Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20161017 : comparemela

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20161017

one of their own, 28 year old johnny, immigrant from the republican republic, work here as a barber, supporting his young son and wife, gone, forever. adam said when he started working here castada took him under his wing,. >> someone who work with him, someone like this happened? >> shocking, shocking, still don't believe it. still don't believe it. >> he was gunned down, in the alley behind his own home, ontrt sunday night. police say two men, dress in the black, approached him, announced a robbery, then opened fire striking him in the chest, arm, leg. he would later die of his injuries but -- >> when we first arrived on the scene, our victim was in and out of consciousness. but he was able to tell the police that he had a semiautomatic gun in his possession and that was taken by the perpetrators. >> investigators say castada wife and son were in the house at the time and heard the shots that ended johnny's life. sources say security cameras at the end of the alley showed two men in a dark colored suv leave the scene around the time of the murder. while police search for clues, and a motive, castada co-workers try to contemplate what life will now be like for their son's young life. >> i have a daughter, so i could -- my daughter without me, i grew up without my dad, pretty tough. >> for the foreseeable the work station will be left unused his bashers' license displayed in front of empty chair, symbolic of the void left in the lives of those who knew him. >> wow. tragic, starting to hear that, really sad, can't believe it, man. >> it will ultimately go long way toward determining whether this case gets solved. meantime, co-workers, customers, and of course, family, still coming to grips with their lost, iaian? >> absolutely bruce, thank you n west philadelphia, police are investigating a rash of suspicious car fires, police say, someone set at least seven carson fire early this morning near the 1900 block of north 60th street. a dumpster on the 5600 block of master street, also cause fire. now, fire officials are not saying whether they're related one victim tells us the fire started in her gas tank, if you have any information, call police. >> what a kay, mid october, temperatures in the 80s, beautiful sky tonight over wilmington, delaware, isn't that pretty? fox 29 meteorologist, kathy orr outside our studios in old city in your short sleeves, gorgeous night to be out, kathy? >> and i was just telling our photographer, elaine, by 6:00, i will have dot -- a coat on it, will feel different out here, take a look behind me, the beautiful fall color of market street headed toward independence mall is spectacular, we will take it, 70s, 80s in october, can't beat it. >> just looking at warm temperatures, right now, in philadelphia, 81 degrees, so far, that's the high for the day, may spike at 82, the numbers will be in shortly in trenton, 79, 82 degrees wrightstown, dover, 81. this evening, temperatures will be falling through the 70s by 7:00 p.m., 64, light winds, comfortable conditions at 11:00 p.m. after that, building offer the coast, tan will get even warmer for the next two days. not 90s, lucy, but, record challenging warmth. it is amazing, i'll be back with that with the seven day when i join you inside. see you then. >> talk to you soon. and police hunting for the person who killed a man in his killer openeds morning, fire, right around 7:00 a.m., on the 200 block every east that is call street. officers found the man that he shot in the back, in the road, and took the victim to temple university hospital, where he died, from his wounds, happened around midnight, 2900 block of rosehill street, medics got there, they tried to revive the teen, but they could not do it. >> did so over and over at close range, so far no arrests. >> scare today for hundreds of families in montgomery county. school officials, and police, had to evacuate east norriton middle school. for someone reported a threat. skyfox, lying over the school, around 8:30 this morning, all student, in grades six, seven, eight, were forced outside. officials swept the building, for about three hours, but they didn't finds anything. superintendent says the school is working with police to find what happened and the cause of this hoax. in south jersey, halloween nightmare for one family, police are looking for a pumpkin thief caught on camera. >> yes, police say, the man stole a whole bunch of pumpkin right off the homes front stems. sabina kuriakose, liver, the homeowner and police agree this is just a little weird. >> yes, lucy, the people who live there tell me at first the at first it seemed little funny then things start today get creepy. >> just kind of look who does that, in the dead of night, got her answer, when she and her husband rolled back their surveillance footage. watch as grown man, drives up to the front porch of their home in wool whiff township, new jersey, early saturday morning. he creeps up, and carries away not one, not two, but all three pun many kins decorating the door stems. can he barely hold them as he runs out of frame. >> my first reaction was i thought it was kind of funny, but i thought about it more, it became not so fun toy take something off of her porch. >> even the cops think it is weird, and they're hoping somebody can id the squashed smasher so he doesn't dampen the holidays of another festive family. detective think the knot so sneaky suspect is between the ages of 18 to 25. and may have had friends with him in the light colored get-away car seen rushing away. so fast, they left one of the stolen gourds behind. suffice it to say, the pumpkin thief doesn't quite have neighbors identifying one another with us is pigs, not like scratching their heads in disbelief. >> something you real can i get for a dollar or $2 anywhere, or that we might just give away for free. >> three for $10, in fact, we checked the sale is still on, claudia bought them attack me few weeks ago, new mom isn't worried about the cost, rather? >> should know better than to walk up to someone's property and take something that doesn't belong to you. you know, it is not even really about the price of the pumpkin, just the principal. >> police say the pump can burglary can make it right by replacing the gord, otherwise, if anyone recognizes them, to call in. >> thank you, in you decide tonight the whole country is watching pennsylvania senate race. democrat katie mcginty and pat toomey in virtual tight rye now. >> it could determine if republicans keep their majority in the senate. it is a big deal. the two faced off this afternoon in bit burying, with that debate. airing in some tv markets across the state later tonight. among the big issues, toomey's resistance to say if he sports trump and mcginty relationship to unions in washington dc. we'll have highlights from today's face-off tonight on "fox 29 news" at 10:00 and 11:00. >> republican nominee trump is again questioning the integrity of the us election. >> fox's warren blanchard tells us, that has rivals and republicans reacting. >> republican nominee, donald trump, sparking a flurry of reaction today, after tweets alleging large scale voter fraud, now, and on election day. >> his runningmate, mike pence, also getting in on the idea of a potentially unfair process. >> fraud cannot be tolerated by anyone in this nation because it dis end friend choices republicans, democrats, liberals in america. >> the latest monmouth university pole released today has hillary clinton leading nationally by 12 points. the pole also finds that six in ten voters believe recent claims of unwanted sexual advances by trump are likely true. the democratic vice presidential nominee, tim kaine, pointing to those unfavorable pole numbers as as the reason trump is crying foul. >> the criticism is completely unjustified. and it is a guy who is winding, because he's a big bully getting beaten and now he is starting to whine. >> the white house forced to way in on trump's unfounded claims. >> the president is very confident in the ability and honesty of election off initials both parties in states all across the country to ensure that this upcoming national election is conducted freely and fairly. >> the third and final debate is now only two days away. clinton has been hunkered down in new york preparing, while trump has continued to hit the campaign trail. in washington, lauren blanchard, fox news. >> state department is denying it did anything to hillary clinton each maple. an agent says under secretary of state patrick kennedy asked the bureau to declassify a message from hillary clinton. according to one of the hacked emails, that message was on her private server. state department deputy spokesperson says the agent was wrong and the deal never happened. hillary clinton has been tapping high profile democrats to hit the campaign trail for her. tomorrow president clinton will speak at montgomery county community college will start at 3:00 in the afternoon. thirds and final presidential debate just two days away, hillary clinton and donald trump will face-off at the university of nevada in las vegas, you can catch the debate wednesday at 9:00 p.m., right here, on fox 29. >> coming up: she is real life coupon queen. but she not snipping away at those circulars. just to save her family a couple of bucks. who she is helping while shopping smart. >> police say robber walks into a convenience store armed with a bottle of gasoline. what the store clerk said that stopped the store from burning down and saved her life. >> and it is on. this former penn state assistant coach mike mcqueary taking on the university. we're live outside that civil trial. and jeff cole has the low down. >> new at 6:00 large cat siting, no harmless pray, pitching wild five off are putting neighbors on alert on what could be a fierce feline. sandusky sex abuse case is back in the headlines tonight. today is the whistle blower to the abuse who is in court. mike mcqueary is asking for millions of dollars from penn state university. >> he says penn state sacked him after he testified against e hasn't been able to get a job since. fox 29's jeff cole is following this one very closely. live outside the bellefonte courtroom, jeff? >> reporter: lewes think thing just wrapped up at about 5:00, the first day of the big civic trial waiting for motorcycle year toy come out. he hasn't come out for awhile now. now, mike mcqueary says he wants his life back. his attorneys owned all out assault today to do just that and to get him millions in dollars of damages while penn state says if mcqueary wants to place blame, he ought to look in the mirror. >> 7:30, monday morning, out every white truck, comes mike mcqueary, the former penn state university assistant football coach, who says the university ruined him for blowing the whistle on sex abuser, jerry sandusky. >> early in february of 2:01:19 at night when mcqueary who quarterback for the university heard skins slapping in a university shower and saw sandusky pressed up against a ten year old boy sexually abusing him. mcqueary says he told coach joe paterno the next morning, and top penn state university administrators days later. he claims they said they would do something about it. instead, his lawyer argued in court they tried to sweep it under the rug until the case blew open a decade later in sandusky was convicted. mcqueary wants $4 million in damages but he'll have to fight for t penn state university's lawyer hammered him in her opening statement. she said mcqueary was under fire for not doing anything to stop a rape, despite his physical size and build. she said penn state let mcqueary go because his contract was up, and paid him tens of thousands of dollars in severance. over arching all of this, the legends of joe paterno, whose likeness can be found just across the street from this center county courthouse. >> paterno's name was mentioned many times during the long hours in court today. the trial is expected to take about two weeks, mcqueary will take the stand, rodney erickson, former penn state president, will take the stand. gram spaniard, former president, will take the stand, it is well -- as well as temple university football coach, matt rhule. he'll actually testify for the defense. all of that, in about two weeks, live here in center county, more at 6:00. i'm jeff cole, folks, back to you. >> thank you very much, jep. she had the jump for her life. tonight she is life but in the hospital. police say a fire broke out in a woman's nicetown home overnight. on the 1700 block of west juniata street. she jumped from the second floor before firefighters put out the flames around 1:30 this morning, police tell us, she hurt her head, they're not sure right now if the injuries are life threatening. >> well, traffic is moving again along the schuylkill expressway after it was at a stands still this morning. a tractor-trailer got tied up in a crash, and spilled fuel everywhere on the eastbound lanes near university ave. in that tractor-trailer, a whole lot of beer, crews had to empty the truck, load everything to a new one, before things could get cleaned up. nobody's hurt, in all of that mess. >> to a developing story now, involving donald trump's claims of voter fraud. republican president a.m. nominee continues to make accusations over a rigged election system, others have been pointing the blame at philadelphia. and now, local leaders are speaking out against those claims. >> members of the city council want voters to know that they have nothing to worry about. fox 29's bill anderson joins us from the studio with more on their message. bill, what are they saying? >> listen, we've been hearing it for a long time, numerous times. look out for philadelphia corruption. the presidential reelection could be stolen in philadelphia. so today some political leaders said enough is enough. fraud isn't going to happen. will their reassurance be enough to calm local voters? >> philadelphia has a long history of historic buildings and a political history, as well, that's not exactly considered clean. but now people are saying that we're the place where the elections are going to be stolen? >> i just hear such reports about philadelphia. >> and we have to make sure we're protected. after weeks of being labeled as the birth place of corruption, leaders from both parties came together today to try to assure voters that election day will not be a corruption day. >> for anyone who thinks that there is going to be any kind of shenanagans, that's not going to election will be on the up and up, no corruption. you expect them to say that. what about philadelphia voters? do we believe our political process is corrupt? >> i'm originally from new york, and it's not corrupt. >> not corrupt. >> no, not corrupt. >> do you think they could steel an election here? >> no. >> look around, it is historic philadelphia, the cradle of liberty, right? nobody here's going to believe that the reelection could be stolen here. not in philly. philly politics, are they corrupt? >> no, of course not, of course not. it is philadelphia. philadelphia, you know. birth place of america. >> so the overwhelming majority of people didn't believe that an election could be stolen in philly. but majority doesn't mean unanimous. >> it is all corrupt. absolutely, it is philly, any different than any other major met pal tan city in the united states? absolutely not. >> you think the election could be stolen smear. >> i think it is always alikely hood. so the politicians and the people have spoken. they don't believe that philadelphia is politically corrupt. and they don't believe that an election could be so are you convinced? >> philly is good people, and they'll vote based on what they want. >> politics are politics. they're corrupt as it is. that's the that the your of politics. >> so most of the people that i spoke to doubt that the reelection could actually be rigged. but you can see that some still have their doubts. we want to put the question to you. what do you think? would and could philadelphia rig the presidential election? you can tweet me at bill a fox 29 or of course comment on our fox 29 facebook page. lucy, some people still have doubts, evidence or not. >> you're getting a lot of comments, bill, you know that. >> coming up if you plan on buying a mal owe reason pass being at target, want to see a certain kind on store shelves, why the retail giant just yanked these costumes from its stores. >> the fbi calls him the straw hat bandit. they say he is the man behind nearly a dozen bank robberies in our area. >> villanova coach jay wright talks to fox 29's own quincy harris. q about this upcoming season, we'll let you know. i can't believe we're doing this. gus, you're not scared are you? you're the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania. i don't like thunder! (bashfully) this is getting creepy! (sfx: loud thunder clap) grrrr, did you say creepy? creepy cash? the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, with top prizes of 50 grand. that's a monster of a prize. keep on scratchin' >> good news, for the horse stuck in the mud earlier this month. he now has a new home. rescuers pulled cyrus the clydesdale out of deep mud at then bury farms stables in west chester earlier this month. the stable manager says the 18 year old horse was very upset after the whole ordeal. and didn't calm down until he met another horse named ghost. well, cyrus is now living on a virginia farm, because he got adopted by ghost's daddy. there you go. he has new pal, new farm, new dad, the man who adopted cyrus is from virginia, and took both horse toss his private farm. >> the straw bandit, renewed push from the fb time finds this cereal bank robber. >> hit 11 banks in our area since 2012. they've released these newcomb posit sketches of the guy and his truck. he targets banks in both bucks, montgomery counties and wears different kind of hats, and masks. and head coverage each time. >> this guy is dangerous, fbi says he car ace gun each time. >> do i believe he'll strike again in the near future? i do. the last time he struck was july 2nd, 2016. given the fact that he is good for 11 jobs over the past four years, yes, i do. >> well, if you recognize him, you agree to do, call police. >> she stabbed and killed her boyfriend. and tonight, police in bucks county say the levittown woman did it to save her own life. they say 59 year old david mat eye as attacked that woman while sleeping. investigators are now released her name. >> the prosecute verse charged east windsor new jersey woman with her mother-in-law's murder. prosecutors say 46 year old that is mean due juan beat her mother-in-law to death. her mother-in-law, 73 year old sophia. it happened in the new jersey home that they shared. police say that they received a call from the older woman's son after finding his mother dead in january. officers found the man's wife, tasneen days later at a casino in atlantic city, in jail now on $1 million bail. >> cops say these two in a shopping cart are commit ago big crime. what they loaded up with that cart that has police trying to track them down. >> setting off thousands of coupons, not for her own family, though, who she is helping by shopping smart. hello, kathy orr. >> well hello. what a beautiful day. notice, pretty much everyone was in a good mood because of the sunshine. well, behind me days of sunny weather, and record breaking warmth. we'll take a look at the seven day after this. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house th 100 meg internet. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. this is your last chance to get super fast 100meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. hurry, our best offer ever ends soon. only from fios. in the bridgegate trial today, one of the defendants took the stands for the first time. former port authority executive, bill baroney told jurors daled wildstein tricked him about the lane closures he said that governor christie was not told about that alleged traffic scheme in 2013. baroney claims contradict wilds stein's prior testimony. prosecutors say baroney and bridget kelly orders erred the bridge shutdown for political retaliation. >> still wearing my eagle green here, let this be known, but it is a disappointing day for eagles fans. redskins made things very difficult forecaster on wentz yesterday. sacked him five times in the end, the births lost, fox 29 sean bell here. still on the wagon, still on the wagon, sean. >> i hope you are. because some people will be dropping off after a couple of more games, after sleeping on this one it, feels just as bad. the absolutely got punched in the face. right in the mouth. rookie, he got abused by ryan kerrigan. everyone is blaming the rookie. i blame doug pederson. you can't leave a rookie playing in his first game alone with a former pro-bowler. that's just bad coaching. you can't have that happen. and he needs just a little bit of help. please, especially after kerrigan forced wentz into a sack first play of the game. be honest, even with wentz got good protection, offense made mistakes throughout the entire game. ertz dropped shower touchdown, the team had 13 penalties, so plenty of blame to go all the way around. doug pederson today basically with the understatement of the year. >> this wasn't a perfect football game. it is not a perfect football game. we made enough mistakes on offense to keep ourselves that we kept ourselves out of the end zone, you know. two fields goals is not enough to win. and, you know, there is enough, there is enough to go around everybody, me included, and i beat myself up all the time. as far as am i making the right calls. am i putting the giles in the right situations by play call by design. >> and later in sports, we will breakdown carson wentz's performance for the first time this year. he actually looked like a rookie. so, hear what towed say about yesterday's game. iaian? >> all right, sean, thanks. let's get back to your fox 29 weather authority now. beautiful day around the delaware valley. our fox 29 cameras were out in rittenhouse square today. look at these people out here just soaking up the sun. hey, right? if it weren't for the leaves changing colors would you probably think it was summer out there. and pushing record temperatures. >> still whole lot of green out there, though. see, mother nature is even on the eagles bandwagon still. kathy orr has the details in 15 seconds. >> hi, i'm brandon swartz. and i'm christopher cull tan. >> know your rights. if you've been injured, get justice. call 1800-justice-today. >> well the good news is there is no green on the radar screen. we don't want any of that. beautiful fall color on market street. look at that. some orange, some yellow. it actually feels more like may, like we are turning the corner from spring into summer. unfortunately not. the temperature 81 degrees, the high for the day 82 degrees. winds out of the southwest, at about 10 miles an hour. and, this high temperature over performing by a few degrees, and that makes me think, okay, our computer models have low bias, that means we'll forecast little higher than many of these models are suggesting. that means, we will break some records next couple of days. no problem. ultimate doppler showing the clear skies, with some fair weather clouds to the north and to the west. tonight, a few clouds here and there, then clearing overnight. we have 68 in the poconos. the sun gets lower in the sky. eighty-one still in philadelphia. wrightstown 80 degrees, 81 degrees in dover. when you look at the north use, new england into the mid-atlantic, you can see 50's in southeastern canada, 60s in up-state new york, even buffalo, new york, pittsburgh in the mid to upper 70s, as you're headed toward the second part every october. that's pretty amazing. high pressure building off the coast, allowing what we call this return flow, a southerly wind, becoming southwesterly. that's pumping up the warmth. those showers to the north will stay there, as this front retreats toward the north. we see this huge ridge building in the east. it is like this dome that curves right over canada, and you see high pressure offer the coast. it is a summer like pattern. you know we talk about the bermuda high, that's what we're having, but it is in october. temperatures running about 15, 20 degrees above normal. so here are the numbers to beat. tuesday's record is 85. we're forecasting 85. wednesday's record, 80 degrees, we will break it, with eight a degrees. then thursday's record is 80. we will come very close with a high of 78. the normal high is only 65 for this time of year. that will be close to our low tonight. sixty-two in the city. fifty-seven in the suburbs. some evening clouds, then clearing, tomorrow, 85 degrees, sunny, warm, the records 85, setback in 1908. which is amazing. southwest winds expected five to 10 miles an hour. as you plan your day, breakfast outdoors, no problem. by lunch, 77 degrees. after school, soccer games, lacrosse games, baseball games, eight a degrees. it will be like summer afternoon, and by the dinner hour, dark, but 76 degrees. pretty amazing at. that will here is a look at your seven day forecast from the weather authority. another record expected on wednesday. and if you really don't like the heat, well it, will change. thursday, few showers, 78. friday, few showers, as well, in the wake of that, much cooler. saturday, 62, the same sunday, and by monday, comfortable, 63 degrees, which happens to be where we should be this time of year. so i think it is back it reality after the weekend and into the beginning of next week. we send it back to you. >> all right, kathy, thanks. i'll take it. coming up meet the woman cutting out coupons. who she is helping by shopping smart. >> picking up halloween masks, perhaps? you won't find one kinds on store shelves. why the retail giant just pulled certain costumes from its stores. >> and new at 6:00 the latest group of cadet graduating from philadelphia's police academy. what police commissioner richard ross told the class about dealing with mistrust of law enforcement from the public. >> after least one person dead after two explosions in chemical plants in germany. the world's biggest chemical company, shutdown production facilities after a fire broke out. one person died, six others were hurt, and hands full of others are still missing. the company says there was an explosion and fire while crews were working on some pipelines. meanwhile, another blast injured four people at a different facility. the blast was caused by a gas explosion. in your money tonight, recent creepy clown threats. target started pulling clown masks from stores, last week given the current environment and throats all around the country. reports of people wearing scary clown masks, have caused problems for more than 20 states. in spite that evil clown costume sales up three run% but you won't find one at target any more. >> expect a big announcement wednesday, from electric auto maker tezsla. the company planned to reveal next big product today, yesterday, ceo elan must tweeted that's going to have to wait. he said still needs few more days of refinement. now here are the rumors, basically, that the announcement is about tezsla's auto pilot system which provides driver assistance features like lane maintenance, traffic aware crews control, all of that kind of stuff. now, in may, a man died in florida while in a tezsla that was in auto pilot mode. ntsb is investigating that crash. >> all right, here is a wedding tradition that's, well, kind of a do-able. bride in minneapolis decided to car a puppy down the aisle instead of flowers, then posted with the pup, and her groom did the same for all of the professional pictures, couple is big animal lovers and wanted to do this about raising awareness about shelter awareness. >> as long as you don't toss the puppies like you do with a bouquet. >> these are committing big crime. what they loaded into that cart of theirs that has police trying to really hard to track them down. >> and police say a robber walks into a convenience store armed with a booth of of gasoline, what they stopped the store from burning down, to save her life. >> deposition for the post office bears the name of army first lieutenant salvador s cuomo the second. local officials gathered along with his mower for the ceremony. he died in afghanistan in 2010 explosion. he warned 19 other service members to get back after he discovered a bomb. the army credits him with saving their lives. the late soldier's mother says her son took advantage of all depford had to offer when he was growing up, she said she's honored this new dedication carries on his name. >> we have lost our children, and it is painful, but the white signifies beauty and hopeful necessary of their lives. okay? our mission is to carry on their mission. >> president obama signed the legislation to rename the post office in june. >> a robber in texas did a lot more than just take the money and run. he set the whole gas station on fire, after getting what he came for. the guy entered gas station near dallas, his only weapon appears to be a bottle wrapped in a red rag. it was filled with what the store clerk thinks was gasoline. so he pours the gas on the counter, taste his money, sets it all on fire. luckily the store had a sprinkler system and the clerk says that was what her lifesaver. >> you see robberies in this business a lot. but this is the worse thing i've ever seen. >> police say they think the bad guy may have tripped and fallen on his way out. so possibly burned his hands and arms. they're hoping someone will recognize him, and see the burns and turn him in. >> california couple madoff with a big hall from supermarket and a camera caught the whole thing. take a look. this is from inside the store in oakdale. the store owner says a man and a woman walked into the store with a shopping cart and quickly loaded it with all kinds of candy. you can see them run out of the store with the full cart and into what police say was a waiting get-away car. workers say it happened so fast no one could stop them. >> and small business, very small. so when people steel, they don't realize that they're taking from families that are trying to help out the community and support other people. we have 32 employees. >> yep. store says the pair got away with nearly $500 worth of chocolate bears and peanut butter cups and even some fancy truffles. >> happening now, may not be any hurricanes in our area, but part of our country are seeing some severe weather flooding is lingering in many parts of north carolina on the west coast they're dealing with the aftermath of tornados over the weekend. >> very rare. fox's david lee miller shows us the wick weather across the country. >> hurricane matthew has come and gone. but the flooding persists in many areas. north carolina was hardest hit with more than one and a half billion dollars worth of damage. more than $100,000 homes and buildings at least partially destroyed. some residents say they lost everything when the storm hit. >> we've really didn't have time to really do anything, but just grab a few stuff, grab our babies, and go in the attic until the rescue team got there. >> matthew caused at least 30,000 deaths in the u.s. twenty-six of those in north carolina there was still more than 2,000 residents displaced by the floodingment county and state officials are surveying the damage. but they've already received more than 33,000 applications for fema assistance. with about $12 million of aid already approved. >> the community has made it easy for us to just push forward. i'm looking forward to tomorrow. >> but the wick weather isn't confined to the east coast. in oregon, they're surveying the damage following weekend of heavy storms including at least two confirmed tornados. resident there say they're not used to seeing storms this powerful in the area. >> to be looking around right now, see all of the trees down, that's amazing. scary. >> this is wild weather for the coast. just unbelievable. >> forecasters say both areas should see a break in the rain for at least the next few days, should give resident better chance to assist the damage and save what they can. in new york david lee miller fox news. it is the end of an era in hong kong where the world's oldest giant panda in captivity has passed on her name was gia gia, though born in the wild she has lived in the zoo since 1999. in august hong kong celebrated her 38th birthday, but in recent weeks old age caught up to gia gia. >> so there was no medication we could give her that would cure old age, would cure the things that were ailing her. annette i cannily we felt and we worked with afcd, agriculture and fishery here in hong kong, and the government, to determine that this was the humane end point. >> just this year, the giant panda took a big step away from extinct sean, it is no longer endangered, now listed as vulnerable. this incredible news shows how the world can indeed come together to save the planet's vanishing bio diversity. >> developing tonight, iraqi forces kick off the largest military operation in their country since american troops left in 2011. a fight to retake mose you will from the islamic state is bolstered by us coalition air strikes the the city is isis last major strong holds in iraq. >> losing it would be major defeat in terror organization, connor powell has the story from jerusalem. >> reporter: iraqi forces launch long awaited effort against isis. government troops and kurdish fighters are now working to liberate mose you will, iraq second largest city. they are being helped by air strikes and advisors from the us-led coalition against the terror group. but all combat troops on the grounds are iraquis. >> this may proof to be a long and tough battle. the iraq innings have prepared. we'll stands by them. >> mozul is located some 225 miles northwest of baghdad. isis in control of the city since the summer of 2014. iraqi forces are advancing on the area from several different directions. roadside and car bombs complicating their effort. >> just absolutely key strategically important it, will not be an iraq if we do not take back mozul. the united nations says some 64,000 iraquis have been displaced from the mozul area since march of this year. more than 1 million people are believed to be trapped in the city. and the nn getting ready to accommodate an increase in the people flying the violence. >> we have tents and other shelter materials, we're preparing ourselves for a variety of options, in the just camps, but an accommodations of people in houses, in communities, emergency site. >> the us-led coalition against isis has conducted more than 2100 air strikes in and around mozul since august of 2014. nearly 200 of those have come just in the last two month. in jerusalem, connor powell, fox news. >> in turkey police radon suspected isis state pace near the syrian border turned deadly. officials say a suicide bomber detonated explosives in the southern city yesterday. three police officers died, nine others are hurt. a second suicide bomber struck during during another police investigation and another nearby apartment. but in that incident, the bomber kill himself. did not hurt anyone else. >> tragedy in indonesia, when suspension bridge gives way. eight people died including three children. the bridge was full of people when it collapsed yesterday. sending people falling into the water below. this is near bally. locals say it gave way as people were returning from mere by temple. authority are now work to go try to figure out if anyone else may be missing that far deadly collapse. >> coming up: she is real life coupon queen. but she is not snipping away at those circulars just to save her own family. a couple of bucks. who she is helping, shopping smart. >> new at 6:00 a large cat siting. this is no harmless stray. we're wildlife officials are putting neighbors on alert on what could be a fierce feline. >> the latest group of cadets graduated from philadelphia's police academy. but police commissioner richard ross told the class about dealing with the dis instruments of law enforcement from some in the community. most people owe the bank. but pat toomey actually owned a bank. and when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws... to benefit wall street and banks like his. voting to gut consumer protections that crack down... on predatory lending and fraud. to take money from you 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title. i want to tell everybody, we have that championship trophy, and it is lock up. >> yes. >> if we don't win it, they're not getting it back. that is lock up. so we're not really defending it. we have it. but we're going try to do it again. >> of course wright also talked about get to go meet president obama. you can watch the entire interview on our website head to watch "the q" here daily at noon. >> virginia woman is spending whole lot of time cutting coupons. but it is not just to feed her own family. she is feeding those in need who cannot afford meals. >> and thanks to smart shopping, she is feeding thousands of people. fox's lindsay watts has the story from woodbridge, virginia. >> it may look like madness at this woodbridge home. but there is a message here. >> all of the parent save all of their newspapers. and they donated them to me today. >> she is after the sunday coupons. getting help sorting them from her two boys, and some neighborhood kids, too. >> they love to help. >> lauren's been feeding the needy for a few years now. but it reached the point where she couldn't afford it. and that's where the coupons come in. >> i was able to get both of these items for free. 28 cents a bag. so i'm going to coupon like crazy for these meatballs. >> i was able to get these toaster strewed else for free. i think i probably have close to maybe 50 boxes down in here. >> when she realized when was possible? >> some meals, it will be maybe 5 cents per meal. >> she ups the and tee. vowing to feed 30,000 people by next september. her 30th birthday. >> when i realize that i was able to get food for free or close to free, i just new that that was going to be my golden ticket. >> we sat down with her as she found her latest batch of savings. >> my first reaction was free. >> you may not be as excited about a dollar off hotdog. but from studying store circulars, lauren knows these are already on sale for a dollar. >> so this will be a big ticket item, to feed with, because i can get all of the hotdogs for free. >> she pace for her mission in dedication and discipline. >> i was just lucky to find an avenue, a way that i that i can reach my goal. >> doing a big part to cut down on hunger, one small snip at a time. >> thank you. >> hillary is running for president. in what looks like a totally rigged election. >> donald trump's climbing election fraud. and the trump team suggesting it could happen right here in philadelphia. a pennsylvania leaders are fighting back against his claims. >> plus, forget the grinch who stole christmas. now the joy of halloween is under attack. >> get your own pumpkin. >> tonight what police they they know about a bandit who swiped a couple of pumpkins from someone's doorstep. >> live from center city in philadelphia. this is "fox 29 news" at 6:00. >> we begin tonight with your weather authority. doesn't feel like fall outside. it was a perfect day to kind of walk around, rittenhouse square this afternoon, on the right looking live at trenton. we are poised for record warmth over the next couple of days. good evening, i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland. can you believe a return to the 80s? >> love it. >> soaking it all in right now, meteorologist, kathy orr live in old city tracking the warm up in your short sleeves. >> oh, i tell you, lucy, i thought i would have my coat on by now, still pretty warm out here. ian, we can get a few rounds of golf in if we hurry up. beautiful afternoon. gorgeous evening, i will step out of the picture so you can see the hustle and bustle of old city philadelphia, and beautiful fall color already. someone said to me today it, almost feels like more like may, like headed into summer than fall. what a gorgeous day indeed. now, right now, temperatures are still quite warm, even at this hour, 79, the high today, 82 in philadelphia. it is those southwesterly winds that are keeping it so comfortable. not many clouds out there tonight. and skies will be clear overnight. temperatures fall through the 70s. right now 79 in the city. 74 degrees in pottstown. it is six an in the

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