Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20151031 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20151031

>> an entire city rallying around its football team. another live look down market street where in just few hours hundreds of temple fans will be pouring in to kick off a day long celebration. and a show of support cherry and white in lights even before the sun comes up. that's the cirrus center in university city. you probably never seen this before. the building has gone one step further than just the cherry and white. take close look. you see that temple t you may even see the owl logo as well. >> i love it. and there's no mistaking the changes here look inside eerily empty lincoln financial field. you won't be able to find an empty tomorrow night. the owls are playing to a sold out crowd. chaos raging in street after school in allentown. teenagers fighting with wild abandon and when police jump nap the mix things only got worse. tonight four officers are recovering from their injuries. >> several young people are under arrest. fox 29's sabina kuriakose has the story for us from allentown. >> reporter: students are so ruthless they don't care. shocking video blowing up on social media. more than a hundred teens fighting two blocks from school just minutes after allen high let out yesterday afternoon. the crowd turning on police officers as they tried to intervene. >> like the kids laughing was the worst because it's like then it's kind of showing college generation it's okay to hit an officer. >> reporter: laughs are heard in the video as foe male officer was pull to the ground by her hair. the department says the police woman was later punched in the face as she tried to a rest a young girl. junior torres didn't see the fight but she saw the aftermath on social media. and she says she's embarrassed for her school. >> they're like really into it. they were recording it of the it was even on snap chat. yeah, like kids were putting it everywhere. >> reporter: four allentown police officers hurt. two with injuries. serious enough to be treated and released at a hospital. investigators have arrested five teens charging them with felony counts of aggravated assault and are you yachting and there could be more. the allentown school district says it's working with police to identify more of the young adults in that video. parents like melissa, are shaken. >> my daughter is a good girl, and that's all that matters. the schools, they're trying, you know, william allen high is trying to keep the kids from getting into trouble. report. >> that was sabina kuriakose roaring much police say they will increase officer patrols near the school until they feel the situation has calmed down. on your radar tonight, i think we're going to be needing those coats and jackets tomorrow morning, dave warren. >> yes you are. you don't need them right now you definitely will tomorrow morning. cold night shaping up. a lot of people out here tomorrow morning. then heading for the half march-ton down to the linc a lot going on outside tomorrow and it starts off cold. down to 46 now. it was up to 60. so we're quickly dropping a lot colder in these surrounding suburbs thanks to the calm wind, clear sky and calm wind let's the temperatures drop. 30s, here's that 10-degree difference between the city and the suburbs. allentown and mount pocono 36 degrees. easily seeing temperatures down below freezing by tomorrow morning. right about freezing and maybe a degree or two below could have some frost on the ground tomorrow morning. want to bring the plants inside if you haven't already done that because the temperatures are going up here from. warming back as soon as sunday. tomorrow night and sunday. there's that cool breeze we had today. high pressure will center rye over the area tomorrow. and on the western side of that high, you get that southwest wind that brings back the warm air. that's our weather sunday. that's our weather tomorrow. that was today. all of this is transitioning and moving it's not really sitting around much. things are evolving here. the clouds will increase saturday night to early sunday. there is some rain trying to work its way in. but you see a dries out as it moves through the state saturday night into early sunday then sunday to monday, we'll watch a storm what is by to our south. we'll keep it centered here on the philadelphia area. you can see there's some clouds maybe a few showers to our south. storm might try to work its way up a bit but i think the rain will stay movely to the south. there is that one little chance of rain to the south on monday. so let's plan your day tomorrow. got the half marron early, 39 it's cold. better temperature for the runners than the spectators there. that temperature right about 40 but warm you up quickly with the sunshine. noon you have to quick warm up up to 50 trick or treat about 6:00 o'clock at 54. temple not quite as cool as it is tonight down to 51 degrees. in fact, here's this change tomorrow night. sunset at 6:00 o'clock. and the temperature unlike tonight will remain fairly steady. 56 to 54 to 51 we're not seeing that coo quick drop even by 11:00 o'clock tomorrow night, 49. so not the quick drop the clouds will keep us a bit warmer in fact we go up from here in the seven day forecast. 66 on sunday. there's that rain chance to the south on monday. then our stretch of 70s tuesday, wednesday, thursday, even friday just above 70 with lows into the 50s. >> like looks of that. >> nice football weather. >> great football weather. >> for temple to beat notre dame. >> you bet. >> we shall see, right. you've seen them on big cities and in the movies on tv what if the undead actually attacked? a new survey tries to answer that question. would philadelphia survive a zombie apocalypse. >> we haven't seen many zombies here at our studios at fourth and mark but that doesn't mean we're not pulling out the stops for halloween. the "good day philadelphia" celebrations you ♪ [ woman on p.a. ] now boarding track 6. ♪ do not leave bags unattended. [ male announcer ] maybe you see something suspicious. but you don't want to get involved. it's nothing, you think. can you be sure? ♪ if you see something, say something. report suspicious activity to local authorities. ♪ turns out if there's ever a zombie apocalypse philadelphia is not the place to be. new list from career builder look at how many -- how prepared 53 major american cities would be if the undead suddenly attacked. well philadelphia came in at 42 overall. that's based on things like containment, food supply and chances of finding a cure. boston topped the list the city best prepared for an outbreak. tampa, florida, was at the bottom of the list. there you have it. in your money tonight big problem for honda. car maker is recalling more than 300,000 hahn accord midsized cars in the u.s. because the side air bags can inflate if a door is slammed too hard. that recall covers accords from the 2008 and 2009 model years. honda says the side impact sensors can activate the air bags if there's a non-vehicle impact of the lower body or if a door is shut with he can treatment force. now, honda dealers will update software to adjust the threshold for air bag inflation. customers will get recall notices in the male starting in mid december. well, a lot of children will be out trick or treating tomorrow night. i know your little girls will. >> they certainly will. but some got an early start today on "good day philadelphi philadelphia". the morning gang transformed themselves into a lot of stars talking justin beiber, nicky minaj and ariana grande. after tmz style intro they all arrived in a big double decker bus rolled right up at fourth and market streets to our studios. ♪ >> can i get a word with you ariana. >> who are you. >> i'm matt from tmz in philadelphia. >> you want a donut? >> when i see you matt -- i'm going into a little girl's voice. >> that's okay. >> that's so cute. >> well, of course the fun does not end there. be sure to join karen, bill and dave and the fox 29 weekend team tomorrow morning starting at 8:00 for more halloween surprises. new hope tonight children suffering from a rare and painful condition there is no cure and there's no treatment but doctors are hoping that's about to change. a break through they say can make a big difference in their lives. lucky us we get an extra hour of sleep when daylight savings times ends tomorrow night but lawmakers in one state say they're tired of changing >> here's something many of us have never heard of until today. have you ever heard of steam punk? it may be hard to wrap your head around. imagine a world which electricity was never invented. >> believe it or not some people have a lot of fun and spend a lot of time doing just that and they live right here in our ar area. fox 29 photojournalist bill rohrer explains it. >> strausburg railroad throughout the year attracts millions of guests with their original steam engine. this is the third year 19th century train station is back drop for steam punk unlimited. >> event where people dress up as characters like from a jules verne or hd wells novel. >> it's more of an art festival i would say. >> everyone seems to have their own interpretation of steam punk. >> if you asked victorian from 1870 what they thought 2015 would be like, illustrate it for us in your fashion and in your technology, that's what steam punk is. >> reporter: most folks describe the movement as 19th century science fiction. influenced by victorian england or america's wild west. everything is energized by ste steam. >> there are sort of trademark looks for steam punk. it seems like there's unwritten pre requisite off pair of going guess. men it's not uncommon to see cane, top hat, vest, maybe a frock coat. >> reporter: strausburg station master definitely fits the part. >> just any number of antique stores for the most par. >> a lot of people do actually get into it it's a fun little thing to just kind of step out on the weekends and step out of your every day mundane life. >> reporter: folks come from all over the country. >> it's a way to have fun and you put work into your costume. you maybe create a persona or character that you take on in that costume and... ♪ >> reporter: at the strausburg railroad, bill rohrer fox 29 news. >> daylight saving time is this sunday. when you get to turn the clocks back an hour and get an extra hour of sleep. one utah lawmaker is trying to eliminate changing the clock. the representative has proposed bill that would keep utah on the same zone as arizona. they will fall back this year and never springford. fred could have been is the fourth lawmaker to take go at this. the majority of utah residents favor getting rid of daytime saving time. >> in reality you still got the same number of hours in a day and you just don't have to mess with your clocks. >> well, utah is among the several groups that opposed eliminateliminating daylight sas time. utah golf association estimates it would lose $24 million a year if it got darker earlier. the utah farm bureau has also opposed any changes to the clo clock. it is called eb. children who suffer from eb have extremely fragile skin like the wings of a butterfly. there is no cure. there is no effective treatment for the painful condition but there is hope. >> that's the good news. pediatricians in chicago are researchinresearching innovativw therapists for children who suffer from eb. >> reporter: meet three-year-old charlie a fun-loving little girl who suffers from the very painful condition known as eb. >> very painful. we're managing. >> reporter: simply managing is struggle for hill charlie and her mom brook. >> it's hard to see her in pain. >> you take the bandage off she starts scratching. she starts digging. >> it's very -- the healing of the blisters is very, um, itc itching, scratching in order to protect her skin we do daily dressing change that is last about two to three hours. >> reporter: every aspect of charlie's life is affected. >> she has to eat soft foods to make sure she chews her food very slowly because it can affect the esophagus. >> reporter: there's no cure for eb but there is hope in the form of a new cream being studied at children's hospital. research that started two years ago with just a few centers in the united states. the results were promising and now there's a second study that's international trying to again look at the benefits and the risks of putting this cream on a wide variety of children with blisters that are not healing for at least three weeks or more. >> reporter: charlie has been in the study for over a year. >> the cream is working great for her. >> reporter: faster healing and not as much itching and scratching. less pain means more time for little charlie to do other things like pick up a new toy. >> it's not a toy. >> okay. let's go to the gift shop. can you say bye-bye and thank you. >> by it. >> she's a strong girl. >> aww these a cutie pie, too. final data from the latest test trial back in march is expected out sometime early neck year. a special night at the ritz carlton philadelphia tonight. instead of costumes folks put on their masks and finest attire to celebrate mischief night at the fifth annual monsters ball masquerade. all proceeds from the event will support continued restoration and preservation of the academy of music, the national historic landmark theater and the crown jewel of the avenue of the arts. sean bell in the house talking sixers. >> yeah torque night sixers looked like the sixers. sam hinkie must be thrilled because this tanking plan looks like it will work again. the world series might be a long one after all. lots of runs. lots of excitement. the mets came back to new york and made this a series. ♪ the sixers lost their first game of the year but there was some excitement. rookie jahlil okafor had 26 and seven and the team showed some promise. tonight in the home opener they were more like the sixers we all know. before the game started, a special sixers tribute to darrell dawkins, moses malone and harvey bullock. all passed away this summer. all great men. first quarter nick first action and hits a three. he'll get a lot of those. okafor and noel will be on the floor leaving him open a blow out embarrassment of the a game after that. rodney with the layup part of a 17-two run. sixers get blahed 99-71. nhl flyers/sabres third period. flyers down two-zero. nick hits the goal in the corner of the net. the flyers lose three-one. their third straight loss. game three of the world series is crucial for the mets. they're down zero-two. if they go down another game this series it would be over. they went home to new york and luckily for them the bats finally awoke. it starts with the captain first inning one man on and dave wright blasts one to left field. captain, my captain, wright went two for five with five rbi's his first impactful game of the post season. in the third they were down again but curtis grander son hits a rocket to right field right over the short porch. the mets are officially back in the series. they win nine to three. the series is now two-one roya royals. in college football temple getting ready to step up in weight class. they haven't played any good team this year so far. so notre dame will be their first big time matchup f they win they sky rocket up the national scene. the guys talked about dealing with the fighting irish. >> they're g they're like anybody, you know, i mean coach says we don't worry about our opponent. we worry about us. as long as we stick to what we've trained to do we'll be fine. >> they have a great o line. great quarterback. we have to focus on our keys and,. >> it doesn't matter who we're playing. we'll keep to our mindset and our process. i think that's good. i think that's the way things have to be. >> if temple beats notre dame on halloween philly will be a mad house. >> it will be. >> absolutely. >> all right. thanks, sean. >> that's our news for this friday night. >> join us back here at 8m for fox 29 weekend v a great evening. fox 29 weekend v a great evening. we'll see you back here tomorro fox 29 weekend v a great [woman]. hey, amy! you back here tomorro [amy] hey, guys! [woman] hey, what's this? [man] oh, it's the new 50 times the money game from the pennsylvania lottery, with top prizes of $300,000. [woman] we could get 2 jet skis. [man] with a private dock! [amy] beautiful! [woman] and a house on the lake! [amy] the house looks great, you two! [in unison] thanks! the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. her window up, he spit in her face. >> announcer: a boy takes on a girl. >> me and kristin started getting in a fight. that's when holly got out the vehicle. >> announcer: and his new girlfriend adds perspective. >> judge judy: how did you know kristin? >> it's his ex-girlfriend's girlfriend. >> announcer: did a bruised ego start a violent streak? >> judge judy: ever have any trouble with mr. jackson before? >> when me and her first got together, she had to pull me out of the road because he was gonna run me over. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. the people are real. the cases are real. the people are real. the cases are real. the rulings are final. captions paid for by cbs television distribution 18-year-old clinton jackson is suing his ex-girlfriend's friend, 19-year-old holly cook, for kicking a dent into his ford tempo. >> byrd: order! all rise! your honor, this is case number

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Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20151031 :

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20151031

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>> an entire city rallying around its football team. another live look down market street where in just few hours hundreds of temple fans will be pouring in to kick off a day long celebration. and a show of support cherry and white in lights even before the sun comes up. that's the cirrus center in university city. you probably never seen this before. the building has gone one step further than just the cherry and white. take close look. you see that temple t you may even see the owl logo as well. >> i love it. and there's no mistaking the changes here look inside eerily empty lincoln financial field. you won't be able to find an empty tomorrow night. the owls are playing to a sold out crowd. chaos raging in street after school in allentown. teenagers fighting with wild abandon and when police jump nap the mix things only got worse. tonight four officers are recovering from their injuries. >> several young people are under arrest. fox 29's sabina kuriakose has the story for us from allentown. >> reporter: students are so ruthless they don't care. shocking video blowing up on social media. more than a hundred teens fighting two blocks from school just minutes after allen high let out yesterday afternoon. the crowd turning on police officers as they tried to intervene. >> like the kids laughing was the worst because it's like then it's kind of showing college generation it's okay to hit an officer. >> reporter: laughs are heard in the video as foe male officer was pull to the ground by her hair. the department says the police woman was later punched in the face as she tried to a rest a young girl. junior torres didn't see the fight but she saw the aftermath on social media. and she says she's embarrassed for her school. >> they're like really into it. they were recording it of the it was even on snap chat. yeah, like kids were putting it everywhere. >> reporter: four allentown police officers hurt. two with injuries. serious enough to be treated and released at a hospital. investigators have arrested five teens charging them with felony counts of aggravated assault and are you yachting and there could be more. the allentown school district says it's working with police to identify more of the young adults in that video. parents like melissa, are shaken. >> my daughter is a good girl, and that's all that matters. the schools, they're trying, you know, william allen high is trying to keep the kids from getting into trouble. report. >> that was sabina kuriakose roaring much police say they will increase officer patrols near the school until they feel the situation has calmed down. on your radar tonight, i think we're going to be needing those coats and jackets tomorrow morning, dave warren. >> yes you are. you don't need them right now you definitely will tomorrow morning. cold night shaping up. a lot of people out here tomorrow morning. then heading for the half march-ton down to the linc a lot going on outside tomorrow and it starts off cold. down to 46 now. it was up to 60. so we're quickly dropping a lot colder in these surrounding suburbs thanks to the calm wind, clear sky and calm wind let's the temperatures drop. 30s, here's that 10-degree difference between the city and the suburbs. allentown and mount pocono 36 degrees. easily seeing temperatures down below freezing by tomorrow morning. right about freezing and maybe a degree or two below could have some frost on the ground tomorrow morning. want to bring the plants inside if you haven't already done that because the temperatures are going up here from. warming back as soon as sunday. tomorrow night and sunday. there's that cool breeze we had today. high pressure will center rye over the area tomorrow. and on the western side of that high, you get that southwest wind that brings back the warm air. that's our weather sunday. that's our weather tomorrow. that was today. all of this is transitioning and moving it's not really sitting around much. things are evolving here. the clouds will increase saturday night to early sunday. there is some rain trying to work its way in. but you see a dries out as it moves through the state saturday night into early sunday then sunday to monday, we'll watch a storm what is by to our south. we'll keep it centered here on the philadelphia area. you can see there's some clouds maybe a few showers to our south. storm might try to work its way up a bit but i think the rain will stay movely to the south. there is that one little chance of rain to the south on monday. so let's plan your day tomorrow. got the half marron early, 39 it's cold. better temperature for the runners than the spectators there. that temperature right about 40 but warm you up quickly with the sunshine. noon you have to quick warm up up to 50 trick or treat about 6:00 o'clock at 54. temple not quite as cool as it is tonight down to 51 degrees. in fact, here's this change tomorrow night. sunset at 6:00 o'clock. and the temperature unlike tonight will remain fairly steady. 56 to 54 to 51 we're not seeing that coo quick drop even by 11:00 o'clock tomorrow night, 49. so not the quick drop the clouds will keep us a bit warmer in fact we go up from here in the seven day forecast. 66 on sunday. there's that rain chance to the south on monday. then our stretch of 70s tuesday, wednesday, thursday, even friday just above 70 with lows into the 50s. >> like looks of that. >> nice football weather. >> great football weather. >> for temple to beat notre dame. >> you bet. >> we shall see, right. you've seen them on big cities and in the movies on tv what if the undead actually attacked? a new survey tries to answer that question. would philadelphia survive a zombie apocalypse. >> we haven't seen many zombies here at our studios at fourth and mark but that doesn't mean we're not pulling out the stops for halloween. the "good day philadelphia" celebrations you ♪ [ woman on p.a. ] now boarding track 6. ♪ do not leave bags unattended. [ male announcer ] maybe you see something suspicious. but you don't want to get involved. it's nothing, you think. can you be sure? ♪ if you see something, say something. report suspicious activity to local authorities. ♪ turns out if there's ever a zombie apocalypse philadelphia is not the place to be. new list from career builder look at how many -- how prepared 53 major american cities would be if the undead suddenly attacked. well philadelphia came in at 42 overall. that's based on things like containment, food supply and chances of finding a cure. boston topped the list the city best prepared for an outbreak. tampa, florida, was at the bottom of the list. there you have it. in your money tonight big problem for honda. car maker is recalling more than 300,000 hahn accord midsized cars in the u.s. because the side air bags can inflate if a door is slammed too hard. that recall covers accords from the 2008 and 2009 model years. honda says the side impact sensors can activate the air bags if there's a non-vehicle impact of the lower body or if a door is shut with he can treatment force. now, honda dealers will update software to adjust the threshold for air bag inflation. customers will get recall notices in the male starting in mid december. well, a lot of children will be out trick or treating tomorrow night. i know your little girls will. >> they certainly will. but some got an early start today on "good day philadelphi philadelphia". the morning gang transformed themselves into a lot of stars talking justin beiber, nicky minaj and ariana grande. after tmz style intro they all arrived in a big double decker bus rolled right up at fourth and market streets to our studios. ♪ >> can i get a word with you ariana. >> who are you. >> i'm matt from tmz in philadelphia. >> you want a donut? >> when i see you matt -- i'm going into a little girl's voice. >> that's okay. >> that's so cute. >> well, of course the fun does not end there. be sure to join karen, bill and dave and the fox 29 weekend team tomorrow morning starting at 8:00 for more halloween surprises. new hope tonight children suffering from a rare and painful condition there is no cure and there's no treatment but doctors are hoping that's about to change. a break through they say can make a big difference in their lives. lucky us we get an extra hour of sleep when daylight savings times ends tomorrow night but lawmakers in one state say they're tired of changing >> here's something many of us have never heard of until today. have you ever heard of steam punk? it may be hard to wrap your head around. imagine a world which electricity was never invented. >> believe it or not some people have a lot of fun and spend a lot of time doing just that and they live right here in our ar area. fox 29 photojournalist bill rohrer explains it. >> strausburg railroad throughout the year attracts millions of guests with their original steam engine. this is the third year 19th century train station is back drop for steam punk unlimited. >> event where people dress up as characters like from a jules verne or hd wells novel. >> it's more of an art festival i would say. >> everyone seems to have their own interpretation of steam punk. >> if you asked victorian from 1870 what they thought 2015 would be like, illustrate it for us in your fashion and in your technology, that's what steam punk is. >> reporter: most folks describe the movement as 19th century science fiction. influenced by victorian england or america's wild west. everything is energized by ste steam. >> there are sort of trademark looks for steam punk. it seems like there's unwritten pre requisite off pair of going guess. men it's not uncommon to see cane, top hat, vest, maybe a frock coat. >> reporter: strausburg station master definitely fits the part. >> just any number of antique stores for the most par. >> a lot of people do actually get into it it's a fun little thing to just kind of step out on the weekends and step out of your every day mundane life. >> reporter: folks come from all over the country. >> it's a way to have fun and you put work into your costume. you maybe create a persona or character that you take on in that costume and... ♪ >> reporter: at the strausburg railroad, bill rohrer fox 29 news. >> daylight saving time is this sunday. when you get to turn the clocks back an hour and get an extra hour of sleep. one utah lawmaker is trying to eliminate changing the clock. the representative has proposed bill that would keep utah on the same zone as arizona. they will fall back this year and never springford. fred could have been is the fourth lawmaker to take go at this. the majority of utah residents favor getting rid of daytime saving time. >> in reality you still got the same number of hours in a day and you just don't have to mess with your clocks. >> well, utah is among the several groups that opposed eliminateliminating daylight sas time. utah golf association estimates it would lose $24 million a year if it got darker earlier. the utah farm bureau has also opposed any changes to the clo clock. it is called eb. children who suffer from eb have extremely fragile skin like the wings of a butterfly. there is no cure. there is no effective treatment for the painful condition but there is hope. >> that's the good news. pediatricians in chicago are researchinresearching innovativw therapists for children who suffer from eb. >> reporter: meet three-year-old charlie a fun-loving little girl who suffers from the very painful condition known as eb. >> very painful. we're managing. >> reporter: simply managing is struggle for hill charlie and her mom brook. >> it's hard to see her in pain. >> you take the bandage off she starts scratching. she starts digging. >> it's very -- the healing of the blisters is very, um, itc itching, scratching in order to protect her skin we do daily dressing change that is last about two to three hours. >> reporter: every aspect of charlie's life is affected. >> she has to eat soft foods to make sure she chews her food very slowly because it can affect the esophagus. >> reporter: there's no cure for eb but there is hope in the form of a new cream being studied at children's hospital. research that started two years ago with just a few centers in the united states. the results were promising and now there's a second study that's international trying to again look at the benefits and the risks of putting this cream on a wide variety of children with blisters that are not healing for at least three weeks or more. >> reporter: charlie has been in the study for over a year. >> the cream is working great for her. >> reporter: faster healing and not as much itching and scratching. less pain means more time for little charlie to do other things like pick up a new toy. >> it's not a toy. >> okay. let's go to the gift shop. can you say bye-bye and thank you. >> by it. >> she's a strong girl. >> aww these a cutie pie, too. final data from the latest test trial back in march is expected out sometime early neck year. a special night at the ritz carlton philadelphia tonight. instead of costumes folks put on their masks and finest attire to celebrate mischief night at the fifth annual monsters ball masquerade. all proceeds from the event will support continued restoration and preservation of the academy of music, the national historic landmark theater and the crown jewel of the avenue of the arts. sean bell in the house talking sixers. >> yeah torque night sixers looked like the sixers. sam hinkie must be thrilled because this tanking plan looks like it will work again. the world series might be a long one after all. lots of runs. lots of excitement. the mets came back to new york and made this a series. ♪ the sixers lost their first game of the year but there was some excitement. rookie jahlil okafor had 26 and seven and the team showed some promise. tonight in the home opener they were more like the sixers we all know. before the game started, a special sixers tribute to darrell dawkins, moses malone and harvey bullock. all passed away this summer. all great men. first quarter nick first action and hits a three. he'll get a lot of those. okafor and noel will be on the floor leaving him open a blow out embarrassment of the a game after that. rodney with the layup part of a 17-two run. sixers get blahed 99-71. nhl flyers/sabres third period. flyers down two-zero. nick hits the goal in the corner of the net. the flyers lose three-one. their third straight loss. game three of the world series is crucial for the mets. they're down zero-two. if they go down another game this series it would be over. they went home to new york and luckily for them the bats finally awoke. it starts with the captain first inning one man on and dave wright blasts one to left field. captain, my captain, wright went two for five with five rbi's his first impactful game of the post season. in the third they were down again but curtis grander son hits a rocket to right field right over the short porch. the mets are officially back in the series. they win nine to three. the series is now two-one roya royals. in college football temple getting ready to step up in weight class. they haven't played any good team this year so far. so notre dame will be their first big time matchup f they win they sky rocket up the national scene. the guys talked about dealing with the fighting irish. >> they're g they're like anybody, you know, i mean coach says we don't worry about our opponent. we worry about us. as long as we stick to what we've trained to do we'll be fine. >> they have a great o line. great quarterback. we have to focus on our keys and,. >> it doesn't matter who we're playing. we'll keep to our mindset and our process. i think that's good. i think that's the way things have to be. >> if temple beats notre dame on halloween philly will be a mad house. >> it will be. >> absolutely. >> all right. thanks, sean. >> that's our news for this friday night. >> join us back here at 8m for fox 29 weekend v a great evening. fox 29 weekend v a great evening. we'll see you back here tomorro fox 29 weekend v a great [woman]. hey, amy! you back here tomorro [amy] hey, guys! [woman] hey, what's this? [man] oh, it's the new 50 times the money game from the pennsylvania lottery, with top prizes of $300,000. [woman] we could get 2 jet skis. [man] with a private dock! [amy] beautiful! [woman] and a house on the lake! [amy] the house looks great, you two! [in unison] thanks! the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. her window up, he spit in her face. >> announcer: a boy takes on a girl. >> me and kristin started getting in a fight. that's when holly got out the vehicle. >> announcer: and his new girlfriend adds perspective. >> judge judy: how did you know kristin? >> it's his ex-girlfriend's girlfriend. >> announcer: did a bruised ego start a violent streak? >> judge judy: ever have any trouble with mr. jackson before? >> when me and her first got together, she had to pull me out of the road because he was gonna run me over. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. the people are real. the cases are real. the people are real. the cases are real. the rulings are final. captions paid for by cbs television distribution 18-year-old clinton jackson is suing his ex-girlfriend's friend, 19-year-old holly cook, for kicking a dent into his ford tempo. >> byrd: order! all rise! your honor, this is case number

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