i've had it. it's a stinging dirty sport. this weekend floyd mayweather is fighting manny pacquiao. espn revealed mayweather is a woman beater. he has five convictions. five for domestic violence with beating three different women two the mothers of his children. by the way his hands are lethal weapons. so why does nevada athletic commission give mayweather a license for this fight? simple answer. floyd mayweather stands to make $180 million. yes. dollars. so just imagine what nevada makes. it's sick and it's disgusting and i've had it. the only serve time for one of the convictions was 90 days. 90 days was delayed until after one of his fights. boy, that was nice of them. nevada athletic commission is criminal. ray rice was suspended for the season after knocking his fiance'. but in las vegas they let you do whatever you want. and in at least one incident mayweather's girlfriend was taken out on estate cher. mayweather has gotten everything away with but murder so far because the sport is dirty. but saturday night too many people won't care when he fights pacquiao. would not pay me a penny to watch the fight and i hope others won't support a woman beater eat. i'm howard eskin and i've really had it. ♪ have you had it with howard? go ahead unload on him. we want to know. record a video post it to facebook on twitter or instagram and use the #fox29weekend. ♪ straight ahead at six workers rush from a building, two of them flown to the hospital. tonight questions about the chemical that created a very dangerous situation. plus the local man who put his live on the line fighting for our country on the battlefield. now, decades later he's not able to get the benefits he was counting on. how this happened and what he's doing about it. >> fox 29 news in hd brought to you by xfinity the future of awesome. right now at 6:00 calm and hope in baltimore. live look at baltimore right now an crowd is gathering in the downtown area. you see them on the move. it is less than 48 hours after protests gave way to riots and looting and burning. things they've ban lot calmer in the hours and now days ton night the city hopes things will stay that way. good evening i'm lucy noland. >> i'm iain page. let's get up to speed where things stand. 3,000 police and national guards men are baltimore right now to try to prevent a repeat of the looting and arson that erupted on monday and 300 pennsylvania state personnel are on the way to help as well as we said things do seem to be calmer somewhat. baltimore schools did reopen today but 10:00 p.m. curfew remains in effect. >> we have live team coverage tonight. bruce gordon at camden yards where the orioles just pulled off a low key but dominant victory. we begin with chris o'connell back on the streets of baltimore. chris? >> reporter: lucy as call baltimore braces for another night of the citywide curfew and the threat of more violence baltimore police are vowing to keep the piece tonight. this is one reason and one way they'll be doing it. take a look. imagine this was pennsylvania landing in philadelphia. imagine national guard members by the hundreds down here. well, we're talking about high profile areas and tourist districts here in baltimore. there is no busier, no more high profile. you see some of those national guard members making their way around there. it is -- this is really where the epicenter of the tourist district here in the inner

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