Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20170825 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20170825

♪ arrested because of snap chat. someone saw his girlfriend's snap. now he's under arrest. and -- i just stared at it. i didn't know what to think of it. >> teenaged boy called vicious in his yearbook. his mom wasn't happy. then she heard from the school. now she's outraged. ♪ >> now fox 29 news at 10:00. have you ever seen something on social media that scared you so much you call the cops? a snap chat post just got someone arrested in camden county charged with sexual assault. thank you your finger us at 10:00i lucy noland. >> i'm iain page. this guy behind me is the suspect. police say a friend of the victim saw the snap and called 911. fox 29's shawnette wilson is live at the camden county prosecutor's office in camden tonight. shawnette? >> reporter: iain, when the friend saw that snap, she indeed rushed and called police. they say when they went to the suspect' home, they found that 18-year-old victim covered in blood. 24-year-old mason mallon is facing serious charges. the camden county prosecutor's office said today that authorities arrested him last saturday at his grand parent's home in gibbsboro and charged him with second assault. >> it doesn't surprise me. >> reporter: investigators say a girl called them after seeing his snap chat post on social media. the girl says she saw her 18-year-old friend on his post and that she looked unconscious. >> gibbsboro police went to the home on the 100 block of west clementon road where they found the victim in his bedroom disoriented, bruised and covered in blood. kathy, lives next door. >> mason has been in trouble before but his grandparents are totally good people. they're just overwhelmed. >> reporter: i talked to his grandparents but they didn't want to speak on camera. they told me they didn't hear anything unusual coming from mallon's bedroom the night this happened. his grandfather feels whatever happened had to be consensual and they say mallon had been seeing the victim for several months. his grandmother added that she heard mallon tell investigators when he was being arrested that they were quote just trying to become famous on snap chat. parson niche and other neighbor who didn't want to speak on camera say police have been called to the home several times in the past. >> one time we had swat because i think the kid barricaded himself in the basement because that's where he lives. but, you know what, his grandparents, i can just reiterate they're good people. they're just overwhelmed and they need help. >> reporter: mallon has a hearing scheduled for next tuesday. a judge will decide then if he gets bail. meanwhile the victim we're told was taken to cooper university hospital where she was treated. iain? >> shawnette, thank you. sky fox over a deadly accident in delaware county. this happened just after 7:00 along east mcdade boulevard in folsom. police say a car an motorcycle collided. we don't know the identity of the person killed or if anyone will face charges. for kids, the school yearbook is reminder of all the good memories throughout the year. but what if your yearbook labeled you with a nasty insult we're talking about harsh word here a few of them. not an accident. our bruce gore season is live at philadelphia school district headquarters with a story you'll see only on fox 29. bruce? >> reporter: lucy, yeah, the goal at baldy middle school in northeast philadelphia this year was to dedicate a class to kids designing their own school yearbook with lots of say over the content. adult supervision, well, maybe not so much. it was the last day of school back in mid june when 14-year-old eric staley newly graduated from eighth grade got his first look at the balding middle school yearbook his folks had purchased for him. >> i just stared at it. i didn't know what to think of it. >> reporter: as you think about it now, does it sound like a fair description of you? >> no. >> reporter: there it was in the section where kids explain how their class wouldn't have been the same if, f eric wasn't so vicious. vicious. >> why are they labeling my child as vicious? he's 70 some pounds an 14-year-old boy. what part of that is vicious? >> reporter: linda staley complained to the principal mr. haas stellar who wrote back offering sincerest apologies, explaining that this was a student designed yearbook and admitting that the school must do a better job of vetting yearbook posts. you think? >> it's not the right forum to tell me my child is bad. it's uncalled for. >> reporter: after fair a arguing over what to do bout offensive description, the school set the staleys a second copy of the year along with strips of paper with a more complimentary description of eric. you heard that right. >> i assumed to take these little stickers and go to our neighbors and friends and put them on their yearbooks? >> to cover vicious. >> to court word vicious with if eric wasn't so caring and funny. >> reporter: for the record handful of other baldy students were also called out for criticism. described variously as mean, money hungry, childish and allowed mouth. >> it's bullying. >> reporter: school district spokesman returned my phone call as i was visiting the staleys i listed for him the insulting descriptions. >> all of them clearly pejorative. clearly critical. i'm just wondering whether you think that's appropriate for a yearbook. >> if eric wasn't so vicious. enjoy your middle school memories, kid. >> kids calling you vicious in your own yearbook. doesn't sound like that would be lot of fun to hear or read. >> district spokesman told me this evening that a brand new yearbook not all altered after the fact but brand new yearbook is on its way to the staley family. anyone else in the school commnity offended by their yearbook, well, they're in line for the same offer. iain? >> all right, bruce, thank you. a scout master has been charged with inappropriate sexual contact of some of his scouts. prosecutors have charged 50-year-old steven piller affiliated with the minute see trails council of boy scouts of america lehigh county police got a tip back in march about piller's behavior. police say piller engaged in inappropriate conduct with a scout for more than three years. a gloucester non-profit organization that helps first time homeowners leads a little hedge their own. police are looking for some thieves who targeted the habitat for humanity. fox 29's own chris o'connell is live from deptford township tonight with the story. chris? >> reporter: well, iain, three times is definitely not the charm for new homeowners here of two homes of habitat for humanity here in deptford township. this construction site hit by burglars who stole thousands of dollars worth of expensive power tooltools before these homes wee even built. >> so here it is. this is my new home. >> reporter: first time homeowner tiara ratliffe hasn't even moved into her new three bedroom house yet and it's already been burglarized. three times. >> it makes me want to cry. it's sad for our kids. >> reporter: sometime early this morning thieves busted into this deptford township storage trailer filled with expensive power tools. the trailer and tool owned by habitat for humanity of gloucester county. >> we still haven't replaced the tools that were stolen the first time or the second time. >> reporter: the first theft was back in april when crooks broke into tiara's bedroom window to steal tools. then the trailer was hit back in june. that's when habitat engraved the schools with serial numbers and took pictures. well, sometime thursday morning, it happened again for a third time. thieves cutting a thick chain stealing nail guns, a exes soar and a table saw and other high high-end tools all told $5,000 of tools gone. >> we're to the going to let it bring us down. you know, all you can do is push forward and tried to good and do right by our families. >> reporter: and both new homeowners are also single moms. including rosa, a marine machine gunner who served four tours in afghanistan. habitat says the stolen tools won't delay move in day for the two families. in the meantime, workers put this note up to burglars. just in case they strike again. >> what would you say to the people who are stealing from this organization and you? >> i would say stop stealing because we worked hard for this. if you want it, too, you can do it, too. >> reporter: now, deptford township police are hoping someone out there may be even a pawn dealer may recognize those tools from the photographs and call police. now, tiara and her son, her six-year-old, move in day is scheduled for october. we're really going to hope to be here when she gets the keys. lucy. >> that will be a huge and wonderful day hopefully they can get those thieves. thank you very much, chris o'connell. do you recognize these guys police in bristol township, bucks county, need your help identifying them. they say the two robbed a walgreens on the corner of levittown pike and new falls road monday night. one of the guys flashed a gun. knowing anything, give police a call. a wilmington neighborhood is in shock after someone spray painted racist messages on a van early wednesday morning. a woman posted these pictures on facebook. more than 1,000 people have shared it. now, residents found swastikas, the letters kkk and the phrase, go back to africa spray painted on the van. police are investigating this as a hate crime. >> very hurtful. i never expected anything to happen like this. i never thought anything -- would occur like this in my neighborhood. never. >> you walk out the door and you see something like that it real he will hit me like a ton of bricks. oh! here? >> yeah. the wilmington city council condemned the acts calling them help prehensible and vowing to hold those who did it accountable. naval divers have found the body of a cherry hill sailor off the coast of singapore the divers located 22-year-old kenneth smith's body today but they called off the search for the other nine sailors missing after a monday war ship collision. cherry hill mayor releasing a statement praising smith for father following his father and grandfather's footsteps to serve his country as midshipman. the navy is continuing its investigation into the pacific fleet which had its second major war ship collision in the past three months. >> tonight a local congressman says septa should shut down the high speed line. the statement comes as cruise continue to investigate why a train crashed in upper darby on tuesday. congressman bob brady is calling for the norristown high speed line to stop running during this investigation. brady says instead september tap should use shuttle buses until the national transportation safety board pinpoints what exactly went wrong. all right. take look. that is an explosion right in a local restaurant. but this was no accident. i mean who throws an explosive. all right. now vandal goss after an elementary school with racial slurs. words so disgusting we can't even show you on tv. come on, man. the eye of the storm hurricane harvey bearing down. that looks nasty. ♪ watch this. see that explosion right there? that blast erupted in a local restaurant. philadelphia police say that fire no accident. someone lit then threw an explosive inside. thankfully new york city one seriously hurt. so things could have ended much worse. fox 29's dave schratwieser has that story from south philadelphia. >> just heard a loud bang. sounded like gunshot. >> reporter: this was the scene as an explosive device was tossed into new dragon city take out restaurant and it went off. >> they just heard something really loud explode. >> we just heard a loud bomb everyone came out the shop and seen a bunch of kids running down the street. >> reporter: employees and owners at businesses in the 500 block of washington avenue in south philly like chris anthony heard the blast and were startled. >> i feel bad for them. we come in here every day, you know. they know everyone around the neighbor. >> when you hear something like that it kind of -- kind of gets i was little bit concerned. >> reporter: reports about the blast stunned neighbors like jason nicholas who lives nearby and shops here along washington with his family. >> there's lot of families around here so, you know, you're always concerned and you're always kind of making sure you're looking around and seeing everything is safe. >> this could have had catastrophic consequences here dave. >> reporter: police say teens were captured on video as she made their way to the take out restaurant the teen with the explosive device waited outside for few seconds, lit it, then threw it inside. >> the heating element, gas, things like there there was glass encasements which could have ended up causing fragmentation. >> reporter: no one was injured in the blast. police aren't sure if the device was a pair of powerful m80 type fair crackers or something bigger. >> it look like it explodes in two intervals we're not sure if it's two separate things or it was designed to explode twice. >> reporter: neighbors are sure they don't want this to happen again. >> you thank god no one was hurt. >> it could have been a kid in there. a mom in there or something, you know. >> reporter: you? >> i could have been in there. could have got hurt. >> reporter: while there were no injuries there was some damage to the inside of the store. the own are in was not available for comment. police are hoping the parents of the teens will recognize them and contact investigators. in south philadelphia, dave schratwieser, fox 29 news. happening now, a bucks county community taking a stand against racist hate at an elementary school of all places. someone drew an offensive word on the school's side and parents are understandably concerned and police are trying to track down the vandal. fox 29's dave kinchen joins us live in langhorne with the story. dave? >> reporter: iain, it's african-american residents in particular who felt targeted by this vandalism, and case of racism but it's diverse contingent of the community stepping up to fight it. >> i had to put it in terms that he would understand. >> reporter: it's how adrian collins explained to her grandson the hateful words someone wrote in graffiti on the marquis sign at his school. herbert hoover elementary. the horrifying discovery made by parents saturday morning. >> he doesn't see black or whi white. he just cease people. so i had to explain to him why we were here at this meeting. >> reporter: a town hall mee meeting hosted by grass roots activist group the piece center bringing together concerned residents with public officials to address the matter. >> in order to fix this, we're going to have to show up. and we're going to have to speak up. >> reporter: middletown township police chief shared what he could about the on-going investigation and the search for the racist vandal. >> we've gotten some good credible tips and information from the public that we're following up on, and um, i think we're pretty encouraged by the leads. >> reporter: parents scrubbed off the racially charged misspelled graffiti but it was enough to shock live long bucks county residents. >> i've been in middletown, penndel, hulmeville, langhorne, and this just,ing just took me completely by surprise that someone would do this. think that's okay. >> reporter: signs denouncing hate have been posted by the school marquis in recent days at the town hall rangers walked together in small groups to prevent images of hate from every resurfacing again. >> i really do believe and i'm really hoping it's just someone that was just messing around, you know, but with all the tension in america today, you never really know. >> reporter: police say the vandal lidge extended to the doors and windows at the school and police believe the same person a teenager had vandalized nearby apartments drawing male genitalia on several windows. call police if you have information. live in langhorne, dave kinchen, fox 29 news. the gulf coast is bracing for the aisle arrival of hurricane harvey. it could be the first major hurricane to hit united states in 12 years. lapped fall is expected late tomorrow and what forecasters are calling a life-threatening storm. it is intensifying faster than previously forecast. ocean water temperature are in the 90s and joining us tonight is dr. jim see bert the chief meteorologist at our fox station in houston. doctor, thanks so much for joining us. we know that you are very busy tonight. >> to say the least. >> it's my pleasure. it's my pleasure. yeah, we are a little bit busy right now as you can see. we have what's turning out to be a major hurricane that is just been getting stronger and stronger by just about every minute. >> tell us what's going on as far as preparations? we know that the bend of the texas coast hasn't seen a cat thee since the '70's. it's obviously a very serious scary situation. >> well, it really is. now, the good news for most of us who have been here long enough, we go through things like this -- i know it's been 12 years since we've had hurricane like this, but we have close calls all the time. so what's preparation, we have some evacuations going on in the areas where we already have hurricane warnings in effect. that's right along the coast. today the stores have been very very busy. but for the most part, everybody has been working well together. the problem is, though, once this makes landfall it's going to be sitting and spinning along the coast for maybe three or four days which could lead to believe it or not 20 to 25-inches of rain anywhere from corpus christi to houston to louisiana. i've never seen that ever before in my career. >> yes. i mean there's been 10-inches, 12-inches, 15-inches but that is a lot of rain. do you feel that the area is prepared for that or the best that they can be? >> well, we are prepared a beste can. how do you prepare for 25-inches of rain? we've never seen that even with allison that happened you just have to be prepared as best you can. so what we're telling people is to be calm, be prepared, and then also be prepared and alert to changing conditions. not to put yourself at risk if you don't need to. >> we will be keeping careful eye object your area. everyone in our thoughts and prayers. thank you chief meteorologist jim siebert, dr. jim siebert from our fox station in houston. you'll be in our thoughts. thanks, jim. >> thank you. >> lucy and iain. a guy arrested for a violent attack. the alleged victim hiding in a closet could only text 911 and one quick thinking dispatcer new exactly what to do. ♪ one phone call to 911. that's all it took to quite possibly save a woman's life. fox 29's jeff cole tells us how dispatchers quick thin thinking helped in terrifying situation. >> reporter: about 7:00 last saturday morning from an apartment in bensalem, police received 911 texts from a woman claiming she's been a victim sexual assault. >> she had felt since the suspect was still in the area that she could not talk to police. so she did text 911. >> reporter: dispatcher working out of the regional 911 emergency center thinks fast. realizing the text will not provide police an exact location, she you weres the woman hiding in a closet from her alleged attacker to call 911 and keep the line open. police track the call to the apartment. they find the woman and bring her to safety. bensalem's director of police says the savvy use of technology combined with a fast on her feet dispatcher are important tools for law enforcement. >> the dispatcher took it to that next step and got her to make that 911 call and leave the phone off the hook so she didn't have to talk but got us there. >> arrested is 23-year-old christopher hannigan of collingdale, delaware county. bensalem police working with the fbi and collingdale police made the arrest. according to investigator gate tiff records hannigan and the woman worked together. the pair argued and he's alleged to have punched, choked and sexually assaulted her at knife point. he's behind bars tonight on a $10 million bail while his alleged victim is being praised. >> the victim saved herself. she had enough sense and enough composure to text 911 and know she can make call some people would have thought that hannigan has a criminal history which may have played a part in the $10 million bail. bensalem allows victims to text 911. other communities do not. philadelphia is one of those. jeff cole, "fox 29" news. a packed restaurant at lunch hour when gunshots ring out. the chef killed. diners turned hostages. until police decided it was time to go in. how do you win the war against opioids of the? for philadelphia the most potent weapon might just be two men taking it to the streets. we go with them as they lead the way to recovery. ♪ >> developing right now in charleston, south carolina one person is dead after police say a disgruntled employee shot and killed a former co-worker. it happened at a restaurant during lunch time where police say the gunman was fired as a dishwasher. he held one person hostage who later got out okay. three-standoff ended when police shot the suspect. he's now in critical condition and police have not yet released the identity of the guy killed. we report on the opioid epidemic all the time. but seeing it with your own eyes photojournalist shane, and i hit philadelphia's ground zero in the war against opioids. the moment we stepped out of the van, stark reality. so how did we get here? how did we get out of here? our hearts broke but we also left inspired. inspired by two men who work for the city of philadelphia and are a force of change right there in the streets. ♪ >> if i can do it, you dam sure can do it. >> two lives on the line. >> we all go through the struggles. don't worry about. all you need to do is get here and then they'll take care of everything. >> two moments in time. >> you got to have faith win yourself. you got to take the first step. >> this played out within one minute of us hitting kensington avenue. >> i've seen nurses, teachers, correction officers. i've seen them lost in this neighborhood. and actually die in this neighborhood. >> philadelphia not just about neighborhoods. it's also about territories. >> you not going to strawberry mansion and get heroin. you might go up there and get crack. you might go to 17th and jefferson to get pills. >> but you go to kensington to get heroin and alike. >> folks come here from all ov over. bucks county, harrisburg, allentown, pottstown. >> boston. >> and they get stuck. >> you know when you get mice on the track they kit come down here and get stuck. can't get out. ♪ >> how long have you been out here? >> a year and a half. >> year and a half. you never thought you was going to be out here year and a half. you just came out here to get high one day, right? that's what happens. people get lost out here. >> rick ford got lost. >> had we met 20 years ago on the streets -- >> cruz got lost. >> just a couple of years ago, i was running right through these streets. everybody know me around here. >> both on the streets, both jailed. >> pleasure meeting you. >> both now talking the talk of recovery because they've walk the walk of addiction. >> stop doing what you're doing. i'm one of those people, too. >> it's not book story. it's real live stories. >> do you think god led you through the valley of darkness to be able. >> of course. >> how do you break people free from the shadows? from the den of what's known as hell under the el. >> it takes village to raise a child. but what about village is sick? what about if the village is sick? >> are you trying to go into treatment detox? >> detox york. >> okay. >> within the past year, the city of philadelphia has expanded the availability of narcan. it has expanded medicated treatment slots, recovery hous houses, residential treatment facilities. but the most important weapon in its war against the opioid epidemic -- >> we can't think right if we continue to use. >> getting out from behind the desk and taking it to the streets. >> derek and company are just, you know, always going to be very very important. in fact, you might say some in some ways they'll be the most important. >> sometimes folks need to be confronted with somebody who been there. how therapeutic is that when i say, hey, i was homeless living in the street. hey, i went to jail. i slept are in shelter. whose going to believe you with evidence. >> evidence, ford has got it in spades. >> i got stabbed once, twice. scars from stabbings. a gunshot wound. wisdom. >> sometimes the bear get you and sometimes you get the bear. >> cleaned from years of bad choices beginning in the sixth grade. >> i smoke a cigarette with some guys because i wanted to fit in. listen to this word progression seventh grade. pills, eighth grade, cocaine. ninth grade alcohol. tenth grade, everything. >> progression. how he got here. ford and cruz have never seen it this bad and they lay the blame squarely at the feet of prescription opioids that hook you. now drug dealers chomping at the bit to lure you in. leave you, twisting in the wind. ♪ >> then they said, you know what the annex dote for that is a ten dollars bag of heroin. >> it's a lot cheaper. >> here we are. i can't pay $80 for oxy company don pills. >> this is your hood. >> born and raised and, um, i love it here. >> cruz and ford pound these streets every day battling addiction with compassion. >> don't cry. it's fine. it's fine. listen, we're all struggling. >> education, treatment -- >> you on the right word. >> working for the city as it's front line warriors. but for these two, this is their calling. >> god saved me from the hearts of addiction. sometimes you got to understand what your assignment is. sometimes you really got to understand what your assignment is. ♪ >> get well. >> awesome, man. >> long day. found out my brother died yesterday. >> dead from an overdose leaving this man up all night struggling with his stark reality. >> addict to do heroin. >> just like his brother but now ready for help with cruz pointing the way. >> hang in there, all right. hang in there. going tomorrow morning. all right? >> we've been through so much and god was just preparing us to do what we do now. >> coaxing. >> we also have the possible program which is down the street. >> prodding. >> your responsibility now, rick i'm going to call the lady -- >> i'm going to call her right now. >> leading the way. >> i still make 12 step meetings for almost 27 years. because i know what i suffer from. i ain't drug proof. by a long shot. ♪ >> rick ford, ramon cruz, two amazing human beings. >> yup. >> fighting the good fight iain. >> absolutely. >> they say -- go for them. >> recovery is live long. so if you or someone you know reel relapses don't give up on yourself or them. because it's part of the process. >> it really is. life long process. >> it is the city of philadelphia has resources to help someone you may know that's a kicked head to our website and look under scene on tv. all right. one ticket, one for $758 million. the winner, she already quit her job but don't worry, you could still be a winner, too. ♪ ♪ it's time for the biggest sale of the year with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. and snoring... does your bed do that? the new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. and right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. plus free home delivery. ends saturday! ♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get 0% apr financing for 63 months on all new 2017 outbacks. ends august 31. >> i work currentl currently atr medical center and i was there for 32 years. i've called them and told them i will not be coming back. [ laughter ] >> hope my boss ain't watching i probably wouldn't come back to work if i just won $758 million. that is mavis wanczyk she's 52 and she was a hospital worker in massachusetts until she claimed that $758 million powerball jackpot winning ticket last night. mavis' prize the largest jackpot ever with a single ticket. so technically mavis will get just 480 million bucks or 336 million after taxes. she took the lump sum payment, smart. mavis posted on facebook a month ago she need add vacation by vacation the post read, i mean i need to move away and find the new job on beach with rum. let's not problem now. >> i pull mine out and i go i have that number, i have that, i have that. he goes let me see that ticket. he goes, you just won. i go you joking come on please. he said sign that ticket now. i couldn't drive anywhere. i couldn't do anything. he followed me actually to make sure i was safely home. >> mavis says the first thing she wants to do is sit back and relax. >> she can sit back and relax as long as she wants now. right. >> yes. >> meanwhile in cumberland county one of our crews caught up with store owner who sold a million dollar ticket. >> got a call at 5:35am i pick up the phone they told me they're from the press and congratulations you won. so i jumped and screamed the whole house. my wife said what happened? then they said confidential many down, relax you didn't sell the whole jackpot but you sold million dollar ticket. still we were excited. we're small community. >> could you imagine when he thought he had the big one. still a million is good. he owns the ocean food mart in dorchester he said in that small community he hopes it's someone he knows who won. stores in the state of pennsylvania by the way sold four more million dollar ticke tickets. don't get rid of yours until you look. if you missed out on the millions here's the other thing. don't just throw them out. because if you matched four numbers you still won $100, right? if you watched three numbers you won seven dollars. started as crack. now it's a hole, and it's growing. neighbors called the city. told it would be weeks for help. so those neighbors called us. all right. kathy just doesn't get much better than today. >> um-um. certainly doesn't. you can get used it to. we've got more days with sunshine moving our way. in fact it's going to get little bit cooler by the weekend. even a few 40s. we'll talk about plus a few showers coming up. coney island has been around for a long, long time. reminds me of how geico has been saving people money for over 75 years. hey, big guy! come on in! let me guess your weight! win a prize! sure, why not. 12 ounces! sorry, mate. four ounces. i've been taking the stairs lately. you win, big guy. sorry, 'scuse me! oh, he looks so much more real on tv. yeah... over 75 years of savings and service. get your rate quote today. >> another day another sink hole. this one near water and gas line in philadelphia. it had one neighbor so nervous he call the streets department about it, right? and he tells us he could not believe the response he got. fox 29's brad sattin has that story. >> that's pretty big hole. >> reporter: pretty big hole that's grown in the last couple of weeks in front of fill's home at ninth and jackson in south philadelphia. he called the city's 311 hotline to report it more than a week ago. >> i said, how long is it going to take for them to come out and at least put a barricade down or something? she said it takes up to 45 days. >> reporter: 45 days? >> that's insane, 45 days. i mean, it could be, you know, ten to 12-foot hole by that time. potential danger right there. >> nobody came out to investigate this. it's very dangerous. >> reporter: neighbors worry what it might look like in 45 days. preferably not anything like this sink hole earlier this year in kensington that ate up two cars. how secure is the ground underneath this one? neighbors not wanting to wait a month and a half to find out called fox 29. >> possible insurance, possible accidents, could be a sink hole. somebody parks on top of there. car goes in. >> reporter: in fact as we were there a driver unaware pulled into the space then thought better of it and just feet away a trash truck drove by. >> it started out with just a real real little tiny hole now it seems like a good portion of is ready to collapse. >> reporter: so we sent photos to the streets department and we're told they'd look into it right away. also, telling us 45 days was likely the repair time, not the initial response time. >> i'm waiting for cones. >> reporter: as if on queue, police arrived and cordoned off the area a couple of hours later a streets department crew also showed up promising neighbors they'd start investigating right away. >> the city insists they do have a quote relatively quick tur re. 45 days was from start to finish. in this case the water depth has been called in to see if an underground water leak may to be blame here. brad sattin, fox 29 news. iron fist of philadelphia. that's what supporters are saying about mayor frank rizzo. tonight folks got together for an event called save the frank rizzo statue. as we have reported, some people want it taken down in the wake of the violence in charlottesville, virginia. rizzo served as city's mayor from 1972 to 1980. critics argue that he target minorities while supporters say he was fair and always up hell the law. live look at wildwood on what was an absolutely gorgeous day and a great night, too. no doubt you're thinking about your weekend, right? never too early. your full weather authority forecast is only 15 seconds aw away. what a day and evening. i was down the shore in ocean city earlier today. a gorgeous day and if you didn't get the chance to get down the shore, next conduct. days are going to be gorgeous. take look outside this is old city philadelphia and you can see a clear sky out there. moonlit skies we have a crescent moon the temperature 73. the dew .53. that air is bone dry. our winds out of the northwest and that means blue skies, dry conditions and cooler temperatures at least for the weekend. 52 in the poconos. getting down into the 40s to night. 67 in reading. 73 in philadelphia. 60s in millville, atlantic city and rio grand. north wildwood it's 73. 72 in ocean city. nice land breeze in sea isle where the temperature is 70 degrees. now as we look at the current setup twenty three a few showers to the west. a few of these could make it into the lehigh valley during the early morning hours when we're sleeping. other than that, high pressure is going to dominate our weather and the flow around this is clockwise. so that northwesterly flow is going to continue that high is bringing down that cool air and we will be feeling the difference with temperatures highs in the 70s and lows in the 40s and 50s over the course of the weekend so let's go hour by hour. you'll see some of those showers out west making it into the lehigh valley briefly but clear skies during the morning hours and tomorrow just golden sunshine. no worries anywhere. saturday another picture perfect day. not a cloud in the sky. and that will continue right through and even into sunday. here's the latest on hurricane harvey. category one storm forecast to make landfall by very early saturday morning as cat three and then it spins around and goes parallel to the coast toward houston. big problem because this mean the potential for days of rain over the coast of texas. we'll keep careful eye on that it could mean 15 to 20 may even greater amounts of rain in that area. overnight tonight temperatures will be in the 50s and 60s during the day tomorrow looking for high temperatures that are going to be very comfortable at 80 degrees with mostly sunny skies. down the shore, in the 70s and on your seven day, 79 saturday. 79 sunday. guys look at this. a fine stretch of weather the next chance of rain will be on thursday. enjoy it. >> kathy, of course, it's all about the eagles right now. the starters usually play into the second half, but if they look this good all the time, why play in the preseason that long carson wentz and offense going early and going often. check out who good they looked and how their new weapons looked. that's coming up next in sports. ♪ >> now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. good evening, everybody. get ready to ride the bus instead of the trolley. septa route 10 trolley will use buses between 33rd and 63rd street over the next couple of days in order to get some track work done. also, watch for the closure of 22nd and 23rd streets right at the the jfk boulevard intersection for the next couple of days as well. again, construction projects and lace up your sneakers, get ready for the philly 10k kicks off on sunday. we're going to see a lot of setup in preparation in south philadelphia starting tomorrow. we'll check the jam cams. scotty has got your weekend forecast. we'll see you right here starting at 4:00 a.m. ♪ the eagles in fir final dress rehearsal game before the season starts because most of the starters really won't play in the final preseason game. usuallusually, this game they py into the second half of this one but doug pederson saw all he needed to see in the first quarter. getting loose on the field like offense did. we've been asking for torry smith and get what, we got him. check this out right here. a blown coverage leads to this and of course the person who blew the coverage byron maxwell. 50-yard bomb. that's torry's first catch of the preseason. now to the dolphins ronnie darby got exposed in many game. one thing he can't teach and that's height. parker leaps over darby. takes it 72 yards that would set up touchdown. now later in the first, carson right here steps back and hits alshon jeffery for the td that ties the game up and that's all we needed to see from the starters they got yanked because carson was taking too many hits. now in the second cj smith gets the tip. michael kendrick get the pick. that's his third pick of the preseason. he's been balling making the case he should be a starter all the time. eagles go on to within 38-31. feeling good about everything especially the wide out. >> i feel real comfortable with where they're at. um, they're focus obviously now in a couple of weeks, and, you know, they can get some really good work, you know, one-on-one work in these next few practices and, um, you know kind of get ready for the regular season. so happy to get both those guys tonight in the end zone and kind of catapult the offense, you know, into the regular season. >> to the phillies they a day game across the street at citizens bank park. they were looking to even out the four-game series with the marlins but one, lose or draw the phillies they may have found themselves a few super star. hoskins was at it again check this out in the second inning hoskins with the solo shot to left. 400 feet. that's his eighth homer in 15 big league games. balling he went two for five. three rbi's but unfortunately the phils take the l9-eight. to the yankees and the tigers this thing was wild. look at this. miguel cabrera the thrown thrown behind him, the pitcher gets toed. joe girardi gets toed. then check this out. dell pushes, throws a punch. and it's on. listen this was wild. everyone came out. bases cleared this is going to be better than mayweather mcgregor fight that's how good it was. the benches cleared three times in this game. >> yeah. >> there were eight ejections. >> right. >> the marlins won. you know what, they won this fight, too. [ laughter ] >> don't mess with mickey, man. >> exactly. >> a push a left and then a right. >> right. >> everybody had to get him off. >> crazy. >> all right. >> lucy what's coming up at 11:00. >> speaking of warriors, guys, they're ancient treasures china's famous terra cot at a warriors and these magnificent pieces of history are coming to our area. how you can see these wonders also your wake up weather and seven day forecast is all in the first five minutes. why don't you stick around with us. dude, you were right, these wait...what? the gold fish, man! you said i should buy some. no! i said you should buy gold fish, the new scratch-off from the pennsylvania lottery... with top prizes of $25,000. ooohh.... are there really...? 25,000 of them? yeah. want more changes to win? go to and enter your non-winning tickets for the gold fish second-chance drawing with $10,000 prizes. because we've got fun for everyone in the family. adventure-seekers -- check. magi-questers -- yep. never-grow-olders -- double check. the only thing we're missing is you. great wolf lodge. everybody in. >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11. breaking news let's head to the fair hill section of the city. someone gunned down a 39-year-old man. skyfox over the scene on the 100 block of lippincott street. the shots rang out just past 9:00 this evening. police say bullets hit the man at least three times. he died at the hospital. no arrests as of yet. saved thanks to is a snap. someone saw something terrifyi terrifying. they call the police. thank you much for joining us tonight at 11:00 i'm lucy noland tonight the man behind me is under arrest accused of sexual assault. taken into custody after the victim's friend saw something on snap chat. fox 29's shawnette wilson is live in camden. shawnette. >> reporter: well, lucy the victim was taken to cooper university hospital for treatment and tonight the suspect's grandmother tells me that he

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