Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20161007 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20161007

beach where the storm is taking hold. >> reporter: it's worse than it was half an hour ago. but here's the good news. those lights are still on. i know that that's a thing that a lot of people were concerned about when is the power going to go out. but just as i say, as you ask how things are that wind picks right back up again. it's raining sideways right now. it stings. you can see anything. you can hear anything at times. this is what people are dealing with and this is as bad as it's been right now. up until this point. >> that's just the beginning. the scene in in order. people in georgia and carolinas are also preparing for the worst tonight. fox's joel waldman is in savannah, georgia, where anxiety is riding high. joel, what's happening now? >> reporter: lucy, good evening to you. you know, since we talked to you last there has been not a single drop of rain. kind of an overcast day. it remains that way, of course, everyone here concerned about what is heading up towards the southeastern portion of georgia. of course, savannah is under mandatory evacuation it's the first time since 1999 that's when hurricane floyd just skipped passed here really devastated charleston much this team around i just talk to the mayor of savannah. his biggest concern this is going to kind of skip along the florida coast not really necessarily go into florida which is great for floridians but would be devastating for this area with potentially category four hurricane coming in to savannah sometime tomorrow evening. lucy. >> joel waldman live in savannah looking like ghost town behind him. that's a good thing. a lot of people heeded the advice to get out of there. meteorologist kathy orr you have been watching this for days now. you just got update on the storm's track. >> this is a big deal. this just in from the national hurricane center. we've been looking at a lot of models and all of those hurricane models have the storm riding just parallel along the coast so the big question was will this make a landfall will it cross over some part of the coast of florida? and the new information is suggesting that it could stay offshore which would be huge sigh of relief for the florida coast. let's take look at ultimate doppler. look at the center of circulation about 50 miles to the east of west palm beach florida heading toward the northeast towards fort pierce and i-95 corridor toward melbourne and as we continue to watch this, the mack mum speed 130 miles an hour category four major hurricane moving northwest at 13 miles an hour. i want to you watch the trajectory toward tomorrow morning and you can see this is cocoa beach. the forecast earlier had the storm possibly crossing over cocoa beach but we talked about the error on either side of this cone of uncertainty. 10 miles east, can go 10 miles west, and it's shifting according to this forecast. category four storm farther to the east staying offshore off of daytona beach and jacksonville but very heavy rain heading toward savannah late friday into saturday. you can still see that circular motion as now the forecast calls for the hurricane to weaken and possibly come back to the current location it is at right now. so once again, some changes in the track of this storm which could mean that the heaviest rain and the strongest winds could end up being offshore, lucy, still a major threat to the east coast of florida. but if it's a little bit farther toward the east it's much better news. potential rainfall you can see where the red is that's 3-inches. earlier today that was five plus. and those 5-inch ranging go between savannah and charleston much that is change in the forecast as well. you're not talking about as wide an area seeing potential extreme rain. overnight in the city, 53. the suburbs 47. mainly clear. tomorrow 76 degrees mostly sunny at home. as you take look at the seven day forecast we do have the threat of rain saturday afternoon the high 70. sunday looks nice. monday quiet for columbus day. tuesday into wednesday for the holiday, temperatures pretty pleasant and more sunshine for thursday. so very quite in the northeast in the mid atlantic. still keeping a very careful eye on hurricane matthew and of course surveillance will have the very latest if anything happens with that track come tomorrow morning beginning at 4:00 and on "good day philadelphia". >> kathy, stay with me here. let's take live at miami, flor right now the wind and rape are picking up but tell us in relation to the storm's track in landfall where is miami at this point. >> miami is to the south. >> they are not in the hurricane warning area. they have some wind. tropical storm force gusts right now to about 35 maybe 40 miles an hour. they have some bands of rain. but they are not in a terrific danger. all pretty much to the north as you go north of ft. lauderdale north of west palm beach at this point. and really targeting that melbourne area cocoa beach area, and then it will be moving more toward the east. >> so much more to talk about here. thank you so much kathy orr. we'll bring you live pictures throughout the night staying on top of this massive storm. about 2 million u.s. residents are being urged to leave their homes. officials have been warning people for days now in florida. south carolina and georgia to head inland as that hurricane moves in. national guard is helping move senior citizen and hospital patients to save areas as safe as possible anyhow. gas and food in short supply thousands of people are heading to shelters. this storm is hammering the bahamas. has been for hours. finally leaving the area. remember this thing is huge. 700 miles wide fir responders have rescued dozens from severely flooded areas. meanwhile, the death toll, the death toll staggering in haiti. 283 dead. you know that number could rise. officials say as waters recede, bodies are appearing. it's tragic. this is what things looked like in that country tonight. bridges have been wash out. this is the only way to get across bodies of water. roofs, they're just blown off of homes tonight the storm set to make landfall tomorrow morning. get the breaking details with fox 29 morning news starting at 4:00 a.m. and good day starting at 6am. sue serio will have the latest on the storm's track and bring you what's happening throughout the morning. it's going to be busy one many our prayers to everybody in the storm's track and of course your fox 29 weather authority is tracking the storm all night. go to, click the weather tab at the top of the home page for the latest life radar images. back here at home police are investigating after a driver hit a man in center city. skyfox was over the scene around 8:00. this is 18th and jfk. we do not know the man's condition at this hour. it's unclear if the driver stayed on the scene. in mayor hill, gunfire between several men has killed a 37-year-old man. police say three gunmen shot him in his head and chest right about 7:30 tonight. medic pronounced him dead at the scene. the 2300 block of north reece street. so far no arrests. to a developing story out of south jersey. concern is growing tonight in one cumberland county city over recent violence. there has been a number of shootings including one writ by a school in the middle of the day. parents are pleading for help because they're very concerned about their children. fox 29's shawnette wilson live in millville with more on what's going on. shawnette. >> reporter: lucy, these residents say that shootings are becoming the norm around here and they fear that someone innocent could be hurt maybe even a child. >> i'm worried that one of these children are going to debt shot. >> reporter: header lindh beck is fed up with the shooting happening in millville she gathered with other concerned residents at buck and foundry street where someone shot man yesterday as this elementary school few blocks away was letting out. >> shaw owns this 7eleven on the corner much his security cameras capture this video of the shooting. victim shot several times is in his 20s and a regular customer. he had just left the store. >> mom came in. i know her. and he's in stable condition. that's what she said. >> reporter: tim says there's been at least 15 shoots in millville in the past six mont months. >> nobody should be living under this. this is conditions of war. >> he's worried about raising his children here. he has four-year-old daughters marguerite and laura and 13-year-old son alan. >> i worry about them every day between riding in some of these areas going back and forth to school. i'm concerned about all the kids in the city. >> reporter: those residents say they plan to attend the next commission meeting to talk more with officials about the crime. lucy? >> thank you very much thank you much shawnette. pennsylvania factoring in in the race for the white house vice-presidential candidate made a surprise visit. tim kaine told a small hillary clinton's life has been helping families and children and that's big part of what they would continue to do. this is a second day in a row the vice-presidential candidate was in town. also campaigning in the keystone state republican vice-presidential candidate mike pence he host add town hall in gettysburg after a tour of the historic gettysburg national military park. indiana governor touted the plans he and running made donald trump have for the us military he promised aunt trump administration america would once again take center stage in world affairs. and vermont senator bernie sanders will be in philadelphia on saturday to drum up support for hillary clinton. and candidate for u.s. senate katie mcginty as welch it's saturday afternoon at giver man hall along south broad street in center city. he has been playing very long but carson wentz already has a ton of devote tease among eagles fans. tonight we're taking a trip to wentz street, yeah, you know what, it's an actual place in the city where fandemonium is at all new level. >> hundreds of dollars flew out of an atm right at a local woman. what she did next with the cash that las a lot of peopl people o night. >> hurricane matthew is impacting people here in our area. how folks are in the delaware valley are bracing for the historic storm. planned parenthood. i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. would you put people in jail for performing abortions? at some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. how do we measure greatness in how america? you? the height of our skyscrapers? the size of our bank accounts? no. it's measured by what we do for our children. the values we pass on. i've spent my life fighting for kids and families and it will be my mission to build a country where our children can rise as high as their dreams and hard work take them. that means good schools for every child in every zip code. college that leads to opportunities... not debt. and an economy where every young american can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. we face big challenges, but we can solve them the same way families do. working together. respecting one another. and never giving up. i want our success to be measured by theirs. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. southeastern part of the united states bracing for the monster that is the 700-mile wide hurricane matthew. officials have begged millions of people to get out of its path saying it's a killer. here's live look at daytona beach, florida. already 10 office thousands of people in florida are sitting in the dark. power already out. the worst because it doesn't look terribly bad there. looks windy that's about it. worst is yet to come. we've been showing you photos from the space that nasa is giving us. this storm at a nightmare for the space coast. if the hurricane slams the area directly which it has been on track to do it will be the worst storm to hit the space port since nasa belted in 1962. out of the 8,000 people who man the kennedy space sent only 166 people they're called the ride out crew is holding down the fort. as hurricane matthew barrels toward the coast, many delaware valley natives are bracing. they're sending videos to us from westphal many beach and saint augustine where the wind and the rain are now picking up. at philadelphia international airport airlines canceled all flights from florida and most flights to. and peco energy will send 50 people and 35 trucks to the florida area tomorrow morning. peco says it's hearing more than two and a half million people could lose power. regina stevens is lock down in hotel near saint augustine. >> i'm getting kind of nervous but my husband reassuring me that we're in save place and so, um, we've got our supplies and we've got our candles and our batteries. our water and we filled up our bathtub up and just kind of waiting it out. >> triple a says hurricane on the coast could impact flights system wide f you're flying anywhere in the united states check your flight status. >> you see it you shoot it our fresco users are helping us show what's happening in your neighborhood. iain what's going on tonight. >> lucy nice night to be outsi outside. a lot of people enjoying the great outdoors at villanova today while supporting sustai sustainable farming. methodist services hosted fourth annual heritage farm fair. it happened in the -- guests learned about sustainable based foods and learned tips on growing fresh pro do you say. people in delaware county had full day of health and wellness. fox 29 viewer zen us this video from the community health fair in sharon hill much residents were able to learn healthy lifestyle tips and get free mental and physical health screenings. all part of mental illness awa awardness week. in camden, new jersey, dozens of students made a generous donation to the ronald mcdonald house of southern new jersey the second great students the kipp have been elect collecting paper towels. they're one of the most needed item at the ronald mcdonald house the launch of the student monthly community service project. when you see news happening take out your phone and shoot it and make sure you use the fresco app and send it to our newsroom. >> thank you very much, iain. christina edwards has one amazing story to tell struggling single mom made a stop at a wells fargo atm in glenn olden sunday morning. she just needed 60 bucks for groceries that's a lot of money for her. instead hundreds of dollars began flying out of the drive through. almost $400 shot through the deposit slot. the bank was closed. no one else was around. young mom had couple of choices in front of her. keep the cash or, well dork the right thing. she call the bank. >> some of them were in stacks of 20's. some were singles. you don't see money night out of an. tm often. i understand what it's like to struggle, and i just wanted to make sure that somebody else didn't get a string of bad luck by losing their deposit. >> christina edwards dropped off the money the next day. wells fargo representatives say they're grateful. no athlete in recent memory has played his way into the hearts of the philadelphia faithful as quickly as eagles quarterback carson wentz. all across the city, you can see signs of fans admiration. you know what, there's even a wentz street. our hank flynn went to check it out. >> reporter: you grew up with carson wentz and made with him as kid anding. >> i wish i did. ooh wish i did. >> philly love some football. >> they definitely going to love this. >> reporter: it's leak any other street in the north. not bad place, nothing to brag about. philadelphia eagles select carson wentz. >> they came april 28th the day eagles drafted carson wentz. young quarterback who hasn't put a foot wrong in three games now it's not just wentz street, it's carson wentz street and the party is on. >> it will be big thing. every young man and woman of this block is going to be celebrating big time. >> i was sitting on my porch one day. what is it about this pole. i looked up and said, oh, carson wentz has a street right here in philadelphia. >> look at that. >> he's the eagles quarterback and we're winning. philly is putting the sign up in the air about 15 feet. you know as well as i do it would be gone if it wasn't. >> carson wentz is north dakota and no real indication he's ever been to wentz street which is a block long running between mascher and front streets a block away from olney. qb may not know the street but the street knows the quarterback just fine. i look at that sign on the pole and i say wow man. we got a quarterback carson wentz and i live on wentz street. can't get no better than that. >> winner, winner chicken dinner baby. >> eagles square off against one and three detroit on sunday. the fun may just continue hard part of the schedule is coming. minnesota the 23rd. dallas on the 30th. so wentz street is proud but not too loud. not yet. >> i do not like jinxing the eagles. we be having all those pep rallies and stuff i hate that. because i said now we going to start losing. >> easy now. things are looking good. the e guilty are coming off a by week. injuries have been minimal. the birds might just have found that rarest of things in the nfl a franchise quarterback. i just don't want to get ahead of myself. hit me up on twitter at hank fox 29 or us at fox 29 philly if you roll down wentz street say hi for mow. wentz street wednesday vain ya right here in carson city sean bell. >> i'm with that last woman. let's not jinx ourselves. let's not throw a parade and everything go wrong. let's calm down. let's just enjoy what we got right now today. dwayne wade made his opinion on michael jordan versus lebron james and another great putting michael jordan on a pedestal he doesn't deserve. i'll tell you why mj might be -- might not be as good as you think he is. that's next in sports. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we guarantee to make switching easier. we'll show up on time. you're right on time. as promised, to install fios and set up the wi-fi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. now get 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer these speeds at this price. only fios can. ♪ tonight in old city residents got look at rare artwork. all for good cause here. the jewish art center displayed the work of many a claimed artists some for sale and you have the chance to buy the art for the rest of the month. money raised goes to the casper youth innovation fund which helps at risk children in the city. ♪ ♪ today dwayne wade came out and said it's not possible for the will he lebron james to ever surpass michael jordan. wade said maybe some day he can possibly tie him but right now he's not close but does he have possibility of getting there. this whole michael jordan untouchable thing has got with out of hasn't. he might not be the best player of all time. i said it. for some reason because of all the marking people believe mike isn't close to anybody else. how about kareem abdul jabar. six championship tied with mike and 6mvp1 more than jordan. lebron james left cleveland for the first time the cavs became the worst team in the league. number one draft picks when kobe bryant got hurt the leak kearse missed the playoffs and became irrelevant when mj won the bulls for the first time they won 55 games an play off series without him. i'm not saying jordan isn't the great he have but to say no one is close is ridiculous. pay attention to the facts and not the nike advertisements. lucy. >> thank you very much, sean bell. 11:25 is now the time. hurricane matthew if it makes landfall will make landfall right around 6:00 a.m. this is a live look at daytona beach. you have have been watching this kathy orr for days now. what are we seeing? >> we have a lot of wind. winds gusting to about 38 miles an hour sustained at about 30 miles an hour. it's warm though this is tropical 80 degrees that right now. it is in the path of the storm. daytona beach does have a hurricane warning in effect and you can see ultimate doppler with the storm moving toward the northwest at 13 miles an hour. it's less than 50 miles away from fort pierce. moving toward the northwest. so really we're concerned about melbourne, cocoa beach that's where i think it will be at its closest approach tomorrow morning possibly making landfall you can see melbourne 52 miles an hour ghost closing in on hurricane strength. >> this is the space coast area of course. never been hit before farce the nasa kfc and cape canaveral area. we're watching that back here at 4am for fox 29 morning news. "good day philadelphia". sue serio will have the very latest on the hurricane. 6:00 o'clock. >> during the show. >> looking at miami right now. got you covered all night. i can't believe we're doing this. gus, you're not scared are you? you're the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania. i don't like thunder! (bashfully) this is getting creepy! (sfx: loud thunder clap) grrrr, did you say creepy? creepy cash? the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, with top prizes of 50 grand. that's a monster of a prize. keep on scratchin' i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. would you put people in jail for performing abortions? at some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: fetty wap came to court and he was ready to pay a fine. >> he had to take care of some driving offenses from arrests back in july. harvey: how much did he come to court to pay the fine for? >> the fine wound up being $360. he brought $165,000 in tax. >> beyonce's style for the past two days has been kind of off. she wore this on monday and then on tuesday she was wearing this and yesterday she was out not matching at all. >> she's covering her stomach in every photo. >> pregnant! >> but there's no way she's showing. harvey: have you ever seen jiffy pop? all of a sudden it goes -- [laughter] that's not the way it works. >> carly chaikin. she's in "mr. robot." i say to her, are you more careful with your online information these days? >> someone keeps hacking into [bleep]. >> you better check your phone and make sure there's no pictures in there. >> do you think if everyone in the world see my penis? i don't re

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