Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20170801 : comparemela

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20170801

thigh. >> reporter: the police department spokesperson confirms to fox 29 o'neill was investigated by internal affai affairs, but due to the pending lawsuit the spokesperson will not say what investigators fou found. attorneys zeff says police investigators told him that would take o'neill down. he says, police obtained video from a security camera which captures the alleged assault behind a city school. zeff claims o'neill in uniform and his cruiser can be seen. >> it's grant knee but you can certainly see the sexual assault going on outside of the vehicle. >> reporter: the suit also alleges o'neill spoke of fan sizing about beating, raping and shooting a n word in the head. the city law department which will defend the suit including o'neill had no comment. according to the philadelphia board of pensions, thomas j. o'neill receives a pension payment of $3,100 monthly just over $2,000 go to him,. the reminder to what the city calls an alternate payee likely a divorced spouse. >> thomas j. o'neill has not been charged. spokesperson for the district attorney declined to comment. there is another retired city cop. he's named thomas k. o'neill he's a deputy sheriff outside the city and is not in any way involved in this case. we'll have more reporting at 6:00. i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. lucy? >> all right, we'll talk to you then, jeff. thanks. a manhunt underway for the gunman and shootings spanning two counties including one that turned deadly. >> police today identified 24-year-old derek rollins as the gunman. the deadly shooting happened saturday around 6:00 p.m. in haverford township. police say rollins gunned down 29-year-old john le when he was walking to friend' house about an hour earl they are same gunman fired shots in overbrook park at two people. they were not hurt. this morning, police burst into rollins home on the 5100 block of locust but he wasn't there. >> we believe he's armed. he's extremely dangerous. we've seen here where he shot at three separate people killing one, and it looks like these are clearly in philadelphia at least random attack on individuals who were clearly protecting their neighborhood. >> officers did impound rollins car this morning. there was a $5,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest and conviction. so give police a call if you know anything. caught on camera a popular french restaurant robbed right in center city. new surveillance video shows the moment a group of people broke the window of mason 208 on south 18th street and crawl in one by one. they took off with crash drawers. if you know anything about this recognize any of those folks, give them a call. happening right now, problems for a popular cheesesteak shop. jim's steak in northeast philadelphia is closed tonight. it's shut down because of health violations. the problems don't end there. one of the cooks claims the restaurant owes him hundreds of dollars. our bruce gordon is getting results tonight joins us live from northeast philadelphia. bruce? >> reporter: guys, jim's steaks is one of the most famous purchase vare's of the philadelphia's most sandwiches but as you said tonight the doors here are closed, locked tight and a cook who just wanted his final paycheck is with our help low about get his money. it's midday on a tuesday and kelly allen is watching tv with this three-year-old son. kelly should be at work. >> lunch time i'd be cooking. i'll be cooking right about now. >> grilling up cheesesteaks. >> yes. >> reporter: kell sal cook at jim's steaks for more than 20 years fixture at cottman and bustleton in northeast philly but last wednesday ahead of his night shift -- >> i was taking a nap and i received a phone call telling me don't come in. this was around 2:30. one of the other managers told me that they shut the store down the health department. >> reporter: in fact the health department found numerous food safety and sanitation violations at the restaurant. the report says the establishment has agreed to discontinue food operations and voluntarily close until cleared to resume business by the city. the abrupt closure caught lunch time customers by surprise. george sullivan and head ward martinez were all set for a good meal. >> my plans were to get my favorite steak sandwich as mushroom cheesesteak with provolone and i was going to really relax because it's very hot and miserable out here. now, i don't know what i'm going to do. >> reporter: there's more. kelly allen told me he was owed 37 and a half hours of pay about 400 bucks when the restaurant closed. he spent the past several days texting his boss the owner carl. beg fog his paycheck. >> i work to feed my family and pay my bills. take care of my family. >> reporter: now you're sitting at home. >> nw i'm sitting at home. >> reporter: looking for answers. >> looking for ants and can't get none. >> reporter: i went to work. i visited the other restaurant in west philly. no luck but ultimately he returned my phone calls. told me the bustleton and cottman restaurant had become too much to handle. a as a result -- >> you say it's just not worth it. you're closing the door for good we made arrangements for kelly allen to get his overdue paycheck. >> he calls you and you'll make sure he gets his money? all right. that's great. >> reporter: so kelly allen is connecting with mr. pruetto at the jim's steaks in springfield delaware county as we speak. he'll get his final paycheck that's the good news. the bad news at least for jim's steaks fans one less iconic cheesesteak joint in the city. lucy? >> all right. thank you, bruce. bill cosby's defense attorney says he wants off the case. attorney brian mcmonagle filed documents to withdraw from the case before cosby's retrial. now cosby faces charges he drugged and molested a woman more than decade ago. he first -- his first trial ended of course in a mistrial. after the jury failed to reach a verdict following more than 52 hours of deliberations. opener of a daycare center in easton pleaded guilty in the death of a flee month old baby girl that was mckenna rose's first day at daycare last april when she was found unpens seive in a crib. the family set up a gofundme page the day aft. the baby was put on her stomach unsupervised in the back room of the daycare. sharon balance lick is now facing probation or some time in jail. another guilty plea this time for a former teacher in wayne, delaware county. she has admit totter sexually assaulting a 16-year-old student. police say this happened several times over eight-month period last year. 28-year-old nina scott was teacher at the village school. a school for troubled youth. staff found letters and a journal detailing the sexual acts between scott and the girl and alerted authorities. she will serve a minimum of three months of electric home monitoring and five years of sex offender probation. police in south jersey say they have now identified the s so-called bathroom peeper. they've been searching for him since last month. they say this guy right there. 27-year-old joseph quiles seat cellly another guy in the bathroom of a chick-fil-a on route 73 in marlton last month. the moment the man can fronted him he ran and jumped into a car and took off. let's check on your fox 29 weather authority as we take a live look at cape may on hot d day. kind of what you'd expect on the first daveing. >> true. let's get over to meteorologist scott williams. hello, scott. >> hi there, lucy and iain. typical summer like pattern and like august stepping outdoors. 91 degrees currently in philadelphia. so far that's our high temperature for today. dew points climbing into the low 60s and that humidity inching up a bit. the sun will set this evening at 8:14. most of the area is dry. however, watching ultimate doppler we'll zoom in. a few isolated pop-up showers northeast philadelphia moving toward tacony, palmyra so crossing the bridge we're looking at that activity coming up we'll talk much more about thunderstorm chances and a potential heat wave brewing. back over to you. all right, scott, thanks. developing now, some improvement today in margate after protests and problems with that controversial dune project going on day four now. more than a foot of water still has not drained at the new sight so now the army core of engineers on the scene trying to pump in that water out. >> it's behind 63 year million dollars dune project. fox 29's joyce evans joins us live from margate. joyce, you've been there for a couple days now. the beaches are now closed? >> reporter: they are now closed and you can see why behind me. these pumps started revving up and started working around midday. they have gotten some water out of here but there's lot left. look over here. this is where we were on sunday, lucy and iain. that little ramp was underwater. remember we saw the families struggling with the baby strollers and all of that. they built that up as you might be able to remember. they pitt that up with sand today. that will happen some more around here. but look at this. this basin was put in to catch the storm water drain off and it was supposed to drain within 48 hours or less. didn't happen. as you can see but now plan b is underway and that means more headaches. this is what tom britain all and tom, jr. of chadds ford, pa found when they headed back to the beach during their week long vacation stay. >> yes, where we went in yesterday is now closed. so they said to go down further on the beach. so, um, i mean it's an inconvenience but, hey, you know. >> he's very understanding. but not margate some residents like rob bird. >> well i enjoy a nice walk and a nice bike ride down where i can actually enter the beach and once i get down there i'm kind of stuck. pretty disappointing i haven't been able to go on my beach in quite some time. >> reporter: and he doesn't think the army corps of engineers clean up and repair work will be done any time soon. >> each day it seems like they're playing catch up rather than getting ahead of the problem we have here. >> reporter: spokesperson for the army core of engineers says, once all the water is drained, they will put back a foot of sand raising the trench and allow more drainage and aisle they'll put in temporary walk case so people can get back and forth while they work. is that good enough? >> no. it's not close to good enough. right now my business is dying. >> reporter: restaurant owner lou friedman came over to see what still slowing ought the foot traffic at his and other margate businesses. >> there's nothing here. this is july. you don't see a person. this is crazy. you see a lake that we shouldn't have that we told them we were going to have. >> reporter: residents are saying we told you so. but they still don't feel like winners. >> it doesn't really feel a victory when we're losing still. the seagulls are here. the flies are here they are laying their eggs. larva will pop up in 48 hours. this is a public health environmental major concern. >> reporter: dr. don craft man saying he's treated kids with rashes they say from wading through this basin of water. now, as you can see down there right now, that is how the lifeguards have been crossing this basin to get out to their posts along the beach. we haven't seen any change in the water levels, pollution levels in the surf. but the residents are worried here as they continue to dredge more and start filling up with sand the bacteria levels may change. by the way you need to know the repairs we're told will add several millions more dollars to this already 63 million-dollar project. and we don know yet what that means for continuing the initial part of the project on down the island. iain? >> all right, joyce, what a mess, thank you. montgomery county woman on a mission. how she's trying to reunite someone with some long loft memories. >> philly's great pete rose facing more match issues. the allegations this time. ♪ skyfox live over norristown farm park where police say a man sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman. it happened this morning just before 11:00. police say the victim was running in the park when the man attacked her at gun point. the victim was taken to einstein medical center where she is being treated and police continue to look for the attacker. philadelphia police are asking for your help identifying this woman much she's wanted for robbing a walgreens on kensington avenue. this happened last friday morning around 10:00. the surveillance video shows her left arm wrapped in a sweatshirt she demanded some money and cigarettes the cashier gave her some of both and she walk out. if you know who she is call police. only on fox tonight, it's not going to be easy but montgomery county woman is on a mission. she is trying to fine the relatives of a family pictured in a photo album she found and she wants to reunite them with their past. >> as dawn timmeney tells us, we're talking more than a century of memories. >> she's smiling. he kind of smiling too. when i opened the album up and saw how old the pictures were, but the condition when i look at the date it blew me away. >> reporter: brenda quick of lansdale is in awe these old photographs. some of them 140 years old. dating back to 1877. >> i got goosebumps and chills i have them now even just talking about it. >> reporter: brenda found this photo album in the basement of her friend's house on unruh street in the mayfair section of philadelphia. she was helping alicia mcdonald clean out her home and came across this incredible piece of family history. the photos in pristine conditi condition. >> instantly something came over me like, you have to reunite these pictures with the family. the pictures were speaking out, put me back with my familiar. >> reporter: wow! alicia says the photos had been in her basement for 20 years and before that in her father's home. alicia knew they were not her relatives. she knew brenda wanted to find the family but didn't think much about it until we showed her the photos again today. >> oh wow, look at her. now she looks like mary. >> that's when alicia realized they were photographs of a close family friend. mary allen teller's relatives from days gone by. >> i just got the chill everywhere. i love these people. they were so good to me when i was a kid. >> reporter: oldest pictures of adolph and amanda and their family members. they lived in mount vernon, new york but obviously we now know there's a philadelphia connection. mary is deceased but these two women are hoping a long lot of relative sees these remarkable images from the past and comes forward. >> how elated do you think the people are going to be when they -- ooh just want to see the family's face when they get these pictures back. >> reporter: should be great. of course this is where the power of social media comes in to play. who knows where the family free tree has spread but hopefully the photos will be shared on facebook, instagram and other platforms and we will help them make a connect and brenda says she has looked at every single solitary one of those pictures she says all they all speak to her. >> she's a hoot. >> she's great and she really really feels strongly about getting this photo album back to the family. >> let's hope social media can help it usually does. >> yeah. >> stay tuned. >> exactly. >> all right. thanks, dawn. philadelphia police want to take -- actually talk to the guy who posted video of himself climbing city hall. police just discovered the video on youtube. guy goes by the name of exploring with carson posted two days ago. so it's seven minute panoramic video of him taking on the stunt obviously it's dangerous. police are warning everyone else to not copy the youtube user. >> what might seem adventurous or recreational is very very very very very dangerous. i can't stress that enough. and it's also possibly illegal. i mean we're actually lookin lot from it from a trespassing standpoint. central detective social security handling it right now. >> user posted the video police are trying to figure out exactly when it happen. new jersey u.s. senator corey booker today introduced a landmark bill to legalize marijuana. on facebook life, booker announced the marijuana justice act. the bill would remove marijuana from the list of controlled substances, making it legal on the federal level. the bill would also incentivize states through federal funds to change their marijuana laws. if those laws were shown to have a disproportionate effect on low income individuals and people of color. >> we live in a country where we swear this idea we put our hand over heart and we believe very strongly that we are to be a nation of liberty and justice for all. well, one way in which we have not fulfilled that promise, that idea, is through our criminal justice system. and this is -- >> the bill is retroactive wouldn't apply to those already serving time in jail for marijuana related offenses providing for a judge's review of marijuana sentences. baseball all-time hit king may have hit an all-time low and it could be strike three for pete rose. >> latest rose gag has effects right here in philadelphia. sean bell joins us now on more on why charlie hustle might just be grounded. sean. like you said an all-time low. disgusting allegations coming out against him. he admitted to having sex with a 16-year-old girl in ohio when he was 34. this came out in a documentary leased op monday. the age of consent in ohio is 16 but there's been allegations of him being with girls even younger. he suing the person who made those comments but still a disgusting situation altogether for rose. now the question is, what do you do with him? okay. next weekend the phillies are scheduled to have an alumni weekend which is basically all about rose on friday augus august11th they're supposed to hand out bobble heads of the guy and on saturday, they're expected to induct him into the& wall of fame. something fans voted for, but in my opinion, this has to cancel altogether. the phils have not released a statement and fox sports one who employs him said they are aware of the report but are not commenting at this time. he's schedule to be back on air on august 14th. so everyone trying to figure out what to do with pete rose. lucy? >> all right, thank you, sean. a woman escapes three kidnappers. how her car may have ended up saving her life. >> harry potter author j.k. rowling is apologizing tonight. the comments she made on twitt twitter. >> the princeton review releases its list of the nation's top party schools and a few from our area make the cut. ♪ from the time i was pregnant with him, had so much life and energy in him. he wanted out, and he wanted to conquer the world. right now, quinton's goal is to be a doctor. it's not easy being a single parent with three kids and having to provide for them. but my son will be an amazing doctor, and he'll help people that are less fortunate. no matter where you are in your college journey, sallie mae can help you find the money you need. he gets things done stevfor south jersey.o tell you don't believe him. because steve sweeney gets things done for himself, for the special interests who pay for his campaigns, and definitely for chris christie. but steve sweeney doesn't get things done for you. unless you count cutting education funding, raising the gas tax, and sending more of your tax dollars off to trenton instead of south jersey. if you're tired of typical politics, stop electing typical politicians like steve sweeney. in new jersey a man pleads guilty to gun charges. police arrested 52-year-old john cramsey in june every 2016 after they found a loaded rifle and shotgun in his car. the pennsylvania man and anti-drug activist claimed he was on his way to save a teenaged girl from a drug den. police say she later died of an overdose. cramsey will be sentenced this september. in south carolina, we're hearing from a victim after escaping three kidnappers. columbia university student says the fact that they couldn't drive her car's stick shift helped her break free. it happened last wednesday. three teenaged boys robbed her but since they couldn't drive a manual transmission they made her drive. first police say they forced her to drive them to an atm. and then a house where they told her they were going to rape her. well she eventually saw an opportunity to escape swung open the door and jumped. >> i still had to unbuckle my seat belt to reach the buttons as i'm drawing out the money. i came to the conclusion i'm going to have to jump, and so i made sure to not buckle my seat bet back up and i just hoped that they wouldn't notice. >> police have arrested the three teenagers they say are behind this crime and a string of robberies and kidnappings of other college students. it's popular with teens but some people believe this app could be causing more harm than good. what parents need to know about it. >> and forget having to go to a hamburger joint. starbucks is now serving up coffee with a sized beef. scott? >> high there, lucy. temperatures are climbing over the next several days. also, pop up showers and thunderstorms. we have the timing with ultimate doppler next. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's up to 16 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to faster downloads with internet speeds up to 250 megabits per second. get fast internet and add phone and tv now for only $24.90 more per month. our lowest price ever on this offer. but only for a limited time. call today. comcast business. built for business. ♪, we have breaking news to tell you about. the senate has confirmed christopher wray as the next direct of the fbi. the vote was 92-five. wray will replace james comey who of course was fired by president trump. wray is a former senior justice mess in bridesburg with papers scattered across the streets and sidewalks. some of those papers had information on them.s this morning this happened on the 200 block of bridge street in the bridesburg neighborhood. as we said. the papers are from the bridge and pratico. now employees quickly came out to clean them all up. don't have any idea how those papers at got all over the place. >> developing right now, controversial app is raising a lot of concerns it's called sororah it let's us give honest feedback. >> reports of bullying are already coming as it becomes more popular with teens. fox 29's dave kinchen reports. >> it's scary. >> reporter: it's how bridget feels the brand new app the latest in the world avenue non muss messaging tech she wonder if's it will contribute to the cyber bullying epidemic as she watches her 11-year-old son andrew play baseball in northeast philadelphia. >> my son is very sensitive i feel like for his age, um, he's always worried about what people think of him, and he always wants to, you know, be friends. >> as a coach, i don't tolerate anything. okay. i do not tolerate it. i think it's a hundred% wrong. >> reporter: it is are a a bic for candor or openness and shot to the top of apple app store and google play. it started as a middle east website for workers to a anonymously critique their companies it's rising in popularity amongst kids using it to rate each other on everything from a appearance to their latest social media post. the app has even been reportedly linked to harassment online making kids vulnerable to digital bullying. >> there's no room for the cyber bullying. there's room for bullying in general. >> we're not at the end of the development of all of this stuff in the 21st century. i mean this is century of enormous change. >> reporter: dr. frank farley is a temple university professor and past president of the american psychological association. he says parents need to be tuned in. >> go online and, you know, take a look for teenaged depression, suicide ideation and suicide indicators, and as a parent get on top of that. in this era you have to. >> reporter: dave kinchen, fox 29 news. you can just not download the app. >> absolutely. >> novel concept. [ laughter ] >> excellent point on your part iain page. >> well, any way. it will go away soon any way. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. as we take a live look at doylestown this tuesday kind of warm out there. what we should expect to see and feel all week. meteorologist scott williams has your forecast in 15 seconds. hello and welcome to the month of august. high temperature so far today in philadelphia around 91 degrees. actually several degrees above average for this time of year. so over the neck several days, what to expect. on your radar high temperatures topping out upper 80s near 90 degrees. the humidity that will rise over th neck several days and also those typical summer pop up showers and thunderstorms each and every afternoon everyone won't get wet but those chances are certainly there. we have 91 degrees still in philadelphia. upper 80s in wilmington. down to millville. wildwood checking in at 88 degrees. rain cooled right now. low 70s for mount pocono. temperatures for the overnight, upper 60s to low 70s. we'll call it partly cloudy. you'll notice more humidity out there as well. 72 degrees the low temperature in philadelphia. so look at ultimate doppler most of us once again dry and quiet. we do have some storms farther north and west toward the pocono mountains the lehigh valley and also we'll zoom in you can see as we move into sections just northeast of philadelphia, moving toward the tacony palmyra bridge looking at a pop up downpour there. then as we move into sections of chester county, on the border of delaware county right now, looking at some downpours just to the east of malvern moving toward echo valley also around the plum stock area and then far north and west moving toward sections of the lehigh valley and the poconos looking at those downpours. so over the neck several days, once again those rainfall chances pop up thunderstorms during the neck several days. a better chance for widespread coverage on friday afternoon and evening as a cold front arrives. then a 30% chance for some showers early on saturday. but the weekend doesn't look like a washout. so isolated thunderstorms this evening. tomorrow morning dry, quiet, and then watch just like clock work by 3:00 in the afternoon more pop up showers and thunderstor thunderstorms. so the forecast for tomorrow, 9e afternoon pop up showers and thunderstorms. down the shore, temperatures looking pretty good. low 80s next several days. once again, can't rule out an isolated thunderstorm but most of the shore and those delaware beaches will be dry. that weather authority seven day forecast showing 90 tomorrow. 90 on thursday. friday upper 80s. the cold front gets out of here second half of the day on saturday. cooler temperatures. 84 saturday. low 80s on sunday. beautiful weather expecte second half the weekend. more pop-up thunderstorms by tuesday of next week. back over to you. >> all right. thank you very much, scott. principal tons review released it's list of the nation's top party schools. and a few from our area have made the cut. the mystery one police officer is tackling in north carolina. this is no cold case. and new at 6:00 you know philly is known for its cheesesteaks. how those iconic san witches could affect your home value. pro-tip: chop all your veggies for the week at once. super pro-tip: buy your veggies pre-chopped. boom. the best food at amazing prices, giant. fios is not cable. we're a 100% fiber optic network. and with the new fios gigabit connection... you get our fastest... internet ever. with download speeds up to 940 megs - 20 times faster than most people have. switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for $79.99 a month online for the first year. plus hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for two years, all with a two-year agreement. and switching has never been easier. get out of your contract with up to a $500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. go to giant has unbelievable pro tip produce prices. : so you'll never have to choose between your favorites. i thought i was your favorite. take a fresh look at giant's produce prices. ♪ delaware university and lehigh university have crack the the top ten when it comes to the top party schools in the count! country. not sure it's a point of pride. but the princeton review released the annual rankings for colleges. lehigh came in at nine. delaware six. number one, that would be tulane university in new orleans. review ranged bryn mawr college as the most lgbt friendly college. large number of u.s. adults are reporting that they misuse prescription opioids. the national survey on drug use and health finds in 2015, more than 90 million adults in the u.s. used prescription opioids with 11 million reported misusing them and nearly 2 million say they had a use disorder. relieve from pain was the most common reason that people repo reported misusing these drug in the past year. a central florida officer and his drug sniffing k9 are not limbing that are duties to just the police force. a lot of folks are hiring rock and his dog sadie who conduct searches for them. if a business is worried that an employee is using drugs or dealing them, trips, sadie will sniff them out. if the private citizen has concerns that her friend might be had you hadding drugs in her home they caulk rock and sadie in. parents hired them if they suspect their children are dabbling in drug. all in an effort to steply heroin epidemic. >> the honors are the unhealthiest foods you can ord order. the cheesecake factory comes on top. the cheesecake factory takes the top award for pasta in a pole tan in a 1200 calories. 79 grams of saturated fat. that's more than you should have all day, maybe two days. they won the worst cocktail design a booze infused milkshake with 950 calories. 46 grams of saturated fat and 6. i know that's more sugar than you shall have all day. also among the top restaurants again top not meaning good buffalo wild wings, chilis, hi ihop and uno chicago pizzeria with that deep dish pizza. >> i love that pizza. >> where is the beef. >> prob until your stacks bucks coffee. it's called nato with a jerky twist. he has black pepper syrup, cold honey foam goes on top a sprinkle of cracked pink pepper corn and secure of beef jerky. how many calories has that got? the drink is only available in seattle. i don't know how much it is but i'm guessing if it's starbucks about 15 bucks. >> i was looking up at that pasta. it's loaded down with all kinds of stuff. i had to see what was in it. it's a lot. harry potter author jk rolling apologizing to night. the comments she made on twitter. and how one bench is trying to turnbull lease into buddies. dude, you were right, these wait...what? the gold fish, man! you said i should buy some. no! i said you should buy gold fish, the new scratch-off from the pennsylvania lottery... with top prizes of $25,000. ooohh.... are there really...? 25,000 of them? yeah. want more changes to win? go to and enter your non-winning tickets for the gold fish second-chance drawing with $10,000 prizes. ♪ in tonight's hang's take you see them across the city, overgrown lots a ban donned homes. what do you do when the one next door is cramping your style maybe even threatening your safety. >> you would think it depends on who owns the property, right? here's hank with more. ♪ somebody listening or looking at this stuff, why should you have a neighborhood that looks like this? look at all this trash and stuff. >> reporter: it's hank. i'm in front of a couple of the abandoned properties here on darien street watch do you do if your house is is the s in the middle of a much of decaying abandonment. my take is individual ownership, yeah, that means you. that could be your only ticket. >> this is my sister'. >> reporter: lester williams look after sister's home on ninth street. that's good shape. the ones behind it not so much. they're abandoned. no one is caring for them and the one beside it seems to be crumbling. >> this house could affect her house, too. because if that roof falls up there, no telling what it's going to do. nobody has been in the since july 1989 i keep my neighbor clean. >> reporter: collide called licenses and inspections about the trash filled garage of abandoned house at oakdale and jessup. he's cleaned it twice. people keep dumping. >> it's hazard to the kids going to school. you got rats, possum you know what i mean, i don't want nobody get hurt. >> reporter: philly thousands of abandoned lots and houses present a slew of challenges. trees growing through the backs of houses. crumbling facades. overgrown lots. wawa do you do? depends on your situation. landlord may be unknown or unresponsive. it could belong to a company or to an agency like the philly housing authority which controls a lot of the abandoned homes east of temple university. >> i don't like to work for nobody. i work at my own pace don my own work. >> reporter: carpenter calls himself chubb rock he's closing off the back of a house recently bought at sheriff' auction by miguel mckinney and his father keep people out. >> anybody gets hurt in there -- >> it's a legal issue. >> reporter: mckinney's buy vacant properties by their own criteria. they don't finance and they decide what's best for a place once they get to know it. >> we have a couple of plans and, you know, like depends what we want to do with it. we really haven't decided wet. we have to sit at the table and think about it and we think about what we wanted to witness house. we're not sure yet. >> the best neighborhoods are often the ones where the person who lives in the house owns it. good news is properties easier to get than you might think. just do your homework and use a little elbow grease. buy into philadelphia. a lot of people physical me this neighborhood looks a lot better than it did ten years ago and it's getting better all the time. i'm hank and that's my take. ♪ trending now, big change for mtv. when the network airs it's video music awards in a few weeks i couldn't knock moon man statute will be no more. the award is the now the moon person trophy. it eliminated gender specific categories at movie and tv awards by the way it was on this date way back in 1981 that mtv went on the air for the first time and it's first video was by the bug gels video killed the radio star. >> the author hit series harry potter apologizing for her anti trump tweets that have gone viral but not to president trump last week jk rowling tweet add video suggesting that the president wouldn't shake the hand of a boy that was in wheelchair at an event. well now she's retracting those comments after some video surfaced of trump greeting the three-year-old before he started talking at the news conference. rowling apologized to the boy and his family last night on twitter which her twitter account has more than 11 million followers. game of thrones household name here on planet earth. but what about in space? retired as know thought scott kelly says he binge watch the show while he was way up there. at the television critics association annual event kelly said the show was so good he watch it twice when he spent a year i was bore the international space station. you go the to break up the mon not knee of doing all those scientific experiments with game thrones. there you go. texas elementary school is bringing students together one seat at a time. >> special bench is promoting being a buddy instead of a bul bully. fox's ann wyatt little explains. >> reporter: chatter coke company through cowan elementary school. inside the halls and out on the play ground. >> it's tough growing up now a days. >> reporter: a place that can be intimidating in you don't have anyone to play with. >> if you're feeling lonely, um, of course, you can go to the buddy bench. >> it's like a regular bench that sits outside for like kids that don't have a friend to play with at recess. it's a non-verbal way for kids to empower themselves. i thought it was great idea. >> reporter: this unassuming bench is forging friendships. it's where ten-year-old haley found a friend. >> i saw somebody on the buddy bench, and i played with them. they were really nice and now we're best friends. >> reporter: eight-year-old anna needed a friend one day. >> whenever you're on there you feel sad and then someone comes up and then you feel happy and you just want to like talk to them. >> reporter: the school's pta spurred the bench as a gift to the counselors. a gift that continues to give. >> since we have started it, you know, the types of interventions that miss snowden and the other counselor and i do have decreased. it's such an awkward time. in all grade levels but especially in the older grade levels when you don't have someone to play with and you have an opportunity to just go sit down and let someone else show compassion. >> students are learning life lessons out here on the playground that might not be in a textbook. >> we want to raise socially aware and respectful children and they're going to become our adults in the future and that's what we want for society. >> a lesson in empathy and kindness. that will last a lifetime. it's a seat that will be shared for school years to come. making kids feel like they're included and many things and makes the school more fun. >> reporter: ann wyatt little, fox news. buddy benches are great. a great idea. love it. all right. sounds good. coming up, the mystery. one police officer is tackling in north carolina. this is no cold case. new at 6:00 you know philly known for its cheesesteaks, of course. how those iconic sandwiches could in fact affect your home value. hello, peco. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. fios is not cable. we're a 100% fiber optic network. and with the new fios gigabit connection... you get our fastest... internet ever. with download speeds up to 940 megs - 20 times faster than most people have. switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for $79.99 a month online for the first year. plus hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for two years, all with a two-year agreement. and switching has never been easier. get out of your contract with up to a $500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. go to elephants and vienna are beating the summer heat by taking a dip in their brand new pool. forecast calls for 98 degrees in the city this week. the zoo's director says the pool holds the equivalent of 1500 human bathtubs of water. and the bathing pool features a built in pass pam so the elephants can take a walk without having to leave the water. commuters in taiwan have little fun with new themed subway trains made to look like sports arenas. new subway cars are promoting upcoming summer sporting event the city is hosting. six different venues, a swimming pool, soccer feel, soccer court -- basketball court, are all featured the on the trains. >> polly want a citation. that could have been a case after a police call in oregon. the police there encountered unexpected suspect when they responded to a report of a noise complaint sunday night. according to police, an officer went to investigate what all the raucus was discovered it was a parrot hyped it all. the culprit ten-year-old parrot named, well, amount aptly named bird. you see heim right there. apparently that bird loves to talk. >> police officers are known for solving cases but a cop in charlotte tackling a different kind of mystery the mystery muffin and the soda pop sleuth. the legend of mr. creepy new kids book written by officer chad webster. he drew inspiration from his four kids. there's a little bit of all of specialsly his girls. the main character wants to be police officer. >> of course. nine-year-old boy from california nicknamed pickle. >> and he may very well be president donald trump's biggest fan. >> carmen dickerson shares how this child became captive captivated with the president. >> he dresses like trauma. >> at least once a week he would wear one of this suits to school. report roar he reads about tru trump. >> five, ten minutes every day he was reading about it and i have to help him with the bigger words. >> reporter: even as spires to earn like trump. president donald trump biggest fan fin-year-old stockton boy called pickle. but unlike his favorite president, pickle short for dill pickle shortened from dylan gets a bit uncomfortable in the spotlight. if there's one thing that tickles pickle it's watching wednesday's white house press briefing. >> i sent him a letter and asked him if he can be my friend and it said yes. a week full of controversy and scandal press secretary sarah huckabee sanders read this letter. >> my name is dylan but everybody calls me pickle. i'm nine years old and you're my favorite president. i like you so much that i had a birthday about you. my cake was the shame of your hat. it goes on to ask a few questions. >> how much money do you have? i don't know why people don't like you. you seem nice. can we be friends? >> i directly spoke to the president dylan. he would be more than happy to be your friend. >> that's the moment pickle has been living for. >> i want him to tell me i could be president. >> ever since his third grade class held a mock election last year, and he googled donald trump. mom sue an says while she has to filter trump headlines to keep things age appropriate they sports her son. >> nobody wanted to make his cake. >> even tracking down the only person she could find who would bake a make a america great hat birthday cake. >> i hope you'll stop by and let us show you around the white house. >> it's all a bit over kell ming for pickle but his mom says she'll make it happen. >> somehow mama will get throu through. in stockton, carmen dickerson, fox news. >> fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right now. right now at 6:00, explosive allegations. a former philadelphia police officer accused of sexual assault. tonight, police brass are answering questions. doors closed at iconic cheesesteak joint. why the owner of jim's steaks in northeast philly says it's now shut for good. ♪ live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. a philadelphia icon shutting down for good. the own never of jim's steak in the northeast says it won't be serving up cheesesteaks any more but the problems don't end there. i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland one of the cook claim the restaurant owes him hundreds of dollars. fox 29's bruce gordon is working to get results. >> reporter: lunch time on a tuesday and kelly allen is watching tv with his three-year-old son instead of grilling up cheesesteaks. >> beginning the month bills is due. bills is due. i don't have no job. you know, that's what i work for. i work to feed my family and pay my bills. >> reporter: allen is a cook at jim's steaks for more than 20 years fixture cottman and bustleton in northeast philly. last went just ahead of his night shift he was called and told to stay home. >> one of the other managers told me that they shut the store down the health department. >> reporter: city inspectors had found numerous food safety and sanitation violations at the restaurant. the report says "the establishment has agreed to discontinue food operations the and voluntary close until cleared to resume business by the city. the surprise shut down caught lunch time customers by surprise

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thigh. >> reporter: the police department spokesperson confirms to fox 29 o'neill was investigated by internal affai affairs, but due to the pending lawsuit the spokesperson will not say what investigators fou found. attorneys zeff says police investigators told him that would take o'neill down. he says, police obtained video from a security camera which captures the alleged assault behind a city school. zeff claims o'neill in uniform and his cruiser can be seen. >> it's grant knee but you can certainly see the sexual assault going on outside of the vehicle. >> reporter: the suit also alleges o'neill spoke of fan sizing about beating, raping and shooting a n word in the head. the city law department which will defend the suit including o'neill had no comment. according to the philadelphia board of pensions, thomas j. o'neill receives a pension payment of $3,100 monthly just over $2,000 go to him,. the reminder to what the city calls an alternate payee likely a divorced spouse. >> thomas j. o'neill has not been charged. spokesperson for the district attorney declined to comment. there is another retired city cop. he's named thomas k. o'neill he's a deputy sheriff outside the city and is not in any way involved in this case. we'll have more reporting at 6:00. i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. lucy? >> all right, we'll talk to you then, jeff. thanks. a manhunt underway for the gunman and shootings spanning two counties including one that turned deadly. >> police today identified 24-year-old derek rollins as the gunman. the deadly shooting happened saturday around 6:00 p.m. in haverford township. police say rollins gunned down 29-year-old john le when he was walking to friend' house about an hour earl they are same gunman fired shots in overbrook park at two people. they were not hurt. this morning, police burst into rollins home on the 5100 block of locust but he wasn't there. >> we believe he's armed. he's extremely dangerous. we've seen here where he shot at three separate people killing one, and it looks like these are clearly in philadelphia at least random attack on individuals who were clearly protecting their neighborhood. >> officers did impound rollins car this morning. there was a $5,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest and conviction. so give police a call if you know anything. caught on camera a popular french restaurant robbed right in center city. new surveillance video shows the moment a group of people broke the window of mason 208 on south 18th street and crawl in one by one. they took off with crash drawers. if you know anything about this recognize any of those folks, give them a call. happening right now, problems for a popular cheesesteak shop. jim's steak in northeast philadelphia is closed tonight. it's shut down because of health violations. the problems don't end there. one of the cooks claims the restaurant owes him hundreds of dollars. our bruce gordon is getting results tonight joins us live from northeast philadelphia. bruce? >> reporter: guys, jim's steaks is one of the most famous purchase vare's of the philadelphia's most sandwiches but as you said tonight the doors here are closed, locked tight and a cook who just wanted his final paycheck is with our help low about get his money. it's midday on a tuesday and kelly allen is watching tv with this three-year-old son. kelly should be at work. >> lunch time i'd be cooking. i'll be cooking right about now. >> grilling up cheesesteaks. >> yes. >> reporter: kell sal cook at jim's steaks for more than 20 years fixture at cottman and bustleton in northeast philly but last wednesday ahead of his night shift -- >> i was taking a nap and i received a phone call telling me don't come in. this was around 2:30. one of the other managers told me that they shut the store down the health department. >> reporter: in fact the health department found numerous food safety and sanitation violations at the restaurant. the report says the establishment has agreed to discontinue food operations and voluntarily close until cleared to resume business by the city. the abrupt closure caught lunch time customers by surprise. george sullivan and head ward martinez were all set for a good meal. >> my plans were to get my favorite steak sandwich as mushroom cheesesteak with provolone and i was going to really relax because it's very hot and miserable out here. now, i don't know what i'm going to do. >> reporter: there's more. kelly allen told me he was owed 37 and a half hours of pay about 400 bucks when the restaurant closed. he spent the past several days texting his boss the owner carl. beg fog his paycheck. >> i work to feed my family and pay my bills. take care of my family. >> reporter: now you're sitting at home. >> nw i'm sitting at home. >> reporter: looking for answers. >> looking for ants and can't get none. >> reporter: i went to work. i visited the other restaurant in west philly. no luck but ultimately he returned my phone calls. told me the bustleton and cottman restaurant had become too much to handle. a as a result -- >> you say it's just not worth it. you're closing the door for good we made arrangements for kelly allen to get his overdue paycheck. >> he calls you and you'll make sure he gets his money? all right. that's great. >> reporter: so kelly allen is connecting with mr. pruetto at the jim's steaks in springfield delaware county as we speak. he'll get his final paycheck that's the good news. the bad news at least for jim's steaks fans one less iconic cheesesteak joint in the city. lucy? >> all right. thank you, bruce. bill cosby's defense attorney says he wants off the case. attorney brian mcmonagle filed documents to withdraw from the case before cosby's retrial. now cosby faces charges he drugged and molested a woman more than decade ago. he first -- his first trial ended of course in a mistrial. after the jury failed to reach a verdict following more than 52 hours of deliberations. opener of a daycare center in easton pleaded guilty in the death of a flee month old baby girl that was mckenna rose's first day at daycare last april when she was found unpens seive in a crib. the family set up a gofundme page the day aft. the baby was put on her stomach unsupervised in the back room of the daycare. sharon balance lick is now facing probation or some time in jail. another guilty plea this time for a former teacher in wayne, delaware county. she has admit totter sexually assaulting a 16-year-old student. police say this happened several times over eight-month period last year. 28-year-old nina scott was teacher at the village school. a school for troubled youth. staff found letters and a journal detailing the sexual acts between scott and the girl and alerted authorities. she will serve a minimum of three months of electric home monitoring and five years of sex offender probation. police in south jersey say they have now identified the s so-called bathroom peeper. they've been searching for him since last month. they say this guy right there. 27-year-old joseph quiles seat cellly another guy in the bathroom of a chick-fil-a on route 73 in marlton last month. the moment the man can fronted him he ran and jumped into a car and took off. let's check on your fox 29 weather authority as we take a live look at cape may on hot d day. kind of what you'd expect on the first daveing. >> true. let's get over to meteorologist scott williams. hello, scott. >> hi there, lucy and iain. typical summer like pattern and like august stepping outdoors. 91 degrees currently in philadelphia. so far that's our high temperature for today. dew points climbing into the low 60s and that humidity inching up a bit. the sun will set this evening at 8:14. most of the area is dry. however, watching ultimate doppler we'll zoom in. a few isolated pop-up showers northeast philadelphia moving toward tacony, palmyra so crossing the bridge we're looking at that activity coming up we'll talk much more about thunderstorm chances and a potential heat wave brewing. back over to you. all right, scott, thanks. developing now, some improvement today in margate after protests and problems with that controversial dune project going on day four now. more than a foot of water still has not drained at the new sight so now the army core of engineers on the scene trying to pump in that water out. >> it's behind 63 year million dollars dune project. fox 29's joyce evans joins us live from margate. joyce, you've been there for a couple days now. the beaches are now closed? >> reporter: they are now closed and you can see why behind me. these pumps started revving up and started working around midday. they have gotten some water out of here but there's lot left. look over here. this is where we were on sunday, lucy and iain. that little ramp was underwater. remember we saw the families struggling with the baby strollers and all of that. they built that up as you might be able to remember. they pitt that up with sand today. that will happen some more around here. but look at this. this basin was put in to catch the storm water drain off and it was supposed to drain within 48 hours or less. didn't happen. as you can see but now plan b is underway and that means more headaches. this is what tom britain all and tom, jr. of chadds ford, pa found when they headed back to the beach during their week long vacation stay. >> yes, where we went in yesterday is now closed. so they said to go down further on the beach. so, um, i mean it's an inconvenience but, hey, you know. >> he's very understanding. but not margate some residents like rob bird. >> well i enjoy a nice walk and a nice bike ride down where i can actually enter the beach and once i get down there i'm kind of stuck. pretty disappointing i haven't been able to go on my beach in quite some time. >> reporter: and he doesn't think the army corps of engineers clean up and repair work will be done any time soon. >> each day it seems like they're playing catch up rather than getting ahead of the problem we have here. >> reporter: spokesperson for the army core of engineers says, once all the water is drained, they will put back a foot of sand raising the trench and allow more drainage and aisle they'll put in temporary walk case so people can get back and forth while they work. is that good enough? >> no. it's not close to good enough. right now my business is dying. >> reporter: restaurant owner lou friedman came over to see what still slowing ought the foot traffic at his and other margate businesses. >> there's nothing here. this is july. you don't see a person. this is crazy. you see a lake that we shouldn't have that we told them we were going to have. >> reporter: residents are saying we told you so. but they still don't feel like winners. >> it doesn't really feel a victory when we're losing still. the seagulls are here. the flies are here they are laying their eggs. larva will pop up in 48 hours. this is a public health environmental major concern. >> reporter: dr. don craft man saying he's treated kids with rashes they say from wading through this basin of water. now, as you can see down there right now, that is how the lifeguards have been crossing this basin to get out to their posts along the beach. we haven't seen any change in the water levels, pollution levels in the surf. but the residents are worried here as they continue to dredge more and start filling up with sand the bacteria levels may change. by the way you need to know the repairs we're told will add several millions more dollars to this already 63 million-dollar project. and we don know yet what that means for continuing the initial part of the project on down the island. iain? >> all right, joyce, what a mess, thank you. montgomery county woman on a mission. how she's trying to reunite someone with some long loft memories. >> philly's great pete rose facing more match issues. the allegations this time. ♪ skyfox live over norristown farm park where police say a man sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman. it happened this morning just before 11:00. police say the victim was running in the park when the man attacked her at gun point. the victim was taken to einstein medical center where she is being treated and police continue to look for the attacker. philadelphia police are asking for your help identifying this woman much she's wanted for robbing a walgreens on kensington avenue. this happened last friday morning around 10:00. the surveillance video shows her left arm wrapped in a sweatshirt she demanded some money and cigarettes the cashier gave her some of both and she walk out. if you know who she is call police. only on fox tonight, it's not going to be easy but montgomery county woman is on a mission. she is trying to fine the relatives of a family pictured in a photo album she found and she wants to reunite them with their past. >> as dawn timmeney tells us, we're talking more than a century of memories. >> she's smiling. he kind of smiling too. when i opened the album up and saw how old the pictures were, but the condition when i look at the date it blew me away. >> reporter: brenda quick of lansdale is in awe these old photographs. some of them 140 years old. dating back to 1877. >> i got goosebumps and chills i have them now even just talking about it. >> reporter: brenda found this photo album in the basement of her friend's house on unruh street in the mayfair section of philadelphia. she was helping alicia mcdonald clean out her home and came across this incredible piece of family history. the photos in pristine conditi condition. >> instantly something came over me like, you have to reunite these pictures with the family. the pictures were speaking out, put me back with my familiar. >> reporter: wow! alicia says the photos had been in her basement for 20 years and before that in her father's home. alicia knew they were not her relatives. she knew brenda wanted to find the family but didn't think much about it until we showed her the photos again today. >> oh wow, look at her. now she looks like mary. >> that's when alicia realized they were photographs of a close family friend. mary allen teller's relatives from days gone by. >> i just got the chill everywhere. i love these people. they were so good to me when i was a kid. >> reporter: oldest pictures of adolph and amanda and their family members. they lived in mount vernon, new york but obviously we now know there's a philadelphia connection. mary is deceased but these two women are hoping a long lot of relative sees these remarkable images from the past and comes forward. >> how elated do you think the people are going to be when they -- ooh just want to see the family's face when they get these pictures back. >> reporter: should be great. of course this is where the power of social media comes in to play. who knows where the family free tree has spread but hopefully the photos will be shared on facebook, instagram and other platforms and we will help them make a connect and brenda says she has looked at every single solitary one of those pictures she says all they all speak to her. >> she's a hoot. >> she's great and she really really feels strongly about getting this photo album back to the family. >> let's hope social media can help it usually does. >> yeah. >> stay tuned. >> exactly. >> all right. thanks, dawn. philadelphia police want to take -- actually talk to the guy who posted video of himself climbing city hall. police just discovered the video on youtube. guy goes by the name of exploring with carson posted two days ago. so it's seven minute panoramic video of him taking on the stunt obviously it's dangerous. police are warning everyone else to not copy the youtube user. >> what might seem adventurous or recreational is very very very very very dangerous. i can't stress that enough. and it's also possibly illegal. i mean we're actually lookin lot from it from a trespassing standpoint. central detective social security handling it right now. >> user posted the video police are trying to figure out exactly when it happen. new jersey u.s. senator corey booker today introduced a landmark bill to legalize marijuana. on facebook life, booker announced the marijuana justice act. the bill would remove marijuana from the list of controlled substances, making it legal on the federal level. the bill would also incentivize states through federal funds to change their marijuana laws. if those laws were shown to have a disproportionate effect on low income individuals and people of color. >> we live in a country where we swear this idea we put our hand over heart and we believe very strongly that we are to be a nation of liberty and justice for all. well, one way in which we have not fulfilled that promise, that idea, is through our criminal justice system. and this is -- >> the bill is retroactive wouldn't apply to those already serving time in jail for marijuana related offenses providing for a judge's review of marijuana sentences. baseball all-time hit king may have hit an all-time low and it could be strike three for pete rose. >> latest rose gag has effects right here in philadelphia. sean bell joins us now on more on why charlie hustle might just be grounded. sean. like you said an all-time low. disgusting allegations coming out against him. he admitted to having sex with a 16-year-old girl in ohio when he was 34. this came out in a documentary leased op monday. the age of consent in ohio is 16 but there's been allegations of him being with girls even younger. he suing the person who made those comments but still a disgusting situation altogether for rose. now the question is, what do you do with him? okay. next weekend the phillies are scheduled to have an alumni weekend which is basically all about rose on friday augus august11th they're supposed to hand out bobble heads of the guy and on saturday, they're expected to induct him into the& wall of fame. something fans voted for, but in my opinion, this has to cancel altogether. the phils have not released a statement and fox sports one who employs him said they are aware of the report but are not commenting at this time. he's schedule to be back on air on august 14th. so everyone trying to figure out what to do with pete rose. lucy? >> all right, thank you, sean. a woman escapes three kidnappers. how her car may have ended up saving her life. >> harry potter author j.k. rowling is apologizing tonight. the comments she made on twitt twitter. >> the princeton review releases its list of the nation's top party schools and a few from our area make the cut. ♪ from the time i was pregnant with him, had so much life and energy in him. he wanted out, and he wanted to conquer the world. right now, quinton's goal is to be a doctor. it's not easy being a single parent with three kids and having to provide for them. but my son will be an amazing doctor, and he'll help people that are less fortunate. no matter where you are in your college journey, sallie mae can help you find the money you need. he gets things done stevfor south jersey.o tell you don't believe him. because steve sweeney gets things done for himself, for the special interests who pay for his campaigns, and definitely for chris christie. but steve sweeney doesn't get things done for you. unless you count cutting education funding, raising the gas tax, and sending more of your tax dollars off to trenton instead of south jersey. if you're tired of typical politics, stop electing typical politicians like steve sweeney. in new jersey a man pleads guilty to gun charges. police arrested 52-year-old john cramsey in june every 2016 after they found a loaded rifle and shotgun in his car. the pennsylvania man and anti-drug activist claimed he was on his way to save a teenaged girl from a drug den. police say she later died of an overdose. cramsey will be sentenced this september. in south carolina, we're hearing from a victim after escaping three kidnappers. columbia university student says the fact that they couldn't drive her car's stick shift helped her break free. it happened last wednesday. three teenaged boys robbed her but since they couldn't drive a manual transmission they made her drive. first police say they forced her to drive them to an atm. and then a house where they told her they were going to rape her. well she eventually saw an opportunity to escape swung open the door and jumped. >> i still had to unbuckle my seat belt to reach the buttons as i'm drawing out the money. i came to the conclusion i'm going to have to jump, and so i made sure to not buckle my seat bet back up and i just hoped that they wouldn't notice. >> police have arrested the three teenagers they say are behind this crime and a string of robberies and kidnappings of other college students. it's popular with teens but some people believe this app could be causing more harm than good. what parents need to know about it. >> and forget having to go to a hamburger joint. starbucks is now serving up coffee with a sized beef. scott? >> high there, lucy. temperatures are climbing over the next several days. also, pop up showers and thunderstorms. we have the timing with ultimate doppler next. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's up to 16 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to faster downloads with internet speeds up to 250 megabits per second. get fast internet and add phone and tv now for only $24.90 more per month. our lowest price ever on this offer. but only for a limited time. call today. comcast business. built for business. ♪, we have breaking news to tell you about. the senate has confirmed christopher wray as the next direct of the fbi. the vote was 92-five. wray will replace james comey who of course was fired by president trump. wray is a former senior justice mess in bridesburg with papers scattered across the streets and sidewalks. some of those papers had information on them.s this morning this happened on the 200 block of bridge street in the bridesburg neighborhood. as we said. the papers are from the bridge and pratico. now employees quickly came out to clean them all up. don't have any idea how those papers at got all over the place. >> developing right now, controversial app is raising a lot of concerns it's called sororah it let's us give honest feedback. >> reports of bullying are already coming as it becomes more popular with teens. fox 29's dave kinchen reports. >> it's scary. >> reporter: it's how bridget feels the brand new app the latest in the world avenue non muss messaging tech she wonder if's it will contribute to the cyber bullying epidemic as she watches her 11-year-old son andrew play baseball in northeast philadelphia. >> my son is very sensitive i feel like for his age, um, he's always worried about what people think of him, and he always wants to, you know, be friends. >> as a coach, i don't tolerate anything. okay. i do not tolerate it. i think it's a hundred% wrong. >> reporter: it is are a a bic for candor or openness and shot to the top of apple app store and google play. it started as a middle east website for workers to a anonymously critique their companies it's rising in popularity amongst kids using it to rate each other on everything from a appearance to their latest social media post. the app has even been reportedly linked to harassment online making kids vulnerable to digital bullying. >> there's no room for the cyber bullying. there's room for bullying in general. >> we're not at the end of the development of all of this stuff in the 21st century. i mean this is century of enormous change. >> reporter: dr. frank farley is a temple university professor and past president of the american psychological association. he says parents need to be tuned in. >> go online and, you know, take a look for teenaged depression, suicide ideation and suicide indicators, and as a parent get on top of that. in this era you have to. >> reporter: dave kinchen, fox 29 news. you can just not download the app. >> absolutely. >> novel concept. [ laughter ] >> excellent point on your part iain page. >> well, any way. it will go away soon any way. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. as we take a live look at doylestown this tuesday kind of warm out there. what we should expect to see and feel all week. meteorologist scott williams has your forecast in 15 seconds. hello and welcome to the month of august. high temperature so far today in philadelphia around 91 degrees. actually several degrees above average for this time of year. so over the neck several days, what to expect. on your radar high temperatures topping out upper 80s near 90 degrees. the humidity that will rise over th neck several days and also those typical summer pop up showers and thunderstorms each and every afternoon everyone won't get wet but those chances are certainly there. we have 91 degrees still in philadelphia. upper 80s in wilmington. down to millville. wildwood checking in at 88 degrees. rain cooled right now. low 70s for mount pocono. temperatures for the overnight, upper 60s to low 70s. we'll call it partly cloudy. you'll notice more humidity out there as well. 72 degrees the low temperature in philadelphia. so look at ultimate doppler most of us once again dry and quiet. we do have some storms farther north and west toward the pocono mountains the lehigh valley and also we'll zoom in you can see as we move into sections just northeast of philadelphia, moving toward the tacony palmyra bridge looking at a pop up downpour there. then as we move into sections of chester county, on the border of delaware county right now, looking at some downpours just to the east of malvern moving toward echo valley also around the plum stock area and then far north and west moving toward sections of the lehigh valley and the poconos looking at those downpours. so over the neck several days, once again those rainfall chances pop up thunderstorms during the neck several days. a better chance for widespread coverage on friday afternoon and evening as a cold front arrives. then a 30% chance for some showers early on saturday. but the weekend doesn't look like a washout. so isolated thunderstorms this evening. tomorrow morning dry, quiet, and then watch just like clock work by 3:00 in the afternoon more pop up showers and thunderstor thunderstorms. so the forecast for tomorrow, 9e afternoon pop up showers and thunderstorms. down the shore, temperatures looking pretty good. low 80s next several days. once again, can't rule out an isolated thunderstorm but most of the shore and those delaware beaches will be dry. that weather authority seven day forecast showing 90 tomorrow. 90 on thursday. friday upper 80s. the cold front gets out of here second half of the day on saturday. cooler temperatures. 84 saturday. low 80s on sunday. beautiful weather expecte second half the weekend. more pop-up thunderstorms by tuesday of next week. back over to you. >> all right. thank you very much, scott. principal tons review released it's list of the nation's top party schools. and a few from our area have made the cut. the mystery one police officer is tackling in north carolina. this is no cold case. and new at 6:00 you know philly is known for its cheesesteaks. how those iconic san witches could affect your home value. pro-tip: chop all your veggies for the week at once. super pro-tip: buy your veggies pre-chopped. boom. the best food at amazing prices, giant. fios is not cable. we're a 100% fiber optic network. and with the new fios gigabit connection... you get our fastest... internet ever. with download speeds up to 940 megs - 20 times faster than most people have. switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for $79.99 a month online for the first year. plus hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for two years, all with a two-year agreement. and switching has never been easier. get out of your contract with up to a $500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. go to giant has unbelievable pro tip produce prices. : so you'll never have to choose between your favorites. i thought i was your favorite. take a fresh look at giant's produce prices. ♪ delaware university and lehigh university have crack the the top ten when it comes to the top party schools in the count! country. not sure it's a point of pride. but the princeton review released the annual rankings for colleges. lehigh came in at nine. delaware six. number one, that would be tulane university in new orleans. review ranged bryn mawr college as the most lgbt friendly college. large number of u.s. adults are reporting that they misuse prescription opioids. the national survey on drug use and health finds in 2015, more than 90 million adults in the u.s. used prescription opioids with 11 million reported misusing them and nearly 2 million say they had a use disorder. relieve from pain was the most common reason that people repo reported misusing these drug in the past year. a central florida officer and his drug sniffing k9 are not limbing that are duties to just the police force. a lot of folks are hiring rock and his dog sadie who conduct searches for them. if a business is worried that an employee is using drugs or dealing them, trips, sadie will sniff them out. if the private citizen has concerns that her friend might be had you hadding drugs in her home they caulk rock and sadie in. parents hired them if they suspect their children are dabbling in drug. all in an effort to steply heroin epidemic. >> the honors are the unhealthiest foods you can ord order. the cheesecake factory comes on top. the cheesecake factory takes the top award for pasta in a pole tan in a 1200 calories. 79 grams of saturated fat. that's more than you should have all day, maybe two days. they won the worst cocktail design a booze infused milkshake with 950 calories. 46 grams of saturated fat and 6. i know that's more sugar than you shall have all day. also among the top restaurants again top not meaning good buffalo wild wings, chilis, hi ihop and uno chicago pizzeria with that deep dish pizza. >> i love that pizza. >> where is the beef. >> prob until your stacks bucks coffee. it's called nato with a jerky twist. he has black pepper syrup, cold honey foam goes on top a sprinkle of cracked pink pepper corn and secure of beef jerky. how many calories has that got? the drink is only available in seattle. i don't know how much it is but i'm guessing if it's starbucks about 15 bucks. >> i was looking up at that pasta. it's loaded down with all kinds of stuff. i had to see what was in it. it's a lot. harry potter author jk rolling apologizing to night. the comments she made on twitter. and how one bench is trying to turnbull lease into buddies. dude, you were right, these wait...what? the gold fish, man! you said i should buy some. no! i said you should buy gold fish, the new scratch-off from the pennsylvania lottery... with top prizes of $25,000. ooohh.... are there really...? 25,000 of them? yeah. want more changes to win? go to and enter your non-winning tickets for the gold fish second-chance drawing with $10,000 prizes. ♪ in tonight's hang's take you see them across the city, overgrown lots a ban donned homes. what do you do when the one next door is cramping your style maybe even threatening your safety. >> you would think it depends on who owns the property, right? here's hank with more. ♪ somebody listening or looking at this stuff, why should you have a neighborhood that looks like this? look at all this trash and stuff. >> reporter: it's hank. i'm in front of a couple of the abandoned properties here on darien street watch do you do if your house is is the s in the middle of a much of decaying abandonment. my take is individual ownership, yeah, that means you. that could be your only ticket. >> this is my sister'. >> reporter: lester williams look after sister's home on ninth street. that's good shape. the ones behind it not so much. they're abandoned. no one is caring for them and the one beside it seems to be crumbling. >> this house could affect her house, too. because if that roof falls up there, no telling what it's going to do. nobody has been in the since july 1989 i keep my neighbor clean. >> reporter: collide called licenses and inspections about the trash filled garage of abandoned house at oakdale and jessup. he's cleaned it twice. people keep dumping. >> it's hazard to the kids going to school. you got rats, possum you know what i mean, i don't want nobody get hurt. >> reporter: philly thousands of abandoned lots and houses present a slew of challenges. trees growing through the backs of houses. crumbling facades. overgrown lots. wawa do you do? depends on your situation. landlord may be unknown or unresponsive. it could belong to a company or to an agency like the philly housing authority which controls a lot of the abandoned homes east of temple university. >> i don't like to work for nobody. i work at my own pace don my own work. >> reporter: carpenter calls himself chubb rock he's closing off the back of a house recently bought at sheriff' auction by miguel mckinney and his father keep people out. >> anybody gets hurt in there -- >> it's a legal issue. >> reporter: mckinney's buy vacant properties by their own criteria. they don't finance and they decide what's best for a place once they get to know it. >> we have a couple of plans and, you know, like depends what we want to do with it. we really haven't decided wet. we have to sit at the table and think about it and we think about what we wanted to witness house. we're not sure yet. >> the best neighborhoods are often the ones where the person who lives in the house owns it. good news is properties easier to get than you might think. just do your homework and use a little elbow grease. buy into philadelphia. a lot of people physical me this neighborhood looks a lot better than it did ten years ago and it's getting better all the time. i'm hank and that's my take. ♪ trending now, big change for mtv. when the network airs it's video music awards in a few weeks i couldn't knock moon man statute will be no more. the award is the now the moon person trophy. it eliminated gender specific categories at movie and tv awards by the way it was on this date way back in 1981 that mtv went on the air for the first time and it's first video was by the bug gels video killed the radio star. >> the author hit series harry potter apologizing for her anti trump tweets that have gone viral but not to president trump last week jk rowling tweet add video suggesting that the president wouldn't shake the hand of a boy that was in wheelchair at an event. well now she's retracting those comments after some video surfaced of trump greeting the three-year-old before he started talking at the news conference. rowling apologized to the boy and his family last night on twitter which her twitter account has more than 11 million followers. game of thrones household name here on planet earth. but what about in space? retired as know thought scott kelly says he binge watch the show while he was way up there. at the television critics association annual event kelly said the show was so good he watch it twice when he spent a year i was bore the international space station. you go the to break up the mon not knee of doing all those scientific experiments with game thrones. there you go. texas elementary school is bringing students together one seat at a time. >> special bench is promoting being a buddy instead of a bul bully. fox's ann wyatt little explains. >> reporter: chatter coke company through cowan elementary school. inside the halls and out on the play ground. >> it's tough growing up now a days. >> reporter: a place that can be intimidating in you don't have anyone to play with. >> if you're feeling lonely, um, of course, you can go to the buddy bench. >> it's like a regular bench that sits outside for like kids that don't have a friend to play with at recess. it's a non-verbal way for kids to empower themselves. i thought it was great idea. >> reporter: this unassuming bench is forging friendships. it's where ten-year-old haley found a friend. >> i saw somebody on the buddy bench, and i played with them. they were really nice and now we're best friends. >> reporter: eight-year-old anna needed a friend one day. >> whenever you're on there you feel sad and then someone comes up and then you feel happy and you just want to like talk to them. >> reporter: the school's pta spurred the bench as a gift to the counselors. a gift that continues to give. >> since we have started it, you know, the types of interventions that miss snowden and the other counselor and i do have decreased. it's such an awkward time. in all grade levels but especially in the older grade levels when you don't have someone to play with and you have an opportunity to just go sit down and let someone else show compassion. >> students are learning life lessons out here on the playground that might not be in a textbook. >> we want to raise socially aware and respectful children and they're going to become our adults in the future and that's what we want for society. >> a lesson in empathy and kindness. that will last a lifetime. it's a seat that will be shared for school years to come. making kids feel like they're included and many things and makes the school more fun. >> reporter: ann wyatt little, fox news. buddy benches are great. a great idea. love it. all right. sounds good. coming up, the mystery. one police officer is tackling in north carolina. this is no cold case. new at 6:00 you know philly known for its cheesesteaks, of course. how those iconic sandwiches could in fact affect your home value. hello, peco. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. fios is not cable. we're a 100% fiber optic network. and with the new fios gigabit connection... you get our fastest... internet ever. with download speeds up to 940 megs - 20 times faster than most people have. switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for $79.99 a month online for the first year. plus hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for two years, all with a two-year agreement. and switching has never been easier. get out of your contract with up to a $500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. go to elephants and vienna are beating the summer heat by taking a dip in their brand new pool. forecast calls for 98 degrees in the city this week. the zoo's director says the pool holds the equivalent of 1500 human bathtubs of water. and the bathing pool features a built in pass pam so the elephants can take a walk without having to leave the water. commuters in taiwan have little fun with new themed subway trains made to look like sports arenas. new subway cars are promoting upcoming summer sporting event the city is hosting. six different venues, a swimming pool, soccer feel, soccer court -- basketball court, are all featured the on the trains. >> polly want a citation. that could have been a case after a police call in oregon. the police there encountered unexpected suspect when they responded to a report of a noise complaint sunday night. according to police, an officer went to investigate what all the raucus was discovered it was a parrot hyped it all. the culprit ten-year-old parrot named, well, amount aptly named bird. you see heim right there. apparently that bird loves to talk. >> police officers are known for solving cases but a cop in charlotte tackling a different kind of mystery the mystery muffin and the soda pop sleuth. the legend of mr. creepy new kids book written by officer chad webster. he drew inspiration from his four kids. there's a little bit of all of specialsly his girls. the main character wants to be police officer. >> of course. nine-year-old boy from california nicknamed pickle. >> and he may very well be president donald trump's biggest fan. >> carmen dickerson shares how this child became captive captivated with the president. >> he dresses like trauma. >> at least once a week he would wear one of this suits to school. report roar he reads about tru trump. >> five, ten minutes every day he was reading about it and i have to help him with the bigger words. >> reporter: even as spires to earn like trump. president donald trump biggest fan fin-year-old stockton boy called pickle. but unlike his favorite president, pickle short for dill pickle shortened from dylan gets a bit uncomfortable in the spotlight. if there's one thing that tickles pickle it's watching wednesday's white house press briefing. >> i sent him a letter and asked him if he can be my friend and it said yes. a week full of controversy and scandal press secretary sarah huckabee sanders read this letter. >> my name is dylan but everybody calls me pickle. i'm nine years old and you're my favorite president. i like you so much that i had a birthday about you. my cake was the shame of your hat. it goes on to ask a few questions. >> how much money do you have? i don't know why people don't like you. you seem nice. can we be friends? >> i directly spoke to the president dylan. he would be more than happy to be your friend. >> that's the moment pickle has been living for. >> i want him to tell me i could be president. >> ever since his third grade class held a mock election last year, and he googled donald trump. mom sue an says while she has to filter trump headlines to keep things age appropriate they sports her son. >> nobody wanted to make his cake. >> even tracking down the only person she could find who would bake a make a america great hat birthday cake. >> i hope you'll stop by and let us show you around the white house. >> it's all a bit over kell ming for pickle but his mom says she'll make it happen. >> somehow mama will get throu through. in stockton, carmen dickerson, fox news. >> fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right now. right now at 6:00, explosive allegations. a former philadelphia police officer accused of sexual assault. tonight, police brass are answering questions. doors closed at iconic cheesesteak joint. why the owner of jim's steaks in northeast philly says it's now shut for good. ♪ live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. a philadelphia icon shutting down for good. the own never of jim's steak in the northeast says it won't be serving up cheesesteaks any more but the problems don't end there. i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland one of the cook claim the restaurant owes him hundreds of dollars. fox 29's bruce gordon is working to get results. >> reporter: lunch time on a tuesday and kelly allen is watching tv with his three-year-old son instead of grilling up cheesesteaks. >> beginning the month bills is due. bills is due. i don't have no job. you know, that's what i work for. i work to feed my family and pay my bills. >> reporter: allen is a cook at jim's steaks for more than 20 years fixture cottman and bustleton in northeast philly. last went just ahead of his night shift he was called and told to stay home. >> one of the other managers told me that they shut the store down the health department. >> reporter: city inspectors had found numerous food safety and sanitation violations at the restaurant. the report says "the establishment has agreed to discontinue food operations the and voluntary close until cleared to resume business by the city. the surprise shut down caught lunch time customers by surprise

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