Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20170219 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20170219

enjoying near record temperatures. just 2 degrees shy of 70, and this is in the middle of winter. and the cold is not set to return just yet. we have your forecast coming up in just a bit. but first we begin with breaking news out of north philadelphia. police are piecing together the aftermath after chaotic scene. they're investigating reports of two groups of people on motorcycles, openly firing shots right out on the street. good evening, i'm dawn timoney. >> i'm joyce evans. our brad sattin was at the wild scene tonight. >> well, ladies, it's been a bit of a crazy night around north philadelphia. we don't even have all of the information. it is pretty preliminary at this point. but i'll step out of the way. we're here at the intersection of north waterloo and west bernie, one of several police scenes tonight. police holding this evidence, you see, a downed motorcycle, a tow truck arriving to get this motorcycle out of here, again, information very preliminary. but what we're learning tonight is that shots were fired earlier tonight, apparently between a couple of groups of people on motorcycles. police arrived as the gunfire continued. we're hearing that no one was hit by the gunfire. but one officer was slightly injured when a motorcycle may have fallen on her leg or her foot. the motorcyclist all took off. that led to several chases, several crime scenes around philadelphia, different locations, a few miles apart. for instance, a motorcyclist was also stopped at third and allegheny, got pictures of that, a hands full of areas were blocked off by police, as they tried to rounds up suspect, and collect evidence, one of them at 23rd and diamond. as we know right now, no one is in custody. police still at several of these scenes, including this one, picking up the motorcycle, trying to get to the bottom of exactly what happened, more questions right now than answers, weaver calls out to police, to try to get more, and of course, when we get it we'll bring it to you. back to you. >> all right, brad, thank you. turning now to your fox 29 weather authority here is a live look at reading tonight. it was a perfect day and night to get out and enjoy. meteorologist, monica cry on, says more beautiful weather is on the way. monica, we love it. >> oh, we do, especially in time for the weekend. your highs today, upper 60s. philadelphia, at 68 degrees this afternoon. that's one agree shy of the record of 69 degrees, reading just taking live look, had a temperature reading of 69 degrees. now, all of us fell short of the 70 degrees mark, but in your seven day forecast, there is a chance we may actually hit t i can't believe we're talking about that in the middle of winter. 51 degrees in philadelphia, we've got temperatures at 51 in pottstown, 53 for those in lancaster, and you can me? millville 55 degrees, atlantic city still holding on to the upper 50's. coming up in a look at the full forecast, here's what we are talking about a lot of temperatures, sunday another chance for some near record highs in the afternoon. it is going to be a bit cooler head into monday and tuesday, but no worries, temperatures rebounds possibly hitting 07 degrees. i'll let you know when coming up in just a bit, guys. >> chaos outside the frankford transportation center. police tonight say that it was over a dispute over a taxi fare between two cab drivers that ended with weapons drawn and shots fired. it all happened at frankford and pratt avenues. it was around 2:00 this afternoon. police say two cabbies started arguing, one of them pulled out a knife, the other one grabbed his gun and fired shooting the other driver three times. that cabby was transported to the hospital and the shooter was arrested. no word tonight on the shooting victim's condition or the taxi driver with the gun, whether he'll face charges. now, to a developing story out of delaware county. a little girl is recovering in the hospital tonight after police say a woman stabbed her in the head. it happened yesterday in collingdale, 500 block of mcdade boulevard. prosecutors charged the woman with long list of offenses, they say she attacked her eight year old neighbor with a butcher knife, following some kind of argument over babysitting. she is being held on $250,000 bail. >> just four weeks into his presidency, and donald trump appears to be already back on the campaign trail. the president held this rally in mel born, florida this morning. first lady melania trump introducing her husband on stage. as trump reiterated he intends to keep the campaign promises made to supporters, fox's steve harrigan report tonight from florida. >> it was an event that the white house builds as first re-election rally. president trump greeted by cheering crowd at a rally in florida today. >> i hear your demands. i hear your voices. and i promise you ill deliver, i promise that. >> the commander in chief's remarks focused on trade immigration and fighting isis. with mr. trump once again attacking the media. accusing the press of spreading lies and fake news. >> when the media lies to people, i will never, ever let them get away with it. >> the president also spontaneously brought a supporter on stage, even turning over the microphone to him. >> a star is born. a star is born. >> meanwhile, across the atlantic vice president mike pence is meeting with world leaders during his first foreign trip. the vice president addressed the annual munich security conference, reassuring global leaders that the us will stand behind nato. >> today on behalf of president trump i bring you this assurance, the united states of america strongly supports nato and will be un waivering in our commitment to this transatlantic alliance. >> the conference agenda includes the fight against isis, holding russia accountable for ukraine and i am graduation. with homelands security secretary, john kelly, discussing the future of president trump's travel ban. >> we are contemplating, the president is contemplating releasing a tighter, more streamlined version of the first do. >> president trump is expected to sign a new executive order on immigration as early as next week. the president said he also plans to announce a new national security advisor in the coming days. in mel born, florida, steve harrigan, fox news. >> norma, better known as jane row in the reverse us supreme court case has died. that will ruling changed abortion rights in america forever. how much, her views on abortion changed years later when she became a born-again christian and an active member in the pro-life movement. the washington post reports she died at assisted living fast ill any texas of heart failure, she was 69 years old. >> man who helped orchestrate the bombing of the world trade center in 1993 has also died. also known as the blind sheik, was sentenced to life in prison for his role in the truck bombing in new york silt that i killed six people. the justice department says he died this morning in prison after a long battle with diabetes and coronary artery disease, he was 78 years old. >> now to delaware, where prosecute verse charged three people with robbing a burger king. michael jarvis and william snyder seen here as well as sarah rider are facing a long list of charges tonight. police say jarvis walked into a burger king on the 24,000 block of sussex highway, that's in see forward. this is what's on friday afternoon that this happened. he allegedly handed an employee a threatening note. police say he got away with money and hopped into a car that had snyder and rider inside of t but several employees and accustom her run after jarvis. they were able to identify that car and police arrested all three suspects a short time later. a special mass held today to remember four philadelphia heroes who died protecting the city more than a century ago. the four men died fight willing a fire -- fighting a fire along market street in 1899. >> fox 29's jennifer joyce there as the city honored these fallen heroes. >> with bag pipe procession, saint john the evangelist church near 13th and chestnut streets in center city honors the lives of four fallen firefighters. 118 years ago, william chance, cue duffy, george sometimely, and james shea died in massive center city fire. >> this church barely survived the blaze. >> they died saving our church t wouldn't be here but for them. >> historic event that cathy holly said she and other parishioners discovered 11 years ago, while working on an unrelated project. firefighters memorial mass was born, now, ten years later, it continues as an important way for the entire community to honor all firefighters for their daily sacrifices. >> this is a way for us to show that we are grateful for the service they provide. >> gary lohse says he is 31 year veteran of the forms, in that time, 24 of the city's bravest have died in the line every cute. >> i heartache for the entire department. because we work together. we work together. just extension of the family, in fact, we spend more time with each other than we do with our families in most case. >> says no matter how many years have passed the loss still hurts. memorial masses, and community events like this, help with the healing. >> we can never forget the families. and a memorial like this keeps them in our minds, shows them they are not alone, we are always thinking about them. >> in center city, jennifer joyce, "fox 29 news." >> inspiring story of following your passion. a local photographer celebrates his culture, snapping shot of the beauty all around him. how he captures love, hope, happiness, and possibility through his camera lens. >> a rat inside a house, well, that's never good. the ingenious way a group of got rid of the road hasn't made them internet heroes. but first. >> hey, it's hank i'm in doylestown, what's going on when the head of the city council says signs like these support local police could be an invitation to getting a clan flyer on your doorstep? don't jump to conclusions, hanks take coming up. tonight fire investigators in bucks county working to figure out what started an apartment fire in fairless hills. the flames broke out about 7:00 tonight on the 200 block of south olds boulevard. crews were able to get it under control in about a half hour. fortunately, no one was hurt. >> tonight a south philadelphia landmark is open for business again following a burglary. john's roast pork serving up their famous sandwiches, after somebody broke into the shop and stole more than $4,000. while police are still working to find out who did it, employees say, they're grateful for the support of their community. >> that's what we're known for, city of brotherly love, and i'm born and raise in the south philly. so i'm very proud philadelphia girl, i really am. >> that's what we're all about. we stick together. >> tonight police are reviewing surveillance video, looking for clues. >> and tonight's hanks take, fan peppered hateful flyers. doylestown is one of the cities where someone dumped flyers promoting the kkk. >> but now city officials are taking an extra step to promote love. here's hanks take. >> one of the things that hate groups do is that they plant small messages in communities to see if that community responds, and if the community stays quiet, they know that's a police where they may plant a seed. >> few towns got those small messages from a hate group, the ku klux klan this past week, one of them is doylestown, an organizer and former councilwoman, marlene, isn't about to take that sitting down. >> we know if they see a strong message of support, and peace, and racial justice, that this is not maybe the community that they wanted to mess with. so that's part whatever we did last night. >> support love and freedom and not hate and not fear. >> what marlene did along with a bunch of teenagers who wanted to speak out is bang out some posters, heart that say, for instance, that love not hate makes doylestown great. they'll be putting them out at local businesses on monday. >> we just need to make sure we don't let this hatred come from the outside infiltrate our communities. >> grew up in doylestown, beautiful by the way on a february afternoon, as city council president that is working on why these flyers turn up, he says that in a time of real news versus fake news, it is important to know where your information is coming from, like signs that you might see saying support your local police. >> while supporting local police is a popular one, understand that sometimes you may be erect ago symbol on your yard by folks who have other motivations. >> the folks answers refer to are the john birch society, tall conservative anti-communism group, which sells signs that say support local police, because the warning is nationalization of local police forces, the southern poverty law center calls them an active anti-government pay tree the organization, and says either way, people need to know what they're posing in the yard. >> leverage that kind of brands to go hijack, hijacking the framing and supporting local police is usually problematic. because the people who put these signs in their yards aren't racist. they would never put a i support the john birk society in their yard, but local police department. >> to be clear, a staunch supporter of doylestown police and obviously all support local police signs don't come from the same place. marlene said she and other sold some a few years back to benefit an injured policeman, and she's not a member of the burke society. bottom line, there is no better time to do your job as a citizen, and be really well informed. how else will you deal with the bigots and haters out there? i'm hank. and that's my take. >> update to a story we first told you about on tuesday. a philadelphia teacher says he's reached the $5,000 fundraising goal for a prime spot billboard on i-95. he and fellow teachers say they hope the ad will force officials to finally start working on a contract. they have been working without a deal or a pay raise for almost five years now. the school district commented on the issue last week saying in part, quote, we continue to talk with the philadelphia federation of teachers, as we try to work out a fiscal i responsible teachers contract that puts the student of philadelphia first. >> well, some drexel university student are spending their saturday in cardboard boxes, you heard right, student set sale in their own cardboard boats tonight at the drexel rec center, all part of the school's annual recycle regatta. teams of three built their vessels with cardboard and some duct tape, then raised them across olympic size swimming pool. the seventh year for this annual event put on by drexel's intra mural sport program. >> in your money tonight, there is growing concern about the health of our nation's farm belt. new reporting shows there could soon be fewer than 2 million farms in america for the first time since the 1800s. >> fox's matt flynn explains why so many farms are being forced to go out of business. >> concerns about the economic health of the american farm industry are growing. a new wall street journal report find a bust may already be upon us. >> us department of agriculture earlier this month project that farmers would see their incomes decline this year for the fourth straight year. >> there is now concern within the agriculture industry over a shrinking us role on the international grain market, as well as higher farm production costs for items like seeds, already driving some us farmers out of business. >> so the number is declining, this is long-term trends that we've seen over the past decades. if this trend continues, we could see under 2 million farms in the u.s. for the first time since the mid 1800s. >> american farmers are among the mossee fish end in the world, but farming has become more competitive internationally, and places like russia, south america, now have a growing competitive edge in the trade. >> there is an over supply of grain in the world. we saw incredible demand over the past decade, and farmers across the world responded. they brought nearly 180 million more acres. into production. >> the wall street journal also says multi year slump in prices for corn, wheaton other farm commodities could bring the biggest wave of farm closures since the 1980s. we are coming off a mered of record profit for us farmers, but according to the u.s. da in comparison to 2013 farmers could see their income cut in in chicago, matt fin, fox news. some property once belonged to a notorious historical figure is now on the auction block this week. >> this phone is a weapon of mass destruction unlike anything we've seen before. >> how the phone was used as a tool leading to millions of deaths. >> plus, a massive sinkhole opens up in the street, swallows a car, then water starts rushing in while the driver is trapped inside. what she was able to do to save herself before firefighters arrived. where's frank? it's league night! 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico! goin' up the country. bowl without me. frank.' i'm going to get nachos. snack bar's closed. gah! ah, ah ah. ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. >> check that out. two cars fell into a massive sinkhole in los angeles, the 20-foot sinkhole opened up last night, crews arrived to find the car's upside down in rushing water but, fortunately, the female driver was able to get out of her car and stand on top of t firefighters had to lower 20-foot ladder down so she could climb out. the woman was taken to the hospital in fair condition. the driver of the second car was able to escape unharmed before his car actually fell in that hole. >> that's scary, violence breaks out against a rally against police brutality in paris, france, authorities sprayed tear gas and returned the crowd after some demonstrators through bottles, two officers were hurt, 13 people arrested in today's clash. about 150,000 people showed up to the protest. this demonstration was one of several protests, surrounding a rape case involving police. a 22 year old black man was allegedly raped and beaten by officers earlier this week in a suburb of paris. four officers are charged in that case. activists say the case is just one example showing how french police used heavy handed methods to deal with minorities and i am grant. asian police investigating the death of the estranged half brother of north korea's lead very made a fourth arrest. the suspect was taken into a malaysian police station last night. kim jong nam, who lived in exile for years, suddenly fell ill at the airport monday. he told medical workers he had been sprayed with a chemical and died while being taken to the hospital. >> well, some property of one of the most notorious historical figures is up for sale in maryland this weekend. >> adolf hitler's personal traveling phone is on the auction block. the red phone is engraved with the nazi party symbol, it has hitler's name on it, the president of the auction house calls it a, quote, weapon of mass destruction, because the orders that hitler gave over that same phone took many lives. with the seller and auction house are hoping that the phone ends up in a museum where people will be able to learn about dangers. >> this is a vitally important realic so that people remember what lit letter did and people like him did. time tends to erase these memories. an object like this bridges them back. this is real. this caused a lot of death and suffering. people need to remember that. >> well the phones worth is estimated to be between 200, $300,000. >> appointed demonstration on the streets of new york today. protesters stormed through with a coffin. the message they hope to send about democracy. >> plus, a six a thousand dollars mounted elks head goes missing. where it owner said he last saw it. monica? >> and if you unfortunately missed out on that beautiful weather this afternoon, no worries. we've got a lot more where that came from in your seven day forecast, make sure to stick around. ♪fast, rhythmic drumming it's coming soon to the poconos! america's largest indoor waterpark. kalahari resorts & conventions book your african adventure now! a fake funeral in new york city, calling a mock funeral for president's day, some people even caring a coffin, that said, american presidency with the date of january 20th, 2017. organizers say they're demanding the rebirth after presidency dedicated to the service of all people. marijuana related businesses are growing at a recovered pace. so one new york law school, well, they had an idea. the goal is to make sure student are prepared for the so-called green rush. >> fox's dana arshon takes us inside the class that is getting high marks from students. >> hypothetically if you have 40 states legal marijuana, what's the federal government going to do about it? at some point what's the tipping point? >> at hofstra university law school in long island finds attorney mark ross teaching the business and law of marijuana. >> my first thoughts were what can they teach? it is such a new area of law. we don't even have a textbook. so i was very interested to see how we would learn. >> ross claims he created the first ever law school class on marijuana here three years ago, as a way to teach student about the legalities annette kallish use attorneys face. he also looks at marijuana as an investment policy. >> it is a multi-billion dollar industry. these student don't see that many possibilities in their lifetime where you have a multi-billion dollar industry. >> it is fascinating because there is a conflict right now with federal and state law. you have lots of states legalizing it, medically, recreationally, so it is interesting to see where we're headed. >> ross teaches the class once a week, every spring, and only lets in 25 student. this way the conversation flows in a intimate setting. he says student think marijuana is a cool topic, until they learn about the tax setbacks, and other implications that come with having a marijuana-related business. >> you cannot take most of the business deductions that you would take as running an ordinary business. so you can't take the deductions for rent, salaries, you can only take the cost of goods as a deduction to running a business. >> professor ross plans to keep teaching this law class every spring for as long as hofstra will have him. even now, after the semester has started there is still a 40 person wait list to get into this class. and student we spoke with say their interest in learning about marijuana is only getting stronger. >> well police say some sort of argument ended with a shooting overnight and one person is now dead. police searching for the gunman. this happened just after 1:00 in the morning on the 4100 block of liedy avenue. they heard the gunshots when they arrived a man said he friends had been shot. he was rushed to the hospital where he died. so far no arrest haves been made. tomorrow will make 12 years since two people went missing after leaving baron south street. tonight a push for clues into the cold case of danielle i am bo and richard petrone, jr. the fbi burlington county prosecutor's office and philadelphia police department homicide division are all working together to solve this missing person's case. the pair were last seen on february 19th, 2005, heading back to petrone's black dodge pick-up truck. there is a $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for the couple's disappearance. >> back to your fox 29 weather authority now, we take live look at old city. certainly felt like the start of spring today. not mid-february. and the good news is if you like this weather, the told is staying away a little longer. meteorologist, monica cryon has your forecast and a holiday weekend as well. >> a lot of people headed down the shore, saw some people enjoying the beach, all of the sunshine, temperatures into the 50's, and 60s, 51 degrees where we sit right now in philadelphia. and you can see, your high today, 68 degrees. that's just 1 degrees shy of that record. and we possibly tomorrow will be nearing the records again. here's a look at your current set up. we have some cloud cover pushing through. as we span this back, notice there is frontal system that's draped, just to the north of us. and there is some showers that are moving in from maryland, and they'll continue to move north. a lot of this really just skims off to the south of us. now, delaware, south jersey, mace see some isolated showers as we head through the evening time. take a look on your future cast. just a lot of cloud cover. even as we head into our sunday morning, we're looking at cloudy skies, down through south jersey, into delaware, maybe an isolated shower. just can't rule it out. but the possibility looking pretty slim. specially as we head into sunday afternoon. here's what we're looking at. lots of sunshine sunday afternoon. and that continues as we head into monday morning. will we be able to enjoy the sunshine? well, temperatures are really warm for this time of the year. sunday through monday you can see we will be into the mid 60s sunday, tomorrow, then we head into monday, tuesday, a bit of a dip. but notice this dip in temperatures into the 50's, still above the average. the average this time of year mid 40's, i think we stay above, that even headed into tuesday, then we are back up as we head into wednesday and thursday, thursday, nearing 70 . we haven't reached the 70s since november. so that's a warm one. here we looking at your overnight low. we're thinking 40's, not all that bad. these temperatures your overnight lows are actually in some cases higher than the average high for this time of the year. cloudy skies, then we head into tomorrow, thinking decreasing cloudiness, temperatures into the mid to upper 60s. your record high, 68 degrees, so again, i really think we may fall 2 degrees short of that record high. but still a warm go of it headed into our sunday. now monday bit cooler. 54 degrees for your president's day forecast. but it is going to be dry. so nice forecast, can't complain. then tuesday, a shower later in the day, with highs in the low 50's. that's about as low as we go. when we take a look at the rest of your seven day forecast, notice wednesday, 64 . here's that 70 degrees reading, possibly, on thursday, may also have some dry weather all the way through wednesday and into thursday. friday, saturday, could be setting up for some wet weather, guys. >> all right, monarchs thank you so much. well, a rat inside a house, that's not good. but a group of girls found a really good way to get rid of that rodent, and it made them internet heroes. >> plus the pavement on these streets in the netherlands all a glow. what people are doing at the crosswalks that prompted officials to install the bright lights. >> college students in pittsburgh device simple but clever way to get rid of a rat in their house, in a video now going viral, think trapped the rat in the shower, then they blocked all the get away paths except for one leading right out the front door. one of the girls gets the rat out after shower with a broom, pushes it down the stairs, and the boyfriend, women, he pushes that rodent right out the door. >> yuck. >> police in delaware are looking for this 6-foot tall mounted elks head. investigators say, they were called to home in wilmington last monday after somebody reported that someone had stolen the elks head. the victim says it was taking during a party back on february 10th. police say when the officer walked through the house, they saw several holes in the walls, and three broken windows. the elks head, well, it is valued at $65,000. >> a sign of the times, a city in the netherlands had to get creative with its traffic warnings. >> they're trying to prevent accidents involving people who are walking and texting. i've seen it a lot. well, so officials there decided to install a special lighting system right on the pavement. the led lit pavement strips are synchronize dollars with traffic lights, so that they signal people when it is safe to cross the street. they bling green or red, so a smart phone use kerr keep his eyes on the screen and see the change of traffic lights right there on the pavement below at the same time. the road crossing where the system has been installed is in the vicinity of three schools. officials found that smart phones are a leading cause of traffic accidents among young people. inspiring story of following your passion. a local photographer celebrates his culture snapping shots of the beauty all around him. how he captures love, hope, happiness and possibility through his lens. plus, a classic citcom is remembered in a unique way, what sparked one restaurant owner's idea that set up this tribute to the golden girls. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 150 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. only fios lets you upload as fast as you can download. get this amazing offer: 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for the first year. now switching to fios is easier than ever. with hassle-free installation. we'll connect your devices to the new wi-fi and there is no cost to cancel early if you change your mind within 30 days. that's 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for one year. go to or call 1.888.get.fios. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. that a day it was to celebrate mardi gras philly style. the streets of manayunk filled with music and dancing, for the annual mummers mardi gras parade. sixteen bands taking part in today's festivals, thousands of people who came out to watch them. >> in entertainment news, surprise announcement from actress zoe, she revealed on instagram today she had her third child, a baby boy sen, a surprise since the actress hadn't been pregnant. she did not say if she adopted or if her son was born via surrogate, also twin boys with her husband, almost two years old. >> actor hugh jackman talking about his recent skin cancer diagnosis at the berlin film festival. he insisted he's doing okay. jack-man, with a band aid on his nose, told reporters everything going expected following a diagnosis of basil cell carcinoma. the actor battled skin cancer at least four other times. some exciting news tonight for fans of the golden girls. >> cafe has just opened in new york city, and it is dedicated to the iconic tv series. this is an inside look at rule a rue cafe opened by the best friend of the late rue, when she passed she left her best friend michael in charge of her possessions, that's when he realized he needed to share it with the fans of the golden girls. episodes of the golden girls run on continuous loop in the cafe. >> we continue our observance of black history month. this evening we introduce to you a local man who uses his camera to capture images that many people fail to see. >> as our alex holley reports, an immensely personal story. >> come down here, and i just -- anywhere over here is good. >> he's a photographer focusing on the good, and the african-american community. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> i think if anything, if my work has any social redeeming sort of element, it is just showing the butte any people, there are still people getting married, there are still people that love each other. >> and their lives still matter, when they realize it or not. >> a lot of imagery and media is focused on the negative and even with african-americans, sometimes, we can be so focused on our problems that we fail to celebrate. >> which is something he refuses to do in his work, it is a lesson he learned long ago from his parent, illustrate or, author, teacher, activist, tomorrow toll feelings and his mother, art your muriel feelings, introduced to each other by civic rights leader malcolm x. >> to be a man, to be a human being, to be respected as a humanning. >> together they embrace the african-american experience with open arms. first, by writing and i will straightening, he goes to market, a children's book which features mt. airy resident on the cover. it was followed by two more books, moja means one, and janbo, both won. >> children in the eyes of black people are reflection of the hopes that they have. >> his father also wrote the middle passage. award winning picture book detailing the who are i have i can account of them being brought to america during the atlantic slave trade. >> my father actually started working on this book shortly before i was born. >> now i'm concerned about the overall move but the pictures stigme. >> it took him 30 years to actually complete the book. woe do one picture sometimes a year. >> his dedication didn't go un noticed. tom feelings died in 2003, but zamani holds onto his father's work ethic to this day. >> anticipate what's getting ready to happen. you put yourself in the best position, but a lot of chance and luck involved. i'm trying to be in the right place at the right time. >> this is my combo right here, i can do all of my portraits with. >> he was working as administrative assistant when he stummed under onto his new career. he took classes here and there, played with his mom's camera, it was after her death that he actually pick up the camera and honed his craft. >> i had no idea i would be the one that as a profession or anything like. that will it was just a hobby. i wasn't thinking i would make a career out of it. >> a pasttime at first had him just posting photos to facebook, then being asked to shoot people's weddings. soon temple university hired him for his work, and then he went to the professional level. to shoot for the nfl with babel international. >> i photographed beckham, roethlisberger. >> he knows his parents would be proud, proud of their son whose passion is to capture image of love, hope, happiness, and possibility, all through his lens. >> my parents' main concern, outside of the creativity, was image. so i guess i'm following in their footsteps, just exploring the beauty within the culture. >> o beautiful work. and if that's not enough, he says one day he hopes to shoot for the eagles. >> i love those pictures. >> yes. >> fantastic. >> all right, sean here now. >> warm weather. you start to think about baseball season. >> absolutely. >> the boys every summer. but it is february. >> hey, almost getting there. matter of fact only 48 days away to opening day. so we check in with the phillies just held their first official practice, and running strong. first they win today over seton hall, share biggies title. the highlights next in sports. are here at giant. only at my giant. >> after winning the national championship last season, the wild carts, a trip to seton hall is just another game on the schedule. however for the pirates they were looking at today's contest as their superbowl over 16,000 supporters sold out the prudential center. let's see if nova could stay hot in enemy territory. >> looking for win seven in a row, first half up by eight. hey it is nice outside. dante, with the block party, that leads to a brunson, to close out the first half. part of a 22 to one villanova run. second half, nova pulled away. here is mike, with the miss. josh, with the monster put-back. finished with 19 points. nova they go onto win 92 to 70. clinch at least a tie for the biggies regular season title. staying with november, a announced today villanova legends rollie massimino who coached nova to national championship title in 1985 name one of the 14 finalists from the class of 2017. another name of note that matters locally is former sixer, chris webber. i played three years here, was also named finalist. unductees will be announced at the final four on april 3rd. hopefully nova is playing with that game. staying with the big five, st. joe's, lasalle, if you're st. joe's fan closure eyes right now, lasalle rolled this this one, up by 23, finding bj johnson for the ally-oop. later in the game more of the same effect, same passing, same set. powell, finds bj johnson for the easy basket. lasalle wins 83 to 68. sixth straight lost for the hawks. talking baseball with the warm weather outside. baseball seats on almost here. well, not exactly. the phillies officially held their first full team practice yesterday down in sunny clearwater florida we still have little waste to go to opening day. but the players, hey, man, they're ready right now. >> i already decided, 2017, i'm just glad, like i say, i am ready to go. i'm real excited about it, so come in, do everything that i can. >> we'll have a lot of different angles coming to things. and looking forward to it, with the position player core, and then the starting pitching, the relief pitching, it is pretty special group. really looking forward to it. >> talking hoops, the time has comfort nba best to showcase on their skills, whether the sharpshooters testing range from outside the arc or the high flyers taking slam-dunk competition to new heights, saturday night during all-star weekend, always a fun watch. we kick things offer with three-point contest, eric, in the final round, tiebreaker scored 21, make it seven straight at one point. singing six money balls, on fire, unfortunately, returning champ clay thompson and nova's own kyle lowry. to the slam-dunk competition, fun, look at this, a drone was used by aaron gordon. he got the assist. he didn't do so hot there. he was last year's runner up. we got derrick jones, jr., using side of the backboard, he's from chester representing the phoenix suns. he was the runner up in this one. this man, right here, he walked away with the title. this is glenn robinson the third, former sixers, first indianna pastor win the slam-dunk competition. tomorrow the main event, all-star game, new orleans, no 76ers will be playing, but we have to give quick shout out to lovely lady representing the sixers, dance team, monica's friends nicole, she is representing the 76ers, in all of philadelphia, in new new orleans. >> go her. >> go her, exactly right. >> good stuff. guys, that's our news for this saturday night. be sure to watch "good day" live philadelphia weekend mornings starting 7:00 a.m. >> your live power beadroll is next folds by exploration weird but true. have a great night. thanks for watching. that has more ski mountains to choose from than any other in the country. ♪ and that's not the only thing you can only find in 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Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20170219

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enjoying near record temperatures. just 2 degrees shy of 70, and this is in the middle of winter. and the cold is not set to return just yet. we have your forecast coming up in just a bit. but first we begin with breaking news out of north philadelphia. police are piecing together the aftermath after chaotic scene. they're investigating reports of two groups of people on motorcycles, openly firing shots right out on the street. good evening, i'm dawn timoney. >> i'm joyce evans. our brad sattin was at the wild scene tonight. >> well, ladies, it's been a bit of a crazy night around north philadelphia. we don't even have all of the information. it is pretty preliminary at this point. but i'll step out of the way. we're here at the intersection of north waterloo and west bernie, one of several police scenes tonight. police holding this evidence, you see, a downed motorcycle, a tow truck arriving to get this motorcycle out of here, again, information very preliminary. but what we're learning tonight is that shots were fired earlier tonight, apparently between a couple of groups of people on motorcycles. police arrived as the gunfire continued. we're hearing that no one was hit by the gunfire. but one officer was slightly injured when a motorcycle may have fallen on her leg or her foot. the motorcyclist all took off. that led to several chases, several crime scenes around philadelphia, different locations, a few miles apart. for instance, a motorcyclist was also stopped at third and allegheny, got pictures of that, a hands full of areas were blocked off by police, as they tried to rounds up suspect, and collect evidence, one of them at 23rd and diamond. as we know right now, no one is in custody. police still at several of these scenes, including this one, picking up the motorcycle, trying to get to the bottom of exactly what happened, more questions right now than answers, weaver calls out to police, to try to get more, and of course, when we get it we'll bring it to you. back to you. >> all right, brad, thank you. turning now to your fox 29 weather authority here is a live look at reading tonight. it was a perfect day and night to get out and enjoy. meteorologist, monica cry on, says more beautiful weather is on the way. monica, we love it. >> oh, we do, especially in time for the weekend. your highs today, upper 60s. philadelphia, at 68 degrees this afternoon. that's one agree shy of the record of 69 degrees, reading just taking live look, had a temperature reading of 69 degrees. now, all of us fell short of the 70 degrees mark, but in your seven day forecast, there is a chance we may actually hit t i can't believe we're talking about that in the middle of winter. 51 degrees in philadelphia, we've got temperatures at 51 in pottstown, 53 for those in lancaster, and you can me? millville 55 degrees, atlantic city still holding on to the upper 50's. coming up in a look at the full forecast, here's what we are talking about a lot of temperatures, sunday another chance for some near record highs in the afternoon. it is going to be a bit cooler head into monday and tuesday, but no worries, temperatures rebounds possibly hitting 07 degrees. i'll let you know when coming up in just a bit, guys. >> chaos outside the frankford transportation center. police tonight say that it was over a dispute over a taxi fare between two cab drivers that ended with weapons drawn and shots fired. it all happened at frankford and pratt avenues. it was around 2:00 this afternoon. police say two cabbies started arguing, one of them pulled out a knife, the other one grabbed his gun and fired shooting the other driver three times. that cabby was transported to the hospital and the shooter was arrested. no word tonight on the shooting victim's condition or the taxi driver with the gun, whether he'll face charges. now, to a developing story out of delaware county. a little girl is recovering in the hospital tonight after police say a woman stabbed her in the head. it happened yesterday in collingdale, 500 block of mcdade boulevard. prosecutors charged the woman with long list of offenses, they say she attacked her eight year old neighbor with a butcher knife, following some kind of argument over babysitting. she is being held on $250,000 bail. >> just four weeks into his presidency, and donald trump appears to be already back on the campaign trail. the president held this rally in mel born, florida this morning. first lady melania trump introducing her husband on stage. as trump reiterated he intends to keep the campaign promises made to supporters, fox's steve harrigan report tonight from florida. >> it was an event that the white house builds as first re-election rally. president trump greeted by cheering crowd at a rally in florida today. >> i hear your demands. i hear your voices. and i promise you ill deliver, i promise that. >> the commander in chief's remarks focused on trade immigration and fighting isis. with mr. trump once again attacking the media. accusing the press of spreading lies and fake news. >> when the media lies to people, i will never, ever let them get away with it. >> the president also spontaneously brought a supporter on stage, even turning over the microphone to him. >> a star is born. a star is born. >> meanwhile, across the atlantic vice president mike pence is meeting with world leaders during his first foreign trip. the vice president addressed the annual munich security conference, reassuring global leaders that the us will stand behind nato. >> today on behalf of president trump i bring you this assurance, the united states of america strongly supports nato and will be un waivering in our commitment to this transatlantic alliance. >> the conference agenda includes the fight against isis, holding russia accountable for ukraine and i am graduation. with homelands security secretary, john kelly, discussing the future of president trump's travel ban. >> we are contemplating, the president is contemplating releasing a tighter, more streamlined version of the first do. >> president trump is expected to sign a new executive order on immigration as early as next week. the president said he also plans to announce a new national security advisor in the coming days. in mel born, florida, steve harrigan, fox news. >> norma, better known as jane row in the reverse us supreme court case has died. that will ruling changed abortion rights in america forever. how much, her views on abortion changed years later when she became a born-again christian and an active member in the pro-life movement. the washington post reports she died at assisted living fast ill any texas of heart failure, she was 69 years old. >> man who helped orchestrate the bombing of the world trade center in 1993 has also died. also known as the blind sheik, was sentenced to life in prison for his role in the truck bombing in new york silt that i killed six people. the justice department says he died this morning in prison after a long battle with diabetes and coronary artery disease, he was 78 years old. >> now to delaware, where prosecute verse charged three people with robbing a burger king. michael jarvis and william snyder seen here as well as sarah rider are facing a long list of charges tonight. police say jarvis walked into a burger king on the 24,000 block of sussex highway, that's in see forward. this is what's on friday afternoon that this happened. he allegedly handed an employee a threatening note. police say he got away with money and hopped into a car that had snyder and rider inside of t but several employees and accustom her run after jarvis. they were able to identify that car and police arrested all three suspects a short time later. a special mass held today to remember four philadelphia heroes who died protecting the city more than a century ago. the four men died fight willing a fire -- fighting a fire along market street in 1899. >> fox 29's jennifer joyce there as the city honored these fallen heroes. >> with bag pipe procession, saint john the evangelist church near 13th and chestnut streets in center city honors the lives of four fallen firefighters. 118 years ago, william chance, cue duffy, george sometimely, and james shea died in massive center city fire. >> this church barely survived the blaze. >> they died saving our church t wouldn't be here but for them. >> historic event that cathy holly said she and other parishioners discovered 11 years ago, while working on an unrelated project. firefighters memorial mass was born, now, ten years later, it continues as an important way for the entire community to honor all firefighters for their daily sacrifices. >> this is a way for us to show that we are grateful for the service they provide. >> gary lohse says he is 31 year veteran of the forms, in that time, 24 of the city's bravest have died in the line every cute. >> i heartache for the entire department. because we work together. we work together. just extension of the family, in fact, we spend more time with each other than we do with our families in most case. >> says no matter how many years have passed the loss still hurts. memorial masses, and community events like this, help with the healing. >> we can never forget the families. and a memorial like this keeps them in our minds, shows them they are not alone, we are always thinking about them. >> in center city, jennifer joyce, "fox 29 news." >> inspiring story of following your passion. a local photographer celebrates his culture, snapping shot of the beauty all around him. how he captures love, hope, happiness, and possibility through his camera lens. >> a rat inside a house, well, that's never good. the ingenious way a group of got rid of the road hasn't made them internet heroes. but first. >> hey, it's hank i'm in doylestown, what's going on when the head of the city council says signs like these support local police could be an invitation to getting a clan flyer on your doorstep? don't jump to conclusions, hanks take coming up. tonight fire investigators in bucks county working to figure out what started an apartment fire in fairless hills. the flames broke out about 7:00 tonight on the 200 block of south olds boulevard. crews were able to get it under control in about a half hour. fortunately, no one was hurt. >> tonight a south philadelphia landmark is open for business again following a burglary. john's roast pork serving up their famous sandwiches, after somebody broke into the shop and stole more than $4,000. while police are still working to find out who did it, employees say, they're grateful for the support of their community. >> that's what we're known for, city of brotherly love, and i'm born and raise in the south philly. so i'm very proud philadelphia girl, i really am. >> that's what we're all about. we stick together. >> tonight police are reviewing surveillance video, looking for clues. >> and tonight's hanks take, fan peppered hateful flyers. doylestown is one of the cities where someone dumped flyers promoting the kkk. >> but now city officials are taking an extra step to promote love. here's hanks take. >> one of the things that hate groups do is that they plant small messages in communities to see if that community responds, and if the community stays quiet, they know that's a police where they may plant a seed. >> few towns got those small messages from a hate group, the ku klux klan this past week, one of them is doylestown, an organizer and former councilwoman, marlene, isn't about to take that sitting down. >> we know if they see a strong message of support, and peace, and racial justice, that this is not maybe the community that they wanted to mess with. so that's part whatever we did last night. >> support love and freedom and not hate and not fear. >> what marlene did along with a bunch of teenagers who wanted to speak out is bang out some posters, heart that say, for instance, that love not hate makes doylestown great. they'll be putting them out at local businesses on monday. >> we just need to make sure we don't let this hatred come from the outside infiltrate our communities. >> grew up in doylestown, beautiful by the way on a february afternoon, as city council president that is working on why these flyers turn up, he says that in a time of real news versus fake news, it is important to know where your information is coming from, like signs that you might see saying support your local police. >> while supporting local police is a popular one, understand that sometimes you may be erect ago symbol on your yard by folks who have other motivations. >> the folks answers refer to are the john birch society, tall conservative anti-communism group, which sells signs that say support local police, because the warning is nationalization of local police forces, the southern poverty law center calls them an active anti-government pay tree the organization, and says either way, people need to know what they're posing in the yard. >> leverage that kind of brands to go hijack, hijacking the framing and supporting local police is usually problematic. because the people who put these signs in their yards aren't racist. they would never put a i support the john birk society in their yard, but local police department. >> to be clear, a staunch supporter of doylestown police and obviously all support local police signs don't come from the same place. marlene said she and other sold some a few years back to benefit an injured policeman, and she's not a member of the burke society. bottom line, there is no better time to do your job as a citizen, and be really well informed. how else will you deal with the bigots and haters out there? i'm hank. and that's my take. >> update to a story we first told you about on tuesday. a philadelphia teacher says he's reached the $5,000 fundraising goal for a prime spot billboard on i-95. he and fellow teachers say they hope the ad will force officials to finally start working on a contract. they have been working without a deal or a pay raise for almost five years now. the school district commented on the issue last week saying in part, quote, we continue to talk with the philadelphia federation of teachers, as we try to work out a fiscal i responsible teachers contract that puts the student of philadelphia first. >> well, some drexel university student are spending their saturday in cardboard boxes, you heard right, student set sale in their own cardboard boats tonight at the drexel rec center, all part of the school's annual recycle regatta. teams of three built their vessels with cardboard and some duct tape, then raised them across olympic size swimming pool. the seventh year for this annual event put on by drexel's intra mural sport program. >> in your money tonight, there is growing concern about the health of our nation's farm belt. new reporting shows there could soon be fewer than 2 million farms in america for the first time since the 1800s. >> fox's matt flynn explains why so many farms are being forced to go out of business. >> concerns about the economic health of the american farm industry are growing. a new wall street journal report find a bust may already be upon us. >> us department of agriculture earlier this month project that farmers would see their incomes decline this year for the fourth straight year. >> there is now concern within the agriculture industry over a shrinking us role on the international grain market, as well as higher farm production costs for items like seeds, already driving some us farmers out of business. >> so the number is declining, this is long-term trends that we've seen over the past decades. if this trend continues, we could see under 2 million farms in the u.s. for the first time since the mid 1800s. >> american farmers are among the mossee fish end in the world, but farming has become more competitive internationally, and places like russia, south america, now have a growing competitive edge in the trade. >> there is an over supply of grain in the world. we saw incredible demand over the past decade, and farmers across the world responded. they brought nearly 180 million more acres. into production. >> the wall street journal also says multi year slump in prices for corn, wheaton other farm commodities could bring the biggest wave of farm closures since the 1980s. we are coming off a mered of record profit for us farmers, but according to the u.s. da in comparison to 2013 farmers could see their income cut in in chicago, matt fin, fox news. some property once belonged to a notorious historical figure is now on the auction block this week. >> this phone is a weapon of mass destruction unlike anything we've seen before. >> how the phone was used as a tool leading to millions of deaths. >> plus, a massive sinkhole opens up in the street, swallows a car, then water starts rushing in while the driver is trapped inside. what she was able to do to save herself before firefighters arrived. where's frank? it's league night! 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico! goin' up the country. bowl without me. frank.' i'm going to get nachos. snack bar's closed. gah! ah, ah ah. ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. >> check that out. two cars fell into a massive sinkhole in los angeles, the 20-foot sinkhole opened up last night, crews arrived to find the car's upside down in rushing water but, fortunately, the female driver was able to get out of her car and stand on top of t firefighters had to lower 20-foot ladder down so she could climb out. the woman was taken to the hospital in fair condition. the driver of the second car was able to escape unharmed before his car actually fell in that hole. >> that's scary, violence breaks out against a rally against police brutality in paris, france, authorities sprayed tear gas and returned the crowd after some demonstrators through bottles, two officers were hurt, 13 people arrested in today's clash. about 150,000 people showed up to the protest. this demonstration was one of several protests, surrounding a rape case involving police. a 22 year old black man was allegedly raped and beaten by officers earlier this week in a suburb of paris. four officers are charged in that case. activists say the case is just one example showing how french police used heavy handed methods to deal with minorities and i am grant. asian police investigating the death of the estranged half brother of north korea's lead very made a fourth arrest. the suspect was taken into a malaysian police station last night. kim jong nam, who lived in exile for years, suddenly fell ill at the airport monday. he told medical workers he had been sprayed with a chemical and died while being taken to the hospital. >> well, some property of one of the most notorious historical figures is up for sale in maryland this weekend. >> adolf hitler's personal traveling phone is on the auction block. the red phone is engraved with the nazi party symbol, it has hitler's name on it, the president of the auction house calls it a, quote, weapon of mass destruction, because the orders that hitler gave over that same phone took many lives. with the seller and auction house are hoping that the phone ends up in a museum where people will be able to learn about dangers. >> this is a vitally important realic so that people remember what lit letter did and people like him did. time tends to erase these memories. an object like this bridges them back. this is real. this caused a lot of death and suffering. people need to remember that. >> well the phones worth is estimated to be between 200, $300,000. >> appointed demonstration on the streets of new york today. protesters stormed through with a coffin. the message they hope to send about democracy. >> plus, a six a thousand dollars mounted elks head goes missing. where it owner said he last saw it. monica? >> and if you unfortunately missed out on that beautiful weather this afternoon, no worries. we've got a lot more where that came from in your seven day forecast, make sure to stick around. ♪fast, rhythmic drumming it's coming soon to the poconos! america's largest indoor waterpark. kalahari resorts & conventions book your african adventure now! a fake funeral in new york city, calling a mock funeral for president's day, some people even caring a coffin, that said, american presidency with the date of january 20th, 2017. organizers say they're demanding the rebirth after presidency dedicated to the service of all people. marijuana related businesses are growing at a recovered pace. so one new york law school, well, they had an idea. the goal is to make sure student are prepared for the so-called green rush. >> fox's dana arshon takes us inside the class that is getting high marks from students. >> hypothetically if you have 40 states legal marijuana, what's the federal government going to do about it? at some point what's the tipping point? >> at hofstra university law school in long island finds attorney mark ross teaching the business and law of marijuana. >> my first thoughts were what can they teach? it is such a new area of law. we don't even have a textbook. so i was very interested to see how we would learn. >> ross claims he created the first ever law school class on marijuana here three years ago, as a way to teach student about the legalities annette kallish use attorneys face. he also looks at marijuana as an investment policy. >> it is a multi-billion dollar industry. these student don't see that many possibilities in their lifetime where you have a multi-billion dollar industry. >> it is fascinating because there is a conflict right now with federal and state law. you have lots of states legalizing it, medically, recreationally, so it is interesting to see where we're headed. >> ross teaches the class once a week, every spring, and only lets in 25 student. this way the conversation flows in a intimate setting. he says student think marijuana is a cool topic, until they learn about the tax setbacks, and other implications that come with having a marijuana-related business. >> you cannot take most of the business deductions that you would take as running an ordinary business. so you can't take the deductions for rent, salaries, you can only take the cost of goods as a deduction to running a business. >> professor ross plans to keep teaching this law class every spring for as long as hofstra will have him. even now, after the semester has started there is still a 40 person wait list to get into this class. and student we spoke with say their interest in learning about marijuana is only getting stronger. >> well police say some sort of argument ended with a shooting overnight and one person is now dead. police searching for the gunman. this happened just after 1:00 in the morning on the 4100 block of liedy avenue. they heard the gunshots when they arrived a man said he friends had been shot. he was rushed to the hospital where he died. so far no arrest haves been made. tomorrow will make 12 years since two people went missing after leaving baron south street. tonight a push for clues into the cold case of danielle i am bo and richard petrone, jr. the fbi burlington county prosecutor's office and philadelphia police department homicide division are all working together to solve this missing person's case. the pair were last seen on february 19th, 2005, heading back to petrone's black dodge pick-up truck. there is a $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for the couple's disappearance. >> back to your fox 29 weather authority now, we take live look at old city. certainly felt like the start of spring today. not mid-february. and the good news is if you like this weather, the told is staying away a little longer. meteorologist, monica cryon has your forecast and a holiday weekend as well. >> a lot of people headed down the shore, saw some people enjoying the beach, all of the sunshine, temperatures into the 50's, and 60s, 51 degrees where we sit right now in philadelphia. and you can see, your high today, 68 degrees. that's just 1 degrees shy of that record. and we possibly tomorrow will be nearing the records again. here's a look at your current set up. we have some cloud cover pushing through. as we span this back, notice there is frontal system that's draped, just to the north of us. and there is some showers that are moving in from maryland, and they'll continue to move north. a lot of this really just skims off to the south of us. now, delaware, south jersey, mace see some isolated showers as we head through the evening time. take a look on your future cast. just a lot of cloud cover. even as we head into our sunday morning, we're looking at cloudy skies, down through south jersey, into delaware, maybe an isolated shower. just can't rule it out. but the possibility looking pretty slim. specially as we head into sunday afternoon. here's what we're looking at. lots of sunshine sunday afternoon. and that continues as we head into monday morning. will we be able to enjoy the sunshine? well, temperatures are really warm for this time of the year. sunday through monday you can see we will be into the mid 60s sunday, tomorrow, then we head into monday, tuesday, a bit of a dip. but notice this dip in temperatures into the 50's, still above the average. the average this time of year mid 40's, i think we stay above, that even headed into tuesday, then we are back up as we head into wednesday and thursday, thursday, nearing 70 . we haven't reached the 70s since november. so that's a warm one. here we looking at your overnight low. we're thinking 40's, not all that bad. these temperatures your overnight lows are actually in some cases higher than the average high for this time of the year. cloudy skies, then we head into tomorrow, thinking decreasing cloudiness, temperatures into the mid to upper 60s. your record high, 68 degrees, so again, i really think we may fall 2 degrees short of that record high. but still a warm go of it headed into our sunday. now monday bit cooler. 54 degrees for your president's day forecast. but it is going to be dry. so nice forecast, can't complain. then tuesday, a shower later in the day, with highs in the low 50's. that's about as low as we go. when we take a look at the rest of your seven day forecast, notice wednesday, 64 . here's that 70 degrees reading, possibly, on thursday, may also have some dry weather all the way through wednesday and into thursday. friday, saturday, could be setting up for some wet weather, guys. >> all right, monarchs thank you so much. well, a rat inside a house, that's not good. but a group of girls found a really good way to get rid of that rodent, and it made them internet heroes. >> plus the pavement on these streets in the netherlands all a glow. what people are doing at the crosswalks that prompted officials to install the bright lights. >> college students in pittsburgh device simple but clever way to get rid of a rat in their house, in a video now going viral, think trapped the rat in the shower, then they blocked all the get away paths except for one leading right out the front door. one of the girls gets the rat out after shower with a broom, pushes it down the stairs, and the boyfriend, women, he pushes that rodent right out the door. >> yuck. >> police in delaware are looking for this 6-foot tall mounted elks head. investigators say, they were called to home in wilmington last monday after somebody reported that someone had stolen the elks head. the victim says it was taking during a party back on february 10th. police say when the officer walked through the house, they saw several holes in the walls, and three broken windows. the elks head, well, it is valued at $65,000. >> a sign of the times, a city in the netherlands had to get creative with its traffic warnings. >> they're trying to prevent accidents involving people who are walking and texting. i've seen it a lot. well, so officials there decided to install a special lighting system right on the pavement. the led lit pavement strips are synchronize dollars with traffic lights, so that they signal people when it is safe to cross the street. they bling green or red, so a smart phone use kerr keep his eyes on the screen and see the change of traffic lights right there on the pavement below at the same time. the road crossing where the system has been installed is in the vicinity of three schools. officials found that smart phones are a leading cause of traffic accidents among young people. inspiring story of following your passion. a local photographer celebrates his culture snapping shots of the beauty all around him. how he captures love, hope, happiness and possibility through his lens. plus, a classic citcom is remembered in a unique way, what sparked one restaurant owner's idea that set up this tribute to the golden girls. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 150 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. only fios lets you upload as fast as you can download. get this amazing offer: 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for the first year. now switching to fios is easier than ever. with hassle-free installation. we'll connect your devices to the new wi-fi and there is no cost to cancel early if you change your mind within 30 days. that's 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for one year. go to or call 1.888.get.fios. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. that a day it was to celebrate mardi gras philly style. the streets of manayunk filled with music and dancing, for the annual mummers mardi gras parade. sixteen bands taking part in today's festivals, thousands of people who came out to watch them. >> in entertainment news, surprise announcement from actress zoe, she revealed on instagram today she had her third child, a baby boy sen, a surprise since the actress hadn't been pregnant. she did not say if she adopted or if her son was born via surrogate, also twin boys with her husband, almost two years old. >> actor hugh jackman talking about his recent skin cancer diagnosis at the berlin film festival. he insisted he's doing okay. jack-man, with a band aid on his nose, told reporters everything going expected following a diagnosis of basil cell carcinoma. the actor battled skin cancer at least four other times. some exciting news tonight for fans of the golden girls. >> cafe has just opened in new york city, and it is dedicated to the iconic tv series. this is an inside look at rule a rue cafe opened by the best friend of the late rue, when she passed she left her best friend michael in charge of her possessions, that's when he realized he needed to share it with the fans of the golden girls. episodes of the golden girls run on continuous loop in the cafe. >> we continue our observance of black history month. this evening we introduce to you a local man who uses his camera to capture images that many people fail to see. >> as our alex holley reports, an immensely personal story. >> come down here, and i just -- anywhere over here is good. >> he's a photographer focusing on the good, and the african-american community. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> i think if anything, if my work has any social redeeming sort of element, it is just showing the butte any people, there are still people getting married, there are still people that love each other. >> and their lives still matter, when they realize it or not. >> a lot of imagery and media is focused on the negative and even with african-americans, sometimes, we can be so focused on our problems that we fail to celebrate. >> which is something he refuses to do in his work, it is a lesson he learned long ago from his parent, illustrate or, author, teacher, activist, tomorrow toll feelings and his mother, art your muriel feelings, introduced to each other by civic rights leader malcolm x. >> to be a man, to be a human being, to be respected as a humanning. >> together they embrace the african-american experience with open arms. first, by writing and i will straightening, he goes to market, a children's book which features mt. airy resident on the cover. it was followed by two more books, moja means one, and janbo, both won. >> children in the eyes of black people are reflection of the hopes that they have. >> his father also wrote the middle passage. award winning picture book detailing the who are i have i can account of them being brought to america during the atlantic slave trade. >> my father actually started working on this book shortly before i was born. >> now i'm concerned about the overall move but the pictures stigme. >> it took him 30 years to actually complete the book. woe do one picture sometimes a year. >> his dedication didn't go un noticed. tom feelings died in 2003, but zamani holds onto his father's work ethic to this day. >> anticipate what's getting ready to happen. you put yourself in the best position, but a lot of chance and luck involved. i'm trying to be in the right place at the right time. >> this is my combo right here, i can do all of my portraits with. >> he was working as administrative assistant when he stummed under onto his new career. he took classes here and there, played with his mom's camera, it was after her death that he actually pick up the camera and honed his craft. >> i had no idea i would be the one that as a profession or anything like. that will it was just a hobby. i wasn't thinking i would make a career out of it. >> a pasttime at first had him just posting photos to facebook, then being asked to shoot people's weddings. soon temple university hired him for his work, and then he went to the professional level. to shoot for the nfl with babel international. >> i photographed beckham, roethlisberger. >> he knows his parents would be proud, proud of their son whose passion is to capture image of love, hope, happiness, and possibility, all through his lens. >> my parents' main concern, outside of the creativity, was image. so i guess i'm following in their footsteps, just exploring the beauty within the culture. >> o beautiful work. and if that's not enough, he says one day he hopes to shoot for the eagles. >> i love those pictures. >> yes. >> fantastic. >> all right, sean here now. >> warm weather. you start to think about baseball season. >> absolutely. >> the boys every summer. but it is february. >> hey, almost getting there. matter of fact only 48 days away to opening day. so we check in with the phillies just held their first official practice, and running strong. first they win today over seton hall, share biggies title. the highlights next in sports. are here at giant. only at my giant. >> after winning the national championship last season, the wild carts, a trip to seton hall is just another game on the schedule. however for the pirates they were looking at today's contest as their superbowl over 16,000 supporters sold out the prudential center. let's see if nova could stay hot in enemy territory. >> looking for win seven in a row, first half up by eight. hey it is nice outside. dante, with the block party, that leads to a brunson, to close out the first half. part of a 22 to one villanova run. second half, nova pulled away. here is mike, with the miss. josh, with the monster put-back. finished with 19 points. nova they go onto win 92 to 70. clinch at least a tie for the biggies regular season title. staying with november, a announced today villanova legends rollie massimino who coached nova to national championship title in 1985 name one of the 14 finalists from the class of 2017. another name of note that matters locally is former sixer, chris webber. i played three years here, was also named finalist. unductees will be announced at the final four on april 3rd. hopefully nova is playing with that game. staying with the big five, st. joe's, lasalle, if you're st. joe's fan closure eyes right now, lasalle rolled this this one, up by 23, finding bj johnson for the ally-oop. later in the game more of the same effect, same passing, same set. powell, finds bj johnson for the easy basket. lasalle wins 83 to 68. sixth straight lost for the hawks. talking baseball with the warm weather outside. baseball seats on almost here. well, not exactly. the phillies officially held their first full team practice yesterday down in sunny clearwater florida we still have little waste to go to opening day. but the players, hey, man, they're ready right now. >> i already decided, 2017, i'm just glad, like i say, i am ready to go. i'm real excited about it, so come in, do everything that i can. >> we'll have a lot of different angles coming to things. and looking forward to it, with the position player core, and then the starting pitching, the relief pitching, it is pretty special group. really looking forward to it. >> talking hoops, the time has comfort nba best to showcase on their skills, whether the sharpshooters testing range from outside the arc or the high flyers taking slam-dunk competition to new heights, saturday night during all-star weekend, always a fun watch. we kick things offer with three-point contest, eric, in the final round, tiebreaker scored 21, make it seven straight at one point. singing six money balls, on fire, unfortunately, returning champ clay thompson and nova's own kyle lowry. to the slam-dunk competition, fun, look at this, a drone was used by aaron gordon. he got the assist. he didn't do so hot there. he was last year's runner up. we got derrick jones, jr., using side of the backboard, he's from chester representing the phoenix suns. he was the runner up in this one. this man, right here, he walked away with the title. this is glenn robinson the third, former sixers, first indianna pastor win the slam-dunk competition. tomorrow the main event, all-star game, new orleans, no 76ers will be playing, but we have to give quick shout out to lovely lady representing the sixers, dance team, monica's friends nicole, she is representing the 76ers, in all of philadelphia, in new new orleans. >> go her. >> go her, exactly right. >> good stuff. guys, that's our news for this saturday night. be sure to watch "good day" live philadelphia weekend mornings starting 7:00 a.m. >> your live power beadroll is next folds by exploration weird but true. have a great night. thanks for watching. that has more ski mountains to choose from than any other in the country. ♪ and that's not the only thing you can only find in 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