Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20150912 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20150912

>> fox 29 news in hd brought to you by x finity the future of awesome. ♪ right now on fox 29 news at 10, a local police officer is thrown from his motorcycle, hit by a driver who investigators say tried to beat a traffic light. tonight the officer is in the hospital and that driver is on the run. g evening, i'm chris o'connell. >> i'm dawn timmeney. that accident happened this afternoon in chester, delaware county, and fox 29's shawnette wilson was there just as it happened. she's at the chester police department tonight. shawnette? >> reporter: well, dawn n officer is at chester crozer in stable condition. i'm told he's being held overnight for observation. we also just checked with police and they tell me the search for the driver who hit that officer is still underway. skyfox over the scene of a hit-and-run involving a chester city police officer. police on scene identify him as officer dan hoffman. officer hoffman was on his motorcycle headed westbound on highway 291. three cars were in the eastbound turn lane waiting to go left on morton street, when the second car in line, a pontiac, drove around the first car. investigators reconstructioning the crash seen believe the driver was trying to beat the light when he hit officer hoffman knocking him off of his motorcycle. the motorcycle then traveled about 10 feet before hitting a honda stop at the light. the person in that car was not hurt. the driver of the burr gun tee pontiac witness green bumper and hood kept going. the officer was rushed to chester crozer where he remains in stable condition. and again, police are still looking for the person responsible for this hit-and-run of a police officer. a description of the car as we just mentioned we're told is a burgundy pontiac with a green hood and bumper. if you know anything, call police. back to you. >> all right, shawnette, thank you. on your radar, some weekend rain. let's get right over to chief meteorologist scott williams. we had enough yesterday, scott. >> we certainly did, dawn. we saw 5-inches of rainfall officially in the philadelphia area. dry and quiet for now, but we have to head off to the west. take a look at the rain showing up moving through the upper ohio river valley. that's our weekend system. so as we take a look at conditions right now, temperatures in the low 70s. humidity starting to increase at 73%. but we're dry. we're quiet for tonight. no rainfall. temperatures will bottom out in the low 60s in the burbs. mid exacts in the city. however, as we progress throughout tomorrow in particular during the afternoon the rain starts to move in. so here's tomorrow morning 8am mostly cloudy, most of the area a dry start but then take look at the afternoon. here's 2:00 o'clock. we're watching some of those bands of rainfall. some of it could be heavy at times across the area. mainly during the afternoon as well as the evening time frame. here's the clock. 4:00 p.m., we're still looking at some heavy rainfall across parts of the area. so coming up we'll have much more on how much rain to expect where you live as well as when all of this moves out and if your entire weekend will be impacted by rain. back to you. >> all right, thank you, scott. murder charges for a philadelphia man who prosecutors say killed a young mother and her unborn baby almost year ago much police say back on september 24th, 26-year-old marquise martin opened fire on jasmine williams. the 25-year-old was eight months pregnant. she died at the hospital. doctors delivered her baby but the child did not survive. martin is also charged in a separate murder which investigators say he committed one day before he shot and killed william. bank robberies, assaults, drugs and sick murders. police in wilmington announced the indictment today of members of the major street gang around the city a total of 13 arrests. fox 29's brad sattin is live in the newsroom for us tonight, brad, most of those charged we understand are just kids. >> reporter: chris, you're right. this is a big case. in fact one of the 11 trigger man isn't a man at all just 14 years old at the time. this is the indictment, here it is, 50 pages long, the largest in state history in terms of the number of homicides involved and today family members of some of the victims were there when the charges were announced. >> hearing them speak -- >> desean walk out the door five minutes later the boy he was with called my daughter's phone and shed desean has been shot. >> reporter: all it takes to feel their pain. >> we walked around there. desean was just laying there. i knew my son wasn't going to make. >> reporter: moms and dads burying their kids. >> my son was only 18 and they gunned him down in the street. >> since that day, all i've asked is why. >> reporter: victims gun violence at the hands investigators say of a brazen street gang in wilmington and a tough talk by the mayor -- >> we are going to get you. you can quote me on that. we are going to get you. >> reporter: was bac backed dawn with word those alleged gang members are now locked up. today we are announcing the indictment of 13 members of a gang of young men and teenagers in wilmington. >> reporter: indicted on 91 counts including six murders. the families of those victims wanting to hear the news for themselves. >> i even think about the kids that got locked up. like i keep telling people, like, we're losing a whole generation in the street wilmington. and it's sad. >> reporter: fbi calls the arrest as good start. >> it will allow parents the ability to feel safe in their own homes with their children. it's going lot elderly to venture out of their homes in areas where they couldn't before, and our hope it will encourage the business community to grow and expand. >> reporter: but this man who lost this grandson says, changing the culture on the streets of wilmington takes three thing. >> we need more education, more recreation and more jobs. >> reporter: because as he puts it the streets are always hiring. a dozen law enforcement agencies coming together to crack this case, f2, delaware department of justice and wilmington police. certainly a lot of team work here. dawn? >> all right, brad, thank you. a seven year manhunt for murder suspect who police say beat another man to death with baseball bat finally over. miguel ara heads brought back to delaware from mexico on wednesday. he fled the country after his alleged involvement in the murder of a man at a carnival in the can bee park shopping center in wilmington. prosecutors say he along with some others chased the victim through a crowd and then beat him to death. the man has now been indicted on first degree murder charges. this is the new york city skyline tonight. two beams of light representing the twin towers. memorial ceremonies taking place across our nation today. remembering one of america's dark defendant days. 14 years have past since the attacks on september 11t 11th, 2001 our nation pausing to remember the nearly 3,000 that lost their lives that day. and families -- ♪ family members of the fallen standing at the footprints of the twin towers the names of their loved ones are read. >> we do not forget those who were fallen. we are inspired by the survivo survivors. survivors, family and public servants gather at the world trade center for what's become a somber tradition. victims also honored at the pentagon where massive flag hangs on the side of the building. that was struck by flight 77 and in shanksville, pennsylvania, a ceremony at the field where flight 93 crashed. president obama observing a moment of silence at the white house before meeting members, service members at fort mead. 911 artifacts are now part of memorials and exhibits in all 50 states and eight other countries. now closer to home, hundreds gathering in lower makefield township, bucks county this morning to remember the lives lost 14 years ago. a remembrance ceremony held at the garden of reflection. that memorial features a piece of one of the world trade center towers. federal prosecutors are dropping their case against a temple university professor accused of scheming to provide secret us technology to china. professor see was arrested in may and charged with four counts of wire fraud. us attorney's office filed a motion in federal court today to have the charges dropped. the government says the motion is based on additional information it has received since the charges were originally file. the professor stepped down as chairman of temple's physics department after his arrest but he is still a faculty member there. a lot of work for federal investigators to night after a raid turns deadly had in delaware county. a team of agents at a home in chester serving a warrant rela related to a child pornography investigation. but that's when the bullets started flying. fox 29's dave schratwieser spoke with neighbor who's say they are shocked that something like this could even happen. >> very nice. very nice. >> reporter: that's how neighbors described the familiar until lived inside this house on highland avenue that was raided by the fbi early friday morning. a raid that quickly turned deadly. >> a lot of shots. >> they was back to back. back to back. no pause in them. back at a back. back to back. you seen the flashes and everything. >> i woke up to gunshots, and immediately as soon as i look out the window we saw all the cop outside. >> reporter: it was just before 6am neighbors heard multiple shots then cap captured this video on cell phone of a woman and a man being brought out in handcuffs. >> traumatizing. you know, then it close to home. it could have been anybody. i'm not one to judge. >> reporter: sources say the fbi came who are to serve a warrant as part of an on-going child pornography investigation. that news stunned neighbors who live here. >> i think it's really sad because we have a lot of kids that live on this block. so if that's true, that's really messed up. it's really scary. >> the stuff they're saying is disturbing. because you know they never shown none of that. they've all been nice. >> reporter: fbi evidence response team spent hours working at the crime scene in the 600 block of highland. >> people quiet, very nice, very polite. very nice people. i'm just shocked to see it happen. >> reporter: crime scene investigators gathered evidence all day and the coroner's office arrived. neighbors watched and wondered what led to the fatal shooting. >> that boy is somebody's child possibly somebody's father and stuff like that, guess what? the tables could easily turn and it's not right. >> i'm just shock. shocked to see it go down around here. just shock. >> reporter: fbi eighths remained to the scene for more than 12 hours. no comment from the fbi yet on the shooting or on the child pornography investigation. no one in the home has been charged with anything at this point. in chester, dave schratwieser, fox 29 news. hundreds of bags of hair donated to cancer patients end up in dumpster behind the salon. >> why would they just throw it in the dumpster? like, because i donated out of the kindness of my heart. >> now the salon says it ended there and what happens now to all of that hair coming up. >> plus a couple caught having sex in a parking lot in the middle of the day. you won't believe what they had to say when a reporter asked them if they'd do it again. plus, bribing your kids with cash to get them to eat their vegetables, researchers say it's a great idea. why they say it's an invest in many their future you'll want to make. >> a man sets out on a tough 300-mile journey on scooter. why he says he has to do it and who is going along for the ride next. ♪ a three-year-old boy is killed during a police chase in newark, new jersey. the accident happening just after 7:30 this morning. police say they were following 22-year-old troy ruff when the car he was driving hit another car, jumped a curb and hit three-year-old ramir tullos. the boy was standing on the sidewalk with his mother. to night the child's father says this should never have happened. >> i really can't fault that man because i said if they police wasn't behind him chasing him or whatever he would have been driving at a normal rate of speed. he would have been able to see my kid. >> ruff was arrested and charged tonight with aggravated manslaughter, vehicular homicide and alluding police. it is just two weeks until pope francis visits philadelph philadelphia. and with massive crowds expec expected, why are hotels scrambling to sell rooms this was supposed to be a no brainer million plus visitors filling the city's tens of thousands of hotel rooms for the big papal weekend but as our bruce gordon tells us, that just hasn't happened. >> reporter: mayor nutter joined hotel executives at the radison blue for a pep rally of sorts. designed to send a message no one expected to have to deliver. book a hotel room in philadelphia for the papal weekend. please. >> there's still rooms availab available. easily the most comfortable and convenient way to experience all of the papal event. >> reporter: there are still first class hotel rooms available in philadelphia including many that are within the festival fairgrounds and most hotels do not require a minimum night stay. >> reporter: even with a recent bump in business, just two weeks from the pope's rifle, more than 2,000 philadelphia hotel rooms remain unsold. price may ab big factor. we check five philly hotels. parts of major chains with availability both on septembe september 19th and on the 26th. prices for the papal weekend jumped from an average $249 a night to 420. that's a 69% jack. >> we are still expected to sell out. i would say, you know, the feeling is it's not panic but there's a sense of urgency to sell these rooms. >> will you be there. >> we'll be there! >> reporter: the mayor capped his radison event by literally walking the streets of center city. passing out i'll be there for the papal weekend buttons. i asked nutter about claim that is city officials themselves had perhaps scared off would be hotel guests early talk of massive crowds and long walks. nutter answere answered diplomay by noting papal pilgrims are not like the big spending convention crowds. >> this is a very different kind of event. different kind of clientele. people making different decisions. some people are staying with other people. >> reporter: one lodging option off the table. ill fated plan to charge folks to camp in fairmount park died a quick death. mayor nutter said i don't know much about camping i grew up in west philly. in old city, i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. and the philadelphia parking authority making arrangements for city residents to park their cars during the world meeting of families. the ppa announce it will open designated garages for residents to park their cars from thursday the 24th until monday the 28th. the cost is 20 bucks but if you have a valid reasonable parking permit the ppa will wave that fee. a fox 29 investigation had prosecutors look nothing a troubled philadelphia furniture store and today word of a settlement that will go a long way toward helping consumers get what they paid for. pennsylvania's attorney general sued furniture sir plus in you'll claiming it took money but didn't deliver on weight promised. out of report documented the complaintcomplaints of customero spent thousands of dollars but never got their furniture today. kathleen kane announce a deal with the owners of that retail store. they will put $75,000 into a fund to pay back consumers who were left just holding the bag. customers have 60 days to file a complaint with the attorney general. if they have not already done so. another college is dropping bill cosby's it names from one much its building. central state university in southwest ohio says the camille o and william h. cosby communication renamed the scu communication center. the school had been temporarily covering cosby's name since july while it made a final decision. cosby has the target of sexual assault allegations by dozens of women. he has acknowledged that he obtained quaaludes witness intent of giving them to women before sex. well a man who once lived active lifestyle now confined to a scooter because of muscular dystrophy. >> as joanne pileggi explains n man is on oh tour and on a mission to find a cure. >> there's certain psychological obstacle to overcome to being the guy that drives through your neighborhood on a scooter. >> reporter: but doug craig isn't just any guy and his travel isn't just taking him through the safety of his own neighborhood. you see, doug has a form of muscular distrophy. and he's overcome all sorts of obstacles and is now in the middle of a 300-mile trek on his battery powered scooter. riding from manhattan to washington, d.c. his three-year-old dog gracie as his companion. his long-time friend rob dye as his roadie. >> i drive along. i hopscotch him by three or 4 miles each time. we'll meet up at certain places. kind of i'll check on, you know, how he's doing. >> reporter: doug rolled in to center city philadelphia talking about his type of m.d. called far show scapular. in d a her read tower muscle disease. doug was diagnosed as teen and lost his ability to walk two years ago. he's now 61. >> there's no cure. there's no treatment. if people behave like me and don't become activists, then we've done nothing for them to push the ball forward so to speak. >> doug is stopping along this multi city town and tour talking about the disease. how he ended up in a scooter instead of a wheelchair with slow but progressive disease. >> i just want them to be awareness rise to the level where people can say, yes, i know about this. i might choose not to fund it but i might choose to help fund research for it. >> reporter: by this time next week doug and gracie will have reached their destination happy to have met so many wonderful people along the way and to have had the opportunity to raise awareness and funds to find a cure for this debilitating disease n society hill, i'm joanne pileggi fox 29 news. a bucks county woman is accused of making bogus medical claims. why police say she lied about having cancer over and over again. and money troubles at the please touch museum. what it means for the future of this hot spot for local parents and their children. plus a high profile case of mistaken identity. an officer thought he was tackling a suspected thief but he was wrong. who really got thrown to the ground next. ♪ consideration i'd like to put in my 15-year notice. you're quitting!? technically retiring, sir. with a little help from my state farm agent, i plan to retire in 15 years. wow! you're totally blindsiding me here. who's gonna manage your accounts? this is a devastating blow i was not prepared for. well, i'm gonna finish packing my things. 15 years will really sneak up on you. jennifer with do your exit interview and adam made you a cake. red velvet. oh, thank you. i made this. take charge of your retirement. talk to a state farm agent today. >> now your winning lottery numbers. ♪ high profile case of mistaken identity nypd just releasing this surveillance video of former tennis star james blake being tackled outside of a new york city hotel this week. a plain clothed police officer arrested blake mistakenly thinking he was a suspect in a cell phone theft ring. blake says the officer never identified himself as a police officer. the inform ypd stripped the officer of his gun and badge while internal affairs investigates. the death toll is growing in the collapse of a huge crane at a grand mosque in mecca. saudi authorities say at least 107 people are dead. 237 others are injured. the grand mosque is the largest in the world. sources say the crane gave way during a severe rainstorm. authorities are investigate wagon caused the crane to come crashing down. last month they put their lives on the line to save passengers on a speeding train. >> tonight an entire community is recognizing three brave americans who stopped the terror attack in france. thousands pack the streets of sacremento california as the three were greeted with a heroes welcome. last month, you may remember, the trio tackled and disarmed an alleged terrorist on a paris bound train. after today's parade the men took to the stage at sacremento's capitol mall to speak to the crowd. >> i just want you all to know all the things we received everyone doesn't feel anything in comparison being part of our home crowd like this. we don't want to forget why we're gathered here today in the words of september 11th. >> they were not injured in the attacks. stone underwent surgery to reattach his thumb after the gunman slashed him with box cutter. local activist using pot to make a point. the message he's zenning to the philadelphia school district and how he says he can fix its money problems. and a big life changing surprise for a local veteran and his family. the announcement tonight that brought his wife to tears coming up. >> scott. chris, after numerous beautiful weekends across the area we're track something rainfall that could impact a part of the upcoming weekend. rainfall that could impact a part of the upcoming weekend. new information and timing next. we thought we'd be ready. but demand for our cocktail bitters was huge. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding. fast. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. you can't predict it, but you can be ready. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself. realize your buying power at hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! ♪ introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. >> live look at logan square on the ben franklin parkway on a gorgeous friday night. beautiful shot. it's just two weeks and two days away. history will be made here when crowds gather as pope francis holds mass there and this will be just one way we are able to watch the set up and the historic event unfold. well one local activist is lighting up a joint to protest the philadelphia school distri district. >> he says legalizing pop pot had c help the cash strapped school system. fox 29's weekend's bill anderson explains. ♪ >> reporter:. >> philadelphia school district continues to face the challenges of a significant budget deficit. buildings have been sold off and services have been outsourced. but one man's creative solution to our budget problem legalize marijuana and use the tax rev few new to fund our schools. >> i don't think as i said in the video that marijuana legalization is going to fix the school system but the weed experiment is working in colorado. so let's examine that here especially with, you know, the fact so many people smoke marijuana ran. na poe is a marijuana legalization activist whose been fighting this battle for years. the latest way to bring attention to his cause go to the school district building and light up on the front steps. >> three of the most muss land marks in philadelphia. >> with the state budget in limbo the philadelphia school district has borrowed $275 million to open its doors and pay the teachers. the idea may seem crazy to some, but poe knows his numbers he told me that colorado has already generated $40 million for the state from the legalization of marijuana. money that he says the philadelphia school district desperately needs. >> it would really use home grown economic stimulus. >> reporter: so far, neither the school district nor legislators have had any comment on poe's proposal. there were, however, some questions about whether or not smoking marijuana on the steps of the school district is a problem because the district in a drug free zone. when i asked him about that, he thought about it for a moment. and then he had an answer. >> you know, smoking tobacco cigarette symbolically outside of the school district we were just trying to make our point that marijuana could be used to fun fund the schools. catch me if you can. for the record we were not that when he you will actually started smoking on the school steps. who knows in it was really marijuana. what we do know there is a need for the funding and whenever this discussion comes up it's sparks debate. tell us what you think. leave your comment on our fox 29 facebook page or tweet us at fox 29 philly. in the newsroom i'm bill anderson, fox 29 news. a philadelphia museum is keeping its doors open even after declaring bankruptcy today. the please touch museum has filed for chapter 11. it's part of a reorganization plan to shed roughly $60 million in debt. museum promis prom it will stayn while launching a $10 million fundraising campaign. official are developing an on going exhibit renewal and replacement plan to keep the newseum viable for the next 10 years. on your radar tonight much improved over last night. that's for sure, scott. >> after almost 5-inches of rainfall setting a record yesterday in philadelphia it was beautiful friday. the humidity dropped and the temperatures were pretty comfortable as well. 83 degrees that was the high temperature this afternoon. but the normal is now down to 80. take look at the forecast tomorrow across the area. another disturbance. it's going to be moving through to bring some clouds as well some scattered showers around. temperatures for the most part will be in the upper 70s across the area. so as we take a look at ultimate doppler now, it's dry, it's quiet. but off to the west take a look at this band of green showing up moving through sections of the upper ohio river valley. that's the system that will impact us during the day tomorrow. so take look at the clock. it's dry as we move toward the overnight. but by tomorrow morning the cloud cover starts to increase along with the humidity a bit but then most of the rain is going to hold off until the afternoon much here's 2:00 o'clock. you can see some scattered showers across the area. maybe an um weed thunderstorm. but by 4:00 o'clock, we're still looking at that activity so if you have afternoon and evening plans, grab an umbrella keep it hand you might have to head indoors if you have an outdoor event and as we take a look what's happening by 5:00 o'clock still watching for some scattered showers and downpours across the area. by 8:00 o'clock, most of the concentration of the moisture will shift into sections of south jersey. so we are planning on some rainfall again across the area for your weekend. as we move into your saturday in particular. by sunday, leftover clouds across the area. maybe a couple of showers will be lingering. so how much rain are we talking on average we're looking at about a quarter of an inch to maybe a half an inch as we talk about tomorrow's system once again most of the timing for the rain tomorrow anywhere from about 2:00 o'clock until about 8:00 o'clock. so that's the window of the heaviest rainfall. it's going to be scattered about. not as heavy what we saw on yesterday though. 73 degrees right now. humidity at 73% as well. temperatures pretty uniform across the area. upper 60s to low 70s right along the i-95 corridor. 72 in wilmington. and as we look at low temperatures for the overnight, low 60s in the bushes. mid 60s in the city. that weather authority seven day forecast will show showers, some thunderstorms scattered about tomorrow. so just grab an umbrella. maybe have a back up plan if you have some outdoor events because of that system that's going to be moving through. and then as we move toward your sunday we'll keep clouds around. maybe a leftover shower, upper 70s and then take look at low temperatures monday morning into the 50s. going to be a school start. 70s to start the week and we kind of warm things up into the mid to upper 80s little bit above average. >> you said five. s of rain yesterday. >> almost. we saw about 4.76-inches. >> a lot of rain. >> all right. thanks scott. >> if you want to improve your child's diet it might cost you this is interesting. why researchers say offering children cash to eat vegetables is really a wise invest in many their future. plus, a couple caught having sex in a parking lot. in the middle of the day. you won't believe what they had to say when asked if they'd do it again. >> the plan to give whitney houston fans an experience like they could have imagine. high tech show in the works and what the houston family has to say about it coming up. ♪ yeah, i'm married. does it matter? you'd do that for me? really? yeah i'd like that. who are you talking to? uh, it's jake from state farm. sounds like a really good deal. jake from state farm, at three in the morning? who is this? it's jake from state farm. what are you wearing jake from state farm? uh, khakis. she sounds hideous. well, she's a guy so... another reason more people stay with state farm. get to a better state. do we have anymore chips? [off screen] fellas? uh, sorry. we were day dreaming. about that vip tailgate and game tickets? uh yeah! and that pre-game sideline experience... exactly. or even eagle season tickets! [shouting over crowd] how do you know? you both have the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, the eagles instant game with top prizes of $50,000. and second chance prizes, including season tickets. [both sigh] the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. ♪ tonight a fairless hills woman facing serious charges. the bucks county district attorney's office says zinnia claire row has been arrested for lying about having cancer and receiving the insurance money for the illness. she mitted claims that both she and her husband had cancer. over half million dollars was given to her. she's now facing insurance fraud and forgery charges. your money could go a long way in improving your child's eating habits for life. new study shows the best way to get children to eat more fruits and vegetables is by actually offering them cash. you heard it. cash. researchers at utah state university conducted an experiment at six elementary schools. some of the children were reward width money. others with praise for eating healthy foods. the researchers say that children who got cash ate more fruits and vegetables you may be asking why would you pay your child to do something they should already be doing. according to researchers it could be just enough incentive to help them overcome the fear of trying new things and could lead to a long term change in their eating habits. a hologram of whitney houston will hit u.s. stage and perform some of the late singer's greatest hits. hologram u.s. a announcing partnership with the president of the witness new houston estate. in a statement pat houston said the show is a great opportunity for her fans to see a reinvention of the most celebrator female artist in history. where and when the show will happen has not yet been announced. two of our nation's heroes getting a surprise they will never forget. >> today they were given home. joshua dobb whips serve several tours overseas working with his wife. she also works in the military through humanitarian aid. they thought they were attending the faces of valor gala i was bore the battleship new jersey to be guest speakers. well organizers had a different idea. couple who now lives in illinois were surprised with keys to a new mortgage free home. maying live much easier for them and their four young children. >> to be given something like this to help my family, there's no words for the gratitude. it's amazing. >> it was all made possible through operation home front and chase bank. well deserved. a police officer talks to a suicide man off a 11 but what's he did next that has people talking to night. the heart warming video you have to see. plus, a homeowner finds an alligator in his backyard. but this is no florida story. this happened in maryland. the bizarre gator tail coming up. plus the crazy pope souvenirs people just can't wait to get their hands on. coming up next. ♪ hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! ♪ introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. (female announcer) ...when you play the new cash4life, from the pennsylvania lottery. (husband) let me get this. (female announcer) that means you too could experience the joy of winning. (wife) look who went shopping! (female announcer) every day... (grover) your chariot awaits! (announcer) ... for the rest of your life. (wife) jump on! (grover) nothing like a new mower. (wife) what? (grover) see you tomorrow! (female announcer) cash4life from the pennsylvania lottery. play for fun. cash for life. ♪ one florida county is used to airplanes flying around them but they did not expect to see one in traffic with that. pilot began experiencing mechanical issues and decided to land immediately. he couldn't reach the closest airport so he decided to put the plane down where he thought it looked safe and that was rout route 301. >> he looked behind and there was a red light holding traffic so he thought it was safe to land. >> it's pretty shocking to see nobody was injured on a rush hour school day. >> talk about a perfect lanning. look at that. pilot was even able to pull his plane on to the side of road and avoid traffic completely. faa is investigating what exactly what wrong during the flight. >> hair donations meant for children with cancer thrown in the garbage and the discovery is sparking outrage. someone found a box of 100 hair donations a dumpster against the great hair clips salon in south carolina. the hair was going to be donated wigs for conditions kids. one of the donors is not only upset about what happened but she's also really disappointed. >> i ultimately had those cancer patient it's on my mind. how would they feel to know they could have had a wig. >> great clips says the bags were accidentally thrown away and it feels terrible. most of the pony tails have been salvaged and great clips is also donated $5,000 to wigs for kids. a woman in virginia is accused of having sex with an unconscious man in parking lot in broad daylight. police in norfolk were called tuesday by people complaining about the couple. the woman was arrested. her boyfriend was taken to the hospital. he says the sex was consensual. he just had too much to drink. a reporter talked to the love birds about whether they plan to do this again. >> something like this going happen again? >> no. >> i don't know. >> no, because it was the wrong time of the day. it was out in the open. but, yes, because we love each other. >> the couple says they're sorry for the display and they say it was all just spontaneous moment of love. >> they do say virginia is for lovers. >> emotional rescue from one of north carolina's finest. >> tonight that officer is making national headlines after he save the life of a man who was hanging over the 11 of a bridge. the whole thing was caught on camera. police officer dan hicks was off duty and on his way home when he got the call about a man in distress and in need of help. hick stopped at nothing to save his life but the officer had no clue that a camera was actually rolling. he says he's just glad that it ended the way it d. >> when i was pulling him tight the only thing i said to him, "you're okay and it's over" looked like he was in a position he need it. it's okay to give a guy a hug. i really believe that. >> he hopes that man is getting the treatment he needs and he would like to meet with him again some day. man in maryland found an unexpected visitor in his pond. take look. the man called officials who drained his pond and found a 3-foot alligator. the gator now has new home at a maryland wildlife preserve. department of natural resources is trying to figure out where the gator came from. and how it found its way to the upon. well from cheese molds to bobble heads to crazy t shirts, the people of philly are now showing how excited they are to host the pope. >> our jenn fred found people are not waiting for francis to arrive before they try to get their hands on everything and anything pope related. ♪ there you go. a blessing. >> reporter: pope is headed to philadelphia and people want to celebrate. >> people are very excited and we're glad we can help the excitement in the community. it's a great thing for philadelphia. >> we have the len knock figurine for the pope upstairs. you can pre order, and that's been doing beyond expectations. >> comes to 9.99. >> can't go wrong. >> reporter: at the boscov's store in deptford, the sales team is ready. boscov's has 24 kinds of shirts and new merchandise arriving each week. there's even a get this pope selfie kit. >> it's great. >> reporter: jamie webber bought her pope shirt and minutes later she had to put it on. >> phillies fan, eagles fan. i got it. >> catholic, pope. no problem. all goes together. >> reporter: that shirt is the most popular merchandise item so far. it's exactly the kind of thing i expected to see. >> thanks a lot. have a good day. >> reporter: need proof? check this out. it's december of last year on good day. >> bring up a picture of the pope in chocolate. do you think you guys that we can get the pope to come here if you guys could make mozzarella pope francis. >> we would love it. >> start a campaign. >> start a campaign. who is making us the molds. >> reporter: bite way -- if you can get this done. jenn fred can get anything. >> anthony and frank actually got it done. and while a mozzarella pontiff might seem, well, iffy, south philadelphia's father kelly gives the idea his blessing. >> this is like a celebration of him coming and you're okay with the whole pope mozzarella situation? >> i think anything that brings religion into society is a good thing because it allows to you think of god and remind even when you're eating god is there. >> they worked with a local mold maker and after a few tries the pontiff hat or miter included will be for sale real soon. >> i didn't bless the mold. if he blesses, we can't sell them. you have to buy it then get it blessed. >> like it's a food truck. >> exactly. if it's blessed we got to give it away. >> reporter: you're not giving away the cheese? >> no. >> you got to make a living. >> you're good hard working boys. >> the father would be upset, too all that time and effort. >> reporter: from beer to cheese this town is ready. from big stores to south philly institutions the retailers are as well. >> so the overwhelming is with. >> with is the winner. >> jenn frederick, fox 29 news. >> phillies with a double header. that means double the chance to lead. try to avoid a day sweep against the cubs. the eagles ready to kick the season off right. sam bradford preparing for his first game in year and a half. he talks about taking on the falcons next in sports. all: milk! milk! milk! milk! milk! okay! fun's over. aw. aw. ♪ thirsty? they said it would make me cool. they don't sound cool to me. guess not. you got to stick up for yourself, like with the name your price tool. people tell us their budget, not the other way around. aren't you lactose intolerant? this isn't lactose. it's milk. ♪ this isn't lactose. it's milk. we thought we'd be ready. but demand for our cocktail bitters was huge. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding. fast. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. you can't predict it, but you can be ready. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself. realize your buying power at there are no limits on the amount of carbon pollution power plants can... release. and our senator, pat toomey, led the fight to keep it that way. carbon pollution, a major cause of climate change, leads to more asthma attacks in children. over a million pennsylvanians now suffer from asthma. and senator toomey took over a million dollars from polluters. tell senator toomey: it's time to clear the air. vote for the clean power plan. ♪ less than three days away before the eagles kick the season off. we get to see if chip's master plans will work. are the new faces can bring a super bowl. main focus will of course be sam bradford. bradford hasn't played real game in over a year and a half but looked real real sharp in the preseason. no signs of rust. championships hopes will depend on him staying up right for 16 games. bradford talked about getting ready for the falcons in week one. >> i think first game of the year it's a little bit tricky. we're not exactl exactly sure wt you're going to get from their opposing team. it's not over the complicat comd but they're really good at at it. they're very sound in what they. to it will be a big task for us. >> to the phillies, guys a tough season almost over. yesterday the game way rained out they had a double header today. double of chance of losing. 100% of a rough afternoon. top of the sixth phillies already down a run. cubs at add with a double to left field. two runs come in. that made it four-one. phils go on to lose, of course, five to one. now in the second game phillies supporting the troops in honor of 9/11. we head to the fifth inning again the phils down four-one the young phenom a two run homer to dead center. that's bomb. the phils about to get swept on the day. currently down seven-three in the eighth. >> u.s. open serena has nominated every match going for the calendar grand slam making her claim as the best tennis player ever. semi finals and she was in for a surprise against roberto vin chi. first set, serena cruising off the serve here. she approaches the net, easy drop down the line. serena wins the first set six to two. second set vin chi gets her groove. gets confidence. approaches the net, serena tries to get over and unforced error right there by serena. she had a ton of those. vin chi wins six-four set headlights the easy drop off of her approach and she beat serene n advances to the final. no grand slam for serena. vin chi at a loss of words. >> serena a little saul tee after the match. unbelievable. >> serena losing or not she's probably the greatest tennis player. >> thanks, guys. full hour of entertainment news is next with tmz, dish nation and chasing news and the simpsons. >> remember your mega millions lottery drawing is neck. have a a good one. 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