Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20170306 : comparemela

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20170306

out into the cold. >> yeah, i'm wet. i was shivering until they gave me this blanket. >> reporter: he was one of three patients in the pool doing therapy on his knee when the fire alarm sounded at aqua hab physical therapy and fitness sent. >> i left my keys, my wallet. >> luckily for our therapy staff we only had few patients so it was easy got them out of the pool, out of the clinic, closed the system down made sure all the staff was out and we were outside very very fast. >> reporter: once outside -- >> it just look like a small little fire but it progressed like win five minutes i would say the whole roof was it. >> in flames. >> people were working on the roof at the time. but that's all we know. >> reporter: the crew questioned by authorities. >> got kind of crazy out here for a minute,. >> that's the dome that went up that was over the pool. >> the soot start coming down the smoke you could barely see. >> reporter: touching off small spots as far as blocks away. 50 pieces of equipment, a 150 firefighters, paramedic and support teams and only two people transported for minor injuries. >> facility like this, there are hazardous materials involved. however those has sr. did you say materials right knauer contain to the building. we have our hazmat team here. >> reporter: still, the smoke so thick residents were told to stay inside, windows closed. stunned workers and bystanders had to be moved back a block. >> we're still here and everybody is here and that's all that matters, right? >> reporter: center supervisors assuring staff members everything would be ok okay. >> still so sad. i love that place. i love working there. i love my patients. >> reporter: managers say staph and patients will report to aqua habes other facilities when we last saw vick, he was still figuring out how he would get home. >> my car keys are inside. my wallet is inside. >> reporter: but you're safe. >> i'm safe. >> reporter: yeah, he was wondering how he would get home but septa loaned some buses here so there were buses here from septa. there were family members here and vs are, the red cross was here. the fire commissioner really praising how quickly and prepared those staff members were and coming up at 6:00 we'll show you how difficult it was and how it looked like with ease they took care of this problem. there were some touchy moments there, iain. >> all right, joyce, see you at 6:00. thank you. lindenwold, new jersey, police hoping this sketch will help them find the man who attacked a woman at an apartment complex it happened on february 9th at the emerald ridge complex. police have not said exactly what happened to the woman or how bad she was hurt. a terrible accident this afternoon in salem county, new jersey. skyfox over georgetown road and market street in carneys' point you see a car hit a pole and wound up on its roof. right now we don't have any official word from police on whether any other cars were involved or how many people may have been hurt. president trump' first 100 days in a second attempt at a travel ban the president today privately signing a view new version of his controversial travel ban barring new visas for six muslim majority countries six week after president trump's first effort was rolled out of course middle of that heavy controversy eventually blocked by federal courts new language has been added this time around in an evident to withstand all the further action from the courts. in addition to banning immigration from six muslim majority countries notably dropping iraq in what was originally a list of seven had also states foreign nationals with valid visas will not be affected. >> this executive order seeks to protect the american people as well as lawful immigrants by putting in place enhanced screening and vetting process for visitors from six countries. >> there's already been widespread criticism of the order from lawmakers and aclu which is already vowing to mount a lawsuit against it. white house advisers are still standing by president trump's allegations right now that the then president obama wire tapped trump tower during the 2016 campaign. president trump made the claims on twitter early saturday morning. but provided no evidence to back up those allegations. trump counselor kellyanne conway took to fox and friends saying president trump has information and intelligence that the rest of us do not. meanwhile key members of congress say they will honor the president's request to investigate his claims of wire tapping. police have identified the man gunned down next to his younger brother in southwest philadelphia. police say 19-year-old is a brie davis died after he was shot in car on the 8100 block of lions avenue. his 15-year-old brother was shot in the face and remains in critical condition. police say yesterday afternoon a car pulled up next to the brothers and a shooter opened fire. no arrests have been made as of yet and they will have a vigil later tonight. turning now to your fox 29 weather authority. a bit of a warmup out there. meteorologist kathy orr with the first check of the forecast. >> you know we have that big graphic that says winter weather authority, iain. it is still winter and wait until you see the seven day forecast because there is some more winter in the month of march. but not today. today's high temperatures above average or at least tying average in atlantic city. reading 53. philadelphia, allentown 51. trenton and wilmington checking in at 48 degrees obviously above average for this ties many year. 50 in the city with a southerly flow. ocean water temperatures in the lower 40s. that's why we have 42 in wildwood and ac. 50 in reading and lancaster still 51 degrees. sunset not till six tonight as we go through the evening it will be very comfortable with temperatures falling through the 40s. and increasing clouds because guess what? the rain is coming. during the overnight it will move in to part of the region and most of us will be seeing some rain during the day tomorrow. coming up though on the seven day forecast after the rain, we'll talk about temperatures surging back to the 60s then quickly we go back to blustery and look at this. the possibility of snow a storm to watch as we head into the weekend. more thon coming up later in the broadcast. i'll see you then. >> all right. kathy, thanks. skyfox over upper darby where a police pursuit ended in someone's yard. a neighbor tells fox 29 a man leading police on a chase hit his home and then crashed into his neighbor's house. that's where he says police arrested the suspect. it all happened on the 1200 block of old jane street just afternoon thankfully no one was hurt. us senator corey booker in cherry hill tonight joining local leaders at the katz jcc. the group which also included congressman donald norcross and make chuck cahn spoke about federal funding for secure the and religious centers. it declined which puts some religious communities at risk. big talking point was bomb threats phoned into jewish centers. >> we know right now in our country as we are seeing antisemitic events surge in our country, desecrations of gravesites, bomb threats, we're seeing hate in general surge. >> senator booker says we need to combat hate here at home challenging the president's 10% increase in defense spending. the war of words continues over philadelphia's controversial sweetened beverage tax with mayor kenney accusing a major supermarket chain of raising prices above and beyond the tax hike itself. our bruce gordon has the developing details. >> shop rite ceo jeff brown who owns half a dozen stores in philadelphia says he'll lay off 300 workers this spring in response to slumping soda sales caused by the sweetened beverage tax. monday morning on "good day philadelphia", mayor kenney laid into brown and others in the industry accusing them of fear mongering. >> jeff brown and some of these other folks are out there -- >> shop rite. >> jacking up prices beyond what the tax calls for. they started collecting the tax four days before the tax went into effect. they've been stockpiling product from june to january. they're charging the tax on the point of sale which is it never was intended to do. they're putting the money in their pocket. >> we've heard that first claim before. that some stores raised their prices above and beyond what a penny and a half per ounce would add up to. presumably to add to the sticker shock and lead to a customer revolt against city hall. for example, jacking the cost of 12-ounce can of soda not by 18 cents but by a quarter or had of a dollar. outside the shop rite at 24th and oregon, we found shoppers who believe they are paying more than the tax would suggest. >> by the price you see out it there looks like it seems like it's more than that. i don't know if, you know, the numbers are exact but it does seem more than what they're saying it is. >> reporter: shop rite post these signs right on the sweetened beverage shelves. in this case they've included 25 cents in beverage tax on the price of a 17-ounce drink. of course that doesn't prove that was the only increase made when the tax went into effect. sure enough we found shoppers who are certain the price hike went beyond city's new tax. >> the power aid, gatorades i go to jersey and get them there it's ridiculous they actually raised the price of them to collect the soda tax. >> reporter: they went beyond the tax? >> yes, they did. >> reporter: january tax revenues came above the city's earlier projections. which suggest that fewer shoppers may be turning to the suburbs for their soda than might have been predicted but we found plenty of folks who insist the tax has driven them out of the city. >> terrible. >> has it changed your buying habits. >> i don't buy it down here no more. >> reporter: where do you go. >> i go out of the city. >> reporter: we were told mr. brown was unavailable for on air comment, but spokeswoman for shop rite called it quote unfortunate that mayor kenney would single him out for criticism. as for the idea that price gouging might be going on, well, she called that unfounded and unfair. this debate is not going any way any time soon, iain. >> absolutely much bruce, thank you. a life-saving emergency on the side of the road. what a woman goes into labor but something dramatic unfolds when officers got there. how they saved the baby's life. and this man is arrested just moments after assault at a hotel. why police are saying that face time helped them out with their quick response. should women be forced to wear high heels to work? where lawmakers are putting their foot down about a troublesome policy. philadelphia gearing up for the big nfl draft coming up at 6:00 find out how you can be front row for all the exciting action. ♪ my girlfriend loves artists. to be unique... and i need a conservative pair, cuz her parents hate artists! get up to 40% off a second pair of glasses. schedule your eye exam at ♪ the search is on for three guys who broke into a chick-fil-a in port richmond and tried to rob the place around 4:00 in the morning on saturday. they busted open the front door by breaking the glass on the 2300 block of east butler street. they tried to take cash register and break into the safe but didn't happen. they eventually gave up and left with nothing. now to monmouth junction, new jersey, where police say face time actually helped them catch a suspect. the victim used face time to contact a relative after being assaulted at the la mirage motor inn on route 1. that family member call the police and officers got there win minutes. they chased the suspect eventually caught up to 25-year-old joran thomas. thomas is facing several charges including aggravated assault, the victim had minor injuries. nearly 400 nurses are still off the job tonight in delaware county and day two of a strike. skyfox over delaware county memorial hospital in drexel hill where the picketing started early this morning. nurses and some hospital technicians are on strike after a year of negotiating without producing a contract. the nurses say since the hospital was bought by prospect medical holdings staff to patient ratios have gotten wider and patient care has gone down. the hospital says staffing levels are at national averages and this is really about union members wanting higher pay average salary is already at more than $80,000 a year. the body of a missing duquesne graduate student has been found. a woman spotted the body of dakota james in the ohio river near nevell island this morning. an autopsy will be done to determine the cause of death. the 23-year-old north side resident had not been seen in weeks. he was last seen in downtown pittsburgh the night of january 25th. a protest tonight from japanese and south korean officials after north korea fires four ballistic missiles over the sea of japan. fox news senior foreign affairs greg palkot reports. >> reporter: both japanese and south korean officials are reporting north korea has fired four banned ballistic missiles which flew over the japan sea. parent reaction to military drills being conducted by washington and sool. those are invasion. japanese prime minister says, the missile launches show a new type of threat to the region. >> translator: north korea has already stated this is a new type of missile before today's launch. so we will closely monitor this issue with major interest. >> reporter: in north korea, more than 50,000 people gathered to show support for the missile launch. did he not attend but premier was there. china comes out against the launch saying it is in violation of the un resolutions and urging everyone involved to take a step back from any military exercis exercises. >> translator: china opposes launch activities in violation of the security council resolution. south korea are currently engaged in a large scale joint military exercise that targets north korea. under the current circumstances, all sides concerned should be restrained and refrained from irritating each other. >> reporter: the state department issuin issuing a stat couldn't death the launches saying the actions only strengthens its resolve to defend japan and south korea against such threats n london, greg palkot, fox news. 170 philadelphia police officers have higher tanks tonight the men and women were promoted to various ranks of corporal, detective, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, staff inspector and chief inspector. family, friends and the mayor and fellow brothers and sisters in blue cheering on on the officers the mcgonagle hall at temple university. commissioner ross says today is a big deal. >> it's not easy to get promoted in this department. most of the people that come through the doors never will. so regardless of what rank you get promoted to, it's a big thing. there are people here have been promoted multiple times and we expect a lot of them. we need their leadership. we need their guidance and we need their expertise. >> congratulations to all 170 of them. their new assigns begin just after midnight tonight. meanwhile in new york city, highway patrol officers go above and beyond the call of duty to deliver a baby girl. officer raphael muhammed got call about a woman in labor inside an uber on the bronx queens expressway they call the bqe. when he got there he realized the baby was in trouble. the officer says the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby's neck so he got the mom to calm down and what he could to shave the baby's life. >> got me to create an air space for the baby to start breathing on his own. once that air space was created, i was also able to kind of loosen the umbilical cord that was wrapped around the neck. by doing those two things, i realized that the baby then started to gasp for air and started to move. >> incredible. officer muhammed helped deliver a healthy baby girl. the mom and newborn by the way are doing just fine. residents in one neighborhood say their mailman refusing to leave their mail. the sticky reason the postman left in a note explains why. inflammatory remark made just before he was shot. a nude photo scandal rocking the marines. how the naked images of female marines ended up on facebook without their notch. ♪ >> moms and dads, are your kids applying to college? you need some help with financial aid process? it is dealt dull. you're in luck. on tuesday march 7th "good day philadelphia", philadelphia college prep round table council member helen gym and council president darrell clark will hold a financial aid phone a thon. lines will open at 7am and stay open until 11:00. we'll give you the phone number on tuesday morning. ♪ question, and be honest... ...are my teeth yellow? ...have you tried the tissue test? the what? ... tissue test! hold this up to your teeth... ...ugh yellow... i don't get it. i use whitening toothpaste. what do you use? crest whitestrips you should try them! whitening toothpaste only works on the surface. but crest whitestrips safely work below the enamel surface ... to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste you used the whitestrips i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. would you pass the tissue test? see for yourself with crest whitestrips. they are the way to whiten. ♪ investigations underway after reports marines shared naked photos of female marines and veterans on secret facebook page called marines united. some of those pictures were taken without the women's knowledge. active duty and retired male marines as well as navy core men and british royal marines were members of the page. photos have now been taken down. but marine corps official says at least one government contractor has been removed from his job. former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky is in less secure prison tonight. state prison officials moved him from maximum security prison to medium security facility in western pennsylvania. officials did not give an explanation as to why the 73-year-old was moved. a judge of course sentenced sandusky to 30 to 60 years in prison for his 2012 conviction on charges he molested several boys. seattle suburbs a community is concerned after someone shot a seek man in his driveway. the fbi looking into the shooting as a hate crime. a masked man approached the 39-year-old victim on friday and shot him in the arm in the city of kept. just outside seattle. the gunman proved him he shouted the words go back to your own country. the seek community made up 50,000 people and they are in shock. >> it was very disheartening to see the news that somebody was actually a victim of hate crime in a city that we have never felt that before. >> so far police have not made any arrests but they do not believe anyone is in eminent danger. lawmakers in connecticut are work to go protect the rights of members of the lgbt community. today state representative jeff curry introduced new edges will laying aimed at banning the use of gay conversion therapy on anyone under 18 years of age. opponents of the practice consider it harmful. especially to kids who are led to believe that homosexuality had been are can be cured. nursing moms facing a hidden tax when they feed their babies breast milk. they get to keep that money in new jersey. huge surprise for one woman. how she got engaged and married all in the same day. ♪ >> we are going to be seeing mast changes in our weather first the rain, then some super warmth before the chance of more snow? seems hard to believe but it's in the seven day coming up. phone rings "hello?" "yeah!" ♪"a new friend's coming here to sesame street."♪ all new its sesame street live! make a new friend playing liacouras center april 6-9 tickets on sale at liacourascenter dot com ♪ move by the supreme court today on a closely watched case about transgender rights. the high court sent the case involving transgender student from virginia back to a lower court. fox news correspondent kristin fisher has more. >> reporter: the supreme court will not hear the case of gavin grim, a transgender student who sued to use the bathroom that he depth phase with. not the one of his original gender. the court sending the case back to the lower courts for further consideration after the trump administration changed the federal government's position on whether public schools must allow people to use bathrooms based on their identities instead of their birth right. in texas state bill senate bill six is up for debate the state's lieutenant governor says its designed to help protect all people in the most delicate situations. >> north carolina was the tip of the spear. we will be next to pass a bill that focuses on privacy, a person's privacy and public safety as we focus on the needs of every student but protecting all students. and all adults. >> reporter: north carolina is a state that leaves that decision up to the local authorities and the state's lieutenant governor says that any legislation must be able to provide for all. >> i believe that this is -- this is an issue about doing the right thing. unfortunately it's not an issue about the transgender community. it's not an issue about the lgbt community. this is an issue about privacy and safety and protection for all people. >> reporter: trance jent rights activists are disappointed in the supreme court's ruling but vow to continue to fight for their rights. in washington, kristin fisher, fox news. it could soon get cheaper to breast feed in new jersey right now women pay tax on breast pump and other things. assembly committee advanced alleges laying that would make breast pump, collections and storage supplies tax free. assembly woman pamela lamp it is sponsoring the bill. >> philadelphia police need your help as they try to locate this teen missing. police say 17-year-old ashley fran quiz was last seen at her home on the 1600 block of north red field street in overbrook around 4:30 saturday afternoon. she was dressed in all black. if you've got any information, please call police. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. we take live look along the ben franklin parkway tonight. actually i don't think that's the ben franklin parkway that looks like a golf course to me. much more comfortable day after a very chilly weekend but some showers are on the way. kathy has got your forecast in just 15 seconds. another day with 50-degree temperatures even though the weekend was on the cool side. the clouds are rolling in in old city philadelphia. the temperatures have warmed in the 50s. it's still 50 degrees with winds out of the south at 6 miles an hour and you can see how temperatures warmed even into the late afternoon looking really good out there this evening if you'll be going out. right now in philadelphia, we still have the 50s. elsewhee, some milder temperatures to the west. look at this. in kansas city, oklahoma city dallas 70s even some 80s so big ridge of warmth that's actually pushing eastward so we'll see one more warmup. more like spring before we crash back down to winter even though we're in the month of march. ultimate doppler showing some showers moving toward the northeast, and some of these will make it into our northern and western suburbs during the early morning hours. it's not a lot of rain. it's just the pesky variety. as we look at the temperatures you can see saturday 36. sunday 38. today 51. tomorrow going for 62 degrees on the back side of that warm front and as we go hour by hour the clouds thicken tonight. some showers moving in through the early morning. and by seven, 8am for the morning rush the northeast extension up toward the poconos, 80, 81, that's where we'll see more of this rain even extending along the mainline of philadelphia out on 76 west. mainly seeing the showers. then as the day progresses this lifts towards the northeast went dry it out during tomorrow afternoon we may even see some sunshine before sunset. then in the nighttime hours it's just cloudy and then another line of showers early wednesday morning could have a squall line going through wednesday morning with a few rumbles of thunder. but that would be mainly before everyone heads out the door and then we clear it out wednesday ends up being a mild but very breezy day. we start off with this spring like weather for the next couple of days. and then here comes the cold as we make our way toward the weekend. with temperatures crashing back into the 20s and the 30s. and the snowstorm could come very close keeping an eye on that fort weekend tonight the overnight low temperature 40 degrees increasing clouds and some showers far to the north and west overnight. during the day tomorrow, seeing the showers again. but mainly north and west. north and west of that i-95 corridor. the temperature 63 degrees. with those temperatures rising very quickly in the afternoon. southerly winds ten to 15 miles an hour and gusting to 30 miles an hour. that's how it will get so warm. as we look at the highs across the region, mainly in the 60s. 65 in dover. 61 in pottstown. and the poconos even making it up to 50 degrees. op your seven day forecast from the weather authority looks like a sunny windy day on wednesday. the cold air lags behind. cold front will feel the effects on thursday it's transition day then another system brings a chance of rain or wet snow friday. saturday just cold and windy and for sunday the dave our philadelphia st. patrick's day parade, there is the chance of southern storm bringing some snow. so we'll keep a careful eye on that. the morning low only 25. the afternoon high 38 degrees. and then boo monday, we dry it out. cold in the morning by the afternoon 41 degrees. with a good deal of sunshine. so iain if i were going to pick a day to golf, maybe tuesday afternoon, wednesday or thursday would be my pick. you'll have to wait until next week. >> i'll take 60s, kathy, in march. thanks so much. >> you bet. should women be forced to wear high heels to work? where lawmakers are putting their foot down about a troublesome policy and a local man who overcame a huge challenge at birth is using his life to inspire others. his unique message. and new at 6:00 why one top pennsylvania official says legalizing pot is the cure to solving a whole range of state problems. ♪ in your money tonight tax deadline is next month. but here's good news. your chances of getting audited by the irs is on the decline. the number of people audited dropped for the sixth straight year in 2016 to just over a million taxpayers. the last time so few people were audited was back in 2004. the irs is blaming budget cuts but experts say this does not mean you can get away with cheating on your taxes. the irs says it collects a lot of information from employers, brokerages and lenders to verify your finances. tens of thousands of chickens destroyed because of a bird flu outbreak. more than 73,000 birds were slaughtered to stop the virus from entering the food system. a strain of bird flu was detected in a chicken breeder flock on tennessee farm contracted to tysons foods. 30 other farms within 6-mile radius have now been quarantined. the department of agriculture says this is the first confirmed case of avian flew in commercial poultry in the us this year. in britain lawmakers say businesses shouldn't require women to wear high heels. members of parliament debate add ban today on a mandatory workplace high heels and response to a petition from receptionist who says she was sent home without pay because she was wearing flats. while the debate is non binding, lawmakers are promising to act against dress code rules that comply to women but not men in corporate environments. political pressure to scrap mandatory high heels has been building. >> i think if a company was to impose a requirement that women war high heels for the work that would be abhorrent. and wrong. so i would strongly hope that the government would take steps to prevent that sort of thing hapening. >> british for bids companies from diss 98ing against women. diss extra in a tower dress codes are common place. in residents in one neighborhood say their mailman is refusing to leave their mail. the sticky reason the postman left in a note explains why. huge surprise for one woman. how she got engaged and married all in the same day. sean? iain there's not too many chances if you want to get into the nfl draft in philly. i'll let you know how you can get into the building and why were you to act really really fast. that's coming up later in sports. ♪ we buy any car ♪ any make, any model, any age, any price ♪ ♪ from 50 bucks to 100 grand ♪ we buy any car ♪ any, any, any, any at, the gimmicks stop with our ads. trading in our selling your car is hassle-free in just three easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying centre. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. so don't wait. get your free online valuation now. ♪ find out how much your car's worth ♪ ♪ at ♪ find out how much your car's worth ♪ ♪ it isn't just about vision, it's about care. nobody cares for eyes more than pearle. because my teeth are yellow. these photos? why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. ♪ political statement hotel. british street artist opened a hotel on the west banks city the bethlehem. it's packed with artwork by the artist and directly faces israel's controversial separation wall. the whole project took about 14 minutes to finish kept under secrecy. it's filled with artwork that tackles the israeli palestinian conflict. >> the museum tells the story of the war and explores its history and it's context from all kinds of angles so it's effect on ordinary people who live here but also its role as a canvass for graffiti artists from around the world. >> the three story waldorf will philly open on march11th with the cheapest room costing 30 bucks night. one denver mailman sending a direct message about a left around the neighborhood mailbox people are leaving behind dog waste the postal worker won't deliver. emily allen has the story. >> reporter: and no male. >> but behind tony's mailbox,. >> i think it's disgusting. >> dogs are making big deliveries. >> it's embarrassing. actually. it's embarrassing. >> every time i come to check the mail there's always a smell, dag poop it's insane. >> there's so much dog do, this neighborhood doesn't know what to do. >> it was crazy. we had no male thursday. no male friday. all because people can't pick up after their dog. it's sickening. >> reporter: dear customers this is your postman i would like to ask whoever owns the dog that keeps pooping by the mailbox please clean up aft it. it's gotten to the point where it's difficult, difficult misspelled for me to get to your mailbox and deliver the mail. >> with his stamp of disapprov disapproval. >> why can't people just be courteous and pick up after themselves. so that others don't suffer for them. >> you wouldn't catch them doing that in their own neighborhood. >> they say the poop traders don't live in their neighborhood. >> if you follow the road you end up on the cherry creek trail. half a mile away. >> a lot it has to do with people who are walking the trail and it's their dogs that are leaving it and they're not picking it up. >> it just got to the point as you can see people don't care no more. >> reporter: george gibbs says the solution is literal the in in the bag. >> i really hope that everyone can start picking up after their dog no matter where you are. no matter where you're at. >> reporter: now they hope people who own the dogs leaving these packages by their male will have the courtesy to pick them up. all right. speaking of dogs the annual dog sledding race the iditarod took place in alaska 2,000 dogs belonging to 72 mush chers taking part in this year's race much the race spans a thousand miles and ends in the community of gnome. this year's race will have different course because of a lack of snow. they had to alter the course. the second time in three years that has happened. now to arizona where surprise proposal turns into a wedding for a soldier and his girl friend. military master sergeant rodney newton but most physical tours including covert operations in his 23 years in military service but it was getting down on one knee that turned him into the operation of a lifetime. newton not only proposed minutes later he married his long-time girlfriend ashley. ashley says she was in shock at the turn of events. >> shaky. shock. >> it work perfectly. >> surprise! >> it's awesome. my son is truly a romantic. >> despite saying i do, the couple says they plan to hold receptions in both of their hometowns for family and friends who couldn't make it to the surprise wedding. fox 29 gearing up for the big st. patrick's' day parade you can watch all the action right here on noon sunday. if you're heading down to the parade official are preparing a new route. our bob kelly shows us what it's all about. >> hey everybody we're getting ready for st. patrick's day but something new this year. there's a new parade route. so in order to make sure that everyone knows the right route, we're going to walk it today with the mc cade irish dancers haven't a little fun along the way. ♪ >> here's the deal. the beginning of the parade this year starts right here at 16th and jfk boulevard. right across the street from suburban station. you want to come from the suburbs take the regional rail, boom, the train let's you off right there. you come right upstairs. this is where all the groups are going to line up along jfk boulevard right here at 16th street and we need a handy map so here we go. sixteenth and jfk is the staging area for all the groups. then we'll walk east towards city hall and work our way eventually all the way down to independence hall and our fox 29tv station you ready walk yes. >> yeah! >> ♪ >> where are we 15th and yfk. here's what's going to happen. another great area look at this right here at the corner of city hall. so when we get to city hall, what do we do here, girls? >> we make a right. that way. >> ♪ >> we're going to go up to the next corner and then make left. basically we're going to go around city hall. you girls okay with me? >> yeah. >> let's go. ♪ >> i think we get the police officer here to do the irish jig. no? everybody practice your waves to the crowd. practice your waves. now the other side. the other side. there's people on the other side of the street. yo, yo, come on let's go. we got a parade to do. come on are let's go. >> ♪ >> pick it up a notch. when we get to market street, we're going to bang a right and go right on down. follow me. we're on market street. let's go east down toward fox 29. come on. >> as we marched i noticed i was will little diffe different. i needed curls. >> so far so good. we're at ninth and market right in front of the gallery. it's been a long trip. we began at 16th and jfk. who is hungry? >> me! >> who wants a hotdog? >> me! >> hotdogs. ♪ >> we made it! >> yay! >> we are here right in front of independence hall and the national constitution center. this is where the tv cameras and the judging stands will all be set up for this year's saint pate tracks day parade so let's review. we started here at 16th and jfk. we went around city hall, bam, made a right at mark and we're all the way down to right here smack dab in front of independence hall. >> i'm ready for a little irish jig. how about you? >> ♪ >> happy st. patrick's day! >> you can catch the sane patrick's day parade live right here on fox 29 sunday march 12th from noon to 3:00. then you can watch it again with rebroadcast on st. patrick's day comes your way right here at noon. a local man who overcame a huge challenge at birth is using his life to inspire others. his unique message straight ahead and mardi gras beads still littering the streets of new orleans. one week after that big party but how one charity is using them to provide possible with disabilities with some jobs. and philadelphia gearing up for the big nfl draft. new at 6:00 find out how you can be front row for all the exciting action. (vo) with thousands of quality pre-owned vehicles... and exceptional customer service, head t to your neiborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... flip your thinking about buying your next one. mardi gras may be over but hundreds of thousands of beads are still all over louisiana. to cut back on waste one non-profit organization is calling for donations. the arc of greater new orleans sorts the beads before repackaging and selling them in 30-pound crawfish sacks. the money is put back into the organization that helps employ and helps people with mental dissables. >> all of our participants with intellectual disabilities are paid minimum wage or higher so it's providing employment as the planet and keeping beads out of the land phils. >> arc has been recycling mardi gras beads for more than 20 years. back here at home a man who overcame a huge challenge. he was given at birth is using his life to inspire others. our bill rohrer shows us how he's doing it through social media. ♪ shoot around for fun. >> reporter: 32-year-old james henderson is out here on his langhorne basketball court pretty much every day. >> i was taught by looking at ball and once you got a good rhythm going look away report roar james works on his layups and his shots from a far. >> never a thought when i was kid i'd be able to shoot a basket. >> reporter: there's no stopping james henderson. >> i remember trying and trying. >> reporter: till eventually he rarely missed. >> i've been given lot of help. so i wanted to give back in a sense. >> reporter: james was born within spina bifida a birth defect where the bones of the spine don't form properly around the baby's spinal cord. >> he was an hour old when they told me to just take him home, give him all the love you can, and he'll die. and i'm like, how is that possible? >> surgery closed his back and james grew up playing not just basketball but many other sports too. >> i like to be independent. i like to be active. so next -- >> on facebook he's jed henderson this is his latest activity. >> working out online starting motivating monday. >> i'm not a physical therapist. i'm not an expert. i'm not a certified trainer. i'm just an individual bringing to the table what i know. >> he started all this to keep himself in shape. the feedback from his viewers has been overwhelming. >> inspiring roll model i brought the equipment you showed. love it. if i make a difference in one life, that person will get motivated to to make a difference in someone he will's life. >> he gets that push from his mom and dad. >> too nice to me. >> you fall down you get back up. >> you fall down again you get back up again. >> you try until you just can't try any more. >> life lesson we all need hearing once in awhile. in langhorne, bill rohrer fox 29 news. ♪ a man risks through a -- massive fire rips through a fitness facility in northeast philadelphia. dozens inside made it out through the flame. plus, one pennsylvania top official says pot use should be legal couldn't solve a lot of commonwealth's problems. live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. breaking news tonight at 6:00 disturbing video that's tough to watch. a daycare worker under arrest for pushing a child and the whole thing was caught on came camera. thanks for joining us tonight at 6:00 i'm iain page. lucy will join me at 10:00. upper darby police have just wrapped up a news conference and fox 29's dave kinchen was at that news conference and joins us now with the latest information. dave? >> reporter: iain, i'll tell was, for parents out there watching this video will make you angry, sick or perhaps both especially if you have small children. now, i want to you take look. this is a newly released surveillance video imagery here and actually a newly installed camera that fired daycare worker sarah gabriel shoving a four-year-old girl down the set of steps at the child care of the future daycare center in upper darby. notice how she sees the surveillance camera just after pushing the girl down the stairs and into the a wall. this happening last friday afternoon. the camera installed just 30 minutes prior the incident. it's not clear why it was installed. though certainly police say cameras in this case here. now we can tell you as we go the image of the 52-year-old sarah gable her mug shot the folcroft resident is charged with simple assault and child inn danger many. cop will seek charges of recklessly endangering another person as well. >> i think it's parent's nightmare that sends their children to daycare. that's the first thing. the second thing is,

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out into the cold. >> yeah, i'm wet. i was shivering until they gave me this blanket. >> reporter: he was one of three patients in the pool doing therapy on his knee when the fire alarm sounded at aqua hab physical therapy and fitness sent. >> i left my keys, my wallet. >> luckily for our therapy staff we only had few patients so it was easy got them out of the pool, out of the clinic, closed the system down made sure all the staff was out and we were outside very very fast. >> reporter: once outside -- >> it just look like a small little fire but it progressed like win five minutes i would say the whole roof was it. >> in flames. >> people were working on the roof at the time. but that's all we know. >> reporter: the crew questioned by authorities. >> got kind of crazy out here for a minute,. >> that's the dome that went up that was over the pool. >> the soot start coming down the smoke you could barely see. >> reporter: touching off small spots as far as blocks away. 50 pieces of equipment, a 150 firefighters, paramedic and support teams and only two people transported for minor injuries. >> facility like this, there are hazardous materials involved. however those has sr. did you say materials right knauer contain to the building. we have our hazmat team here. >> reporter: still, the smoke so thick residents were told to stay inside, windows closed. stunned workers and bystanders had to be moved back a block. >> we're still here and everybody is here and that's all that matters, right? >> reporter: center supervisors assuring staff members everything would be ok okay. >> still so sad. i love that place. i love working there. i love my patients. >> reporter: managers say staph and patients will report to aqua habes other facilities when we last saw vick, he was still figuring out how he would get home. >> my car keys are inside. my wallet is inside. >> reporter: but you're safe. >> i'm safe. >> reporter: yeah, he was wondering how he would get home but septa loaned some buses here so there were buses here from septa. there were family members here and vs are, the red cross was here. the fire commissioner really praising how quickly and prepared those staff members were and coming up at 6:00 we'll show you how difficult it was and how it looked like with ease they took care of this problem. there were some touchy moments there, iain. >> all right, joyce, see you at 6:00. thank you. lindenwold, new jersey, police hoping this sketch will help them find the man who attacked a woman at an apartment complex it happened on february 9th at the emerald ridge complex. police have not said exactly what happened to the woman or how bad she was hurt. a terrible accident this afternoon in salem county, new jersey. skyfox over georgetown road and market street in carneys' point you see a car hit a pole and wound up on its roof. right now we don't have any official word from police on whether any other cars were involved or how many people may have been hurt. president trump' first 100 days in a second attempt at a travel ban the president today privately signing a view new version of his controversial travel ban barring new visas for six muslim majority countries six week after president trump's first effort was rolled out of course middle of that heavy controversy eventually blocked by federal courts new language has been added this time around in an evident to withstand all the further action from the courts. in addition to banning immigration from six muslim majority countries notably dropping iraq in what was originally a list of seven had also states foreign nationals with valid visas will not be affected. >> this executive order seeks to protect the american people as well as lawful immigrants by putting in place enhanced screening and vetting process for visitors from six countries. >> there's already been widespread criticism of the order from lawmakers and aclu which is already vowing to mount a lawsuit against it. white house advisers are still standing by president trump's allegations right now that the then president obama wire tapped trump tower during the 2016 campaign. president trump made the claims on twitter early saturday morning. but provided no evidence to back up those allegations. trump counselor kellyanne conway took to fox and friends saying president trump has information and intelligence that the rest of us do not. meanwhile key members of congress say they will honor the president's request to investigate his claims of wire tapping. police have identified the man gunned down next to his younger brother in southwest philadelphia. police say 19-year-old is a brie davis died after he was shot in car on the 8100 block of lions avenue. his 15-year-old brother was shot in the face and remains in critical condition. police say yesterday afternoon a car pulled up next to the brothers and a shooter opened fire. no arrests have been made as of yet and they will have a vigil later tonight. turning now to your fox 29 weather authority. a bit of a warmup out there. meteorologist kathy orr with the first check of the forecast. >> you know we have that big graphic that says winter weather authority, iain. it is still winter and wait until you see the seven day forecast because there is some more winter in the month of march. but not today. today's high temperatures above average or at least tying average in atlantic city. reading 53. philadelphia, allentown 51. trenton and wilmington checking in at 48 degrees obviously above average for this ties many year. 50 in the city with a southerly flow. ocean water temperatures in the lower 40s. that's why we have 42 in wildwood and ac. 50 in reading and lancaster still 51 degrees. sunset not till six tonight as we go through the evening it will be very comfortable with temperatures falling through the 40s. and increasing clouds because guess what? the rain is coming. during the overnight it will move in to part of the region and most of us will be seeing some rain during the day tomorrow. coming up though on the seven day forecast after the rain, we'll talk about temperatures surging back to the 60s then quickly we go back to blustery and look at this. the possibility of snow a storm to watch as we head into the weekend. more thon coming up later in the broadcast. i'll see you then. >> all right. kathy, thanks. skyfox over upper darby where a police pursuit ended in someone's yard. a neighbor tells fox 29 a man leading police on a chase hit his home and then crashed into his neighbor's house. that's where he says police arrested the suspect. it all happened on the 1200 block of old jane street just afternoon thankfully no one was hurt. us senator corey booker in cherry hill tonight joining local leaders at the katz jcc. the group which also included congressman donald norcross and make chuck cahn spoke about federal funding for secure the and religious centers. it declined which puts some religious communities at risk. big talking point was bomb threats phoned into jewish centers. >> we know right now in our country as we are seeing antisemitic events surge in our country, desecrations of gravesites, bomb threats, we're seeing hate in general surge. >> senator booker says we need to combat hate here at home challenging the president's 10% increase in defense spending. the war of words continues over philadelphia's controversial sweetened beverage tax with mayor kenney accusing a major supermarket chain of raising prices above and beyond the tax hike itself. our bruce gordon has the developing details. >> shop rite ceo jeff brown who owns half a dozen stores in philadelphia says he'll lay off 300 workers this spring in response to slumping soda sales caused by the sweetened beverage tax. monday morning on "good day philadelphia", mayor kenney laid into brown and others in the industry accusing them of fear mongering. >> jeff brown and some of these other folks are out there -- >> shop rite. >> jacking up prices beyond what the tax calls for. they started collecting the tax four days before the tax went into effect. they've been stockpiling product from june to january. they're charging the tax on the point of sale which is it never was intended to do. they're putting the money in their pocket. >> we've heard that first claim before. that some stores raised their prices above and beyond what a penny and a half per ounce would add up to. presumably to add to the sticker shock and lead to a customer revolt against city hall. for example, jacking the cost of 12-ounce can of soda not by 18 cents but by a quarter or had of a dollar. outside the shop rite at 24th and oregon, we found shoppers who believe they are paying more than the tax would suggest. >> by the price you see out it there looks like it seems like it's more than that. i don't know if, you know, the numbers are exact but it does seem more than what they're saying it is. >> reporter: shop rite post these signs right on the sweetened beverage shelves. in this case they've included 25 cents in beverage tax on the price of a 17-ounce drink. of course that doesn't prove that was the only increase made when the tax went into effect. sure enough we found shoppers who are certain the price hike went beyond city's new tax. >> the power aid, gatorades i go to jersey and get them there it's ridiculous they actually raised the price of them to collect the soda tax. >> reporter: they went beyond the tax? >> yes, they did. >> reporter: january tax revenues came above the city's earlier projections. which suggest that fewer shoppers may be turning to the suburbs for their soda than might have been predicted but we found plenty of folks who insist the tax has driven them out of the city. >> terrible. >> has it changed your buying habits. >> i don't buy it down here no more. >> reporter: where do you go. >> i go out of the city. >> reporter: we were told mr. brown was unavailable for on air comment, but spokeswoman for shop rite called it quote unfortunate that mayor kenney would single him out for criticism. as for the idea that price gouging might be going on, well, she called that unfounded and unfair. this debate is not going any way any time soon, iain. >> absolutely much bruce, thank you. a life-saving emergency on the side of the road. what a woman goes into labor but something dramatic unfolds when officers got there. how they saved the baby's life. and this man is arrested just moments after assault at a hotel. why police are saying that face time helped them out with their quick response. should women be forced to wear high heels to work? where lawmakers are putting their foot down about a troublesome policy. philadelphia gearing up for the big nfl draft coming up at 6:00 find out how you can be front row for all the exciting action. ♪ my girlfriend loves artists. to be unique... and i need a conservative pair, cuz her parents hate artists! get up to 40% off a second pair of glasses. schedule your eye exam at ♪ the search is on for three guys who broke into a chick-fil-a in port richmond and tried to rob the place around 4:00 in the morning on saturday. they busted open the front door by breaking the glass on the 2300 block of east butler street. they tried to take cash register and break into the safe but didn't happen. they eventually gave up and left with nothing. now to monmouth junction, new jersey, where police say face time actually helped them catch a suspect. the victim used face time to contact a relative after being assaulted at the la mirage motor inn on route 1. that family member call the police and officers got there win minutes. they chased the suspect eventually caught up to 25-year-old joran thomas. thomas is facing several charges including aggravated assault, the victim had minor injuries. nearly 400 nurses are still off the job tonight in delaware county and day two of a strike. skyfox over delaware county memorial hospital in drexel hill where the picketing started early this morning. nurses and some hospital technicians are on strike after a year of negotiating without producing a contract. the nurses say since the hospital was bought by prospect medical holdings staff to patient ratios have gotten wider and patient care has gone down. the hospital says staffing levels are at national averages and this is really about union members wanting higher pay average salary is already at more than $80,000 a year. the body of a missing duquesne graduate student has been found. a woman spotted the body of dakota james in the ohio river near nevell island this morning. an autopsy will be done to determine the cause of death. the 23-year-old north side resident had not been seen in weeks. he was last seen in downtown pittsburgh the night of january 25th. a protest tonight from japanese and south korean officials after north korea fires four ballistic missiles over the sea of japan. fox news senior foreign affairs greg palkot reports. >> reporter: both japanese and south korean officials are reporting north korea has fired four banned ballistic missiles which flew over the japan sea. parent reaction to military drills being conducted by washington and sool. those are invasion. japanese prime minister says, the missile launches show a new type of threat to the region. >> translator: north korea has already stated this is a new type of missile before today's launch. so we will closely monitor this issue with major interest. >> reporter: in north korea, more than 50,000 people gathered to show support for the missile launch. did he not attend but premier was there. china comes out against the launch saying it is in violation of the un resolutions and urging everyone involved to take a step back from any military exercis exercises. >> translator: china opposes launch activities in violation of the security council resolution. south korea are currently engaged in a large scale joint military exercise that targets north korea. under the current circumstances, all sides concerned should be restrained and refrained from irritating each other. >> reporter: the state department issuin issuing a stat couldn't death the launches saying the actions only strengthens its resolve to defend japan and south korea against such threats n london, greg palkot, fox news. 170 philadelphia police officers have higher tanks tonight the men and women were promoted to various ranks of corporal, detective, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, staff inspector and chief inspector. family, friends and the mayor and fellow brothers and sisters in blue cheering on on the officers the mcgonagle hall at temple university. commissioner ross says today is a big deal. >> it's not easy to get promoted in this department. most of the people that come through the doors never will. so regardless of what rank you get promoted to, it's a big thing. there are people here have been promoted multiple times and we expect a lot of them. we need their leadership. we need their guidance and we need their expertise. >> congratulations to all 170 of them. their new assigns begin just after midnight tonight. meanwhile in new york city, highway patrol officers go above and beyond the call of duty to deliver a baby girl. officer raphael muhammed got call about a woman in labor inside an uber on the bronx queens expressway they call the bqe. when he got there he realized the baby was in trouble. the officer says the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby's neck so he got the mom to calm down and what he could to shave the baby's life. >> got me to create an air space for the baby to start breathing on his own. once that air space was created, i was also able to kind of loosen the umbilical cord that was wrapped around the neck. by doing those two things, i realized that the baby then started to gasp for air and started to move. >> incredible. officer muhammed helped deliver a healthy baby girl. the mom and newborn by the way are doing just fine. residents in one neighborhood say their mailman refusing to leave their mail. the sticky reason the postman left in a note explains why. inflammatory remark made just before he was shot. a nude photo scandal rocking the marines. how the naked images of female marines ended up on facebook without their notch. ♪ >> moms and dads, are your kids applying to college? you need some help with financial aid process? it is dealt dull. you're in luck. on tuesday march 7th "good day philadelphia", philadelphia college prep round table council member helen gym and council president darrell clark will hold a financial aid phone a thon. lines will open at 7am and stay open until 11:00. we'll give you the phone number on tuesday morning. ♪ question, and be honest... ...are my teeth yellow? ...have you tried the tissue test? the what? ... tissue test! hold this up to your teeth... ...ugh yellow... i don't get it. i use whitening toothpaste. what do you use? crest whitestrips you should try them! whitening toothpaste only works on the surface. but crest whitestrips safely work below the enamel surface ... to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste you used the whitestrips i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. would you pass the tissue test? see for yourself with crest whitestrips. they are the way to whiten. ♪ investigations underway after reports marines shared naked photos of female marines and veterans on secret facebook page called marines united. some of those pictures were taken without the women's knowledge. active duty and retired male marines as well as navy core men and british royal marines were members of the page. photos have now been taken down. but marine corps official says at least one government contractor has been removed from his job. former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky is in less secure prison tonight. state prison officials moved him from maximum security prison to medium security facility in western pennsylvania. officials did not give an explanation as to why the 73-year-old was moved. a judge of course sentenced sandusky to 30 to 60 years in prison for his 2012 conviction on charges he molested several boys. seattle suburbs a community is concerned after someone shot a seek man in his driveway. the fbi looking into the shooting as a hate crime. a masked man approached the 39-year-old victim on friday and shot him in the arm in the city of kept. just outside seattle. the gunman proved him he shouted the words go back to your own country. the seek community made up 50,000 people and they are in shock. >> it was very disheartening to see the news that somebody was actually a victim of hate crime in a city that we have never felt that before. >> so far police have not made any arrests but they do not believe anyone is in eminent danger. lawmakers in connecticut are work to go protect the rights of members of the lgbt community. today state representative jeff curry introduced new edges will laying aimed at banning the use of gay conversion therapy on anyone under 18 years of age. opponents of the practice consider it harmful. especially to kids who are led to believe that homosexuality had been are can be cured. nursing moms facing a hidden tax when they feed their babies breast milk. they get to keep that money in new jersey. huge surprise for one woman. how she got engaged and married all in the same day. ♪ >> we are going to be seeing mast changes in our weather first the rain, then some super warmth before the chance of more snow? seems hard to believe but it's in the seven day coming up. phone rings "hello?" "yeah!" ♪"a new friend's coming here to sesame street."♪ all new its sesame street live! make a new friend playing liacouras center april 6-9 tickets on sale at liacourascenter dot com ♪ move by the supreme court today on a closely watched case about transgender rights. the high court sent the case involving transgender student from virginia back to a lower court. fox news correspondent kristin fisher has more. >> reporter: the supreme court will not hear the case of gavin grim, a transgender student who sued to use the bathroom that he depth phase with. not the one of his original gender. the court sending the case back to the lower courts for further consideration after the trump administration changed the federal government's position on whether public schools must allow people to use bathrooms based on their identities instead of their birth right. in texas state bill senate bill six is up for debate the state's lieutenant governor says its designed to help protect all people in the most delicate situations. >> north carolina was the tip of the spear. we will be next to pass a bill that focuses on privacy, a person's privacy and public safety as we focus on the needs of every student but protecting all students. and all adults. >> reporter: north carolina is a state that leaves that decision up to the local authorities and the state's lieutenant governor says that any legislation must be able to provide for all. >> i believe that this is -- this is an issue about doing the right thing. unfortunately it's not an issue about the transgender community. it's not an issue about the lgbt community. this is an issue about privacy and safety and protection for all people. >> reporter: trance jent rights activists are disappointed in the supreme court's ruling but vow to continue to fight for their rights. in washington, kristin fisher, fox news. it could soon get cheaper to breast feed in new jersey right now women pay tax on breast pump and other things. assembly committee advanced alleges laying that would make breast pump, collections and storage supplies tax free. assembly woman pamela lamp it is sponsoring the bill. >> philadelphia police need your help as they try to locate this teen missing. police say 17-year-old ashley fran quiz was last seen at her home on the 1600 block of north red field street in overbrook around 4:30 saturday afternoon. she was dressed in all black. if you've got any information, please call police. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. we take live look along the ben franklin parkway tonight. actually i don't think that's the ben franklin parkway that looks like a golf course to me. much more comfortable day after a very chilly weekend but some showers are on the way. kathy has got your forecast in just 15 seconds. another day with 50-degree temperatures even though the weekend was on the cool side. the clouds are rolling in in old city philadelphia. the temperatures have warmed in the 50s. it's still 50 degrees with winds out of the south at 6 miles an hour and you can see how temperatures warmed even into the late afternoon looking really good out there this evening if you'll be going out. right now in philadelphia, we still have the 50s. elsewhee, some milder temperatures to the west. look at this. in kansas city, oklahoma city dallas 70s even some 80s so big ridge of warmth that's actually pushing eastward so we'll see one more warmup. more like spring before we crash back down to winter even though we're in the month of march. ultimate doppler showing some showers moving toward the northeast, and some of these will make it into our northern and western suburbs during the early morning hours. it's not a lot of rain. it's just the pesky variety. as we look at the temperatures you can see saturday 36. sunday 38. today 51. tomorrow going for 62 degrees on the back side of that warm front and as we go hour by hour the clouds thicken tonight. some showers moving in through the early morning. and by seven, 8am for the morning rush the northeast extension up toward the poconos, 80, 81, that's where we'll see more of this rain even extending along the mainline of philadelphia out on 76 west. mainly seeing the showers. then as the day progresses this lifts towards the northeast went dry it out during tomorrow afternoon we may even see some sunshine before sunset. then in the nighttime hours it's just cloudy and then another line of showers early wednesday morning could have a squall line going through wednesday morning with a few rumbles of thunder. but that would be mainly before everyone heads out the door and then we clear it out wednesday ends up being a mild but very breezy day. we start off with this spring like weather for the next couple of days. and then here comes the cold as we make our way toward the weekend. with temperatures crashing back into the 20s and the 30s. and the snowstorm could come very close keeping an eye on that fort weekend tonight the overnight low temperature 40 degrees increasing clouds and some showers far to the north and west overnight. during the day tomorrow, seeing the showers again. but mainly north and west. north and west of that i-95 corridor. the temperature 63 degrees. with those temperatures rising very quickly in the afternoon. southerly winds ten to 15 miles an hour and gusting to 30 miles an hour. that's how it will get so warm. as we look at the highs across the region, mainly in the 60s. 65 in dover. 61 in pottstown. and the poconos even making it up to 50 degrees. op your seven day forecast from the weather authority looks like a sunny windy day on wednesday. the cold air lags behind. cold front will feel the effects on thursday it's transition day then another system brings a chance of rain or wet snow friday. saturday just cold and windy and for sunday the dave our philadelphia st. patrick's day parade, there is the chance of southern storm bringing some snow. so we'll keep a careful eye on that. the morning low only 25. the afternoon high 38 degrees. and then boo monday, we dry it out. cold in the morning by the afternoon 41 degrees. with a good deal of sunshine. so iain if i were going to pick a day to golf, maybe tuesday afternoon, wednesday or thursday would be my pick. you'll have to wait until next week. >> i'll take 60s, kathy, in march. thanks so much. >> you bet. should women be forced to wear high heels to work? where lawmakers are putting their foot down about a troublesome policy and a local man who overcame a huge challenge at birth is using his life to inspire others. his unique message. and new at 6:00 why one top pennsylvania official says legalizing pot is the cure to solving a whole range of state problems. ♪ in your money tonight tax deadline is next month. but here's good news. your chances of getting audited by the irs is on the decline. the number of people audited dropped for the sixth straight year in 2016 to just over a million taxpayers. the last time so few people were audited was back in 2004. the irs is blaming budget cuts but experts say this does not mean you can get away with cheating on your taxes. the irs says it collects a lot of information from employers, brokerages and lenders to verify your finances. tens of thousands of chickens destroyed because of a bird flu outbreak. more than 73,000 birds were slaughtered to stop the virus from entering the food system. a strain of bird flu was detected in a chicken breeder flock on tennessee farm contracted to tysons foods. 30 other farms within 6-mile radius have now been quarantined. the department of agriculture says this is the first confirmed case of avian flew in commercial poultry in the us this year. in britain lawmakers say businesses shouldn't require women to wear high heels. members of parliament debate add ban today on a mandatory workplace high heels and response to a petition from receptionist who says she was sent home without pay because she was wearing flats. while the debate is non binding, lawmakers are promising to act against dress code rules that comply to women but not men in corporate environments. political pressure to scrap mandatory high heels has been building. >> i think if a company was to impose a requirement that women war high heels for the work that would be abhorrent. and wrong. so i would strongly hope that the government would take steps to prevent that sort of thing hapening. >> british for bids companies from diss 98ing against women. diss extra in a tower dress codes are common place. in residents in one neighborhood say their mailman is refusing to leave their mail. the sticky reason the postman left in a note explains why. huge surprise for one woman. how she got engaged and married all in the same day. sean? iain there's not too many chances if you want to get into the nfl draft in philly. i'll let you know how you can get into the building and why were you to act really really fast. that's coming up later in sports. ♪ we buy any car ♪ any make, any model, any age, any price ♪ ♪ from 50 bucks to 100 grand ♪ we buy any car ♪ any, any, any, any at, the gimmicks stop with our ads. trading in our selling your car is hassle-free in just three easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying centre. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. so don't wait. get your free online valuation now. ♪ find out how much your car's worth ♪ ♪ at ♪ find out how much your car's worth ♪ ♪ it isn't just about vision, it's about care. nobody cares for eyes more than pearle. because my teeth are yellow. these photos? why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. ♪ political statement hotel. british street artist opened a hotel on the west banks city the bethlehem. it's packed with artwork by the artist and directly faces israel's controversial separation wall. the whole project took about 14 minutes to finish kept under secrecy. it's filled with artwork that tackles the israeli palestinian conflict. >> the museum tells the story of the war and explores its history and it's context from all kinds of angles so it's effect on ordinary people who live here but also its role as a canvass for graffiti artists from around the world. >> the three story waldorf will philly open on march11th with the cheapest room costing 30 bucks night. one denver mailman sending a direct message about a left around the neighborhood mailbox people are leaving behind dog waste the postal worker won't deliver. emily allen has the story. >> reporter: and no male. >> but behind tony's mailbox,. >> i think it's disgusting. >> dogs are making big deliveries. >> it's embarrassing. actually. it's embarrassing. >> every time i come to check the mail there's always a smell, dag poop it's insane. >> there's so much dog do, this neighborhood doesn't know what to do. >> it was crazy. we had no male thursday. no male friday. all because people can't pick up after their dog. it's sickening. >> reporter: dear customers this is your postman i would like to ask whoever owns the dog that keeps pooping by the mailbox please clean up aft it. it's gotten to the point where it's difficult, difficult misspelled for me to get to your mailbox and deliver the mail. >> with his stamp of disapprov disapproval. >> why can't people just be courteous and pick up after themselves. so that others don't suffer for them. >> you wouldn't catch them doing that in their own neighborhood. >> they say the poop traders don't live in their neighborhood. >> if you follow the road you end up on the cherry creek trail. half a mile away. >> a lot it has to do with people who are walking the trail and it's their dogs that are leaving it and they're not picking it up. >> it just got to the point as you can see people don't care no more. >> reporter: george gibbs says the solution is literal the in in the bag. >> i really hope that everyone can start picking up after their dog no matter where you are. no matter where you're at. >> reporter: now they hope people who own the dogs leaving these packages by their male will have the courtesy to pick them up. all right. speaking of dogs the annual dog sledding race the iditarod took place in alaska 2,000 dogs belonging to 72 mush chers taking part in this year's race much the race spans a thousand miles and ends in the community of gnome. this year's race will have different course because of a lack of snow. they had to alter the course. the second time in three years that has happened. now to arizona where surprise proposal turns into a wedding for a soldier and his girl friend. military master sergeant rodney newton but most physical tours including covert operations in his 23 years in military service but it was getting down on one knee that turned him into the operation of a lifetime. newton not only proposed minutes later he married his long-time girlfriend ashley. ashley says she was in shock at the turn of events. >> shaky. shock. >> it work perfectly. >> surprise! >> it's awesome. my son is truly a romantic. >> despite saying i do, the couple says they plan to hold receptions in both of their hometowns for family and friends who couldn't make it to the surprise wedding. fox 29 gearing up for the big st. patrick's' day parade you can watch all the action right here on noon sunday. if you're heading down to the parade official are preparing a new route. our bob kelly shows us what it's all about. >> hey everybody we're getting ready for st. patrick's day but something new this year. there's a new parade route. so in order to make sure that everyone knows the right route, we're going to walk it today with the mc cade irish dancers haven't a little fun along the way. ♪ >> here's the deal. the beginning of the parade this year starts right here at 16th and jfk boulevard. right across the street from suburban station. you want to come from the suburbs take the regional rail, boom, the train let's you off right there. you come right upstairs. this is where all the groups are going to line up along jfk boulevard right here at 16th street and we need a handy map so here we go. sixteenth and jfk is the staging area for all the groups. then we'll walk east towards city hall and work our way eventually all the way down to independence hall and our fox 29tv station you ready walk yes. >> yeah! >> ♪ >> where are we 15th and yfk. here's what's going to happen. another great area look at this right here at the corner of city hall. so when we get to city hall, what do we do here, girls? >> we make a right. that way. >> ♪ >> we're going to go up to the next corner and then make left. basically we're going to go around city hall. you girls okay with me? >> yeah. >> let's go. ♪ >> i think we get the police officer here to do the irish jig. no? everybody practice your waves to the crowd. practice your waves. now the other side. the other side. there's people on the other side of the street. yo, yo, come on let's go. we got a parade to do. come on are let's go. >> ♪ >> pick it up a notch. when we get to market street, we're going to bang a right and go right on down. follow me. we're on market street. let's go east down toward fox 29. come on. >> as we marched i noticed i was will little diffe different. i needed curls. >> so far so good. we're at ninth and market right in front of the gallery. it's been a long trip. we began at 16th and jfk. who is hungry? >> me! >> who wants a hotdog? >> me! >> hotdogs. ♪ >> we made it! >> yay! >> we are here right in front of independence hall and the national constitution center. this is where the tv cameras and the judging stands will all be set up for this year's saint pate tracks day parade so let's review. we started here at 16th and jfk. we went around city hall, bam, made a right at mark and we're all the way down to right here smack dab in front of independence hall. >> i'm ready for a little irish jig. how about you? >> ♪ >> happy st. patrick's day! >> you can catch the sane patrick's day parade live right here on fox 29 sunday march 12th from noon to 3:00. then you can watch it again with rebroadcast on st. patrick's day comes your way right here at noon. a local man who overcame a huge challenge at birth is using his life to inspire others. his unique message straight ahead and mardi gras beads still littering the streets of new orleans. one week after that big party but how one charity is using them to provide possible with disabilities with some jobs. and philadelphia gearing up for the big nfl draft. new at 6:00 find out how you can be front row for all the exciting action. (vo) with thousands of quality pre-owned vehicles... and exceptional customer service, head t to your neiborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... flip your thinking about buying your next one. mardi gras may be over but hundreds of thousands of beads are still all over louisiana. to cut back on waste one non-profit organization is calling for donations. the arc of greater new orleans sorts the beads before repackaging and selling them in 30-pound crawfish sacks. the money is put back into the organization that helps employ and helps people with mental dissables. >> all of our participants with intellectual disabilities are paid minimum wage or higher so it's providing employment as the planet and keeping beads out of the land phils. >> arc has been recycling mardi gras beads for more than 20 years. back here at home a man who overcame a huge challenge. he was given at birth is using his life to inspire others. our bill rohrer shows us how he's doing it through social media. ♪ shoot around for fun. >> reporter: 32-year-old james henderson is out here on his langhorne basketball court pretty much every day. >> i was taught by looking at ball and once you got a good rhythm going look away report roar james works on his layups and his shots from a far. >> never a thought when i was kid i'd be able to shoot a basket. >> reporter: there's no stopping james henderson. >> i remember trying and trying. >> reporter: till eventually he rarely missed. >> i've been given lot of help. so i wanted to give back in a sense. >> reporter: james was born within spina bifida a birth defect where the bones of the spine don't form properly around the baby's spinal cord. >> he was an hour old when they told me to just take him home, give him all the love you can, and he'll die. and i'm like, how is that possible? >> surgery closed his back and james grew up playing not just basketball but many other sports too. >> i like to be independent. i like to be active. so next -- >> on facebook he's jed henderson this is his latest activity. >> working out online starting motivating monday. >> i'm not a physical therapist. i'm not an expert. i'm not a certified trainer. i'm just an individual bringing to the table what i know. >> he started all this to keep himself in shape. the feedback from his viewers has been overwhelming. >> inspiring roll model i brought the equipment you showed. love it. if i make a difference in one life, that person will get motivated to to make a difference in someone he will's life. >> he gets that push from his mom and dad. >> too nice to me. >> you fall down you get back up. >> you fall down again you get back up again. >> you try until you just can't try any more. >> life lesson we all need hearing once in awhile. in langhorne, bill rohrer fox 29 news. ♪ a man risks through a -- massive fire rips through a fitness facility in northeast philadelphia. dozens inside made it out through the flame. plus, one pennsylvania top official says pot use should be legal couldn't solve a lot of commonwealth's problems. live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. breaking news tonight at 6:00 disturbing video that's tough to watch. a daycare worker under arrest for pushing a child and the whole thing was caught on came camera. thanks for joining us tonight at 6:00 i'm iain page. lucy will join me at 10:00. upper darby police have just wrapped up a news conference and fox 29's dave kinchen was at that news conference and joins us now with the latest information. dave? >> reporter: iain, i'll tell was, for parents out there watching this video will make you angry, sick or perhaps both especially if you have small children. now, i want to you take look. this is a newly released surveillance video imagery here and actually a newly installed camera that fired daycare worker sarah gabriel shoving a four-year-old girl down the set of steps at the child care of the future daycare center in upper darby. notice how she sees the surveillance camera just after pushing the girl down the stairs and into the a wall. this happening last friday afternoon. the camera installed just 30 minutes prior the incident. it's not clear why it was installed. though certainly police say cameras in this case here. now we can tell you as we go the image of the 52-year-old sarah gable her mug shot the folcroft resident is charged with simple assault and child inn danger many. cop will seek charges of recklessly endangering another person as well. >> i think it's parent's nightmare that sends their children to daycare. that's the first thing. the second thing is,

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