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Avoid, thousands more, layoffs. Good morning, it is 6 00 oclock on this friday, july 11th, very good to have have you with us, weather looking bet they are morning as well. I know, tgif. Crews on your top stories. A violent night in the cities fair hill section as search for delaware woman snatch right off her porch. Lets get right over to sue serio for your weather on the ones and not the a bad friday to kick off a week even, sue. Finally seeing some improvement, in the forecast, as we get closer to the weekend. It is just in time. Were going all the way up to a nine today, friday, sunnies up and dew points are down a little bit. Still on the humid side but things will be improving. We have to mention in the stray shower, possible south and east of the city with the frontal system stalled off shore but it doesnt look like anything is happening at the moment. Lets hope it stays that way. We have clouds out there. Not as muggy, temps in the 60s and 07s and your pal bus stop buddy is pool side this morning with the shades. We will give him the sun screen as well, as it gets later in the morning. Ultimate doppler you can see clouds off shore with the satellite picture involved, and no rain, around, at the moment, in fact we are seeing plenty of sunshine in the the city at the moment. 70 degrees with 76 percent relative humidity. Getting up to 86 with mostly sunny skies and then tonight we are down to about 68 in the city, even cooler in the suburbs. This will be refreshing kind of night, thanks to the clear skies. That is your fox cast for friday. Your weekend is just ahead. Forecast, shore cast, pocono cast can you think of another one a cast. I dont think so. Cast of thousands. I think she has got it covered. We have to get out to the trolley accident, north fortyfifth street at lancaster avenue just coming in. We are still learning details but septa trolley accident, to look out for. On the cristina river bridge, it is closed. Terminal avenue to 12th street, that was supposed to reopen right around labor day weekend. It might reopen before that. Expect delays obviously on i95 heading to the shore a side from those incidents you dont have anything tolls look at on the majors. Lots of green, guys. 6 03. A violent night in north philadelphia we are hearing a three separate incident at least two people dead and two others in critical condition. Lets get to fox 29s steve keeley live, with new information, steve. Reporter three incidents within a hour and a half, starting at 10 30. First victim is a woman. We have helicopter video of that over a park called vernon park at germantown and shellten avenues. At last report, detectives say shes critical. New lets go to the next incident. About 20 minutes later they hear of a man here beaten to death with the tire iron in front of his house here on fair hill street in the fair hill section. Then about a dozen blocks right down cambria street, in the same 29, 2800 block area there they hear of a guy on a bicycle firing a gun at least a dozen times and he killeds 37 yearold man and wounded critically a 21 yearold man. That is how we have four victims within 90 minutes in the one section of town north philadelphia, two of them still critical, still alive but very critical, according to the detectives. What a night of violence here within a two hour window, within a 2mile radius. So awful night, very busy night. The only good news we have is that the violence stopped right around midnight with the shootings of those two men, 37 and 27 yearold. Why all this happened . No one has a clue about motive in any of them just yet, dawn and kerry. Also new this morning the boyfriend of the glee star becca tobin found death in the Philadelphia Hotel room. Body of the 35 yearold matt bendix was found yesterday afternoon, according to tmz but details about how he died or what hotel specifically he was in are in the yet known. Bendix did own several nightclubs around the country and tobin had been also in town but it noise the clear where she was when his body was found this is coming a couple of days just before the one Year Anniversary of the death of the glee store corry monday teave, his body was found in the vancouver hotel. Threeyear old boy was recovering after being hit by a drunk driver in his north philadelphia neighborhood. It happened in the 2800 block of north fourth street, it was yesterday afternoon, police say little Jimmy Rodriguez ran out in the street when he was hit. The driver did stay on the scene. The family then rush the child to the hospital, where he was treated for a fractured ribs and other injuries. He was crawled up in a ball, and when i grab him he was bleeding through his mouth, nose and his head. In a very strange twist the driver followed the family to the hospital, and that is when police say he was arrested for dui. In Delaware Police are investigating a disappearance of the mother from New Castle County. Fox 29s jenny gist live outside New Castle County Police Department this morning with the very latest developments, jennifer . Reporter well, nefertiti traders family said they want her back, safely. She was abduct from outside of her home, 11 days ago now. Shes a mother of three. We are told it was around 4 00 a. M. When she was abducted by a man wearing a hoodie. Trader was just returning from 7eleven when investigators say a witness saw a man force a woman into her car, a 2,000 silver acura rl. According to the witness there was a struggle. Trader has in the been seen ever since. Family members are asking anyone with any information to come forward. They said trader has not yet contacted her children which is not lake her, and 7eleven cameras captured trader than side of the store the morning that she went missing. Police have not yet release that had video to us, anyone with any information is urged to call New Castle County police, kerry . Jenny, thank you, keep us posted. More cuts from the cash strapped Philadelphia School district. More than 340 employees are losing their jobs. Special education assistants and other aids began receiving their pink slips yesterday. Officials say teachers wont ab expected by this round of the cuts, however, if the proposed cigarette tax isnt enacted to close a districts funding gap, 1300 employees will likely lose their jobs, next month. Meanwhile, pennsylvania governor tom corbett signed a new state budget but in the before cutting more than 70 milliondollar in spending, mostly money that the legislature had approved for its own operating expenses, including five milliondollar for parking. Asked if he would call lawmakers back for a special session the governor says all options are opened. Still ahead flames engulfed a massachusetts apartment complex trapping those inside, why some say, they got no warning, their home was on fire. This this cannot end well see the moment this bi son lashes out at tourist who get a little too close. This is the name your price tool. It gives you options based on your budget its a piece of cake. I was told there would be cake. Get a free quote at progressive. Com. Is this is what it looked like in ocean city after heavy rain. People got off card, after they had to push cars through high water in the street. This shows how deep the water was in ocean city. Fox 29 catching these children swimming in the streets. Obviously this isnt a good idea but it does give you an idea just how fast the rain came down and how quickly the water, you know, filled the street. Yes, it is unbelievable. Dont do this at home but what a crazy day it was, yesterday. It really was just one of those pop up thunderstorms that happened to be quite severe with a lot of rain in a very short period of time. As recovery continues from that and hopefully it was a wrapped recovery, lets get ready for the weekend. Lets start with today. The shore cast is improving for today as we head down to the beach, were really seeing a decent amount of sunshine now in the latest computer models coming out. Northeasterly winds at 10 miles an hour today on the beach. Surf temperature around 70 degrees. Cooler in other spots, low rip current risk today, uv index is at an eight. We will have some clouds mixed in with our sunshine and phillies are back in town, after a four game winning streak, that continues, yesterday, so today they will face washington nationals, at 7 05 tonight, 82 degrees. Pretty nice night at the ballpark as it wont be quite as humid. Ultimate doppler shows most of our rain has left the building, it is off shore, and it depend on how close that frontal system decide to stick around. It looks like it may stall and give us a few clouds but the forecast as we said is indeed improving. So lets head to the seven day with 86 degrees today, 87 tomorrow, sunshine, lower humidity, so we will give it a ten. By sunday we have to add a few pop up then are storms to the afternoon of sunday, and then monday and tuesday, it stays a bit unsettled as well. Then we will start a cooling trend by the middle will of next week, it could feel a lot more like spring then summer, kacie. Thanks very much, sue. Getting out to the trolley accident in philadelphia, north fortyfifth street is the scene of the accident and heading out on trolley route ten you will expect a couple little delays, close to schedule this morning but anticipate five extra minutes getting ready to head out, guys. Thanks, kacie. Too hot to handle two journalist sent to the hospital after eating this burger. Why the restaurant has diners making National Headlines investigators are trying to determine the cause of the deadly fire in massachusetts that killed seven people, including, three children. Now the building did not have a Sprinkler System and there are reports that its a alarm system may not have been functioning. Authorities are also looking into whether or not fire works being kept in one of the apartments could have possibly started the fire. Nearly 50 people lived in the building and dozens of people are now homeless. I could not see anything. My eye burn. My chest burned. I just wanted to say i was scar. We all in five minutes thought we were going to die ape that is it. But then, we were lucky. We were alive. Were here. So lucky and just so scary. Witnesses say they reported hearing popping sound before and during that deadly fire. A Texas Community is stunned by the execution style murders of a couple and their four children. Police now say a former in law posed as a delivery man and started shooting. The victims his exwifes sister and her family. Neighbors are leaving flowers outside of the home where it happen. Three threeyear old ronald lee haskill new faces multiple counts of capitol murder in wednesday nights killings in the houston suburb. The lone survivor, 15 yearold daughter of the murdered couple has a fractured skull after getting shot in the head but she managed to dial 911. Friend say that they are so proud of her. She did something great. You know, she let the cops know what was going on, we are very proud of her and all we can do right now is pray for her. Fifteen yearold girl is in critical condition. Police say haskill has a history of violence, and face ago rainment to day. Georgia man accused of murdering his son by leaving him in the hot car has lost his job. Home depot says Justin Ross Harris in longer works for the company. Harris facing murder and Child Cruelty charges in the the june 18th death of his little boy. He says that he left his son in his suv after forget to go drop him off at day care. Says it was an accident, investigators say he did it on purpose. After serving our country an iraqi war veteran is brutally beaten by two teenagers. Now they are behind bars. This happened on sunday morning in virginia beach. He says he was leaving a beach sidebar with another servicemen when the teens started assaulting him. The friend says it happened so fast that sean was already on the ground when he realized what was going on. Paramedics rushed him to the emergency room. I was driving to the hospital thinking i was going to be a widow. He was laying there with the breathing tubes and brace around his neck. Pretty scary. Sean served two tours of duty in iraq as part of the Army National guard. He has a fractured eye socket and 17 stitches in his forehead. In word tonight this morning on why the teenagers tack him. A plane loses power and crashes in the florida building. Crashed through the roof of the auto collision center. Officials say aircraft lost an engine and the pilot was trying to get back to the airport. It happen in the town of titusville and amazingly the pilot and his passenger suffered only minor injuries. Topping your world headlines this morning, the gaza offensive is intensifying right now. Rocket fire, striking a gas station, this is in southern israel and it is first strike to come from lebanon during four days of violence. Lebanese military says that three rockets were fired towards israel and israelis retaliate by firing about 25 artillery is shells in that particular area israeli leaders signalled a Ground Invasion of the gaza strip could be quickly approaching. Dozens have been killed during this violent spree. Secretary of state john kerry making a surprise visit to afghanistan. He will try to help resolve a potential political crisis over a disputed election. Kerry will meet with the two candidates who both are claiming victory in last months president ial race. The United States is urging calm, until everything can be sorted out. When a wild animal is in its natural habitat it is never a good idea to get too close but a group of tourist at Yellow Stone National park figured that out only after they were charged by a bison. They didnt see the signs posted as well to stay away from them. This guy minding his own business when group of visitors coming upon him. It is just not smart. They just kept lingering. At 1. Bison shakes its head around, you know it is in the happy. The group should have moved on. They didnt, the bison charged and chased them around the tree, in one was hurt, but, this family didnt seem to be smiling, over the experience. They are not teddy bears. You know what, someone could have been seriously hurt or worse. Having been through that park before there are signs posted every where. You have to respect nature, in the a good idea. Well, good day starts in 40 minutes. We want to know what your favorite father daughter song i should say, for weddings is because mike is trying to figure this out because his daughter is getting married. He is looking for that perfect song. Tweet us using hash tag fox 29 father daughter and send us a picture of you with your dad or your daughter. Looking forward to that. Also lulu problem than back in the hot seat. They are always in the hot seat, for something. Yes. See through pants, whatever it may be. First it was see through pants and then founder basically saying they are not see through it is just because you are too big to wear them. New is there a new bag for sale at the store getting backlash. The the message written on the bag that has a whole bunch of customers up in arms. We will have that coming up as well. Sometimes i wonder fit is a marketing ploy. You know, kind of like Urban Outfitters because we fall for it hook, line, sinker every time. Were talking about them. That is certainly the truth. Welshing happy friday. We have made it. Hopefully you have good plans for the weekend or maybe you are planning on doing a whole nothing. That is always fun. Anyway we have a couple stray showers around this morning, not too much, the good news about today is it wont be quite as humid as it has been. In fact we are calling it fine friday, in the only because we like to aliterate because it will be just fine today weatherwise. 86 degrees and sunset at 8 30 p. M. Saturday is better of the weekend days. We will have more details in that forecast coming up. Kacie, an accident with the septa trolley this morning. That is right, sue, septa accident this morning. It did just clear from north fortyfifth street at lancaster avenue that was causing delays on trolley route ten but that has clear. We will get if he were a lobbyist. If they were political contributors. Maybe tom corbett would listen to them, instead of cutting funding for their schools. Oil and Gas Companies gave corbett 1. 7 Million Dollars in political contributions. And he gave them a sweetheart deal on taxes thats costing pennsylvania billions. Corbetts mismanagement has caused a huge budget deficit. And his painful education cuts are forcing teacher layoffs and increasing class sizes. Now corbett wants to give the oil and gas industry even more handouts. And whats he getting from them . Corbetts keeping that secret. So pennsylvanians are challenging tom corbett to come clean. Release the records of your meetings with donors. That youve been hiding. Disclose all the contributions, letters and emails from oil and gas lobbyists who influence you. Weve got a right to know who tom corbetts listening to. So, now what do the phillies do . That is a question i know team has after a four game sweep with the brewers. Phillies are still ten games under 500 but fans can think there is hope. Phillies also brought up outfielder Grady Sizemore from the minor leagues. Lets go to milwaukee. Phillies down one to nothing, two outs, jimmy rollins. Matt garza had a no hitter in the seventh. Rollins knocks in two. Phillies scored, how about this, seven runs in the eighth inning, ryan howard with the ground rule double and phillies win nineone. They sweep the four game series. The shot of the year, in golf, the the scottish open, that is off the cart path, he hit it off path. That was Phil Mickelson rather than make it drop. How about that. He end up, how about this up and down, he end up making the the birdie putt on the 13th. He was three under. Rory mcilroy leads with 64 at seven under. That is sports in a minute, im howard eskin. All right, thanks howard. Hamburger that is so spicy it sends 2uk journalist to the hospital. Yes, heres why. The sauce that is apparently hotter then the the ingredients in pepper spray. Why would you try to eat it. Two were dining at a uk restaurant called burger off and they were specifically there, taste testing this, triple x hot chile burger and, within minutes one of them had serious stomach pains and then lost feeling in his hands. Two hearst later, yes, sign that maybe you should in the ingest this. Other journalist, hard hitting journalist, began having similar symptoms and he actually thought he would die. So according to burger offs Facebook Page this isnt the first time, that their consumers ended up in the hospital for bite nothing to this fiery burger. So now they require you to sign a waiver. Taste test you want to pass on. Why would you do that. Why would you do that. Still ahead a says she swam here for years but once she got married she was no longer welcome. Why she says her entire family is no longer able to swim in the pool. Jenny . Reporter well, kerry, a three threeyear old mother of three was abduct from her new castle delaware home 11 days ago and her family is asking for your help in finding violence break out a deadly beating and two shootings just blocks apart. Now police are searching for whoever is responsible, and. You dont necessity what you are walking in to it. It is just unbelievable. A local couple coming home to this and said they were shock but they werent surprised. They say the city of philadelphia promised to remove this dying tree two years ago and now it is on their house. Fox 29 getting result. After days of pop up storms and severe weather, well, what is in store for your weekend . Sue has the answer. It is one we think youll like. That is a refreshing change. It is 6 31. Thanks for joining us, july 11th, actually feels nice out there. I think were slowly but surely pushing that humidity on out for the weekend, sue. We have fog lingering at the shore, but it does look like the sun will burn through that fog and we will end up having a decent beach day. Were crossing our fingers, smiling and just glad it is friday. For bus stop buddy wearing the shades and it is okay to be pool side, it is not as muggy. Due points are down. It is in the dramatically different. But here in the city we are seeing sunshine. Were going ahead and be optimistic with the nine out of ten. Sunnies up due points are down but it is the at the shore and south of us where that frontal system has stalled that we are seeing extra clouds, and a stray shower is in the out of the question it does appear that frontal system is getting , forward east of us. Sunshine, wind out of the north at 6 00 miles an hour and relative humidity 76 percent. And 86 is our high with early clouds and mostly sunny skies this afternoon. Tonight, we expect to clear out, completely with nice night and temperatures in the 60s in the city. Cooler in the suburbs. It may be a night, at least where you can give your air conditioning a little bit of the break. That is your fox cast, from the weather authority, hi, kacie. Thanks very much, going out to ambler houston road at merion avenue we have a bad car fire there. Crews are on the scene, this was a trolley accident north fortyfifth at lancaster avenue in the city and then as a result route ten trolley was delayed, that was back on schedule, kerry and dawn. Two people are dead, two others in critical condition, following a violent night in north philadelphia. Lets get to fox 29s steve keeley live at Police Headquarters with the details, steve. Reporter guys are busy and they are happy to see sun coming up and daylight here because the dark put a real dark spin on their jobs. They had one neighborhood north philadelphia, four victims, two dead, two very critical at the hospital, all real close in distance, all real close in time happening within a hour and a half. Lets go to three different video scenes here all starting just past 10 00 oclock and first victim is a woman they found shot in the head in the germantown section in the place called vernon park which is a main intersection on germantown avenue and chelten have avenue. Within an her of that they hear about a guy beaten to death, here it was our second scene here in the fair hill section on fair hill street, five threeyear old man right in front of his house on the sidewalk right around 11 00 oclock beaten they believed with a tire ironing. Then while they are here, just about a dozen blocks straight down cambria street around the corner from this guys house they hear of two guys shot one of them 37 years old, kill, the other one very critical just 21 years old. Heres inspector scott small busy at all three scenes. Responding officers got some information that a male was seen running from the victim south in the 2800 block block of fair hill possibly with some type of metal object in their hand. So at this time homicide detectives and crime scene personnel are on the location processing the scene. Were not certain at this time what object this five threeyear old male was struck with. We did find ten spent shell casings on the highway and in the 2900 block of north waterloo street. We have several witness that he is were transported to east detectives. Now we did find several private surveillance cameras in the area where shooting took place. So hopefully these cameras recorded something that can help us with our investigation. Reporter question is the last two incidents were so close in time and in distance are they at all connect or are they just a coincidence of more violence in that one neighborhood town area there of fair hill. And yesterday at this time kerry and dawn the police had less murders then they had last year which was almost a record year least amount of murders in 40 or 50 years and now they have this very violent night that makes them be reminded once again that even in a violent year this is not as violent as it was say seven years ago when they had twice as many murders as they had this time right now, this city does get violent and sometimes within a short amount of time they get a lot of victims suddenly. Steve, thank you. Police are investigating a series of robberies, robbery attempts, on the main line, some of the details still coming in but there are four reports of the attempted break ins in the same haverford township neighborhood. Three incidents happening at the homes in the 600 block of lake side avenue, fourth one in the 1500 block of dellmont avenue. Family of the woman police say was abduct from her own home is pleading, for her safe return. Fox 29s Jennifer Joyce live outside New Castle County Police Department with the very latest on their investigation, what have they turned up. Reporter kerry, family members tell us it is not like nefertiti trader just to disappear. They are very worried. She has three kids between the ages of seven and 17 and she has not been in touch with them in 11 days. Traders family members gathered outside a home last night pleading with the public to come forward and then help find their loved ones, according to police trader was abduct outside her new castle delaware home by a man wearing a hoodie. 4 00 a. M. , trader was returning home from 7eleven when investigators tell us a witness saw a man force a woman back in her car and take off. There was a struggle and trader has in the been seen since. Police and traders family members are asking anyone with any information to come forward. One of the things we want to stress is nefy has in the been heard from. We have three children who are missing their mother. We just really want the public to understand the importance of trying to find her and trying to locate her. We are just pleading for them to bring my niece back home to her children. We dont have any other information besides. That we just want to have her brought back home. She loved her family. Shes not that type of person at all. Shes a people person. She loves everybody. But to just disappear, that is not her. Traders carries a 2,000 silver acura rl like this one, nefertiti was last seen wearing animal print pajamas, there is Surveillance Video from the morning she went missing and has in the been released to us. If you have any information you are urged to call the the New Castle County Police Department, kerry ape dawn. Thanks, jenny. Former fill day care owns waiting trial in the little boy drowning add in myths to a milliondollar fraud. Diana edward pleaded guilty to taking million a a half dollars in public child care subsidies. Prosecutors say edward ran the Day Care Center in another womans name because her criminal background disqualified her as a provider, a seven yearold boy drowned while in the care of the center in the group outing in 2012. A bolt of lightening incomes two men off their feet and they live to talk about it, what one was wearing that made this lightening strike even worse. I just figure they with realize it was an old ornament and give me permission right away. Next, why simply getting married got one woman banned from her community pool. [ Steve Buscemi ] im Steve Buscemi, and new york is my home. Theres no place like it in the world. I love exploring all its amazing history. Like the revolutionary war battlefields in saratoga, or ellis island, where america welcomed some of my own family. Theres also the birthplace of the womens movement, and fdrs home. Come discover your favorite part of new york. Plan your Summer Vacation at iloveny. Com theres something for everyone. It snuck up on me but phoenixville is having its blob fest this weekend continuous showing of the movie the blob from the 50s filmed back in phoenixville back in the day. Also, hispanic festival at penns landing both saturday and sunday. That should ab lot of fun. Now we have to get guy weather for all of that plus your weekend getaway. If you are going down the shore both saturday and sunday look good at the shore, we have extra clouds, on sunday and maybe a slight chance of the shower, but it is more likely north and west of philadelphia at this point. 79 degrees on saturday on the beach, 78 on sunday, 70 degrees your ocean water temperature and stay with us because our come back down the shore we revisited this summer with the trip to cape may with q and caitlin roth on their way down there right now. Weekend get the away to the poconos, sunny skies on saturday, 79 degrees. Looks decent then. Sunday is when we have a chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon with a high of 80 degrees. Your best outdoor day in the mountains is saturday. We will see, fog is still, hanging around in some of the shore points but this frontal system that came through, yesterday touched off more thunderstorms getting further away and we dont see any precipitation, anymore. We have 70 degrees in philadelphia. Seventy in wilmington. Fiftyseven in wilmington and 07 in dover delaware. 68 degrees in atlantic city. Fiftyeight up in the mountains where it is cool, comfortable this morning with the dew point of 53 but anything above 60 is when it feels sticky but we do expect dew point to drop during the daytoday which means more comfortable weather. So 86 degrees today, mix of sun and clouds and a nine out of ten. Then we will go up to a ten for saturday. Eightyseven, sunny and nice possibility of a pop up thunderstorms on sunday afternoon, so the morning is a good time on sunday. By monday and tuesday it is unsettled and then we will start a cooling trend by the middle of next week. It may be a while before we see another heat wave. That is all right. We will take those lower 80s. We had a car fire in ambler houston road at merion avenue that did just clear out of the way. Aside from that we will look the at majors. That is the only incident we have. Seventysix westbound you can see getting past route one and then eastbound entering in the conshohocken curve. Always slow down this morning. On i95 heading southbound from the betsy ross bridge down to the vine, dawn . Thanks, kacie. Two florida men are sharing their survival story after being struck by lightening. Dylan has a burn foot and a hand after this incident. The other foot is still numb. Ahead been helping his friend matthew look for his dog when a thunderstorm popped up. The men were standing under a carport when the lightening bolt hits. It knocked him to the other side, and they later spend several hours in the hospital but the good news is they have survived. We literally watching the lightening bolt smack right next to his car. I could hear it so clearly in my head. I aint never, never been income on my butt like that before. They are lucky to be live because paramedics say dylans cowboy boots had metal studs on them and that made impact of the lightening strike even worse. Homeowners in one northeast Philadelphia Community have been facing a real sore site for about a week at this point. There is a city tree that felon their home in the last weeks torrential storms and they have been getting run around trying to get it removed. They asked fox 29s bruce gordon to get results. The stormy night july 3rd to find their 50foot tall street tree on top of their homes. But she was mortified. Scared, dont know what you are walking in to. Just unbelievable. Just unbelievable. Reporter frustration as well. Very frustrated you just want to cry. Reporter you knew this was coming. Yes. Reporter fennell satisfies say the the tree had been dying for years and city tree inspector slated it for removal back in october of 2012. Sit would i cut it down quote at some future date, so fennells waited, and waited, and waited. And then filling out the forms, calling 311 and Parks Commission. Reporter then came last weeks storm, the down tree appeared to have done some minor damage to the fennells home but it also took out a streetlight on the block. When they reached out to the Parks Commission again to finally get the tree removed, Michael Fennell said they were told to be patient. What kind of wait were we talking. We have heard anywhere from a day to a year. Reporter day to a year. Yes. Reporter to have a tree sitting on your house. Yes. Reporter she says Parks Commission then made a suggestion. If you want to have the tree removed we suggest you call a private contractor. We will send you a list. It will be at your own expense. You will not be reimbursed for that. Reporter i spent the afternoon working the telephones on this one. It turns out while this tree was sleeted for a removal it was a low priority. City considered it to be in Poor Condition but not i am mentally dangerous. That accounted for months of delays. Then came the recent storms and lots of real true emergencies with trees down all around the city. More delays. Bottom line the city now promises me this tree will be out of here, removed in the next 24 to 48 hours. We will keep on to it make sure that this happens and tree gets out of here. Fox 29 gets results. In rhawnhurst im Bruce Gordon Fox 29 news. Bruce does good work. Garden state a little green they are morning, children and volunteers plant 5. 00 donated seedlings from the Salvation Army Community Gardens in camden and it happened yesterday. Organizers say that these gardens are very important to communities, where fruits and vegetables are hard to get. Scotts miracle grow donated seedlings. A same sex couple in ohio denied access to their Community Swimming pool after they had gone there for years. It is all because they got married. You see city or the nantz to find a family there has a man woman and three children. City council is hoping to change that policy. I just thought they with realize it was an old ornament and give me permanent in mission right away. The. The proposed wording was that we change it to a either a family or a household pass and it would how two adults and three children. Officials say that change is not likely to happen before the summer pool season is over, in september. All right. 6 48 right now. We have got a little bit of Entertainment News this morning. Eva menendez stepping out amid reports shes pregnant with ryan goslings baby and she looks like shes having something. Of course her saying shes seven months along. Not a lot you can do to hide it at this point. We are not sure what is behind that bag but people are speculating that it is a baby bump. At this stage it is more than a bump usually. Tmz spotted at account rest with her head down and belly cover with the bag and some clothing. Just after, it was report that had 40 yearold actress is seven months pregnant with boyfriend ryan goslings baby. She sure has her hands full there. She does. Jennifer lopez snaps a selfie with the first lady at a conference in new york. Singer posted this on twitter. Me and my girl, at an introduction from j lo. Michelle obama gave speech at United Latin American Citizens National convention for empowerment of the latinos. So thinks hilarious video circulating of the frenchmen trying to start his vacuum cleaner like a lawn mower. It is getting very frustrating because it is not turning on. He is pulling the cord for the vacuum as fit was a crank or a chain saw or a lawn mower. My goodness. He filled it up with diesel. This video was posted on facebook and shares tens of thousands of times. From the looks have of it, this man has never used a vacuum before. He keeps yanking it. Yes his wife is a saint. Of course, it never turns out. On toes god, really . That is priceless. I thought the my husband was bad but really, wouldnt you think it will do. So bizarre. Okay. Good day. I agree with you, patients to the wife. Was she taking the video. It is not mize turn yet but go ahead. That is okay we like when you chime in. Hey, good day starts in ten minutes when Things Get Serious here on the set. Is what your biggest complaint when you go tout eat . Slow service, hair in the food or in the hot when you get it. We will tell you the number one complaint and you tell us if you agree. Get ready because we are saying good bye, you are looking live at our good day studio right now, as we are getting a new you one, very soon but in order to do that, we are blowing up the current one. I was wondering where he has been. He walk in ten minutes ago. You may have to do the top of the show. Were going to blow that studio up. Stay with us, because we will knock the it down, today, sue. Kind of sad but exciting to get a new one. It is, because a a lot of fun things have have happened through the years in that studio. It has been there since 2006. From when we got that set. Newest thing here in the building. Pretty much. I have been a lot longer than that. But lets go out to ultimate Doppler Radar but before that i wanted to show you you can really see the sun starting to burn through the fog at the shore. We have been telling but a stalled system just off shore, and that is what is going on right now. It is really happening as we speak. Do you see how sun gets brighter and brighter behind all of those clouds . Do not despair this fog where you are at the shore, things will be getting better. All right. New we will look at ultimate doppler because we are encouraged by the fact that these clouds are moving further east each time we look at this loop over past hour of ultimate doppler. So hopefully some improvement, the the shore cast is sure improved for today, it is sure has, upper 70s for your temperature, some clouds, mixed in with your sunshine and that is because of that northeasterly breeze, off the ocean. 70degree surf temp and uv index is eight, which is very high. We have got a high of 86 degrees, mix of sun and clouds, not quite as humid as it has been. Is there your friday forecast, kacie. Taking a look at roadways right now a little slow down on i95, same thing fun 76, all and all no accidents. We have down if he were a lobbyist. If they were political contributors. Maybe tom corbett would listen to them, instead of cutting funding for their schools. Oil and Gas Companies gave corbett 1. 7 Million Dollars in political contributions. And he gave them a sweetheart deal on taxes thats costing pennsylvania billions. Corbetts mismanagement has caused a huge budget deficit. And his painful education cuts are forcing teacher layoffs and increasing class sizes. Now corbett wants to give the oil and gas industry even more handouts. And whats he getting from them . Corbetts keeping that secret. So pennsylvanians are challenging tom corbett to come clean. Release the records of your meetings with donors. That youve been hiding. Disclose all the contributions, letters and emails from oil and gas lobbyists who influence you. Weve got a right to know who tom corbetts listening to. Because it sure isnt us. Just by switching to progressive. So youll be bringing home the bacon in no time. Sorry. Get a free quote at progressive. Com. World cup glory go to argentina or german i apparently miamis flipper knows the answer. Miami sea aquarium flipper predicts argentina will take home this years world cup, and his track record of predicting winners is accurate. Threezero in his selections for orange bowl. So hoping, everyone is hoping he has same luck with the world cup. World cup final will be played on sunday, july the 13th. We shall see. Well, who knew that singing in the car could possibly lead to, amuse i can career. Just ask the florida man known as the singing truck driver. He is now an internet hit. Pretty good, right. Brad james is a truck shore can sing. Before hitting the road on long halls he and his wife used to hit up karaoke bars but with long commutes things change so brad hooked up a microphone, iphone and headset and making his hobby his passion recording videos. He up loads them, initially, he did it to stay in touch with his wife but little did he know hundreds of thousands oz have people could sianni guess what, now they want more. I get probably 40, 50, 60 request a day for where can i buy your cd or down load your music from. He got that voice, doesnt he. Brad is talking to a studio in nashville about recording an independent artist so good for him. Coming up next, lulu problem on back in the hot seat, but first those sea through yoga pants and then founder saying because it was because women were too big to wear them. Now a new tote baggies getting backlash, message written on the bag that has got customers all fired you can get a 1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. So why are we so obsessed with turbo . Because theres nothing more exhilarating than a powerful ride. And you can get that in places you might not expect. Like the passat. And also in the funtodrive jetta. In fact, volkswagen has sold more turbos than any other brand over the last ten years. That is a lot of turbo. Hurry in and you can get a 1,000 turbocharged reward card when you lease a new 2014 passat s for 219 a month. Delaware woman abduct off her front porch and friends and family are asking for your help. Police are using these tips this morning. Plus, swimming in the streets of ocean city. This is what it looked like, after heavy rains yesterday, when it downpour. Could we see more today, another pop up. And, lulu lemon back in the hot seat this morning. First it was those see through yoga pants and now a new tote bag for sale is getting backlash. Message written on the bag that has people upset. Hi everybody. Hi. I asked yesterday, for the father daughter dance, right. My daughter is getting married on august the ninth. Yeah, thank you. Anyway, so you offered so many different ideas. We will play through some toda

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