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Its my understanding that most of the people that were wounded most of the victims were all centrally located in one area of the facility. Had with any weapons or body armor anything like that been recovered. In terms of the employee its my understanding this facility has state and county employees as well as folks that work for a number of organizations. Regional Center Serves a number of organizations that treat mental hillness type issues and that sort of stuff. I dont have any idea i know that state and local county employees work there. Die not in any of them are the victims or who they are at this point. I do not have any information any children were involved. Weapons used the number of people involved here. Question from reporter. Were these men using and shooting at people. Preliminary information indicates these were people who came prepared they were dressed and equipped in a way to indicate they were prepared, and they were had long guns, not hand guns. Die not know what type of long guns. How were they dressed . I dont know. Have any of those weapons been recovered at the scene. We have no weapons recovered at this point. What were they wearing . Sorry. Chief, can i ask for clarification. You said upwards of 14 dead . What does upwards mean . The preliminary number we have right now is there are 14 people that are deceased and our count is another 14 people that have been taken to various hospitals for significant injuries potential related to gunshots. He also have a number of other people that may have had minor types of injuries. They fell down in the course of fleeing or something of that nature, but roughly about 14 we believe are wounded. I would imagine there are were not that far in the investigation. Question from reporter. The whole thing i think dont worry about it. Theyll be searched. Is there a possibility there are more deceased or wounded inside of that Regional Center . I think that that could be a possibility, yes. I dont think were comfortable saying no at this point. Bomb technicians recovered anything which is or looked like an ied inside the building . As the teams were going through and searching, searching for the suspects and essential fog victims there were things in the building that were not immediately identifiable that caused them concern. As a result of that, we do have some bomb techs on site checking that out. I do not know if they were brought in by suspects we do not know if they are bombs of any sort. Just simply things ross our teams were moving through said that needs to be look at a little more closely. They havent taken anything apart or destroyed anything. I dont have any information on that. Do you have any video. Have you found any vehicles you believe are related to this . Not that i know of at this point. Witnesses said the gunman said anything, did they say anything . We dont have anything specific from the witnesses. This is the only active scene were working. What about security teams that may have been shot at. Thats particle part of the investigation. I dont have that at this point. The vehicle, can you talk about that. Thats all we have. Very generic upwards of three suspects darker suv. Suspects were in camouflage. I never heard camouflage. What were they wearing . Ive repeatedly been told the number is three. Keep in mind this is information that is flowing in as people are talking to witnesses very quickly. As we put everything together some of this may change. We know these are fluid situations and some of the information we put out now may change a little bit in the future. We are addressing other facilities in the area that we think may be similar or may be but we dont have any information or any Credible Threats to any other facilities at this point. But obviously were on a heightened sense of alert. We would ask the public that they be on a heightened sense of alert. If they come across Information Contact us and let us investigate it. Question from reporter. I put out what i have. One report i heard masks were involved but i dont know that to be definitive at this point. Question from reporter. Yes. Im not going to talk about it. Did the gunmen say anything during the attacks, during the shooting. Not that im aware of. Any sort of threats made prior to . Thats part of the investigation. Were not going to talk specifically about that right now. Question from reporter. I want to say thank you fire chiefs and everything for your guys response. I appreciate that. Thank you very much. Question from reporter. A few minutes. Based on how well armed these. Appears the signal has dropped out. Breaking news on fox 29, carnage in california. It has happened again. Another mass shoot tag center for people with disabilities. 10 to 20 people shot. Several people believed dead even more injured. Theyre kind of running out and ducking under behind cars. Tonight the fallout from the type of crime that is becoming all too familiar. News indeed breaking in california right now. A terrifying scene happening right before our eyes. At least 14 people dead. This we know from the News Conference we just heard. 14 others injured at the hospital right now. This is a very active search for three of the suspected shooters happening right now. San bernardino, california thats about an hour outside of los angeles to the east. Traumatized people inside the building have been reaching out to family and friends asking for prayers and describing the gunman as Wearing Masks and body armor. All of this, of course, preliminary. Im lucy noland. Thanks for joining us. Im iain page. First calls came into 911 around 2 30 east coast time. Lets get right to jeff cole keeping tabs on this situation throughout the afternoon for us in the newsroom. Jeff . For the first time here weve gotten solid numbers from the police chief who just stepped in front of the cameras which we broadcast live. 14 dead, 14 injured out there in california. They believe up to three shooters. Here we go. This is unfolding at the inland Regional Center. Its described as a large adult center which helps those with disabilities. Heres the reporting at this point. The suspects one to three as the chief said up to three walked into the building entered a Conference Room and started shooting. As the Police Officer said just moments ago they were losing long guns. Described as heavily armed and wear Tactical Gear or military style attire. The equipment you would see on a swat team or special forces in the military. Several news outlets including the la times report the shooters or shooter got away. Let me stop for a minute and tell you the police chief says in fact they did get away in some sort of black suv. Right now, people are looking for an suv as i say possibly a black yukon that left the scene just as this was all happening. Reports are in fact that a driver calmly just sort of drove off. Police have not confirmed that is the actual get away car. But just moments ago, the chief steps forward out there in says they believe they got i was nay a black suv possible al black yukon. Our skyfox in la showing chilling images that weve seen all too often in this country. Terrified people streaming out of a building where theres been one of these horrible mass shooting incidents. Under heavy guard office with their hands up no telling what they may have seen inside the building itself and now with an active search for whoever did it. Authorities take nothing chances that the shooter in fact may have been in their midst at first when they got there. They believe for the most part theyve cleared it but as the chief just said he cant actually be sure. Its reported there are 670 people who work inside several buildings there. Three at this building. Family members have been getting messages describing the shooting and people locking themselves in offices. Listen to this emotional father describe the text he got from his daughter before he ran down to the scene. My daughter is in there. She texted us about 30 minutes ago. Shooting at my work. People shot. In the office waiting for cops. Pray for us. I am locked in an office. Thats it. Reporter again, witnesses describe one to three or as the chief said up to three shooters sane it all happened rapidly. The attackers in Tactical Gear shot people in Conference Room of a center thats helped people wis disabilities. That center had been rented out and apparently had been rented out to employees in the county and theres some belief that the attackers may have been focused not on the facility itself but on the people inside that Conference Room. Right now police are looking for a black yukon suv. We are on top of it here in the use room. The latest reporting is 14 dead. 14 injured. When we get more information, we will certainly get it back to you. Lucy . All right, thank you very much, jeff cole. Joining us right now is Upper Darby Police superintendent Michael Chitwood. You were watching the News Conference with us as authorities were going over the preliminary information that they have. What were your thoughts . My first thought is, this is what were trained to do in this day and age and thats trained to deal with an active shooter. Its important to understand what an active shooter is. An active shooter is an individual or individuals who kill or attempt to kill large masses of people in a confined area. This is the scenario. The first thing that the police do, the very first officers there to go in and try and take out the threat immediately. There is no negotiating much there is no talk. Take out the threat. Once you take out the threat, or secure the threat, then other personnel, medical personnel come in and help evacuate those that are obviously wounded. Get them out. Then you need to start a search for the individual responsible for these types of activities. I mean, these individuals that do this stuff and were seeing it like week until america today, theyre maniacs. I call them urban terrorist Social Security what i call th them. Theyre terrorists definitely. Period. Now, this scenario obviously youre very very early night. So theres lot of intelligence that has to be gathered. Theres a lot of information that has to be retrieved and you put together they got the threat which obviously whether they got away or whether theyre hiding in the building, that will be theyre looking through all of that right now. One thing is interest we can just talk about it. Usually you tack about active shooter training. Weve got three here. Right. So what does that tell you if anything . If theres a realism to the three, thats very concerning, because thats not the norm. The norm is usually one, maybe two. When you have three, with the initial reports, which is very important, the initial reports they were wearing combat gear, tactical outfit armed with long guns thats a different scenario but the training that the police do is exactly the same. Take out the threat. Superintendent, this training really was born out of columbine. Correct. Before it was a much different scenario. You kind of secured the perimeter. Now youre going n which you you willy stepping over victims to get to that threat while youve got people coming up behind you, right, to help the people that are wounded . Thats correct. We train in most Police Departments train with medical personnel. We train to go in and take out the threat. Its a war. Its combat. Exactly what it is. Its a combat zone. It used to be you guys would deescalate, negotiate and now as lucy talk about you look to go in and take out the threat but there are dangers with that as we saw most recently in that plant parenthood shooting one of the officers raced in and was fatally shot. Thats the tragedy of what we do. Thats why we do what we do. But thats the training. I mean, you got to stop the active shooter. A quick question here. We have seen this campus today. Youve seen the campus as well its a large campus. Three large buildings surrounded by very large parking lot free ways are nearby. Now they just said theyre still searching through these buildings to make sure that everything is secure. So when you as the superintendent in upper darby you hear this, there are all kinds of nooks and crannies. Theres duct systems much this is has got to be intensive. Its very intensive, and again, its coordinating evident. If anything would happen, anywhere, youre going to have in this particular case you got the fbi, the Sheriffs Department and local Police Department. Theyve trained together. So they will be able to secure the area. Secure the perimeter and then do their search and then as as the incident goes on or the tragedy goes on, youll be able to get the intelligence you need to do the investigation. But right now youre very preliminarily into a horrible tragedy. They might still have more wounded people out there. Absolutely. Absolutely. Theyll stumble across. The death toll 14 by the time its done could be 25. Can you talk about the challenges weve seen this area is massive. Buildings are massive and spread out. What are some of the challenges when you deal Something Like this as opposed to something more concentrated . The main challenge that you have is being able to secure and get the wounded out as quickly as possible. Thats the first challenge. The threat is already done. Now in that area. In that particular area. So youre going secure the area. Secure the area by searching every nook and cranny that has to be to make sure no suspects are hiding in there. Or anything left behind . Any type of any type of physical evidence. But thats all part of the actual search of the premises. All right. To secure it. Upper darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood thank you so much for coming in on this tragic day and kind of shedding more light on this very dark matter. Thank you. Meantime, president obama spoke to cbs news about the shooting just a short time ago. Lets listen to what he had to say. Our hearts go out to the victims and the families. The one thing we do know is that we have pattern now of Mass Shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world, and theres some steps we can take not to eliminate everyone of these Mass Shootings but to improve the odds that they dont happen as frequently. Common sense, gun safety laws, stronger background checks and, you know, for those who are concerned about terrorism, some may be aware of the fact that we have a no fly list where people cant get on planes but those same people who we dont allow to fly could go into a store right now in the United States and buy a firearm and theres nothing we can do to stop them. Youve license listening to president obama talk about this mass shooting in San Bernardino, california. Lets go back to Fox News Channel and the breaking details as they come in. In the sky following any kind of car that they happen to be chasing for any kind of circumstances. The fact that these three apparently got away in what is being termed by officials here as a dark colored suv seems extraordinary to all of us who have covered Law Enforcement action for so long here in Southern California. Schep, again, the words of the police chief they came here as if they were on a mission. Schep . You know, i was sort of surprised that they didnt have any kind of specifics at all. I mean how can we understand that they dont even know the race of these people or how many of them there are at this point how can we make sense of that . It does seem extraordinary. They are as they said interviewing witnesses and survivors as quickly as they possibly can. In this situation, we should always understand that Law Enforcement might not for very good reasons be telling us everything they know. You would think that by now having interviewed at least portion of those who were in that room where the shooting happened they will know whether any of the shooters said anything, they will know the specific words they said and they will have better descriptions than we are currently being given. Shep. We can hope theyre sitting on them somewhere. That they have them surrounded somewhere and theyre not able to get away and do anything el else. But theres nothing to indicate that. Not at this moment. Going back to ive just gotten a transcript of what we just heard. Preliminary indicates these people came prepared. They were dressed and equipped in a way to indicate they were prepared. Whoever did this, think this through with me, they had to get this Tactical Gear from somewhere, right . Maybe as a part of their work, they had Tactical Gear. Maybe not. Maybe they had to buy this Tactical Gear something anybody can do online. They to get this tack to tical gear together. They had to plan the drive in. They had to plan getting in, doing the shooting and they had to plan the escape. Knowing that the authorities would be there like that. They had to plan this walking out slowly. Remember the man behind the water truck with his own weapon calm remember the phone call with him . Saying he watched this man come walking out of that building walked very slowly to this suv and this suv driving away in a slow, normal way. Couldnt see the license plate. He said at the time he thought it was black. Authorities apparently have gotten this from multiple people and all their comfortable with saying a dark suv. For while they were saying a yukon now theyre just saying a dark suv. In essence what theyre telling us they dont have any idea. They dont know what kind of vehicle it is. They dont know what kind of people were in there. They dont know when way it went. Think of it if theres a big shooting happen and people are runging out with their hands up and people coming out bloodied and looking for ambulances youll going to be look at a time black suv going 5 miles an hour through a parking lot. No, youre not going to be look ago at it if youre a guy prepared for this like our one guest, had his weapon told his employees what to do you might come out and watch and say, all right, look a that the suv. And apparently there were a couple of others like that because authorities are comfortable enough telling us they believe that they may have escaped in a dark colored suv. But beyond that, did they take the 210 west or i should say the 215 north or the 10 freeway west . That airport i was mentioning earlier there is an airport right there but its not a regular commercial airport. But nobody saw them do anything past that because everyone is converging on the scene. Now, 14 people are dead. 14 people are injured and it sounds like something out of a hollywood movie. A script that would have been rejected because its just not the kind of thing that can really happen. Three people cant go in and Tactical Gear armed with head to toe with long guns. They cant go walking into Municipal Center like this. They cant murder 14 people, leave 14 more injured others who were injured in other ways and calmly walk out and calmly drive away without being caught for three hours and 22 minutes. Thats not possible. It wouldnt work for hollywood. Us happened this morning in San Bernardino, california and the nightmare lives on. The nightmare lives on for people who are still waiting to learn where these people are and how much danger theyre in. All of the schools are locked down. All of the municipal buildings are locked down. City hall is now locked down. Im guessing people in their homes are locked down at this moment wondering who are these people and where are they . Or are they somewhere . We just simply do not know. We know the president has been briefed. The president has spoken on this matter and more and our correspondent peter doocy down in washington with details on that. Peter . Reporter shepard, its really extraordinary to hear from the president when there is so much unknown about the event. Normally the president would wait until things are more settled until we know more about the people who may or may not be involved. But he had a pre scheduled interview that he kept and a reporter put him on the spot. This is how he summarized what he had heard. My hope is that they were able to contain this particular shooting and we dont yet know what the motives of the shooters are. But what we do know is that there are steps we can take to make americans safer and that we should come together in a bipartisan basis at every level of government to, you know, make these rare as opposed to normal. We should never think that this is something that just happens in the ordinary course of events because it doesnt happen with the same frequency in other countries. Reporter perhaps most significant thing the president said there in terms of figuring out what exactly happened is he said, shooters. The authorities there in california have said that there were up to three people involved with this. The president though who has been briefed in that interview said he didnt know what the shooters motives were. So that is very important but that is all that we know right now from the white house because this was just happening as the briefing was going on and josh earnest had no idea about any of it. So really thats it from the president for now. He actually said upwards of three and normal that means, here we have three and here would be upwards of three. So upwards of three. That means three or more. But three is the number weve heard early over and over again and that is what the Sheriffs Office said just a moment ago. Three. Be that as it may, three guys who were in Tactical Gear and carrying lon long guns. They didnt find any weapons so they are assuming as all of us would those people took their weapons with them if the cops didnt fine them then they took them with them. They still running around in Tactical Gear . Or on a northern Southern California day wonder aig round in shorts and tshirts and could be the person walking next to you . Its a thought that gives you pause, doesnt it . I mean, who is it who just went in there and murdered these people and calmly walked out like walking out of mcdonalds off to the suv and calmly driving away. Brett kelman from the desert Sun Newspaper reporter there across the freeway from the building there. Brett, good afternoon. What can you add . Well, im on the west side of the secure area where Law Enforcement will walking out dozens and dozens possibly upwards of a hundred people out of the out of the and it was incredibly heartbreaking thing you had bystanders lined up against police tape looking for faces of people they knew. And they will shout back and forth. I saw one woman who was in tears asking if anyone had seen her mother and eventually someone said they had and then she had the sense of relief. I saw another woman who saw someone she knew and asked about friend and the response was, i saw her. Shes okay. She was with me. I promise. But some of these bystanders who are lined up on the tape are not going to get reassuring news. Horrible scene to witness. Reporter i wonder how much if im sitting in San Bernardino right now and hell just civilian and the police are telling me three people came in here and shot the place up and we dont have any idea who they are, where they are, youd have a hard time getting me out and about to go do things tonight. For instance the National Christmas tree is about to be lit in washington and were going to hear from the new Speaker Paul Ryan in a minute. Hes going to talk about this. If this had happened in my city, i think id have hard time getting out and about. You know. I think there are a large number of people in San Bernardino who are just absolutely dumb founded right now. This is a city that has been plagued by gun violence and sight Violent Crime for years. But that does not prepare you for Something Like this. Something far more on the level of warfare, tactical assault, and its just everyone ive spoken to has said, you know, we have shootings but not like th this. So i cant imagine that people are hitting the streets of the town to go out and have fun and recreation tonight because no one knows where these guys are and what theyre going to do next. Reporter they dont. Brett kelman on the line with us a reporter for the desert sun. One of the things that we do know now a lot of officers have just arrived at the medical center. Thats not far from there, right, brett . No. I believe its just on the other side of the complex where i am now. Reporter yeah. A lot of cops have just arrived there and theyre a number of different explanations of this. Theyre not speaking. One of them theyre there to interview witnesses. Some of these people who were injured, weve gotten word from one of the hospitals that five people are there and four of them wait. One critical, five others stable at aero head regional. Thats six. Thats sick of the 14. Some of the rest of those are at low mel linda and maybe the cops are there to talk with them and maybe they think one of the shooters might have been one of the injury. I dont have any way to know. All i can know now is that authorities have told us theres three suspects and just sort of almost casual way they said, you know, we dont know who they a are. We dont know where we are. Were listening to Fox News Channel live with shepard smith. A mass shooting in San Bernardino, california. 14 people dead. 14 people injured. Three gunmen on the loose. Authorities are not saying if they know where they are, where theyre at but we do know they are not apprehended. Count on fox 29 news to keep you posted on this breaking story. Well have the details through on the the newscast as those details do come in. Of course, well bring them to you live and immediately. Meanwhile closer to home the rain picks up a little bit before it moves out. Weve been getting soaked for more than 24 hours now but the end is in sight. Things will feel much different when all this rain clears out of here. Lets check in with meteorologist kathy orr. Iain it certainly will feel much different. Its going get windy and much cooler around here. Take a look at ultimate doppler. You can see a few more showers moving our way. Right now in a lull in philadelphia. But spotty showers, some drizzle and fog expected right through the evening hours. Visible in the pocono mountains 1 mile. Half mile visible in atlantic city. So if youre going out tonight, be prepared for a very slow drive this evening. Not much rain today. A couple tenths of an inch a little more this evening. Hell be back with the chilling forecast a little bit ladder on in the broadcast. All right. Well talk to you then kathy. Were staying on top of breaking news out of the Southern California. Police continuing their search for three gunmen. The number were hearing three it could be different, though. Behind todays mass shooting in San Bernardino. Witnesses say they watched the done men dressed in what we initially had heard as military style Tactical Gear open fire inside a Conference Room a social Services Center. There was a Holiday Party going on at the time. Right now, authorities are telling us at least 14 people are dead. At least 14 others are at local hospitals. Many more are injured but do not require immediate medical attention and many more could still be unaccounted for win that building. Investigators say theyre looking for a dark colored suv likely the get away vehicle for the shooters. Right now, police are locking down courts, increasing patrols at other public facilities. Schools theyre on lock down as well. Law enforcement officers throughout the country trained for days like this all the time. But how can you prepare for the worst case scenario. Lieutenant Christopher Flanagan with the Radnor Police Department Joins us now. Lieutenant, you do help train your officers for active shooters. Today it seems like there was more than one. Possibly three. What does this entail . It entails first a lot of training and pre planning an officers around this region spend a lot of Time Training for this very unfortunate situation and when the incident occurs, we have what i would call literal al regional response. Not only locally but federally and state officials all come to assist on a situation such as this. These kind of situations as you know are unpredictable. They change quickly. It has gone from what you useed to is deescalate to now you guys apparently rush in to try to contain this threat we saw what happened in colorado and what could have happened here today. A lot of times theres a loss of life when you First Responders rush in to try to contain this active shooter. Correct. In Columbine High School dynamic change for Law Enforcement where weve changed our protocols where we are going in to stop the active shooter and begin saving lives as soon as possib possible. You know, lieutenant flanagan, this obviously when you are going into situations like this, this is no less than a combat zone. You have no idea what youre walking into. However, the shoots in there do know most likely you are coming for them. In a situation like today, where it looks like these three gunmen if indeed it is three, may have got away, what do you think happened here . Without the confirmed details its very hard for to us say. But we spend a lot of Time Training three weeks ago we were in training with the fb. And our officers are prepared. We do have highpowered rifles, extra ballistic vests, military style helmets. So our officers are prepared to gear up and go after either one person or multiple assailants in attempt to neutralize them we do train for this. We hope it doesnt occur but we are ready for that type of situation and we would also call for lot of help early and fast in these type of situations due to our training and what we see unfortunately unfolding around the country. This happened unfortunately all too often you talk about that lieutenant. Sort of a layered response. Do you have like units of equipped officers as well as medical people that you respond to . Not only the training actually goes very broad. It includes fire and ems personnel as well. But we also learned to train together and it doesnt matter what Police Department youre from. Whether youre federal officer, a local officer, state trooper, we are teaming up. Were teaming up in different teams, and we will go after an active shooter and stop it as soon as possible. And then we immediately begin rendering care and cleaning up the situation and then well conduct the investigation. All right. Lieutenant Christopher Flanagan, thank you very much from the Radnor Police depth. We very much appreciate your insight today. Youre welcome. We have been hearing all kinds of witnesses talking today including one from a mom. Yeah, a mom i actually got call from her daughter who said there was a shooting inside that building. Lets list stop this emotional sound. What can you tell me . You got a text from your daughter, right . No, actually she called me and they patched her through. Okay. And she told me there was a shooter in her building and that they went into a room and locked the door. I told her turn off the lights and i havent tried to call her i didnt want phone rinking. Okay. Thats okay. I know its really difficult. When she talked with you she was okay at that time . She was okay because she was hidden in a room. They didnt know where the shooters were and then i dont know what happened. Its okay. She had heard the shots, though . I dont know if she her the shots or if they were in another building and they were walking around. Im not sure. Youve obviously been standing here watching. There have been so many people passing by and you havent seen her yet . Yes. Yes. They said she was in the golf course. I just want to know where theyre going to take them. At least we know shes safe. Shes at the golf course. Thats good news. Gout good support here, too. I do. You guys know each other. Imagine being that mom or a dad or anybody who has somebody stuck in that building with shooting going on. Your heart just breaks. Count on fox 29 news to keep you posted on this breaking story. The moment new details come in of course well bring them to you throughout the newscast immediately. Developing right now, tragedy in cumberland county. The search for a mother and her three month old daughter comes to a heartbreaking end in vineland. Investigators recovered their bodies late last night. Now investigators are turning their attention on the man who may have been responsible for their deaths. Fox 29s karen hepp has that story. Reporter one of these cases thats just so shocking. A baby a little tiny baby murdered along with her mother. Shed been missing both of them since friday. And then the bad news. In fact they had been murdered. They do have the suspect in custody. The news came today from right here at the vineland police. Rah ramirez home total despair. Her familiar tool upset to spe speak. Their worse fears realized last night. Police found the missing thirty fouryearold fouryearolds body along her lifeless three month old baby genesis in western cumberland county. Facebook campaign to find her is now flooded with sadness and condolences. Stephanie writes are hearts are broken. Theres nothing that can be sa said. Please continue to pray for neidys family, mother works sisters and her sons and the rest of the family. I think its very sad. I think its sad for the family. I mean they just had thanksgiving with their whole family and now two kids dont have a mom and a three month old dont have chance at life. Reporter police say 34yearold ricardo santiago is the killer. He is the father of one of her older children. Appears some sort of dispute going on. Reporter last time anyone saw neidy alive at this laundromat on friday afternoon. Police think she and her baby were likely killed that night. Her car was found here on route 55w she didnt show up for work on monday her friends suspectesuspected something hord happened. Now the ending they all were dreading. It is really tragic. Its a shame that things like this are still happening in this day and age. Suspect in this case is cooperating actually came in for questioning yesterday because he is obviously a father of one of the children. During those conversations thats when it became revealed that he was in fact the suspect in this case and then was later charged. He will be arraigned on those charges tomorrow and thats when we expect to learn a lot more details about exactly what happened and how this little baby and her mother were killed. From vineland, im karen hepp fox 29 news. Cumberland county to San Bernardino, california where there have been a mass shooting three gunmen that we know of on the loose right now. 14 people dead. 14 injured. Our coverage continues right after this. Son, the Holiday Seasons just like football season. You got your big games. Cheese plates, turkey, appetizers. And regular games. Get it all at a great price. And the Holiday Season is won. Thats my boy fill your cart with everything you need this season, all at one place. My giant. We continue to stay on top of breaking news out of San Bernardino, california. That is about 60 miles east of los angeles where there has been a mass shooting out there today. Police tell us they are looking for three shooters who were Wearing Masks. They apparently left this area in San Bernardino in a dark colored suv 14 people dead at least 14 injured. This is still developing as this investigation continues. For all intense and purposes. San bernardino is shut down on lock down courts are closed. City and county buildings are on lock down. Schools are on lock down. Now police are being joined by the Sheriffs Department. By the california highway patr patrol. By the atf, by the fbi, the list goes on. This is one of these things where all hands are on deck because these gunman are still out there and they do not know authorities do not know if they have got all the wounded at this point in time. Theyre still going through this very large complex of buildings three of them on diss campus they do social services work. Today that was a Holiday Party from what we understand these gunmen came in during this Holiday Party for county health workers, we believe, and opened fire. Why . We do not know. One of the things that was asked at this News Conference about 20 minutes ago is this terrorist related . Well, they dont know at this point in time. They dont even know who these gunmen are. So well have much more on this, of course, as the details continue to come in on this breaking story there in Southern California. On to developing story closer to home a bucks county accountant arrested accused of stealing tens of thousands of dollars from a 100yearold woman. Prosecutors say the accountant did it by writing unauthorize checks and a lot of them. They say she used the money for all kinds of things. Even to pay her state and federal taxes. Fox 29s dawn timmeney has the story. Reporter this is a story of a trusted family accountant taking advantage according to the District Attorney of a 100yearold client who lives in an assisted living facility in middletown township. The two had a longstanding relationship and according to investigators somehow that accountant convinced elizabeth web to sign over her power of attorney. She was working with the victim in this case for over 22 years so 22 years she was her accountant and they had no reason to mistrust her. Reporter but in january of 2013, Delaware County District Attorney jack whelan says that trust was broken. Whelan says this woman jean swain a Certified Public Accountant out of yardley convinced her oneyearold client to give her financial power of attorney. Shortly aft the power of attorney the accountant went and started accessing miss webs account and then started embezzling basic. Reporter worry talking big bucks. District Attorney Says she stole more than 116,000 over a thre threeyear period writing checks to herself and family members. She wrote numerous checks to her exhusband of 14 years much hes 14 years an ex. Da says the motive plane and simple a huge gambling problem. She has a habit of betting, betting big, and we able to document through the records at parx casino over the last five years shes lost almost 300,000 in gambling funds. Reporter thats why investigators believe there may be more victims out there. When youre winning and los losing and youve already stole from one victim, 100yearold woman, shortly after you obtained the power of attorney for them, i would expect that shes convinced other individuals to give her the power of attorney form. The District Attorneys office is asking anyone who thinks they may have been victimized by jean swain to contact their office. Fortunately elizabeth webbs son noticed irregularities in her finances and contacted authorities before her bank account was completely wiped out. Dawn timmeney, fox 29 news. All right. We continue to staton of this breaking news out in San Bernardino, california about 60 miles east of los angeles. Where we do know that there are three shooters who are now on the run. They have left this area in a dark colored suv opened fire earlier today. 14 people dead and at least 14 people injured. The chief of police of San Bernardino saying quote they came here as if they were on mission. The breaks news continues. We are back in a moment right here on fox 29. News breaking terrifying scene happening really before our eyes in San Bernardino, california. That is east of the los angeles in the inland empire. What youre looking at right there is basically the Tactical Center for a large group of authorities. Were talking hundreds of people from federal, state and local all convening right there on the search for at least three gunmen in a dark colored vehicle that basically wreaked havoc inside of a center for disabled people there in San Bernardino, california. 14 people dead that we know of. 14 people injured so badly theyre at hospitals right now. That we know of. These numbers are preliminary and ever changing. Some of them could still be out there. Investigation still continues and theyre still trying to discover people who may have been injured in that melee that happen. Well stay on top of this and bring you more details throughout this newscast. Meantime closer to home, were finally going maybe dry out some. After tonight. Umhmm. A couple days of rain. Were kind of tired of it. We need it but were moving on. Right. It will turn colder feeling much more like the month of december. At least for the next couple of days. Now, right now, were looking at a few showers. Take look at ultimate doppler a break in the action over philadelphia. You see that clearing in between some showers down the shore and some showers to the north and west. A little more drizzle areas of fog expected tonight at the airport. Everything going on as scheduled but a little bit damp and dreary. Right now the temperature 59 degrees. That is the high for the day. Winds out of South Southwest they will be shifting and cooler air moving in overnight. 53 in pottstown. 52 in allentown even the pocono mountains at 48. The mild weather will be replaced by cooler temperatures overnight as a cold front moves through. Still mild and moist visibility reduced in the poconos down to quarter mile. 3mile visibility in millville thats improved. Atlantic city only an eighth a of mile visible at the airport. Surely some delays there. Now as we look ahead, spotty showers expected during the evening and into the overnight. Some clearing developing as well in the wake of a cold front. Tomorrow morning will be chilly with strong northwesterly winds. Strong enough that we could even hear of a few flurries in the poconos. Definitely some lake enhanced snow showers through central Pennsylvania Associated with these really cold fierce winds. Gradual clearing during the day on thursday. In the poconos perhaps a flurry. Well take it. West winds gusting to 25 even 30 miles an hour during the day. And turning cooler temperatures mainly in the 40s tomorrow. So in the wake of this front, it turns much cooler. High pressure builds in and the bonus will be the sunshine. Sunny skies for thursday. Into friday, even over the weekend with a warmup. Tomorrow morning, though, winds gusting out of the west in philadelphia to 30 miles an hour. The same in pottstown. Wilmington gusting to 23 and the winds pretty much continue throughout the day. By 7 00 p. M. Tomorrow evening still gusting out of the west in philadelphia to about 26 miles an hour. In the city overnight, 45. A cool 40 in the suburbs. Some leftover mist and drizzle. Tomorrow the high 51 which is seasonal and were looking ahead to some sunshine. As you plan your day tomorrow a chilly start when you wake up, 45. Winds increase bite lunch hour with whipping winds in the afternoon after school an cold wind into the dinner hour with 45 degrees. On your seven day forecast, warming up over the weekend. Saturday 56. Sunday as hanukkah begins at sundown the afternoon high 59 degrees. Monday 54. The next chance of rain will not come until tuesday. Wednesday looks another rainy day with a tighe high testimony cher of 55 degrees. So any last minute plans, any holiday parties, looking good this weekend. Yeah. 59 on sunday. I know. I know you were eyeing that one. That one jumps out at you. Thank you very much. This is a tragic day in San Bernardino, california. We have been following breaking news for hours at this point. A mass shooting at a social Services Center to help disabled people a very large one in San Bernardino. If youre not familiar with it, if you go east of los angeles about 60 or so miles youll run right into it. Its at the intersection of a bunch of different free ways in the area that goes go to various states like nevada and off to arizona and the reason im saying this is because there were three gunmen right now that we know of that are on the loose and authorities do not know at least theyre not saying that they know where they are. They do have a be on the look out issued. It seems like they want everybody to look out for a dark colored suv. So they are in this area that is close to freeway that is can take them to nevada, arizona, take them back to la. Who knows where they are . Scary situation and one thats continuing to develop. Well stay on top of it. Three shooter shooters as lucy e on the look out for in a dark colored suv. 14 people dead and at least 14 injured. Well stay on top of this. Were back with more right after this. Grover cleveland here. Yes, the dashing fellow on the thousanddollar bill. 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I mean you put yourself in that position. Youre a mom, im a dad. Exactly. Were coming into here is you can see from the banner that there has been a mass shooting in San Bernardino, california. That fathers daughter was in the middle of that whole thing teching her daddy saying, pray for us. It happened shortly before noon west coast time when there was what from what we understand a Holiday Party in a Conference Room that was rented out for from what we understand by the San Bernardino county Health Department for employees. All a sudden possibly three men in masks in Tactical Gear with long guns, we dont know what kind, just long guns, come, they barrage in and they start firi firing. Incredible scene, and we do know there are 14 dead and at least 14 injured. This is just a tragic situation. The latest mass shooting weve had to deal with here in this country. We are hearing reports that we will be getting updated News Conference from out in that area and of course if that happens well take it for you live. Were on top of this situation. We will continue this coverage for you at 6 00 oclock right after this. Live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6 00. News is breaking from california. Search for a possibly three people who killed at least 14 people. 14 others injured. So badly weve heard are at the hospital right now. The terror in americas latest mass shooting unfolding as we speak in San Bernardino, which is east of los angeles by around about 60 miles. This is where witnesses describe three men walking into a building opening fire. At least 14 others are hurt and now what has happened to the gunmen who were behind all of this . We do not know. Im lucy knoll. Im iain page. The horror unfolding about an hour outside of los angeles as lucy just mentioned our jeff cole has been tracking the latest since it broke. Jeff whats the newest stuff from the newsroom. Got briefing from the police chief about an hour ago. That is the most Important Information confirmed information that we have. Here we go. Authorities confirm as you guys have reported at least 14 people were killed. Another 14 injured. Some of the injured are in surgery. According to reports by the Los Angeles Times with life threatening injuries. Right now theres an urgent search for the suspects. Up to three shooters say the police who walked into the england Regional Center and opened fire with what were described as long guns likely semiautomatic long guns. Reports are that t

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