Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20170525 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20170525

live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11. breaking news right now out of delaware county. skyfox over media. police are responding to an armed robbery in progress at the cvs along baltimore pike. you see a lot of activity there. a swat team has the place surrounded. right now, police choppers are looking for at least one robber. now understandably police asked us to move off our chopper so they can really hone in on the area. and drive down on who is behind all of this much it's all happening right now as the information continues to come in we'll bring it to you. now to story that you first saw right here on fox 29. police caught a bartender at a popular mainline restaurant serving up a whole lot more than beer and mixed drinks. investigators say he was selling cocaine and pot right outside the restaurant during business hours. good evening, i'm lucy noland. our dave saturday schratwieser the first to get all these details. dave. >> reporter: lucy, information developed from routine car stop by radnor police led them to the bartender at estia they set you up a sting operation and made four purchases of cocaine in the parking lot at the restaurant. today they moved in and made an arrest. customers were back enjoying dinner at estia on the mainline wednesday night just hours after radnor police interrupted the lunch hour at the popular restaurant. following a month long undercover investigation that turned up cocaine sales involving an employee here. >> we had information to believe that the bartender here at estia was selling drugs out of the back door report roar police arrested bartender edison, after he allege allegedly sold cocainn undercover officer wednesday in the parking lot at the restaurant. sources say police made four undercover drug buys from the bartender in recent weeks. >> today they made their final buy. he had on his possession cocaine and marijuana. >> reporter: superintendent colarulo police and health depth officials closed estia temporarily after canines found traces of drugs on two refrigerator handles behind the bar. >> cocaine in an stab many as well respected as esti through the back door and that is unacceptable and puts the public at risk and puts your coach work workers at risk. >> i had watched cops coming in and out of the door like four of them into the kitchen. >> rachel and wendy were waiting for lunch when the police showed up. >> the waitress came and said you can finish your drinks and there will be no charge. >> no tab, yeah. >> but there's going to be no food. >> we're closing the kitchen. there's been an emergency. >> yeah. sources say the investigation started during a recent car stop in radnor drugs and other evidence led police to the bartender who allegedly made sales during his work hours at the restaurant. >> the management and ownership of esti has been very cooperative very professional they're not responsible for what their employee does. >> reporter: now that bartender was held on $30,000 bail. a second employee was questioned. he was not charged. police question quick to pent out today no other drugs were found inside the restaurant. lucy? >> all right much that's good news. dave, thank you very much. tonight one huge step closer to arguments in montgomery county for comedian bill cosby. maybe actually 12 steps closer. the men and women who will decide if he's innocent or guilty of drugging a woman and sexually assaulting her are now seated on his jury. fox 29's chris o'connell is at the montgomery county courthou courthouse. chris? >> reporter: lucy, that is right. the jury has now been selected in this very high profile trial. a jury who will decide the fate of bill cosby who now comes to montgomery county facing ten to 1220 years in prison. now, he spoke with reporters after court today. >> i just want to be very specific about the wonderful people of allegheny county. >> reporter: bill cosby thanking the people of the pittsburgh area moments after the panel of 12 jurors and six alternates were selected in his felony sexual assault trial. that jury made up of four white women, six white men, one black woman and one single black man. now the trial will move to montgomery county courthouse. it begins june 5th. district attorney kevin steele says soon the world will finally get to see the case against the 79-year-old comedian. >> we're going to put some witnesses on the stand. we're confident in the case we have and look forward to goating it in jury's hands. >> in closing, i just want to thank all of the people who have come to see my shows whenever i appeared heinz hall, and thank you all. >> reporter: now the jury will travel here to montgomery county for the two to three week trial. the jury may not hear from cosby himself. he's not expected to testify in his own defense much lucy. >> thank you very much, chris. jury now decide the fate of new jersey father david creato. jurors have spent their first full day in deliberations prosecutors say he kill his thirty four-year-old son. the jury asked to watch creato's interview with detectives and hear a consideration secret recorded by the boy's mother. now he maintains his son wandered away from his home in objection of 2015. on your radar tonight, it is lighting up ultimate doppler. meteorologist kathy orr tracking rain for your monday rush. does that mean i get to pull out my boots. >> oh, yes, it does. he is special in the morning. it's going to be wet from everywhere. the city to the shore. few people on the boardwalk in wildwood tonight really getting ready for the holiday weekend but there's little rain that separates from that right now temperature 60. the wind out of the east at 11 miles an hour. that's a cool breeze especially down the shore. 60 in philadelphia. 57 in millville and ac that ocean water temperature still too cold to go in. 59 degrees but you can see the shore staying cool with that on shore flow. so the rain only few hours away. you can see the shield moving toward the eastern shore of the maryland wip an hour it will sussex county delaware. philadelphia by about two, 3:00 a.m. and coming down pretty heavy by the morning. here's look at our rainfall totals. one to twoisms of rain tomorrow. heavy rain for the morning. showers and storms expected in the afternoon. then we fast forward to the holiday weekend. friday looks fine. saturday looks decent as well. we see the rain moving in on sunday. so sunday morning fine. sunday afternoon some showers. monday morning looks fairly decent. but by monday afternoon, seeing some rain as well. if you're going to the jersey shore and delaware beaches, here's a look at your holiday highlights for saturday that's the pick of the weekend. if you're going to go down for the day make sure do you it on saturday because by sunday scattered showers, maybe a few rumbles of thunder in the afternoon. monday a few afternoon showers. the wetter day seems to be sunday in the afternoon. overnight tonight, 57 mostly cloudy. rain heavy at times for your morning. right through seven, 8:00 a.m. during the afternoon little bit of a break late in the afternoon some showers and scattered storms. the high temperature 69. we should be at about 75 for this time of year. as we look ahead to the holiday if you're staying at home, backyard barbecue perhaps, temperatures will be fairly mi mild. 77 saturday. 50% hans of rain sunday afternoon. 40% chance on monday. so good bet of afternoon showers both of those days. on your seven day forecast from the weather authority the phils look good for friday and saturday. could see showers on sunday. monday 78. tuesday 80. and wednesday 79 degrees. so the best day of the weekend will be saturday but the other two days not bad. just some showers in the afternoon, lucy. >> not a wash out i check none of us are the wick witch of the west so we won't melt. >> thank you very much, kathy. >> you bet. tonight arrests in two nations in the wake of monday's suicide bombing in manchester. investigators are digging deeply into the 22-year-old bomber's background they say he was likely part of a wider network possibly the same one linked to the paris and brussels attacks. tonight we have new video of the attackeraattacker before the d blast. sky news has these freeze frames. it shows salman abedi with a blue backpack. the blast killed 22 people including an eight-year-old girl an police officer. wounded more than 100 others attackers father and two brothers are now all in custody. authorities say his younger brother confessed to knowing all about the plan and the attack. >> i think it's very clear that this is a network that we are investigating. as i said it continues at a pace extensive investigations going on and activity taking place across greater manchester as we speak. >> armed troops are now stationed outside busy public areas meanwhile authorities in britain and libya conducting raids to find anyone else who may have played a role in the terror tack. happening right now, some fed up drivers in south philadelphia neighborhood after two dozen car break ins one week seems quite ran dollar. people fed up. fox 29's brad sattin live in pennsport with details. brad it seem like even if you lock your car it doesn't matter. >> reporter: yeah, in fact people are saying this is the wore the they have seen it in a and limb time. officially police are reporting 25 car break ins last week. but we talk to some people here who say they were targeted the week before. there was one woman who was hit three times. talked to guy little while ago who says since last december, he was targeted five times. police are making arrests but the break ins connell. >> my car was ransack. >> reporter: it's been a bad few weeks. >> they shaated this back wind window. >> for car owners. >> my roommate's car has been broken into. her would forty seven's car has been broken into. >> south philadelphia's penn port neighborhood. >> last year seven cars. 25 car break ins vandalism cases in a week. matt was one of the victims. >> apparently they take a screwdriver and every car had similar signs where the screwdriver they put it in and break the window and i guess that's the way they break it where you don't have to big noise. >> dana horowitz two cars were hit three times in the past few weeks. >> we have two car seats back here. glass shattered everywhere there was a bloody tissue in the front seat. it was pretty nasty. >> police stepped up patrols and put out the crime alert asking neighbors to be each other's eyes and ears in mike randolph's case muscle. when he saw break in in progress last week, he stepped in. >> went across the street got a few neighbor guys. went over basically barricaded the guy in the car. called the cops. >> reporter: kelly burke watched. >> did the guy say anything. >> no, he was quite the whole time. he looked so shamed. >> report roar how old avenue guy? >> maybe like 20 if that. he was young. >> reporter: police of course are asking neighbors to continue to be vigilant to lock their doors to keep the valuables out and of course watch out for one another. lucy? >> good that they got one of guys. thank you much brad. so this little guy didn't do anything wrong. in fact he's so lucky to be alive. so why was he lock up in the back of a police cruiser? ♪ somewhere, inside each of us, there's a pro. ♪ it's not always easy to summon your pro. ♪ but once you've found it, you'll find you can do anything. ♪ >> we do not know why the drive. developing story out of chester county. where two counselors at an addiction facility in chester county have died from a drug overdose. patients at the freedom ridge recovery lodge found their bodies sunday afternoon. the two died in their bedrooms from overdosing on heroin and fentanyl. the drugs and needles were sitting out in the open. police say six clients were living there at the time. >> it is so bad that even the people who are the counselors who are trying to treat people and keep them from relapsing into addiction are subject themselves to relapsing into addiction and dying. >> um-hmm. counselors had control over the medicine cabinet in the house and likely bought the drugs on the street to celebrate a birthday. happening now in wilmington a woman tacked at a park and it happened at the same park where a woman was assaulted a few months ago. fox 29's dave kinchen has the story from wilmington. >> reporter: elle murray ran into troubling news while working out in this wilmington park. we told her it's where a 22 year old woman was grabbed tuesday by a man who tried to steal from her. >> it's pretty scary. i'm goining to run down by the river. she was like be careful. i'll be fine. >> police say the woman was on the walking path in the park at south park drive and northwest street in wilmington. a man grabbed her. they struggle. she fell. the man tried to take her thing. it all happened before 3:00 p.m. tuesday in broad daylight. >> there's not lost people around here around that time. so i could see something like that happening. because there's not a lot of traffic. right now there's lot of people walking around if you come at noon, you might be the only person on the trail. >> reporter: thankfully someone came to help the woman but the bad guy got away. people who work out here daily are shocked. >> usually this is a pretty safe area. um, i don't really hear -- i mean like if it was a mugging we don't usually hear about that kind of stuff report are the same park where police tried to rape a 28 year old woman who went for run back in february. she fought off the attacker who robbed her before running off. some neighbors say they can see danger happening here. >> i'm not surprised. it's wilmington but i've never seen anything crazy around here. i jog here at least a few times a week. i haven't seen anything crazy report roar in this latest case police are looking for a block mail between 20 and 25 years old. they say he was wearing a long sleeved shirt either red or pink in color. that he had cab tee key pants on and black sneak call wilmington police if you have any information. in wilmington, dave kinchen fox 29 news. you see it you shoot it our fresco users are helping to show what is going on around you. iain what you got. >> new officers sworn in tonight in delaware county and they got four legs. they are canine officers da jack whelan was there for the swearing in at the ridley township municipal building two new kay k9 will join the police force. this is the first time the township has had k9 officers in more than ten years. a 21 gun salute for veterans at a montgomery county hospital. it was part of a schedule every special sorry for veterans at the einstein medical center in east norriton. valley forge chapter thee 49 and vietnam veterans against the war provided honor guard taps was also played in patriotic pillows were given out. when you see news happening take out your phone and shoot it and use that fresco app and zen it to our newsroom you might just get he had he paid lucy a pup in montgomery county found himself in the back of a police car. it was a good thing. sergeant with the lansdale borough police department found this little guy on south broad street dodging traffic. the sergeant scooped him him up and put him in the back of his patrol car. the pup is back with his happy owners tonight. that's a good thing. sean bell speaking of happy a lot of folks very happy about what's going on with nfl. >> a little too happy right now. okay. people are way too excited. fans media and everyone in between. i'll tell you why folks need to calm down and stop taking voluntary workouts so seriously. that's coming up in my sports commentary. >> now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. good evening, everybody. we got new construction patterns coming our way. crews will be working through the night into early tomorrow morning north on 95 at girard avenue. then be ready for some new patterns coming our way before the memorial day weekend. if you are heading to the shore for the weekend bad news. the town sent inlet bridge will not be open for the memorial day weekend. that means from sea isle to avalon we're going all the way back inland and using route nine or the parkway and giddy up the devon horse show gallops into town it opens up tomorrow and of course had bring us a lot of extra volume along lancaster avenue. the forecast for the horse show and we'll check the jam cams starting bright and early. we'll see you here at 4:00. ♪ and the number on the back is... yeah i'm going to have to call you back. hey...hold on... we understand people lose things. here ya go, sarah. hold on to this one. thank you. sarah? so at td bank, you can replace a lost debit card instantly. yep, that's mine. don't just bank. bank human™. ♪ breaking news out of media delaware county. fresco video from the scene of a drugstore robbery. swat team at the cvs on baltimore avenue along with k9s trying to arrest one person. now early reports indicated that person's barricaded in the store. so we'll stay on top of this and of course bring you more on good day. so sean bell is about to rain on your parade. he thinks folks are taking the nfl in may a little too seriously. his commentary in 15 seconds. ♪ football in may means nothing. people are way too excited and way too interested what's going on involuntary workouts. the eagles have their work outs this week and way too many stories about mares being unhappy, interpretation in the organization and players skipping out on workouts. most of it isn't true and none of it matters. why, it's may. not august. it's may. the game hasn't gotten so big that you have to clamor over want we have a is going on in the month of may. i keep saying that but come on really. the media is also providing you with all of this even if it means it's nothing. rumors came out the franchise wasn't happy that carson wentz is workin working working it wik guru and doug pederson was being left out of the dig making. and there's a million stories just hike that coming out just to feed the beast that is the nfl. the fans need to stop begging for football material in may and madamed ya needs to stop giving them false or pointless information. right now guys are just running around in shorts getting to know each other. >> lucy. >> running around to shorts ge getting to know folks. thank you very much unsean bell. >> dwayne johnson has a presidential comedian. kevin hart joke that he'd take on the former wrestler. he has to because the rock didn't pick him as his running mate. >> this week on snl johnson said he'd do it to tom hang. >> sequel to top gun. >> no way. >> tom cruise confirm the plans during interview sean bell i know you never saw the movie. >> i have. >> it was great at the time. he was maverick. no other details released as of yet other than that it starts next year. >> i hate sequels of great movies. >> okay. >> why are you messing up something so good? >> godfather two. >> okay. sometimes they do it really well. but more times than not they destroy it. >> i think that was the only sequel that won an oscar by the way. >> i think you're right. all kinds of enter tape many news coming up. guys, we are following breaking news. so our good day team will have more on this situation in delaware county starting at 4am. a swat team and k9 units are at the cvs on baltimore avenue in media. they're trying to arrest one person early reports indicated that person is barricaded in the store. we'll have all of that coming up at 4am "good day philadelphia". sue serio and bob kelly with your weather which is big tomorrow, too. harvey: so justin bieber has the number one song in the country right now. problem is, no hablo espanol. >> it seems like he didn't remember the lyrics. harvey: what was the clue? >> he goes, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. [laughter] >> we got nicki minaj out and we asked her -- >> with all of this happening around the world, are you considering canceling any tours? >> no, because we don't operate in fear, nope. >> donald trump, melania and ivanka all went to visit the pope at the vatican. >> the pope looks so unpleased. >> what do these leaders do with all of the gifts they get? the pope gets so many gifts, he chucks them all in a room. >> i wonder what he does do with them all? >> he has an ebay profile. el popo 123. >> tom cruise has confirmed "top gun 2" is happening.

Related Keywords

Montgomery County , Pennsylvania , United States , Millville , Paris , France General , France , Delaware County , Philadelphia , Radnor , Allegheny County , Delaware , Libya , Heinz Hall , Jersey , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Salman Abedi , Sea Isle , Sean Bell , Dana Horowitz , Mike Randolph , Nicki Minaj , Doug Pederson , Justin Bieber , Bob Kelly , Bell Dwayne Johnson , Kevin Hart , Kathy Orr , Baltimore Pike , El Popo , Snl Johnson , Lucy Noland ,

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Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20170525 :

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20170525

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live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11. breaking news right now out of delaware county. skyfox over media. police are responding to an armed robbery in progress at the cvs along baltimore pike. you see a lot of activity there. a swat team has the place surrounded. right now, police choppers are looking for at least one robber. now understandably police asked us to move off our chopper so they can really hone in on the area. and drive down on who is behind all of this much it's all happening right now as the information continues to come in we'll bring it to you. now to story that you first saw right here on fox 29. police caught a bartender at a popular mainline restaurant serving up a whole lot more than beer and mixed drinks. investigators say he was selling cocaine and pot right outside the restaurant during business hours. good evening, i'm lucy noland. our dave saturday schratwieser the first to get all these details. dave. >> reporter: lucy, information developed from routine car stop by radnor police led them to the bartender at estia they set you up a sting operation and made four purchases of cocaine in the parking lot at the restaurant. today they moved in and made an arrest. customers were back enjoying dinner at estia on the mainline wednesday night just hours after radnor police interrupted the lunch hour at the popular restaurant. following a month long undercover investigation that turned up cocaine sales involving an employee here. >> we had information to believe that the bartender here at estia was selling drugs out of the back door report roar police arrested bartender edison, after he allege allegedly sold cocainn undercover officer wednesday in the parking lot at the restaurant. sources say police made four undercover drug buys from the bartender in recent weeks. >> today they made their final buy. he had on his possession cocaine and marijuana. >> reporter: superintendent colarulo police and health depth officials closed estia temporarily after canines found traces of drugs on two refrigerator handles behind the bar. >> cocaine in an stab many as well respected as esti through the back door and that is unacceptable and puts the public at risk and puts your coach work workers at risk. >> i had watched cops coming in and out of the door like four of them into the kitchen. >> rachel and wendy were waiting for lunch when the police showed up. >> the waitress came and said you can finish your drinks and there will be no charge. >> no tab, yeah. >> but there's going to be no food. >> we're closing the kitchen. there's been an emergency. >> yeah. sources say the investigation started during a recent car stop in radnor drugs and other evidence led police to the bartender who allegedly made sales during his work hours at the restaurant. >> the management and ownership of esti has been very cooperative very professional they're not responsible for what their employee does. >> reporter: now that bartender was held on $30,000 bail. a second employee was questioned. he was not charged. police question quick to pent out today no other drugs were found inside the restaurant. lucy? >> all right much that's good news. dave, thank you very much. tonight one huge step closer to arguments in montgomery county for comedian bill cosby. maybe actually 12 steps closer. the men and women who will decide if he's innocent or guilty of drugging a woman and sexually assaulting her are now seated on his jury. fox 29's chris o'connell is at the montgomery county courthou courthouse. chris? >> reporter: lucy, that is right. the jury has now been selected in this very high profile trial. a jury who will decide the fate of bill cosby who now comes to montgomery county facing ten to 1220 years in prison. now, he spoke with reporters after court today. >> i just want to be very specific about the wonderful people of allegheny county. >> reporter: bill cosby thanking the people of the pittsburgh area moments after the panel of 12 jurors and six alternates were selected in his felony sexual assault trial. that jury made up of four white women, six white men, one black woman and one single black man. now the trial will move to montgomery county courthouse. it begins june 5th. district attorney kevin steele says soon the world will finally get to see the case against the 79-year-old comedian. >> we're going to put some witnesses on the stand. we're confident in the case we have and look forward to goating it in jury's hands. >> in closing, i just want to thank all of the people who have come to see my shows whenever i appeared heinz hall, and thank you all. >> reporter: now the jury will travel here to montgomery county for the two to three week trial. the jury may not hear from cosby himself. he's not expected to testify in his own defense much lucy. >> thank you very much, chris. jury now decide the fate of new jersey father david creato. jurors have spent their first full day in deliberations prosecutors say he kill his thirty four-year-old son. the jury asked to watch creato's interview with detectives and hear a consideration secret recorded by the boy's mother. now he maintains his son wandered away from his home in objection of 2015. on your radar tonight, it is lighting up ultimate doppler. meteorologist kathy orr tracking rain for your monday rush. does that mean i get to pull out my boots. >> oh, yes, it does. he is special in the morning. it's going to be wet from everywhere. the city to the shore. few people on the boardwalk in wildwood tonight really getting ready for the holiday weekend but there's little rain that separates from that right now temperature 60. the wind out of the east at 11 miles an hour. that's a cool breeze especially down the shore. 60 in philadelphia. 57 in millville and ac that ocean water temperature still too cold to go in. 59 degrees but you can see the shore staying cool with that on shore flow. so the rain only few hours away. you can see the shield moving toward the eastern shore of the maryland wip an hour it will sussex county delaware. philadelphia by about two, 3:00 a.m. and coming down pretty heavy by the morning. here's look at our rainfall totals. one to twoisms of rain tomorrow. heavy rain for the morning. showers and storms expected in the afternoon. then we fast forward to the holiday weekend. friday looks fine. saturday looks decent as well. we see the rain moving in on sunday. so sunday morning fine. sunday afternoon some showers. monday morning looks fairly decent. but by monday afternoon, seeing some rain as well. if you're going to the jersey shore and delaware beaches, here's a look at your holiday highlights for saturday that's the pick of the weekend. if you're going to go down for the day make sure do you it on saturday because by sunday scattered showers, maybe a few rumbles of thunder in the afternoon. monday a few afternoon showers. the wetter day seems to be sunday in the afternoon. overnight tonight, 57 mostly cloudy. rain heavy at times for your morning. right through seven, 8:00 a.m. during the afternoon little bit of a break late in the afternoon some showers and scattered storms. the high temperature 69. we should be at about 75 for this time of year. as we look ahead to the holiday if you're staying at home, backyard barbecue perhaps, temperatures will be fairly mi mild. 77 saturday. 50% hans of rain sunday afternoon. 40% chance on monday. so good bet of afternoon showers both of those days. on your seven day forecast from the weather authority the phils look good for friday and saturday. could see showers on sunday. monday 78. tuesday 80. and wednesday 79 degrees. so the best day of the weekend will be saturday but the other two days not bad. just some showers in the afternoon, lucy. >> not a wash out i check none of us are the wick witch of the west so we won't melt. >> thank you very much, kathy. >> you bet. tonight arrests in two nations in the wake of monday's suicide bombing in manchester. investigators are digging deeply into the 22-year-old bomber's background they say he was likely part of a wider network possibly the same one linked to the paris and brussels attacks. tonight we have new video of the attackeraattacker before the d blast. sky news has these freeze frames. it shows salman abedi with a blue backpack. the blast killed 22 people including an eight-year-old girl an police officer. wounded more than 100 others attackers father and two brothers are now all in custody. authorities say his younger brother confessed to knowing all about the plan and the attack. >> i think it's very clear that this is a network that we are investigating. as i said it continues at a pace extensive investigations going on and activity taking place across greater manchester as we speak. >> armed troops are now stationed outside busy public areas meanwhile authorities in britain and libya conducting raids to find anyone else who may have played a role in the terror tack. happening right now, some fed up drivers in south philadelphia neighborhood after two dozen car break ins one week seems quite ran dollar. people fed up. fox 29's brad sattin live in pennsport with details. brad it seem like even if you lock your car it doesn't matter. >> reporter: yeah, in fact people are saying this is the wore the they have seen it in a and limb time. officially police are reporting 25 car break ins last week. but we talk to some people here who say they were targeted the week before. there was one woman who was hit three times. talked to guy little while ago who says since last december, he was targeted five times. police are making arrests but the break ins connell. >> my car was ransack. >> reporter: it's been a bad few weeks. >> they shaated this back wind window. >> for car owners. >> my roommate's car has been broken into. her would forty seven's car has been broken into. >> south philadelphia's penn port neighborhood. >> last year seven cars. 25 car break ins vandalism cases in a week. matt was one of the victims. >> apparently they take a screwdriver and every car had similar signs where the screwdriver they put it in and break the window and i guess that's the way they break it where you don't have to big noise. >> dana horowitz two cars were hit three times in the past few weeks. >> we have two car seats back here. glass shattered everywhere there was a bloody tissue in the front seat. it was pretty nasty. >> police stepped up patrols and put out the crime alert asking neighbors to be each other's eyes and ears in mike randolph's case muscle. when he saw break in in progress last week, he stepped in. >> went across the street got a few neighbor guys. went over basically barricaded the guy in the car. called the cops. >> reporter: kelly burke watched. >> did the guy say anything. >> no, he was quite the whole time. he looked so shamed. >> report roar how old avenue guy? >> maybe like 20 if that. he was young. >> reporter: police of course are asking neighbors to continue to be vigilant to lock their doors to keep the valuables out and of course watch out for one another. lucy? >> good that they got one of guys. thank you much brad. so this little guy didn't do anything wrong. in fact he's so lucky to be alive. so why was he lock up in the back of a police cruiser? ♪ somewhere, inside each of us, there's a pro. ♪ it's not always easy to summon your pro. ♪ but once you've found it, you'll find you can do anything. ♪ >> we do not know why the drive. developing story out of chester county. where two counselors at an addiction facility in chester county have died from a drug overdose. patients at the freedom ridge recovery lodge found their bodies sunday afternoon. the two died in their bedrooms from overdosing on heroin and fentanyl. the drugs and needles were sitting out in the open. police say six clients were living there at the time. >> it is so bad that even the people who are the counselors who are trying to treat people and keep them from relapsing into addiction are subject themselves to relapsing into addiction and dying. >> um-hmm. counselors had control over the medicine cabinet in the house and likely bought the drugs on the street to celebrate a birthday. happening now in wilmington a woman tacked at a park and it happened at the same park where a woman was assaulted a few months ago. fox 29's dave kinchen has the story from wilmington. >> reporter: elle murray ran into troubling news while working out in this wilmington park. we told her it's where a 22 year old woman was grabbed tuesday by a man who tried to steal from her. >> it's pretty scary. i'm goining to run down by the river. she was like be careful. i'll be fine. >> police say the woman was on the walking path in the park at south park drive and northwest street in wilmington. a man grabbed her. they struggle. she fell. the man tried to take her thing. it all happened before 3:00 p.m. tuesday in broad daylight. >> there's not lost people around here around that time. so i could see something like that happening. because there's not a lot of traffic. right now there's lot of people walking around if you come at noon, you might be the only person on the trail. >> reporter: thankfully someone came to help the woman but the bad guy got away. people who work out here daily are shocked. >> usually this is a pretty safe area. um, i don't really hear -- i mean like if it was a mugging we don't usually hear about that kind of stuff report are the same park where police tried to rape a 28 year old woman who went for run back in february. she fought off the attacker who robbed her before running off. some neighbors say they can see danger happening here. >> i'm not surprised. it's wilmington but i've never seen anything crazy around here. i jog here at least a few times a week. i haven't seen anything crazy report roar in this latest case police are looking for a block mail between 20 and 25 years old. they say he was wearing a long sleeved shirt either red or pink in color. that he had cab tee key pants on and black sneak call wilmington police if you have any information. in wilmington, dave kinchen fox 29 news. you see it you shoot it our fresco users are helping to show what is going on around you. iain what you got. >> new officers sworn in tonight in delaware county and they got four legs. they are canine officers da jack whelan was there for the swearing in at the ridley township municipal building two new kay k9 will join the police force. this is the first time the township has had k9 officers in more than ten years. a 21 gun salute for veterans at a montgomery county hospital. it was part of a schedule every special sorry for veterans at the einstein medical center in east norriton. valley forge chapter thee 49 and vietnam veterans against the war provided honor guard taps was also played in patriotic pillows were given out. when you see news happening take out your phone and shoot it and use that fresco app and zen it to our newsroom you might just get he had he paid lucy a pup in montgomery county found himself in the back of a police car. it was a good thing. sergeant with the lansdale borough police department found this little guy on south broad street dodging traffic. the sergeant scooped him him up and put him in the back of his patrol car. the pup is back with his happy owners tonight. that's a good thing. sean bell speaking of happy a lot of folks very happy about what's going on with nfl. >> a little too happy right now. okay. people are way too excited. fans media and everyone in between. i'll tell you why folks need to calm down and stop taking voluntary workouts so seriously. that's coming up in my sports commentary. >> now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. good evening, everybody. we got new construction patterns coming our way. crews will be working through the night into early tomorrow morning north on 95 at girard avenue. then be ready for some new patterns coming our way before the memorial day weekend. if you are heading to the shore for the weekend bad news. the town sent inlet bridge will not be open for the memorial day weekend. that means from sea isle to avalon we're going all the way back inland and using route nine or the parkway and giddy up the devon horse show gallops into town it opens up tomorrow and of course had bring us a lot of extra volume along lancaster avenue. the forecast for the horse show and we'll check the jam cams starting bright and early. we'll see you here at 4:00. ♪ and the number on the back is... yeah i'm going to have to call you back. hey...hold on... we understand people lose things. here ya go, sarah. hold on to this one. thank you. sarah? so at td bank, you can replace a lost debit card instantly. yep, that's mine. don't just bank. bank human™. ♪ breaking news out of media delaware county. fresco video from the scene of a drugstore robbery. swat team at the cvs on baltimore avenue along with k9s trying to arrest one person. now early reports indicated that person's barricaded in the store. so we'll stay on top of this and of course bring you more on good day. so sean bell is about to rain on your parade. he thinks folks are taking the nfl in may a little too seriously. his commentary in 15 seconds. ♪ football in may means nothing. people are way too excited and way too interested what's going on involuntary workouts. the eagles have their work outs this week and way too many stories about mares being unhappy, interpretation in the organization and players skipping out on workouts. most of it isn't true and none of it matters. why, it's may. not august. it's may. the game hasn't gotten so big that you have to clamor over want we have a is going on in the month of may. i keep saying that but come on really. the media is also providing you with all of this even if it means it's nothing. rumors came out the franchise wasn't happy that carson wentz is workin working working it wik guru and doug pederson was being left out of the dig making. and there's a million stories just hike that coming out just to feed the beast that is the nfl. the fans need to stop begging for football material in may and madamed ya needs to stop giving them false or pointless information. right now guys are just running around in shorts getting to know each other. >> lucy. >> running around to shorts ge getting to know folks. thank you very much unsean bell. >> dwayne johnson has a presidential comedian. kevin hart joke that he'd take on the former wrestler. he has to because the rock didn't pick him as his running mate. >> this week on snl johnson said he'd do it to tom hang. >> sequel to top gun. >> no way. >> tom cruise confirm the plans during interview sean bell i know you never saw the movie. >> i have. >> it was great at the time. he was maverick. no other details released as of yet other than that it starts next year. >> i hate sequels of great movies. >> okay. >> why are you messing up something so good? >> godfather two. >> okay. sometimes they do it really well. but more times than not they destroy it. >> i think that was the only sequel that won an oscar by the way. >> i think you're right. all kinds of enter tape many news coming up. guys, we are following breaking news. so our good day team will have more on this situation in delaware county starting at 4am. a swat team and k9 units are at the cvs on baltimore avenue in media. they're trying to arrest one person early reports indicated that person is barricaded in the store. we'll have all of that coming up at 4am "good day philadelphia". sue serio and bob kelly with your weather which is big tomorrow, too. harvey: so justin bieber has the number one song in the country right now. problem is, no hablo espanol. >> it seems like he didn't remember the lyrics. harvey: what was the clue? >> he goes, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. [laughter] >> we got nicki minaj out and we asked her -- >> with all of this happening around the world, are you considering canceling any tours? >> no, because we don't operate in fear, nope. >> donald trump, melania and ivanka all went to visit the pope at the vatican. >> the pope looks so unpleased. >> what do these leaders do with all of the gifts they get? the pope gets so many gifts, he chucks them all in a room. >> i wonder what he does do with them all? >> he has an ebay profile. el popo 123. >> tom cruise has confirmed "top gun 2" is happening.

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