Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20160720 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20160720

♪ right now, republicans officially have their nominee for president live look from inside the quickens loan arena cleveland a full house tonight. i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland. the presumptive nominee's home state put him over the top with delegates officially nominating trump for president. >> late tonight trump officially accepted. >> this is a movement but we have to go all the way. i'm so proud to be your nominee for president of the united states. >> meanwhile, just moments ago new jersey governor chris christie took the stage. instead of focusing on trump he took aim at hillary clinton and a scathing indictment. here's one small part. >> as to hillary clinton, the charge of putting herself ahead of america guilty or not guilty guilty! >> you can hear the delegates chanting is, lock her up. >> bruce gordon was with the new jersey delegates as trump won the nomination and joins us live in cleveland tonight much bruce? >> reporter: lots of excitement down on the floor tonight. electricity even when the new york delegate count put donald trump over the top but garden state republicans i was right there in the midst of them you had to feel like the evening's mood was somewhat bittersweet. >> scattered among the delegates who crowded the quickens loan recent in a on this night of coronation for donald trump were men and women who looked around and wondered what might have been. for the governor of new jersey. >> i think chris christie is going to be a major help to donald trump. he's going to be right arm. >> ladies and gentlemen let me introduce to you the next president of the united states, donald trump. >> christie was considered among the front runners but donald trump with brash style quickly stole his thunder. and almost as quickly christie suspended his run and endorsed his long-time friend. >> chris, thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> on the convention floor it was christie's son and drew who announced new jersey's delegate votes would go to trump. >> 51 delegates will be given to donald j. trump for president of the united states. >> even the winners biggest supporters were thinking, what might have been? >> chris christie is the star as far as i'm concerned. i think he'll play a very large role in the president trump's administration. >> (inaudible). >> you look at chris christie and say what might have been any part jeff. >> it could have been but it wasn't meant to happy and we're happy with donald trump. >> moments later it was don jammed, jr. hooks put his father over the top for the gop nomination. >> congratulations, dad, we love you! >> i asked andrew christie. any part of you who says to yourself this could have been my dad here tonight. >> of course. i think you're lying if you don't think that. but obviously primary process played out like it did and we're really happy mr. trump is the nominee and i think he's going to win in november. >> we just got a little taste of what might have been chris christie powerful public speaker that his crowd eatin eating oute palm of his hand. >> protests outside continued today cleveland the tone mostly anti trump among those speaking out against the republican nominee were veterans and black lives matters groups a few people out in public areas condemning hillary clinton fortunate daal's demonstrations were peaceful. another life look from the stage in cleveland right now donald trump, jr., is now talking. remember our election coverage will continue after our 10:00 p.m. news with our special vote 2016. we'll break down what happened in cleveland today and look ahead to tomorrow. that's tonight at 11:00 p.m. tonight you decide the countdown is on for philly's big convention. preparations underway throughout the city with just days to go before the dnc rolls on in. fox 29's dave schratwieser joins us thrive night from south philly. dave? >> reporter: lucy, lots of activity outside the wells fargo center tonight. take look. work crews are putting up the security fencing around the entire a rona this is 8-foot high fence. you cannot climb these fences. it's the same fencing used to protect the pope during his visit here last fall. city streets crews were hard at work tuesday evening sprucing up south broad street for the upcoming democratic national convention now just days away. >> i mean i think it's good for philadelphia. i mean, anything to draw attention to the city and to get people to come here and know that fill sal great city flags representing each of the 50 states going up along this stretch of broad where the big buzz is the decision to ban parking in the center median a south philly tradition. police and city officials placed warning notices on cars today. they want the cars gone to ease the know of traffic during the convention. >> it's kind of frustrating because parking is really tough in south philly and i do often park there. >> lauren lives on broad street she park in the median all the time. she's sorry to see the free parking vanish but understands why they will be moved just in case protesters march this way. >> i totally support freedom of speech and people to be able to protest as long as it's peacef peaceful. >> charles williams lives on south broad street. he doesn't park a car in the center median but he thinks removing cars is a good idea if protesters decide to make their way down broad to the wells fargo center. >> security. you have to be able to protect the people coming and going. >> reporter: meanwhile outside the center truck loads of security fences were brought in. they will be used to surround the convention arena. they will also prevent protest protesters from crossing broad street from fdr park where many of the protests are scheduled to take place. >> as long as they don't vandalize our properties, i have no problem with that. it's free speech. >> i also support, you know, people being able to speak. but they should be able to do it in safe manner. >> reporter: now the secret service is already patrolling outside the arena along with counter terrorism and k9 units. more security arrangements will go in place as the week proceeds including security checkpoints and don't forget the truck ban on i name goes into effect this weekend. we will bring you updates on security arrangements down here at the dnc throughout the week. iain. >> dave, thank you. on your radar, final al break from that heat and humidity. people out tonight in south philadelphia end joining a beautiful evening out there. moving live to wilmington down into the 70s right now. kathy these comfortable temperatures will last at least another day. >> 24 hours. that's just about it, iain. back to the heat and the humidity. right now in philadelphia we have comfortable temperatures. 78 degrees. it's 60 in the poconos and 76 in trenton. 78 in dover. take look at the dew points. that's the moisture in the atmosphere. 50s are comfortable. 70s are oppressive. so wide range. we'll have one more comfortable day in philadelphia, and then it is back to the heat. the sizzling summer heat. 60 in the city overnight. 64 in the suburbs. moonlit skies. sunshine tomorrow and 24 hours of comfortable weather excessive heat returns and we will be chasing 100 degrees, record heat coming when the dnc comes to town. we'll check that out with the seven day later in the broadca broadcast. breaking news right now philadelphia's logan neighborhood. police are looking for the person who shot a 22-year-old in the face around 9:00 tonight. skyfox over the scene of the 1500 block of west olney avenue. the boy is in critical conditi condition. so no arrests. learning more about tonight about the killer in violent attack in kensington. police say the man who killed 35-year-old woman over the weekend may be connected to other assaults. fox 29's jennifer joyce is live outside police headquarters with the latest on the investigation. jennifer? >> reporter: good evening, iain. a total of three assaults the most recent the most violent happened saturday night and ended with the death of a 35-year-old woman. police want this man caught before he acts again. >> she'll always be remembered in my as person that put other where is herself. >> reporter: ricky morgan remembered as thoughtful and bright. >> she was constantly challeng challenging herself to learn more and about people around her. >> reporter: kathy shared her picture with us. she says she knew the 35-year-old woman well, as the former director of a women center in kensington. morgan was stabbed to death saturday in what became a grizzly bloody crime scene in an alleyway near jasper and cumberland streets. philadelphia police say they're looking for this man, a guy on blue and black bike with a backpack and baseball cap. they think this is his third assault in the area in just a few weeks. and believe he's targeting prostitutes. the other two victims survived. >> a lot of danger comes with this kind of work and it's so important for us and for other organizations working really hard here in kensington to build foundation of support and community because the girls realize they're not alone. >> reporter: she spent the day at the women's center counseling ricky morgan's friends, staff and clients are dealing with strong emotions. >> remembering how long she used to take to do her makeup. remembering the talks that we had really transition that is anger to more of a sadness, more into remembrance of a great person she was. >> reporter: here's another look at the person of interest. police say he's targeting white females between the ages of 30 and 35. the attacks are happening in secluded sections of kensington. and there will be a memorial service for ricky morgan happening friday at 2:00 p.m. at the st. francis inn in kensington. the community says it needs to come together in the healing process. lucy? >> all right, jennifer. developing story out of kansas tonight. suspect in a drive by shooting shot and killed a police officer in kansas city. it happened this afternoon. authorities say 46-year-old robert miltonia captain died at about 2:30 the 17 year veteran drove up to someone matching a description of the people they were after. at least one of them opened fire and hit him. police have arrested two people. this is the second time in less than three months that a gunman has shot and killed a kansas city, kansas, police officer. in pennsville, inform, police say an argument between a couple turned dead whole a husband stabbed his wife. 46-year-old it in 10 sing is now in jail accused of stabbing his wife to death in the kitchen of their home. police say they found him standing over his wife's body 42-year-old sima sink. their three children were home at the time but they were sleeping and did not see the attack. skyfox over an fbi investigation into our area. today the bureau of investigation confirming that they are conducting an evidence recovery mission in ocean city, new jersey. this is on the bay side of the water along route 52. the fbi says it is not a search for a body. they are telling residents and visitors to the area not to worry and that there's no threat to safety. police officers were standing on the sidewalk when a driver just barreled into their squad car and kept on going. what that driver admits doing behind the wheel seconds before that. >> a brutal beating right in the middle of the day on local street. what the victim did seconds before the attack that makes this even worse. here's a little something before your next trip down the shore. some thing your doing on the beach could land in you jail but one city is now cracking down on. >> a toddler recovering from life-saving cancer treatments targeted by thief. the family's i pad stolen from inside chop. >> he said i know, it's my personal i-pad. i want you to have it. use it and --ing. >> who came to the rescue for one little girl that brought her parents to tears. ♪ philadelphia police have just released this video to help find the man who they say robbed a dad and his daughter at gun point. police say that 53-year-old man was walking with his teen daughter earlier this month along the 2100 below block of stenton avenue in west oak lane when man came up, pulled a gun and said give me everything or i'll shoot her in the back. he got away with money and a phone. if you know anything about this, call police. philadelphia police are on the hunt for two men who burst into an elderly man's home and then robbed him. >> he thinks the guys were after his recent casino winnings. you can see the busted door jam at his home along verree road in somerton. the 83-year-old man says he had just won a couple hundred bucks at parx casino on sunday. last night around midnight two men burst into his home. >> i heard steps, footsteps and i heard a guy come in the room. he said don't move. stay where you are, don't move. two guys. one with a gun and one with a pipe. >> he thinks they tracked him home from the casino. the men got away with his ring a couple of hundred bucks an phone. police are trying get hold of surveillance video that may have captured the robbers. the search is on for the berne who stole an i-pad from this sweet little girl who's getting cancer treatments at chop. however, two local police officers who took her report went above and beyond the call of duty to get her an i pad yet again. >> fox 29's shawnette wilson joins us here in the studio. shawnette, this is a touching story. >> it is. the little girl's mother says that two university of penn police officers couldn't bear to see her little girl without the thing she needed so they did something that brought unexpec unexpected joy to the entire family. >> peek a boo. where is the baby. >> at just 21 months old, ariana may lewis spent half of her little live at chop. she was just over-year-old when doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of leukemia last december. that meant countless areas of chemo, blood transfusions an bone marrow transplant for her little girl. >> four to six hours that's not including there being for the chemo several hours. >> reporter: someone donated an i-pad to ariana to help get her through those tough times. >> between face timing family, face timing our dog, you know, doing her games, the apps she loves, videos. >> reporter: sunday the i-pad was gone from the room they were in at chop. she eventually tracked it to the university of pennsylvania campus. but when she got to the location, the i pad was nowhere to be found. instead she met these two officers who would soon make everything right again. >> we just felt felt it just felt like the right thing to do for a young girl who has been through a heck of a lot over a short period of time. >> they took a police report and katrina and her fiance' return to the hospital. soon after the officers showed up with a special gift. >> he said, i know, it's my personal i-pad. i want you to have it. i don't use it and i started crying. >> it was heart touching. it really was. really heart touching and made me feel really really really good. >> katrina was so moved she posted a big thank you on facebook and now calls the officers two of ariana's guardian angels. >> thank you, n gift came from their heart. that comes from win. >> and there is actually even more good news than that. ariana we're told is cancer free. but she still has long road to recovery. she's being treated for some pretty serious complications from the bone marrow transplant. >> lucy, back to you. >> thank you shawnette. two delaware counties will reopen tomorrow morning after a car fire forced them to shut down again today. the government center and courthouse closed after smoke seeped into the building from a fire and side a parking garage. no one is hurt though. a head of a looming strike during the inform nc hundreds of airport workers walked off the job today. the crowd of 1,000 marched on the streets by the terminals baggage handlers, wheelchair attendants and other staff are demanding better working conditions and $15 an hour wage. even though the subcontractors are not union knifed, they have won previous fights for better wages. last year they're hou hourly rae went from less than $8 an hour up to 12. >> you decide 2016 the republican national convention well underway. let's take live look. this is the quicken loans arena in cleveland tonight. packed with delegates for tonight's speeches, but today many were talking about the next potential first ladi' address last night. did not take long for people to notice melania trump delivered a speech with lines suspiciously similar to a speech given by first lady michelle obama at the 2008 democratic national convention. check out the comparisons of the two speeches. >> we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them. >> we want our children and all children in this nation to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them. >> and that is just a small part of it. despite the word for word similarities the trump cal pain is denying the speech was plagiarized. mrs. trump has said she wrote her speech with minimal help the trump campaign now says she had a team of writers. back here in philly broad street about to get a whole lot brighter. >> colorful new mural is being designed for the democratic national convention, get this, a mile long. you can see part of the mural being installed tonight at the corner of christian and broad streets. the mural will stretch over the median on south broad streets for 14 blocks. it's called 14 movement's a symphony in color and words and it will feature many colors and poetry. you can check it out from city hall to washington avenue. >> it will be great. couple was driving down the a busy road when they got the scare of their lives. >> i thought a bomb went off. it was really loud bang. >> what came crashing right into their car that had other drivers pulling over to see if they were still alive. >> what are these people doing sun bathing right in the middle of traffic, even doing yoga? what gave these guys all the time in the world? >> now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. sue serio in for bob this week to tell you about some more construction, and this is in rittenhouse square. pine street between 18th and 19th is closed for construction project until 4:00 o'clock on friday. so you need to avoid that. this is an overnight construction with i-95 in both directions. the ramp to cottman avenue closed every night from 8:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. and that happens until friday morning. so avoid all of that stuff. mack sure you join us tomorrow morning at 4:00 a.m. ♪ look around pennsylvania and it's not hard to spot winners. and with over 2 million winners match 6, cash 5, and treasure hunt every single month, that's hardly a surprise. winners, winners everywhere! play today! >> now your winning lottery numbers. >> in michigan final farewell for one of the police officers killed in dallas. friends and family of officer michael krol gathered today in redford. a large flag hanging from the fire truck as mourners arrived at the church krol michigan native moved to dallas to become an officer and those who work with him say he died doing what he loved. to days after a man killed two police officers sheriffs deputy in baton rouge president obama is promising the nation will get through this turmoil. the president penned an open letter to law enforcement that the white house made public today. in part the president wrote "any attack on police is unjustified attack on all of us and we have your backs" on sunday gunman opened fire on police and depth piece in baton rouge killing three and wounding three others. president obama says overcoming the violence will also require resilience the grace of loved ones and the goodwill of active visits. officials are saying it's a miracle no one is seriously hurt after giant crane collapsed on the tappan zee bridge. >> lanes were closed for hours as crews worked to remove the crane from the bridge. it was actually used to perform work on a new bridge being constructioned when it fell across the old bridge. fortunate when that crane crash at noon it did not hit any cars. authorities say five people though had minor injuries all lanes are back open tonight except for one southbound lane. it caused a lot of frustration for some commuters. >> an awful lot of people use that to go to either new york city or west chester to work or vise versa. >> it's just going to be nightmare for everyone. i actually have clients coming from west chester tonight that are supposed to be viewing houses and they're probably going to have to cancel they be able to make over here. >> and as you can see here some commuters stuck in traffic trying to make the most of their time. this girl here, doing a little yoga. >> might as well, right? >> all right. a beating right in the middle of the day on a local street. what the victims did seconds before the attack that makes this even worse. >> we have heat, we have humidity. it's all going to be moving back in. also, more summertime storms. when we'll be chasing record warmth in the seven day. >> listen up before your next trip down the shore. something you're doing on the beach or boardwalk could land you in jail. what one city is now cracking down on. ♪ and these are the lungs. (boy) sorry. (dad) don't worry about it. (vo) at our house, we need things that are built to last. that's why we got a subaru. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of r wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like "i don't remember!" >> right now at 10:30 breaking news. schuylkill expressway let's go to sky fox live right now and we have trouble. you can't tell what lane this is but eastbound lanes all traffic had to stop when a truck caught fire. westbound lanes are in fact getting by. i'm sure it slowed way down with people looking over to see what's going on. eastbound lanes as you can tell just completely shut down. heads up if you going to through the area. good news here is that nobody is hurt. still developing to night local police searching for a group of men who chased a man down attacked him in the middle of the day. attack all caught on surveillance video. it wasn't just money they were after but the man's cell phone. >> dawn timmeney spoke to neighbors who want these guys obviously off the streets. >> despicable. i mean it really is. >> reporter: people who live in fern rock are upset and horrified over the brutal beating of a 67-year-old man. >> it's not right at all, because i mean you know what i mean we all human beings. >> reporter: victim walking along the 59 hun doctor block of hutchinson street friday afternoon when he's ambush violence caught on camera and it's difficult to watch. >> that's like your dad or your grandfather being, um, copied and done like that. like how can you sleep at night? >> that's horrible. for anybody to happen to especially 67-year-old man. >> reporter: it happened just before noon. police say two men approached the victim, one demanding his cell phone and his money. the guy gives them what they want. without putting up any kind of a fight. >> at this time, he's punched and knocked unconscious. at that time, mail number two comes over and they both continue to punch and kick the victim while he's on the ground. >> totally zen less, unwarned act of violence against this individual out just minding his business. >> sheila morgan is working in fern rock today. news of the broad daylight beating definitely has her feeling uneasy. >> as a matter of fact, i'm parked down the street quite a ways and we're talking about the same area and i'm like, maybe i shouldn't be out here walking around by myself. >> reporter: suspect are 5 feet 11 and about 20 years old. investigators say it appears to be a crime of opportunity and they're vowing to get the two men responsible. >> we believe that somebody or multiple people out there know who these individuals are. we have clear video somebody could definitely identify one if not both of these perpetrators police have message for the attackers. turn yourself in because you will be caught. if you recognize the guys in the video, give northwest detectives a call. dawn timmeney, fox 29 news. a tv analyst for the philadelphia union has admitted that he got nary nearly a half million dollars in connect bakes for filing unneeded -- filling unneeded prescriptions for himself. peter pappas plead the guilty to conspiracy. in addition to the working for the union he's a pharmaceutical salesman. prosecutors say he recruited others to join his scheme including people epp rolled in u.s. department of defense health care plan. >> reports are out bill cosby lost his site. new york post paid page six is reporting sources told them cosby is completely blind and he is quote in his own personal hell. the article says cosby also has an eye disease which causes bulging in the cornea. the report also says he's confined to his montgomery county home. ly your this month a judge denied his effort to have a new preliminary hearing in his sex assault case. cosbys and his attorney wanted his accuse sr. to take the stand so they could cross-examine her. all right. on your radar right now, quite a pleasant evening, kathy orr. >> just a great night to be outside. crack the windows, let that refreshing air in because it's really not going to last all that long. busy night in center city philadelphia. in old city looking at market street where the cars are going by. a loft folks enjoying the weather. 78 degrees right now. far cry from the high of 89 today. dew point at 57 making it very comfortable. in the city it's 78. atlantic city 73. the poconos 60. 74 in lancaster and 79 degrees in reading. down the shore pretty comfortable as well. avalon 75. on the boardwalk right now 75 degrees. you can see in hammonton only 70 and cooling fast. most of us will be in the 60s overnight. in the wake of this front high pressure descending from canada and the great lakes. we have this refreshing breeze deep blue skies today. clear skies tonight and more sunshine tomorrow with a high temperature around 86 degrees. the ocean water temperature at 67 in atlantic city. i do expect that to warm up as our winds are out of the north and then northwest during the day tomorrow. hot stuff in the forecast as we head toward the weekend. jet stream well to the north the heat building from the south and west through the deep south and heading right through the mid atlantic. we will be on the northern fringe. so it's going to be a close call between 98, 99, 100 degrees over the course of the weekend and the beginning of next week. as we take look at the heat and humidity over the next couple of days, wednesday no issue. thursday no issue either. it will just feel like it's in the 90s. but by friday, it will feel like it's around 100 in wrightstown. close to 100 in philadelphia and millville and dover. so friday will really be the beginning of excessive heat returning to the delaware vall valley. overnight in the city 68. the suburbs 64. moonlit skies and comfortable mid to upper 80s in the forecast for tomorrow. but the humidity will be low with our wind becoming northwesterly that is a very dry wind for us once the wind shifts out of the southwest then we get back in the humid weather. as you plan your day tomorrow, breakfast just a beautiful morning, 70 degrees. plenty of sunshine. lunch 83. 86 degrees by 3:00 p.m. and by the dinner hour look at that still 83 with low humidity. on your exclusive fox 297 day forecast and shore cast, thursday 90. friday afternoon storms, 95. saturday hot again, feeling like it's over 100 sunday. monday chasing 100 degrees. that will be a record. nevertheless the record is 96. tuesday 90. temperatures down the shore in the mid to upper 80s. 88 down the shore is hot. >> it is. hot stretch coming up. >> um-hmm. thank you kathy. >> you bet. police officers standing on the sidewalk when a car just barrels in their squad car keeps driving. what that driver admits doing behind the wheel seconds before he slams into the cruiser and -- i'm scared bleep. i can't say that. but i'm scared. >> he just said it on the news. what sent people running from their homes in this neighborhood not knowing when they can go back. >> and saving the day for one waitress. the act of kindness from a pair of police officers she says she'll never forget. >> in buck county warwick township police say someone spotted man involved in an apparent love triangle murder in me cap 96 burg. police say the man and his girlfriend were in this truck with stolen license plate. that number is on your screen. investigators have been trying to track down jeffrey gould and his gill friend. >> in your money tonight soon be ail to hit target right in center city. the new store at 11th and chestnut has a soft opening tomorrow get off and running. grand opening is sunday. new store is bit smaller than target traditional stores. target calls eight flex format it will have starbucks inside. this is the first in center ci city. >> if you visit delaware state parks and you play pokemon go you may get rewarded. the park have launche launched e park adventure. it encourages users to take a screen shot of avatar and up load it to social media using the hash tag poke park de whoever visit the most poked parks will get pokemon merchandise at park pass. a lot of illiteration here. (laughter). >> officials will announce the winner in august. >> good to get outside go in the parks, right. >> exactly. poke park. >> in missouri police officers change the luck of one waitress. all after two customers dined and took off. dash. the waitress two women left a $41 bill took out of without paying. the restaurant policies forces her servers to cover the cost of unpaid bills. she went after the women but instead she ran into two kansas city police officers and explained the situation, you know what, the officers paid the bill and gave her trip. >> i was just so thankful i thought it was really really generous thing to do. it makes a more of a difference. it may have been just $40 to lot of people, but that's a lot of money to me. um, and so it really made a difference in my life. >> aww. officers look for those thieves but couldn't find them waitress shared her story on facebook hoping to spread little love. police officers were standing on the sidewalk when a driver barreled into their squad car and kept going. what that driver admits doing the behind the wheel seconds before he slammed into the cruiser. >> making sure you don't overspend the next time you hit the store. what you can download on to your smart phone which assures you're a smart spent. >> video out of the city oak lane neighborhood shows the rodriguez mini mart on ogontz avenue when guy walk up to a 50-year-old man and asked for light. my goodness you see all that happened there. the guy pressed a begun against the man's stomach. two other men walked in and all three began beating him viciously. the three robbers got away with 70 bucks. next time you head down the shore make sure you avoid doing one thing that could land you in jail. the crime, feeding seagulls. >> because our jails aren't packed enough. so one new jersey town is crac cracking down on feeding birds. fox 29's bill anderson explains a law that comes with serious consequences. >> reporter: if you head to the beach especially nearest aunt you can expect to see seagulls and occasionally people feeding them. but ocean city, new jersey, is among the cities that have had enough. >> i call them rats with wings. that's what we call them back home in philly, and i try to stay away from them. i don't let my kids feed them and i don't think anybody else should. >> i like feeding birds but i'm not going to feed the seagulls because they scare me. they come flying at you report roar this week the mayor sent out message saying police would no longer look the other way and would strictly enforce the ban on feeding seagulls with penalties of up to $500 fine or 90 days in jail. >> it's been on-going prob hem. it's nothing new. um, the gulls have always been scavengers but every time somebody feeds them, they get a little more aggressive and they think that that's their meal and we've had increasing number of complaints. >> reporter: outsiders the crack down may seem excessive but to people on the boardwalk, they thought it's about time. >> it's just to scare pee. as long as there's a threat there hopefully it's enough to make people back off little bit. hopefully it does the trick. >> if it's a slap on the wrist they'll keep doing it report roar administration told me they're serious about the crack down but they also wanted to make it clear this is about changing behavior and not about hitting people with large fines or jail time. >> there's been no summons issued to date. obviously, we want to, you know, make people aware and create an educational campaign. we want people to know there is a law and it will be enforced. >> reporter: most people agreed possibly going to jail for feed birds was excessive. but they also agreed with the administration that the only way you can get people to respect a law they've been ignoring for so many years is the fear of possible consequenc consequence. now the law is being enforced we'll see if that works. in the newsroom, i'm bill anderson fox 29 news. >> more trouble for pokemon go players driver drive in baltimore playing the popular app behind the wheel crashed in a police car. no officers were in the car at the time that it happened. and the folks in the other car are not injured either. the driver told investigators that he was looking downplaying the game when he crashed. people living along one street in holiday florida that's a suburb of tampa are out of their homes tonight. they're worried about what might be happening be 19 them. it all started with this yesterday afternoon landscaper noticed this sink hole opening up on the side of a woman's house. 30 feet wide and didn't feet deep it runs under the porch bedroom and living room. now, authorities have vac weighed three other homes so crews can make sure the ground is sturdy enough but it's got people worried. >> i have a four-year-old daughter and i'm sure sean home because that's right next to her bedroom. >> shocking. i've never seen a sink hole and it's horrifying, it's scary. >> the county has blocked off the whole street for now because that hole is on private property. the family have been told they'll have to fix it. >> scary moments for florida couple driving down a busy interstate. >> i thought a bomb went off. it was really loud bank. >> that loud bank and flash of white light was a bolt of lightning. barry shapiro and his girlfriend pulled over south of orlando saying they smelled something burning afterward thought their car was going to catch fire. stunned witnesses pulled over to check on the couple. >> are you guys owe okay? >> i think we got hit by lightning. she said did you get hit by lightning. we saw the strike. >> can you imagine that happening? the shapiro's car is fried. he says when he turned the key, elwell nothing happens he thinks his chevy kicked the electricity because that were driving on wet road. they're just very lucky they're not hurt. the neck time you go on shopping trip a couple of new apps promise to help you stay within your budget. >> fox's explains how to use your smart phone for smart spe spending. >> reporter: did you hit amazon a little too hard. that sale seemed too good to pass up. using an app on your smart phone could keep you from making some not so smart money moves. >> your smart phone is with you right there by your side when you're making these decisions these buying decisions while you're out there shopping and there are tons of apps for to you choose from much the most important thing is to find one that you'll actually use. aj smith smart assets suggests to help with budgeting and move in to help track spending. >> you'll just take quick look at it. it tells you you're in the green of money to spend or tell if you your in the red and that means, you know what, not this month. you got to hold off on that purchase. >> aj, what do you think the biggest miss tase people make when they do accidentally live beyond their means. >> it going caught up in the moment. that sale, those numbers, those marketers are targeting you with those and saying, final sale. biggest sale of the year. i got oh to get it now or i'm going to miss out on that. really it's good to thing about how this works for you. is this a time when you really need this or can you wait a few months? >> she says big thing to think long term, log wagon you do helps hold you accountable when it comes to your account. >> download that on your phone there, howard. help you spend money wisely. (laughter). >> i always spend money wisely. >> of course. i'm an economist. tiger woods has one major left this season and today he told us whether he will play in that last major. the phillies are still having trouble getting hits and scoring runs but it came down at the final at bat. that's all coming up in sports. ♪ the phillies have not played well since coming back from the all star break. goes along with the problems they've had with their offense. phillies had five hits total in their last two games. but tonight it came down to their final at bat. let's go to citizens bank park. look at the ridiculousness. the made the ballpark pokemon is there. you've got to be kidding me. >> phanatic can't catch him in the third inning good defense by the phillies. fourth inning against vince val lasques christian just didn't hit his ball this he crush this ball 440 feet. one to nothing miami. all right. bottom of the fourth, pitcher miami just brought up. most he went in the minor leagues was five innings. tommy joseph gets the only run of the game crushes that ball. it's one-one. but it goes to the tenth inning. two outs. phillies bring in daniel stump just back from suspension. and it's not good. christian again knocks in a man from second. 10 innings the phillies lose to miami two-one. not easy to win games when you don't hit. hard to spin it any other way for pete mackanin. >> we're in that hitting funk again. we're just not swinging the bats. too many bad at bats. we're not grinding out at bats and we need to do that. our best chance to score when howie hit that ball off the pitcher's rear end or wherever it hit him. too many called third strikes with men in scoring position. that's a petpeve of mine and we'll address that. so we just need a hit. >> he's going to have meeting to address that. tiger woods four wins short of jack nicholaus record of 18 major wins. kiss that goodbye. i can't see tiger ge getting any close sr. he won't be playing any time this year. tiger has been struggling for while. he has not played since last august. that's a year ago. and today he was -- withdrawn from the pga championship coming up in a week. his agent said he'll not play in any other tournament the rest of this year. nice day are to the kids at children's hospital. they had some surprise visitors. not chasing pokemon he was chasing the kids at children's hospital the phanatic. two phillies stopped by to make the kids happen. the phanatic got them excited. pitcher andrew bailey was also there with the phanatic these kinds of moments make the kids happy. great way to brighten their day. >> that's great. >> very nice, howard. >> absolutely. ahead our extended election special followed by a full of entertainment news tmz and diss nation. then chasing news and the simpsons. >> first remember your mega millions lot row drawing is up next g luck to you. we'll be in like two minutes for our election coverage. ♪ there's one place where america's pastime is preserved for all time. ♪ and that's not the only thing you can only find in new york state. ♪ discover something one of a kind in new york. ♪ new york. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer vacation at

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Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20160720 :

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20160720

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♪ right now, republicans officially have their nominee for president live look from inside the quickens loan arena cleveland a full house tonight. i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland. the presumptive nominee's home state put him over the top with delegates officially nominating trump for president. >> late tonight trump officially accepted. >> this is a movement but we have to go all the way. i'm so proud to be your nominee for president of the united states. >> meanwhile, just moments ago new jersey governor chris christie took the stage. instead of focusing on trump he took aim at hillary clinton and a scathing indictment. here's one small part. >> as to hillary clinton, the charge of putting herself ahead of america guilty or not guilty guilty! >> you can hear the delegates chanting is, lock her up. >> bruce gordon was with the new jersey delegates as trump won the nomination and joins us live in cleveland tonight much bruce? >> reporter: lots of excitement down on the floor tonight. electricity even when the new york delegate count put donald trump over the top but garden state republicans i was right there in the midst of them you had to feel like the evening's mood was somewhat bittersweet. >> scattered among the delegates who crowded the quickens loan recent in a on this night of coronation for donald trump were men and women who looked around and wondered what might have been. for the governor of new jersey. >> i think chris christie is going to be a major help to donald trump. he's going to be right arm. >> ladies and gentlemen let me introduce to you the next president of the united states, donald trump. >> christie was considered among the front runners but donald trump with brash style quickly stole his thunder. and almost as quickly christie suspended his run and endorsed his long-time friend. >> chris, thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> on the convention floor it was christie's son and drew who announced new jersey's delegate votes would go to trump. >> 51 delegates will be given to donald j. trump for president of the united states. >> even the winners biggest supporters were thinking, what might have been? >> chris christie is the star as far as i'm concerned. i think he'll play a very large role in the president trump's administration. >> (inaudible). >> you look at chris christie and say what might have been any part jeff. >> it could have been but it wasn't meant to happy and we're happy with donald trump. >> moments later it was don jammed, jr. hooks put his father over the top for the gop nomination. >> congratulations, dad, we love you! >> i asked andrew christie. any part of you who says to yourself this could have been my dad here tonight. >> of course. i think you're lying if you don't think that. but obviously primary process played out like it did and we're really happy mr. trump is the nominee and i think he's going to win in november. >> we just got a little taste of what might have been chris christie powerful public speaker that his crowd eatin eating oute palm of his hand. >> protests outside continued today cleveland the tone mostly anti trump among those speaking out against the republican nominee were veterans and black lives matters groups a few people out in public areas condemning hillary clinton fortunate daal's demonstrations were peaceful. another life look from the stage in cleveland right now donald trump, jr., is now talking. remember our election coverage will continue after our 10:00 p.m. news with our special vote 2016. we'll break down what happened in cleveland today and look ahead to tomorrow. that's tonight at 11:00 p.m. tonight you decide the countdown is on for philly's big convention. preparations underway throughout the city with just days to go before the dnc rolls on in. fox 29's dave schratwieser joins us thrive night from south philly. dave? >> reporter: lucy, lots of activity outside the wells fargo center tonight. take look. work crews are putting up the security fencing around the entire a rona this is 8-foot high fence. you cannot climb these fences. it's the same fencing used to protect the pope during his visit here last fall. city streets crews were hard at work tuesday evening sprucing up south broad street for the upcoming democratic national convention now just days away. >> i mean i think it's good for philadelphia. i mean, anything to draw attention to the city and to get people to come here and know that fill sal great city flags representing each of the 50 states going up along this stretch of broad where the big buzz is the decision to ban parking in the center median a south philly tradition. police and city officials placed warning notices on cars today. they want the cars gone to ease the know of traffic during the convention. >> it's kind of frustrating because parking is really tough in south philly and i do often park there. >> lauren lives on broad street she park in the median all the time. she's sorry to see the free parking vanish but understands why they will be moved just in case protesters march this way. >> i totally support freedom of speech and people to be able to protest as long as it's peacef peaceful. >> charles williams lives on south broad street. he doesn't park a car in the center median but he thinks removing cars is a good idea if protesters decide to make their way down broad to the wells fargo center. >> security. you have to be able to protect the people coming and going. >> reporter: meanwhile outside the center truck loads of security fences were brought in. they will be used to surround the convention arena. they will also prevent protest protesters from crossing broad street from fdr park where many of the protests are scheduled to take place. >> as long as they don't vandalize our properties, i have no problem with that. it's free speech. >> i also support, you know, people being able to speak. but they should be able to do it in safe manner. >> reporter: now the secret service is already patrolling outside the arena along with counter terrorism and k9 units. more security arrangements will go in place as the week proceeds including security checkpoints and don't forget the truck ban on i name goes into effect this weekend. we will bring you updates on security arrangements down here at the dnc throughout the week. iain. >> dave, thank you. on your radar, final al break from that heat and humidity. people out tonight in south philadelphia end joining a beautiful evening out there. moving live to wilmington down into the 70s right now. kathy these comfortable temperatures will last at least another day. >> 24 hours. that's just about it, iain. back to the heat and the humidity. right now in philadelphia we have comfortable temperatures. 78 degrees. it's 60 in the poconos and 76 in trenton. 78 in dover. take look at the dew points. that's the moisture in the atmosphere. 50s are comfortable. 70s are oppressive. so wide range. we'll have one more comfortable day in philadelphia, and then it is back to the heat. the sizzling summer heat. 60 in the city overnight. 64 in the suburbs. moonlit skies. sunshine tomorrow and 24 hours of comfortable weather excessive heat returns and we will be chasing 100 degrees, record heat coming when the dnc comes to town. we'll check that out with the seven day later in the broadca broadcast. breaking news right now philadelphia's logan neighborhood. police are looking for the person who shot a 22-year-old in the face around 9:00 tonight. skyfox over the scene of the 1500 block of west olney avenue. the boy is in critical conditi condition. so no arrests. learning more about tonight about the killer in violent attack in kensington. police say the man who killed 35-year-old woman over the weekend may be connected to other assaults. fox 29's jennifer joyce is live outside police headquarters with the latest on the investigation. jennifer? >> reporter: good evening, iain. a total of three assaults the most recent the most violent happened saturday night and ended with the death of a 35-year-old woman. police want this man caught before he acts again. >> she'll always be remembered in my as person that put other where is herself. >> reporter: ricky morgan remembered as thoughtful and bright. >> she was constantly challeng challenging herself to learn more and about people around her. >> reporter: kathy shared her picture with us. she says she knew the 35-year-old woman well, as the former director of a women center in kensington. morgan was stabbed to death saturday in what became a grizzly bloody crime scene in an alleyway near jasper and cumberland streets. philadelphia police say they're looking for this man, a guy on blue and black bike with a backpack and baseball cap. they think this is his third assault in the area in just a few weeks. and believe he's targeting prostitutes. the other two victims survived. >> a lot of danger comes with this kind of work and it's so important for us and for other organizations working really hard here in kensington to build foundation of support and community because the girls realize they're not alone. >> reporter: she spent the day at the women's center counseling ricky morgan's friends, staff and clients are dealing with strong emotions. >> remembering how long she used to take to do her makeup. remembering the talks that we had really transition that is anger to more of a sadness, more into remembrance of a great person she was. >> reporter: here's another look at the person of interest. police say he's targeting white females between the ages of 30 and 35. the attacks are happening in secluded sections of kensington. and there will be a memorial service for ricky morgan happening friday at 2:00 p.m. at the st. francis inn in kensington. the community says it needs to come together in the healing process. lucy? >> all right, jennifer. developing story out of kansas tonight. suspect in a drive by shooting shot and killed a police officer in kansas city. it happened this afternoon. authorities say 46-year-old robert miltonia captain died at about 2:30 the 17 year veteran drove up to someone matching a description of the people they were after. at least one of them opened fire and hit him. police have arrested two people. this is the second time in less than three months that a gunman has shot and killed a kansas city, kansas, police officer. in pennsville, inform, police say an argument between a couple turned dead whole a husband stabbed his wife. 46-year-old it in 10 sing is now in jail accused of stabbing his wife to death in the kitchen of their home. police say they found him standing over his wife's body 42-year-old sima sink. their three children were home at the time but they were sleeping and did not see the attack. skyfox over an fbi investigation into our area. today the bureau of investigation confirming that they are conducting an evidence recovery mission in ocean city, new jersey. this is on the bay side of the water along route 52. the fbi says it is not a search for a body. they are telling residents and visitors to the area not to worry and that there's no threat to safety. police officers were standing on the sidewalk when a driver just barreled into their squad car and kept on going. what that driver admits doing behind the wheel seconds before that. >> a brutal beating right in the middle of the day on local street. what the victim did seconds before the attack that makes this even worse. here's a little something before your next trip down the shore. some thing your doing on the beach could land in you jail but one city is now cracking down on. >> a toddler recovering from life-saving cancer treatments targeted by thief. the family's i pad stolen from inside chop. >> he said i know, it's my personal i-pad. i want you to have it. use it and --ing. >> who came to the rescue for one little girl that brought her parents to tears. ♪ philadelphia police have just released this video to help find the man who they say robbed a dad and his daughter at gun point. police say that 53-year-old man was walking with his teen daughter earlier this month along the 2100 below block of stenton avenue in west oak lane when man came up, pulled a gun and said give me everything or i'll shoot her in the back. he got away with money and a phone. if you know anything about this, call police. philadelphia police are on the hunt for two men who burst into an elderly man's home and then robbed him. >> he thinks the guys were after his recent casino winnings. you can see the busted door jam at his home along verree road in somerton. the 83-year-old man says he had just won a couple hundred bucks at parx casino on sunday. last night around midnight two men burst into his home. >> i heard steps, footsteps and i heard a guy come in the room. he said don't move. stay where you are, don't move. two guys. one with a gun and one with a pipe. >> he thinks they tracked him home from the casino. the men got away with his ring a couple of hundred bucks an phone. police are trying get hold of surveillance video that may have captured the robbers. the search is on for the berne who stole an i-pad from this sweet little girl who's getting cancer treatments at chop. however, two local police officers who took her report went above and beyond the call of duty to get her an i pad yet again. >> fox 29's shawnette wilson joins us here in the studio. shawnette, this is a touching story. >> it is. the little girl's mother says that two university of penn police officers couldn't bear to see her little girl without the thing she needed so they did something that brought unexpec unexpected joy to the entire family. >> peek a boo. where is the baby. >> at just 21 months old, ariana may lewis spent half of her little live at chop. she was just over-year-old when doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of leukemia last december. that meant countless areas of chemo, blood transfusions an bone marrow transplant for her little girl. >> four to six hours that's not including there being for the chemo several hours. >> reporter: someone donated an i-pad to ariana to help get her through those tough times. >> between face timing family, face timing our dog, you know, doing her games, the apps she loves, videos. >> reporter: sunday the i-pad was gone from the room they were in at chop. she eventually tracked it to the university of pennsylvania campus. but when she got to the location, the i pad was nowhere to be found. instead she met these two officers who would soon make everything right again. >> we just felt felt it just felt like the right thing to do for a young girl who has been through a heck of a lot over a short period of time. >> they took a police report and katrina and her fiance' return to the hospital. soon after the officers showed up with a special gift. >> he said, i know, it's my personal i-pad. i want you to have it. i don't use it and i started crying. >> it was heart touching. it really was. really heart touching and made me feel really really really good. >> katrina was so moved she posted a big thank you on facebook and now calls the officers two of ariana's guardian angels. >> thank you, n gift came from their heart. that comes from win. >> and there is actually even more good news than that. ariana we're told is cancer free. but she still has long road to recovery. she's being treated for some pretty serious complications from the bone marrow transplant. >> lucy, back to you. >> thank you shawnette. two delaware counties will reopen tomorrow morning after a car fire forced them to shut down again today. the government center and courthouse closed after smoke seeped into the building from a fire and side a parking garage. no one is hurt though. a head of a looming strike during the inform nc hundreds of airport workers walked off the job today. the crowd of 1,000 marched on the streets by the terminals baggage handlers, wheelchair attendants and other staff are demanding better working conditions and $15 an hour wage. even though the subcontractors are not union knifed, they have won previous fights for better wages. last year they're hou hourly rae went from less than $8 an hour up to 12. >> you decide 2016 the republican national convention well underway. let's take live look. this is the quicken loans arena in cleveland tonight. packed with delegates for tonight's speeches, but today many were talking about the next potential first ladi' address last night. did not take long for people to notice melania trump delivered a speech with lines suspiciously similar to a speech given by first lady michelle obama at the 2008 democratic national convention. check out the comparisons of the two speeches. >> we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them. >> we want our children and all children in this nation to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them. >> and that is just a small part of it. despite the word for word similarities the trump cal pain is denying the speech was plagiarized. mrs. trump has said she wrote her speech with minimal help the trump campaign now says she had a team of writers. back here in philly broad street about to get a whole lot brighter. >> colorful new mural is being designed for the democratic national convention, get this, a mile long. you can see part of the mural being installed tonight at the corner of christian and broad streets. the mural will stretch over the median on south broad streets for 14 blocks. it's called 14 movement's a symphony in color and words and it will feature many colors and poetry. you can check it out from city hall to washington avenue. >> it will be great. couple was driving down the a busy road when they got the scare of their lives. >> i thought a bomb went off. it was really loud bang. >> what came crashing right into their car that had other drivers pulling over to see if they were still alive. >> what are these people doing sun bathing right in the middle of traffic, even doing yoga? what gave these guys all the time in the world? >> now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. sue serio in for bob this week to tell you about some more construction, and this is in rittenhouse square. pine street between 18th and 19th is closed for construction project until 4:00 o'clock on friday. so you need to avoid that. this is an overnight construction with i-95 in both directions. the ramp to cottman avenue closed every night from 8:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. and that happens until friday morning. so avoid all of that stuff. mack sure you join us tomorrow morning at 4:00 a.m. ♪ look around pennsylvania and it's not hard to spot winners. and with over 2 million winners match 6, cash 5, and treasure hunt every single month, that's hardly a surprise. winners, winners everywhere! play today! >> now your winning lottery numbers. >> in michigan final farewell for one of the police officers killed in dallas. friends and family of officer michael krol gathered today in redford. a large flag hanging from the fire truck as mourners arrived at the church krol michigan native moved to dallas to become an officer and those who work with him say he died doing what he loved. to days after a man killed two police officers sheriffs deputy in baton rouge president obama is promising the nation will get through this turmoil. the president penned an open letter to law enforcement that the white house made public today. in part the president wrote "any attack on police is unjustified attack on all of us and we have your backs" on sunday gunman opened fire on police and depth piece in baton rouge killing three and wounding three others. president obama says overcoming the violence will also require resilience the grace of loved ones and the goodwill of active visits. officials are saying it's a miracle no one is seriously hurt after giant crane collapsed on the tappan zee bridge. >> lanes were closed for hours as crews worked to remove the crane from the bridge. it was actually used to perform work on a new bridge being constructioned when it fell across the old bridge. fortunate when that crane crash at noon it did not hit any cars. authorities say five people though had minor injuries all lanes are back open tonight except for one southbound lane. it caused a lot of frustration for some commuters. >> an awful lot of people use that to go to either new york city or west chester to work or vise versa. >> it's just going to be nightmare for everyone. i actually have clients coming from west chester tonight that are supposed to be viewing houses and they're probably going to have to cancel they be able to make over here. >> and as you can see here some commuters stuck in traffic trying to make the most of their time. this girl here, doing a little yoga. >> might as well, right? >> all right. a beating right in the middle of the day on a local street. what the victims did seconds before the attack that makes this even worse. >> we have heat, we have humidity. it's all going to be moving back in. also, more summertime storms. when we'll be chasing record warmth in the seven day. >> listen up before your next trip down the shore. something you're doing on the beach or boardwalk could land you in jail. what one city is now cracking down on. ♪ and these are the lungs. (boy) sorry. (dad) don't worry about it. (vo) at our house, we need things that are built to last. that's why we got a subaru. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of r wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like "i don't remember!" >> right now at 10:30 breaking news. schuylkill expressway let's go to sky fox live right now and we have trouble. you can't tell what lane this is but eastbound lanes all traffic had to stop when a truck caught fire. westbound lanes are in fact getting by. i'm sure it slowed way down with people looking over to see what's going on. eastbound lanes as you can tell just completely shut down. heads up if you going to through the area. good news here is that nobody is hurt. still developing to night local police searching for a group of men who chased a man down attacked him in the middle of the day. attack all caught on surveillance video. it wasn't just money they were after but the man's cell phone. >> dawn timmeney spoke to neighbors who want these guys obviously off the streets. >> despicable. i mean it really is. >> reporter: people who live in fern rock are upset and horrified over the brutal beating of a 67-year-old man. >> it's not right at all, because i mean you know what i mean we all human beings. >> reporter: victim walking along the 59 hun doctor block of hutchinson street friday afternoon when he's ambush violence caught on camera and it's difficult to watch. >> that's like your dad or your grandfather being, um, copied and done like that. like how can you sleep at night? >> that's horrible. for anybody to happen to especially 67-year-old man. >> reporter: it happened just before noon. police say two men approached the victim, one demanding his cell phone and his money. the guy gives them what they want. without putting up any kind of a fight. >> at this time, he's punched and knocked unconscious. at that time, mail number two comes over and they both continue to punch and kick the victim while he's on the ground. >> totally zen less, unwarned act of violence against this individual out just minding his business. >> sheila morgan is working in fern rock today. news of the broad daylight beating definitely has her feeling uneasy. >> as a matter of fact, i'm parked down the street quite a ways and we're talking about the same area and i'm like, maybe i shouldn't be out here walking around by myself. >> reporter: suspect are 5 feet 11 and about 20 years old. investigators say it appears to be a crime of opportunity and they're vowing to get the two men responsible. >> we believe that somebody or multiple people out there know who these individuals are. we have clear video somebody could definitely identify one if not both of these perpetrators police have message for the attackers. turn yourself in because you will be caught. if you recognize the guys in the video, give northwest detectives a call. dawn timmeney, fox 29 news. a tv analyst for the philadelphia union has admitted that he got nary nearly a half million dollars in connect bakes for filing unneeded -- filling unneeded prescriptions for himself. peter pappas plead the guilty to conspiracy. in addition to the working for the union he's a pharmaceutical salesman. prosecutors say he recruited others to join his scheme including people epp rolled in u.s. department of defense health care plan. >> reports are out bill cosby lost his site. new york post paid page six is reporting sources told them cosby is completely blind and he is quote in his own personal hell. the article says cosby also has an eye disease which causes bulging in the cornea. the report also says he's confined to his montgomery county home. ly your this month a judge denied his effort to have a new preliminary hearing in his sex assault case. cosbys and his attorney wanted his accuse sr. to take the stand so they could cross-examine her. all right. on your radar right now, quite a pleasant evening, kathy orr. >> just a great night to be outside. crack the windows, let that refreshing air in because it's really not going to last all that long. busy night in center city philadelphia. in old city looking at market street where the cars are going by. a loft folks enjoying the weather. 78 degrees right now. far cry from the high of 89 today. dew point at 57 making it very comfortable. in the city it's 78. atlantic city 73. the poconos 60. 74 in lancaster and 79 degrees in reading. down the shore pretty comfortable as well. avalon 75. on the boardwalk right now 75 degrees. you can see in hammonton only 70 and cooling fast. most of us will be in the 60s overnight. in the wake of this front high pressure descending from canada and the great lakes. we have this refreshing breeze deep blue skies today. clear skies tonight and more sunshine tomorrow with a high temperature around 86 degrees. the ocean water temperature at 67 in atlantic city. i do expect that to warm up as our winds are out of the north and then northwest during the day tomorrow. hot stuff in the forecast as we head toward the weekend. jet stream well to the north the heat building from the south and west through the deep south and heading right through the mid atlantic. we will be on the northern fringe. so it's going to be a close call between 98, 99, 100 degrees over the course of the weekend and the beginning of next week. as we take look at the heat and humidity over the next couple of days, wednesday no issue. thursday no issue either. it will just feel like it's in the 90s. but by friday, it will feel like it's around 100 in wrightstown. close to 100 in philadelphia and millville and dover. so friday will really be the beginning of excessive heat returning to the delaware vall valley. overnight in the city 68. the suburbs 64. moonlit skies and comfortable mid to upper 80s in the forecast for tomorrow. but the humidity will be low with our wind becoming northwesterly that is a very dry wind for us once the wind shifts out of the southwest then we get back in the humid weather. as you plan your day tomorrow, breakfast just a beautiful morning, 70 degrees. plenty of sunshine. lunch 83. 86 degrees by 3:00 p.m. and by the dinner hour look at that still 83 with low humidity. on your exclusive fox 297 day forecast and shore cast, thursday 90. friday afternoon storms, 95. saturday hot again, feeling like it's over 100 sunday. monday chasing 100 degrees. that will be a record. nevertheless the record is 96. tuesday 90. temperatures down the shore in the mid to upper 80s. 88 down the shore is hot. >> it is. hot stretch coming up. >> um-hmm. thank you kathy. >> you bet. police officers standing on the sidewalk when a car just barrels in their squad car keeps driving. what that driver admits doing behind the wheel seconds before he slams into the cruiser and -- i'm scared bleep. i can't say that. but i'm scared. >> he just said it on the news. what sent people running from their homes in this neighborhood not knowing when they can go back. >> and saving the day for one waitress. the act of kindness from a pair of police officers she says she'll never forget. >> in buck county warwick township police say someone spotted man involved in an apparent love triangle murder in me cap 96 burg. police say the man and his girlfriend were in this truck with stolen license plate. that number is on your screen. investigators have been trying to track down jeffrey gould and his gill friend. >> in your money tonight soon be ail to hit target right in center city. the new store at 11th and chestnut has a soft opening tomorrow get off and running. grand opening is sunday. new store is bit smaller than target traditional stores. target calls eight flex format it will have starbucks inside. this is the first in center ci city. >> if you visit delaware state parks and you play pokemon go you may get rewarded. the park have launche launched e park adventure. it encourages users to take a screen shot of avatar and up load it to social media using the hash tag poke park de whoever visit the most poked parks will get pokemon merchandise at park pass. a lot of illiteration here. (laughter). >> officials will announce the winner in august. >> good to get outside go in the parks, right. >> exactly. poke park. >> in missouri police officers change the luck of one waitress. all after two customers dined and took off. dash. the waitress two women left a $41 bill took out of without paying. the restaurant policies forces her servers to cover the cost of unpaid bills. she went after the women but instead she ran into two kansas city police officers and explained the situation, you know what, the officers paid the bill and gave her trip. >> i was just so thankful i thought it was really really generous thing to do. it makes a more of a difference. it may have been just $40 to lot of people, but that's a lot of money to me. um, and so it really made a difference in my life. >> aww. officers look for those thieves but couldn't find them waitress shared her story on facebook hoping to spread little love. police officers were standing on the sidewalk when a driver barreled into their squad car and kept going. what that driver admits doing the behind the wheel seconds before he slammed into the cruiser. >> making sure you don't overspend the next time you hit the store. what you can download on to your smart phone which assures you're a smart spent. >> video out of the city oak lane neighborhood shows the rodriguez mini mart on ogontz avenue when guy walk up to a 50-year-old man and asked for light. my goodness you see all that happened there. the guy pressed a begun against the man's stomach. two other men walked in and all three began beating him viciously. the three robbers got away with 70 bucks. next time you head down the shore make sure you avoid doing one thing that could land you in jail. the crime, feeding seagulls. >> because our jails aren't packed enough. so one new jersey town is crac cracking down on feeding birds. fox 29's bill anderson explains a law that comes with serious consequences. >> reporter: if you head to the beach especially nearest aunt you can expect to see seagulls and occasionally people feeding them. but ocean city, new jersey, is among the cities that have had enough. >> i call them rats with wings. that's what we call them back home in philly, and i try to stay away from them. i don't let my kids feed them and i don't think anybody else should. >> i like feeding birds but i'm not going to feed the seagulls because they scare me. they come flying at you report roar this week the mayor sent out message saying police would no longer look the other way and would strictly enforce the ban on feeding seagulls with penalties of up to $500 fine or 90 days in jail. >> it's been on-going prob hem. it's nothing new. um, the gulls have always been scavengers but every time somebody feeds them, they get a little more aggressive and they think that that's their meal and we've had increasing number of complaints. >> reporter: outsiders the crack down may seem excessive but to people on the boardwalk, they thought it's about time. >> it's just to scare pee. as long as there's a threat there hopefully it's enough to make people back off little bit. hopefully it does the trick. >> if it's a slap on the wrist they'll keep doing it report roar administration told me they're serious about the crack down but they also wanted to make it clear this is about changing behavior and not about hitting people with large fines or jail time. >> there's been no summons issued to date. obviously, we want to, you know, make people aware and create an educational campaign. we want people to know there is a law and it will be enforced. >> reporter: most people agreed possibly going to jail for feed birds was excessive. but they also agreed with the administration that the only way you can get people to respect a law they've been ignoring for so many years is the fear of possible consequenc consequence. now the law is being enforced we'll see if that works. in the newsroom, i'm bill anderson fox 29 news. >> more trouble for pokemon go players driver drive in baltimore playing the popular app behind the wheel crashed in a police car. no officers were in the car at the time that it happened. and the folks in the other car are not injured either. the driver told investigators that he was looking downplaying the game when he crashed. people living along one street in holiday florida that's a suburb of tampa are out of their homes tonight. they're worried about what might be happening be 19 them. it all started with this yesterday afternoon landscaper noticed this sink hole opening up on the side of a woman's house. 30 feet wide and didn't feet deep it runs under the porch bedroom and living room. now, authorities have vac weighed three other homes so crews can make sure the ground is sturdy enough but it's got people worried. >> i have a four-year-old daughter and i'm sure sean home because that's right next to her bedroom. >> shocking. i've never seen a sink hole and it's horrifying, it's scary. >> the county has blocked off the whole street for now because that hole is on private property. the family have been told they'll have to fix it. >> scary moments for florida couple driving down a busy interstate. >> i thought a bomb went off. it was really loud bank. >> that loud bank and flash of white light was a bolt of lightning. barry shapiro and his girlfriend pulled over south of orlando saying they smelled something burning afterward thought their car was going to catch fire. stunned witnesses pulled over to check on the couple. >> are you guys owe okay? >> i think we got hit by lightning. she said did you get hit by lightning. we saw the strike. >> can you imagine that happening? the shapiro's car is fried. he says when he turned the key, elwell nothing happens he thinks his chevy kicked the electricity because that were driving on wet road. they're just very lucky they're not hurt. the neck time you go on shopping trip a couple of new apps promise to help you stay within your budget. >> fox's explains how to use your smart phone for smart spe spending. >> reporter: did you hit amazon a little too hard. that sale seemed too good to pass up. using an app on your smart phone could keep you from making some not so smart money moves. >> your smart phone is with you right there by your side when you're making these decisions these buying decisions while you're out there shopping and there are tons of apps for to you choose from much the most important thing is to find one that you'll actually use. aj smith smart assets suggests to help with budgeting and move in to help track spending. >> you'll just take quick look at it. it tells you you're in the green of money to spend or tell if you your in the red and that means, you know what, not this month. you got to hold off on that purchase. >> aj, what do you think the biggest miss tase people make when they do accidentally live beyond their means. >> it going caught up in the moment. that sale, those numbers, those marketers are targeting you with those and saying, final sale. biggest sale of the year. i got oh to get it now or i'm going to miss out on that. really it's good to thing about how this works for you. is this a time when you really need this or can you wait a few months? >> she says big thing to think long term, log wagon you do helps hold you accountable when it comes to your account. >> download that on your phone there, howard. help you spend money wisely. (laughter). >> i always spend money wisely. >> of course. i'm an economist. tiger woods has one major left this season and today he told us whether he will play in that last major. the phillies are still having trouble getting hits and scoring runs but it came down at the final at bat. that's all coming up in sports. ♪ the phillies have not played well since coming back from the all star break. goes along with the problems they've had with their offense. phillies had five hits total in their last two games. but tonight it came down to their final at bat. let's go to citizens bank park. look at the ridiculousness. the made the ballpark pokemon is there. you've got to be kidding me. >> phanatic can't catch him in the third inning good defense by the phillies. fourth inning against vince val lasques christian just didn't hit his ball this he crush this ball 440 feet. one to nothing miami. all right. bottom of the fourth, pitcher miami just brought up. most he went in the minor leagues was five innings. tommy joseph gets the only run of the game crushes that ball. it's one-one. but it goes to the tenth inning. two outs. phillies bring in daniel stump just back from suspension. and it's not good. christian again knocks in a man from second. 10 innings the phillies lose to miami two-one. not easy to win games when you don't hit. hard to spin it any other way for pete mackanin. >> we're in that hitting funk again. we're just not swinging the bats. too many bad at bats. we're not grinding out at bats and we need to do that. our best chance to score when howie hit that ball off the pitcher's rear end or wherever it hit him. too many called third strikes with men in scoring position. that's a petpeve of mine and we'll address that. so we just need a hit. >> he's going to have meeting to address that. tiger woods four wins short of jack nicholaus record of 18 major wins. kiss that goodbye. i can't see tiger ge getting any close sr. he won't be playing any time this year. tiger has been struggling for while. he has not played since last august. that's a year ago. and today he was -- withdrawn from the pga championship coming up in a week. his agent said he'll not play in any other tournament the rest of this year. nice day are to the kids at children's hospital. they had some surprise visitors. not chasing pokemon he was chasing the kids at children's hospital the phanatic. two phillies stopped by to make the kids happen. the phanatic got them excited. pitcher andrew bailey was also there with the phanatic these kinds of moments make the kids happy. great way to brighten their day. >> that's great. >> very nice, howard. >> absolutely. ahead our extended election special followed by a full of entertainment news tmz and diss nation. then chasing news and the simpsons. >> first remember your mega millions lot row drawing is up next g luck to you. we'll be in like two minutes for our election coverage. ♪ there's one place where america's pastime is preserved for all time. ♪ and that's not the only thing you can only find in new york state. ♪ discover something one of a kind in new york. ♪ new york. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer vacation at

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