Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20160404 : comparemela

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20160404

one game away. villanova fans are generally a pretty supportive group but the feeling now it's just taken to whole new level. >> i'm not a huge sports girl. traditionally really am not but like here at this school, everyone is a sports person. >> reporter: after blow out victory of a powerhouse oklahoma team, the students can't wait until tip off and if they were doubters before, nova nation definitely believes now. >> honestly i didn't have villanova winning in my bracket but thank god they proved me wrong and thank god they're in the championship now. hopefully we shoot well and within eight-point victory. >> whoo! >> reporter: the students are so confident that they're already plan wagon many call an historic celebration if and when the cats can win tonight. >> it will be crazy we'll shut down lancaster. from here all the way down to ardmore. >> it hasn't happened in 30 years. we're going to wild. >> reporter: one student i met is so excited about the wildcats run to a possible national championship she's dragged her whole family into it. it looks like the tar heel fan in her family may be feeling a little lonely tonight. >> my sister is a tar heel which is really funny, yeah, exactly. and my entire family besides my mom because she wants to be fair is rooting for the cats. >> nice. >> so good luck, christine. you're going to need it. >> reporter: i tried to demonstrate that i was as tough as the wildcats without the umbrella. but i guess not. guys, you heard them talking about the celebration that they're going to have if in fact they win. when i come back at 6:00, i spoke to campus security. they are a little concerned. they're telling students that they are very excited, they hope villanova wins but if so, take it easy, guys. celebrate with caution. >> all right. that is good advice, bill. see you at 6:00. thank you. take look at all these villanova themed suites 30 creation of a montgomery county bakery but the family who owns the business they weren't at work today they're huge villanova fans. they are in houston texas to watch the game tonight. fox 29's tom srendenschek is live in houston. met up with the family earlier. hey, tom. >> reporter: good evening. the pastries can wait for the weinrich that is made here to houston. grandfathers down to grandsons with aunts, uncles, cousins, never tuesday everything in between. they are pumped. they are ready for tonight's game with tickets in hand. >> like the commercial says, priceless that capture the whole thing this ticket priceless. >> only parts of tonight are priceless for this family. >> generations of them are here to watch history. >> dropped everything what we were doing and said let's schedule the airline tickets and come down and participate and support the team. >> to us it's like a holiday. like going home for thanksgivi thanksgiving. everybody is there. everybody shares the same memories. we're just thrilled to be part of it. so, you know, it's just non-stop that we enjoy it. >> michael was in kentucky when the wildcats wouldn't it all 31 years ago. his son avery wasn't even born yet. avery only feels like he was. >> born in '95. i was 10 years out from even that. but it just feels like we're back in '85 receipt now looks like it back to the fight feels like i'm so glad everybody is here to be part of this moment in history for us. >> avery grandfather ed wasn't in lexington either. >> all going toville notify v somebody had to pay for it. i was working. >> but villanova's number one cheerleader wasn't going to miss tonight. >> to be surrounded by my family and my villanova family brought tears to my eyes in church. i've really enjoyed it. >> you heard him right, he said church. sunday's mass here in houston was special for the weinrich family. >> the priest had good time. they were really having a good time and in their blessings they used the v for villanova when the hand went up as opposed to the flat hand. >> father knows knows best. 83-year-old ed weinrich gets the last word. >> i just hope they have one more time and we'll be national champions once again. >> reporter: how zero yourself the weinrichs about villanova basketball? every time michael goes to lexington he makes sure he takes avery to rev arena he treats it as a pilgrimage. here's hoping had avery takes his children to nrg stadium in houston after the wildcats win tonight. >> they brought a cake over to the studio. we killed that. it was wonderful. thank you. >> we want to see what you're rocking your nova gear. tweet us using the hash tag fox 29 philly. to developing story now. philadelphia district attorney seth williams announcing today that charges will not be filed against former eagle lesean mccoy in connection with a nightclub fight that left two philadelphia police officers injured. fox 29's chris o'connell that s live in center city tonight. chris arc lot of people are very critical of this decision. >> reporter: that's right, dawn. scathing response from the philadelphia police union tonight. we'll have more on that in a minute, but former philadelphia eagle lesean mccoy said to be very relieved that district attorney of philadelphia has decided not to file charges in that february old city bar brawl involving mccoy, his friends and two off duty police officers. this is the video that surfaced about a day after the fight in recess lounge in old city. mccoy prosecutors say wasn't clear exactly who started that fight. that sent two off duty police officers to the hospital after talking with mccoy and witnesses investigators say the two officers had conflicting stories about what happened. saying the fight started after those officers ordered four bottles of $350 bottles of champagne. some words were he can changed inside the club. but no question there was a fight. but prosecutors say to from what they can tele sean mccoy was defending his friend. >> we had no sufficient evidence to know who fished it, um, we had evidence that would conclude that people can conclude that people were being justified in trying to protect their friends. and so for all of those reasons i'm very satisfied that we did the right thing. >> reporter: now, the decision not sitting well with philadelphia police union. its president sending out a memo tonight to its members saying in philadelphia, a vicious assault on off-duty police officers by a rich athlete and his friends goes completely unpunish. serious and permanent injuries were inflicted upon these officers as a result of a brutal assault captured on film, but a season-ticket hunting district attorney refuseed to his worn jb and prosecute the attackers ". district attorney seth williams saying the high-profile nature of this case had nothing to do with his decision not to prosecute. of course, we will have more reaction to this story coming up tonight at 6:00 and 10:00 o'clock. iain. >> chris, thank you. on to your weather authority now. rain hitting our area. here's live look from wilmingt n night. one of the spots getting wet right now and kathy tracking the system moving through. some of us could hear thunder, kathy? >> a few rumbles of thunder. we're looking at heavy rain as well. you can see it right here in southern parts of chester county even delaware county and northern gnaw castle where you seed the red rain rates from one to up 2-inches an hour it's not going last long but torrential downpour l as we look hour by hour by 8:00 p.m. the rain will clear the i-95 corridor. it will take till about 10 or 11 to clear the coast. drier, much colder air moving in and very strong winds to talk about. look at the temperature difference. 34 in the poconos. 70 in dover. temperatures are going to crash during the early morning hours and come tomorrow we are talking about subfreezing temperatures a freeze warning goes into effect. wintry wind chills it is april, isn't it? and we'll take look at our next warm-up in the seven day but it is going to be an up and down week to say the very least. i'll see you later in the broadcast. >> all right, kathy, thank you. amtrak trains in the northeast corridor are back on schedule today following a deadly derailment in delaware county. two amtrak employees were killed when a train hit a backhoe that was partially on the tracks. >> the ntsb is trying to figure out why it was there. fox 29's sabina kuriakose is in chester tonight with new information. sabina? >> reporter: iain, here's what we know. now, a source with detailed knowledge of regional train operations says train 89 was on this same track as the backhoe it struck. officials are looking into whether workers had set up proper fail save procedures including radio tran mission to check and double check their locations and we are likely going to hear much more about that coming up ntsb's press briefing later this evening. now today we spoke with the reverend who through open his doors and let in traumatized passengers fleeing the burning wreckage of this train. >> we were able to herd everyone right across here into the church that were uninjured, and we also had all of the ambulan ambulances here taking those who were injured. >> reporter: reverend james, watched amtrak trains fly by just past the woods that stretch behind trainer united methodist church for more than a decade. sunday reverend ford throwing open church doors to the hundreds of passengers seeking sanctuary after train 89 struck a construction crew backhoe and partially went off the rails. >> come right in here and the injured were taken away here by the ambulances. >> one of the ems personnel asked if they can use the church and that's when i said surely. that's when we opened the gymnasium. >> reporter: day after the trauma the reverend is still shaken by the tragic loss of two lives. both construction workers not on board the train. ford says his heart went out to the traumatized passengers and crew. >> so many of the people were under dressed. they weren't prepared to be walking in all of that wind from yesterday across a field. >> monday morning press conference in chester city hall fire commissioner travis thomas saying responding emergency crews carried memories of last year's did he have 78ing derailment in philadelphia on their minds. mayor thaddeus kirkland vowing lessons will be learned. >> this is hard. it's painful and it's tragic. but hopefully at the end of the day we will all have learned something. >> reporter: and again, we are hoping to hear many more answers at today's ntsb press briefing that's expected to be held within the hour. dawn? >> all right, thank saw bean in a. a terrifying site. look closely here. that's a woman's car stuck on the side of a cliff. what that woman did next that makes this whole thing even scarier. >> see that blanket moving around. that's no kid under there. what police say is really going on and why it's so creepy. and in the fight of his life again this eight-year-old is inspiring others as he battles cancer. >> he never stops fighting and he's always been kind of a hero to me and a role model. >> the very special invitation from this teen to her little hero. >> these two guys slither into a local convenience store and start tearing the place up. what police say they were really after. but first -- >> love it we're all rooting fort wildcats tweet us your nova pride witness mash tag fox 29 philly. for years, i was a laboratory chemist, developing drugs to fight deadly diseases. as a scientist, i know there's more that washington can do to help families. i'm running for congress to protect planned parenthood funding so more women get cancer screenings and treatment... to pass a ban on fracking in the delaware river basin to preserve our clean water, and to always protect medicare and social security. i'm shaughnessy naughton and i approve this message. whewhat does it look like?ss, is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a. >> skyfox above a nasty mess this morning in northeast philadelphia. a single car crash resulting in oil leaking out on to the road on roosevelt boulevard it happened around 8:45 this morning. no word yet on the condition of that driver or what caused that person to crash. neshaminy high school says one of its students has pertussis known as hoofing cough that student has siblings had who attend maple point elementary school and because of that the district has notified all parents. now whooping cough is contagio contagious. for those who are not vaccinat vaccinated. 25 years ago today, a private plane crashed at a fire ball over a mainline elementary school. two little girls on the ground died on that plane u.s. senator john heinz much it's a tragedy that even 25 years later from families our area are too painful to speak budge fox 29's karen hepp recounts a day that claimed seven lives. >> reporter: an image so many of cuss never forget. traumatized children holding ribbon being led away from a tragedy that fell from the sky on a beautiful thursday in apr april, 25 years ago today. it was april 4th, the first and second greaters from marion elementary had simply gone out to play after lunch when all of a sudden a plane an helicopter collided overhead. raining down flames debris killing two little girls. first graders rachel blum and lauren front lick. seven-year-old david ruttenberg was covered on jet fuel and caught on fire. he was burned over 70% of his body. did he survive. we reached out to those victims families 25 years later it is still too difficult for them to discuss the tragedy. what happened? senator john heinz was a popular and well liked republican the sole hir heinz ketchup from pittsburgh. he liked to hopscotch across the state on small plains to attention numerous events. that day ways plane was having landing gear trouble helicopter came to check it out and one its roaster blades slashed the planes toes winning a fuel tank unexploded unleashing a fire ball that blasted both crafts out of the sky killing all five adults in the air. 52-year-old senator heinz, his two pilots and two helicopter pilots the horrors of having their plane and wreckage fall over a five block area in a residential area over school still brings tears to survivors eyes and memories that even five years later don't erase the pain for those involved. i'm karen hepp, fox 29 news. hundreds gathering today to remember a delaware county firefighter who lost his battle with cancer. ♪ >> funeral services held this morning in drexel hill for upper darby firefighter byron evans. officials say he developed cancer as a result of on the job hazards. friends, family and fellow first responders filling saint myrna debt church before laying evans to rest at arlington cemetery of tear. evans believes behind a wife and three children. in montgomery county, a driver is facing numerous charges tonight in connection with a hit-and-run crash that killed an elderly woman. you can see the aftermath of the crash here at the intersection of 40-foot and welsh roads this is in hatboro friday morning. prosecutors say gentleman keal johnson went through a red light and slammed into a car driven by 80-year-old shirley russell. russell' cars flipped schenn died at the scene. prosecutors say johnson kept on going but then returned to the crash area an hour later and was arrested. investigators say he was driving with a suspend license and had no insurance. you decide 2016 all the focus is on wisconsin tonight. just hours from the primary and it's a tight race on both sides. fox's joel waldman explains. >> donald trump has said wages are too high. >> reporter: hillary clinton in new york going after republican leader donald trump. but first former secretary of state must get passed stubborn democrat rival bernie sander san wisconsin where she's trailing the vermont senator by eight points according recent poll. sanders whose been pushing clinton for new york debate ahead of the april 19th contest believes momentum will move delegates to his side. >> democracy is not a complica complicated idea. it really is not. pretty simple idea. you got to vote and you got to vote and you got to vote. >> reporter: talk of a possible contested convention heats up, so, too, does republican rhetoric between donald trump and john kasich. billionaire stomping in wisconsin making the case for why the ohio governor should bow out. >> but kasich, he's one for 30. another in other words think of it. he's lost like 29 or 30 or 31 times. whatever the hell it is. >> kasich responding in kind while on the campaign trail long island, new york, not budging. >> donald trump said that i need to get out of the race because i'm getting his voters. well -- wait, no, no. i've got news for him. i'll get a heck of a lot of his voters, okay, that's what's going to happen r. >> reporter: 1237 delegates is the may magic number for republicans much ted cruz selling supporters he can get there before july to avoid couldn't testified cop vince. in washington, joel waldman, fox news. may look like this guy standing in rittenhouse. he's about to pay a scam. the worthless piece of paper he sold to an unsuspecting woman for hundreds of dollars. >> i do have my partner with me. i'll deploy my cat around the outside of your vehicle. >> you heard right. the cat sweeping for drugs. the police pull over people in car will never forget. >> she went viral with her reaction of getting into colle college. the heart warming celebration for this student. first fans wishing the nova team good luck tonight. >> i have lot of respect for jay wright and 31 years is enough time for another championship. go, nova. >> go, villanova! let's do this. yay! >> in canada a woman survives a steep fall after driving her car off a cliff in newfinland. then she falls out of the vehicle although police aren't really sure if maybe she jump. she landed about 60 feet down from where her car stopped yesterday. mack us willy she survived. although she was taken to the hospital in serious condition. hundreds of people in north carolina joining together to protest a controversial new law that critics say discriminates against lgbt people. it was standing room only yesterday inside that college park baptist church in greensboro. rally was organized by an inter faith group of leade leaders. critic speaking out against the house bill two. it requires people to use the bathroom that alliance with the sex on their birth certificates. >> people that hate transgender people, it hasn't emboldened them and i'm afraid they'll get so bold to patrol bathrooms or tack us. >> businesses have cut back spending in north carolina out of protests supporters of the bill claim it protects people's privacy rights. california governor jerry brown signing a bill into law today that will gradually raise the state's minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022. both houses of the state legislature approved the measure on thursday. republicans and business groups warn the move to cost thousands of jobs governor brown says california's fast-growing economy can be a sash the races. florida man is behind bars after police say he hit a teenager on a moped and then just drove away. >> the 18-year-old died. it happened near -- early sunday morning as troopers say 18-year-old nick easton was rear ended by a mannis san extera and pulled up on to the hoot hood. he was struck for several hundred yards before being thrown off that vehicle. florida highway patrol says craig howard was driving under the influence when he hit ethan. >> makes me so angry. it's not fair. it's not fair. life is too short, you know, and for him to come such a long way in doing great, just taken right out from underneath him. >> howard is charged with dui, manslaughter and leaving the seen of a fatal crash. you see that blanket moving around? that's no child under there. what police say is really going on here and why it is so creepy. a car comes crashing into this church. the damage is bad. why members though of the church actually say the timing was perfect. kathy? >> we're tracking rain of course with ultimate doppler. you can see it moving across the delaware valley. behind this arctic front very cold air. freezing temperatures and subfreezing tomorrow. protect those plants. more with the seven day when we come back. ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. ♪ those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. when looking for a van to take your business to the next level, look for more. with the ram promaster and promaster city, you can do more. hold more. handle more. organize more. and get more out of every drop. all for less. ♪ >> we are following breaking news. national transportation safety board giving us update on yesterday's deadly amtrak crash. let's list september in. >> -- we have stabbed the following investigative groups. mechanical, operations and performance, signals, track and survival facto factors. investigators examined the locomotive and passenger cars. the examination included the collection and inspection of maintenance records. at this time no anomalies have been found. additional equipment inspections will be conducted tomorrow to include train braking systems. prior to arriving on scene, the ntsb secured signal system equipment for our investigation activities on scene. at the same time, we secured recorded information from the amtrak communication system for our review and examination which has begun. there is a large amount of data to be look at from these activities. the track group has identified the point of impact at mile post 15.7 which is just north of the booth street underpass. the track and engineering group will begin interviewing employees at the work crew tomorrow. survival factors investigators documented the equipment damage and will be testing emergency systems such as the public address system and emergency lighting tomorrow. investigators in the ntsb lab reviewed the event recorder da data. the event recorder data was of good quality and recorded up to the point of collision. the engineer placed the train into emergency approximately five seconds from the end of the recording. speed at that time was 106 miles per hour and the track speed at that location is 110 miles per hour. the forward facing video was of good quality. captured in color and contained audio. the video recorded up to the collision. the video shows that there was construction equipment on the track and work train equipment on the track immediately adjacent to the amtrak train's track. we'll take some questions at this time. >> you say it was on the track adjacent. then how did the collision -- the impact, did that backhoe move off at add yea sent track and get on to the main track. >> again let me state what our investigators in the lab in d.c. stated from the forward facin fg video. video shows there was construction equipment on the track. and work train equipment on the track immediately adjacent to the amtrak train's track. >> so is that equipment on the track, backhoe obviously and cabbies fifty eight and rail -- on the track? >> the backhoe was on the track where the amtrak train was traveling. >> that train was in the right place where it was supposed to be? is that true. >> i can't speculate at this time. >> the train was authorized to be on that track. can you talk about that and was the construction equipment authorized to also be on that track. >> i cannot speculate at this time. we're still gathering facts on that information as to who had the authority to be on that track. >> which track was being worked on, the track the train was traveling on? >> again, i do not have that information at this time. >> do you know what kind of work was being done. >> i do not know that as well. that's something tomorrow we have interviews scheduled with the work crew and our investigators will be logging at that tomorrow. >> what's the protocol for something like this? there is going to be maintenance with rail, backhoe on track much what's the protocol in terms of the internal controls that should be in place to prevent something leak this. >> the federal railroad administration sets safety standards for railroad operations. veiled to refer you to the federal railroad administration to answer that question. >> yes, ma'am. >> whether or not there were any communications between the dispatchers and --ing. >> we have secured all the communication down loads and equipment and we will be reviewing that. but again i have to stress that there's a lot of data and a lot of information that investigators in our laboratory in washington, d.c. will be sifting through. >> the experience level of the either the conduct or -- >> it is part of our investigation. our operations and human performance group will be interviewing those individuals tomorrow. >> how many workers were on the track. >> i dot not have that information at this time. there were several workers, correct but i did not have exact number at this time. >> are you releasing the names? >> the ntsb does not release the names of the deceased. i will have to refer to you the delaware county medical examiner's office for that. who who own this stretch of track? this is amtrak track. >> question from reporter. >> positive train control is something that is part of this investigation. we do have as i mention brrr'd we have a signals group and a signals investigator that is looking into that. >> so the backhoe operator was operating the backhoe and where was the supervisor? do you know where the supervisor was? >> i do not have that information at this time. >> when you say, g you've been listen to the ntsb giving us date on that deadly amtrak crash. we'll have more coming up at 6:00 o'clock. it may look like this guy is just standing in rittenhous writ police say he's about to pull a major exam. the worthless piece of paper cops he sold to an unsuspecting woman for hundreds of dollars. this guy is in big trouble accused of firing his gun at a car in his driveway. why police say it was all over a pet crab but first a message for the wide cats. >> villanova is one of the most interesting teams to watch. they have speed, they have agility and get it done. yeah, let's go. >> good look against those tar heels. let's go nova! ♪ take a good look at this g guy. philadelphia police hope you recognize him. officers say he met up with a woman in rittenhouse and sold her tickets to the ncaa basketball tournament at the wells fargo center last month. the cost, $150 each. what the woman did not know until she got to the game those tickets were fake. and police are hoping that someone knows who this guy is. members of a kentucky church are picking up the pieces after a suspecte suspected drunk drivd into their building. it happened yesterday at the divine savor lutheran church in louisville. police say william low man drove his car through a church office wall in the early morning hours. >> driving under the influence. there's really no excuse for that. that's one of those things that there are consequences for that. the other side of the coin that doesn't mean we don't care for the person. it just means that that kind of behavior is not acceptable. >> church members cleaned things up early yesterday morning and mass did go on at planned. the driver is now facing a list of charges. a group of seattle residents lending its time and talents for a good cause. >> it's all to help give the homeless place to come in out of the cold. carpenters from sisters in the brotherhood cutting my wood and april sewell laying for eight small houses at owe sell la village. they're teaming up with volunteers who are helping out by taping walls and painting. one volunteer says he's motiva motivated to help because of those who knows living on the streets. >> it's incredibly hard. it's a incredibly complex issue, and i'd rather just be doing something than nothing, you kn know. >> organizers are hoping little villages like this one will serve as models for other cities and neighborhoods that would like to build similar tiny houses as part of the fight to end pope lessness. in the fight of his life again. this eight-year-old is inspiring others as he battles cancer. special invitation from a teen to our little hero. >> a police officer tells he's going to use his feel line partner to sweep for drug. that's right a cat. the police pull over the people in this car will never forget. ♪ it's video that went viral. >> a local little girl's incredible reaction reading her one and only college acceptance letter. >> notify you have your acceptance into our program. >> i got in! >> i got into college! (laughter). >> i got in! >> so wonderful. she's not just any girl. fox 29's lauren johnson caught up with 20-year-old rachel grace who has a whole lot to be proud of. >> she's sixth man, gives 100% and she is all in. >> on the north penn woman's basketball team. >> she's like a sister. great having her. >> reporter: rachel grace is team manager. >> it's a thrilling ride. roller coaster ride for me. >> a job she does not take lightly. >> being part of this team is like -- there's like my familiarly. >> how did this all come about? former assistant athletic director who is also a special education teacher she recommended rachel and the rest is history. >> it's been a match made in heaven, yeah. >> player and friends amy has nothing but fond memories. >> which one of the big things you've learned from being around her for three years. >> to always have a' tough attitude. even if you're not having a good day file smile and stay positive. >> rachel has not let living with down syndrome slow her do down. >> you're going college. >> yeah, i am. >> how excited are you. >> i'm very excited this video clip shot by her mother shared all over social media. >> i'm going college! >> it's the moment rachel found out she's going to college. the only school she applied to. east stroudsburg university. >> i'm going to go on my own. >> she's the middle child who always lived to be independent of her two brothers. but her basketball family gives her the sisters she doesn't ha have. >> i'm going to miss the team a lot. and i love having them on my side. like they always have my back. >> so watch out, world. rachel grace is about to leave her mark. >> she's not afraid to do anything. and i think, um, that she'll surprise people. lauren johnson, fox 29 news. quite the inspiration. rachel tells us she plans to be team manager for her college basketball team oh, she says tonight villanova will win. >> ♪ >> back to your fox 29 weather authority. it's starting to get a little chilly out there. it's raining as this weather roller coaster continues. >> kathy orr will have your full forecast in 15 seconds. all right. we had the warm now we have some stormy weather out there with rain and a heavier band of showers moving through and behind this cold enough for snow. not for us but for the great lakes. you can see international airport rain out there but the good news visibility is pretty good. 4 miles winds out of the west at just 8 miles an hour and right now the temperature 55. but the high temperature made it to 65 this afternoon before the rain. 51 by 7:00 p.m. by 11:00, 43. 3:00 a.m. 34 and by 7:00 o'clock in the morning, we're talking about 29 degrees as a freeze warning will be in effect. our first storm of the week is this an area of low pressure with arctic front associated with it that passes through this evening behind it much colder air. this area of high pressure really sinking in tomorrow. it will be cold and it will be windy. we're talking about a freeze warning for most of the region for temperatures below 32 degrees. in most locations we'll be in the 20s and with some wind we're talking about wind chills only in the teens. for the next two nights, it will be below 32 degrees. so protect any plants tender vegetation. as far as your tulips and your lillies if they popped already, they will be in jeopardy the daffodils a little bit stronger in this cold weather and of course the pair and cherry trees will have problem because most of them have already popped. beautiful fruit trees throughout the delaware valley and south jersey. we could lose some of our beautiful blooms overnight tonight. the feels like numbers are amazing for the morning it will feel like two below in the poconos. it will feel like 16 in philadelphia. it will feel like millville, energy millville like 15 at 7:00 a.m. by noon a little bit better. wind chills mainly in the 20s by 1:00 o'clock in the pocono it will feel like 14. so we have this arctic cold over us during the day tomorrow. a cold start to the day wednesday. our next system number two comes in on thursday with wet weather but a little bit of warmth. our early april pattern shows the jet stream dipping well down to the mid atlantic and it's going stay here we're talking about temperatures mainly in the 40s and the 50s at least for the next couple of weeks. possibly touching 60 here and there but no major warmups in the weather maps for at least the next seven, 10, even 14 days. in the city overnight, 29. in the suburbs 24 degrees with temperatures tumbling an freeze warning for the morning. the afternoon high only prove 44 degrees much the normal is 60 and winds will be gusting to 30 miles an hour wind chills throughout date only in the 20s and the 30s and on your exclusive fox 297 day forecast, 53 wednesday. our next storm moves in thursd thursday. little bit milder but more rain. friday cooler with showers. chilly saturday. still chilly sunday. and next monday temperatures try to bounce back into the 60s. you can see it's kind of like up and down in between systems just no consistency hopefully villanova will have more consistency the next seven day. fingers crossed. >> exactly. no freeze warning. >> i wore my boots today. did you notice? >> good for for you. >> thank you, kathy. >> eight-year-old boy is in the battle of his life again. his cancer is back but his friends and family call them his hero because he never stops fighting. >> that's why fox's natalie poso reports he got a very special invitation. >> reporter: superman is cool because he has x-ray vision. eight-year-old alex richards was diagnosed with cancer when he was just four years old. it's hard to tell because of how active he is but alex is fighting cancer again for the third time. a little over year ago, he received a bone marrow transplant from his sister. but recently the cancer sells have returned and alex is back in chemo. >> i see what he goes through and he never stops fighting and i don't know he's always been kind of hero to me in a role model to never stop. >> reporter: shelby butler has known alex since he was born and wants to do something special for the boy she considers a brother. batman is cool because he drives nancy yesterday car on the planet. alex is cool because he never stops fighting. i would like my super hero alex to be my date to prom. >> alex said yes. (applause). >> i want him to be able to get out and have fun and not be stuck somewhere in one place. >> alex's parents say what shelby is doing for their son is selfless. >> i think it's going to be more to him when he gets older and looks back on it. right now it's going to be a fun thing. but when he gets older and looks back on it that's when he's going to -- it's going to have a bigger impact on him. >> shelby says she already has her dress. alex has a matching suit. >> happy. >> both say they're excited about their special night. >> me and him could have fun and we can dance and he can do what he wants. he can just enjoy himself. >> natalie poso fox news. see that blanket moving around? that's no child under there. what police say is really going on here and why it is so creepy. and ahead at 6:00 this guy is in big trouble accused of firing his gun at a car in his driveway. why police say it was all over a pet crab. but first message from the wildcats. >> go, villanova! >> it's been a long time so i really hope you guys pull through. good luck, tonight. >> play great defense, shoot the rock like you did the other night and you'll bring it home. ♪ go paperless, don't stress, girl ♪ ♪ i got the discounts that you need ♪ ♪ safe driver ♪ accident-free ♪ everybody put your flaps in the air for me ♪ ♪ go paperless, don't stress, girl ♪ ♪ i got the discounts that you need ♪ ♪ safe driver ♪ accident-free ♪ everybody put your flaps in the air for me ♪ i can't lip-synch in these conditions. ♪ savings ♪ oh, yeah take a good look at the right side of your screen. you see that kids blanket moving? police say that's a burglar trying to use the blanket as cover while he hit the place. police in new zealand released this video. they didn't say how the guy got into the house but they did say did he get away with some cash and jewelry. we've all scene police k9 units but have you ever heard officers using cats for a drug search? one utah officer's body cam was rolling as he told drivers he was part of the feel line unit. >> i do have my feel line partner with me. i'm going to deploy my cat around the outside of your vehicle. this is officer frufru she's been with the department for eight years. i can keep playing with you. this is an april fool's joke. (laughter). >> i thinking -- >> there's no feline unit. >> pretty funny. you her the officer it was all an april fool's joke but had the drivers confused to say the least. they put the video on their facebook page inter has more than 3 million views. villanova one win away from a national championship fans from all across the country traveled to houston to seat wildcats magical run. >> fox 29 photojournalist bill rohrer in houston in the middle of all that fan excitement. ♪ >> reporter: in college basketball there's nothing bigger than the final four. when you're a villanova fan like jamie -- >> for me not much beats this. it's life let alone sport the. >> reporter: you'll do anything to get here. >> we flew from newark to austin, drove from austin to houston yesterday. >> reporter: overseen hours but jamie is not alone. thousands of fans are here at nrg stadium just to watch the team practice. even if they didn't go to villanova. >> i went to st. joe'. >> did he say st. joe'. >> i have a son that went to pimple. i went to st. joes. my daughter goes to lasalle. >> it's been a long time since a championship 2008. we need something. >> for some it may be just a way to connect with the city. for others it's a way to remember. >> i was at the final four when i was 11 years old. >> how good this georgetown team is. >> jamie and his late father john watched nova upset georgetown in the 1985 national championship. >> jamie hadn't taught about the game until march rod presley posted this picture on facebook. >> i compelled to look and i looked behind the backboard and you can see my dad and myself as an 11-year-old in that picture i felt like my dad was reaching tout me to say i'm with you i'm rooting them on. >> some people at the game may never reel remember the final score. but in life who really cares? it's not just about basketball much it's about life and i feel like my dad, you know, right here with me. it means a lot to me. >> in houston, bill rohrer fox 29 news. ♪ next at 62:00 robbers do real damage at a local convenience store. it look like they're just pulling a stack of paper from the other side of this barrier but it was actually worth big money. plus, no charges for lesean mccoy in connection with this nightclub brawl. what the da says was missing from the case that let's the athlete off the hook. >> nobody gave us a chance as you know and -- >> how the 1985 championship villanova team is passing the torch to today's while cats. ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. villanova fans are gearing up for today's big matchup in houston. ready to support their team and tonight they hope they'll be running around campus in celebration again just like they did after saturday's big win. good evening, i'm dawn timmeney. >> i'm iain page. millions will be watching as the wildcats take on good north carolina team. we've got team coverage for you tonight. tom srendenschek is in houston for us but let's begin tonight with bill anderson live on nova's campus with a look how police are preparing ahead of tonight's out come. bill? >> reporter: guys, there's still several hours before the game and students are already making their way down the road to the watch party. they're hoping to celebrate late into the night. the administration hopes to celebrate as well but they have a word of caution for the students. >> it's a big game hours away the students are hyped waiting for their chance to celebrate villanova's first basketball championship in over 30 years. large numbers of students made the trek to houston but the excitement is equally high on the mainline campus. >> a lot of people are going watch right here in the pavilion here on campus. they have organized something for us so that we can all be a part of it i think it's going to be just insane. really special to watch. >> reporter: with hopes of a victory comes the hope of a celebration and both students and the administration are preparing jus

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