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Safe tonight after scary few minutes. Skyfox was over the scene near frankford half and hellerman street. A woman was driving with her child when she stopped to get money from atm. Officers say that is when someone else jumped in the car and drove off with the child still in the back. That person dropped off the child a few blocks later. Then ditched the car short distance from there. Police are looking for the thief but the child is okay. Happening now a crushing blow to a piece of history. If you spent any time in center city, youve probably fair familiar with the union League Building ton night its a crime scene with its stairs in peaces. Such a busy part of the city. You might wonder how this happened and how nobody witnessed it. Good evening, im lucy noland. Im iain page. Police are get something clues from Surveillance Video and fox 29s Dave Schratwieser is in center city where the investigation is underway. Dave. Reporter iain, police still looking at that Surveillance Video trying to identify the suspect. Work crews just finished working here about 10 minutes ago they hauled away the damaged stairway and constructioned temporary railing here so it doesnt cause a problem down the road. Sources here at the union league tell me the damage could reach 100,000. Beyond criminal. This is disgusting. Reporter outrage from tourists and philadelphians after a bizarre crime at the union league that caused part of the iconic stairway railing on the 151yearold building to come tumbling down. Very unfortunate situation here. Were very upset about it certainly. Crooks probably gone by and never look. Reporter 3 00 a. M. Monday surveillance cameras captured the suspect as he climbed the steps, yanked on brass railing and down came the composite concrete railing along with it. Grabbed at the brass causing the structure to fully collapse as you can see here. He did walk away with the brass, yes. What beautiful building. Ton see this, im like, its just unacceptable. Totally. Police reviewed Surveillance Video at the union league and in this alley used by the thief to escape. Apparently no passengers by noticed and no one wanted it to police until daylight when investigators arrived to get to the bottom of it. Were still looking at the video and cooperate wig the police. None of is it original to 1865 when the building opened. This was all replaced in the early 20th century. Work crews spent the evening cleaning the mess and assessing the damage. Union League Members continue to file into the building using of using another stairway. Tourists and passengers by snapped pictures and video taped the damage. Being iconic place for palistineans and our members and certainly a sad day to see such vandalism and destruction happening on our property. Hope they get him. Reporter those prefabricated pieces of the stairway take two to three months to repair. Last time they were replaced five years ago they had to be shipped in from nova scotia. So the damage will be lasting for a little bit here. The stairway is closed down and again police tonight trying to identify that suspect and make an arrest. Iain. Dave, thank you. To developing story now. Former Pennsylvania Attorney general Kathleen Kane is back home after posting 75,000 cash bail. Earlier today a judge sentenced they are 10 to 23 months behind bars for her perjury conviction. She can remain free while her legal team appeals her convict. Our bruce gordon was inside the Montgomery County courtroom as the judge handed down kanes prison sentence this afternoon. Reporter Kathleen Kane arrived at court behind the wheel of a her own personal vehicle. She would leave court hours later in handcuffs in Montgomery County van headed for a 10 to 23 month stint at the county correctional facility. What this defendant did was disgraceful. She put her own desire for personal revenge above everything else. Reporter kane was convict this summer of perjury, orchestrating the leak of confidential documents designed to damage a former state prosecutor with whom she was feuding. Then lying about the leaks to grand jury. It eroded the publics belief in prosecutors and Law Enforcement and as the judge noted we took a hit for that because of her conduct. Reporter at her sentencing hearing kane choked about tears as she read statement in which she apologized to the people of pennsylvania and pleaded with the judge for mercy on behalf of her relationship with her two teenaged sons. For whom shes the primary caregiver. Maybe i deserve everything i get she told the judge but they dont. Supporters for kane testified she had saved countless lives while attorney general by helping the city of hazelton fight back against violent drug gangs but prosecution witnesses described a toxic environment in the ags office under kane in which loyalty was prized overall and critics were silenced. One witness described systematic firings and espionage directed by kane. Whats clear from this is that nobody is above the law. This is a significant jail time for the chief Law Enforcement of the state. Reporter i mentioned that kane arrived at court in her own personal vehicle a black range rover. It was ticked later in the morning for illegal parking. Hardly her biggest concern right about now. In norristown, im bruce gordon, fox 29 news. On your radar night, chilly weather but its only going to get colder. Meteorologist kathy orr is here with whats coming. Its coming. Its like a freight train. Yes. You cannot stop it no matter what we do. We are talking about cold temperatures in the morning, and even the return of wind chills. Yes. Wow. Havent said that in awhile. Take look outside Market Street looking good. Temperatures still in the 50s in philadelphia but already in the 40s in the poconos. 41 degrees. Trenton and pottstown at 51. 54 in millville and in dover. Now, heres a look what it feels like right now. Not a big difference. Philadelphia it feels like 51. Temperatures are in the 50s but as it gets colder, the wind chill obviously has more of an impact. So you add the wind and you add the temperatures and this is what it feels like tomorrow morning. 22 in the poconos. 32 in allentown. 37 in philadelphia. Pottstown 34. Even in millville it will feel like its only 37. And thats not the worst of it freeze watch goes into effect wednesday morning. It will be even colder and could be the end of the growing season in our suburbs. Well talk more about this and our next chance of rain in that seven day when i join you later in the broadcast. All right, thanks, kathy. In north Philadelphia Police are searching for a couple of robbers who targeted an elderly man. Police say the victim who is physically challenged was outside his front door on the 2800 block of north warnock street when a man and a woman walked up to him, told him they had a gun and burst in his door. Police say the pair got away with television, cell phone an wallet. Fortunatelies the victim was not injured. Former aid to governor Chris Christie today further called into question what exactly the governor knew about those lane closures on the George Washington bridge defendant Bridget Kelly testified she told the governor christie that twice about lane closures along the George Washington bridge and that he knew about traffic problems in fort lee. On friday kelly testified that christie signed off on a traffic study connected to the lane closures. Christie continues to deny knowing anything about the scheme before it happened. Prosecutors have not charged the governor. You decide 2016. It is Closing Argument time for the republican and democratic nominees. Hillary clinton and donald trump are both hitting the key swing states two weeks from election day. Trump is pushing hard in florida. He rallied today in both Saint Augustine and tampa. Hell hit two more cities in the Sunshine State tomorrow. Meanwhile clinton stumped in New Hampshire alongside senator Elizabeth Warren and no surprise here, both candidates spent time today bashing the other. This is a guy who says he knows more about isis than the generals. I dont think so. Hes basically declaring defeat before the battle has eventa started. Hes proving to the world what it means to have an unqualified commander in chief. Its not only wrong, its dangerous. Hillary races hundreds of millions of dollars from wall street from foreign governments and from special interests all the while the people she pretends to care about struggle and suffer. She hasnt done anything for anybody but herself. Reporter a real clear politic poll average shows clinton ahead by more than five points nationally. And we are watching Pennsylvania Senate race between Katie Mcginty and incumbent pat toomey closely and so is the rest of the country. The winner of this local election could decide which party gets control of the u. S. Senate. Mcginty and toomey faced off tonight for final debate in north philadelphia. Fox 29s brad sattin is here with the highlights. Brad. Plenty of them. They only will two dough debates this the second campus of Temple University. Just like each of the tv ads each candidate spending a significant amount of time blasting the other. The debate produced by six abc sounded much like the candidates negative tv ads. He is the only person running for United States senate in the entire country not leveled with his couldnt stiff wentz. I dont think my constituents care that much how one person is going to vote. Toomey claiming mcginty was hand picked to be a rubber stamp for Hillary Clinton. Katie mcginty does that. I dont. Reporter both blasted each other legal maneuvering in the past too many knee pa businessman. Mcginty the head of the Pennsylvania Department of environmental protect. That senator toomeys own banks practices are literally considered illegal and predatory in 30 plus states. When Katie Mcginty the was secretary of the depth ep she through the dep used the exact same device on their own credit extension. Largest crowd reaction from a discussion on whether institutional bias exists within some police departments. I am happy to say black lives matter. The problem witness black lives Matter Movement and Katie Mcginty propagated this just that phrase itself. Meant to impugn the integrity of the police by implying that they dont think that black lives do matter. And in fact. In fact, its my view all lives matter and i think police get that. I think police get that. [ applause ] both blaming the other for making this campaign so nasty. Theres only one person in this campaign who ads had to be taken down because they were so flagrantly dishonest theres Katie Mcginty. Theres only one person standing on this stage who repeatedly independent Fact Checkers have said that senator toomeys ads are false, misleading. Reporter this debate showed the deep divide between the two like the future of obama care, how to grow the economy, abortion and energy. The polls show a neck and neck race. It looks like it will be that way in these last few days. Lucy. Thank you very much, brad sattin. To say the Customer Service at a local restaurant was lacking is probably putting it mildly. Take look at video from facebook from some former employee. Im going to wash the floor with these. They thought it was funny. Video on facebook that shut down a local restaurant and got some workers fired. Thieves targeting cars at phillys main airport then it happens again. Another set of vehicles were reported as broken into. Whats being taken and who is watching your wheels. Fox 29 investigates coming up. Most people owe the bank. But pat toomey actually owned a bank. And when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws. To benefit wall street and banks like his. Voting to gut Consumer Protections that crack down. On predatory lending and fraud. To take money from you and. Line the pockets of wall street millionaires like. Himself. Pat toomey out for himself, all in for wall street. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Develop developing story out of West Oak Lane. Big problems for Fast Food Restaurant after jaw dropping video surfaced. Im going to drop these and pick them up. Two, yo. Caught an video, by employees, at checkers a worker posted video on facebook and now several employees are out of a job. Thats not the only act the restaurant is taking to night. Fox 29s Chris Oconnell joins us live in the studio to explain whats next for this chick kearse. You never know whats going on inside of a kitchen. A disturbing 44 minute Facebook Live video shot by workers at a West Oak Lane checkers restaurant not only got customers angry, it got employees fired and the restaurant shut down. Checkers store on the 7100 block of stenton avenue shut down tonight. The owner closed forced to sanitize the restaurant and regroup after this. Im going to wash the floor with these buns. Its a shocking 44 minute Facebook Live video taken by restaurant workers and shared with fox 29. Watch me drop these and pick them up. Were not showing you their faces as you can see making hamburgers was the last thing on their minds. As customers ordered from the drive through employees joked about spitting even sneezing on food. I wait for to you come up here. I blew my knows in these gloves and i make your bleep food. One guy says hes got weed for sale. Did yall know where i can get some weed. Dont make me come to checkers. As stunned viewers watch, angry comments. Fire them all. Shut down the place. Even checkers corporate posting this apology. Telling customers the workers have been fired and the police temporarily shut down. We went to checkers to get their side of the story. What are you telling your customers here a lot of them saw this video and theyre very upset. Were closed for the moment. Well take care of it. Fox 29 learn the refront was cited by 15 violations by the department of health three week ago. I would come here and eat. Some customers had no idea the store was closed until we showed them the video. Nobody is taking anything serious. The customers, the food, the restaurant itself. Im never eating there ever again. Well n statement tonight checkers tells us, the employees involved will be terminated the restaurant will be fully sanitized and respected before it reopens, and all of team members will be fully retrained. But so far no word when that restaurant will reopen, lucy. Man, it maxi you think twice, doesnt it. Sure does. Good mess. Thank you chris. New tonight residents are voicing their concerns about safety in center city following last weeks shooting in rittenhouse square. A long list of elected facials, Police Officers and officials from various city departments gathered tonight at the church of the holy trinity at 19th and walnut. They listened to people who live in center city spoke about recent violence in their neighborhood. Officials shared Public Safety updates and spoke about a plan to develop a longterm Safety Task Force for rittenhouse square. Happening now, in north philadelphia, temple students and Community Members are watching their backs after a violent flash mob attack near the university. Group went after students, Law Enforcement officers even a police horse. 200 people behind it according to police are children. Fox 29s dave kinchen has the story. Reporter friday night flash nobody at north and act forward streets across from Temple University when it was over my heart dropped. I was terrified. Reporter joseph hall let at a says his 19yearold daughter and temple sophomore was left black and blue. This is a picture of her facial injuries. She said, dad, im beaten up very badly. I said, whose known is this . She said my phone is stolen. Im eye borrowed a phone and im headed to the Police Station n now. Reporter he says, she just got back from the temple Football Game in south philly, when chaos broke out. Hall let at a rushed down from bucks county to meet his daughter in distress and eventually made this emotional Facebook Post that has since gone viral. Rage, everything running through my mind. My baby girl. I didnt know what happened. Reporter sources say it started with an Instagram Post calling for a meet up before Temple University police say they responded to reports of 200 teens on and near broad street. Cops say the teen mob then broke up into self smaller groups an tacked a handful of other temple students. Its kind of disturbing it happened right here and i live right there. Reporter one teen assault add Temple Police officer, and philly Police Say One of its horses was even punched in the face twice. Three boys between 15, 16 and 17 were arrested. Its a disgrace to see that type thing happen. I was kind of shocked. Temple university put out this alert saying there was increased Police Activity in the area, but students tell us it was too vague and came out late. They could have said like, you know, been a little like describe more about what happened. Reporter meanwhile hall let at a says his daughter wont let the attack keep her from school. Shes back at school. She wanted to go back to school. Shes very strong. Shes very bright. Very high gpa. She does not want this to stop her. Reporter we did ask Temple University officials why that alert went out so late. About an hur after the first incident, and they tell us that after the first incident, they had arrests immediately follow they put the alert out after the group broke up into smaller groups and became more violent in north philadelphia dave kinchen fox 29 news. Imagine coming up on this road hazard. A man chasing him own car as it rolled into oncoming traffic. As odd as that looks police say what happened next was even crazier. And she used to be married to the face of one of the biggest restaurant chains in the world and now gerald fogles exwife is suing subway what she says the company knew about fogles crimes against children. Now with tomorrows traffic, heres bob kelly. Good evening, everybody. Get ready for bridge inspections tomorrow. Two different spots on 95. Theyre going to be working south knife between center city and the columbus boulevard interchange and then if youre leaving center city heading northbound, theyre going to be working north on 95 between center city and girard avenue. Then all this week theyre going to be working on the blue route, 476, patching those nasty potholes. Basically from 95 all the way up to saint davids villanova. Well check the jam cams. Sue has the tuesday forecast. See you tomorrow starting at sue has the tuesday forecast. See you tomorrow starting at 4 00. Yeah. We love low prices. No bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. Thousands of low prices. My giant. Trying to make me eat my greens . Low. No, just trying to ve you some green. Whaaat . thousands of blue tags. Thousands of low prices. My giant. Now your winning lottery numbers. In palm springs, california hundreds of people are grape blink with the aftermath avenue deadly accident. They gathered at a make shift memorial today to remember the 13 people who died on a tour bus. Among the mourners one of the survivors henry torcio says one of the dozen injured. Their bus was heading back to los angeles after an out tag casino when it slammed into the back end of semi truck. Authorities still dont know what went wrong. But say the bus was traveling much faster than the 18 wheeler it smashed into. [ inaudible ] the Riverside County sheriff coroner identified 11 of the 13 People Killed in the crash. The california Highway Patrol and National Transportation safety board are both investigating. The exwife of former subway pitch man jared fogle is now suing the company. Shes alleging that subway knew about fogles sex interest in children but continued to promote him. Katie mclaughlin along with her attorneys detailed that complaint this afternoon. The lawsuit claims subway had three reports of about fogle indicating his sexual interest in kids. But she claims the chain didnt take any action. Fining out that your husband and the faster your children is a Child Predator and knowing that his job visiting schools on a regular basis is devastating. Finding out that subway did not act upon at least one complaint often continuing to utilize jared as their spokesperson and facilitate his visits to those hundreds of schools is beyond comprehension. The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages. Right now jared fogle is serving nearly 16 years in federal prison for his conviction on child pornography charges. Do you perhaps park at philly international when you fly . Dont miss this fox 29 investigates report. Why thieves are targeting cars and even driving off with few. Jeff coles report is coming up. Kathy orr tracking the chilly forecast. Talking about clear skies, windy conditions. But those Cool Temperatures moving in and tomorrow morning, wind chills and i havent said that in awhile. Ill be back with the seven day forecast when we come back. Hires a look whats coming up at 11 00. Strange saga of Heath Campbell new jersey nazi dad courtrooms in continues in courtrooms in two states for all hearing. Can you believe a word the guy says . All you want coming up. Nearly three thousand miles thats how far away Republican Party bosses looked to find Brian Fitzpatrick. They handpicked him to run for his brothers seat. But all mike and Brian Fitzpatrick share is a name. Brian fitzpatrick supports a radical republican agenda, including defunding planned parenthood, just like donald trump. A hundred and sixty miles down the road in dc, Brian Fitzpatrick will put his party first, not pennsylvania families. House majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Pat toomey he was a founder of this Pennsylvania Bank and owned stock worth as much as a million dollars. Under toomeys leadership, the bank used a controversial foreclosure practice called confession of judgement to take away homes from people across pennsylvania. The practice is banned in 35 states because its considered predatory, but pat toomey didnt care. Pat toomey the banker hes really not for you. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. I spent many years as a Nuclear Missile launch officer. If the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. I prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. I want to be unpredictable. I love war. The thought of donald trump with Nuclear Weapons scares me to death. It should scare everyone. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. State college a borough official says fans celebrating penn states victory over ohio state this weekend caused nearly 20,000 in damage to public property. Officials tell local papers that fans knocked down street lights and damaged signs throughout the town. Police say as many as tepp thousand students flooded the downtown area after the big win and investigators say the not clear how much damage was done to private property. A philadelphia Residential Treatment Program has been shut down by the state nearly two weeks after a teen died. Program was brought at woods Worth Academy in wynnefield. On october 13th, 17yearold boy died after Officials Say he lost consciousness. Staff members tried to restrain him he got upset. Spokesperson says while that particular program is shutting down, other programs at the academy will continue to operate and that the academy will focus on improving operations and staff training. Fox 29 investigates and tonight we have an exclusive report about dozens of travelers returning to phillys main airport to find someone had broken into their cars. Then the few cars were actually meetly gone. The thieves have come in two waves now. But finding video of them in the act may not be as easy as you might think. Jeff cole reports. Reporter . With nearly 12,000 sparking spaces in five multi story garages and surface lots just outside Philadelphia International airport has plenty of convenient parking. A big sign invites you to park at the airport, the rate 11 a day for economy, up to 24 in the garages. Your vehicle is safe with us the Philadelphia Parking Authority boasts online, but is it . Fox 29 investigates has learned that recently in the Early Morning hours thieves have broken into dozen of highend cars and driven right off with a few of them. Weve obtained pictures that show how its done. They were sent to us boy a flyer who returned to garage b to find the rear passenger window jacked right out of the door and tossed on the back seat of his car. The contents were rivaled through. In emergency phone in the garage didnt work he says so he returned to the terminal to call the ppa where he found out he wasnt alone. That flyer heard that his car was at least the 30th hit here at philly international over several nights in august. They were all audis. A source with detailed knowledge of the airport confirms the break ins plus a couple of cars were stolen. Philly police tell us its Major Crimes Unit is working on a rash of break ins but thats not where the story ends. Fox 29 investigates has now learned 15 to 18 more audis were hit again in early october with at least one more car taken. Well, we had number of vehicles hit back in august, which was brought to our attention and most recently probable bowel week and a half work weeks ago another set of vehicles were reported as broken into. Reporter Police Spokesperson lieutenant John Stanford says, the incidents are probably all connected to but its unclear just how. A source tells us thieves are targetintargeting owd dee a6 an7 models by popping out their windows and locating an emergency key sometimes found inside. Despite several calls and emails later out what weve learned audi usa has not respo responded. Police are cash. I dont want to opinion pout exactly which vehicles at this point in time because i dont want anything to interfere witness investigation as well as method of how they gain entry april cidar vehicles. Reporter the motorists who contacted us spent 220 bucks fixing his window more concerning, his registration was gone. He paid out of pocket for extra id theft protection. Would they be seeking vin numbers tore plate cars and move overseas or very good possibility. But again i dont know. And its something that we want to, you know, were not ruling anything out at this point in time. Reporter theres this. Police told the audi owner they had no Surveillance Video of the break in because there are no cameras inside the garage. Ppa tells online its real time parking available system and license Plate Recognition Technology so they can keep track of the exact spot you pa parked in. We drove around. And we didnt see any cameras either. We asked the ppa about it. They werent talking. And neither was the airport. Both admitted to an investigation but pointed questions about security and cameras to police. Can you tell us whether there are cameras on the individual floor that is would have captured this for you . That i honestly dont know. You may have to check with the parking authority. Its their parking lot. Last year the airport considered a 6. 5 million upgrade of its surveillance camera system. But it monitors passenger and checked baggage screening areas at phl. Not parking. The tsa told us, its job is security at checkpoints. For anything else, talk to the cops. This is a problem, right . Its not your parking garage. But thats a city owned entity out there at the airport and you dont want 45 cars getting hammered. Listen at the end of the day were responsible for the security at the airport along with some other agencies, but were not in any way, shaping or form going to pass it off anyone else. Reporter no comment from audi usa. Similar thefts in england prompted questions about that emergency key an audi rep said in part no vehicle is immoveable if its key is accessible. Other ways you might protect yourself and your car, take parking tickets when you fly. Perhaps your registration as well. Jeff cole, fox 29 news. Imagine coming up on this road hazard a main chasing his own car as it rolls into oncoming traffic. As crazy as this looks police Say Something that happened next was even crazier. A tough little guy uses a source and steps into a new role. Darth vader. The big reveal he wont soon forget that will im guessing warm your heart. Imagine the bank forces you out, no warning, no hearing. Its a lending practice so outrageous most states. Banned it. But at the bank owned by pat toomey it was business as usual. Forcing 21 Small Business owners out of their homes. Now, toomeys using his power in the senate to help himself. Voting to gut rules that protect us and crackdown on big banks. Pat toomey, out for himself, not us. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. One lucky escape in switzerland. Car started rolling on hoy way with nobody inside but the cars owner went right after it on busy highway. Police say this man pulled over to talk to his friend, but his car rolled on without him. Eventually crashed into a sign post which backed up traffic behind it. Police say despite the large number of people who witnessed what happened, amazingly no one, not one person called police. Every drive managed to dodge that car. In your money tonight if youve been holding off buying a new mac book waiting for a new model to come out apple is holding a special event thursday. Its expected to roll out a redesign of the popular mac book models. According to reports the mac book pro which hasnt been changed since 2012 will get a makeover. Reports of a new mac book air. Apple not giving any hints. The event will kick off the 10 00 a. M. This thursday morning. All right. This next story breaking news for us an lot of people in our newsroom. And if you love eating Girl Scout Cookies and cereal you like cereal. I do like cereal. Its your lucky day, iain page. Girl scouts or rolling out two cookie flavored cereal. Thin mints and caramel crunch. General mills will make the cereals. Theyll hit store shelves in january for limited time only. Social media is kind of exploding right now with reactions of joy and gratitude. And could you be seeing some racier pictures on your Facebook Timeline in the near future. The social note work will relax its standard whats okay to publish. Some tech experts are speculating facebook might allow racier images. Facebook will still make sure photos are not too graphic or pose a safety risk. Um roar tonight over an effort to take back money given to american heroes. The bonuses paid to members of one States National guard and why officials are asking for those bonuses back. Kathy is tracking your forecast. Oh, yeah, were talking about the cold. Its finally here. Weve been waiting. 80s last week temperatures falling, falling to freezing for most of us. As we move through the week. Well have the numbers and take a lock at the next chance for rain coming up. Biden this is what i know about Katie Mcginty like me, she has pennsylvania working class roots, and shes never abandoned them. Hard work. Family. Playing it straight. Thats katie. And the ads attacking her . Theyre a bunch of malarkey. Katies career is about looking out for families like yours. Creating jobs, keeping our environment safe. Shes a wife, a mom, a basketball fan, a homework supervisor. Shes like you and shell fight for you in the United States senate. Im Katie Mcginty and i approve this message. Ive always taken on the status quo. In harrisburg, they didnt like it when i stopped their perks and pushed for reform. As head of pennsylvanias thirdlargest county, i cut out wall street middlemen to protect pensions. Now, as chairman of the Pennsylvania Commission on crime, im leading the fight to stop the epidemic of heroin and opioid abuse. As attorney general, ill prosecute anyone who scams our seniors. And ill hold the oil and Gas Companies accountable to keep our Drinking Water safe. Im josh shapiro. Ill be an attorney general who always fights for you. Outrage over an effort to take back money from americas heroes at the height of the wars in iraq and afghanistan, the california National Guard offered thousands of soldiers cash bonuses to reenlist or extend their times overseas. Now, a decade later, the pentagon wants that money back. Audits reveal the guard gave out too much money while under pressure to meet enlist many targets. Veterans are shocked and say its insulting. I held up my end of the crack. I deployed, stayed in an additional six years as an infantry office. Served honorablely. Retired honorablely. I didnt think there ever be an issue. California National Guard says it does not have the authority to wave the debts. Meantime, several members of the congress are calling on the department of defense to forgive these debts right away. Hundreds of women hit the streets of one rhode island town dressed in yoga pants to protest one mans rant about that very garment. The women showed up in force proudly showing off yoga pants in barrington response to an editorial one man wrote in the towns local paper. He expressed his disdain for the parents. He called wearing yoga pants bizarre and disturbin disturbinf his own discussions how women should dress. Hundreds of women spoke out and said well wear what we want to wear. After the protest insisted the whole thing was just a joke. From the east coast to the west court Portland Oregon battling cancer is taking on a new identity and that is darth vad vader. He stepped into his new role at a party he wont soon forget. Foxs nora heart as the heartwarming story. Reporter you wouldnt know it by his sweet smile and calm demeanor, but eightyearold daniel is battling brain and spinal cancer. Coolest last name. Today daniel seanness see is taking on new identity darth vader and the whole gang from star wars was there in his honor and mom, too. The music, the actual costume. All of the kids with their lightsabers the whole team of people that came out in costume. I mean it was amazing. Absolutely amazing. Reporter in the last year a tumor damaged daniels spinal cord and he lost his ability to walk. Since hes bound to his chair, the folks at magic wheelchair wanted to give him the most stylish zest wheels around. Just in time for halloween. We call it a chair for the day. It really feels like that for these guys. Theyre dissable seems to disappear in other peoples ice. Volunteers peaced the one of a kind cut tumor together just for daniel. Typically a costume would take about 200 hours to do. There were definite tears. Definite tears and being able to see the look on his face when they actually took the cover off end got to see it was mazing. This year you might mistake daniel for darth vader as he cruises around in his fighter but you wont mistake that smile. Things that they do and just out of the goodness of their hearts that they do these things its so mazing. Thank you. Magic wheelchair is an organization that decorates wheel chairs for kids to make them feel a little better about sitting in them. All right. On your radar right now weve got some cold weather blowing into town, kathy orr. Oh, yeah it is blowing in. Northwesterly winds are going to keep it cool. We have a very strong High Pressure system thats going to reinforce the cold. At the airport pretty quiet our camera still shaking a little bit. Some gusts out there. Winds sustained out of the northwest at about nine, 10 miles an hour temperature 55. Weve gotten degrees since this afternoons high of 65 degrees. Remember over the weekend friday was 80 then we bottomed out saturday. Yesterday not so bad today we made it to 65 degrees. Which is 1 degree above that norm of 64. Right now 41 degrees in the poconos going down into the 30s overnight tonight. Allentown, reading, 50. 50 in lancaster. 51 in pottstown. 55 in philadelphia. 58 in wildwood but the cold air is coming. It is coming from canada and you can see some 30s to the north. So that air is going to be moving in over the next 24 to 48 hours. You see this dip in the jet stream. We call eight trough, thats the meteorological term, and that chilly air mass will settle in. So the peak of the cold will be wednesday morning and that will be the coldest morning and also when well feel the peak of these wind chills well have freeze watch as well. Tomorrow morning 23 in the poconos. 37 in philadelphia. 34 in trenton and wrightstown. Fast forward to wednesday morning, even colder. 20 in the poconos. 27 in trenton. Philadelphia 33. 30 in millville. Even Atlantic City at the airport wednesday morning it will feel like its around 30 degrees. Overnight, 43 in the city. 38 in the suburbs. Clear skies. Northwesterly winds still seeing some gusts to about 20, 25 miles an hour. The wind kicks in again tomorrow. With gusts out of the northwest about 25 miles an hour. High temperatures only in the upper 50s. This is below average and that freeze watch tomorrow night into early wednesday morning for our northern and western suburb also new castle county, delaware, and south jersey away from the shore. So this means temperatures will be falling very close to freezing and it could be the end of the growing season. So any delicate plants any potted plants still outside because its been so warm, make sure you cover them up tomorrow night. On your exclusive seven day forecast from the weather authority, wednesday the freeze watch in the morning temperatures in the 50s in the afternoon. Thursday some afternoon showers. Friday we bump it up to 60. 64 on saturday with late showers. Sunday looks. Monday halloween mostly sunny, chilly for the parades in the morning. 58 in the afternoon i do think well have some wind. And that is a look at the seven day forecast. Hey, sean. Kathy, eagles got a bigtime win yesterday an lot of was because of the oh aggressive play calling. Doug pederson talk about the willingness to take chances. The flyers back in act. Trying to go on a winning streak. Steve mason with a ton of saves. Was it enough to get the flyers over the hump. Thats coming up next in sports. Pat toomey he was a founder of this Pennsylvania Bank and owned stock worth as much as a million dollars. Under toomeys leadership, the bank used a controversial foreclosure practice called confession of judgement to take away homes from people across pennsylvania. The practice is banned in 35 states because its considered predatory, but pat toomey didnt care. Pat toomey the banker hes really not for you. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Republican party bosses looked to find Brian Fitzpatrick. Nearly three thousand miles thats how far away they handpicked him to run for his brothers seat. But all mike and Brian Fitzpatrick share is a name. Brian fitzpatrick supports a radical republican agenda, including defunding planned parenthood, just like donald trump. A hundred and sixty miles down the road in dc, Brian Fitzpatrick will put his party first, not pennsylvania families. House majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. It was sloppy, it was ugly but the eagles found a way to get a win on sunday. Yesterday. Now threezero at home protecting the houses. Thats huge. You win championships were you protect the house but now can they take that on the road . Their next two games are at dallas, at new york. Hopefully that momentum from yesterday will carry them through next couple of weeks. And the confidence that Doug Pederson has shown in his players was really did it difference in yesterdays game. Going for two after josh huff scored. Going for it on fourth down has shown them, hey, Doug Pederson believes in you. He believes in what you can do and that really gives players the confidence and theyll go through walls for you because of it. Today pederson talked about the decision of really going for it in key moments. I trust our guys. I trust the offensive line. I think it sends a great message, um, to the rest of the team to our defense, to special teams, hey, you know, if we convert this and stay on the field, it sandy good message and on the other side of that, if you do convert, the message you send to the other team. And the fact that youre going to stay aggressive. The eagles did come out of the this game with loss. Cornerback ron brooks will be out for the year. With quad injury. Look right there hes trying to make move, trying to tackle the guy but his leg seems to buckle on him the secondary already very thin. Very tough loss. All right. This week well have a special ed dig of game day live at 5 00 oclock on saturday. All the usual suspects will still be there howard eskin, gary cobb, dave spadaro and myself breaking down the eagles sunday nighter versus the cowboys. To the flyers after three straight losses people started panic a little bit. At least the fans did. Steve mason getting a lot of that blame but they got back on track on saturday against carlin in a. Tonight theyre looking to start another winning streak taking on montreal. Third period tied at one can united fence just starting their power play off the face off. Montreal with the puck, good movement. Look at that. Great shot. Brendon gallon lager hit off his stick for the score. Canadiens up twoone. 1. 20. Flyers last chance. Great safe. That leads to another goal that montro al tax on the flyers win threeone and eagles off today. Back at practice tomorrow but Malcolm Jenkins doing great great work in the community. He found third annual blitz bow ties and bourbon fundraiser. Jenkins auctioning off bow ties right there and guys sipping burr born his teammates Connor Barwin and the rest of the guys showing love and support. Malcolm jenkins doing great thing in the community. Great to see those guys doing that. Absolutely. Great to see the eagles winning too. Great to see them winning. Did you go . I did not go and sip some bourbon. I did not. I dont know if they would let me. Youre a little young to have bourbon. Probably. Were not, though in im only 19. Exactly. You got to be 30 until you hit bourbon. Once they get you, they get you forever. Lucy, whats coming up at 11 00. Just love, sean. If your Children Play or want to play football. What a new Study Suggests the sport could do to young peoples brains even if they dont get a concussion. And your wake up weather and seven day forecast in the first five minutes. Useful use cast. We love that. Well see in you a few. Does your child need help with digestive balance . Try align junior probiotic. So she can have a fraction dominating. Status updating. Helloyellowbelt kind of day. Get 24 7 digestive support with align junior. The 1 doctor recommended probiotic brand, now for kids. Yeah. We love low prices. No bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. Thousands of low prices. My giant. Developing at 11 00 video that may make you a little queasy. Im going to wash the floor with these buns. You heard him. Just a few seconds from live broadcast on facebook where workers at a local restaurant claimed to be doing things in the kitchen that would, well, kill your appetite. Good evening, im lucy noland. As you might imagine that video went viral. Caught our attention most definitely. And the restaurant is now taking decisive action. Chris oconnell joins me now with the well im going to say the outrageous story, chris. Lucy, this just might make you crimple. I know it has all right. Facebook live video going viral. Video that has shut down restaurant and cost several employees their jobs. Checkers store in the 7100 block of stop ton

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