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Care in texas hospital. How long president George Hw Bush could be in that icu we do not know. Im lucy noland. Im iain page. Meantime his wife former First Lady Barbara Bush is also in the hospital. Heres what we know right now. The couple are in the same Houston Texas medical center. The 41st president were you admitted saturday for shortness of breath and by this morning he was moved into up tense seive care unit. Doctors performed a procedure to clear the former president s airway and address a respiratory issue stemming from pneumonia. Meantime barbara bush was admitted to the hospital after experiencing fatigue and coughing ton night a longaid to former president bush says 41 is a fighter. You know, hes a great man. You cant keep a great man down, and hes always got the best attitude of anyone in the room. Both president and mrs. Bush just made a public appearance. They just celebrated their 72nd wedding anniversary. Our fox 29 app users the first to learn of todays news thanks to our breaking news alerts and as the news breaks well stepped updates right to your phone. You can also see around the clock updates on our website head to fox29. Com. Happening right now, the search for two crooks spotted in video that may give you chuckle. What they tried to do is not funny at all. They tried to steal smart phones which is common around here. Smart phones thefts are at record numbers. Retail stores that sell smart phones are become regular targets. Fox 29s Chris Oconnell has got the story from south street. Reporter talk about bad luck. It was oscar gold depths first day on the job at the south street Verizon Store when this happened. Two guys walked in and started snatching smart phones right off the display. Try not to laugh but the bumbling crooks tumbled to the floor before running away and out the door. Basically, two clowns came in, and they broke the phones off and as soon as the alarm went they stumbled all over the ground and like rolled out of the store. Reporter phones have become a target in the city in the last month alone, three phone Stores Within two blocks on south street have been hit. The verizon, the at t store. [ laughter ] no. Reporter and we showed the video to adrianna who work at the t mobile right across the street. She thinks the same guys hit her store three weeks ago. The first guy looks a little familiar. You may scene these guys. I think i might have. I think i might have. They might have gotten us for our iphone demos. Theyve been going around yanking stuff. Reporter it looked like a shopping spree at the sprint store in the northeast last we week. Crooks stunned daytime shoppers by bursting in and taking every phone they can get their hands on. Its definitely scary. I was a little shaken up a little bit because it happened like literally right next to me and they could have been armed. You just never know what to expect especially on south street. Last laugh may be on the crooks. You see most of those smart phones these guys are getting arent really smart at all. Theyre dummy, demo phones. Virtually worthless. They wont be able to use them or do anything. One was a plastic phone. They took nothing. Reporter Police Believe the same people are committing some of these crimes. So if you know anyone you just saw on that Surveillance Video police would like to talk with you before it happens again. Two days before he leaves the white house president obama gave his final news conference. The man who will replace him may have a lot of criticism for the media but president obama had a lot of praise for the tenacity of the journalists who cover him. Ive enjoyed every story that you have filed but thats the point of this relationship. The president says free press is a key part of democracy. He then spoke about a range of topics including tension in the middle east and voting rights. He also defended his decision to commute the sentence of Chelsea Manning the Army Intelligence analyst who leak classified documents to wikileaks and president obama also talked about his future as a private citizen. I want to do some writing. I want to be quite a little bit and not hear myself talk so darn much. I want to spend precious time with my girls. So those are my priorities this year. In contrast to former president george w. Bush who shied away from criticizing president obamas term mr. Obama says he would speak out as a private citizen if he sees discrimination. Just two days now until donald trump becomes the next president. We now know he wants agriculture secretary and pick for secretary defense is now one step closer to running the pentagon today a Senate Committee approved retired marine general james mattis to hold the position his name now goes to the full summit where hes expected to win easy approval once trump is sworn in mattis retired from the marines in 2013 and current law for bids Service Members from becoming secretary of defense if they have not been out of uniform for at least seven years. Last Week Congress approved onetime exception to that law. Also today the confirmation hearings continued on capito cal hill and it got heated at times for four of the president elect cabinet picks. Democrats questioned congressman tom price up forehead of health and human services. Scott pruett epa administrator, wilbur ross the nominee for commerce secretary and governor nikki haley up for ambassador to the un. Also just hearing tonight trump will nominate former georgia sonny perdue to serve as agriculture secretary. Two days to go the final preparations are underway in washington, d. C. Getting security in place for the big event. On the capitol hill lawn hundreds of thousands of people will fill the district including supporters and protesters. Fox 29 has the could have ratch for the inauguration. Ill be live in washington, d. C. Starting with festivities tomorrow night and all day friday starting with good day philadelphia. Then the swearing in ceremony and all the way through our 11 00 oclock news. You can watch us on air streaming online and on your phone. Happening right now controversy over a message from the fop. As they are calling for philadelphia da Seth Williams. In tweets, signs even billboards the fop is making it clear, they want someone else in williams position. Earlier this week williams reached a settlement with the citys board of ethics to pay a hefty fine over gifts he received. Fox 29s Dave Schratwieser is following this story from northeast philadelphia. Dave . Reporter lucy, the fops battle with incumbent da Seth Williams goes to new heights tonight literally check this o out. This is a large billboard that looms over i95 here in northeast philadelphia. Its very clear tonight the fop will go to whatever steps necessary to out of the william. Never seen a billboard like that before. Reporter it towers over i95 near Bridge Street and theres no mistaking the message the fraternal order of police is trying to send to em balanced da Seth Williams. Nothing personal against him but it may be time to look in another direction. Reporter help wanted New Philadelphia District Attorney billboard went up wednesday and was quickly followed by the fop handing out lawn signs with the same message to its members at an afternoon awards ceremony. Isnt well be supporting another candidate. Reporter billboard is just the latest in a war of words between fop president mcnesby and the da. It comes just a day after the philadelphia ethics board fine the williams a record 62 grand for failing to disclose 175,000 in gifts from 2,010 to 2015. Williams accepted full responsibility for my failure to do everything that was required of me as a public official. Any other city official is fired. I like the da. You like him. You dont think they ought to replace him. No. District attorney hes doing his job. They asking for new District Attorney. Reporter billboard drew mixed opinions at a gas station right be 19 it. Ethics board findings come as federal investigation is on going and williams is catching fop heat for failing to charge a teenager who smacked a Police Officer in the face. Mcnesby says billboards and lawn signs are just a start. Whatever we needed to to make sure the message is sent out. I dont know who he is. So maybe that speaks for something. Reporter a spokesman for the da and the spokesman for his campaign both refused to comment on the billboard. Mcnesby tells us more billboards will be going up shortly. Iain dont be surprised if you see bumper stickers next. All right, dave, thank you. In manayunk a scare inside a store on main street. Police say three robbers one with a gun just bust into the remix consignment store tonight. Were told they tied up a female clerk and a man in the store and they got away with 10,000 worth of clothes and other stuff. Also some cash. Thankfully no one was hurt and police are looking for the robbers. No end to the frustration of patco riders at least not yet. Agency is again canceling some of its evening trains and that has led to long waits and crowded trains. Patco officials dont know when repairs are going to be finish. Sparks were seen from some trains during the morning commute between philly and south jersey. Patco says its been experiencing problems they say are caused by moisture shorting out the traction motors on some cars prompting trains to just skip stops altogether and leaving the platforms crowded problem all started with snowstorm earlier this month which has meant a painful few weeks or riders. Its like sometimes 150, 200 people just lime like crammed up waiting for train which is crazy. Some people dont even make the train havent to wait for the next one which comes by which is crazy to me. Delaware River Port Authority which runs patco operation Social Security apologizing and says it is working to improve operations. All right. So who is that and itsy bitty firefighter at the scene of a fire . Up next youll meet the little left firefighter in pennsylvania. Also he died trying to stop robbery more than four decades ago and now the widow of this Police Officer just found out about a Million Dollars mistake. Who owes her big time. Feels like its happening every day. Today im in allentown, whitehall, talking to a family thats trying to come up with a way to educate people about the heroin and Opioid Epidemic and what they did make shock you for Goodness Sake coming up next. Our kathy orr is tracking that forecast. Thats right, lucy. We are talking about more rain in the forecast this area of low pressure will be racing toward our region and that means as we head toward the weekend increased risk of rain. Well talk about when to expect it and how much coming up with your seven day forecast. Five years old Delaware County boy didnt hesitate to rush towards danger when he saw his neighbors house on fire this morning. Fire fighting is actual until his blood. The little boy comes from two generations of firefighters. Shawnette wilson is live in aston township tonight she talk to the gutsy little guy. Hes destined to become a hero one day is my guess. Shawnette. Reporter yeah, lucy, hes already a hero in my eyes. Because at five years old, i didnt know what i wanted to do of course i wasnt already doing it. This little boy is essentially doing an internship right now. Hes just going to melt your heart with his passion for fighting fires. I have a lady on the flashlight right here. Logan isnt dressed Halloween Costume at five years old hes already dressing the part channeling his future. I want to really put out actually a fire and the chief and drive a fire truck. You heard him right. Hes aiming high. He hopes to be a fire chief one day and hes already in traini training. There was a fire outside. So i was really excited. Logan tells me he woke up this morning to a fire at a house across the street from his home on valley green drive in aston. So he did what any real firefighter would do. I got dressed and put on my gear. Fox 29 cameras were there covering the fire. Our cameras captured logan tagging along with firefighters on scene. Im wearing bunkers and jacket. Youre probably wondering how logan got this gig. Who is a firefighter here . Dad. And . Um, pop pop. His dad is a firefighter for the Chester Fire Department and his pop pop just retired after 29 years. Hes now a volunteer and responded to the fire this morning. Somebody is holding the hose and hes washing makes him think hes doing some good. When hes not training hes doing what many five year olds do playing legos with his big brother liam. This is call the light. This is the door. His passion for saving lives gets the best of his proud father. Its very rewarding. Hes he makes me feel like i am worth something and when you go to work and it doesnt really it doesnt really hit you until you come home and your kid is there. How many calls did you have . Did you have any fires . How big was the fire . Reporter and logans father actually tells me that this is the second fire hes responded to on his street and if you didnt get enough of him, lucy, he is going to be on good day tomorrow morning with mike and alex that is of course as long as he doesnt get a call for fire. Isnt that the truth . All right. Shawnette, thank you much. We now know the name of the bouncer in the bar manager involved in the deadly fire fight in East Germantown police say this man 28yearold Edward Morgan shot and killed Christopher Johnson at sharons little spot bar. The bouncer shot the 44yearold manager during an argument monday night. Morgan faces murder and other related charges. Today our Bill Anderson talked to man whose heart is broken. But it hasnt darkened his brother recently passed away. Why . A Drug Overdose and this is the last picture that hell have to remember his brother. Here at fox 29 we dont show you body bags as a matter of principle but we are today to honor this mans story. Its very hard to look for most folks but he says he posted that photo to help others. He wants the world to see the pain that drugs caused him and then maybe he can change someone elses path for Goodness Sake. Reporter getting to the point you can pick a neighborhood and we could go and do a story about somebody whos been struck down by the heroin and Opioid Epidemic. Today its allentown, whitehall, and another family trying to figure out how they rebuild, what to do after losing a loved one. Epidemic continues to spread from inner cities to more affluent neighborhoods and a week ago it struck tristan millers family. Tristan and his brother were close. You can see on social media pictures all the good times that they shared together. But at some point, his brother tyler fell into drug use. My brothers case it was i smoke weed to numb the pain. Then it was like i got injured and, you know, got hook on pain medicines. Addiction grew until tragically last week this was picture that tristan posted to social media as he watched the coroner take away his little brother in a body bag after an overdose. Why did you post that . Why . Yeah. Thats not i just kind of felt like it needed to be shared. Like this is the hard truth. Reporter most families do everything they can to keep these images out of public view, but this time he wanted to remove the sanitized images and let people know what this feels like. You dont ever see the reality of somebodys point of view. Like it was me standing on the porch watching the coroner walk down my steps. Reporter response to the hard truth of showing his brother being wheeled away even surprised tristan who said hes not sure why he did it but the comments on social media were nearly united in saying it needed to be done. Everybody was sharing it saying this is the hard reality this is the truth this is what nobody wants to see. This is reality. You will one day if you continue to use drugs take that ride. Reporter sharing his familys pain hundreds have reached out saying that the picture that has now gone viral inspired them to begin having difficult conversations. People say, because of this, reality, i shared this picture with my brother who is using. And he broke down and cried and said i dont want that to be me. Or a mother would reach out to a son and say, look, this is going to be you. You know what i mean . Lets get the help we deserve. We love you. Reporter it also inspired a hard look at himself. Tristan has plans to work to get aid for addicts in immediate need and share with us the simple things we could all do more of. Hey, i know we havent talked in while. You know, for whatever circumstances. Want to let you know i love you and miss you if you are ready to get help ill go do wake i can to help you out. No judge. Report roar this the last place tristan saw his brother as painful as it is hes sharing his last view so it inspires all of us to not have this or similar situations be our final view of a loved one. Get them the help they need, the support they need for Goodness Sake. Im Bill Anderson. You know a picture is worth a thousand words. The saying for a reason. So powerful. I dont think a lot of people realize how addiction shatters families. Just incredible. Local family is alive thanks to hero but you it wasnt a human who grabbed their attention to get them out of their burning house. No, this hero has got four legs. Its their dog. What he did to save their lives. And a jawdropping crash scene. A tanker ended up on an icy pond rescuers raced to the scene. Got the driver out. Then, well, they had to stand around and wait. They had to let everything in that tanker just drain out. And later at 11 00 a story from our hank flynn. Its hank new field Gloucester County at the swag heap of the shield allow super fund site. Its been leaking bad things into the ground for better than a decade much theres news. Things are happening. Fine out what coming up. Now with tomorrows traffic heres bob kelly. Good evening, everybody. Watch for road work again tomorrow along route 309. Cheltenham down to welsh road a nice day tomorrow. All the work crews out especially here on the roosevelt boulevard theyll work again southbound as you work your way down toward the kelly drive and ridge avenue that will cause delays getting on to the schuylkill expressway. Thursday crews coming again 422 between route 100 and king of prussia. Will we have another mess tomorrow morning on patco . Well check the forecast and the jam cams when i see you starting at 4 00. Now your winning lottery numbers. Check out this just incredible video. Of a crash with tractor trailer an schoolbus. Four people including three kids are hurt but thankful to be alive. It happened this morning near tampa, florida, and someones dash cam caught the whole thing you can see the big rig drive around the car in the turning lane and hits a passing schoolbus. Thankfully none of the injuries are life threatening. Woman accused of abduct herring two daughters back in 1985 has pleaded not guilty. The judge in rhode island let her return home to houston during the proceeding she referred to herself as Leanna Wahlberg that has been her legal name since 2009. Police say she abducted her two young daughters in august of 1985 and anonymous tip led cops to texas where she and the now grown children are living. The judge also said today she does not have to appear at upcoming hearing in rhode island unless shes ordered to. Check out what happened to propane truck driver in minnesota. His truck flips over into an icy pond. It was anxious rescue mission for crews because propane was leaking from be 19 the surface of the upon. What spark it would have been a bigger problem. The emergency shut out valve was underwater during the crash. When they found it that didnt stop the leak. They had to wait for the tank to empty. All this time the driver was still trapped. He could not get out new york city. He was wedged between the passenger seat of the vehicle and the dashboard on the drivers side. It took rescue crews about 20 minutes to get the driver out of the cab which was not underwater and somehow he only has minor injuries. Take look at this adorable pup. Her name is francis much shes on the road to recovery tonight thanks to Good Samaritan but where they found francis will leave you just appal. And kathy orr is track your forecast. Were tracking this area of low pressure and you can see it as it will slowly be moving toward the coast. That spells rain. It could be a good deal as we head toward the weekend into the next week. Well have the details coming up. And its a debilitating Health Problem that can lead to amputation even worse. The treatment is painful and costly but now theres some new hope for millions who are suffering. Gunman opened fire in a deli in north philadelphia and police are hoping this video will help them crack the case. Police just releasing this Surveillance Video from the incident monday morning. The man you see here burst into the r and b mini mart on 2500 block of north 29th street got into a fight with a guy inside and then shot his gun in the store. Thankfully no one was hurt. The pennsylvania spca wants to find the person who actually stuffed a paralyzed dog into a trash bag then dumped her in the lawn crest neighborhood of the city. Shes a life on the mend thanks to Good Samaritan. A man found the dog now named frances on the 800 block of pratt street. Tonight the pennsylvania spca is not only help frances recover but its officers are after the person who throughout frances along the 800 pratt street like trash. The pup is is the university of pennsylvania veterinary hospital and on the road to recovery. Call the spca cruelty hotline if you know anything about what happened to frances. A Police Officers widow just found out she is the victim avenue Million Dollar mistake. 42yearold wrong is about to be made right. Ann williams thorn lost her husband tampa Police Officer Anthony Williams on november night in 1975. They were both officers on the force. Both in their mid 20s. And both were off duty when they stopped at a 7eleven with their son to buy some milk. He walked in on robbery in progress and got shot. He died in her arms. This is ann on the 40 many anniversary of his death. You can hear the wounds still fresh. Somebody maybe out that cares and they after 40 years i didnt think anybody would remember. All along ann believed the death benefit she was getting too small. Recently the pension Plan Administrator was looking at old records and found the mistake. They owe her family more than 200,000 plus the lot of interest in the end shell get 1. 3 million. Ann couldnt reached for comment but the pension board says shes grateful. Millions of people suffering painful costly and debilitating Health Problem that could lead to amputation or worse have new hope. That work is happening right here in our area at drexel medicine. Our joyce evans has the story of a man who insisted on taking off the wraps to share his hidden pain and his hope for a brighter future. Reporter Bernard Lambert is a dapper gentleman. A style you cant help notice it. But what you dont see it started 16 years ago. Reporter a constant source of agony. Hes just in his 40s now. There are times where i wake up and i can have swollen ankles and feet. Reporter his chronic wounds have him at dr. Michael wine garr depths office every week or so. For cleaning. We have some topical lidocaine it thumbs the wound up and then we actually did he breed it with a scalpel blade that day of healing may be much closer for bernard and millions more just like him. Thanks to this odd looking prototype of wound healing device using ultrasound. Its actually a transducer that emanates sound waves, low frequency low intensity and that affects we think the cellular membranes so it stimulates the cells to heal. Reporter they made it work according to the medical director of drexels comprehensive wound healing program. Says they were able to speed up healing by at least six weeks. Thats six weeks less of pain and dressings and missing time from work. Reporter . Enough to convince the National Institutes of health to award the drexel team 3 million to test out the all tra sound therapy on 120 patients. Over five years. We this for 15 minutes and then this is removed and then we do our standard of care. Reporter whats that feel like . You dont feel anything as far as its not painful. So its just feeling of hopefully healing. With the funding now, we are going to build a better device than we did in the pilot study. Ultimate goal is to actually build this into a compression stock so the patient will actually wear it and get active therapy at home. Were going to be looking at patients with ulcers and diabetics, they have to have good circulation. No overwhelming infection. February well start enrolling our patients who are not only looking at the healing but we are logging at how people manage their chronic wound. Reporter bernard has never given up hope and he certainly wants to be selected for this study. Hes a very typical of our patients hes young. Hes very active. Hes had these wounds for years. 16 years. Im looking forward to regular live. Reporter bernard says hes already participated in number of Research Studies and hes willing to keep on trying if it leads to healing and to helping others understand just what somebody you may know could be going through. Joyce evans, fox 29 news. Wow joyce tells us its not just about saving limbs but could it safe people lives. That is priceless thing. Absolutely. Your gmail address may be at risk. You probably already get a lot of scams in that email account new one is pretty tricky. What you need to look out for so you dont fall into the trap. If it wasnt for him we wouldnt be here right now. A family alive thanks to a hero. But it wasnt a human who grabbed their attention. Got them out of the burning ho home. No, no, this hero, you see him, four legs. Lots of fur. What their own dog did to save their lives. Very Popular Airline may be dropping prices. But theres catch. Theres always a catch. Isnt there . Right. What you can do to save money. Check out this dash cam video out of texas. Thats not the sun coming up thats natural pipeline explod exploding. A town in northern texas. A Police Officers dash cam was rolling when the line blue monday night. Luckily, no one was hurt in the blast. Just incredible video there but theres no word yet what led to the line rupturing in your money you wont to have to deep into your on american airline. Theyre rolling out new strip down ticket to compete with discount airlines. Its basic. Its called basic economy. And basically it will cost less than its other coach tickets but comes with fewer comforts as they like to call them. The catch iain was talking about buyers will only get to carry one personal item it has to fit under your seat. No wheeled carry on bags allowed. No more of that. American has not said how much the tickets will cost. Basic economy Ticket Holders will be in the last group to board unless youre already a high level member of the American Loyalty Program or hold on to an american branded credit card. So good luck with that. Milk money may be coming back to you as part of multi Million Dollars settlement good theres if news. Milk Producers Federation agreed to pay individual consumers as much as 70 bucks. Animal Rights Groups filed against Dairy Producers accusing of them slaughtering cows prematurely to inflate prices and reduce milk supplies. Half and half are included in the suit. Dare row providers paid 52 million to settle the case. Schools might also be able to recoup hundreds of dollars. Rebates available in 15 states. None of them though are local. If you use gmail youll and the what about beware avenue scam going around another one to watch out fishing scam tricking users into giving away log in credentials. Heres how it works scammers disguised to look like someone in your contact list so you trust the email. You get an email from them it includes an attachment. Dont click on it. Even if it looks like pdf it will take to you fake google log in page. You see where this is going, right . Enter your log in the scammer says, gotcha. You dont want to be got. No. Temple university plans to rename its school as media and communications. Temple will formally dedicate the lou Klein College of media and communications this spring as part of events marking the schools 50th anniversary. Klein has taught at temple for more for long time and gave multi million gift to the university. He was broadcast executive for years in philadelphia and helped launch the careers of dick clark and bob saggot and from what we found out earl yes today, iain our very own Chris Oconnell. Thats right. Our kathy orr track your forecast. Thats right. We have lot to talk about. Youve heard that rumor more about the warmth. Thats part of the puzzle into the weekend were talk ugh about mild area but then wet weather. The rain is coming. Ill show when you and how much coming up. Its the video of a lion going viral. What the recording captured that might make you jump out of your skin. That will wake you up. Oh yeah. Sound of territorial roar and thats sevenyearold katamba he lives at the phoenix zoo. This video of that roar has gone viral. In the wild that roar couldnt vase to other lions hes the king of land are l, hes strong, healthy and viral. Basically that hes got it all going on. Zookeepers say he lets loose of that roar every single morning and night. But they hadnt record it until now. Hes a huge celebrity worldwide. Local family thanking hero tonight for saving their lives from a house fire. Just so happens that hero is not a human. No, not at all. Theyre dog is the brave one who jumped into action when they needed help the most. Fox 29s dawn timmeney has the remarkable story. I tried to open the door and the flame just shot out into my face and searched my face. Reporter it was terrifyin terrifying. Early morning fire in the West Philadelphia home on north alden street that aubrey lomax has lived and raised his family in for more than 30 years. My sons girl friend started screaming. Everybody get up, everybody get up, everybody get up. She was asleep in second floor bedroom with one and a halfyearold daughter when her boyfriends dog jack started barking alerting them to the fire. Im glad he was there at the time because i could have lost my daughter and her at the same time. Isnt jack was very instrumental in waking up the mother and licking her face and barking and he stood by the daughter and he started licking her face, and he would not leave the room. All seven people including three children made it out of the home safely. All thanks to his one and a halfyearold loveable Lab German Shepherd smart. Theyre smart. They know when something isnt right. Frank frake of red paw emergency relief the red cross for animals responded to the fire scene theyre temporarily caring for jack while the lomaxs pick up the pieces. Although this loyal boy did not want to leave his familys side. I was literally walking up and down the street for probably 45 minutes trying to figure out if i can take this animal. Reporter eventually frank gained jacks trust but this scared dog is definitely missing his family. You just hope that the familiar confidential recover quick enough so that we can bring him back home to them soon. Reporter and that is what the family is hoping for. Is this dog going to get the Royal Treatment when you get back on your feet. Ohoh, yes. Even as we speak. Hes a part of my family. He saved our lives. He definitely did. Reporter red paw emergency relief usually keeps the display pets for a couple of days to week until the family can get back on their feet. I have a feeling a steak dinner will be awaiting jack when he gets home. Dawn timmeney, fox 29 news. Probably not just one steak dinner my guess. Maybe couple, yeah. Amazing how they know when something is wrong. It really is. It really is. You know on your radar tonight weve got clouds. Theyre moving out. Iain youll love this weather. Should make for sunny skies tomorrow. Live look at the wilmington riverfront. It is winter, right . Hard to imagine its january. You were in florida. It was really nice there. You brought Something Back with you. Maybe i did. Kathy orr has your full forecast in just 15 seconds much 40s day. How about 50s tomorrow. Temperatures staying pretty mild but there will be some rain coming in over at the course of the weekend at the airport temperatures are still mild with mostly cloudy skies were at 45. The high today 49. That north northwesterly wind sitting at just 3 miles an hour. The wind will remain light overnight. Right now in the poconos, 35. Its 42 in pottstown. 45 in philadelphia. And 37 at airport in atlantic city. As we widen out, see temperatures little bit cooler through new york and new engla england. But not a lot of cold air locked into the northeast. Thats the way it will stale for a little while. We have an area of High Pressure that will be building in and its going to be sitting right over us. Clearing skies overnight and even during the day tomorrow. Youll need the sunglasses. Temperatures warming right through the 50s. Still in that north northwesterly flow right through the afternoon. Now overnight tonight temperatures will be in the 30s. 35 in the city. 32 in the suburbs. Clearing skies and cool with that light northwesterly wind. Tomorrow the high 53 degrees. This is 13 degrees above average mostly sunny and pleasant and not much of a win either for your Inauguration Day in washington. On and off showers. The temperature 48 degrees. It will be a damp little bit of a dreary day in washington. And then well keep our eyes on an area of low pressure over the weekend. Four baltimore washington parkway, washington and philadelphia. Saturday will be dry. No problem there. But sunday afternoon well watch the rain come up from the south this area of low pressure moving off the mid atlantic. Picking up some strength and also bringing some rain and some wind especially sunday night and into the day on monday. When we look at the amount of precipitation with our two models that we look at in the long range gfs and european both agreeing an inch to inch and a half of rain through that period. On your seven day forecast from the Weather Authority afternoon showers possible for your frid friday. Saturday mostly cloudy, but mild. Sunday the showers move in late. More consistent rain on your monday. And then tuesday a chance of a shower. Wednesday looking good with mostly sunny skies. The High Temperature around 56 degrees. Looks like temperatures will stay above average right through the end of the month. But february promises to be back to normal. Well zen it over to you, sean. Kathy the Baseball Hall of fame announced its class of 2017. See if any of those steroid guys finally got in. Plus the sixers meet the Toughest Team get. Beating the raptors would make a statement. See if they get it done next in sports. The sixers have been balling lately they won six out of their eight games by far the best streak in years. But this streak hasnt been all that great because they havent played great contenders. Raptors are the Second Best Team in the east so today they can really find out where they are. This was all about riding joel embiid. Embiid goes back door and gets two hand dunk right there. And it was embiid right here on the top of the key. Just nails a triple. He does it all. He had 26 points. Nine boards. Getting the crowd going and then they got it done owe defense. Covington with a block of kyle lowry right there. Lowry tries to go to the rack and guess who there to get the block. Joel embiid gets that out of here and that was the game. The sixers get it done. Biggest win of the year. 9489. Winning games. Play defense. We finally found what weve been looking for. Fran dunphy and the did he pell owls taking on cincinnati. They couldnt stop kyle washington in the middle. Look at this. Night move. Goes over the shoulder and one. Too many buckets. 16 for the game for him. The owls fall 8174 and Phil Martelli and the hawks playing u mass. Minute men with the late lead and, well, cj anderson with the dunk on the bad break. St. Joes loses 6257. They now lost four out of their last five games. Villanova will try to keep that number one spot this saturday as they take on providence right here on fox 29. Tip off for that game set for noon and baseball has selected its 2017 hall of fame class. Jeff bagwell for the Houston Astros getting in on his seventh try. Tim rains gets in on his final attempt. Rodriguez become the second catcher to be first ballot hall of famer into coopers town july 30th the boys back at it already. Next month, they will go to clearwater, florida, for spring training and today manager mackanin was very honest and realistic with the expectations for this team this season. My goal is to play 500 during the course of the season. Okay. I dont want to set the goal too high i want to be fair to everybody. I feel like if we can play 500 and bring it into the first part of august, where the guys start really gelling, i think we could be in the hunt. Hmm. Thats real right there. Okay. Does keeping it real. He didnt say playoffs. Didnt say world series. Lets be realistic here. 500 and see what happens at the end of the season. Young team. Young team. Right. Lot of young guys. They have to develop if they want to come close to that. Hopefully they do. Lucy whats coming up at 11 could. Its part of new jersey that has been off limits for more than a decade. 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