Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5PM 20150316 : compareme

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5PM 20150316

>> the stabbing hammed just before 2:00 when dozens of students were inside the dining hall economy common air. students and faculty got the emergency alert to shelter in place. >> we look over and he's sitting at a chair and they have all these like napkins taped to him trying to stop bleeding and there's cop cars everywhere. >> reporter: 45 minutes later the shelter in place was lifted. but not before students left campus shaken. >> i was kind of a little scared at first because you hear it happening at other campuses you don't think it's going happen at yours. >> reporter: if you know anyone knows about crime at lasalle campus it's freshman mark metzler. my parents aren't happy. i was mug here a month and a half ago pretty severely. >> his father grew up in this got beat up after leaving a party with a couple of guys he didn't know. >> they ruptured my eardrum two black eyes. messed up my nose, jaw, i was at einstein. they took my phone wallet and backpack. >> police are looking for today's assailant he's only described as a white male in his 20s last seen wearing a lasalle university hoodie, and a read hat that victim was transported to einstein medical center at last report non-life threatening injuries. we did reach out to jack and jill ice cream. they are giving us no comment tonight. iain. >> chris, thank you. developing now one philadelphia firefighter still in the hospital tonight of the another has just been released both were injured on a fire seen in north philadelphia earlier today. officials say the firefighters were shocked after the ladder they were handling touched some power lines. the two were rushed to temple university hospital. that's where our dave kinchen joins us live to it night. >> reporter: one firefighter was released as you said but a 14 year veteran with third degree burns is still hospitalized tonight. it was to be the end of a routine call for two philadelphia firefighters working on a blaze in this north philadelphia house monday morning. but a shock from 7600 vaults pass ugh three overhead wires made this call anything but routine landing them at temple university hospital. >> i couldn't believe it because they were wrapping up. you know the fire was out. you know they were pulling the lines in. >> reporter: fire officials say a 14 year veteran suffered third degree burns to his feet when the ladder he was helping to lower came into contact with the wires. witnesses say flames were shoot shooting from his feet for at least 10 seconds. >> the firefighter his arms fell to the side his whole body got stiff and he just fell right to the ground. he was bringing down the 35-foot ladder with nine year vet rap also injured. both had just extinguished a small fire on the 2400 block of west norris. witnesses say one of them landed on this mattress below. >> very frightening close coliseum talked to both members and they say exactlyily same thing. >> reporter: commissioner sawyer says while fires fighter always use caution around wire. >> because of the makeup and the drones in the steve philadelphia we always going to have wires close to building we have to operate with he can treatment caution. >> reporter: member treated for burns is with his fiance' at the hospital and is expected to stay here overnight. >> we have third degree burns you have to be careful not to have infection. >> reporter: commissioner says the injured firefighters are blessed considering the risks associated with the job. he says it could have been much worse. >> when he came in contact fortunately the ladder bounced back to the building. so just imagine if the later stayed in contact with the wires wires. wrecked a much graver situation. >> reporter: fire officials tell us both injured firefighter firefighters did follow procedure in this case that procedure would require two members to operate bringing down a ladder that is 35 feet long. in the meantime, the fire officials tell thus they can't simply wait for peco to shut off the power they have to go in and fight these fires as they happen happen. lucy. >> thank you very much, dave. another firefighter injured at another fire. this time in northeast philadelphia. the flames broke out at this home on the 3500 block of brook view road just before 2:00 this morning medics took a person in that home to the hospital for smoke inn hal laying. injured firefighter went to the hospital for heat exhaustion. doctors expect both to be okay. red cross is helping two adults and two children who live in the home and red paw philly caring for twoly recovering from smoke anal laying n montgomery county officials are trying to figure out what started that fire that destroyed a well-known non non-profit school. the flames gutted the wyncote academy on students. it was a tough battle. more than three hours it took firefighters to get it under control. no one is hurt but the roofs and second floor destroyed. most of the desks and computers are also gone. classes are resuming on went at the nearby gratz college. >> three people in the hospital after a shooting in philadelphia's brewery town neighborhood. this happened just before 1:00 this afternoon. oh the 2500 block of ingersol street. the bullets hit three men all are now in stable condition. police were able to find a gun but they have not made any arrests. another arrest in the murder case of a missing mt. laurel mother. police in burlington county have arrested 67-year-old joe crosby. she's the mother of kyle crosby. he was charged back in january with the murder of his wife, 26-year-old erika crippen. police say joe crosby is being held on charges that she helped her son cover up the crime. she's expected to make her first appearance in court tomorrow. a late winter roller coaster and fox 29 weather authority. here's a live look at philadelphia international airport. it's a chilly weekend but things are about to warm up briefly and we're also tracking a chance for winter weather which is very tough for me to say right now. chief meteorologist scott williams is live in old city tonight. oh scott. i thought we were done with all of this? >> well, lucy, you know, it is march and it's called march madness in the weather department. not that bad right now in old city. temperatures have been in the low to mid 50s. but tomorrow, we'll actually climb into the low 60s before cold front and blustery conditions take over. but let's get to the numbers right now. you can see 55 degrees currently in philadelphia. humidity at 40% so not that bad if you're stepping outdoors. we have 55 in wilmington as well as wrightstown. low 50s in millville down to dover. 51 right now in reading and pottstown checking in at 53 degrees. it was a cold start this morning. temperatures were at or below freezing in many locations. we're dry as well but take a look to the far north and west. around the michigan we're tracking showers and some will try and make its way toward our area early on tuesday. a mild and comfortably cool evening if you're stepping outdoors. upper 40s not as chilly tonight by 11:00 o'clock. so tomorrow some spotty showers around. then turning blustery in the afternoon and evening. colder by midweek and yes there is a chance by the latter part of the week believe it or not for some rain and perhaps even some wet snow. i'll have the timing of that when i come indoors. back to you. all right. scott, thank you. a vo-tech high schoolteacher is locked up in south jersey tonight. >> prosecutors say he secretly video tape the quote private parts of actually private areas of students. joyce evans joins us now with details just released this afternoon. joyce? >> well, police say lucy and iain that they are nine alleged vick items identified so far administrators at the gloucester county institute of technology alerted authorities last week. that was on thursday. the arrest was made on friday. 37-year-old adam mayer has not made bail on nine counts of misconduct endangering other and privacy invasion. the county prosecutor said he cannot release any details on who or exactly what was captured on the videos or what the english teacher may have planned to do with them. >> we believe the only crimes were committed in his classroom. shortly after a class that he taught or shortly after school. that none of the offenses appear to have occurred in any other location in any other setting. it was only limited to his classroom. >> prosecutor dalton also said he did not know how long that video taping may have been going on. but he is urging parents of any student who may have been in mayer's class over the last two or three years to call prosecutor' office at the number right here on your screen. it is (856)384-5500. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, joyce. an american right now battling ebola has taken a turn for the worse. that worker has been national institutes of health in bethesda maryland since friday. doctors have not released the person's name age or gender. however today the hospital announced the patient's condition has gone from serious to critical. the worker contracted ebola while volunteering in a see err ya leone treatment unit. secretary of state john kerry met with iranian counterpart in switzerland this morning. the talks come as the dead red line looms for a framework deal or iran's nuclear program. iran claims the energy is for energy production and research the u.s. briefs it's a cover for a weapons program. bob cork kerr drafted any less laying any deal would have to go through congress for approval. president obama has threatened to veto any legislation congress passes in regard to iran but if enough democrats support cork kerr's legislation there is a chance there could be enough support to override the that veto. there's a new push in the garden state to make sure everyone has got a strike at striking it rich. >> how would you like to play the lottery without ever leaving home? well it could happen soon soon. >> plus the storm so bad residents of a tiny south pacific nation say they have to start over. still to come, aid workers finally arrive on the shores of vanuatu. >> from saving the world from terrorists on fox' worries to saving whales and dolphins in the real world we take you on a journey into the waters where the hunt for these mammals is still on but so is the fight to save them. music: etta james "at last" (plays throughout) ♪ sometimes, at last doesn't happen at first. ♪ ♪ your dad just kissed my mom. ♪ turning two worlds into one takes love. ♪ helping protect that world takes state farm. ♪ update now on massive sink hole we told you about last night. shut down several lanes of route 70 in cherry hill. working that sink hole still not over. so the right lane on route 70 just before springdale road remains closed. expect to see work crews throughout this night as well. so when will it finally be done? don't know yet. we can find out because i drive near there. >> i know you do. the city is buzzing today because villanova locks up number one seed in the ncaa tournament. >> you think the folks would be squarely on college basketball, right? no. because the eagles are all anyone is talking about. our howard eskin is in the newsroom. howard hooks tried out for the team today is a big talker. what are you hearing. >> well, the eagles just want people talking. >> absolutely unbelievable. unbelievable. it's all about the eagles. actually i think chip kelly is bored after last week's activity activity. i've confirmed tim tebow was in town for a workout with the eagles today. this morning. tebow college quarterback who played three years in the nfl. tim tebow has not played in the nfl however in two years and didn't even make it through camp with the patriots two years ago. i think this gets the twitter world going and crazy but i hate to break the news to everybody for all of that you love tim tebow. he is not an nfl quarterback. he can't play. i think chip kelly as i said was either bored after a flurry of moves last week or did someone actually call in a favor just to have him work out tim tebow? all right. the ncaa tournament villanova getting ready as the number one seed to open the ncaa tournament in pittsburgh on thursday. the head coach jay wright at the coaches versus cancer event i was theres this morning his opponent is the opening round lafayette. nova a 2.5 favorite. >> lafayette is coached by fran o'hanlon. >> it stinks. i don't like playing against our former players. he's got a really good team, and he's a very good coach. so this is going to be a tough first round matchup they're style of play is one like princeton it's really hard to guard. >> i love coaches. a tough match. come on you're 22.5 favorite. more news from the phillies in this case the phillies placed cliff lee on the 60 day disable list with a torn tend in his left elbow. he's had it now for a couple of weeks. he will not have surgery but i think the warning sign it could be the end of a career of a very good pitcher. more on nova and the phillies best pitcher had a terrible day today as well. lucy? >> you got a whole lot to talk about. we hit the jackpot when it comes to the sports today. all right, howard talk to you soon. speaking of jackpots how does lottery ticket delivered to your doorsteps sound in new jersey right now lawmakers are mulling that one over. the assembly tourism gaming and art committee approved a bill to authorize the delivery of tickets by courier supporters say it will make a easier to play the lottery who have difficulty leaving their homes and it would open up lottery to more customers. >> pennsylvania state employees may soon have to be more carefully about how they surf on state issues computer computers and smash phones. bill working it's way through the state house that would make using state owned devices to look at pornography a crime. anyone convicted of doing so would face a year in prison and 2,500-dollar fine. the bill has 13 sponsors. >> it sounds like it's straight out of a movie. new york city real estate hair robert durst is back in the spotlight for murder after hbo documentary on heu him tonight his attorney says that prosecutors in new orleans are preventing his client from returning to california. durst agreed to extradition today in a new orleans courtroom courtroom. that documentary spurred a judge in california to issue a warrant for his arrest. now in it the 71-year-old is caught on camera sounding like he's confessing no three murders. his lawyer says the documentary is misleading. prosecutorprosecutors say durst killed his long-time friend susan berman in 2000 sand at her southern california home just before investigators were going to ask him about the disappearance of durst's first wife. investigators consider him the prime suspect in her disappearance but he's never faced charges. durst lawyer spoke briefly today about why his client is still in new orleans. we came here to wave jurisdiction and to go back to california ton get it on. bob durst didn't kill susan berman. he's ready to end all the rumor and speculation and have a trial trial. but we're frustrateed because the local authorities are considering file charges on him here and holding him here. we're ready to go to california and have a trial. >> durst also confessed but was acquitted in the 2003 killing and december measurement of a neighbor he claimed self defense defense. special education in public schools will cost pennsylvania taxpayers nearly a billion dollars this year. some parents will do anything possible to make sure their children get the services they deserve including hire an advocate to help them out. tonight at 10:00 jeff cole and fox 29 investigates takes a look into the background avenue local woman who charges familiar tolls represent them in the struggle for special education services. jeff is here now with look ahead to tonight. >> reporter: tonight at 10 we take a close look at an area pro profile special aid advocate who claims she has a ph.d. in applied psychology it's the kind of academic training likely to help in her advocacy work for parents with special needs children. when we asked her where she earned her ph.d. she has not been very forthcoming. it's important because public resources, tax dollars are used to provide special education instruction in public schools and parents dig into their pockets to pay for her services. tonight at 10:00 we press for answers. >> who took it over? does it exist. >> you don't know? >> this has been investigated several years ago by -- >> why can't you tell me? you seem like you don't want to tell me. >> i do want to tell you. >> i'm willing to respond in writing. >> you will not tell me. you tell me that you have a valid ph.d. from an accredited institution. you say -- >> i didn't say -- i said that i have ph.d. that's what i said to you. >> but not from -- >> i don't want, you know -- not from an accredited -- >> misrepresent any any way to you. >> so tonight learn who she is. where she works and what she has to say. repeatedly questioned her about her background in this very important field where public resources are used and that's tonight at 10:00 as fox 29 investigates. iain? >> jeff, we look forward to that. thank you well needed wellness center for homeless and low income residents in the city opened today. city leaders and officials at the ribbon cutting of the steven klein wellness center in north philadelphia. the center is operated by project home. the new facility will provide health care services for residents in a local neighborhood. the sent even has its own pharmacy and offers babysitting nervous through the ymca. leaders say the this 28,000 square foot facility is long overdue. >> today too many philadelphians risk their physical, mental, emotional and fiscal health because health care isn't an accessible because it's too expensive. wellness center is a a stop towards alleviateing those issues in north philadelphia and beyond. >> the center is named after steven klein the lead funder of the project. putting drones to work to save your life. >> one company is at the timing them as lifeguards. how the robots could save your life when seconds count. >> it could be a disgusting side effect of living in city but now san francisco' s fighting back. how the city's engineering walls that pee back on disgusting vandals. >> strange story. florida community kindsness used against it turns out a woman they believe was fighting for her life against cancer wasn't even sick. tonight police are involved. ♪ aid workers scramble to help the south pacific nation van what too as a monstrous sigh lone tears through the open. the airport has reopened. australian military play was among the first to arrive carrying water and medical supplies. the cyclone called pam destroyed and damaged about 90% of the island's capital buildings. 24 items have been confirmed and 300 people have been displaced from their homes. >> you know the locals locals are still talking about the terrifying sigh lone packing winds of more than 160 miles an hour just a monster. >> it was terrifying. the whole room was just like it was raining inside. it was just pouring in. things were hitting the building building. it was trees. everything was going everywhere. i just sat at the end of the bed and just -- i thought i wasn't going to be here the next morning. >> amazing he can laugh. the president says this is a major set back for this developing nation. a company in chile is opening to use drones to save lives. >> it's now testing drones fitted with a float camera, microphone speaker rescuers would control the drones from the beach and they can quickly drop a float to swimmers as the lifeguard swims to the rescue it's a taj to the bottom of the drone and on board camera monitors the location of the swimmer. speaker and microphone let's lifeguards on the beach give instructions to that swimmer and they'll be hear that person. the company hopes to have the drones rescue for -- ready for rescues in chile next summer. i think that will do great things. >> let's hope. >> we're hoping great things happen around here because the weather starts to change we'll spend more of our lives outside. >> thankfully the city of philadelphia just got a nice chunk of change to make that prospect even more appealing. we'll explain. a man steals an ambulance at knife point. the crime as you can imagine caught on video. why the illegal joy ride didn't last long. scott? >> roller coaster temperatures as we close the books on winter later this week. type out when snow could hit a why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with a conscience? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the xc60 crossover. from volvo. lease the well-equipped volvo xc60 today. visit your local volvo showroom for details. ♪ >> philadelphia railway sat vacant and overgrown for decades is getting spruced up. >> a plan to transform an old elevateed railway the reading into a green public space is one step closer to becoming a reality. the viaduct carried trains for decades but now the city hopes to make the abandoned tracks a walkable hang out. two foundations the john and james l. night and william penn foundation announce dag they're investing $1 million into the project as part of initiate shiv led by the fairmount mark couldn't surveillance van see to transport public space in the city. >> the chair commitment to your own communityies we all live in this city but it's your particular focus on that piece of park area on that neighborhood aspect that makes your community the great part of the city of neighborhoods. >> the $1 million donation brings the project 60% of the way towards its fundraising goal. there are plans to convert four other open spaces throughout the city as well. >> happening right now, a big hole is growing bigger and it has the family in the home next to it very concerned. this hole on haverford avenue opened up when utility crews were doing some work on the street. residents in the area are very worried the whole sidewalk could just cave on in. fox 29's bruce gordon is working to get results live in the newsroom with more. bruce? >> reporter: lucy it's taken a couple of months for small crack to develop into a major cave in. but the results a dangerous mess on the 5100 block of haverford avenue. homeowner and fox 29 viewer lloyd brown well he's had enough. lloyd brown says he remembers the water and sewer line work done by a contractor for the city water department. it began late last year. but it was what he saw when he returned home from work one january day that stuck with him. >> the backhoe just sit hearing. >> reporter: it was a piece of heavy equipment just like this and brown came out a little while later he says the equipment was gone. the sidewalk was sagging and it was covered with gravel. >> since then it has progressive progressively got worse. it's cracked more and sunken more. >> reporter: win the past couple of days a huge portion of the sidewalk actually caved in. a chunk of haverford avenue has also collapsed right in brown's home. he has to help his family in and out of the house and he's put up his own barricade to protect neighbors. >> this is my little homemade block off. >> reporter: the rope here. >> it's mine. >> reporter: brown spoke with the man in charge of the construction crew back in january. >> basically they're not telling me anything but they'll fix it when they're done. >> reporter: any idea when they'll be done. >> no, i don't. >> reporter: i snapped a few pictures and reached to the water depth it. doesn't look just cosmetic to me. it looks like an actual danger there's absolutely no reason why a backhoe should have been park in front of brown's home there was no work being done in that specific area. but they've offered to send a sewer maintenance crew to check out the mess tonight. and they say they will properly barricade the area to better safeguard the public. says lloyd brown -- >> i need fast act. i can't live like this. >> reporter: the water department promises me they will further investigate this tomorrow morning. to try and figure out how the original damage occurred and what can be cup to safeguard the area on a more permanent basis. lloyd brown will be watching and waiting. we of course will be on top of it. lucy. >> you always are. thank you very much, bruce. got anything we can help you get result on. just go to our website scroll down to the getting results section on the home page page. all right. let's talk some weather here. because we got a lot of talking to do. i had banished the winter wet authority saying. >> remember that. >> yes. >> that was last week. you mavie to hang on to it for a few more days. >> wintry mix somewhere. >> yeah, it's not going to be for everyone but we do have that s word the snow word in that seven day forecast. believe it or not on the day that spring arrives. so wild weather buckle up get ready as we take a look at those weather headlines tomorrow temperatures will actually top out in the low 60s. but then a blustery front will move through and that will mean colder conditions by the middle of the week feeling more like winter. the windshield factor will be an issue and, yes spring rain and snow as we move toward friday. but look at ultimate doppler right now. it's dry and quiet. we're looking at some rainfall far north and west. you have to head all the way to the up of michigan this is the front that will be moving through during the day tomorrow to bring a few spotty showers mainly north and west. but look at the temperatures by 10:00 o'clock tonight. upper 40s in philadelphia. so not as cold tonight as it was this morning when you woke up. by 6:00 a.m. we're looking at some of that green showing up toward the pocono mountains and once again a spotty passing shower the first part of the day tomorrow with mostly cloudy skies. but look at 11 a.m. 62 in philadelphia. 63 in wilmington as well as millville. so a mild first part of the day and then those winds will pick up in the afternoon and evening dropping temperatures by 5:00 o'clock you can see we're dropping into the 50s. but how much rainfall to expect? not a whole lot out of this system. once again most of the rainfall chances toward lehigh valley as well as the poconos they might see a tenth of an thirty seven. otherwise spotty activity for philadelphia and south jersey. mid 50's right now. pretty mild above average by a few degrees much visibility is good at 10 miles as we look at those temperatures, mid 50s in wrightstown. low 50s right now in millville. down to dover. 50's even as you move toward sections of pottstown reading as well as lancaster but take a look at the 70s. even 80s to our south. 81 atlanta as well as columbia. temperature changes though, once again some of that colder air will be moving in for the middle and latter part of the week. high temperatures will only be in the 40s. but feels like temperatures let's watch how things play out. you can see this is tomorrow at 7:00. 36 degrees in the philadelphia area. and then by 10:00 o'clock tomorrow it's going feel like the 20s and then wednesday feels like temperatures will be stuck in the 20s and low 30s so winter is going out kicking and screaming. as we look at the forecast tonight, upper 30s to low and mid 40s out there so not as cold and then 62 degrees for the high temperature tomorrow. spotty showers early then turning breezy and blustery those winds will be gusting up to 30 miles per hour. your seven day forecast showing you temperature changes low 60s tomorrow. low 40s as we move into wednesday and then friday, yes we could see a high of 40 with chance with some rain and wet snow especially far north and west. >> happy spring! >> like north pole to our north. just want to make sure. >> thanks, scott. >> it can be a disgusting side effect of living in a city but now san francisco is fighting back. >> you know how some people relieve themselves on walls? i've run across it. are you kidding me? san francisco is now engineering walls that bounce that stuff right back on the vandals. there you go. >> and a pizza delivery goes bad i'm talking really bad here how an anniversary many over a bill ended in gunfire and a police chase in missouri. >> and coming at 6:00 bald eagles trying to make a nest in south jersey but someone could be making that difficult thank you for being a sailor, and my daddy. thank you mom, for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are thankful for many things. the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. our world-class service earned usaa the top spot in a study of the most recommended large companies in america. if you're current or former military or their family, see if you're eligible to get an auto insurance quote. ♪ new video tonight of a texas man stealing an ambulance at knife point. the crew was doing some paper work inside the ambulance at a fort worth hospital. that's when kenneth go lightly approached them and told those inside the ambulance he was taking it and pulled out 95. his joy didn't ride long lastly. he crash the ambulance less than mile away. >> i don't know what goes through somebody's mind like that. >> he could have killed somebody trying to get away. culling down the street somebody could have been crossing. >> after the crash he took off his seat belt, tried to run but police caught up with him. golightly facing aggravated robbery charges among others. one wild chase to another police caught missouri man accused of shooting pizza delivery driver after an argument over the bill. it happened friday night in st. louis suburb. police say the trouble started when todd pig did not give the deliveryman enough money for the pizza. so when the driver started to call his boss, police say pig shot him in the chest. then took the delivery driver's car and took off. boom boom, boom, boom, boom. like it seemed like it didn't stop. >> getting into a pursuit that went north to st. louis and across to illinois and then back to st. louis. >> the story gets even more wild wild. as police chased pig they say he through homemade sticks of dynamite at them. officers eventually stopped him with spike strips much he's now in jail on half a million dollars bail. the delivery driver is in stable condition. that's a whole lot more than pizza bill. >> absolutely. >> police probably don't get these types of cases on their desk a lot. officers in in order tracking down an arresting a man they call the shoe bandit. rusty sills accused of stealing women's shoes right off their front doorsteps. here's where it gets more strange. in many cases this guy left a different pair of shoes in place of the ones he took. surveillance video helped police catch sills after one homeowner got fed up and installed a camera. >> i hope he's going to see the camera and not come back. eighths relief. we slept last night much better. >> police say this isn't the first time sills has pulled something like this. he was charged with stealing shoes back in 1999 from students at iowa state university. you just got to wonder. i don't know. >> i can't -- >> don't know. florida community kindsness used against it. it turns out woman they thought was fighting for her life against cancer wasn't even sick and tonight police are involved. >> and whale wars. more than a tv show. how a pop star is trying to save these amazeing creatures. >> hey, howard. >> so many moving parts today in sports. villanova gets ready for the ncaa tournament the eagles had an interesting player in for a work out today and not good news for cliff lee. all of that coming up in sports. and don't forget out our empire viewing party this wednesday night the party starts at 7:00 p.m. at miss tootsie's bar be rest of restauran it's a type of crime so low really hard to imagine. a florida community is in shock tonight learning a so-called cancer patient they rallied around doesn't actually have cancer at all. ton night that person is in jail. fox's kimberly cuisine spoke with some of the people who helped raid raise money for the woman. >> reporter: as news spread kelly johannson had stage four breast cancer the town of her nan dough rallied for her. >> a lot people in our club that do have certain different kinds of cancer and they're beating it and fighting it. it hits home. >> they helped volunteer and raise hundreds of dollars for her doctor's bills and spents during a large fundraiser. >> she was happy. everybody was going on. >> behind the smiles and hugs, johannson was living a lie. >> a shame this turn out to be something that wasn't good. >> reporter: after receiving a complaint in september, deputees took a closer look at johannson. they found out she had lied about her diagnosis and didn't have cancer. >> a lot of people in the world that will do a lot of different thing. >> reporter: investigators say do fund me page for the 36-year-old raised at least $4,400. they still haven't been able to tally how much others raised. >> everybody was there. it was 100% 40 for her. >> reporter: joe spring kerr says it hurt their small town. >> i just thought it was pretty rotten for someone to do what they did and take the trust of all the people and just throw it away. >> reporter: johannson look much different than few months ago. her hair has grown back and she remain in the citrus counsel tie jail. chargedcharged with fraud as her hometown continues to question why. >> it took money away from people that could have really used it. in her nan dough kimberly cuisine, fox news. >> indianapolis woman heard intruders break into her home. she hid in the closet while they ransacked her place making off with cash. fox's eric levy has her story. report. >> this is the closet. this little closet. so what i did is iran. i heard them come up the stairs. iran and through the clothes out one leg was down, and i took the dress and hid like this. >> starks says she's thankful she survived the frightening ordeal lasted seven minutes much this brick staying laying on her dining room floor was used to bust through her back door. >> i was sitting right here at this computer when i heard a thump. i heard the first time. i ignore it. the second time i knew somebody was in my house because i her the glass shatters. >> the guys were in the bedroom and were rummaging through everything. >> all this was out. dumb it out. >> all these drawers were -- >> they was tipped over. dumb out. >> including the closet she was hiding in. she was trying to call 911 at the same time. by the time police arrived moments later, the intruders had already gotten away with her social security card, a bank card and money from her purse. >> seven minutes of terror and i was terrified. like i said i thought my life was over. >> she didn't want show her face but she did want to give you some advice to protect yourself. >> watch your surroundings. more than anything. just watch it. >> if something suspicious happens -- >> call the police. all right. this may not be for for you but it it may be. be care phil where you pee. one california city has got a surprise for people who just want to continue to relieve themselves on public walls. san francisco is test agnew water repellent paint that gives back what it receives. this isn't a joke. the liquid bounces off the wall and right back at you. it's considered a last ditch effort by city officials to discourage public urination. >> it's supposed to when people urinate bounce back and hit them on their pants and debt them wet. hopefully that will discourage them. >> make people smell just just the concrete. you'll have people walking around smelling like urine, too. officials say their next move to test the paint which they'll use around 10 city walls to find out if it works. all right. as rumors swirl about the fox series 24 possibly coming back, and possibly without jack bauer one of its stars has got new project he's hoping has a world changing impact. >> 24 of course ross mccall's character helping save the world from terrorists but in the real world, he is trying to save whales and dolphins still underred to this day. you know i went along for part of the ride. >> folks will be surprised a guy that's basically fighting terrorists on 24 is now off trying to save whales and dolphins. yeah. >> but it was another television show that grabbed mccall and hasn't left go. >> i watched whale wars. it was actually on netflix. wow! >> endangered fin whales wowed tourist ross an whale and dolphin safari off the coast of california yet they're still hunted in other parts of the world for food. especially pet food. plummeting numbers in whale population spurred the international whaling commission to ban commercial whaling in 1986. yet to this day some countries refuse to abide by it. >> see the white on the underside there. >> social media is huge right now. people i'll tweet to have no idea this is going on in the world. whales are getting slaughtered and dolphins are getting kill. >> mccall wants it all stopped. >> take orchids and grandkids out and watch watch a whale. we've done it. >> i was amazeed. >> look at that. >> the waters off the california coast mccall headed to the north at lap and joined the sea shepherd crew made famous by whale wars. the islands is a nation as small as it is grand with jaw-dropping vistas. it dots the ocean between iceland and norway. for as long as anyone can remember whales and dolphins have lived in these waters and across those centuries the ferrell have hunted them. but they're not just picking up one or a few entire families babies and all are driven panicked to the shore. it's brutal, it's bloody we'll spare you the details. >> the water turns red. it's horrick. these whales will actually cry out. they will not leave the site of their family. >> so the sea shepherd volunteers risk jail arrested here on a ferrell island beach for trying to save dolphins from slaughter. they're sometimes confrontational tactics are great at grabbing headline. but not at grabbing the hearts and minds of those still on the hunt which is where mccall comes in. >> face to face with whaler hans jacob. >> maybe we stop -- that's something should happen. >> you got to talk and maybe that first step in the ferrell islands is over tea and cookies in a hotel lobby. >> you don't cause injuries to the animals and come up with a -- >> hold on second. does it cause injury. >> in this part of the world mccall has at least started the dialogue. >> you have to try and come up with an alternative. how can we -- >> make sense. you can't just -- you can't do this as a livelihood any more. you can't feed your family any more. cut it out. >> another way. the tourism is a great way. you turn your fishing boats into actual touring vessels and make a fortune. >> mccall is hoping the ferrell islands centuries old connection to pilot whales and dolphins continues. but it transforms into something far richer than many could have imagine with both those living on the land and those who live in the waters prospering. >> as always, so much we couldn't include. so for more mccall's chat with jacob and an view with the sea shepherd clue head to and click on the video second where you'll find a link. ahead at six could philadelphia firefighters in the hospital but lucky to be alive tonight. the freak accident that could have been a lot worse. imagine having this gaping hole right outside your home. a local homeowner says he knows exactly who to blame for this. tonight, we're wor sometimes, caring for your neighbors means going the extra mile. when our patient, susan, mentioned her dad couldn't make it in to pearle vision to get his eyes checked... we went to him. and we realized, if he had trouble getting new glasses... he probably wasn't the only one. to us, eye care is about living dr. pearles legacy. building a trusting relationship with the person behind the eyes. this is genuine eye care right in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. fox 29 news in hd brought to you by xfinity the future of awesome awesome. right now at six, scary afternoon at a local university. a lock down at lasalle 45 minutes ticks by while police search the university campus. all of this set off by a stabbing in a bathroom. >> police say deliveryman was washing his hands when he was ambush. to night that attacker is still on the loose. good evening i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland to have it guest its are trying to figure out why fox 29's chris oh can't is live at lasalle tonight with the very latest. chris? >> reporter: lucy, police are still looking for that armed assailant tonight. the campus here lasalle university was put on lock down for about 45 minutes late this afternoon. the scary scene playing out as a delivery driver youfs a men's room in the university dining hall was stabbed in the middle of the day. police are still trying to figure out why a deliveryman driver of driving this jack and jill ice cream truck was stabbed while using the men's room in lasalle's student commons. attacked from behind police say by a man wearing a lasalle hoodie. he's not been seen since. campus wide text alerts were sent out to students and faculty telling them to shelter in place

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