Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20150316 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20150316

it came right through the kitchen where the father had just finished feeding his eight month old son. >> i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland. fox 29's brad sattin is live in aston tonight. brad? >> reporter: lucy certainly some very scary moments for this new dad he was holding at the time his eight month old son. this is what happened. you can see the tire tracks of this pickup truck coming right through the yard here it clipped the tree branch ran right into the house on the other side is that kitchen you mentioned. it's all boarded up and this is the not first time there has been a close call here. >> just got to be hang full for every day. >> reporter: you wouldn't think michael was feeling thankful with his family forced to move out of the their home hours after this a pickup truck slammed right through it around 1:00 a.m. but thankful he is. >> i just fed my son some food and we were walking away from the kitchen and i heard some noise. i turned around and before i know it everything was flying towards our direction. >> reporter: he was carrying his eight month old son joseph when the truck barreled through the kitchen behind him. had it been five seconds earlier earlier -- >> the high chair which might husband had just picked my son up from parts of it were in the living room. >> reporter: debris denting receipt fridge rater and smashing out cabinet windows. >> you didn't expect a car to park in your kitchen. >> his wife a nurse was at work at the time when her husband called. >> a car is parked in our kitchen. you know, he kind of sometimes fools around with me i didn't know if he was serious or not. >> reporter: he was serious. the truck took out the i lapped where the gas stove was. >> my reaction what was happening was the gas. >> he ran the baby outside through the garage. the tracks show the pick up cut through the yard across the street then into their yard just missing the gas meter. one in a million kind of crash? not according to neighbor. >> about five years ago -- >> nearly the same thing happened once before though the car just missed the home back then. >> it's a fast street to come through. and you know someone is maybe drinking or not paying attention all of a sudden they hit the brakes and it's too late. >> reporter: it's believed the driver this time may have been drinking and was taken in custody but did not appear seriously hurt. for all of these reasons michael is thankful. >> we're still alive. he's still alive. so it turn out to be a good day. >> reporter: plenty to be thankful for. there's no word on charges regarding this driver. as you see the family is not here. they are staying at a hotel this point and you want to talk about good timing much this family just few days ago upped their insurance coverage on this home. iain? >> incredible brad, thank you. we're following breaking news in cherry hill tonight. new jersey sink hole shutting down several lanes of route 70 at springdale road. road crews are on the scene right now making repairs. the eastbound lanes from marlkress road to springdale road are closed. the work is expected to continue through the night. if this stretch of road is part of your morning commute you want to tune into fox 29 morning news a find out if you'll have to avoid it. >> tonight new jersey state troopers are trying to figure out what caused a crash that killed an 87-year-old man. it happened this afternoon in lawrence township. police say the victim' cars hit three other vehicles on a stretch of federal city road that crosses over i-95. two other people hurt but doctors do expect them to be okay. all right. on your radar, kind of a chilly day today. but a pretty nice looking monday coming our way. let's get right over to fox 29 meteorologist caitlin roth. >> that's right. hi, iain. >> hey. >> we saw an improve many i guess from saturday. we lost the rain from the first half of the weekend but it was pretty chilly with the persistent clouds and the gusty wind all day long. outside right now ultimate doppler still showing some clouds around we are going to clear out but we'll probably see the clouds return again tomorrow but tomorrow does in fact look milder than our high temperature of 48 which we saw earlier today. right now outside here in center city 42 degrees. winds out of the northwest at 16 miles an hour. making obviously it if feel colder through the afternoon and the evening hours. 42 here. 38 in allentown. 39 in writes downtown. low 40s in south jersey and delaware. winds still pretty decent out of the northwest right now. that's been pushing in the colder drier air. and it makes it feel even chillier. wind gusts high. 20 to 25 miles an hour even up in the pock notice 32 miles an hour wind gusts still seeing some pretty decent ski conditions up north. fox future cast shows clear skies early clouds start to roll back in by early monday morning. we'll probably see a little bit more sunshine throughout the day we'll call for sun and clouds and yes temperatures should be a bit milder. 36 in the city tonight. 30 in the suburbs. 58 is the high item which are for monday probably the mild defendant it will be in quite sometime. i am tracking the return some of winter like temperatures just as the spring season begins this week. all of that still ahead in your seven day forecast. lucy and iain. >> caitlin, thank you. in philadelphia's point breeze neighborhood, a man gets taken down by a flurry of bullets but he doesn't know who shot him. someone shot that man late last night on the 1800 block of south 23rd street. he was shot 11 times but he's going to be okay. he says he didn't see him shot him and so far there are no suspects. a developing story right now. an arrest in the shooting of two police officers in ferguson missouri. but the 20-year-old man now in custody says he was not aiming at police. fox's steve harrigan has the story from ferguson. >> reporter: angry protests continue in the streets of ferguson. this after the arrest of jeffrey william. the 20-year-old facing charges of first degree assault firing a weapon from a vehicle and armed criminal action. after two police officers were shot during a demonstration in ferguson, missouri last week. >> there was a weapon recovered which had been tied to the shell casings that were recovered there. weapon recovered from him and he has acknowledged his participation in firing the shots. >> reporter: in response to the arrest attorney general eric holder released a statement that reads in part "this arrest sends a clear message that acts of violence against our law enforcement personnel will never be tolerated". bishop derek robinson who spoke to the suspect after his arrest says williams told him he was not aiming for police. >> he wasn't trying to create disruption in the community. that was not his aim. that was not his purpose or focus. he said that a protester was trying to rob him. >> reporter: st. louis county prosecuting attorney says he's not sure he believes the suspect's story. police say tips from the public helped lead to the arrest and as the investigation continues they want to hear from anyone who may have more information. >> we cannot do this by ourselves. we have to have the ability to engage the public where we can work together or we can make it happen. >> reporter: police say inform the two wounded officers about the arrest. both have left the hospital and are home recovering with their families. in ferguson, missouri steve harrigan fox news. delaware state police say a man's body has washed ashore at augustine beach. police say a person was walking on the beach spotted the body this afternoon. authorities are planning an autopsy to figure out how he died. dozens of local gun right supporters wants an ordinance they say is confusing repealed dan they gathered in montgomery county. fox 29's dave kinchen is in the newsroom. dave. >> reporter: lucy pro gun demonstrators from far across the state took on a rule in lower merion township that states community parks are gun free zones. they say the township does not have that authority and they want criminal charges brought up against officials. hand guns on the strong side but armed with american flags and protest posters dozens of gun right activists descended upon bala kin park a gun free zone according to a lower merion township ordinance. this group says such a rule isly legal. >> no county new york municipality or township may in any manner regulate the unlawful ownership of firearms and lower merion is clearly breaking the law. period. >> reporter: demonstrators which included groups like citizens for liberty argue a strength in state law gives the state jurisdiction in regulating firearms taking that power away from local governments like lower merion township. in other words they contend it is illegal for lower merion to have any gun laws. >> we're here to call on montgomery county district attorney to hold these lecked officials accountable. >> they want charges against township officials who support the ordinance and gun free zones. township leaders say fat chance. >> in my nine to 5:00 job i'm an attorney. as they say, you know, take your best shot. no pun intended. in the same fashion that you cannot have guns in schools there's no utility that we see for having them in a parks where our children are located. >> reporter: many local governments in pennsylvania have repealed their gun laws after the state jurisdiction law was boosted in fear of getting sued but many cities including philadelphia have been sued by the inform ra after leaving their gun laws in place. back to you guys. >> all right, dave, thank you. good news for a north carolina woman who's fighting for her life. dee bout is battling stage three cancer that spread through her body. every two weeks she travels to philly for treatment at the cancer treatment centers of america. she was leaving 30th street station on amtrak recent whole she checked they are suitcase when she got -- her bag back her cancer meds were missing. amtrak is looking into it. her family was having trouble replacingreplacing her meds locally but today we did learn the cancer treatment centers of america was able to connect her with a local pharmacist who was able to get most of the meds she needs. she still had to shell out about $80 though. >> that's too bad. if you were out over this weekend you probably saw a lot of green a lot of folks already celebrating the holiday with deep roots in philadelphia and today the second oldest st. patrick's day parade in the country marched through philly. ♪ >> thousands of people line the parkway for the 245th st. patrick's day parade. it started at 16th and jfk and headed toward the art museum. queue kid. the parade just huge. 20,000 people took part including more than 150 groups. ♪♪ and some of those marchers went straight to patrick's church in center city then archbishop charles chaput served as sell will he brant of a st. patrick's day observance mass. >> this woman said she had cancer and needed help to pay doctors bills. so her community rallied. now she needs bail money. her criminal secret that left her hometown disgust. >> from saving the world from terrorists on fox 24 month saving whales and dolphins in real life we take you on a journey into the waters where the hunt for these mammals is still on but so is the fight to save them. a terrifying emergency landing caught on tape. hear from passengers who thought they wouldn't survive. caitlin? >> dry weather today but chilly winds kept temperatures at 48 degrees. it felt cooler than that much of sunday. below the normal of 52. we should rise above that on a mild monday. your forecast still ahead. i've just arrived in atlanta and i can't wait to start telling people how switching to geico could save them hundreds of dollars on car insurance. but first, my luggage. ahh, there it is. uh, excuse me sir? i think you've got the wrong bag. >>sorry, they all look alike, you know? no worries. well, car's here, i can't save people money chatting at the baggage claim all day. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ♪ demolition work begins this weekend on the boyd theater 19 and many chestnut despite long running efforts crews tore down huge sections of the brick wall. chestnut street facade will remain intact. the group friends of the boyds struck a deal last year to protect the exterior the foyer and the lobby but the deal does not cover the lavish auditorium. the boyd theater was built back in 1928. rumors swirl about the fox series 24 possibly comeing back and possibly without jack bauer -- >> imagine. >> one of the stars has a new project has a world changing impact. >> 24 rock's character is helping save the world from terrorists in the real world he's trying to save whales and dolphins hunter to this day. i went along for part of the ride. >> you think folks will be surprised a guy that's basically fighting terrorists on 24 and now off trying to save whales and dolphins. >> yeah. >> it was another television show that grabbed mccall and hasn't left go. >> i watched whale wars. actually on netflix. >> right there. >> wow! >> endangered fin whales wowed tourists on whale and dolphin safari off the coast of california yet they're still hunted and in other parts of the world for food. especially pet food. plummeting numbers in whale population spurred the international whaling commission to band commercial whaling in 1986. yet to this day some countries refuse to abide by it. >> i see the whites on the underside there. >> social media is huge right now. people i'll tweet to have no idea that this is going on in the world. whales are getting slaughtered. dolphins are getting killed. >> mccall wants it all stopped. >> we take our kids and grandkids to watch a whale. you and i have done it in the past. >> i was amazeed. >> look at that. >> the waters of california coast mccall headed to the north atlantic and joined the see ship crew made famous by whale wars. the islands is nation as small as it is grand with jaw-dropping vistas it dots the owing between iceland and norway. for as long as anyone can remember whales and dolphins have lived in niece water and across those centuries they have hunted them they're not just just picking off one or two entire families babies and all are driven panicked to the shore. it's brutal, it's bloody so we'll spare you the details. >> the water turns read. it's horrific. these whales will actually cry out. they will not leave the side of their friend. >> the volunteers risk jail arrested here on a island beach for trying to save dolphins from slaughter. they're sometimes confrontational tactics are great as grabbing headlines but not at grabbing the hearts and minds of those still on the hunt which is where mccall comes in. face to face with whaler hans jacob. >> lately we stopped. >> you got to talk and maybe that first step in the islands is over tea and cookies in a hotel lobby. >> you don't cause injury to the animal and come up with a new spinal -- >> hold on a second. >> it does cause injury. >> mccall has at least started the dialogue. >> you have to try and come up with al alternative. >> sure. >> that makes sense. you can't just say -- you can't do this a a livelihood any more. you can feed your family any more. cut it out. >> another way and i think the tourism is great way. you turn your fishing boats into actual touring vessels and make a fortune. >> mccall is hoping the connection to pilot whales and dolphins continues but it transforms into something far richer than many could have imagined with both those living on the land and those who live in the waters prospering. >> as always, so much we couldn't include. so for more of mccall's chat with whaler hans jacob and interview witness sea shepherd crew head to and click on the video section where you will find a link. a florida community is shocked to find out the cancer patient they rallied around does not actually have the disease. kelly johannson told her friends and neighbors she had stage four breast cancer so she held a fundraiser and hundreds of dollars were donated to help out with her doctor's bills and expenses. a gofundme page raised another $4,400. but police got a complaint about johannson and they soon figure out she's not sick. >> i just thought it was pretty rotten for someone to do what they did and take the trust of all the people and just throw it away. >> johannson looks a lot different now. her hair has grown back and she's sitting in jail charged with fraud. a very special day for dozens of survivors of the holocaust. they gathered for a pre passover sader organized by jewish family and children's service and the jewish federation of greater philadelphia in merion station today. passover begins on april 3rd. police cars set on fire outside the homes of officers. what investigators fear is driving the fire storm and why they believe it will happen again. >> a century old convent home to precious pieces of russia's up ♪ cops carses going up in flames miami dade county happening outside the officer's homes. four times in the past few days. now the fires haven't hurt anyone and police don't know who set the fires but they are worried it's going to happen again. investigators do not think the person behind it is targeting specific officers, but police in general. >> there's no doubt that across america there's an attack, an afront ambushes against law enforcement. >> this is an intentional act against police officers but also an intentional act in this community. >> and recently someone fired shots at two parked miami dade patrol cars. investigators don't yet know if all of these crimes are connected. a tugboat captain is dead, three crew members alive after their vessel sinks off new york island. coast guard said it doesn't know yet what caused the boat to sink about a mile off fire island but stormy weather may have been a factor. the sea bear was behind two other tug boats when it started going down yesterday afternoon. one of the three crew members was able to call the coast guard for help. all three put on special suits they were able to survive in the 37-degree water. but the captain died. the three crew members were treated for hypothermia but they are okay. real estate mogil robert durst the arrested in new orleans for murder. wealthy heir to a new york real estate fortune was taken into custody a new orleans marriott last night. being held on first degree warrant out of los angeles for the murder of susan bourbon 15 years ago. 71-year-old has never been charged in connection to the 1982 disappearance of his wife katie or the unsolved 2000 murder of bourbon in we have hills. he was acquitted in 2001 of the dismemberment death avenue neighbor because he said the killing was in self-defense. fire breaks out tonight at one of moscow's top tourist attractions. >> it's a place where many russian's most celebrated figures are buried much the fire started in bell tower the convent world heritage site. the towers in the middle of restoration and believed wooden scaffolding ignited. early reports indicate the tower itself is not heavily damaged. the convent built in the late 16 hundreds is known for the tower and cemetery. soviet leader and russian's first president yell zen are both buried there. talk about a white knuckle ride. passengers describe a terrifying emergency landing caught on tape next. caitlin. it was a rainy saturday. a blustery sunday. luckily we're seeing the weather improve starting off with a mild monday but cold temperatures are still in the seven day forecast. spring begins on friday. i don't think it will feel like it. we'll have that all for you coming up next. ♪ well you could say kansas city bound airplane started to trip off with bank yesterday morning. a blown tire at take off marked what would be a wild day of travel for the plane's passengers. >> fox's rob collins has the story. >> i heard the explosion i was wide eyed and bushy tailed by that time. >> reporter: that's danny dodge he recorded the video of the tire popping. the tire and the nerves of the passengers aboard. >> it was scary. we just held hands and he said a quick prayer and asked for angel wings to get us down. oh god heard his prayer and we had angels wings and we landed. >> reporter: the he praying her seven-year-old grandson styles who landed in the arms of a worried waiting mom after a bumpy mom. >> very scary. i was freak out somebody other stuff but i was like really scared and i didn't like it. >> it was just terrifying to know he was not with me but luckily he was with my mom so i knew that he was still in good hands. but i was still just concerned because i hateed he was so alone. >> reporter: alone in the youngster's mine but the other 70 passengers and crew aboard were certainly bracing together on the approach back to denver. after a blaring warning the sound of safety. and a chance to take a breath and grab a new ride. >> this could be pretty interesting. i'd like relive this on video. >> he gets his chance along with a whole bunch of other appreciative passengers. (applause). >> reporter: officials struggling to determine the scale of devastation rocked by a monstrous cyclone that tore through the tiny south pacific island of van vanuatu. cyclone pam record ashore yesterday packing winds at 168 miles per hour. power lines and phone circuits are cut off. it's impossible to know the full scope of the damage. heavy rains bring the hi ohio river to its highest level in nearly two decades. river crested more than 57 feet today. that is a few feet short of the record set in 1977 but the damage is similar. roadways low lying areas are now swamped the river has gunnery seeding before. were you forecasters are warning the problems well linger and speaking of meteorological type of things -- >> sure. >> fox 29 weather authority. >> lots to talk about. and we saw a lot of snow melt ourselves luckily the mild temperatures last week came before the rains of this weekend weekend. so we haven't seen many flooding concerns or ice jams. good news, you know because we had a lot of cold weather an lot to deal with. luckily that happened at a slow stage non more snow left on the ground. >> iain thought it was a little chilly it was. >> it was. the wind was blowing and the sun wasn't out. we're almost at spring. my understanding we're not quite there. >> we're not there. i know. wait until you see the seven day forecast. we're not there yet either. let's hope for april. let's start off with a look outdoors via ultimate doppler showing clear skies clouds around today. it was much calmer. we lost the rain. good inch of rain we got on saturday. as that system moved out. but we did have the clouds and the wind again as iain said did it not feel that comfortable. up towards the north cold enough for snow and in fact it's still snowing along the cape up towards eastern maine right now. boston picking up nearly 3-inches of snow today. and that's significant with that additional couple of inches they have now looking at their snowiest winter ever with wait for it 108.6-inches of snow. that's what boston got this winter. i cannot even imagine. and we can't. we got 68-point something inches last winter. so perspective tiff. along with the record breaking snow in boston record breaking high temperatures across the northern plains today. current temperatures right now in spots that are usually very cold 63 in minneapolis. 65 in rapid city. 59 in omaha. 58 in chicago these places reach the 70's and even the 80s a lot of warmth in the central part of the country look at the blue over the northeast that's where it's coldest temperatures are in the 30s. there were also record breaking temperatures across the southwest places like san diego into the 90's that usually doesn't lap. there's still very mild everywhere except for the northeast and unfortunately i wish we could say we'd get those 70s and 80s but it's not going to make the all the way into our area. in fact temperatures will be slightly milder tomorrow but then we take turn for the colder for sure. 42 degrees outside right now. 39 in pottstown. 38 in allentown. 39 in trenton. low 40s down in south jersey. it was windy all afternoon we still have the gusts sustained winds are about 15 to 20 miles an hour out of the northwest bringing in drier but colder air. and we are still seeing occasional wind gusts over 20 to 25 miles an hour. 32 miles an hour wind gusts in the poconos 31 down in atlantic city. but those winds had diminish overnight tonight. fox future cast shows clear skies early a few more clouds by monday morning. probably seeing partly sunny skies today. hopefully a little bit more sunshine than yesterday. and that will help boost temperatures into the mid to upper 50s. clouds increase out ahead of a front by tuesday morning. here's a lot of cloud cover tuesday so tomorrow sunnier of the two. and those showers will move in along a front so briefly going to see some rain on tuesday. 36 is the overnight low temperature in the city tonight. 30 in the suburbs. partly cloudy with winds dying down. not a bad tomorrow. monday is milder. 48 today for the high temperature. 58 for monday under partly sunny skies. seven day forecast shows we start to fall off from there. 56 on st. patrick's day tuesday. so for revelers during the day and the evening you may briefly need an umbrella but temperatures should stay on the milder side they fall off late tuesday night into wednesday. it will be sunny but breezy and high temperature of just 42. wind chills in the 30s. early thursday morning probably start off in the 20s in most spots only hit 44. spring begins on friday we could see flurries actually with showers coming through. >> that's not allowed. >> you may not have seen the last flakes of this year. >> 52 degrees on saturday. we see improvement but by sunday again it looks colder. 40 degrees. it was such a colder winter for it. we didn't have the snow that boston did but very cold temperatures that cool pattern is lasting through march. march is tough here. >> some years we get the 70s and 80s like in the planes not happening this year. >> lion, lamb that type of thing thing. >> lion, lamb thing comes into play. at least not boston. 108-inch there is. >> i cannot imagine last year was our second snowiest season ever it wasn't relentless. they almost doubled that. >> i have to tell you iain was preparing me, he had tales of terror and woe from last year. >> yeah. >> luckily it wasn't like that. >> oh, it's all right. not so bad. >> 20 some inches of snow, no big deal. >> exactly. all right, caitlin thank you. >> that did it for the fox 29 news at 10:00. >> he wasn't is waiting in the wings right here. the one and only howard eskin. keep it right here for fox

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New York , United States , Norway , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Vanuatu , Augustine Beach , Delaware , Delaware County , North Carolina , Missouri , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , California , San Diego , Jewish Federation , Denver , Colorado , Merion , Maine , Iceland , Miami Dade County , New Jersey , Island Beach , Pottstown , Illinois , Allentown , Trenton , Jersey , Chicago , Montgomery County , America , Russian , Soviet , American , Robert Durst , Miami Dade , Caitlin Roth , Howard Eskin , Jeffrey William , Fox Steve Harrigan , Hans Jacob , Orleans Marriott , Derek Robinson , Los Angeles , Steve Harrigan Fox , Jack Bauer , Charles Chaput , Lucy Noland ,

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