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To hit the road wherever you need to go and how to beat the crowds for that final shopping run for your thanksgiving dinner. Good evening, im lucy noland. Im iain page. Scott williams is tracking the timeline for us right now. Scott . Thats right, iain and lucy. We are still several hours away from the first onset of precipitation that rainfall moving into our area but look at this highlighted region. A lot of moisture to our south. It will continue to stream in our direction. Well zoom in a little closer right now. All of delaware dry, south jersey looking good, north and west were not looking at anything falling from the sky on ultimate doppler. Watch the clock. We have the cloud cover in place. By 4 00 a. M. That rainfall moving into delaware. Sections of south jersey. Just going to be rain to start. But look at what happens by 7 00 a. M. Toward the Lehigh Valley, the poconos, changing over rapidly to that wet snow. So the changeover to snow timeline across the area for the pocono mountains, the Lehigh Valley from 7 00 to 9am tomorrow morning. The northwest suburbs were looking at that change over between 9 00 and to 11 00 around the philadelphia metro area, i95, 11 a. M. To 2 00 p. M. And then the last to see the change over parts of delaware into south jersey. Winter storm warnings in pink north and west as we move into northern sections of chester, upper montgomery and bucks county and in purple we have those Winter Weather advisories. They kick in tomorrow morning and continue throughout the entire day on wednesday. Coming up well have new information about the snowfall totals as well as what to expect in your neighborhood and the travel weather not only here locally but across the nation. Iain and lucy . Thank you very much, scott. First winter storm could not come at a worst time. Local Grocery Stores already hectic this time of year are just slammed jammed with people making a mad dash before the thanksgiving holiday. Fox 29s Sabina Kuriakose live outside the wegmans in cherry hill. 10 00 oclock at night and look at all the shoppers behind you, sabina. Im guessing the timing of this weather has a lot of folks hitting the store asap. Reporter lucy, it has been crowded all night long. As you mentioned still a steady stream of shoppers coming through those doors. Now, theyre picking up a lot of these, but theyre also grabbing some of these. It was a bit of a zoo inside wegmans in cherry hill. Im parked over by best buy. Reporter ed to park all the way over there. Yes. Reporter small price to pay. One step ahead of wednesdays winter storm. Packed parking lot to pick up her thanksgiving bird. How you going to carry that turkey to your car. Im a strong woman. People are calling to pick up their pre ordered meals earlier than expected bumping up grocery outing to avoid going out in the storm. The predicted snowfall adding a level anxiety for shoppers. Snowstorm definitely made me rush and, yeah, i want to get be sure i had all my shopping done today. Reporter along with thanksgiving fixings, the store is stocking up on the staples like bread and milk. Customers like diane lewis im not driving tomorrow. Reporter and Kathy Cass Stelle people coming from work it will be a mess. Reporter for the impending noreaster. Alongside the pie and dinner roles happy thanksgiving to everybody. Reporter salt and snow shovels are also dwindling from the shelves. Im going to leave work early tomorrow to get home. Im not going out after that. Reporter and the customers we spoke with say saw what it was like today. They cant imagine what its going to be like tomorrow. But if you still want to head out tonight as you can see youre in luck. Wegmans is open till midnight. Iain. Sabina, thank you. A lot of people will be headed to the pocono mountains for the holiday. Its quiet on Camelback Mountain now but this area could get hit hard with the seasons first winter storm. Penndot says their crews are ready for whatever the storm brings to our area. Workers spending the last couple of days preparing trucks to make sure the equipment is ready to hit the roads as soon as the storm starts. Were asking people to either adjust or delay their travel plans if possible. Very good idea, you know, look at the weather, you might want to delay your plans until the storm has passed. Penndot says there will be 444 plow trucks on the roads this winter. Theres also more than 100,000 tons of salt available. To live look now at Philadelphia International airport were many passengers bummed their flights up by a whole day to get out before that snow gets in. Tomorrows weather is most definitely going to mess with planes, trains and automobiles. Fox 29s brad satin is live overlooking i76. How goes it, brad . Reporter its okay right now, lucy. We can tell you schuylkill expressway always a busy place. Certainly going to become extraordinarily busy starting tomorrow according to aaa. Theyre estimating about a 4 increase in travel over last year. Locally that means about 580,000 people will be traveling at least 50 or more miles. You add in the Winter Weather concerns, it could be some tough going. Now from the ground to the skies lets talk about the airport start there and show you that. Officials telling us a full flight schedule is being planned for all the airlines about 440,000 passengers going through the airport between now and monday. Sunday the busiest travel day, 95,000 people. Tomorrow is the third busy of the six day weekend bad timing for bad weather. Meanwhile over 30th street station amtrak could break a record they think for thanksgiving train travel. About 760,000 riders this holiday. Amtrak we do know moving some equipment around the northeast corridor. So theyre ready if the bad weather strikes. Back to the airport, Airline Passengers took the advice and some did fly out today. When were you supposed to go . Tomorrow at 12 00 oclock in the afternoon. Reporter instead youre leaving tonight. Yes. Before you leave your house, before you come to the airport, check with your airline or check our website to see what the status of your flight is. Is it delayed on or on time. Dont come until you know what that is report roar its not like we havent been through this before. Weve had upwards of a dozen at least 1 inch snowfalls last year. So clearly theyre ready to go. If youre doing driving, of course, the best news of all, gas prices we know as of today they sit at 2. 96 on average gallon that is down a full 45 cents from this time last year. Guys . At least we got a little bit of good news. Thank you very much, brad. Yes. Remember tune in fox 29 right when you wake up sue serio will have the newest information on the storm and bob kelly will have exactly what you need to steer clear of problems on your drive. It starts at 4 00 a. M. And we stay local all the way through 10 00 a. M. Breaking news tonight. Heres live look at ferguson riots breaking out after the grand jurys decision last night. For a second night it is protesters against police. Attorneys for Michael Browns family vowing to push for federal charges against the white Police Officer who killed the unarmed 18yearold africanamerican teen. Here in philadelphia, protesters gathering in Rittenhouse Square. Skyfox is live over the scene tonight. Kind of dark so its tough to see but there are a few dozen of them out there right now tonig tonight. For the First Time Since the deadly encounter in august, Police Officers Darren Wilson is breaking his silence. In annd view with abc news, wilson insists he could not have done anything differently that night during the confrontation with Michael Brown. He says hes got a clean conscious because i know i did my job right. Wilson described the events leading up to browns death. He grabbed the top of my gun and when he grabbed it he said youre too much of a bleep to shoot me. While hes doing that i can feel his hand trying to come over my hand and get signed the trigger guard and shoot me with my own gun. Thats when i pull the trigger for the first time. Wilson had been with the Ferguson Police force for less than three years. Before the august 9th shooting. He says browns shooting was the first time he fired his gun on the job. The grand jurys decision has some from across the country hitting the streets coast to coast including right here in philadelphia. Sky fox over the scene more than 200 people protested outside central detectives in spring garden. In front of a very large police presence. They held signs and shouted who do you protect, who do you ser serve . We start discussing those things like that and stop being afraid of society to discuss racism in this country or not to be afraid when somebody like me is speaking the way im speaking in the militant not to look at me as being defiant but trying to come to solutions of why we acting like this. Some of the group promised demonstrations will continue. Members of the Philadelphia Police report protesters here in philly have been peaceful. Lets take another life look right now from ferguson tonight where protesters and police are up outside the Police Station. I was just checking the st. Louis county Police Department twitter page, and it says that as of five minutes ago, protesters in ferguson are blo blocking south road. Thats key because that was basically ground zero for these demonstrations. The right in front of pd and they are about to start marching. Weve got you covered with any breaking developments on myfoxphilly. Com. Just look for the story on our home page. Her bridal shop thrown into the spotlight when a nurse with ebola walked in forced to shut down for weeks. Thousands of dollars lost. Now weeks later an incredible demand from that nurse. Im looking at this thinking are you kidding me . Why the nurse is now demanding a refund from the shop owner. Parents are begging for some help because the only way that was their children can get to school to walk along a highway. Sidewalks new york city. Why theyre having to fight just to get to and from school safe safely. Plus, from old teammates to blood brothers their true story of friendship will touch your heart. The decision to not only saved a life it create add life long bond. And keeping yourself safe when you hit the store this holiday season. Would you consider perhaps a devil defense class . The key to protecting yourself this season. Breaking news in ferguson, missouri. Protesters and Police Standing off tonight much this is skyfox over the scene right now. Of course, this is one day, one day on the heels of the grand jury decision deciding not to indict officer wilson. Youre looking live at the scene as i said. Now, so far its looking like its okay but we understand from reports on the ground which you are of course now seeing that things are starting to get little bit more heated. But so far nothing like we saw last night where people were setting cars on fire, demolis demolishing buildings and looting stores. Now, lets head on over to times square if we can. Things got very intense there as demonstrators and police clashed. You see the guys right in the middle theyre fighting, and throwing punches. Thats what happened just a short time ago. And the protesters also blocked the lincoln tunnel. As that crowd marched in the streets, their numbers grew to more than 1,000 people. A Community Mourns and remembers a beloved little boy his name was andrew and the fouryearold died in a fire in a house on wyoming avenue in philadelphias feltonville section yesterday. Family and friends held a vigil for him tonight. Victims father saved the child from another family but he was unable to reach his own son. Four people were hurt including two firefighters. Nine adults and children did manage to escape. Parents in one absecon community are waiting to learn whether a School District is going to start busing their children to and from school because right now these kids are walking along a very busy and obviously very potential actually dangerous high what to get there. Fox 29s Shawnette Wilson is outside the building where the board is still meeting right now. Shawnette, what are you hearing . Reporter lucy, as you just said right now they are in a closed session still discussing the issue at this hour. In the meantime these families are homeless and without transportation for their kids to get to school. This road is jam packed with traffic. Reporter car after car zooming by on this busy fourlane highway in absecon. This is the white horse pike. This is one of the very hazardous roads. Reporter its the road many parents who are homeless and staying at motels along the strip walk with their children 1. 8 miles to school every day. Any time they can take any of our childrens lives. Reporter Heather Oneill is one of those parents. Shes had to walk her eightyearold son to ashton Marsh Elementary School many times. She perfectly kept him further away from the road as she walked us a long. Theres only bits and pieces of sidewalk. We dont have sidewalk so were forced to walk on the side of the road in the shoulder of the road. Reporter beth the manager of the budget inn where heather stays is somewhat of a god send. She has been driving children too live here in her van to and from school for the past two months. Eight kids, five days week, to and from school. Reporter she wants to keep them safe. A gentleman was hit by a car out here and killed. Reporter there are plenty of children at other motels here nearby who have no choice but to walk. Parents attended a School Board Meeting tuesday night where the board was scheduled to vote on whether to provide busing for these students. These kids are in danger every time they go out near that road. You can seasoned a bus and save us all a lot of worry. Reporter meanwhile, gauge dreams of the day district officials will provide a bus for him so he can get to School Without worry. I wish i didnt have to walk and theres no danger happening. Reporter and back here live we tried to talk to the superintendent earlier this evening she did not want to comment until the board votes. Well keep you posted on whats happening. Thank you very much, shawnette. Owners of the closed rebel casino are trying to block Atlantic City from getting 32 million in unpaid property taxes. They have filed an appeal and in Bankruptcy Court trying to prevent Atlantic City from holding a tax sale that unpaid debt. Heres what happened. If the city sells that debt to an investor that investor could foreclose on the whole property if they dont get paid back. Just last week a deal to sell the property to a Canadian Firm for 110 million fell apart. Now a follow up to a heart warming story we first brought you back in september. Little Emily Rodriguez of bucks county was born with tiny mal formed ears. To hear shes got to wear a special hearing aid but her parents want more for their threeyearold. Fox 29s dawn timmeney shows house emilys family is beginning a journey to get her something a whole lot of us take for granted and that is ears. Report is that a new ear . Yeah. Reporter tell me about it. Do you like your ear . I have an earring. Reporter three year old emily of feederville is beaming as she shows off her big girl ear and something shes always dreamed of wearing, an earring. Like mommy. Reporter its like mommys earring . Yeah. Reporter little emily was born with a rare condition called my lateral microtia aultry is a. She has no ear canals, no eardrums and cant hear without her baja hearing aid thanks to modern day medicine though doctors are able to surgically create ears for emily. When she saw her ear for the first time, she was like, wow, you know, and she just smiled and first thing she did, they goes, the other ear. Reporter doctors only do one ear at a time to allow for healing and any complications. The surgery lasting 10 hours. I got a big girl ear. It was miracle. It really was. Reporter her mom and dad say she was up credibly brave. Really learned about her. How industry strong she was. It was very hard seeing her waking from anesthesia in recovery and shes been amazing trooper this whole time. Reporter doctors actually traced jess right ear making emilys ear the same size and definition as her moms. Its amazing what they can do, yeah report roar this Little Princess loves looking at the mirror at her new ear. Her next operation is five months from now and she cannot wait. I want april. Youre going to get a big girl side on ear on that si side. Shell be glad to put glasses on. Sunglasses and play glasses. Little things we take for granted. Want her to feel like every other little girl out there. What a beautiful cute little girl. Dawn says these ear surgeries are very expensive. 20,000 per ear. Insurance does not cover most of it. And when em system just a little bit older her family is hopeful shell be a great candidate for inner ear surgery to restore her hearing. Now, if youd like to help the family just head to our website myfoxphilly. Com. All you have to do is look under the scene on tv section. Of course its shopping season and you may be Walking Around with packages and little more cash in your wallet than usual. That could make i was target for bad guys. Don mel nick teaches selfdefense in cherry hill. We caught up with him. He says the key is to be aware of your surroundings. You got to park in a welllit area even during the day because you might be inside shopping so long that it will be dark when you head to your car. Theyre going to look for the individuals who are Walking Around and not paying attention and are easy targets. Easy picking. Were try to teach people Situational Awareness first. Those are intense classes. Police say be careful using atm machines. Dont leave gifts visible until car. A booming business sending droves of children to the hospital. They think its safe but it can be deadly. What billboards now warn parents to lock up. Also, police bust up a prostitution ring inside a high school. What investigators say teens used to promote their services. A latest trend if you feel yourself going bald getting hair tattoos both men and women are shelling out for the permanent ink but does it work . The results you have to see to believe. And were keeping an eye on protests in ferguson. This is sky fox live over Missouri Town right now. We understand there have been a couple arrests made by the st. Louis county Police Department and apparently those two people were from oklahoma and the police say theyre charged with Unlawful Assembly and resisting arrest. Things are getting heated. We had a free weekend. We all got together and we are having a great time. There is everything to do. Youve got restaurants. Youve got shopping, oh my gosh fabulous shopping. Bars too, although im married and i dont know if my husband wants me in any bars. I dont think it is just for girls weekend. I think its great for couples. Its great for families. I was also was talking to my girlfriends saying i would like to bring my husband back. Its a great weekend. A lawyer and a prominent center City Law Firm surrenders to face charges of repeatedly raping a 14yearold girl. 56yearold brian meehan is accused of paying for sex with a teenaged Trafficking Victim several times in his Downtown Office in 2012. The da says the victim was held captive by a germantown couple and hired out up to 20 times week. I believe theres a very special place in hell for men like brian meehan that rape 12 and 14yearold girls. He practiced law by day, and bought an underaged girl by night. Meehans says his client maintains his innocence. A florida man accidentally shoots and kills himself in the middle an argument with his wi wife. It happened early this morning. Police say 57yearold dennis emery threatened to kill the family dog. Investigators say when he went to motion that threat the gun accidentally fired. All pointing at his face. Died at the scene. Nobody else in the home was hurt. Colorado and washington not surprisingly are both seeing a boom in pot sales good but a boom in kids heading to the emergency room after accidental ingesting medical marijuana. Theyre putting up billboards with warnings to parents. Kids are getting their hands treats infused with the active ingredient in pot. They you were parents to deep adult snacks locked up and out of reach. Marijuana infused cookie can look just like a regular cookie to four and sixyearold just like a glass of wine can look like a glass of juice. We need to make sure that as responsible parents were keeping those items locked up and safe and away from our children. The billboards are part of a Public Education campaign that you weres adults and legalized pot states to quote consume responsiblely. Live look now the at ferguson tonight. So far we have a much different scene from last night. Criminals looted stores, burned cars and biosis. Philadelphias mayor put his two cents in and hes got strong comments next. We ask him for answers. Scott. Lucy, new information is coming into the Weather Authority on tomorrows system. Ill have the latest on when it moves in, when it moves out and how much snowfall to expect where you live. And a genetic disorder threatened his life a local coach taking a turn for the worse says he waited for a new kidney. My other kidney shut down so i started dialysis. I almost died then. They said i was extremely close to dying at that point. Until fate stepped in through an old teammate much the generous s nasty weather moving in. A live look at radar right now showing the noreaster thats about to throw a wrench in the big yesterday travel day of the year from rain to snow, well see it all. Scott williams is just minutes away tracking your timeline to keep you safe and sound with this holiday. Tensions are high in ferguson, missouri tonight. Heres a live look at the Police Station. You can see here cops are bracing for another night of protests. Some smoke is in the air. We got police there with riot gear moving in the wake of a grand jurys decision not to charge officer Darren Wilson for that Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown. Well keep an eye on that. Right here in philadelphia crowds gathering at city hall before makin making their way ud street and north philadelphia. Mayor Michael Nutters comments about the volatile situation in ferguson and other cities around the country put him at odds with the fraternal order of police. Dave kinchen reports. Reporter protesters angry about the ferguson grand jurys decision to not charge officer Darren Wilson for killing mike brown. Hit center city streets for the second day in a row. Marching from Philadelphia City hall to broad and cecil b. Moo moore. I ache for, you know, black including myself it feels lining its open season. I get killed. An officer can walk away. Im not afraid more mike browns. Im afraid of more darren wils wilson. I would like to see more people to come out here and protest the killing. I would like all black people to rise up. I think they botched this thing from start to finish. You said they didnt have the evidence. A lot of people saying those comments are pretty strong. What say to you that . I talk about a process from start to finish. Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter is still fuming over the decision stemming from the august shooting. My perspective theres still whole lot more explaining that needs to be done about who did what out there that particular day and in the days after. Reporter i challenged the mayor on comments that many say went too far. If the grand jury did have all the evidence as the sent lewis county prosecutor said and you yourself didnt have all the evidence, then some may say how do you come off that strongly when they did have all the evidence. You physical me what the evidence is explains why the officer shot Michael Brown 10 times. Where is that evidence . Where is that explanation . Reporter the president of the philadelphia fraternal order of police ripped nutters words in a letter to membership posted on his Facebook Page he says its very disappointing to learn Michael Nutter has chosen to publicly pander to a lynch bob mentality instead of displaying the courage and integrity required by a public official. He also said nutter has to make a choice. He can join the lynch mob or be the mayor. He cant do both. The evidence is the evidence. There are still unanswered questions. Thats the issue that im raising. Reporter mary nutter says its now up to the federal government to pursue a civil rights case that will bring about justice for mike browns family. We did reach out to commissioner ramsay office for comment. He was not made available to us tonight. At city hall, dave kinchen fox 29 news. Lets take another live look at ferguson, missouri. Obviously were staying on and to have things there. We understand there have been a couple of arrests tonight. We have had police and riot gear on one side. Protesters of course on the other. Last night we had lot of destruction businesses were destroyed. Cars were on fire. So far we have not seen any of that tonight. Again things are very tense and they could of course erupt at any moment. Well stay on top of this. As we get a life aerial look you can see police in rewrought gear on one side as far as we can see and the protesters on the other side. Well stay on top of this throughout the evening for you right here on fox 29 also head to our website myfoxphilly. Com for updates as well. You probably want to stay on top of whats going on with the wet much that is big story happening right now. Our Weather Authority jumping look at that radar. Absolutely, lucy and iain. Right now ultimate doppler is dry and quiet but to the south were looking at a lot of moisture that will be streaming up and that will develop into the low pressure, the noreaster bringing that rainfall changing over to wet snow. So as i expand the view you can see to the south were looking at all of this moisture that will continue to head in our direction during the day tomorrow. Those advisories are up. The warnings are up as well kicking in tomorrow morning north and west you can see upper montgomery and bucks county northern sections of chester county, moving toward Lehigh Valley and the poconos. Winter storm warnings. Where you see the purple along i95 immediately north and west those advisories. We dont have any advisories or warnings for sections of south jersey or delaware. But some locations will see that rain changing over to snow there as well. Speaking of the change overtimes the poconos Lehigh Valley from 7 00 a. M. Tomorrow to 9am. Changing over rapidly. Between 9am and 11am were looking toward the north and western suburbs around philadelphia things get dicey between 11am to lunch too many looking at that change overtime window and then last to change over northern sections of delaware and south jersey. So as we roll the clock, through the overnight, when you wake up tomorrow morning, when youre watching the fox 29 morning news good day were watching rainfall moving into south jersey and delaware. By 4 00 a. M. By 7 00 oclock, overtaking the entire area outlook at the pink showing up. North and west. The Lehigh Valley and the peck notice, thats where things will change over to that wet snow first, and then you can see it continuing to move a little farther to the south. This is 10 00 a. M. Were looking at it inching toward trenton, philadelphia and wilmington. By 2 00 oclock were still looking at that rain snow line right around i95 into new castle cun tee in delaware and then by 7 00 oclock, and before this system tapers off it will change over all the way into sections of south jersey, but its going to be out of who are. So for thanksgiving its dry but it will stay chilly as we move into thanksgiving. So lets talk about those totals. Main the rain down the shore interior sections of south jersey moving in to places like camden county, gloucester county, a slushy one to 2inches. Two to 4inches along i95 moving immediately north and west toward norristown and then as you move toward upper montgomery and bucks, four to 6inches and over 6inches likely as we move toward the peck notice. I95, i295, mainly wet. Potential for slushy roads once you move north of the turnpike. Reduced voice osama bin ladens and also potential Power Outages because of that heavy wet snow and winds. Temperatures right now in the upper 40s but look at the clock. You can see tomorrow morning in throughout the day those temperatures drop into the 30s so that rain will be changing over to wet snow. If you have wednesday travel plans across the country well look at some of the spots. Atlanta low 50s a few scattered showers. Cold, 32 in chicago. Dallas 65 degrees. Looking pretty good. And you can see tomorrow along the eastern seaboard its going to be a mess in the mid atlantic and new england but much of the country by thanksgiving iain and lucy looking pretty good. Dry and quiet. As far as that seven day forecast were looking at temperatures staying chilly over the next several days. Cold for friday shoppers and then back to the mid 50s by sunday. All right. We just have to navigate tomorrow. Chutely. Sue serio will have the latest on those model runs and snowfall totals, too. Scott, thank you her bridal shop thrown into the spotlight when a nurse with ebola walked in forced to shut down for weeks thousands of dollars lost now that nurse wants refund. Why shes demanding her money back. The latest trend. Getting hair tattoos. Both men and women are showing up for the permanent ink. Does it work . Well helicopter whirring roars siren wails pop music playing when youre ready ready, ready, ready come and get it get it, get it when youre ready, come and get it na na na na na na na na na na na when youre ready, come and get it na na na na. Female announcer its a great big world and it can all be yours. Here and only here. Come and get it. Tensions are high in ferguson breaking news right now. Live look at the Police Station and from what were hearing from police on the scene, theyre saying that some people are throwing bottles and firework at Police Officers. The Police Officers are holding the line. We have not been able to actually see that in the video that were looking at. Lets switch over to Rittenhouse Square and skyfox here in philadelphia. There are protesters gathering here at well. What theyre doing, they say its a show of support for ferguson. Because theyre very angry over a grand jurys decision to not indict Police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of 18yearold Michael Brown of course well stay on top of both situations and bring updates as they are warned. Taking a look at your money tonight. A holiday wish come true for procrastinators out there. Presents ored at the last minute can be delivered the same day. Amazon, target, macys and other retailers have overnight and same day options which will continue even past the holidays. U. S. Shoppers are expected to spend 61 billion online in november and december. According to Research Firm com score. A new procedure to help people who are losing their ha hair. Its called micro pigmentation. People actually have their heads tattooed so take look. There are 24 locations around the world doing it. This one is in phoenix. The technique works on men and women to improve hair issues like thinning, balding and alopecia. This in the your typical tattoo. It costs from three to 4,000. There are about four sessions but those getting it dont have to return for touch ups for up to seven years. Coming up in a prostitution ring run out of high school . What investigators say teens used to promote their services. From old teammates to blood brothers. Theyre true story of friendsh friendship. We continue to follow that breaking news out of ferguson, missouri tonight and were taking a live look again as you can see weve got some National Guardsmen in their riot gear kind of at a standoff right now. We do understand there have been reports of a couple of arrests but so far we havent seen anything get out of control tonight as it was last night with the cars burning an lot of destruction but of course well stay on top of this and bring you any updates soon as theyre available. Police bust add student sex ring at a florida high school. They say two teens hired another teens to work as prostitutes and now a 15 and 17yearold face Human Trafficking charges. Detectives say their moat motivation was as usual money but also alcohol and drugs and they say the teens used social media to line up potential clients. Bridal shop forced to shut down for week after a nurse with ebola walked in. Now has a new problem. The shut down cost the owner thousands of dollars. Well now texas nurse amber vincents lawyer sent her a letter asking for a refund for her bridal partys bridesmaids gowns nearly 500. Theres no apology here. Its strictly, um, i think we want our money back because well go to a different store. Well publish reports quote vincents tos attorney saying she didnt want to cause any problems for the shop. The store owner doesnt plan to give them a refund but will discuss the matter with her attorney. From incredibly active to watching his live split away such was the case for a local coach. Until a long time friend spent months in secret trying to save his life. Chris oconnell with an and spying story of friendship and thanksgiving. Report. I want you over here today. Reporter heater hes at the pool. You guys are good focus on your kick. Reporter in the gym or on the field. Bring it down. Reporter jason kell dare can barely sit still. These are new movement patterns. Its going to feel difficult. Reporter as the coach drexel triathlon team. Dont let those hips drop. Reporter you would never know by looking at him. But this was him five years ago after suffering for years with a genetic Kidney Disease polly sis tuck fibrosis. It runs rampant in our fami family. Four ofs have had transplants. Reporter but kildares active life of swimming, biking and running was about to take a very dramatic turn during a routine doctors visit for a checkup. Within five minutes hes calling another doctor in and dr. Feeling around in my stomach. Yeah, we can fit a kidney in there. Fit a kidney in there. I thought i was here for a check up and theyre already talking transplant. Reporter he was immediately put on transplant list and had his doctors suggestion he started searching for matches himself. So desperate he emailed friends at Rowan University where he ran Cross Country. Rei sore to go facebook begging friends to get tested. Hopefully someone out there knew could be medical match. I e mailed a couple Close Friends who had said at one point in time if you ever need a kidney let me know report roar as weeks turned into months, kildares condition got worse and there were no matches. My other kidney shut down. So i started dialysis. I almost died then. They said it was extremely close to dying at that point. Reporter then on thanksgiving week of 2008 the phone rang on the other end an old friend, a Cross Country teammate. He had known from Rowan University nick did he san tis. Nick called me up and said, hey you want to grab something to eat i said sure. Metamer at applebees after dialysis. Im dying who are and youre going to take me to applebees. He real life the meeting between casual friends was about to be live saving. I told him, you never need a kidney give me a call. Ill get check out. Never really thinking if i would really have to do that. We started talking and he said look man i want to let you know the past six or months ive been tested to see if i can be a donor for you. He eventually found out his kidney was a Perfect Match for jason. Now he had to tell his family. The toughest person to probably set it on later on was my grandfather. 80yearold italian man. Hes like what do you mean youre giving your kidney up. Dont you need two . Four months later the two were admitted to the transplant unit at the hospital of the university of pennsylvania. I talk to all different doctors and nurses. Theres very, very, very, very little risk. So in my mind how would not i take packet follow risk to help out someone in such a dire situation as jason. We werent joking around the day of the surgery could we have bunk beds, how many nurses are we going to have. Are they cute . Reporter in the operating room, nick went first, then jason. The lifesaving kidney transplant taking just a few hours. We call each other kid feature thats our nickname for each other and hes a brother through kid he into. Day after surgery jason felt better than he had in years g this is actual wrl they put the new kidney. He proudly shows the scars of where his new kidney gave him new life. Thanks to the man he now calls brother. Obviously it was a great decision. I mean this guy sitting next to me got a oneyearold son whose healthy. How could things be any better than that. Doctors say my kidney is healthier than both of those kidneys. Thats one stellar kidney he gave me. Come up on werent toe. With a new lease on life these days kildare is a picture of health. He now trains elite athletes and coaches fitness for a living. He knows how hard things can be. He knows kind of live every day as if its your last. Respect and appreciate every day that you can live healthy. Take care of your body. It doesnt have to be rocket science. Nice job, guys. Nice job. Were talking fundamental easy choices of exercise and nutrition. They not only become best friends but teammates once again. Nick has joined jasons private coaching business. I get to coach you guys. That guy right there. Im definitely more appreciative that i have the opportunity to do this each day. And how would you thank the person that saved your life . How about a beer . Whenever i needed a beer at any point in time hed be there for me. Chris oconnell fox 29 news. The line of the night. Im dying here and you want to go to applebee. Great story. A couple of great guys. My goodness. Heres howard. All right. The eagles and the cowboys you know them, right . Its the best rivalry in the inform fl. Probably. The players tell us the fans think it is. And the game will have last years leading rusher in the nfl lesean mccoy. And the leading rusher in the nfl Demarco Murray. We couldnt to follow breaking news out of ferguson, missouri. Protests started to get out of hasnt. You can see theres car on fire and some of these protesters have surrounded this car. Weve understand there have been reports of arrests. Things are starting to kind of heat up there now. This is the second night of protests in ferguson, missouri. We of course will stay on top of this and bring you anything we can before the epp of the us in cast. Little sports here. Little change of pace. The eagles they play the game that every fan in philadelphia looks forward to seeing each season its the dallas koy boss and this year you will be watching the game around your turkey dinner so many things to look for. One area the running back. Last year it was lesean mccoy leading all runners in rushing yards. This year Demarco Murray is having a terrific year. Even though people in this town have questioned whether mccoy is the same back he was and productive as he was a year ago, hes the third leading rusher in the league. Murray leads mccoy by 400 yards. Lesean knows what the numbers are but last season it doesnt matter. Mccoy just wants to win. I think it does in every player just to compete, you kn know, everybody always wants to be the top of their position. Or recognized in the top group in their position, you know, so from guys hanging out and talking about it. People talk about it, you want to be one of them guys. This revelry so good and its been that way last year remember last season . The eagles split with the cowboys but the big game was the last game of the season which turned into the eagles season. Lets go to dallas and take look. The eagles win this, they within the division and make the playoffs. Brandon boykin 1. 43 left in the game intercepts the quarterback at that time. The eagles won it. The players here with this game means to the fans before they even play a game. You get most of your fan interaction from social mode ya or when you meet fans in public you know theyll say nice to meet you. Remember to beat dallas. Its bigger than meche its bigger than me. Bigger than this team. Ive been going at it for so long and now what the stakes being what they are two teams going football a chance to take over first place in the divisi division. Its a big game for us. Players feel it more on the eagles and cowboys coming up thursday morning special edition of fox 29 game day live ill be in dallas. The pregame show and then the game at 4 00. Kickoff at 4 30. Wrap it up on fox 29 news at 10 00 oclock. Big game in cowboys. I didnt think owe the eagles would win a week ago. I think theyll win the now. There you go. All right. Thanks for joining us tonig tonight. Of course well take live look at ferguson, missouri before we leave here you can see police car is on fire. Today on tmz so how else to say but bette midler says that Ariana Grande is a whore. Basically came out and said, look, trust your talent. You dont have to make a whore out of yourself to get ahead. But it helps. You get there quicker. The way don lemon handled the cnn coverage about ferguson last night was outrageous. Don lemon had a bulletproof vest with a gucci scarf on. Anderson cooper throws it to him and he said, whats the situation . And he goes, obviously, is it smells like marijuana. No Jennifer Lawrence stopped by pump at the best table in the house. She sat at the worst table before they recognized her. Whats a lousy table . Havent you been to a restaurant where theres a pretty patio and then they take you inside

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