Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20240622 : comparemela

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20240622

truck and off they went but the a.m. never budged. >> it wasn't well planned out. i can tell that you. it wasn't like they knew what they were doing. >> reporter: the bandits kept on going minus the atm as starred customers and an employee looked on. they took the ford pickup truck around the corner to martha street and set it on fire. the truck was reported stolen. the entire incident was caught on tape. you really make out who they are. >> we don't know who inside. >> reporter: customers at the store surveyed the damage monday morning and wondered outloud why anyone would make such a bold bold and miscalculate add tempt to still an atm. >> something stupid for me because, you know, tried to get money like that, not worth it. not worth it. better going to work. >> i would say it's not easy money. >> reporter: now no one was injured in the robbery. the damage was extensive to the store. coming up at 6:00 why atms are right now a favorite with bandits and why their chances for success are very small. lucy? >> all right. sounds good, see you soon, dave. to your fox 29 weather authority. scattered showers and oh some intense heat. fox 29's chief meteorologist scott williams is outside our old city studios. all right, scott what you got? >> well, lucy and iain right now we have a few pop up downpours on ultimate doppler. not everyone is going to see that rain but as we show you what's happening right now, you can see it's raining pretty heavily especially in northeast philadelphia and also as you move in a little closer around palmyra area, moving toward cinnaminson there and also approaching cherry hill. watching out for some very heavy rain. it's not really moving a whole lot. it's just going sit there and rain itself out. so we could have a flood advisory issued in that area. otherwise, right now it's 85 degrees. humidity at 55%. it feels like 88 degrees. so today is actually going to be the coolest day of the week. believe it or not. it's 81 right now wilmington. 86 in allentown. upper 70s down the shore but look at the dew points. last week dew points were in the 40s and 50s a few low 70s showing up on the map so that tells you how the humidity will start to build over the next several days. isolated pop-up thunderstorm otherwise it stays warm. it will be kind of muggy as we move toward the overnight and when i come indoors we'll talk about dangerous heat and humidity building as well as our third heat wave of the year. iain and lucy, back to you. >> here we go. all right, thank you scott. no doubt the pope's visit to philadelphia has a lot of people talking, but things have gotten way more interesting over the past 48 hours. unconfirmed reports have surfaced online detailing what some of the security boundaries are and it's always about where you can and cannot drive and take the bus. city officials have had no choice but to address all of this. fox 29's bruce gordon live on the ben franklin parkway obviously a big part of the pope's visit in september. all right, bruce mayor nutter and others are trying to set the record straight now. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely, lucy. it's become the hot question around town. do you live or work inside the security zone set up for the pope's visit to philadelphia the weekend of september 26th 27th? we know that live inside that zone will be difficult. disrupted. inconveniencedinconvenienced what we don't know the exact boundaries of that security zone. but that hasn't stopped the rampant speculation. latest map posted by the website billy shows a security perimeter stretch delaware to 38th street and south street to girard all according to unnamed source. it follows a map linked to the site read it with an even larger area of disruption. a ban on vehicles, for example. >> okay. ready to go? >> a visibly angry mayor nutter took time monday to blast both maps as inaccurate and inappropriate. >> no official security perimeter has been announceed or fully and finally determined. >> reporter: concerns over vehicle bans and pedestrian gridlock have caused some locals to swear off the pope's visit as more bother than its worth. >> i won't be in center city at all. so -- >> reporter: you want nothing to do with it. >> i want nothing to do witness. nothing. no. >> everybody at work is dread it already. everybody is going to stay home or not come into the city just because of the traffic and, you know accessibility problems and stuff like that. >> how often do you get to see the pope in your lifetime? but just watch. >> the world meeting of familiars will bring the first papal visit to philadelphia since john paul the second's trip here into 79. event organizers worry over hyped security concerns will shrink crowds and dampen enthusiasm. >> our message has been and it continues to be come to the world meeting of families. >> reporter: the pope of course is more than religious icon. he is a head of state and as such security will be extremely tight. the us secret service will make the final calls but mayor nutter says do not expect too much information too soon. >> i'm not planning to give every nut case in the universe a significant amount of advanceed information from a securities standpoint. >> reporter: mayor nutter says there will be some additional logistical information official information if you will released neck week. one other note. septa had planned a news conference for this afternoon presumably to talk about resumption of the sale of those regional rail passes to get folks in from the suburbs to the papal event. you'll remember last week's launch was a disaster. today's news conference, canceled at the last minute. mayor nutter says he is remains confident septa can and will get it right. iain. >> bruce, let's hope so. thank you. police in new jersey trying to find the man who they say robbed a cvs it happened yesterday morning at the cvs in burlington township. according to investigators a man approached employees as they were opening the store. pulled a gun and then forced them inside the store. once inside he demanded money from an office safe. police are trying to figure out if this robbery is connected to other hold ups at cvs pharmacies in our area. >> we have not at this point in time linked our robbery with any of the other that is may have occurred but like i said we are reaching out to the various agencies and comparing notes. >> police consider the man armed and dangerous. so if you can help police with any information, please give them a call. detectives in wilmington need your help identifying the man wanted for robbing two banks. police say this man robbed the artisan bank on silver side road twice in the past three months. he also struck the wsfs bank on concord pike on friday. investigators say the man is armed if you recognize him, you know what to do, call police. investigators in camden county want to know what caused a fire that forced hundreds out of their high rise apartment complex this morning. the fire started around midnight inside the cooper river plaza apartments in pennsauken. firefighters say it started in the building's leasing office and smoke filtered through all 14 floors. about 350 people inside had to get out. one firefighter went to the hospital for heat exhaustion. no one else was hurt but you can see some of the damage inside. these pictures courtesy of the pennsauken fire department. tonight they are working to figure out how it all started. developing right now, new leads for investigators after a deadly hit-and-run. one man died last night in juniata park after an suv slammed into the car he was in. that suv took off but police did find it later in the night. they haven't said who was behind the wheel but they are hoping to people speak with a man who might know something. joyce evans joins us in studio now. joyce, finding that suv has got to help police. >> reporter: and how the suv was found is even more amazing. not only are police trying to track down who was behind the wheel, they want to know why that driver left the scene when it is possible they say that that driver may not have caused the accident. whoever is at fault here one thing is for sure, a family is distraught and looking for some answers. loved ones overcome with grief desperate to find the person whose suv slammed into a car last night killing 42-year-old francis aurora pictured here on the left in the glasses. and injuring his brother the groom here. the second man suffered a minor chest injury did not want to speak on his way home today. police say it appears he was making a u-turn at i and east luzerne when a gray 2008 mitts about she suv slammed into the passenger side and took off. >> what's good about this 911 callers led to us where that vehicle was. apparently followed the vehicle your fight sometime to fifth and rising sun where the person got out of the vehicle and left. so we know there was one person in the vehicle. >> reporter: and they know who owns that suv. >> we're looking to talk to alberta vagg u.s. the registered own of that vehicle. we would like to talk to him what he can provide what information in this investigation. so it's crucial he gives us some information who was operating the vehicle at the time. >> reporter: detectives say van gus lives on ninth street where the suv was parked. police say the are a roar rah family dog was believed to have been signed the car and may have run away in all the confusion. investigators are applauding all the help they're getting from the public. >> we had about six calls and they followed the vehicle and provided us with information because if they didn't, we wouldn't know where to fine the vehicle probably. so huge help. >> reporter: at this hour, detectives are still awaiting alberta vangus to come and in talk with them. meantime police moved his suv to their garage. it's being dusted for prints and they're collecting other evidence. they're also checking francis' 1991 mazda that police say his brother was driving at the time. and as far as we know, the family pet has not been found. iain. >> joyce, thank you. medical examiner in fulton county georgia says initial autopsy on bobbi kristina brown does not show an obvious case of death. the 22-year-old died yesterday six months after she was found unresponsive in a bathtub in her suburban home. the medical examiner says it may take several additional more weeks for lab testing. celebrities are reacting to the tragic news. >> i'm pretty speechless because i know her dad very well and i really like her dad. i know it's really -- i can't really say anything. >> i'm going to continue to pray for the family because it's just hard to lose someone so young that didn't have to go. >> bobbi kristina was the only child of r and b singer bobby bound and late whitney houston. entertainment tonight is reporting bobbi kristina will be buried in new jersey next to her mother. still ahead tonight on fox 29 a low clerk helps a man pick out sandals then things go wrong. the dangerous encounter inside a local shoe store. >> also chainsaws stolen from south jersey artist and those thieves have just caught deep taking the tools of the trade. what neighbors are doing to keep his creativity alive. big changes come to go one of the country's busiest airports. what's in store for laguardia coming up. if you smoke pot you are so not alone. just how many americans admit to using marijuana coming up. it might have what you think well going up in smoke. >> a dog missing for two years is found 1800 miles from home. his long and incredible journey back to his family coming up. iran keeps their nuclear facilities. military sites can go uninspected. restrictions end after 10 years. then iran could build a nuclear weapon in two months. iran has violated 20 international agreements and is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. ♪ he said he was looking for sandals but police say this guy was not shoe shopping. surveillance cameras caught him robbing a hunting park pay less shoe store. this along the 700 block of east hunting park avenue. the man told the clerk he had a gun and he wanted money. if you have any information, you know what to do, got to give police a call. artist in cumberland county make incredible works of art with chainsaws. >> but someone stole the tools used to carve his masterpieces fox 29 weekend's bill anderson joins us tonight in our newsroom newsroom. bill? >> reporter: guys, you know, unfortunately, as you well know, it's a reality that we have to cover some negative stories. robbery of a well-known local artist would normally fall into that category, but in this case park the positive response of the victim and the support of the community let's me happily call the out come good news. ♪ >> reporter: ryan on the monster act sal chainsaw artist from bridge caught. aside from his amazing wood carvings his shop is pretty nondescript. which is why it was so surprising that somebody broke in and took all 10 chainsaws he needs to provide for his family and continue to create his art. >> somebody decided to liberate my livelihood making tools all my chainsaws and generators and grinders and all the tools needed to run such things. >> reporter: brian was also just days away from his tour of state fairs and festivals and was going to have to pass until the public got wind of his situation and frankly shocked him and his family. >> i was very shocked at the -- the overwhelming support and just outpouring of generosity and just people wanting to help me. >> reporter: a fundraising account has been launched. people are stopping by dropping off their own old chainsaws and what started off as a story about crime to brian and his family has turned into a story of goodwill. police do have a man in custody but the tools haven't been recovered yet. even so act monster admits he was a little cynical about human nature before and this whole experience may have changed some of that. >> i thought there was little bit more bad in folks than there was good and i'm leaning a little bit towards the other way now that there's good -- more good in folks than bad. >> reporter: now obviously, i don't want to celebrate too much. this would be a happier story if the theft never happened. but brian and his wife seem sincerely impacted by the community response. now if anyone else wants to help we'll put the fundraising information up on our fox 29 facebook page and hopefully they can replace his stolen tools. iain. >> let's hope so, bill. thank you. philadelphia police are still trying to find the person who slashed dozens of car tires in queen village. residents living between the 100 and 800 block of queen street woke up to their tires slashed and flatten yesterday. those car owners facing costly repairs. detectives are checking the area for surveillance video. if you saw anything suspicious on saturday night on that street street, please call police. pennsylvania senator bob casey making a stop in philadelphia to do his part in easeing childhood hunger. the senator swung bite ymca in south philly pushing for the passage of his access to healthy foods for young children act. senator casey says it would give meals to hungry children not only in our city but across the country. >> this is a program that helps working families. familiar that is are trying to get to work every day, be on time for work, and have to make sure their children get enough to eat and also get something that's nutritious. >> congress is set to rewrite the nation's child attrition laws this year and senator casey's bill could be part of that. president obama arrives in ethiopia today comments made in the us grabbed his attention. the president arrived at the national palace this morning and spent the day discussing human rights terrorism and security issues with the prime minister but during a joint press conference he blasted a remark made by gop presidential candidate mike huckabee over the weekend. >> former governor arkansas said during interview on saturday that the iran nuclear deal is the equivalent of marching israelis to the door of the oven. the president said the remark would be ridiculous if it quote weren't so sad and then he scolded members of congress. >> we've had sitting senator call john kerry upon shuts pile lat. we've had sitting senator who also happens to be running for president suggest that i'm the leading state sponsor of terrorism. these are leaders in the republican party. >> had been lighter moments during the president's historic trip. he hit the dance floor saturday night joining in the traditional apollo dance during a state dinner this was his first to his father's birth country since his leck as president and he's the first sitting u.s. president to gift kenya. big changes are coming at one of america's busiest airports. vice-president joe biden and new york governor andrew cuomo revealed some of the details about plan to redesign and rebuild laguardia airport. it centers around new unified terminal which will more than double the space for airlines to operate much the airport was in desperate need of up grades calling it cramped and very unnew york. first part of the plan begins next year. renovations will cost $4 billion. half of that will come from private funding. >> some parts of the city is a little bit cramped. >> social media can help people find all sorts of things, jobs, long lot of friends. you'll meet a woman who says she can help you find hope online. >> also ahead terrifying moments for firefighters battling this inferno. they ended up surrounded by flames. the dangerous fight coming up next. >> 10-year-old science project ends up saving a life. how the assignment made this little girl a hero. >> cole hamels no hitter got phillies fans fired up. now it's getting some people free food. the no-no deal just ahead. ♪ since 1961, pearle vision has provided the neighborhood with expert eye care. that was dr. stanley pearle's vision and we still proudly carry on his legacy. today, doctors like lisa hamilton perform eye exams that can help detect diabetes. because we care for you... and your eyes. this is genuine eye care in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. a terrifying ordeal for four california firefighters is over. they are hurt but they are alive alive. after a wildfire surrounded them in nevada county. the enormous flames burned their fire engine. so far that wildfire has burned through more than 1700 acres rhett of the reply know. we don't yet know how the firefighters escape a hospital has released three of them and is still treating the fourth for severe burns. this is one of just nine wildfires tearing through california at this moment. to the south now the waters off san diego fisherman in trouble had the coast guard swooping in to rescue him. the man started showing signs of a heart attack sunday morning and called for help. a coast guard chopper hoisted him out of the water flu him to hospital. we do not know his condition. pilot is dead after a small plane crashes and burst noose flames in california. a spokesman with the faa says the pilot lost end join power moments before crashing near riverside municipal airport. no one on the ground was injured. the crash is still under investigation. it's a practice generates more than $150 billion in profits around the world each year. >> it is something that american lawmakers are calling modern day slavery. u.s. state department released its latest report on human traffic dag. the annual study analyzes the efforts of 188 countryies to comply with minimum standards needed to eliminate trafficking of men women and of children. it raced its nation's effort on a tear system. tier one being the most complain. tear three the worst of offender offenders. secretary of state john kerry says this is not about shaming countries but shining the light on institutions that earn a buck off human lives. >> it's a battle against money. it's a battle against evil. quite remarkable that in the year 2015 we face a modern version of slavery. something we actually fought a civil war over here in this country. >> estimated 20 million people worldwide are toiling under forced and illegal conditions. still ahead on fox 29, birthday celebrations for joe jackson the patriarch of the jackson clan. take an unexpected turn. his scare in south america coming up. it began as a summer adventure but quickly turned into a mystery. two teens on high seas get away go missing how a famous neighbor is trying to help bring them home. >> scott. >> right now on ultimate doppler still monitoring one area for some downpours. kind of raining itself out. but coming up we'll talk about building heat, our third heat wave as well as the potential for the hottest temperature high of the year next. ♪ i am never getting married. never. psssssh. guaranteed. you picked a beautiful ring. thank you. we're never having kids. mmm-mmm. breathe. i love it here. we are never moving to the suburbs. we are never getting one of those (minivan). we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never letting go. for all the nevers in life state farm is there. ♪ it's hot outside and look take a look at trenton love the state capitol there. it's about 85 degrees right now much it's going to get much hotter though. the heat wave that's coming and just how hot we're talking about in just a couple of minutes. attempt to smash and grab in philadelphia kensington section and again an tm is the target. tool used for the smashing a pick up. police say it happened just before 2:00 this morning at the plus mini mart and allegheny avenue. like the wild wild west the guys lassoed the atm to pull it out. the atm didn't butch. investigators say the guys later set the truck on fire around the corner. it was stolen by the way. that's what police say and police are still after those guys. a deadly hit-and-run crash left a philadelphia family absolutely heart broken and police are search fog the owner of the suv involved. family members say 42-year-old francis aurora died last night in juniata park. police say a driver and an suv slammed into the car he and his brother were in and a few hours later investigators found that vehicle. they haven't said who was driving but they're hoping to talk with the suv's owner about what happened. a massive coast guard search continues off the coast of florida rescue crews scowering hundreds of miles of open ocean it's been three days since two teenagers went missing and the only discovery so far hasn't been good one. fox's kelly joyce has more on the efforts to find these boys. >> reporter: searchers found this capsized boat of missing 14-year-old hear cohen and austin on sunday 60 miles off the coast of pontoon lake. one live jacket was floating near basement coast worked through night and navy joined them in the search. steve lehman says sin the boys went missing friday they've searched an area the size of indiana from jupiter to jackson jacksonville. >> that's where our flow models have shown that the most likelihood of them being so that's current wrl we're focusing search efforts. >> they were last seen friday afternoon buying $110 worth of gas before possibly heading from jupiter toward the bahamas to fish without their parents permission. >> it's unimaginable for any parent to have to be faced with not knowing where your child is. >> family members who were shown pictures of the capsized boat say this morning a cooler an live jacket are missing and they feel the boys could be using those a flotation devices. >> these weren't your typical 14-year-olds. they did have experience out in the water dealing with boats and getting under waves and stuff like that. and, you know things be fall the most shore footed footed of mariners. >> crews and family aren't giving up hope. >> every time we go out in the water and it's an active search and rescue case with operate with the highest level of optimism. you have need to have that mentality going into a search like this. >> i am confident they are out there and they are okay. and we just need to find them. >> please find my brother. >> the teens parents are offering $100,000 reward for their safe return home. kellyjoyce, fox 29 news. >> back here at home we're talking all about the heat. >> it's your favorite 90 or better. >> heat wave on the way. >> our third heat wave believe it or not maybe even the hottest high temperature so far this year. we'll talk about that coming up. right now let's talk about the 3h hs, hazy, hot and humid. yeah, that's going to be the story this week. hazy sunshine the next several days 90-degree temperatures ahead our third heat wave likely of the year. feels like temperatures approaching 100 degrees later this week. right now temperature in the mid 80s. humidity right now at 55%. those winds out of the south southwest at about 9 miles per hour. so the feels like temperature close to 90 degrees right now. but at a is actually believe it or not going to be the i guess coolest if you will day of the week. we have upper 70s right now down the shore. 81 in dover as well as wilmington. lancaster checking in at 82 degrees. 86 right now that's the warm spot currently in allentown. remember last week we were talking about the dew points, dew points were in the 40s and 50 what is it was really comfortable and we talk about the measure of moisture in the atmosphere. any time it's above 60 it starts to feel kind of sticky but once you move into the 70s it starts to feel very uncomfortable oppressive so as we take look at that dew point scale you can see with those dew points in the 60s and 70s it's starting to feel little more uncomfortable when you step outdoors. the pattern it has shifted. remember last week the low humidity, it was comfortable. right now we'll be watching a big area of high pressure. the triple hs hazy, hot and humid scenario is moving toward our area tomorrow and really continuing for the next several days. so by tomorrow morning feels like temperatures in the upper 70s. tomorrow afternoon it's going to be feeling like 93 degrees at 5:00 o'clock in philadelphia. 90 as we move toward wilmington wine the middle of the week that heat it's going to peak foles like temperatures will approach the triple digits. remember the pop-up thunderstorm we were watching just to the north of philadelphia kind of raining itself out right now around abington area zoom in a little closer we saw some downpours around the jenkintown area, also around melrose park. fern rock and all of that activity has fizzled. we saw downpours around palmyra cinnaminson had a activity has lifted but it will leave steam in the atmosphere. ways go hour by hour maybe a pop-up shower or thunderstorm most of us stay dry. tomorrow morning it's going to be kind of hazy, hot and humid and those temperatures they are going to soar. so pretty quiet conditions as far as overnight. but you can see it will be kind of steamy 60s 70s and then tomorrow hour by hour those temperature heat up. we're looking at 91 degrees for the high temperature in philadelphia tomorrow. but take a look at wednesday. 96 degrees for the high temperature. that will be the hottest high so far this year. we've hit 95 degrees about four times already this year. 94 still on thursday. and then friday, not as humid but still hot, minute degrees and look at the weekend yeah, we'll keep those temperatures right around 90 degrees. so it looks like the heat is going to peak on wednesday of this week. staying pretty hot. >> dog days of summer. >> thank you scott. >> 10-year-old science project has saved live. how that assignment turned her into a hero. >> if you smoke pot you're not a lone. number of americans who admit to using marijuana coming up next. >> ahead at 6:00, cosby the women 35 of them have come forward for a powerful article in new york magazine. all with the same message but why was that message silenced for most of this day? ♪ at longhorn... steak like this doesn't need anything else. which is why we don't just add, anything else. longhorn steaks that sizzle for $12.99. the new smoky bacon sirloin. the new spicy grilled jalapeño sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin. all with hand chopped salad & unlimited bread for $12.99. tonight, only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. for lunch try our steakhouse burger. or any steakhouse lunch combo starting at $7. ♪ >> a big fine to cost fiat chrysler billions of dollars. the national highway transportation safety administration fined the automaker $105 million. nhtsa says the car company failed to properly. >> reporter: defects and properly recall those vehicles. they have to buy back a half million dollars dodge pick up trucks because of a defective part. it could cost them more than $2 billion to comply in in your health if you ever tried marijuana you've apparently got some company. new poll shows more americans are trying that drug. a recent gallup poll found bout 44% of americans admit to having tried pot that is up from 38% just the year before. the poll also found about 11% of adults 18 and older currently smoke today. i guess that's adults since you're 18. marijuana is now legal for recreational use in colorado, alaska washington, oregon and washington d.c. a 10-year-old missouri girl science project helped her save a life. >> sophia take bore's project how to tell if someone is having a stroke want to do if they are. she took second place but her reward came two months later. she was shopping with her mother and grandfather when he had a stroke. the girl recognized the symptoms and told her mom to call 911. >> i was trying to ask him this. he was okay -- if he was okay. he was saying something but i didn't get it out. and his face was droopy on one side. >> her grandfather was rushed to a hospital and a doctor there says who treated him says the girl probably saved his life. still ahead a lot of dog found 1800 miles from home. his impressive amazing journey back to his family. >> like a disney movie. >> the search for mysterious creature in milwaukee. what is it? it's scary enough to have police telling parents to keep a close eye on their kids. the hunt that that has whole lot of people talking. >> finding hope on social media. one woman is making it her mission to bring strangers together online. how is saving lives that's next. howard. >> the phillies have in the end of this week to make trades before the trade deadline. where will cole hamels go in that trade? and one other players are the phillies putting on the market? that's all coming up in sports. leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month's payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. make the most of summer... with volvo. [ horn honks melody ] well, well. if it isn't the belle of the ball. gentlemen. you look well. what's new, flo? well, a name your price tool went missing last week. name your what, now? it gives you coverage options based on your budget. i just hope whoever stole it knows that it only works at so, you can't use it to just buy stuff? no. i'm sorry, gustav. we have to go back to the pet store. [ gustav squawks ] he's gonna meet us there. the name your price tool. still only at ♪ huge fire destroyed a furniture factory in australia. flames so intense they burned nearby cars and forced 200 people from their homes suburb of sidney. it took more than 100 firefighters to get those flames under control. no one is hurt. investigators are now looking into what started it. a spectacular scene in central mexico yet again. a volcano has been rumbling we've shown you this it's now spewing a large plume of ash and smoke and steam into the sky. mexico national disaster prevention center says the volcano is already exploded three times recently. that volcano is about 43 miles southeast of mexico city. boy scotts of america vote dag on whether to end their ban on gay adult leaders. the new policies aimed a easing a controversy that the scouts have been dealing with for decades. the new policy was approved unanimously by the scouts national executive committee earlier this month. church sponsored scout units would still be able to maintain the he can conclusion if it was in accordance with their faith. joe jackson has a stroke while in brazil. a brazilian hospital confirming the father of the late michael jackson was admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon. he's colonelly in the intensive care unit. his condition is not known at this time. jackson in brazil to celebrate his 87th birthday which was on sunday. the search continues for a lion like animal roaming freely in milwaukee wisconsin. neighbors have been catching glimpses of the big cat on the city's north side saturday after it escaped from i guess police which had it surrounded. officers are on high alert scowering the perimeter with tranquilizers and rifles and k9 units. hopefully they can catch it peacefully without anyone getting hurt including the animal. police are asking parents to keep their children away from a ravine where people last spotted it. >> unfortunately, we weren't able to keep visible on the lion. it went into very thick vegetation. >> they know it's a cat like animal. could be a young african lion or it could be mature mountain lion/cougar species. >> i thought the cat might come back up the hill to trying to chase them. but he just stayed down there. >> wow. >> that's when more cops came. >> the search for the animal has been going on since monday. what exactly it is parent system still a mystery which is a bit of a mystery since police had it contained. >> it's been a long long journey from one arizona pooch. after almost two years boy that pup's family is smiling wide tonight. rocky the boxer who wandered out of his backyard in december of 2013. now his worried sick family confined him. but his family was smart. had a micro chipped. it took awhile but last week rocky's owners got a call saying their beloved pet was in indiana indiana. >> i got phone call from an animal clinic in elkhart and um being here in mesa that's really far away away. so um, as soon as i got that call i jumped up out of bed and was so surprised to find that they had found rocky. >> after so long. but the family didn't have enough money to get their pup home so volunteers pitched in to help. 26 drivers covered the 1800 miles to get rocky home. it took three days. it was like a a relay for two years rocky was gone and you know he's got stories to tell if only he could. >> a georgia mother of three needs a kidney transplant to save her life. fox's ron gant shows us she's finding hope with some help from social media and an angel. >> i beat so many things in my life. i've overcome zone obstacles and this is not going stop. >> reporter: sarah chandler was born with polly cystic kidney disease a visit to the doctor last year showed her kidneys are now failing. she needs a transplant to live. >> it was definitely, um, eye opening moment for me. it was hard. it was very very hard. had to tell my husband and my family members to let them know, but i didn't want it to be a moment of sorrow or anything like that. i just wanted them to rejoice with everything that we have and continue to move forward. >> reporter: tests at emery confirmed she is a candidate for a transplant much as they looks for an angel to help her find a kidney a friend introduced her to one. this is brandy angel a photographer made it her mission to help people in need. >> if you take a picture and you can slap it on facebook you can reach people and that's basically what i'm doing is giving them the tools to reach as many people as they can. >> brandy started the non-profit be the change. she uses photographer and social media to help people find what they need. whether they're looking for a transplant or a missing relative angel takes photographs of people and coaches them on how to get their message out. >> i love people that do what it do. everybody deserves compassion and help because we're all in that position at some point in time in our life. >> she teched me and she was like when are you available when can you come over? i'm ready to do your photo shoot? >> out of the blue. isn't. >> ebony and ivory right here. >> as soon as she walk up i was like god i love a tall woman. i was like our first connection was the height. >> a year ago angel's photograph of officer raleigh cal away who needed a kidney went viral. a donor gifted him with kidney win 10 weeks but it's not just angel's track record that gives people hope. >> i loved her personality her spirit and i knew me and him would be great friends and i just love everything that she stands for and she's awesome what she's doing for the community. >> we're just hoping for the same out come. she find the right person that matches her. >> the world would be a different place if we all just opened up a little bit more and offered somebody some kindsness and compassion. >> fox's ron gant tells us chandler's husband wants to give her a kidney but he's not a m. lines of people stacked up to get a glimpse an whiff if they were brave of a botannical sensation it's called the corpse flour pretty amazeing. rare as it is it is in bloom in berkeley california. the plant takes seven years to do what you're looking at there. it's called the corpse flour because of its really really bad odor that it gives off to attract insects. specifically nights that like dead bodies, right? and that's what they do to pollinate it. the plant was first discovered in 1878 sumatra still today it draws crowds human and inn second. >> female flour is down here. respective rights today and that's why sending out this smell today. beatles love dead things come to me right now and pollinate me. >> the botannical garden said it had more than a thousand people visiting this weekend. it says it has eight corporation flowers but it doesn't know when it will have one of those bloom next. boston bid to host the 2024 olympics is over before it started. us olympic committee announce its ending efforts to bring the games to the city. boston mayor's voice concerned over a contract that would have landed taxpayers with the bill if spending went over the planned budget. now he said he will not fight it. only seven weeks remain before cities have to get their official nomination. one big city still in play, bets are on los angeles. you've seen it of course mixed marshall arts most likely a fight inside of an octagon. >> before you can make it close to ring you got to train as fox 29 photojournalist bill rohrer shows us it's not easy. in the octagon one of the fastest growing sports in the world mixed martial arts when you're the best you come to the ultimate fighting championship. or the usc. >> it's popular because there's a number of ways to finish a fight. it could be a knock out with hand, an elbow knee, a kick. >> reporter: to get to the ufc you start training at a place like balance studios in center city philadelphia. >> boom, you get caught. >> reporter: your coach phil fifth degree black belt in jew sit sue. >> it's the art of leverage. you're looking for the easiest technique to overcome someone who may be big or stronger or faster meaner. it allows to you fight both on the feet and on the ground. >> reporter: peter is learning how to defend himself. >> easy. >> i'm really interested interested in deep technical stuff being a computer scientist there's lots of beautiful sort of systems. there's really interesting parallels like there's a system it to it's not just random. like if you understand the technical details you get a lot out of it. >> reporter: as you move up the ranks in jew sit sue you get the spar trying to get your partner to submit. ufc is the olympics of mixed marshall arts. no matter who the person is and other organizations, that's where they want to go. >> reporter: get to that level you have to be that level of athlete. you have to be coachable, you have to work out. you have to have a huge work ethic. >> it's just one of many styles you need to fight in the ufc. kick boxing is also popular. >> right here. see where i am? bam. >> deena has been training for year and a half. >> it's 2.5 hour course this is the advanced advanced class and to be here you have to realize you'll get punched in the face and get knocked out. >> reporter: no matter what your fighting style phil encourages to you give eight try try. never know who could be the next ufc champion. in center city, bill rohrer, fox 29 news. cole hamels no hitter against the cub saturday still all the buzz tonight. a lot of baseball fans are enjoying a free meal. domino's is giving away 20,002 topping medium pizzas for free all part of chain's domino no-no deal. any time a no hitter is thrown domino's gives away 20,000 pizza all of today's free pizzas scooped up in just a few minutes. ♪ >> fake maps a failed website and parking problems just some of the issues facing the city i was hester pope's visit in september. tonight at 6:00 the harsh words coming from the mayor that have us all on notice. and compromising photos of women taken without their notch inside a local wal*mart. police have made an arrest but still need your help tonight. so, i needed to deposit a check. i was about to head to the bank, but out of nowhere it just started to rain. like really rain. [clap of thunder] i did not want to go out. [clap of thunder] but then i was like duh, just use your phone. mobile-deposit-techno-thingy to the rescue. i'm rayna. and i bank human at td bank. ♪ right now keeping our eyes on the sky. we're watching for pop up-storms tonight. a look at ultimate doppler radar radar. you can see not everyone will be dodging the rain. parts of delaware getting soaked by some of these showers. here's a live look at our wilmington camera it is clear right now. >> this isn't going anywhere tonight. what's knocking on the door big-time heat. chief meteorologist scott williams is outside our studios in old city. so, scott you've got what you like to call a 3h'. >> that's right. lucy and iain, we're talking hazy, hot and humid conditions our third heat wave the year it's going to be building over the neck several days. today is actually our coolest day of the week. let's get to the boards right now and show you what is going to be happening in the atmosphere. a big area of high pressure. that's going to bring the heat from texas and louisiana all the way to the delaware valley and we are going to be sweating it out for most of the week. we saw downpours early this morning. most of that activity has diminish. however, we'll zoom in you can see we were watching a couple of downpours to the north of philadelphia that activity has diminish so right now temperatures upper 70s low and mid 80s however look at future heat index. how it will feel tomorrow afternoon it's going feel like 95 degrees in wilmington. 94 in philadelphia. so, yes, lucy, we're talking hazy, hot and humid over the neck several days. when i come indoors we'll talk about when the heat will peak as well as when it will feel like 100 degrees. back to you. >> all right.

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