Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20171213 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20171213

>> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. man, blistering cold weather if you think it's cold tonight the morning is going to be a startling wake-up call. good evening, thank you for joining us for the 11:00. i'm lucy noland. kathy orr is talking about wind chills in the teens already getting all kinds of tweets, kathy, people saying it is how long outside. >> yeah, we said that wednesday was the day and the cold air is already made its way in and the wind is wild. we're talking about winds gusting to 35 even 40 miles an hour out in old city philadelphia as we speak. now right now let's take a look at the temperatures down to 26 in philadelphia. it's only 15 in the poconos. 26 in millville but this is nothing compared to what it actually feels like. winds gusting to 37 in philadelphia. 40 miles an hour gusts in the poconos. great snow-making weather but that snow will be blowing all over the place. no need to groom overnight or tomorrow. winds gusting to 28 in trenton. and look at wilmington, gusting to 32 miles an hour. so what does it feel like? it feel like four below in the poconos already. it's only going to get colder. feels like 11 in philadelphia and 14 in millville. so these numbers will go down come tomorrow morning and then snow by tomorrow night. it's going to come in early. we'll talk more about that coming up with the seven day forecast but hold on, lucy, it will be a wild ride. >> speaking of wild rides, have you check out what happened in alabama? breaking news right now. happening right now. a winner in the alabama senate race. this is a live look at doug jones headquarters. the associated press and fox news calling the race for the democrat. let's listen in right now to doug jones. [ cheers and applause ] >> let me just say this, folks. to all of my future colleagues in washington, to all -- [ cheers and applause ] >> i had such wonderful help but i want to make sure in all seriousness there are important issues facing this country. >> yes. >> there are important issues of health care and jobs and the economy. >> yes. >> and i would like as everyone in this -- in the entire probably free world knows right now we have tried to make sure that this campaign was about finding common ground and reach aig cross and actually getting things done for the people. [ cheers and applause ] >> yes! >> so i have a chance -- >> jones now turning the alabama state blue after years of republicans holding that senate seat celebrations all over the place for doug jones. his opponent republican roy moore came under fire from accusers women who said that he sexually pursued them when interpret teenagers one of them said she was 14 year old at the time. this is a stunning upset. fox news has 94% of the vote in. jones leads less than percentage point over moore no sign of him conceding as of yet. if he does, we'll bring it to you. back here at home a terrifying exam. 82 year old woman opened her door to two guys she thought were harmless, but they turned out to be robbers. and the men claim to be utility employees ended up stealing thousands of dollars from her northeast philadelphia home. fox 29's dave schratwieser joins us loo you have at philly police headquarters. dave, this is really something almost anyone of us could fall for. >> reporter: lucy, that's why police are putting out warning tonight. the 82-year-old victim told me tonight that these guys were slick and they literally forced their way inside her home. >> just kept saying i'm from the water department and then he showed me an id. >> reporter: 82 years old and she's angry after two men posing as water department employees enter her northeast philadelphia home monday and robbed her. >> i feel terrible. i feel violated. i feel -- i don't feel safe any more. >> just took advantage of her and it's just wrong. >> reporter: we agreed not to identify the woman after police say the two water department imposters came to the victim's home monday afternoon. they told her there was something wrong with her water and they needed to check it. >> we made an error in the pipes or something. he says water is come through your house or something like that he said. >> reporter: as they entered her home one suspect went to the kitchen with the victim to turn the water on and off. the other person rummaged through her personal belongings and retrieved a significant amount of cash report roar this cripes as the police department is renewing its be sure before you open the door campaign. following several similar crim crimes. >> all you have to do is call 911. we can then link in with the utility providers and find out if someone was dispatched to your block or your house. >> call the police. don't answer the door. call the police. let the police ask -- fine out who they are. >> reporter: now police tonight re-enter viewed the victim hoping to get some more details so they can track down the suspects. they're also looking for surveillance video in that neighborhood hoping they can identify these two guys. lucy. >> all right, thank you much, dave. jersey peeps, how attached to your area code are you? i was 609 person? maybe an 856? get ready because three new digits are coming to town. our chris o'connell has details live from pennsauken. all right, chris, what up? >> reporter: well, simply put if you live in new jersey, get ready to dial a few new numbers on your phone to get that call through. a new area code means a new way of dialing. if you haven't been dialed into the news lately, listen up. new jersey is welcoming a new area do you know the new area code?? >> i did not. >> reporter: after nearly 50 years, the 609 is running out of numbers. let me lay this on you. 640. >> fix 40? never heard of it. >> reporter: get ready. 640 is coming at you. >> why is that? >> come next year, 640 will be added as an overlay to the same geographic area as the 609 from trenton south to cape may. don't worry, your phone number won't change, but brand new numbers will be assigned the 640 by the end of next summer. >> customers in this region are going to have to get used to using the full dialing number including the area code even if they're in the 609 area code. >> all goes on speed dial any way and i push one button if somebody asks me what my cell phone, i don't know what it is because it's on speed dial. >> reporter: why the change. blame your smart phone. >> with every new cell phone, every new tablet, every new fax machine we're just running out of numbers. plain and simple. >> reporter: to see exactly how you are affected all these new dialing procedures and the new deadlines that go into effect next year just go to our website lucy. >> sort it all out there. thank you much, chris. the man who authorities say is behind a botched suicide bombing in new york city now facing formal federal charges. prosecutors have charged 27-year-old ullah with providing material support to a terrorist group, use of a weapon of mass destruction and other counts. he was born in bangladesh and moved to the u.s. seven years ago. investigators say he is an isis sympathizer but appears to have been self-radicalized. so secret santa paying off $49,000 of lay away items at a south jersey walmart. just makes you smile. our dave kinchen has this little bit of happy from millville. >> reporter: there's no doubt we all know how stressful the holidays can be, even more stressful if you're a little low on cash. having trouble making ends meet. believe it to secret santa to help so many people out in south jersey. >> for somebody to do something like this for people that they don't know is humbling and it's a blessing. >> reporter: it will be a brighter christmas for kimberly green and her grandkids now that secret santa secured their gifts bought from walmart in millvil millville. >> i was like, really? like we need to text somebody, call somebody. >> reporter: it was kimberly's reaction after finderring out from her daughter who works at the walmart 700 bucks for remaining balance on lay away was mysteriously covered. >> i said can we go there just wait. no, we ain't waiting. we need to go now. we need to make sure this true. we went back at the back to lay away it was true. >> reporter: with nine grandkids in the family any christmas list would be costly. >> it was a challenge, of course, because i mean, spending money on stuff is not always ease zoo, you know, but you got to do what you got to do for the kids. >> reporter: store managers will only say it was a local businessperson who dropped nearly 50 grand to pay off lay away orders for more than 200 people including kimberly. >> kind of be at he's now. okay, all right, you ain't going to worry about that big expense. report roar those gifts are being kept in undisclosed location away from the house and the kids. but the warmth avenue stranger' generosity has already filled their household this holiday season. >> what can you say but thank you? you know, like i don't know who it is. um i'm not trying to find out. what want to take that person' blessing. >> reporter: the spirit of giving contagious. last month someone took care of about $11,000 worth of lay away items at a toys r us in cherry hill. certainly stories like this warming your hearts this time of year. in millville, dave kinchen fox 29 news. >> they sure are. new mexican restaurant creating a lot of buzz but it's not over the food or even about the service. it's all about the name. and this group of preschoolers hard at work sending christmas cards to our troops overseas and not just one or two but 175. sure to brighten holidays. when he's not winning on the football field, zach ertz is spending his free time surprising local high school football coaches. the philadelphia eagles tight end over in philadelphia's rhawnhurst neighborhood surprising northeast high school's football coach and his team. this is nfl video sent to us by way of campbell's chunky soup as part of its we'll fill in while you fill up campaign. where nfl players fill in for coaches. there's a whole lot of filling in going new center city restaurant leaving a bad taste in people' mouths even before it opens the open are in says it's a misunderstanding. fox 29's brad sattin reports from illegal tacos. >> reporter: new restaurant on broad street sure to have people doing double takes. it's serving up mexican food and dishing out a little politic. illegal tacos the building still under construction but the owner of the joint is promising tacos so authentic she should be illegal but chances are that's not the first thing you'll think of. >> the name is very cool. very funny. very catchy and it's directly connected to the mitt cal climate towards the immigration system in the united. >> reporter: he's an immigrant himself. moving to the us from albania 17 years ago he insists the name is good natured and supportive of immigrants. >> everybody post comments on the internet about what they don't like about the current immigration climate. but i'm the one who is actually given a voice to the illegals. here you go. illegal tacos standing right here. >> reporter: not so fast. comments from people posted on the restaurant's facebook page range from disgusting to grossly incentive. one person writing, being an immigrant does not excuse you from being offensive and racist. >> is he anti immigrant. >> absolutely not. he has a coffee shop in south philadelphia probably 99% of the people who come into the coffee shop are immigrants. >> everybody is welcomed here. everybody is going to come over here they're going to get to know me and fall in love with the place and come here every day. report roar there's no official opening date for this restaurant yet but they're hoping to start serving food before the epidemic of the year. on broad street, brad sattin fox 29 news. >> students who work at rutgers university are about to make some extra dough. the university's president wrote letter to students sayinge' raising minimum wage for workers to $11 an hour. it's a 30% increase from the current $8.44. still some protesters say the boost isn't enough they want more. students protested for months calling for the minimum wage to be 15 bucks an hour. however the raise still takes effect january 1st. a sign of appreciation. new jersey preschoolers doing something extra special for our troops who won't be home for the holidays. as fox 29's bill rohrer shares it's sure to put a smile on their faces. >> all right. look up here. >> reporter: at the kiddie academy in delran, n, all you need is a good book to keep a group of three years olds for keeping focus. >> this book is tool to help the boys and girls understand. not everyone will be home for the holidays. >> but that's what super heroes have to do. >> you're doing such a great job. they're going to make the troops so happy. >> reporter: men and women serving in the military will receive handmade cards. >> the rainbow is my favorite. >> reporter: some with beautiful made rainbow from destiny. >> first i have to draw the leaves. >> reporter: bouquet of flowers from nyjah. >> flowers can be very easy. even if you're four and a half. >> my hope it puts smile on their faces and i think they're going to, um you know, knowing they're from preschoolers hopefully it will mean a lot to them. the kids put a lot of effort. >> i'm making one green card and one purple. >> reporter: the goal is to make just one for military family belonging to the school but they kept going and made 175. >> some of them are just starting that writing. some of them are just starting to color in the lines. >> i'm going to draw snowman here. >> hopefully it will put a smile on their face and warm their thoughts there were kids out there that were taught about what they're doing and how important the things they're doing is to our world. >> it just makes them feel a connection to home and i hope that we do that for them. even if it's just little bit. >> right in there. drop it. >> reporter: in delran, bill rohrer -- >> happy holidays! >> reporter: fox 29 news. >> so sweet. love those little people. all right. live look at blue mountain from our pocono mountains camera. speaking of sweet, skiers and borders are loving that look. snows already on the ground. tomorrow, though, man, it's going to be a blistering start to the day. already feeling it, kathy. >> oh, my gosh i love looking at that, though. >> it is nice to look at. >> when you're inside looking at that, right, larry? larry our floor director is a huge skier. he's going like -- >> he is doing that. maying sharp turns, larry. weather authority showing old city philadelphia winds already gusting to 35 even 40 in some locations. the temperature is 26. winds are sustain at 25. they're gusting as i mentioned to 35. so it is blustery out there. here's look at what it feels like. foles like four below in blue mountain in the poconos much it feels like six in pottstown. it feels like 11 in philadelphia and wilmington. if you were out this evening, you know exactly what i mean. take look at these winds. winds gusting to 40s in the poconos. 28 miles an hour gust in trent trenton. pottstown 30. philadelphia 37. in atlantic city gusting to 36. guess what? because of this intense wind we have a wind advisory in effect through tomorrow for gusts to 50 miles an hour in atlantic, cumberland and cape kay counties in new jersey and through dover, kent county and sussex county, delaware, including milford and also of course georgetown. so we're talking about very strong winds. through the night through the morning into tomorrow evening as well. ultimate doppler you can see all is dry. but lake epp hansed snow showers off of lake erie, lake ontario when you see that lavender color that's two to 3-inches of snow an hour. just think you could be there. future wind chills showing by tomorrow morning it's going to be brutal. it's going to feel like nine below in the poconos. six in philadelphia. five at the bus stop in wilmington and new castle coun county. one in reading. feel like one in lancaster and even in trenton it will only feel like 4 degrees. it doesn't get much better. the noon hour okay it feels like 12 in pottstown. it feel like 14 in philadelphia. but remember whatever is not covered is going to be very cold because that wind takes that warm layer right away from your skin. temperatures are going to be in the 30s in the afternoon. but look about 5:00 o'clock it feels like it's in the teens pitt he much everywhere. then the snow comes in and our new models are showing it could come in earlier. no problems in the morning. but by the evening, after 7:00 o'clock at night, the snow moves in. it's snowing at about 10:00, 11, 12:00 o'clock and moves out during the early morning hours so it's dry in the air for the morning rush but the snow will be sticking very quickly on untreated surfaces. so that will be for thursday morning. so by thursday morning maybe an inch around philadelphia. 2-inches as you head toward the lehigh valley and the poconos. overnight lows in the 20s and the teens. but those feel like readings in the single numbers. the high tomorrow only 31. but you know it's only going to feel like it's about 15. on your seven day forecast from the weather authority lucy it does get better. there's a chance of a snow shower friday but saturday and sunday milder. rain or snow on monday. tuesday temperatures in the 40s. but tomorrow is going to really feel more like one of colder days of january. so it's little bit of a preview. >> here we go. >> all right. so kristen, there's a lot of buzz about quarterbacks and the y there's been a lot of talk the eagles should bring in a few quarterback with carson wentz out for the season and a few quarterback with carson wentz out for the season and some of the names are laughable. no matter how you holiday, a few quarterback with carson wentz out for the season and somewhere you holiday,laughable. or who you holiday with... ay bright with dunkin's holiday coffee flavors like brown sugar cinnamon, and peppermint mocha. grab your favorite and make your holidays happen. the holidays run on dunkin'. to find smarter solutions. to offer more precise and less invasive treatment options than before. like advanced genomic testing and immunotherapy. see how we're fighting to outsmart cancer at $1that's like a big yummy hug.? so hug it up! hug more. hug large. hug medium? hug that. live it a hug life with $1.99 medium or larger hot chocolate. america runs on dunkin'. ♪ the second we found out that carson wentz was out for the season yesterday, i got texts from friends asking if the eagles were goingo sign colin kaepernick. then i had people tweeting at me asking if the rumors were true and tony romo was coming to philly? then our sports director tom srendenschek heard a you go at the gym saying peyton manning should take over here. are you kidding me? this is some craze so talk and i need to shut it down. let's start with peyton manning the guy is retired for two yea years. its let him spend his days wri writing jingles for insurance companies. tony romo. i'm surprised eagles would want a cowboys quarterback. he's doing a good job in the broadcast booth and he suffered a lot of back injuries. let him stay in the booth. finally there's colin kaepernick this one has got a lot of traction. you can argue he's a better quarterback but it makes zero sense to bring in a guy who hasn't played professional football in year make him learn a brand new offense on brand new team and think he can lead the goals on a deep post season run. eagles have a quarterback and his name is nick foles. lucy? [ applause ] >> thank you. >> i would stand up, too and applaud more but i got to read this. all right. lots of folks gathered in center city tonight to honor speaking of eagles kristen eagles safety malcolm jenkins. at the mason 208 restaurant. they presented jenkins wires laos for his dedication to making social change. honoring him for bringing attention to criminal justice and social reform. in addition to his work in philly he's met with lawmakers on capitol hill. i know if kathy about to join us here. she was very busy probably looking at her latest radar. here she is sliding on in. >> my gosh, guys. just getting colder. >> i know. you're so hard at work over there. >> the weather center is way over there. >> i know. we're back here at 4:00 a.m. for very c ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. (vo) going on now, our subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million dollars to those in need. announcer: today on "tmz" -- >> no doubt everybody has a lot of love for keaton jones but suddenly the murky issues with his mom has $60,000 swinging in the wind. somewhere there was a gofundme page put up in keaton's name and they had to put it on hold. hey, we need to see where this is going. >> people saw the gofundme and said i'm going to give $5. why? >> they saw a kid crying. you know what, i would donate to put him in like kung fu classes. [laughter] >> we have swae lee leaving papi and he buys an entire bouquet of roses from this guy. all of a sudden out of nowhere, ose ladies rush to swae lee. [laughter] he tries to give more roses to the rose lady. >> i'm going to give you these roses.

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