Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20151019 : comparemela

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20151019

resulting in the collapse of a towering brick wall. we caught up with both legal teams after the verdict was returned this afternoon. >> we feel like the jury gave this case its every attention and we're very satisfied. we think justice was done in this case with this verdict. >> always been a battle. our hearts and minds and prayers will always go to those victims of the six amazing physical yann ups i believe the civil litigation will tell the complete and true story of all the participants and all the players at layers far ahead -- far above griffin campbell and sean benschop. >> reporter: back here live, you just heard defense attorney mention the name sean benschop. he's the subcontractor who actually testified against campbell during the trial after he plead guilty to six counts of involuntary manslaughter. griffin campbell will be sentenced sometime this january. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, shawnette. right now at 5:00 the coldest weather so far this season is leading up to one of the biggest nights. excitement building at the linc as eagles get ready to take on the giants in a huge game. hopefully, iain, these fans are layered up. >> better be. >> get to the eagles in just a moment. that biting cold and big changes coming in your fox 29 weather authority. let's get right to you fox 29's meteorologist kathy orr life in old tonight with her winter coat. kathy. >> i pull it out, iain. for today only. back out later this month. i'm sure. we're talking about a night that's not going to be as cold as last night. but it will be chilly for the fans in the stands. right now, we're looking at pleasant afternoon little chilly but look at these morning lows philadelphia 35. northeast philadelphia below freezing. wilmington 30. reading 28. atlantic city 28 and most of the area in the 20s and we had our first freeze. right now 54 in the city. 52 to the north and west. in pottstown 52 in allentown and 52 in millville. so we are looking at a clear sky and winds out of the southwest any cloud cover and precipitation will stay to the north tonight. and that will be the rule through the next couple of days. for the monday night chill, kick off 8:30 at the linc. 46 at kickoff and temperatures not falling that much with southwest breezes. keeping the temperature up at 45 degrees. coming up we'll talk more about a temperature swing. a 50-degree temperature swing. 70s will be back in the seven day and, of course, we'll talk about our next rain chance. back here live, look what i found. some eagles fans. >> whoo! >> they actually have tickets. >> are you going to be warm enough? >> oh, yes. >> how many layers? >> right now one but i have another pair and a blanket. >> okay. >> and this fellow is from nebraska you're taking your son along. >> yeah, nebraska. >> are you pumped up? >> yeah. i love going to football games. i've never been to monday night football game. >> you've been to eagles game. >> oh, yes. last week. >> are you going to be loud. oh, yeah. >> oh, boy. if this is any indication it could be an interesting night fort birds. back to you. >> all right, kathy. it is a huge night fort bird and their fans some of whom we just heard from the eagles taking on the giants at home we've got team coverage for you. howard isocline break it all down for us coming up. let's begin with jennifer joyce whose been hanging out with some of the fans. jennifer. >> reporter: good evening, iain. so great to hear those pumped up fans in old city we have a lot of pumped upped fans down here at the linc. some of the tailgators arrived at 12:30. the lots opened at 1:30a big game tonight and eagles need this win. >> e-a-g-l-e-s! >> reporter: eagles fans at lincoln financial field are full of energy and full of faith. >> we're going to win. >> reporter: that the birds can pull off victory against rival team the new york giants in prime time monday night matchup. >> eagles by nine. >> i think we are going to win. >> this is the start of the season. in my eyes this is the home opener. i'm erasing the cowboys game and we start the season tonight. >> reporter: if the two and three eagles secure a win tonight they'll be tied for first place in the nfc east. >> it is a huge game. difference of being tied for first or maybe season being over. >> reporter: make or break game. >> we got big which are ease yo. bacon wrapped pizza burger. >> in your face pre-game meal. >> any time we have monday night football it's bacon wrapped everything. >> reporter: this chef is hoping to see the eagles smoke the giants like they did last year's 27-zero blackout game. >> if the eagles can put together a full game for once this year they'll definitely win it. >> reporter: everyone we talk to definitely thought it was going to be a tough game, a close game, but everyone predicting an eagles win. kick off eight cot their. lucy? >> all right, thank you so much, jenny. from the outside of the linc to the inside which is where we find fox 29's howard eskin joins us live now. howard, 3.5 hours and counting until game time. >> reporter: that is correct. bacon wrapped everything sounds good. (laughter). >> reporter: send some of it over. you know, we worry about the cold. this is football. okay? this is a tough, tough sport. think about if we lived in green bay and we had to worry about that cold weather. that's not the case. i don't know if it's biting but nonetheless it's not a factor for the players and let me run down the injuries. ryan matthews the running back for the eagles had a little bit of hamstring pull but he felt better yesterday. he'll try it. he'll test it out before the game. we'll see if he plays. he's probably going to be out there. now, the big question is o'dell beckham, jr., the wide receiver for the new york giants who only practiced a little bit yesterday. but he'll probably -- i'm sure he'll dress and if nothing else be a decoy most of the game. but as far as the eagles they've got to score in the first quarter. they've got to score early to deet beat this team and that's what the players have been talking about. >> been some times this year seems like we've got into a rhythm in the second half, not just myself but the offense has a whole. obviously we're looking to start that in the first half, you know, you take await turnovers last week and we started fast. 300 yards offense in the first half which is exactly what we wanted to do. >> okay, we finally got it going. we don't feel like we've done anything. the second you start doing that the rug gets pulled out from under you and you're back to square one. we're taking the approach okay that's what we're supposed to do. nothing big. nothing crazy. >> reporter: it's nothing crazy but they've got to score early and they can't turn the ball over. big game for the eagles and one of the fans i heard say, if they win, they're really back in it. if they lose, we'll talk about that later at 6:00 o'clock. but i don't think they're going to lose the football game. all right. iain, back to you. >> hope not. howard, thanks. you can get continuing coverage of big game on you'll also find links to all of our social media pages another way to stay on top of things. >> right now police are on the hunt for the person who shot a man over and over just past 1:00 this afternoon shots rang out on the 2,000 block of auburn street in kensington. police say the victim is a man in his 20s shot in the upper body. he's at temple university hospital expected to survive. this is the not the first time he's been shot. no arrest as of yet. worshipers at one kingsessing church are praying for a man police say stole things from the church. take a look at this surveillance video captures a man kicking open the front doors of healing waters church. that's on the 1700 block of south 56th street back in august. one inside he took two flat screen tv's mine crone phone. if you know anything about this burglary call police. man police say raped four young girls in separate incidents in philadelphia's germantown enter another plea no contest. prosecutors say 25-year-old antoine brown raped the girls 12 to 17 years old between march and june of 2013. he used a gun in all the incidents. brown sentencing will happen in february. the district attorney's office says he faces a maximum possible sentence of 320 years in jail. investigators are trying to find the people who torch the to suv's overnight in the city's port richmond neighborhood. firefighters responded to jannie street and east tow owing good around 3:00 this morning. somebody put something in the gas tanks of those suv's and lit them. a neighbor managed to snuff out both fires and no one is hurt. reports of authorities don't believe there's anything suspicion about the fire that destroyed a montgomery counsel tie country club. skyfox over that scene at lulu country club in glenside today. this fire burned yesterday morning spreadly quickly because the building had a heavy timber roof with a large attic. the clubhouse opened back in 1912. no one was seriously hurt. no word yet on what caused that fire. it's the intersection people in one local community say is truly an accident waiting to happen. contacted us for results but they're taking extreme measures of their own to keep people safe. >> a pastor opens fire on a man in church killing him. prosecutors have not charged him as of yet, but some early clues suggest complicated relationship between the pastor and the man. a snake back with its owner after getting loose on a septa bus. the trouble that could lie ahe ahead. >> school aid sees something while walking to class. that doesn't sit well with her watch she did next foiled an itemed kidnapping. >> coming up at six, she broke her back in a horrific accident. two years later this swimmer was doing things doctors told her would not be possible. what happened and the big honor she's now getting. >> fort myers police releasing video today showing the moment that gunshots were fired at the ninth annual psalm bi con saturday night. several gunshots can be heard in the background of the video. followed by the crowd screaming and running in all directions. the shooting left 20-year-old tyrell taylor dead and five others injured. taylor's family says the slows devastating. >> never want to bury a child, never want to bury a sibling at all period especially when they try to do everything that's right. you don't understand why somebody would do something like that. >> they're looking for man in his late teens or early 20s and not yet sure of a motive. we told you about the hunt for this guy last night and tonight delaware state police say 23-year-old matthew harrington has turned himself in. he is one of two suspects wandered for a home deadly home invasion robbery in dover. it happened early saturday morning at a home on the 1400 block of john clark road. left three people shot and two dead. police are still looking for 21-year-old shabazz. >> fox 29 working to get results for moms afraid their kids are going to get hurt. the danger they say an intersection in their community. >> it is one that is prone to having a lot of accidents. fox 29's bruce gordon joins us live from woolwich in gloucester county. so what is the problem, bruce? >> reporter: lucy, the problem is confusion much that's the problem. ever wonder as you're approac approaching a flashing traffic light what the cross traffic is looking at at that point? well, now add farm equipment and big trucks heading into this intersection at 50 miles an hour, and you've got real problem on your hands. >> these are all car parts all through here. >> yup. >> reporter: carol pull man says the debris from bad accidents at the intersection of county roads 602 and 551 includes parts from a wreck just last week. >> several of my neighbors in our development have been involved in these accidents. have ended up in the hospital. the one most recent on thursday was my neighbor down the street. >> reporter: pull man is one of a number of local moms fed up with what they view as a dangerous intersection with inefficient signals. traffic on auburn road and old man's creek approaches this intersection at 50 miles an hour. auburn has a flashing yellow light. old man's creek a flashing red. we spent the morning watching nervous drivers pieing out to see if it was safe to cross. >> i think the biggest danger is the flashing red because for people who don't know, you don't know that the other direction does not have the flashing right red they're not going to stop you have to keep inching out, inching out. >> reporter: flashing lights represent some progress installed several years ago to replace stop signs. safer but not safe enough according those who live around here. since these are county roads, it's gloucester county's call on upgrading the lights. >> reporter: dangerous intersection in woolwich township. >> reporter: i called state senator steve sweeney's office this is his district to see what could be done. moms tell me they've been told by the county that flashing lights are good enough at this rural intersection. they want real lights, green, yellow and red. >> what we've got to do is remember is safety is first. >> reporter: they believe this intersection is become a game of vehicular russian roulette. >> it's just kind of catch if you can. i think it's safe so i'm going to turn. nobody is really sure what is supposed to be happening. >> reporter: in case you're wondering woolwich township officials are in agreement with the moms. they want to see a real traffic signal here with green yellow and red light each put into a* call into the county's engineer's office and the mom are getting a aggressive. they'll try to plead their case before the county board of freeholders this wednesday. lucy, we'll keep you posted on this evident. >> thank you very much, bruce. in chester county authorities are hoping you can help them find a man wanted for a strong armed robbery inside a pharmacy. police say this guy walked into the cvs on lancaster avenue in paoli yesterday. walked up to the cashier and pulled out a tire iron demanding money. he got some cash and drove off in a dark vehicle. if you have any information, please call tredyffrin police. big day in lehigh county allentown swears in a new police chief. a swearing in ceremony for chief keith morris. morris join the allentown police department back in 1997 and moved up the ranks. over his nearly 20 years on the force he was appointed assistant chief in 2013 and today chief morris says he's honored to lead the force. >> i'm very proud to be part of this outstanding police organization and the reason is because of the great men and women that wear the allentown police badge. they are hard-working, dedicated professionals that work tirelessly to protect and serve our community each and every day. morris take the place of former chief joel fitzgerald who became the police chief in fort worth, texas. >> local family tells fox 29 investigators they waited for well over a year for a gravestone after paying in full and up front. fox 29's jeff cole is working the story. he's live in the newsroom with a preview of his report coming up tonight at 10:00. >> lucy, the montgomery county say they paid a local headstone company four grand for a marker. 16 months later they didn't have it. the company is one we've reported on before, so we decided to take another look. the stone was to mark the live of james lavin the father of six who spent his career in law enforcement. his family came to us after they claimed repeated calls and even a letter from a lawyer didn't result in the headstone being placed. tonight at 10:00, we tell their story and look into the background of this area company and try to get answers for the lavins and others. >> it's sad. it will make you cry. because you want it finish. you want it there. >> why do we going to through this? how does this man put his head down at night knowing, you know, there's people out there chasing after him for a stone. >> reporter: tonight at 10:00 did the lavins get their stone? we'll give you the late at the time and tell you much more about this company as well. we know there's football tonig tonight. also important news on and that's tonight at 10:00 as fox 29 investigates. iain? >> jeff, thank you. we'll be watching. hundreds hitting the links today lafayette hill helping to raise money for spinal cord research. magee rehab and adam physical fare row tee off. he was a quarterback for penn state and injured his spine on the field in 2,000. money raised helps fund research and rehab programs for spinal injuries. silent auction was held to help raise money. >> coast guard flys into action for one dramatic rescue and you have to watch it happen. why the guard has to get this person off this cruise ship right away. plus, two attacks in the waters off hawaii this weekend much the victims badly injured but only one of them was targeted by a shark. the other fell victim to something very different. >> also, teeing up inspiration. specially abled people in camden county are getting a chance to hit the green and something is mazing is happening when they get on the course. we will explain. no charges so far against the detroit pastor who shot and killed a man in church. police are not identifying the 36-year-old pastor. officers say a man threatened him with a brick sunday and the pastor answered by opening fire. alleged attacker died at the hospital. police say the two men had prior issues. investigation is underway after a suspect in dough mystic violence case shot and killed a sheriff's deputy inside a minnesota hospital. the gunman was also killed in the violence which broke out early sunday. according to police, deputy steven sandberg was guarding a suspect named danny hammond. the 50-year-old got out of his hospital bed, grabbed sandberg's gun and killed him. friends and family are grieving the loss of a beloved law enforcement officer. >> it's going to be a tough one. especially for a small community like this. we go to the same church for many, many years. >> it's familiar -- his family has been neighbors of ours for years. >> deputy steven sandberg leaves mind a wife an daughter was on the force for nearly 25 years. some drivers for the ride sharing service uber are striking encouraging fellow drivers to turn off their apps and demand higher wages. a petition through social media has so far drawn more than 1300 supporters. uber drivers are private contractors they drive their own vehicles while paying for gas, insurance and up keep. many say they're striking because they're bound by rules that treat them like employees. drivers demands also include a adding a tip option. >> we appreciate your driving you feel like the car is clean you feel you got there on time or whatever it is, you don't have to tip, you can have an option from zero to 20%. >> i can inter not commenting directly on the strike but says welcomes all feedback from its drivers. republican presidential candidates donald trump and dr. ben carson might have secret service protect on the campaign trail. both men have requested protection a mid mounting threats against them they say. trump has a private security team who shadows him at all times. but in an interview with fox news channel's gretnas have suss stern trump says his rallies are growing and he needs more protection. rare for a candidate to get secret service protection before they officially become the party's nominee. but exceptions have happened in the past including when president obama ran for his first term. a snake back with its owner getting loose on a septa bus but this story isn't over yet. the trouble that could lie ahe ahead. and the new rule about pregnant women and alcohol that you may have thought already existed. doctors are not mincing words tonight. kathy? >> in weather lucy we're talking about cold for tonight for the eagles game. guess what, we're getting out of the deep freeze and mild air will return really quickly it's in that seven day forecast coming up when we come back. >> welcome back. live look at wilmington, delaware. the cold probably hit you hard this morning. i know it did me. things are warming up for now. meteorologist kathy orr will have exactly what you can expect and actually good news coming up in your fox 29 weather authority. >> burglary at a kingsessing church happened at surveillance cameras rolled. the healing waters search on south 56th street the scene. it happened in august. police just released these images. a man kicked open the front doors and stole two flat screen tv's and microphone. if you know anything about this give police a call n port richmond police are trying to find whoever torched two suv's overnight. investigators say somebody put something in the gas tanks of those vehicles and lit them on fire around jannie street and east tow owing good around 3:00 this morning. a neighbor was able to put the fires out before those two suv's burst into flames. no one was hurt. to a story a lot of people are talking about night. a snake on the loose on a septa bus. the owner of that boa constrictor was happy to get his snake back after it got away from him on the bus. what a scene. if you've ever hopped on a septa bus you can see interesting things, right? but a 4-foot boa constrictor slithering around on the floor, here's our chris o'connell. >> they reaction was running off the bus. >> reporter: bus riders in west philly couldn't get off of septa's 52 bus fast enough. once they found out this guy was a passenger. >> reminded me of snakes on the plane. yeah, we got snakes on the bus. >> reporter: the snake scare forced the bus driver to pull over near 52nd and west minster. the bus evacuated and police were called. after about an hour, an officer pulls out the nonvenomous 4-foot red tail brazilian could boa constrictor and hands it over to its owner koran riley. >> it was in my pock. usually she feels asleep. i guess she wanted to crawl around. she crawled under the seat and i couldn't get her out of there. and she got stuck. >> reporter: riley was on his way home from the pet store with dinner for his snake. that's right. a live rat inside this box who also took the bus trip. so what was the reaction from fellow passengers? >> a couple people freak out. >> babies. >> there was babies. everybody freak out. >> reporter: transit police say uncaged animals on board its buses are not allowed. although a little while after getting his snake back, its owner was right back to the 52 bus again carrying the snake and live rat. as for that bus driver, he gave us the thumbs up but he was glad his reptile passenger was gone. >> what were people's reactions? >> just get it off. just fine it and try to get the off the bus. >> reporter: chris o'connell, fox 29 news. >> you know me i feel sorry for the rat. septa police tell us interesting interfering with mass transit is illegal and prosecutors might file charge charges against thes owner. >> quite a story. >> absolutely much quite a story this morning when i saw almost a little bit of frost in south jersey. >> i was scraping the car this morning. look at the parkway. isn't it beautiful. >> pretty. >> spectacular afternoon and when you have cold air atmosphere really settles down and you have those deep blue skies because the air is so dry. even if the air had to come from central canada. >> it's still pretty. >> i have to check my tomatoes. i'm hopeful they made it. i covered them last night but, i don't know. >> i know. it was cold. city, 35. we have that urban heat island elsewhere in the 20s. take a look outside right now. the sky is blue. sunset right around the corner win the hour today. 's high 55. a jump of 20 degrees in the city of philadelphia. right now the temperature 54. so by the time we get to kick off at the linc temperatures will be falling into the 40s. we do have a breeze and that could make it feel little bit chilly in the stands. right now 54 in the city. 52 in pottstown. the poconos 48. 52 in millville and 52 degrees in wilmington. still cold through new england, and in new york where we have temperatures that are mainly in the 40s. 49 in albany. burlington 46 in quebec it is 36. the good news is, the warmer air is going to be winning out. we have a southwesterly wind so you see that green contour that means some warming temperatures over the next 24 hours. you can see the southwesterly wind that's good. that's a warm wind for us. a 10 miles an hour wind in wilmington and in philadelphia close to a 10 miles an hour wid that will settle down during the evening after sunset. high pressure will be the main weather feature for this week. it is going to be so dominant that it will keep all of the clouds and all of the precipitation over the central part of the country so you can see this huge swirl of clear skies as far west as wichita so the whole eastern half of the country really controlled by this high pressure system. with that you have singing air. off clear sky. and really we have warming temperatures with those southwesterly winds. so every day we will see warming temperatures at least through the midweek period. so overnight tonight, not quite as cold but still chilly. 41 in the city. 30s in our suburbs mainly clear with a southwesterly wind. during the day tomorrow, this is seasonal. 68 few degrees above normal for this time of year. we mostly sunny with winds out of the southwest. a little bit of a breeze. we'll be warming quickly. so take a look at our future temperatures as we whiz threw the next couple of days. by wednesday afternoon, you're talking about temperatures well into the 70s. and for most of the region, even in allentown, wednesday's high 73. so there's nowhere to go but up. that's the good news. so for your tuesday, 68. 73 wednesday. even warmer thursday. then we see a cold front. we chill it down for friday. saturday a little bit cool, 59. shower possible sunday. and still a chance of a shower by monday. temperatures in the 60s where they should be for this time of year. we're not talking about freeze. we're not talking about frost. we're just talking about cooler temperatures. look at this. i love this. i got this from erin. so not ready for this. her dog has his winter coat on. i'm not ready either. >> pup doesn't look happy with that picture right there. >> not in october. >> not yet. >> exactly. >> all right, kathy thanks. >> all right. so it's ban bill tough in hawaii lately to two attacks in the waters off hawaii this weekend. the victims both badly injured but a shark only wept after one of them. the other fell victim to something very different. plus proof that no life is too small to be saved. firefighters discover a cat in a burning apartment building. wait until you see what happened next. coming up all new at 6:00 robbery caught on camera at a local store and police say this guy had been chasing -- casing the place for while. the questions he started asking before the crime that sent out a red flag. >> the american academy of pediatrics is selling moms to be to cut out all alcohol while pregnant. this may sound like nothing new but previous studies have suggested a small amount of alcohol might be okay to drink during pregnancy. nation's leading pediatricians group says there's no way to know for sure. it says the only guarantee of having no effects from alcohol to your child is to have quote no prenatal alcohol exposure. physicians and researchers have been warning about the warning of alcohol use during pregnancy for decades it can cause thinking and behavioral problems that last a lifetime. six-year-old and 11-year-old picked up by police in new orleans for pulling a gun on a man. investigators say the two were rummaging through the bed of a pickup truck on friday afternoon and when somebody tried to stop the two, police say the kids screamed obscenities at the man then the 11-year-old pulled a gun from his waistband and threatened to shoot the man if he didn't quote leave them alo alone. neighbors in the community are shocked. businesses even pitched in to have a private security service patrol the area. according to police, both boys were booked with aggravated assault charges much the 11-year-old was charged with illegal possession of a firearm by a juvenile. very tough couple of days for people in hawaii's waters. shark attacked a man saturday afternoon then hours later a second man was attacked. initially officials thought it was another shark attack. but now they think an he'll bit the 32-year-old man. both attacks hammed just one week after another man lost his left leg when he was surfing over north star of oahu. >> pretty much out of nowhere, i felt like a truck ran into me, and took me a second to realize what was going on, you know, he during me underwater. >> the man officials think an he'll bit is in critical condition. a school aid sees something while walking to class that doesn't really sit well with her and police say what she did next foiled an attempted kidnapping. >> boy scout troop out for hike when the boy stumbled upon someone who really needed their help. how their training kicked in and they became heroes. ♪ fire raged through an apartment building but thanks to a quick-thinking rookie firefighter a black cat gets a mack us willy lucky break. the flames broke out on the second floor and firefighters jeremy, discover the unconscious kitty in an apartment and rush him outside to try save his life. he put an oxygen mask on the cat' face and revised him. the cat is doing just fine tonight. no one else was seriously injured in the fire. big ben grinds to halt in london. falling silent as the iconic clock gets repairs. the restoration project is costing british taxpayers nearly 40 million pounds and could take up to four months to finish. the 156-year-old clock reportedly has some cracks in the masonry and its hands so damage it could fall off if crews don't do something about it now. some people say they won't miss the chimes, though. >> the bongs may wouldn't be greatly missed by those who hear them on a regular basis. they're tore mine us. >> if you're keeping track it's been 31 years since big ben's last overhaul. >> meanwhile in london pastries and the pass of loved ones. people are combining the two to create the world' first death cafe permanent. several pop up death cafes have sprung up around the globe but now organizers in britain launch add crowd funding campaign to open this place's doors permanently. folks gather at the cafe to discuss death over cake and coffee. organizers say it encourages people to make the most of their lives. >> death cafe is where people often strangers to each other come to talk about any as spec of death and dying before death, after somebody they know has died, um, and it wasn't until we started we realized different as specs there were and tea and cake available. >> the creator of death cafe reportedly set up the first po pop-up cafe if any in his home in 2011 and since then more than 2,000 have come and gone across europe the us, asia and canada. elementary schoolwork kerr in california becomes a hero after preventing an attempted kidnapping. sandra ferguson an aide at sutter elementary in the was driving to work when she noticed 11-year-old student sitting in strange man' cars in driveway. she knew something wasn't right. she acted quickly. the school and her family are thankful ferguson got involved and had a vigilant eye. >> i said sweetheart, is that your dad and she told me no, he's my friend and i said, no, he's not your friend. i put my car in front of his c car, i blocked him. and i told her, you get out of the car right now! >> 51-year-old santiago salizar now in jail. police say he lure the girl into his car but they have not said how he did that. scout's honor a group of boy scouts carried an injured woman 5 miles down a mountain. christine mccarthy has their incredible story from massachusetts. >> i guess you could say we're brotherly figuratively. >> reporter: these six boy scouts proud members of way mouth's route nine put their merit badges to good use on saturday. >> it's nothing big. we tried to help out. the boys age 12 to 17 were decenting the mountain during a troop camp out they discovered a hiker who follow fallen and sprained her ankle. >> grabbed a couple sticks from the woods and ace bandage and made a make slit splint. >> the grueling part call the fireman's carry. >> we linked arms together she then sat down and we maneuvered around certain rocks. >> reporter: five hours and nearly 2 miles of tough terrain later they arrived at the bottom their adult leader an doctor said training paid off. >> i was so proud of them. i mean the splint was perfect. >> reporter: injured hiker linda was taken to the hospital on sunday she spoke to us by phone while recovering at home. >> you guys are my little angels i swear because i felt so safe with them. >> her es doctor says she could have suffered a fracture had not been for her rescuers and their impressive work. >> he couldn't believe it. who did your splint. >> boy scouts. troop number nine from weymouth. >> these boys aren't phased by the praise. a good deal is always in a day's work. >> no matter the situation you're helping out someone in need. >> linda is doing just fine and expects to get out of the hospital very soon. >> train hero and air force spencer stone released from the hospital after being stabbed outside of a bar just over a week ago. 23-year-old spencer stone wore heatedly stabbed on octobe october 7th in an altercation outside a sacremento california bar. stone had three stab wounds in his torso. and was being treated at university of california davis medical zen. neighbors say they're grateful that stone survived the stabbing and some are even flying flags to show support for their hometown hero. >> i think it's a wonderful way for the community to come together. it really is. >> i think that that shouldn't happen again i don't like people getting hur. >> you know, we're kind of a family. >> stone gained worldwide attention after he and two other americans helped foil a terror attack on a train in europe back in august. police are now searching for the suspects responsible for the stabbing. if you own a drone you may have to follow some new rules very soon. the federal government wants to make sure operators are aware of all the safety rules and catch those who break them. fox's doug mckelway is in washington, d.c. with the story. >> reporter: the obama administration is crackin crackn on drones. transportation secretary anthony fox announcing the creation of a task force to come up with recommendations for a federal user registry. >> whether we're talking about driver less cars or unmanned aircraft, we're committed as an agency to recognizing the potential of these innovations while we stab the ground rules to ensure their safe integration. >> novice owners will be required to register think drones with the government just as commercial operators already must do. the task force forming after several incidents most recently during california wildfire operations. >> some have come too close to airplanes and airports. even at the u.s. open tennis tournament in september, unmanned aircraft flying in a densely populated area near laguardia airport crashed inside arthur ash stadium during a match. the task force will include representatives from the federal government as well as unmanned and manned aviation industries. their charged with recommending which types of drones will need to be registered and which can be exempted. goals include making sure operators know safety regulations and abide by them. >> if unmanned aircraft operators break the rules, clearly there should be consequences. but in fact there can be no accountability if a person breaking the rules can't be identified. traps portation secretary fox hopes some rules will be in place by the middle part of december. in washington, doug mckelway, fox news. inspiration, specially abled people in camden county are getting a chance to hit the green. what amazing is happening when they get on the course. >> coming up at 6:00 a swimmer mr. injured in a horrible accident. told her life would never be the same. she proved doctors wrong and did it disaster than anyone that she could have expected. >> intersection people say in truly an accident waiting to happen. they contacted us for results but they're also taking extreme measures of their own to keep people safe. >> fox 29 news in hd brought to you by x finity the future of awesome. the us coast guard pulls off a dramatic rescue at sea when a cruise ship passenger has heart attack. 57-year-old woman airlifted off the coast of california. she had complained of severe chest pains. the coast guard flew into action and quick response is now getting credit of saving the woman's live. she's in stable condition at a hospital tonight. trip of a lifetime for couple at the north carolina state fair. they went back to celebrate meeting there in 1955 and also celebrate 60 years of marriage. mr. and mrs. brad sal right there a friend introduced them at the fair and the rest is history. the brads well have five children, 14 grandchildren and so far eight great-grandchildr great-grandchildren. >> i came up with a friend and we met over the tea cups. i was introduced to her and the rest is history. >> yeah, i think i heard that somewhere. they married months after they met. congratulations. that's so neat. in camden tonight lifting up lives on the links the group of golfers are using their love of the game to inspire others. >> our emmy award winning photojournalist bill rohrer has their story. >> reporter: if you love the game of wolf -- >> who needs a club. >> reporter: you know there's nothing better. >> nice easy sweeping stroke. >> reporter: than hitting the ball well. >> several people have irons, couple people have woods today. we'll do full shots again. >> reporter: these adults with special needs come here to the camden county golf academy once a week. >> when you hit metal wood. >> reporter: to learn the game. >> where should the ball position be. we give them the basic, feet apart, ball position, proper grip and basics of alignment and things of that nature. to give them kind of best opportunity to hit the ball solid. nice and wide. >> reporter: to work with volunteers from the new jersey pga. >> right there. keep them coming. yes, ma'am. >> rachel is in it for the exercise. >> i love golf. what are you kidding i watch it on tv, too. >> they love being here. they connect with the ball and hit it out into the water one of the best feelings they could have. >> reporter: kenneth schwartz has been hitting them straight for eight years today he let's us in on little secret. >> concentration. i take this hasn't like this here. go up. swing the up. that's it. >> do you think you can hit one into the water. >> she learned something new today and accomplish something and then actually got to see what they accomplish. >> whoa! did you see that? >> ma'am, i'm getting good at this. >> reporter: in camden, bill rohrer fox 29 news. ♪ torments night at 6:00 a shock to the system. a mid october burst of cold weather that created a frosty morning for lot of us but weary bounding big time. the next turn on this weather roller coaster. plus a robbery caught on camera at a local store. police say this guy had been casing the place for while. the questions he started asking before the crime that sent up red flags. >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. first at 6:00 eagles excitement the town is just buzzing over tonight's big game against the giants kicking off at the linc in a couple of hours. >> this is on the same day we had to bundle up for the coldest weather so far this season but don't worry just yet it's not sticking around for good yet. good evening, i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland. big dip in temperatures getting matched by a big rebound that's good. >> absolutely. >> let's start with chief meteorologist scott williams live in old city in his winter jacket. >> yeah, that's right. i had to break out the bubble coat out here on this objection day. i mean it felt a little more like november that's the shock to the system here in old city. you can see folks are walking about but they are bundled up a couple of extra layers on going because it was a cold down right frigid start across the area. take a look at the morning low temperatures across the area. you can see we saw temperatures right around 19 degrees in the pocono mountains this morning. 35 degrees in philadelphia the. the defendant october start since halloween of 2011. it was 27 degrees in millville. 32 freezing in dover. mid 20s a hard freeze in allentown but look at the river rewrite now it's 51 degrees in wilmington. 51 in trenton. we're looking at upper 40s right now in millville. so high pressure that is the prominent and dominant feature that cold air is little more dense so it's kind of settled into our area. but that high pressure will shift on off to the east. that will mean warmer temperatures come tomorrow. but it's going to be a chilly kick off at the linc looking at temperatures right around 8:30 at 46 degrees. mid 40s by the end of the game. but a rebound in the temperatures we're talking 60s, even 70s iain and lucy when i come indoors with the seven day. >> that sounds good, scott, thank you. the eagles take the field about 2.5 hours and

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resulting in the collapse of a towering brick wall. we caught up with both legal teams after the verdict was returned this afternoon. >> we feel like the jury gave this case its every attention and we're very satisfied. we think justice was done in this case with this verdict. >> always been a battle. our hearts and minds and prayers will always go to those victims of the six amazing physical yann ups i believe the civil litigation will tell the complete and true story of all the participants and all the players at layers far ahead -- far above griffin campbell and sean benschop. >> reporter: back here live, you just heard defense attorney mention the name sean benschop. he's the subcontractor who actually testified against campbell during the trial after he plead guilty to six counts of involuntary manslaughter. griffin campbell will be sentenced sometime this january. lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, shawnette. right now at 5:00 the coldest weather so far this season is leading up to one of the biggest nights. excitement building at the linc as eagles get ready to take on the giants in a huge game. hopefully, iain, these fans are layered up. >> better be. >> get to the eagles in just a moment. that biting cold and big changes coming in your fox 29 weather authority. let's get right to you fox 29's meteorologist kathy orr life in old tonight with her winter coat. kathy. >> i pull it out, iain. for today only. back out later this month. i'm sure. we're talking about a night that's not going to be as cold as last night. but it will be chilly for the fans in the stands. right now, we're looking at pleasant afternoon little chilly but look at these morning lows philadelphia 35. northeast philadelphia below freezing. wilmington 30. reading 28. atlantic city 28 and most of the area in the 20s and we had our first freeze. right now 54 in the city. 52 to the north and west. in pottstown 52 in allentown and 52 in millville. so we are looking at a clear sky and winds out of the southwest any cloud cover and precipitation will stay to the north tonight. and that will be the rule through the next couple of days. for the monday night chill, kick off 8:30 at the linc. 46 at kickoff and temperatures not falling that much with southwest breezes. keeping the temperature up at 45 degrees. coming up we'll talk more about a temperature swing. a 50-degree temperature swing. 70s will be back in the seven day and, of course, we'll talk about our next rain chance. back here live, look what i found. some eagles fans. >> whoo! >> they actually have tickets. >> are you going to be warm enough? >> oh, yes. >> how many layers? >> right now one but i have another pair and a blanket. >> okay. >> and this fellow is from nebraska you're taking your son along. >> yeah, nebraska. >> are you pumped up? >> yeah. i love going to football games. i've never been to monday night football game. >> you've been to eagles game. >> oh, yes. last week. >> are you going to be loud. oh, yeah. >> oh, boy. if this is any indication it could be an interesting night fort birds. back to you. >> all right, kathy. it is a huge night fort bird and their fans some of whom we just heard from the eagles taking on the giants at home we've got team coverage for you. howard isocline break it all down for us coming up. let's begin with jennifer joyce whose been hanging out with some of the fans. jennifer. >> reporter: good evening, iain. so great to hear those pumped up fans in old city we have a lot of pumped upped fans down here at the linc. some of the tailgators arrived at 12:30. the lots opened at 1:30a big game tonight and eagles need this win. >> e-a-g-l-e-s! >> reporter: eagles fans at lincoln financial field are full of energy and full of faith. >> we're going to win. >> reporter: that the birds can pull off victory against rival team the new york giants in prime time monday night matchup. >> eagles by nine. >> i think we are going to win. >> this is the start of the season. in my eyes this is the home opener. i'm erasing the cowboys game and we start the season tonight. >> reporter: if the two and three eagles secure a win tonight they'll be tied for first place in the nfc east. >> it is a huge game. difference of being tied for first or maybe season being over. >> reporter: make or break game. >> we got big which are ease yo. bacon wrapped pizza burger. >> in your face pre-game meal. >> any time we have monday night football it's bacon wrapped everything. >> reporter: this chef is hoping to see the eagles smoke the giants like they did last year's 27-zero blackout game. >> if the eagles can put together a full game for once this year they'll definitely win it. >> reporter: everyone we talk to definitely thought it was going to be a tough game, a close game, but everyone predicting an eagles win. kick off eight cot their. lucy? >> all right, thank you so much, jenny. from the outside of the linc to the inside which is where we find fox 29's howard eskin joins us live now. howard, 3.5 hours and counting until game time. >> reporter: that is correct. bacon wrapped everything sounds good. (laughter). >> reporter: send some of it over. you know, we worry about the cold. this is football. okay? this is a tough, tough sport. think about if we lived in green bay and we had to worry about that cold weather. that's not the case. i don't know if it's biting but nonetheless it's not a factor for the players and let me run down the injuries. ryan matthews the running back for the eagles had a little bit of hamstring pull but he felt better yesterday. he'll try it. he'll test it out before the game. we'll see if he plays. he's probably going to be out there. now, the big question is o'dell beckham, jr., the wide receiver for the new york giants who only practiced a little bit yesterday. but he'll probably -- i'm sure he'll dress and if nothing else be a decoy most of the game. but as far as the eagles they've got to score in the first quarter. they've got to score early to deet beat this team and that's what the players have been talking about. >> been some times this year seems like we've got into a rhythm in the second half, not just myself but the offense has a whole. obviously we're looking to start that in the first half, you know, you take await turnovers last week and we started fast. 300 yards offense in the first half which is exactly what we wanted to do. >> okay, we finally got it going. we don't feel like we've done anything. the second you start doing that the rug gets pulled out from under you and you're back to square one. we're taking the approach okay that's what we're supposed to do. nothing big. nothing crazy. >> reporter: it's nothing crazy but they've got to score early and they can't turn the ball over. big game for the eagles and one of the fans i heard say, if they win, they're really back in it. if they lose, we'll talk about that later at 6:00 o'clock. but i don't think they're going to lose the football game. all right. iain, back to you. >> hope not. howard, thanks. you can get continuing coverage of big game on you'll also find links to all of our social media pages another way to stay on top of things. >> right now police are on the hunt for the person who shot a man over and over just past 1:00 this afternoon shots rang out on the 2,000 block of auburn street in kensington. police say the victim is a man in his 20s shot in the upper body. he's at temple university hospital expected to survive. this is the not the first time he's been shot. no arrest as of yet. worshipers at one kingsessing church are praying for a man police say stole things from the church. take a look at this surveillance video captures a man kicking open the front doors of healing waters church. that's on the 1700 block of south 56th street back in august. one inside he took two flat screen tv's mine crone phone. if you know anything about this burglary call police. man police say raped four young girls in separate incidents in philadelphia's germantown enter another plea no contest. prosecutors say 25-year-old antoine brown raped the girls 12 to 17 years old between march and june of 2013. he used a gun in all the incidents. brown sentencing will happen in february. the district attorney's office says he faces a maximum possible sentence of 320 years in jail. investigators are trying to find the people who torch the to suv's overnight in the city's port richmond neighborhood. firefighters responded to jannie street and east tow owing good around 3:00 this morning. somebody put something in the gas tanks of those suv's and lit them. a neighbor managed to snuff out both fires and no one is hurt. reports of authorities don't believe there's anything suspicion about the fire that destroyed a montgomery counsel tie country club. skyfox over that scene at lulu country club in glenside today. this fire burned yesterday morning spreadly quickly because the building had a heavy timber roof with a large attic. the clubhouse opened back in 1912. no one was seriously hurt. no word yet on what caused that fire. it's the intersection people in one local community say is truly an accident waiting to happen. contacted us for results but they're taking extreme measures of their own to keep people safe. >> a pastor opens fire on a man in church killing him. prosecutors have not charged him as of yet, but some early clues suggest complicated relationship between the pastor and the man. a snake back with its owner after getting loose on a septa bus. the trouble that could lie ahe ahead. >> school aid sees something while walking to class. that doesn't sit well with her watch she did next foiled an itemed kidnapping. >> coming up at six, she broke her back in a horrific accident. two years later this swimmer was doing things doctors told her would not be possible. what happened and the big honor she's now getting. >> fort myers police releasing video today showing the moment that gunshots were fired at the ninth annual psalm bi con saturday night. several gunshots can be heard in the background of the video. followed by the crowd screaming and running in all directions. the shooting left 20-year-old tyrell taylor dead and five others injured. taylor's family says the slows devastating. >> never want to bury a child, never want to bury a sibling at all period especially when they try to do everything that's right. you don't understand why somebody would do something like that. >> they're looking for man in his late teens or early 20s and not yet sure of a motive. we told you about the hunt for this guy last night and tonight delaware state police say 23-year-old matthew harrington has turned himself in. he is one of two suspects wandered for a home deadly home invasion robbery in dover. it happened early saturday morning at a home on the 1400 block of john clark road. left three people shot and two dead. police are still looking for 21-year-old shabazz. >> fox 29 working to get results for moms afraid their kids are going to get hurt. the danger they say an intersection in their community. >> it is one that is prone to having a lot of accidents. fox 29's bruce gordon joins us live from woolwich in gloucester county. so what is the problem, bruce? >> reporter: lucy, the problem is confusion much that's the problem. ever wonder as you're approac approaching a flashing traffic light what the cross traffic is looking at at that point? well, now add farm equipment and big trucks heading into this intersection at 50 miles an hour, and you've got real problem on your hands. >> these are all car parts all through here. >> yup. >> reporter: carol pull man says the debris from bad accidents at the intersection of county roads 602 and 551 includes parts from a wreck just last week. >> several of my neighbors in our development have been involved in these accidents. have ended up in the hospital. the one most recent on thursday was my neighbor down the street. >> reporter: pull man is one of a number of local moms fed up with what they view as a dangerous intersection with inefficient signals. traffic on auburn road and old man's creek approaches this intersection at 50 miles an hour. auburn has a flashing yellow light. old man's creek a flashing red. we spent the morning watching nervous drivers pieing out to see if it was safe to cross. >> i think the biggest danger is the flashing red because for people who don't know, you don't know that the other direction does not have the flashing right red they're not going to stop you have to keep inching out, inching out. >> reporter: flashing lights represent some progress installed several years ago to replace stop signs. safer but not safe enough according those who live around here. since these are county roads, it's gloucester county's call on upgrading the lights. >> reporter: dangerous intersection in woolwich township. >> reporter: i called state senator steve sweeney's office this is his district to see what could be done. moms tell me they've been told by the county that flashing lights are good enough at this rural intersection. they want real lights, green, yellow and red. >> what we've got to do is remember is safety is first. >> reporter: they believe this intersection is become a game of vehicular russian roulette. >> it's just kind of catch if you can. i think it's safe so i'm going to turn. nobody is really sure what is supposed to be happening. >> reporter: in case you're wondering woolwich township officials are in agreement with the moms. they want to see a real traffic signal here with green yellow and red light each put into a* call into the county's engineer's office and the mom are getting a aggressive. they'll try to plead their case before the county board of freeholders this wednesday. lucy, we'll keep you posted on this evident. >> thank you very much, bruce. in chester county authorities are hoping you can help them find a man wanted for a strong armed robbery inside a pharmacy. police say this guy walked into the cvs on lancaster avenue in paoli yesterday. walked up to the cashier and pulled out a tire iron demanding money. he got some cash and drove off in a dark vehicle. if you have any information, please call tredyffrin police. big day in lehigh county allentown swears in a new police chief. a swearing in ceremony for chief keith morris. morris join the allentown police department back in 1997 and moved up the ranks. over his nearly 20 years on the force he was appointed assistant chief in 2013 and today chief morris says he's honored to lead the force. >> i'm very proud to be part of this outstanding police organization and the reason is because of the great men and women that wear the allentown police badge. they are hard-working, dedicated professionals that work tirelessly to protect and serve our community each and every day. morris take the place of former chief joel fitzgerald who became the police chief in fort worth, texas. >> local family tells fox 29 investigators they waited for well over a year for a gravestone after paying in full and up front. fox 29's jeff cole is working the story. he's live in the newsroom with a preview of his report coming up tonight at 10:00. >> lucy, the montgomery county say they paid a local headstone company four grand for a marker. 16 months later they didn't have it. the company is one we've reported on before, so we decided to take another look. the stone was to mark the live of james lavin the father of six who spent his career in law enforcement. his family came to us after they claimed repeated calls and even a letter from a lawyer didn't result in the headstone being placed. tonight at 10:00, we tell their story and look into the background of this area company and try to get answers for the lavins and others. >> it's sad. it will make you cry. because you want it finish. you want it there. >> why do we going to through this? how does this man put his head down at night knowing, you know, there's people out there chasing after him for a stone. >> reporter: tonight at 10:00 did the lavins get their stone? we'll give you the late at the time and tell you much more about this company as well. we know there's football tonig tonight. also important news on and that's tonight at 10:00 as fox 29 investigates. iain? >> jeff, thank you. we'll be watching. hundreds hitting the links today lafayette hill helping to raise money for spinal cord research. magee rehab and adam physical fare row tee off. he was a quarterback for penn state and injured his spine on the field in 2,000. money raised helps fund research and rehab programs for spinal injuries. silent auction was held to help raise money. >> coast guard flys into action for one dramatic rescue and you have to watch it happen. why the guard has to get this person off this cruise ship right away. plus, two attacks in the waters off hawaii this weekend much the victims badly injured but only one of them was targeted by a shark. the other fell victim to something very different. >> also, teeing up inspiration. specially abled people in camden county are getting a chance to hit the green and something is mazing is happening when they get on the course. we will explain. no charges so far against the detroit pastor who shot and killed a man in church. police are not identifying the 36-year-old pastor. officers say a man threatened him with a brick sunday and the pastor answered by opening fire. alleged attacker died at the hospital. police say the two men had prior issues. investigation is underway after a suspect in dough mystic violence case shot and killed a sheriff's deputy inside a minnesota hospital. the gunman was also killed in the violence which broke out early sunday. according to police, deputy steven sandberg was guarding a suspect named danny hammond. the 50-year-old got out of his hospital bed, grabbed sandberg's gun and killed him. friends and family are grieving the loss of a beloved law enforcement officer. >> it's going to be a tough one. especially for a small community like this. we go to the same church for many, many years. >> it's familiar -- his family has been neighbors of ours for years. >> deputy steven sandberg leaves mind a wife an daughter was on the force for nearly 25 years. some drivers for the ride sharing service uber are striking encouraging fellow drivers to turn off their apps and demand higher wages. a petition through social media has so far drawn more than 1300 supporters. uber drivers are private contractors they drive their own vehicles while paying for gas, insurance and up keep. many say they're striking because they're bound by rules that treat them like employees. drivers demands also include a adding a tip option. >> we appreciate your driving you feel like the car is clean you feel you got there on time or whatever it is, you don't have to tip, you can have an option from zero to 20%. >> i can inter not commenting directly on the strike but says welcomes all feedback from its drivers. republican presidential candidates donald trump and dr. ben carson might have secret service protect on the campaign trail. both men have requested protection a mid mounting threats against them they say. trump has a private security team who shadows him at all times. but in an interview with fox news channel's gretnas have suss stern trump says his rallies are growing and he needs more protection. rare for a candidate to get secret service protection before they officially become the party's nominee. but exceptions have happened in the past including when president obama ran for his first term. a snake back with its owner getting loose on a septa bus but this story isn't over yet. the trouble that could lie ahe ahead. and the new rule about pregnant women and alcohol that you may have thought already existed. doctors are not mincing words tonight. kathy? >> in weather lucy we're talking about cold for tonight for the eagles game. guess what, we're getting out of the deep freeze and mild air will return really quickly it's in that seven day forecast coming up when we come back. >> welcome back. live look at wilmington, delaware. the cold probably hit you hard this morning. i know it did me. things are warming up for now. meteorologist kathy orr will have exactly what you can expect and actually good news coming up in your fox 29 weather authority. >> burglary at a kingsessing church happened at surveillance cameras rolled. the healing waters search on south 56th street the scene. it happened in august. police just released these images. a man kicked open the front doors and stole two flat screen tv's and microphone. if you know anything about this give police a call n port richmond police are trying to find whoever torched two suv's overnight. investigators say somebody put something in the gas tanks of those vehicles and lit them on fire around jannie street and east tow owing good around 3:00 this morning. a neighbor was able to put the fires out before those two suv's burst into flames. no one was hurt. to a story a lot of people are talking about night. a snake on the loose on a septa bus. the owner of that boa constrictor was happy to get his snake back after it got away from him on the bus. what a scene. if you've ever hopped on a septa bus you can see interesting things, right? but a 4-foot boa constrictor slithering around on the floor, here's our chris o'connell. >> they reaction was running off the bus. >> reporter: bus riders in west philly couldn't get off of septa's 52 bus fast enough. once they found out this guy was a passenger. >> reminded me of snakes on the plane. yeah, we got snakes on the bus. >> reporter: the snake scare forced the bus driver to pull over near 52nd and west minster. the bus evacuated and police were called. after about an hour, an officer pulls out the nonvenomous 4-foot red tail brazilian could boa constrictor and hands it over to its owner koran riley. >> it was in my pock. usually she feels asleep. i guess she wanted to crawl around. she crawled under the seat and i couldn't get her out of there. and she got stuck. >> reporter: riley was on his way home from the pet store with dinner for his snake. that's right. a live rat inside this box who also took the bus trip. so what was the reaction from fellow passengers? >> a couple people freak out. >> babies. >> there was babies. everybody freak out. >> reporter: transit police say uncaged animals on board its buses are not allowed. although a little while after getting his snake back, its owner was right back to the 52 bus again carrying the snake and live rat. as for that bus driver, he gave us the thumbs up but he was glad his reptile passenger was gone. >> what were people's reactions? >> just get it off. just fine it and try to get the off the bus. >> reporter: chris o'connell, fox 29 news. >> you know me i feel sorry for the rat. septa police tell us interesting interfering with mass transit is illegal and prosecutors might file charge charges against thes owner. >> quite a story. >> absolutely much quite a story this morning when i saw almost a little bit of frost in south jersey. >> i was scraping the car this morning. look at the parkway. isn't it beautiful. >> pretty. >> spectacular afternoon and when you have cold air atmosphere really settles down and you have those deep blue skies because the air is so dry. even if the air had to come from central canada. >> it's still pretty. >> i have to check my tomatoes. i'm hopeful they made it. i covered them last night but, i don't know. >> i know. it was cold. city, 35. we have that urban heat island elsewhere in the 20s. take a look outside right now. the sky is blue. sunset right around the corner win the hour today. 's high 55. a jump of 20 degrees in the city of philadelphia. right now the temperature 54. so by the time we get to kick off at the linc temperatures will be falling into the 40s. we do have a breeze and that could make it feel little bit chilly in the stands. right now 54 in the city. 52 in pottstown. the poconos 48. 52 in millville and 52 degrees in wilmington. still cold through new england, and in new york where we have temperatures that are mainly in the 40s. 49 in albany. burlington 46 in quebec it is 36. the good news is, the warmer air is going to be winning out. we have a southwesterly wind so you see that green contour that means some warming temperatures over the next 24 hours. you can see the southwesterly wind that's good. that's a warm wind for us. a 10 miles an hour wind in wilmington and in philadelphia close to a 10 miles an hour wid that will settle down during the evening after sunset. high pressure will be the main weather feature for this week. it is going to be so dominant that it will keep all of the clouds and all of the precipitation over the central part of the country so you can see this huge swirl of clear skies as far west as wichita so the whole eastern half of the country really controlled by this high pressure system. with that you have singing air. off clear sky. and really we have warming temperatures with those southwesterly winds. so every day we will see warming temperatures at least through the midweek period. so overnight tonight, not quite as cold but still chilly. 41 in the city. 30s in our suburbs mainly clear with a southwesterly wind. during the day tomorrow, this is seasonal. 68 few degrees above normal for this time of year. we mostly sunny with winds out of the southwest. a little bit of a breeze. we'll be warming quickly. so take a look at our future temperatures as we whiz threw the next couple of days. by wednesday afternoon, you're talking about temperatures well into the 70s. and for most of the region, even in allentown, wednesday's high 73. so there's nowhere to go but up. that's the good news. so for your tuesday, 68. 73 wednesday. even warmer thursday. then we see a cold front. we chill it down for friday. saturday a little bit cool, 59. shower possible sunday. and still a chance of a shower by monday. temperatures in the 60s where they should be for this time of year. we're not talking about freeze. we're not talking about frost. we're just talking about cooler temperatures. look at this. i love this. i got this from erin. so not ready for this. her dog has his winter coat on. i'm not ready either. >> pup doesn't look happy with that picture right there. >> not in october. >> not yet. >> exactly. >> all right, kathy thanks. >> all right. so it's ban bill tough in hawaii lately to two attacks in the waters off hawaii this weekend. the victims both badly injured but a shark only wept after one of them. the other fell victim to something very different. plus proof that no life is too small to be saved. firefighters discover a cat in a burning apartment building. wait until you see what happened next. coming up all new at 6:00 robbery caught on camera at a local store and police say this guy had been chasing -- casing the place for while. the questions he started asking before the crime that sent out a red flag. >> the american academy of pediatrics is selling moms to be to cut out all alcohol while pregnant. this may sound like nothing new but previous studies have suggested a small amount of alcohol might be okay to drink during pregnancy. nation's leading pediatricians group says there's no way to know for sure. it says the only guarantee of having no effects from alcohol to your child is to have quote no prenatal alcohol exposure. physicians and researchers have been warning about the warning of alcohol use during pregnancy for decades it can cause thinking and behavioral problems that last a lifetime. six-year-old and 11-year-old picked up by police in new orleans for pulling a gun on a man. investigators say the two were rummaging through the bed of a pickup truck on friday afternoon and when somebody tried to stop the two, police say the kids screamed obscenities at the man then the 11-year-old pulled a gun from his waistband and threatened to shoot the man if he didn't quote leave them alo alone. neighbors in the community are shocked. businesses even pitched in to have a private security service patrol the area. according to police, both boys were booked with aggravated assault charges much the 11-year-old was charged with illegal possession of a firearm by a juvenile. very tough couple of days for people in hawaii's waters. shark attacked a man saturday afternoon then hours later a second man was attacked. initially officials thought it was another shark attack. but now they think an he'll bit the 32-year-old man. both attacks hammed just one week after another man lost his left leg when he was surfing over north star of oahu. >> pretty much out of nowhere, i felt like a truck ran into me, and took me a second to realize what was going on, you know, he during me underwater. >> the man officials think an he'll bit is in critical condition. a school aid sees something while walking to class that doesn't really sit well with her and police say what she did next foiled an attempted kidnapping. >> boy scout troop out for hike when the boy stumbled upon someone who really needed their help. how their training kicked in and they became heroes. ♪ fire raged through an apartment building but thanks to a quick-thinking rookie firefighter a black cat gets a mack us willy lucky break. the flames broke out on the second floor and firefighters jeremy, discover the unconscious kitty in an apartment and rush him outside to try save his life. he put an oxygen mask on the cat' face and revised him. the cat is doing just fine tonight. no one else was seriously injured in the fire. big ben grinds to halt in london. falling silent as the iconic clock gets repairs. the restoration project is costing british taxpayers nearly 40 million pounds and could take up to four months to finish. the 156-year-old clock reportedly has some cracks in the masonry and its hands so damage it could fall off if crews don't do something about it now. some people say they won't miss the chimes, though. >> the bongs may wouldn't be greatly missed by those who hear them on a regular basis. they're tore mine us. >> if you're keeping track it's been 31 years since big ben's last overhaul. >> meanwhile in london pastries and the pass of loved ones. people are combining the two to create the world' first death cafe permanent. several pop up death cafes have sprung up around the globe but now organizers in britain launch add crowd funding campaign to open this place's doors permanently. folks gather at the cafe to discuss death over cake and coffee. organizers say it encourages people to make the most of their lives. >> death cafe is where people often strangers to each other come to talk about any as spec of death and dying before death, after somebody they know has died, um, and it wasn't until we started we realized different as specs there were and tea and cake available. >> the creator of death cafe reportedly set up the first po pop-up cafe if any in his home in 2011 and since then more than 2,000 have come and gone across europe the us, asia and canada. elementary schoolwork kerr in california becomes a hero after preventing an attempted kidnapping. sandra ferguson an aide at sutter elementary in the was driving to work when she noticed 11-year-old student sitting in strange man' cars in driveway. she knew something wasn't right. she acted quickly. the school and her family are thankful ferguson got involved and had a vigilant eye. >> i said sweetheart, is that your dad and she told me no, he's my friend and i said, no, he's not your friend. i put my car in front of his c car, i blocked him. and i told her, you get out of the car right now! >> 51-year-old santiago salizar now in jail. police say he lure the girl into his car but they have not said how he did that. scout's honor a group of boy scouts carried an injured woman 5 miles down a mountain. christine mccarthy has their incredible story from massachusetts. >> i guess you could say we're brotherly figuratively. >> reporter: these six boy scouts proud members of way mouth's route nine put their merit badges to good use on saturday. >> it's nothing big. we tried to help out. the boys age 12 to 17 were decenting the mountain during a troop camp out they discovered a hiker who follow fallen and sprained her ankle. >> grabbed a couple sticks from the woods and ace bandage and made a make slit splint. >> the grueling part call the fireman's carry. >> we linked arms together she then sat down and we maneuvered around certain rocks. >> reporter: five hours and nearly 2 miles of tough terrain later they arrived at the bottom their adult leader an doctor said training paid off. >> i was so proud of them. i mean the splint was perfect. >> reporter: injured hiker linda was taken to the hospital on sunday she spoke to us by phone while recovering at home. >> you guys are my little angels i swear because i felt so safe with them. >> her es doctor says she could have suffered a fracture had not been for her rescuers and their impressive work. >> he couldn't believe it. who did your splint. >> boy scouts. troop number nine from weymouth. >> these boys aren't phased by the praise. a good deal is always in a day's work. >> no matter the situation you're helping out someone in need. >> linda is doing just fine and expects to get out of the hospital very soon. >> train hero and air force spencer stone released from the hospital after being stabbed outside of a bar just over a week ago. 23-year-old spencer stone wore heatedly stabbed on octobe october 7th in an altercation outside a sacremento california bar. stone had three stab wounds in his torso. and was being treated at university of california davis medical zen. neighbors say they're grateful that stone survived the stabbing and some are even flying flags to show support for their hometown hero. >> i think it's a wonderful way for the community to come together. it really is. >> i think that that shouldn't happen again i don't like people getting hur. >> you know, we're kind of a family. >> stone gained worldwide attention after he and two other americans helped foil a terror attack on a train in europe back in august. police are now searching for the suspects responsible for the stabbing. if you own a drone you may have to follow some new rules very soon. the federal government wants to make sure operators are aware of all the safety rules and catch those who break them. fox's doug mckelway is in washington, d.c. with the story. >> reporter: the obama administration is crackin crackn on drones. transportation secretary anthony fox announcing the creation of a task force to come up with recommendations for a federal user registry. >> whether we're talking about driver less cars or unmanned aircraft, we're committed as an agency to recognizing the potential of these innovations while we stab the ground rules to ensure their safe integration. >> novice owners will be required to register think drones with the government just as commercial operators already must do. the task force forming after several incidents most recently during california wildfire operations. >> some have come too close to airplanes and airports. even at the u.s. open tennis tournament in september, unmanned aircraft flying in a densely populated area near laguardia airport crashed inside arthur ash stadium during a match. the task force will include representatives from the federal government as well as unmanned and manned aviation industries. their charged with recommending which types of drones will need to be registered and which can be exempted. goals include making sure operators know safety regulations and abide by them. >> if unmanned aircraft operators break the rules, clearly there should be consequences. but in fact there can be no accountability if a person breaking the rules can't be identified. traps portation secretary fox hopes some rules will be in place by the middle part of december. in washington, doug mckelway, fox news. inspiration, specially abled people in camden county are getting a chance to hit the green. what amazing is happening when they get on the course. >> coming up at 6:00 a swimmer mr. injured in a horrible accident. told her life would never be the same. she proved doctors wrong and did it disaster than anyone that she could have expected. >> intersection people say in truly an accident waiting to happen. they contacted us for results but they're also taking extreme measures of their own to keep people safe. >> fox 29 news in hd brought to you by x finity the future of awesome. the us coast guard pulls off a dramatic rescue at sea when a cruise ship passenger has heart attack. 57-year-old woman airlifted off the coast of california. she had complained of severe chest pains. the coast guard flew into action and quick response is now getting credit of saving the woman's live. she's in stable condition at a hospital tonight. trip of a lifetime for couple at the north carolina state fair. they went back to celebrate meeting there in 1955 and also celebrate 60 years of marriage. mr. and mrs. brad sal right there a friend introduced them at the fair and the rest is history. the brads well have five children, 14 grandchildren and so far eight great-grandchildr great-grandchildren. >> i came up with a friend and we met over the tea cups. i was introduced to her and the rest is history. >> yeah, i think i heard that somewhere. they married months after they met. congratulations. that's so neat. in camden tonight lifting up lives on the links the group of golfers are using their love of the game to inspire others. >> our emmy award winning photojournalist bill rohrer has their story. >> reporter: if you love the game of wolf -- >> who needs a club. >> reporter: you know there's nothing better. >> nice easy sweeping stroke. >> reporter: than hitting the ball well. >> several people have irons, couple people have woods today. we'll do full shots again. >> reporter: these adults with special needs come here to the camden county golf academy once a week. >> when you hit metal wood. >> reporter: to learn the game. >> where should the ball position be. we give them the basic, feet apart, ball position, proper grip and basics of alignment and things of that nature. to give them kind of best opportunity to hit the ball solid. nice and wide. >> reporter: to work with volunteers from the new jersey pga. >> right there. keep them coming. yes, ma'am. >> rachel is in it for the exercise. >> i love golf. what are you kidding i watch it on tv, too. >> they love being here. they connect with the ball and hit it out into the water one of the best feelings they could have. >> reporter: kenneth schwartz has been hitting them straight for eight years today he let's us in on little secret. >> concentration. i take this hasn't like this here. go up. swing the up. that's it. >> do you think you can hit one into the water. >> she learned something new today and accomplish something and then actually got to see what they accomplish. >> whoa! did you see that? >> ma'am, i'm getting good at this. >> reporter: in camden, bill rohrer fox 29 news. ♪ torments night at 6:00 a shock to the system. a mid october burst of cold weather that created a frosty morning for lot of us but weary bounding big time. the next turn on this weather roller coaster. plus a robbery caught on camera at a local store. police say this guy had been casing the place for while. the questions he started asking before the crime that sent up red flags. >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. first at 6:00 eagles excitement the town is just buzzing over tonight's big game against the giants kicking off at the linc in a couple of hours. >> this is on the same day we had to bundle up for the coldest weather so far this season but don't worry just yet it's not sticking around for good yet. good evening, i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland. big dip in temperatures getting matched by a big rebound that's good. >> absolutely. >> let's start with chief meteorologist scott williams live in old city in his winter jacket. >> yeah, that's right. i had to break out the bubble coat out here on this objection day. i mean it felt a little more like november that's the shock to the system here in old city. you can see folks are walking about but they are bundled up a couple of extra layers on going because it was a cold down right frigid start across the area. take a look at the morning low temperatures across the area. you can see we saw temperatures right around 19 degrees in the pocono mountains this morning. 35 degrees in philadelphia the. the defendant october start since halloween of 2011. it was 27 degrees in millville. 32 freezing in dover. mid 20s a hard freeze in allentown but look at the river rewrite now it's 51 degrees in wilmington. 51 in trenton. we're looking at upper 40s right now in millville. so high pressure that is the prominent and dominant feature that cold air is little more dense so it's kind of settled into our area. but that high pressure will shift on off to the east. that will mean warmer temperatures come tomorrow. but it's going to be a chilly kick off at the linc looking at temperatures right around 8:30 at 46 degrees. mid 40s by the end of the game. but a rebound in the temperatures we're talking 60s, even 70s iain and lucy when i come indoors with the seven day. >> that sounds good, scott, thank you. the eagles take the field about 2.5 hours and

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